3d analyze error while injecting dll into target process

3DAnalyze #1 Clone Grade Delta Tech III Pilots 201 сообщений EVE Ingame: MagnatDragon EVE Alt: WoB Diamond Corp: Other Universe Group Ally: Solar Sitizens Channel: Strategic Channel Client: Рус #2 просто жертва зеленых EVE-RU Team 17165 сообщений EVE Ingame: denadanA Ally: RED(offline) Client: Eng Ева — тебя все равно убьют — That’s not magic, […]


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Clone Grade Delta

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    просто жертва зеленых

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    • EVE Ingame: denadanA
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    Ева — тебя все равно убьют

    That’s not magic, that was just Pinkie Pie.


    Clone Grade Theta

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    просто жертва зеленых

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    • EVE Ingame: denadanA
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    Я свою за 500р на авито загнал, на следующий день как разместил объяву

    Сообщение отредактировал Denadan: 29 January 2013 — 17:13

    Ева — тебя все равно убьют

    That’s not magic, that was just Pinkie Pie.


  • Tech III Pilots
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    Разгрузка патронов из сгруппированных орудий в космосе теперь уорректно отобрадает пустые иконки в заде корабляю.


    Clone Grade Delta

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    • EVE Ingame: MagnatDragon
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    Сообщение отредактировал PatronDragon: 30 January 2013 — 19:32


    Помогите «починить» игру . (Ассемблер)

    Всем доброго времени суток.
    Сразу хочу извиниться за глупую тему, ибо сам не знаю как обозвать пост!
    В общем, хочу поделиться своей проблемой со знающими людьми. Был у меня старый компьютер (Intel Celeron 2,53Ghz socket 478; 1,5 Gb DDR PC3200; GeForce MX440 64Mb 128bit) и одна классная игруха (Битва Героев: Кристал Власти от Bloodline), все работало на ура (просто летало); собрал новый комп (AMD Phenom 8750 X3 2,4Ghz; 4Gb DDR2 PC8500; GeForce 8800GT 512Mb и т.д.) установил все с нуля (винду, дрова, софт и игры) и теперь при запуске Битвы Героев (после заставки или нажатия enter) вылетает ошибка:

    Очень прошу откликнувшихся о помощи, облазил десятки форумов — всё оказалось без толку! Подскажите люди добрые как исправить данную проблему, о самой проблеме мне известно, что данная игра напрочь отказывается работать с видеокартами класса ВЫШЕ GeForce FX5600 и Radeon 9800. На одном форуме мне посоветовали попробовать дизассемблер, скачал W32Dasm v10, открыл exe`шник игры, нашел строчку :

    А что она значит, что с ней делать и как редактировать не знаю (т.к. ассемблер тока начал изучать и пока мало что понимаю в нем). Очень прошу знающих ассемблер людей откликнуться.

    вообще не в ту сторону копаешь, с дизассемблером тут делать нечего. если игрушка старая, запусти её под каким-нибудь эмулятором вроде DosBox, если новая — ищи патч для новых систем. Можешь попытаться поставить режим совместимости со старыми операционками, вдруг поможет?

    Remote Debugging по скриншотам — великолепный способ провести время, особенно ночью!


    Error while injecting dll into target process

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    I am trying to monitor keystrokes and mouse movements on a target application. I can successfully monitor when the target application starts and stops, and inject a dll into it. I user a timer to monitor idle time. On expiry of the interval, I attempt to launch another process using COM. The target application crashes inside the function to launch the second process. I get a null reference on a structure inside the function, as can be seen from the screen shot. It crashes on line 285, when it tries to use the null structure reference. The null structure reference seems to suggest that perhaps there may something wrong outside the dll, that is, in the injecting process.

    The process exits with 0xdeadc0de

    The sequence of operations is as follows

    Windows Service ->Launches ProcessMonitor-X86 [this C# app monitors start and stop of target process]->Instantiates an out of process COM server (C++) ProcessMonitorX86 when the the target process starts->ProcessMonitorX86 finds the window of the target process and injects a dll Hook_X86.dll into the process. This dll monitors keystrokes and mouse movements.

    I am injecting the dll into a process using shared sections, as follows

    #pragma comment(linker, «/SECTION:.shared,RWS»)
    #pragma data_seg(«.shared»)
    HHOOK hhKeyboard, hhMouse;
    __int64 nIdleTime=0;
    #pragma data_seg()

    The Timer proc is as follows

    he LaunchCacheLoaderAppEx function is as follows


    There is a threading model being used by the C# COM Server although you may not have specified it.

    There is obviously some problem with the in-process C# COM Server that is manifesting when you try to instantiate a COM object from the injected DLL. Do you need to use managed code for the in-process COM server?

    Using an out-of-process server would provide greater isolation at the cost of lesser performance.

    I am trying to monitor keystrokes and mouse movements on a target application. I can successfully monitor when the target application starts and stops, and inject a dll into it. I user a timer to monitor idle time. On expiry of the interval, I attempt to launch another process using COM. The target application crashes inside the function to launch the second process. I get a null reference on a structure inside the function, as can be seen from the screen shot. It crashes on line 285, when it tries to use the null structure reference. The null structure reference seems to suggest that perhaps there may something wrong outside the dll, that is, in the injecting process.

    The process exits with 0xdeadc0de

    The sequence of operations is as follows

    Windows Service ->Launches ProcessMonitor-X86 [this C# app monitors start and stop of target process]->Instantiates an out of process COM server (C++) ProcessMonitorX86 when the the target process starts->ProcessMonitorX86 finds the window of the target process and injects a dll Hook_X86.dll into the process. This dll monitors keystrokes and mouse movements.

    I am injecting the dll into a process using shared sections, as follows

    #pragma comment(linker, «/SECTION:.shared,RWS»)
    #pragma data_seg(«.shared»)
    HHOOK hhKeyboard, hhMouse;
    __int64 nIdleTime=0;
    #pragma data_seg()

    The Timer proc is as follows

    he LaunchCacheLoaderAppEx function is as follows

    A couple of observations —

    1) On what thread is LaunchCacheLoaderEx being called? Did you create the thread?

    2) The code does not check the return from CoInitialize(). Maybe it failed because COM had already been initialized by the target process.

    3) You misunderstand ATL’s CComPtr smart pointer class. The class will initialize the encapsulated interface pointer to NULL when the ptr object is constructed. That is what you are seeing in the debugger as shown in the posted image. At a later point, if the CoCreateInstance member function is successful, the encapsulated interface pointer will not be NULL. So the NULL value displayed in the debugger prior to the call to CoCreateInstance is normal.

    4) The switch statements that evaluate HRESULT return codes only evaluate certain error codes and call MessageBox while allowing processing to continue. So any error will cause the use of an uninitialized pointer later in the code that will likely cause process termination. Also, the switch statements ignore all other possible COM errors while allow processing to silently continue. This will also result in the use of uninitialized pointers.

    5) The code calls CoUninitialize() before the CComPtr ptr objects destructor has run to release the encapsulated interface. This is also a problem.

    Thanks for the reply RLWA32

    I forgot to mention one thing, this code was working fine previously, but somehow its creating problems on my pc. I checked on another PC expecting the same problem [the target process crashing], but that did not happen. It works ok.

    1) On what thread is LaunchCacheLoaderEx being called? Did you create the thread? The Timer proc calls it. I havent created any separate threads

    2). I thought that CoInitialize was per thread,not per-process, so each thread would have to call it.

    3) Thanks for the clarification. I thought a structure was getting shown as a NULL, which I thought was impossible

    5) Please let me know how to fix this issue, too.

    1) On what thread is LaunchCacheLoaderEx being called? Did you create the thread? The Timer proc calls it. I havent created any separate threads

    2). I thought that CoInitialize was per thread,not per-process, so each thread would have to call it.

    Yes, COM is initialized per-thread. The reason I asked is because if you didn’t create the thread you are using then you don’t know if COM has already been initialized on that thread. That’s why it is important to check the return code from CoInitialize. Also, be aware of the implicit MTA; see https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20130419-00/?p=4613

    We have no information about the manner in which your Timer proc function is invoked.

    You should certainly change the code to make sure that CoInitialize succeeds and include error handling if it does not. You should also change the code to avoid using uninitialized pointers.

    5) Please let me know how to fix this issue, too.

    The CComPtr object should be declared in a statement block so that it goes out of scope and its destructor is called before the call to CoUninitialize.

    Thanks a lot for the reply, RLWA32

    I will verify that there are no problems on other PCs, before closing this issue, because I am still worried that the problem will show up on another PC.

    Surely you meant to say

    HRESULT hr = ptr.CoCreateInstance( &clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL );

    That string is not a CLSID.

    Tim Roberts | Driver MVP Emeritus | Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

    Surely you meant to say

    HRESULT hr = ptr.CoCreateInstance( &clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL );

    That string is not a CLSID.

    Tim Roberts | Driver MVP Emeritus | Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

    I am injecting the dll into a process using shared sections, as follows

    #pragma comment(linker, «/SECTION:.shared,RWS»)
    #pragma data_seg(«.shared»)
    HHOOK hhKeyboard, hhMouse;
    __int64 nIdleTime=0;
    #pragma data_seg()

    Note that according to samples, all of the shared variables must be initialised. Therefore, write HHOOK hhKeyboard = 0, etc.

    Mark the replies if you think it helps you solve the issue and to click «Unmark as Answer» if not. This can be beneficial to other community members reading this thread. Thanks for your cooperation.

    MSDN Community Support
    Please remember to click «Mark as Answer» the responses that resolved your issue, and to click «Unmark as Answer» if not. This can be beneficial to other community members reading this thread. If you have any compliments or complaints to MSDN Support, feel free to contact MSDNFSF@microsoft.com.

    The problem appears on other PCs too. I have some clue because Fusion Log Viewer reports two C# dlls are not getting loaded by the CC++ app. Could this be the reason for the crash? [The screenshots below show the files which are not loaded by the program tally.exe [SocketCommunicationLibraryX64.dll and CommonSocketCommunicationLibraryX64.dll]

    Also, I tried using CoCreateInstance API directly instead of CComPtr, and even enclosed it in a __try / __except block, but it still crashes suddenly. At the time of crash, the output window shows the following

    The thread 0x1a80 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
    tally.exe has triggered a breakpoint.

    ‘tally.exe’ (Win32): Loaded ‘C:WindowsSystem32clbcatq.dll’.
    ‘tally.exe’ (Win32): Loaded ‘C:WindowsSystem32mscoree.dll’.
    ‘tally.exe’ (Win32): Loaded ‘C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319mscoreei.dll’.
    ‘tally.exe’ (Win32): Loaded ‘C:WindowsSystem32sxs.dll’.
    ‘tally.exe’ (Win32): Loaded ‘C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319clr.dll’.
    ‘tally.exe’ (Win32): Loaded ‘C:WindowsSystem32vcruntime140_clr0400.dll’.
    ‘tally.exe’ (Win32): Loaded ‘C:WindowsSystem32ucrtbase_clr0400.dll’.
    Exception thrown at 0x00007FFB2D91A839 (KernelBase.dll) in tally.exe: 0x04242420 (parameters: 0x0000000031415927, 0x00007FFAF2670000, 0x000000900ECFC2A0).
    The thread 0xd2c has exited with code -559038242 (0xdeadc0de).
    The thread 0x2938 has exited with code -559038242 (0xdeadc0de).
    The thread 0x2550 has exited with code -559038242 (0xdeadc0de).
    The thread 0xe4c has exited with code -559038242 (0xdeadc0de).
    The thread 0x2954 has exited with code -559038242 (0xdeadc0de).
    The thread 0x2754 has exited with code -559038242 (0xdeadc0de).
    The thread 0x226c has exited with code -559038242 (0xdeadc0de).
    The thread 0x3188 has exited with code -559038242 (0xdeadc0de).
    The thread 0x1dd8 has exited with code -559038242 (0xdeadc0de).
    The thread 0x245c has exited with code -559038242 (0xdeadc0de).
    The thread 0x2c2c has exited with code -559038242 (0xdeadc0de).
    The thread 0x19c8 has exited with code -559038242 (0xdeadc0de).
    The thread 0x316c has exited with code -559038242 (0xdeadc0de).
    The thread 0x13f0 has exited with code -559038242 (0xdeadc0de).
    Exception thrown at 0x00007FFB000F552C (mscoreei.dll) in tally.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

    Could it be that tally.exe tries to load the dlls, and then is unable to load them and so crashes?

    What does DEADCODE mean? (0xdeadc0de).

    The method in which the crash occurs is as follows

    I have followed your suggestion to check the return value of CoInitialize, and also put the CComPtr in a separate block so that it falls out of scope before CoUnintialize is called.

    My understanding was that your problem occurred when you tried to instantiate an out-of-process COM server from a Dll that was injected into a target process and the code you posted was used by that injected DLL.

    I don’t have any understanding of how the posted code (which appears to be unmanaged C++) is related to the errors that were just posted, nor do I understand where tally.exe and the two C# DLLs fit into the scenario you previously described.

    If one of your C# DLLs host the COM server then they would be in-process, not out-of -process.

    So is the COM Server the implements ISocketClient written in managed code?

    Assuming the answer is yes, do you have these problems if your injected dll tries to instantiate an in-process COM server written in unmanaged C++?

    yes, the COM Server implements ISocketClient written in C#

    I will need to check that, by creating an unmanaged server project. Should I? Or perhaps, you can suggest which class I can try to instantiate, so that I dont have to create another ATL project.

    I tried an ATL in-process Server, and it works ok [I instantiated it and called a method which showed a messagebox]

    . Should I also try with an Out of process server?

    Do you want to use an in-process or out-of-process server in your actual project? Whichever you have chosen that is how I think you should test.

    You might consider creating a minimal managed in-process COM server with C# and try testing with that also. If you can do that successfully, then that would point to the specific C# DLLs you mentioned earlier as being the culprits.

    There is a sample C# DLL COM server available at https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsdesktop/CSDllCOMServer-1d5f97a4 if you want to try testing with it.

    Its an in process server, so I guess that should be good enough. I will try instantiating another minimal managed in process server and post the results

    Do you want to use an in-process or out-of-process server in your actual project? Whichever you have chosen that is how I think you should test.

    You might consider creating a minimal managed in-process COM server with C# and try testing with that also. If you can do that successfully, then that would point to the specific C# DLLs you mentioned earlier as being the culprits.

    There is a sample C# DLL COM server available at https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsdesktop/CSDllCOMServer-1d5f97a4 if you want to try testing with it.

    Thanks! A minimal managed in process COM server works ok. So the specific dlls are the problem. How do I proceed further?

    I havent specified a threading model. The dot net framework used in all dlls is 4.6.1. The interface methods I use are above.

    How do your other C# DLL COM servers differ from the sample?

    Threading model? Interface methods and types of parameters passed? Versions of the .Net Framework used? And so forth.

    The following code works too, in a console app, and that is what I am trying to do in the injected DLL.

    I added a reference to SocketCommunicationLibraryX86, so that I could cast the dynamic to a specific interface.

    But the instantiation is through CreateInstance

    I havent specified a threading model. The dot net framework used in all dlls is 4.6.1. The interface methods I use are above.

    There is a threading model being used by the C# COM Server although you may not have specified it.

    There is obviously some problem with the in-process C# COM Server that is manifesting when you try to instantiate a COM object from the injected DLL. Do you need to use managed code for the in-process COM server?

    Using an out-of-process server would provide greater isolation at the cost of lesser performance.

    I guess performance is not such a critical issue in this case. I will try an out of server implementation and post the results

    I tried an out of process implementation. It worked when I copied the dlls to the target app folder [tally.exe folder in program files]. The reason seems to be that the files are being searched for in the target applications folder, instead of the installation path.

    The following is output from fuslogvw.

    The operation failed.
    Bind result: hr = 0x80070002. The system cannot find the file specified.

    Assembly manager loaded from: C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319clr.dll
    Running under executable C:Program FilesTallyTally.ERP9tally.exe
    — A detailed error log follows.

    === Pre-bind state information ===
    LOG: DisplayName = SocketCommunicationLibraryX64, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ddd12b78ed5ab5f6
    LOG: Appbase = file:///C:/Program Files/Tally/Tally.ERP9/
    LOG: Initial PrivatePath = NULL
    LOG: Dynamic Base = NULL
    LOG: Cache Base = NULL
    LOG: AppName = tally.exe
    Calling assembly : (Unknown).
    LOG: This bind starts in default load context.
    LOG: Download of application configuration file was attempted from file:///C:/Program Files/Tally/Tally.ERP9/tally.exe.config.
    LOG: Configuration file C:Program FilesTallyTally.ERP9tally.exe.config does not exist.
    LOG: No application configuration file found.
    LOG: Using host configuration file:
    LOG: Using machine configuration file from C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319configmachine.config.
    LOG: Post-policy reference: SocketCommunicationLibraryX64, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ddd12b78ed5ab5f6
    LOG: GAC Lookup was unsuccessful.
    LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/Program Files/Tally/Tally.ERP9/SocketCommunicationLibraryX64.DLL.
    LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/Program Files/Tally/Tally.ERP9/SocketCommunicationLibraryX64/SocketCommunicationLibraryX64.DLL.
    LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/Program Files/Tally/Tally.ERP9/SocketCommunicationLibraryX64.EXE.
    LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/Program Files/Tally/Tally.ERP9/SocketCommunicationLibraryX64/SocketCommunicationLibraryX64.EXE.
    LOG: All probing URLs attempted and failed.

    *** Assembly Binder Log Entry (28-08-2019 @ 11:33:48) ***

    The operation failed.
    Bind result: hr = 0x80070002. The system cannot find the file specified.



    Отправлено 29 January 2013 — 15:49



    • EVE Ingame:MagnatDragon
    • EVE Alt:WoB Diamond
    • Corp:Other Universe Group
    • Ally:Solar Sitizens
    • Channel:Strategic Channel
    • Client:Рус

    У меня видеокарта Radeon9600 Запускаю EVE online через 3DAnalyze и мне пишет:»error while injecting dll into target process» Что делать?

    • 0

    (Следуй своим путём и пусть люди говорят что угодно!)

    • Наверх


    Отправлено 29 January 2013 — 15:51


      просто жертва зеленых

    • EVE-RU Team
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    • EVE Ingame:denadanA
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    сдать в музей

    • 2

    Ева — тебя все равно убьют ^_^

    That’s not magic, that was just Pinkie Pie.

    • Наверх


    Отправлено 29 January 2013 — 16:08



    • EVE Alt:rRAHATKo
    • Channel:Кафе «У разбитого тапка»

    Я свою за 500р на авито загнал, на следующий день как разместил объяву :confused:

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    • Наверх


    Отправлено 29 January 2013 — 17:13


      просто жертва зеленых

    • EVE-RU Team
    • 17165 сообщений


    • EVE Ingame:denadanA
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    • Client:Eng

    Я свою за 500р на авито загнал, на следующий день как разместил объяву :confused:

    ну старые агп карточки очень хорошо идут на всякие предприятия, ибо горят а выпускают их сейчас мало. но для игры — это вам на 10 лет назад

    Сообщение отредактировал Denadan: 29 January 2013 — 17:13

    • 0

    Ева — тебя все равно убьют ^_^

    That’s not magic, that was just Pinkie Pie.

    • Наверх


    Отправлено 29 January 2013 — 22:01



    • EVE Ingame:Farkoth
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    Я продал сие чудо года 4 назад за 4 бутылки пива

    • 0

    Разгрузка патронов из сгруппированных орудий в космосе теперь уорректно отобрадает пустые иконки в заде корабляю.

    • Наверх


    Отправлено 30 January 2013 — 16:59



    • EVE Ingame:MagnatDragon
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    Я перенёс папку с 3DAnalyzer на рабочий стол и она запустилась! Только я не знаю какие там настройки должны быть чтобы EVE online запустить! Помогите мне плиз разобраться! http://forum.eve-ru….5

    Сообщение отредактировал PatronDragon: 30 January 2013 — 19:32

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    (Следуй своим путём и пусть люди говорят что угодно!)

    • Наверх

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    3d Analyze isn’t working for me. Whenever I press run, an error comes up saying «Error while injecting dll into target process». So I was wondering if anyone knew how to fix or if I even need it at all. Thanks.

    level 2

    You don’t even have to reinstall lol…you just remove that dll from the gh3 folder smh

    level 2

    Ya I ended up reinstalling everything and now it runs with 3d Analyze but 3d Analyze doesn’t actually seem to do anything. The game seems to run fine at around 60 FPS so I’m not even sure that there is a problem with v sync anyway. Thanks for the help.

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    Post subject: ошибка при запуске

    PostPosted: 01 Oct 2008, 16:51 

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    01 Oct 2008, 16:30

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    Такая проблема: после установки игра не запускается, выводится окошко с текстом «Error creating renderer. Press OK to run configuration utility», потом предлагается поменять настройки. но какие значения не выставляй, игра всё равно не запускается и всё повторяется.
    Что в таком случае делать, может, кто знает?
    Возможно, решение какое-нибудь простое, но я его не нахожу.) а играть-то хочется!





    Post subject: Re: ошибка при запуске

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    Post subject: Re: ошибка при запуске

    PostPosted: 01 Oct 2008, 18:32 

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    01 Oct 2008, 16:30

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    Вроде, вот моя карта: Intel(R) 82865G Graphics Controller
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    Что тогда с картой делать?



    Post subject: Re: ошибка при запуске

    PostPosted: 01 Oct 2008, 19:27 

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    Читать FAQ) Оно для того и написано, чтобы его читали)


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    Post subject: Re: ошибка при запуске

    PostPosted: 01 Oct 2008, 20:58 

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    01 Oct 2008, 16:30

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    Спасибо, и правда.) я сначала не узнала свои симптомы…)
    Но программа 3D-Analyze выдаёт мне ошибку:Error while injecting dll into target process. запускаю, выбираю Game.ехе, проставляю галочку, потом жму run — ошибка. 0_0 почему это может быть?



    Post subject: Re: ошибка при запуске

    PostPosted: 02 Oct 2008, 11:07 

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    21 May 2006, 19:45

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    А вот здесь уже не знаю. Попробуйте отключить антивирус


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    Post subject: Re: ошибка при запуске

    PostPosted: 02 Oct 2008, 13:15 

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    01 Oct 2008, 16:30

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    Кхм… у меня его нет.)
    Ладно, в любом случае — спасибо!



    Post subject: Re: ошибка при запуске

    PostPosted: 31 Dec 2010, 14:59 

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    25 Mar 2010, 20:23

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    Я скачал 3D-Analyze, указал ему путь к игре, поставил галочку на «Emulate HW TnL Caps», нажал «Run». Вылетает ошибка «Error while injecting dll into target process». Игра выдает все тот же «Error creating renderer». Раньше Мор шел хорошо, и даже быстро, и видеокарта ему вполне подходила. Помогите, пожалуйста, кто может.


    Ничего «реального» в этой жизни нет!



    Post subject: Re: ошибка при запуске

    PostPosted: 01 Jan 2011, 00:42 


    31 Dec 2010, 23:38

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    На Intel 82865G Graphics Controller не получился указанный способ. Только выдало «Error creating renderer.». А новую видюху покупать ради одной игры — так жаба душит.



    Post subject: Re: ошибка при запуске

    PostPosted: 22 Mar 2012, 16:44 


    22 Mar 2012, 16:06

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    3D Analiser выдавал такую же ошибку. Запустил его в режиме совместимости с XP пакет обновлений 2, и всё заработало.


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    Intel GMA chipsets

    Hi,I have placed a workaround in the problems and solutions sticky on this forum for people who have Intel GMA chipsets. I am posting this thread so people can comment or question without jumbling up the solutions thread. Using 3DAnalyze, The Witcher runs with only very minor problems on Intel GMA chipsets. Contrary to what I suspect would have been popular belief, you don’t need a better graphics card! I have an Intel GMA 910GL chipset, which is the low end of these chipsets, and my game runs fine. There are occasiopnal crashes and a minor graphical glitch regarding certain characters hands but other than that the game runs fine. Be sure, once your in, to set all graphics settings to their lowest possible setting but do not change the resolution as this will cause 3DAnalyze to crash. In my case all other system requirements are met. Only the «pixel shader 2.0» requirement is not. GMA chipsets do have pixel shader 2.0 but it is operated using software rather than the hardware so the game does not detect it. I don’t think this fix will work for cards not having any form of pixel shader 2.0. If you like, post responses to let people know if the fix worked for you!

    Well okay, I can see that the people on this forum are somewhat less than helpful to people using Intel GMA chipsets. I posted a workaround in the solutions thread and the moderator quoted me, claimed my work around was unneccessary, and posted a link to a post that will not fix the problem. Also, in another thread, someone asked about an Intel GMA 945GL chipset and was told to buy a new video card. Furthermore, 3DAnalyze is mentioned in some threads and the moderators put the program down as if it can’t help. They are wrong. 3DAnalyze is incredibly useful for making a game run that will not otherwise run on your computer. Sorry moddys but some people can’t just run out and buy a new video card but would still like to play this great game. I will post the work around again here so it is easier to find.

    There isn’t just one single Intel IGP. There are literally a dozen, maybe two dozen variations. Only the 3000 model that was released in 2006 has any reasonably proficient speed, and the «3000X» version of it does not need 3D Analyze. It needs a working driver that Intel has never released (TTBOMK). The GMA 950, which immediately preceded the 3000, probably is the one you experimented with, and it was never particularly dominant as an included part in a majority of the many Intel Chipsets. After adding the 3D Analyze emulation; the GMA 950 is terribly slow compared to discrete video cards of even the least powerful types (6200s, 7300s, X300s), and like all onboard chips, it relies on ordinary system memory, which slows it still further. It was never intended for game play, and doesn’t have the muscle for it. That IGP, and others still worse than it is, are not recommended for The Witcher.

    Workaround for «Warning. Minimum system requirements not met» if you actually do not meet them because you have an Intel GMA chipset with software pixel shader 2.0. This includes but is not limited to 910GL, 915GL, 945GL, 915GML and many others. For further information see www.intel.com product support.The Fix:1. Download the latest patch for the game and install it. It is 1.2 as of this post.2. Download 3DAnalyze and install it. You can find it by using your favorite search engine to search «3DAnalyze.» The current version is 2.36 as of this post.3. Run 3DAnalyze.4. Click select, then browse for Witcher.exe located in program files/The Witcher/System/Witcher.exe. Be sure to get the executable titled Witcher in the system folder, NOT the launcher located in the main folder. Open the executable.5. If you have done this right you should now have the path to Witcher.exe showing on the 3DAnalyze main screen in the upper left hand corner.6. Check the boxes next to «emulate hardware TnL caps», «emulate pixel shader caps», and «shaders» in the «anti-detect» area of the screen.7. Enter «4098» in the box next to vendor id and «20040» in the box next to device id. Don’t enter the quotes, only the numbers in the quotes.8. Click run and enjoy the game. If this works or does not work for you please post and let me know. Again, I reiterate, this fix will probably only work if you meet all system requirements besides pixel shader 2.0 but have an Intel GMA chipset that does have software pixel shader 2.0. My game runs fairly well on a 910GL (actaully its something like 82299910GL but only the last three numbers are neccessary to differentiate with GML denoting mobile technology for laptops and 945Gl being a newer model). I have periodic crashes but have never yet crashed twice in the same place so they are not game breakers. Save often. Also, be sure to lower all graphics settings under options to their lowest but do not change the resolution as 3DAnalyze will crash. There may be minor graphical artifacts but for me they aren’t that serious. At least you’ll be playing the game.

    There isn’t just one single Intel IGP. There are literally a dozen, maybe two dozen variations. Only the 3000 model that was released in 2006 has any reasonably proficient speed, and the «3000X» version of it does not need 3D Analyze. It needs a working driver that Intel has never released (TTBOMK). The GMA 950, which immediately preceded the 3000, probably is the one you experimented with, and it was never particularly dominant as an included part in a majority of the many Intel Chipsets. After adding the 3D Analyze emulation; the GMA 950 is terribly slow compared to discrete video cards of even the least powerful types (6200s, 7300s, X300s), and like all onboard chips, it relies on ordinary system memory, which slows it still further. It was never intended for game play, and doesn’t have the muscle for it. That IGP, and others still worse than it is, are not recommended for The Witcher.

    This is exactly the kind of crap I am talking about! Thank you. While you may not reccommend these chipsets, for some people it is all they have. You go to the store and buy a game that you believe will work because your system DOES meet all requirments, including video card memory, but oh sorry your pixel shader 2.0 isn’t in the hardware. The intel site does claim the chipsets have pixel shader 2.0. The problem is that the game does not recognize it because it uses software to operate. I am offering a viable solution for people in this position and all you guys want to talk about is how good YOUR video cards are. Why? My game is running fine on a 910GL (older than the 950) with 3DAnalyze and I din’t have to pay the big bucks you guys must have shelled out for YOUR video cards. I hope this work around can help others. Let the dissenters eat cake! :-*

    I have the «Mobile Intel(R) 945GM/GU Express Chipset Family» I followed your directions and the computer makes noises like the game is booting up, but Instead of it booting up, I get the warning min specs not met error message and then the program becomes «encounters an error» and has to close. What should I do?

    Hmmm… this is disappointing news. :-What do the rest of your computer specs look like? Operating system, processor and speed and, RAM? Internet connection (just curious)? You could try to download the latest driver for your chipset from www.intel.com , then follow the path: support and downloads/product support/chipsets/mobile intel 945 express chipset family/ download (graphics driver for 945 gm). You may need to uninstall the old driver before installing the new. For awhile I was getting the same result you are but it was because I had checked «skip pixel shader 2.0», it was when I unchecked this that the game began to work. Tinker with 3DAnalyze, try different device id and vendor id (there are three more sets listed in the analyze window). Have you tried the «dontforceminreq» fix? Try it. You do have directX 9.0c installed right? Tinker with checking or unchecking different boxes in 3DAnalyze, mostly the ones concerning pixel shader and hardware TnL. Particularly, use the settings I recommended but uncheck «shaders» under anti-detect mode. After each set of checks/unchecks you must run the game ofcourse, using the run button in 3DAnalyze (not the game icon or start menu shortcut). Im gonna be really sad if you can’t get it to work. ;) I believe it is possible with the right combination of factors. Post results and let me know but understand that I’m not promising anything. The people saying we need new graphics cards are technically right. :'(

    LordFaux said:

    You go to the store and buy a game that you believe will work because your system DOES meet all requirments, including video card memory, but oh sorry your pixel shader 2.0 isn’t in the hardware.

    But the minimum requirements are quite clear — they state nvidia 6600 or ati 9800 or better. Why would anyone think that an integrated intel chip is better than either of those cards?I wish you all the best in trying to emulate hardware shaders — they had some success in oblivion (look up oldoblivion) but that required changing some shader functions in the game data itself. I don’t think The Witcher or any Aurora engine games allow such open access to the shader functions as the Elder Scrolls have.

    I have a I have an Intel 945 chipset,updated the latest pathces and drivers..I Downloaded 3DAnalyze and installed it. I also Checked the boxes next to «emulate hardware TnL caps», «emulate pixel shader caps», and «shaders» in the «anti-detect» area of the screen.I also Entered «4098» in the box next to vendor id and «20040» in the box next to device id. keep getting the error message could not copy c:\ForceDLL.dll to c:\ForceDLL.dll! Any Solutions?

    There isn’t supposed to be any solution. It is too weak, it is too slow, it is too cheap. Why waste any more time on it? It is a dead end. It was intended that way. Check with Intel. Complain to them, if you want, but blame yourself for ducking the necessary homework before spending money on it.

    As a first time laptop buyer I did not realize that this system did not have a actual video card in it.. instead a chip set…I have read in several web site forums and along with this one there is a chance to get it working by running the 3danalyzer.By the way this system was not cheap and I did not post this message for you to bash me..This is a forum and we are here to help others with issues.I understand that my system may not run with this game but you blame someone for trying?

    Really Kiwi!Don’t be a jerk. In your other post you wished us luck and now your back to bashing. Having a super cool $400 dollar video card like you do, you prolly don’t need to be reading this thread. Get a life dude! Spending that much money on a card is not something the AVERAGE gamer does let alone wasting your time bashing people who have even better things to spend their financial resources on. Furthermore, I’ve now also got the game running on an Nvidia 6200… which you said it can’t or would run crappy. I don’t buy into the concept that one has to have the mega deluxe graphics boosters for game geeks to play a game (see my previous posts). Like K_D, when I bought my computer the salesman told me it was going to be an awesome gaming computer because of the built in graphics chip. Yes, being somewhat computer saavy, it is sad that I fell for this but it happens to a lot of people. So… basically what I’m sayin’ is… go play The Witcher dude! ]:->

    Okay! That said…I’m just trying to help. Anyone else having these chipsets can ofcourse also post here and talk about it. I am not affiliated with the website nor even a tech support guy. I got good results with my intel chipset, thats all. Because of this I believe others can too. As was pointed out, there are alot of these chipsets. Some of them will work and some of them won’t. Kindred_Darlin… I would say its a good sign if your not getting the «min req» error anymore. Maybe the new problem is fixable. I will let you know ASAP if I find anything. I would really like to get some one else besides me who can make this work because then I will feel vindicated (against pessimists like Kiwi). If not… then Im gonna look like this guy :wall:eek:r maybe… this guy :dead:lol, love the smileys!Give me the rest of your system specs if you will. You can PM them or even email if you prefer(or post here ofcourse). Processor speed and make, RAM, and anything else you think might be useful.


    Well, I paid 400$ total for all of my upgrades (CPU, RAM, Motherboard, and Graphics Card), and my previous CPU could handle this game fine as it was, it had more issues with newer and different engine games.Intel is always going to be the most expensive end in PC’s, how much it costs matters not if you haven’t done the background information on updates in technology for gaming limits (the highest).I am enjoying this game even at 1680 x 1050 in 16:10 with solid frame rates even during massive script loading other than minor blips and pauses, nothing has distorted the experience my second time through.My resources were a year’s work at walmart and 2 years doing surveys, still finishing debts and haven’t had the money for more college. Why can I still afford to enjoy this? Research madness, and careful part by part building over years, you have got to thoroughly study technology these days or this can happen.I hope you figure things out, and good luck.

    My message in opposition to inadequate video never changed. You preached a pie in the sky sermon, and your unhappy follower listened to you, not to me. I have offered no direct personal insults or bashes against anyone’s intelligence, good looks, good sense, race, creed, or religion. I


    have indicated that any «Good Luck» offer was made while the {sarcasm mode} was engaged, but I really think that should’ve been fully clear in the overall thread’s context.This game uses the same engine that didn’t run games properly on Intel’s tin whistle video chips four years ago. That hasn’t changed toward more lenience; the graphics requirements are much higher now than then. You get what you pay for, no more, that’s a fact of life. To make the most of your budget, you do your homework, and you do not believe anyone’s onsite sales pitches without support, including this one you’ve been making here about free pie in the sky. The game’s developers have named a recommended video card (for desktop PCs) that is available for a reasonable price to anyone willing to make an effort at shopping for a bargain; if my version of shopping is more intensive, and I am expecting to find even bigger bargains than the ordinary ones, that’s because with age and experience, a person can finally, with luck, learn patience.

    I have said over and over that I am only trying to help people in the same situation I was in. PLEASE, if you do not have an intel gma chipset or a solution for people with intel gma chipsets… don’t post here. Your really not helping. We are aware that the system is below requirments and that the chances of making it work are slim. However, I am spending some of my personal time trying to help these people and you are only a detriment. My 910 gl gma chipset runs the Witcher fine with emulation, also the same chipset ran earlier games using the same engine just fine (in that case without emulation). But, I digress, theres really no reason for me to argue with you.

    For those who haven’t managed to run the game with mentioned tip, try a mixture of two. It worked on my crappy Intel 945 express on Vista so hopefuly it can work with you. The Fix:1. Make a new file in ../witcher/system directory2. copy/paste a line » witcher.exe -dontForceMinReqs «3. rename the file to witcher.bat4. Download 3DAnalyze and install it. 5. Run 3DAnalyze.6. Click select, then browse for witcher.bat (you have to change the filter from executable files to batch files in order to see your .bat file)7. Check the boxes next to «emulate hardware TnL caps», «emulate pixel shader caps», and «shaders» in the «anti-detect» area of the screen.8. Enter «4098» in the box next to vendor id and «20040» in the box next to device id. 9. Click run and enjoy the game. Caution! To play the game on vista you have to download additional dll file and put it in your windows/system folder, you’ll probably get a popup with a name of a file. Ask google where it is.Don’t expect any bells and whistles but the game is playable on lowest settings. And actually you can change the resolution when you are in game without crashing it. Good luck and have fun.

    DarnoQ said:

    For those who haven’t managed to run the game with mentioned tip, try a mixture of two. It worked on my crappy Intel 945 express on Vista so hopefuly it can work with you. The Fix:1. Make a new file in ../witcher/system directory2. copy/paste a line » witcher.exe -dontForceMinReqs «3. rename the file to witcher.bat4. Download 3DAnalyze and install it. 5. Run 3DAnalyze.6. Click select, then browse for witcher.bat (you have to change the filter from executable files to batch files in order to see your .bat file)7. Check the boxes next to «emulate hardware TnL caps», «emulate pixel shader caps», and «shaders» in the «anti-detect» area of the screen.8. Enter «4098» in the box next to vendor id and «20040» in the box next to device id. 9. Click run and enjoy the game. Caution! To play the game on vista you have to download additional dll file and put it in your windows/system folder, you’ll probably get a popup with a name of a file. Ask google where it is.Don’t expect any bells and whistles but the game is playable on lowest settings. And actually you can change the resolution when you are in game without crashing it. Good luck and have fun.

    Hello.I followed these instructions and tried to run it on 3D Analyze on my Vista computer but, as expected, it asked me for a .dll file. It doesn’t tell me which one though, it just says ‘Error while injecting dll into target process’. Any idea what I should do next?BTW, no, I don’t have a GMA chipset, I’m running a Mobile Intel 965 Express Chipset, but any help would be appreciated very much anyway, since I’ve tried everywhere else with no luck.Thanks alot.

    This is not a post to naysay getting the integrated graphics cards from Intel to work. It’s a wonder to get it working for a game like The Witcher in the first place which is being used as a benchmarking game for higher-end graphics cards and systems. So I highly respect those that have gotten it working by using workarounds, and appreciate those that take the time out to try and make it work. :)That being said, you may be able to get the card to work, but you may only be able to get so far in the game before it just stops working, or you get frame rates so low it’s just not fun anymore. Act 3, for example, puts the newest and greatest gaming systems down to their knees. So does the Epilogue with the amount of particle effects. So yes, you can get it to work and these techniques may do it, but it will take away immersion of the game if you are running frame rates that are 1-2 fps in later acts. Or you may run into many graphics inconsistencies.Your best bet is to look for a graphics card in the lower end here -> http://www.thewitcher.com/forum/index.php?topic=6990.0

    As I said, I’m running a Mobile Intel 965 Express Chipset, so no, obviously I can’t upgrade my video card. I’m interested in getting the witcher to work on my current system, if possible. I followed the instructions for getting it to run on 3D Analyze on my Vista computer, and it gave me the error message: ‘Error while injecting dll into target process’. Does anyone have any suggestions on where I can find this .dll file or another method that I could try? I’ve heard of others getting the witcher to work on similar systems to mine.In any other circumstance I would of course find out myself, but I’m leaving for Japan on the 24th and I won’t have an internet connection, so time is of the essence. Many many thanks to anyone who has an idea of what to do!

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