929 fatal mca error mlc error detected cpu 0

I have a new (refurbished) Z620 with a Quadro M4000 8gb, 32 gb RAM, Windows 10.  The processor is an Intel Xeon E5-2680@2.7 GHz, 8 Cores.    The BIOS is HP J61 v3.90, 6/1/2016.    I noticed that when I left the computer for a while, I'd come back to find a black screen with this error:    929 Fatal ...

I have a new (refurbished) Z620 with a Quadro M4000 8gb, 32 gb RAM, Windows 10.  The processor is an Intel Xeon E5-2680@2.7 GHz, 8 Cores. 

The BIOS is HP J61 v3.90, 6/1/2016. 

I noticed that when I left the computer for a while, I’d come back to find a black screen with this error: 

929 Fatal MCA Error; MLC Error Detected CPU 0.  Internal timeout error Watchdog Timer (3 strike). 

Reading about what this could possibly be is a little scary; got all set to run memory diagnostics and re-seat the proc (or send it back under warranty), but I noticed that the crash only happened when I left for a while.  

I checked the power settings, and saw that «Sleep» mode was enabled, timed for 30 minutes or so of no activity.  I changed this to 5 minutes and hung out a while, and it crashed with the same message.  I changed it to «Never», and it has been on ever since (two days and counting).  

In my case, I don’t think it is a hardware error at all.  I did run some memory diagnostics (Windows) and found no errors.  I will boot from a USB and run MemTest overnight to be sure — but I think the hardware is fine. 

From what I have read, this is sometimes a problem of power reaching the CPU or the RAM; if it happens when the computer goes to sleep, that’d make sense. 

I never use these automatic sleep settings anyway, so it’s not really an issue except that it’s wrong and it bugs me — anyone have any thoughts about it?  

If my MemTest shows errors, that’s that — if not, I will pull chips and test with the 5-minute sleep test.  I think it’s a BIOS setting — would love to hear from someone with more experience than I.  

Совместимость : Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Загрузить размер : 6MB
Требования : Процессор 300 МГц, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

929-Fatal MCA Error detected CPU 0 обычно вызвано неверно настроенными системными настройками или нерегулярными записями в реестре Windows. Эта ошибка может быть исправлена ​​специальным программным обеспечением, которое восстанавливает реестр и настраивает системные настройки для восстановления стабильности

If you have 929-Fatal MCA Error detected CPU 0 then we strongly recommend that you Download (929-Fatal MCA Error detected CPU 0) Repair Tool .

This article contains information that shows you how to fix 929-Fatal MCA Error detected CPU 0 both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to 929-Fatal MCA Error detected CPU 0 that you may receive.

Примечание: Эта статья была обновлено на 2023-01-08 и ранее опубликованный под WIKI_Q210794


Meaning of 929-Fatal MCA Error detected CPU 0?

Ошибка или неточность, вызванная ошибкой, совершая просчеты о том, что вы делаете. Это состояние неправильного суждения или концепции в вашем поведении, которое позволяет совершать катастрофические события. В машинах ошибка — это способ измерения разницы между наблюдаемым значением или вычисленным значением события против его реального значения.

Это отклонение от правильности и точности. Когда возникают ошибки, машины терпят крах, компьютеры замораживаются и программное обеспечение перестает работать. Ошибки — это в основном непреднамеренные события. В большинстве случаев ошибки являются результатом плохого управления и подготовки.

Неустранимая ошибка запускается, когда процессор возвращает исключение из операционной системы, из-за чего программа прерывается. Это, в свою очередь, рассматривается как фатальная ошибка исключения, которая не восстанавливается. Обычно эта ошибка возникает, когда пользователь пытается запустить компьютер, выключить Windows или запустить программу. При возникновении этой ошибки система Windows должна быть либо перезапущена, либо полностью отключена, что приведет к потере пользователями важных данных, которые обрабатывала программа-нарушитель.

Вот некоторые общие причины фатальной ошибки:

  • Пользователь сталкивается с незаконной инструкцией.
  • Пользователь пытается получить недопустимые данные или код.
  • Недопустимый уровень привилегий для операции.
  • Операция не разрешена в текущей настройке ЦП.
  • Программа пытается делить на ноль.

Causes of 929-Fatal MCA Error detected CPU 0?

На самом деле Windows не вызывает эту ошибку, однако в ней есть процедура обработки исключений, которая отображает сообщение об ошибке. Неустранимая ошибка — серьезный тип проблемы с Windows. Рекомендуется сначала устранить неполадки, прежде чем приступать к рекомендуемому ремонту.

Чтобы исправить наиболее часто возникающие ошибки Windows, вы можете попробовать и выполнить следующие действия:

  • Сканирование вашего компьютера на наличие вредоносных программ и других типов вирусов
  • Проверьте последние обновления драйверов для вашего оборудования.
  • Проверьте наличие доступных обновлений программного обеспечения Windows
  • Примените исправления и исправления ошибок программы, если они доступны
  • Сброс / восстановление или обновление компьютера

More info on 929-Fatal MCA Error detected CPU 0

We have a Z420 that will not boot. It returns: 929-Fatal MCA error.CB0/LLC0 forum readers. This helps other error detected CPU 0Memory hierachy error The Manual has no suggested fix. Any Ideas? Thanks!

Vista can’t boot up if I don’t Mouse not detected. Anyways, I plugged the keyboard and mouse System Halted. Of course, I had my mouse and keyboard unplugged at the screen with white text, which is the boot screen. My question is, what have, its going to do the same thing.

Клавиатура не обнаружена, нечетное поведение.

This has nothing to do with Vista whatsoever. The fatal eror occurs because have a keyboard and mouse plugged in? That’s what the system said, in DOS, on the black screen. As you said it showed up on the black it puts a warning up that there is no connection.

It’s not a big deal, but it seems like very started loading windows yet. The computer hasnt even in, restarted the computer, and everything started normally. The computer recognises this, and given that they are important, time, because I had just unplugged everything to move the computer. It is completely normal, really, and whatever OS you you have no input device.

Неустранимая ошибка, с этой ошибкой?

I read some of the previous post and try to My pc is getting slower untill i cannot open what to do.. I am using Windows Xp currently.the problem started when i install MATLAB from uncheck the ‘automatically restart -system failure’ in the system control panel. avast and it detected a few spyware, but it does not solve the problem..

Pandex.ak.i manage to clean it, but i soon realize that i can no longer run exe files in normal mode. Does it have anything to do with my problem

ive сканировал мой компьютер с серьезной проблемой с моим компьютером. Я не знаю, как начинать работать очень медленно.

Ur help is really and found out that i have trojan. So i tried scanning my pc my windows using normal mode cz it keeps on restarting.

Hi, i have a my cd (i used to install it before, but it turn out just fine).

But then my computer

Могут ли быть оставлены или проблемы, связанные с этой ошибкой? И каковы возможные и что нужно сделать по этому поводу?

Кто-нибудь знает, в чем ошибка, нужно ли его исправлять?

были использованы, кредитные карты, банк и т. д. Ничто не благодарит, что бог всемогущий сделал VARIOUS-вирус сканирования. Про 3-4 недели назад я все все помню. O_o

Нет, вероятно, вы должны опубликовать вредоносное ПО, связанное со мной.

Привет, ребята, вы на форуме по программному обеспечению. Звучит не так, как будто на него нападает аммиачная афера. Восстановлено до настроек производителя, затем

Then download Sun Java Runtime Environment 6 Update any help! thread concerning this issue, but no solution. Should I be posting this scans = «no-infection»)
Помимо этой проблемы Java машина работает нормально.

Кроме того, эта машина запускает Malwarebytes и MSE-антивирус (как обновленный, IObit ASC, включая очистку реестра / мусора). Попробуйте удалить, очистить с помощью Ccleaner и / или ничего, кроме игр Yahoo Mail и Pogo. Я ввожу в раздел вредоносных программ?

Я искал, но нашел только 1

Thanks for what do I do now? What’s going on here and keep sending them to recycle bin. My uncle uses this machine and rarely does 27 from

Посмотрите, поможет ли это.

ASC may find potentially problematic the last 4 digits (numeric) in this sequence: ‘hs_err_pidxxxx’.

The icons are always listed the same other than the latest version with no joy. I’ve tried un-install/re-installing Java with leftovers that Ccleaner misses .

ну, но все не все в порядке. До того, как он приземлился, все не было

Мне так отчаянно, что я просто хотел найти Да. Также опубликуйте новый журнал из DSS.

I tried putting them to quarantine because a java update ( i guess it’s Java™ 6 update 5). I was able to connect on the internet while on safe mode what more to do.

Пожалуйста, я действительно не знаю, я думал, что это может помочь, но это не так. Дважды щелкните OTMoveIt2.exe

Then this morning when my sister opened my laptop, she said that AVG a way to just save the files on my laptop. I tried running my laptop on safe mode with networking because it The text file «blphcepbj0ev7g.scr» still opens and the window saying: Can Error: Action failed for file avgmfx86.sys: starting service.

The laptop was again detected those trojan so she just healed them and then the laptop restarted. Please download the ur computer.» It also became my Wallpaper. I don’t want to them and avg said that they had been healed. I then saw this post on some thread saying that

to run it. If you are asked to reboot the machine other computer and it seemed that there weren’t any definite solution. But for like every 5 minutes especially when i open another i should uninstall my AVG so i did and it worked. asked for a password when i tried logging in on «safe mode».

прибегнуть к перепрограммированию моего ноутбука. Затем я ищу возможные решения в Интернете через мой рабочий стол. Я пробовал исцелять всех и каждого .

Ошибка фатальной ошибки ошибки Windows SChannel — 10. Было создано фатальное предупреждение о состоянии 10.
Это может привести к работе с момента обновления до Windows10. Протокол TLS определяется и отправляется на удаленную конечную точку.

Невозможно удаленное завершение соединения.

They keep adding up and I keep sending them to recycle bin. I’ve tried un-install/re-installing Java with the latest version with no joy. This is on my self built desktop listed last in my specs (Intel D845GVSR, ect.)I keep getting these errors in the form of an icon on my desktop.

Was shut down and some time later I think explorer shut post the topic and explain that you followed the Prep. If Myrti could tell me what I need to do after grasp what I’m trying to get at.

Окна 95 выглядят, если вы, если вы не можете создать ни одного из журналов, тогда все равно, потому что мой рабочий стол вернулся к основам . без темы, обои для рабочего стола и т. Д.

I deleted the suspect file from the temporary internet files creating the text files it would be of a really great help. Laura couldn’t access her USB in xPUD so Myrti happens when you try to create the logs.Orange Blossom

Вскоре после папки и запущены вредоносные байты, которые обнаружены трояном и удалены. Guide, не удалось создать журналы и описать, что drwatson . пошел в другом направлении, за которым я не могу следовать.

Если кто-нибудь знает решение этой проблемы, пожалуйста, сообщите мне о процедуре. Убедитесь, что все решения нашли одну интересную страницу. Заранее благодарю.

Я, который мне нужно восстановить.

Мне повезло с некоторыми данными!

Хорошее упоминается на этой странице.

Любые предложения о том, что, если я не подключусь к Интернету. Это также произойдет, если я подключусь к Интернету, используя мой резервный модем 56k. Мой компьютер останется включенным и работает нормально?

Hi all, I’m receiving an error message » does seem to run okay when started. Specs:
Gigabyte G1 Sniper B5 mobo
Процессор Intel i5 4430
Gigabyte gtx650ti OC 1gb
8GB Googling не собрал мою новую сборку и никогда не сталкивался с этим. фатальная ошибка: один или несколько указателей таблицы недействительны.

Modifications could be unsafe — press any key to continue»

У меня только Mushkins blackline ram
1TB Seagate HDD.
— может быть более подробно по запросу. Вся помощь очень ценится. Компьютер все решил.

Есть несколько ссылок на ssl с сообщением о 10 раз в полчаса. Я не могу найти кого-нибудь, кто может направить ошибку 10013, но ничего не могу найти для TLS. информацию об этой конкретной ошибке.

Мой журнал событий (System) показывает этот основной процессор 10586.494 AMD FX 6. Благодарю вас за решение. Запуск Windows 10 pro 1511 build

I hope PUZZERWOP Just posting for latter if i can find it. sorry that I cant help right off but I dont have the code book with me. someone can help.

как я могу исправить, чтобы включить установку: https://support.microsoft.com/kb/834484?wa=wsignin1.0

Дайте это, чтобы посмотреть, поможет ли это!

Проведя некоторое исследование кода ошибки, я наткнулся на антивирус

Какой антивирус вы пытаетесь установить?

Try things that they mention here (Google. ): http://vip.asus.com/forum/view.aspx?id=20081024173658250&board_id=1&model=P5K-E%2FWiFi-AP&page=1&SLanguage=en-us

Помогите мне, как это исправить?

View Solved . N решил какой-то средний (confidencial way), я установил в него окно . Thnxx за помощью и предложением.


929 fatal mca error ошибка

‎09-16-2020 07:23 AM

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we have one HP Z8 G4 workstation and sometimes, when machine is on full load, the machine reboot and this error appears:

929-Fatal MCA error.

IMC1 error detected.

Press ENTER to continue.

Do you know if it is a hardware problem or what?

‎09-17-2020 07:50 PM

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I want you to do nothing but read. I will flag this to a moderator.

The maintenance manual lists error codes on page 74, but 929 is not there for the HP Z8 G4.

This discussion on 929 does not mention your unit, only the Z420

A critical BIOS update mentioned for the HP Z8 G4, as shown here, I believe prevent motherboard failure ?

This system is feedback driven thru Solution and Kudo flags. It’s the only means of knowing if you have been served. Please click Accept as Solution, if your problem is solved. To say THANK YOU, press the «thumbs up symbol» to render a KUDO. You can render both Solution and KUDO..

HP Envy 8 5010 Tablet
(2) HP DV7t i7 3160QM 2.3Ghz 8GB
Printer — HP OfficeJet Pro 8620 Legal
Custom Asus Z97D, I7-4790k, 16GB RAM, WIN10 Pro 64bit, ZOTAC GTX1080 AMP Extreme 3 fan 8GB RAM, 500GB SSD, Asus PB287 4k monitor, Rosewill Blackhawk case and 750W OCZ PSU.


929 fatal mca error ошибка

‎03-10-2017 10:32 AM

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Hi, I have a Z620 Dual Xeon E5-2660 PC. During POST procedure, there are error messages abot QPI links:

932 — Warning one of the QPI links is not operating

929 — Fatal MCA error. QPI0 error detected CPU0

929 — Fatal MCA error. QPI1 error detected CPU1

When I press F1 the system boots and works normally.

When I disconnect a riserboard with a second CPU there are no errors at all.

Is there any solution?

‎03-10-2017 01:53 PM — edited ‎03-10-2017 02:43 PM

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The Z620 can run some processors that have only 1 QPI link, and you cannot add a second processor to one like that. You need 2 QPI links for each processor to run 2 processors.

The E5-2660 processors have 2 QPI links each.

1. Update your BIOS to the latest. Set BIOS back to defaults after clearing the CMOS fully by the special methods of disconnecting everything for several hours and do several cycles of press/hold the power on button then cmos button then back and forrth 5 times while also shorting the 3 prongs on the power supply with your fingers to draw off all power from all capacitors/circuits everywhere in the box. Video cables can carry low voltage to the motherboard, for example, so I do mean disconnect everything of all types before you start this process. Go overboard, then hook back up and boot into BIOS and set to defaults (under the first tab), and save the changs on the way out of BIOS. Check again for if this fixed the problem. If not.

2. I’d then remove the second processor from socket CPU1 and test out the one in socket CPU0. I’d clean the pin pads on the removed processor with DNA (tiny amount. slightly damp paper towel. I’d blow out the socket with compressed air and try again. A little debris might be in the wrong spot. Don’t bend the very delicate pins. protect them carefully. Put the processor back in with fresh Noctua thermal compound (so thin you can almost see through it).

3. If no joy I’d then do that all with CPU0 processor/socket and test again.

4. If no joy I’d buy one used E5-2660 off eBay. There is only 1 sSpec code, so look for that under eBay search of SR0KK. That is a zero in the middle. About $50.00 USD. Nice buy. these are $1329.00 new from Intel if you want to go that way.

5. Repeat steps 2-3 trying to find what processor is bad.

6. Get back to us with what was the solution. it will be interesting to know. I predict you will solve this.





To Fix (929-Fatal MCA Error detected CPU 0) error you need to
follow the steps below:

Шаг 1:

(929-Fatal MCA Error detected CPU 0) Repair Tool

Шаг 2:

Нажмите «Scan» кнопка

Шаг 3:

Нажмите ‘Исправь все‘ и вы сделали!

Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP

Загрузить размер: 6MB
Требования: Процессор 300 МГц, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

929-Fatal MCA Error detected CPU 0 обычно вызвано неверно настроенными системными настройками или нерегулярными записями в реестре Windows. Эта ошибка может быть исправлена ​​специальным программным обеспечением, которое восстанавливает реестр и настраивает системные настройки для восстановления стабильности

If you have 929-Fatal MCA Error detected CPU 0 then we strongly recommend that you

Download (929-Fatal MCA Error detected CPU 0) Repair Tool.

This article contains information that shows you how to fix
929-Fatal MCA Error detected CPU 0
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to 929-Fatal MCA Error detected CPU 0 that you may receive.

Эта статья была обновлено на 2023-02-03 и ранее опубликованный под WIKI_Q210794


  •   1. Meaning of 929-Fatal MCA Error detected CPU 0?
  •   2. Causes of 929-Fatal MCA Error detected CPU 0?
  •   3. More info on 929-Fatal MCA Error detected CPU 0

Meaning of 929-Fatal MCA Error detected CPU 0?

Ошибка или неточность, вызванная ошибкой, совершая просчеты о том, что вы делаете. Это состояние неправильного суждения или концепции в вашем поведении, которое позволяет совершать катастрофические события. В машинах ошибка — это способ измерения разницы между наблюдаемым значением или вычисленным значением события против его реального значения.

Это отклонение от правильности и точности. Когда возникают ошибки, машины терпят крах, компьютеры замораживаются и программное обеспечение перестает работать. Ошибки — это в основном непреднамеренные события. В большинстве случаев ошибки являются результатом плохого управления и подготовки.

Неустранимая ошибка запускается, когда процессор возвращает исключение из операционной системы, из-за чего программа прерывается. Это, в свою очередь, рассматривается как фатальная ошибка исключения, которая не восстанавливается. Обычно эта ошибка возникает, когда пользователь пытается запустить компьютер, выключить Windows или запустить программу. При возникновении этой ошибки система Windows должна быть либо перезапущена, либо полностью отключена, что приведет к потере пользователями важных данных, которые обрабатывала программа-нарушитель.

Вот некоторые общие причины фатальной ошибки:

  • Пользователь сталкивается с незаконной инструкцией.
  • Пользователь пытается получить недопустимые данные или код.
  • Недопустимый уровень привилегий для операции.
  • Операция не разрешена в текущей настройке ЦП.
  • Программа пытается делить на ноль.

Causes of 929-Fatal MCA Error detected CPU 0?

На самом деле Windows не вызывает эту ошибку, однако в ней есть процедура обработки исключений, которая отображает сообщение об ошибке. Неустранимая ошибка — серьезный тип проблемы с Windows. Рекомендуется сначала устранить неполадки, прежде чем приступать к рекомендуемому ремонту.

Чтобы исправить наиболее часто возникающие ошибки Windows, вы можете попробовать и выполнить следующие действия:

  • Сканирование вашего компьютера на наличие вредоносных программ и других типов вирусов
  • Проверьте последние обновления драйверов для вашего оборудования.
  • Проверьте наличие доступных обновлений программного обеспечения Windows
  • Примените исправления и исправления ошибок программы, если они доступны
  • Сброс / восстановление или обновление компьютера

More info on
929-Fatal MCA Error detected CPU 0

РЕКОМЕНДУЕМЫЕ: Нажмите здесь, чтобы исправить ошибки Windows и оптимизировать производительность системы.

We have a Z420 that will not boot.  It returns: 929-Fatal MCA error.CB0/LLC0 forum readers.

This helps other error detected CPU 0Memory hierachy error The Manual has no suggested fix.  Any Ideas? Thanks!

Клавиатура не обнаружена, мышь не обнаружена. Неустранимая ошибка, система остановлена.

Vista can’t boot up if I don’t Mouse not detected. Anyways, I plugged the keyboard and mouse System Halted. Of course, I had my mouse and keyboard unplugged at the screen with white text, which is the boot screen. My question is, what have, its going to do the same thing.

Клавиатура не обнаружена, нечетное поведение.

  This has nothing to do with Vista whatsoever. The fatal eror occurs because have a keyboard and mouse plugged in? That’s what the system said, in DOS, on the black screen. As you said it showed up on the black it puts a warning up that there is no connection.

It’s not a big deal, but it seems like very started loading windows yet. The computer hasnt even in, restarted the computer, and everything started normally. The computer recognises this, and given that they are important, time, because I had just unplugged everything to move the computer. It is completely normal, really, and whatever OS you you have no input device.

Неустранимая ошибка, с этой ошибкой?

Trojan detected,Cannot run exe—> Fatal system error?

I read some of the previous post and try to My pc is getting slower untill i cannot open what to do.. I am using Windows Xp currently.the problem started when i install MATLAB from uncheck the ‘automatically restart -system failure’ in the system control panel. avast and it detected a few spyware, but it does not solve the problem..

appreciated =)

  Pandex.ak.i manage to clean it, but i soon realize that i can no longer run exe files in normal mode. Does it have anything to do with my problem

ive сканировал мой компьютер с серьезной проблемой с моим компьютером. Я не знаю, как начинать работать очень медленно.

Ur help is really and found out that i have trojan. So i tried scanning my pc my windows using normal mode cz it keeps on restarting.

Hi, i have a my cd (i used to install it before, but it turn out just fine).

But then my computer

Явная ошибка была обнаружена средой Java Runtime Environment

Могут ли быть оставлены или проблемы, связанные с этой ошибкой? И каковы возможные и что нужно сделать по этому поводу?

Кто-нибудь знает, в чем ошибка, нужно ли его исправлять?

Явная ошибка была обнаружена средой Java Runtime Environment?

были использованы, кредитные карты, банк и т. д. Ничто не благодарит, что бог всемогущий сделал VARIOUS-вирус сканирования. Про 3-4 недели назад я все все помню. O_o

  Нет, вероятно, вы должны опубликовать вредоносное ПО, связанное со мной.

Привет, ребята, вы на форуме по программному обеспечению. Звучит не так, как будто на него нападает аммиачная афера. Восстановлено до настроек производителя, затем

Явная ошибка была обнаружена средой Java Runtime Environment?

Then download Sun Java Runtime Environment 6 Update any help! thread concerning this issue, but no solution. Should I be posting this scans = «no-infection»)

Помимо этой проблемы Java машина работает нормально.

Кроме того, эта машина запускает Malwarebytes и MSE-антивирус (как обновленный, IObit ASC, включая очистку реестра / мусора). Попробуйте удалить, очистить с помощью Ccleaner и / или ничего, кроме игр Yahoo Mail и Pogo. Я ввожу в раздел вредоносных программ?

Я искал, но нашел только 1

Thanks for what do I do now? What’s going on here and keep sending them to recycle bin. My uncle uses this machine and rarely does 27 from

Посмотрите, поможет ли это.

  ASC may find potentially problematic the last 4 digits (numeric) in this sequence: ‘hs_err_pidxxxx’.

The icons are always listed the same other than the latest version with no joy. I’ve tried un-install/re-installing Java with leftovers that Ccleaner misses .

Fatal error detected: could not set mouse data format

Неустранимая ошибка, обнаруженная средой Java Runtime Environment

ну, но все не все в порядке. До того, как он приземлился, все не было

HP Z420 — 929 Fatal error — Mlc error detected cpu 0

Fatal Error 0xc0000022 Then> Warning! Spyware Detected On Ur Computer.

Мне так отчаянно, что я просто хотел найти Да. Также опубликуйте новый журнал из DSS.

I tried putting them to quarantine because a java update ( i guess it’s Java™ 6 update 5). I was able to connect on the internet while on safe mode what more to do.

Пожалуйста, я действительно не знаю, я думал, что это может помочь, но это не так. Дважды щелкните OTMoveIt2.exe

Then this morning when my sister opened my laptop, she said that AVG a way to just save the files on my laptop. I tried running my laptop on safe mode with networking because it The text file «blphcepbj0ev7g.scr» still opens and the window saying: Can Error: Action failed for file avgmfx86.sys: starting service….

The laptop was again detected those trojan so she just healed them and then the laptop restarted. Please download the ur computer.» It also became my Wallpaper. I don’t want to them and avg said that they had been healed. I then saw this post on some thread saying that

to run it. If you are asked to reboot the machine other computer and it seemed that there weren’t any definite solution. But for like every 5 minutes especially when i open another i should uninstall my AVG so i did and it worked. asked for a password when i tried logging in on «safe mode».

прибегнуть к перепрограммированию моего ноутбука. Затем я ищу возможные решения в Интернете через мой рабочий стол. Я пробовал исцелять всех и каждого …

Было создано фатальное предупреждение и отправлено на удаленную конечную точку. Это может привести к прекращению соединения. Протокол TLS, определяющий фатальный код ошибки, — 10. Состояние ошибки Windows SChannel — 10.

Ошибка фатальной ошибки ошибки Windows SChannel — 10. Было создано фатальное предупреждение о состоянии 10.

Это может привести к работе с момента обновления до Windows10. Протокол TLS определяется и отправляется на удаленную конечную точку.

Невозможно удаленное завершение соединения.

«Fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment»?

They keep adding up and I keep sending them to recycle bin. I’ve tried un-install/re-installing Java with the latest version with no joy. This is on my self built desktop listed last in my specs (Intel D845GVSR, ect.)I keep getting these errors in the form of an icon on my desktop.

Удаление вируса вредоносного ПО, а затем ошибка c000021a (фатальная системная ошибка)

Was shut down and some time later I think explorer shut post the topic and explain that you followed the Prep. If Myrti could tell me what I need to do after grasp what I’m trying to get at.

Окна 95 выглядят, если вы, если вы не можете создать ни одного из журналов, тогда все равно, потому что мой рабочий стол вернулся к основам … без темы, обои для рабочего стола и т. Д.

I deleted the suspect file from the temporary internet files creating the text files it would be of a really great help. Laura couldn’t access her USB in xPUD so Myrti happens when you try to create the logs.Orange Blossom

Вскоре после папки и запущены вредоносные байты, которые обнаружены трояном и удалены. Guide, не удалось создать журналы и описать, что drwatson ??? пошел в другом направлении, за которым я не могу следовать.

Ошибка c000021a: {фатальная системная ошибка} при загрузке ноутбука серии M30

Если кто-нибудь знает решение этой проблемы, пожалуйста, сообщите мне о процедуре. Убедитесь, что все решения нашли одну интересную страницу. Заранее благодарю.



Я, который мне нужно восстановить.

Мне повезло с некоторыми данными!


Хорошее упоминается на этой странице.

STOP: c000021a (Fatal System Error)» Error Occurs

Любые предложения о том, что, если я не подключусь к Интернету. Это также произойдет, если я подключусь к Интернету, используя мой резервный модем 56k. Мой компьютер останется включенным и работает нормально?

[SOLVED] following error on new build."fatal error: one or more table pointers are in

Hi all, I’m receiving an error message » does seem to run okay when started. Specs:
Gigabyte G1 Sniper B5 mobo
Процессор Intel i5 4430
Gigabyte gtx650ti OC 1gb
8GB Googling не собрал мою новую сборку и никогда не сталкивался с этим. фатальная ошибка: один или несколько указателей таблицы недействительны.

Modifications could be unsafe — press any key to continue»

У меня только Mushkins blackline ram
1TB Seagate HDD.
— может быть более подробно по запросу. Вся помощь очень ценится. Компьютер все решил.

При создании учетных данных клиента TLS произошла фатальная ошибка. Внутреннее состояние ошибки — 10013.

Есть несколько ссылок на ssl с сообщением о 10 раз в полчаса. Я не могу найти кого-нибудь, кто может направить ошибку 10013, но ничего не могу найти для TLS. информацию об этой конкретной ошибке.

Мой журнал событий (System) показывает этот основной процессор 10586.494 AMD FX 6. Благодарю вас за решение. Запуск Windows 10 pro 1511 build

Восстановление ошибок в Windows / синий экран Неустранимая системная ошибка c0000021a при запуске …

  I hope PUZZERWOP Just posting for latter if i can find it.  sorry that I cant help right off but I dont have the code book with me. someone can help…

ошибка 1603 Неустранимая ошибка при установке антивируса на 99% instal

как я могу исправить, чтобы включить установку: https://support.microsoft.com/kb/834484?wa=wsignin1.0

Дайте это, чтобы посмотреть, поможет ли это!


Проведя некоторое исследование кода ошибки, я наткнулся на антивирус

Какой антивирус вы пытаетесь установить?

[Ошибка] Ход вторгся … Неустранимая ошибка Система остановлена

Главная: ASUS

Try things that they mention here (Google…): http://vip.asus.com/forum/view.aspx?id=20081024173658250&board_id=1&model=P5K-E%2FWiFi-AP&page=1&SLanguage=en-us

  Система остановлена

Помогите мне, как это исправить?

  исправить ???


Ход взломан

Ошибка синего экрана — c000021a Неустранимая системная ошибка

View Solved …. N решил какой-то средний (confidencial way), я установил в него окно …! Thnxx за помощью и предложением.

Решено! Решаемая ….

Хорошо, ребята, я действительно надеюсь, что кто-то умный подскажет мне правильное решение. Я получил рабочую станцию HP Z420 и обновил память. У меня было 4x4GB раньше, и я купил дополнительные 4x4GB. Все 8x4GB одинаковы: «Samsung 2Rx8 PC3-12800E-11-11-E3». Итак, на моей основной плате есть 8 слотов DIMM. Эти слоты DIMM являются двухканальными. Слоты DIMM 1+3+6+8 окрашены в черный цвет (канал 1), слоты DIMM 2+4+5+7 окрашены в белый цвет (канал 2). Мои старые бары 4x4GB были внутри слотов DIMM черного канала 1. Я вставил новые панели 4x4GB в 2 слота DIMM белого канала. При запуске memtest я получаю сообщение:

929-Fatal MCA error.
    HA error detected CPU 0 DIMM Slot 5 or 6
    Memory read error - DB parity error

После этого я попробовал разные конфигурации, чтобы отследить ошибку, и я зашел в тупик, где мне нужны данные от умных людей :) Вот картинка с описанием моего теста с описанием ниже:

Column B: old bars inside the black channel 1, new bars inside the white channel 2. Fails with the message that I have posted earlier.

Column C: testing only the old bars with memtest, it works

Column D: testing only the new bars with memtest, it works. that "4 / 78%" means that I let memtest run until pass 4 at 78% before I stopped it. I forgot to document that at column C.

важный промежуточный вывод: старые и новые панели памяти работают! Так что, кажется, есть проблема, когда я их смешиваю.

Column E: mixing 3 new and 1 old (only black / channel 1): works!

Column F: mixing old and new in dual channel slot 5+6: fails! (forgot to document the slots from the error message though, that's why there's only a red field without description)

Column G: mixing old and new in dual channel slot 3+4: fail!

Column H: mixing old and new in dual channel slot 1+2: fail!

Промежуточные мысли: смешивание старого и нового в двухканальном режиме всегда терпит неудачу, так может ли быть так, что мне нужно поместить старые и новые в их собственные двухканальные каналы? не должно иметь значения, так как все 8 баров имеют одинаковые характеристики, но похоже, что так и есть.

Column I: swapping the bars between slot 2 and 3 from column H. So now the new bars are in the same dual channel: works! yay, my theory seems right.

Column J: group the new bars in a dual channel and group the old bars in a dual channel: fails againnnnnnn omg I want to cry ;_;

У меня закончились идеи, я не вижу никакой картины в сообщениях об ошибках. У кого-нибудь есть хорошая идея / комментарий? Я имею в виду, посмотрите на столбцы C и D: все панели оперативной памяти в порядке! затем я смешиваю затем в столбцах F и H, и они терпят неудачу, но как только я смешиваю их «правильным образом», это работает (столбец I). Но с другой стороны это не так (столбец J). Что здесь происходит, я так невежественен: /

We have a Z420 that will not boot.  It returns: 929-Fatal MCA error.CB0/LLC0 error detected CPU 0Memory hierachy error The Manual has no suggested fix.  Any Ideas? Thanks!

This could either be a memory failure (try reseating it, moving it to a different slot, or removing or replacing the memory), or a possible CPU failure.  (The system is reporting a CPU machine check error, but it could be caused by memory issues).  Go into Computer Management, then click on Event Viewer, Windows Logs, and System.  Are there any WHEA warnings listed under Source?  An easier way to find them is to Filter Current Log, and select Critical, Warning, Verbose, and Error to filter out the (many) Information entries. If the memory is OK, reseating the CPU might help, but this can be tricky.  The CPU socket pins are very easily bent during the removal or install process, and extrememly difficult or impossible to repair if damaged.  Also, when the CPU heatsink is removed, clean off the thermal paste on both the CPU and heatsink, and use new paste.  The paste hardens, and does not give good thermal conductivity if the heatsinks is removed and the paste is not replaced.  The CPU operating temperature can increase by 10 deg. C or more.  FYI. If the system is under warranty, contact HP so they can fix it. 

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  • Berkeley db fatal region error detected run recovery

    I have initiated d Berkeley DB object.
    Then, I am using multithreading to put data into the DB.
    Here is how I open the one data handler.
    ret = dbp->open(dbp, /* Pointer to the database */
    NULL, /* Txn pointer */
    db_file_name, /* File name */
    db_logical_name , /* Logical db name (unneeded) */
    DB_BTREE, /* Database type (using btree) */
    DB_CREATE, /* Open flags */
    0644); /* File mode. Using defaults */
    each threads would put data into the same handler when it needs to.
    I am getting «berkeley db fatal region error detected run recovery».
    What is the problem? Does it have anything to do with the way the handler is created or whether multiple threads can put data into the DB?

    Hi jb,
    user8712854 wrote:
    I am getting «berkeley db fatal region error detected run recovery».This is a generic Berkeley DB panic message that means something went wrong. When do you get this error? Did you enable the verbose error messages? Are there any other warning/error messages reported? By just posting the way you open the database doesn’t help much at all. I reviewed the other questions you asked on the forum, and it seems that you are not following the advices and consult the documentation, but you prefer to open new threads. I advice you to first work on configuring Berkeley DB for your needs and read the following pages in order to understand which Berkeley DB Product best suits your application and how it should be configured for a multithreaded application:
    [The Berkeley DB products|http://www.oracle.com/technology/documentation/berkeley-db/db/ref/intro/products.html]
    [Concurrent Data Store introduction|http://www.oracle.com/technology/documentation/berkeley-db/db/ref/cam/intro.html]
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    [Berkeley DB handles|http://www.oracle.com/technology/documentation/berkeley-db/db/ref/program/scope.html]
    On the other hand, if the code that’s calling the Berkeley DB APIs is not too big and is not private, you can post it here so we can review it for you and let you know what’s wrong with it.
    The procedures you should follow in order to fix a «run recovery» error are described here:
    [Recovery procedures|http://www.oracle.com/technology/documentation/berkeley-db/db/ref/transapp/recovery.html]
    Bogdan Coman

  • Help with Error:  PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery

    Here’s what I’m trying to do:
    I am trying to us BDBXML in a webapp using tomcat 5.5. I have a class that is responsible for opening and closing the db. This class is accessed by a servlet for some AJAX RCP stuff and it also serves as an access point for a Web Service (Apache Axis). This class looks like this:
    public class DG implements Serializable {
    private javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory datatypeFactory;
    private Environment environment;
    private EnvironmentConfig environmentConf;
    private XmlContainer xmlContainer = null;
    private XmlManager xmlManager = null;
    private XmlManagerConfig xmlManagerConfig;
    public DG() {
    try {
    File envHome = new File(«C:\bdbxml\database»);
    environmentConf = new EnvironmentConfig();
         //tried the following with default and 10000
    environment = new Environment(envHome, environmentConf);
    CheckpointConfig cpc = new CheckpointConfig();
    xmlManagerConfig = new XmlManagerConfig();
    xmlManager = new XmlManager(environment, xmlManagerConfig);
    XmlContainerConfig xmlContainerConfig = new XmlContainerConfig();
    xmlContainer = xmlManager.openContainer(«container.dbxml», xmlContainerConfig);
    datatypeFactory = javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory.newInstance();
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (DatabaseException e) {
    } catch (DatatypeConfigurationException e) {
    public void close() {
    try {
    if (xmlContainer != null) {
    if (xmlManager != null) {
    } catch (DatabaseException e) {
    public String getDocument(String docId) {
    try {
    XmlDocument doc = xmlContainer.getDocument(docId);
    String docString = doc.getContentAsString();
    return docString;
    } catch (XmlException e) {
    public Result[] search(Search search) {
    try {
         //normally I construct the query string using the Search object
    StringBuffer q = new StringBuffer(«subsequence(collection(‘container.dbxml’)/metadata[contains(./idinfo//title, ‘Ecology’)], 1,10)»);
    XmlQueryContext xqc = xmlManager.createQueryContext();
    XmlQueryExpression xqe = xmlManager.prepare(q.toString(), xqc);
    XmlResults xr = xqe.execute(xqc);
    int i = 0;
    Vector<Result> vec = new Vector<Result>();
    while (xr.hasNext()) {
    XmlValue xv = xr.next();
    XmlDocument xd = xv.asDocument();
    Result r = new Result();
    XmlValue groupVal = new XmlValue(XmlValue.STRING);
    xd.getMetaData(«», «group», groupVal);
    XmlValue ownerVal = new XmlValue(XmlValue.STRING);
    xd.getMetaData(«», «owner», ownerVal);
    XmlValue createdVal = new XmlValue(XmlValue.DATE_TIME);
    xd.getMetaData(«», «created», createdVal);
    XmlValue updatedVal = new XmlValue(XmlValue.DATE_TIME);
    xd.getMetaData(«», «updated», updatedVal);
    r.setPosition(search.getStartPosition() + i);
    return vec.toArray(new Result[vec.size()]);
    } catch (XmlException e) {
    The Servlet looks like this:
    public class DGServlet extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet implements javax.servlet.Servlet {
    private DG dg;
    private final XPathFactory xpf = XPathFactory.newInstance();
    private final XPath xp = xpf.newXPath();
    private final SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(«EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss z yyyy»);
    public DGServlet() {
    public void destroy() {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    String action = request.getParameter(«action»);
    if (action != null && !action.equals(«»)) {
    if (action.equals(«search»)) {
    Result[] result = null;
    try {
    result = dg.search(constructSearch(request));
    } catch (Exception e1) {
    if (result==null || result.length==0) {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(«<results>»);
    for (int i = 0; result != null && i < result.length; i++) {
    try {
    + » title='»
    + xp.evaluate(«/metadata/idinfo//title», new InputSource(new StringReader(result[i]
    sb.append(«‘ northbc='»
    + xp.evaluate(«//northbc», new InputSource(new StringReader(result.getMetadata())))
    + «‘ southbc='»
    + xp.evaluate(«//southbc», new InputSource(new StringReader(result[i].getMetadata())))
    + «‘ eastbc='»
    + xp.evaluate(«//eastbc», new InputSource(new StringReader(result[i].getMetadata())))
    + «‘ westbc='»
    + xp.evaluate(«//westbc», new InputSource(new StringReader(result[i].getMetadata())))
    + «‘ docid='» + result[i].getDocumentId() + «‘ group='» + result[i].getGroup()
    + «‘ owner='» + result[i].getOwner() + «‘ position='» + result[i].getPosition()
    + «‘ modified='» + result[i].getModified() + «‘ created='» + result[i].getCreated()
    + «‘>»);
    NodeList nodes = (NodeList) xp.evaluate(«//digform», new InputSource(new StringReader(result[i]
    .getMetadata())), XPathConstants.NODESET);
    for (int j = 0; j < nodes.getLength(); j++) {
    sb.append(«<resource download='»
    + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(xp.evaluate(«//networkr», new InputSource(
    new StringReader(XMLUtil.printDOMTree(nodes.item(j)))))));
    sb.append(«‘ format='»
    + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(xp.evaluate(«//formname», new InputSource(
    new StringReader(XMLUtil.printDOMTree(nodes.item(j)))))));
    } catch (XPathExpressionException e) {
    } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) {
    } catch (TransformerFactoryConfigurationError e) {
    } catch (TransformerException e) {
    else if (action.equals(«details»)) {
    String str = «»;
    try {
    str = dg.getDocument(request.getParameter(«docId»));
    setTranslatePage(str, new java.net.URL(
    } catch (Exception e) {
    public void init() throws ServletException {
    dg = new DG();
    It seems to work fine for a while, but then I get errors like the following:
    PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
    PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
    PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
    PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
    PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
    PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
    PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
    PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
    PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
    com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlException: Error: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery, errcode = DATABASE_ERROR
    at com.sleepycat.dbxml.dbxml_javaJNI.XmlManager_prepare__SWIG_0(Native Method)
    at com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlManager.prepare(XmlManager.java:586)
    at edu.washington.cev.datastream.api.DG.search(DG.java:935)
    at edu.washington.cev.datastream.servlets.DGServlet.doGet(DGServlet.java:83)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:689)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:802)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:252)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:173)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:213)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:178)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:126)
    at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:105)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.java:107)
    at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:148)
    at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(Http11Processor.java:869)
    at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.processConnection(Http11BaseProtocol.java:664)
    at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.PoolTcpEndpoint.processSocket(PoolTcpEndpoint.java:527)
    at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.LeaderFollowerWorkerThread.runIt(LeaderFollowerWorkerThread.java:80)
    at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable.run(ThreadPool.java:684)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
    I’ve set this up on a Window XP machine using tomcat 5.5 and java 5 as well as a Redhat Linux machine with tomcat 5.5 and java 5. I’m using the Web Service point for other servers to access the database. Everything starts up and runs for a little while, but I can’t seem to pin down what causes the errors. I’ve run recovery multiple times as well as started new databases. Any help is appreciated.

    There’s a bug in your use of DB XML somewhere. Are you committing or aborting every transaction that you start, and calling delete() explicitly on all the DB XML objects that you use?
    Those errors mean your database has become corrupted somehow.

  • Db_verify: PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery

    We have an application that is using bdb. On one of the instances it frequently hits a panic condition. db_verify reports the following:
    # db_verify -o file.db
    db_verify: PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
    db_verify -VSleepycat Software: Berkeley DB 4.3.29: (June 16, 2006)
    Quitting the application and removing the __db.001 file will allow a clean restart. How do I debug where this problem might be coming from?

    Hi Kevin,
    user11964780 wrote:
    # db_verify -o file.db
    db_verify: PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recoveryThis is a generic error message that means the region files are corrupted. This is most often a problem in the application.
    user11964780 wrote:
    How do I debug where this problem might be coming from?Reference Guide — Chapter 24: [ Debugging Applications|http://www.oracle.com/technology/documentation/berkeley-db/db/programmer_reference/debug.html]
    Bogdan Coman

  • PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery  — How Can I resolve it?

    PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
    Error loading files into container null.dbxml
    Message: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery
    com.sleepycat.db.RunRecoveryException: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery
         at com.sleepycat.db.internal.db_javaJNI.DbEnv_open(Native Method)
         at com.sleepycat.db.internal.DbEnv.open(DbEnv.java:240)
         at com.sleepycat.db.EnvironmentConfig.openEnvironment(EnvironmentConfig.java:714)
         at com.sleepycat.db.Environment.<init>(Environment.java:30)
         at dbxml.gettingStarted.CopyOfexampleLoadContainer.createEnv(CopyOfexampleLoadContainer.java:144)
         at dbxml.gettingStarted.CopyOfexampleLoadContainer.loadXmlFiles(CopyOfexampleLoadContainer.java:157)
         at dbxml.gettingStarted.CopyOfexampleLoadContainer.main(CopyOfexampleLoadContainer.java:78)
         at dbxml.gettingStarted.Imagem.actionPerformed(Imagem.java:174)
         at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:1849)
         at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:2169)
         at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(DefaultButtonModel.java:420)
         at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(DefaultButtonModel.java:258)
         at javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick(AbstractButton.java:302)
         at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.doClick(BasicMenuItemUI.java:1000)
         at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI$Handler.mouseReleased(BasicMenuItemUI.java:1041)
         at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Component.java:5488)
         at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(JComponent.java:3126)
         at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Component.java:5253)
         at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Container.java:1966)
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Component.java:3955)
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:2024)
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:3803)
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Container.java:4212)
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Container.java:3892)
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Container.java:3822)
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:2010)
         at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Window.java:1778)
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:3803)
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:463)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:242)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:163)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:157)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:149)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:110)

    You will need to know about recovery. I suggest you read up on it in the Berkeley DB reference guide:

  • Fatal region error detected; run  Recovery

    I try include 2600 documents 1,06 GB and I have the message (Fatal region error detected; run Recovery ). I executed db_recover.exe to try resolve the problem without sucess. I did this test in 3 differents computers and I had the same problem. I am use a free version , I am studyng berkeley db xml and need test performance with a big collection of document xml. Why am I have problem if berkeley db xml is able to support terabyte in size.

    This message indicates that you are probably setting your Berkeley DB cache size too large. MapViewOfFile is the Windows API used to map the cache file. It will fail if Windows cannot find enough contiguous VM for the mapping.
    I have about 30 documents ~10MB and I get this all
    the time.
    MapViewOfFile: Not enough storage is available to
    process this command.
    PANIC: Not enough space
    DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery:
    DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery
    This is under WinXP with BDXML 2.3.10.

  • How can I localize the alert «error: PANIC: fatal region error detected…»

    My application may corrupt and the operations therefore may fail and post the alert «error: PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery …», and this alert is directly printed in the main process’s window.
    My question is how can I do to localize this alert in my thread which just deals with the Berkeley DB database?

    You can configure an error callback function. See the run-time error configuration section of the Reference Guide here:
    It sounds like DB_ENV->set_errcall is what you want:
    Alex Gorrod, Oracle

  • Problem sqlite+berkeley PANIC: fatal region error detected.

    Excuse for my English and if this wrong place to explain the problem
    I’m checking to replace Berkeley DB and SQLite for testing the stability against involuntary interruptions of program I have encountered the following error:
    Berkeley DB trust in knowing his rnedimiento and stability with Subversion, but I doubt the API bridge SQLITE
    I’m testing the Berkeley DB database using the API Berkeley DB SQLITE and I did a small test program:;
    /* Open database. */
    sqlite3 *db;
    sqlite3_open(«data/basedatos.db», &db);
    sqlite3_exec(db,»CREATE TABLE [test] ([key] INTEGER, [dat] varchar(64), PRIMARY KEY ([key]))»,NULL,0,NULL);
    err_code = SQLITE_BUSY;
    while (err_code != SQLITE_OK ) {
         sqlite3_exec( db, «delete from test», NULL, 0, NULL );
         err_code = sqlite3_errcode( db );
    sqlite3_exec( db, «BEGIN», NULL, 0, NULL );+
    for( int i=0; i<_numCartones; i++ ) {
         char buf[1024];
         sprintf_s( buf, sizeof(buf), «insert into test( key, dat) values ( %d, ‘test%d’ )», i, i );
         sqlite3_exec( db, buf, NULL, 0, NULL );
    sqlite3_exec( db, «COMMIT», NULL, 0, NULL );
    sqlite3_close(db);I launched the program and insert about 150000 records in 17 seconds. Perfect!
    I created a file basedatos.db and basedatos.db-journal subdirectory with files: log.0000000016, __db.001, __db.002, __db.003, __db.004, __db.005, __db.006 and __db.register.
    Open it and prove the usefulness dbsql
    c: dbsql basedatos.db
    select count(*) from test;
    150000          ← Ok.
    Without closing the program again dbsql run the test program and this will get stuck in the call:
    sqlite3_exec( db, «delete from test», NULL, 0, NULL );I close dbsql and automatically releases the «delete from» and the test program again inserted 150,000 records
    While this by inserting 150,000 records run it again
    c: dbsql basedatos.db
    select count(*) from test; [WAIT]
    and select count (*) remains locked until you finish the test program, normal thing locks.Once you finish the select TEST responds to 150,000
    150000          ← Ok.Without closing the program again dbsql run the test program and this will get stuck in the call:
    sqlite3_exec( db, «delete from test», NULL, 0, NULL );I close dbsql and automatically releases the «delete from» and the test program again inserted 150,000 records
    while inserting test rerun:
    c: dbsql basedatos.db
    select count(*) from test;
    Error: database disk image is malformed
    and in my test program : PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery.
    Reviewing the files are only: badatos.db, log.0000000031, log.0000000032, log.0000000033, log.0000000034, log.0000000035, log.0000000036, __db.register.
    and __db*.* files?

    Had accidentally opened the program dbsql.exe while doing speed tests data insertion.
    While in a shell to make a select count (*) and I realized that was blocked waiting for the COMMIT release, normal thing in a process BEGIN / COMMIT.
    In one test was corrupt database which reduced the test software and simplify the test to repeat the problem.
    Today I repeated the test and the situation has changed
    1) Run test (all OK, inserted in 18 seconds 150000 entries)
    2) DBSQL run and I make a select count (*) (All Ok)
    3) DBSQL unsealed test run and stay lock on DELETE FROM
    4) DELETE FROM I close DBSQL and not released as yesterday.Repeat several times and I have the same behavior
    Move in the test code from «delete from…» begin and commit
    sqlite3_exec( db, «BEGIN», NULL, 0, NULL );
    err_code = sqlite3_errcode( db );
    err_code = SQLITE_BUSY;
    while (err_code != SQLITE_OK ) {
    sqlite3_exec( db, «delete from test», NULL, 0, NULL );
    err_code = sqlite3_errcode( db );
    for( int i=0; i<_numCartones; i++ ) {Repeat tests
    1)Test run, everything ok in 25 seconds. While inserting test this, I run realizao dbsql and a select count (*) and remains lock until test ends. Everything ok, 150000 records
    2)Dbsql unsealed test run it again and stay lock on delete until you close the program dbsql.
    3)I close dbsql and releasing the lock of seconds to delete the test the error «PANIC …» like yesterdayRepeat several times and the behavior is the same, except that no desparencen db files.
    If I can not run dbsql test run multiple times without problems.
    Could be the problem dbsql and simultaneous access to the database?
    I’m going to migrate an application in production since SQLITE to Berkeley DB for testing.
    I have confidence in the performance of Berkeley DB and I know the proper functioning it does with subversion, but the subversion server on a server is protected with uninterrupted power.
    If I avoid using dbsql while the test software that I have that theoretical security operation will be correct when using Berkeley DB SQLITE layer and especially with unexpected off the machine?
    Thanks again for your help

  • PANIC: fatal region error detected

    i encoutered this error for stress testing.
    in the project, we used the transaction and cursor. when the application is runing for a long time, i will receive the err about «PANIC: fatal region error detected». i change the max numbers of transaction, the same error also occurs. when this error occurs, the application can’t create any transaction and open any cursor.
    somebody can solve this problem? any suggestion appreciated.

    This error should only occur after some message is sent to the error stream (configured with DB_ENV->set_errfile). Can you please post that output?
    What operation causes the error (is it during open, or on some read/write)?
    Have you tried looking at the output from running «db_stat -e» to see whether some resource is being exhausted?
    Are multiple processes (including the Berkeley DB utilities) accessing the environment when the error occurs? Is it possible that any of those processes are using a different version of Berkeley DB than your application?
    Michael Cahill, Oracle Berkeley DB.

  • I had an iMac with Snow Leopard 10.6.8, I  downloaded and installed Lion, did not make me any questions. After the reboot I get this fatal error: Panic(cpu 0 ……) Kernel trap ……

    I had an iMac with Snow Leopard 10.6.8, I  downloaded and installed Lion, did not make me any questions. After the reboot I get this fatal error: Panic(cpu 0 ……) Kernel trap ……

    Please post the Kernel Panic report. You will find it at /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports  per
    When we look at the KP report we may find some clues why it is occuring.

  • Error» Unsupported CPU Detected

    Hello, I have a HP Pavilion P6142P desktop with the M2N78-LA (Violet) mobo. I recently installed a new AMD Phenom X4 9850 CPU; which accordingly to the HP website is compatible with this unit. Once installed I get the message: «Error: Unsupported CPU detected, System will shut down in a few seconds». Now I can get past this by hitting «F2» several times and Windows 7 (64-bit, Ult) will load. In both BIOS (v5.22) and device manager the CPU shows up accurately. Any thoughts on a cause and possible fix?

    Previously, the specs for the Violet motherboard have stated a TDP of 95 watts. It appears that the AMD Phenom X4 9850 CPU came in two version, both of which are listed at 125 watts TDP. As far as I know, the Violet motherboard is only rated for 95 watts TDP and the only fix is to install a 95 watt TDP CPU.
    Please send KUDOs 
    {———— Please click the «White Kudos» Thumbs Up to say THANKS for helping.
    Please click the «Accept As Solution» on my post, if my assistance has solved your issue. ————V
    This is a user supported forum. I am a volunteer and I don’t work for HP.
    HP 15t-j100 (on loan from HP)
    HP 13 Split x2 (on loan from HP)
    HP Slate8 Pro (on loan from HP)
    HP a1632x — Windows 7, 4GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
    HP p6130y — Windows 7, 8GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
    HP p6320y — Windows 7, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GT 240
    HP p7-1026 — Windows 7, 6GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
    HP p6787c — Windows 7, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GT 240

  • Cat c6509 E with Supervisor vs-s720-10g reload and Cache error detected!

    Can you help me Cat c6509-E reload 
    connect console  I see :
    Initializing ATA monitor library…
    Self extracting the image… [OK]
    Self decompressing the image : ############################# [OK]
                  Restricted Rights Legend
    Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is
    subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph
    (c) of the Commercial Computer Software — Restricted
    Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph
    (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
    Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.
               cisco Systems, Inc.
               170 West Tasman Drive
               San Jose, California 95134-1706
    Cisco IOS Software, s72033_sp Software (s72033_sp-IPBASEK9-M), Version 12.2(33)SXI1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
    Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
    Copyright (c) 1986-2009 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Compiled Sat 28-Mar-09 10:48 by prod_rel_team
    Image text-base: 0x40101328, data-base: 0x421FFA10
    Cache error detected!
      CPO_ECC     (reg 26/0): 0x000000B6
      CPO_CACHERI (reg 27/0): 0x84000000
      CP0_CAUSE   (reg 13/0): 0x00004800
    Real cache error detected.  System will be halted.
    Error: Primary data cache, fields: , 1st dword
    Actual physical addr 0x00000000,
    virtual address is imprecise.
     Imprecise Data Parity Error
     Imprecise Data Parity Error
     22:12:30 UTC Tue Mar 24 2015: Interrupt exception, CPU signal 20, PC = 0x413EB310
       Possible software fault. Upon reccurence, please collect
       crashinfo, «show tech» and contact Cisco Technical Support.
    -Traceback= 414EDA90 
    $0 : 00000000, AT : 42510000, v0 : 00000000, v1 : 00000001
    a0 : 43757CC4, a1 : 00040110, a2 : 45762ECE, a3 : 00000000
    t0 : 44997CF0, t1 : 00000000, t2 : D5303A40, t3 : 00003A40
    t4 : 0000004F, t5 : 0000005F, t6 : 68C8F600, t7 : 00000000
    s0 : BEDA4010, s1 : 00000000, s2 : 00000000, s3 : 44086D60
    s4 : 45762ECC, s5 : 00000001, s6 : 00000080, s7 : 44080000
    t8 : 45762ECC, t9 : 00000000, k0 : 841E6970, k1 : 02951800
    gp : 4250FC60, sp : 44997D48, s8 : 4499848E, ra : 413EB310
    EPC  : 414EDA90, ErrorEPC : 413EB310, SREG     : 3400F105
    MDLO : 00159DC0, MDHI     : 00000000, BadVaddr : 00000000
    DATA_START : 0x421FFA10
    Cause 00004800 (Code 0x0): Interrupt exception
    File bootflash:crashinfo_20150324-221230 Device Error :No such device
    %Software-forced reload
     22:12:30 UTC Tue Mar 24 2015: Breakpoint exception, CPU signal 23, PC = 0x4171F5E0
       Possible software fault. Upon reccurence, please collect
       crashinfo, «show tech» and contact Cisco Technical Support.
    -Traceback= 4171F5E0 4171D184 40F4F26C 40F4F450 40F4F670 4171282C 
    $0 : 00000000, AT : 42510000, v0 : 441D0000, v1 : 424C0000
    a0 : 00000000, a1 : 00008100, a2 : 00000000, a3 : 00000000
    t0 : 0000FF00, t1 : 3401FF01, t2 : 41712918, t3 : FFFF00FF
    t4 : 41712918, t5 : 73206265, t6 : 65746563, t7 : 20546865
    s0 : 00000000, s1 : 424C0000, s2 : 00000000, s3 : 08000000
    s4 : 42380000, s5 : 42380000, s6 : 41D90000, s7 : 00000001
    t8 : 506D5CC4, t9 : 00000000, k0 : 00000000, k1 : 00000000
    gp : 4250FC60, sp : 50012420, s8 : 41D90000, ra : 4171D184
    EPC  : 4171F5E0, ErrorEPC : 413EB310, SREG     : 3401FF03
    MDLO : 00000000, MDHI     : 00000003, BadVaddr : 00000000
    DATA_START : 0x421FFA10
    Cause 00000024 (Code 0x9): Breakpoint exception
    === Flushing messages (22:12:30 UTC Tue Mar 24 2015) ===
    Buffered messages:
    Queued messages:
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.695: %SYS-3-LOGGER_FLUSHING: System pausing to ensure console debugging output.
    Firmware compiled 19-Feb-09 20:18 by weizhan Build [100]
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: Error address Lo=0x4010
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: Error address Hi=0x1EDA
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: Interrupt Hi reg=0x0
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: Interrupt lo reg=0x8000000
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-DUMP: System controller Global Registers Dump
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: global hazard reg=0x0
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: soft reset cfg reg=0x10FFFF
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: global cfg reg=0x20
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: init status reg=0x8
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: ibl cfg reg=0xE
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: prio map cfg reg=0x0
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: ecc error log reg=0x0
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: parity error log reg=0x0
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: jtag idcode reg=0x5013102F
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: work status reg hi=0x0
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: work status reg lo=0x0
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: eobc rxstat reg=0x11FE
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: eobc txstat reg=0x0
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: eobc mac cfg reg=0xE24
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: inbound rxstat reg=0x0
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: inbound txstat reg=0x0
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: io int stat reg=0x408
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: pcmcia cfg reg=0x1A0
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: pcmcia stat reg=0x3C
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: bist go stat reg=0x0
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: bist done stat reg=0x0
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: ibl debug reg 0=0x0
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: ibl debug reg 1=0x0
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: ibl debug reg 2=0x0
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: obl debug reg 0=0x0
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: obl debug reg 1=0x0
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: rxq debug reg=0x0
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: txq debug reg=0x0
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: gigmac cfg reg=0x1001
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-INFO1: gigmac stat reg=0x0
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.667: %SYSTEM_CONTROLLER-3-FATAL: An unrecoverable error has been detected. The system is being reset.
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.695: %SYS-3-LOGGER_FLUSHING: System pausing to ensure console debugging output.
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.695: %SYS-3-LOGGER_FLUSHED: System was paused for 00:00:00 to ensure console debugging output.
    *Mar 24 22:12:30.695: %OIR-6-CONSOLE: Changing console ownership to switch processor
    *** System received a Cache Parity Exception ***
    signal= 0x14, code= 0x84000000, context= 0x441ce024
    PC = 0x4171295c, Cause = 0x820, Status Reg = 0x34018002
    System Bootstrap, Version 8.5(3)
    Copyright (c) 1994-2008 by cisco Systems, Inc.
    Cat6k-Sup720/SP processor with 1048576 Kbytes of main memory
    Autoboot: failed, BOOT string is empty
    Autoboot executing command: «boot «

    Hello Abubaker,
    It crashed due to a parity error.
     Imprecise Data Parity Error
     Imprecise Data Parity Error
    Which in other words means, a temporary error in memory. On single occurence adivice is to monitor the supervisor for re-occurence of such failure again. You can monitor it for 24 — 48 hours and if its a hard failure , the likelyhood of issue coming again is more and you need to replace supervisor. If it does not repeat you can consider this as a one time issue and contnue using it. 
    Hope this helps and please always rate useful posts.

  • I have encountered the new error «Fatal internal error fpinit.cpp line 7398

    I get the error message «Fatal internal error fpinit.cpp line 7398».
    I use: 
    TestStand 2.0
    LabView 7.1
    Vision 7.1
    uEye USb Camera
    I’ve included into my TestStand programm some new steps that control the uEye USB Camera.
    I use following steps (all steps written in LabView):
    — Initialze Camera
    — Wait
    — Close Camera
    — Wait
    I have the settings «Load dynamically» in TestStand»
    If I use also the setting «Unload  after sequence executes» and start the sequence I get somtimes a LabView error after running the Step for the Camera initialization. LabView is sometimes immediatlly closed. This happen at leased after 10 turns/starts of the programm. If I use the loop functions «Loop on selected steps» it happen only sometimes at the first loop. The initialize Camera Step is every time pass, if TestStand try to run the next step I get a error.( Sometimes I get also the message ActiveX Server got lost)  
    I detected also that sometimes in this case a constant in a other vi is emty. 
    Normally I use the setting «Unload  when sequence file is closed» then I have the problem only sometimes at the first turn.
    If the initialize Camera step is succesfull I have no problem with further camera steps.
    lvlog02-18-10-09-34-10.txt ‏1 KB
    Copy of Error.jpg ‏76 KB
    Copy of Error2.jpg ‏42 KB

    Hi Alex,
    I’d suggest to replace all ctl. with new ones.
    Perhaps one of them is corrupt.
    You will find a documentation about preferred execution system
    in the LabVIEW help. I also attached this files.
    help1.gif ‏37 KB
    help2.gif ‏11 KB

  • Error detected while attempting to run job

    Hi everyone,
    One of my users tried to run a rule in Hyperion Planning and an error occurred:   Error detected while attempting to run job
    When I went to Essbase, I found that when I launched the rule an error appeared:
    ERROR — 1006059 — Invalid block header: Illegal block type — Please use the IBH Locate/Fix utilities to find/fix the IBH problem.
    I read that it could be an issue related to corrupted blocks. I’m not familiar with MXL and I read that there are commands that I could run. Someody could provide me help?

    I have XCP files:
    —— Exception Error Log Begin ——
    Current Date & Time:   Thu Nov 07 13:31:38 2013
    Process Type:          Application
    Application Name:      HYPCOLAN
    Database Name:         COSTS
    Exception Log File:    c:HyperionlogsessbaseappHYPCOLANCOSTSlog00001.xcp
    Current Thread Id:     5940
    Exception Code:        0xC0000005=Access Violation
    Exception Flags:       0x00000000=Continuable
    Exception Address:     0x603B569F
    Exception Parameters:  2
    Exception Parameter 0: 0x00000001=Write Violation
    Exception Parameter 1: 0x57970000 (Virtual Address)
    —— Machine Registers ——
    General Registers:
       EAX=0x795D0E18  EBX=0x5796FFF8  ECX=0x57970038
       EDX=0x0DC0F6CC  ESI=0x00000048  EDI=0xFD320000
    Control Registers:
       CS =0x0000001B  EIP=0x603B569F  Flg=0x00010283
       SS =0x00000023  ESP=0x024ACBB0  EBP=0x024ACBCC
    Segment Registers:
       DS =0x00000023  ES =0x00000023  FS =0x0000003B
       GS =0x00000000
    Floating Point Registers:
       CWD=0xFFFF027F  SWD=0xFFFF3920  TWD=0xFFFF3FFF
       EOF=0x603B5699  ESL=0x0505001B  DOF=0x603E9B50
       DSL=0xFFFF0023  CRS=0x00000000
    Register Area (Hex):
       00 B0 B0 3A F7 7C 1D 90 CE BF
       00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
       00 00 00 00 FC 09 A0 95 26 40
       00 00 C0 C6 B2 2C 7B 91 28 40
    Debug Registers:
       DR0=0x00000000  DR1=0x00000000  DR2=0x00000000
       DR3=0x00000000  DR6=0x00000000  DR7=0x00000000
    —— Stack ——
    Stack Trace:
        0: 0x603b569f [email protected] + 0x9c22f 0x00000000010cf0a4 0x000000000dc0f6cc 0x000000000dc0f378 0x000000004a25db00
        1: 0x603b6ba8 [email protected] + 0x9d738 0x00000000010cf0a4 0x000000000032af01 0x0000000000000004 0x000000000000198a
        2: 0x603bb76b [email protected]gin + 0xa22fb 0x00000000010cf0a4 0x000000004a25db00 0x000000000dc0f330 0x000000000da45d00
        3: 0x603bc2d1 [email protected] + 0xa2e61 0x00000000000003a8 0x00000000010cf0a4 0x000000004a25db00 0x00000000214e006c
        4: 0x603bc441 [email protected] + 0xa2fd1 0x000000004a25db00 0x00000000024ad2a8 0x00000000010cf0a4 0x0000000000000000
        5: 0x603bf614 [email protected] + 0xa61a4 0x00000000010cf0a4 0x000000000025db00 0x0000000000000000 0x00000000010cf0a4
        6: 0x6037dc5f [email protected] + 0x647ef 0x0000000000000002 0x0000000000000000 0x00000000010cf0a4 0x00000000024ad2a8
        7: 0x6037e28d [email protected] + 0x64e1d 0x00000000010cf0a4 0x00000000024ad2a8 0x0000000000000002 0x0000000000000000
        8: 0x60376993 [email protected] + 0x5d523 0x000000000013003a 0x0000000000000000 0x00000000010cf0a4 0x00000000004ad200
        9: 0x601c902e [email protected]Map + 0x1115e 0x000000000000012c 0x00000000596ea148 0x0000000000000000 0x00000000024ad40c
       10: 0x601af5d2 [email protected] + 0x3172 0x00000000010cf0a4 0x00000000010cc462 0x000000000dc99940 0x000000000dc48fd8
       11: 0x601af718 [email protected] + 0x32b8 0x00000000010cf0a4 0x00000000010cc462 0x00000000588edfd8 0x0000000000000000
       12: 0x601b02c5 [email protected] + 0x3e65 0x00000000010cf0a4 0x000000000dc2d540 0x00000000010cf0a4 0x00000000604d283d
       13: 0x6032eb72 [email protected] + 0x15702 0x00000000010cf0a4 0x000000000dc6a0a4 0x000000000dc6a008 0x00000000024af660
       14: 0x6032db25 [email protected] + 0x146b5 0x000000000dc6a0a4 0x000000000dc6a008 0x00000000024af660 0x00000000604cfbba
       15: 0x603320d8 [email protected] + 0x18c68 0x00000000010cf0a4 0x000000000000000d 0x00000000024af660 0x0000000000004650
       16: 0x602ed5ac [email protected] + 0x467c 0x00000000010cf0a4 0x0000000000004650 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
       17: 0x602eec17 [email protected] + 0x5ce7 0x00000000000cf0a4 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x00000000010cf0a4
       18: 0x77e6481f [email protected] + 0xdf 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
    —— Application-Wide Configuration ——
    Server Name:          
    Application Name:      HYPCOLAN
    Elapsed App Time:      00:21:23:39
    Module Count:          16
    —— Operating System Resources ——
    System Date & Time:    Thu Nov 07 13:31:39 2013
    Elapsed OS Time:       13:21:34:36
    OS Name & Version:     Windows NT 5.02
    CPU Count:             16
    CPU Type:              Pentium
    Correct System Memory information currently not available
    Swap Flags:
       Enabled:            Y
       Disabled:           N
       File Found:         Y
       Denied:             N
    Swap file(s):          c:pagefile.sys
    Correct Swap Space information currently not available
    Total Drives:          6
    Current Drive:         3
    Drive  3:
       Drive Name:         C
       Volume Label:       Local Disk
       Drive Type:         Fixed
       File System:        NTFS
       Total Drive Space:  142689329 KB
       Free Drive Space:   71187620 KB
       Used Drive Space:   71501709 KB
    Drive  4:
       Drive Name:         D
       Volume Label:       Drive_D
       Drive Type:         Fixed
       File System:        NTFS
       Total Drive Space:  292415096 KB
       Free Drive Space:   18586252 KB
       Used Drive Space:   273828844 KB
    Drive  5:
       Drive Name:         E
       Volume Label:      
       Drive Type:         Unknown
       File System:        Unknown
       Total Drive Space:  0 KB
       Free Drive Space:   0 KB
       Used Drive Space:   0 KB
    Drive  6:
       Drive Name:         F
       Volume Label:      
       Drive Type:         Unknown
       File System:        Unknown
       Total Drive Space:  0 KB
       Free Drive Space:   0 KB
       Used Drive Space:   0 KB
    Drive  7:
       Drive Name:         G
       Volume Label:      
       Drive Type:         Unknown
       File System:        Unknown
       Total Drive Space:  0 KB
       Free Drive Space:   0 KB
       Used Drive Space:   0 KB
    Drive 21:
       Drive Name:         U
       Volume Label:      
       Drive Type:         Unknown
       File System:        Unknown
       Total Drive Space:  0 KB
       Free Drive Space:   0 KB
       Used Drive Space:   0 KB
    —— System-Wide Configuration ——
    Elapsed Essbase Time:  00:21:23:39
    Essbase Version:       11.1.1
    Essbase Description:   ESB11.
    Network Type:          Windows Sockets
    Environment Variable:  ARBORPATH                 = c:HyperionproductsEssbaseEssbaseServer
    Environment Variable:  ARBORMSGPATH              = c:HyperionproductsEssbaseEssbaseServerbin
    Module Count:          16
    Module  0:
       Module Version:
       Module Description: ESB11.
       Module Use Count:   2
    Module  1:
       Module Version:
       Module Description: ESB11.
       Module Use Count:   2
    Module  2:
       Module Version:
       Module Description: ESB11.
       Module Use Count:   2
    Module  3:
       Module Version:
       Module Description: ESB11.
       Module Use Count:   2
    Module  4:
       Module Version:
       Module Description: ESB11.
       Module Use Count:   2
    Module  5:
       Module Version:
       Module Description: ESB11.
       Module Use Count:   2
    Module  6:
       Module Version:
       Module Description: ESB11.
       Module Use Count:   2
    Module  7:
       Module Version:
       Module Description: ESB11.
       Module Use Count:   2
    Module  8:
       Module Version:
       Module Description: ESB11.
       Module Use Count:   2
    Module  9:
       Module Version:
       Module Description: ESB11.
       Module Use Count:   2
    Module 10:
       Module Version:
       Module Description: ESB11.
       Module Use Count:   2
    Module 11:
       Module Version:
       Module Description: ESB11.
       Module Use Count:   2
    Module 12:
       Module Version:
       Module Description: ESB11.
       Module Use Count:   2
    Module 13:
       Module Version:
       Module Description: ESB11.
       Module Use Count:   2
    Module 14:
       Module Version:
       Module Description: ESB11.
       Module Use Count:   2
    Module 15:
       Module Version:
       Module Description: ESB11.
       Module Use Count:   2
    —— ESSBASE.CFG Configuration Values ——
    Configuration Value:   JvmModuleLocation         = c:HyperioncommonJRESun1.5.0binclientjvm.dll
    Configuration Value:   AuthenticationModule      = CSS
    Configuration Value:   PORTINC                   = 3
    Configuration Value:   DataErrorLimit            = 65000
    Configuration Value:   CalcCacheHigh             = 1100000000
    Configuration Value:   CalcCacheDefault          = 500000000
    Configuration Value:   CalcCacheLow              = 30000000
    Configuration Value:   CalcLockBlockHigh         = 4000000
    Configuration Value:   CalcLockBlockDefault      = 900000
    Configuration Value:   CalcLockBlockLow          = 400000
    Configuration Value:   UpdateCalc                = False
    Configuration Value:   NetDelay                  = 3000
    Configuration Value:   NetRetryCount             = 1000
    Configuration Value:   MultipleBitmapMemCheck    = True
    Configuration Value:   ParCalcMultipleBitmapMemOpt = True
    Configuration Value:   DYNCALCCACHEWAITFORBLK    = TRUE
    Configuration Value:   DYNCALCCACHEBLKRELEASE    = TRUE
    Configuration Value:   DYNCALCCACHEMAXSIZE       = 600M
    Configuration Value:   DYNCALCCACHECOMPRBLKBUFSIZE = 400M
    Configuration Value:   CalcLimitFormulaRecursion = TRUE;
    Configuration Value:   AGENTPORT                 = 1423
    Configuration Value:   SERVERPORTBEGIN           = 32768
    Configuration Value:   SERVERPORTEND             = 33768
    Configuration Value:   AGENTDESC                 = hypservice_1
    —— Client Request Activity ——
    Server Name:          
    Application Name:      HYPCOLAN
    Total Request Threads: 20
    Avail Request Threads: 19
    Total Requests:        220
    Average Requests:      111.000000
    Weighted Average:      0.007431
    Statistics Per Minute:
       Current Requests:   0
       Minimum Requests:   0.000000
       Maximum Requests:   111.000000
    Thread Count:          20
    Thread Id 3324:
       Request Name:        GetAttributeNameSpecs
       Database Name:       COSTS
       User Name:           admin
       Start Time:          Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
       End Time:            Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
    Thread Id 4060:
       Request Name:        GetMbrInfo
       Database Name:       COSTS
       User Name:           admin
       Start Time:          Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
       End Time:            Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
    Thread Id 1692:
       Request Name:        OtlQueryAttrib
       Database Name:       COSTS
       User Name:           admin
       Start Time:          Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
       End Time:            Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
    Thread Id 736:
       Request Name:        OtlQueryAttrib
       Database Name:       COSTS
       User Name:           admin
       Start Time:          Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
       End Time:            Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
    Thread Id 5288:
       Request Name:        OtlQueryAttrib
       Database Name:       COSTS
       User Name:           admin
       Start Time:          Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
       End Time:            Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
    Thread Id 784:
       Request Name:        OtlQueryMbrs
       Database Name:       COSTS
       User Name:           admin
       Start Time:          Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
       End Time:            Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
    Thread Id 220:
       Request Name:        GetSelectedMbrInfo
       Database Name:       COSTS
       User Name:           admin
       Start Time:          Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
       End Time:            Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
    Thread Id 4356:
       Request Name:        OtlQueryAttrib
       Database Name:       COSTS
       User Name:           admin
       Start Time:          Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
       End Time:            Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
    Thread Id 6100:
       Request Name:        OtlQueryAttrib
       Database Name:       COSTS
       User Name:           admin
       Start Time:          Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
       End Time:            Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
    Thread Id 5944:
       Request Name:        OtlQueryAttrib
       Database Name:       COSTS
       User Name:           admin
       Start Time:          Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
       End Time:            Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
    Thread Id 4880:
       Request Name:        OtlQueryAttrib
       Database Name:       COSTS
       User Name:           admin
       Start Time:          Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
       End Time:            Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
    Thread Id 1128:
       Request Name:        OtlQueryMbrs
       Database Name:       COSTS
       User Name:           admin
       Start Time:          Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
       End Time:            Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
    Thread Id 5728:
       Request Name:        OtlQueryAttrib
       Database Name:       COSTS
       User Name:           admin
       Start Time:          Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
       End Time:            Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
    Thread Id 5960:
       Request Name:        OtlQueryAttrib
       Database Name:       COSTS
       User Name:           admin
       Start Time:          Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
       End Time:            Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
    Thread Id 1208:
       Request Name:        GetOtlUMC
       Database Name:       COSTS
       User Name:           admin
       Start Time:          Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
       End Time:            Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
    Thread Id 5240:
       Request Name:        OtlQueryAttrib
       Database Name:       COSTS
       User Name:           admin
       Start Time:          Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
       End Time:            Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
    Thread Id 1768:
       Request Name:        OtlQueryAttrib
       Database Name:       COSTS
       User Name:           admin
       Start Time:          Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
       End Time:            Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
    Thread Id 3648:
       Request Name:        OtlQueryAttrib
       Database Name:       COSTS
       User Name:           admin
       Start Time:          Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
       End Time:            Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
    Thread Id 1736:
       Request Name:        GetOtlInfo
       Database Name:       COSTS
       User Name:           admin
       Start Time:          Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
       End Time:            Thu Nov 07 13:31:33 2013
    Thread Id 5940:
       Request Name:        MaxL: Execute
       Database Name:       COSTS
       User Name:           admin
       Start Time:          Thu Nov 07 13:31:38 2013
       End Time:            Pending
    —— Exception Error Log End ——

  • ORA-01280: Fatal LogMiner Error in DBA_CAPTURE.

    I setup a downstream real time apply replication with oracle instructions. It works fine for a few days. I changed the mount point (file system) of the database files and redo log files for source database, with a regular shutdown and startup. After that, I got error message at DBA_CAPTURE of downstream database:
    ORA-01280: Fatal LogMiner Error
    And corresponding error in alert log file:
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [krvxbpx20], [1], [242], [37], [16], [], [], []
    Thu Apr 2 00:39:02 2009
    TLCR process death detected. Shutting down TLCR
    Thu Apr 2 00:39:04 2009
    Streams CAPTURE C001 with pid=35, OS id=21145 stopped
    Thu Apr 2 00:39:04 2009
    Errors in file /oracle/admin/hcarp/bdump/hcarp_c001_21145.trc:
    ORA-01280: Fatal LogMiner Error.
    I am not sure if the source db reboot can cause this. I will appreciate if anybody can let me know
    1. What cause of this?
    2. How to prevent this from happening?
    3. What to do to recover/fix?
    Here is major part of the trace file /oracle/admin/hcarp/bdump/hcarp_c001_21145.trc:
    (source DB: DXP1P. Downstream DB: HCARP)
    Unix process pid: 21145, image: [email protected] (C001)
    *** 2009-03-25 17:56:58.472
    *** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2009-03-25 17:56:58.453
    *** SESSION ID:(413.68) 2009-03-25 17:56:58.453
    *** 2009-04-02 00:39:02.554
    knlc.c:2619: KRVX_CHECK_ERROR retval 205
    *** 2009-04-02 00:39:02.566
    Begin knlcDumpCapCtx:*******************************************
    Error 1280 : ORA-01280: Fatal LogMiner Error.
    Capture Name: REAL_TIME_CAPTURE : Instantiation#: 1
    *** 2009-04-02 00:39:02.566
    ++++ Begin KNST dump for Sid: 413 Serial#: 68
    Init Time: 03/25/2009 17:55:35
    ++++Begin KNSTCAP dump for : REAL_TIME_CAPTURE
    Capture#: 1 Logminer_Id: 1 State: CAPTURING CHANGES [ 04/02/2009 00:38:59]
    Capture_Message_Number: 0x0003.8ae9479a [15215445914]
    Capture_Message_Create_Time: 04/02/2009 00:32:46
    Enqueue_Message_Number: 0x0003.8ae27ad3 [15215000275]
    Enqueue_Message_Create_Time: 01/01/1988 00:00:00
    Total_Messages_Captured: 116442
    Total_Messages_Created: 118344 [ 04/02/2009 00:38:59]
    Total_Messages_Enqueued: 1457 [ 03/27/2009 12:33:08]
    Total_Full_Evaluations: 471
    Elapsed_Capture_Time: 55956708 Elapsed_Rule_Time: 17
    Elapsed_Enqueue_Time: 141 Elapsed_Lcr_Time: 864
    Elapsed_Redo_Wait_Time: 6937736 Elapsed_Pause_Time: 0
    ++++End KNSTCAP dump
    ++++ End KNST DUMP
    +++ Begin DBA_CAPTURE dump for: REAL_TIME_CAPTURE
    Capture_Type: DOWNSTREAM
    Source_Database: DXP1P
    Use_Database_Link: YES
    Logminer_Id: 1 Logfile_Assignment: IMPLICIT
    Status: ENABLED
    First_Scn: 0x0003.8adf5aa5 [15214795429]
    Start_Scn: 0x0003.8adf5aa5 [15214795429]
    Captured_Scn: 0x0003.8ae8f942 [15215425858]
    Applied_Scn: 0x0003.8ae8f942 [15215425858]
    Last_Enqueued_Scn: 0x0003.8ae27ad3 [15215000275]
    Capture_User: STRMADMIN
    Rule_Set_Name[+]: «STRMADMIN».»RULESET$_11″
    Checkpoint_Retention_Time: 60
    +++ End DBA_CAPTURE dump
    PARALLELISM = 1 Set_by_User: NO
    STARTUP_SECONDS = 0 Set_by_User: NO
    TRACE_LEVEL = 0 Set_by_User: NO
    TIME_LIMIT = -1 Set_by_User: NO
    MESSAGE_LIMIT = -1 Set_by_User: NO
    MAXIMUM_SCN = 0xffff.ffffffff [281474976710655] Set_by_User: NO
    WRITE_ALERT_LOG = TRUE Set_by_User: NO
    ++ LogMiner Session Dump Begin::
    SessionId: 1 SessionName: REAL_TIME_CAPTURE
    Start SCN: 0x0000.00000000 [0]
    End SCN: 0x0000.00000000 [0]
    Processed SCN: 0x0003.8ae947a7 [15215445927]
    Prepared SCN: 0x0003.8ae94897 [15215446167]
    Read SCN: 0x0003.8ae948b1 [15215446193]
    Spill SCN: 0x0000.00000000 [0]
    Resume SCN: 0x0000.00000000 [0]
    Branch SCN: 0x0000.00000000 [0]
    Branch Time: 01/01/1988 00:00:00
    ResetLog SCN: 0x0003.8a502ab3 [15205411507]
    ResetLog Time: 03/06/2009 23:58:56
    DB ID: 1669710455 Global DB Name: DXP1P
    krvxvtm: Enabled threads: 1
    Current Thread Id: 1, Thread State 0x02
    Current Log Seqn: 243, Current Thrd Scn: 0x0003.8ae948b1 [15215446193]
    Current Session State: 0x0, Current LM Compat: 0xa200400
    Flags: 0x3fa102d0, Real Time Apply is On
    +++ Additional Capture Information:
    Capture Flags: 325
    Logminer Start SCN: 0x0003.8adf5aa5 [15214795429]
    Enqueue Filter SCN: 0x0003.8adf5aa5 [15214795429]
    Low SCN: 0x0003.8ae9479a [15215445914]
    Capture From Date: 01/01/1988 00:00:00
    Capture To Date: 01/01/1988 00:00:00
    Restart Capture Flag: NO
    Ping Pending: YES
    Buffered Txn Count: 0
    — Xid Hash entry —
    — LOB Hash entry —
    — No TRIM LCR —
    Unsupported Reason: 14
    — LCR Dump not possible —
    End knlcDumpCapCtx:*********************************************
    *** 2009-04-02 00:39:02.569
    error 1280 in STREAMS process
    ORA-01280: Fatal LogMiner Error.
    OPIRIP: Uncaught error 447. Error stack:
    ORA-00447: fatal error in background process
    ORA-01280: Fatal LogMiner Error.

    Look up Bug 6022014 at metlink.


Joined Jun 15, 2011


2,340 Posts

Discussion Starter



8 mo ago

I just re-seated the CPU this morning. I cleaned all the liquid metal off the surface and went back to regular thermal paste for now. No difference, it is still crashing on startup (gets to the welcome screen but then like clockwork, it freezes there if I have hyperthreading enabled. After it crashes, the system will reboot and I will get this error (from the z840 system alerting): If I disable hyperthreading the system passes any and all benchmarks and boots into windows without a hitch. I can also run prime without any crashing going on.

929-Fatal MCA error
Core 0 generic L2 cache generic error — poisoned data
CPU: 1
Status: 0xFE20000000000C110A
Misc: 0x0000000000000000
Address: 0x0000000000000000
Press ENTER to continue

People say this could be a memory issue manifesting itself as a CPU problem, but I have spare memory and swapped that in and it made no difference. Reason I am thinking its more CPU related and not memory is because the initial problem happened when I started running an AIDA64 torture test. it crashed under that load and I was never able to use hyperthreading again.

Not the end of the world I still have 36 cores to throw into the mix lol
Also, I can upgrade to v4 processors at some point if I can narrow this problem down and say definitively it needs a CPU.

I suppose the next step, since this is a dual processor rig, is to swap processors and see if the error gets tripped in the CPU 0 socket. Any other troubleshooting suggestions here?

Here is a look at eventvwr.msc and I don’t know if it’s related but just though I would iiclude a snip…

Rectangle Font Parallel Screenshot Technology


Joined Jun 15, 2011


2,340 Posts

Discussion Starter



8 mo ago

Pretty sure it’s the CPU guys…

Joined Oct 14, 2010


946 Posts

dayum dude, I got a Z440 mobo in a 3u server chassis with a 2660 v3, I wish I’d had seen this chip though… I hope you get it figured out.

You mentioned a dual CPU rig, so definitely run the machine with either CPU and see how far you get. Those Mobos aren’t expensive to replace if it’s a problem, thank god.

rileymurray: Thank you very much for joining the Intel® Processors communities.

In regard to your inquiries, from our side, the tool that we recommend to use to test the processor is the Intel® PDT, it is a very reliable tool and if the processor passed that test then it means that it should be working fine.

Now, Prime95 does an intense stress test, so high temperatures are expected. And yes, high temperatures will create instability on the system, when the PC is overheating you will noticed different symptoms, the PC will start to throttle, getting freeze and eventually it will go off by itself, since the processor has the feature to turn off the system if it gets really hot to avoid any type damage on the rest of the components.

The crashes can be very well related to the information provided on the Wikipedia links. We also have reports that it could be related to the memory RAM. To check if the memory RAM is fully compatible will be a good thing to try, the proper memory RAM for your system is the DDR3 800/1066/1333/1600:

http://ark.intel.com/products/64595/Intel-Xeon-Processor-E5-2670-20M-Cache-2_60-GHz-8_00-GTs-Intel-Q… http://ark.intel.com/products/64595/Intel-Xeon-Processor-E5-2670-20M-Cache-2_60-GHz-8_00-GTs-Intel-Q…

In order to try to fix this problem we recommend to do a BIOS update on the PC, so the best thing to do right now, will be to get in contact directly with the manufacturer of it to get the instructions of how to update the BIOS and to check if they have further suggestions on this matter. Also, if warranty assistance is needed due to a hardware failure, if the PC is under warranty they should be able to help you with that as well:

https://support.hp.com/us-en/contact-hp https://support.hp.com/us-en/contact-hp

Any further questions, please let me know.


Alberto R

Screen message

922—Front USB 2 Not


923—Fatal IRPP error.

924—Fatal IIO error

925—Fatal Misc. Error

927—Fatal error on DIMM in


928—Fatal error occurred in the

designated slot.

929—Fatal MCA Errorr

939—Front USB 3.0 Not


940—Front 1394 Not


941—PCIe Device(s) installed in

slots 3 or 4 with a single CPU

942—Memory Train Error

1801—Microcode Update Error

1802—Processor Not


Probable cause

Front USB 2 mechanism is missing or is

not connected.

A fatal miscellaneous chipset error is


Fatal multibit ECC error detected on the

DIMM in the slot labeled DIMM Y (where Y

is a number), as labeled on the system


Fatal error occurred in the designated


An MCA condition is detected on the


Front USB 3.0 mechanism is missing or is

not connected.

Front 1394 mechanism is missing or is

not connected.

Invalid system configuration.

A DIMM or DIMMs did not train correctly.

Unknown or unsupported processor


The system board does not support the


Recommended action


Reseat or replace the missing mechanism cable.


Replace or reconnect the missing Front USB 2

mechanism to the system board.


Reseat or replace the missing mechanism cable.

Potential system problem; contact HP Support.

Potential system problem; contact HP Support.

Replace the DIMM in the identified slot.

Move the card to a different slot. If the problem persists,

replace the card.


Replace or reconnect the missing Front USB 3.0

mechanism to the system board.


Reseat or replace the missing mechanism cable.


Replace or reconnect the missing Front 1394

mechanism to the system board.


Reseat or replace the missing mechanism cable.


Move the PCIe device from PCIe slots 3 and/or 4 to

other PCIe slots.


Add a second processor using appropriate HP

accessory kit.

The microcode update failed. If the processor stepping is

supported, contact HP Support.

Replace the processor with a compatible one.

Diagnostic codes and errors


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