Access runtime error 3044

Error 3044 problems include computer crashes, freezes, and possible virus infection. Learn how to fix these Microsoft Access runtime errors quickly and easily!
Icon Ex Error Number: Error 3044
Error Name: |’ is not a valid path
Error Description: |’ is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.
Developer: Microsoft Corporation
Software: Microsoft Access
Applies to: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11

Explanation of |’ is not a valid path

|’ is not a valid path is often called as runtime error (bug). To make sure that the functionality and operations are all working in a usable condition, software developers like Microsoft Corporation do debugging before software releases. Errors such as error 3044 sometimes get dropped from reporting, leaving the issue remaining unresolved in the software.

Error 3044 might be faced by Microsoft Access users if they are using the program regularly, also seen as «|’ is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.». At the time the error 3044 is encountered, the end-user can report the issue to Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft Corporation will then have the knowledge to investigate how and where to fix the issue. Consequently, the developer will use a Microsoft Access update package to resolve error 3044 and any other reported error messages.

What Triggers Runtime Error 3044?

The most common occurrences |’ is not a valid path problems is when loading up Microsoft Access. The following three most significant causes of error 3044 runtime errors include:

Error 3044 Crash — This is a common error 3044 runtime error that results in the program completely terminating. When the given input is invalid or does not adhere to the format expected, Microsoft Access (or OS) fails.

|’ is not a valid path Memory Leak — When a Microsoft Access memory leak happens, it will result in the operating system running sluggish due to a lack of system resources. Possible causes include failure of Microsoft Corporation to de-allocate memory in the program, or when bad code is executing an «infinite loop».

Error 3044 Logic Error — A logic error triggers the wrong output even when the user has given valid input data. This happens when Microsoft Corporation’s source code causes a flaw in information handling.

Typically, |’ is not a valid path errors are caused by a corrupt or missing Microsoft Access-associated file, sometimes due to malware infection. As a first troubleshootiong step, most PC professionals will attempt to replace the applicable version of the Microsoft Corporation file. Moreover, as an overall cleanup and preventive measure, we recommend using a registry cleaner to cleanup any invalid file, Microsoft Corporation file extension, or registry key entries to prevent related error messages.

Typical |’ is not a valid path Errors

Encountered |’ is not a valid path Problems with Microsoft Access Include:

  • «|’ is not a valid path Program Error.»
  • «Invalid Win32 Program: |’ is not a valid path»
  • «Sorry, |’ is not a valid path encountered a problem.»
  • «Can’t locate |’ is not a valid path»
  • «|’ is not a valid path is missing.»
  • «Error starting program: |’ is not a valid path.»
  • «|’ is not a valid path is not running.»
  • «|’ is not a valid path failure.»
  • «Fault in Software Path: |’ is not a valid path.»

Microsoft Access |’ is not a valid path issues occur with installation, while |’ is not a valid path-related software runs, during shutdown or startup, or less-likely during operating system updates. Notating when |’ is not a valid path errors occur is paramount in finding the cause of the Microsoft Access problems and reporting them to Microsoft Corporation for help.

|’ is not a valid path Issue Origins

Most |’ is not a valid path problems stem from a missing or corrupt |’ is not a valid path, virus infection, or invalid Windows registry entries associated with Microsoft Access.

More precisely, |’ is not a valid path errors created from:

  • |’ is not a valid path entry invalid or corrupt.
  • Virus or malware infection that has corrupted the |’ is not a valid path file or related Microsoft Access program files.
  • |’ is not a valid path maliciously, or mistakenly, removed by another software (apart from Microsoft Access).
  • |’ is not a valid path is in conflict with another program (shared file).
  • Corrupted installation or download of Microsoft Access (|’ is not a valid path).

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In my case the issue was with a local Access Library reference (*.accda). No, it wasn’t the usual problem of the reference not found. I had the referenced library in the same folder as the primary database, so it pulled in the relative path as it should. Iterating through the project references and examining the FullPath didn’t uncover the error either, since the path was correct there.

What I found was that I had to actually remove the reference, and add it back to the database (using the same path) for it to fully update the internal paths for the reference. This can be done programmatically, so it wasn’t a big deal. I have set up some code to do this on first run after an update, and all is well again.

Please Note:

If you are using the following code sample, you will need to define a function (AppVersion) to handle the current development version of your database. In my case, I used a custom property in the current database to hold this value.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Option Private Module

' Procedure : UpdateReferences
' Author    : Adam Waller
' Date      : 1/30/2017
' Purpose   : Update application references to latest versions.
Public Sub UpdateReferences()

    Const VB_PROJECT As Integer = 1

    Dim ref As Reference
    Dim intCnt As Integer
    Dim strLatest As String
    Dim strRelative As String
    Dim blnFirstRun As Boolean

    ' Check if this is the first run since this version was
    ' installed. (If so, remove and add library databases
    ' to make sure they register properly. Otherwise you may
    ' encounter odd errors like 3044 even though the reference
    ' path is set correctly.)
    blnFirstRun = (GetSetting(VBE.ActiveVBProject.Name, "Install", "Current Version") <> AppVersion)
    If blnFirstRun Then Debug.Print "Updating references on first run..."

    For intCnt = Application.References.Count To 1 Step -1
        Set ref = Application.References(intCnt)
        If ref.Kind = VB_PROJECT Then
            strRelative = GetRelativePath(ref.FullPath)
            If ref.FullPath <> strRelative Or blnFirstRun Then
                ' First run, or reference is not relative.
                ' Check to see if it exists locally.
                If Dir(strRelative) <> "" Then
                    ' Relative file found. Update to use this one instead.
                    Application.References.Remove ref
                    Set ref = Nothing
                    Set ref = Application.References.AddFromFile(strRelative)
                    Debug.Print "Updated " & ref.Name & " to relative path. (" & ref.FullPath & ")"
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Next intCnt

    ' Record current version after first run.
    If blnFirstRun Then SaveSetting VBE.ActiveVBProject.Name, "Install", "Current Version", AppVersion

End Sub

' Procedure : GetRelativePath
' Author    : Adam Waller
' Date      : 1/26/2017
' Purpose   : Gets the relative path of the file.
Private Function GetRelativePath(strPath As String) As String

    Dim strFile As String
    Dim intPos As Integer

    intPos = InStr(1, StrReverse(strPath), "")
    If intPos > 0 Then
        strFile = Mid(strPath, Len(strPath) - (intPos - 1))
        GetRelativePath = CodeProject.Path & strFile
        GetRelativePath = strPath
    End If

End Function

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Access Runtime Error 3044 Error Codes are caused in one way or another by misconfigured system files in your windows operating system.

If you have Access Runtime Error 3044 errors then we strongly recommend that you Download (Access Runtime Error 3044) Repair Tool .

This article contains information that shows you how to fix Access Runtime Error 3044 both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Access Runtime Error 3044 error code that you may receive.

Note: This article was updated on 2023-01-08 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794


What is Access Runtime Error 3044 error?

The Access Runtime Error 3044 error is the Hexadecimal format of the error caused. This is common error code format used by windows and other windows compatible software and driver vendors.

This code is used by the vendor to identify the error caused. This Access Runtime Error 3044 error code has a numeric error number and a technical description. In some cases the error may have more parameters in Access Runtime Error 3044 format .This additional hexadecimal code are the address of the memory locations where the instruction(s) was loaded at the time of the error.

What causes Access Runtime Error 3044 error?

The Access Runtime Error 3044 error may be caused by windows system files damage. The corrupted system files entries can be a real threat to the well being of your computer.

There can be many events which may have resulted in the system files errors. An incomplete installation, an incomplete uninstall, improper deletion of applications or hardware. It can also be caused if your computer is recovered from a virus or adware/spyware attack or by an improper shutdown of the computer. All the above actives may result in the deletion or corruption of the entries in the windows system files. This corrupted system file will lead to the missing and wrongly linked information and files needed for the proper working of the application.

How to easily fix Access Runtime Error 3044 error?

There are two (2) ways to fix Access Runtime Error 3044 Error:

Advanced Computer User Solution (manual update):

1) Start your computer and log on as an administrator.

2) Click the Start button then select All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then click System Restore.

3) In the new window, select «Restore my computer to an earlier time» option and then click Next.

4) Select the most recent system restore point from the «On this list, click a restore point» list, and then click Next.

5) Click Next on the confirmation window.

6) Restarts the computer when the restoration is finished.

Novice Computer User Solution (completely automated):

2) Install program and click Scan button.

3) Click the Fix Errors button when scan is completed.

4) Restart your computer.

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This tool will scan and diagnose, then repairs, your PC with patent pending technology that fix your windows operating system registry structure.
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Best Way To Fix Vb6 Runtime Error 3044

Table of Contents

PC running slow?

This guide will help you if you encounter vb6 runtime error 3044. Runtime Error ‘3044’: (The BE database location on the network) is not a valid path. Make sure the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server where the file is located. ” This error is definitely a Microsoft Visual Basic message box that has Next / End / Debug by default.

MS Access Error 3044 Occurred. Isn’t it a valid path error when validating an Access database?

If yes, then there is one blog that you are really interested in. Because it contains complete information about runtime error 3044: Invalid path.

Practical Scenario:

I have a database (commercial database) pointing to another different index (production database) in the same folder on my intranet. There are dozens of people who have no problem working with such databases. The three people in the database she opened would have named the attendant, but as soon as they clicked one of the attendant buttons, they got a nice error message that said “production base yesdata “may be invalid. to be described? Why shouldn’t most of our users have nightmares, but a select few?

Error Description:

Error: 3044 “(path)” is not a valid path. Make sure the pathname is spelled correctly and that you are normally connected to the server where the file is located

What Are The Indications That MS Access Is “the Wrong Way”?

Here are the circumstances under which Access sometimes indicates this is the wrong path for error:

• When there is a maximum mismatch between the Windows Internet architecture, database, and connection drivers. Then the following error will appear on the screen.

“Error: 3044” (Path) “is not a valid path. Make sure the path name is written in a safe and reliable manner and that you are connected to the server where the file is located.

… This Access runtime error 3044 occurs when you establish a connection to the .accdb client base in a domain that you can access from Plesk as “Microsoft Access Driver (* .mdb)”.

If you are youtake the ACCDB file parameter of the Access database, the following warnings will be returned:

Error. Unable to connect to learning resource data using the specified modalities. The server returned the following error:

ODBCError HY024: [Microsoft [Microsoft] Access ODBC Driver] “(unknown)” is not a valid path. Make sure our path is spelled correctly and that this method is connected to the server where the file portion resides.

• Web access returns the following error message:

ADODB. Connection error “800a0e7a”
The specified provider is usually not found. It may not be arranged correctly.
/index.asp line 43

• The drivers are installed in 64-bit version.
â € The path to index.asp step 43 is correct:

dbcomposicion2.Open (“Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source =” & Server.MapPath (“Folder name / file name.accdb”))

• Create a 64-bit ODBC system connection for the database with Windows ODBC Connections. And after that you try to load the page that comes from the browser with the following message:

21-12-2016 13:35:58 W3SVC16 WIN-83QBT29ETNJ GET /index.asp | 44 | 80004005 | [Microsoft] [ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architectural conflict between a driver and an application. 80 –

What Are The Reasons Why MS Access Is Not A Valid Path?

… The main reason for such serious errors lies in cooperation with the FW company. System tab files or paths don’t make sense here. When working with a manufacturing company, the entire application points to an invalid sysdata directory.

• You must have entered a medical record specification that contains an invalid path. For example, you entered a policy that does not exist, or you misspelled a field in the path specification.

… Or usually the specified file is on the network and you are not mapped to a specific drive. Make sure the network is available frequently and try again.

Hotfixes To Fix Runtime Error 3044: Invalid Path

Method 1. If Your Company Uses Flimworks (FW):

Click “Information” in the company name. The Company Information dialog box opens. . Touch the system information statement. Check if the database points to the frlspl32.mdb file in the IO_Data folder.

If the company you are linking to is largely company-generated, check most of the frx32.File cfg in the FRx directory. And make sure it points to the correct sysdata directory.

Method .2: .32 .bit .Version .Database .Engine. Download Package

• Download and install the 32-bit version of .MS .access .database .engine .item. on a .Windows server .Visit. some of the following links:

Method .3: .driver .connection .String

…. check that .driver .connection .string .in … or network file


Hopefully you need to find the perfect solution to troubleshoot Access Runtime Error 3044: This is an Invalid Path Error. So try and relive your experience with us often in the comments section.

Troubleshoot Microsoft Access
Perform a database scan using the Stellar Access Repair Database Tool, which fixes incompatible Access databases. Once the verification is complete, the restore process will restore the database to a normal state and fix any errors bki.

PC running slow?

ASR Pro is the ultimate solution for your PC repair needs! Not only does it swiftly and safely diagnose and repair various Windows issues, but it also increases system performance, optimizes memory, improves security and fine tunes your PC for maximum reliability. So why wait? Get started today!

By clicking the Install button and the Stellar Repair for Access button (14.8 MB, $ 79), you confirm that I have read and agree to the nature of the End User License Agreement and the privacy policy of this site.


No problems yet resolved with star refurbishment for

Search Begins: The software provides a hassle-free recovery and recovery of ACCDB and MDB database and recovers all objects including tables, reports, queries, records, versions and indexes, as well as modules and macros. Now troubleshoot Microsoft Access problems in 3 easy steps:

Pearson Willie

Pearson, Willie is a longtime author and content developer. In addition, he is also an avid website reader. Therefore, he is very familiar with the guidelines for writing interesting content for readers. Writing is a growing asset towards this goal. He enjoys learning his MS Access knowledge and sharing tech blogs.



PC running slow?

  • 1. Download ASR Pro from the website
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    This guide will help you if you encounter vb6 runtime error 3044. Runtime Error ‘3044’: (The BE database location on the network) is not a valid path. Make sure the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server where the file is located. ” This error is definitely a Microsoft Visual Basic message box that has Next / End / Debug by default.

    MS Access Error 3044 Occurred. Isn’t it a valid path error when validating an Access database?

    If yes, then there is one blog that you are really interested in. Because it contains complete information about runtime error 3044: Invalid path.

    Practical Scenario:

    I have a database (commercial database) pointing to another different index (production database) in the same folder on my intranet. There are dozens of people who have no problem working with such databases. The three people in the database she opened would have named the attendant, but as soon as they clicked one of the attendant buttons, they got a nice error message that said “production base yesdata “may be invalid. to be described? Why shouldn’t most of our users have nightmares, but a select few?

    Error Description:

    Error: 3044 “(path)” is not a valid path. Make sure the pathname is spelled correctly and that you are normally connected to the server where the file is located

    What Are The Indications That MS Access Is “the Wrong Way”?

    Here are the circumstances under which Access sometimes indicates this is the wrong path for error:

    • When there is a maximum mismatch between the Windows Internet architecture, database, and connection drivers. Then the following error will appear on the screen.

    “Error: 3044” (Path) “is not a valid path. Make sure the path name is written in a safe and reliable manner and that you are connected to the server where the file is located.

    vb6 runtime error 3044

    … This Access runtime error 3044 occurs when you establish a connection to the .accdb client base in a domain that you can access from Plesk as “Microsoft Access Driver (* .mdb)”.

    If you are youtake the ACCDB file parameter of the Access database, the following warnings will be returned:

    Error. Unable to connect to learning resource data using the specified modalities. The server returned the following error:

    ODBCError HY024: [Microsoft [Microsoft] Access ODBC Driver] “(unknown)” is not a valid path. Make sure our path is spelled correctly and that this method is connected to the server where the file portion resides.

    • Web access returns the following error message:

    ADODB. Connection error “800a0e7a”
    The specified provider is usually not found. It may not be arranged correctly.
    /index.asp line 43

    • The drivers are installed in 64-bit version.
    â € The path to index.asp step 43 is correct:

    dbcomposicion2.Open (“Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source =” & Server.MapPath (“Folder name / file name.accdb”))

    • Create a 64-bit ODBC system connection for the database with Windows ODBC Connections. And after that you try to load the page that comes from the browser with the following message:

    21-12-2016 13:35:58 W3SVC16 WIN-83QBT29ETNJ GET /index.asp | 44 | 80004005 | [Microsoft] [ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architectural conflict between a driver and an application. 80 –

    What Are The Reasons Why MS Access Is Not A Valid Path?

    … The main reason for such serious errors lies in cooperation with the FW company. System tab files or paths don’t make sense here. When working with a manufacturing company, the entire application points to an invalid sysdata directory.

    • You must have entered a medical record specification that contains an invalid path. For example, you entered a policy that does not exist, or you misspelled a field in the path specification.

    … Or usually the specified file is on the network and you are not mapped to a specific drive. Make sure the network is available frequently and try again.

    Hotfixes To Fix Runtime Error 3044: Invalid Path

    Method 1. If Your Company Uses Flimworks (FW):

    Click “Information” in the company name. The Company Information dialog box opens. . Touch the system information statement. Check if the database points to the frlspl32.mdb file in the IO_Data folder.

    If the company you are linking to is largely company-generated, check most of the frx32.File cfg in the FRx directory. And make sure it points to the correct sysdata directory.

    Method .2: .32 .bit .Version .Database .Engine. Download Package

    • Download and install the 32-bit version of .MS .access .database .engine .item. on a .Windows server .Visit. some of the following links:

    Method .3: .driver .connection .String

    …. check that .driver .connection .string .in … or network file


    Hopefully you need to find the perfect solution to troubleshoot Access Runtime Error 3044: This is an Invalid Path Error. So try and relive your experience with us often in the comments section.

    Troubleshoot Microsoft Access
    Perform a database scan using the Stellar Access Repair Database Tool, which fixes incompatible Access databases. Once the verification is complete, the restore process will restore the database to a normal state and fix any errors bki.

    PC running slow?

    ASR Pro is the ultimate solution for your PC repair needs! Not only does it swiftly and safely diagnose and repair various Windows issues, but it also increases system performance, optimizes memory, improves security and fine tunes your PC for maximum reliability. So why wait? Get started today!

    By clicking the Install button and the Stellar Repair for Access button (14.8 MB, $ 79), you confirm that I have read and agree to the nature of the End User License Agreement and the privacy policy of this site.

    vb6 runtime error 3044

    No problems yet resolved with star refurbishment for

    Search Begins: The software provides a hassle-free recovery and recovery of ACCDB and MDB database and recovers all objects including tables, reports, queries, records, versions and indexes, as well as modules and macros. Now troubleshoot Microsoft Access problems in 3 easy steps:

    Pearson Willie

    Pearson, Willie is a longtime author and content developer. In addition, he is also an avid website reader. Therefore, he is very familiar with the guidelines for writing interesting content for readers. Writing is a growing asset towards this goal. He enjoys learning his MS Access knowledge and sharing tech blogs.

    Improve the speed of your computer today by downloading this software — it will fix your PC problems.

    Najlepsza Strategia Naprawienia Błędu Wykonawczego Vb6 3044
    Best Geeft Aan Om Vb6 Runtime Error 3044 Op Te Lossen
    Bästa Valet För Att Fixa Vb6 Runtime Error 3044
    Лучший способ исправить ошибку воспроизведения Vb6 3044
    Il Modo Migliore Per Correggere L’errore Di Runtime Vb6 3044
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    Meilleure Idée Pour Corriger L’erreur D’exécution Vb6 3044
    La Mejor Estrategia Para Corregir El Error 3044 En Tiempo De Ejecución De Vb6
    Beste Möglichkeit, Den Vb6-Laufzeitfehler 3044 Zu Planen
    Melhor Maneira De Corrigir Erro 3044 De Tempo De Execução Vb6


    Registered User.

    • #1

    I have a BE database, that when opened, opens a form for saving the results of a query to a text file on the desktop.
    It works fine, if the full path is entered.
    The problem is, I want this saved on any users’ desktop.
    I did some digging and found the %userprofile% variable, which when used, gives me the error.
    I understand this should work in both Windows XP and Windows 7, which are the environments the full DB will operate in.
    So far the «EXPORT» button on the form has the following for the code:


    Private Sub BTN_Export_Click()
     DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , "QRY_ExportPublicComment", "C:UsersMark N. McAllisterDesktopPubComExp.txt"
    End Sub

    When I tried this:


    Private Sub BTN_Export_Click()
     Dim strPath As String
     strPath ="%userprofile%desktopPubComExp.txt"
     DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , "QRY_ExportPublicComment", strPath
    End Sub

    the error occurs.

    What’s wrong?


    Last edited: May 6, 2015

    • #2

    What is the error message of runtime error 3044? (We do not have the error texts engraved on the inside of our eyelids):D?


    • #3

    this path will be taken as a literal, and will not exist. you need to substitute the %userprofile% bit for a real folder

    strPath =»%userprofile%desktopPubComExp.txt»

    you need some way of replacing this

    %userprofile% with «C:UsersMark N. McAllister»


    • #4

    see if environ(«homepath») helps

    «C:» & environ(«homepath») & «desktopPubComExp.txt»
    might be close

    there are about 50 environ settings, but not an exact one for desktop.

    you can use either environ(x) or environ(«setting»)


    Registered User.

    • #5

    What is the error message of runtime error 3044? (We do not have the error texts engraved on the inside of our eyelids):D?

    Run-time error ‘3044’:
    ‘%userprofile%desktop’ is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.

    Upon Debug, this line is highlighted:
    DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , «QRY_ExportPublicComment», strPath

    I want it to export the file to the Desktop of the Current User, regardless of who is logged on to the workstation.



    Registered User.

    • #6

    see if environ(«homepath») helps

    «C:» & environ(«homepath») & «desktopPubComExp.txt»
    might be close

    there are about 50 environ settings, but not an exact one for desktop.

    you can use either environ(x) or environ(«setting»)

    Yes, the environ(«homepath») worked! I need to test it on-site.

    I read there’s a difference between 2003 & 2010; the DB is saved as 2003, but built in 2010.
    The main workstations will be XP w/2003.
    If there’s no problem, a big Thanks for Gemma-the-Husky



    Registered User.

    • #7

    Sorry Gemma-the-Husky.
    In XP w/ A2003, I get:

    «Compile error
    Project or library was not want found.»

    The «Environ» was highlighted.

    Anyone know a Plan B?

    I ran across this on another site:


    'This function is used to allow the use of the Environ function in Access 2003
    Public Function Environ(Expression)
    On Error GoTo Err_Environ
        Environ = VBA.Environ(Expression)
        Exit Function
        MsgBox Err.Description
        Resume Exit_Environ
    End Function

    I added this in A2010, but it erred out with something like ‘Expecting value not function’.

    Ed. I added the code as a module in A2003, but got the same message about ‘…not found.’


    Last edited: May 7, 2015


    Registered User.

    • #8

    I noticed «:» missing in the code (2 places).
    Now I get the 3044- invalid path error.
    Clearly not a solution


    Registered User.

    • #9


      13.2 KB · Views: 84

    Last edited: May 8, 2015


    • #10

    I found this problem with environ()

    environ works in vba, but won’t work in queries any more. (after A2003, I think). Must be to do with the SQL engine.

    You can use a function instead.

    in the query put the column definition as


    and have a function to set the string value.


     Public Function getDesktop() as string       
        getDeskTop = [B]"C:" & environ("homepath") & "desktopPubComExp.txt"[/B] 
     (or maybe)
         getDeskTop = [B]"C:" & vba.environ("homepath") & "desktopPubComExp.txt"[/B] 
     End Function

    if it still doesn’t work, then there is something wrong with your references, but I am surprised.

    Last edited: May 8, 2015


    Registered User.

    • #11

    I got a good solution from a user on another forum.


    Dim strPath As String
    Dim sUserProfile As String
    sUserProfile  = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%UserProfile%")
    strPath = sUserProfile & "desktopPubComExp.txt"
    DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , "QRY_ExportPublicComment", strPath

    This works. Although, I need to replace ‘desktop’ with the Japanese Katakana equivalent for it to work in the field (on Japanese OS machines).
    Thank you, and everyone else for your assistance.

    • July 14, 2005 at 6:20 am


      Multiple users were in my database, which is a FE/BE split MDB.

      Has anyone experienced errors like this:

      «Run-time error ‘3044’:

      (Location of the BE database on the network) is not a valid path.  Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.»

      This error is a Microsoft Visual Basic message box with standard continue/end/debug option.

      There was also a message box saying:

      «Disk or network error.»

      Is this file corruption?

      Sometimes the user is still connected to the network.  Sometimes the user is not connected to the network anymore.  Also, this seems to occur to a few people at a time.  Just a few though.  Two or three people who are in the database will have this message pop up and the rest of the users who are logged into the database experience no problems.  What is going on here?

    • mfromer

      Mr or Mrs. 500

      Points: 548

      Also, will moving to a MDB FE linked to a SQL Server 2000 BE through ODBC greatly reduce the chance for database corruption?

    • noeld

      SSC Guru

      Points: 96590

      When you use splitted Access DB every time you change the BE path you need to use the «Linked tables manager»  to refresh the location of it ( or do it through code)

      moving mdb file to SQL BE is not just to use a different BE you will probably need to change the way you code things ( and probably a lot

      * Noel

    • mfromer

      Mr or Mrs. 500

      Points: 548

      I know about linked tables.  I didn’t move the location of the BE.  The application dropped connectivity to the network while users were using it, for no apparent reason.  That’s why I wonder if the file was corrupted due to the poor performance of Jet as a database engine.

    • Michael Lee-169622


      Points: 1721

      Your users do not have the same share linked to the same path. If the FE is set up to find the BE at J:MyDBGoodStuff.mdb, then all users have to have drive J mapped to the same share. This is an issue with Access. You cannot use UNC names, it’s gotta be mapped, which also means you gotta be logged in in order to do any processing, no services doing stuff when you are logged out.

      Access if a fantastic application, considering it is designed as a PERSONAL data base, but because it is a personal DB, it has it’s limitations.

    • Kathy-82899

      Right there with Babe

      Points: 742

      Actually you can use a UNC name to link a FE access mdb to a BE access mdb.  I do this a lot.  Is the FE mdb file installed on each client or is everyone using one FE mdb file on the network?  I’ve had better success having the FE mdb installed locally on each client and one BE mdb in a common network folder.  If everyone is using the same FE mdb file on the network that may be what is causing the problem when you get too many people trying to use it at the same time.  That could cause corruption on the FE mdb file.

    • mfromer

      Mr or Mrs. 500

      Points: 548

      I began by using one shared FE mdb but switched to a locally installed FE mdb setup a while ago after reading other recommendations.  I just want to know whether there are significant advantages (other than back up and recovery) to using SQL server as the BE through ODBC linked tables.

    • Kathy-82899

      Right there with Babe

      Points: 742

      I support an application that is a FE mdb linked to SQL Server through ODBC and currently we have anywhere from 150 to 200 concurrent users.  We are starting to hit a threshold limit on this and are considering replacing the FE with a .Net application.  But we have operated just fine with this setup for the past 5 years.  My recommendation would be that if you are going to have to do substantial rewrite to use linked ODBC tables and you have the resouces to rewrite the FE in something other than Access to do that.  However, if it is a choice between Access using an Access database and Access using SQL Server, you will probably see improvement using SQL Server.

    • Michael Lee-169622


      Points: 1721

      Interesting about the ability to use UNC. I even created an incident with MS on that one, and was told no way. Of course, this was with Access 97. I think there are a few changes between 97 and 2003

      We run ~40 — 50 users on a shared server based FE to SQL Server BE. Never had any multiuser issues. The advantages are I know all my users are running the same version of the FE.

      As far a performance, 97 using linked tables to SQL Server blows away the competition with speed. 2000 and 2003 using linked tables are snails, and 2003 as a Project file can hold it’s own. Access Project returned so much of a better performance, that we migrated to it. The trouble with migrating to a Project file is every SQL command must be re-written in the SQL Server dialect, rather than the Access dialect, and there are a lot of differences.

    • mfromer

      Mr or Mrs. 500

      Points: 548

      I have a lot of form referenced action queries in my FE MDB, so moving to an Access Project FE would be an enormous amount of work.  I doubt the benefits will be worth the work.

      Michael Lee:

      I am operating on Access 2000.  Is Access 97 really much faster than Access 2000 and 2003?  Why do you think that is?  If you design the FE application correctly, shouldn’t the different versions run at about the same speed?  How much faster/slower are we talking about, and what is faster/slower?  Queries, forms, reports?


      What do you mean by starting to hit a threshold limit?  Based on Microsoft’s number of 256 users?  It is very reassuring to hear that you haven’t had any problems for five years using the Access FE SQL BE setup with 150-200 concurrent users.  Are you using Access 2000?  Have you had any performance/speed issues?  The conversion from an Access BE to a SQL server BE will be pretty painless for me.  It will not require much rewrite of the FE.  I have to move the Switchboard table to the FE instead of linking it in the BE and I had to rename a few fields, but that’s about it.  I could eventually move a few queries to the SQL server and link them.  That should increase some speed, right?

    • mfromer

      Mr or Mrs. 500

      Points: 548

    • Kathy-82899

      Right there with Babe

      Points: 742

      Sorry,  things got busy around here.  By threshold limit I mean that we are now starting to see performance and speed issues, problems with memory resources on the server, queries taking too long to execute and locks being held too long.  I think most of the problems we are having are due to the design of the FE application where most forms have at least 2 combo boxes that populate with all the records from a large table, (one allows selection by id number, one allows selection by person’s name).  As the size of the table continues to grow, performance is getting worse.  It’s more an issue of a poor FE design than the fact that it is an Access FE linked to SQL Server. 

    Viewing 12 posts — 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

    1. Access databases on a mapped network drive generates run time error 3044 first time

      One of my Access databases that is on a mapped network drive generates run time error 3044 when I connect to it for the first time.

      The full error is

      Run-time error ‘3044’:
      ‘G:pathtofile’ is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.

      This error is easily overcome by opening file explorer and clicking the mapped drive, which defaults to disconnected with a red ‘x’ so that it turns green.

      Is there anyway to make Access open that connection when file opens without having to go to explorer and click into it first?

    2. clicking the mapped drive, which defaults to disconnected with a red ‘x’ so that it turns green.

      You make that sound like a Windows problem if the user is losing a connection to a network drive. However if the issue is the drive letter because all users are not mapped to G then use UNC path instead: \serverNamefolder1folder2…

      The more we hear silence, the more we begin to think about our value in this universe.
      Paraphrase of Professor Brian Cox.

    3. Determine why drive does not connect automatically and resolve. Did you web search topic?…-reconnecting/…7-d49e3bb5899d

      Or as Micron suggested, use UNC path in database connections. Is this involving linked table object? Can set links by navigating through Network or use VBA to set links with UNC path.…66065#66866065

    4. Thanks for your responses. I got called to a different project and probably won’t be able to address this before Friday.

      I’ll try June’s suggestion of setting the source to full UNC in VBA.

      I’ll mark as solved but maybe re-open it if related issues persist.

    Please reply to this thread with any new information or opinions.

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    RUN TIME ERROR ‘3044’: ?!!?!?!??!

    RUN TIME ERROR ‘3044’: ?!!?!?!??!


    19 Jan 05 05:20

    I have ajobs database that tracks and logs all jobs. A database called ‘backup’ has been created which backups all the neccessary data.

    Now, when i save a form on the jobs database a runtime error ‘3044’ appears saying «r:jobbackup.mdb isnt a valid path. Make sure th path is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides»

    When i click the DEBUG button on this error the following code is highlighted:

    DoCmd.TransferDatabase acExport, _
        «Microsoft Access», _
        «R:jobbackup.MDB», _
        acTable, _

    I have checked the serer names, filenames etc… but it makes not difference! Also, i dont know if this helps, but this error has on recently appeared (few days before new years!)

    Can anyone help me please?!!?!?!?!


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