Active directory rcode name error

“An Active Directory Domain Controller Could not be Contacted” [Solved] Published:27 August 2019 — 7 min. read Read more tutorials by Stuart Squibb! Table of Contents Every IT admin managing machines in an Active Directory environment has been there. You try to add a computer to an Active Directory (AD) domain and get the […]


  1. “An Active Directory Domain Controller Could not be Contacted” [Solved]
  2. Ensure You’re Using the Right DNS Servers
  3. Find the True Error
  5. Troubleshoot Your Network Connection
  6. Check DNS connectivity
  7. 0x0000232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR
  8. Ensure You’re Using the Domain FQDN
  9. Check DNS records
  10. Summary
  11. Further Reading
  12. More from ATA Learning & Partners
  13. Recommended Resources!
  14. Get Paid to Write!
  15. ATA Learning Guidebooks
  16. Токарчук Андрей
  17. Когда не получается ввести компьютер в домен
  18. Спасибо!
  19. Fix: Active Directory Domain Controller Could Not Be Contacted
  20. Active Directory Domain Controller Could Not Be Contacted Error: What Does It Looks Like?
  21. How to Fix AD Domain Controller Could Not Be Connected Error?
  22. Check the IP Settings and DNS Settings on Your Computer
  23. Check IP Address
  24. Check DNS Client Settings
  25. Verify the Domain Controller Connectivity
  26. Check If the Domain Controller Connections Aren’t Blocked By the Firewall
  27. Check the DNS SRV Records on the Domain Controller
  28. Check DNS Records on your DC
  29. Update/Re-Register DNS SRV Records on DC
  30. Troubleshooting Error “an Active Directory Domain Controller Could not be Contacted”

“An Active Directory Domain Controller Could not be Contacted” [Solved]

Published:27 August 2019 — 7 min. read

Read more tutorials by Stuart Squibb!

Table of Contents

Every IT admin managing machines in an Active Directory environment has been there. You try to add a computer to an Active Directory (AD) domain and get the dreaded “An Active Directory Domain Controller Could not be Contacted” error. In this article, learn the steps to diagnose (and solve) this problem for good.

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This error is DNS-related. The main problem is that the computer has failed to find an appropriate SRV DNS record it needs to join the AD domain.

I’ve put together a few steps for you to follow to fix this error and get your computer joined to your domain.

Ensure You’re Using the Right DNS Servers

Before you get too far down a rabbit hole, first ensure you’re using the right DNS servers in the first place.

Active Directory and DNS have a special relationship. Domain controllers register specific records in DNS servers they know about. These live in the _ldap._tcp.dc.msdcs. zone and help AD-joined devices find resources such as domain controllers. SRV records won’t exist in DNS servers that aren’t AD-integrated.

To resolve this issue, you need to be using either:

  • An AD-integrated DNS server
  • A DNS server that replicates records from an AD aware DNS server
  • A DNS server that has forwarding set up to query either an AD-integrated DNS server or a DNS server with replicated records

To check that the DNS server you are using is one of the above, run the following command in a PowerShell session on an existing domain joined computer:

The responses you get under the ServerAddesses column are the DNS servers being used by that computer. If you don’t have another domain client to check, you will need to contact your network team for this information.

You can either use PowerShell’s Set-DnsClientServerAddress cmdlet to change the computer’s DNS client settings or via the IPv4 Properties dialog box for the network card of the computer. This is reached by going to Control Panel –> Network –> Internet –> Network Connections.

Once in the Network Connections window, right-click on the network card, choose Properties, choose Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and then click on Properties.

If the network uses Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), ensure the Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically options are selected.

If your network doesn’t use DHCP then update the Preferred DNS server and Alternative DNS server values to the correct ones you obtained earlier.

Find the True Error

If you’ve confirmed your computer has the correct DNS servers then it’s time to jump in a little further.

When you attempt to join a computer to a domain, the error “An Active Directory Domain Controller Could not be Contacted” comes up but it’s not the “true” error message. You need to dive a little deeper.

You’ll notice in the error dialog a Details >> button. Click that. This will return more granular information allowing you to troubleshoot this error better.

You can select the contents of the text box to copy and paste into a text viewer, or you can find the same information in the C:windowsdebugdcdiag.txt file on that machine. This file is created by the Windows when the error occurs.

The error text contains some key pieces of information. I’ve marked numbered and bolded each of these in the example below:

  • The domain name the machine thinks you’ve asked it to join (1)
  • The error code (2)
  • The DNS query that was made (3)
  • The DNS server(s) the machine queried (if any) (4)

Note: This information is intended for a network administrator. If you are not your network’s administrator, notify the administrator that you have received this information, which has been recorded in the file C:windowsdebugdcdiag.txt.

The following error occurred when DNS was queried for the service location (SRV) resource record used to locate an Active Directory Domain Controller (AD DC) for domain “carisbrookelabs.local”(1):

The error was: “DNS name does not exist.”
(error code 0x0000232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR) (2)

The query was for the SRV record for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.carisbrookelabs.local (3)

Common causes of this error include the following:

The DNS SRV records required to locate an AD DC for the domain are not registered in DNS. These records are registered with a DNS server automatically when an AD DC is added to a domain. They are updated by the AD DC at set intervals. This computer is configured to use DNS servers with the following IP addresses:

One or more of the following zones do not include delegation to its child zone: carisbrookelabs.local


This error indicates that the DNS server could not be found to even attempt the query. It didn’t even get a chance. This is typically due to no network connectivity to the DNS server.

Note that you can join a computer without a network connection known as an offline domain join, but that is outside of the scope of this article.

Troubleshoot Your Network Connection

If you see this error message, you’ll need to start doing some network troubleshooting.

  1. Check that your network adapter is enabled and you can connect to other network resources.
  2. Check that you have an IP address and DNS servers configured.

You can check for an IP address and DNS servers by running ipconfig /all .

If you have an IP address and can reach other network resources, you’ll need to test your connection between the computer and the DNS server.

To do so, you can use ping and PowerShell’s Test-Connection cmdlet. Test connectivity to the DNS server(s) using either of these two utilities. If Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) traffic is allowed on the network, you should get a response. If there’s an error or time-out, you most likely have some sort of networking issue, such as routing. Talk to your networking team to resolve the issue, then try the join again.

Check DNS connectivity

If you’ve confirmed your network connection is working, you’ll next need to ensure your computer can connect via TCP/53 to the DNS server.

Try using the Resolve-DNSName PowerShell cmdlet with the FQDN of the domain you are trying to join. This should return one or more DNS server records:

If you get an error, then it is worth checking that there’s nothing blocking IP traffic on port 53 (the port used for DNS traffic) between your machine and the DNS servers.

You can do a simple check for connectivity on port 53 using the Test-NetConnection cmdlet (not to be confused with the Test-Connection cmdlet):

You will get a response of True if the connection succeeds, or False if it fails. A failure could be due to a network or host-based firewall on the DNS server.


This error means it was able to find the DNS server but the SRV record wasn’t found. This error requires a little more troubleshooting.

Ensure You’re Using the Domain FQDN

It seems simple, but verify that the name you typed matches the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the domain you are trying to join. This should only be a domain name, not a server name. For example, use carisbrookelabs.local and not WIN-3467RQTHJH5.carisbrookelabs.local.

If there’s any doubt, check the domain name of an existing domain client. You can find the appropriate domain name by running this PowerShell command on an existing domain client.

If you attempt to use the NETBIOS name (contoso) vs. the FQDN (contoso.local), the computer might find the domain but Windows will treat the name as an FQDN anyway.

If you type a NETBIOS name and don’t have a WINS infrastructure in place you will get the error we’re trying to fix. Always use a FQDN rather than a NETBIOS name.

Check DNS records

For this step you are going to use Resolve-DNSName again. This time using the exact DNS record that was not retrieved when you tried to join your machine to the domain. Copy and paste it from the dcdiag.txt file mentioned in the introduction, or the copy of the error text you took earlier. This will avoid any typos with underscores and dashes.

Your command should look something like this:

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If you get DNS name does not exist as the response to this command, then your issue is with DNS.

  • Ensure you’re using the correct DNS server
  • Ensure the relevant records have not been deleted

If you get a positive response to Resolve-DNSName _msdcs. but get a DNS name does not exist from Resolve-DNSName _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs. , then the records are missing.

Re-register your domain controller’s DNS records using the command ipconfig /registerdns on each DC. It may take a few minutes for the records to appear.

Once you can confirm the presence of the required DNS record(s) using Resolve-DNSName then you should be good to go.


In this article, you’ve learned some steps to try when troubleshooting the error “An Active Directory Domain Controller Could not be Contacted”. It’s impossible to cover every single scenario in an article like this, but I hope the process works for you and gets you on the right path!

Further Reading

  • DNS and AD DS on Microsoft Docs
  • Test-Connection: Ping Remote Hosts the PowerShell Way
  • Resolve-DNSName cmdlet on Microsoft Docs
  • Using The PowerShell Test-NetConnection Cmdlet on Windows

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Токарчук Андрей

Мне 34 года. Профессионально занимаюсь PHP-программированием. В работе использую PHP, JS, Symfony, Doctrine и многое другое. А вообще мне нравится всё новое и интересное 🙂

Когда не получается ввести компьютер в домен

Довольно часто после всяческих экспериментов с сетевыми подключениями, переустановкой винды и прочего может возникнуть такая ситуация, что рабочая станция перестанет входить в домен. Это бывает по нескольким причинам. В этом посте я расскажу о двух из них

Ошибка при запросе DNS записи ресурса размещения службы (SRV), используемой для нахождения контроллера домена Active Directory

Полный текст ошибки может быть такой:

Ошибка при запросе DNS записи ресурса размещения службы (SRV), используемой для нахождения контроллера домена Active Directory для домена «domain.loc»:
Произошла ошибка: «DNS-имя не существует.»
(код ошибки: 0x0000232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR)

Опрос проводился для SRV-записи для _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.exigeant.loc
Возможны следующие причины ошибки:
— SRV-записи DNS, необходимые для нахождения контроллера домена Active Directory в этом домене, не зарегистрированы в службе DNS. Эти записи регистрируются на DNS-сервере автоматически при добавлении контроллера домена Active Directory в домен. Они обновляются контроллером домена Active Directory через заданные интервалы. Этот компьютер настроен на использование DNS-серверов со следующими IP-адресами:
— Одна или несколько зон из указанных ниже не содержит делегирование к своей дочерней зоне:
. (корневая зона)


  • Контроллер домена должен быть первым DNS сервером в списке. Если у вас в сетевои соединении прописано два DNS серера, например внутренний и внешний, то важно помнить, чтобы их порядок был правильным. Вы можете настроить порядок через кнопку «Дополнительно», закладку «DNS» в настройках сетевого подключения.
  • Также важным моментом является адрес DNS сервера, вы должны прописывать внутренний (а не вшешний) адрес вашего DNS-сервера (он же контроллер домена).

При присоединении к домену произошла следующая ошибка: Сетевая папка недоступна


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Fix: Active Directory Domain Controller Could Not Be Contacted

In this article, we’ll take a look at why it’s not possible to join a new computer to the Active Directory domain with an error Active Directory Domain Controller could not be contacted.

Active Directory Domain Controller Could Not Be Contacted Error: What Does It Looks Like?

A user or an administrator tries to join a new Windows workstation or server to the domain. To do this, open the System Properties on the workstation, and press Change settings > Change. Enter a new computer name, and select that this computer should be a member of a specified domain. Enter your AD domain FQDN name. After clicking on the OK button, you may receive an error:

An Active Directory Domain Controller (AD DC) for the domain “” could not be contacted.

Ensure that the domain name is typed correctly.

If the name is correct, click Details for troubleshooting information.

How to Fix AD Domain Controller Could Not Be Connected Error?

Here are some basic steps that should help you fix the domain controller connection error:

  1. Check your IP address and DNS settings;
  2. Check the Active Directory domain controller connectivity;
  3. Check DC Health (SRV DNS records, Netlogon, and Sysvol folders).

Let’s look at each of these steps in more detail.

Check the IP Settings and DNS Settings on Your Computer

Most often, this problem is related to the wrong IP or DNS settings on your computer.

Check IP Address

First, check if your computer has the correct IP address on the primary network interface. The IP address can be obtained from a DHCP server, or manually specified in the network adapter settings. You can view the current network settings of the computer using the command:

Make sure your computer’s IP address matches the network it’s on. Try to manually set a static IP address, or vice versa, get the correct address from the DHCP server (select Obtain IP address automatically in the properties of your network adapter).

Check DNS Client Settings

Make sure your network adapter’s IP settings are set to your internal DNS servers. You can display the current DNS servers for your adapter using PowerShell:

If the DNS server address is incorrect, change it manually or get settings from DHCP.

Make sure the DNS Client service is running using Get-Service cmdlet:

Open the hosts file (C:WindowsSystem32Driversetchosts) on the computer using notepad.exe or another text editor, and make sure there are no entries for your domain or domain controller names. If such entries exist, delete them.

You can display the contents of the hosts file with the command:

Then clear the DNS cache, and restart the service from the elevated command prompt:

Check if your computer can resolve the domain name to the correct IP address of the domain controller. Use the Resolve-DNSName cmdlet with the FQDN of your domain to which you are trying to join your workstation:

The command should return one or more records of DNS servers.

Verify the Domain Controller Connectivity

Next, check if the domain controller is accessible from the client. Open a command prompt, and run the following commands:

Make sure your domain controller is responding and reachable.

Note. In addition, it’s recommended to check the availability of the domain controller from other workstations on the same IP network.

If the DC is reachable, try to add the received IP address as a DNS server in the Advanced TCP/IP settings of your network connection.

  1. Open Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings;
  2. Select a network adapter that is connected to your corporate network, right-click on it, and select Properties;
  3. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), and click Properties;
  4. Press the Advanced button, and go to the DNS tab;
  5. On the DNS tab press Add, and enter the IP address of your DNS server (domain controller). Don’t use Public DNS IPs in preferred and alternative fields, like (google) or (cloudflare);
  6. Click OK (if several IP addresses are listed in the DNS server list, move the IP address of your DC to the top of the list);
  7. Save the changes and restart the workstation;
  8. Try to join your workstation to the AD domain.

Check If the Domain Controller Connections Aren’t Blocked By the Firewall

Verify if the access to the DNS service on the domain controller is not blocked by firewalls. The easiest way to check the availability of port 53 on a DC is to use PowerShell:

In our example, TcpTestSucceeded: True means that the DNS service on the DC is accessible.

Also, make sure the computer can contact the DNS server that hosts the DNS zone or can resolve DNS names in that domain. Make sure the correct DNS server is configured on this client as preferred and the client is connected to this server. Confirm you can find a domain and access the domain controller from the computer using the command:

If your computer successfully discovered the domain and domain controller, the command should return information about the domain, AD site, and services running on the DC:

Hint. Another helpful guide that can help you troubleshoot DC connectivity over RPC is “The RPC Server is Unavailable”.

Also, try to temporarily disable the built-in Windows Firewall, and all third-party applications with antivirus/firewalls modules (Symantec, MacAfee, Windows Defender, etc.), that can block network ports to access the domain controller. After disabling the firewalls, try to join the computer to the domain.

Here is the minimum list of network protocols, ports, and services that must not be blocked in firewalls between a client and a domain controller to successfully join a device to the Active Directory domain:

  • UDP 53 — DNS traffic;
  • TCP and UDP 88 — Kerberos authentication;
  • UDP 123 — Windows Time Sync with DC;
  • TCP 135 — Remote Procedure Call RPC Locator;
  • TCP and UDP 139 — NetBIOS Session Service;
  • TCP and UDP 389 (LDAP, DC Locator, Net Logon) or TCP 636 (LDAP over SSL);
  • TCP 445 (SMB/CIFS, Net Logon);
  • TCP 49152-65535 — RPC ports, randomly allocated high TCP ports.

Check the DNS SRV Records on the Domain Controller

Check DNS Records on your DC

If the above method didn’t help, check if in the DNS zone of your domain controller there is an SRV record of the location of the DC.

Open an elevated Command prompt, and run the following commands:

Verify if the specified DNS server has an SRV record in the following form:

If the specified SRV record is missing, it means your computer is configured to use a DNS server that does not have a correct SRV record with the location of the domain controller.

Update/Re-Register DNS SRV Records on DC

If you can’t change the DNS settings on your computer, you can manually add two records (SRV and A) to your existing DNS server which help you to resolve the domain controller’s IP address:

  • — is an SRV resource record that points to the domain controller that hosts the ADDS role;
  • Resource A record that identifies the IP address for the DC listed in the SRV resource record.

Restart the Netlogon service on the domain controller with the command:

(or simply try to reboot the DC)

On startup, it will try to register the necessary SRV records on the DNS server.

Also, you can re-register domain controller DNS records using the command:

Wait for a while for the records to appear in DNS and replicate across the domain.

Also, make sure the dynamic updates are allowed in your Windows DNS zone settings.

Check the Domain Controller Health

Perform a health check on your domain controllers and replication according to the following guides:

It is also recommended to verify if the SYSVOL and NETLOGON network shared folders are created and accessible on the domain controller (run the net share command on the closest DC).

If the SYSVOL and NETLOGON directories are missing in the shares list:

  1. Check the IP and DNS settings on your DC (the domain controller shouldn’t receive an IP address from a DHCP server, use only a static IP address);
  2. Verify if the C:WindowsSYSVOL domain directory contains Policies and Scripts folders;
  3. If you did not migrate Sysvol replication from FRS to DFS, to replicate Sysvol from PDC to all DCs in the domain, you need to stop the File Replication Service (net stop NtFrs). Then run the Regedit and go to the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesNtFrsParametersBackup/RestoreProcess at Startup, here change the value of BurFlags DWORD parameter to D4 (hex) on PDC, and to D2 (hex) on all additional domain controllers. After that, start the service:

And check if the directory DCName SYSVOL appears and is accessible on the problem DC.

Troubleshooting Error “an Active Directory Domain Controller Could not be Contacted”

If none of the above methods helped you to fix the problem, you need to move to more advanced troubleshooting. Note that the Details button is available in the error message.

Click the Details button for more information about the error. In most cases, there you will see an error “DNS name does not exist” or one of the following error codes 0x0000232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR, 0x0000267C DNS_ERROR_NO_DNS_SERVER, and 0x00002746 WSAECONNRESET).

The domain name “DOMAIN_NAME” might be a NetBIOS domain name. If this is the case, verify that the domain name is properly registered with WINS.

If you are certain that the name is not a NetBIOS domain name, then the following information can help you troubleshoot your DNS configuration.

The following error occurred when DNS was queried for the service location (SRV) resource record used to locate an Active Directory Domain Controller (AD DC) for domain “DOMAIN_NAME”:

The error was: “DNS name does not exist.”

(error code 0x0000232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR)

The query was for the SRV record for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.DOMAIN_NAME

Common causes of this error include the following:

– The DNS SRV records required to locate a AD DC for the domain are not registered in DNS. These records are registered with a DNS server automatically when a AD DC is added to a domain. They are updated by the AD DC at set intervals. This computer is configured to use DNS servers with the following IP addresses:

– One or more of the following zones do not include delegation to its child

.. (the root zone)

Open the text file C:windowsdebugdcdiag.txt on the user’s computer. Carefully study the latest errors in this file. Perhaps they will point you in the right direction.

Most often, you can face such errors in the dcdiag.txt file:

  • 0x0000232B — RCODE_NAME_ERROR (“DNS name does not exist”) – your computer cannot find the SRV record on the DNS server. Make sure your computer’s DNS settings are set to the IP address of your domain controller. Check SRV records on DC;
  • 0x0000267C — DNS_ERROR_NO_DNS_SERVER (“No DNS Servers configured for local system”). In this case, it is recommended to check your IP and DNS settings, and network connectivity;
  • 0x00002746 — WSAECONNRESET (“An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host”) — check the network connectivity and firewall rules. Try to restart the DNS service on the DC, or reboot the host completely.

Sometimes, in the Netsetup.log file, you can find useful information about errors in joining a computer to an Active Directory domain. It is Windows clients log the details of the domain join operation. This log can be found here %windir%debugNetsetup.log. Carefully examine the errors in the Netsetup.log file, they may help you in finding the problem of not being able to connect to the Active Directory domain.

The most typical errors are:

  • An attempt to resolve the DNS name of a DC in the domain being joined has failed. Please verify this client is configured to reach a DNS server that can resolve DNS names in the target domain;
  • An operation was attempted on a nonexistent network connection — restart the computer, make sure that you type the DNS name and not the NetBIOS name;
  • Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again — reboot your device;
  • Network name cannot be found — make sure your computer can access the DNS server hosting the domain’s DNS zone;
  • No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the computer can accept — remove all mapped drives and reboot the computer.


Добрый день!

Сегодня после аварийного отключения сервера (ИБП на ремонте) при попытке ввести компьютер в домен возникает такая ошибка. Раньше всё работало нормально

Текст ошибки:

Замечание: эта информация предназначена для сетевого администратора. Пожалуйста, сообщите эту информацию вашему сетевому администратору. Для удобства, она уже сохранена в файле «C:WINDOWSdebugdcdiag.txt».

Ошибка при запросе DNS записи ресурса размещения службы (SRV), используемой для нахождения контроллера домена Active Directory для домена «tp-stroy.local»:

Произошла ошибка: «DNS-имя не существует.»
(код ошибки: 0x0000232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR)

Опрос проводился для SRV-записи для

Возможны следующие причины ошибки:

— SRV-записи DNS, необходимые для нахождения контроллера домена Active Directory в этом домене, не зарегистрированы в службе DNS. Эти записи регистрируются на DNS-сервере автоматически при добавлении контроллера домена Active
Directory в домен. Они обновляются контроллером домена Active Directory через заданные интервалы. Этот компьютер настроен на использование DNS-серверов со следующими IP-адресами:

— Одна или несколько зон из указанных ниже не содержит делегирование к своей дочерней зоне:

. (корневая зона)

  • Изменен тип

    4 февраля 2019 г. 8:20

active-directory-iconДовольно часто после всяческих экспериментов с сетевыми подключениями, переустановкой винды и прочего может возникнуть такая ситуация, что рабочая станция перестанет входить в домен. Это бывает по нескольким причинам. В этом посте я расскажу о двух из них

Ошибка при запросе DNS записи ресурса размещения службы (SRV), используемой для нахождения контроллера домена Active Directory 

Полный текст ошибки может быть такой:

Ошибка при запросе DNS записи ресурса размещения службы (SRV), используемой для нахождения контроллера домена Active Directory для домена “domain.loc”:
Произошла ошибка: “DNS-имя не существует.”
(код ошибки: 0x0000232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR)

Опрос проводился для SRV-записи для _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.exigeant.loc
Возможны следующие причины ошибки:
– SRV-записи DNS, необходимые для нахождения контроллера домена Active Directory в этом домене, не зарегистрированы в службе DNS. Эти записи регистрируются на DNS-сервере автоматически при добавлении контроллера домена Active Directory в домен. Они обновляются контроллером домена Active Directory через заданные интервалы. Этот компьютер настроен на использование DNS-серверов со следующими IP-адресами:
– Одна или несколько зон из указанных ниже не содержит делегирование к своей дочерней зоне:
. (корневая зона)


  • Контроллер домена должен быть первым DNS сервером в списке. Если у вас в сетевои соединении прописано два DNS серера, например внутренний и внешний, то важно помнить, чтобы их порядок был правильным. Вы можете настроить порядок через кнопку “Дополнительно”, закладку “DNS” в настройках сетевого подключения.
  • Также важным моментом является адрес DNS сервера, вы должны прописывать внутренний (а не вшешний) адрес вашего DNS-сервера (он же контроллер домена).


При присоединении к домену произошла следующая ошибка: Сетевая папка недоступна


Проверьте, включена ли галочка “Клиент для сетей Microsoft” в настройках сетевого соединения.

In this article, we’ll take a look at why it’s not possible to join a new computer to the Active Directory domain with an error Active Directory Domain Controller could not be contacted.

Active Directory Domain Controller Could Not Be Contacted Error: What Does It Looks Like?

A user or an administrator tries to join a new Windows workstation/server to a domain. To do this, open the System Properties on the workstation, and press Change settings > Change. Enter a new computer name, and select that this computer should be a member of a specified domain. Enter your AD domain FQDN name. After clicking on the OK button, you may receive an error:

An Active Directory Domain Controller (AD DC) for the domain “” could not be contacted.

Ensure that the domain name is typed correctly.

If the name is correct, click Details for troubleshooting information.

an active directory domain controller cannot be contacted

How to Fix AD Domain Controller Could Not Be Connected Error?

Here are some basic steps that should help you fix the domain controller connection error:

  1. Check your IP address and DNS settings;
  2. Check the Active Directory domain controller connectivity;
  3. Check DC Health (SRV DNS records, Netlogon, and Sysvol folders).

Let’s look at each of these steps in more detail.

Check the IP Settings and DNS Settings on Your Computer

Most often, this problem is related to the wrong IP or DNS settings on your computer.

Check IP Address

First, check if your computer has the correct IP address on the primary network interface. The IP address can be obtained from a DHCP server, or manually specified in the network adapter settings. You can view the current network settings of the computer using the command:

ipconfig /all

the system cannot contact a domain controller to service the authentication request

Make sure your computer’s IP address matches the network it’s on. Try to manually set a static IP address, or vice versa, get the correct address from the DHCP server (select Obtain IP address automatically in the properties of your network adapter).

an active directory domain controller for the domain could not be contacted

Check DNS Client Settings

Make sure your network adapter’s IP settings are set to your internal DNS servers. You can display the current DNS servers for your adapter using PowerShell:


an active directory controller cannot be contacted

If the DNS server address is incorrect, change it manually or get settings from DHCP.

Make sure the DNS Client service is running using Get-Service cmdlet:

Get-Service dnscache

active directory domain controller could not be contacted

Open the hosts file (C:WindowsSystem32Driversetchosts) on the computer using notepad.exe or another text editor, and make sure there are no entries for your domain or domain controller names. If such entries exist, delete them.

You can display the contents of the hosts file with the command:

get-content C:WindowsSystem32Driversetchosts

an active directory domain controller (ad dc) for the domain could not be contacted

Then clear the DNS cache, and restart the service from the elevated command prompt:

ipconfig /flushdns

net stop dnscache && net start dnscache

Check if your computer can resolve the domain name to the correct IP address of the domain controller. Use the Resolve-DNSName cmdlet with the FQDN of your domain to which you are trying to join your workstation:


the specified domain controller cannot be contacted

The command should return one or more records of DNS servers.

Verify the Domain Controller Connectivity

Next, check if the domain controller is accessible from the client. Open a command prompt, and run the following commands:




Make sure your domain controller is responding and reachable.

the system cannot contact a domain controller to service

Note. In addition, it’s recommended to check the availability of the domain controller from other workstations on the same IP network.

If the DC is reachable, try to add the received IP address as a DNS server in the Advanced TCP/IP settings of your network connection.

  1. Open Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings;
  2. Select a network adapter that is connected to your corporate network, right-click on it, and select Properties;
    domain could not be contacted
  3. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), and click Properties;
  4. Press the Advanced button, and go to the DNS tab;
  5. On the DNS tab press Add, and enter the IP address of your DNS server (domain controller). Don’t use Public DNS IPs in preferred and alternative fields, like (google) or (cloudflare);
    the system cannot contact a domain controller
  6. Click OK (if several IP addresses are listed in the DNS server list, move the IP address of your DC to the top of the list);
    an active directory domain controller could not be contacted
  7. Save the changes and restart the workstation;
  8. Try to join your workstation to the AD domain.

Check If the Domain Controller Connections Aren’t Blocked By the Firewall

Verify if the access to the DNS service on the domain controller is not blocked by firewalls. The easiest way to check the availability of port 53 on a DC is to use PowerShell:

Test-Netconnection -port 53

In our example, TcpTestSucceeded: True means that the DNS service on the DC is accessible.

ad dc could not be contacted

Also, make sure the computer can contact the DNS server that hosts the DNS zone or can resolve DNS names in that domain. Make sure the correct DNS server is configured on this client as preferred and the client is connected to this server. Confirm you can find a domain and access the domain controller from the computer using the command:

nltest /

an active directory could not be contacted

If your computer successfully discovered the domain and domain controller, the command should return information about the domain, Active Directory sites and services running on the DC:

DC: \

Address: \

Dom Guid: 4216f343-2949-21c3-8caa-6d7cbcdb1690

Dom Name:

Forest Name:

Dc Site Name: NY

Our Site Name: NY


The command completed successfully.

Hint. Another helpful guide that can help you troubleshoot DC connectivity over RPC is “1722 The RPC server is unavailable”.

Also, try to temporarily disable the built-in Windows Firewall, and all third-party applications with antivirus/firewalls modules (Symantec, MacAfee, Windows Defender, etc.), that can block network ports to access the domain controller. After disabling the firewalls, try to join the computer to the domain.

Here is the minimum list of network protocols, ports, and services that must not be blocked in firewalls between a client and a domain controller to successfully join a device to the Active Directory domain:

  • UDP 53 — DNS traffic;
  • TCP and UDP 88 — Kerberos authentication;
  • UDP 123 — Windows Sync time with Domain Controller;
  • TCP 135 — Remote Procedure Call RPC Locator;
  • TCP and UDP 139 — NetBIOS Session Service;
  • TCP and UDP 389 (LDAP, DC Locator, Net Logon) or TCP 636 (LDAP over SSL);
  • TCP 445 (SMB/CIFS, Net Logon);
  • TCP 49152-65535 — RPC ports, randomly allocated high TCP ports.

Check the DNS SRV Records on the Domain Controller

Check DNS Records on your DC

If the above method didn’t help, check if in the DNS zone of your domain controller there is an SRV record of the location of the DC.

Open an elevated Command prompt, and run the following commands:


set type=all

Verify if the specified DNS server has an SRV record in the following form: SRV service location:

however no domain controllers could be contacted

If the specified SRV record is missing, it means your computer is configured to use a DNS server that does not have a correct SRV record with the location of the domain controller.

Update/Re-Register DNS SRV Records on DC

If you can’t change the DNS settings on your computer, you can manually add two records (SRV and A) to your existing DNS server which help you to resolve the domain controller’s IP address:

  • — is an SRV resource record that points to the domain controller that hosts the ADDS role;
  • Resource A record that identifies the IP address for the DC listed in the SRV resource record.

Restart the Netlogon service on the domain controller with the command:

net stop netlogon && net start netlogon

(or simply try to reboot the DC)

On startup, it will try to register the necessary SRV records on the DNS server.

Also, you can re-register domain controller DNS records using the command:

ipconfig /registerdns

Wait for a while for the records to appear in DNS and replicate across the domain.

Also, make sure the dynamic updates are allowed in your Windows DNS zone settings.

Check the Domain Controller Health

Perform a health check on your domain controllers and replication according to the following guides:

  • How to check Active Directory health?
  • Check AD Replication using the Repadmin command.

It is also recommended to verify if the SYSVOL and NETLOGON network shared folders are created and accessible on the domain controller (run the net share command on the closest DC).

unable to contact active directory to verify claim types

If the SYSVOL and NETLOGON directories are missing in the shares list:

  1. Check the IP and DNS settings on your DC (the domain controller shouldn’t receive an IP address from a DHCP server, use only a static IP address);
  2. Verify if the C:WindowsSYSVOL domain directory contains Policies and Scripts folders;
    domain controller could not be contacted
  3. If you did not migrate Sysvol replication from FRS to DFS, to replicate Sysvol from PDC to all DCs in the domain, you need to stop the File Replication Service (net stop NtFrs). Then run the Regedit and go to the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesNtFrsParametersBackup/RestoreProcess at Startup, here change the value of BurFlags DWORD parameter to D4 (hex) on PDC, and to D2 (hex) on all additional domain controllers. After that, start the service:
    net start NtFrs

And check if the directory DCName SYSVOL appears and is accessible on the problem DC.

Troubleshooting Error “an Active Directory Domain Controller Could not be Contacted”

If none of the above methods helped you to fix the problem, you need to move to more advanced troubleshooting. Note that the Details button is available in the error message.

Click the Details button for more information about the error. In most cases, there you will see an error “DNS name does not exist” or one of the following error codes 0x0000232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR, 0x0000267C DNS_ERROR_NO_DNS_SERVER, and 0x00002746 WSAECONNRESET).

however no domain controllers could be contacted.

For example:

The domain name “DOMAIN_NAME” might be a NetBIOS domain name. If this is the case, verify that the domain name is properly registered with WINS.

If you are certain that the name is not a NetBIOS domain name, then the following information can help you troubleshoot your DNS configuration.

The following error occurred when DNS was queried for the service location (SRV) resource record used to locate an Active Directory Domain Controller (AD DC) for domain “DOMAIN_NAME”:

The error was: “DNS name does not exist.”

(error code 0x0000232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR)

The query was for the SRV record for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.DOMAIN_NAME

Common causes of this error include the following:

– The DNS SRV records required to locate a AD DC for the domain are not registered in DNS. These records are registered with a DNS server automatically when a AD DC is added to a domain. They are updated by the AD DC at set intervals. This computer is configured to use DNS servers with the following IP addresses:



– One or more of the following zones do not include delegation to its child

.. (the root zone)

Open the text file C:windowsdebugdcdiag.txt on the user’s computer. Carefully study the latest errors in this file. Perhaps they will point you in the right direction.

unable to contact active directory to access or verify claim types

Most often, you can face such errors in the dcdiag.txt file:

  • 0x0000232B — RCODE_NAME_ERROR (“DNS name does not exist”) – your computer cannot find the SRV record on the DNS server. Make sure your computer’s DNS settings are set to the IP address of your domain controller. Check SRV records on DC;
  • 0x0000267C — DNS_ERROR_NO_DNS_SERVER (“No DNS Servers configured for local system”). In this case, it is recommended to check your IP and DNS settings, and network connectivity;
  • 0x00002746 — WSAECONNRESET (“An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host”) — check the network connectivity and firewall rules. Try to restart the DNS service on the DC, or reboot the host completely.

Sometimes, in the Netsetup.log file, you can find useful information about errors in joining a computer to an Active Directory domain. It is Windows clients log the details of the domain join operation. This log can be found here %windir%debugNetsetup.log. Carefully examine the errors in the Netsetup.log file, they may help you in finding the problem of not being able to connect to the Active Directory domain.

The most typical errors are:

  • An attempt to resolve the DNS name of a DC in the domain being joined has failed. Please verify this client is configured to reach a DNS server that can resolve DNS names in the target domain;
  • An operation was attempted on a nonexistent network connection — restart the computer, make sure that you type the DNS name and not the NetBIOS name;
  • Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again — reboot your device;
  • Network name cannot be found — make sure your computer can access the DNS server hosting the domain’s DNS zone;
  • No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the computer can accept — remove all mapped drives and reboot the computer.
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I enjoy technology and developing websites. Since 2012 I’m running a few of my own websites, and share useful content on gadgets, PC administration and website promotion.

Every IT admin managing machines in an Active Directory environment has been there. You try to add a computer to an Active Directory (AD) domain and get the dreaded “An Active Directory Domain Controller Could not be Contacted” error. In this article, learn the steps to diagnose (and solve) this problem for good.

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An Active Directory Domain Controller Could not be Contacted
An Active Directory Domain Controller Could not be Contacted

This error is DNS-related. The main problem is that the computer has failed to find an appropriate SRV DNS record it needs to join the AD domain.

I’ve put together a few steps for you to follow to fix this error and get your computer joined to your domain.

Ensure You’re Using the Right DNS Servers

Before you get too far down a rabbit hole, first ensure you’re using the right DNS servers in the first place.

Active Directory and DNS have a special relationship. Domain controllers register specific records in DNS servers they know about. These live in the _ldap._tcp.dc.msdcs.<domainname> zone and help AD-joined devices find resources such as domain controllers. SRV records won’t exist in DNS servers that aren’t AD-integrated.

To resolve this issue, you need to be using either:

  • An AD-integrated DNS server
  • A DNS server that replicates records from an AD aware DNS server
  • A DNS server that has forwarding set up to query either an AD-integrated DNS server or a DNS server with replicated records

To check that the DNS server you are using is one of the above, run the following command in a PowerShell session on an existing domain joined computer:

PS C:> Get-DnsClientServerAddress

InterfaceAlias               Interface Address ServerAddresses
                             Index     Family
--------------               --------- ------- ---------------
Ethernet                             9 IPv4    {}
Ethernet                             9 IPv6    {}
Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1          1 IPv4    {}
Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1          1 IPv6    {fec0:0:0:ffff::1, fec0:0:0:ffff::2, fec0:0:0:ffff::3}

The responses you get under the ServerAddesses column are the DNS servers being used by that computer. If you don’t have another domain client to check, you will need to contact your network team for this information.

You can either use PowerShell’s Set-DnsClientServerAddress cmdlet to change the computer’s DNS client settings or via the IPv4 Properties dialog box for the network card of the computer. This is reached by going to Control Panel –> Network –> Internet –> Network Connections.

Once in the Network Connections window, right-click on the network card, choose Properties, choose Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and then click on Properties.

IPv4 properties dialog
IPv4 properties dialog

If the network uses Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), ensure the Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically options are selected.

If your network doesn’t use DHCP then update the Preferred DNS server and Alternative DNS server values to the correct ones you obtained earlier.

Find the True Error

If you’ve confirmed your computer has the correct DNS servers then it’s time to jump in a little further.

When you attempt to join a computer to a domain, the error “An Active Directory Domain Controller Could not be Contacted” comes up but it’s not the “true” error message. You need to dive a little deeper.

You’ll notice in the error dialog a Details >> button. Click that. This will return more granular information allowing you to troubleshoot this error better.

Expanded details view of the error dialog
Expanded details view of the error dialog

You can select the contents of the text box to copy and paste into a text viewer, or you can find the same information in the C:windowsdebugdcdiag.txt file on that machine. This file is created by the Windows when the error occurs.

The error text contains some key pieces of information. I’ve marked numbered and bolded each of these in the example below:

  • The domain name the machine thinks you’ve asked it to join (1)
  • The error code (2)
  • The DNS query that was made (3)
  • The DNS server(s) the machine queried (if any) (4)

Note: This information is intended for a network administrator. If you are not your network’s administrator, notify the administrator that you have received this information, which has been recorded in the file C:windowsdebugdcdiag.txt.

The following error occurred when DNS was queried for the service location (SRV) resource record used to locate an Active Directory Domain Controller (AD DC) for domain “carisbrookelabs.local”(1):

The error was: “DNS name does not exist.”
(error code 0x0000232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR) (2)

The query was for the SRV record for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.carisbrookelabs.local (3)

Common causes of this error include the following:

The DNS SRV records required to locate an AD DC for the domain are not registered in DNS. These records are registered with a DNS server automatically when an AD DC is added to a domain. They are updated by the AD DC at set intervals. This computer is configured to use DNS servers with the following IP addresses: (4)

One or more of the following zones do not include delegation to its child zone: carisbrookelabs.local

. (the root zone)


This error indicates that the DNS server could not be found to even attempt the query. It didn’t even get a chance. This is typically due to no network connectivity to the DNS server.

Note that you can join a computer without a network connection known as an  offline domain join, but that is outside of the scope of this article.

Troubleshoot Your Network Connection

If you see this error message, you’ll need to start doing some network troubleshooting.

  1. Check that your network adapter is enabled and you can connect to other network resources.
  2. Check that you have an IP address and DNS servers configured.

You can check for an IP address and DNS servers by running ipconfig /all.

If you have an IP address and can reach other network resources, you’ll need to test your connection between the computer and the DNS server.

To do so, you can use ping and PowerShell’s Test-Connection cmdlet. Test connectivity to the DNS server(s) using either of these two utilities. If Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) traffic is allowed on the network, you should get a response. If there’s an error or time-out, you most likely have some sort of networking issue, such as routing. Talk to your networking team to resolve the issue, then try the join again.

Check DNS connectivity

If you’ve confirmed your network connection is working, you’ll next need to ensure your computer can connect via TCP/53 to the DNS server.

Try using the Resolve-DNSName PowerShell cmdlet with the FQDN of the domain you are trying to join. This should return one or more DNS server records:

PS C:> Resolve-DNSName carisbrookelabs.local

Name                                           Type   TTL   Section	IPAddress
----                                       	----   ---   -------	---------
carisbrookelabs.local                      	A  	600   Answer
carisbrookelabs.local                      	A  	600   Answer
carisbrookelabs.local                      	A  	600   Answer

If you get an error, then it is worth checking that there’s nothing blocking IP traffic on port 53 (the port used for DNS traffic) between your machine and the DNS servers.

You can do a simple check for connectivity on port 53 using the Test-NetConnection cmdlet (not to be confused with the Test-Connection cmdlet):

PS C:> Test-NetConnection -Port 53 -ComputerName <DNSSERVERHERE>

You will get a response of True if the connection succeeds, or False if it fails. A failure could be due to a network or host-based firewall on the DNS server.


This error means it was able to find the DNS server but the SRV record wasn’t found. This error requires a little more troubleshooting.

Ensure You’re Using the Domain FQDN

It seems simple, but verify that the name you typed matches the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the domain you are trying to join. This should only be a domain name, not a server name. For example, use carisbrookelabs.local and not WIN-3467RQTHJH5.carisbrookelabs.local.

If there’s any doubt, check the domain name of an existing domain client. You can find the appropriate domain name by running this PowerShell command on an existing domain client.

PS51> (Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem).Domain

If you attempt to use the NETBIOS name (contoso) vs. the FQDN (contoso.local), the computer might find the domain but Windows will treat the name as an FQDN anyway.

If you type a NETBIOS name and don’t have a WINS infrastructure in place you will get the error we’re trying to fix. Always use a FQDN rather than a NETBIOS name.

Typing an FQDN in the Computer/Domain Changes dialog
Typing an FQDN in the Computer/Domain Changes dialog

Check DNS records

For this step you are going to use Resolve-DNSName again. This time using the exact DNS record that was not retrieved when you tried to join your machine to the domain. Copy and paste it from the dcdiag.txt file mentioned in the introduction, or the copy of the error text you took earlier. This will avoid any typos with underscores and dashes.

Your command should look something like this:

PS C:> Resolve-DNSName _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.carisbrookelabs.local

Name                    	Type TTL   Section	PrimaryServer           	NameAdministrator       	SerialNumber
----                    	---- ---   -------	-------------           	-----------------       	------------
_msdcs.carisbrookelabs.loca SOA  3600  Authority  WIN-3467RQTHJH5.carisbrooke hostmaster.carisbrookelabs. 419
l                                             	labs.local              	local

Want to quickly check your Active Directory for leaked passwords? Specops has a tool that does so for free and generates a nice report as well.

If you get DNS name does not exist as the response to this command, then your issue is with DNS.

  • Ensure you’re using the correct DNS server
  • Ensure the relevant records have not been deleted

If you get a positive response to Resolve-DNSName _msdcs.<domainname> but get a DNS name does not exist from Resolve-DNSName _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.<domainname>, then the records are missing.

Re-register your domain controller’s DNS records using the command ipconfig /registerdns on each DC. It may take a few minutes for the records to appear.

Once you can confirm the presence of the required DNS record(s) using Resolve-DNSName then you should be good to go.


In this article, you’ve learned some steps to try when troubleshooting the error “An Active Directory Domain Controller Could not be Contacted”. It’s impossible to cover every single scenario in an article like this, but I hope the process works for you and gets you on the right path!

Further Reading

  • DNS and AD DS on Microsoft Docs
  • Test-Connection: Ping Remote Hosts the PowerShell Way
  • Resolve-DNSName cmdlet on Microsoft Docs
  • Using The PowerShell Test-NetConnection Cmdlet on Windows
  • Remove From My Forums
  • Вопрос

  • Note: This information is intended for a network administrator.  If you are not your network’s administrator, notify the administrator that you received this information, which has been recorded in the file C:windowsdebugdcdiag.txt.

    The following error occurred when DNS was queried for the service location (SRV) resource record used to locate an Active Directory Domain Controller (AD DC) for domain » Domain name»:

    The error was: «DNS name does not exist.»
    (error code 0x0000232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR)

    The query was for the SRV record for

    Common causes of this error include the following:

    — The DNS SRV records required to locate a AD DC for the domain are not registered in DNS. These records are registered with a DNS server automatically when a AD DC is added to a domain. They are updated by the AD DC at set intervals. This computer is configured
    to use DNS servers with the following IP addresses:

    — One or more of the following zones do not include delegation to its child zone:

     Please help

    • Изменено

      1 сентября 2020 г. 23:10

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ПК не вводится в домен

20.04.2021, 14:31. Показов 4522. Ответов 9

Простите, если пишу не сюда.

Контроллер домена Windows Server 2019 Standart
Пытаюсь ввести в домен ПК с Windows 7 Pro
Указываю имя домена, но появляется сообщение:


Замечание: эта информация предназначена для сетевого администратора. Пожалуйста, сообщите эту информацию вашему сетевому администратору. Для удобства, она уже сохранена в файле "C:Windowsdebugdcdiag.txt".

Ошибка при запросе DNS записи ресурса размещения службы (SRV), используемой для нахождения контроллера домена Active Directory для домена "SERVERDOMEN.LOCAL":

Произошла ошибка: "DNS-имя не существует."
(код ошибки: 0x0000232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR)

Опрос проводился для SRV-записи для _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.SERVERDOMEN.LOCAL

Возможны следующие причины ошибки:

- SRV-записи DNS, необходимые для нахождения контроллера домена Active Directory в этом домене, не зарегистрированы в службе DNS. Эти записи регистрируются на DNS-сервере автоматически при добавлении контроллера домена Active Directory в домен. Они обновляются контроллером домена Active Directory через заданные интервалы. Этот компьютер настроен на использование DNS-серверов со следующими IP-адресами:

- Одна или несколько зон из указанных ниже не содержит делегирование к своей дочерней зоне:

. (корневая зона)

IP сервера
У клиента сетевые настройки автоматические.
На сервере настроена DHCP, клиенту раздает IP —

Подскажите, пожалуйста, как можно решить данную проблему.
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ПК не вводится в домен

ПК не вводится в домен


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Регистрация: 04.03.2013

Сообщений: 742

21.04.2021, 08:00



скрин с синим фоном — это клиентский ПК


233 / 223 / 46

Регистрация: 12.12.2012

Сообщений: 1,928

21.04.2021, 12:48


Изучите, что такое приватные сети и какие они могут быть.
Изучите, для чего нужен DNS сервер контроллеру домена.

Приведите адресацию в порядок. Не путайтесь в показаниях, в первом сообщении одно, со скринов другое. Найдите информацию, как клиент находит котроллер домена и настройте DNS в Win7 корректно.

Так же не понятно, зачем два сетевых интерфейса на КД.

Это будет лучшим методом для обучения.


Эксперт по компьютерным сетям

10928 / 6784 / 1814

Регистрация: 25.12.2012

Сообщений: 28,709

21.04.2021, 13:09


на DC
в качестве DNS сервера должен быть указан его собственный адрес или лупбек (

на клиенте
вообще нет IP адреса, маски, шлюза и DNS, в качестве DNS сервера у клиента должен быть указан адрес DC


28 / 25 / 9

Регистрация: 04.03.2013

Сообщений: 742

22.04.2021, 16:02



Спасибо за советы.
Добавил компьютер в домен.

На ПК было два пользователя: admin и user
Вводил в домен под admin’ом.
Как войти под user’ом?

Буду рад советам или ссылки на полезный материал.


174 / 166 / 28

Регистрация: 20.10.2014

Сообщений: 1,037

23.04.2021, 15:12


Сообщение от iiwanc
Посмотреть сообщение

На ПК было два пользователя: admin и user
Вводил в домен под admin’ом.

В домен вы вводили не под админом, а под SERVERDOMEN.LOCALAdmin

Сообщение от iiwanc
Посмотреть сообщение

Как войти под user’ом?

так же как и под «adminом»



28 / 25 / 9

Регистрация: 04.03.2013

Сообщений: 742

23.04.2021, 18:39



Предварительно юзера добавить на домене?


Эксперт по компьютерным сетям

10928 / 6784 / 1814

Регистрация: 25.12.2012

Сообщений: 28,709

23.04.2021, 20:59


При входе
учетка будет проверяться в домене SERVERDOMEN.LOCAL.
Такие учетки создаются в AD.
Если пк в домене, то указание домена (@SERVERDOMEN.LOCAL или SERVERDOMEN) при вводе учетки можно опустить.

При входе
. user
где HOSTNAME — имя пк.
учетка проверяется локально.
Такая учетка должна быть создана на пк локально.




87844 / 49110 / 22898

Регистрация: 17.06.2006

Сообщений: 92,604

23.04.2021, 20:59

Помогаю со студенческими работами здесь

Как ввести в домен win2000 домен-контроллер другого домена?
Имеется сервер Win2000 являющийся домен контроллером домена А.
На нем есть AD, DNS, работает в…

Несколько раз авторизирует домен, после нельзя ни с какой учетки зайти в домен
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Многие сайты имеют адрес домен.ру/str/ , а не домен.ру/index.php?categoryID=565
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Локальная сеть, в которой поднят домен на Win 2008 R2 , удаленное подключение терминального сервера в домен
Добрый день!Небольшая локальная сеть , поднят домен на Windows Server 2008 R2.

Ссылка на домен или домен/index.php
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