Коды ошибок кондиционеров
Продукция TM Fujitsu славится во всем мире своей непревзойденной технологичностью и надежностью. Система интеллектуальной диагностики позволяет оперативно и с высокой точностью определить ошибки и неисправности в работе кондиционера.
Индикация неисправностей кондиционеров Fujitsu отображается как с помощью кодов на пульте управления сплит-системы, так и в виде мигания светодиодных индикаторов на внутреннем блоке кондиционера.
Если используется беспроводной пульт дистанционного управления, лампочка на модуле фотодетектора будет выдавать коды ошибок с использованием тех или иных схем мигания. В случае использования проводного пульта дистанционного управления, коды ошибок отображаются на дисплее пульта. Схемы мигания лампочки и коды ошибок приведены в таблице ниже. Экран ошибки отображается только в процессе работы.
Индикаторы ошибки |
Код ошибки |
Описание |
Индикатор OPERATION (зеленый) |
Индикатор TIMER (оранжевый) |
Индикатор ECONOMY (зеленый) |
1 |
* |
11 |
Ошибка последовательной связи |
1 |
2 |
* |
12 |
Ошибка связи проводного пульта ДУ Ошибка связи серверной |
1 |
5 |
* |
15 |
Пробный пуск не завершен Ошибка автоматической регулировки потока воздуха |
1 |
8 |
* |
18 |
Ошибка связи с внешним устройством |
2 |
2 |
* |
22 |
Ошибка мощности внутреннего модуля |
2 |
3 |
* |
23 |
Ошибка комбинирования |
2 |
6 |
* |
26 |
Ошибка настройки адреса внутреннего модуля |
2 |
9 |
* |
29 |
Ошибка номера подключенного модуля в системе проводного пульта ДУ |
3 |
1 |
* |
31 |
Ошибка прерывания подачи питания |
3 |
2 |
* |
32 |
Ошибка информации о модели печатной платы внутреннего модуля |
3 |
3 |
* |
33 |
Ошибка определения потребления электроэнергии мотором внутреннего модуля |
3 |
5 |
* |
35 |
Ошибка ручного/автоматического переключения |
3 |
9 |
* |
39 |
Ошибка подачи питания на мотор вентилятора внутреннего модуля |
3 |
10 |
* |
3A |
Ошибка цепи связи внутреннего модуля (проводной пульт ДУ) |
4 |
1 |
* |
41 |
Ошибка датчика комнатной температуры |
4 |
2 |
* |
42 |
Ошибка среднего датчика температуры теплообменника внутреннего модуля |
5 |
1 |
* |
51 |
Ошибка двигателя вентилятора внутреннего модуля |
5 |
15 |
* |
5U |
Ошибка внутреннего модуля |
6 |
2 |
* |
62 |
Ошибка информации о модели или связи главной печатной платы внешнего модуля |
6 |
3 |
* |
63 |
Ошибка инвертора |
6 |
4 |
* |
64 |
Ошибка активного фильтра, ошибка цепи PFC |
6 |
5 |
* |
65 |
Ошибка левой клеммы срабатывания |
6 |
8 |
* |
68 |
Ошибка повышения температуры резистора ограничения броска тока внешнего модуля |
6 |
10 |
* |
6A |
Ошибка связи микрокомпьютеров печатной платы дисплея |
7 |
1 |
* |
71 |
Ошибка датчика температуры выпуска |
7 |
2 |
* |
72 |
Ошибка датчика температуры компрессора |
7 |
3 |
* |
73 |
Ошибка датчика температуры жидкости теплообменника внешнего модуля |
7 |
4 |
* |
74 |
Ошибка датчика температуры наружного воздуха |
7 |
5 |
* |
75 |
Ошибка датчика температуры забора газа |
7 |
6 |
* |
76 |
Ошибка датчика температуры 2-ходового клапана Ошибка датчика температуры 3-ходового клапана |
7 |
7 |
* |
77 |
Ошибка датчика температуры теплообменника |
8 |
2 |
* |
82 |
Ошибка датчика температуры подвода газа теплообменника переохлаждения Ошибка датчика температуры выхода газа теплообменника переохлаждения |
8 |
3 |
* |
83 |
Ошибка датчика температуры трубки жидкости |
8 |
4 |
* |
84 |
Ошибка датчика тока |
8 |
6 |
* |
86 |
Ошибка датчика выходного давления Ошибка датчика давления отсоса Ошибка переключателя высокого давления |
9 |
4 |
* |
94 |
Обнаружение расцепления |
9 |
5 |
* |
95 |
Ошибка обнаружения положения ротора компрессора (перманентная остановка) |
9 |
7 |
* |
97 |
Ошибка двигателя 1 вентилятора внешнего модуля |
9 |
8 |
* |
98 |
Ошибка двигателя 2 вентилятора внешнего модуля |
9 |
9 |
* |
99 |
Ошибка 4-ходового клапана |
10 |
1 |
* |
A1 |
Ошибка температуры выпуска |
10 |
3 |
* |
A3 |
Ошибка температуры компрессора |
10 |
4 |
* |
A4 |
Ошибка высокого давления |
10 |
5 |
* |
A5 |
Ошибка низкого давления |
Устаревшие коды ошибок (актуальные для моделей, снятых с производства)
Ошибки светодиодной индикации
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Fujitsu, высвечиваемые с помощью цветовой индикации внутреннего блока.
Ошибки кондиционеров Fujitsu |
Диод красный (кол-во вспышек) |
Диод зеленый (кол-во вспышек) |
Нет связи между внутренним и наружным модулями |
– |
2 |
Нарушение подсоединения электропроводки к вентилятору наружного блока |
– |
3 |
Не подсоединен термодатчик |
– |
4 |
Нарушена подача электричества |
– |
5 |
Нет связи внутреннего блока и пульта дистанционного управления |
– |
8 |
Короткое замыкание на датчике внешней температуры |
2 |
2 |
Короткое замыкание на датчике влажности внутри прибора |
5 |
3 |
Нарушено сопротивление электросети в области датчика |
3 |
2 |
Нет отвода конденсата, забита трубка |
3 |
3 |
Нарушена функция термодатчика (попала влага, пыль или грязь) |
3 |
4 |
Компрессор отключен датчиком в связи с превышением пороговой температуры. Следует проверить подачу тока |
3 |
8 |
Короткое замыкание электропроводки, кондиционер отключен автоматикой |
4 |
2 |
Нарушена функция главного реле |
4 |
3 |
Нарушена подача электрического тока. При такой ошибке кондиционера Fujitsu следует извлечь элементы питания из пульта, обесточить внутренний и наружный блоки, оставить не меньше чем на пять минут и попытаться включить. |
4 |
4 |
Включилась защита кондиционера от повышенного напряжения |
4 |
7 |
Нет питания от сети, возможно, сломана электророзетка |
4 |
8 |
Малое напряжение в электрической сети |
5 |
2 |
Малое напряжение в электрической сети |
5 |
3 |
Автоматическое отключение компрессора в случае перегрева |
5 |
5 |
Нет подачи электричества на вентилятор внешнего модуля |
5 |
6 |
Короткое замыкание на вентиляторе |
6 |
2 |
Вентилятор внутреннего модуля вращается медленно. Возможная причина: недостаток смазки, поломанный подшипник мотора, поломан сам мотор, засорен вентилятор |
6 |
3 |
Нехватка хладагента, вызвавшая повышение температуры нагнетания |
7 |
2 |
Предельно повышено давление хладагента, перегрелся агрегат. При такой ошибке кондиционера Fujitsu следует проверить медные трубки — они могут быть перегнуты |
7 |
3 |
Поломан датчик давления |
7 |
5 |
Засорены фильтры кондиционера |
8 |
2 |
Засорены фильтры (не в первый раз) |
8 |
3 |
Поломка реверсивного клапана кондиционера. Прочистить или поменять на новый |
8 |
4 |
Коды ошибок кондиционера на пульте
Кондиционер Fujitsu: коды неисправности, контроль ошибок системы или System Controller Error.
При «EE» индикации ошибки: если EE отображается на пульте дистанционного управления, нажмите «Энергосбережение» и «Кнопку изменения режима» одновременно. Кнопки удерживайте более 3 секунд.
Коды ошибок будут показаны на дисплее.
1. Остановить работу кондиционера.
2. Нажмите кнопку «Мастер управления» и «Ремонтируем Fujitsu» – кнопку управления вентилятором — одновременно в течение 2 секунд или больше, чтобы начать тестовый запуск.
3. Нажмите кнопку «Пуск / Стоп», чтобы остановить тестовый запуск.
При «E» индикации ошибки и отображающихся «ЕЕ» выполните указанные ниже действия для самодиагностики.
E: EE указывает на ошибку:
1. Дисплей пульта дистанционного управления.
1) Остановите работу кондиционера.
2) Нажмите кнопки установки температуры в течение 5 секунд или больше, чтобы начать самодиагностику кондиционера Fujitsu .
Обратитесь к таблице ниже для того, чтобы прочитать описание каждого кода ошибки Fujitsu.
(3) Нажмите кнопки установки температуры в течение 5 секунд или больше, чтобы остановить самодиагностику.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Fujitsu, высвечиваемые на дисплее пульта дистанционного управления
Код ошибки кондиционеров Fujitsu |
Расшифровка кода ошибки кондиционера Fujitsu |
00 |
Нет связи между дистанционным управлением и наружным блоком |
01 |
Нет связи между внутренним блоком и наружным блоком |
02 |
Нарушена работа термодатчика внутри комнаты |
03 |
Короткое замыкание термодатчика внутри комнаты |
04 |
Нарушена функция термодатчика внешнего теплообменника |
05 |
Короткое замыкание на термодатчике внутреннего теплообменника |
06 |
Сбой температурного датчика на теплообменнике |
08 |
Нарушена подача электроэнергии |
09 |
Поплавковый выключатель работает |
0А |
Сбой наружного температурного датчика |
0b |
Короткое замыкание датчика температуры наружного блока |
0c |
Трубка датчика температуры Fujitsu открыта |
0d |
Короткое замыкание в трубке датчика температуры |
0E |
Сбой открытия высокого давления |
0F |
Сбой в трубке температуры |
11 |
Ошибка в работе кондиционера |
12 |
Сбой работы вентилятора внутреннего блока |
13 |
Отсутствует сигнал от кондиционера |
14 |
Отсутствует сигнал комнатного датчика |
Если вы затрудняетесь в распознавании или работе с кодами ошибок кондиционера Fujitsu, рекомендуем обратиться в сервисный центр.
Кроме того, консультацию можно получить в службе поддержки по телефону горячей линии:
или e-mail: info@fj-climate.com
Возврат к списку
- 40 Fujitsu air conditioner error codes (FULL LIST)
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 00
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 01
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 02
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 04
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 06
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 09
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 12
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 13
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 15
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 16
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 17
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 18
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 19
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 20
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 24
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 25
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 26
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 27
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 28
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 29
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 30
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 31
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 32
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 33
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 0A
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 0C
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 0E
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 0F
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 1A
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 1B
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 1C
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 1D
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 1E
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 1F
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 2A
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 2B
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 2C
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 2D
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 2E
- Fujitsu air conditioner error code 2F
40 Fujitsu air conditioner error codes (FULL LIST)
This is our latest fujitsu AC troubleshooting guide. We included the full list of fujitsu aircon error codes and some troubleshooting procedure.
Troubleshooting at the remote control LCD
If an error occurs, the following display will be shown. (“EE” will appear in the set room temperature display.)
If “CO” appears in the unit number display, there is a remote control error.
Refer to the installation instruction sheet included with the remote control. If you need still need a helping hand, our previous how to repair ac remote control guide may help.
Troubleshooting at the outdoor unit LED
Make a TEST RUN in accordance with the installation instruction sheet for the indoor unit.
When a malfunction occurs in the outdoor unit, the LED on the circuit board lights to indicate the error.
Refer to the following table for the description of each error according to the LED
LED | Error |
1 flash | Communication error (Indoor unit – Outdoor unit) |
2 flash | Discharge pipe temperature sensor |
3 flash | Outdoor heat exchanger temperature (outlet) sensor |
4 flash | Outdoor temperature sensor |
5 flash | Outdoor heat exchanger temperature (mid) sensor |
6 flash | Discharge pipe temperature abnormal |
7 flash | Compressor temperature sensor |
8 flash | Heat sink temperature sensor |
9 flash | Pressure switch abnormal |
10 flash | Compressor temperature abnormal |
12 flash | IPM error |
13 flash | Compressor rotor position cannot detect |
14 flash | Compressor cannot operate |
15 flash | Outdoor fan abnormal (upper fan) |
16 flash | Outdoor fan abnormal (lower fan) |
5 sec on/ 0.1 sec off repeat | PAM voltage abnormality |
5 sec on/ 1 sec off repeat | Protect operation |
5 sec on/ 2 sec off repeat | PFC surge protection (permanent stop) |
5 sec on/ 5 sec off repeat | Fan malfunction |
2 sec on/ 2 sec off repeat | CT abnormality |
2 sec on/ 5 sec off repeat | Compressor temperature protection (permanent stop) |
1 sec on/ 1 sec off repeat | Pump down operation |
0.5 sec on/ 0.5 sec off repeat | Current surge protection |
0.1 sec on/ 0.1 sec off repeat | Thermistor malfunction |
0.1 sec on/ 2 sec off repeat | Compressor position detection malfunction |
off | No error |
Troubleshooting at the indoor unit display
Error is displayed on the wired and wireless remote control. Lamps show error contents by flashing as follows.
OPERATION Lamp | TIMER Lamp | FILTER Lamp | Possible Errors |
off | 2 times | off | Indoor signal error |
off | 3 times | off | Indoor signal error |
off | 4 times | off | Indoor signal error |
off | 5 times | off | Indoor signal error |
off | 8 times | off | Wired remote controller abnormal |
2 times | 2 times | off | Indoor room temperature sensor error |
2 times | 3 times | off | Indoor heat exchanger temperature sensor (middle) error |
2 times | 4 times | off | Indoor heat exchanger temperature sensor (inlet) error |
2 times | 6 times | off | Float switch operated |
3 times | 2 times | off | Outdoor discharge pipe temperature sensor error |
3 times | 3 times | off | Outdoor heat exchanger temperature sensor (outlet) error |
3 times | 4 times | off | Outdoor temperature sensor error |
3 times | 7 times | off | Heat sink thermistor (Inverter) error |
3 times | 8 times | off | Compressor temperature sensor error |
3 times | off | 2 times | 2-way valve temperature sensor error |
3 times | off | 3 times | 3-way valve temperature sensor error |
3 times | off | 4 times | Outdoor heat exchanger temperature sensor (middle) error |
3 times | off | 5 times | Heat sink thermistor (P.F.C) error |
4 times | 2 times | off | Indoor manual auto switch abnormal |
4 times | 4 times | off | Power supply frequency detection error |
5 times | 2 times | off | IPM protection |
5 times | 3 times | off | CT error |
5 times | 5 times | off | Compressor location error |
5 times | 6 times | off | Outdoor fan error |
5 times | 7 times | off | Connected indoor unit abnormal |
5 times | 8 times | off | Outdoor unit computer communication error |
5 times | off | 2 times | Inverter error |
6 times | 2 or 3 times | off | Indoor fan abnormal |
7 times | 2 times | off | Discharge temperature error |
7 times | 3 times | off | Excessive high pressure protection on cooling |
7 times | 4 times | off | 4-way valve abnormal |
7 times | 5 times | off | Pressure switch abnormal, Pressure sensor abnormal |
7 times | 6 times | off | Compressor temperature error |
7 times | 7 times | off | Low pressure error |
8 times | 2 or 3 times | off | Active filter abnormal |
8 times | 4 times | off | PFC circuit error |
8 times | 6 times | off | P.F.C PCB error |
9 times | 2 times | off | Refrigerant circuit address set-up error |
9 times | 3 times | off | Master unit, Slave unit set-up error |
9 times | 4 times | off | Connected indoor number set-up error |
Flash means “0.5 second on / 0.5 second off”.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 00
Wired remote controller abnormal.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 01
Indoor signal error.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 02
Indoor room temperature sensor error
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 04
Indoor heat exchanger temperature sensor (middle) error
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 06
Outdoor heat exchanger thermistor (outlet) error.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 09
Float switch operated.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 12
Indoor fan abnormal.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 13
Serial forward transfer error.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 15
Compressor temperature sensor error.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 16
Pressure switch abnormal, Pressure sensor abnormal.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 17
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 18
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 19
Active filter abnormal.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 20
Indoor manual auto switch abnormal.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 24
Excessive high pressure protection on cooling.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 25
P.F.C. circuit error.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 26
Communication error ( Main PCB to Display PCB )
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 27
Communication error ( Display PCB to Main PCB )
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 28
Indoor heat exchanger thermistor (inlet) error.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 29
Outdoor heat exchanger thermistor (middle) error.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 30
Refrigerant circuit address set-up error.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 31
Master unit, Slave unit set-up error.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 32
Connected the indoor number set-up error.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 33
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 0A
Outdoor temperature sensor error.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 0C
Outdoor discharge pipe temperature sensor error.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 0E
Heat sink thermistor (Inverter) error.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 0F
Discharge temperature error.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 1A
Compressor location error.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 1B
Outdoor fan error.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 1C
Outdoor unit computer communication error.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 1D
2-way valve temperature sensor error.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 1E
3-way valve temperature sensor error.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 1F
Connected indoor unit abnormal.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 2A
Power supply frequency detection error.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 2B
Compressor temperature error.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 2C
4-way valve abnormal
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 2D
Heat sink thermistor (P.F.C.) error.
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 2E
Fujitsu air conditioner error code 2F
Low pressure error.
General Troubleshooting
1. Fujitsu AC doesn’t operate immediately
Possible causes:
- If the unit is stopped and then immediately started again, the compressor will not operate for about 3 minutes, in order to prevent fuse blowouts.
- Whenever the Power Supply Plug is disconnected and then reconnected to a power outlet, the protection circuit will operate for about 3 minutes, preventing unit operation during that period.
2. Fujitsu AC have noise
Possible causes:
- During operation and immediately after stopping the unit, the sound of water flowing in the air conditioner’s piping may be heard. Also, noise may be particularly noticeable for about 2 to 3 minutes after starting operation (sound of coolant flowing).
- During operation, a slight squeaking sound may be heard. This is the result of minute expansion and contraction of the front cover due to temperature changes.
- During Heating operation, a sizzling sound may be heard occasional. This sound is produced by the Automatic Defrosting operation
3. Fujitsu AC have smell
Possible cause:
- Some smell may be emitted from the indoor unit. This smell is the result of room smells (furniture, tobacco, etc.) which have been taken into the air conditioner.
4. Mist or steam are emitted in Fujitsu AC
Possible causes:
- During Cooling or Dry operation, a thin mist may be seen emitted from the indoor unit. This results from the sudden Cooling of room air by the air emitted from the air conditioner, resulting in condensation and misting.
- During Heating operation, the outdoor unit’s fan may stop, and steam may be seen rising from the unit. This is due to Automatic Defrosting operation.
5. Fujitsu AC airflow is weak or stops
Possible causes:
- When Heating operation is started, fan speed is temporarily very low, to allow internal parts to warm up.
- During Heating operation, if the room temperature rises above the thermostat setting, the outdoor unit will stop, and the indoor unit will operate at very low fan speed. If you wish to warm the room further, set the thermostat for a higher setting.
- During Heating operation, the unit will temporarily stop operation (between 7 and 15 minutes) as the Automatic Defrosting mode operates. During Automatic Defrosting operation, the OPERATION Indicator Lamp will flash.
- The fan may operate at very low speed during Dry operation or when the unit is monitoring the room’s temperature.
- During SUPER QUIET operation, the fan will operate at very low speed.
- In the monitor AUTO operation, the fan will operate at very low speed.
6. Water is produced from Fujitsu AC outdoor unit
Possible cause:
- During Heating operation, water may be produced from the outdoor unit due to Automatic Defrosting operation.
7. Fujitsu AC doesn’t operate at all
Possible causes:
- Is the Power Supply Plug disconnected its outlet?
- Has there been a power failure?
- Has a fuse blown out, or a circuit breaker been tripped?
- Is the timer operating?
7. Fujitsu AC not cool
Possible causes:
- Is the Air Filter dirty?
- Air the air conditioner’s intake grille or outlet port blocked?
- Did you adjust the room temperature settings (thermostat) correctly?
- Is there a window or door open?
- In the case of Cooling operation, is a window allowing bright sunlight to enter? (Close the curtains.)
- In the case of Cooling operation, are there heating apparatus and computers inside the room, or are there too many people in the room?
7. Fujitsu AC operates differently from the Remote Controller’s setting
Possible causes:
- Are the Remote Controller’s batteries dead?
- Are the Remote Controller’s batteries loaded properly?
How to clean Fujitsu air conditioner intake grille?
1. Remove the Intake Grille
- Place your fingers at both lower ends of the grille panel, and lift forward; if the grille seems to catch partway through its movement, continue lifting upward to remove.
- Pull past the intermediate catch and open the Intake Grille wide so that it become horizontal.
2. Clean with water
Remove dust with a vacuum cleaner; wipe the unit with warm water, then dry with a clean, soft cloth.
3. Replace the Intake Grille
- Pull the knobs all the way.
- Hold the grille horizontal and set the left and right mounting shafts into the bearings at the top of the panel.
- Press the place where the arrow on the diagram indicates and close the Intake Grille.
How to clean Fujitsu air conditioner air filter?
Total Time: 30 minutes
Open the Intake Grille, and remove the air filter.
Lift up the air filter’s handle, disconnect the two lower tabs, and pull out air filter handle.
Remove dust with a vacuum cleaner or by washing.
After washing, allow to dry thoroughly in a shaded place.
Replace the Air Filter and close the Intake Grille.
Align the sides of the air filter with the panel, and push in fully, making sure the two lower tabs are returned properly to their holes in the panel. Close the Intake Grille.
- Dust can be cleaned from the air filter either with a vacuum cleaner, or by washing the filter in a solution of mild detergent and warm water. If you wash the filter, be sure to allow it to dry thoroughly in a shady place before reinstalling.
- If dirt is allowed to accumulate on the air filter, air flow will be reduced, lowering operating efficiency and increasing noise.
- During periods of normal use, the Air Filters should be cleaned every two weeks.
How to replace Fujitsu air conditioner air filter?
Replace filters with the following components (purchased separately).
- Negative air ions deodorizing filter: UTR-FA13-2
1. Open the Intake Grille and remove the Air filters.
2. Replace them by two new Air cleaning filters.
- Remove the old air cleaning filters in reverse order of their installation.
- Install in the same way as for installation of the air cleaning filter set.
3. Install the two Air filters and close the Intake Grille
In regard to the Fujitsu air conditioner air filter:
- The Air Cleaning Filters are disposable filters. (They can not be washed and reused.)
- For storage of the Air Cleaning Filters, use the filters as soon as possible after the package has been opened. (The air cleaning effect decreases when the filters are left in the opened package)
- Generally, the filters should be exchanged about every three months.
Negative air ions deodorizing filter (one sheet) – light blue
- The filters should be exchanged about every three years so as to maintain the deodorizing effect.
- Filter frame is not a one-off product.
Maintenance of Deodorizing Filters
In order to maintain the deodorizing effect, please clean the filter in the follow way once three months.
- Remove the deodorizing filter.
- Clean with water and dry in the air.
- Reinstall the deodorizing filter.
Hope that this guide help you. If still need help in aircon servicing, please feel free to get in touch.
Trouble shooting 9
OUTDOOR UNIT Error Method:
Detective Actuators:
Outdoor unit Main PCB
Forecast of Cause :
1. External cause
Check Point 1 : Check external cause at Indoor and Outdoor (Voltage drop or Noise)
Instant drop : Check if there is a large load electric apparatus in the same circuit.
Momentary power failure : Check if there is a defective contact or leak current
Noise : Check if there is any equipment causing harmonic wave near electric line.
(Neon bulb or electric equipment that may cause harmonic wave)
Check the complete insulation of grounding.
Check Point 2 : Check connection of Connector
Check if connector is removed.
Check erroneous connection.
Check if cable is open.
>>Upon correcting the removed connector or mis-wiring, reset the power.
Check Point 3 : Replace Main PCB
If Check Point 1, 2 do not improve the symptom, change Main PCB.
Indicate or Display:
Outdoor Unit : No indication
Indoor Unit
ERROR CODE : [E : 64]
Detective details:
When inverter output DC voltage is higher than 415V for over 3 seconds,
the compressor stops.
If the same operation is repeated 5 times, the compressor stops permanently.
2. Connector connection failure
in the power supply circuit.
: Operation lamp: 6 times Flash, Timer lamp: 4 times Flash
Economy lamp: Continuous flash.
3. Main PCB failure
Когда на дисплее пульта показывает EE:EE, нажмите одновременно
две кнопки “Energy Save” + “Zone Control” и удерживайте дольше 3х сек..
Код ошибки будет показан на дисплее.
E0:00 Coms error — indoor to remote
E1:00 Coms error — indoor to outdoor
E2:00 Return air thermistor open circuit
E3:00 Return air thermistor short circuit
E4:00 Indoor coil thermistor open
E5:00 Indoor coil thermistor shorted
E6:00 Outdoor coil thermistor open
E7:00 Outdoor coil thermistor shorted
EA:00 Outdoor ambient thermistor open
Eb:00 Outdoor ambient thermistor shorted
Ec:00 Discharge pipe themistor open
Ed:00 Discharge pipe thermistor shorted
EE:00 High Pressure problem
EF:00 Discharge pipe temp. Problem — too high = short of gas
Press “Energy Save” & “Zone Control” buttons simultaneously for longer
than 3 secs to return to normal operating mode
(1) Stop the air conditioner operation.
(2) Press the master control button and the fan control button simultaneously for 2 seconds or more to start the test run
(3) Press the start/stop button to stop the test run
When the error indication E:EE is displayed, follow the following items
to perform the self-diagnosis. E:EE indicates an error has occurred.
1) Stop the air conditioner operation.
2) Press the set temperature buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds or more to start the self-diagnosis.
Refer to the following tables for the description of each error code
(3) Press the set temperature buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds or more to stop the self-diagnosis.
Error code = 00
Error contents = Communication error (indoor unit to remote controller)
Error code = 01
Error contents = Communication error (indoor unit to outdoor unit)
Error code = 02
Error contents = Room temperature sensor open
Error code = 03
Error contents = Room temperature sensor short-circuited
Error code = 04
Error contents = Indoor heat exchanger temperature sensor open
Error code = 05
Error contents = Indoor heat exchanger temperature sensor shortcircuited
Error code = 06
Error contents = Outdoor heat exchanger temperature sensor open
Error code = 07
Error contents = Outdoor heat exchanger temperature sensor shortcircuit
Error code = 08
Error contents = Power source connection error
Error code = 09
Error contents = Float switch operated
Error code = 0A
Error contents = Outdoor temperature sensor open
Error code = 0b
Error contents = Outdoor temperature sensor short-circuited
Error code = 0c
Error contents = Discharge pipe temperature sensor open
Error code = 0d
Error contents = Discharge pipe temperature sensor short-circuited
Error code = 0E
Error contents = Outdoor high pressure abnormal
Error code = 0F
Error contents = Discharge pipe temperature abnormal
Error code = 11
Error contents = Model abnormal
Error code = 12
Error contents = Indoor fan abnormal
Error code = 13
Error contents = Outdoor signal abnormal
Error code = 14
Error contents = Outdoor EEPROM abnormal
When the outdoor temperature drops, the outdoor units fans may switch
to low speed.
The LED lamps operate as follows according to the error contents.
These pages cover the current Inverter product range.
They also cover the ARY60U, ARY54U Single and AOY19/24F/U Multi Systems.
Models with Wireless Controllers
Trouble Shooting from the Indoor Unit
Wall Mounted Single Systems ASY, ASYA & ASYB
Includes AWYZ Nokria Models
Red Light Operation = Off Green Light Timer = 2 Flashes
Reverse Comms Fail at Startup
Red Light Operation = Off
Green Light Timer = 3 Flashes
Reverse Comms Fail In Use
Red Light Operation = Off
Green Light Timer = 4 Flashes
Forward Comms Fail at Startup
Red Light Operation = Off
Green Light Timer = 5 Flashes
Forward Comms Fail In Use
Red Light Operation = Off
Green Light Timer = 8 Flashes
Wired Remote Control Failure
Red Light Operation = 2 Flashes
Green Light Timer = 2 Flashes
Indoor Air Sensor Fail
Red Light Operation = 2 Flashes
Green Light Timer = 3 Flashes
Indoor Pipe Sensor Fail
Red Light Operation = 3 Flashes
Green Light Timer = 2 Flashes OD
Disch Sensor Fail
Red Light Operation = 3 Flashes
Green Light Timer = 3 Flashes OD
Pipe Sensor Fail
Red Light Operation = 3 Flashes
Green Light Timer = 4 Flashes OD
Air Sensor Fail
Red Light Operation = 3 Flashes
Green Light Timer = 8 Flashes
Compressor Temp Sensor Fail
Red Light Operation = 4 Flashes Green Light Timer = 2 Flashes
Forced Auto Switch Welded
Red Light Operation = 4 Flashes
Green Light Timer = 3 Flashes
Main Relay Welded
Red Light Operation = 4 Flashes
Green Light Timer = 4 Flashes
Power Failure
Red Light Operation = 4 Flashes
Green Light Timer = 7 Flashes
VDD Permament Stop Protection
Red Light Operation = 4 Flashes
Green Light Timer = 8 Flashes
Reverse VDD Permament Stop
Red Light Operation = 5 Flashes
Green Light Timer = 2 Flashes
Current Trip
Red Light Operation = 5 Flashes
Green Light Timer = 3 Flashes
CT Abnormal
Red Light Operation = 5 Flashes
Green Light Timer = 5 Flashes
Compressor Failure
Red Light Operation = 5 Flashes
Green Light Timer = 6 Flashes
Outdoor Fan Failure
Red Light Operation = 6 Flashes
Green Light Timer = 2 Flashes
ID Fan Motor Locked
Red Light Operation = 6 Flashes
Green Light Timer = 3 Flashes
ID Fan Motor Rotation Error
Red Light Operation = 7 Flashes
Green Light Timer = 2 Flashes
High Discharge Temperature
Red Light Operation = 7 Flashes
Green Light Timer = 3 Flashes
High Pressure
Red Light Operation = 7 Flashes
Green Light Timer = 5 Flashes
Pressure Switch Fail
Red Light Operation = 8 Flashes
Green Light Timer = 2 Flashes
Active Filter AFM Fail 1st Time
Red Light Operation = 8 Flashes
Green Light Timer = 3 Flashes
Active Filter AFM Fail 2nd Time
Red Light Operation = 8 Flashes
Green Light Timer = 4 Flashes
PFC Circuit Error
Red Light Operation = Blinking
Green Light Timer = Blinking
PCB Failure
All Other Wireless Indoor Units AUY, ABY & AWY Models
Including Multi Systems (Not J Series or VRF)
Red Light operation = On
Green Light Timer =
Yellow Light Swing =
Red Light operation = On
Green Light Timer = Slow Blink
Yellow Light Swing = Slow Blink
Red Light operation = Blinks
Green Light Timer = Blinks
Yellow Light Swing = Off
Red Light operation = Blinks
Green Light Timer = Blinks
Yellow Light Swing = Blinks
Red Light operation = Blinks
Green Light Timer = 2 Pulses
Yellow Light Swing = Off
OD Power Connection Failure
Red Light operation = Blinks
Green Light Timer =3 Pulses
Yellow Light Swing = Off
OD Unit Pipe Sensor Fail
Red Light operation = Blinks
Green Light Timer =4 Pulses
Yellow Light Swing = Off OD
Unit Air sensor Fail
Red Light operation = Blinks
Green Light Timer =4 Pulses
Yellow Light Swing = Blinks
OD Unit Air sensor Short
Red Light operation = Blinks
Green Light Timer = 5 Pulses
Yellow Light Swing = Off
OD Unit Disch Sensor Fail
Red Light operation = Blinks
Green Light Timer = 5 Pulses
Yellow Light Swing = Blinks
OD Unit Disch Sensor Short
Red Light operation = Blinks
Green Light Timer = 6 Pulses
Yellow Light Swing = Off
High Pressure
Red Light operation = Blinks
Green Light Timer = 7 Pulses
Yellow Light Swing = Off
High Discharge or Compressor Temp
Red Light operation = Blinks
Green Light Timer = 9 Pulses
Yellow Light Swing = Off
OD Unit Compressor Temp Sensor
Red Light operation = Blinks
Green Light Timer = 10 Pulses
Yellow Light Swing = Off
IPM Error
Red Light operation = Blinks
Green Light Timer = 11 Pulses
Yellow Light Swing = Off
CT Error
Red Light operation = Blinks
Green Light Timer = 12 Pulses
Yellow Light Swing = Off
AFM Filter Error
Red Light operation = Blinks
Green Light Timer = 13 Pulses
Yellow Light Swing = Off
Compressor Error
Red Light operation = Blinks
Green Light Timer = 14 Pulses
Yellow Light Swing = Off
OD Fan Motor Fail
Red Light operation = 2 Pulses
Green Light Timer = Blinks
Yellow Light Swing = Off
Air Sensor Open
Red Light operation = 2 Pulses
Green Light Timer = Blinks
Yellow Light Swing = Blinks
Air Sensor Closed
Red Light operation = 3 Pulses
Green Light Timer = Blinks
Yellow Light Swing = Off
Pipe Sensor Open
Red Light operation = 3 Pulses
Green Light Timer = Blinks
Yellow Light Swing = Blinks
Pipe Sensor Closed
Red Light operation = 4 Pulses
Green Light Timer = Blinks
Yellow Light Swing = Off
Drain Problem
Red Light operation = 5 Pulses
Green Light Timer = Blinks
Yellow Light Swing = Off
Communication Error
Red Light operation = 5 Pulses
Green Light Timer = Blinks
Yellow Light Swing = Blinks
OD PCB or Wiring Error
Red Light operation = 6 Pulses
Green Light Timer = Blinks
Yellow Light Swing = Off
Indoor Fan Failure
Wall Mounted Multi Models
Initial Display
Red = 2 Flashes
Green = Blinks
Meaning = ID Sensor Failure
Further Interrogation by Pressing Test Button on Infra Red RC
Red = Blinks
Green = 2 Flashes
ID Air Sensor
Initial Display
Red = 2 Flashes
Green = Blinks
Meaning = ID Sensor Failure
Further Interrogation by Pressing Test Button on Infra Red RC
Red = Blinks
Green = 3 Flashes
ID Pipe Sensor
Initial Display
Red = 4 Flashes
Green = Blinks
Meaning = ID Control Error
Further Interrogation by Pressing Test Button on Infra Red RC
Red = Blinks
Green = 2 Flashes
Manual Auto Button Error
Initial Display
Red = 4 Flashes
Green = Blinks
Meaning = ID Control Error
Further Interrogation by Pressing Test Button on Infra Red RC
Red = Blinks
Green = 4 Flashes
Power Source Failure
Initial Display
Red = 5 Flashes
Green = Blinks
Meaning = Comms Failure
Further Interrogation by Pressing Test Button on Infra Red RC
Red = Blinks
Green = 2 Flashes
Reverse Comms Failure
Initial Display
Red = 5 Flashes
Green = Blinks
Meaning = Comms Failure
Further Interrogation by Pressing Test Button on Infra Red RC
Red = Blinks
Green = 3 Flashes
Forward Comms Failure
Initial Display
Red = 6 Flashes
Green = Blinks
Meaning = ID Fan Failure
Further Interrogation by Pressing Test Button on Infra Red RC
Red = Blinks
Green = 2 Flashes
Motor locked
Initial Display
Red = 6 Flashes
Green = Blinks
Meaning = ID Fan Failure
Further Interrogation by Pressing Test Button on Infra Red RC
Red = Blinks
Green = 3 Flashes
Motor RPM Incorrect
Initial Display
Red = Blinks
Green = 2 Flashes
Meaning = OD Thermistor Fail
Further Interrogation by Pressing Test Button on Infra Red RC
Red = 2 Flashes
Green = Blinks
OD Discharge Sensor Fail
Initial Display
Red = Blinks
Green = 2 Flashes
Meaning = OD Thermistor Fai
Further Interrogation by Pressing Test Button on Infra Red RCl
Red = 4 Flashes
Green = Blinks
OD Pipe Sensor Fail
Initial Display
Red = Blinks
Green = 2 Flashes
Meaning = OD Thermistor Fail
Further Interrogation by Pressing Test Button on Infra Red RC
Red = 6 Flashes
Green = Blinks
OD Air Sensor Fail
Initial Display
Red = Blinks
Green = 2 Flashes
Meaning = OD Thermistor Fail
Further Interrogation by Pressing Test Button on Infra Red
Red = 8 Flashes
Green = Blinks
Compressor Temp Sensor Fail
Initial Display
Red = Blinks
Green = 2 Flashes
Meaning = OD Thermistor Fail
Further Interrogation by Pressing Test Button on Infra Red
Red = 9 Flashes
Green = Blinks
2 Way Valve Sensor Fail
Initial Display
Red = Blinks
Green = 2 Flashes
Meaning = OD Thermistor Fail
Further Interrogation by Pressing Test Button on Infra Red
Red = 10 Flashes
Green = Blinks
3 Way Valve Sensor Fail
Initial Display
Red = Blinks
Green = 3 Flashes
Meaning = Pressure Switch
Red = 2 Flashes
Green = Blinks
Pressure Switch
Initial Display
Red = Blinks
Green = 4 Flashes
IMeaning = D Units Incorrect
Further Interrogation by Pressing Test Button on Infra Red
Red = 2 Flashes
Green = Blinks
Incorrect Indoor Unit Index
Initial Display
Red = Blinks
Green = 5 Flashes
Meaning = Inverter Failure
Further Interrogation by Pressing Test Button on Infra Red
Red = 2 Flashes
Green = Blinks
IPM Failure
Initial Display
Red = Blinks
Green = 5 Flashes
Meaning = Inverter Failure
Further Interrogation by Pressing Test Button on Infra Red
Red = 5 Flashes
Green = Blinks
Compressor Failure
Fujitsu Limited is a multinational Japanese information and communications technology company that was established in 1935. With headquarters in Tokyo, the company has made an impact on the Asia, and international markets. Currently the largest company by annual revenue in Japan, the company focuses on producing a wide range of home and commercial appliances. Ranging from air conditioning to date storage they have you covered.
Additionally, the company has a wide range of groups and its appliance company runs under the name Fujitsu General. The company manufactures air conditioners, and humidity control solutions, and has taken the world by storm. Opening offices in different areas of the world, they are now one of the largest air conditioner manufacturers and suppliers.
While Fujitsu is a leading corporation, but there are times when consumers face a troubling error code that they are unable to decipher. For such days, we are here to help you with a simple solution. Start by noting down the error code, and match it using the list below. Once you have the error code you can easily work your way to the fix. To help you out we have listed down some of the most common error codes for Fujitsu ACs.
- Fujitsu Ducted Air Conditioning
- Fujitsu Wall Mounted Air Conditioner
- Fujitsu Ceiling Cassette Air Conditioner
- Service manual, installation manual pdf
This model is non-insulated PCB that doesn’t take the insulated structure on the PCB from this fiscal year. Be careful that it is likely to get a hock when it touches the charge part when checking. Moreover, there is a possibility of getting a shock even if it touches the secondary circuit of the display PCB or the stepping motor, etc.
Fujitsu AC Wired Remote Controller Error Codes
When EE:EE is displayed on remote control , press “Energy Save” & “Zone Control” buttons simultaneously for longer than 3 secs. The error code will then be displayed on the LCD.
Error Codes | Meaning |
E0:00 | Coms error — indoor to remote |
E1:00 | Coms error — indoor to outdoor |
E2:00 | Return air thermistor open circuit |
E3:00 | Return air thermistor short circuit |
E4:00 | Indoor coil thermistor open |
E5:00 | Indoor coil thermistor shorted |
E6:00 | Outdoor coil thermistor open |
E7:00 | Outdoor coil thermistor shorted |
EA:00 | Outdoor ambient thermistor open |
Eb:00 | Outdoor ambient thermistor shorted |
Ec:00 | Discharge pipe themistor open |
Ed:00 | Discharge pipe thermistor shorted |
EE:00 | High Pressure problem |
EF:00 | Discharge pipe temp. Problem — too high = short of gas |
OO | ID to RC Comms Fail |
O1 | ID to OD Comms Fail |
O2 | ID Air Sensor Open |
O3 | ID Air Sensor Close |
O4 | ID Pipe Sensor Open |
O5 | ID Pipe Sensor Close |
O6 | OD Pipe Sensor Fail |
O8 | Power Source Connection Failure |
O9 | Drain Problem Float switch operated |
OA | OD Air Sensor Fail |
OC | Discharge sensor Fail |
OE | Outdoor High Pressure Heatsink error |
11 | OD PCB Fail |
12 | ID Fan Fail |
13 | OD Signal Abnormal ID signal error |
14 | OD EEPROM Fail |
15 | Compressor Temp Failure |
16 | Pressure Switch Error |
17 | IPM Error |
18 | CT Error |
19 | Active Filter Module Error |
1A | Compressor Failure |
1B | OD Fan Failure |
1C | Inverter to PCB Comms Fail |
1D | 2 Way Valve sensor Fail |
1E | Expansion Valve Error |
1F | Connection ID Unit Error |
20 | Indoor manual switch abnormal |
24 | Excessive high pressure protection on cooling |
25 | PFC circuit error |
26 | Indoor signal error |
27 | Indoor signal error |
28 | Indoor heat exchanger temperature error |
29 | Outdoor heat exchanger temperature (middle) error |
2A | Power supply frequency detection error |
2B | Compressor temperature error |
2C | Four-way valve abnormal |
Press “Energy Save” & “Zone Control” buttons simultaneously for longer than 3 secs to return to normal operating mode.
Fujitsu Air Conditioner Operation Light Flashing
Red Light Operation | Green Light Timer | Current Models |
Off | 2 Flashes | Reverse Comms Fail at Startup |
Off | 3 Flashes | Reverse Comms Fail In Use |
Off | 4 Flashes | Forward Comms Fail at Startup |
Off | 5 Flashes | Forward Comms Fail In Use |
Off | 8 Flashes | Wired Remote Control Failure |
2 Flashes | 2 Flashes | Indoor Air Sensor Fail |
2 Flashes | 3 Flashes | Indoor Pipe Sensor Fail |
2 Flashes | 4 Flashes | Indoor heat exchanger sensor error |
2 Flashes | 6 Flashes | Float switch operated |
3 Flashes | 2 Flashes | OD Disch Sensor Fail |
3 Flashes | 3 Flashes | OD Pipe Sensor Fail |
3 Flashes | 4 Flashes | OD Air Sensor Fail |
3 Flashes | 7 Flashes | Heatsink Sensor Error |
3 Flashes | 8 Flashes | Compressor Temp Sensor Fail |
4 Flashes | 2 Flashes | Forced Auto Switch Welded |
4 Flashes | 3 Flashes | Main Relay Welded |
4 Flashes | 4 Flashes | Power Failure |
4 Flashes | 7 Flashes | VDD Permament Stop Protection |
4 Flashes | 8 Flashes | Reverse VDD Permament Stop |
5 Flashes | 2 Flashes | IPM Protection |
5 Flashes | 3 Flashes | CT Abnormal |
5 Flashes | 5 Flashes | Compressor Failure |
5 Flashes | 6 Flashes | Outdoor Fan Failure |
6 Flashes | 2 Flashes | ID Fan Motor Locked |
Flashes | 3 Flashes | ID Fan Motor Rotation Error |
7 Flashes | 2 Flashes | High Discharge Temperature |
7 Flashes | 3 Flashes | High Pressure |
7 Flashes | 4 Flashes | 4-Way valve abnormal |
7 Flashes | 5 Flashes | Pressure Switch Fail |
7 Flashes | 6 Flashes | Compressor Temperature error |
8 Flashes | 2 Flashes | Active Filter AFM Fail 1st Time |
8 Flashes | 3 Flashes | Active Filter AFM Fail 2nd Time |
8 Flashes | 4 Flashes | PFC Circuit Error |
Blinking | Blinking | PCB Failure |
If you use a wired type remote controller, error codes will appear on the remote controller display. If you use a wireless remote controller, the lamp on the photo detector unit will output error codes by way of blinking patterns. See the lamp blinking patterns and error codes in the table below. An error display is displayed only during operation.
Fujitsu Air Conditioner Troubleshooting
In the event of a malfunction (burning smell, etc.), immediately stop operation, disconnect the Power Supply Plug, and consult authorized service personnel. Merely turning off the unit’s power switch will not completely disconnect the unit from the power source. Always be sure to disconnect the Power Supply Plug or turn off your circuit breaker to ensure that power is completely off.
Before requesting service, perform the following checks:
Symptom: Doesn’t operate immediately
- If the unit is stopped and then immediately started again, the compressor will not operate for about 3 minutes, in order to prevent fuse blowouts.
- Whenever the Power Supply Plug is disconnected and then re- connected to a power outlet, the protection circuit will operate for about 3 minutes, preventing unit operation during that period.
Symptom: Noise is heard
- During operation and immediately after stopping the unit, the sound of water flowing in the air conditioner’s piping may be heard. Also, noise may be particularly noticeable for about 2 to 3 minutes after starting operation (sound of coolant flowing).
- During operation, a slight squeaking sound may be heard. This is the result of minute expansion and contraction of the front cover due to temperature changes.
- During Heating operation, a sizzling sound may be heard occasional. This sound is produced by the Automatic Defrosting operation.
Symptom: Smells
Problem: Some smell may be emitted from the indoor unit. This smell is the result of room smells (furniture, tobacco, etc.) which have been taken into the air conditioner.
Symptom: Mist or steam are emitted
- During Cooling or Dry operation, a thin mist may be seen emitted from the indoor unit. This results from the sudden Cooling of room air by the air emitted from the air conditioner, resulting in condensation and misting.
- During Heating operation, the outdoor unit’s fan may stop, and steam may be seen rising from the unit. This is due to Automatic Defrosting operation.
Symptom: Airflow is weak or stops
- When Heating operation is started, fan speed is temporarily very low, to allow internal parts to warm up.
- During Heating operation, if the room temperature rises above the thermostat setting, the outdoor unit will stop, and the indoor unit will operate at very low fan speed. If you wish to warm the room further, set the thermostat for a higher setting.
- During Heating operation, the unit will temporarily stop opera- tion (between 7 and 15 minutes) as the Automatic Defrosting mode operates. During Automatic Defrosting operation, the OPERATION Indicator Lamp will flash.
- The fan may operate at very low speed during Dry operation or when the unit is monitoring the room’s temperature.
- During SUPER QUIET operation, the fan will operate at very low speed
- In the monitor AUTO operation, the fan will operate at very low speed.
Symptom: Water is produced from the outdoor unit
Problem: During Heating operation, water may be produced from the outdoor unit due to Automatic Defrosting operation.
Symptom: The AIR CLEAN Indicator Lamp (green) will begin to slowly flash (as shown in the figure):
Problem: After approximately 400 hours of Air Cleaning Mode use, the AIR CLEAN Indicator Lamp will begin to flash slowly (as shown in the figure). When this occurs, please stop the system, remove the mains socket and carry out maintenance on the dust collecting unit’s air filter.
Symptom: The AIR CLEAN Indicator Lamp (green) will begin to flash quickly (as shown in the figure):
Problem: After approximately 500 hours of Air Cleaning Mode use, the AIR CLEAN Indicator Lamp will begin to flash quickly (as shown in the figure). At this point, Air Cleaning will stop functioning. Please stop the system, remove the mains socket and carry out maintenance on the dust collecting unit’s air filter.
Symptom: Doesn’t operate at all
- Is the Power Supply Plug disconnected its outlet?
- Has there been a power failure?
- Has a fuse blown out, or a circuit breaker been tripped?
- Is the timer operating?
Symptom: Poor Cooling performance
- Is the Air Filter dirty?
- Air the air conditioner’s intake grille or outlet port blocked?
- Did you adjust the room temperature settings (thermostat) cor- rectly?
- Is there a window or door open?
- In the case of Cooling operation, is a window allowing bright sun- light to enter? (Close the curtains.)
- In the case of Cooling operation, are there heating apparatus and computers inside the room, or are there too many people in the room?
- Is the unit set for SUPER QUIET operation?
Symptom: The unit operates differently from the Remote Control Unit’s setting
- Are the Remote Control Unit’s batteries dead?
- Are the Remote Control Unit’s batteries loaded properly?
Fujitsu Air Conditioner Installation Manual PDF
Fujitsu AUXB04GALH Airstage VRF Service Manual PDF
Fujitsu Air Conditioner Error Codes List Pdf
Mini-Splits Error Codes & Troubleshooting Pdf
Fujitsu İnverter Air Conditioner Manual Pdf -1
Fujitsu İnverter Air Conditioner Manual Pdf – 2
Having scrutinized Fujitsu air conditioner error codes, each user with the help of a specialist can remove small troubleshooting. The table containing error codes of Fujitsu air conditioners is given below. It helps to decipher an error code, determine the seriousness of a hitch and the complexity of the forthcoming repairs. Unlike paper instructions, our table can always be found online by the link.
Fujitsu AB14LBAJ air error codes
Air conditioners Fujitsu AB14LBAJ are split type room inverter multi units intended for both cooling and heating operations. There are such models, as universal floor, ceiling duct, cassette wall mounted, floor type. They use R410A as refrigerant. There are outdoor and indoor units.
Error code | Error contents |
0 | Communication error (indoor unit — remote control) |
1 | Communication error (Serial reverse transfer error) |
2 | Room temperature sensor error |
4 | Indoor heat exchanger temperature sensor error |
6 | Outdoor heat exchanger temperature sensor(outlet) error |
9 | Water drain abnormal |
OA | Outdoor temperature sensor error |
OC | Outdoor discharge pipe temperature sensor error |
OF | Discharge temperature error |
12 | Indoor fan motor abnormal |
13 | Outdoor communication signal error (Forward transfer signal error) |
15 | Compressor temperature sensor error |
16 | Pressure switch error |
17 | IPM error |
18 | CT error |
1A | Compressor rotor location cannot detect (permanent stop) |
1b | Outdoor unit fan motor error |
1d | 2-way valve temperature thermistor error |
1E | 3-way valve temperature thermistor error |
1C | Main CPU – sub CPU communication error |
1F | Connected indoor unit error |
20 | Indoor manual auto switch error |
24 | Exessive high pressure protection on cooling |
26 | Communication error (Main PCB — Display PCB) |
27 | Communication error (Main PCB — Display PCB) |
2c | 4-way valve error |
Fujitsu ABYA45LCT air error codes
Air conditioners Fujitsu ABYA45LCT are air conditioning equipment with indoor units of the ceiling type. The outdoor unit is also present. This equipment is intended for cooling and heating. The refrigerant used is R410A.
Error code | Error contents |
1 13 26 27 |
Indoor signal error |
0 | Wired remote controller abnormal |
2 | Indoor room temperature sensor error |
4 | Indoor heat exchanger temperature sensor (middle) error |
28 | Indoor heat exchanger temperature sensor (inlet) error |
9 | Float switch operated |
0c | Outdoor discharge pipe temperature sensor error |
6 | Outdoor heat exchanger temperature sensor (outlet) error |
0A | Outdoor temperature sensor error |
OE | Heat sink thermistor (Inverter) error |
15 | Compressor temperature sensor error |
1d | 2-way valve temperature sensor error |
1E | 3-way valve temperature sensor error |
29 | Outdoor heat exchanger temperature sensor (middle) error |
2d | Heat sink thermistor (P.F.C) error |
20 | Indoor manual auto switch abnormal |
2A | Power supply frequency detection error |
17 | IPM protection |
18 | CT error |
1A | Compressor location error |
1b | Outdoor fan error |
1F | Connected indoor unit abnormal |
1c | Outdoor unit computer communication error |
2E | Inverter error |
12 | Indoor fan abnormal |
OF | Discharge temperature error |
24 | Excessive high pressure protection on cooling |
2c | 4-way valve abnormal |
16 | Pressure switch abnormal. Pressure sensor abnormal |
2b | Compressor temperature error |
2F | Low pressure error |
19 | Active filter abnormal |
25 | PFC circuit error |
30 | Refrigerant circuit address set-up error |
31 | Master unit, Slave unit set-up error |
32 | Connected the indoor number set-up error |
33 | P.F.C. printed circuit board error |
Fujitsu AOYS24LDL air error codes
Air conditioners Fujitsu AOYS24LDL are split type room air conditioning equipment used for cooling and heating. They are of wall mounted type. There are indoor and outdoor units. The refrigerant used is R410A. All operations of air conditioners can be controlled with the help of a remote controller.
Error | Operation LED | Timer LED | Error |
Serial signal error | Normal | 2 flash | Serial signal (reverse) error, at operation start up |
3 flash | Serial signal (reverse) error, during operation | ||
4 flash | Serial signal (forward) error, at operation start up | ||
5 flash | Serial signal (forward) error, during operation | ||
8 flash | Wired remote controller error | ||
Indoor unit thermistor error | 2 flash | 2 flash | Indoor temperature thermistor open / short |
3 flash | Heat exchanger middle thermistor open / short | ||
Outdoor unit thermistor error | 3 flash | 2 flash | Discharge thermistor open / short |
3 flash | Heat exchanger thermistor open | ||
4 flash | Outdoor temperature thermistor open / short | ||
8 flash | Compressor temperature thermistor open! short | ||
Indoor unit control error | 4 flash | 2 flash | Forced automatic SW welded |
3 flash | Main relay welded | ||
4 flash | Power interruption error | ||
7 flash | VDD permanent stop protection | ||
8 flash | reverse VDD permanent stop protection | ||
Outdoor unit control error | 5 flash | 2 flash | Current trip error |
3 flash | CT abnormal | ||
5 flash | Compressor location detection error | ||
6 flash | Outdoor unit fan drive system abnormal | ||
Indoor fan motor error | 6 flash | 2 flash | Abnormal lock |
3 flash | Abnormal rotation | ||
Refrigerant cycle error | 7 flash | 2 flash | Discharge Temperature abnormal |
3 flash | Cooling high pressure abnormal rise | ||
5 flash | Pressure switch trouble | ||
Optional function error | 8 flash | 2 flash | Active filter voltage trouble (second time) |
3 flash | Active filter voltage trouble (first time) | ||
4 flash | PFC circuit error | ||
Model information error | 0.1sec on/off | 0 .1 sec on/off | Model information error |
Fujitsu AUG36LRLA air error codes
Air conditioners Fujitsu AUG36LRLA belong to 3 phase type single/simultaneous multi systems. High performance and top class energy saving of these equipment is achieved due to the adoption of DC inverter. Moreover, their operating cost while maintaining comfort is suppressed. Their operation is quite due to the low noise function. Up to 3 indoor units can be installed according to the shape, number of people and lighting conditions of the room even on wide floors and atypical floors.
Error Contents | Operation (Green) | Timer (Orange) | Wired Remote Controller Display |
Serial communication error | 1 time | 1 time | 11 |
Wired remote controller communication error | 2 times | 12 | |
Unit number or Refrigerant circuit address setting error | 2 times | 1 time | 21 |
Indoor unit capacity error | 2 times | 22 | |
Connection unit number error (indoor secondary unit) | 4 times | 24 | |
Primary unit, secondary unit setup error | 7 times | 27 | |
Indoor unit PCB model information error | 3 times | 2 times | 32 |
Manual auto switch error | 5 times | 35 | |
Room temp, sensor error | 4 times | 1 time | 41 |
Indoor unit Heat Ex. middle temp, sensor error | 2 times | 42 | |
Indoor unit fan motor error | 5 times | 1 time | 51 |
Drain pump error | 3 times | 53 | |
Indoor unit error | 15 times | 5U | |
Outdoor unit main PCB model information error or communication error | 6 times | 2 times | 62 |
Inverter error | 3 times | 63 | |
PFC circuit error | 4 times | 64 | |
Trip terminal L error | 5 times | 65 | |
Discharge temp, sensor error | 7 times | 1 time | 71 |
Compressor temp, sensor error | 2 times | 72 | |
Outdoor unit Heat Ex. liquid temp, sensor error | 3 times | 73 | |
Outdoor temp, sensor error | 4 times | 74 | |
Heat sink temp, sensor error | 7 times | 77 | |
Current sensor error | 8 times | 4 times | 84 |
Pressure sensor error | 8 times | 6 times | 86 |
Trip detection | 9 times | 4 times | 94 |
Compressor rotor position detection error (permanent stop) | 5 times | 95 | |
Outdoor unit fan motor 1 error | 7 times | 97 | |
Outdoor unit fan motor 2 error | 8 times | 98 | |
4-way valve error | 9 times | 99 | |
Discharge temp, error | 10 times | 1 time | A1 |
Compressure temp, error | 10 times | 3 times | A3 |
Fujitsu AUU18RCLX air error codes
Air conditioners Fujitsu AUU18RCLX are split type air conditioning equipment intended for cooling and heating. They are of cassette type. There are indoor and outdoor units. The refrigerant used is R410A.
Error code | Error contents |
1 | Indoor unit doesn’t accept the signal from outdoor unit. |
2 | Room temperature sensor open |
3 | Room temperature sensor short-circuited |
4 | Indoor heat exchanger temperature sensor open |
5 | Indoor heat exchanger temperature sensor short- circuited |
6 | Outdoor heat exchanger temperature sensor |
8 | Power source connection error |
9 | Float switch operated |
0A | Outdoor temperature sensor |
0c | Discharge pipe temperature sensor |
11 | Model abnormal |
12 | Indoor fan abnormal |
13 | Outdoor unit doesn’t accept the signal from indoor unit. |
14 | Excessive outdoor pressure (permanent stop) |
15 | Compressor temperature sensor |
16 | Pressure switch error |
17 | IPM error |
18 | CT error |
19 | Active filter module (AFM) error |
1A | Compressor does not operate |
1b | Outdoor unit fan error |
1c | Communication error (inverter— multicontroller) |
1d | 2 way valve sensor error |
1E | Expansion valve error |
1F | Connection indoor unit error |
Fujitsu AWY24LBAJ air fault codes
Air conditioners Fujitsu AWY24LBAJ are split type room air conditioners of the ceiling wall type intended for cooling and heating. There are indoor and outdoor units. The refrigerant used is R410A.
Error contents | Error display | Error display | Error display |
Indoor unit circuit board error | Fast flashing | Fast flashing | Off |
Indoor unit room temperature sensor wire opened | 2 times Slow flashing | ||
Indoor unit room temperature sensor wire short circuited | Fast flashing | ||
Indoor unit piping sensor wire opened | 3 times Slow flashing | Off | |
Indoor unit piping sensor short circuited | Fast flashing | ||
Serial error | 5 times Slow flashing | Off | |
Outdoor unit circuit board error or miswiring between outdoor unit and indoor unit | Fast flashing | ||
Indoor unit fan error | 6 times Slow flashing | Off | |
Outdoor unit piping sensor | Fast flashing | 3 times Slow flashing | |
Outdoor unit outdoor temperature sensor error | 4 times Slow flashing | ||
Outdoor unit discharge temperature sensor error | 5 times Slow flashing | ||
Outdoor unit compressor temperature sensor error | 9 times Slow flashing | ||
IPM error | 10 times Slow flashing | ||
Current transformer error | 11 times Slow flashing | ||
Active filter module error | 12 times Slow flashing | ||
Compressor location error | 13 times Slow flashing | ||
Outdoor fan motor error | 14 times Slow flashing |