- Регистрация:
- 10 окт 2020
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lost connection to the server чё делать?
- Регистрация:
- 1 ноя 2020
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при запуске сервера в консоли надпись failed to parse date string server only non mandivory как решить?
- Регистрация:
- 12 дек 2020
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что делать если когда пишу connect и у меня залагивает и потом вылетает ошибка что игра не отвечает
Команда форума
- Регистрация:
- 11 ноя 2014
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В настройках игры включите «Potato mode» и «Low ram mode», ждите пока игра загрузит все данные.
- Регистрация:
- 23 янв 2021
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Можешь мне помочь? У меня в лаунчере ошибка — Steam не запущен. Хотя вроде запущен, и работает.
- Регистрация:
- 29 янв 2021
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Плиз скажите что делать
- Регистрация:
- 28 мар 2017
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Здравствуйте, вчера играл с другом на серверах Alkad Hurtworld v2 — всё отлично. У обоих пиратки. Сегодня выбивает такое:
У друга соответственно примерно то же, только написано в одну строку, что данный стим айди уже играет. пробовали с лаучером и без такового и анонимно и т.д.. Для чистоты эксперимента оба играли на пиратке по началу. Имеется лицензия на тот же стим айди, сейчас попробую зайти на сервер. Стим включен, пробовали перезаходить, перезагружать. Танцы с профилем и настройки. Ещё проблема ранее была, такого же характера, но решилась заходом на другой стим аккаунт. Писало так же, что мол кто-то играет, хотя заходилось на сервер года 2 назад с того аккаунта.
Компьютер ниже среднего: FX-8300; 16 Gb; GTX 680. Так что по железу проблем однозначно нет. Драйвера на 3 круг обновил. Соответствующие действия производились и у друга. На другие сервера, не Alkad, заходит без проблем.
Upd: со стима такая же ошибка.
- Регистрация:
- 28 мар 2017
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- 3
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- 0
У тебя жалуется, что не установлен OpenGL. Что по железу у тебя?
- Регистрация:
- 25 июл 2021
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Что делать если не можешь запустить игру с EAC, а без неё можешь? Может нужно запустить игру в режиме SteamEmu, но как это сделать?
- Регистрация:
- 25 авг 2022
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Здравствуйте. Скачал пиратский hurtworld с лаунчером. Запустил и зашёл на рандомный север. Всё работало. Потом решил создать свой. Скачал SteamCMD, всё поставил(oxyd, nosteam crack). Запустил сервер. Захожу в игру и она уже грузится и сразу вылетает(даже окно с игрой не появилось). Exe файл в папке от steamCMD тоже не работает, просто чёрный экран. Пк работает на Ryzen 7, 8 gb озу и видюхе gtx 1650. Ниже 2 лога, один из папки с игрой, другой из папки cummon hurtworld в steamCMD
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# General rule for modifying this file:
# ========================================================
# ========================================================
# LoggingMode:
# 1 = Console
# 2 = Log Files
# 3 = Both
LoggingMode = 2
# ========================================================
# ========================================================
# ClientID types (for cid_* options)
# 1: Real (or generated by HW) steam (STEAM_xx:xx:xx)
# 2: Real (or generated by HW) valve (VALVE_xx:xx:xx)
# 3: STEAM_ by IP
# 4: VALVE_ by IP
# 5: Deprecated — client will be rejected
# 6: reserved for future use
# 7: HLTV
# 12: STEAM_666:88:666
# Use these options to set authid’s for clients
# for HLTV (default is HLTV [7] )
cid_HLTV = 7
# for p.47 clients that do not support unique id generation (default is STEAM_ID_LAN [8] )
cid_NoSteam47 = 8
# for p.48 clients that do not support unique id generation (default is VALVE_ID_LAN [10] )
cid_NoSteam48 = 10
# For Legit Steam clients (default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1])
cid_Steam = 1
# Client recognized as pending when they sucessfully authorized, but did not get steam id
# REMARK: Actually, it got steamid, but it is useless (STEAM_0:0:0 for example)
# default is STEAM_ID_PENDGIND [9]
cid_SteamPending = 9
# For players having revEmu ( >= 9.74) on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_RevEmu = 1
# For players having SteamClient 2009 / revEmu > 9.82 on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_SC2009 = 1
# For players having old revEmu on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_OldRevEmu = 1
# For players having hCupa’s SteamEmu on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_SteamEmu = 1
# For players having AVSMP (Cracked Steam) on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]
cid_AVSMP = 1
# For SETTI ServerScanner
# default is STEAM_xx:xx:xx generated by IP [3]
cid_Setti = 3
# SC2009_RevCompatMode (0 / 1)
# Enable fix to make steamids generated for SC2009 compatibble with revEmu
SC2009_RevCompatMode = 1
# SteamEmuCompatMode (0 / 1)
# An analog for eSTEAMATiON’s EnforceSteamEmuCompatIDMode option.
# Affects only Old RevEmu and SteamEmu emulators.
SteamEmuCompatMode = 1
# OldEstCompatMode (0 / 1)
# Enables/Disables fix for steamids generated by eST in 0.3.1 version.
# Set this to 1 if you want to make steamids generated by eST as in < 0.3.0 versions.
OldEstCompatMode = 0
# IPGen_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by IP
IPGen_Prefix1 = 0
# IPGen_Prefix2 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# second prefix (b) for authids generated by IP
IPGen_Prefix2 = 4
# Native_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by native auth method (Steam)
Native_Prefix1 = 0;
# RevEmu_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by Steamclient 2009
SC2009_Prefix1 = 0;
# RevEmu_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by RevEmu
RevEmu_Prefix1 = 0;
# OldRevEmu_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by old RevEmu
OldRevEmu_Prefix1 = 0;
# SteamEmu_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by SteamEmu
SteamEmu_Prefix1 = 0;
# SteamEmu_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids assigned for AVSMP Clients (Cracked steam)
AVSMP_Prefix1 = 0;
# Setti_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids assigned for Setti server scanner
Setti_Prefix1 = 0;
# Note that banid will use steamid WITHOUT any prefixes!
# ========================================================
# ========================================================
# DisableNativeAuth (0/1)
# Disables valve/steam auth system.
# For p.47 Based: Server will not connect to auth servers.
# For All: Server will not call authorization functions.
# This is a fix for startup freeze for old (p.47) servers.
DisableNativeAuth = 0
# ServerInfoAnswerType (0/1)
# Sets server answer type for query requests
# 0 = New style (Source Engine)
# 1 = Old Style (Fix favorites list for p.47 clients)
# 2 = Hybrid mode — best solution for now, server is visible anywhere
ServerInfoAnswerType = 2
# MasterClient (0/1)
# Enables master-client emulation; it helps to register server on master list
# if you having «You server is old» error.
# you can use Master_GameVersion to set version of game
MasterClient = 0
# Master_GameVersion (string)
# Sets version of game that master-client will send on master-server
Master_GameVersion =
# SubServer_Enable (0/1)
# Enables secondary mini-server that redirects clients on main server.
# Use the SubServer_AnswerType parameter to set answer type to info queries
# Use the SubServer_Port parameter to set secondary server port
# Use the SubServer_MasterClient parameter to enable master-client for secondary server.
# This is useful feature if you want all clients to see you server.
# Its possible if you set different answer types for main and secondary servers.
# Clients which cant «see» main server will be able to see secondary
SubServer_Enable = 0
SubServer_Port = 28015
SubServer_MasterClient = 0
SubServer_AnswerType = 0
SubServer_RedirectCommand = connect
SubServer_IP =
# Game_Name (string)
# Sets game name displayed for clients
# If Game_Name is empty, native game name will be used
Game_Name =
# Enables fix for proper player id displaing on HLStats server monitoring
# Enable this only if you have HLStats
HLStatsPlayerIdFix = 0
# ExportVersion (0 / 1)
# Enables/Disables exporting of dp_version cvar
# 1 = dp_version cvar will be exported to server rules. It will be visible in server monitoring tools (like HLSW)
# 0 = dp_version cvar will not be exported to server rules.
ExportVersion = 1
# HLTVExcept_IP (ip addr)
# HLTV from this IP will be able to join the server even if cid_HLTV is set to 5 (deprectaed)
HLTVExcept_IP =
# FakePlayers_BanTime (minutes)
# Dproto will ban IP spamming fakeplayers for time (in minutes) specified in this variable
# use 0 for permanent ban
# use negative vaules to disable ban (fake players will only be kicked)
FakePlayers_BanTime = 120
Community Admin
No, it depends on the changes.
Can Anyone PM me and Help me edit the Branch for Oxide to work Here the reason Im not working on a test im
working on a server Made for Item V2 when its released.
I am working on it with Noviets.
He is Offline and im working on the Oxide now that He has updated the mod I
need thanks.(provable /Im on his friend list/ He recently Updated the Plugin/ He recently updated Commented to the Weapons crate mod he done which was trigged by me. he fixed today
i informed him so lootchest and modded chests should work again -
Read previous posts, you have to learn MSIL or wait for an update
Community Admin
I just pushed the update for the itemv2 branch. The only changes were made to the Assembly-CSharp.dll. If you don’t already have an itemv2 build of Oxide, you’d
need to compile it. -
Challenge Accepted Will give me Something to learn from Going to College in August to Start my way of becoming a
Dev. Why not Start Early While Im doing Nothing -
Much thanks! Where does the «global::», «result = » come from? :O How did you add that? The msil and code are uneditable, so it’s made with the
hook settings tab? -
Community Admin
I don’t know what you’re referring to.
Community Admin
That was automatic, not something I changed.
Soooo I was modifing broken dll, weird. Loaded .opj with path to unmodified files from game update and voila, there was broken code inside xD
But nvm, thank you for
your time and patience -
I have problem with upload AdminTools.dll, Kits.dll (with that files Kit and AdminTools should work) anyone
player can’t join to server (
https://iv.pl/images/34984468833725648778.png ). After removed
server work, but still gamelog is generating too much logs (right now 442 mb) look this: Wklej.to — po prostu wklej to! — paste: 7zMD3 Wklej.to — po prostu wklej
to! — paste: xIZNz
What i should to do? AdminTools, Kits before update was working -
Community Admin
Doesn’t appear to be related to those plugins, appears to be a networking issue between your server and client.
Nie można wejść na serwer, pomimo, że inni grają.
Za 1 razem «Wyrzucony z serwera
session with same steamid»
2 razem «Connect to IP….» i restart hurta i to samo :/
[DOUBLEPOST=1500141939][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh i said in PolishD
I can’t join to server, but other players can play.
1 time «Ejected from the server
Active session with same steamid»
2 time
«Connect to IP…» and restart hurtworld and the same..
[DOUBLEPOST=1500142430][/DOUBLEPOST]Wklej.to — po prostu
wklej to! — paste: qdBuK -
okey, i repaired latest problem. I have one more…
When 60/80 players on the server sometimes pop
«Server is full». Hosting told me it’s problem from oxide or game. -
Community Admin
The game sets a limit of 60 players max. If you are patching yourself, it sounds like you are not applying the patch correctly for maxplayers.
when 53/60 players online. No only
me have same problem ;x -
Community Admin
Oxide doesn’t control any of that.
@Wulf How can i add kits to my serwer itemv2?
You must rewrite plugin
[SERVER v1.0.20] Console: Kits.cs(57,35): error CS1540: Cannot access protected member `Inventory.Items' via a qualifier of type `PlayerInventory'. The qualifier must be of type `Oxide.Plugins.Kits' or derived from it /clients/Assembly-CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error) Kits.cs(57,35): error CS0122: `Inventory.Items.get' is inaccessible due to its protection level /clients/Assembly-CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error) Kits.cs(58,35): error CS1540: Cannot access protected member `Inventory.Items' via a qualifier of type `PlayerInventory'. The qualifier must be of type `Oxide.Plugins.Kits' or derived from it /clients/Assembly-CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error) Kits.cs(58,35): error CS0122: `Inventory.Items.get' is inaccessible due to its protection level /clients/Assembly-CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error) Kits.cs(58,44): error CS1061: Type `ItemObject' does not contain a definition for `Item' and no extension method `Item' of type `ItemObject' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference? /clients/Assembly-CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error) Kits.cs(59,93): error CS1540: Cannot access protected member `Inventory.Items' via a qualifier of type `PlayerInventory'. The qualifier must be of type `Oxide.Plugins.Kits' or derived from it /clients/Assembly-CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error) Kits.cs(59,93): error CS0122: `Inventory.Items.get' is inaccessible due to its protection level /clients/Assembly-CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error) Kits.cs(60,31): error CS1540: Cannot access protected member `Inventory.Items' via a qualifier of type `PlayerInventory'. The qualifier must be of type `Oxide.Plugins.Kits' or derived from it /clients/Assembly-CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error) Kits.cs(60,31): error CS0122: `Inventory.Items.get' is inaccessible due to its protection level /clients/Assembly-CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error) Kits.cs(77,38): error CS1540: Cannot access protected member `Inventory.Items' via a qualifier of type `PlayerInventory'. The qualifier must be of type `Oxide.Plugins.Kits' or derived from it /clients/Assembly-CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error) Kits.cs(77,38): error CS0122: `Inventory.Items.get' is inaccessible due to its protection level /clients/Assembly-CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error) Kits.cs(78,27): error CS1061: Type `ItemObject' does not contain a definition for `Item' and no extension method `Item' of type `ItemObject' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference? /clients/Assembly-CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error) Kits.cs(81,35): error CS1061: Type `ItemObject' does not contain a definition for `Item' and no extension method `Item' of type `ItemObject' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference? /clients/Assembly-CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error) Kits.cs(134,31): error CS1540: Cannot access protected member `Inventory.Items' via a qualifier of type `PlayerInventory'. The qualifier must be of type `Oxide.Plugins.Kits' or derived from it /clients/Assembly-CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error) Kits.cs(134,31): error CS0122: `Inventory.Items.get' is inaccessible due to its protection level /clients/Assembly-CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error) Kits.cs(137,37): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `ItemInstance' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference? Kits.cs(138,31): error CS1540: Cannot access protected member `Inventory.Items' via a qualifier of type `PlayerInventory'. The qualifier must be of type `Oxide.Plugins.Kits' or derived from it /clients/Assembly-CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error) Kits.cs(138,31): error CS0122: `Inventory.Items.get' is inaccessible due to its protection level /clients/Assembly-CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error) Kits.cs(143,33): error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for `GlobalItemManager.GiveItem(ItemGeneratorAsset, int, Inventory)' has some invalid arguments /clients/Assembly-CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error) Kits.cs(143,50): error CS1503: Argument `#1' cannot convert `uLink.NetworkPlayer' expression to type `ItemGeneratorAsset'
Anyone have idea how repair it
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4 года назад
Без тимвивера можно. В диспетчере устройств видюху отключаешь. Запускаешь харт, убираешь галочку, закрываешь харт. Ставишь в параметрах запуска: -force -nolog, потом включаешь видюху и запускаешь харт. Вуаля.
Oleg Sharov
1 год назад
Помоги пж вылитает ошибка при запуске
кто-то с чем-то
2 года назад
у меня как только захожу она зависает
Миша Николаевич
2 года назад
Не помогло. Что сделать если при входе на сервер пишет ошибка потеря соединения с сервером? ПЖ можеш помочь?
Danil Kondratev
3 года назад
я не покемон
3 года назад
Не работает
Top muzic
3 года назад
У меня проблема есть, карочь я захожу на сервак и мне выбивает типа: вы были исключены, active session with same steamid, пж помоги…
Jeffers Myr
3 года назад
Что делать,у меня сервера не запускаются ,типо пишет kicked from server
Active session with same steamid
3 года назад
У меня запускается AEC, и после этого ничего не включается и не работает. Что делать?
Mr. Enderman2010
3 года назад
А что делать если сервера не отображаются?
3 года назад
у меня ошибка (0x0000142)
3 года назад
Fred Perry
4 года назад
У меня сервера не запускаются , загрузка идет , и на месте встает. Что делать?
4 года назад
есть способ без teamvievera
игорь овчаренко
4 года назад
спс помогло без програмы
4 года назад
Ой дурак!!! почитай для чего TeamViewer дурак !! всей группой угарали )) Ребята прост напишите -force -nolog и всё!!!
4 года назад
Не помогло (
Максим Бордовский
4 года назад
не работает
не какие варианты
4 года назад
Да вы заебали!У всех пиратки!!!