How can we improve After Effects?
Renders fail when attempting to export ProRes 4444 alpha that would otherwise not occur on Intel based macs.
Issue causes the following prompt:
After Effects error: Rendering error will writing to file «. » Compressor format error. (-1610153454).
After Effects error: An unexpected error occured while exporting a composition. Error Code: 9988
Please restart After Effects and retry the export.
Anecdotally, this is occurring on about 80% of comps I try to render. Most frequently on more complex comps with blurs and variations in the opacity levels.
Please fix this quickly, otherwise this effectively causes AE on M1 to be unusable in production/professional environments.
M1 Max AE v22 as of 2/2022
Thank you again for reporting this issue. Thanks to your reports, our team has identified the cause of the error and a fix is now available in the latest Beta builds of After Effects. Premiere Pro, and Media Encoder in the Creative Cloud app. Please try rendering your projects in the Beta builds and let us know if the issue appears to be fixed for you as well.
For those not able to use the Beta, the error can be avoided by disabling hardware acceleration for ProRes encoding, labeled “Enable ProRes hardware accelerated encoding, if available”:
- In After Effects , this setting is located under Preferences > Output
- In Premiere Pro and Media Encoder, the setting is located under Preferences > Media
Once the fix is available in the release builds, this issue will be marked as Resolved.
Thanks again for reporting this issue, and for any further feedback,
— John, After Effects Engineering Team
Thank you all very much for reporting this issue, and thanks for your patience as well. We’ve been able to reproduce the error on M1 Max devices and we are now investigating to find the cause.
Thanks again for reporting this issue,
— John, After Effects Engineering Team
I’m trying to render a video less than 4 minutes in Media Encoder H264 (the default setting). Render is still going after 11 hours have already passed (I left it rendering over night), it’s now only 3/4 through the render. All the effects and filters applied to the animation are all After Effect’s own filters, no plugins used.
Using 16″ M1 MaBook Pro with 64Gb RAM, 10 core CPU, 2 TB storage (1.82TB remain unused) . operating system Ventura . using most recent version of After Effects and Media Encoder (CC).
I did the same render earlier in the project, it took about an hour to render but left 2 artifacts (large jaggy geometric shapes suddenly appear in 2 places and look like distracting flashes of light until I slow down the video and see these large artifacts in 2 places in the video.
From what I’m able to view from the render thumbnail, Media Encoder seems to struggle rendering volumetric lighting and other fairly straight forward effects. I’ve also used puppet pins to animate. And the final thing I did before the problem showed up was add motion blur to some animated birds before beginning the render.
Where is that option in AE 22.2.1? I tried to update AE 23 but half of my plugins died in the process (M1 MBP)
There is no such option to set in AE Preferences/Output.
at least not Mac/AE 22.2.1
Thanks John! Great to hear. Hopefully a fix is in the near future.
Hi John how can we get a response from anyone in engineering about the Immersive Video options that your team removed? See above post in User Voice. Just give us any kind of communication even a “we dont care about 360 video anymore” would be appreciated to know that someone from Adobe has actually read the post. It’ll take like 2 minutes to post a response. Why does Adobe ghost and ignore its paying customers? We’re literally trying to help you improve your products, just a response too much to ask for?
John Colombo, rather than continue to be frustrated that a solution has not yet been found to fix this, I decided to make a test file that aborts upon attempting to render a version using ProRes 4444 with an alpha channel. I discovered that by placing a mask around the image and cropping off the area outside of it, there was a point at which I shrunk the mask small enough that it stopped aborting upon rendering to a ProRes with alpha. Hoping that helps provide a clue as to what is going on.
I know I can attach a file here but I am assuming it makes it public and I am not comfortable doing that, if you could please inform me as to where I may send this test file to your engineers. Thank you.
Yes running the latest OS + AE versions. Also affected in the Beta version of the app.
Any updates on this?
I have an older AEP project from last year that I created on a 2015 Intel MacBook Pro. After receiving my new M1 Max laptop a few weeks ago, I had to open that older project up on the new M1 Max and revise some assets. Frustratingly I have seen thoses error codes as well when I render. I am able to bypass the render queue and use media encoder with success.
I knew that AE was being redone to run native on the M1 Max, but I didn’t realize that it would be slower than the 2015 model I had before. I know there is a beta of the new AE, but I haven’t been able to use it yet since the rest of my team has not upgraded software yet.I can’t wait for this all to be updated so I can get all the speeds promised with this new Mac.
Hi John. My M1 Max MBP arrived Friday and has MacOS 12.2.1, so the very latest version. The After Effects version is also the very latest 22.2. I tried downloading two earlier versions of AE (CC2020 and 2021) and both also caused the 9988 Compression error. I also downloaded the beta but unfortunately, the project in which I am seeing this issue is using RedGiant and Boris FX plug-ins that do not work in the beta version so I cannot really test it with the same conditions.
I used an M1 MacBook Air for nearly a month and never once ran into this problem, which is making me suspicious that it is something specific to the M1 Max (and maybe the M1Pro?). Could it be the Media Engine on that chip? Is After Effects somehow using that when generating ProRes files? Apple’s description of what the Media Engine provides is as follows: «Hardware-accelerated H.264, HEVS, ProRes and ProRes Raw. ProRes encode/decode engine. (among several other things).
Just trying to put two and two together here. Hope this helps a bit.
Hi Jase and Kevin,
Thank you both very much for reporting this issue. For clarification, are you both using the latest release build of After Effects 2022 ( v22.2 ) or the latest After Effects (Beta) builds ( v22.3 )? Additionally, what version of macOS are you using?
The latest After Effects (Beta) build run natively on M1 devices/Apple silicon. If you can, please give this a try in the native Beta builds and let us know if you experience the same issue.
Thanks for any further information,
— John, After Effects Engineering Team
For me on my M1 Max, the problem was only when rendering ProRes 4444 with alpha channels. When I rendered ProRes 4444 without an alpha channel, it rendered fine 100% of the time.
I was able to render it as a 16 bit TIFF sequence with an alpha channel and it rendered ok. When I then took those TIFF files into a brand new project and tried rendering it to 16 bit ProRes 4444 with an alpha channel, once again, the render aborted and threw up that 9988 Compressor format error. So, I could not blame any plug-ins or effects of any kind with a fresh project rendering out a TIFF sequence. Maybe that will help.
Also to note, I was able to get it to render ProRes 4444 with alpha from Media Encoder (after I did a fresh install of Media Encoder) and it rendered fine while still throwing up an error if I rendered inside After Effects (even after a fresh install of AE CC2022).
Edit: Media Encoder is not a solution that works. This problem is in every Adobe product that renders ProRes — AE, AE Beta, Media Encoder, Premiere
After Effects error: Rendering error while writing to file (-1610153453)
Одна из частовстречающихся ошибок рендера в формате H264 (и не только), в After Effects это After Effects error: Rendering error while writing to file (путь,название файла).mp4″ (-1610153453).
Решение проблемы:
Официальная поддержка Adobe рекомендует переустановить Quick Time, почистить реестр и добавить поддержку кеша при рендере (в настройках edit > preferences > media&disk cache поставить галку на enable cache и выставить свободного пространства не менее 20Гб). Но это все чаще всего не работает, особенно в русском сегменте пользователей, которые пользуются кирилицей для название папок в системе.
Итак проблема решается просто: проверьте чтобы путь сохраняемого файла был прописан АНГЛИЙСКИМИ буквами и не имел спецзнаков. Например: «D:WORKMy_intro» вместо «D:WORKМое интро»
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Работа над ошибками
1. Ошибка: After Effects error: closing resource file «Targa (AE).plugin». (3 :: 56). Необходимо проверить чтобы каждый пользователь имел полный доступ на чтение и запись файлов в папке After Effects и в каждой подпапке. Также возможно, плагин блокируется некоторыми средствами безопасности или в учетной записи пользователя нет разрешения на загрузку системных драйверов. Последние могут быть решены путем изменения соответствующей записи в редактора групповой политики (gpedit.msc). Ошибка серии 3 :: хх как раз оповещает о проблемах с доступом к файлу.
2. Ошибка: After Effects error: Ray-traced 3D: Out of paged mapped memory for ray traced. (5070 :: 0). В обновлении Adobe After Effects CS6 (11.0.1) update, изолированы и исправлены варианты приводящие к ошибке “After Effects Error: Ray Traced 3D: … (5070 :: 0)”.
3. After Effects. The directory originally specified in the selected output module no longer exists. После получения данного сообщения, необходимо в закладке Render Queue удалить все старые задачи с их: Output Module.
4. Ошибка: After Effects error: Rendering error while writing to file «E:/ . Unable to open file. (-1610153459). Данная проблема возникает при выводе в Quicktime форматы, она генерируется, когда QuickTime не сможет найти файл, который вы пытаетесь открыть или создать. QuickTime не может распознать диск, на котором находится файл или где он будет создан. Можно попробовать: изменить имя диска.
*Также проблема может быть связана с тем, что в системе есть накопители с одинаковыми именами, например: Диск. Надо переименовать один из них.
5. Ошибка: “After Effects error: Internal verification failure, sorry! (37::109)” которая появляется при настройке прокси вложенных композиций, исправлена в обновлении Adobe After Effects CS6 11.0.1 update.
Видео уроки для After Effects от AEplug
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Текущие версии программ: After Effects CC 2022 v22.2.1 Premiere Pro CC 2022 v22.2
Ошибка при рендере -1609629695
Ошибка при рендере -1609629695
Сообщение #1 baimyr » 01 июл 2019, 14:36
Доброго времени суток!
Столкнулся на днях с такой проблемой, что при рендере как через энкодер, так и через ае выдаёт ошибку (-1609629695). Пробовал разные кодеки, разное разрешение, менял названия папок и файлов без кириллицы, менял место сохранения на рабочий стол и другие диски, пробовал переустанавливать QuickTime 2 раза и чистить кэш с реестром, пробовал даже видео драйвера, директ и ещё пару обновить (видимо от отчаиния), но ничего не помогает. Уже устал гуглить, потратил 3 дня и всё бестолку.. Что странно, на прошлой неделе рендерил видео и всё было в порядке, после того момента ни каких манипуляций с софтом не производилось, новые плагины и драйвера не ставил.
Не помню как, но при очередном неудачном рендере сохранился файл с логом
Accelerated Renderer Error
Unable to produce frame.
Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: \?C:UsersbaimyOneDriveDesktopUntitled Project_AMEComp 1.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:00:33:35
Rendering at offset: 33.400 seconds
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: -1609629695
Accelerated Renderer Error
Unable to produce frame.
Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: \?C:UsersbaimyOneDriveDesktopUntitled Project_AMEComp 1.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:00:33:35
Rendering at offset: 33.400 seconds
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: -1609629695
After Effects
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117 найдены результаты
M1 Max ProRes 4444 Alpha Compressor Failing Render
Renders fail when attempting to export ProRes 4444 alpha that would otherwise not occur on Intel based macs.
Issue causes the following prompt:
After Effects error: Rendering error will writing to file «. » Compressor format error. (-1610153454).
After Effects error: An unexpected error occured while exporting a composition. Error Code: 9988
Please restart After Effects and retry the export.
Anecdotally, this is occurring on about 80% of comps I try to render. Most frequently on more complex comps with blurs and variations in the opacity levels.
Please fix this quickly, otherwise this effectively causes AE on M1 to be unusable in production/professional environments.
M1 Max AE v22 as of 2/2022
Renders fail when attempting to export ProRes 4444 alpha that would otherwise not occur on Intel based macs.
Issue causes the following prompt:
After Effects error: Rendering error will writing to file «. » Compressor format error. (-1610153454).
After Effects error: An unexpected error occured while exporting a composition. Error Code: 9988
Please restart After Effects and retry the export.
Anecdotally, this is occurring on about 80% of comps I try to render. Most frequently on more complex comps with blurs and variations in the opacity levels.
Please fix this quickly, otherwise this effectively causes AE on… Больше
BUG — The workspace is saved when quitting the program
When I quit the program, the active workspace is updated with the current configuration. In order not to change the workspaces, I always have to remember to reset my workspace before quitting the program so that it doesn’t get lost!
Can you please solve this bug?
This bug was fixed in After Effects 22.4. released on 10 May 2022.
Bring back 1, 2, 4-View Interface!
For some stupid reason. we can no longer see the 1, 2, 4-View option in the Composition Window. This feature has been changed where you MUST have 3D Track enabled in order to view this option. Whomever made that decision to update the interface with this newer work flow is an Idiot! CHANGE IT BACK! There was NO reason for this!
As of After Effects 18.2, you can change the view layout (1, 2, or 4 views) via the View menu > Switch View Layout.
If there are other changes you’d like to see regarding Composition view layouts, please let us know by filing a new request.
We need savable, cacheable roto brush propagation.
Rotobrush constantly requires re-propagation of footage.
I propagate in the footage viewer, click away, then double click the same footage in the timeline to re-open the footage that just propagated — it propagates again.
I close a project and re-open — it propagates again.
I freeze and unfreeze a mask — propagates again.
I move the same footage to a different comp, and re-open the footage viewer — propagates again.
We need savable, cacheable propagation.
Thanks for making this request. To save a currently propagated Roto Brush span, use the Freeze button in the bottom bar of the Layer panel while Roto Brush & Refine Edge is selected in the View dropdown menu ( see attached image ). This will prevent Roto Brush from re-propagating on project open and when other aspects of the project are modified.
Roto Brush should only re-propagate when there isn’t enough RAM to hold its cache or when the footage with Roto Brush applied is modified «upstream» i.e. when a mask or some other footage attribute is modified before the pixels are passed on to the Roto Brush effect. Some of the scenarios you’ve listed, like closing and re-opening a project or moving the footage to a different comp, should trigger re-propagation unless you’ve frozen the propagation as mentioned above. The other scenarios shouldn’t trigger re-propagation unless the RAM cache has also been cleared.
If possible, please file a separate report about the propagation being re-propagated in the cases where the RAM cache is not being cleared along with a screen recording of the unwanted re-propagation occurring.
Thanks again for making this report,
— John, After Effects Engineering Team
Thanks for making this request. To save a currently propagated Roto Brush span, use the Freeze button in the bottom bar of the Layer panel while Roto Brush & Refine Edge is selected in the View dropdown menu ( see attached image ). This will prevent Roto Brush from re-propagating on project open and when other aspects of the project are modified.
Roto Brush should only re-propagate when there isn’t enough RAM to hold its cache or when the footage with Roto Brush applied is modified «upstream» i.e. when a mask or some other footage attribute is modified before the pixels are passed on to the Roto Brush effect. Some of the scenarios you’ve listed, like closing and re-opening a project or moving the footage to a different comp, should trigger re-propagation unless you’ve frozen the propagation as mentioned above. The other scenarios shouldn’t trigger re-propagation unless the… Больше
add a 3D Point Control expression controller
Expressions seem to have stuck in 2D.
Please add a 3D Point Control expression controller.
HAPQ After Effects Compressor Format render error
Moderators: jean poole, destroythings
HAPQ After Effects Compressor Format render error
We need to export a huge screen of 8430×1842 to HapQ but keep getting an AE render error of «render error while writing to file… Compressor format error #1610153454». The moment it starts rendering
The file is pre-rendered (58 seconds long) at ProRes 4444 first and now just need to export to HAPQ. Any help will be appreciate since this is quite urgent as these things usually are.
After Effects CC 2018
OS: Windows 10 Pro
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- Capture.PNG (79.01 KiB) Viewed 9782 times
- Elizabizzle
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Re: HAPQ After Effects Compressor Format render error
by dlublin » Mon Jul 09, 2018 10:51 am
I’ve followed up on your email, but for anyone else who runs across this in the future, it looks like this might have been a small issue with using AfterCodecs for export in particular and we’ll be reaching out to them about it.
Beyond that, there are some useful tips for exporting to HAP variants here:
— DL @ VV
- dlublin
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Topic: ProRes 4444 XQ (Read 110066 times)
Noticing some strange behavior with new codec via QuickTime.
If I try and view a QuickTime lossless file (animation) then QT converts it to ProRes 4444 (330 Mbps) for viewing, makes sense. When I view a ProRes 4444 XQ file in QT it converts it to h.264 (22 Mbps) for viewing (wouldn’t think it should have to convert it to anything), makes no sense. Of course as expected, if I view a ProRes 4444 file, then QT just displays it as is.
How are we to experience/assess this new codec if QuickTime automatically converts the output to h.264 for viewing?
UPDATE: MPEG Streamclip 1.9.2 can be used to view ProRes 4444 XQ in full quality (500+ Mbps)…
Looks great!
Could someone please explain in detail how to «hack» the final cut trial and find the prores 444 xq? I’m not seeing it.
Reddeercity. I’ve watched your video a couple times. Nice work, but it does not seem to answer the question. In your video proes444 XQ was an option for video format. I, and others, are not offered prores 444 XQ as a adobe format option even though apple app’s see it. How did you get prores 444 xq to appear in adobe?
It like all QT codec there need to be in the Quick Time Main Library.
To get access to the main Library, go to finder and open up the hard drive where the OSX10.9.x is .
so it drills down like this: OSX (root)—>Library—>QuickTime—> Video Codec
If the QuickTime folder is not there Make one and copy the codec there, That it.
Note: Apple ProRes 4444 XQ requires OS X v10.8 (Mountain Lion) or later.
If you still have a problem let me know , I try and help further .
I can confirm you can get Apple ProRes 4444 XQ codec in Compressor 4.1.2
Very weird
I can access prores 444 xq in the apple app’s and devinic resolve. The appleprorescodec, dated june 4 2014, is in the the quicktime library. None of my adobe programs, including updated cs6 and CC version show 444XQ as an option, they only show the older propres.
Did you guys find a prores component somewhere, and copy it soemwhere?
Yes , as per video tutorial extracted the codecs from FCPX or Compressor by right clicking on the application and going to show contents, then from show contents go to the plugins folder, from the plugins folder go to Compressor folder, then right clicked Compressor.bundle to show package contents, then go to plugins folder and then to ProMediaIO folder, then in the components folder copied all the .components and pasted them into my main HD—> System—>Library—>QuickTime folder
Hope that helps.
Hi, I just got a hold of the new codec and I am wondering if anyone can tell me why I can only choose millions of colors and not trillions as I could with ProRes 4444 in AE? Thanks so much, and thanks reddeercity for the heads-up on how to grab the codec.
Reddeercity, again many thanks for your advice and video. However, in your video I see nothing about getting the plugin from FCX or compressor. Your video starts with immediately launching After Effects and the plugin is already available. Perhaps you placed this info somewhere later in the program? With all due respect, the FCX or compressor hack should be the first thing in the video. Regardless, thank you for this critical info.
I folow the Compressor Hack tutorial. I’ve know Quicktime 4444XQ present in Media encoder, Premiere, After.
The problem I have is In Davinci Resolve 11 I can read or encode in Q 4444 XQ. The optin is not proposed in the menu. It seems that resolve use is own QT path.
Do you know how I can Hack Resolve’ Quicktime?
I’ved look in the Resolve content package, but it didn’t look obvious.
Any Idea?
Thank you
Hi i am getting the : After Effects Error: Rendering error while writing to file. Compression format error (-1610153454) when rendering out from AE with the Prores 4444 XQ codec. Every other codes works fine.
I did everything correct, but i am not on osx mountain lion, i am not on Yosemite 10.10.2. Is this the problem? i dont want to downgrade my system.
Hi i am getting the : After Effects Error: Rendering error while writing to file. Compression format error (-1610153454)
when rendering out from AE with the Prores 4444 XQ codec. Every other codes works fine.
I did everything correct, but i am not on osx mountain lion, i am not on Yosemite 10.10.2. Is this the problem? i dont want to downgrade my system.
No shouldn’t be a problem! , My MacPro is on Maverick 10.9.3 & my MacBookPro Mid 2010 i7 on Yosemite 10.10.2 .
Work fine for me.
Are you using Creative Cloud Version of After Effect ?
Do you have a Full Version of Apple Pro Product?
Like FCPX , Compressor 4.1.3 , Motion5 or are you trying the 30 day trial, not sure if that make a difference .
Did you get a update for Pro Codec for Apple?
Did it ever Work for you ?
So just to be Sure we are on the same page, here is a brief explanation on how I have it working on my system.
what I did was extracted the codecs from FCPX & or Compressor 4.13 , right clicking on the application and going to show contents, then from show contents went to the plugins folder, from the plug ins folder went to Compressor folder, then right clicked Compressor.bundle to show package contents, then went to plugins folder and then went ProMediaIO folder, then in the components folder copied all the .components and pasted them into my main HD > System>Library >Quicktime
If there no Quicktime folder , make one That’s It nothing else.
One last thing , How are you setting up your project in After Effect , 8bit ,16bit or 32bit float ?
I would recommend 32bit float or at least 16bit , I know the new prores 4444xq will Not work in 8bit project, you will get errors.
Can you render out in Premiere Pro (if you have it) in ProRes 4444XQ ? As The CC version dose support Cdng native.
Also are rendering out to the same drive as the Source File? , plus check the disk cache size in A.E. it maybe too small I have a 70GB disk cache
and if you have Multiprocessing enabled check the setting there as if you have incorrect setting there that can cause problems.
Yes i have a Creative Cloud and my After Effects CC 2014 is constantly updated.
I dont have a full version of apple product, i went the 30 day trial route and grabbing the AppleProResCodecEmbedded.component and putting into my quicktime folder.
Did not get an update for ProCodec for Apple…..and you link me to that?
Never worked for me, just tried it for the first time 2 days ago, as i was suggested to do so by Cinelog to Log archive my ML RAW files.
I didnt copy all the components to the folder just the one specific prorescodecembedded. i will try to copy all and see if that makes a difference.
I am working 32bit float project settings.
I cant find it in Premier so havent tried exporting from there.
My disck Cache is 50gb and only have about 500mb used.
Multiprocessing is checked off.
Thanks for the suggestions, still not having any luck….I am going to review your response and try anything i havent already. Please let me know if there is anything else you can think of to help. Thanks again!
Ok here is a Screen Shot of my Desktop, the Left upper Window is the System Info
Shows the ProRes4444 XQ Codec Compessor (imco) & Decompressor(imdc)
Next Right Upper Show where I copied the ProRes Codec to in my QT Library So Adobe can use or Any Program that needs QT Codec
And on the bottom Window shows where I got the file from to copy in my QT Library
Did you check for updates for the ProCodec ?
Here is download link —>
Screen Shot 2015-03-23 at 3.35.10 PM by RedDeerCityTV, on Flickr
And Please Stop double posting !
You will get better respond by following the Rules .
Sooner or Later some one will Answerer or help.
sorry for double posting
Yea i have everything set-up the same as you @reddeercity
I have downloaded the link of pro video codec you linked, and still nothing.
I downloaded a copy of the Compressor 4 and still nothing.
I had Adobe on the phone as well and still nothing haha…they said they would call me back if they figure it out.
I have no clue whats going on , i feel i have tried everyones suggestion, and i am still getting the same error. Everything is updated as well. The last guess for me is because i am on Yosemite, everyone else seems to be on a different system still.
Note, in compressor i can export prores4444xq. Its just in my Adobe Apps when i choose to render out Proress4444xq i get the same error [/url]Screen Shot 2015-03-22 at 5.20.35 PM by blainesuque, on Flickr[/img]
No Yosemite should not be a problem , I’m Working in FCPX on my MacPro right now .
I will switch over to my MacBookPro on Yosemite shortly in the Next few hours and post some screen shots of it working.
But I have Seen the Error before on my Old MacPro 1.1 when I was playing around with BitJass Video Codec from sheervideo
I think the problem was with the drive I/O (source & destination on the same drive) and it was CS6 not CC.
Interesting, ok well ill look forward to your next screen shot. Thanks again for your help!
What would you suggest from here ? should i keep trying with adobe support?
Ok I found the Problem you are having, Now it maybe because i haven’t updated to 10.10.2 as i’m still on 10.10.1
On my MBP i got a Error , and its a result of the «After Effects Multiprocessing» being enabled .
I have Screen Shots to show this, and when i disable it no problem, strange this is not i problem on my MacPro
but it’s still on Maverick 10.9.3 .
Right now i’m in the middle of a project or i would try Yosemite update and see if it’s a problem on the my MacPro.
I think it may be problem with Apple OS X
This one is to show that I’m on Yosemite
Screen Shot 2015-03-24 at 12.08.15 AM by RedDeerCityTV, on Flickr
Now Here is the Error you are having , I turn on Multiprocessing
Screen Shot 2015-03-24 at 12.25.59 AM by RedDeerCityTV, on Flickr
Multiprocessing Turn Off
Screen Shot 2015-03-24 at 12.27.56 AM by RedDeerCityTV, on Flickr
Now The New ProRes4444 XQ is encoding, A.E. is working but a little slower without Multiprocessing
Screen Shot 2015-03-24 at 12.30.38 AM by RedDeerCityTV, on Flickr
One thought came to mind about this is Maybe 8GB is not even to use with Multiprocessing
As i have 16GB in my MacPro not sure.
Anyway there you go , hope this helps !
@blainesuque I notice you trying to encode prores4444XQ without Alpha
Try it with Alpha (Channels-RGBA not RGB) and choice Millions+(plus) color
And on your iMac Choose to use All your Ram don’t reserve anything for other App.
With 16GB ram you should be able to use up to 13GB if to choose to use Multiprocessing
And for the «Ram allocation per CPU» choose the lowest number which should be 1GB .
Not sure if you Know about the little Trick to Encode Faster, in A.E.
Press the Cap Lock key on your keyboard and that disables the preview Window so it’s not playing as you encode.
Forgot to ask , Are you using «After Effects CC» or is it «After Effect CC 2014» there is a differents
I have nothing but problems with «After Effect CC 2014» I only use CC version.
Give that a try, also try reinstalling A.E. if nothing else works.
Edit: There one other thing you can try , Before you encode open up a «Terminal Window»
At the prompt type (sudo purge) with out the brackets , and the OSX will ask for your password
enter it . That should unload any temp file in ram and use of all the 16GB or at least 13GB in A.E.
Ok so nothing worked. And then reverted back to after effects CC and it worked! finally haha!
I guess it was just CC 2014 problem. Thanks!
Glad you Got things Working Now!
I had Adobe on the Phone about the Problems With A.E. CC 2014
But they Claim there Nothing Wrong !
If that’s the Case You got to Wonder Why Adobe Has two(2) Version of the Same Software ??
Yea definitely, for now i reverted back to CC for premier and AE, and left the others updated as i havent experienced any problems with them….yet.
Thanks again for your help, im gonna aslo get ADOBE on the phone to see if these will problems will be resolved in CC2014 anytime soon.
I have the same problems with AE CC 2014…
I’m reinstalling the previous version of After Effects… Is it possible to work on PP CC 2014 with some 4444 XQ files ?
Thanks !
5D Mark III
16-35 f/2.8L II USM
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After Effects error: Rendering error while writing to file (-1610153453)
Одна из частовстречающихся ошибок рендера в формате H264 (и не только), в After Effects это After Effects error: Rendering error while writing to file (путь,название файла).mp4″ (-1610153453).
Решение проблемы:
Официальная поддержка Adobe рекомендует переустановить Quick Time, почистить реестр и добавить поддержку кеша при рендере (в настройках edit > preferences > media&disk cache поставить галку на enable cache и выставить свободного пространства не менее 20Гб). Но это все чаще всего не работает, особенно в русском сегменте пользователей, которые пользуются кирилицей для название папок в системе.
Итак проблема решается просто: проверьте чтобы путь сохраняемого файла был прописан АНГЛИЙСКИМИ буквами и не имел спецзнаков. Например: «D:WORKMy_intro» вместо «D:WORKМое интро»
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- (6)
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I use Adobe CS6. Today, I upgraded to CC. I work on a MacBook Pro with 8GB RAM, and the latest OS X, Mountain Lion. Here’s my dilemma.
Although I own the CS6 Master Collection, I have never used After Effects. So, I am an AE newbie. For years I have mainly used the other apps, PhotoShop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Flash, InDesign, etc.
I wanted to prepare a presentation for my company. I purchased an After Effects template that I liked.
When I opened the template I received the following message: «After Effects: this project must be converted from version 9.0 (Windows) and will open as an untitled project. The original file swill be unchanged.»
After quite some time creating and preparing all my samples in a Quicktime movies I was ready to customize the AE template.
Following the AE template author’s instructions I was able to customize the template, editing text, importing my movies. When I added the «Final Comp» to the Render Cue, and then started rendering, I immediately got the following error: «After Effects error: Rendering error while writing to file ‘/Users/…Final’. An output device module failed. The file may be damaged or corrupt. (-1610153464)»
I tried rendering the original unedited file. Same error.
I tried researching solutions.
I turn off my firewall. «blockage in the communication between After Effects and the Adobe QT32 Server.»
I tried removing a third-party Quicktime importer components.
I tried exporting the file from AE to Premier Pro. But, got the following message when opening the file in Premier:
«The preset is used by one or more sequences in this project requires third-party components that could not be located. These sequences will be modified to use a custom sequence setting instead. To continue editing using the original preset, quit the application without saving the project, then install any third-party components that are required and reopen the project.» Note: The author of the AE template said that no external plug-ins were used, that everything was created in AE.
Also, when opening the file in Premier, a «Load Project» window open listing the following:
«Video filter missing: AE.ADBE Color Control
«Video filter missing: AE.ADBE Fill
«Video filter missing: AE.ADBE Slider Control»
I attempted to do a render from Premier anyway. But, got the following error: «Could not connect to Adobe After Effects. Please verify that Adobe After Effects and Adobe Dynamic Link components are installed.» I checked, They are!
I finally «bit the bullet» and upgrade to, and installed the Creative Cloud version of After Effects hoping that this may be a solution.
Today, I installed After Affects CC. This time when I began the render, AE started to render. Then, after a couple seconds of video being generated the same errors reappeared!
Can anyone offer some guidance as to how I can get this resolved?
I use Adobe CS6. Today, I upgraded to CC. I work on a MacBook Pro with 8GB RAM, and the latest OS X, Mountain Lion. Here’s my dilemma.
Although I own the CS6 Master Collection, I have never used After Effects. So, I am an AE newbie. For years I have mainly used the other apps, PhotoShop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Flash, InDesign, etc.
I wanted to prepare a presentation for my company. I purchased an After Effects template that I liked.
When I opened the template I received the following message: «After Effects: this project must be converted from version 9.0 (Windows) and will open as an untitled project. The original file swill be unchanged.»
After quite some time creating and preparing all my samples in a Quicktime movies I was ready to customize the AE template.
Following the AE template author’s instructions I was able to customize the template, editing text, importing my movies. When I added the «Final Comp» to the Render Cue, and then started rendering, I immediately got the following error: «After Effects error: Rendering error while writing to file ‘/Users/…Final’. An output device module failed. The file may be damaged or corrupt. (-1610153464)»
I tried rendering the original unedited file. Same error.
I tried researching solutions.
I turn off my firewall. «blockage in the communication between After Effects and the Adobe QT32 Server.»
I tried removing a third-party Quicktime importer components.
I tried exporting the file from AE to Premier Pro. But, got the following message when opening the file in Premier:
«The preset is used by one or more sequences in this project requires third-party components that could not be located. These sequences will be modified to use a custom sequence setting instead. To continue editing using the original preset, quit the application without saving the project, then install any third-party components that are required and reopen the project.» Note: The author of the AE template said that no external plug-ins were used, that everything was created in AE.
Also, when opening the file in Premier, a «Load Project» window open listing the following:
«Video filter missing: AE.ADBE Color Control
«Video filter missing: AE.ADBE Fill
«Video filter missing: AE.ADBE Slider Control»
I attempted to do a render from Premier anyway. But, got the following error: «Could not connect to Adobe After Effects. Please verify that Adobe After Effects and Adobe Dynamic Link components are installed.» I checked, They are!
I finally «bit the bullet» and upgrade to, and installed the Creative Cloud version of After Effects hoping that this may be a solution.
Today, I installed After Affects CC. This time when I began the render, AE started to render. Then, after a couple seconds of video being generated the same errors reappeared!
Can anyone offer some guidance as to how I can get this resolved?
I use Adobe CS6. Today, I upgraded to CC. I work on a MacBook Pro with 8GB RAM, and the latest OS X, Mountain Lion. Here’s my dilemma.
Although I own the CS6 Master Collection, I have never used After Effects. So, I am an AE newbie. For years I have mainly used the other apps, PhotoShop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Flash, InDesign, etc.
I wanted to prepare a presentation for my company. I purchased an After Effects template that I liked.
When I opened the template I received the following message: «After Effects: this project must be converted from version 9.0 (Windows) and will open as an untitled project. The original file swill be unchanged.»
After quite some time creating and preparing all my samples in a Quicktime movies I was ready to customize the AE template.
Following the AE template author’s instructions I was able to customize the template, editing text, importing my movies. When I added the «Final Comp» to the Render Cue, and then started rendering, I immediately got the following error: «After Effects error: Rendering error while writing to file ‘/Users/…Final’. An output device module failed. The file may be damaged or corrupt. (-1610153464)»
I tried rendering the original unedited file. Same error.
I tried researching solutions.
I turn off my firewall. «blockage in the communication between After Effects and the Adobe QT32 Server.»
I tried removing a third-party Quicktime importer components.
I tried exporting the file from AE to Premier Pro. But, got the following message when opening the file in Premier:
«The preset is used by one or more sequences in this project requires third-party components that could not be located. These sequences will be modified to use a custom sequence setting instead. To continue editing using the original preset, quit the application without saving the project, then install any third-party components that are required and reopen the project.» Note: The author of the AE template said that no external plug-ins were used, that everything was created in AE.
Also, when opening the file in Premier, a «Load Project» window open listing the following:
«Video filter missing: AE.ADBE Color Control
«Video filter missing: AE.ADBE Fill
«Video filter missing: AE.ADBE Slider Control»
I attempted to do a render from Premier anyway. But, got the following error: «Could not connect to Adobe After Effects. Please verify that Adobe After Effects and Adobe Dynamic Link components are installed.» I checked, They are!
I finally «bit the bullet» and upgrade to, and installed the Creative Cloud version of After Effects hoping that this may be a solution.
Today, I installed After Affects CC. This time when I began the render, AE started to render. Then, after a couple seconds of video being generated the same errors reappeared!
Can anyone offer some guidance as to how I can get this resolved?
На чтение 7 мин. Опубликовано 15.12.2019
На этой странице
- Узнайте, как устранить проблемы After Effects и QuickTime, связанные с некоторыми из самых распространенных сообщений об ошибках, включая следующие:
- Конфликт с компонентом Apple DVCPROHDVideoOut (Mac OS)
- Запрет связи по протоколу TCP с QuickTime
- QuickTime не загружается из-за некачественного компонента импортера
- Сбой работы QuickTime из-за устаревших компонентов AJA или BlackMagic
- Проблемы, связанные с правами доступа, при работе с папками с установками или поврежденные установки
- Сбой работы QuickTime из-за конфликта с видеодрайверами
- Сбой работы QuickTime при работе с большим количеством процессоров
- Справки по другим продуктам
- Вопросы сообществу
- Donateo
- Не открываются jpg картинки в АЕ
Узнайте, как устранить проблемы After Effects и QuickTime, связанные с некоторыми из самых распространенных сообщений об ошибках, включая следующие:
- «QuickTime не установлен в этой системе…»
- «Как минимум один шаблон модуля вывода ссылается на отсутствующий подключаемый модуль вывода…»
- «Невозможно импортировать файл «[имя файла].mov» – файл «MooV» поврежден или не поддерживается.»
- «Ошибка чтения кадра из файла «[путь к файлу и имя].mov». (86 :: 2)”
- «[Путь к файлу и имя].mov». Сбой в работе модуля вывода. Файл может быть поврежден. (-1610153464)
- Сбой или зависание во время инициализации MediaCore
Прежде чем приступить к работе, проверьте, что приложение QuickTime установлено. Последнюю версию приложения QuickTime можно загрузить с веб-сайта Apple.
Конфликт с компонентом Apple DVCPROHDVideoOut (Mac OS)
Серверный процесс QT32, который After Effects использует для взаимодействия с QuickTime, может дать сбой из-за плохого взаимодействия с системой видеовывода QuickTime, когда установлен компонент QuickTime Apple DVCPROHDVideoOut.
Чтобы обойти эту проблему, выполните следующие действия:
Откройте [Диск ОС]/Library/QuickTime.
Сделайте резервную копию компонента DVCPROHDVideoOutput, перетащив его на рабочий стол.
Удалите компонент DVCPROHDVideoOutput, перетащив его из папки Library/QuickTime в корзину. Введите пароль в соответствующем окне.
Запрет связи по протоколу TCP с QuickTime
Одна возможная причина сообщения After Effects о том, что QuickTime не установлен, – это запрет связи между After Effects и сервером Adobe QT32, который After Effects использует для связи с QuickTime. (Это необходимо, потому что еще нет 64-разрядной версии QuickTime). After Effects использует протокол TCP для связи с QuickTime, но некоторые агрессивные брандмауэры и другое программное обеспечение безопасности могут заблокировать связь по TCP.
См. Раздел «Зависание экрана запуска», где приводится дополнительная информация по этой проблеме, а также см. эту ветку форума After Effects, где приводится дополнительная информация, включая отчеты по успешной разблокировке связи.
Некоторое программное обеспечение, не связанное с безопасностью, например, FileMaker и AirServer, (а также некоторые вредоносные программы, указанные в этой ветке форума) может блокировать связь, заняв требуемый для связи порт. Если возможно, не запускайте программное обеспечение, в котором нет необходимости, при использовании профессионального программного обеспечения на этапе постпроизводства.
QuickTime не загружается из-за некачественного компонента импортера
Иногда QuickTime не запускается полностью, т.к. он зависает при загрузке некачественного компонента импортера. Если в системе Mac есть импортеры AVI (кодеки), они могли стать причиной того, что After Effects не смог распознать QuickTime.
Это можно проверить, удалив компоненты импортера (кодеки) из папки QuickTime и проверив, сохранилась ли проблема. В этой ветке форума приводятся некоторые дополнительные сведения.
Сбой работы QuickTime из-за устаревших компонентов AJA или BlackMagic
При использовании аппаратного обеспечения AJA или BlackMagic убедитесь, что используются самые последние версии драйверов и компонентов QuickTime (AJA для Creative Cloud, BlackMagic). Более старые версии этих компонентов могут вызывать проблемы с импортом и экспортом активов QuickTime, а также проблемы с предварительным просмотром из ОЗУ и другими функциями в After Effects.
Проблемы, связанные с правами доступа, при работе с папками с установками или поврежденные установки
Другая причина ошибки связи After Effects и QuickTime заключается в проблеме, связанной с правами доступа к файлам в каталоге установок After Effects. Для принудительного создания каталога установок After Effects и установки надлежащих прав доступа (а также для сброса поврежденных установок) закройте After Effects, удалите следующую папку и перезапустите After Effects:
- Mac OS: /Users/[имя_пользователя]/Library/Preferences/Adobe/After Effects
- Windows: /Users/[имя_пользователя]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/After Effects
Проблема может быть также связана с правами доступа для папки вне папки прав доступа After Effects. Это особенно применимо для Mac OS. Чтобы гарантировать, что все приложения Adobe смогут записывать данные в свои файлы установок, задайте для всей папки установок Adobe право чтения и записи, а не только право открывать файлы в режиме «только для чтения» (дополнительную информацию об изменении прав доступа см.: Mac OS | Windows):
- Mac OS: /Users/[имя_пользователя]/Library/Preferences/Adobe/
- Windows: /Users/[имя_пользователя]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/
Сбой работы QuickTime из-за конфликта с видеодрайверами
В некоторых случаях возникает сбой работы сервера QT32, когда установлены конфликтующие аудиодрайверы, а в предпочитаемых настройках аудиооборудования в After Effects настроено использование одного из таких устройств.
Чтобы узнать, связана ли проблема с этим условием, установите устройство по умолчанию в меню Установки > Аудио на системное устройство по умолчанию или на встроенные выводы и проверьте, сохранилась ли проблема с файлами QuickTime.
Если проблема сохранилась, тогда необходимо выполнить процедуру устранения неисправностей для аудиоустройств:
- Полностью удалите драйверы всех устройств, связанных со звуком, в том числе программное обеспечение карт захвата и программное обеспечение, которое создает виртуальные аудиоустройства (в некотором программном обеспечении захвата изображения экрана и совместного доступа к изображению экрана используется SoundFlower, которое может создавать проблему).
- Повторно установите последние версии драйверов для этих устройств одну за другой и проверьте, сохранилась ли проблема в After Effects. Обновленный драйвер можно загрузить с веб-сайта производителя устройства.
Сбой работы QuickTime при работе с большим количеством процессоров
Может возникнуть сбой работы QuickTime на компьютерах с большим количеством процессоров (ЦП), включая компьютеры с большим количеством виртуальных процессоров, созданных с помощью технологии Hyper-Threading. Эта проблема в особенности характерна для компонента средства экспорта H.264 Apple в приложении QuickTime.
Чтобы обойти эту проблему, отключите технологию Hyper-Threading или сократите количество ядер процессора, доступных в QuickTime.
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Нужно импортировать из Premiere в AE фрагмент, включающий две видеодорожки — во-первых, как это сделать, чтобы не затащить остальное? Но не это главное. Когда я импортировал проект целиком, при попытке перетащить секвенцию на монтажный стол, АЕ выдает сообщение;
After Effects error: retrieving frame from video stream. (3) (53 :: 34)
И хотя на монтажном столе что-то отображается, прога блокирует какие-либо операции, предпросмотра нет — черный экран.
Я уже пошарил на форумах, кое-что нашел, затем проверил все файлы по отдельности на импорт, похоже, что АЕ не читает этот кодек или формат (AVI :видео: 720/544, 25 к/сек XviD MPEG-4 Codec (XVID), аудио: 48000Hz,compression: Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec) Или мне надо разделить видео и аудио, и импортировать только видео (но как это сделать?) либо он не читает именно видео формат, тогда надо сконвертировать (но как без потери качества?) Я попробовал импортировать последовательность картинок в tiffе ( кстати, Premiere 2 не экспортирует в последовательность в JPG, а tiff дает размытость (или я что-то не нашел?) ? Все получилось ,однако, эффекты применяются покадрово (сорри, я,конечно, в AE еще полный чайник), но даже если есть возможность их объединить, удасться ли анимировать эффект АЕ для всего фрагмента?
Короче, вопрос еще в том, можно ли импортировать этот видеофрагмент с эффектами и их настройками из Premiera, или оба фрагмента сразу, и как, чтобы был рабочим? И если нет, то как грамотно импортировать последовательность и сделать доступной для полноценной обработки, анимации эффектов ко всей дорожке и т.д.?
Подскажите, плиз)
Автор: Никита Шилов Дата 05 Февраля 2013 . Написано Учебные материалы — Tips&Tricks
Не открываются jpg картинки в АЕ
Маленькая проблемка которая возникает при импорте JPG картинок в After Effects.
При открытии (импорте) файла видим ошибку «the file format module could not parse the file», в переводе означает, что АЕ не может распознать файл.
Такое случается когда вы импортируете JPG картинку в режиме цветового пространства CMYK вместо RGB. Чтобы открыть нужно картинку, нужно сменить этот режим цветности на RGB (сделать это можно например в фотошопе, изображение -> режим -> rgb)