Если все перечисленное выше не помогло (или просто вам неохота возиться, пробуя все подряд), значит, скорее всего ошибка происходит из-за конкретного проекта. При возникновении ошибки или другой проблемы обратите внимание на таймкод (время) ошибки. Если баг возникает каждый раз в одном и том же месте, то есть вероятность, что он вызывается каким-нибудь конкретным эффектом или анимацией, которую придется изучить и, возможно, изменить. Например, при работе с частицами можно выбрать другой режим работы CPU/GPU в плагине (если поддержка есть), уменьшить количество частиц, для Element 3D упростить геометрию, уменьшить количество полигонов, проверить материалы, текстуры, размер и т.п.
Для уточнения проблемного слоя или эффекта мне несколько раз помогал такой способ. Вы выбираете половину слоев в композиции и удаляете их все. Рендерите видео, ну или как вы там предпочитаете проверять. Тут возможны два варианта:
- Если ошибка пропала, значит, она была в удаленных слоях композиции, отменяем удаление, и теперь удаляем только половину удаленных ранее слоев. И снова запускаем рендер.
- Если ошибка осталась, то продолжаем дальше удалять слои, упрощая проект.
Если ошибку вызывает что-то конкретное, рано или поздно мы найдем виновника таким методом. Я понимаю, что это долгий, муторный и неудобный способ, но если вы знаете лучше, то пишите мне, буду благодарен!
А если ошибка возникает каждый раз в случайных местах композиции, то можно попробовать рендерить не готовое видео, а набор кадров Image Sequence. В After Effects есть несколько пресетов для этой цели под общим названием Multi-Machine Settings/Sequence в очереди рендера Render Queue.
В таком случае каждый кадр будет отдельным изображением на диске, и если рендер оборвется, вы не потеряете уже просчитанный готовый материал. А когда вы продолжите рендер (можно продублировать задание в очереди рендера Render Queue), After Effects пропустит уже существующие на диске кадры и начнет считать со следующего места. За это отвечает отдельная настройка в Render Settings — Skip existing files (allows multi-machine rendering) («Пропустить существующие файлы (позволяет осуществлять рендеринг на нескольких компьютерах)«).
Но, естественно, звук в таком виде не получится вывести из программы After Effects и придется потом дополнительно его считать как WAV файл без видео и объединять с набором отрендеренных кадров композиции. Их, конечно же, надо предварительно импортировать в любую программу для работы с видео — After Effects, Premiere Pro, да любую. Даже мой любимый FFMPEG может это сделать, да все нормальные программы умеют делать такое. Только проверьте частоту кадров, так как куча файлов на диске не имеет такой информации, и это надо задавать руками.
Вообще, это было сделано для рендеринга по сети несколькими компьютерами одновременно, чтобы они не считали одинаковые кадры, назначенные другому After Effects. А самое интересное, что такое можно провернуть и на одной машине для ускорения рендера, ведь одна копия After Effects не задействует ресурсы процессора CPU на полную. Уменьшение времени рендера в After Effects
The expression in your screenshot outlined in yellow says
look in the comp «Wireframe Boxes» for the layer «Trace Progress» and find the effect named «Cooler End» and pull the value from the «Slider» and use that.
Your example expression above:
thisComp.layer(«Cube side 3»).effect(«Stroke»)(«End»)
Says look in this comp for a layer named «Cube side 3» and find the Effect «Stroke» and pull the value from the «End» property. It has nothing to do with a slider and can only read the values of the «End» value of the «Stroke» Effect applied to the «Cube side 3» layer.
The other screenshot shows the expressions turned off. If all you are trying to do with the expression in the yellow box in your screenshot is control the end value of the stroke effect, and it is turned on (the value is red) then the slider will control the box. You can try that by locking the Effects Control Panel with the sliders, moving to the comp with the stroke effect and then dragging the slider. As long as the value for «End» is red and the expression is enabled the value will change when you move the slider.
If the timing is wrong then the keyframes for the sliders are in the wrong place. If Synchronize Time or related events in the Preferences is turned on the CTI in the nested comp and the CTI in the Main comp should move together. If the nested comp starts at 10 seconds and the keyframes but you want the first change in the «End» value to start at 2 seconds then you need to move the nested comp so that it starts earlier than 2 seconds.
A screenshot of the Flow Chart would help. A screenshot showing the in and out point of the nested comp with the stroke effect would also help. I don’t see anything wrong with your project.
Работа над ошибками
Необходимо установить обновление Adobe After Effects CC (12.1) Update и выше, при установке обновления 12.2 и выше необходимо использовать следующую методику.
Если при попытке поставить или скачать обновление, получаем ошибку: The most likely causes for this failure are an inability to connect to the internet or being logged in as a non-administrative user. То вот следующие методы решения проблемы: удалить или переименовать, файл в следующих директориях:
Mac OS X / Library / Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat. Или / Library / Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdater/1.0/ AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat.
Windows C:Program files(x86)common filesadobeAAMUpdaterInventory1.0AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat.
Или искать файл в этой папке: C:Program DataAdobeAAMUpdater1.0AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat.
И далее вручную ставим скачанное обновление.
3. Ошибка при загрузке программы: «After Effects warning: An unknown Adobe Player Engine error has occurred. Scripting will be disabled.«. Вариант решения проблемы: попробовать поставить последнее обновление, переустановить или если есть ошибки в работе Adobe Media Encoder, переустановить и его.
4. Ошибка при загрузке программы: «After Effects can’t continue: The Common Extensibility Platform (CEP) suite couldn’t be loaded. You may need to reinstall.«. / After Effects продолжение невозможно: Не удалось загрузить пакет CEP (Common Extensibility Platform). Возможно, требуется переустановка.
Как исправить? Попробовать запустить приложение от имени администратора. Нажимаем на AfterFX.exe правую кнопку мыши и выбираем: Запуск от имени администратора.
5. Ошибка при проигрывании таймлайна композиции: After Effects error: Cached Preview needs 2 or more frames to playback / After-Effects Fehler: Wiedergabe einer Cache-Vorschau benotigt mindestens 2 Frames. Данная ошибка связана с недостатком памяти.
Несколько вариантов решения проблемы:
— Чистим память командой: Edit > Purge > All Memory & Cache.
— Перезагружаем программу Adobe After Effects CC 2017.
— Включаем Enable Disk Cache, если данная опция включена, то чистим ее содердимое нажав на кнопки: Empty Disk Cache и Clean Database & Cache, в настройках программы: Edit > Preferences > Media & Disk Cache.
— Снижаем качество предварительного просмотра в окне композиции с Full на Quarter.
— Проверяем наличие свободной памяти в Диспетчере задач. Т.е. память может быть занята какими-то процессами, или наоборот, для превью используется только часть свободной памяти, выделенной для Adobe After Effects CC 2017.
— Снимаем галку перед пунктом Reduce Cache Size when system is low on memory (this will shorten cached preview) в настройках Edit > Preferences > Memory.
— Также стоит обратить внимание на размер файла подкачки и чтобы достаточно памяти было выделено для операционной системы: RAM reserved for other applications.
— Проверяем, чтобы рабочая область (Work Area) не находилась в следующем положении:
6. Ошибка: After Effects warning: Unspecified drawing error. Решение: сбрасываем рабочее пространство до дефолтного (делаем его по-умолчанию).
How to Fix the ‘Cached Preview’ Error in After Effects
Let’s fix the dreaded вЂCached Preview’ error in After Effects.
If you’re reading this article then chances are you probably have just recently received the dreaded вЂCached Preview Needs 2 or More Frames to Playback’ error in After Effects. This error usually leaves me feeling like this. but that doesn’t mean you can’t do something about it. In this article we’re going to talk about how to fix this common error. If you follow all of the steps below there’s a good chance that you’ll fix this error in only a matter of seconds. If you just want to fix the error you can follow the steps below, but first we thought it’d be helpful to talk about why you get this error in the first place.
What’s the ‘Cached Preview’ Problem?
After Effects previews compositions by creating temporary video files that are stored on your machine. These files are known as вЂcached’ preview files and they come in two flavors: Disk Cache and RAM Cache files.
RAM cache files are the preview video files that After Effects plays when you hit the spacebar. The bright green bar at the top of the timeline indicates the portion of your composition that is playing off of your RAM. Most of the time when you get the вЂCached Preview Needs 2 or More Frames to Playback’ error it is because there is not enough room on your RAM (memory) to load these temporary video files. Because After Effects utilizes RAM to playback preview files it’s advised that you have at least 8GB or RAM if not more in order to ensure that you have enough memory to playback large compositions.
Disk cache files are temporary video files that are typically rendered in the background while you’re working in After Effects. After Effects does not directly preview video from the disk cache. Instead video files from your disk cache are loaded into your RAM cache when you’re ready to preview. You can tell if a frame is rendered in the disk cache by looking for the dark blue bar at the top of the After Effects timeline. Disk cache files can be stored anywhere you want. You can even control how big your disk cache can get under the preferences menu.
How to Fix the ‘Cached Preview’ Error
Here’s a step-by-step guide for fixing the вЂCached Preview Needs 2 or More Frames to Playback’ error in After Effects.
The first thing you should do is purge your RAM. This will erase any temporary cache files currently stored in your memory. To do this navigate to Edit>Purge>All Memory. This will reset your RAM cache from scratch.
You can also try emptying your disk cache. The fastest way to do this is to navigate to Edit>Purge>All Memory and Disk Cache. This will (obviously) purge both your RAM and Disk Cache.
After Effects allows you to set how much RAM is available for other applications. This is especially important if you have multiple applications open at the same time. If you use After Effects a lot I recommend giving After Effects as much RAM as you can. Navigate to After Effects>Preferences>Memory… From the popup menu change the value of вЂRAM reserved for other applications’ to a low number.
If you have a lot of applications open on your machine you may need to close them out so After Effects isn’t competing for memory. I have a nasty habit of leaving Premiere Pro open when I’m working on After Effects projects. Go ahead and close out any unnecessary applications. This includes Spotify and iTunes. Just listen to music on your phone if you can’t stand the silence.
The fastest way to reduce the size of the file being written to your RAM is to reduce the preview quality on your machine. To change this hit the menu at the bottom of the composition panel. By default it should be set to вЂAuto’. If you have a complicated project that won’t render go ahead and reduce this to half, third, or quarter. There’s also some handy keyboard shortcuts for doing this:
You also might be running into an issue where your disk cache is simply not large enough to effectively render in the background. To troubleshoot this go to After Effects>Preferences>Media & Disk Cache. Once the popup window appears increase the size of your disk cache. I like to keep mine above 50GB, which should be more than enough for most projects.
Some people have found success by navigating to After Effects>Preferences>Memory… and deselecting the вЂReduce cache size when system is low on memory’ button.
One common problem that people have when it comes to rendering in After Effects is placing their project files and their disk cache on the same drive. This can bog down your machine as After Effects will read and write files simultaneously to the same drive. Instead it is recommended that you separate your disk cache and project files across two separate drives. I typically have my project files on an external SSD and my disk cache on my local storage.
To change your disk cache location navigate to After Effects > Preferences > Media and Disk Cache and select вЂChoose Folder’ under Disk Cache.
While it may seem obvious sometimes this error can be often be solved by simply closing out After Effects and opening it back up. In my experience this will fix the problem for a few preview renders, but the error will likely pop-up again.
If you’ve made it this far and are still seeing that dreaded error it’s not the end of the world, but we will need to start getting creative. Try cleaning the database and cache by navigating to After Effects > Preferences > Media and Disk Cache. Once you’re there, hit вЂClean Database & Cache’.
Sometimes this annoying error can be fixed by setting your work area to the exact length that it needs to be. You can very quickly change your previewable work area by using the B and N keys to set the start and end of your work area.
You’ve likely accidentally set your region of interest once or twice when working in After Effects, but this little-used tool can actually be very helpful when you’re trying to preview a small portion of your video frame in After Effects. In short, After Effects will render a smaller portion of the video instead of the entire frame. You can activate the вЂRegion of Interest’ tool by navigating to the small region of interest button at the bottom of the composition panel.
Not all After Effects are created equal. Some effects like the Lens Blur effect are simply much more intense on your machine than say a Fast Box Blur effect. Before you give up on your project try changing out any effects that may be unnecessary for your scene.
Ask yourself if you’ve organized your project in an efficient and practical way. A project with hundreds of pre-comps and unnecessarily large asset files could possibly benefit from some better organization. It may be tempting to want to just hop into a big project and start animating, but this is actually a fast way to get lost in a disorganized project. Spend some time on the front-end to plan out your project and you might not end up with the вЂCached Preview’ error.
While this is certainly not what After Effects was designed to do one solution that could work would be to render out your project in the Render Queue instead of previewing the project in After Effects. For example, if you’re working on a huge Element 3D sequence it might make sense to work in the wireframe preview mode until you’re ready to export. In a way this method of animating is very similar to a 3D pipeline, we’ve just been spoiled by After Effects’ quick previews inside of the composition.
It’s time to take a look at your computer. We all know that After Effects is an incredibly intense program to operate. If you’ve optimized your project and are still receiving an error it might be time to consider upgrading your hardware. The first place to look would be your RAM (because that’s where RAM cache is stored), but honestly if any part of your system is lacking it can bring the whole animation process to a screeching halt. Go check out Adobe’s recommended system specs to get an idea for the type of machine you should be running. Sure a system upgrade can cost some money, but if you’re working in After Effects every day it is definitely worth it.
So that is every way that we were able to find that could potentially fix the вЂCached Preview Needs 2 or More Frames to Playback’ error in After Effects. If you want to learn more about After Effects check out the rest of the site here on School of Motion. Hopefully this error hasn’t completely ruined your day, but look on the bright side. a bad day in After Effects is better than a good day at a вЂnormal’ job.
Free Anticipation After Effects Project File
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Forums › Adobe After Effects › cached preview needs 2 or more frames
Agne Jurkenaite
‘cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback’
ive no clue what im suppose to do. please if you suggest something, explain it to me very clearly in case i dont understand. this is urgent client work and i dont wanna be waiting for responses too long.
Max Haller
If it’s only a problem with that one comp try to figure out whats different between that comp and the ones that are working. It sounds like you tried everything that would rule out problems with the cache. I’m confused why the rendered file would be incompatible too.
Try deleting a layer or effects and previewing and if that works then at least you’ve isolated the problem. Try opening the comp in a new project or in a new comp too
Jeff Kay
If you are rasterizing the AI files it might be worthwhile to instead export those as raster rather than using the AI files directly. Also, how much are those files scaled?
If it doesn’t affect the final product, try converting the AI file to a shape layer (shape layers can only hold paths/fills/stroke and no gradients).
There is a possibility that the AI files themselves are not very well optimized and contain far more information than is necessary and directly trimming down superfluous information in the AI files themselves could improve performance. I guess also try turning off individual AI files and see if it will preview with about half of the AI files active, or if there is one particular AI file that is causing the difficulties.
Agne Jurkenaite
thank you both! its fortunate the designs are super simple so everything was convertable to shape layers. i believe the true problem was the puppet tool. strange. was there a particular reason why? is my computer not strong enough to handle puppet tool? curious to know
Jeff Kay
I have noticed a whole lot of rather odd issues with AI files in AE. As a result I end up either moving the vector information out of the AI file (into something that can hold paths like a shape layer), or I end up opening it in Illustrator to export a PNG (sized such that I don’t have to scale it much, if at all); depends on whether I need the image or I need the vector information.
As to what’s causing it, I have no clue. Here are a list of things I’ve seen that have caused issue with AI files in AE.
-Scaling the file up too much
-Scaling the file down too much
-Gradients in the file
-Unoptimized file (any mess of too many superfluous paths, too many points in paths, extra layers that are not visible, incomplete paths, needless nesting of groups)
-AI files with links inside of them
-Fills that overlap
-Precomping anything with AI files
-Multiple artboards
-You are close to a deadline
Try the puppet tool with raster images, shape layers, and video. The puppet tool is more resource intensive than most simple effects, but it hasn’t seemed to be a resource hog the way 3D lighting, particle generators, or any of the other big resource intensive effects.
Agne Jurkenaite
reading that list, i definitely ticked off several. all these ai files were done by someone else and looking at them they could use some organising. thanks a bunch!
Tarun Jatav
I am facing the same issue. I have an AI character and used puppet tool when I choose the continuous vector to option it give the problem otherwise it is working fine for my case. But I want to use a continuous vector if anyone can provide a solution plz help.
How can we improve After Effects?
I’m currently in 2018 cc and I just hit space once and it doesn’t preview anything. Then I save and when i open the after effects the box is my composition doesn’t show anything. This is really annoying because I tried everything, purge the cache and all.
10 комментариев
you have to increase the preview bar size right to play the frames which should be more than 2
In the case of the illustrator file with a puppet tool, change the puppet engine to legacy seems to solve the issue.
@Atanas Atanasov still doesn’t work. I don’t have a big project, just a few layers with parenting and some duik scripts. I just hit space «once» and the error box pops up.
This is a problem that happens to many people for not particular reason and Adobe must fix this. This happens since 5 Version and it’s 2018 they haven’t fix it yet.
@gab Did you tried 1/4 resolution and then wait? Usually heavier projects cause that. If the project you open is not heavy, the problem and the solution may be other.
Followed what Atanas said and it still doesn’t work. Very frustrating.
It’s too easy to solve! Happens to me on almost any template I open. Just wait. If your PC parameters are lower than others you may have lower loading preview speed. What I experienced was that:
The bar, showing the progress of loading frames, was blank. I waited around 15 min or less and it came.
When you have nothing in the preview window, that most often will mean that your preview hasn’t loaded yet. Yeah, you may not want to wait. But no other options except if Adobe fix that.
Тема: Adobe After Effects, помогите, подскажите.
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Adobe After Effects, помогите, подскажите.
Я хочу повторить этот класс, то, что это путь, пожалуйста
[Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут просматривать ссылки. ]
Re: Пожалуйста, помогите
Re: Пожалуйста, помогите
Я хочу, чтобы дублировать всю композицию 5
Re: Пожалуйста, помогите
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz,RAM 12 Gb, NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT 512 MB, 4 HDD 1000Gb, 4 HDD 2000Gb, Windows 7. Adobe CC 2018, DgFotoArt, ProShow Producer 6, Juicer 3 и много чего ещё.
Re: Пожалуйста, помогите
[Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут просматривать ссылки. ]
Re: Пожалуйста, помогите
Это папка рендер.
Там этой композиции быть не может.
Могу только предположить. Возможно папка Image.
Поищите эту композицию в других папках.
Или на крайний случай скажите что за проект вы редактируете.
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz,RAM 12 Gb, NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT 512 MB, 4 HDD 1000Gb, 4 HDD 2000Gb, Windows 7. Adobe CC 2018, DgFotoArt, ProShow Producer 6, Juicer 3 и много чего ещё.
Re: Пожалуйста, помогите
[Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут просматривать ссылки. ]
Re: Пожалуйста, помогите
Увы у меня этого проекта нет.
Сделайте развёрнутый скрин окна проект, чтобы было видно все папки.
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz,RAM 12 Gb, NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT 512 MB, 4 HDD 1000Gb, 4 HDD 2000Gb, Windows 7. Adobe CC 2018, DgFotoArt, ProShow Producer 6, Juicer 3 и много чего ещё.
Re: Пожалуйста, помогите
Hanno, [Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут просматривать ссылки. ]
[Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут просматривать ссылки. ]
Re: Пожалуйста, помогите
Юрий вы не правы.
При копировании композиции на таймлайн мы получим «зеркало» копируемого.
Т.е. при вставке контента в одну композицию, он автоматом вставится в копию.
Что бы этого не случилось дублировать надо именно в окне проекта, как я показывал ранее.
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz,RAM 12 Gb, NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT 512 MB, 4 HDD 1000Gb, 4 HDD 2000Gb, Windows 7. Adobe CC 2018, DgFotoArt, ProShow Producer 6, Juicer 3 и много чего ещё.
«invalid max_result_rect from PF_Cmd_SMART_PRE_RENDER»
I got this error
curves returned invalid max_result_rect from PF_Cmd_SMART_PRE_RENDER
What happend here? What causes this error.
How I can I work around this bug?
I did a search but the results are old. I’m working with the newest version.
Premiere stops rendering the sequnce with «unknown error» at this composition.
Nobody can tell you anything without proper system and project info.
What does «After Effects error: Not enough memory to initialize PSL. ( 83 :: 8 )» mean?
So, about a week ago I did a fresh install of 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate on a new PC, and subscribed to the Adobe Creative Cloud, installing After Effects CS6 and Photoshop CS6 from the Adobe Application Manager, then doing all updates (and I just checked right now at 10:35PM on July 26th, I have the latest versions of everything).
After Effects was working completely normal, then just now, I tried to import a Photoshop .psd and I got the error message:
After Effects error: Not enough memory to initialize PSL.
( 83 :: 8 )
Then After Effects crashed. So now it opens up normally, but when I try to import a .psd or open an After Effects project saved from an earlier version of After Effects (CS3 to CS5) I get the same error and a crash, every single time.
Searching the forums, I see people talking about this error when importing .psds into CS5, and they say that getting the latest updates solved the issue for them (which obviously can’t help me). I’m running all legit software on a brand new computer with 32 GB of RAM which has passed all my physical stress tests so I know it’s not hardware related.
The one thing I saw people suggest is to hold down Ctrl-Alt-Shift when starting the program. When I do this, Windows asks if I want to allow After Effects to make changes to the system, and when I say yes, I can import .psds and open the older AE files. When I close After Effects and reopen it without holding down the Ctrl-Alt-Shift keys, it goes right back to crashing.
Obviously the smart-*** answer is «then hold down Ctrl-Alt-Shift, dummy», and I’ll do that for now, but is there any clue what the problem is?
I feel like kind of a chump because I decided to stop using my student versions of Adobe software (I haven’t been a student for about four years) and pay the full price for the cloud membership and the latest creative suite, and it’s full of bugs.
Now, I get the same ( 83 :: 8 ) error listed above, followed by a new dialog window that reads:
After Effects error: Crash in progress. Last logged message was: <4488> <DynamicLink> <5> C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Premiere Pro CS6Adobe Premiere Pro.exe
Then, when I click OK, I get:
After Effects can’t continue: sorry, After Effects has crashed. For After Effects Help and Support, go to http://www.adobe.com/go/learn_ae_support. If you still can’t resolve the issue, please contact Adobe Technical Support (2).
( 0 :: 42 )
Clicking OK to that gives me a chance to save the latest project, then the standard Windows 7 crash dialog window opens, the one that gives me the choice of «Check online for a solution and close the program» or just «Close the program» and lets me View problem details, which are:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: AfterFX.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4f6d63ab
Fault Module Name: StackHash_a85b
Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.17725
Fault Module Timestamp: 4ec4aa8e
Exception Code: c0000374
Exception Offset: 00000000000c40f2
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: a85b
Additional Information 2: a85ba096cc6b6acabe6eaf35bf34dc60
Additional Information 3: f862
Additional Information 4: f86227a9dfa15a47cdb6c94bb0d08360
After Effects error: crash occurred while invoking effect plug-in «Looks» URGENT!
My name is Tyler and i’m a Mult-Media Editor in training. Just recently meaning just this project i’ve been getting this error «After Effects error: crash occurred while invoking effect plug-in “Looks”.» every time i try to render. If i try to remove the clip where it messes up and replace it with another it will just mess up in another spot.
Screen Shot Here:http://gyazo.com/794429fd1091973c8a296a27d2af6fab.png
AE: After Effects CS5 (64-bit)
OS: Windows Home Premium (64-bit)
RAM: 8gb
Processor: 1st Gen. i7 Quad-Core
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 320
Updates: Installed All Updated For Adobe Products
Source Footage: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 @ 60fps using UT Video Codec YUV 420
Worked Before? Yes
Open GL: My open gl is not enabled
I’ve read other forums and watched tutorials. I’ve already done the following. (Not in order used)
1. Downgrade Magic Bullet Looks from 1.4.3 to 1.4.2 (Didn’t Work)
2. Upgrade Magic Bullet Looks to MBL 2.0 from Magic Bullet Suite 11 (Didn’t Work)
3. Uninstall my gfx card and re-install it with the newer version (Didn’t Work)
4. Reset AE preferences by pressing alt+shift+ctrl on the shortcut (Didn’t Work)
5. Change render settings from H.264 -> .AVI (Didn’t Work)
6. I’ve deleted «AE_OpenGL» from my After Effects folder (Didn’t Work)
My Composition:
The look file is not that complex but i don’t know if it’ll help but there it is.
Look File Settings:
I’ve never had this problem before and hope that someone has a solution to this problem… if so please post an answer. I don’t know if its because i put the plug in on all of my clips and then made an adjustment layer with another Magic Bullet Looks or if it’s my clips fault but i just dont know what to do.
It sounds like Looks is only crashing on this project. If that is so then it’s most likely a problem with one of your video clips. Either there’s a corrupted frame or some other codec glitch that’s throwing the errors. I’d suggest replacing footage items with temporary footage. You could even use solids. Replace one at a time, then undo, until you find the footage that’s causing the crash. Then either re-compress that footage to another codec or replace it.
If Looks is crashing on every type of footage then you need to pursue other options that are more system related.
After Effects error : layer does not have a source.
Hi All,
I add a Text layer and then add my custom fill effect to it. Then I call AdvItemSuite1()->PF_ForceRerender(in_data, &(params[0]->u.ld)) from AEGP for all the layers. But only for Text layer, AE pops up a dialog displaying the following error :
After Effects error : layer does not have a source.
Why is this happening? What other call can I use to rerender all the layers?
Thanks & Regards,
Am 13.04.2011 12:21, schrieb dheeraj_c:
For now just added a dummy parameter in the effect and calling AEGP_SetStreamValue() to render all the layer with effect.
I also have experienced problems with PF_ForceRerender(),
AEGP_SetStreamValu() seems like an alternative solution…
After Effects error: Could not launch Adobe Analysis Server (515) ( 25 :: 101) *POSSIBLE FIX*
Hi. Im New to the forums so sorry in advance if i do something incorrect
Since my Purchase of Adobe CS6, I was not able to use dynamic link, or the plugins that required you to connect to the Adobe Analysis Server (3d Tracker, Warp Stablizer ETC) It would always give me the error
After Effects error: Could not launch Adobe Analysis Server (515)
( 25 :: 101)
Or if i would use dynamiclink
The Importer created a generic error
Through hours and hours searching through the internet, and trying possible fixes, i found possible fixes that might help people with this error.
*Before attempting any of these fixes, make sure you reinstall CS6 Using the Adobe Cleaner*
This guide is for Windows OS Only.
If the error still presists, try these options
-If your windows account is not a administrator, Run Adobe After Affects CS6 As Administrator
-Disable your Anti-Virus and your Firewall
I know you have probably heard this over and over again, but this is mainly the cause of the problem. Some Anti-Viruses even when disabled, go into some sort of one eyed open mode, where it still monitors your computer ever so slightly, so you may want to uninstall the anti-virus. As for the firewall,
1) Go to your start menu search «Check Firewall Status»
2)Then to the left of the window, click Turn Windows Firewall on or off
3)Then tick «Turn of Windows Firewall» on BOTH Home or work network and Public Network.
-Close and Uninstall filtering and spyware programs such as Netnanny and Premiere Opinion. This might be using the TCP Ports that is needed for After effects, dynamic link and adobe analysis server to communicate
-Start up Adobe Analysis server Manually. This can be done by going to C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe After Effects CS6Support Files and running Adobe Analysis server.exe as Adminisrator, Then starting Premiere, After effects, etc.
-If the Adobe Cleaner didnt already, Clean your registry. This can be done with free applications such as CCleaner.
If none of those options work, I would suggest a full format and reinstall of windows.
I hope this would help people with this issue.
captain_astronaut wrote:
I’m running the latest version. Just installed yesterday.
You can download and install the latest version (and older versions) of versions 11, 12, and 13 from Adobe right now. That is why I was asking for the exact version number with decimals. Just the other day, someone said they were running the latest version and they weren’t aware that CC was even a thing. They were running version 11.0.3 (which isn’t even the latest version of CS6 — it’s 11.0.4). That’s why I always ask.
captain_astronaut wrote:
I’m on a Mac so I don’t have anti-malware, or other security software running.
That doesn’t seem like a good idea. While there can’t be anything technically referred to as a «virus» on the Mac OS (due to the underlying structure), there can be (and are) malware variants out there that do attack machines running the Mac OS. As Apple products have grown in popularity, developers have been creating more and more malware aimed at OSX.
I certainly hope you at least have your firewall running.
captain_astronaut wrote:
I tried launching Premiere yesterday and it crashed.
This points to a much more serious underlying problem. Thousands (if not millions) of people are running Premiere and After Effects on Macs. What sort of error messages did you receive when it crashed?
Try installing version 12 of AE and the previous version of Premiere as well and see if they run.
After Effects error: There was an error processing the PDF document.
I have been struggling with this problem ever since CS4 was installed.
I have the CS4 Mac Master Collection.
I am using Illustrator to create text for animation in After Effects.
I can create text in Illustrator and import it into After Effects fine. But when I go to make a change to
the Illustrator file, even as simple as changing a color, I get this error.
After Effects error: There was an error processing the PDF document. The file may be damaged or corrupt. (50::29)
The Illustrator file is then toast as far as After Effects is concerned. It cannot be opened or reimported.
I have to start over again and over again, rebuilding the Illustrator file each time.
This is an issue with AI and ultimately therefore also the AI routines that AE shares to access such files. Has been there forever and neither the AI people nor the AE team seem to be able to fix it in a consistent manner. Simply save a copy of the file from AI, then use Replace Footage instead of reload or at least always fully reload the AE project.
After Effects Error: rendering error while writing to file…Output Module failed — 1610153646
Hi – I’m currently working with someone who is running After Effects 5.5v10.5.0.253 on a PC which is running Windows 7 Ultimate. The computer has just recently been built and the software is newly installed. (ie. a couple of weeks old, max). Up until now, we have been using After Effects with no real issues. But tonight, we started to see the following error message, when trying to render something out:
“After Effects Error: rendering error while writing to file xxxxx. Output Module failed, the file may be damaged or corrupted -1610153646” – displayed during render, which meant the render failed.”
We started to review forums to see if we could come up with a fix and tried a few of the more common suggested solutions, including:
Make sure there are no third-party plug-ins or Windows incompatible elements installed — as it’s a pretty new install, we haven’t added anything except out-of-the box elements.
Clear the render queue – did this, no change.
Reinstall Quicktime – did this, no change.
Reinstall Creative Suite – also no change.
Check the default program to open .mov files is Quicktime – Quicktime was already the default.
A bit more detail about the machine…
Ram is 32gb
GPU is GeForce GTX 660ti
250gb soild states
2tb raid drive
Any help would be much appreciated. This is now happening on all AE files, even files that worked fine earlier in the week. Other than the AE and QT reinstalls mentioned above, nothing new has been added to the machine this week. On a deadline – so a quick response would be amazing, right about now. Thanks.
Hi Mylenium- thx for the quick response. We have have tried a bunch of different settings. AVIs work and we can do image sequences too. The only major problem seems to be with Quicktime files. While I appreciate your suggetion to convert with AME — this is only a workaround. Was really hoping for a solution that will fix the problem in After Effects? Heard rumor from a few friends in the biz, that this is a major bug… if possible, some feedback from Adobe product devs or someone with a technical background would be great! Thx.
After effects error, please tell me how to fix
Whenever I open after effects it says «After effects error: Warning: Frame Size Input Error, Layer base size must be the same, time for some precomp maybe? (512) ( 25 :: 241 )»
And when I try to ram preview, it says «After effects error: RAM Preview needs 2 or more frames to playback»
Any help? Thanks!
I just came across the same problem. Turns out reel smart motion blur was causing the issue. I had rsmb applied to a layer (png sequence) which was trimmed, with another precomp layer directly below it. AE couldn’t RAM preview the final frame of the rsmb layer for some reason — presumably it couldn’t access the next frame of the trimmed layer to calculate the blur on the final visible frame.
As a workaround I extended the layer to its full duration on the timeline and used opacity to keyframe the layer from 100% to 0% instead of trimming the layer. Voila! No more error message.
After Effects error when rendering
«After Effects error: Rendering error while writing file «file_name». An output module failed. The file maybe damaged or corrupted (-1610153464)»
file rendered successfully in draft and poor quality but this error is when best quality.
Tried saving into different location, rendered but the finished film kept stopping every 2 seconds and took 7GB of space. The film is meant to be 55 seconds long.
You are using the default Animation codec which is the default codec. You should really study up on rendering and formats. I’m guessing that your connection to the external drive had some data rate problems or started dropping bits. Try another cable or render to your boot drive. You’ve scaled your latest screenshots to the point where they are very difficult to read, but it looks like everything else is normal except that your top screenshot shows the only footage in the shot looks like it came from a GoPro and your composition frame rate in the Render Settings is showing up as 24. It’s not likely that that is the actual frame rate of the footage. Select the footage in the composition in the Project Panel and check out the frame rate. If it is 59.94 then your comp should either be 29.97 or 59.94. Because of the size I suspect that the frame rate is not 24 but 23.976.
This probably did not cause your problem but frame rates are important to understand and use properly.
After Effects error: Crash in progress
I ‘ve jost got «After Effects error: Crash in progress. Last logged message was <2160> <ae.blitpipe> <2> rect t:0.000000 I:0.0000000 w:1374.00000 h:533.00000
This was rendering a 4K video (4096×2304) with H264 compression. I think I had around a GB of free virtual memory. Is it just that it needs more memory — do I just need to increase the virutal memory — would increasing it by a GB or so fix it? It’s currently 3616 MB.
Current PC:
After Effects CS4
Windows Vista
3616 MB page file (according to performance options).
Is it just that it needs more memory — do I just need to increase the virutal memory — would increasing it by a GB or so fix it?
No. Not at all. The error is prety clear, actually:
w:1374.00000 h:533.00000
These are not valid dimensions for any MPEG-based output, since they need to be multiples of 2,4,8,16 and so on. Now I’m sure you set up the actual render correctly, but that info is coming from somewhere, so check if not a specific plug-in is causing this or your source footage may be damaged…
After Effects error: crash occured when invoking…
I get this error: After Effects error: crash occured when invoking rendering plugin «AE_openGL» when I have videos on the timeline and I am scrolling through them.
I run Windows Prof 7, 2.67 gigahertz Intel Core i7 920 Multi-core (4 total), 12 GBs Ram, NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT (2x). My system is fast. I saw one suggestion to turn off openGL. How should I set up my preferences to avoid this?
OpenGL should work even with SLI off. Yes, you lose some performance, but for AE’s limited use of these features, it should be neglectible. If for some reason you still get crashes, then you may need to push a few otehr knobs and levers in the driver settings or install a new7 different driver right away. i just cannot offer you a blanket solution that would work from a distance. OpenGL settings are delicate, so you’ll have to invest some time in your own experimentation…
After Effects Error: Crash invoking plugin AEDynamicLinkServer
Whenever I start After Effects CC 2014 a text bar comes up saying After Effects Error: Crash invoking plugin AEDynamicLinkServer.
My computer:
64 bit
Intel Core i3 CPU 3.20 ghz
12gb ram
At first when i downloaded it it worked fine but when i added 2 plugins it stopped working
Please Help
Do Not Delete program files that have been installed with an installer. BAD idea. Use the uninstaller. If you have already made the mistake or the uninstaller will not work use the Adobe Cleaner Tool then re-install from the latest build.
Carefully follow the instructions here: Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6
After effects error: exception occurred while processing effect «Pixelate». ( 25 ::0 )
I’m using Adobe After Effect CS5.5 and I’m having a problem with the following errow message:
After effects error: exception occurred while processing effect «Pixelate». ( 25 ::0 )
It happens when I apply pixelate to text and have the text move onscreen from offscreen…
To clarify, let’s say I apply the «pixelate» effect to text and move it off screen. Then, I place a keyframe and move 10 frames down. Next, I place another keyframe (ten frames past the 1st keyframe), and I move the text to the center of the screen. When I play the comp, the error appears as soon as the text is first visible in the preview window (onscreen).
I’ve already tried the following websites, but none of there solutions work:
Any thoughts?
I actually got it somewhat working…
Here’s my System Specs:
Mac Pro
Processor 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
Memory 12 GB 1066 MHz DDR3 ECC
Graphics ATI Radeon HD 5770 1024 MB
I tried turning off Adaptive Resolution and/or turning of OpenGL. Nothing changed.
However, when I opened a new comp with only the text layer in question and tried messing with the keyframes, I found out something. If I move the keyframes closer (thus making the animation faster), the error didn’t appear. But when I moved the keyframes farther away, the error appeared.
Ideally, I want the keyframes to move at it’s original speed (not faster or slower).
Any thoughts?
What is After Effects error: AGM internal: TOffsetObjIntrnl planarizer error?
I just ran into this error for the first time, a google search couldn’t find anything about it. Running AE CC 2014.
After Effects error: AGM internal: TOffsetObjIntrnl planarizer error ( 83 :: 2 )
All my main comps are messed up and look nothing like they did a few minutes ago.
More importantly, how can I fix it/prevent it from happening again?
It is a dense project,using a bunch of 5K RED files. No crazy plug-ins (and nothing I don’t use ALL the time). I found out the one specific layer that when I turn it off the error stops. That layer has no effects except an exposure adjustment. I’m using After Effects CC 2014 (see specs below)
The 10 Biggest After Effects Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)
We’ve all been there. You’re happily animating away, minding your own business, when suddenly—bam! You get hit with a weird error message, or your layer disappears…and why isn’t the mask tool working anyway? After Effects can be a complicated program, and while customizable After Effects templates and internet tutorials can help anyone get the ball rolling, there are still a few ins and outs that can elude even advanced animators and FX artists. To help you avoid these pesky problems, we’ve compiled a list of the ten biggest and most common AE mistakes out there—and how to avoid them.
Mistake #1: The Case of the Disappearing Layers
No, AE is not pranking you. If your layers keep disappearing, a few things could be at play. Usually it’s just a rogue keyframe to blame—you may have accidentally set the size or opacity to zero, or—more likely—the layer endpoint is coming up before the end of the comp.
You see, your AE timeline reads from left to right, and as you know each layer can be set to turn on or off anywhere in the timeline. Sometimes, new users don’t realize that they need to set the layer to the full length of the comp, which can make the layer “disappear.” This is especially common when using pre-comps, because the behavior of a pre-comp inside of a comp will effect the main comp. So while the pre-comp may be set to the proper length, if the layer turns off in the pre-comp, it will turn off in the main comp as well. (We know, that was a lot of “comps.”)
Mistake #2: Wibbly-Wobbly Keyframes
Okay, seriously now—why is that keyframe doing a little dance in the middle of the screen? All you want is for it to move smoothly from one side of the screen to the other, with a little pause in the middle, right? What’s up with with the wibble-wobble thing?
This may be one of the most common mistakes beginning animators make in AE, but luckily it’s pretty easy to fix. Just highlight your keyframes in the timeline, right-click, and select “Keyframe Interpolation.” You will see a popup box, and one of the indicators will read “Spacial Interpolation.” In the drop down box next to “Spatial Interpolation” you will see that the default is “Continuous Bezier.” All you need to do is change this selection to read “Linear.” Click “Okay”, and now the animation should be moving smoothly across the screen.
For more information on troubleshooting this problem, check out this video tutorial by Greyscale Gorilla!
Mistake #3: Forgetting to Set Your First Keyframes
So you have your layer, and you’ve positioned it where you want it to start. You move down the timeline, change the position, and select the RAM preview button to check out your mad skills. But instead of animated mastery, you’re greeted with a big pile of nothing. Why is your layer taking a nap? You moved it!
As you know, AE automatically sets keyframes whenever you change a parameter—unless you haven’t set any keyframes to begin with. If you forgot to set your first keyframe, your layer is going to keep hitting snooze no matter how much you move it around the screen. It’s imperative that you remember to set your first keyframe where you want to start—before you start animating. To do this, open your parameter in the composition and select the stopwatch icon once to turn on the keyframes.
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Mistake #4: Creating Shapes Instead of Masks
This may be one of the most simple—and most frustratingly common—After Effects mistakes there is. It goes like this: You’re trying to create a mask, but instead you keep creating a shape. This is particularly infuriating if you have created masks a dozen times without issue. Clearly AE is broken, right? Thankfully, no.
When this crisis occurs, all you have to do is make sure you have the correct layer selected. If the correct layer is not selected before you try to apply a mask, AE will apply a new shape instead.
Mistake #5: Finding Blend Mode and Switches
If you can’t seem to find that handy dandy ‘Blend Mode,’ tool, you’re far from alone. Add to that the ever elusive ‘Track Matte’ or ‘Parent’ columns. But don’t give up! All three of these babies are found in your layer window. You just have to toggle between the two sets of columns using the Toggle Mode/Switches button.
Mistake #6: Double-Clicking Layers
Remember that scene in ‘Modern Family’ where Manny tries to explain to Jay the difference between “click twice” and “double click”? It seems oddly relevant here. If you accidentally double click onto a layer in your timeline and are greeted by a random pop-up, don’t panic. This is actually a preview shortcut! AE is just taking you to a preview panel for the current layer.
“But, wait—where did all my stuff go? If this is a preview, shouldn’t it be…well…previewing my project?” Not exactly. This preview window is only showing the contents of the selected layer. You can find additional panels at the top of the preview window—the one on the left holds your full composition.
Mistake #7: The Other Case of the Missing Files
Whether you are new to AE or a seasoned pro, chances are you’ve come across the error message, “Files are missing since you last saved the project” at some point in your career. Don’t panic! The files aren’t gone—they’re just “missing”—and luckily it’s pretty easy to find them.
It goes like this: If the files you imported into your project have been moved on your computer—or if the project file has been moved—AE can lose track of them. To help get the program back on track, all you have to do is relocate your files to a discoverable place.
First, navigate to the project tab and type in the search term “missing.” You can now see all of the files which the program has identified as lost (look for the tv color bars thumbnail). Now, right-click on each file and select “replace footage > File.” Select the missing file from it’s new location on your computer, and it will be immediately restored to the project. It is worth noting that if you have multiple missing files in the same location, you should only need to replace one of them—AE is smart enough to auto-update once it recognizes this new location.
Mistake #8: RAM Preview Problems
And speaking of annoying error messages, check out this one: “After Effects Error: Ram Preview needs 2 or more frames to playback.” Not cool.
This error is usually the result of a conflict between Adobe’s Dynamic Link Manager and System Firewalls—why can’t we all just get along? To fix this, you need to allow Dynamic Link Manager access through your firewall, which can be done one of two ways, depending on your computer.
Troubleshooting Option for Mac: Navigate to the folder Library/Application/Support/Adobe/Common and select “File > Get Info.” Check that the lock icon is not activated, and enter your administrator name and password if prompted. Scroll to “Sharing & Permissions” and allow your current account “Read & Write Privileges.” Finally, click the small “Settings” icon beneath the permissions and select “Apply to enclosed items.” Re-lock the folder and voila!
Troubleshooting Option for PC: Navigate to C:Users\AppDataRoamingAdobe and right-click to access the “Properties” menu. Select the “Security” tab and grant the current user full control of the folder. Click OK and revel in your supreme AE mastery.
Mistake #9: Forgetting the Order of Operations for Masking and Effects
Anyone else having horrifying “PEMDAS” flashbacks from grade school?
Adobe After Effects has its own “order of operations,” and one of it’s key rules is that it will always apply masks before effects on each layer. Practically, this means you can’t constrain an effect with a mask—instead, the effect will be applied over the whole layer, regardless of the mask. In order to mask out a generating effect, you have to do one of two things: You can pre-compose the effect before applying your masks, or you can use a track matte.
Mistake #10: Exporting Huge Video Files
When rendering a video from AE, most people end up using the default (AVI, Uncompressed). While this option can work, it results in ginormous video files that will quickly overwhelm your computer (not to mention they are impossible to share). Therefore, it only makes sense that one of the most common AE mistakes is not understanding and researching the different exporting options so that you can choose the best format for your project. Unfortunately, there is no quick and easy answer for the best codec in each and every case. The best codec for compressing animation is not usually efficient for live-action video, etc.
Luckily, there are many online resources to help you determine the right level and type of compression to use.
Finally, for more help troubleshooting common After Effects errors, take a look at this instructional video by Surfaced Studio!
And there you have it! Next time you want to smash your computer in frustration or chuck your project in the trash bin, check out this easy troubleshooting guide.
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Caroline Mercurio
Marketing Creative Specialist
An avid storyteller with a background in film, theater, and fine art, Caroline covers the latest trends in film and design while managing our social media platforms. In her free time, she can be found awkwardly practicing ballroom dancing in public places or “studying” to become a level 1 sommelier. Maybe.