After effects error rendering error while writing to file 1610153424

Видео уроки для After Effects от AEplug форум для общения, ваших вопросов и моих ответов Текущие версии программ: After Effects CC 2022 v22.2.1 Premiere Pro CC 2022 v22.2 Ошибка при рендере -1609629695 Ошибка при рендере -1609629695 Сообщение #1 baimyr » 01 июл 2019, 14:36 Доброго времени суток! Столкнулся на днях с такой проблемой, что […]


  1. Видео уроки для After Effects от AEplug
  2. Текущие версии программ: After Effects CC 2022 v22.2.1 Premiere Pro CC 2022 v22.2
  3. Ошибка при рендере -1609629695
  4. Ошибка при рендере -1609629695

Видео уроки для After Effects от AEplug

форум для общения, ваших вопросов и моих ответов

Текущие версии программ: After Effects CC 2022 v22.2.1 Premiere Pro CC 2022 v22.2

Ошибка при рендере -1609629695

Ошибка при рендере -1609629695

Сообщение #1 baimyr » 01 июл 2019, 14:36

Доброго времени суток!

Столкнулся на днях с такой проблемой, что при рендере как через энкодер, так и через ае выдаёт ошибку (-1609629695). Пробовал разные кодеки, разное разрешение, менял названия папок и файлов без кириллицы, менял место сохранения на рабочий стол и другие диски, пробовал переустанавливать QuickTime 2 раза и чистить кэш с реестром, пробовал даже видео драйвера, директ и ещё пару обновить (видимо от отчаиния), но ничего не помогает. Уже устал гуглить, потратил 3 дня и всё бестолку.. Что странно, на прошлой неделе рендерил видео и всё было в порядке, после того момента ни каких манипуляций с софтом не производилось, новые плагины и драйвера не ставил.

Не помню как, но при очередном неудачном рендере сохранился файл с логом

Accelerated Renderer Error

Unable to produce frame.

Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: \?C:UsersbaimyOneDriveDesktopUntitled Project_AMEComp 1.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:00:33:35
Rendering at offset: 33.400 seconds
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: -1609629695

Accelerated Renderer Error

Unable to produce frame.

Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: \?C:UsersbaimyOneDriveDesktopUntitled Project_AMEComp 1.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:00:33:35
Rendering at offset: 33.400 seconds
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: -1609629695


Если все перечисленное выше не помогло (или просто вам неохота возиться, пробуя все подряд), значит, скорее всего ошибка происходит из-за конкретного проекта. При возникновении ошибки или другой проблемы обратите внимание на таймкод (время) ошибки. Если баг возникает каждый раз в одном и том же месте, то есть вероятность, что он вызывается каким-нибудь конкретным эффектом или анимацией, которую придется изучить и, возможно, изменить. Например, при работе с частицами можно выбрать другой режим работы CPU/GPU в плагине (если поддержка есть), уменьшить количество частиц, для Element 3D упростить геометрию, уменьшить количество полигонов, проверить материалы, текстуры, размер и т.п.
Для уточнения проблемного слоя или эффекта мне несколько раз помогал такой способ. Вы выбираете половину слоев в композиции и удаляете их все. Рендерите видео, ну или как вы там предпочитаете проверять. Тут возможны два варианта:

  • Если ошибка пропала, значит, она была в удаленных слоях композиции, отменяем удаление, и теперь удаляем только половину удаленных ранее слоев. И снова запускаем рендер.
  • Если ошибка осталась, то продолжаем дальше удалять слои, упрощая проект.

Если ошибку вызывает что-то конкретное, рано или поздно мы найдем виновника таким методом. Я понимаю, что это долгий, муторный и неудобный способ, но если вы знаете лучше, то пишите мне, буду благодарен! 8-)
А если ошибка возникает каждый раз в случайных местах композиции, то можно попробовать рендерить не готовое видео, а набор кадров Image Sequence. В After Effects есть несколько пресетов для этой цели под общим названием Multi-Machine Settings/Sequence в очереди рендера Render Queue.

В таком случае каждый кадр будет отдельным изображением на диске, и если рендер оборвется, вы не потеряете уже просчитанный готовый материал. А когда вы продолжите рендер (можно продублировать задание в очереди рендера Render Queue), After Effects пропустит уже существующие на диске кадры и начнет считать со следующего места. За это отвечает отдельная настройка в Render Settings — Skip existing files (allows multi-machine rendering)Пропустить существующие файлы (позволяет осуществлять рендеринг на нескольких компьютерах)«).

Но, естественно, звук в таком виде не получится вывести из программы After Effects и придется потом дополнительно его считать как WAV файл без видео и объединять с набором отрендеренных кадров композиции. Их, конечно же, надо предварительно импортировать в любую программу для работы с видео — After Effects, Premiere Pro, да любую. Даже мой любимый FFMPEG может это сделать, да все нормальные программы умеют делать такое. Только проверьте частоту кадров, так как куча файлов на диске не имеет такой информации, и это надо задавать руками.
Вообще, это было сделано для рендеринга по сети несколькими компьютерами одновременно, чтобы они не считали одинаковые кадры, назначенные другому After Effects. А самое интересное, что такое можно провернуть и на одной машине для ускорения рендера, ведь одна копия After Effects не задействует ресурсы процессора CPU на полную.
Изображение Уменьшение времени рендера в After Effects

Hi. I encountered the same problem as «MUFFINS», and I will put here the characteristics of the source file and the composition. They´re are in text (source file) and jpg image (composition settings). My After Effects is CS 6 ver.

The problem is an error message equal to MUFFINS reproted. (Rendering Error while writing to file (-1610153453)

Thanks in advance.

Source file:

Format  : MPEG-4

Format profile : Base Media / Version 2

Codec ID   : mp42

File size  : 64.9 MiB

Duration  :  2mn 1s

Overall bit rate mode   : Variable

Overall bit rate    : 4 477 Kbps

Format   : AVC

Format/Info    : Advanced Video Codec

Format profile : Main@L3.2

Format settings, ReFrames  : 3 frames

Format settings, GOP   : M=4, N=60

Width   : 1 280 pixels

Height   : 720 pixels

Display aspect ratio   : 16:9

Frame rate mode   : Constant

Frame rate : 29.970 fps

Standard  : NTSC

Color space  : YUV

Chroma subsampling : 4:2:0

Bit depth : 8 bits

Scan type  : Progressive

Composition settings.jpg

After Effects error: Rendering error while writing to file (-1610153453)


Одна из частовстречающихся ошибок рендера в формате H264 (и не только), в After Effects это After Effects error: Rendering error while writing to file (путь,название файла).mp4″ (-1610153453).

Решение проблемы:

Официальная поддержка Adobe рекомендует переустановить Quick Time, почистить реестр и добавить поддержку кеша при рендере (в настройках edit > preferences > media&disk cache поставить галку на enable cache и выставить свободного пространства не менее 20Гб). Но это все чаще всего не работает, особенно в русском сегменте пользователей, которые пользуются кирилицей для название папок в системе.

Итак проблема решается просто: проверьте чтобы путь сохраняемого файла был прописан АНГЛИЙСКИМИ буквами и не имел спецзнаков. Например: «D:WORKMy_intro» вместо «D:WORKМое интро» 

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Adobe After Effects CS5 & Quicktime ERRORS / crashing…


I am having a lot of AE CS5 crashing (app just quits for no reason while scrubbing) and other weirdness…like today, and I am being told on the Adobe Boards that it ‘s Quicktime related. I am rendering a 3 minute piece in ProRes 4:2:2 (1280x720p) to my RAID (no special plug-ins or anything) and I get the following error at the very end of every render:

+After Effects Error: Rendering error while writing to file (insert my RAID path here). An output module failed. The file may be damaged or corrupted (-1610153464)+

They are telling me the long number at the end indicates a Quicktime problem, which is unfortunately not so rare with 64bit AE due to how Apple does not really have a 64bit Quicktime and Adobe needs to work their way around some of that.

Is this true? Can I fix this on my own or is there a 64-Bit QT Pro coming with the new Final Cut Studio? Any input is gratefully appreciated…thanks.


Octocore MacPro,

Mac OS X (10.6.7),

CS5 / QT 7.6.9

Posted on Mar 29, 2011 11:02 AM

Adobe After Effects CS5 & Quicktime ERRORS / crashing…

Hi there,
As the title states, this is the error message I get ONLY when trying to render .mov files.
I have posted here before with a similar problem related to quick time files.
After Creative Cloud does its own updating, I can no longer render .mov files.
I have been through the trobleshooting list for QuickTime file errors, none of that works.
This is now the 3rd time that I have reinstalled AE CC.  On a clean install, everything works fine, but after updates it starts bugging out.
I cannot install the lates AE update…12.1.
CC says that I there are no new updates.
The manual update function within AE is greyed out so I cant click it.
I downloaded the entire patch and tried installing but I get another error stating that ‘Udates have been surpressed by the Administrator.’
I am the Admin user, and I have tried running the patch as admin too.
I am getting extreemely frustrated with this CC package.
Please….please, someone help.

So….its been a few peacuful days…..but here I am again….with the same issue.
There have been no new Windows updates, quicktime updates or CC updates that I know of.
The problem however seems to be quite random.  Sometimes it doesnt  happen if I restart After Effects, while other times it occurs even If I restart the whole machine.
The best part though:
I contacted Adobe technical support for the patching issue as I am still running 12.0
The technician remotely takes over my machine and proceedes to uninstal After Effects.  Then he tries to log onto Adobe’s download site only to find out it is down (not quite sure how this isnt known to him before the fact).  He says the site will be back up after an hour and asks that I wait while still connected.  I do so.
Sure enough, the site is back online, but the tecnician is not responding to my communications even after a direct email to him and an aditional 30 minutes of waiting.
I have no option but to cut off the remote control and reinstall After Effects……again.
I count my bleesings and carry on the next day with normal work.  I have a product that can at least render the format I require.  I brush off the notion of getting the latest update.
So here I am today, with a ‘brand new’ quicktime issue.
I contact support again and explain the problems, but I am told that the technical staff are only online in 5 hours.

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    Is the drive you are rendering to formatted FAT32 by any chance? If so you can only render up to 4Gb for one file. Try rendering out a TIFF sequence instead. Litte tip — push the LZW compression tickbox in format options for a lossless compression, this will keep you file size way down.

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    Hi HR and everyone that have the problem error (-1610153453)
    In my case I solved the problem changing the destination folder, I was rendering in a folder with a non english character! in my spanish language we have the «Ñ» (‘n’ with a wave on top ) after effects mp4 codec NO Ñ or cyrillic, etc…
    I finally solve it thanks the russian friends: ( and Google translator
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    GPU is GeForce GTX 660ti
    250gb soild states
    2tb raid drive
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    Hi Mylenium- thx for the quick response. We have have tried a bunch of different settings. AVIs work and we can do image sequences too. The only major problem seems to be with Quicktime files. While I appreciate your suggetion to convert with AME — this is only a workaround. Was really hoping for a solution that will fix the problem in After Effects? Heard rumor from a few friends in the biz, that this is a major bug… if possible, some feedback from Adobe product devs or someone with a technical background would be great! Thx.

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    8gb Ram
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    Start by going through all of the troubleshooting suggestions here: fects.html
    If you need additional help, please provide answers to all of the questions listed here: «FAQ: What information should I provide when asking a question on this forum?»

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    We are facing an error while exporting to PDF from BEx report.
    We are on EP7 SP14. BI on SP16.
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    1. Error:
    Message: No message was provided.
    Stack trace: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.serviceDeprecated(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.service(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentResponse.include(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.pom.PortalNode.service(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.runRequestCycle(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.connection.ServletConnection.handleRequest(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher$
    at Method)
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at Method)
    Message: EXPORT XFA error while writing XFA files
    Stack trace: EXPORT XFA error while writing XFA files
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.serviceDeprecated(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.service(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentResponse.include(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.pom.PortalNode.service(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.runRequestCycle(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.connection.ServletConnection.handleRequest(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher$
    at Method)
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at Method)
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    2. Message:
    No metadata is available for «DISABLE_NAVIGATION»:
      <param name=»TARGET_DIALOG_REF» value=»DISABLE_NAVIGATION»/>
    In this window, complete screen of report is displayed as an image instead of PDF.
    Please let me know if anybody faced similar issue earlier.
    It was working perfect earlier, but suddenly error started.
    Kedar Kulkarni

    No proper findings, but issue resolved.
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    After resetting the URL to new domain problem got resolved.
    Kedar Kulkarni

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    When i try to install iTunes in my Windows 7, this error message apear «Error while writing to file: C: Program Files (x86) iTunes iTunes.Resources el.Iproj iTunesExtrasDownload.png. Make sure you have access to this directory.» Someone help me!!

    That one’s consistent with disk/file damage. The first thing I’d try with that is running a disk check (chkdsk) over your C drive.
    XP instructions in the following document: How to perform disk error checking in Windows XP
    Vista instructions in the following document: Check your hard disk for errors
    Windows 7 instructions in the following document: How to use CHKDSK (Check Disk)
    Select both Automatically fix file system errors and Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors, or use chkdsk /r (depending on which way you decide to go about doing this). You’ll almost certainly have to schedule the chkdsk to run on startup. The scan should take quite a while … if it quits after a few minutes or seconds, something’s interfering with the scan.
    Does the chkdsk find/repair any damage? If so, can you get an install to go through properly afterwards?

  • After Effects error: Creating a resource file

    Hi everyone
    I’m administrating a machine with several users mainly using After Effects. The machine runs on Windows 7 64 bit.
    I recently had to install videocopilots Optical Flares. Everything runs fine on my admin account but if i open AE on a user account i get an error message while on the loading screen. It says:
    After Effects error: Creating a resource file «c:insert path to OpticalFlares.aex here» (might be a bit different in english as i translated this from german)
    Every user has full read and write permission on the AE support files folder. Has anyone ever had such an error? All other plugins work as they should on every account.
    Thanks for any hints!

    I still think it is a permissions/ user privileges/ policies/ security issue — if it runs on one account, it is unlikely the plug-in is damaged or you installed the 32bit version in CS5 or vice versa. I strongly suspect the plug-in is unable to probe your graphics card and thus never initializes. Perhaps it’s being blocked by some security tool or your user account doesn’t have the permissions to load system drivers. The latter can be fixed by changing the respective entry in your group policy editor (gpedit.msc). The respective point would be in Computerkonfiguration —> Windows-Einstellungen —> Sicherheitseinstellungen —> Lokale Richtlinien —> Zuweisen von Benutzerrechetn —> Laden und Entfernen von Gerätetreibern. And of course temporarily turn off security stuff to verify it’s not the problem.

  • Error while writing wsdl file

    i’ m working on jdeveloper and when i want to add a partner link to my BPEL project i get ‘error while writing wsdl file’ ‘exception null’ error then i couldn’t create file.
    so how can i solve this problem?

    Once the wrapper procedure is created by the adapter, the adapter does a second search to obtain the information about the wrapper (i.e. parameters, their data types, etc.). What’s likely happening here is that the wrapper is getting created, but the adapter can’t find it. The XSD is based on the wrapper, so if it can’t be found, then no XSD can be generated. Try removing the existing wrapper package or choose that option in the wizard when it generates a new one.

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    Can any one plz tell me why Iam getting below error when Iam trying to send mail with attachment.Iam using Java Mail API.
    javax.mail.MessagingException: 451 Error while writing spool file
    Plz tell me what are the reasons behind it.

    The problem here is that the SMTP server was unable to write its spool file.
    The error is probably on the OS side of things and has nothing to do with email except that the lack of the system resource is causing email to fail.
    Have the server admin take a look at his error log to find out why the the user that smtp is running as could not write the file.

  • After Effects error: Can’t import file «(FILE TITTLE)» unsupported filetype or extension

    Hello so I was working with AE3 for 2 years and i had no problems with it but.. when i reinstall my windows and install AE3 with same installation file as always i was using.. and  I got problem. When i try to import AVI or wmv or other video clips except mov format I getting this error «After Effects error: Can’t import file «(FILE TITTLE)» unsupported filetype or extension».. i tried everything: 3 different installs of AE3 but nothing always same.. so decided this is windows problem so I installed new one  with SP3 but i got same problem then I tried it on SP2 but still same problem.. So i installed windows7 and my AE3 was working but i didn’t liked a windows 7 and i back on xp SP3 and guess what guys? yes! i got same error again on AE3. I don’t know guys what to do. Can you help me?

    I assume that you mean «After Effects CS3». After Effects 3 came out more than a decade ago.
    Do you have QuickTime Player installed? After Effects requires QuickTime to be installed to import some file types.
    Could you be explicit about exaclty what files you have tried to import? Even giving file names might help. For example, this error has been seen when the characters used in the file name were non-standard characters (e.g., this thread).
    When you re-installed Windows, did you also re-install any codecs that you may have previously had on the system?

  • Broadcast Error( EXPORT XFA error while writing XFA files)

    Hi Gurus,
    Could any please help me in the below mentioned issue ,
    While one of our customer is broadcasting BW report to the list of users ,  getting  error message «EXPORT XFA error while
    writing XFA files»    , Broadcast setting s are as follows
    Distribution type : Broadcast Email  , Output format : PDF
    for few users Broadcast is success , where as for others it is unsuccessful
    Please help me in this regard

    Please use the SAP Export Library instead of ADS. It has much better performance, for details see SAP Note 1112132. This will solve the issue.

  • After effects error: can’t import file unsupported filetype…

    When I try to import my files from my Canon EOS 550D into AE it gives me this error-essage: «after effects error: can’t import file unsupported filetype…» I recently updated my quicktime and stuff, but what should that do? I could import the files before though.

    See if anything here helps: ects.html

  • Access denied error while writing a file to the file system — myfileupload.saveas() throws system.unauthorizedexception

    as part of my requirement , i have to perform read and  write  operations of  few files [ using the file upload control in my custom visual web part] and on submit button click.
    but while writing these files — with the help of  fileupload control — and when i use  myfileupload.saveas(mylocation);
    — i am saving these files into my D: drive of my server , where i am executing my code -, am getting access denied error.
    it throws system.unauthorizedexception.
    i have given full control on that folder where i was trying to store my attached files. and also  after following forums,
    i have added  iusr group added and performed all those steps such that, the file is saved in my D: drive.
    but unfortunately  that didnt happen.
    a) i am trying the code with runwithelevatedprivileges(delegate() )  code
    b) shared the drive within the  d :drive where i want o save the files.
    c) given the full privieleges for the app pool identity- in my case , its
    network service.
    the  other strange thing is that, the same code works perfectly in  other machine, where the same sp, vs 2012  etc were installed .
    would like to know, any other changes/ steps i need to make it on this  server, where i am getting the  error.
    help is  appreciated!

    vishnuS1984 wrote:
    Hi Friends,
    I have gone through scores of examples and i am failing to understand the right thing to be done to copy a file from one directory to another. Here is my class…So let’s see… C:GetMe1 is a directory on your machine, right? And this is what you are doing with that directory:
    public static void copyFiles(File src, File dest) throws IOException
    // dest is a ‘File’ object but represents the C:GetMe1 directory, right?
    fout = new FileOutputStream (dest);If it’s a directory, where in your code are you appending the source file name to the path, before trying to open an output stream on it? You’re not.
    BTW, this is awful:
    catch (IOException e)
    IOException wrapper = new IOException(«copyFiles: Unable to copy file: » +
    src.getAbsolutePath() + «to» + dest.getAbsolutePath()+».»);
    throw wrapper;
    }1) You’re hiding the original IOException and replacing it with your own? For what good purpose?
    2) Even if you had a good reason to do that, this would be simpler and better:
    throw new IOException(«your custom message goes here», e);
    rather than explicitly invokign initCause and setStackTrace. Yuck!

  • AE error: Rendering error while writing to file «E:[file name].avi». An output module failed. The file may be damaged or corrupted.

    I am running Adobe After Effects CC 2014.0.2 on a Windows 7 Ultimate Machine.
    When the user begins to render an uncompressed file she receives the following error message:
    I have been searching all day for solutions to this error with no luck so far. All that I have found deal with Mac OS (which does not apply here) or .mov files (also not the issue here) and I am stumped. Any suggestions on how to resolve this error?

    Here you go:

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