Ошибки воздушных отопителей Airtronic D1LC Скания
Дополнительный автономный отопитель тягача Скания с внешними мозгами оснащен таймером — реостатом CTT который при неисправности выдает код ошибки на дисплей. Если таймер молчит то стоит проверить предохранитель 34 самого обогревателя и 41-й непосредственно пульта.
Пульт CCT может показать лишь один код неисправности и если их больше, новый код будет показываться после устранения причины предыдущего.
■ Для стирания ошибок нажмите центральную клавишу на таймере.
Код ошибки | Возможная причина | Меры для устранения неисправности |
BAT/EBAT | Низкое напряжение батарейки пульта. | Замените батарейку в таймере CTT на новую. |
E 05 | Не верное напряжение канала диагностики. | Напряжение канала связи диагностики должно быть между 1,5-2,5В. |
F 10 по F 14 | Не верное соединение. | Сверьте подключение со схемой, возможно штыри 8 и 6 подсоединены одновременно. Отключите 6 штырь в разъеме C402 и C187. Расположение в кабине: позади стенки отсека одежды, сзади вод. кресла на полу или на кожухе двигателя со стороны пассажира. |
F 30 | Не верное обнаружение пламени | Стереть код средней клавишей и повторно запустить обогрев. |
F 31 | Срыв пламени в режиме «низкой» и «средней» производительности. | Проверить топливо, его количество, скорость нагнетателя, впуск и выпуск. |
F 32 | Срыв пламени в режиме «высокой» производительности. | Проверить топливо, его количество, скорость нагнетателя, впуск и выпуск. |
F 33 | Ошибка свечи розжига. | Проверить свечу, ее реле и проводку. (Ее сопротивление около 2кОм) |
F 34 | Отсутствие вращения нагнетателя или неисправность переключателя скорости вращения. | Проверить двигатель отдельно, скорость: высокая — 4500об./мин средняя и низкая — 300 об./мин. Проверьте переключатель скорости. (При неисправности заменить, но дешевле починить) |
F 35 / F 36 | Низкое или высокое напряжение | Напряжение питающее отопитель должно быть в пределах 21В-30В, проверьте АКБ и генератор. |
F 37 | Нет запуска после двух попыток включения. | Проверьте подачу топлива, нагнетатель, свечу, впуск и выпус воздуха. Устраните причину мешающую возникновению пламени. |
F 39 | Неисправен температурный датчик или регулятор температуры CTT пульта. | Проверьте цепь датчика, жгут, контакт монтажной платы, соединения CTT пульта. |
F 40 | Неисправноть топливного насоса, возможно КЗ. | Проверить и заменить дозирующий насос. Правильное сопротивление ТН 36 Ом. |
F 41 | Неисправность датчика пламени | Проверить датчик пламени, должно быть сопротивление около 1кОм. |
F 43 | Блок управления неисправен. | Заменить блок управления. |
F 44 | Перегрев | Проверить циркуляцию воздуха через кожух, проверьте омметром датчик перегрева, должен быть замкнут. |
F 45 | Предупреждение о неправильном напряжении. | Проверьте батарею и генератор. |
F 46/ F 47 / F 48 | Не влияющие на работу коды | Стереть и включить подогреватель. |
OIA6, E 91, E 92, E 93 | Специальные коды производителя. | Стереть и запустить подогрев, если не стирается то заменить пульт CTT. |
Сброс блокировки D1LC: на 2-3 секунды замкните ножки 9 и 11 в 14-ти контактном разъеме блока управления. После этого блокировка снимется и отопитель будет выводить Блинк-коды, в случае если он вместо пульта СTT оборудован крутилкой с индикатором.
Данные Блинк-коды подходят для отопителей с внешним блоком управления D1LC, D3LC, B5LC / D5LC
Работает (горит постоянно)………………………………. ________________________________
Предупреждение о неправильном напряжении…… ___ ___ ___ _______________
Отключение повышенное напряжение…………………______ ___ ___
Отключение пониженное напряжение………………… ______ ___
Свеча накала прерывание…………………………………. ___ ___ ___ ___
Свеча накала замыкание…………………………………… ___ _________
Нагнетатель воздуха нет вращения……………………. ______
Пламя при включении (датчик)…………………………… ___
Нет запуска……………………………………………………….. _______ ___ ___ ___
Перегрев……………………………………………………………. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Топливный насос обрыв или КЗ…………………………. ___ ___ ___ ________
Дефект датчика температуры…………………………….. ___ ___ _______
Дефект датчика пламени……………………………………. ___ ___ _________ ___
Срыв пламени на ступени малая………………………… ___ ___
Срыв пламени на ступени полная……………………….. ___ ___ ___
Дефект блока управления…………………………………… ______ ______
Ошибки воздушных отопителей Airtronic D2 / D3 / B4 / D4 / M / D4Plus / D4S / D5LC / D8LC
При наличии на отопителе стандартного или комби-таймера, аварийная блокировка выдает на дисплей таймера следующие коды неисправности:
Индикация кода неисправности |
Описание ошибки |
Комментарий • Меры по устранению |
(000) |
Без ошибок |
————————— |
(004) |
Внимание: Короткое замыкание в блоке управления, выход — свежий воздух |
• Разъедините штекерное соединение S1/B1 на отопительном приборе и проверьте на штекере В1 провод от штырька 16 до реле нагнетателя свежего воздуха на наличие короткого замыкания на массу если все в порядке —> замените блок управления. |
(005) |
Внимание: Короткое замыкание в блоке управления, выход — система противоугонной сигнализации |
• Разъедините штекерное соединение S1/B1 на отопительном приборе и проверьте на штекере В1 провод от штырька 15 до реле разъединителя или входа системы противоугонной сигнализации на наличие короткого замыкания на массу, если все в порядке — > замените блок управления. |
(006) |
Внимание: Непонятная информация о высоте над уровнем моря (индикация только у отопительных приборов с маркировкой «Н-Kit» на заводской табличке). |
Прибор управления не получил понятную информацию о высоте. • Прочитайте регистратор неисправностей в датчике давления воздуха при помощи диагностического инструмента EDiTH и устраните неисправность. |
(009) |
Отключение ADR |
Отключение ADR из-за смены сигнала с (+) на (-) на штекере S1, штырек 13 (D+) или плюсовой сигнал на штекере S1, штырек 14 (НА+). |
(010) |
Перенапряжение — отключение |
Перенапряжение на блоке управления сохраняется не менее 20 секунд непрерывно — > отопительный прибор отключается. • Разъедините штекерное соединение В1 / S1 на отопительном приборе, запустите двигатель транспортного средства, измерьте напряжение на штекере В1 между штырьком 1 (кабель 2,52 rt) и штырьком 10 (кабель 2,52 Ьг). Airtronic 12 В — напряжение >16 В — > проверьте регулятор генератора Airtronic 24 В — напряжение >32 В —> проверьте регулятор генератора |
(011) |
Пониженное напряжение -отключение |
Пониженное напряжение на блоке управления сохраняется не менее 20 секунд непрерывно —> отопительный прибор отключается. • Разъедините штекерное соединение В1 / S1 на отопительном приборе, заглушите двигатель транспортного средства, измерьте напряжение на штекере В1 между штырьком 1 (кабель 2,52 rt) и штырьком 10 (кабель 2,52 Br). Измеренное значение напряжения не должно отличаться от напряжения на аккумуляторе. При падении напряжения проверьте предохранители, питающие кабели, контакты на массу и плюсовую клемму аккумулятора на наличие коррозии и наличие контакта. |
(012) |
Перегрев на датчике перегрева |
Слишком высокая температура на датчике перегрева. • Проверьте магистрали подачи теплого воздуха на наличие перегибов —> устраните перегибы • Слишком большое число отводящих каналов от воздухопроводящих компонентов — > проверьте магистрали подачи воздуха, при необходимости проложите их заново — см. число отводящих каналов в каталоге дополнительного оборудования • Проверьте датчик перегрева, если все в порядке —> измерьте количество подаваемого топлива. |
(013) |
Перегрев на датчике горения |
Датчик горения сообщает о слишком высокой температуре на теплообменнике. • Проверьте магистрали подачи теплого воздуха на наличие перегибов —> устраните перегибы • Слишком большое число отводящих каналов от воздухопроводящих компонентов —> проверьте магистрали подачи воздуха, при необходимости проложите их заново — см. число отводящих каналов в каталоге дополнительного оборудования • Проверьте датчик горения, если в порядке — > проверьте датчик перегрева около 60 кОм при комн.т., если датчик перегрева неисправен —> замените комбинированный датчик, если датчик перегрева в порядке — > измерьте количество подаваемого топлива. |
(014) |
Слишком большая разница температур между датчиком горения и датчиком перегрева |
Слишком большая разница температур между датчиком горения и датчиком перегрева. • Проверьте магистрали подачи теплого воздуха на наличие перегибов —> устраните перегибы • Слишком большое число отводящих каналов от воздухопроводящих компонентов —> проверьте магистрали подачи воздуха, при необходимости проложите их заново — см. число отводящих каналов в каталоге дополнительного оборудования • Проверьте датчик горения около 1 кОм, если в порядке — > проверьте датчик перегрева, около 60 кОм при комн.т., если датчик перегрева неисправен —> замените комбинированный датчик, если датчик перегрева в порядке — > измерьте количество подаваемого топлива, если количество подаваемого топлива в норме —> замените блок управления. |
(015) |
Функциональная блокировка |
Код неисправности 015 отображается, если после отображения кода неисправности 017 отопительный прибор был включен еще раз. Было превышено пороговое значение аппаратной части для датчика перегрева -> блок управления блокируется. • Замените блок управления. |
(017) |
Перегрев |
Было превышено пороговое значение аппаратной части для датчика перегрева, так как блок управления не опознал код неисправности 012 или 013 -> блок управления блокируется. Если отопительный прибор включить еще раз, отобразится код неисправности 015. • Замените блок управления. |
(018) |
Слишком малая энергия штифтового электрода при запуске (индикация только у отопительных приборов с маркировкой «Н-Kit» на заводской табличке). |
• Проверьте штифтовой электрод (см. коды неисправностей 020 и 021), если в порядке • Проверьте кабельный жгут штифтового электрода на правильность прокладки и на наличие повреждений, если все в порядке ~> проверьте кабельный жгут на проходимость, если он в порядке -> замените блок управления. |
(019) |
Недостаточная энергия воспламенения |
• Проверьте штифтовой электрод (см. коды неисправностей 020 и 021), если в порядке • Проверьте кабельный жгут штифтового электрода на правильность прокладки и на наличие повреждений, если все в порядке ~> проверьте кабельный жгут на проходимость, если он в порядке -> замените блок управления. |
(020) (021) |
Штифтовой электрод — обрыв Штифтовой электрод — короткое замыкание, перегрузка или замыкание на массу |
• Проверьте штифтовой электрод на функционирование и проходимость при температуре 20 °С. Отопительный прибор 12 В — от 0,42 Ом до 0,7 Ом Отопительный прибор 24 В — от 1,2 Ом до 2,5 Ом • Если значения в норме — > проверьте кабельный жгут штифтового электрода на наличие повреждений и на проходимость, если все в порядке —> замените блок управления. |
(022) |
Штифтовой электрод, выход (+) — короткое замыкание на UB (напряжение аккумулятора) |
• Проверьте кабельный жгут штифтового электрода на правильность прокладки и на наличие повреждений, если все в порядке — > проверьте кабельный жгут на проходимость, если он в порядке —> замените блок управления. |
(025) |
Диагностический кабель bl/ws — короткое замыкание — на UB (напряжение аккумулятора) |
Отображение кода неисправности невозможно. Этот код неисправности может быть просмотрен только после устранения неисправности. • Проверьте диагностический кабель на правильность прокладки и наличие повреждений. |
(031) |
Нагнетатель — обрыв |
• Проверьте кабельный жгут двигателя нагнетателя на правильность прокладки и на наличие повреждений, если все в порядке — > отсоедините кабельный жгут от блок управления и проверьте его на проходимость, если он в порядке — > замените блок управления. |
(032) |
Двигатель нагнетателя — короткое замыкание на массу |
• Выполните функциональную проверку двигателя нагнетателя, для этого отсоедините штекер от блока управления. Подайте тестовое напряжение на двигатель нагнетателя и через 40 секунд измерьте величину тока. Сила тока < 6,5 А —> двигатель нагнетателя в порядке —> замените блок управления. Сила тока > 6,5 А —> замените нагнетатель. • Проверьте проводку на наличие короткого замыкания. |
Обратить внимание! |
Непременно соблюдайте тестовое напряжение (10в для 12в или 18в для 24 вольтового прибора). В случае превышения величины напряжения компонент будет разрушен. Учитывайте устойчивость блока питания при коротких замыканиях — мин. 20 А. |
(033) |
Двигатель нагнетателя не крутится или короткое замыкание на массу |
Отклонение число оборотов > 10 % от заданного значения более 30 секунд. Измерьте число оборотов нагнетателя воздуха в камеру сгорания при помощи бесконтактного фотоэлектрического тахометра. • Слишком низкое число оборотов: Нагнетатель блокирован — проверьте инерционный выбег нагнетателя или удалите посторонний предмет, если в порядке —> проверьте нагнетатель (см. код неисправности 032). • Слишком высокое число оборотов: — Отсутствует магнит на крыльчатке нагнетателя —> замените нагнетатель. — Неисправен датчик числа оборотов в блоке управления —> замените блок управления. • Проверьте проводку на наличие короткого замыкания. |
Обратить внимание! |
Непременно соблюдайте тестовое напряжение (10в для 12в или 18в для 24 вольтового прибора). В случае превышения величины напряжения компонент будет разрушен. Учитывайте устойчивость блока питания при коротких замыканиях — мин. 20 А. |
(034) |
Двигатель нагнетателя, выход (+) короткое замыкание на UB (напряжение аккумулятора) |
• Проверьте кабельный жгут двигателя нагнетателя на правильность прокладки и на наличие повреждений, если все в порядке —> отсоедините кабельный жгут от блок управления и проверьте его на проходимость, если он в порядке —> замените блок управления. |
(047) |
Дозировочный насос — короткое замыкание или перегрузка |
• Отсоедините штекер от дозировочного насоса, если после этого отображается код неисправности 048 (обрыв), то дозировочный насос неисправен — замените дозировочный насос. • Если код 047 отображается и дальше, разъедините штекерное соединение S1 /В1 на отопительном приборе и проверьте на штекере В1 провод 12 gn/rt от штырька 5 к дозировочному насосу на наличие короткого замыкания на массу (штырек 10), если все в порядке —> замените блок управления. |
(048) |
Дозировочный насос — обрыв |
• Отсоедините штекер от дозировочного насоса и измерьте сопротивление дозировочного насоса 9,5 Ом ±0,50 или 36,0 Ом ±1,8 , если величина сопротивления в норме, вновь подсоедините кабельный жгут к дозировочному насосу. • Разъедините штекерное соединение S1/B1 на отопительном приборе и проверьте сопротивление между штырьками 5 и 10, если все в порядке — > замените блок управления. |
(049) |
Дозировочный насос, выход (+) Короткое замыкание — на UB (напряжение аккумулятора) |
• Проверьте кабельный жгут дозировочного насоса на правильность прокладки и на наличие повреждений, если все в порядке —> проверьте кабельный жгут на проходимость, если он в порядке —> замените блок управления. |
(050) |
Слишком много неудачных попыток запуска (функциональная блокировка) |
Блокировка блока управления после слишком большого число неудачных попыток запуска (макс. 255 попыток запуска). • Разблокирование прибора управления путем очистки регистратора неисправностей при помощи часового реле, диагностического прибора, диагностического инструмента EDiTH, радиоуправления TP5/EasyStart R+ и часового реле Schaltuhr EasyStartT делайте в крайнем случае, сохраненные ошибки ускоряют ремонт автономного отопителя. |
(051) |
Было определено наличие пламени при включении |
Если сопротивление датчика горения после включения составляет 1274 П (>70 °С), нагнетатель отопительного прибора в течение примерно 15 минут работает на охлаждение, если вышеуказанное значение сопротивления в течение 15 минут не снижается, происходит аварийное отключение. • Проверьте датчик горения, около 1кОм, если все в порядке — > замените блок управления. |
(052) |
Превышение безопасного лимита времени |
На этапе запуска не определяется наличие пламени. • Проверьте магистрали отвода выхлопных газов и подачи воздуха в камеру сгорания. • Проверьте систему подачи топлива / измерьте количество подачи топлива • Проверьте штифтовой электрод (см. коды неисправностей 020 и 021) • Проверьте датчик горения, около 1кОм,, если все в порядке — > замените блок управления. |
(053) (054) (055) (056) |
Обрыв факела на ступени „МОЩНОСТЬ» „ВЫСОКАЯ» „СРЕДНЯЯ» „МАЛАЯ» |
Отопительный прибор запускается (определено наличие пламени) и на одной из ступеней мощности сообщает об обрыве факела. • Проверьте магистрали отвода выхлопных газов и подачи воздуха в камеру сгорания. • Проверьте систему подачи топлива / измерьте количество подачи топлива. • Проверьте датчик горения, около 1кОм,, если все в порядке — > замените блок управления. |
(057) |
Обрыв факела на этапе запуска (индикация только у отопительных приборов с маркировкой «1—1-Kit» на заводской табличке). |
На этапе запуска определен обрыв факела. • Проверьте магистрали отвода выхлопных газов и подачи воздуха в камеру сгорания. • Проверьте систему подачи топлива / измерьте количество подачи топлива. • Проверьте штифтовой электрод (см. коды неисправностей 020 и 021). • Проверьте датчик горения, около 1кОм,, если все в порядке ~> замените блок управления. |
(060) |
Внешний датчик температуры — обрыв |
• Разъедините штекерное соединение S4 / В4 внешнего датчика управления и измерьте сопротивление на штекере В2, диаграмму и таблицу значений см. на стр. 12, если датчик температуры в порядке, восстановите штекерное соединение S4 / В4. • Разъедините штекерное соединение S1 / В1 на отопительном приборе и проверьте сопротивление между штырьками 6 и 12 в корпусе штекера В1. При обрыве в цепи сопротивление > 7175 Ом / > 3 кОм *. Если величина сопротивления в норме ~> замените блок управления. |
(061) |
Внешний датчик температуры — короткое замыкание |
• Разъедините штекерное соединение S4 / В4 внешнего датчика температуры, если отображается код неисправности 060 — > проверьте внешний датчик температуры, диаграмму и таблицу значений см. на стр. 32. Если датчик температуры в порядке —> проверьте провода 0,5 gr и 0,5 br/ws на короткое замыкание; если они в порядке, восстановите штекерное соединение S2 / В2. • Разъедините штекерное соединение S1 / В1 на отопительном приборе и проверьте сопротивление между штырьками 6 и 12 в корпусе штекера В1. При коротком замыкании сопротивление < 486 Ом / < 800 кОм *. Если ошибка 061 все равно отображается —> замените блок управления. |
(062) |
Отопительный прибор работает только на ступени «Высокая» • Отсоедините штекер от элемента управления и измерьте величину сопротивления задающего потенциометра, контактные штырьки. Если величина сопротивления в норме 1700-2000 Ом, вновь подсоедините штекер к элементу управления. • Разъедините штекерное соединение S1 / В1 на отопительном приборе, измерьте сопротивление между штырьками 6 и 7 в корпусе штекера В1, если величина сопротивления в порядке —> замените блок управления. При обрыве в цепи сопротивление > 7175 Ом / > 3 кОм. |
Элемент управления — обрыв |
(063) |
Элемент управления — короткое замыкание Определение пламени функционирует только в режиме обогрева. Если произошло короткое замы-кание и вследствие этого выполняется включение отопительного прибора, то активируется „Вентиляция (код неисправности не генерируется). |
• При наличии выключателя „Вентиляция отсоедините его и проверьте на функционирование. Если не в порядке —> замените выключатель. • Отсоедините штекер от элемента управления — если отобразится код ошибки 062, замените элемент управления. Если элемент управления в порядке, проверьте соединительные провода 0,52 gr/rt и 0,52 br/ws на короткое замыкание, если они в порядке —> снова подсоедините штекер к элементу управления. • Разъедините штекерное соединение S1 / В1 на отопительном приборе, если продолжает отображаться код ошибки 063 — > замените блок управления. При замыкании сопротивление > 486 Ом / < 800 кОм. |
(064) |
Датчик горения — обрыв |
• Снимите блок управления и отсоедините от него зеленый штекер. Проверьте датчик горения, диаграмму и таблицу значений см. на стр. 32, если датчик горения в порядке —> замените блок управления. При обрыве в цепи сопротивление > 7175 Ом / > 3 кОм *. |
(065) |
Датчик горения — короткое замыкание |
• Снимите блок управления, отсоедините от него зеленый штекер — если отображается код неисправности 064 —> замените комбинированный датчик. Если далее отображается код неисправности 065 — > неисправен блок управления. Сопротивление при коротком замыкании < 486 Ом/ < 500 Ом. |
(071) |
Датчик перегрева — обрыв |
• Снимите блок управления и отсоедините от него синий и зеленый штекер. Измерьте сопротивление на штырьке 1 синего штекера (кабель 0,52 Ы) и на штырьке 2 зеленого штекера (кабель 0,52 br/ws), если значение в порядке —> замените блок управления. Сопротивление при обрыве в цепи > 223 кОм/ > 1600 кОм. |
(072) |
Датчик перегрева — короткое замыкание |
• Снимите блок управления, отсоедините от него синий штекер — если отображается код неисправности 071 —> замените комбинированный датчик. Если далее отображается код неисправности 072 — > замените блок управления. Сопротивление при коротком замыкании < 183 Ом/ < 95 Ом. |
(074) |
Неисправен блок управления |
• Пороговое значение перегрева не определяется блоком управления — > замените блок управления. |
(090) |
Неисправен блок управления (внутренняя неисправность) |
• Замените блок управления. |
(091) |
Внешнее напряжение помех |
• Сбои в работе блока управления под действием напряжения помех в бортовой сети. Возможные причины: Разряжен аккумулятор, зарядное устройство —> устраните напряжение помех. |
(092) |
Неисправен блок управ-ления (неисправность ПЗУ) |
• Замените блок управления. |
(093) |
Неисправен блок управления |
• Замените блок управления. |
(094) |
Неисправен блок управ-ления (неисправность ЭСППЗУ) |
• Замените блок управления. |
(095) |
Неисправен блок управления |
• Замените блок управления. |
(096) |
Неисправен внутренний датчик температуры |
• Замените блок управления или используйте внешний датчик температуры. |
(097) |
Неисправен блок управления |
• Замените блок управления. |
(098) |
Неисправен блок управления |
• Замените блок управления. |
(099) |
Слишком много сбросов подряд Неисправен транзистор в блоке управления |
• Кратковременное напряжение < 5 — 6 В (12 В) или < 7 — 8 В (24 В). • При падении напряжения проверьте предохранители, питающие кабели, контакты на массу и плюсовую клемму аккумулятора на наличие коррозии и наличие контакта. Проверьте блок управления при помощи диагностического устройства, если он в порядке — > проверьте кабельный жгут внешних компонентов на правильность прокладки и на наличие повреждений, если он в порядке —> проверьте кабельный жгут на проходимость, если он в порядке — > замените блок управления. |
Индикация |
кода неисправности «Датчик давления воздуха» |
Индикация кода неисправности |
Описание ошибки |
Комментарий • Меры по устранению |
(0) |
Без ошибок |
— |
(11) |
Потеря подключения |
Прерывание диагностического подключения между прибором управления (отопительный прибор) и датчиком давления воздуха • Проверка проводки и штекерных соединений |
(12) |
Отсутствие регулировки по высоте |
Прибор управления (отопительный прибор) не поддерживает «высотный» режим с датчиком давления воздуха • Использование прибора управления (отопительный прибор), поддерживающего регулировку по высоте |
(13) |
Ошибка «Датчик давления воздуха» |
Неисправен датчик давления воздуха • Замените датчик давления воздуха. |
Проверка количества подаваемого топлива насосом дозатором:
Перед проверкой подачи топлива убедитесь в то что:
■ Фильтр в насосе не забит.
■ Топливопроводы не пережаты и не перетерты.
■ Все соединения нормально затянуты, не текут.
Порядок замера:
■ Снять трубку подачи топлива с отопителя и убедится что она не завоздушена, топливо поступает.
■ Вставить ее в мерную ёмкость, можно в шприц.
■ Включить отопитель и через 60 секунд дождаться ее наполнения, держать ее желательно на высоте автономки.
• Для Airtronic D1 / D2: по истечению 90 сек должно быть между 3,5 — 4,3 мл. топлива. (за одну попытку запуска)
• Для Airtronic D4: по истечению 110 сек должно быть между 5 — 6 мл. топлива. (за одну попытку запуска)
• Для Airtronic B4: по истечению 110 сек должно быть между 6,8 — 7,6 мл. топлива. (за одну попытку запуска)
Данные приведены примерные и в зависимости от модели авто (в случае заводской установки, прошивка ЭБУ) могут отличаться, желательно для более точного результата проверить насос отдельно от отопителя на стенде. Тест производится на 1000 качков что уменьшает погрешности. Также на это тестирование не коим образом не влияет блок управления.
Неисправности насоса обычно свидетельствуют такие внешние признаки как черное дымление и копоть — перелив, срыв пламени на режиме «мощный, полный», — недолив иногда при переливе топлива возникает перегрев.
В любом случае не спешите менять насос, как следует не проверив на стенде.
Оказываем услуги по ремонту Вашего автономного отопителя. Адекватные цены, максимальное качество услуг, звоните!
Установка предпускового подогревателя и автономных отопителей давно стала нормой среди автопроизводителей. По этой причине водители часто сталкиваются с неисправностями и различными поломками в системах. Отсюда рождается необходимость знать и уметь расшифровывать коды ошибок Эбершпехера и аналогичных устройств.
- 1 Расшифровка кодов неисправностей Д1, Д2, Д3, Д4, Д5ВС, D10W
- 1.1 Ошибка F11 — Eberspacher
- 1.2 Эбершпехер: неисправность F12
- 1.3 Код 14
- 1.4 Ошибка F20
- 1.5 Поломка 30 — что делать
- 1.6 Неисправность 31 — как исправить
- 1.7 F33 — ошибка Eberspacher
- 1.8 Код ошибки 34
- 1.9 Автономный отопитель Эбершпехер выдает ошибку Е37
- 1.10 Ошибка Ф48
- 1.11 Ошибка F52 — что делать
- 1.12 Ошибка F53
- 1.13 Неисправность F54
- 1.14 Код 57
- 1.15 F62 — ошибка
- 1.16 Ошибка 71
- 1.17 Ошибка N5I
- 1.18 Ошибка err- Eberspacher
- 2 Эбершпехер: как посмотреть ошибки
- 3 Сброс ошибок Eberspacher
- 4 Эбершпехер: автономка не запускается — причины неисправности и способы устранения
- 5 Итог
Отопители данной марки устанавливаются на КАМАЗ 5490, Мане, Амане и Аскоре. Также отмечается конвейерная установка на Скании.
При необходимости предпускового подогрева силовой установки, изготовители ставят на машины жидкостные системы, встраиваемые в магистраль охлаждения ДВС. Если требуется обогреть салон машины, обычно монтируются сухие фены с мощностью около 2кВт под общепринятым названием Вебасто.
Расшифровка кодов неисправностей Д1, Д2, Д3, Д4, Д5ВС, D10W
Современные и продвинутые отопители Eberspacher Airtronic — удобные агрегаты, обеспечивающие обогрев салона автомобиля в суровые зимние морозы. Эффективность устройств подтверждается тем, что на некоторых авто, система устанавливается с завода. Яркими примерами считаются машины Iveco, Скания 124 и аналогичные модификации.
Несмотря на надежность сухой системы, агрегаты подвержены естественному износу и повреждениям специфического характера. Изготовитель предусмотрел систему самодиагностики, высвечивающую ошибки электронных и поломки механических систем.
Облегчает ситуацию то, что компания монтирует одну основу конструкции. Это позволяет использовать схожие прошивки и идентичные кодировки. Фактор значительно упрощает диагностику и последующий ремонт на разных ТС.
Рассмотрим наиболее часто встречающиеся поломки и методики устранения.
Ошибка F11 — Eberspacher
Устройство отключено по причине слишком низкого напряжения в бортовой сети. Если уровень держится меньше допустимого на 20 и более секунд, происходит аварийная остановка агрегата.
Для устранения поломки проверьте цепь на наличие повреждений, эффективности работы генератора и аккумуляторной батареи. Просмотрите силовые жилы устройства и контактные группы на предмет повреждений.
Эбершпехер: неисправность F12
Говорит о том, что датчик температуры указывает на поднятие показателя свыше допустимой нормы. В мокрой вариации нужно откачать часть воды из теплообменника и проверить наличие окислов. Для сухой модификации — протестировать датчики на наличие повреждений.
Код 14
Большая разница между показателями сенсора факела и температуры корпуса. Выполните диагностику системы.
Ошибка F20
Обрыв цепи питания штифтового электрода. Проверьте деталь и ее проводку. Причиной бывает отошедший контакт или окисление клеммы.
Поломка 30 — что делать
Крыльчатка нагнетателя воздуха в систему не вращается. Возможно причина находится в попадании мусора внутрь системы. Осмотрите мотор вентилятора на наличие подклинивания подшипника.
Неисправность 31 — как исправить
Силовая магистраль нагнетателя воздуха оборвана или сильно повреждена. Неисправность F31 устраняется путем восстановления проводки или ее замены на новую.
F33 — ошибка Eberspacher
Двигатель нагнетателя кислорода в камеру сгорания работает неправильно. Проверьте регулятор и мотор.
Код ошибки 34
Реле водяной помпы неисправно или функционирует некорректно. Осмотрите деталь на целостность обмотки и проводов питания.
Автономный отопитель Эбершпехер выдает ошибку Е37
Водяной насос не работает. Изначально отделите помпу и проверьте. Если с ней все в порядке — замените плату управления.
Ошибка Ф48
Дозирующий насос функционирует неправильно. При проверке устройства в норме сопротивление должно быть 20 Ом. Если все в порядке — продиагностируйте систему на наличие обрывов силовой магистрали.
Ошибка F52 — что делать
Неисправность указывает на то, что устройство неудачно запускалось несколько раз подряд. При попытке пуска пламя в горелке не обнаружено. Проверьте подачу топлива, воздуха и систему выхлопа. Диагностируется свеча накаливания.
Ошибка F53
На одной из позиций пламя срывается. Проверьте дозирующий насос. Возможно, элемент перекачивает или подает недостаточно горючего в рабочую камеру.
Неисправность F54
Аналогичная проблема только на максимальной мощности. Система требует обслуживания и диагностики.
Код 57
На датчике пламени присутствует короткое замыкание с касанием на массу. Проверьте проводку и устройство на наличие пробоев в силовой цепи.
F62 — ошибка
Потенциометр модуля вышел из строя, устранить проблему можно только полной заменой блока. Деталь не подлежит ремонту.
Ошибка 71
Датчик перегрева устройства сигнализирует о наличии температуры, выходящей за пределы измерения. Неисправность говорит о повреждении сенсора.
Ошибка N5I
Нет связи с пультом управления, либо слишком замедлен отклик. Посмотрите клеммы и возможные обрывы в цепях.
Ошибка err- Eberspacher
Если на пульте управления система пишет поломку heatererror, это указывает на наличие критического сбоя во время работы модуля. Полностью перезагрузите устройство и попытайтесь запустить снова. Если действия не помогают — обратитесь в сервисную мастерскую.
Эбершпехер: как посмотреть ошибки
Проверить устройство на наличие поломок можно 3 способами.
- Внешним прибором. Метод наиболее точный, но требует наличие выносного сканера, что недоступно для многих водителей.
- Модульное реле. Деталь устанавливается стационарно и является частью агрегата. Запоминается до 5 ошибок стандартного порядка.
- Диагностическая программа. Тип поиска проблем больше подходит для сервисных станций. Потребуется компьютер с специальным ПО на борту.
Сброс ошибок Eberspacher
Скинуть поломки на приборе самостоятельно без компьютера и прочего оборудования можно. Чтобы сделать своими руками потребуется выполнить процедуру.
- На пульте управления войти в раздел сервис.
- Далее находим иконку с мигающими часами.
- Нажмите на клавишу в виде белого прямоугольника.
- Теперь зажимаем на индикатор DEL.
Если все сделано правильно, неисправности пропадут. Также имеется менее замороченный способ. Для этого потребуется вручную обесточить бортовые системы на 10-15 минут. После, устройство полностью перезагрузится и удалит ошибки.
Эбершпехер: автономка не запускается — причины неисправности и способы устранения
Помимо указанных выше причин, существует еще несколько вероятных поломок, способных крайне негативно отразиться на работе системы.
№ | Расшифровка |
10 | Перенапряжение на блоке управления. Модуль автоматически отключен. |
15 | Устройство сильно перегревается во время работы. Почистите канал подачи кислорода на горелку и теплообменник. |
50 | Было выполнено слишком много неудачных попыток запуска устройства. Перезапустите систему и продиагностируйте у специалистов. |
64 | Обрыв цепи на датчике горения. |
90 | Блок управления неисправен. Требуется тщательная диагностика прибора. |
Стандартные коды поломок Эберспехер — набор простых символов и значений, указывающих на наличие проблем в бортовом оборудовании. Подобные шифры значительно облегчают диагностику и ремонт устройства.
Специализация: Закончил государственный автомобильный университет, проработал 20 лет на ГАЗ-56, сейчас езжу на жигулях.
ECU Name |
SPN [Hex] |
Fault Component |
Description |
FMI Description |
Lamp status |
Comment |
ABS Wabco D |
40B01 |
Wheel sensor left front fault. |
air gap too large, sensor output voltage too low but just exceeds trigger level |
1 |
01 |
air gap |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B01 |
Wheel sensor left front fault. |
such proportion of tyre diameter/ pole wheel teeth number that wheel speed difference within front axle > 10 % or difference within wheels of different axles > 19 % . Pneus or number of polewheel teeth are different. Check wheel circumference and number of polewheel |
2 |
02 |
incorrect tyre or pole wheel |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B01 |
Wheel sensor left front fault. |
DC voltage detected. Short circuit or impedance to battery voltage. |
3 |
03 |
Short to Battery |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B01 |
Wheel sensor left front fault. |
Short circuit to ground is detected. |
4 |
04 |
Short to Ground |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B01 |
Wheel sensor left front fault. |
Open circuit is detected |
5 |
05 |
open circuit |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B01 |
Wheel sensor left front fault. |
Short circuit between sensorwires IG/IGM is detected |
6 |
06 |
Short circuit |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B01 |
Wheel sensor left front fault. |
Cyclic drop out detected at speed higher than 10 km/h. Several wheel revolution necessary. |
7 |
07 |
incorrect pole wheel |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B01 |
Wheel sensor left front fault. |
16 sec. slip duration detected. |
8 |
08 |
slip |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B01 |
Wheel sensor left front fault. |
Wire IG or IGM of another sensor is detected. |
9 |
09 |
wires mismatched |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B01 |
Wheel sensor left front fault. |
Temporarily loss of wheel speed signal. Air gap too large, sensor voltage |
10 |
0A |
speed drop-out |
ABS: wheel disabled |
exceeds trigger level at too late. |
ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B01 |
Wheel sensor left front fault. |
Brake squeezes or chatters. |
11 |
0B |
abnormal speed (chatter)not stored |
ABS: partial disabled ASR: disabled with standard parameter set not as fault interpretated FMI 11 not stored |
ABS Wabco D |
40B01 |
Wheel sensor left front fault. |
Not plausible sensor frequency measured |
12 |
0C |
frequency too high |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B02 |
Wheel sensor right front fault |
air gap too large, sensor output voltage too low but just exceeds trigger level |
1 |
01 |
air gap |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B02 |
Wheel sensor right front fault |
such proportion of tyre diameter/ pole wheel teeth number that wheel speed difference within front axle > 10 % or difference within wheels of different axles > 19 % . Pneus or number of polewheel teeth are different. Check wheel circumference and number of polewheel |
2 |
02 |
incorrect tyre or pole wheel |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B02 |
Wheel sensor right front fault |
DC voltage detected. Short circuit or impedance to battery voltage. |
3 |
03 |
Short to Battery |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B02 |
Wheel sensor right front fault |
Short circuit to ground is detected. |
4 |
04 |
Short to Ground |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B02 |
Wheel sensor right front fault |
Open circuit is detected |
5 |
05 |
open circuit |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B02 |
Wheel sensor right front fault |
Short circuit between sensorwires IG/IGM is detected |
6 |
06 |
Short circuit |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B02 |
Wheel sensor right front fault |
Cyclic drop out detected at speed higher than 10 km/h. Several wheel revolution necessary. |
7 |
07 |
incorrect pole wheel |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B02 |
Wheel sensor right front fault |
16 sec. slip duration detected. |
8 |
08 |
slip |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B02 |
Wheel sensor right front fault |
Wire IG or IGM of another sensor is detected. |
9 |
09 |
wires mismatched |
ABS: wheel disabled |
ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B02 |
Wheel sensor right front fault |
Temporarily loss of wheel speed signal. Air gap too large, sensor voltage exceeds trigger level at too late. |
10 |
0A |
speed drop-out |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B02 |
Wheel sensor right front fault |
Brake squeezes or chatters. |
11 |
0B |
abnormal speed (chatter)not stored |
ABS: partial disabled ASR: disabled with standard parameter set not as fault interpretated FMI 11 not stored |
ABS Wabco D |
40B02 |
Wheel sensor right front fault |
Not plausible sensor frequency measured |
12 |
0C |
frequency too high |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B03 |
Wheel sensor left rear fault |
air gap too large, sensor output voltage too low but just exceeds trigger level |
1 |
01 |
air gap |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B03 |
Wheel sensor left rear fault |
such proportion of tyre diameter/ pole wheel teeth number that wheel |
2 |
02 |
incorrect tyre or pole wheel |
ABS: wheel disabled |
speed difference within front axle > 10 % or difference within wheels of different axles > 19 % . Pneus or number of polewheel teeth are different. Check wheel circumference and number of polewheel |
ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B03 |
Wheel sensor left rear fault |
DC voltage detected. Short circuit or impedance to battery voltage. |
3 |
03 |
Short to Battery |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B03 |
Wheel sensor left rear fault |
Short circuit to ground is detected. |
4 |
04 |
Short to Ground |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B03 |
Wheel sensor left rear fault |
Open circuit is detected |
5 |
05 |
open circuit |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B03 |
Wheel sensor left rear fault |
Short circuit between sensorwires IG/IGM is detected |
6 |
06 |
Short circuit |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B03 |
Wheel sensor left rear fault |
Cyclic drop out detected at speed higher than 10 km/h. Several wheel |
7 |
07 |
incorrect pole wheel |
ABS: wheel disabled |
revolution necessary. |
ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B03 |
Wheel sensor left rear fault |
16 sec. slip duration detected. |
8 |
08 |
slip |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B03 |
Wheel sensor left rear fault |
Wire IG or IGM of another sensor is detected. |
9 |
09 |
wires mismatched |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B03 |
Wheel sensor left rear fault |
Temporarily loss of wheel speed signal. Air gap too large, sensor voltage exceeds trigger level at too late. |
10 |
0A |
speed drop-out |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B03 |
Wheel sensor left rear fault |
Brake squeezes or chatters. |
11 |
0B |
abnormal speed (chatter)not stored |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B03 |
Wheel sensor left rear fault |
Not plausible sensor frequency measured |
12 |
0C |
frequency too high |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B04 |
Wheel sensor right rear fault |
air gap too large, sensor output voltage too low but just exceeds trigger |
1 |
01 |
air gap |
ABS: wheel disabled |
level |
ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B04 |
Wheel sensor right rear fault |
such proportion of tyre diameter/ pole wheel teeth number that wheel speed difference within front axle > 10 % or difference within wheels of different axles > 19 % . Pneus or number of polewheel teeth are different. Check wheel circumference and number of polewheel |
2 |
02 |
incorrect tyre or pole wheel |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B04 |
Wheel sensor right rear fault |
DC voltage detected. Short circuit or impedance to battery voltage. |
3 |
03 |
Short to Battery |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B04 |
Wheel sensor right rear fault |
Short circuit to ground is detected. |
4 |
04 |
Short to Ground |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B04 |
Wheel sensor right rear fault |
Open circuit is detected |
5 |
05 |
open circuit |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B04 |
Wheel sensor right rear fault |
Short circuit between sensorwires IG/IGM is detected |
6 |
06 |
Short circuit |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B04 |
Wheel sensor right rear fault |
Cyclic drop out detected at speed higher than 10 km/h. Several wheel revolution necessary. |
7 |
07 |
incorrect pole wheel |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B04 |
Wheel sensor right rear fault |
16 sec. slip duration detected. |
8 |
08 |
slip |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B04 |
Wheel sensor right rear fault |
Wire IG or IGM of another sensor is detected. |
9 |
09 |
wires mismatched |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B04 |
Wheel sensor right rear fault |
Temporarily loss of wheel speed signal. Air gap too large, sensor voltage exceeds trigger level at too late. |
10 |
0A |
speed drop-out |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B04 |
Wheel sensor right rear fault |
Brake squeezes or chatters. |
11 |
0B |
abnormal speed (chatter)not stored |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B04 |
Wheel sensor right rear fault |
Not plausible sensor frequency measured |
12 |
0C |
frequency too high |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B07 |
Modulator left front failure |
DC voltage detected. Short circuit or impedance to battery voltage. |
3 |
03 |
Short to Battery |
ABS: disabled ASR: disabled SMR: disabled EBL: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B07 |
Modulator left front failure |
Open circuit is detected |
5 |
05 |
open circuit |
ABS: wheel disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B07 |
Modulator left front failure |
Short circuit between sensorwires IG/IGM is detected |
6 |
06 |
Short to Ground |
ABS: wheel disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B08 |
Modulator right front failure |
DC voltage detected. Short circuit or impedance to battery voltage. |
3 |
03 |
Short to Battery |
ABS: disabled ASR: disabled SMR: disabled EBL: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B08 |
Modulator right front failure |
Open circuit is detected |
5 |
05 |
open circuit |
ABS: wheel disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B08 |
Modulator right front failure |
Short circuit between sensorwires IG/IGM is detected |
6 |
06 |
Short to Ground |
ABS: wheel disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B09 |
Modulator left rear failure |
DC voltage detected. Short circuit or impedance to battery voltage. |
3 |
03 |
Short to Battery |
ABS: disabled ASR: disabled SMR: disabled EBL: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B09 |
Modulator left rear failure |
Open circuit is detected |
5 |
05 |
open circuit |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: Diff brake disabled SMR: disabled EBL: wheel disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B09 |
Modulator left rear failure |
Short circuit between sensorwires IG/IGM is detected |
6 |
06 |
Short to Ground |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: Diff brake disabled SMR: disabled EBL: wheel disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B0A |
Modulator right rear failure |
DC voltage detected. Short circuit or impedance to battery voltage. |
3 |
03 |
Short to Battery |
ABS: disabled ASR: disabled SMR: disabled EBL: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B0A |
Modulator right rear failure |
Open circuit is detected |
5 |
05 |
open circuit |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: Diff brake disabled SMR: disabled EBL: wheel disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B0A |
Modulator right rear failure |
Short circuit between sensorwires IG/IGM is detected |
6 |
06 |
Short to Ground |
ABS: wheel disabled ASR: Diff brake disabled SMR: disabled EBL: wheel disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B0D |
DBR, Retarder |
DC voltage detected. Short circuit or impedance to battery voltage. |
3 |
03 |
Short to Battery |
DBR control disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B0D |
DBR, Retarder |
Open circuit is detected |
5 |
05 |
open circuit |
DBR control disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B0D |
DBR, Retarder |
Short circuit between sensorwires IG/IGM is detected |
6 |
06 |
Short to Ground |
DBR control disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B0E |
ABS error |
Short circuit to ground is detected. |
4 |
04 |
Voltage, low voltage/open circuit |
ABS: disabled ASR: disabled SMR: disabled EBL: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B0E |
ABS error |
Open circuit is detected |
5 |
05 |
WL-Ground |
ABS: disabled ASR: disabled SMR: disabled EBL: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B0E |
ABS error |
Cyclic drop out detected at speed higher than 10 km/h. Several wheel revolution necessary. |
7 |
07 |
Valve Relay |
ABS: disabled ASR: disabled SMR: disabled EBL: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B0F |
ABS error |
DC voltage detected. Short circuit or impedance to battery voltage. |
3 |
03 |
Voltage, low voltage/open circuit |
Dif&aux output disabled ASR: Diff brake disabled |
ECU Name |
SPN [Hex] |
Fault Component |
Description |
FMI Description |
Lamp status |
Comment |
ABS Wabco D |
40B0F |
ABS error |
Short circuit to ground is detected. |
4 |
04 |
Voltage, low voltage/open circuit |
ABS: disabled ASR: disabled SMR: disabled EBL: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B0F |
ABS error |
Open circuit is detected |
5 |
05 |
WL-Ground |
Dif&aux output disabled ASR: Diff brake disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B0F |
ABS error |
Short circuit between sensorwires IG/IGM is detected |
6 |
06 |
Short to Ground |
ABS Wabco D |
40B0F |
ABS error |
Cyclic drop out detected at speed higher than 10 km/h. Several wheel revolution necessary. |
7 |
07 |
Valve Relay |
ABS: disabled ASR: disabled SMR: disabled EBL: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B10 |
ABS error |
DC voltage detected. Short circuit or impedance to battery voltage. |
3 |
03 |
Voltage, low voltage/open circuit |
EBL: starts depending from deceleration |
ABS Wabco D |
40B10 |
ABS error |
Open circuit is detected |
5 |
05 |
Brake input open or shorted to ground |
EBL: starts depending from deceleration |
ABS Wabco D |
40B12 |
ABS error |
DC voltage detected. Short circuit or impedance to battery voltage. |
3 |
03 |
Diff. Brake Valve, shorted to UBATT |
ASR: Diff brake disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B12 |
ABS error |
Open circuit is detected |
5 |
05 |
Diff. Brake Valve, open circuit |
ASR: Diff brake disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B12 |
ABS error |
Short circuit between sensorwires IG/IGM is detected |
6 |
06 |
Diff. Brake Valve, shorted to ground |
ASR: Diff brake disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40B13 |
ABS error |
DC voltage detected. Short circuit or impedance to battery voltage. |
3 |
03 |
Trailer Brake Valve, shorted to UBATT |
ABS Wabco D |
40B13 |
ABS error |
Open circuit is detected |
5 |
05 |
Trailer Brake Valve, open circuit |
ABS Wabco D |
40B13 |
ABS error |
Short circuit between sensorwires IG/IGM is detected |
6 |
06 |
Trailer Brake Valve, shorted to ground |
ABS Wabco D |
40B16 |
ABS error |
8 |
08 |
ABS Wabco D |
40B17 |
ABS error |
Open circuit is detected |
5 |
05 |
Warning Light |
WL if grounded. Off if bumed out |
ABS Wabco D |
40BE7 |
ABS error.SAEJ1939 |
Unplausibility between received vehicle speed and ABS vehicle speed. |
2 |
02 |
SAE J1939 VSC1 speed bad plausibility |
Supevision normally not activated |
ABS Wabco D |
40BE7 |
ABS error.SAEJ1939 |
SAE J1939 communication impossible. SAE J1939 high open or short circuit to plus or ground or sae J1939 low or low/high are misured |
5 |
05 |
SAE J1939 open or short circuit |
ASR: disabled SMR: disabled SAE J1939 switched to inactive because communication is disturbed. |
ABS Wabco D |
40BE7 |
ABS error.SAEJ1939 |
SAE J1939 communication impossible. SAE J1939 high open or short circuit to plus or ground or sae J1939 low or low/high are misured |
6 |
06 |
SAE J1939 no access |
ASR: disabled SMR: disabled ABS ECU tries to restart com. Within 10s it is not possible. SAE J1939 remains inactive. FMI 5 might be additionally stored. |
ABS Wabco D |
40BE7 |
ABS error.SAEJ1939 |
Driveline integrated retarder sends message incorrecly. Timeout supervision detects faults if activated. |
7 |
07 |
SAE J1939 ERC_DR time-out |
Driveline retarder may cause instability. |
ABS Wabco D |
40BE7 |
ABS error.SAEJ1939 |
Engine integrated retarder sends message incorrecly. Timeout supervision detects faults if activated. Standard is no timeout supervision. |
8 |
08 |
SAE J1939 ERC_ER (_EXR) time-out |
Engine retarder may cause instability. |
ABS Wabco D |
40BE7 |
ABS error.SAEJ1939 |
Gearbox sends message incorrecly. Timeout supervision detects faults if activated. Standard is no timeout supervision. |
9 |
09 |
SAE J1939 ETC time-out |
Dragtorque control influenced. |
ABS Wabco D |
40BE7 |
ABS error.SAEJ1939 |
Engine control sends torque message incorrectly. Timeout supervision detects fault. |
9 |
09 |
SAE J1939 EEC1 time-out |
Dragtorque control influenced. |
ABS Wabco D |
40BE7 |
ABS error.SAEJ1939 |
Exaust integrated retarder sends message incorrecly. Timeout supervision detects faults if activated. Standard is no timeout supervision. |
10 |
0A |
SAE J 1939 ERC_EXR time-out |
Exaust retarder may cause instability. |
ABS Wabco D |
40BE7 |
ABS error.SAEJ1939 |
Internal fault |
12 |
0C |
SAE J1939, internal error |
ABS: disabled ASR: disabled SMR: disabled EBL: disabled |
ABS Wabco D |
40BFB |
ABS error. Overvoltage |
Supply voltage too high for more than 5s |
3 |
03 |
Overvoltage |
All valve disabled. No ABS, SMR, Diff Brake, EBL |
ABS Wabco D |
40BFD |
ABS error |
Wheel parameters are out of tolerance. No ABS, ASR, EBL, SM |
2 |
02 |
EEPROM, Wheel Parameter incorrect |
Wrong parameter |
ABS Wabco D |
40BFD |
ABS error |
Checksum of parameter or analog adjustment is wrong. |
12 |
0C |
EEPROM checksum |
No ABS, SMR, Diff Brake, EBL. No blink code. |
ABS Wabco D |
40BFE |
ABS error |
No modulators connected. |
5 |
05 |
Electronic w/o loads |
Normal for EOL testing of single cabin. Fault not memorized. No ABS, SMR, ASR, EBL. |
ABS Wabco D |
40BFE |
ABS error |
One axle was much faster than other. |
8 |
08 |
excessive slip/dynotester |
On rolling roads responce dynotester slip supervision time can be exceeded when fault detection is not disabled by diagnostic tools or blinkcode (3s). |
ABS Wabco D |
40BFE |
ABS error |
Control via modulator was too long. After a delay time function is normal. |
9 |
09 |
Modulator valve activation time |
75% 0f 5min modulator was activated. No ASR during fault activeness. |
ABS Wabco D |
40BFE |
ABS error |
Internal error |
12 |
0C |
Multiple possibilities |
Yellow |
No ABS, SMR, Diff Brake, EBL. No blink code. |
22101 |
EEPROM checksum error |
12 |
0C |
22102 |
ECU Overheating |
The junction Temperature of the output drivers is greater than max. junction temperature(150°C). |
12 |
0C |
22103 |
Supply Line 1 |
The acquired voltage is below or above the thresholds.The error shall be |
00 |
00 |
32V<V<36V |
debounced. |
01 03 04 |
01 03 04 |
8V<V<18V V>36V V<8V |
22104 |
Supply Line 2 |
The acquired voltage is below or above the thresholds.The error shall be debounced. |
00 01 03 04 |
00 01 03 04 |
32V<V<36V 8V<V<18V V>36V V<8V |
22105 |
Supply Line 3 |
The acquired voltage is below or above the thresholds.The error shall be debounced. |
00 01 03 04 |
00 01 03 04 |
32V<V<36V 8V<V<18V V>36V V<8V |
22106 |
Supply Line 4 |
The acquired voltage is below or above the thresholds.The error shall be |
00 |
00 |
32V<V<36V |
debounced. |
01 03 04 |
01 03 04 |
8V<V<18V V>36V V<8V |
22107 |
Supply Line 5 |
The acquired voltage is below or above the thresholds.The error shall be debounced. |
00 01 03 04 |
00 01 03 04 |
32V<V<36V 8V<V<18V V>36V V<8V |
22108 |
Turn Lights Right |
The acquired load current is below the threshold (at least a load on three is a open circuit) |
5 |
05 |
I< IS (Is follows the I to V linear characteristic of the lamps) |
22109 |
Turn Lights Trailer Right |
On/Off diagnostic.The test is performed only when the driver is Off.The error is detected only when at open circuit. |
5 |
05 |
2210A |
Turn Lights Right or |
Driver Short Circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection.The |
6 |
06 |
Turn Lights Trailer Right |
test is performed only when the driver is On. |
2210B |
Turn Lights Left |
The acquired load current is below the threshold (at least a load on three is a open circuit) |
5 |
05 |
I< IS (Is follows the I to V linear characteristic of the lamps) |
2210C |
Turn Lights Trailer Left |
On/Off diagnostic.The test is performed only when the driver is Off.The error is detected only when at open circuit. |
5 |
05 |
2210D |
Turn Lights Left or Turn Lights Trailer Left |
Driver Short Circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection.The test is performed only when the driver is On. |
6 |
06 |
2210E |
Parking Left &Marker Right Front Lights |
The acquired load current is below the threshold (at least a load on two is a open circuit). |
5 |
05 |
I< IS (Is follows the I to V linear characteristic of the lamps) |
2210F |
Parking Rear Right Lights |
The acquired load current is below the threshold (at least a load on two is a open circuit). |
5 |
05 |
I< IS (Is follows the I to V linear characteristic of the lamps) |
22110 |
License Plate Lights |
The acquired load current is below the threshold (at least a load on two is a open circuit). |
5 |
05 |
I< IS (Is follows the I to V linear characteristic of the lamps) |
22111 |
Parking Left & Marker Right Front Lights OR Parking Rear Right Lights OR License Plate Lights OR Trailer Lights |
Driver Short Circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection.The test is performed only when the driver is On. |
6 |
06 |
22112 |
Parking Right & Marker Left Front Lights |
The acquired load current is below the threshold (at least a load on two is a open circuit). |
5 |
05 |
I< IS (Is follows the I to V linear characteristic of the lamps) |
22113 |
Parking Rear Left Lights |
The acquired load current is below the threshold (at least a load on two is a open circuit). |
5 |
05 |
I< IS (Is follows the I to V linear characteristic of the lamps) |
22114 |
Marker Rear Lights |
The acquired load current is below the threshold (at least a load on two is |
5 |
05 |
I< IS |
a open circuit). |
(Is follows the I to V linear characteristic of the lamps) |
22115 |
Parking Right & Marker Left Front Lights OR Parking Rear Left Lights OR Marker Rear Lights OR Parking & Marker Trailer & Side Marker Left Lights |
Driver Short Circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection.The test is performed only when the driver is On. |
6 |
06 |
22116 |
Rear Fog Left & Right Lights |
The acquired load current is below the threshold (at least a load on two is a open circuit) |
5 |
05 |
I< IS (Is follows the I to V linear characteristic of the lamps) |
22117 |
Rear Fog Left&Right Lights OR Rear Fog Trailer Left&Right Lights |
Driver Short Circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection.The test is performed only when the driver is On. |
6 |
06 |
22118 |
Stop Light Left |
The acquired load current is below the threshold (the only load is a open circuit). |
5 |
05 |
I< IS (Is follows the I to V linear characteristic of the lamps) |
22119 |
Stop Light Right |
The acquired load current is below the threshold (the only load is a open circuit). |
5 |
05 |
I< IS (Is follows the I to V linear characteristic of the lamps) |
2211A |
Stop Light Left or Stop Light Right or Stop Trailer Left&Right Lights |
Driver Short Circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection.The test is performed only when the driver is On. |
6 |
06 |
2211B |
Turn Lights Switches |
Turn Left and Turn Right Switchesare both activated.The Turn Left Lights Status and Turn Right Lights Status CAN parameters are ON but the Emergency Lights Status CAN parameter is OFF. |
2 |
02 |
2211C |
Windshield Wiper |
Windshield Wiper switches activated at the same time or every faulty on Windshield Wiper (fuse on supply line 6 faulty, engine blocked or short circuited, engine interrupted, cam always to ground, cam always open) |
2 |
02 |
2211D |
Engine Brake Preselection Mode Switches |
Engine Brake Mode Accelerator Idle and Engine Brake Mode Brake Pedal Switches are both activated. |
2 |
02 |
2211E |
Diff.Rear.Transv.Lock Rockwell Switches |
Diff.Rear Transv.Lock Rock.Switch2(Rear axle 1) andDiff.Rear Transv.Lock Rock.Switch1(Rear axle 1) are both activated. |
2 |
02 |
2211F |
Brake Front Air Pressure Sensor |
The acquired voltage is below or above the thresholds(see Figure 8). The error is detected only if there are no errors on the supply voltage of the sensor (Vc). (Vout/Vc)=0.08+0.04*(Bar+1) Vout ->output voltage of the sensor; Vc -> supply voltage of the sensor: Bar -> relative to atmospheric pressure |
00 01 03 04 |
00 01 03 04 |
0.6V<(Vout/Vc)<1V 0.14V<(Vout/Vc)< 0.38V Vout/Vc>1V Vout/Vc<0.14V |
22120 |
Brake Rear Air Pressure Sensor |
The acquired voltage is below or above the thresholds(see Figure 8). |
00 |
00 |
0.6V<(Vout/Vc)<1V |
The error is detected only if there are no errors on the supply voltage of the sensor (Vc). (Vout/Vc)=0.08+0.04*(Bar+1) Vout ->output voltage of the sensor; Vc -> supply voltage of the sensor: Bar -> relative to atmospheric pressure |
01 03 04 |
01 03 04 |
0.14V<(Vout/Vc)< 0.38V Vout/Vc>1V Vout/Vc<0.14V |
ECU Name |
SPN [Hex] |
Fault Component |
Description |
FMI Description |
Lamp status |
Comment |
2212B |
Brake Air Pressure Sensor Supply (Vc) |
The acquired supply voltage is below or above the thresholds. |
00 01 03 04 |
00 01 03 04 |
6V<V<8V 2V<V<4V V>8V V<2V |
2212C |
Vehicle data bus CAN |
No CAN messages on Vehicle data bus or Bus-Off detection.The error can be read on CAN only if the CAN bus resets |
2 |
02 |
2212D |
ECU not programmed |
31 |
1F |
22130 |
Engine Starter |
03 04 |
03 04 |
Voltage Above Normal, Or Shorted To High Source Voltage Below Normal, Or Shorted To Low Source |
22131 |
Cabin Side White Lights (only if on pin E03) |
03 04 |
03 04 |
Voltage Above Normal, Or Shorted To High Source Voltage Below Normal, Or Shorted To Low Source |
22100 |
ECU not programmed |
31 |
1F |
Yellow |
22101 |
EEPROM checksum error |
12 |
0C |
Yellow |
22102 |
ECU Overheating |
The PCB ECU Temperature of the output drivers is greater than max. allowed temperature (100°C). |
13 |
0D |
Yellow |
22103 |
ECU Secondary Microprocessor Faulty |
The secondary microprocessor that executes the limp-home function is faulty |
14 |
0E |
Yellow |
2210B |
Vehicle Data Bus CAN |
No CAN messages on Vehicle data bus or Bus-Off detection. The error can be read on VDB CAN only if the VDB CAN bus resets |
2 |
02 |
Red |
2210C |
Body Control Bus CAN |
No CAN messages on Body control bus or Bus-Off detection. The error can be read on BCB CAN also if the BCB CAN bus is not reset |
2 |
02 |
Red |
231FF |
Body Control Bus — ECU#1 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#1 — Bed Module |
2 |
02 |
Yellow |
Body Control Bus — ECU#2 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#2 — Driver Door Module |
2 |
02 |
Yellow |
Body Control Bus — ECU#3 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#3 — Co-Driver Door Module |
2 |
02 |
Yellow |
245FF |
Body Control Bus — ECU#4 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#4 — Additional Heater Air |
2 |
02 |
Yellow |
244FF |
Body Control Bus — ECU#5 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#5 — Additional Heater Water |
2 |
02 |
Yellow |
2E9FF |
Body Control Bus — ECU#6 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#6 — Mirror Controller |
2 |
02 |
Yellow |
26DFF |
Body Control Bus — ECU#7 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#7 — MET |
2 |
02 |
Red |
219FF |
Body Control Bus — ECU#8 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#8 — Climate Control |
2 |
02 |
Yellow |
22120 |
Fuel Level Interface |
Fuel Level interface failure detected. The input voltage is evaluated for in-range checking: |
00 01 |
00 01 |
00:Delta voltage below normal 01:Delta voltage above normal |
Yellow |
22121 |
Engine Oil Level Interface |
Oil Level interface failure detected. The voltage difference between the first and the second acquisition are evaluated for in-range checking: |
00 01 0F 10 12 13 14 |
00 01 15 10 12 13 14 |
00:Delta voltage below normal 01:Delta voltage above normal 0F:Time/Date from TCO not available 10:Engine Starter Mode or Engine Speed from EDC not available 12:Date could not be stored in EEPROM 13:Time could not be stored in EEPROM 14:Oil Level could not be stored in EEPROM |
Yellow |
22122 |
Ambient Air Temperature Interface |
Ambient Air Temperature interface failure detected. The input voltage is evaluated for in-range checking: |
03 04 |
03 04 |
03:Voltage above normal (s.c. to battery or open circuit) 04:Voltage below normal (s.c. to ground) |
Yellow |
22130 |
Windshield Wiper Switches |
Windshield Wiper switches activated at the same time or every faulty on Windshield Wiper (engine blocked or short circuited, engine interrupted, cam always to ground, cam always open) |
2 |
02 |
Yellow |
22131 |
Diff.Lock.State. Rear Axle1(Rockwell) Switches |
Diff.Lock.State. Rear Axle1-In1 and Diff. Lock State Rear Axle1-In2, are both activated |
2 |
02 |
Yellow |
22140 |
Service Brake Air Pressure Circuit#2 sensor (Front) |
Service Brake Air Pressure Circuit#2 interface failure detected. |
03 04 |
03 04 |
03:Voltage above normal (s.c. to battery or open circuit) 04:Voltage below normal (s.c. to ground) |
Yellow |
22141 |
Service Brake Air Pressure Circuit#1 sensor (Rear) |
Service Brake Air Pressure Circuit#1 interface failure detected. |
03 05 |
03 05 |
4:Voltage above normal (s.c. to battery or open circuit) 04:Voltage below normal (s.c. to ground) |
Yellow |
22142 |
Service Brake Air Pressure Circuit#2 sensor (Front) |
The pressure charging is evaluated for in-range checking |
00 01 |
00 01 |
00:Delta voltage below normal 01:Delta voltage above normal |
Red |
22143 |
Service Brake Air Pressure Circuit#1 sensor (Rear) |
The pressure charging is evaluated for in-range checking |
00 01 |
00 01 |
00:Delta voltage below normal 01:Delta voltage above normal |
Red |
22144 |
Service Brake Air Pressure Sensor Supply Voltage (Vs) |
Service Brake Air Pressure Sensor Supply Voltage failure detected. The error is detected only when the maximum supply voltage is between 18V and 32V and Ignition Key 15 is On. |
00 01 03 04 |
00 01 03 04 |
00: 6V<V<8V 01: 2V<V<4V 03: V>8V 04: V<2V |
Yellow |
22145 |
Brake Air Dryer |
Pressure plausability: |
01 00 02 |
01 00 02 |
01:The pressure is not increasing while charge mode 00:The pressure is not decreasing while rigeneration mode 02:Duty error (air loss because the S2 valve is locked) |
Yellow |
22150 |
Dashboard Backlight & Headbeam Washer Supply & Body Builders Parking Lights |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
6 |
06 |
06:Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection. |
Yellow |
22161 |
Marker Front Left & Right Lights |
Analog Diagnostic: The acquired load current is below the threshold (at least a load on two is a open circuit). The error is detected only when the relative supply voltage is between 18V and 32V. The Marker Front Left & Right Lights fault shall be recognized, stored and reported on DM1 message with a maximum delay of 10sec. |
5 |
05 |
05: I < IS |
Yellow |
22166 |
Additional Lights or Additional Air Heater Disable |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
03 06 |
03 06 |
03:Short circuit to battery 06:Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
22163 |
Step Lights |
Analog Diagnostic: The acquired load current is below the threshold (at least a load on two is a open circuit). The error is detected only when the relative supply voltage is between 18V and 32V. The Step Lights fault shall be recognized, stored and reported on DM1 message with a maximum delay of 10sec. |
5 |
05 |
05: I < IS |
Yellow |
22164 |
Cabin Side Lights |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
03 06 |
03 06 |
03:Short circuit to battery 06:Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
22165 |
Cabin Ceiling Lights |
Analog Diagnostic: The acquired load current is below the threshold (at least a load on two is a open circuit). The error is detected only when the relative supply voltage is between 18V and 32V. The Cabin Ceiling Lights fault shall be recognized, stored and reported on DM1 message with a maximum delay of 10sec. |
5 |
05 |
05: I < IS |
Yellow |
22180 |
30A |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
4 |
04 |
Voltage below normal |
Yellow |
22181 |
30B |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
4 |
04 |
Voltage below normal |
Yellow |
22182 |
30C |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
4 |
04 |
Voltage below normal |
Yellow |
22183 |
30D |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
4 |
04 |
Voltage below normal |
Yellow |
22184 |
30E |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
4 |
04 |
Voltage below normal |
Yellow |
22190 |
+Batt. TCO & +Batt. Spare1 |
On/Off Diagnostic: The internal fuse to ECU can be accidentally interrupted |
5 |
05 |
Fuse interrupted |
Yellow |
22191 |
30A Cluster |
On/Off Diagnostic: fuse interrupped The internal fuse to ECU can be accidentally interrupted |
5 |
05 |
Fuse interrupted |
Yellow |
22192 |
30D Body Builders |
On/Off Diagnostic: fuse interrupped The internal fuse to ECU can be accidentally interrupted |
5 |
05 |
Fuse interrupted |
Yellow |
22193 |
30E ECAS |
On/Off Diagnostic: fuse interrupped The internal fuse to ECU can be accidentally interrupted |
5 |
05 |
Fuse interrupted |
Yellow |
22194 |
30C VCM |
On/Off Diagnostic: fuse interrupped The internal fuse to ECU can be accidentally interrupted |
5 |
05 |
Fuse interrupted |
Yellow |
22195 |
30E Cigarette Lighter & 30E Diagnostic Connector |
On/Off Diagnostic: fuse interrupped The internal fuse to ECU can be accidentally interrupted |
5 |
05 |
Fuse interrupted |
Yellow |
22196 |
30C ABS |
On/Off Diagnostic: fuse interrupped The internal fuse to ECU can be accidentally interrupted |
5 |
05 |
Fuse interrupted |
Yellow |
22197 |
30C ABS Trailer |
On/Off Diagnostic: fuse interrupped The internal fuse to ECU can be accidentally interrupted |
5 |
05 |
Fuse interrupted |
Yellow |
22198 |
30B Engine Crank |
On/Off Diagnostic: fuse interrupped The internal fuse to ECU can be accidentally interrupted |
5 |
05 |
Fuse interrupted |
Yellow |
22199 |
30D Acustic Horn |
On/Off Diagnostic: fuse interrupped The internal fuse to ECU can be accidentally interrupted |
5 |
05 |
Fuse interrupted |
Yellow |
2219A |
30E Voltage Adapter & 30E Bed Lights |
On/Off Diagnostic: fuse interrupped The internal fuse to ECU can be accidentally interrupted |
5 |
05 |
Fuse interrupted |
Yellow |
2219B |
30B Mirror Heating |
On/Off Diagnostic: fuse interrupped The internal fuse to ECU can be accidentally interrupted |
5 |
05 |
Fuse interrupted |
Yellow |
221A0 |
15 Mirror Controller & 15 Heated Dryer |
On/Off Diagnostic: fuse interrupped The internal fuse to ECU can be accidentally interrupted |
5 |
05 |
Fuse interrupted |
Yellow |
221A1 |
15 Alternator |
On/Off Diagnostic: fuse interrupped The internal fuse to ECU can be accidentally interrupted |
5 |
05 |
Fuse interrupted |
Yellow |
221A2 |
15 TCO & 15 Cluster & 15 MET & 15 UDS |
On/Off Diagnostic: fuse interrupped The internal fuse to ECU can be accidentally interrupted |
5 |
05 |
Fuse interrupted |
Yellow |
221A3 |
15 VCM & 15 ECM |
On/Off Diagnostic: fuse interrupped The internal fuse to ECU can be accidentally interrupted |
5 |
05 |
Fuse interrupted |
Yellow |
221A4 |
15 ECAS & 15 ABS |
On/Off Diagnostic: fuse interrupped The internal fuse to ECU can be accidentally interrupted |
5 |
05 |
Fuse interrupted |
Yellow |
221A5 |
15 Cabin Tilted & 15 Brake Switch & 15 Headbeam Pot.Supply |
On/Off Diagnostic: fuse interrupped The internal fuse to ECU can be accidentally interrupted |
5 |
05 |
Fuse interrupted |
Yellow |
221A6 |
15/1A Reverse Gear Lights & 15/1A Headbeam Adjustment supply & 15/1A NOX sensor supply |
On/Off Diagnostic: fuse interrupped The internal fuse to ECU can be accidentally interrupted |
5 |
05 |
Fuse interrupted |
Yellow |
221A7 |
15/1A Cabin Heater & 15/1A Conditioner |
On/Off Diagnostic: fuse interrupped The internal fuse to ECU can be accidentally interrupted |
5 |
05 |
Fuse interrupted |
Yellow |
221A8 |
15/1B Body Builders |
On/Off Diagnostic: fuse interrupped The internal fuse to ECU can be accidentally interrupted |
5 |
05 |
Fuse interrupted |
Yellow |
221A9 |
15/1B Electric Windows |
On/Off Diagnostic: fuse interrupped The internal fuse to ECU can be accidentally interrupted |
5 |
05 |
Fuse interrupted |
Yellow |
221B0 |
Power Steering Circuit #1 or #2 Pressure Low |
Sensor plausibility: — While Engine Speed=0 (and valid) at least one of two pressure switches is in Normal state (open) (pressure above threshold) The ECU waits PSC_TEST_T1 (after Engine Speed =0 or at Ignition Key 15) before to start the diagnostics |
2 |
02 |
Flow meter plausibility |
Yellow |
221B2 |
Steering Flow Meter |
Flow meter plausibility: — When Vehicle Speed < PSC_VEH_SPEED _MIN the flow is in Normal state (open) |
2 |
02 |
Flow meter plausibility |
Yellow |
221C0 |
Windshield Washer & Headbeam Washer |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
03 06 |
03 06 |
03:Short circuit to battery 06:Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
221C1 |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
03 |
03 |
03:Short circuit to battery |
Yellow |
06 |
06 |
06:Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
221C2 |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
3 |
03 |
03:Short circuit to battery |
Yellow |
221C3 |
Body Builder Reverse Gear |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
03 06 |
03 06 |
03:Short circuit to battery 06:Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
ECU Name |
SPN [Hex] |
Fault Component |
Description |
FMI Description |
Lamp status |
Comment |
221C4 |
Vehicle Running |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
03 06 |
03 06 |
03:Short circuit to battery 06:Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
221C5 |
Engine Running |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
03 06 |
03 06 |
03:Short circuit to battery 06:Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
221C6 |
Roof Hatch opening |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
03 06 |
03 06 |
03:Short circuit to battery 06:Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
221C7 |
Roof Hatch closing |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
03 07 |
03 07 |
4:Short circuit to battery 06:Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
221C8 |
Headlights Washer |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
03 08 |
03 08 |
5:Short circuit to battery 06:Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
26D01 |
EEPROM checksum error |
12 |
0C |
Yellow |
26D02 |
ECU Overheating |
The PCB ECU Temperature of the output drivers is greater than max. allowed temperature (100°C). |
12 |
0C |
Yellow |
26D03 |
ECU Secondary Microprocessor Faulty |
The secondary microprocessor that executes the limp-home function is faulty |
12 |
0C |
Yellow |
26D0C |
Body Control bus CAN |
No CAN messages on Body Control bus or Bus-Off detection. The error can be read on BCB CAN only if the BCB CAN bus resets |
2 |
02 |
Red |
26D20 |
Fuel Level sensor |
Fuel Level interface failure detected. The input voltage is evaluated for Phisically possible range: |
03 04 |
03 04 |
03:Voltage above normal (s.c. to battery) 04:Voltage below normal (s.c. to ground). Only when the current is sensed on the Low Side |
Yellow |
26D21 |
Engine Oil Level Sensor |
Oil level interface failure detected. The input voltage is evaluated for Phisically possible range: |
03 04 |
03 04 |
03:Voltage above normal (s.c. to battery) 04:Voltage below normal (s.c. to ground ) |
Yellow |
26D51 |
Parking Left & Right Front Lights & Parking Rear Left Lights & Marker Rear Left & Right Lights & Trailer Parking Lights Left |
Analog Diagnostic: The error is detected only when the relative supply voltage is between 18V and 32V. |
6 |
06 |
06:short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
26D52 |
Parking Left & Right Front Lights |
Analog Diagnostic: The acquired load current is below the threshold. The error is detected only when the relative supply voltage is between 18V and 32V. |
5 |
05 |
05: I < IS |
Yellow |
26D53 |
Parking Rear Left Lights |
Analog Diagnostic: The acquired load current is below the threshold. The error is detected only when the relative supply voltage is between 18V and 32V. |
5 |
05 |
05: I < IS |
Yellow |
26D54 |
Parking Rear Right Lights |
Analog Diagnostic: The acquired load current is below the threshold. The error is detected only when the relative supply voltage is between 18V and 32V. |
5 |
05 |
05: I < IS |
Yellow |
26D55 |
Parking Rear Right Lights & Plate Left & |
Analog Diagnostic: The error is detected only when the relative supply voltage is between 18V |
6 |
06 |
06:short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
Right Lights & Trailer Parking Lights Right |
and 32V. |
26D56 |
Rear Fog Left & Right Lights |
Analog Diagnostic: The acquired load current is below the threshold. The error is detected only when the relative supply voltage is between 18V and 32V. |
5 |
05 |
05: I < IS |
Yellow |
26D57 |
Rear Fog Left & Right Lights & Trailer Rear Fog Left & Right Lights |
Analog Diagnostic: The error is detected only when the relative supply voltage is between 18V and 32V. |
5 |
05 |
06:short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
26D58 |
Stop Light Left |
Analog Diagnostic: The acquired load current is below the threshold. The error is detected only when the relative supply voltage is between 18V and 32V. |
5 |
05 |
05: I < IS |
Yellow |
26D59 |
Stop Light Right |
Analog Diagnostic: The acquired load current is below the threshold. The error is detected only when the relative supply voltage is between 18V and 32V. |
5 |
05 |
05: I < IS |
Yellow |
26D5A |
Stop Light Left & Stop Light Right & Trailer Stop Left & Right Lights |
Analog Diagnostic: The error is detected only when the relative supply voltage is between 18V and 32V. |
6 |
06 |
06:short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
26D5B |
Front Fog Left & Right Lights |
On/Off Diagnostic: The error is detected only when the relative supply voltage is between 18V and 32V. |
6 |
06 |
06:short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
26D5C |
Low Beam Light Left |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
05 06 |
05 06 |
05:Open load 06:Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
26D5D |
Low Beam Light Right |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
05 06 |
05 06 |
05:Open load 06:Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
26D5E |
High Beam Light Left |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
05 06 |
05 06 |
05:Open load 06:Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
26D5F |
High Beam Light Right |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
05 06 |
05 06 |
05:Open load 06:Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
26D60 |
Plate Left & Right Lights |
Analog Diagnostic: The acquired load current is below the threshold. The error is detected only when the relative supply voltage is between 18V and 32V. |
5 |
05 |
05: I < IS |
Yellow |
26D62 |
Marker Rear Left & Right Lights |
Analog Diagnostic: The acquired load current is below the threshold. The error is detected only when the relative supply voltage is between 18V and 32V. |
5 |
05 |
05: I < IS |
Yellow |
26D68 |
Turn Right Lights |
Analog Diagnostic: The acquired load current is below the threshold. The error is detected only when the relative supply voltage is between 18V and 32V. |
5 |
05 |
05: I < IS |
Yellow |
26D69 |
Trailer Turn Lights Right |
On/Off Diagnostic: The error is detected only when all the lamps are open circuit and the relative supply voltage is between 18V and 32V. |
5 |
05 |
05: I < IS |
Yellow |
26D6A |
Turn & Trailer Turn Right Lights |
On/Off Diagnostic: The error is detected only when the relative supply voltage is between 18V and 32V. |
5 |
05 |
06: Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
26D6B |
Turn Left Lights |
Analog Diagnostic: The acquired load current is below the threshold. The error is detected only when the relative supply voltage is between 18V and 32V. |
5 |
05 |
05: I < IS |
Yellow |
26D6C |
Trailer Turn Lights Left |
On/Off Diagnostic: The error is detected only when all the lamps are open circuit and the relative supply voltage is between 18V and 32V. |
5 |
05 |
5: I< IS Is =40mA |
Yellow |
26D6D |
Turn & Trailer Turn Left Lights |
On/Off Diagnostic: The error is detected only when the relative supply voltage is between 18V and 32V. |
6 |
06 |
06: Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
26D6E |
Trailer Stop Left & Right Lights |
Analog Diagnostic: The acquired load current is below the threshold (see Figura 2). |
5 |
05 |
5: I< IS |
Yellow |
The error is detected only when the relative supply voltage is between 18V and 32V. |
Is =40mA |
26DA1 |
Ignition Key 15 Body Builder &Trailer |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
5 |
05 |
06: Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
26DC0 |
A-A8+P-A1 output |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
5 |
05 |
06: Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
26DC1 |
A-B1 output |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
5 |
05 |
06: Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
26DC3 |
Headbeam Adjustment |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
03 06 |
03 06 |
03:Short circuit to battery 06:Short circuit to ground (with Hheadbeam Adjustment Position > 4%) |
Yellow |
26DC5 |
A-C1 output |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
5 |
05 |
06:short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection |
Yellow |
26DC8 |
C-A1 output |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
05 06 03 |
05 06 03 |
05: Open load 06: Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection 03: Short circuit to battery |
Yellow |
26DC9 |
C-A2 output |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
05 06 03 |
05 06 03 |
05: Open load 06: Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection 03: Short circuit to battery |
Yellow |
26DCA |
C-A3 output |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
05 06 03 |
05 06 03 |
05: Open load 06: Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection 03: Short circuit to battery |
Yellow |
26DCD |
C-A4 output |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
05 06 03 |
05 06 03 |
05: Open load 06: Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection 03: Short circuit to battery |
Yellow |
26DCE |
C-A5 output |
On/Off Diagnostic: |
05 06 03 |
05 06 03 |
05: Open load 06: Short circuit to ground or Overload or Overheating protection 03: Short circuit to battery |
Yellow |
41905 |
Solar Sensor |
04 05 |
04 05 |
04: Short circuit to ground 05: Open load or short cricuit to battery |
Yellow |
41906 |
Indoor temperature sensor |
04 |
04 |
04: Short circuit to ground |
Yellow |
05 |
05 |
05: Open load or short cricuit to battery |
41907 |
Evaporator temperature sensor |
04 05 |
04 05 |
04: Short circuit to ground 05: Open load or short cricuit to battery |
Yellow |
41908 |
Heater exchanger temperature sensor |
04 05 |
04 05 |
04: Short circuit to ground 05: Open load or short cricuit to battery |
Yellow |
41901 |
Feedback signal floor flap |
04 05 |
04 05 |
04: Short circuit to ground 05: Open load or short cricuit to battery |
Yellow |
41902 |
Feedback signal defrost flap |
04 05 |
04 05 |
04: Short circuit to ground 05: Open load or short cricuit to battery |
Yellow |
41903 |
Feedback signal bilevel flap |
04 05 |
04 05 |
04: Short circuit to ground 05: Open load or short cricuit to battery |
Yellow |
41904 |
Feedback signal recirculation flap |
04 |
04 |
04: Short circuit to ground |
Yellow |
05 |
05 |
05: Open load or short circuit to battery |
41914 |
Sensor fan diagnosis |
07 |
07 |
Faulty feedback from fan motor |
Yellow |
4190E |
Heating valve |
04 03 07 |
04 03 07 |
04: Short cricuit to ground 03: Short circuit to battery 07: Flap is not moving |
Yellow |
41910 |
Floor flap motor |
04 03 07 |
04 03 07 |
04: Short cricuit to ground 03: Short circuit to battery 07: Flap is not moving |
Yellow |
ECU Name |
SPN [Hex] |
Fault Component |
Description |
FMI Description |
Lamp status |
Comment |
EDC7C1 |
20052 |
Lowside Powerstage 6 |
EDC7C1 |
20053 |
Small Signal Powerstage 1 |
EDC7C1 |
20054 |
Small Signal Powerstage 2 |
EDC7C1 |
20055 |
Small Signal Powerstage 3 |
EDC7C1 |
20056 |
Small Signal Powerstage 4 |
EDC7C1 |
20057 |
Solenoid Powerstage 1 |
EDC7C1 |
20058 |
Solenoid Powerstage 2 |
EDC7C1 |
20059 |
Solenoid Powerstage 3 |
EDC7C1 |
2005A |
Solenoid Powerstage 4 |
EDC7C1 |
2005B |
Solenoid Powerstage 5 |
EDC7C1 |
2005C |
Solenoid Powerstage 6 |
EDC7UC31 |
10011 |
Vehicle Speed failure |
02 03 04 12 |
02 03 04 0C |
Signal not valid Value above Limit Distance factor not learned Signal not plausible |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
10012 |
Accelerator Pedal 1 failure |
APP1 |
03 04 12 |
03 04 0C |
Signal too high Signal too low Signal not plausible to the reference signal |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
10014 |
Multiple State Switch failure |
03 04 12 |
03 04 0C |
Short to Battery Short to Ground Signal not plausible |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
10016 |
Main Clutch Signal failure |
ConvCD |
02 12 |
02 0C |
Info: Clutch signal failure via CAN Signal not plausible |
EDC7UC31 |
10017 |
Brake Signal failure |
BrkCD |
02 12 |
02 0C |
Signal failure Signal not plausible |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
10019 |
Terminal 15 failure |
T15CD |
2 |
02 |
No Signal |
EDC7UC31 |
1001F |
SCR Temperatures plausibility |
SCRCatPlausIv |
02 03 04 12 |
02 03 04 0C |
02: Ambient Temperature of Humidity Sensor or both Catalyst Temperatures not plausible 03: Temperature after Catalyst not plausible 04: Temperature before Catalyst not plausible 0C: Temperature Deviation between up- and downstream Catalyst Temperature too high during Operation |
Power Reduction (OBD) Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
10025 |
Main Relay 2 failure (Grid Heater 1, Fan 1, |
MRlyCD |
03 |
03 |
Short to Battery |
VGT, Lambda Heater, EGR Bypass Valve, EGR Actuator, Blow By Valve) |
04 |
04 |
Short to Ground |
EDC7UC31 |
10026 |
Battery Voltage failure |
BattCD |
03 04 |
03 04 |
Signal too high Signal too low |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
10027 |
Engine Brake decompression Valve failure |
02 03 04 |
02 03 04 |
Open Load Short to Battery Short to Ground |
Red |
Long Term Failure Lamp status = Yellow on E5, Red ob EE E3 |
EDC7UC31 |
10028 |
Main Relay 1 (Engine Brake Decompression Valve) Short to Battery |
MnRly1_SCB |
3 |
03 |
Short to Battery |
Yellow |
Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
10029 |
Main Relay 3 failure (A/C Compressor, Fuel Filter Heater, Intercooler Bypass Valve, Additive Valve, Grid Heater 2, Fan 2, OBD/Cold Start/ Adjustable Speed Limiter Lamp) |
MRlyCDMnRly3 |
03 04 |
03 04 |
Short to Battery Short to Ground |
EDC7UC31 |
1002B |
Air Heater 1 Power Stage failure |
ArHt1 |
02 03 04 |
02 03 04 |
Open Load Short to Battery Short to Ground |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
1002E |
Air Heater always on |
AirHtStickOnIv |
3 |
03 |
Multi Signal failure |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
10031 |
Coolant Temperature Sensor failure |
02 03 04 12 |
02 03 04 0C |
CAN Signal failure Signal too high Signal too low Signal not plausible to Oil Temperature |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
10032 |
Coolant Temperature Dynamic failure |
Clg_DynTst |
12 |
0C |
Minimum Temperature Rise not reached |
EDC7UC31 |
10033 |
Boost Air Temperature Sensor failure |
02 |
02 |
CAN Signal failure |
Long Term Failure |
03 04 |
03 04 |
Signal too high Signal too low |
EDC7UC31 |
10034 |
Boost Pressure Sensor failure |
02 03 04 12 |
02 03 04 0C |
CAN Signal failure Signal too high Signal too low Signal not plausible |
Yellow |
Power Reduction (Technical) Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
10035 |
Fuel Temperature Sensor failure |
03 04 |
03 04 |
Signal too high Signal too low |
Yellow |
Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
10038 |
Oil Pressure Sensor failure |
02 03 04 12 |
02 03 04 0C |
Hardware failure Signal too high Signal too low Value too high |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
1003A |
Oil Temperature Sensor failure |
02 03 04 12 |
02 03 04 0C |
CAN Signal failure Signal too high Signal too low Signal not plausible with Coolant Temperature |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
1003C |
Ambient Air Temperature Sensor failure (of Humidity Sensor) |
02 03 04 |
02 03 04 |
CAN Signal failure Signal too high Signal too low |
Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
10041 |
Crankshaft Speed Signal failure |
EngMCrS1 |
02 04 |
02 04 |
No Signal Signal wrong |
Yellow + MIL |
Power Reduction (Technical) Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
10042 |
Engine runs with Camshaft Speed only |
EngMBackUp |
3 |
03 |
Backup Mode |
Yellow |
Power Reduction (Technical) |
EDC7UC31 |
10043 |
Camshaft Speed Signal failure |
EngMCaS1 |
02 04 |
02 04 |
No Signal Signal wrong |
Yellow |
Power Reduction (Technical) |
EDC7UC31 |
10044 |
Offset between Camshaft and Crankshaft |
EngMOfsCaSCrS |
3 |
03 |
Offset between Signals |
Yellow + |
Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
10045 |
Fan Actuator 1 failure |
FanCD |
02 03 04 12 |
02 03 04 0C |
Open Load Short to Battery Short to Ground Temperature too high |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
10046 |
Fan Actuator 2 Power Stage failure |
FanCD2 |
02 03 04 |
02 03 04 |
Open Load Short to Battery Short to Ground |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
1004D |
Info: Engine Overspeed Protection |
EngPrtOvrSpd |
3 |
03 |
Engine Overspeed |
EDC7UC31 |
1004F |
Info: OBD Performance Limiter Intervention by Legislation |
CoVehPrflmAct |
3 |
03 |
Performance Limitation active |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
10051 |
Cylinder 1 BIP search failure |
BIPCyl1 |
3 |
03 |
Too many unsuccessful searches |
Yellow + |
Power Reduction (Technical) |
Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
10052 |
Cylinder 2 BIP search failure |
BIPCyl2 |
3 |
03 |
Too many unsuccessful searches |
Yellow + MIL |
Power Reduction (Technical) Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
10053 |
Cylinder 3 BIP search failure |
BIPCyl3 |
3 |
03 |
Too many unsuccessful searches |
Yellow + MIL |
Power Reduction (Technical) Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
10054 |
Cylinder 4 BIP search failure |
BIPCyl4 |
3 |
03 |
Too many unsuccessful searches |
Yellow + MIL |
Power Reduction (Technical) Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
10055 |
Cylinder 5 BIP search failure |
BIPCyl5 |
3 |
03 |
Too many unsuccessful searches |
Yellow + MIL |
Power Reduction (Technical) Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
10056 |
Cylinder 6 BIP search failure |
BIPCyl6 |
3 |
03 |
Too many unsuccessful searches |
Yellow + MIL |
Power Reduction (Technical) Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
1005F |
Info: Long Term Fuel system Failure |
OBDGFClct1 |
3 |
03 |
Long Term Fault present |
Long Term Failure ( (not deletable until after 400 days) |
EDC7UC31 |
10061 |
Injector Cylinder 1 failure |
InjVlvCyl1A |
02 03 04 12 |
02 03 04 0C |
Short High Side to Ground Short Low Side to Battery Depending on Application Not classifiable failure |
Yellow + MIL |
Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
10062 |
Injector Cylinder 2 failure |
InjVlvCyl2A |
02 03 04 12 |
02 03 04 0C |
Short High Side to Ground Short Low Side to Battery Depending on Application Not classifiable failure |
Yellow + MIL |
Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
10063 |
Injector Cylinder 3 failure |
InjVlvCyl3A |
02 03 04 |
02 03 04 |
Short High Side to Ground Short Low Side to Battery Depending on Application |
Yellow + MIL |
Long Term Failure |
12 |
0C |
Not classifiable failure |
EDC7UC31 |
10064 |
Injector Cylinder 4 failure |
InjVlvCyl4A |
02 03 04 12 |
02 03 04 0C |
Short High Side to Ground Short Low Side to Battery Depending on Application Not classifiable failure |
Yellow + MIL |
Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
10065 |
Injector Cylinder 5 failure |
InjVlvCyl5A |
02 03 04 12 |
02 03 04 0C |
Short High Side to Ground Short Low Side to Battery Depending on Application Not classifiable failure |
Yellow + MIL |
Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
10066 |
Injector Cylinder 6 failure |
InjVlvCyl6A |
02 03 04 |
02 03 04 |
Short High Side to Ground Short Low Side to Battery Depending on Application |
Yellow + MIL |
Long Term Failure |
12 |
0C |
Not classifiable failure |
EDC7UC31 |
10067 |
Injector Cylinder 1 warning |
InjVlvCyl1B |
02 03 04 12 |
02 03 04 0C |
Open Load Fast Decay Error Depending on Application Current Level Error |
Yellow + MIL |
Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
10068 |
Injector Cylinder 2 warning |
InjVlvCyl2B |
02 03 04 12 |
02 03 04 0C |
Open Load Fast Decay Error Depending on Application Current Level Error |
Yellow + MIL |
Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
10069 |
Injector Cylinder 3 warning |
InjVlvCyl3B |
02 03 04 |
02 03 04 |
Open Load Fast Decay Error Depending on Application |
Yellow + MIL |
Long Term Failure |
12 |
0C |
Current Level Error |
EDC7UC31 |
1006A |
Injector Cylinder 4 warning |
InjVlvCyl4B |
02 03 04 12 |
02 03 04 0C |
Open Load Fast Decay Error Depending on Application Current Level Error |
Yellow + MIL |
Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
1006B |
Injector Cylinder 5 warning |
InjVlvCyl5B |
02 03 04 12 |
02 03 04 0C |
Open Load Fast Decay Error Depending on Application Current Level Error |
Yellow + MIL |
Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
1006C |
Injector Cylinder 6 warning |
InjVlvCyl6B |
02 03 04 |
02 03 04 |
Open Load Fast Decay Error Depending on Application |
Yellow + MIL |
Long Term Failure |
12 |
0C |
Current Level Error |
EDC7UC31 |
1006E |
Minimum Injections Number not reached |
InjVlvNumMinInj |
3 |
03 |
Number of Injections not reached |
Red |
EDC7UC31 |
10071 |
Injector Bank 1 failure |
InjVlvBnk1A |
02 03 04 12 |
02 03 04 0C |
Depending on Application Short circuit Short Low Side to Ground Not classifiable failure |
Yellow + MIL |
Long Term Failure |
ECU Name |
SPN [Hex] |
Fault Component |
Description |
FMI Description |
Lamp status |
Comment |
EDC7UC31 |
10073 |
Injector Bank 2 failure |
InjVlvBnk2A |
02 03 04 12 |
02 03 04 0C |
Depending on Application Short circuit Short Low Side to Ground Not classifiable failure |
Yellow + MIL |
Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
1007C |
ECU Hardware for Injection: CY33X Chip specific failure (1) |
InjVlvChipA |
02 03 04 12 |
02 03 04 0C |
Test Mode Internal reset — Clock Loss — Voltage too low Unlocked — Init fail SPI Communication failure |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
1007F |
Failure in Injection Quantity Adjustment |
InjVlvQntAdj |
02 |
02 |
EEPROM Adjustment Value not readable |
Yellow |
(NIMA Programming) |
12 |
0C |
Invalid EEPROM Adjustment Value Checksum |
EDC7UC31 |
10081 |
Differential Pressure Sensor Failure between Exhaust and Intake (EGR Valve) |
03 04 |
03 04 |
Signal too high Signal too low |
Yellow + MIL |
EDC7UC31 |
10091 |
Boost Pressure Actuator Current failure |
02 03 04 |
02 03 04 |
Signal not plausible Signal too high Signal too low |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
10092 |
Boost Pressure Actuator Short to Battery |
3 |
03 |
Short to Battery |
Yellow |
Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
10093 |
Turbine Speed Sensor failure |
02 03 04 12 |
02 03 04 0C |
Signal not valid Signal too high Signal too low Signal not plausible |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
10098 |
Turbocharger Control failure |
PCRMulSigDfctIv |
3 |
03 |
Multi Signal failure |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
10099 |
Turbocharger Control Overboost Pressure failure |
02 03 |
02 03 |
Pressure deviation too high Pressure too high |
Yellow |
Power Reduction (Technical) Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
1009A |
Turbocharger Control Turbo Speed failure |
PCRTrbIv |
02 03 |
02 03 |
Irreversible Overspeed Reversible Overspeed |
Yellow |
Power Reduction (Technical) |
EDC7UC31 |
1009B |
Turbine Overspeed at Normal Atmospheric Pressure |
TrbChIv |
3 |
03 |
Irreversible turbine overspeed |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
1009E |
Torque Reduction due to Smoke Limitation |
SmkTrqLim |
4 |
04 |
Torque Limitation |
EDC7UC31 |
1009F |
NOx Estimation failure |
NOxEstIv |
3 |
03 |
Estimated Nox signal not reliable |
EDC7UC31 |
100A2 |
NOx Sensor Plausiblity failure |
FrmMngNOxSensNOxIv |
12 |
0C |
Signal not plausible |
Power Reduction (OBD) Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
100A3 |
NOx Sensor Failure |
FrmMngNOxSensIv |
03 |
03 |
Open Load |
Power Reduction (OBD) |
04 12 |
04 0C |
Short Circuit Sensor not ready in time |
Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
100A4 |
CAN Message timeout Nox (from Nox Sensor) |
FrmMngTONOxSensIv |
02 04 |
02 04 |
No Signal Signal wrong |
Power Reduction (OBD) Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
100A5 |
CAN Message timeout DM1DCU (from DCU) |
02 04 |
02 04 |
No Signal Signal wrong |
Yellow + MIL |
Power Reduction (OBD) Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
100A6 |
CAN Message timeout SCR1 (from DCU) |
FrmMngTOSCR1Iv |
02 04 |
02 04 |
No Signal Signal wrong |
Yellow + MIL |
Power Reduction (OBD) Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
100A8 |
Info: SCR Dosing Valve Overheat Protection |
FrmMngSCR1ProtIv |
03 04 |
03 04 |
Torque Limitation Level2 for SCR Protection active Torque Limitation Level1 for SCR Protection active |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
100AE |
Humidity Sensor Signal Ratio failure |
03 04 |
03 04 |
Signal Ratio above Limit Signal Ratio below Limit |
Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
100AF |
Info: DCU Error1 via CAN message DM1DCU |
FrmMngDM1SPN1Iv |
3 |
03 |
Error in DCU active |
Power Reduction (OBD) |
EDC7UC31 |
100B1 |
CAN A Bus off |
NetMngCANAOff |
3 |
03 |
CAN Bus off |
EDC7UC31 |
100B2 |
CAN B Bus off |
NetMngCANBOff |
3 |
03 |
CAN Bus off |
EDC7UC31 |
100B3 |
CAN C Bus off |
NetMngCANCOff |
3 |
03 |
CAN Bus off |
EDC7UC31 |
100B4 |
CAN Message timeout BC2EDC1 (from Body Computer) |
02 04 |
02 04 |
No Signal Signal wrong |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
100B5 |
CAN Message timeout VM2EDC (from VCM) |
02 04 |
02 04 |
No Signal Signal wrong |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
100B7 |
CAN Transmit Message timeout |
FrmMngTxTO |
2 |
02 |
CAN timeout |
Yellow |
Power Reduction (OBD) |
EDC7UC31 |
100B9 |
Info: MIL visualization not available |
FrmMngBC1MILIv |
3 |
03 |
MIL visualization not available |
Yellow + MIL |
EDC7UC31 |
100BA |
CAN Message timeout Dash Display (from VCM) |
FrmMngTODashDsplIv |
02 04 |
02 04 |
No Signal Signal wrong |
EDC7UC31 |
100BC |
CAN Message timeout AMCON (from VCM) |
02 04 |
02 04 |
No Signal Signal wrong |
EDC7UC31 |
100BD |
CAN Message timeout CCVS (from Body Computer or VCM) |
2 |
02 |
CAN timeout |
EDC7UC31 |
100C2 |
CAN Message timeout ETC1 (from Electronic Transmission Controller) |
FrmMngTOETC1 |
2 |
02 |
CAN timeout |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
100C3 |
CAN Message timeout TCO1 (from Tachograph Output) |
FrmMngTOTCO1 |
2 |
02 |
CAN timeout |
EDC7UC31 |
100C6 |
CAN Message timeout active TSC1-PE (Torque/Speed Control Request from PTO to Engine) |
3 |
03 |
CAN timeout |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
100C8 |
CAN Message timeout active TSC1-VE (Torque/Speed Control Request from VCM/BC to Engine) |
3 |
03 |
CAN timeout |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
100D1 |
ECU Hardware: SPI Communication failure |
HWEMonCom |
3 |
03 |
CJ940 Communication failure |
Red |
EDC7UC31 |
100D2 |
ECU Hardware: EEPROM failure |
02 04 12 |
02 04 0C |
Write failure Read failure Default Value used |
EDC7UC31 |
100D3 |
ECU recovery — locked |
HWEMonRcyLocked |
12 |
0C |
Recovery occurred |
Red |
EDC7UC31 |
100D4 |
ECU Hardware: Microcontroller Watchdog fail |
Montr |
12 |
0C |
Watchdog and Controller not plausible |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
100D5 |
ECU Hardware: Shut off during Initialization |
SOPTst |
02 |
02 |
Supply Voltage too high |
Yellow |
Power Reduction (Technical) |
04 12 |
04 0C |
Watchdog Supply Voltage too low |
EDC7UC31 |
100D6 |
ECU Hardware: TPU Monitoring |
TPUMon |
12 |
0C |
Time deviation between System and TPU |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
100D7 |
ECU Software: Variant Dataset failure |
VarMngCodDs |
02 12 |
02 0C |
Variant Dataset not valid Variant could not be set |
Red |
EDC7UC31 |
100D8 |
ECU Hardware: Controller Watchdog failure |
WdCom |
12 |
0C |
SPI Communication failure |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
100D9 |
ADC Monitoring failure |
ADCMon |
02 03 04 12 |
02 03 04 0C |
Test Impulse Error Reference Voltage too high Reference Voltage too low Queue Error |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
100E2 |
Immobilizer failure (no fuel release) |
ImmCtl |
4 |
04 |
Injection disabled |
Red |
EDC7UC31 |
100E3 |
Overrun Monitoring failure |
OvRMon |
3 |
03 |
Injection Time too long |
Red |
EDC7UC31 |
100E4 |
Redundant Engine Speed in Overrun Monitoring |
OvRMonSigA |
3 |
03 |
Speed Signal not plausible |
Red |
EDC7UC31 |
100E5 |
ECU Hardware: Sensor 12V Supply Voltage failure |
SSpMon12V |
03 04 |
03 04 |
Signal too high Signal too low |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
100E6 |
ECU Hardware: Sensor Supply Voltage 1 failure |
SSpMon1 |
03 04 |
03 04 |
Signal too high Signal too low |
Yellow + MIL |
Power Reduction (Technical) Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
100E7 |
ECU Hardware: Sensor Supply Voltage 2 failure |
SSpMon2 |
03 04 |
03 04 |
Signal too high Signal too low |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
100E8 |
ECU Hardware: Sensor Supply Voltage 3 failure |
SSpMon3 |
03 04 |
03 04 |
Signal too high Signal too low |
Yellow |
Power Reduction (Technical) |
EDC7UC31 |
100E9 |
ECU internal Supply Voltage too high |
HWEMonUMaxSupply |
3 |
03 |
Supply Voltage CJ940 above Limit |
Red |
EDC7UC31 |
100EA |
ECU internal Supply Voltage too low |
HWEMonUMinSupply |
4 |
04 |
Supply Voltage CJ940 below Limit |
Red |
EDC7UC31 |
100EB |
Atmospheric Pressure Sensor failure |
02 03 04 12 |
02 03 04 0C |
CAN Signal failure Signal too high Signal too low Signal not plausible to Reference Pressure (Boost or Exhaust) |
EDC7UC31 |
20011 |
Vehicle Speed Sensor failure |
02 03 04 12 |
02 03 04 0C |
CAN Signal failure Voltage too high Voltage too low Voltage not plausible |
EDC7UC31 |
20015 |
Cruise Control Buttons irreversible failure |
MFLv_Irvrs |
12 |
0C |
Invalid Signal Combination |
EDC7UC31 |
2001D |
SCR Catalyst Thermal Ageing Limit exceeded |
SCRCatAgeingIv |
3 |
03 |
Too High Catalyst Temperature for excessive |
Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
2001E |
SCR Catalyst Efficiency below first threshold |
SCRCatNOxLvl1Iv |
3 |
03 |
Nox above first OBD threshold (MIL On) |
Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
2001F |
Current of Boost Pressure Actuator out of Range |
BPACOCurrOutRngIv |
3 |
03 |
Ratio of desired and measured BPA current out of range |
EDC7UC31 |
20025 |
Main Relay failure (Interrupted Afterrun) |
MRlyCDAftRun |
3 |
03 |
Relay opened too early (Afterrun not completed) |
EDC7UC31 |
20028 |
Main Relay 1 (Engine Brake Decompression Valve) Short to Ground |
MnRly1_SCG |
4 |
04 |
Short to Ground |
Yellow |
Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
20032 |
Coolant Temperature Test failure |
ClgAbsTst |
12 |
0C |
Minimum Temperature not reached in time |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
20038 |
Oil Pressure too low |
12 |
0C |
Value too low |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
2003A |
Oil Temperature too high |
12 |
0C |
Temperature too high |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
2004A |
Engine Compartment Stop Button stuck |
ECBtCDStop |
2 |
2 |
Button stuck |
EDC7UC31 |
2005F |
Info: Long Term Injection timing Failure |
OBDGFClct2 |
3 |
03 |
Long Term Fault present |
Long Term Failure ( (not deletable until after 400 days) |
EDC7UC31 |
2007C |
ECU Hardware for Injection: CY33X Chip |
InjVlvChipB |
02 |
02 |
Test Mode |
Yellow |
specific failure (2) |
03 04 12 |
03 04 0C |
Internal reset — Clock loss — Voltage too low Unlocked — Init fail SPI Communication failure |
EDC7UC31 |
20092 |
Boost Pressure Actuator Short to Ground |
4 |
04 |
Short to Ground |
Yellow |
Power Reduction (Technical) Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
20099 |
Turbocharger Control Underboost Pressure failure |
PCRUndBstIv |
3 |
03 |
Pressure too low |
Yellow + MIL |
EDC7UC31 |
2009D |
Info: Torque Limitation due to Negative Torque Coordinator |
NTCTrqLim |
4 |
04 |
Torque Limitation |
EDC7UC31 |
200A2 |
NOx Sensor Drift failure |
3 |
03 |
Zero Drift detected |
Power Reduction (OBD) Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
200A6 |
CAN Message timeout SCR2 (from DCU) |
FrmMngTOSCR2Iv |
02 |
02 |
No Signal |
Yellow + |
Power Reduction (OBD) |
04 |
04 |
Signal wrong |
Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
200AE |
Info: Humidity Sensor possibly saturated with water droplets |
03 04 |
03 04 |
Signal Ratio above Limit Signal Ratio below Limit |
EDC7UC31 |
200AF |
Info: DCU Error2 via CAN message DM1DCU |
FrmMngDM1SPN2Iv |
3 |
03 |
Error in DCU active |
Power Reduction (OBD) |
EDC7UC31 |
200B4 |
CAN Message timeout BC2EDC2 (from Body Computer) |
02 04 |
02 04 |
No Signal Signal wrong |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
200C2 |
CAN Message timeout ETC2 (from Electronic Transmission Controller) |
FrmMngTOETC2 |
2 |
02 |
CAN timeout |
EDC7UC31 |
200C6 |
CAN Message timeout inactive TSC1-PE (Torque/Speed Control Request from PTO to Engine) |
02 04 |
02 04 |
No Signal Signal wrong |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
200C8 |
CAN Message timeout active TSC1-VR (Torque/Speed Control Request from VCM/BC to Retarder) |
3 |
03 |
CAN timeout |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
200C9 |
Time/Date CAN timeout (from Tachograph or VCM) |
FrmMngTOTimeDateIv |
02 04 |
02 04 |
No Signal Signal wrong |
EDC7UC31 |
200D3 |
ECU recovery — suppressed |
HWEMonRcySuppressed |
12 |
0C |
Recovery occurred |
Red |
EDC7UC31 |
30015 |
Cruise Control Buttons reversible failure |
MFLv_Rvrs |
12 |
0C |
Invalid Signal Combination |
EDC7UC31 |
3001D |
DCU State Monitoring |
SCRCatDCUStateIv |
3 |
03 |
DCU not ready in time |
Power Reduction (OBD) Long Term Failure |
ECU Name |
SPN [Hex] |
Fault Component |
Description |
FMI Description |
Lamp status |
Comment |
EDC7UC31 |
3001E |
SCR Catalyst Efficiency below second threshold |
SCRCatNOxLvl2Iv |
3 |
03 |
Nox above second OBD threshold (Performance limitation) |
Power Reduction (OBD) Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
3001F |
SCR Catalyst System Efficiency too high |
SCRCatHiEffIv |
3 |
03 |
Efficiency too high |
Yellow |
Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
3005F |
Info: Long Term air system failure |
OBDGFClct3 |
3 |
03 |
Long Term Fault present |
Long Term Failure ( (not deletable until after 400 days) |
EDC7UC31 |
30092 |
Boost Pressure Power Stage open load or high Temperature |
BPACD_SigNpl |
02 12 |
02 0C |
Open Load Temperature too high |
Yellow |
Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
3009E |
Info: Torque Limitation due to Turbo Charger Protection |
BstPrtTrqLim |
4 |
04 |
Torque Limitation |
EDC7UC31 |
300A2 |
NOx Sensor Plausibility failure |
3 |
03 |
Difference between measured and simulated Value not plausible |
Power Reduction (OBD) Long Term Failure |
EDC7UC31 |
300C8 |
CAN Message timeout inactive TSC1-VE (Torque/Speed Control Request from VCM/BC to Engine) |
02 04 |
02 04 |
No Signal Signal wrong |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
300C9 |
CAN Message timeout HRVD (from Tachograph — High Resolution Vehicle Distance) |
02 04 |
02 04 |
No Signal Signal wrong |
EDC7UC31 |
300D3 |
ECU recovery — visible |
HWEMonRcyVisible |
12 |
0C |
Recovery occurred |
Red |
EDC7UC31 |
4005F |
Info: Long Term NOx Sensor Failure |
OBDGFClct4 |
3 |
03 |
Long Term Fault present |
Long Term Failure ( (not deletable until after 400 days) |
EDC7UC31 |
4009E |
Info: Torque Limitation due to Engine Protection (against Excessive Torque, Engine Overspeed and Overheat) |
EngPrtTrqLim |
4 |
04 |
Torque Limitation |
EDC7UC31 |
400AF |
Info: DCU Error4 via CAN message DM1DCU |
FrmMngDM1SPN4Iv |
3 |
03 |
Error in DCU active |
Power Reduction (OBD) |
EDC7UC31 |
400C8 |
CAN Message timeout inactive TSC1-VR (Torque/Speed Control Request from VCM/BC to Retarder) |
02 04 |
02 04 |
No Signal Signal wrong |
Yellow |
EDC7UC31 |
5005F |
Info: Long Term SCR System Failure |
OBDGFClct5 |
3 |
03 |
Long Term Fault present |
Long Term Failure ( (not deletable until after 400 days) |
EDC7UC31 |
5009D |
Info: Torque Limitation due to SCR Catalyst Overheat Protection |
SCRPrtTrqLim |
4 |
04 |
Torque Limitation |
EDC7UC31 |
500AF |
Info: DCU Error5 via CAN message DM1DCU |
FrmMngDM1SPN5Iv |
3 |
03 |
Error in DCU active |
Power Reduction (OBD) |
EDC7UC31 |
6009E |
Info: Torque Limitation due to Fuel Quantity Limitation because of Injection System Errors |
QLimTrqLim |
4 |
04 |
Torque Limitation |
40302 |
Short circuit to ground at output stage to Y2 (Valve Splitter; DD: high, OD: low) |
5 |
05 |
Shorted to low source |
Red |
40303 |
Short circuit to ground at output stage to Y3 (Valve Splitter; DD: low, OD: high) |
5 |
05 |
Shorted to low source |
Red |
40304 |
Short circuit to ground at output stage to Y4 (Valve Select) |
5 |
05 |
Shorted to low source |
Red |
40305 |
Short circuit to ground at output stage to Y5 (Valve Select) |
5 |
05 |
Shorted to low source |
Red |
40306 |
Short circuit to ground at output stage to Y6 (Valve Shift) |
5 |
05 |
Shorted to low source |
Red |
40307 |
Short circuit to ground at output stage to Y7 (Valve Shift) |
5 |
05 |
Shorted to low source |
Red |
40308 |
Short circuit to ground at output stage to Y8 (Valve Range) |
5 |
05 |
Shorted to low source |
Red |
40309 |
Short circuit to ground at output stage to Y9 (Valve Range) |
5 |
05 |
Shorted to low source |
Red |
4030A |
Short circuit to ground at output stage to Y10 (Main valve) |
5 |
05 |
Shorted to low source |
Red |
4030B |
Short circuit to positive at output stage to warning buzzer (shift lever) |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
4030C |
Short circuit to ground at output stage to reverse light relay (shift lever) |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
4030D |
Short circuit to ground at output stage to PTO 1 |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
4030E |
Short circuit to ground at output stage to PTO 2 |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
40311 |
Short circuit to ground at output stage to Y1 (inertia brake valve) |
5 |
05 |
Shorted to low source |
Yellow |
40312 |
Short circuit to ground at output stage to small diseng. clutch valve |
5 |
05 |
Shorted to low source |
Yellow |
40313 |
Short circuit to ground at output stage to small eng. clutch valve |
5 |
05 |
Shorted to low source |
Yellow |
40314 |
Short circuit to ground at output stage to large diseng. clutch valve |
5 |
05 |
Shorted to low source |
Yellow |
40315 |
Short circuit to ground at output stage to large eng. clutch valve |
5 |
05 |
Shorted to low source |
Yellow |
40316 |
Short circuit to ground at output ADVP (wakeup control signal for shift lever, voltage supply to display, warning buzzer, output speed sensor 1) |
5 |
05 |
Shorted to low source |
Red |
40319 |
Short circuit to ground at output SD to display |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
4031A |
CAN engine configuration timeout |
4 |
04 |
No signal |
Yellow |
4031B |
Error on ”engine configuration message” (engine configuration) |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
4031C |
Error on ”Actual driveline retarder — percent torque” signal (ERC1_DR) |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
4031D |
Error on ”Engine coolant load increase” signal (ERC1_DR) |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
4031E |
Error on ”Driveline retarder configuration message” (Driveline retarder configuration) |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
4031F |
Error on ”Actual engine retarder — percent torque” signal (ERC1_ER) |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
40320 |
Error on ”Engine retarder configuration message” (Engine retarder configuration) |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
40321 |
CAN ”Engine retarder configuration” timeout |
4 |
04 |
No signal |
Yellow |
40322 |
Interruption at output stage to Y2 (Valve Splitter) |
10 |
0A |
Disconnection |
Red |
40323 |
Interruption at output stage to Y3 (Valve Splitter) |
10 |
0A |
Disconnection |
Red |
40324 |
Interruption at output stage to Y4 (Valve Select) |
10 |
0A |
Disconnection |
Red |
40325 |
Interruption at output stage to Y5 (Valve Select) |
10 |
0A |
Disconnection |
Red |
40326 |
Interruption at output stage to Y6 (Valve Shift) |
10 |
0A |
Disconnection |
Red |
403 27 |
Interruption at output stage to Y7 (Valve Shift) |
10 |
0A |
Disconnection |
Red |
40328 |
Interruption at output stage to Y8(Valve Range) |
10 |
0A |
Disconnection |
Red |
40329 |
Interruption at output stage to Y9 (Valve Range) |
10 |
0A |
Disconnection |
Red |
4032A |
Interruption at output stage to Y10 (Main valve) |
10 |
0A |
Disconnection |
Red |
4032B |
Interruption at output to warning buzzer |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
4032C |
Interruption at output stage to reverse light relay |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
4032D |
Interruption at output stage to PTO 1 |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
4032E |
Interruption at output stage to PTO 2 |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
40331 |
Interruption at output stage to Y1 (inertia brake valve) |
10 |
0A |
Disconnection |
Yellow |
40332 |
Interruption at output stage to small disengagement clutch valve |
10 |
0A |
Disconnection |
Yellow |
40333 |
Interruption at output stage to small engagement clutch valve |
10 |
0A |
Disconnection |
Yellow |
40334 |
Interruption at output stage to large disengagement clutch valve |
10 |
0A |
Disconnection |
Yellow |
40335 |
Interruption at output stage to large engagement clutch valve |
10 |
0A |
Disconnection |
Yellow |
40336 |
Interruption at output ADVP |
10 |
0A |
Disconnection |
Red |
4033B |
Acknowledge fault of PTO 1 |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
4033C |
Acknowledge fault of PTO 2 |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
4033D |
Disengagement fault of PTO 1 |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Red |
4033E |
Disengagement fault of PTO 2 |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Red |
4033F |
Engagement fault of PTO1 |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
40340 |
Engagement fault of PTO2 |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
40342 |
Short circuit to positive at output stage to Y2 (Valve Splitter) |
6 |
06 |
Shorted to high source |
Red |
40343 |
Short circuit to positive at output stage to Y3 (Valve Splitter) |
6 |
06 |
Shorted to high source |
Red |
40344 |
Short circuit to positive at output stage to Y4 (Valve Select) |
6 |
06 |
Shorted to high source |
Red |
40345 |
Short circuit to positive at output stage to Y5 (Valve Select) |
6 |
06 |
Shorted to high source |
Red |
40346 |
Short circuit to positive at output stage to Y6 (Valve Shift) |
6 |
06 |
Shorted to high source |
Red |
40347 |
Short circuit to positive at output stage to Y7 (Valve Shift) |
6 |
06 |
Shorted to high source |
Red |
40348 |
Short circuit to positive at output stage to Y8 (Valve range low) |
6 |
06 |
Shorted to high source |
Red |
40349 |
Short circuit to positive at output stage to Y9 (Valve range high) |
6 |
06 |
Shorted to high source |
Red |
4034A |
Short circuit to positive at output stage to Y10 (Main valve) |
6 |
06 |
Shorted to high source |
Yellow |
4034B |
Short circuit to ground at output stage to warning buzzer (shift-lever) |
6 |
06 |
Shorted to high source |
Yellow |
4034C |
Short circuit to positive at output stage to reverse light relay |
6 |
06 |
Shorted to high source |
Yellow |
4034D |
Short circuit to positive at output stage to PTO 1 |
6 |
06 |
Shorted to high source |
Yellow |
4034E |
Short circuit to positive at output stage to PTO 2 |
6 |
06 |
Shorted to high source |
Yellow |
40351 |
Short circuit to positive at output stage to Y1 (inertia brake valve) |
6 |
06 |
Shorted to high source |
Yellow |
40352 |
Short circuit to positive at output stage to small diseng. clutch valve |
6 |
06 |
Shorted to high source |
Red |
ECU Name |
SPN [Hex] |
Fault Component |
Description |
FMI Description |
Lamp status |
Comment |
40353 |
Short circuit to positive at output stage to small eng. clutch valve |
6 |
06 |
Shorted to high source |
Red |
40354 |
Short circuit to positive at output stage to large diseng. clutch valve |
6 |
06 |
Shorted to high source |
Red |
40355 |
Short circuit to positive at output stage to large eng. clutch valve |
6 |
06 |
Shorted to high source |
Red |
40356 |
Short circuit to positive at output ADVP (wakeup control signal for shift-lever, voltage supply to display, warning buzzer, output speed sensor 1) |
6 |
06 |
Shorted to high source |
Yellow |
40359 |
Short circuit to positive at output SD to display |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
4035A |
Communication error between controller 1 and controller 2 (ECU failure) |
9 |
09 |
Device error |
Red |
4035B |
CAN EBC1 timeout |
4 |
04 |
No signal |
Yellow |
4035C |
Error on ”ABS active” signal (EBC1) |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
4035D |
Error on ”ASR engine control active” signal (EBC1) |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
4035E |
Error on ”ASR brake control active” signal (EBC1) |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
4035F |
Error on ”Cruise control active” signal (CCVS) |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
40360 |
Error on ”Cruise control set speed” (CCVS) |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
40361 |
Error on ”Engine speed” signal (EEC1) |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
40362 |
Error on transmission input speed signal |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
40363 |
Error on output speed signal 1 |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
40364 |
Error on output speed signal 2 |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
40365 |
Error on both output speed signals |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Red |
40366 |
Plausibility error between transmission input |
3 |
03 |
Not plausible |
Yellow |
40367 |
CAN CCVS error on wheel based vehicle |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
40368 |
High voltage (Vehicle electrical system voltage too high) |
1 |
01 |
Above maximum range |
Yellow |
40369 |
Low voltage (Vehicle electrical system voltage too low) |
2 |
02 |
Below maximum threshold |
Red |
4036B |
Stabilised voltage supply at output AU (clutch sensor supply) out of valid range |
2 |
02 |
Below maximum threshold |
Yellow |
4036C |
Error in selector lever or tip lever |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
4036E |
Lever CAN timeout |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
40371 |
Error on «Driveline retarder configuration timeout» |
4 |
04 |
No signal |
Yellow |
40372 |
Clutch engaged unintentionally in standstill, gear engaged |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
40375 |
Error in clutch self-adjustment process |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
40376 |
Clutch does not disengage |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
40377 |
Clutch does not engage / does not transmit engine torque |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
40378 |
Mechanical failure of small disengagement clutch valve |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
40379 |
Mechanical failure of large disengagement clutch valve |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
4037A |
Mechanical failure of small engagement clutch valve |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
4037B |
Mechanical failure of large engagement clutch valve |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
4037C |
Error on clutch travel signal |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
4037E |
Error on pressure sensor signal |
3 |
03 |
Not plausible |
Yellow |
4037F |
Error on ECU temperature sensor signal |
3 |
03 |
Not plausible |
Yellow |
40380 |
Error on oil temperature sensor signal |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
40381 |
No shift sensor signal (Short circuit to positive) |
6 |
06 |
Shorted to high source |
Yellow |
40382 |
No shift sensor signal (Short circuit to ground) |
5 |
05 |
Shorted to low source |
Yellow |
40383 |
No shift sensor signal (Interruption) |
10 |
0A |
Disconnection |
Yellow |
40384 |
Self adjustment error of shift sensor |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
40385 |
No gate select sensor signal (Short circuit to positive) |
6 |
06 |
Shorted to high source |
Yellow |
40386 |
No gate select sensor signal (Short circuit to ground) |
5 |
05 |
Shorted to low source |
Yellow |
40387 |
No gate select sensor signal (Interruption) |
10 |
0A |
Disconnection |
Yellow |
40388 |
Gate select sensor self adjustment error |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
40389 |
No range change group (GP) sensor signal (Short circuit to positive) |
6 |
06 |
Shorted to high source |
Yellow |
4038A |
No range change group (GP) sensor signal (Short circuit to ground) |
5 |
05 |
Shorted to low source |
Yellow |
4038B |
No range change group (GP) sensor signal (Interruption) |
10 |
0A |
Disconnection |
Yellow |
4038C |
Self adjustment error of range change group sensor in position fast |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
4038D |
No splitter group (GV) sensor signal (Short circuit to positive) |
6 |
06 |
Shorted to high source |
Yellow |
4038E |
No splitter group (GV) sensor signal (Short circuit to ground) |
5 |
05 |
Shorted to low source |
Yellow |
4038F |
No splitter group (GV) sensor signal (Interruption) |
10 |
0A |
Disconnection |
Yellow |
40390 |
Splitter group (GV) sensor self adjustment error |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
40391 |
Range change group (GP) disengagement error |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
40392 |
Changeover error during range change group (GP) shifting |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
40393 |
Range change group (GP) does not engage |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
40394 |
Splitter (GV) does not disengage |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
40395 |
Change over error during splitter shifting |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
40396 |
Splitter (GV) does not engage |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
40397 |
Selector cylinder does not disengage |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
40398 |
Change over error during gate selection procedure |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
40399 |
Selector cylinder does not engage |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
4039A |
Main transmission gear does not disengage |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
4039B |
Main transmission gear does not engage |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
4039C |
Wrong gear shifting |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
4039E |
Shift sensor signal leaves engaged position during driving |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
4039F |
Range-change group sensor signal leaves engaged position during driving |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
403A0 |
Splitter sensor signal leaves engaged position during driving |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
403A3 |
Engine does not react on torque intervention |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
403A4 |
Error on ”Drivers demand engine percent torque” (EEC1) |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
403A5 |
Error on ”Accelerator pedal position” (EEC2) |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
403A6 |
Permanent idle signal |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
403A8 |
No idle signal or error on ”idle signal switch” signal (EEC2) or never active «idle signal» |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
403A9 |
Cut-off relay in ECU does not switch off |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
403AA |
No voltage supply at pin 30 or cut-off relay in ECU does not switch on |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
403AB |
Error on ”Actual engine percent torque” signal (EEC1) |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
403AE |
Error on ”Kickdown switch” signal (EEC2) |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
403AF |
Error on ”Ignition lock” signal (terminal 15) |
4 |
04 |
No signal |
Yellow |
403B1 |
System-CAN Busoff error |
4 |
04 |
No signal |
Red |
403B2 |
CAN Errorwarning |
4 |
04 |
No signal |
Red |
403B3 |
CAN queue overrun |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
403B4 |
CAN EEC1 timeout |
4 |
04 |
No signal |
Red |
403B5 |
CAN EEC2 timeout |
4 |
04 |
No signal |
Red |
403B6 |
CAN CCVS timeout |
4 |
04 |
No signal |
Yellow |
403B7 |
CAN ERC1_ER timeout |
4 |
04 |
No signal |
Yellow |
403B8 |
CAN ERC1_DR timeout |
4 |
04 |
No signal |
Yellow |
403BC |
ECU fault — wrong interrupt |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
403BD |
ECU fault — stack watch |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
403BE |
EOL EEPROM parameter out of valid range |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
403BF |
EOL EEPROM parameter checksum error |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
403C0 |
ECU fault — EEPROM access failure |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
403C1 |
ECU temperature too high |
1 |
01 |
Above maximum range |
Red |
403C2 |
Both sources for front axle speed not available |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Yellow |
403C5 |
Error on «Front axle speed» (WSI) |
8 |
08 |
Invalid signal |
Yellow |
403C7 |
CAN WSI timeout |
4 |
04 |
No signal |
Yellow |
403E2 |
IVECO:CAN message BC_TC timeout |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
403E3 |
Application-Error database for CANcommunication |
0 |
00 |
No fault sympton available for this DTC |
Red |
IC M06 |
41701 |
EEPROM checksum |
Physical memory fault.Checksum failure is detected |
12 |
0C |
Yellow |
IC M06 |
41702 |
Ignition Key (15) fault |
Signal not plausible with Ignition Key (15) over CAN |
11 |
0B |
Yellow |
IC M06 |
41703 |
Ignition Key (15) over CAN fault |
Signal not plausible with Ignition Key (15) |
12 |
0C |
Yellow |
IC M06 |
41704 |
Stepper Motor |
Defect, access not possible.Stepper motor failure is present. |
12 |
0C |
Yellow |
IC M06 |
41705 |
Fuel Level Sensor |
Fuel Level interface failure detected. Debounce time (for fault active andinactive conditions) is 4s. The input voltage is evaluated for in-range checking: |
3 |
03 |
Voltage above normal (s.c. to battery or open circuit) |
Yellow |
IC M06 |
41706 |
Reserved for: Oil Level Sensor |
Yellow |
IC M06 |
41707 |
Ambient Temperature Sensor |
Ambient Temperature interface failure detected.Debounce time (for fault active and inactive conditions) is 4s.The input voltage is evaluated for inrange checking: |
03 04 |
03 04 |
Voltage above normal (s.c. to battery or open circuit) Voltage below normal (s.c. to ground) |
Yellow |
ECU Name |
SPN [Hex] |
Fault Component |
Description |
FMI Description |
Lamp status |
Comment |
IC M06 |
41708 |
Reserved for: OBD II Indicator Lamp (IL25) |
A fault of the Indicator Lamp or on its driving circuitry is detected… |
Yellow |
IC M06 |
41709 |
12 |
0C |
Yellow |
IC M06 |
4170A |
12 |
0C |
Yellow |
IC M06 |
4170B |
Reserved for: CAN 2 Bus |
No CAN messages on CAN 2 or bus-off detection |
2 |
02 |
Red |
IC M06 |
4170C |
Vehicle Data Bus CAN |
No CAN messages on Vehicle Data Bus or bus-off detection |
2 |
02 |
Red |
IC M06 |
4170D |
Vehicle Data Bus — ECU#1 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#1 — IBC |
2 |
02 |
Red |
IC M06 |
4170E |
Vehicle Data Bus — ECU#2 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#2 — EDC or VCM |
2 |
02 |
Red |
IC M06 |
4170F |
Vehicle Data Bus — ECU#3 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#3 — TCO |
2 |
02 |
Red |
IC M06 |
41710 |
Vehicle Data Bus — ECU#4 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#4 — ETC |
2 |
02 |
Red |
IC M06 |
41711 |
Vehicle Data Bus — ECU#5 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#5 — EBC |
2 |
02 |
ABS Yellow tell tale |
IC M06 |
41712 |
Vehicle Data Bus — ECU#6 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#6 — ECAS |
2 |
02 |
Yellow |
IC M06 |
41713 |
Vehicle Data Bus — ECU#7 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#7 — Driveline Retarder |
2 |
02 |
Yellow |
IC M06 |
41714 |
Vehicle Data Bus — ECU#8 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#8 — Mirror Controller |
2 |
02 |
Yellow |
IC M06 |
41715 |
Vehicle Data Bus — ECU#9 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#9 — Expansion Module |
2 |
02 |
Yellow |
IC M06 |
41716 |
Vehicle Data Bus — ECU#10 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#10 — Steering Wheel Interface |
2 |
02 |
Yellow |
IC M06 |
41717 |
Vehicle Data Bus — ECU#11 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#11 — IVTM |
2 |
02 |
Yellow |
IC M06 |
41718 |
Vehicle Data Bus — ECU#12 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#12 — ADM |
2 |
02 |
Yellow |
IC M06 |
41719 |
Vehicle Data Bus — ECU#13 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#13 — SCR |
2 |
02 |
Yellow |
IC M06 |
4171A |
Vehicle Data Bus — ECU#14 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#14 — LDWS |
2 12 |
02 0C |
Yellow |
IC SPR1 E4 |
21701 |
EEPROM checksum |
Physical memory fault.Checksum failure is detected |
IC SPR1 E4 |
21704 |
Stepper Motor |
Defect, access not possible.Stepper motor failure is present. |
12 |
0C |
IC SPR1 E4 |
21705 |
Fuel Level Sensor |
Fuel Level interface failure detected. Debounce time (for fault active andinactive conditions) is 4s. The input voltage is evaluated for in-range checking: |
3 |
03 |
Voltage above normal (s.c. to battery or open circuit) |
IC SPR1 E4 |
21706 |
Oil Level Sensor |
Oil level interface failure detected. The input voltage and the voltage difference between the first and the second acquisition are evaluated for inrange checking |
00 01 03 04 15 |
00 01 03 04 0F |
Delta voltage below normal Delta voltage above normal Voltage above normal (s.c. to battery or open circuit) Voltage below normal (s.c. to ground) Time/Date from TCO not available |
16 17 18 19 20 |
10 11 12 13 14 |
Engine Starter Mode from EDC not available Engine Oil Temperature from EDC not available Date could not be stored in EEPROM Time could not be stored in EEPROM Oil Level could not be stored in EEPROM |
IC SPR1 E4 |
21707 |
Ambient Temperature Sensor |
Ambient Temperature interface failure detected.Debounce time (for fault active and inactive conditions) is 4s.The input voltage is evaluated for inrange checking: |
03 04 |
03 04 |
Voltage above normal (s.c. to battery or open circuit) Voltage below normal (s.c. to ground) |
IC SPR1 E4 |
2170C |
Vehicle Data Bus CAN |
No CAN messages on Vehicle Data Bus or bus-off detection |
2 |
02 |
IC SPR1 E4 |
2170D |
Vehicle Data Bus — ECU#1 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#1 — IBC |
2 |
02 |
IC SPR1 E4 |
2170E |
Vehicle Data Bus — ECU#2 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#2 — EDC |
2 |
02 |
IC SPR1 E4 |
2170F |
Vehicle Data Bus — ECU#3 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#3 — TCO |
2 |
02 |
IC SPR1 E4 |
21710 |
Vehicle Data Bus — ECU#4 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#4 — ETC |
2 |
02 |
IC SPR1 E4 |
21711 |
Vehicle Data Bus — ECU#5 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#5 — EBC |
2 |
02 |
IC SPR1 E4 |
21712 |
Vehicle Data Bus — ECU#6 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#6 — ECAS |
2 |
02 |
IC SPR1 E4 |
21713 |
Vehicle Data Bus — ECU#7 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#7 — Driveline Retarder |
2 |
02 |
IC SPR1 E4 |
21714 |
Vehicle Data Bus — ECU#8 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#8 — Mirror Controller |
2 |
02 |
IC SPR1 E4 |
21715 |
Vehicle Data Bus — ECU#9 CAN |
No CAN messages from ECU#8 — Expansion Module |
2 |
02 |
40018 |
Sensore temperatura olio /pressione olio |
Segnale di temperatura |
01 02 |
01 02 |
C.a. o c.c. a Vbatt C.c. a Gnd |
Yellow |
40021 |
Sensore temperatura olio /pressione olio |
Segnale Pressione |
01 02 08 |
01 02 08 |
C.a. o c.c. a Vbatt C.c. a Gnd Avaria alimentazione sensore |
Yellow |
40017 |
Sensore temperatura/pressione gas rail valle riduttore (bassa pressione) |
Segnale di temperatura |
01 02 |
01 02 |
C.a. o c.c. a Vbatt C.c. a Gnd |
Yellow |
40025 |
Sensore temperatura/pressione gas rail valle riduttore (bassa pressione) |
Segnale Pressione |
01 02 08 |
01 02 08 |
C.a. o c.c. a Vbatt C.c. a Gnd Avaria alimentazione sensore |
Yellow |
40011 |
Sensore temperatura/pressione aria collettore |
Segnale di temperatura |
01 02 |
01 02 |
C.a. o c.c. a Vbatt C.c. a Gnd |
Yellow |
40026 |
Sensore temperatura/pressione gas rail |
Pressione troppo bassa |
2 |
02 |
Segnale sotto soglia min. |
Red |
40024 |
Sensore temperatura/pressione aria collettore |
Segnale di pressione |
01 02 08 |
01 02 08 |
C.a. o c.c. a Vbatt C.c. a Gnd Avaria alimentazione sensore |
Yellow |
40016 |
Sensore temperatura acqua |
01 |
01 |
C.a. o c.c. a Vbatt |
Yellow |
02 |
02 |
C.c. a Gnd |
40027 |
Sensore pressione GAS bombola monte riduttore (alta pressione) |
01 02 08 |
01 02 08 |
C.a. o c.c. a Vbatt C.c. a Gnd Avaria alimentazione sensore |
Yellow |
40012 |
Sensore temperatura scarico (postcatalizzatore) |
01 02 |
01 02 |
C.a. o c.c. a Vbatt C.c. a Gnd |
Yellow |
40083 |
Sensore Lambda pre-catalizzatore |
02 04 08 |
02 04 08 |
Sband. Magro Sband. Ricco Errore generico (5) |
Yellow |
40013 |
Temperatura catalizzatore (preallarme) |
3 |
03 |
Temperatura oltre soglia di preallarme |
Yellow |
40014 |
Temperatura catalizzatore (allarme) |
3 |
03 |
Temperatura oltre soglia di allarme |
Red |
40015 |
Temperatura catalizzatore (allarme memorizzato) |
8 |
08 |
Temperatura oltre soglia di allarme (1) |
Yellow |
40022 |
Sensore pressione valle compressore (sovralimentazione) |
01 02 08 |
01 02 08 |
C.a. o c.c. a Vbatt C.c. a Gnd Avaria alimentazione sensore |
Yellow |
40046 |
Tensione di batteria |
01 02 |
01 02 |
Segnale sopra soglia massima Segnale sotto soglia massima |
Yellow |
40055 |
Sensore di camma |
01 02 |
01 02 |
C.a. o c.c. a Vbatt C.c. a Gnd |
Yellow |
40056 |
Sensore di giri motore |
01 02 |
01 02 |
C.a. o c.c. a Vbatt C.c. a Gnd |
Red |
40023 |
Pressione atmosferica (interno alla ECU) |
01 02 |
01 02 |
C.a. o c.c. a Vbatt C.c. a Gnd |
Yellow |
40044 |
Relè carichi (comando in c.c. a Vbatt) |
1 |
01 |
Comando c.c. a Vbatt |
Red |
40043 |
Relè carichi (comando in c.a.) |
4 |
04 |
Comando in c.a. |
Red |
40045 |
Relè carichi (contatto incollato aperto oppure comando in c.a.) |
8 |
08 |
Relè incollato aperto oppure comando in c.a. |
Red |
40041 |
Relè carichi (contatto incollato chiuso) |
1 |
01 |
Relè incollato chiuso |
Yellow |
40042 |
Relè carichi (comando in c.c. a Gnd) |
2 |
02 |
Comando c.c. a Gnd |
Yellow |
40071 |
Iniettore 1 |
01 02 03 04 05 06 |
01 02 03 04 05 06 |
C.c. lato caldo a Vbatt C.c lato caldo a Gnd C.c tra lato caldo e lato freddo Circuito aperto C.c lato freddo a Vbatt C.c lato freddo a Gnd |
Yellow |
40072 |
Iniettore 2 |
01 02 03 04 05 06 |
01 02 03 04 05 06 |
C.c. lato caldo a Vbatt C.c lato caldo a Gnd C.c tra lato caldo e lato freddo Circuito aperto C.c lato freddo a Vbatt C.c lato freddo a Gnd |
Yellow |
40073 |
Iniettore 3 |
01 02 03 04 05 06 |
01 02 03 04 05 06 |
C.c. lato caldo a Vbatt C.c lato caldo a Gnd C.c tra lato caldo e lato freddo Circuito aperto C.c lato freddo a Vbatt C.c lato freddo a Gnd |
Yellow |
40074 |
Iniettore 4 |
01 02 03 04 05 06 |
01 02 03 04 05 06 |
C.c. lato caldo a Vbatt C.c lato caldo a Gnd C.c tra lato caldo e lato freddo Circuito aperto C.c lato freddo a Vbatt C.c lato freddo a Gnd |
Yellow |
40075 |
Iniettore 5 |
1 |
01 |
C.c. lato caldo a Vbatt |
Yellow |
40075 |
Iniettore 5 |
01 02 03 04 05 |
01 02 03 04 05 |
C.c. lato caldo a Vbatt C.c lato caldo a Gnd C.c tra lato caldo e lato freddo Circuito aperto C.c lato freddo a Vbatt |
Yellow |
06 |
06 |
C.c lato freddo a Gnd |
40076 |
Iniettore 6 |
01 02 03 04 05 06 |
01 02 03 04 05 06 |
C.c. lato caldo a Vbatt C.c lato caldo a Gnd C.c tra lato caldo e lato freddo Circuito aperto C.c lato freddo a Vbatt C.c lato freddo a Gnd |
Yellow |
40032 |
Elettrovalvola CNG su riduttore pressione (comando in c.c. a Vbatt o comando in c.a.) |
01 04 |
01 04 |
C.a. o c.c. a Vbatt Circuito aperto |
Red |
40031 |
Elettrovalvola CNG su riduttore pressione (comando in c.c. a Gnd) |
2 |
02 |
C.c. a Gnd |
Yellow |
40036 |
Elettrovalvola CNG su bombole (comando in c.c. a Vbatt o comando in c.a.) |
01 04 |
01 04 |
C.a. o c.c. a Vbatt Circuito aperto |
Red |
40034 |
Elettrovalvola CNG su bombole (comando in c.c. Gnd) |
2 |
02 |
C.c. a Gnd |
Yellow |
40082 |
Riscaldatore sonda Lambda |
01 02 04 |
01 02 04 |
C.c. a Vbatt C.c. a Gnd Circ. aperto |
Yellow |
40061 |
Bobina di accensione 1 |
01 02 03 08 |
01 02 03 08 |
C.c. a Vbatt Circ.aperto oppure C.c. a Gnd Surriscaldamento Errore Generico |
Yellow |
40062 |
Bobina di accensione 2 |
01 |
01 |
C.c. a Vbatt |
Yellow |
02 03 08 |
02 03 08 |
Circ.aperto oppure C.c. a Gnd Surriscaldamento Errore Generico |
40063 |
Bobina di accensione 3 |
01 02 03 08 |
01 02 03 08 |
C.c. a Vbatt Circ.aperto oppure C.c. a Gnd Surriscaldamento Errore Generico |
Yellow |
ECU Name |
SPN [Hex] |
Fault Component |
Description |
FMI Description |
Lamp status |
Comment |
40064 |
Bobina di accensione 4 |
01 02 03 08 |
01 02 03 08 |
C.c. a Vbatt Circ.aperto oppure C.c. a Gnd Surriscaldamento Errore Generico |
Yellow |
40065 |
Bobina di accensione 5 |
8 |
08 |
Errore Generico |
Yellow |
40066 |
Bobina di accensione 6 |
8 |
08 |
Errore Generico |
Yellow |
40088 |
Attuatore WASTEGATE |
01 02 04 |
01 02 04 |
C.c. a Vbatt C.c. a Gnd Circ. aperto |
Yellow |
40099 |
Linea CAN |
04 08 |
04 08 |
Segnale assente Bus Off |
Yellow |
40037 |
Potenziometro 1 Posizione Farfalla Motorizzata |
01 02 08 |
01 02 08 |
C.c. a Vbatt C.a. o c.c. a Gnd Avaria alimentazione sensore |
Yellow |
40038 |
Potenziometro 2 Posizione Farfalla Motorizzata |
01 02 08 |
01 02 08 |
C.c. a Vbatt C.a. o c.c. a Gnd Avaria alimentazione sensore |
Yellow |
40039 |
Coerenza Potenziometri Posizione Farfalla Motorizzata |
8 |
08 |
Errore Generico |
Yellow |
40085 |
Fault Contemporaneo Potenziometri Farfalla Motorizzata |
8 |
08 |
Errore Generico |
Red |
40028 |
Driver Farfalla Motorizzata |
01 02 03 04 05 06 08 |
01 02 03 04 05 06 08 |
C.c. a Vbatt C.c. a Gnd Surriscaldamento Circ. aperto Surriscaldamento (prewarning) Tensione Alimentazione Insufficiente Surriscaldamento (warning) |
Red |
40067 |
Farfalla Motorizzata — Allarme |
8 |
08 |
Farfalla bloccata |
Red |
40068 |
Farfalla Motorizzata — Warning |
1 |
01 |
Mancato ritorno in Limp Home |
Yellow |
40068 |
Farfalla Motorizzata — Warning |
8 |
08 |
Errore apprendimento minimo |
Yellow |
40069 |
Farfalla Motorizzata — PreWarning |
1 |
01 |
Mancato ritorno in Limp Home |
Yellow |
40069 |
Farfalla Motorizzata — PreWarning |
8 |
08 |
Errore apprendimento minimo |
Yellow |
40078 |
Condotto Aspirazione Aria |
01 02 |
01 02 |
Aria superiore alla stima Aria inferiore alla stima |
Yellow |
40079 |
Funzionalità ECU |
01 02 04 08 |
01 02 04 08 |
Errore di tipo M Errore di tipo C Errore di tipo S Errore generico |
Red |
40053 |
Riconoscimento Saturazione Autoadattatività |
01 02 |
01 02 |
Saturazione verso l’alto Saturazione verso il basso |
Yellow |
40049 |
Saturazione Persistente Autoadattatività |
8 |
08 |
Errore Generico |
Yellow |
40081 |
Riscaldatore sonda Lambda Postcatalizzatore |
01 02 |
01 02 |
C.c. a Vbatt C.c. a Gnd |
Yellow |
04 |
04 |
Circ. aperto |
40095 |
Catalizzatore |
8 |
08 |
Errore Generico |
Yellow |
40093 |
Sonda Lambda monte catalizzatore |
8 |
08 |
Errore Generico |
Yellow |
40094 |
Congruenza Lambda montevalle |
8 |
08 |
Errore Generico |
Yellow |
40096 |
Ripartizione Fuel System |
8 |
08 |
Errore ripartizione |
Yellow |
40097 |
Fuel System magro |
01 02 04 |
01 02 04 |
Guadagno iniett. Offset iniett. Saturazione |
Yellow |
40098 |
Fuel System ricco |
01 02 04 |
01 02 04 |
Guadagno iniett. Offset iniett. Saturazione |
Yellow |
40077 |
Comando Relè Elettroventola |
01 |
01 |
C.c. a Vbatt |
Yellow |
04 |
04 |
Circ. aperto |
40077 |
Comando Relè Elettroventola |
2 |
02 |
C.c. a Gnd |
Yellow |
42701 |
CC set plus (Digital Input 5) |
02 03 |
02 03 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect (application (Eltrac) 03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
42702 |
CC set minus (Digital Input 6) |
02 03 |
02 03 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect (application (Eltrac) 03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
42703 |
CC resume (Digital Input 7) |
02 03 |
02 03 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect (application (Eltrac) 03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
42704 |
CC off (Digital Input |
02 03 |
02 03 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect (application (Eltrac) 03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
42705 |
CC internal / external (Digital Input 11) |
3 |
03 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
42706 |
ACC enable (Digital Input 25) |
03 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
04 |
04: voltage below or normal or shorted low |
42707 |
economy mode (Digital Input 13) |
3 |
03 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
42710 |
PTO2 (Digital Input 22) |
3 |
03 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
42711 |
PTO3 (Digital Input 23) |
3 |
03 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
42714 |
primary brake (Digital Input 1) |
02 04 |
02 04 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect (application Eltrac) 04: voltage below or normal or shorted low (device driver) |
Yellow |
42715 |
secondary brake (Digital Input 2) |
02 04 |
02 04 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect (application (Eltrac) 04: voltage below or normal or shorted low (device driver) |
Yellow |
42716 |
engine brake request (Digital Input 13) |
3 |
03 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
42717 |
engine brake mode 1 (Digital Input 14) |
3 |
03 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
42718 |
engine brake mode 2 (Digital Input 15) |
3 |
03 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
42719 |
parking brake (Digital Input 18) |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect (application (Eltrac) |
Yellow |
03 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
42720 |
Fan control pressure switch 18 bar (Digital Input 27) |
03 04 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high 04: voltage below or normal or shorted low |
Yellow |
42721 |
Fan control pressure switch 22 bar (Digital Input 28) |
03 04 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high 04: voltage below or normal or shorted low |
Yellow |
42722 |
BB Neutral (High Side Output 1) |
03 04 05 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high 04: voltage below or normal or shorted low 05: current below normal or open circuit |
Yellow |
42723 |
Output Single H Gear 1 / ACC Lamp (High Side Output 2) |
03 04 05 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high 04: voltage below or normal or shorted low 05: current below normal or open circuit |
Yellow |
42726 |
BB Parking Brake (High Side Output 3) |
03 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
04 05 |
04: voltage below or normal or shorted low 05: current below normal or open circuit |
42727 |
Output Single H Gear 2 / ACC Buzzer (High Side Output 4) |
03 04 05 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high 04: voltage below or normal or shorted low 05: current below normal or open circuit |
Yellow |
42728 |
BB Service Brake (High Side Output 5) |
03 04 05 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high 04: voltage below or normal or shorted low 05: current below normal or open circuit |
Yellow |
42729 |
BB Programmable Threshold Speed (High Side Output 6) |
03 04 05 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high 04: voltage below or normal or shorted low 05: current below normal or open circuit |
Yellow |
42731 |
Gear high / low request (Digital Input 12) |
02 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect (application (Eltrac) |
Yellow |
03 |
03 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
42732 |
clutch switch (Digital Input 9) |
02 03 |
02 03 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect (application (Eltrac) 03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
42733 |
neutral switch (Digital Input 16) |
3 |
03 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
42734 |
D — automatic / manual (Digital Input 29) |
02 03 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect (application (Eltrac) 03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
42735 |
R — reverse (Digital Input 30) |
02 03 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect (application (Eltrac) 03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
42736 |
N — neutral shifting (Digital Input 31) |
02 03 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect (application (Eltrac) 03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
42737 |
gear up shift request (Digital Input 32) |
02 03 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect (application (Eltrac) 03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
42738 |
gear down shift request (Digital Input 33) |
02 03 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect (application (Eltrac) 03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
42739 |
Dm special manoeuvring (Digital Input 34) |
02 03 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect (application (Eltrac) 03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
42741 |
Frequency Input |
03 04 0A |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high 04: voltage below or normal or shorted low 0A: abnormal rate of change |
Yellow |
42746 |
cabin tilted (Digital Input 17) |
3 |
03 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
42747 |
engine remote start (Digital Input 19) |
02 03 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect (application (Eltrac) 03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
42748 |
engine remote stop (Digital Input 20) |
02 03 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect (application (Eltrac) 03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
42749 |
crank request (Digital Input 4) |
02 04 |
02 04 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect (application (Eltrac) 04: voltage below or normal or shorted low (device driver) |
Yellow |
42750 |
Immobilizer LED (Low Side Output 3) |
03 04 05 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high 04: voltage below or normal or shorted low 05: current below normal or open circuit |
Yellow |
42759 |
EP1 (development) |
01 02 03 04 05 |
01: data valid but below normal operation range 02: data erratic, intermittent or incorrect 03: voltage below normal or shorted high 04: voltage below normal or shorted low 05: voltage below normal or open circuit |
Yellow |
42760 |
Accelerator pedal correlation |
Pedal correlation first threshold Pedal correlation second threshold |
0D 0E |
0D: out of calibration 0E: special instruction |
Yellow |
42764 |
TSC1 Handling |
Most severe level: positive engine brake torque control Most severe level: negative torque control detection Speed request over plausible windows Incoherent requests of fuelling and negative torque Moderately severe level: negative torque limit request |
00 01 0B 0C 12 |
00: data valid but above normal operation range 01: data valid but below normal operation range 0B: Root cause not known 0C: bad intelligent device or component 12: Data valid but below normal operational range |
Yellow |
42765 |
Powertrain and Brake request Evaluation |
Active at least one error relative to TSC1_TE (44 ; 50 ; 38 ; 32 ; 20 ; 26 ; 14 ; 8 ; 2) |
0B |
0B: Root cause not known |
Yellow |
42766 |
Powertrain and Brake request Evaluation |
Active at least one error relative to TSC1_AE (43 ; 49 ; 37 ; 31 ; 19 ; 25 ; 13 ; 7 ; 1) |
0B |
0B: Root cause not known |
Yellow |
42767 |
Powertrain and Brake request Evaluation |
Active at least one error relative to TSC1_DE (45 ; 51 ; 39 ; 33 ; 21 ; 27 ; 15 ; 9 ; 3) |
0B |
0B: Root cause not known |
Yellow |
42768 |
Powertrain and Brake request Evaluation |
Active at least one error relative to TSC1_PE (ICB) (47 ; 53 ; 41 ; 35 ; 23 ; 29 ; 17 ; 11 ; 5) |
0B |
0B: Root cause not known |
Yellow |
42769 |
Powertrain and Brake request Evaluation |
Active at least one error relative to TSC1_PE (VDB) (48 ; 54 ; 42 ; 36 ; 24 ; 30 ; 18 ; 12 ; 6) |
0B |
0B: Root cause not known |
Yellow |
42770 |
NORD Error |
wrong ratio between Vehicle speed and output shaft speed or bad EOL parameter |
0D |
0D: out of calibration |
Yellow |
42771 |
NORD Error |
bad value inside the limitation MAPS or interpolation error |
12 |
12: Data valid but below normal operational range |
Yellow |
42772 |
NORD Error |
wrong EOL parameters division by zero due to vehicle speed equal to 0Km/h |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect |
Yellow |
42773 |
NORD Error |
Software initializing a bad value on output. |
0B |
0B: Root cause not known |
Yellow |
ECU Name |
SPN [Hex] |
Fault Component |
Description |
FMI Description |
Lamp status |
Comment |
42774 |
VIM — Vehicle information module |
— filtered MTCO vehicle speed greater than Brake speed of a certain EOL km/h threshold — filtered MTCO vehicle speed lower than Brake speed of a certain EOL km/h threshold — Totally missing vehicle speed — Missing TCO1 official information, but a recovery speed is available — MTCO vehicle speed greater than EOL thr Km/h |
00 01 02 0B 12 |
00: data valid but above normal operation range 01: data valid but below normal operation range 02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect 0B: Root cause not known 12: Data valid but below normal operational range |
Yellow |
42775 |
VIM — Vehicle information module |
— Engine speed totally missing — Engine speed missing but replaced |
02 0B |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect 0B: Root cause not known |
Yellow |
— Engine speed over range |
13 |
13: received network data in error |
42776 |
VIM — Vehicle information module |
— Engine temperature totally missing — Engine temperature missing but replaced — Engine temperature over range |
02 0B 13 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect 0B: Root cause not known 13: received network data in error |
Yellow |
42777 |
(A)CC Output interface |
00 01 11 |
00: data valid but above normal operation range 01: data valid but below normal operation range — most severe level 11: Data valid but below normal operating range — least severe level |
Yellow |
42778 |
EM interface |
01 02 0C |
01: data valid but below normal operation range — most severe level 02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect |
Yellow |
10 11 |
0C: Bad intelligent device or component 10: Data valid but above normal operational range 11: Data valid but below normal operating range — least severe level |
42779 |
Low Idle Control Module |
Low idle speed setpoint is not within a valid range |
0B |
0B: failure mode not identifiable |
Yellow |
42780 |
Cruise Control Buttons Interface Module |
0B |
0B: failure mode not identifiable |
Yellow |
42781 |
Cruise Control Buttons Interface Module |
0B 0C |
0B: Root cause not known 0C: Bad intelligent device or component |
Yellow |
42782 |
Power Take Off Module |
0B |
0B: failure mode not identifiable |
42783 |
Cruise Control Vehicle Speede Module |
0B |
0B: failure mode not identifiable |
42784 |
Gear Ratio calculation |
ncoherent value of the ratio of engine speed and tachograph output shaft speed |
0C |
0C: bad intelligent device or component |
Yellow |
42785 |
Torque limit |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect |
42788 |
Driveability |
Incoherent value of accelerator pedal and engine speed for MIN-MAX Incoherent value of engine speed for ALL SPEED |
02 0E |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect 0E: special instructions |
Yellow |
42789 |
Engine Brake Management |
TSC1_TER detection |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect |
42790 |
Intarder Brake Management |
TSC1_ADR detection |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect |
42791 |
Intarder Brake Management |
TSC1_CCDR detection |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect |
42792 |
Powertrain and Brake request Evaluation |
One or more of internal error relative to TSC1_EME are active. |
11 |
0B |
0B: failure mode not identifiable |
42793 |
VIM — Vehicle information module |
Brake light activation error. |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect |
Yellow |
42794 |
Engine Brake Management |
TSC1_TXR detection |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect |
42795 |
Engine Brake Management |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect |
42796 |
Engine Brake Management |
TSC1_EMER detection |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect |
42797 |
EU2LeverInterface |
Gear up request stucked |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect |
— |
Gear up request timeout |
09 |
09: abnormal update rate |
Yellow |
42798 |
EU2LeverInterface |
Gear down request stucked Gear down request timeout |
02 09 |
02: data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect 09: abnormal update rate |
— Yellow |
42799 |
EU2LeverInterface |
Neutral request stucked |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect |
Yellow |
4270A |
adjustable speed limiter (Digital Input 10) |
3 |
03 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
4270B |
secondary speed limiter (Digital Input 3) |
02 04 |
02 04 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect (application (Eltrac) 04: voltage below or normal or shorted low (device driver) |
Yellow |
4270F |
PTO1 (Digital Input 21) |
3 |
03 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
4271A |
engine brake mode (Digital Input 14) |
3 |
03 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
4272A |
BB Clutch Pedal (Low Side Output 2) |
03 04 05 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high 04: voltage below or normal or shorted low 05: current below normal or open circuit |
Yellow |
4273A |
Rm special manoeuvring (Digital Input 35) |
02 03 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect (application (Eltrac) 03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
4273B |
Clutch switch 2 (Digital Input 26) |
02 03 04 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect (application (Eltrac) 03: voltage above normal or shorted high 04: voltage below or normal or shorted low |
Yellow |
4273C |
Low Idle (Digital Input 24) |
Short 5V Short 24V Short low Switch does not switches Switching point outside specification Switching point valid but slight outside specification |
02 03 04 05 08 0D |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect 03: voltage above normal or shorted high 04: voltage below or normal or shorted low 05: current below normal or open circuit 08: abnormal frequency, pulse width or period 0D: out of calibration |
Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow — |
4273D |
accelerator pedal (Analog Input 1) |
Analog value valid but slight too high |
00 |
00: data valid but above normal operation range |
— |
Analog value valid but slight too low Analog value too high Short 24V Short low Short 5V Analog value too low |
01 02 03 04 0D 0E |
01: data valid but below normal operation range 02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect 03: voltage above normal or shorted high 04: voltage below or normal or shorted low 0D: out of calibration 0E: special instructions |
— Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow |
4273E |
Acc. Pedal Power Supply (5 V supply) |
02 04 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect 04: voltage below or normal or shorted low |
Yellow |
4274A |
crank relay (High Side Output 7) |
03 04 05 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high 04: voltage below or normal or shorted low 05: current below normal or open circuit |
Yellow |
4274B |
crank relay (Low Side Output 1) |
External crank relay activation |
03 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow |
04 05 06 |
04: voltage below or normal or shorted low 05: current below normal or open circuit 06: current above normal or grounded circuit |
Yellow Yellow Red |
4275A |
ACC Sensor 1 |
Sensor comunication error Sensor continuosly not available Sensor temperature not available |
0B 0C 0D |
0B: failure mode not identifiable 0C: bad intelligent device or component 0D: out of calibration |
Yellow |
4275B |
ACC distance selector input (Analog Input 2) |
03 04 |
03: voltage above normal or shorted high 04: voltage below or normal or shorted low |
Yellow |
4275C |
ACC dist. Sel. / Pedal sensor 2 supply (5 V supply) |
Supply out of range Supply short high Supply short low |
02 03 04 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect 03: voltage above normal or shorted high 04: voltage below or normal or shorted low |
Yellow |
4275D |
ACC Parameter |
Flash parameter not correct |
0D |
0D: out of calibration |
Yellow |
4275E |
ACC Sensor 2 |
Sensor dirty |
0E |
0E: special instructions |
Yellow |
4275F |
Accelerator pedal sensor 2 (Analog Input 3) |
Analog value valid but slight too high Analog value valid but slight too low Analog value too high Short 24V Short low Short 5V Analog value too low |
00 01 02 03 04 0D 0E |
00: analog value valid but slight too high 01: analog value valid but slight too low 02: analog value too high 03: short 24V 04: short low 0D: short 5V 0E: analog value too low |
— — Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow |
4276A |
Powertrain and Brake request Evaluation |
Active at least one error relative to TSC1__CCE (46 ; 52 ; 40 ; 34 ; 22 ; 28 ; 16 ; 10 ; 4) |
0B |
0B: Root cause not known |
Yellow |
4276F |
NORD Error |
wrong link between Current gear and gear number rangex (x=1..5) |
13 |
13: received network data in error |
Yellow |
4277A |
High Idle Control Module |
High idle speed setpoint is not within a valid range |
0B |
0B: failure mode not identifiable |
Yellow |
4277B |
Intermediate Speed Control Module |
Itermediate speed control setpoint/limit is not within a valid range |
0B |
0B: failure mode not identifiable |
Yellow |
4277C |
Cruise Control Buttons Interface Module |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect |
4277D |
Cruise Control Buttons Interface Module |
02 0B 0C |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect 0B: Root cause not known 0C: Bad intelligent device or component |
Yellow Yellow — |
4277E |
Cruise Control Buttons Interface Module |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect |
4277F |
Cruise Control Buttons Interface Module |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect |
Yellow |
4278A |
Engine Brake Management |
TSC1_AER detection |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect |
4278B |
Engine Brake Management |
TSC1_DER detection |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect |
4278C |
Engine Brake Management |
TSC1_PER on VDB detection |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect |
4278D |
Engine Brake Management |
TSC1_PER on ICB detection |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect |
4278E |
Engine Brake Management |
TSC1_CCER detection |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect |
4278F |
Engine Brake Management |
When VCM receives TSC1_PER both on ICB and VDB |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect |
4279A |
EU2LeverInterface |
Drive Forward / Drive Forward manoeuvring: Button stucked Button not plausible |
02 0C |
02: data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect 0C: bad intelligent device or component |
Yellow |
4279B |
EU2LeverInterface |
Drive Reverse / Drive Reverse manoeuvring: Button stucked Button not plausible |
02 0C |
02: data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect 0C: bad intelligent device or component |
Yellow |
4279C |
Service Brake Eval |
Primary brake sw/secondary brake sw not plausible |
0C |
0C: bad intelligent device or component |
Red |
4279D |
Driver Intarder Brake |
Intarder brake lever not plausible |
0C |
0C: bad intelligent device or component |
Yellow |
4279E |
Engine Fan |
switch 18 and 22 not plausible |
0C |
0C: bad intelligent device or component |
Yellow |
4279F |
Driver Engine Brake |
Plausibility check on the Engine brake lever |
0C |
0C: bad intelligent device or component |
Yellow |
427B4 |
Immobilizer1 |
Transponder programming not possible |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect |
Yellow |
Transponder programming not possible Different pin source within keyset IDE has been read twice or is equal 0 Max number of keys exceeded |
0B 0C 0D 0E |
0B: failure mode not identifiable 0C: bad intelligent device or component 0D: out of calibration 0E: special instructions |
427B5 |
Immobilizer2 |
Ignition not switched off in time Unknown IDE |
02 0B |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect 0B: failure mode not identifiable |
Yellow |
427B6 |
Immobilizer3 |
No communication to ECM Unknown ECM No immobilizer function in ECM |
0C 0D 0E |
0C: bad intelligent device or component 0D: out of calibration 0E: special instructions |
Yellow |
427B7 |
Immobilizer4 |
VCM in plant mode ECM in plant mode and learning already completed |
02 0B |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect 0B: failure mode not identifiable |
Yellow |
427B8 |
Immobilizer in plant mode |
VCM in plant mode and key learning active |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect |
Yellow |
427B9 |
Immobilizer5 |
Bit error in transponder response Antenna hardware error Internal operation error No transponder response |
02 07 0B 0C |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect 07: mechanicial system not responding properly 0B: failure mode not identifiable 0C: bad intelligent device or component |
Yellow |
427BA |
auxiliary use 1 |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect |
Yellow |
427BB |
auxiliary use 2 |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect |
Yellow |
427BC |
auxiliary use 3 |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect |
Yellow |
427BD |
auxiliary use 4 |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect |
Red |
427BE |
auxiliary use 5 |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect |
Red |
427C0 |
Vehicle Data Bus (instrument cluster) |
not supported: ServiceInfo Timeout (VDB) ACC2 timeout (VDB) DM1_IC timeout (VDB) |
01 02 03 |
01: data valid but below normal operation range 02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect 03: voltage above normal or shorted high |
Yellow — — |
IC2BC timeout (VDB) |
04 |
04: voltage below or normal or shorted low |
427C8 |
Vehicle Data Bus |
VDB limitation VDB bus off |
0B 13 |
0B: abnormal rate of change 13: received network data in error |
— Yellow |
ECU Name |
SPN [Hex] |
Fault Component |
Description |
FMI Description |
Lamp status |
Comment |
427C9 |
Vehicle Data Bus (brake controller) |
EBC1 timeout EBC2 timeout TSC1_AE timeout TSC1_AER timeout TSC1_ADR timeout EBC5 timeout VDC1 timeout VDC2 timeout CVW timeout |
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 |
01: Abnormal update rate 02: Abnormal update rate 03: Abnormal update rate 04: Abnormal update rate 05: Abnormal update rate 06: Abnormal update rate 07: Abnormal update rate 08: Abnormal update rate 09: Abnormal update rate |
Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow — — — — — |
HRW timeout TC1_EBS timeout TSC1_AXR timeout |
0A 0B 0C |
0A: Abnormal update rate 0B: Abnormal update rate 0C: Abnormal update rate |
— — Yellow |
427CA |
Vehicle Data Bus (transmission controller) |
ETC1 timeout (VDB) ETC2 timeout (VDB) TSC1_TE timeout (VDB) TSC1_TER timeout (VDB) ETC8 timeout (VDB) TSC1_TXR timeout (VDB) ETC7 timeout (VDB) not supported: ETC5 timeout (VDB) TC_BC timeout (VDB) |
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 |
01: Abnormal update rate 02: Abnormal update rate 03: Abnormal update rate 04: Abnormal update rate 05: Abnormal update rate 06: Abnormal update rate 07: Abnormal update rate 08: Abnormal update rate 09: Abnormal update rate |
Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow — Yellow — — — |
CVW_GB timeout (VDB) |
0A |
0A: Abnormal update rate |
— |
427CB |
Vehicle Data Bus (body controller) |
not supported: AIR1 timeout (VDB) TSC1_PEV timeout (VDB) TSC1_PERV timeout (VDB) TSC1_EME timeout (VDB) TSC1_EMER timeout (VDB) BC2EDC timeout (VDB) AMB_COND_IBC timeout (VDB) BCAO1 timeout (VDB) BCAO2 timeout (VDB) BCAO3 timeout (VDB) DASH_DISPLAY timeout (VDB) |
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0B 0A |
01: Abnormal update rate 02: Abnormal update rate 03: Abnormal update rate 04: Abnormal update rate 05: Abnormal update rate 06: Abnormal update rate 07: Abnormal update rate 08: Abnormal update rate 09: Abnormal update rate 0B: abnormal update rate 0A: abnormal update rate |
— — — — — Yellow — Yellow — — — |
not supported: Other Body controller timeout (VDB) |
13 |
13: abnormal update rate |
— |
427CC |
Vehicle Data Bus (driveline retarder) |
ERC1_DR timeout (VDB) TSC1_DE timeout (VDB) TSC1_DER timeout (VDB) BAM_DR / MPM_DR timeout (VDB) |
01 02 03 04 |
01: Abnormal update rate 02: Abnormal update rate 03: Abnormal update rate 04: Abnormal update rate |
Yellow — — — |
427CD |
Vehicle Data Bus (tachograph) |
TCO1 timeout (VDB) VHDR timeout (VDB) Time Date timeout (VDB) |
01 02 03 |
01: Abnormal update rate 02: Abnormal update rate 03: Abnormal update rate |
Yellow — — |
427CE |
Vehicle Data Bus (ACC sensor) |
ACC_SI timeout (VDB) DM1_ACCSens timeout (VDB) |
01 02 |
01: Abnormal update rate 02: Abnormal update rate |
Yellow |
427CF |
Vehicle Data Bus (expansion module) |
EM2VCM timeout (VDB) TC1_EM timeout (VDB) |
01 02 |
01: Abnormal update rate 02: Abnormal update rate |
Yellow — |
EM_CMD timeout (VDB) TSC1_PE timeout (VDB) TSC1_PER timeout (VDB) PTO_Status timeout (VDB) EM2BC timeout (VDB) |
03 04 05 06 07 |
03: Abnormal update rate 04: Abnormal update rate 05: Abnormal update rate 06: Abnormal update rate 07: Abnormal update rate |
— — — Yellow — |
427D0 |
Vehicle Data Bus (steering wheel interface) |
SWI2BC timeout (VDB) |
09 |
09: Abnormal update rate |
Yellow |
427D1 |
Vehicle Data Bus (suspension) |
not supported: ASC1_A timeout (VDB) not supported: ASC3_A timeout (VDB) not supported: ASC4_A timeout (VDB) not supported: Vehicle_Weight timeout (VDB) |
06 07 08 09 |
06: Abnormal update rate 07: Abnormal update rate 08: Abnormal update rate 09: Abnormal update rate |
427D2 |
Engine Control Bus |
ECB bus off |
13 |
13: received network data in error |
Yellow |
ECB limitation |
0A |
0A: abnormal rate of change |
427D3 |
Engine Control Bus (engine) |
EEC1 timeout (ECB) EEC2 timeout (ECB) EEC3 timeout (ECB) ENG_TEMP timeout (ECB) AMB_COND_E timeout (ECB) INLET_COND timeout (ECB) EDC2BC timeout (ECB) Eng_Fld_Lev_Press timeout (ECB) ELT_POWER timeout (ECB) Shutdown timeout (ECB) Fuel_Economy timeout (ECB) |
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B |
01: Abnormal update rate 02: Abnormal update rate 03: Abnormal update rate 04: Abnormal update rate 05: Abnormal update rate 06: Abnormal update rate 07: Abnormal update rate 08: Abnormal update rate 09: Abnormal update rate 0A: abnormal update rate 0B: Abnormal update rate |
Yellow Yellow — Yellow — Yellow Yellow — Yellow — — |
Fuel_Cons timeout (ECB) not supported: Eng_Hours_Rev timeout (ECB) BAM_Eng_Conf / MPM_Eng_Conf timeout (ECB) FAN_Drive timeout (ECB) |
0C 0D 0E 0F |
0C: Abnormal update rate 0D: Abnormal update rate 0E: Abnormal update rate 0F: Abnormal update rate |
— — — Yellow |
427D4 |
Engine Control Bus (engine retarder) |
BAM_ret_conf / MPM_ret_conf timeout (ECB) ERC1_ER timeout (ECB) |
01 02 |
01: Abnormal update rate 02: Abnormal update rate |
Yellow |
427D5 |
Engine Control Bus (exhaust emission controller — UDS) |
SCR_status2 timeout (ECB) |
09 |
09: Abnormal update rate |
Yellow |
427DC |
Instrument Cluster Bus |
ICB bus off ICB limitation |
13 0A |
13: received network data in error 0A: abnormal rate of change |
Yellow |
427DD |
Instrument Cluster Bus (body computer) |
BC_Status1 timeout (ICB) BC_Status2 timeout (ICB) |
01 02 |
01: Abnormal update rate 02: Abnormal update rate |
Yellow — |
BC_Status3 timeout (ICB) RF_Status1 timeout (ICB) BC2IC timeout (ICB) PTO_Status timeout (ICB) FF_Status1 timeout (ICB) Trip_Total_Fuel timeout (ICB) TCO1 timeout (ICB) |
03 04 05 06 07 08 09 |
03: Abnormal update rate 04: Abnormal update rate 05: Abnormal update rate 06: Abnormal update rate 07: Abnormal update rate 08: Abnormal update rate 09: Abnormal update rate |
— — — Yellow — — — |
427DE |
Instrument Cluster Bus (steering wheel interface) |
SWI2BC timeout (ICB) not supported: SWI2IC timeout (ICB) |
01 02 |
01: Abnormal update rate 02: Abnormal update rate |
427DF |
Instrument Cluster Bus (expansion module) |
not supported: EM2VCM timeout (ICB) not supported: TC1_EM timeout (ICB) not supported: EM_CMD timeout (ICB) |
01 02 03 |
01: Abnormal update rate 02: Abnormal update rate 03: Abnormal update rate |
Yellow — — |
not supported: TSC1_PE timeout (ICB) not supported: TSC1_PER timeout (ICB) not supported: EM2BC timeout (ICB) not supported: CTL timeout (ICB) not supported: ASC2 timeout (ICB) |
04 05 06 07 08 |
04: Abnormal update rate 05: Abnormal update rate 06: Abnormal update rate 07: Abnormal update rate 08: Abnormal update rate |
— — — — — |
427E2 |
Instrument Cluster Bus (instrument cluster) |
IC2BC timeout (ICB) ACC2 timeout (ICB) |
01 02 |
01: Abnormal update rate 02: Abnormal update rate |
427E3 |
Instrument Cluster Bus (ACC sensor) |
ACC_SI timeout (ICB) DM1_ACCSens timeout (ICB) |
01 02 |
01: Abnormal update rate 02: Abnormal update rate |
Yellow |
427E6 |
FMS Bus |
FMS bus off FMS limitation |
13 0A |
13: received network data in error 0A: abnormal rate of change |
Yellow |
427E7 |
FMS Bus (EP1) |
FLEX0 time out (FMS) |
01 |
01: Abnormal update rate |
Yellow |
FLEX1 time out (FMS) FLEX2 time out (FMS) FLEX3 time out (FMS) FLEX4 time out (FMS) FLEX5 time out (FMS) FLEX6 time out (FMS) FLEX7 time out (FMS) XFLEX0 time out (FMS) XFLEX1 time out (FMS) |
02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A |
02: Abnormal update rate 03: Abnormal update rate 04: Abnormal update rate 05: Abnormal update rate 06: Abnormal update rate 07: Abnormal update rate 08: Abnormal update rate 09: Abnormal update rate 0A: Abnormal update rate |
427F0 |
Power Supply Key 15 |
Key 15 transition resistence Key 15 active and CAN status inactive Key 15 inactive and CAN status active |
02 03 04 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect 03: voltage above normal or shorted high 04: voltage below or normal or shorted low |
Yellow |
427F1 |
Power Supply Key 30 |
00 01 |
00: data valid but above normal operation range 01: data valid but below normal operation range |
427F2 |
Internal Failure 1 (Runcontrol) |
External rucontrol Internal rucontrol Watchdog timeout |
0C 0D 0E |
0C: bad intelligent device or component 0D: out of calibration 0E: special instructions |
Red |
427F3 |
Internal Failure 6 (Rx Lookuptable) |
CAN Lookuptable overflow |
0D |
0D: out of calibration |
Red |
427F4 |
Internal Failure 7 (CPU overlooad) |
CPU overload |
2 |
02 |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect |
Yellow |
427FB |
Internal Failure 3 (RAM / ROM) |
RAM failuire ROM failure |
02 0D |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect 0D: out of calibration |
Red |
427FD |
Internal Failure 2 (EEPROM) |
Checksum parameter range Checksum environment data Checksum engine values |
02 0B 0C |
02: data erratic, intermittend or incorrect 0B: failure mode not identifiable 0C: bad intelligent device or component |
— — — |
Checksum immobilizer range Checksum production data Checksum runtime counter |
0D 0E 1F |
0D: out of calibration 0E: special instructions 1F: not available or condition exists |
Yellow Yellow Yellow |
427FE |
Internal Failure 4 (Controller) |
Parameter version wrong Operating system failure Software trap Controller failure |
0B 0C 0D 0E |
0B: failure mode not identifiable 0C: bad intelligent device or component 0D: out of calibration 0E: special instructions |
Red |
427FF |
Internal Failure 5 (Bootloader) |
Flash parameter failure Flash program failure |
0C 0D |
0C: bad intelligent device or component 0D: out of calibration |
Red |
047225 |
Pin A07 — Singel-H Buzzer Output |
High Side switch: — S.C. to Vbat detected in Off condition — S.C. to Gnd / Overload detected in On condition — Open Load detected in Off condition (fault active below 20uA÷2mA) Open Circuit and Short to Battery flags set together by EM IL, FMI 5 used for both. |
4 5 |
04 05 |
Voltage below normal, or shorted to low source Current below normal or open circuit (also in case of Voltage above normal, or shorted to high source) |
Yellow |
047226 |
Pin D28 — Gate Interlock Solenoid valve |
Low Side switch: — S.C. to Vbat / Overload detected in On condition — S.C. to Gnd detected in Off condition — Open Load detected in Off condition (fault active below 20uA÷2mA) Open Circuit and Short to Ground flags set together by EM IL, FMI 5 used for both. |
3 5 |
03 05 |
Voltage above normal, or shorted to high source Current below normal or open circuit (also in case of Voltage below normal, or shorted to low source) |
Red |
047220 |
Pin D05 — Low Range Solenoid valve |
Low Side switch: — S.C. to Vbat / Overload detected in On condition — S.C. to Gnd detected in Off condition — Open Load detected in Off condition (fault active below 20uA÷2mA) Open Circuit and Short to Ground flags set together by EM IL, FMI 5 used for both. |
3 5 |
03 05 |
Voltage above normal, or shorted to high source Current below normal or open circuit (also in case of Voltage below normal, or shorted to low source) |
Red |
ECU Name |
SPN [Hex] |
Fault Component |
Description |
FMI Description |
Lamp status |
Comment |
047221 |
Pin D04 — High Range Solenoid valve |
Low Side switch: — S.C. to Vbat / Overload detected in On condition — S.C. to Gnd detected in Off condition — Open Load detected in Off condition (fault active below 20uA÷2mA) Open Circuit and Short to Ground flags set together by EM IL, FMI 5 used for both. |
3 5 |
03 05 |
Voltage above normal, or shorted to high source Current below normal or open circuit (also in case of Voltage below normal, or shorted to low source) |
Red |
47222 |
Pin A01 — Safety |
High Side switch: — S.C. to Vbat detected in Off condition — S.C. to Gnd / Overload detected in On condition — Open Load detected in Off condition (fault active below 20uA÷2mA) |
4 5 |
04 05 |
Voltage below normal, or shorted to low source Current below normal or open circuit (also in case of Voltage above normal, or shorted to high source) |
Red |
47223 |
Pin A04 — Splitter H |
High Side switch: — S.C. to Gnd / Overload detected in On condition |
4 |
04 |
Voltage below normal, or shorted to low source |
Red |
47224 |
Pin A06 — Splitter L |
High Side switch: — S.C. to Gnd / Overload detected in On condition |
4 |
04 |
Voltage below normal, or shorted to low source |
Red |
0472E1 |
Range Preselection switches |
Plausibility error: «Range Presel Low Sw» and «Range Presel High Sw» having the same value |
2 |
02 |
Plausibility error |
Red |
0472E2 |
Clutch sensors |
Plausibility error: «Clutch Open Switch» (alias «2nd Clutch Switch«) closed while «CCVS-Clutch Switch» open. Healed when «Clutch Open Switch» = open. |
2 |
02 |
Plausibility error |
Red |
003D13 |
Battery voltage sensing (electrical) |
013_ABSI |
3 4 |
03 04 |
signal high signal low |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
0 1 |
00 01 |
signal above high error threshold signal below low error threshold |
003D13 |
Battery voltage sensing (electrical) |
013ABSI |
3 4 |
03 04 |
signal high signal low |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 Long Term failure |
003D14 |
Temperature sensor after catalyst (electrical) |
014_ACTD2 |
0 1 |
00 01 |
signal high signal low |
003D15 |
Temperature sensor after catalyst (electrical) |
015_ACTD |
3 4 |
03 04 |
signal high signal low |
Power Reduction Long Term failure |
003D16 |
Temperature sensor before catalyst (electrical) |
016_ACTU |
3 4 0 1 |
03 04 00 01 |
signal high signal low signal above high error threshold signal below low error threshold |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
003D16 |
Temperature sensor before catalyst (electrica |
016ACTU |
3 4 |
03 04 |
signal high signal low |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 Long Term failure |
003D17 |
Sensor supply 1 (5V internal; for UREA level sensor) |
017_DSS1 |
3 4 |
03 04 |
Supply Voltage too high Supply voltage too low |
003D18 |
Sensor supply 2 (5V internal; for UREA pressure sensors) |
018_DSS2 |
3 4 |
03 04 |
Supply Voltage too high Supply voltage too low |
003D19 |
UREA pressure sensor in box (electrical) |
019_AUPS |
3 4 2 |
03 04 02 |
signal high signal low supply voltage error |
Power Reduction Long Term failure |
003D1A |
UREA Temperature sensor in box (electrical) |
01A_AUTB |
3 4 0 |
03 04 00 |
signal high signal low signal above high error threshold |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
1 |
01 |
signal below low error threshold |
003D1A |
UREA Temperature sensor in box (electrical) |
3 4 |
03 04 |
high signal signal low |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003D1B |
UREA pressure evaluation(above and below limit) |
01B_AUPS2 |
0 1 |
00 01 |
diagnostic value above high limit diagnostic value below low limit |
003D21 |
Voltage supply internal heaters 1 (UB1) electrical |
021_ABV1 |
3 5 |
03 05 |
Short to bat at UB1 with Key 15 off Open circuit to UB1 |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
003D21 |
Voltage supply internal heaters 1 (UB1) electrical |
021ABV1 |
6 5 |
06 05 |
Short to bat at UB1 with Key 15 off Open circuit to UB1 |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 Long Term failure |
003D22 |
Voltage supply 2 — tube heaters (UB2) electrical |
022_ABV2 |
3 5 4 |
03 05 04 |
Short to bat at UB2 with Key 15 off Open circuit to UB2 Short circuit to Ground UB2 |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
003D22 |
Voltage supply 2 — tube heaters (UB2) electrical |
022ABV2 |
3 4 5 |
03 04 05 |
Short to bat at UB2 with Key 15 off Open circuit to UB2 Short circuit to Ground UB2 |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003D23 |
Voltage supply 3 — Coolant control valve and reverting valve (UB3) electrical |
023_ABV3 |
3 5 4 |
03 05 04 |
Short to bat at UB3 with Key 15 off Open circuit to UB3 Short circuit to Ground UB3 |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
003D23 |
Voltage supply 3 — Coolant control valve and reverting valve (UB3) electrical |
023ABV3 |
3 4 5 |
03 04 05 |
Short to bat at UB3 with Key 15 off Open circuit to UB3 Short circuit to Ground UB3 |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003D24 |
Monitoring VDD11/VDD25 voltage — Dosing valve/Pump motor |
024_AV11 |
3 4 0 |
03 04 00 |
supply voltage VD11 high supply voltage VD11 low supply voltage VD25 high |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
1 |
01 |
supply voltage VD25 low |
003D24 |
Monitoring VDD11 voltage — Dosing valve |
024AV11 |
4 3 |
04 03 |
supply voltage high supply voltage low |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003D31 |
UREA level sensor (electrical) |
031AULS |
3 4 2 |
03 04 02 |
signal high signal low supply voltage error |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003D32 |
UREA Temperature sensor in Tank (electrical) |
032AUTT |
3 4 |
03 04 |
signal high signal low |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003D34 |
UREA Quality Sensor |
034EUQS |
5 6 7 2 |
05 06 07 02 |
open wire short circuit not plausible temperature outside operation range |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
0 1 12 |
00 01 0C |
concentration higher than specified value concentration is less than specified value empty or partially filled sensor |
003D35 |
NOx sensor (self monitoring of sensor / only CAN message) |
035NOXS |
4 3 2 |
04 03 02 |
Nox sensor Short circuit NOx Sensor Open circuit Other Nox sensor error |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003D41 |
Diagnostic lamp (electrical) |
041_PDIA |
6 3 5 |
06 03 05 |
short circuit to batt + open circuit or short to ground Open load |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
003D41 |
Diagnostic lamp (electrical) |
041PDIA |
4 3 5 |
04 03 05 |
short circuit to batt + open circuit or short to ground Open load |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003D52 |
Dosing Valve (electrical) |
052_PUDV |
6 3 5 |
06 03 05 |
short circuite to ground short circuit to batt + open load Dosing valve permanent «ON» (detection via fast decay) |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
003D52 |
Dosing Valve (electrical) |
052PUDV |
4 3 5 7 |
04 03 05 07 |
short circuite to ground short circuit to batt + open load Dosing valve permanent «ON» (detection via fast decay) |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 Long Term failure |
003D53 |
UREA Pump speed |
053_PUMP |
7 8 2 12 |
07 08 02 0C |
pump motor blocked pump overspeed pump motor unplugged Hall sensors defect |
Power Reduction Long Term failure |
003D55 |
Cooling control valve short circuit to UBat or open load |
055_PCCV |
3 5 |
03 05 |
short circuit to battery Open load |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
003D55 |
Cooling control valve short circuit to UBat or open load |
055PCCV |
6 5 |
06 05 |
short circuit to battery Open load |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 Power Reduction |
003D56 |
Cooling control valve short circuit to ground |
056_PCCV2 |
6 |
06 |
short circuit to ground |
Power Reduction |
003D57 |
Reverting valve (4-2way valve?) electrically |
057_PRVV |
6 3 5 |
06 03 05 |
Short circuit to ground Short circuit to battery Open load |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
003D57 |
Reverting valve (4-2way valve?) electrically |
057PRVV |
4 3 5 |
04 03 05 |
Short circuit to ground Short circuit to battery Open load |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003D58 |
Valve Blocked Closed Test failed |
058SUDV |
12 6 5 |
0C 06 05 |
dosing valve blocked closed |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 Power Reduction Long Term failure |
003D59 |
UREA dosing valve blocked |
059PUDB |
6 5 |
06 05 |
UREA Dosing valve blocked open UREA Dosing Valve blocked closed |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 Long Term failure |
003D5A |
Plausibility of UDV stuck |
05A_PUQP |
6 5 |
06 05 |
UREA Dosing Valve blocked closed UREA Dosing valve blocked open |
003D5B |
UDV valve stuck position unknown error |
05B_PUVP |
7 |
07 |
Plausibility of UDV valve position unknown |
003D61 |
Line Heater back Flow tube |
061_PBFH |
6 5 |
06 05 |
Short circuit to ground Short circuit to battery Open load |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
003D61 |
Line Heater back Flow tube |
061PBFH |
4 |
04 |
Short circuit to ground |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
3 5 |
03 05 |
Short circuit to battery Open load |
003D63 |
Line Heater Inlet tube |
063_PILH |
6 3 5 |
06 03 05 |
Short circuit to ground Short circuit to battery Open load |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
003D63 |
Line Heater Inlet tube |
063PILH |
4 3 5 |
04 03 05 |
Short circuit to ground Short circuit to battery Open load |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003D64 |
Filter outlet connector heater |
064_POCH |
6 3 5 |
06 03 05 |
Short circuit to ground Short circuit to battery Open load |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
003D64 |
Filter outlet connector heater |
064POCH |
4 |
04 |
Short circuit to ground |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
3 5 |
03 05 |
Short circuit to battery Open load |
003D65 |
Line Heater Compensation tube |
065_PPCH |
6 3 5 |
06 03 05 |
Short circuit to ground Short circuit to battery Open load |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
003D65 |
Line Heater Compensation tube |
065PPCH |
4 3 5 |
04 03 05 |
Short circuit to ground Short circuit to battery Open load |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003D66 |
Heater of UREA Pump |
066_PPHT |
6 3 5 |
06 03 05 |
short circuit to ground (UB5) short circuit to bat (UB5) Open circuit / broken pump module heater PTC |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
003D66 |
Heater of UREA Pump |
066PPHT |
4 |
04 |
short circuit to ground (UB5) |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
3 7 |
03 07 |
short circuit to bat (UB5) Open circuit / broken pump module heater PTC |
003D67 |
Line Heater pressure tube (Box-Dosing module) |
067_PPLH |
6 3 5 |
06 03 05 |
Short circuit to ground Short circuit to battery Open load |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
003D67 |
Line Heater pressure tube (Box-Dosing module) |
067PPLH |
4 3 5 |
04 03 05 |
Short circuit to ground Short circuit to battery Open load |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 Long Term failure |
ECU Name |
SPN [Hex] |
Fault Component |
Description |
FMI Description |
Lamp status |
Comment |
003D68 |
Tank heating Valve |
068_PUHT |
6 3 5 |
06 03 05 |
Short circuit to ground Short circuit to battery Open load |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
003D68 |
Tank heating Valve |
068PUHT |
4 3 5 |
04 03 05 |
Short circuit to ground Short circuit to battery Open load |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003D69 |
Heater of cooling line |
069_PCLH |
6 3 5 |
06 03 05 |
Short circuit to ground Short circuit to battery Open load |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
003D69 |
Heater of cooling line |
069PCLH |
4 3 5 |
04 03 05 |
Short circuit to ground Short circuit to battery Open load |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003D6A |
Heater of filterbox (UB5) |
06A_PFHT |
6 3 5 |
06 03 05 |
Short circuit to Ground short circuit to battery Open circuit |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
003D6A |
Heater of filterbox (UB5) |
4 3 7 |
04 03 07 |
Short circuit to Ground short circuit to battery Open circuit |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003D73 |
Temperature after catalyst too low |
073_SCTD |
7 |
07 |
Down stream catalyst temp — physical (Catalyst heating time failed) |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
003D73 |
Temperature after catalyst too low |
073SCTD |
7 |
07 |
Down stream catalyst temp — physical (Catalyst heating time failed) |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 Long Term failure |
003D74 |
UREA pressure too low at system start |
074_SMOT |
2 |
02 |
UREA pressure too low at system start |
Power Reduction Long Term failure |
003D75 |
UREA pressure too high |
075_SUPR |
2 |
02 |
Urea pressure not plausible (urea pressure too high) |
Long Term failure |
003D76 |
UREA Temperature in Pump Module out of range |
076_SUTB |
7 |
07 |
Urea temperature box — physical (Urea Box Temp NOT OK: outside range) |
Long Term failure |
003D77 |
UREA Temperature in Tank out of range |
077_SUTT |
7 |
07 |
Urea temperature tank — physical (Urea Tank Temp NOT OK: outside range) |
003D78 |
System frozen and not free in time |
078_HHSM |
7 8 9 10 |
07 08 09 0A |
Defreezing Mode and Detection Errors (Inlet line defreezing failed) Defreezing Mode and Detection Errors (pressure line defreezing failed) Defreezing Mode and Detection Errors (pressure build-up in detection mode failed) Defreezing Mode and Detection Errors (Back-flow line defreezing failed) |
Power Reduction Long Term failure |
003D7A |
Coolant control valve mechanicallly |
6 5 |
06 05 |
mechanical defective blocked closed mechanical defective blocked open |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 Power Reduction |
003D7B |
Reverting valve (4-2way valve?) mechanically |
07B_ERVV |
7 |
07 |
valve does not open |
003D7C |
Startup cycle counter for pressure drop during dosing |
07C_SPCC |
7 |
07 |
Start up cycle counter for pressure drops during dosing exceed maximum |
Power Reduction |
003D7E |
Battery Voltage (actual value) |
07E_BMON |
4 3 |
04 03 |
Low battery voltage High battery voltage |
Power Reduction (FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241) Long Term failure |
003D82 |
UREA pressure too low (in «commissioning» status) |
082_SMOTC |
2 |
02 |
Pump motor error during commissioning (pump not delivering) |
003D83 |
UREA Temperature too low during commissionning |
083_STMPC |
2 |
02 |
Temperatures not plausible during commissioning. |
003D85 |
Coolant control valve mechanically (Commissioning) |
085_SCCVC |
2 |
02 |
Blocked closed |
003D93 |
Static Leakage Test failed |
093_SLKS |
7 |
07 |
static leakage detected (during system state 0) |
003D94 |
Catalyst efficiency too low (with NOx sensor) |
094UCAT |
12 7 |
0C 07 |
Catalyst efficiency too low |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003D95 |
Empty UREA Tank |
095_ELMT |
7 |
07 |
urea tank empty |
Long Term failure |
003D96 |
UREA Level Indication not plausible with UREA consumption |
096_PULV |
7 |
07 |
Urea Level Plausibility Error |
Long Term failure |
003D9A |
Dynamic Leakage Test failed |
12 |
0C |
dynamic leakage detected (during system state 1) |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 Power Reduction Long Term failure |
003D9C |
Urea tank heater valve blocked open |
09C_HUHT |
7 |
07 |
Tank heater valve blocked open |
003D9C |
Urea tank heater valve blocked open |
7 |
07 |
Tank heater valve blocked open |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003D9D |
NOx sensor measures too high NOx |
12 |
0C |
NOx ppm not plausible |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003DA1 |
CAN receive frame E2SCR (Dosing,Exh gas flow,Exh gas temp,Error Supression, Heater, Long Term failure) |
0A1_CE2S |
9 10 2 12 7 12 |
09 0A 02 0C 07 0C |
09: timeout 0A: too many CAN messages 02: SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (UREA quantity not in range) 0C: SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Heating status not in range) |
Long Term failure |
12 12 |
0C 0C |
07: SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Dosing status not in range) 0C: SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (PTO status not in range) 0C: SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Exhaust gas mass flow not in range) 0C: SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Exhaust gas temperature not in range) |
003DA2 |
CAN receive frame E2SCR extended (Dosing,Exh gas flow,Exh gas temp,Error Supression, Heater, Long Term failure) |
0A2_CE2S2 |
2 12 |
02 0C |
SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Long term error active signal not in Range) SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Error suppression Signal not in range) |
Long Term failure |
003DA3 |
CAN receive frame EEC1 (Driver demand, eng speed, eng torque) |
0A3_CEEC |
9 10 12 2 7 |
09 0A 0C 02 07 |
timeout too many CAN messages SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Torque driver demand not in range) SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Engine torque not in range) SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Engine speed not in range) |
003DA4 |
CAN receive frame ET1 (Oil and Water temp engine) |
0A4_CET1 |
9 10 12 2 |
09 0A 0C 02 |
timeout too many CAN messages SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Water temperature not in range) SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Oil temperature not in range) |
003DA6 |
CAN receive frame IC1 (Boost press, Manifold Temp) |
0A6_CIC1 |
9 10 12 2 |
09 0A 0C 02 |
timeout too many CAN messages SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Boost pressure not in range) SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Intake manifold 1 temperature not in range) |
003DA7 |
CAN receive frame LFE (Fuel Rrate) |
0A7_CLFE |
9 10 12 |
09 0A 0C |
timeout too many CAN messages SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Fuel rate not in range) |
003DA8 |
CAN receive frame NO1 (NOx concentration, NOx Sensor state) |
0A8CNO1 |
9 10 12 2 |
09 0A 0C 02 |
timeout too many CAN messages SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Nox concentration not in range) SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Nox status not in range) |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003DA9 |
DCU or Heater switched «off» too long time via CAN |
0A9_CTIM |
9 10 12 |
09 0A 0C |
Heater disabled by CAN request for a too long time Dosing disabled by CAN request for a too long time Error suppression via CAN request for a too long time |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
003DA9 |
DCU or Heater switched «off» too long time via CAN |
9 10 |
09 0A |
Heater disabled by CAN request for a too long time Dosing disabled by CAN request for a too long time |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 Long Term failure |
003DAA |
UREA Tank level error (CAN message or |
9 |
09 |
09: timeout |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
electrical with real sensor) |
10 2 3 4 11 |
0A 02 03 04 0B |
0A: too many CAN messages 02: SAE J1939 range check: UREA tank level out of range 03: Level over CAN: SAE J1939 Signal Not in Range Level sensor connected directly: SRC high 04: Level over CAN: SAE J1939 Erraneous Signal Level sensor connected directly: SRC low 0B: Level over CAN: SAE J1939 no Signal available Level sensor connected directly: Sensor Supply error |
003DAA |
UREA Tank level error (CAN message or electrical with real sensor) |
3 4 2 |
03 04 02 |
03: Level over CAN: SAE J1939 Signal Not in Range Level sensor connected directly: SRC high 04: Level over CAN: SAE J1939 Erraneous Signal Level sensor connected directly: SRC low 02: Level over CAN: SAE J1939 no Signal available Level sensor connected directly: Sensor Supply error |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003DAC |
UREA quality sensor re lated errors CAN |
9 10 12 |
09 0A 0C |
timeout too many CAN messages SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (UREA quality signal not in range) |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003DAD |
CAN receive frame Time/Date |
9 10 12 12 12 12 |
09 0A 0C 0C 0C 0C |
timeout too many CAN messages SAE J1939 range check error of seconds SAE J1939 range check error of minutes SAE J1939 range check error of hours SAE J1939 range check error of months |
7 7 |
07 07 |
SAE J1939 range check error of days SAE J1939 range check error of years |
003DB1 |
Ambient Temperature: SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Signal Range Check: Signal not in range / Erroreous Signal / Signal not available) |
0B1_CAMB |
9 10 12 2 |
09 0A 0C 02 |
timeout too many CAN messages SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Barometric pressure not in range) SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Ambient air temperature not in range) |
003DB8 |
CAN receive frame PROA (Fuel quantity) |
0B8_CPRO |
9 10 12 2 |
09 0A 0C 02 |
timeout too many CAN messages SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (UREA tank level not in range) |
7 |
07 |
SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (UREA tank temperature not in range) SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Fuel injection quantity not in range) |
003DBC |
Detection of blocked filter |
7 |
07 |
Error detection of blocked Filter |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 Long Term failure |
003DBD |
Warning for detection of blocked filter |
7 |
07 |
Warning for detection of blocked Filter |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
ECU Name |
SPN [Hex] |
Fault Component |
Description |
FMI Description |
Lamp status |
Comment |
003DBE |
CAN receive frame TC1 |
0BE_CTC1 |
9 10 12 |
09 0A 0C |
timeout too many CAN messages SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Vehicle speed not in range) |
003DC1 |
Too many Frozen Cycles of dosing module |
0C1_EFCC |
9 10 |
09 0A |
additional frozen cycle counter (eepm_ct_frz2_uc) exceeded maximum frozen cycle counter (eepm_ct_frz_uc) exceeded maximum |
003DC2 |
Application error in MAP selection for UREA quantity calculation |
13 |
0D |
map selection error (11 map calculation) |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003DC3 |
CAN receive frame EEC3 |
0C3_CEC3 |
9 10 2 12 12 |
09 0A 02 0C 0C |
09: timeout 0A: too many CAN messages 02: SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Exhaust Gas Mass FLown not in range) 0C: SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Intake Dew Point not in range) 0C: SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Exhaust Dew Point not in range) |
003DC4 |
CAN receive frame EGF1 |
0C4_CEGF |
9 10 2 |
09 0A 02 |
09: Warning for detection of blocked Filter 0A: too many CAN messages 02: SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Engine Inlet Air Mass Flow Rate not in range) |
003DC5 |
CAN receive frame EEC5 |
0C5_CEC5 |
9 10 2 |
09 0A 02 |
09: timeout 0A: too many CAN messages 02: SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (EGR Valve Control not in range) |
003DC6 |
CAN receive frame EC1BAM |
0C6_CECB |
9 2 |
09 02 |
Error detection of blocked Filter SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Reference Engine torque not in range) |
003DC7 |
CAN receive frame PROB |
0C7_CPRB |
9 10 |
09 0A |
timeout too many CAN messages |
003DC8 |
CAN receive frame ERC1 |
0C8_CERC |
9 10 2 |
09 0A 02 |
timeout too many CAN messages SAE J1939 Check for CAN receive signal : (Retarder Percent Torque not in range) |
003DC9 |
CAN Bus OFF error |
0C9_CBOF |
9 10 |
09 0A |
BUS OFF error CAN1 BUS OFF Error CAN2 |
003DCA |
Load point evaluation |
3 4 |
03 04 |
signal high signal low |
003DCB |
Load point evaluation (above and below limit) |
0 1 |
00 01 |
signal high signal low |
003DCC |
Atmospheric pressure evaluation |
12 |
0C |
SAE J1939 range check: barometric pressure out of range |
003DD1 |
EEPROM / Checksum failures |
0D1_EEPM |
12 13 8 2 |
0C 0D 08 02 |
EEPROM Detection error Wrong EEPROM size EEPROM communication error EEPROM write error |
Long Term failure |
7 12 |
07 0C |
No corresponding variant number error Codierwort error |
003DD2 |
Ingition «on» signal K15 |
0D2_EK15 |
2 |
02 |
digital input ignition ON not sensed during initialisation |
003DD3 |
Main Relay opens too early / too late |
0D3_EMRL |
6 3 5 4 |
06 03 05 04 |
main relay shut off too early (before EEPROM update) main relay shut off too late main relay open circuit main relay short circuit |
003DD4 |
Too high UREA Temperature in Pump module (Emergency shut off) |
0D4_EMRS |
7 |
07 |
over temperature detection (urea temp. in pump module) |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 Power Reduction |
003DD4 |
Too high UREA Temperature in Pump module or Leakage test failed (Emergency shut off) |
7 12 |
07 0C |
over temperature detection (urea temp. in pump module) urea leakage detection (static or dynamic) |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 Power Reduction Long Term failure |
003DE1 |
Plausibility of downstream catalyst temperature sensor (after SCR catalyst) |
0E1_PCTD |
13 12 7 |
0D 0C 07 |
dynamic plausibility test — lower threshold dynamic plausibility test — upper threshold static plausibility test |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
003DE1 |
Plausibility of downstream catalyst temperature sensor (after SCR catalyst) |
12 7 |
0C 07 |
dynamic plausibility test — upper threshold static plausibility test |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003DE2 |
Plausibility of upstream catalyst temperature sensor (before SCR catalyst) |
0E2_PCTU |
13 12 7 |
0D 0C 07 |
dynamic plausibility test — lower threshold dynamic plausibility test — upper threshold static plausibility test |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
003DE2 |
Plausibility of upstream catalyst temperature sensor (before SCR catalyst) |
12 7 |
0C 07 |
dynamic plausibility test — upper threshold static plausibility test |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003DE3 |
Urea pressure sensor plausibility error (checked during system startup) |
0E3_PUPS |
12 |
0C |
Uplausibility UREA pressure sensor (dynamic) |
Power Reduction Long Term failure |
003DE4 |
Urea box temperature sensor plausibility error (dynamic / static) |
0E4_PUTB |
7 |
07 |
Plausibility of pump module temp. sensor (static) |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
003DE4 |
Urea box temperature sensor plausibility error (dynamic / static) |
12 7 |
0C 07 |
Plausibility of pump module temp. sensor (dynamic) Plausibility of pump module temp. sensor (static) |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003DE5 |
Urea tank temperature sensor plausibility error (dynamic / static) |
0E5_PUTT |
7 |
07 |
Plausibility of urea tank temp. sensor (static) |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
003DE5 |
Urea tank temperature sensor plausibility error (dynamic / static) |
12 7 |
0C 07 |
Plausibility of urea tank temp. sensor (dynamic) Plausibility of urea tank temp. sensor (static) |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003DE6 |
UREA Tank Temperature not plausible with Pump module temperature |
0E6_EUTT |
9 10 2 3 |
09 0A 02 03 |
09: Temp over CAN: SAE J1939 Timeout Temp sensor connected directly: SRC high 0A: Temp over CAN: SAE J1939 Too many messages Temp sensor connected directly: SRC low |
FnR_DNOx2_p910vC241 |
4 0 1 |
04 00 01 |
02: Temp over CAN: SAE J1939 erroneous signal 03: SRC High: raw value UREA temperature too high 04: SRC Low: raw value UREA temperature too low 00: SRC High: diagnostic value UREA temperature too high 01: SRC Low: diagnostic value UREA temperature too low |
003DE6 |
UREA Tank Temperature not plausible with Pump module temperature |
3 4 2 |
03 04 02 |
03: Temp over CAN: SAE J1939 Timeout Temp sensor connected directly: SRC high 04: Temp over CAN: SAE J1939 Too many messages Temp sensor connected directly: SRC low 02: Temp over CAN: SAE J1939 erroneous signal |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 |
003DE7 |
Back flow line blocked |
0E7_SBFL |
7 |
07 |
back flow line blocked |
Power Reduction |
003DE8 |
Urea pressure not reduced during start up |
0E8_SCCV |
2 |
02 |
Blocked closed |
Long Term failure |
003DEA |
Pressure line blocked |
7 |
07 |
pressure line blocked |
Power Reduction Long Term failure |
003DEB |
Low UREA level 1 (warning) |
0EB_EUL1 |
1 |
01 |
UREA level below Limit 1 |
003DEC |
Low UREA level 2 (warning) |
0EC_EUL2 |
1 |
01 |
UREA level below Limit 2 |
003DF0 |
Group error path UREA injection control |
0F0_LCNP |
12 |
0C |
Error belonging to group UREA Injection control |
Long Term failure |
003DF1 |
Group error path Air control |
0F1_LDIN |
12 |
0C |
Error belonging to group air control |
Long Term failure |
003DF2 |
Group error path catalyst temperature |
0F2_LIUQ |
12 |
0C |
Error belonging to group catalyst temperature out of range |
Long Term failure |
003DF3 |
Group error path NOx exceeded |
12 |
0C |
Error belonging to group NOx exceeded active |
FnR_DNOx2_V74 Long Term failure |
003DF4 |
Group error path UREA Tank empty |
0F4_LTEM |
12 |
0C |
Error belonging to group UREA tank empty active |
Long Term failure |
Не всегда для ремонта климатического оборудования необходимо вмешательство мастера. Многие ошибки настенных кондиционеров возможно исправить самостоятельно. Для этого надо просто вникнуть и узнать стандартные неполадки и как их исправить.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Aeronik (Аэроник)
- Е1 – повысилось давление в нагнетании компрессора;
- Е2 – произошло обмерзание теплообменника внутреннего блока;
- Е3 – понизилось давление в нагнетании компрессора;
- Е4 – повысилась температура нагнетающего трубопровода;
- Е5 – срабатывание токового реле компрессора;
- F0 – возникли неисправности в температурном датчике воздуха внутри
- помещения, в теплообменнике во внутреннем блоке или окружающего воздухав наружном блоке;
- F0 — Так же может быть утечка фреона во внутреннем блоке.
- Е6 – возникли неисправности в коммутации;
- Е8 – двигатель внутреннего блока перегружен;
- F1 – возникли неисправности в температурном датчике в теплообменнике;
- F4 – возникли неисправности в температурном датчике нагнетаемого в
- помещение воздуха.
- H1- не является ошибкой. кондиционер перешел в режим авто разморозки.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Ballu (Балу)
- E1 – замыкание или обрыв датчика, отвечающего за внутренний блок.
- E2 — замыкание или обрыв датчика, отвечающего за температуру конденсатора.
- E3 — замыкание или обрыв датчика, отвечающего за температуру испарителя.
- E4 — замыкание или обрыв датчика, отвечающего за внутренний блок.
- E6 – произошло срабатывание защиты внешнего блока.
- E8 – электростатический фильтр забит.
- P4 – в работе датчика испарителя произошла ошибка из-за высокой или
- низкой температуры.
- P5 – в работе датчика конденсатора произошла ошибка из-за высокой или
- низкой температуры.
- P6 – произошло включение режима оттаивания или задержка в работе
- теплообменника.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Carrier (Кариер)
2 – возникли неисправности температурного датчика в помещении;
- 3 – возникли неисправности температурного датчика во внутреннем
- теплообменнике;
- 6 – возникли неисправности в работе реверсивного клапана в наружном блоке;
- 8 – возникли неисправности в двигателе вентилятора, расположенном во
- внутреннем блоке;
- 9 – нет электрического питания внутреннего блока;
- 11 – возникли неисправности в дренажной помпе;
- 12 – произошел сбой программного обеспечения во внутреннем блоке;
- 13 – произошла ошибка в конфигурации;
- 14 – потерян сигнал в центральной системе управления;
- 15 – возникли неисправности температурного датчика во внутреннем
- теплообменнике;
- 18 – возникли неисправности в управлении наружным блоком;
- 20 – не распознается положение блока;
- 21 – возникли неисправности датчика тока, расположенного в наружном блоке;
- 22 – возникли неисправности температурного датчика в наружном
- теплообменнике;
- 23 – возникли неисправности температурного датчика нагнетания;
- 24 – возникли неисправности в работе вентилятора в наружном блоке;
- 26 – другие неисправности в наружном блоке;
- 27 – произошла блокировка компрессора, расположенного в наружном блоке;
- 28 – величина температуры нагнетания недопустима;
- 29 – возникли неисправности в компрессоре, расположено в наружном блоке;
- 31 – произошло повышение давления в контуре наружного блока.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Cooper&Hunter (Купер&Хантер)
- Код E0 — превышение нижнего порога пускового напряжения. Запуск частотного регулятора.
- Код Е1 — превышение давления. Запуск системы защиты компрессора.
- Код Е2 — угроза замерзания внутреннего блока. Запуск системы защиты.
- Код Е3 — понижение допустимого порога давления. Запуск системы защиты компрессора.
- Код Е4 — превышение допустимой температуры нагнетающей трубки. Запуск системы защиты.
- Код Е5 — перегрузка компрессора. Запуск системы защиты.
- Код Е6 — ошибка подключения/работы сигнального или питающего кабеля.
- Код Е7 — установленные режимы сплит-системы не совпадают.
- Код Е8 — перегрев испарителя. Запуск системы защиты.
- Код Е9 — запуск системы защиты от подачи холодного воздуха в тепловом режиме.
- Код F0 — поломка датчика нагнетания температуры.
- Код F1 — поломка датчика температуры испарителя.
- Код F2 — поломка датчика температуры конденсатора.
- Код F3 — поломка датчика температуры воздуха в системе.
- Код F4 — поломка датчика температуры нагнетателя.
- Код F5 — поломка датчика нагнетающей трубки компрессора.
- Код F6 — перегрев конденсатора.
- Код F7 — в картере компрессора недостаточно смазки.
- Код F8 — компрессор перегружен. Запуск системы защиты.
- Код F9 — превышение максимальной температуры конденсатора вследствие снижения оборотов вентилятора при охлаждении. Компрессор перегружен.
- Код FF — отсутствует питание одной из фаз/ошибка в работе монитора фаз.
- Код FA — перегрев конденсатора/испарителя. Запуск системы защиты.
- Код FH — угроза замерзания испарителя. Запуск системы защиты.
- Код H0 — активирована защита от перегрева.
- Код H1 — активирован режим разморозки конденсатора.
- Код H2 — ошибка в работе электростатического фильтра. Запуск системы защиты.
- Код H3 — превышение допустимой температуры компрессора. Запуск системы защиты.
- Код H4 — ошибка в системе.
- Код H5 — запуск системы защиты инверторного блока IPM.
- Код H6 — неисправность датчика. Потерян обратный сигнал от электродвигателя вентилятора.
- Код H7 — компрессор неисправен.
- Код H8 — система дренажа переполнена. Запуск защиты.
- Код H9 — неисправность электрического нагревателя внутреннего блока.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Daikin (Дайкин)
A0 – срабатывание защитного устройства.
- A1 – неполадки печатной платы.
- A2 – мотор вентилятора блокирован.
- A3 – ненормальный уровень дренажа.
- A4 – неполадки в теплообменнике.
- A5 – ненормальная температура в теплообменнике.
- A6 – перегружен двигатель вентилятора.
- A7 – неисправен привод жалюзи.
- A8 – токовая перегрузка устройства.
- A9 – расширительный вентиль неисправен.
- AA – перегрелся двигатель.
- AH – загрязнение воздушного фильтра.
- AC – зафиксирован холостой ход.
- AJ – недостаточная производительность.
- AE – слабое водоснабжение.
- AF – обнаружен дефект увлажнителя.
- C0 – неисправен датчик.
- C3 – датчик, отвечающий за систему дренажа, неисправен.
- C4 – датчик, отвечающий за температуру теплообменника 1, неисправен.
- C5 – датчик, отвечающий за температуру теплообменника 2, неисправен.
- C6 – двигатель вентилятора перегружен.
- C7 – датчик, отвечающий за привод жалюзи, неисправен.
- C8 – датчик, отвечающий за входной ток, неисправен.
- C9 – неисправен термистор воздуха на входе.
- CA – неисправен термистор воздуха на выходе.
- CH – высокий уровень загрязненности.
- CC – датчик влажности неисправен.
- CJ – датчик температуры, находящийся на пульте управления, неисправен.
- CЕ – датчик излучения неисправен.
- CF – датчик, отвечающий за высокое давление, неисправен.
Коды ошибок наружного блока кондиционеров Daikin (Дайкин)
- E0 – произошло срабатывание защитного устройства.
- E1 – печатная плата, находящаяся в наружном блоке, неисправна.
- E3 – срабатывание датчика, отвечающего за высокое давление.
- E4 – срабатывание датчика, отвечающего за низкое давление.
- E5 – перегружено реле перегрева или мотор компрессора.
- E6 – блокирован мотор компрессора.
- E7 – блокирован мотор вентилятора.
- E8 – зафиксирована токовая перегрузка.
- E9 – неисправен расширительный вентиль.
- AH – произошла блокировка насоса.
- EJ – срабатывание дополнительного защитного устройства.
- EE – в дренажной системе превышен допустимый уровень воды.
- EF – блок, отвечающий за аккумулирование тепла, неисправен.
- H0 – общая неисправность датчиков.
- H1 – датчик, отвечающий за температуру воздуха, неисправен.
- H2 – датчик, отвечающий за электрическое питание, неисправен.
- H3 – датчик, отвечающий за высокое давление, неисправен.
- H4 – датчик, отвечающий за низкое давление, неисправен.
- H5 – срабатывание датчика перегрузки или не функционирует компрессор.
- H6 – срабатывание датчика блокировки или перегружен компрессор.
- H7 – срабатывание датчика блокировки или перегружен вентилятор.
- H8 – срабатывание датчика, отвечающего за входное напряжение.
- H9 – срабатывание датчика, отвечающего за температуру наружного воздуха.
- HА – срабатывание датчика, отвечающего за выходной воздух.
- HH – срабатывание датчика, отвечающего за блокировку водяного насоса.
- HС – срабатывание датчика, отвечающего за горячую воду.
- HЕ – срабатывание датчика, отвечающего за систему дренажа.
- HF – в блоке аккумулирования тепла произошла авария.
- F0 – срабатывание устройств №1 и №2, отвечающих за защиту.
- F1 – срабатывание устройства №1, отвечающего за защиту.
- F2 – срабатывание устройства №2, отвечающего за защиту.
- F3 – слишком высокая температура в нагнетающей трубе.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Dantex (Дантекс)
- Е1 – возникла ошибка в энергонезависимой памяти;
- Е2 – возникла ошибка перехода через ноль;
- Е3 – нет контроля скорости вращения вентилятора внутреннего блока;
- Е4 – действует режим защиты от повышенного уровня напряжения;
- Е5 – отсутствует контакт с управлением открытым температурным датчиком;
- Е6 – отсутствует контакт с управлением температурным датчиком испарителя.
- Чиллеры Dantex (DN)
- Е0 – возникла ошибка в работе расходомера воды;
- Е1 – произошла ошибка при подключении фаз;
- Е2 – возникла ошибка связи;
- Е3 – возникла ошибка температурного датчика воды на выходе;
- Е4 – возникла ошибка температурного датчика воды на выходе из
- кожухотрубного теплообменника;
- Е5 – ошибка в работе конденсатора А;
- Е6 – ошибка в работе конденсатора В;
- Е7 – возникла ошибка в температурном датчике наружного воздуха;
- Е8 – возникла ошибка в температурном датчике нагнетаемого воздуха;
- Е9 – возникла ошибка в расходомере;
- ЕА – основной блок выявил уменьшение числа дополнительных блоков;
- ЕВ – сбои в работе системы защиты от обмерзания;
- ЕС – сбои в работе приводного контроллера;
- ЕD – возникла ошибка в системе управления и связи между блоками;
- Ed – срабатывание электрозащиты;
- ЕЕ – возникла ошибка в связи между микропроцессором и пультом управления;
- ЕF – возникла ошибка температурного датчика воды на входе;
- РО – возник перегрев или повышено давление;
- Р1 – понизилось давление в системе А;
- Р2 – повысилось давление или перегрелся воздух в системе В;
- Р3 – снизилось давление в системе;
- Р4 – произошел перегруз по току в системе А;
- Р5 – произошел перегруз по току в системе В;
- Р6 – повысилось давление в конденсаторе системы А;
- Р7 – повысилось давление в конденсаторе системы В;
- Р8 – сбои в работе датчика температуры нагнетания компрессора в системе А;
- Рb – защита от обмерзания;
- РЕ – снизилась температура в теплообменнике;
- F1 – ошибки в работе постоянной памяти;
- F2 – ошибки в работе проводных контроллеров.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Elektrolux (Электролюкс)
- Е1 – превышен уровень давления;
- Е2 – произошло замерзание внутреннего блока;
- Е3 – слишком низкий уровень давления;
- Е4 – сбои в работе компрессора;
- Е5 – произошел перегруз по току;
- Е6 – отсутствует связь между внутренним и наружным блоками;
- Е7 – произошел конфликт в режимах работы внутренних блоков;
- Е8 – перегружен вентилятор внутреннего блока;
- Е9 – переполнена дренажная ванна;
- F0 – неисправности в работе температурного датчика во внутреннем блоке;
- F1 – неисправности в работе температурного датчика входа в теплообменник
- во внутреннем блоке;
- F2 – неисправности в работе датчика температуры в средней части
- теплообменника во внутреннем блоке;
- F3 – неисправности в работе температурного датчика на выходе из
- теплообменника во внутреннем блоке;
- F4 – неисправности в работе температурного датчика окружающего воздуха;
- F5 – неисправности в работе датчика температуры наружного блока;
- F6 – неисправности в работе температурного датчика входа в теплообменник
- в наружном блоке;
- F7 – неисправности в работе температурного датчика выхода из
- теплообменника во внутреннем блоке;
- F8 – неисправности в работе датчика температуры нагнетания первого
- компрессора;
- F9 – неисправности в работе датчика температуры нагнетания второго
- компрессора;
- FA – неисправности в работе датчика температуры картера 1-го компрессора;
- FB – неисправности в работе датчика температуры картера 2-го компрессора;
- FC – неисправности в работе датчика высокого давления;
- FD – неисправности в работе датчика низкого давления;
- ЕН – неисправности в работе дополнительного нагревателя.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Fuji (Фуджи)
Е00 – возникла ошибка в связи дистанционного управления с внутренним блоком;
- Е01 – произошла ошибка в связи между внутренним и наружным модулями;
- Е02 – сбои в работе комнатного датчика температуры;
- Е03 – произошло короткое замыкание на комнатном датчике температуры;
- Е04 – произошла ошибка в работе датчика температуры на внутреннем
- теплообменнике;
- Е05 – произошло короткое замыкание на датчике температуры внутреннего
- теплообменника;
- Е06 – произошла ошибка в работе датчика температуры на наружном
- теплообменнике;
- Е07 – произошло короткое замыкание на датчике температуры наружного
- теплообменника;
- Е08 – нарушена подача электрической энергии;
- Е09 – произошло переполнение емкости, предназначенной для сбора конденсата;
- Е0R – сбои в работе датчика температуры наружного блока;
- Е0B – произошло короткое замыкание на датчике температуры наружного блока;
- Е0С – требуется открытие температурного датчика на сливной трубе;
- Е0D – произошло короткое замыкание на температурном датчике сливной трубы;
- Е0F – на выходе наблюдается слишком высокая или слишком низкая температура;
- Е11 – сбои в работе платы управления;
- Е12 – сбои в работе вентилятора внутреннего блока;
- Е13 – подача системой некорректных сигналов;
- Е14 – ошибка в энергонезависимой памяти.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров General Climate (Дженерал Климат)
E2 – замыкание или обрыв датчика, отвечающего за температуру внутреннего
- воздуха.
- E3 – замыкание или обрыв датчика, отвечающего за температуру испарителя.
- E4 – замыкание или обрыв датчика, отвечающего за температуру конденсатора.
- E5 – в работе дренажной помпы произошла ошибка.
- E6 – ошибка в защите внешнего блока.
- E7 – произошла ошибка EEPROM.
- E8 – сработала защита дренажного поддона от переполнения.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Gree (Гри)
E1 – сработала защита компрессора от слишком высокого давления.
- E2 – сработала защита внутреннего блока от обмерзания.
- E3 – сработала защита компрессора от слишком низкого давления.
- E4 – сработала защита нагнетающей трубки от высокой температуры.
- E5 – сработала защита системы или компрессора от перегрузок.
- E6 – выявлены неполадки в сигнальных или питающих кабелях.
- E7 – противоречия в установленном режиме.
- E8 – сработала защита электродвигателя или испарителя от перегрева.
- E9 – сработала защита от поступления холодного воздуха во время нагрева.
- E0 – сработала защита частотного регулятора от слишком низкого пускового
- напряжения.
- H6 – нет обратного сигнала от электродвигателя вентилятора.
- F0 – датчик температурного нагнетания неисправен.
- F1 – неисправен датчик, отвечающий за температуру испарителя.
- F2 – неисправен датчик, отвечающий за температуру конденсатора.
- F3 – неисправен датчик, отвечающий за температуру воздуха в системе.
- F4 – несправен датчик, отвечающий за температуру нагнетателя.
- F5 – неисправен датчик, отвечающий за нагнетающую трубку компрессора.
- F6 – обнаружен перегрев конденсатора.
- F7 – зафиксирован унос масла из компрессора.
- F8 – сработала защита системы или компрессора от перегрузок.
- F9 – сработала защита компрессора от высоких температур.
- FF – нет питания в одной из фаз или неисправен монитор фаз.
- H1 – происходит размораживание.
- H2 – сработала защита электростатического фильтра.
- H3 – сработала защита от сильного перегрева.
- H4 – произошел системный сбой.
- H5 – срабатывание защиты блока IPM.
- H7 – неполадки в компрессоре.
- H8 – срабатывание защиты дренажной системы от переполнения.
- H9 – неполадки электрического нагревателя.
- H0 – срабатывание защиты от перегрева.
- FA –срабатывание защиты конденсатора или испарителя от перегрева.
- FH – срабатывание защиты испарителя от обмерзания.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Green (Греен)
U1 — Неисправность фазы тока, обнаружение схемы для компрессора. Мигает 13 раз. Во время охлаждения и сушки, эксплуатации, компрессор остановится в то время как внутренний вентилятор будет работать. При работе в режиме обогреваполный блок остановит. Замена наружной панели управления АР1.
- U3 — Неисправность напряжение опустившись на шины постоянного тока. Мигает 20 раз. Во время охлаждения и сушки эксплуатации, компрессор остановится в то время как внутренний вентилятор будет работать; При работе в режиме обогрева полный блок остановит.
- Напряжение питания нестабильно.
- U5 — Неисправность полной единицы тока обнаружение. Мигает 13 раз. Во время охлаждения и сушкидействия, компрессор остановить в то время как внутренний вентилятор работы; В процессе эксплуатации отопления, полный блок остановит операция. Есть неисправность цепи на наружные блоки панель управления АР1, пожалуйста, замените наружныЙ блок панель управления АР1.
- U7 — Моргает 20 раз. Если эта неисправность возникает во время эксплуатация отопление, устройство прекратит работу.1.Напряжение питания ниже, чем AC175V; 2.Электропроводка терминал 4В ослаблены или сломанный; 3. 4 V будет поврежден, пожалуйста, замените кабель.
- U8 — Ноль переход осмотр схема malfun-фикции Вентилятор ПИН мото. Мигает 17 раз каждые 3сОперация дистанционного контроллер или
- контроль панель доступен, но единицы не будет действовать. Скорость разрядки конденсатор медленно, которые приводят неправильного решения контроллер. Ноль пересечения обнаружения схема основной платы abnorma. Обратитесь к flowchar ремонт.
- U9 — Нулевой пересечение неисправность наружный блок. Мигает 18 раз. Во время операции охлаждения, компрессор остановится при внутренний вентилятор будет работать; во время отопление, устройство не будет работать. Замена наружной панели управления АР1.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Haier (Хаер)
- E0 Нарушение функции отвода конденсата.
- E1 В компрессоре повышено давление.
- E2 Теплообменник внутреннего модуля покрылся льдом.
- E3 Недостаточное давление в компрессоре.
- E4 Перегрев компрессора.
- E5 Компрессор отключен в связи с повышенной нагрузкой.
- E6 Нет связи между блоками.
- E7 Не отвечает внутренний модуль на команды с пульта.
- E8 Перегрузка электромотора внутреннего модуля.
- F0 Отключился термодатчик температуры в комнате.
- F1 Отключился термодатчик теплообменника внутреннего модуля.
- F2 Отключился термодатчик теплообменника внешнего модуля.
- F3 Отключился уличный термодатчик.
- F4 Отключился термодатчик на подаче воздуха.
- FF Нарушена подача электричества.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Hisense (Хайсенс)
1 Ошибка датчика температуры теплообменника наружного блока а. Разомкнута цепь датчика температуры теплообменника наружного блока; b. Неисправен датчик температуры теплообменника наружного блока; с. Неисправна печатная плата управления наружного блока
- 2 Ошибка датчика температуры в линии нагнетания компрессора a. Разомкнута цепь датчика температуры в линии нагнетания компрессора; b. Неисправен датчик температуры в линии нагнетания компрессора; с. Неисправна печатная плата управления наружного блока
- 5 Срабатывание защиты интегрального силового модуля (IPM) a. Неисправна монтажная плата интегрального силового модуля (IPM); b. Вышел из строя вентилятор наружного блока; c. Неисправен электродвигатель вентилятора наружного блока; d. Заблокирован вентилятор наружного блока; e. Загрязнен конденсатор; f. Не соблюдены правила установки наружного блока.
- 6 Срабатывание устройства защиты от повышенного или пониженного напряжения в сети переменного тока a. Напряжение в сети выше или ниже предельно допустимых значений; b. Напряжение питания блока выше или ниже предельно допустимых значений
- 7 Ошибка связи между внутренним и наружным блоками а. Обрыв соединительного кабеля; b. Поврежден соединительный кабель; с. Неправильное соединение или обрыв соединения между платой фильтра и печатной платой управления наружного блока
- 8 Устройство защиты от перегрузок a. Неисправность электродвигателя вентилятора; b. Испаритель и конденсатор загрязнены; c. Заблокировано воздухозаборное и воздуховыпускное отверстие; d. Неисправна печатная управления наружного блока; e. Неисправен компрессор
- 10 Ошибка связи между двумя микросхемами (управления и привода) в печатной а. Некачественное соединение кабелей b. Неисправна печатная плата наружного блока или монтажная плата привода;
- 11 Ошибка памяти ЭСППЗУ наружного блока a. Некачественная пайка микросхемы ЭСППЗУ; b. Ошибка установки микросхемы ЭСППЗУ (неправильное положение); .Неисправность микросхемы ЭСППЗУ
- 12 Срабатывание устройства защиты при низких температурах наружного воздуха а. Данная защита срабатывает, если температура наружного воздуха опускается ниже 15°С; b. Неисправен датчик температуры наружного воздуха; с. Неисправна печатная плата управления наружного блока.
- 13 Срабатывание устройства защиты в результате повышенной температуры в a. Неисправен датчик температуры в линии нагнетания компрессора; b. Недостаточная заправка хладагента в системе
- 14 Ошибка датчика температуры наружного воздуха a. Разомкнута цепь датчика температуры наружного воздуха; b. Неисправен датчик температуры наружного воздуха; с. Неисправна печатная плата управления наружного блока
- 15 Срабатывание тепловой защиты компрессора по перегреву a. Разомкнута цепь датчика температуры в линии нагнетания компрессора b. Недостаточная заправка хладагента в системе
- 16 Срабатывание устройства защиты теплообменника от обмерзания или перегрузок при работе внутреннего блока в режиме обогрева a. Штатное срабатывание устройства защиты при обмерзании теплообменника или перегрузках; b. Разомкнута цепь датчика температуры теплообменника внутреннего блока; c. Неисправен датчик температуры теплообменника внутреннего блока; d. Неисправна печатная плата управления внутреннего блока; e. Нарушение циркуляции хладагента
- 17 Устройство компенсации реактивной мощности (PFC) a. Неисправно устройство компенсации реактивной мощности; b. Неисправна монтажная плата привода наружного блока
- 18 Ошибка запуска компрессора постоянного тока a. Неправильное подсоединение или обрыв силового кабеля компрессора; b. Неисправна монтажная плата интегрального силового модуля (IPM) наружного блока; c. Неисправна печатная плата управления наружного блока d. Неисправен компрессор
- 19 Ошибка привода компрессора a. Неправильное подсоединение или обрыв силового кабеля компрессора; b. Неисправна монтажная плата интегрального силового модуля (IPM) наружного блока; c. Неисправна печатная плата управления наружного блока d. Неисправен компрессор 7. поиск и устранение неисправностей
- 20 Срабатывание устройства защиты электродвигателя вентилятора наружного блока от работы с заторможенным ротором a. Разомкнута цепь электродвигателя вентилятора наружного блока; b. Заблокирован вентилятор наружного блока; с. Неисправен электродвигатель вентилятора; d. Неисправна печатная плата управления наружного блока
Коды ошибок кондиционеров марки Hitachi (Хитачи)
- 01 – неисправность реверсивного клапана или не соответствует норме
- температура носителя.
- 02 – активирован режим, принудительно запускающий внешний модуль.
- 03 – отсутствует связь между внешним и внутренним модулем.
- 04 – неполадки оборудования, следует обратить внимание на показания
- других индикаторов.
- 06 – выявлены нарушения в работе помпы, которая откачивает конденсат.
- 07 – требуется ручной запуск помпы.
- 08 – нарушены функции двигателя.
- 09 – отсутствует связь с термистором PCB.
- 10 – некорректная работа вентилятора.
- 13 – PCB не функционирует.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Hyundai (Хундай)
- 0 – ошибка в энергонезависимой памяти;
- Е1 – произошла ошибка в соединении блоков: внутреннего и наружного;
- Е2 – сбои в работе датчика наружного блока;
- Е3 – сбои в работе двигателя вентилятора внутреннего блока;
- Е4 – произошел обрыв (замыкание) датчика температуры внутреннего воздуха;
- Е5 – произошел разрыв (замыкание) датчика температуры испарителя;
- ЕС – произошла утечка охлаждающей жидкости.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Jax (Джакс)
- Е2 – возникли неисправности в датчике температуры воздуха внутри помещения;
- Е3 – возникли неисправности в датчике температуры испарителя;
- Е4 – возникли неисправности в датчике температуры конденсатора;
- Е5 – возникла ошибка в работе дренажной помпы;
- Е6 – сработала защита во внешнем блоке;
- Е7 – сбои в энергонезависимой памяти;
- Е8 – переполнен дренажный поддон.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Kentatsu (Кентатсу)
- Е1 – отсутствует контакт с температурным датчиком воздуха во внутреннем
- блоке;
- Е2 – отсутствует контакт с температурным датчиком испарителя;
- Е3 – отсутствует контакт с температурным датчиком конденсатора;
- Е4 – отсутствует контакт с температурным датчиком уличного воздуха;
- Е5 – отсутствует контакт между внутренним и наружным блоком;
- Е6 – предупреждение о перегреве или обмерзании наружного модуля;
- Е10 – произошел сбой давления в компрессоре;
- Е13 – не подается электричество из-за перепутывания проводов;
- Е14 – подача электричества не на ту фазу;
- Р4 – произошел перегрев испарителя;
- Р5 – произошел перегрев конденсатора;
- Р7 – превышение уровня температуры в компрессоре;
- Р9 – включилась защита от обмерзания;
- Р10 – значение воздуха на выходе является некорректным;
- Р11 – давление при всасывании воздуха превышает допустимые нормы;
- Р12 – подача тока повышенного напряжения;
- НS – осуществляется оттаивание наружного модуля.
- ЕC — Утечка фреона.
- Модели Kentatsu (Кентатсу) KSGH/KSRH
- Е1 – возникли ошибки в энергонезависимой памяти;
- Е2 – произошел сбой в процессе трансформации нулевого цикла;
- Е3 – неправильное вращение вентилятора;
- Е4 – подача чересчур высокого напряжения на компрессор;
- Е5 – произошло нарушение связи с температурным датчиком воздуха внутри;
- Е6 – произошло нарушение связи с температурным датчиком испарителя.
- Модели Kentatsu (Кентатсу) KSFU/KSRU
- Р4 – произошел перегрев испарителя внутреннего модуля;
- Р5 — произошел перегрев конденсатора наружного модуля;
- Р9 – идет оттаивание;
- Е1 – нет напряжения на температурные датчики;
- Е2 – отсутствует связь с температурным датчиком испарителя;
- Е3 – отсутствует контакт с температурным датчиком конденсатора;
- Е6 – возникли неисправности во внешнем модуле.
- Канальный тип кондиционеров
- Е0 – сбои в работе температурного датчика в помещении;
- Е1 – возникли неисправности в работе температурного датчика испарителя;
- Е2 – возникли неисправности в температурном датчике внешнего модуля;
- Е3 – отсутствует связь с наружным модулем;
- Е4 – возникли неисправности в помпе конденсатора;
- Е5 – ошибки в энергонезависимой памяти;
- Е6 – поддон для сбора конденсата переполнен.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Lessar (Лессар)
Е0 – возникла ошибка в датчике протока;
- Е1 – совершено неправильное чередование фаз;
- Е2 – возникла ошибка связи;
- Е3 – возникла ошибка в температурном датчике прямой воды;
- Е4 – возникла ошибка в температурном датчике кожухотрубного теплообменника;
- Е5 – возникла ошибка в температурном датчике трубы конденсатора А;
- Е6 – возникла ошибка в температурном датчике трубы конденсатора В;
- Е7 – возникла ошибка в температурном датчике наружного воздуха;
- Е8 – возникла ошибка в температурном датчике нагнетания компрессора
- системы А;
- Е9 – возникла ошибка в температурном датчике протока;
- ЕА – произошла потеря связи с ведомыми блоками;
- Р0 – превышено давление или температура в системе А;
- Р1 – понизилось давление в системе А;
- Р2 – превышено давление или температура в системе В;
- Р3 – понизилось давление в системе В;
- Р4 – произошло превышение тока в системе А;
- Р5 – произошло превышение тока в системе В;
- Р6 – превышена температура конденсации в системе А;
- Р7 – превышена температура конденсации в системе В;
- Р8 – превышение температуры в компрессоре;
- Рb – защита от обмерзания.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров LG (Элджи)
01 – произошло замыкание в датчике, отвечающем за температуру воздуха,
- или обрыв цепи.
- 02 – произошло замыкание в датчике, отвечающем за температуру
- испарителя, или обрыв цепи.
- 03 – зафиксировано плохое соединение между приводным пультом и
- внутренним блоком.
- 04 – произошла ошибка в работе дренажного насоса или поплавкового
- датчика, отвечающего за уровень конденсата.
- 05 — зафиксирована ошибка межблочного соединения внутреннего и внешнего
- блоков.
- 06 – произошло замыкание в датчике температуры, отвечающем за наружный
- блок, или обрыв цепи.
- 07 – внутренние мультисистемные блоки функционируют в разных режимах.
- HL – произошло размыкание поплавкового датчика.
- CL — активирован замок от детей.
- Po – устройство работает в режиме jet cool.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Midea (Мидеа)
E0 – произошла ошибка в энергонезависимой памяти внутреннего блока.
- E1 – произошла ошибка в соединении наружного и внутреннего блока.
- E2 – при переходе через ноль произошла ошибка.
- E3 – при работе двигателя вентилятора произошла ошибка.
- E4 – замыкание или обрыв датчика, отвечающего за температуру внутреннего
- воздуха.
- E5 – замыкание или обрыв датчика, отвечающего за температуру испарителя.
- EС – зафиксирована утечка хладагента.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Mitsubishi Electric (Митсубиши Электрик)
P1 — зафиксирована ошибка датчиков на входе.
- P2 – ошибка в работе датчика, отвечающего за теплообменник TH5.
- P4 – дренажный поддон переполнен или произошел обрыв датчика CN4F.
- P5 – произошла ошибка в дренажной помпе.
- P6 – произошел перегрев или обмерзание.
- P9 – ошибка в работе датчика, отвечающего за теплообменник TH2.
- PА – компрессор остановлен принудительно.
- E0, E3 – потеряна связь с пультом управления.
- E1, E2 – неполадки в плате управления.
- E9, EE – отсутствует связь между внешним и внутренним блоком.
- U1. Ud – сработала защита от перегрева, или в датчике 63H зафиксировано
- высокое давление.
- U2 – зафиксировано низкое давление в нагнетателе, недостаточно хладагента.
- U3, U4 – короткое замыкание или обрыв в термодатчике внешнего блока.
- U5 — не соответствует норме температура конденсатора.
- U6 – зафиксирована принудительная остановка компрессора или неполадки
- силового модуля.
- U7 – недостаток хладагента или низкое давление в нагнетателе.
- U8 – остановлен двигатель вентилятора, установленного на внешнем блоке.
- U9, UН – пониженное или повышенное напряжение питания, или неполадки в
- токовом датчике.
- UF – заклинило компрессор или зафиксирована токовая перегрузка.
- UP – из-за перегрузки остановлен компрессор.
- Fb – неполадки в плате управления внешним блоком.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Mitsubishi Heavy (Митсубиши Хэви)
Е1 – произошел сбой в печатной плате внутреннего блока или возникли
- неисправности в пульте управления;
- Е2 – произошло дублирование адресов внутренних блоков;
- Е3 – адрес наружного блока является некорректным;
- Е5 – возникли неисправности в плате управления наружного бока;
- Е6 – произошел обрыв (замыкание) датчика испарителя;
- Е7 – произошел обрыв (замыкание) сенсора внутреннего блока;
- Е8 – произошла перегрузка испарителя;
- Е9 – ошибка в работе дренажного насоса;
- Е10 – с пультом управления соединены более 16-ти блоков;
- Е11 – с пультом управления соединены более 1-го блока при занятом адресе;
- Е12 – ошибки в настройках адресов;
- Е14 – совершены неправильные настройки ведущих и ведомых соединений;
- Е16 – возникли неисправности в работе вентилятора внутреннего блока;
- Е28 – возникли неисправности в датчике пульта управления;
- Е30 – возникла ошибка в соединении наружного и внутреннего блоков;
- Е31 – осуществление неверной настройки адресов;
- Е32 – возник обрыв провода или неверно выполнена последовательность фаз;
- Е33 – произошел обрыв обмотки провода;
- Е34 – произошло размыкание фазы обмотки;
- Е35 – неисправности в работе датчика или повышение температуры в
- конденсаторе;
- Е36 – произошло отклонение температуры выходного воздуха выше нормы;
- Е37 – возникли неисправности в температурном датчике конденсера;
- Е38 – возникли неисправности в температурном датчике наружного воздуха;
- Е39 – возникли неисправности в температурном датчике нагнетательной трубы;
- Е40 – произошло повышение давления в системе;
- Е49 – произошло понижение давления или хладагента является недостаточно;
- Е53 – возникли неисправности в термисторе всасывающей трубы;
- Е54 – отсоединился датчик низкого давления;
- Е55 – возникли неисправности в термисторе температуры внутри компрессора;
- Е56 – возникли неисправности или обрыв температурного датчика силового
- транзистора;
- Е57 – недостаточное число охлаждающей жидкости;
- Е59 – не осуществляется запуск компрессора;
- Е60 – возникла ошибка в позиционировании компрессора;
- Е63 – произошло аварийное отключение внутреннего блока.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Neoclima (Нэоклима)
- Код E0 — ошибка подключения внутреннего и наружного блоков.
- Код Е1 — ошибка в работе внутреннего блока. Нарушение связи с контроллером.
- Код Е2 — ошибка в работе температурного датчика.
- Код Е3 — температурный датчик конденсаторной трубки неисправен.
- Код Е8 — нарушения в работе системы обогрева.
- Код F0 — ошибка в работе внутреннего вентилятора.
- Код F2 — сработала система внешней защиты.
- Код F3 — сработала защита в системе высокого давления.
- Код F4 — сработала защита в системе низкого давления.
- Код F5 — сработала защита от переполнения водой.
- Код F8 — сработала защита от перегрева наружного блока.
- Код F9 — неправильная последовательность фаз. Ошибка в системе.
- Код P4 — компрессор инверторного кондиционера неисправен.
- Код P6 — ошибка в работе наружного блока EEPROM.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров марки Panasonic (Панасоник)
H00 –проблем не обнаружено.
- H11 – отсутствует связь между внешним и внутренним блоком или неполадки
- платы управления.
- H12 – мощность внутренних блоков не соответствует наружному.
- H14 – замыкание датчика воздуха.
- H15 – замыкание датчика, отвечающего за температуру компрессора.
- H16 – недостаток фреона во внешнем блоке или оборвана цепь токового
- трансформатора платы.
- H17 – обрыв датчика, отвечающего за температуру на трубке,
- предназначенной для высыхания хладагента.
- H19 – произошло заклинивание платы, двигателя вентилятора или разъемов
- проводов.
- H21 – неисправна или засорена система дренажа поплавкового датчика.
- H23 – оборван датчик 1, отвечающий за температуру испарителя.
- H24 – оборван датчик 2, отвечающий за температуру испарителя.
- H25 – неполадки в блоке ионизации или внутренней плате.
- H26 – вышел из строя ионизатор.
- H27 – замыкание датчика, отвечающего за температуру уличного воздуха.
- H28 – замыкание датчика, отвечающего за температуру конденсатора.
- H30 – оборван датчик, отвечающий за температуру нагнетания.
- H32 – замыкание датчика, отвечающего за температуру конденсатора на выходе.
- H33 – произошла ошибка в межблочном соединении.
- H34 – замыкание датчика, отвечающего за температуру радиатора модуля.
- H35 – зафиксирована неисправность насоса или засор дренажа.
- H36 – замыкание датчика, отвечающего за температуру газовой трубки.
- H37 – замыкание датчика, отвечающего за температуру жидкостной трубки.
- H38 – выявлено несоответствие наружного и внешнего блока.
- H39 – перепутаны фреоновые контуры и провода, или не работает
- соленоидный клапан.
- H41 – провода соединены неправильно.
- H50 – неполадки в плате или двигателе вентилятора.
- H51 – засорилось сопло.
- H52 – выключатель ограничителя неисправен.
- H58 – блок Patrol Sensor неисправен.
- H64 – датчик, отвечающий за высокое давление, неисправен.
- H97 – неполадки в двигателе компрессора или плате внутреннего блока.
- H98 – неисправна защита от перегрева.
- H99 – зафиксировано обмерзание испарителя.
- F11 – четырехходовой клапан работает некорректно.
- F17 – обмерз внутренний блок.
- F90 – оборвана обмотка компрессора.
- F91 – холодильный контур работает некорректно.
- F93 – оборвана обмотка компрессора.
- F94 – не работает защита нагнетателя от высокого давления.
- F95 – теплообменник наружного блока перегрелся.
- F96 – силовой модуль перегрелся.
- F97 – превышена температура компрессора.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Pioneer (Пионер)
Е0 Нарушена функция термодатчика нагнетания
- Е6 Нарушена функция термодатчика конденсатора
- Е6 Нарушена функция термодатчика воздуха на улице
- Е1 Нарушена функция термодатчика в комнате
- Е2 Нарушена функция термодатчика испарителя
- Е3 Сломан вентилятор внутреннего модуля
- Е4 Сбой системы IPM
- Е5 Нарушение подачи электроэнергии
- Е8 Нарушение подачи напряжения тока
- Е9 Неправильно начал работу компрессор
- ЕА Не корректная связь с наружным модулем
- ЕС На кондиционер подается электрический ток недопустимых параметров
- ЕР Нет связи между внешним и внутренним модулями
- Р0 Неправильно начал работу агрегат
- Р1 Перегрев нагнетания
- Р2 Увеличена сила тока в цепи
- Р3 Слишком высокое напряжение в сети
- Р4 Нет связи с реле тока
- Р5 Перегрев испарителя
- Р6 Перегрев конденсатора
- Р7 Протекция матрицы IPM
- *- диод светится, м – диод моргает.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Pioneer внешнего модуля:
- 1 Нет связи с термодатчиком внешней температуры
- 2 Нет связи с термодатчиком конденсатора
- 3 Нет связи с термодатчиком нагнетания
- 4 Слишком высока сила тока в электросети
- 5 Слишком высоко напряжение в электросети
- 7 Нет связи с внутренним модулем
- 9 Не корректно запущен в работу агрегат
- 12 Напряжение в сети превышено
- 13 Протекция платы IPM
- 16 Превышение температуры компрессора
- 17 Температура нагнетания слишком высока
- 18 Температура конденсатора слишком высока
- 19 Сбой в работе платы IPM
- 20 Сбой в связи внутреннего и наружного модулей
- 22 Очистка от обледенения
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Quattroclima (Кватроклима)
Ошибка или задача
Индикатор RUN
Причина и устранения неисправностей
Переключение в режим оттайки
Мигает 1 раз в секунду
Не является ошибкой.
Служебная функция кондиционера, и её настройки не могут быть изменены.
Предотвращение подачи холодного воздуха
Мигает 1 раза в 3 секунды
Вентилятор внутреннего блока не вращается Не является ошибкой.
Служебная функция кондиционера, и её настройки не могут быть изменены.
Ошибка датчика температуры в помещении
Мигает 2 раза подряд каждые 4 секунды
1. Проверьте сопротивление датчика температуры, если сопротивление датчика не соответствует норме для текущей температуры, замените датчик.
2. Проверьте подключение датчика и целостность цепи
3. Плата управления неисправна, заменить плату.
Ошибка датчика температуры трубы
Мигает 3 раза подряд каждые 5 секунд
1. Проверьте сопротивление датчика температуры, если сопротивление датчика не соответствует норме для текущей температуры, замените датчик.
2. Проверьте подключение датчика и целостность цепи
3. Плата управления неисправна, заменить плату.
Ошибка наружного блока
Мигает 4 раза подряд каждые 6 секунд
1. Проверьте ток компрессора и сопротивление обмоток.
2. Проверьте рабочее давление. В случае утечки хладагента: удалите остатки хладагента и ликвидируйте утечку, отвакуу-мируйте систему и заправьте по весам.
3. Проверьте датчик трубы наружного блока.
4. Проверьте конденсатор наружного блока он должен быть чистым, без пыли и грязи.
5. Проверьте работу вентилятора наружного блока.
6. Плата управления неисправна, заменить плату.
Ошибка управления вентилятором внутреннего блока
Мигает 5 раза подряд каждые 7 секунд
1. Проверьте разъемы подключение двигателя вентилятора к плате управления.
2. Проверьте двигатель вентилятора внутреннего блока.
3. Проверьте элементы платы управления на предмет повреждения. Замените поврежденные элементы или плату управления.
Внутренняя ошибка платы
Мигает 6 раза подряд каждые 8 секунд
1. Проверить вентилятор внутреннего блока.
2. Проверить сигнал выхода с платы управления. Заменить плату управления.
Ошибка связи между блоками
Мигает 7 раза подряд каждые 9 секунд
1. Проверьте межблочное электрическое соединение.
2. Проверьте ток компрессора и сопротивление обмоток.
3. Проверьте рабочее давление.
Защита от перегрева
Мигает 8 раза подряд каждые 10 секунд
1. Проверьте фильтры ,они должны быть чистыми.
2. Проверьте работу вентилятора внутреннего блока.
3. Проверьте датчик трубы внутреннего блока.
4. Проверьте рабочее давление. В случае утечки хладагента: удалите остатки хладагента и ликвидируйте утечку, отвакуу-мируйте систему и заправьте по весам.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Samsung (Самсунг)
E464 – произошла перегрузка в силовом модуле.
- E461 – невозможно запустить компрессор.
- E473 – произошла блокировка компрессора.
- E466 – неправильное напряжение в DC модуле платы.
- E221 – произошла ошибка в датчике, отвечающем за температуру наружного
- воздуха.
- E416 – зафиксирован перегрев.
- E251 – произошла ошибка в температурном датчике.
- E468 – произошла ошибка в датчике тока.
- E465 – произошла ошибка в работе компрессора.
- E237 – произошла ошибка в обмотке температурного датчика.
- E202 – истекло время, отведенное на соединение.
- E458 – произошла ошибка в работе вентилятора.
- E471 – произошла ошибка в работе ОТР.
- E467 – произошла ошибка при вращении компрессора.
- E469 – произошла ошибка в датчике напряжения.
- E554 – выявлена утечка хладагента.
- E472 – ошибка в переменном напряжении.
- E121 – замыкание в датчике, отвечающем за температуру внутреннего воздуха.
- E122 – замыкание в датчике, отвечающем за температуру испарителя.
- E154 – произошла ошибка в вентиляторе внутреннего блока.
- E101 – превышено время, отведенное на соединение.
- E186 – зафиксирована ошибка MPI.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Sanyo (Санио)
Е01, Е05, Е14, Е17 – произошла ошибка при получении сигнала связи;
- Е02, Е04, Е06, Е10, Е20 – возникла ошибка при передаче сигнала связи;
- Е03 – возникла ошибка в дистанционном управлении;
- Е07 – низкий уровень мощности внутреннего блока;
- Е08 – произошло дублирование установки адресата внутреннего блока;
- Е09 – произошло дублирование в настройке пульта управления;
- Е11 – произошло дублирование при осуществлении одновременных операций мультиконтроля;
- Е15 – высокий уровень мощности внутреннего блока;
- Е16 – нет соединения элементов внутреннего блока;
- Е18 – произошла ошибка в соединении с MDC;
- Е31 – возникли ошибки в групповых настройках внутреннего блока;
- L01 – типы внутреннего и внешнего блоков не соответствуют;
- L02 – в групповом контроле произошло дублирование основного блока;
- L03 – произошло дублирование адреса в наружном блоке;
- L04 – для внутреннего блока осуществлено групповое подключение;
- L07 – адрес или группа не установлены;
- L08 – мощность во внутреннем блоке не выставлена;
- L09 – произошла ошибка в выставлении мощности наружного блока;
- L10 – произошла ошибка в соединении цепей управления;
- L11 – возникла ошибка в установке мощности внутреннего блока;
- L13 – в результате подключения потолочной панели произошел сбой;
- Р01 – сбои в работе поплавкового реле;
- Р03 – возникли проблемы с питанием;
- Р05 – отсутствует газ;
- Р09 – произошел перегрев;
- Р10 – возникли проблемы с температурой нагнетания;
- Р15 – заблокирован 4-кодовый клапан;
- Р19 – перегружено охлаждение;
- Р20 – сбои в работе вентилятора наружного блока;
- Р22, Р26 – сбои в работе инвертора компрессора;
- Р29 – ошибки в работе мультиконтроля при совершении одновременных операций;
- Р31 – перегрузка в компрессоре;
- Н01, F02 – сбои в работе температурного датчика внутреннего блока;
- F01 – сбои в работе температурного датчика в наружном блоке;
- F04, F06, F07 – нарушение режима температуры в наружном блоке;
- F08 – нарушения в режиме температуры впуска;
- F10 – нарушения в режиме температуры нагнетания;
- F12, F29, F31 – ошибки во внутренней энергонезависимой памяти.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров TCL (Тцл)
E0 RUN、TIMER –both winking In and out communication failure. Нет связи между внешним и внутренним блоками, проверьте межблочное соединение, платы внутреннего и внешнего блоков
- EC RUN、TIMER –both winking Outdoor communication failure Открытый сбой связи
- E1 RUN-1 time/8s Outdoor sensor наружный датчик
- E2 RUN-2 times /8s Indoor coil temperature sensor Неисправность датчика температуры испарителя
- E3 RUN-3 times /8s Outdoor coil temperature sensor Неисправен датчик температуры конденсатора
- E4 RUN-4 times /8s System abnormity Система неисправна
- E5 RUN-5 times /8s Type mismatch Несоответствие типа
- E6 RUN-6 times /8s Indoor fan motor Ошибка двигателя внутреннегоблока
- E7 RUN-7 times /8s Outdoor temperature sensor Датчик температуры внешнего блока
- E8 RUN-8 times /8s Discharge temperature sensor Датчик температуры нагнетания компрессора
- E9 RUN-9 times /8s Invert module abnormity Неисправна инверторная плата
- EF RUN-10 times /8s Outdoor fan motor(DC) Двигатель вентилятора внешнего блока
- EA RUN-11 times /8s Current sensor Датчик тока
- EE RUN-12 times /8s EEPROM failure Неисправность ПЗУ, прошивки.
- EP RUN-13 times /8s Top of compressor temperature switch Термореле отключения компрессора
- EU RUN-14 times /8s Voltage sensor Датчик напряжения
- EH RUN-15/8 sec Intake temperature sensor Датчик температуры всасывающей трубы
- Аварийная остановка
- P1 RUN: Blink; TIMER: 1 blink /8 sec Overvoltage / undervoltage protection Низкое/высокое напряжение питания
- P2 RUN: Blink; TIMER: 2 blink /8 sec Overcurrent protection Защита от превышения тока
- P4 RUN: Blink; TIMER: 4 blink /8 sec Exhaust overtemperature protection Защита от перегрева выхлопных газов
- P5 RUN: Bright; TIMER: 5 blink /8 sec Subcooling protection under cooling mode Защита от переохлаждения в режиме охлаждения
- P6 RUN: Bright; TIMER: 6 blink /8 sec Overheating protection under cooling mode Защита от перегрева в режиме охлаждения
- P7 RUN: Bright; TIMER: 7 blink /8 sec Overheating protection under heating mode Защита от перегрева в режиме нагрева
- P8 RUN: Bright; TIMER: 8 blink /8 sec Outdoor overtemperature / undertemperature protection Открытый перегрев / переохлаждения защиты
- P9 RUN: Blink; TIMER: 9 blink /8 sec Drive protection (software control Защита привода (программное управление)
- P0 RUN: Blink; TIMER: 10 blink /8 sec Module protection (hardware control) Защита модуля (аппаратное управление)
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Toshiba (Тошиба)
00-0C – ошибка в плате внутреннего блока или датчика, отвечающего за
- температуру воздуха внутри устройства.
- 00-0d – ошибка в плате управления или датчика, отвечающего за
- температуру радиатора.
- 00-11 – неполадки в двигателе или плате вентилятора.
- 00-12 – требуется ремонт или замена платы управления.
- 01-04 – сгорела плата или предохранители на ней, межблочное соединение
- установлено неправильно.
- 01-05 – зафиксирована ошибка в инверторной плате.
- 02-14 – зафиксирована перегрузка в инверторе.
- 02-16 – произошло замыкание в обмотках компрессора.
- 02-17 – произошла ошибка в датчике тока.
- 02-18 – произошла ошибка в датчиках температуры.
- 02-19 – произошла ошибка в датчике температуры платы.
- 02-1А – сгорел или заблокирован двигатель или плата.
- 02-1b — неисправность в плате или датчике, отвечающем за температуру платы.
- 02-1С – за отведенное время компрессор не успел запуститься.
- 03-07 – в инверторной плате произошла ошибка или замечен недостаток
- хладагента.
- 03-1d – компрессор неисправен.
- 03-1Е – произошла ошибка в датчике, отвечающем за всасывающую трубку.
- 03-1F – перегружен холодильный контур или слабое напряжение в компрессоре.
- 03-08 – четырехходовой клапан неисправен.
- На пульте есть «CHEK» , жмем ее, направляем пульт на кондиционер и стрелками температуры прокручиваем коды, на зафиксированных кодах кондиционер будет производить сигнал. Так вы определите код ошибки, и так же можно его сбросить. Если ошибка не критичная.
Коды ошибок кондиционеров Zanussi (Зануси)
E2 Неисправность датчика температуры в помещении Лампа ТАЙМЕРА мигает с частотой 5 Гц
- E3 Неисправность датчика испарителя Лампа ЗАПУСКА мигает с частотой 5 Гц
- E5 Неисправность датчика конденсатора Лампа размораживания мигает с частотой 5 Гц Система автоматически будет работать правильно после устранения неисправности
- F5 Неисправность поплавкового выключателя дренажного поддона Лампа тревоги мигает с частотой 5 Гц
- F2 Неисправность во внешнем блоке Лампа размораживания и тревоги мигает с частотой 5 Гц
- P6 Неисправность EEPROM Лампы ЗАПУСКА и ТАЙМЕРА мигает с частотой 5 Гц Система будет работать нормально после полного отключения.
- Индикация кодов ошибок во внешнем блоке Zanussi
- Неисправность Индикация на плате
- Защита от низкого давления Мигает 4 раза каждые 6 секунд
- Защита от высокого давления Мигает 3 раза каждые 5 секунд
- Защита от перефазировки Мигает 9 раз каждые 11 секунд
- Защита от превышения тока Мигает 7 раз каждые 9 секунд
- Сбой датчика наружной температуры Мигает 5 раз каждые 7 секунд
- Защита перегрева наружного теплообменника Мигает 2 раза каждые 4 секунды
- Защита от размораживания Мигает 1 раз каждые 3 секунды
- Ошибка EEPROM Мигает 8 раз каждые 10 секунд
Коды ошибок осушителей воздуха
Все осушители воздуха DanVex, за исключением мобильных устройств для бассейнов (DanVex DEH-400p и DanVex DEH-1000p), оборудованы цифровой панелью управления со встроенной самодиагностикой ошибок — неисправностей. В разных типах оборудования, будь то канальные осушители, адсорбционнные или промышленные применяются разные платы управления и электроника. Соответственно и коды ошибок различаются. Так же есть различия и версиях осушителей. Управление модернизировалось, менялись и коды диагностики. Каждый код ошибки обозначает определенную неисправность, например ошибка E4 обозначает ошибку дренажа.
Ниже приведены таблицы неисправностей осушителей DanVex.
Промышленные осушители воздуха
Канальные осушители воздуха
Осушители воздуха для бассейна напольные (DEH-1200p, DEH-1700p)
Осушители воздуха для бассейна настенные (пласт. корпус)
Осушители воздуха для бассейна настенные (метал. корпус)
Осушители воздуха адсорбционные
Новые осушители воздуха с 2020 года, кроме адсорбционных и DEH-1200p и DEH-1700p
Коды ошибок и неисправности сушильных машин
Беспокоят проблемы в рабе техники? Сушильная машина выдает ошибку на дисплее? В нашей статье вы найдете ответ на вопрос, как быть в таких ситуациях. Мы распишем основные проблемы машинки, а также варианты их решения.
Современные бытовые приборы управляются электроникой, поэтому при сбоях на табло высвечивается код неисправности. Расшифровки символов для различных марок приведены в наших таблицах, помогут найти и устранить поломку.
Коды ошибок и неисправности сушильных машин
Принцип работы автомата прост. Достаточно заложить мокрые вещи в барабан, где горячие потоки воздуха удалят остатки влаги из ткани. При этом происходит вращение, а полученный конденсат скапливается в бункере.
За вращение барабана отвечают двигатель и приводной ремень. Проточный фен прогревает воздух, а встроенный насос отводит конденсат. Датчики и сенсоры постоянно отслеживают температуру, влажность, предохраняя технику от поломок, а белье от порчи.
При неправильной эксплуатации или износе узлов работа машины блокируется, а на табло появляется код неисправности. Каждый символ указывает на определенную поломку, которую нужно устранить.
Мы облегчили вам задачу поиска и собрали коды с расшифровкой и путями устранения для разных марок в таблицах.
Hotpoint-Ariston («Хотпоинт-Аристон») и Indesit («Индезит»)
Код на дисплее | Что означает | Как устранить неполадку своими руками |
F01 | Короткое замыкание (КЗ) тиристора мотора. | Осмотрите цепь тиристора. При обрыве проведите ремонт. Замените деталь при неисправности. |
F02 | Мотор не вращается. Блокировка мотора или вентилятора. | Проверьте указанные узлы. Удалите посторонние предметы, которые мешают нормальной работе. Осмотрите проводку и контакты. |
F03 | Обрыв или КЗ цепи термистора. Поломка датчика NTC, главного процессора. | Диагностируйте:
Установите исправные элементы. |
F04 | Воздухонасос не работает. | Диагностируйте воздухонасос и его цепь. Подключите новый узел. |
F05 | Насос прокачки воздуха не подает сигнал. | Осмотрите проводку, подтяните контакты от платы до насоса. Зачистите окислившиеся контакты. |
F08 | Неисправность реле нагревателя. | Диагностируйте и при необходимости замените реле. |
F09 | Программное обеспечение дало сбой. | Свяжитесь с сервисным центром. |
F10 | Плохой ток воздуха от нагревательного элемента. | Прочистите ТЭН. |
F11 | Нет контакта с нагнетающим устройством. | Проверьте цепь и соединения устройства. Замените нагнетатель при поломке. |
F12 | Между дисплеем и платой управления отсутствует связь. | Осмотрите проводку, подтяните контакты. Установите исправную плату. |
F13 | Цепь контроллера температуры оборвалась. | Ремонт цепи. |
F15 | Сломано реле ТЭНа, обрыв или КЗ его цепи. | Диагностируйте реле, проводку, соединения. Установите рабочие элементы. |
F17 | Силовой элемент вышел из строя. | Отремонтируйте деталь. |
Bosch («Бош») и Siemens («Сименс»)
Символы на экране | Значение | Как выполнить ремонт |
F06 | Неполадка с нагревом. | Диагностируйте систему нагрева. Замените неисправные детали. |
F08 | Один из сенсоров сломан. | Проверьте все датчики. Подключите новый сенсор. |
F09 | В определенный момент температура не превысила 5 градусов. | Осмотрите термодатчик, его цепь. |
F10 | Программное обеспечение дало сбой. | Вызывайте специалиста из сервиса. |
F11 | Нет контакта между электронной платой и мотором. | Проверьте проводки. Диагностируйте и замените мотор или плату. |
F12 | Машина прерывает программу, случился сбой. | Вызовите мастера. |
F13 | Низкое давление в системе. |
Помимо указанного выше сушильные машины (СМ) «Сименс» подвержены таким неисправностям:
- Белье не сушится. Причины могут заключаться в поломке платы, фена, реле платы. Проводится диагностика деталей и ремонт. Самостоятельно вы можете проверить емкость сбора конденсата. Очистите его от воды и ворса.
- Нет нагрева. Это связано с неисправностью ТЭНа или датчика температуры. Электроника также могла выйти из строя при скачках напряжения в сети. Рекомендуется установить стабилизатор напряжения.
- Не включается. Тут может быть множество причин. Прибор может не запуститься при отказе любого из узлов. Лучше обратиться в сервисный центр для проверки мотора, термодатчика, клеммной колодки, предохранителей.
- Не крутится барабан. Виной тому разрыв приводного ремня, износ оси, подшипников.
- Перелив воды в емкости. Очистите от засора канализацию, фильтр насоса, сливной шланг. Иногда работу крыльчатки насоса блокирует посторонний предмет, который нужно удалить.
- Техника подтекает. Разгерметизация впускного патрубка, бака, помпы. Найдите и изолируйте место протечки.
- Шумит во время работы. Механика повреждена. Требуется вмешательство специалиста.
Детали, не подлежащие ремонту, следует заменить на исправные.
Electrolux («Электролюкс»)
Код поломки | Его значение | Пути устранения |
Е20, EF0 | Вода не сливается. | Сливной насос не запускается — нужно его отремонтировать или заменить. Проверьте на засор или повреждение сливной шланг. |
Е40 | Неплотно закрыта дверца люка. | Прижмите плотнее дверцу, должен послышаться щелчок блокировки. |
Е90 | Электроника вышла из строя. | Сбросьте ошибку: отключите машину от сети. Затем снова включите и взгляните на дисплей. Если код снова там, тогда лучше обратиться в сервисный центр. |
Asko («Аско»)
Сушильная техника «Аско» относится к премиум-классу. Но системой самодиагностики обладают модели из сегмента «Экстра». Они редко показывают коды ошибок на дисплеях. Поэтому в таблице мы совместили ошибки и неисправности, свойственные машинам этой марки.
Код на экране | Расшифровка | Пути устранения |
F1 | Сообщение о необходимости обслуживания. | Обратитесь в сервис. |
F2 | Превышено время сушки. | Проверьте настройки. |
Е50 | Привод электродвигателя вышел из строя. | Диагностируйте и отремонтируйте привод. |
Е51 | Случился сбой электронной системы. | Требуется вмешательство специалиста. |
Неисправность | Причины появления | Как исправить |
Прибор не включается. |
Не сушит белье. |
Не открывается дверца. | Неверно вставлены фильтры. | Измените положение фильтров. |
При нажатии кнопок на панели, загорается код. | Сработала блокировка панели от случайного нажатия. | Чтобы отменить режим, поверните регулятор в позицию «Выкл.». Теперь установите другую программу. |
Не срабатывает подсветка в барабане. | Не выбрана программа, сгорела лампочка. | Включите любой из режимов, замените лампочку. |
Работа прервана. На панели мигают индикаторы. | Переполнена емкость конденсатора. | Слейте всю жидкость. |
Прерывание программы посреди цикла. | Недостаточно белья в баке. | Доложите вещи, либо выберите другую программу. |
Длительность сушки превысила 5 часов. |
Бывает и так, что на панели начинают поочередно мигать индикаторы. Причин может быть несколько:
- Сломался терморегулятор;
- Сбоит главная плата;
- Вентилятор охлаждения не работает;
- Забился фильтр слива;
- Засорился сливной шланг;
- Неисправна помпа.
Провести чистку деталей вы можете самостоятельно. Остальную диагностику и сброс ошибок лучше доверить мастеру.
Как избежать поломок
Первое и основное правило — придерживайтесь инструкции производителя.
- Не перегружайте барабан. При загрузке учитывайте класс сушки. Неправильное использование приводит к перегреву и разрыву ремня привода.
- Не загружайте слишком мокрое белье.
- Устанавливайте отдельные программы для каждого вида белья.
- Своевременно сливайте воду из конденсатора. Прочищайте его от ворса и пыли. Обилие грязи может привести даже к возгоранию при сильном перегреве.
Эти рекомендации применимы не только для вышеописанных моделей, но и для техники Miele, AEG и других марок. Следите и ухаживайте за своей машиной, тогда она отблагодарит вас бесперебойной работой.
If you’re looking for help fixing your Electrolux Dryer, look no further! Our comprehensive Electrolux Dryer error code guide will explain common issues, provide tips, and show you how to read your model’s error codes.
PROBLEM: Moisture sensor feedback frequency is too high. Clean the sensor bars inside the dryer first and repair any damage, if any.
PROBLEM: Moisture sensor feedback frequency is too low. Once again, dirt on the sensor bars or damage to them might be the cause.
PROBLEM: Dryer door open. Test the door switch with your meter. If open or intermittent, replace the switch.
PROBLEM: Motor relay failure. The motor might be intermittent or no operation.
PROBLEM: Motor stopped or won’t start. Check for mechanical restrictions. If you find none, contact us to help walk you through to confirm the cause.
PROBLEM: Drive motor centrifugal switch failure. Reach out for help. We can pinpoint the cause.
PROBLEM: The drive motor relay circuit failed.
PROBLEM: Heater relay failure.
PROBLEM: The control detected a ground short at the heating element.
PROBLEM: Open heating element circuit.
PROBLEM: Main control detected the high limit thermostat tripped to often (electric only). Contact us for help in finding the cause.
PROBLEM: Tripped thermal fuse. There is more than one cause for this error. If you don’t know for sure how to proceed, contact us for help.
PROBLEM: Heating sensor circuit failure triggered by the main control.
CODE: E71 or E72
PROBLEM: Outlet thermistor is out of range.
PROBLEM: Inlet thermistor is out of range.
PROBLEM: Similar to E54, drive motor relay circuit failure.
PROBLEM: Communication error. Typical cause is communication between UI (user interface) and main control.
PROBLEM: Mismatch between UI and main control.
PROBLEM: The control and peripherals aren’t matched or configured.
PROBLEM: Configuration error internal to the main control.
PROBLEM: A program mismatch internal to the main control.
PROBLEM: The control sees the frequency of the incoming power out of range (should be 60Hz). Contact the power company for correct power and frequency.
PROBLEM: The control detected incoming voltage above 130 Vac.
PROBLEM: The control detected incoming voltage below 90 Vac.
PROBLEM: The control detected incorrect wiring on the terminal block.
PROBLEM: This is a fatal error of the main control, meaning that you must replace it.
PROBLEM: The temperature regulation in the dryer isn’t correct and triggered this “blocked vent” error code.
PROBLEM: Maximum drying time for the selected cycle has passed and clothes are still wet. A strong indication of blocked or restricted air flow.
PROBLEM: This error indicates a stuck key on the UI.
Related Error Code Pages:
Electrolux Dishwasher Error Codes, Electrolux Dryer Error Codes, Electrolux Microwave Error Codes, Electrolux Refrigerator Error Codes, Electrolux Range Error Codes, Electrolux Washer Error Codes,
Related Troubleshooting Pages:
Electrolux Refrigerator Troubleshooting, Electrolux Range Troubleshooting, Electrolux Washer Troubleshooting, Electrolux Dryer Troubleshooting, Electrolux Microwave Troubleshooting, Electrolux Dishwasher Troubleshooting,
Related Repair Pages:
Electrolux Refrigerator Repairs, Electrolux Range Repairs, Electrolux Washer Repairs, Electrolux Dryer Repairs, Electrolux Microwave Repairs, Electrolux Dishwasher Repairs,
Related Parts Pages:
Electrolux Refrigerator Parts, Electrolux Range Parts, Electrolux Washer Parts, Electrolux Dryer Parts, Electrolux Microwave Parts, Electrolux Dishwasher Parts,
Related Price Pages:
Electrolux Dishwasher Prices, Electrolux Dryer Prices, Electrolux Microwave Prices, Electrolux Refrigerator Prices, Electrolux Range Prices, Electrolux Washer Prices,
Related Pages:
dryer maintenance service, dryer service and repair, dryer repair nearby, home dryer systems, dryer unit maintenance,
Product Reviews:
After purchasing an $1,100 dryer you would hope to get some longevity out o
After purchasing an $1,100 dryer you would hope to get some longevity out of it. After less than 3 weeks, the dryer belt burned out. 3 months later the same thing happened again. The second time Electrolux sent a service tech who came without parts left and said he would come back again the next morning. Did not show up so we have a dryer in pieces with no word back. Electrolux basically took no responsibility for either the product, which is clearly still under warranty, or on the service techs who they are dispatching. A completely disappointing experience. Will never purchase from them again.
Published: March 1, 2018
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I am so happy I bought this electrolux’s it fits easily in my space. i
I am so happy I bought this electrolux’s it fits easily in my space. its so easy to operate. It’s quiet, I just love it!
Published: July 6, 2020
Source: homedepot.com
Update on 01/14/2019: Because we were provided with an additional year part
Update on 01/14/2019: Because we were provided with an additional year parts and labor by Electrolux, a service person came in today, January 14, and replaced the door seal. Within one hour the new door seal was leaking again. Being extremely frustrated with Electrolux and the continued issue with their washer I phoned their customer service, again, and asked to speak to a supervisor/manager. I was informed they have no program to allow for each to return their defective washer, I will have to talk to the dealer (Recker & Boerger). I informed the supervisor I did not accept her response and wanted to talk to her manager. I was informed the manager would contact me in 1-2 days. I’m furious about their defective product and the manager won’t talk to me… I have to wait. Great customer service. Out of sheer frustration I called Recker & Boerger, talk to a store manager who told me they “chose” not to take back products that have been in a home over 30 days… My advice… Stay away from any Electrolux products and Recker & Boerger in the Cincinnati area. Both have no concept of how to provide customer service. Amazing.Original: In July, 2017 my wife and I allowed a salesperson to talk us into a front loading Electrolux washer, we had always had top loaders. Also bought matching dryer and the risers for each. Nothing but trouble with both, numerous service calls on washer and dryer. The washer is loud, sometimes much awful noises, doesn’t fill immediately while making those noises, but the most recent “joy in owning an Electrolux” is the door is leaking. The door seal was replaced approximately 6-8 months ago and we just started noticing streams of water running down the front of the washer. And, because we have it on a riser, water runs into the drawer on the riser. I’ll be calling Electrolux on Monday, we’ll have another service call, might get repaired properly, and wait for the next surprise. If you live in the Cincinnati area, stay away from Recker & Boerger. Once they make a delivery…you’re on your own, talk to Electrolux. So much for customer satisfaction. Best advice I can give is stay away from Electrolux!
Published: January 6, 2019
Wayne of Middletown, OH
Source: consumeraffairs.com
Purchased second most expensive dryer from Electrolux’s assortment. Less
Purchased second most expensive dryer from Electrolux’s assortment. Less than 10 months the dryer started making a terrible sound. A technician came out twice unable to fix. Essentially requiring to replace all internal parts. Electrolux customer service department is filled with incompetent individuals that do not understand the meaning of customer service. Each person I spoke with, were not solution oriented or the slightest bit empathetic to the issue(s) at hand. I emailed the head of appliances in North America (Alan Shaw) in hopes he could have an individual or team to assist with the issue. I was contacted by a horrendously rude woman (Rita **) who was curt and not once apologized for the inconvenience. She offered a 20% discount on an extended warranty. Since then I emailed the CEO of all Electrolux worldwide and have very little confidence he or anyone else in company will be accommodating or offer any resemblance of customer service. DO NOT BUY ELECTROLUX PRODUCTS.
Published: October 10, 2018
Lisa of Sussex, WI
Source: consumeraffairs.com
Worst customer service. Dryer just knots everything together and lint catch
Worst customer service. Dryer just knots everything together and lint catcher seems to grab straps on clothing and rips them off. Cannot get the musty smell out of the washer even with front load washer cleaners. Does not honor the extended warranty. Would never buy anything from Electrolux again.
Published: February 15, 2017
Josephine of Kirkfiels, Ontario Canada
Source: consumeraffairs.com
This is the worst experience I have ever had. Six months ago, moving to the
This is the worst experience I have ever had. Six months ago, moving to the new home, everything is fine but the Electrolux washer keeps giving me headache. Same sensor problem happened 3 times. There are 3 different companies that came to fix it. Okay, finally its fixed, but this is not a very good sign to have such a new machine with recurring problem. I had a very bad feeling about it, but they refused to replace a new functional one to me. No refund! No replacement. Live with it!Recently I found a lot of mold within the gasket and even the hardest clean layer. I tried to wipe it ever since I found it, but it just keeps coming back. I expect a new gasket, but the customer service said its not covered by the warranty. I need to pay for the part $155 + tax + techs labor. What? Is this my responsibility? The poor design is trapping the water. They said I need to leave the door open and clean it every time. There is a gap very, very hard to reach in. I cant imagine the front load washers door needs to be left open to air dry. No wonder there are horrible news about kids got into the washer or dryer. I am buying a $1,400+ washer, but I need to wipe it after each wash? High tech or more work? Reading their FB and saw many people complain about all types of appliance they bought. I wish Id read it! They really dont care about their reputation and no customer services at all.
Published: April 3, 2013
Yvonne of Azusa, CA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
After 6 months, my Electrolux gas dryer stopped working. Relieved it was st
After 6 months, my Electrolux gas dryer stopped working. Relieved it was still under warranty, I contacted Electrolux. That was a week ago and my dryer is still not repaired. The hold up is that the 2 lb part that the repairman determined was needed is in North Carolina and I live in California. Electrolux has refused to expedite delivery and has sent it via UPS SurePost which will take 8 days. This costs about $10 vs the $37 2-day UPS services costs. More disturbingly, after much insistence on my part, Electrolux agreed to send it via 2-day UPS service but then did not do it. I have wasted so much time and energy trying to get through to Electrolux customer service agents and then trying to get information out of them. They have gone back and forth telling me stories about the shipping details. Escalating to supervisors has been useless, they, too, make general statements such as, I understand how frustrating this must be to not have your dryer for a long period of time. The lack of real interest in customer service is shocking and I will never be purchasing Electrolux again. Just wanted to warn other consumers.
Published: March 7, 2018
Julia of Los Altos, CA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
Six months after my purchase of a washer/dryer from Electrolux (front load
Six months after my purchase of a washer/dryer from Electrolux (front load washer EFLW417SIW0), we began to have to run anywhere from 3-7 extra rinse cycles to get the soap left in the clothes to an acceptable level. Today, turning on the machine, with no clothes and no soap, the water begins to fill with suds in less than five minutes. We wash towels without adding soap. Electrolux customer service was contacted in July 2017, and the endless cavalcade of repair men started coming to my house. The first repair person indicated that I needed to run loads of vinegar and bleach (alternating) to reduce internal soap buildup in the machine. We ran in excess of 30 loads and still had soap appearing from nowhere. Called Electrolux customer service and the second repair person says the same thing. So we continue. Now, in excess of 70 loads of cleaner (alternating bleach and vinegar) and a $128 water bill, I still have soap in my machine.Called Electrolux and escalated to a supervisor. Supervisor insisted on sending out another repair person and that I should ask them to call the Electrolux factory technician help line while he is at my house for further instruction. I made their request, the repair person refused to call. I escalated to the next level of management and another repair person was ordered. During this ordeal, I was told by at least three people at Electrolux that my machine needed to be replaced. Each time I was told this, the representative put me on hold and came back and said that they would have to have another technician come out to the house. I agreed each time and did exactly as I was asked to do.Keep in mind, at no time did any of the technicians that came to my house ever open the machine and look inside to see if there was a problem. They witnessed the soap, took pictures, and told me to clean the machine. We are now in excess of 100 washer loads of cleaning solution with both bleach and vinegar and Affresh, and still have soap in the Each time we had someone come out, I reiterated that this is not our first HE machine and that the only soap we use is HE detergent, using MUCH less than the minimum amount of soap. Due to skin allergies, we use fragrance free and allergen free soap, and 1-2 tablespoons per load. When items are not very dirty, we use no soap, as there is enough latent soap in the machine to wash the clothes. The machine has never failed diagnostics and has never exhibited an error code, even when the machine was completely filled with suds all the way to the top during cleaning cycles.After visit number FIVE from another technician, I re-escalated to a second level supervisor. I was told there is nothing wrong with my machine and there was nothing more that could be done. So, after five technicians, each of which acknowledged there was obviously a problem, I still have no resolution. The final technician that showed up said that this is most likely due to soap build-up between the drums inside the machine. He indicated that the repair cost could approach the cost of the machine as these machines are not built to be serviceable. He estimated the costs at one $600 to remove the drums, clean them, and put things back together. The machine was purchased for $900. And he said that Electrolux would not approve the work to be done.On top of that, Electrolux only pays the technician if a problem is found and repaired. The first technician indicated that he changed the main drive belt in order to make some money for the trip. The belt was never changed as the machine was never opened. I did let Electrolux know this and they asked if I would rather have another company come out. My guess is that they spent about $100 on five visits to my house that will be written off as warranty expense.When I asked the second level supervisor, Bracey, if I should just have to live with rinsing my clothes an extra 3-7 times, he said, and I quote, …that is up to you…. Electrolux is indicating that I do not have a problem and there is nothing further they can do. I have filed a complaint with the Georgia Department of Consumer Protection and will escalate the issue at Electrolux (dont forget this is really Frigidaire) to the highest level. I do not expect to receive any further support and will have to replace my machine at my own expense. STAY AWAY.
Published: September 29, 2017
Scott of Alpharetta, GA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I purchased a Electrolux washer and dryer in the fall of 2015 and it has br
I purchased a Electrolux washer and dryer in the fall of 2015 and it has broken 4-5 times. Each time it takes 2-3 weeks for repair. This August they replaced the drum, a plastic piece that goes around the drum and the bearings. Five months later the plastic piece has started leaking a lot. So I have been out of a washer for 2 weeks now… never have I had a washer break so much… I bought it because this was suppose to be the best. Boy were they wrong!Updated on 1/15/2018: I recently wrote a review on my Electrolux washer. It was leaking water and the service person came out and said a plastic piece that wraps around the drum had cracked and they had to replace the drum, bearings and the plastic piece all had just been replaced 5 months before. It took 2 months for them to replace them 5 months ago. For 2 months I was without a washer. They replaced the part Jan 4th. The drum and plastic piece were covered in rust which is why my clothes were getting rust on them. Well 8 days later the washer will not drain. This is the fifth time since I bought the washer 2 1/2 years ago that it has broke. The insurance company says the same Part has to break 5 times before they replace it. This is the 2 or 3rd time the pump has broke. For a high-end washer this washer has been nothing but broke.
Published: January 1, 2018
Cathy of Ventura, CA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
Purchased an Electrolux refrigerator in June of 2011. I did not bother with
Purchased an Electrolux refrigerator in June of 2011. I did not bother with an extended warranty. From my past experiences with refrigerators, I figured that I should at least get about 7 or 8 years of use at the minimum.Three months later, while opening the refrigerator, the handle came off in my hand. It actually broke where it connected to the screws on the door. At the time, I had other issues that were deemed more important, so I did not bother with having it repaired. The following summer, I noticed that on very hot or humid days, the refrigerator did not get as cold as it normally functioned. That would last for several days and then miraculously it would return to the normal set temperature. This continued to occur this summer also. From day one, I always said that the refrigerator was loud. Everyday, especially at night when things are quieter, I hear an intermittent popping sound.It is 1:00 AM in the morning, and I just read several reviews on this site. When I woke up yesterday morning, the refrigerator, as well as, my food, were warm. I thought, how in the world can a 2-year-old refrigerator stop working. Granted, that I only paid around 500 plus dollars, I felt I was buying a reliable product since it was a sub-brand of Frigidaire which was the name of my washer/dryer set that I had for 13 years without any problems. At this very moment, the refrigerator is making a very loud humming sound. Earlier I had to transfer food to my deep freezer. I am not happy. I decided to find out if there were any complaints on this product (hindsight) to determine what my next step would be. Well, I have decided to purchase another refrigerator (a well known name brand) and not even bother with a repair service due to the numerous complaints I have read. I refuse to take out the time to experience repeated repairs! Sales representatives will say anything to get you to buy a product. If I have learned anything, it is to research before hand when purchasing sub-brand appliances, regardless of the manufacturer. I will not own another ELECTROLUX product EVER!
Published: September 19, 2013
Michelle of Cincinnati, OH
Source: consumeraffairs.com
Awful experience with model #EFME517SIW 8.0 cu. (Electrolux Dryer 2016) .Th
Awful experience with model #EFME517SIW 8.0 cu. (Electrolux Dryer 2016) .The front door rattles at very high decibels as does the flimsy rear panel. We cant stand the noise and disruption within our home. Called Electrolux and they claimed that after one year, there is no warranty coverage for this issue. Unfortunately, we purchased the washer/dryer set while the home was under renovations and were unable to use the appliances for several months. By the time we used the appliances, the horrible rattling started, but warranty ended. My former GE clothes dryer worked perfectly and quietly for 10 years, never requiring service. Ill never purchase from Electrolux again and will tell post as many reviews as possible about their poorly made and overpriced clothes dryer.
Published: March 23, 2018
John of Pasadena, CA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I wish I had read these reviews first! Seems as if its a common problem. BR
I wish I had read these reviews first! Seems as if its a common problem. BRAND new washer and dryer. 2.5 months of use and it quits. Call Electrolux and they send a tech. Its non repairable! As a few others have said… POOR construction. The wheel isnt attached properly, shreds the belt, digs into and eventually punctures the drum… which leads to leaking. The leaking of course wasnt noticed until the washing machine QUIT working all together, after 2 months…. and now we have mold on our brand new floor and baseboards. And do you think Electrolux cares? NO. They refuse to refund my money for their crap product. They dont have a buy back program. Ive missed time from work, had to pay to go to a laundromat, and have now been a full month without a machine… I paid over $1600 for this set, plus time off work and money for a laundromat and they dont care. All I get is Sorry to hear that but we dont have a buy back program. BUYER BEWARE!
Published: June 25, 2015
Juli of Council Bluffs, IA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
Safety alert! Purchased this dryer from Sears in December 2017, and have ex
Safety alert! Purchased this dryer from Sears in December 2017, and have experienced lint clogging problems in the fan assembly since then. Spoke with Rita ** at corporate, November 20, 2018, at 12:30 p.m. central standard time. She first asked what she could do to and I told her to pay for the parts I ordered or replace the dryer. I reviewed my original email message to her (Rita **) as she appeared to not have read it thoroughly. She stated that my installing the filter assembly lint clamshell (530451374) and the grill assembly lint with moisture sensor (5304515376) would void my manufacturers warranty. Even though the parts are newer models (for EFME627U) released after discontinuing my dryer model and would work by using longer mounting screws and transferring the original moisture sensor wire assembly, Electrolux would dismiss the unit and no longer honor the warranty. I stated that the engineers would be very happy to learn about the problem and the repair to correct using the newer design parts. I also asked Rita if she would like grandmothers or other elderly people to have to deal with the felt producing lint buildup in the fan assembly. I expressed concern regarding the high number of bad reviews of this dryer because of the lint problem. Rita promptly tried to tell me that the majority of the Internet reviews are negative at which point I cut her off and explained that I understand how the Internet works as I am an IT professional. People typically post detailed negative reviews when extremely frustrated or disappointed. Rita said something about posting good reviews and I told her that I do not post reviews for every service and item that delivers as expected. It is only the problems that need to be shared or those services or items that deliver in a much better than expected manner. Rita stated a minimum of three times that it was at my discretion to post negative reviews — even when I explained that they would be detailed. With all that said, are you certain that this direction is the one endorsed by Electrolux corporate? It is a great disappointment to me and I will need to spend more time to release the reviews as I do NOT want elderly people or others (think of your family and friends) to purchase such a problematic dryer. This dryer is the FIRST to exhibit these problems — even with washing and drying laundry containing MORE fur and lint with my previously owned, other branded, units. In all cases I am a fanatic about cleaning the lint screen and in the situation of the current Electrolux, stopping the cycle midway to perform an additional cleaning if I am drying whites (cotton based). Note that I also sent email messages to Alan Shaw and Jonas Samuelson receiving NO response or bounce messages (their email addresses are good). Will never purchase Electrolux products again.
Published: November 25, 2018
First of Chicago, IL
Source: consumeraffairs.com
What this to go with the Electrolux washer. Wanted stackable and large capa
What this to go with the Electrolux washer. Wanted stackable and large capacity. Couldn’t be happier with my purchase. It’s perfect for condo living. And accommodates comforters and king size blankets and bedspreads. It also has lots of features and at 5’1” I can still see and reach the control pad.
Published: January 27, 2020
Carol303, Hutchinson Island North
Source: homedepot.com
Got this washer and dryer back in May 2011. Immediately I started having pr
Got this washer and dryer back in May 2011. Immediately I started having problems with the washing machine. The pump is out now and its been out for two weeks and nobody knows if they can get the part or whats going on. Very disappointing in Electrolux. I worked for this company for 30 years and know how!!
Published: May 28, 2014
Brenda of Matthews, NC
Source: consumeraffairs.com
We purchased new front loading washer and dryer this winter for our new hom
We purchased new front loading washer and dryer this winter for our new home. 6 months of use and the washer stopped draining. Warranty service tech came out and found the drain line plugged deep inside the machine. To fix he had to remove the top and front of the machine to get to a plastic inline bowl that he said is prone to becoming plugged. We have a lab and he said we need to shake out everything before washing as the dogs hair will clog the machine. This repair is not for the amateur and if it wasn’t under warranty it would have been about $240. Can’t believe the poor design and difficult accessibility to do routine cleaning. Our dog is 8 years old and we’ve never had a problem like this. Will think twice about buying another one when the time comes.
Published: January 3, 2019
Doug of Sherrills Ford, NC
Source: consumeraffairs.com
They have highly rated products but the service is just awful. Bought throu
They have highly rated products but the service is just awful. Bought through Sears a brand new 8 ft gas dryer (EFMG617STT) and it started making a noise right after installation. The installation person told us the noise would go away. Over 3 months the noise turned into a vibration until we couldnt run it. Had signed up for the Electrolux Platinum Star Limited Warranty so called up and they sent out a service repair company (All County Appliance Service) who determined it needed a blower wheel and motor. It has now been 2 weeks without them being able to fix the dryer. My wife has spent more than 10 hours on the phone tracking it down and no-one can tell where the parts are and when they can fix it. It turns out the repair company has a 1 star rating on Yelp and they dont even answer the phone most of the time and when they do, they refer to Electrolux regarding sending the parts. Electrolux (we have talked to 3 different people) say they have many clients except us and we need to wait. When we contacted Sears (which we have 3 times and they hanged up last time) they say we need to contact Electrolux. Never seen anything like this…ever. Especially when you pay $1200 for a top of the line appliance.
Published: February 4, 2017
Christer of Marietta, GA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
ELECTROLUX SERVICE WARRANTY PROCESS IS LONG AND BROKEN: 5 WEEKS WITH A DRYER THAT HAS NEVER POWERED UP. Appalling service and approach to customer service. Electrolux service warranty process is long and Broken: 5 weeks with a dryer that never powered-up. Im now in possession of a dryer for approx. 5 weeks that has never powered-up. Its been 5 weeks of endless hours of phone calls and emails with Canadian Appliance Source, the retailer; Electrolux Warranty Dept; and Home Appliance Care Ottawa, authorized service technicians. Following the first warranty service call, the tech diagnosed the problem to be the motherboard related to power fluctuations in the dryer electrical outlet. The builders electrician confirmed the power readings were normal and within acceptable limits. A replacement board was ordered and installed. Guess what?! The dryer still did not power-up and tech remains convinced it is due to a power issue. I requested a second assessment of the power situation from the provincial (equivalent to a US state) power provider, and it was determined again that all was working as it should. This information was relayed to Electrolux, who now wants to schedule a third warranty service call, as a second opinion to its first 2 assessments. When asked why a second opinion was necessary given that more highly educated and experienced professionals have already determined that there are no issues with power supplied to the dryer, I was essentially told it was because Electrolux was more trusting of the assessment provided by their authorized service technician. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! HOW DOES ANY OF THIS MAKE ANY SENSE? Does the CEO/PRESIDENT or any other member of Electroluxs senior management team have any idea of how customers are being handled? This is a waste of time by all the parties involved, and hugely inconvenient for me, the customer. Im presently drying my clothes on a $50 drying rack instead of the $800 dryer I purchased.WHERE IS CUSTOMER SERVICE IN ANY OF THIS? Common sense to this situation in not being applied by Electrolux. Why doesnt Electrolux retain its political capital and just admit the productive is defective. It will be a very, very sad day if Electrolux maintains its position of only accepting their authorized technicians assessment about the power situation. What a disgusting way to treat a customer who is in possession of product for almost 5 weeks that has never worked out-of-the-box.
Published: March 1, 2019
Peter of Orleans, Ontario
Source: consumeraffairs.com
My Electrolux EIMED60JIWO front load dryer will not start. Serial # 4D10402
My Electrolux EIMED60JIWO front load dryer will not start. Serial # 4D10402611. Purchased May 28, 2011 Hampton, VA. Registered with Electrolux. If I turn the dial to different settings it beeps at each setting, light flashes on and off with the beep. If I try to start, turn the dial, cancel or push any other buttons, it beeps. This has happened 4 times since I purchased the dryer in May 28 of 2011. I believe the last technician said the dryer had to be reset. It will not reset. I tried unplugging, resetting the circuit breaker, factory resetting the dryer by pushing the temperature button and the dryness button simultaneously for 6 seconds. NOTHING. STILL NOT WORKING!!! Of course it is only 4 years old, but out of warranty. They advised that I purchase a 2 year extended warranty for $267.74, and then I have to wait 9 days for the earliest service call. The dryer cost $1100!!! They didnt fix the problem when it was under the original warranty. I am NOT happy with Electrolux. WARNING!!! DO NOT BUY ELECTROLUX!! They offer a poor product, poor service, and fail to honor the warranty. I expected more out of my Electrolux. Please advise.
Published: July 20, 2015
Anya of Hampton, VA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I bought a new Electrolux washer and dryer from Home Depot online in Novemb
I bought a new Electrolux washer and dryer from Home Depot online in November of 2017. The dryer has not worked correctly since it was installed. After contacting Electrolux, they sent a repairman out twice to fix the problem with no resolution. The second time, after taking the dryer completely apart and replacing the motherboard and wiring harness, the dryer wont even run. Electrolux will not replace the dryer and wants more repairs done before even considering a replacement. I bought a new dryer and now its a used dryer!
Published: December 22, 2017
Tony of Liberty Township, OH
Source: consumeraffairs.com
We purchased the washer and dryer in 2017. Was supposed to be this great pa
We purchased the washer and dryer in 2017. Was supposed to be this great pair. Well, its February 2, 2019 and the dryer just died. Cant get repair over for 4 days and who knows how long to get parts. Ive had approximately 4 other brands of washers over the years and have never had one do this. All of my washers and dryers lasted well over 10 years. NOT THIS ONE. Luckily, we are building a new home and wont take this or buy another. BEWARE!
Published: February 2, 2019
Roxanne of Morrison, CO
Source: consumeraffairs.com
BUYER BEWARE!!! When my boyfriend and I bought our house, we purchased an E
BUYER BEWARE!!! When my boyfriend and I bought our house, we purchased an Electrolux washer and dryer set. Since we purchased them, the washer has leaked into the drawer randomly and the dryer has burned our clothes multiple times. They have replaced the back grate 3 times already and it keeps turning black and burning our clothes. Now it’s been fixed since yesterday and the grate is black again. Upon further research, I’ve found multiple people with the same complaint. Please do not buy anything from Electrolux. Their products suck. Their service sucks. Their accountability sucks. I want a new friggin dryer!!!
Published: January 21, 2018
Jennifer of Howell, NJ
Source: consumeraffairs.com
We purchased the Electrolux washer and dryer in 2017 and immediately had a
We purchased the Electrolux washer and dryer in 2017 and immediately had a problem with it clanging and banging. We had two techs out and they couldnt find an issue. Now the pedestal drawer broke! I owned a Kenmore front loader for 15 years and never had one problem! Today I called about that part and explained that it still clangs. My husband says its a design flaw and even tho we empty the lint screen after every single use, it is escaping and going into the motor. Today they said they cant cover sending someone out again. Its beyond the time limit! Really!? Dont buy any of their products! The company doesnt build reliable products and then try to pawn it off on the consumer and blame us for waiting so long.. I said its not my fault twice they couldnt figure it out. Never ever ever ever will I buy anything electrolux! Terrible products and worse customer service! They dont even deserve one star. I would give them a negative 5 if possible!
Published: December 11, 2019
Vicky of Riverside, CA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I bought this dryer for my new home after doing a lot of research. I needed
I bought this dryer for my new home after doing a lot of research. I needed something I could stack that would last me a long time and had important features. This dryer has it all, and fits in my unique space. It’s awesome!
Published: June 21, 2020
Drasmussen, Tucson, Az
Source: homedepot.com
From day 1 I have had problems with these machines. I had it serviced sever
From day 1 I have had problems with these machines. I had it serviced several times, the service people contacted Electrolux to discuss issues and new parts were put into the dryer and it seemed to help for a while, but now it isnt drying the clothes without extra cycles. The washer is a total wreck. The drum broke and that had to be replaced. It is so loud when it spins, it sounds like an airplane taking off. Then it was the thermostat heating the water to boiling hot on every single load even delicates. Now the front door wont stay closed. I hate, hate, hate these machines. I was just curious if there had been any recalls on these machines? Would appreciate any info you can give me. Thanks.
Published: August 9, 2015
Bobbi of Ivins, UT
Source: consumeraffairs.com
Our dryers door broke. When we called they sent us the wrong part. When I c
Our dryers door broke. When we called they sent us the wrong part. When I called to fix it, they told me that it is our fault that we have asked for the wrong part and the time period for complaints has just expired; so they cannot take it back, and I have to start a new ticket to replace the door. When I have asked for a supervisor they hung up on me. The tone of the person on the line was not only indifferent but annoyed by the fact that she had to talk to me. It is an incredibly frustrating experience to deal with people who are not only unhelpful but personally detached from their firms mistakes.
Published: July 9, 2014
Laszlo of Vienna, Va 22182, VA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I purchased what I thought was a high quality front loading washer and drye
I purchased what I thought was a high quality front loading washer and dryer from Electrolux in 2014. In only two and a half years, the dryer has stopped working. The moisture sensor completely just fell off on its own, and I am beyond warranty. Ive had to take days off from work to have the item inspected, and to order a new part. It isnt cheap either. This is a very disappointing product that was not made very well.
Published: March 16, 2017
Ryan of Prospect, CT
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I purchased an Electrolux washer and dryer set 2 years ago in silver grey c
I purchased an Electrolux washer and dryer set 2 years ago in silver grey colour. Right from the start the doors on both units would not close properly, nor would the detergent dispenser drawer on the washer. As well, you could not partially close the door when airing the washer after using it, meaning the door stayed wide open. This required placing the machine in an area where no children/people would walk past it and hook on to the door. THEN, the entire control panel went on the washer. We were told that Electrolux no longer made that model — ONE YEAR AFTER PURCHASE, and that instead of repairing it, the warranty company replaced it with the next newer model. This entailed that we also had to replace our DRYER, since the new washers colour was a different colour of grey, and the units no longer matched. UGLY!! The 5-year warranty we purchased at the initial time of washer purchase was now also void, meaning we would have to pay AGAIN if we wanted extended warranty. I tried contacting Electrolux Canada to ask if we could get a rebate or refund for the extra costs we endured because their units were faulty and outdated so soon after purchase. Thats when the real trouble started. The young girl at their customer service was the rudest, uncaring person I have ever encountered in the business. She said if it wasnt a warranty issue, that she would do nothing to assist me. She refused to put me through to her supervisor, and any emails that would be sent would go back to her. There was no logic in her approach and needless to say, the whole experience left me totally frustrated and disappointed. I even tried reaching someone at Electroluxs USA and European Office, but was told that it was not within their area, and that I would have to contact their Canadian office- even after I had explained my problems with the first line person there. No one offered to contact a supervisor on my behalf, or even give me a direct telephone number or email address where I could contact a supervisor myself. Although the machines — one year old, are still working, I will never again buy ANY product from Electrolux, after having the worst customer service experience of my life!
Published: April 24, 2017
donna of Oakbank, MB
Source: consumeraffairs.com
We purchased a washer dryer set 1 year ago. The steam/water valve on the dr
We purchased a washer dryer set 1 year ago. The steam/water valve on the dryer failed 4 months ago and after the load is dry the water continues to stray into drum, filling it up with water, runs into drawer and floods floor. We had it fixed by the appliance store technician. The valve has now failed again. A tech is coming out again. Has anyone else had this issue? Model # EFME517SIW0.
Published: May 6, 2019
Hertha of Billings, MT
Source: consumeraffairs.com
Do NOT BUY THIS BRAND! What a waste of money! My dryer quit working after 2
Do NOT BUY THIS BRAND! What a waste of money! My dryer quit working after 2 years; we called a repairman and he said there were burn marks in the control panel and would cost well over $700 to fix it. We will be buying a new dryer today and it will NOT be an Electrolux.
Published: June 20, 2019
Sarah of Papillion, NE
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I have 5 little kids ages 10 months to 9 years and I do laundry as you can
I have 5 little kids ages 10 months to 9 years and I do laundry as you can imagine as a MUST every second day!! Bought Electrolux washer dryer since I was advised they have fastest washing time and does great wash! To my utmost disappointment and my worst nightmare I got a lemon of a Wash machine! Worked for 1 week! Only! Started squeaking then leaking! Called the company and since it is under warranty they said will send someone down! Waited a full week! Finally the technician says gotta replace 5 parts! Had to wait 2 weeks for parts! You can imagine Im schlepping garbage bags and bags with kids in tow to Laundromat! Aggravation! Finally parts arrive, the technician comes back after a few days- installs back tub, front tub, basket, rubber by door! Every single part in this new machine! And disappears before he even has a chance to check it out properly! Besides for he scratched up my wall, and left all the old parts and garbage by my front door! Heavy parts!!I breathe a sigh of relief though somewhat! Great let’s do laundry! Throw in much needed load, and whoa when it comes to spinning it starts squeaking and bam! Stops spinning totally!!! This was Friday afternoon, can’t reach technician till Monday! Finally reach them Monday after suffering through Laundromat again. Guy comes back, opens the insides, says “oh the rubber slid off”! Puts it back on! And out the door he is! Call me if you have any problem!I had towels that were smelling already, threw in the load and in no time the squeaking started!!! Before I had a chance to do anything smoke started bellowing out of the machine. I pressed cancel and quickly called and ran for all the kids! I grabbed the infant and toddler ran outside! Luckily phone was in hand I called fire dept! Thank God I caught it early and stopped the machine! But I cannot use it now!I called Electrolux and they say they will send other repair company!! I begged, demanded and threatened for a new machine!! Can you believe that!?? They refused!! I need a new machine! I got a total lemon! I have 5 little kids! I cannot afford all the aggravation to wait for them to come figure out that they cannot fix or how.
Published: April 28, 2015
Toby of Monroe, NY
Source: consumeraffairs.com
In January, 2017 we purchased the top of the line Electrolux Washer and Gas
In January, 2017 we purchased the top of the line Electrolux Washer and Gas Dryer. Shortly after the washing machine was installed, water started to leak from under the unit. It flooded our laundry room. A week later a tech showed up and diagnosed that a pump was installed incorrectly at the factory. Two weeks later it was replaced. Guess what? It continued to leak. This time I asked for a different tech to come out to ensure he knew what he was doing. He determined it was a different pump that was cracked so another part had to be ordered. By this time I was so upset that I demanded a new machine.After much negotiation, Electrolux agreed to replace the washer. Now last week, our dryer stopped working. We started to notice about a month ago that it was taking longer to dry clothes. Finally on Jan. 5th exactly one year from when we took delivery, the machine stopped working. I called Electrolux Jan. 8th and they said the one year warranty is up so I have to pay for a service call. The customer service at this company is terrible and they forget who is paying their salaries. I will never buy another Electrolux appliance and I urge others to avoid them like the plague!
Published: January 8, 2018
Randy of London, ON
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I purchased a wave touch washer and dryer in december 2008. We have had to
I purchased a wave touch washer and dryer in december 2008. We have had to have both the washer and dryer parts replaced many times on both. The computer boards went bad on the washer. It still leaks down the front and the door does not open properly. To get these fixed is several $$. We were just told that our dryer now needs a new motor costing around $350. I recommend to anyone else that they dont purchase electrolux products. It is a foreign brand and parts are a lot more money. A fact that I overlooked when buying. We are considering cutting our losses and purchasing a whole new set instead of continuing to pour more money into these units. What a huge disappointment. If this complaint only warns future customers would be my desire. So wish I would have done more research before purchasing them
Published: October 15, 2014
LINDA of Medina, OH
Source: consumeraffairs.com
Electrolux washer ruined clothes — I purchased a new washer along with the
Electrolux washer ruined clothes — I purchased a new washer along with the dryer and pedestals in March 2012. Washer started putting bleach stains on clothes. After ruining several pieces of clothing, I called for service. The first service call was very prompt. Because bleach was involved, the tech replaced three parts, all dealing with the dispensing of the bleach. This repair didnt work. I spoke with the service company, and they indicated that there was nothing else they could do and that this problem has happened before. So after bleaching several more pieces of clothing, I called Electrolux again. They said that they needed to send someone out again, so I told them what the repair company had said. They needed verification that the machine was not repairable. It took quite some time for this to happen. I had stopped using bleach in the machine, but somehow, it was still bleaching clothes. I would call, and nobody would get back to me. Finally, after about a month and 15 pieces of ruined clothing at a cost in excess of $800, they authorized replacement of the washer. After making sure the new washer was working properly, I attempted to get reimbursement for the damaged clothing. They had me send pictures of all the damaged articles. Again, after many calls not being returned, I finally started calling every 15 or 20 minutes and leaving a message until they got tired of having to listen to all the voice mails. They only offered $150 for all the damaged clothing. Oh yeah, I have also had to have 2 service calls on the dryer. The door wasnt closing properly.
Published: September 13, 2012
Timothy of Denver, CO
Source: consumeraffairs.com
We purchased a front loading dryer approximately 3 years ago. Right after t
We purchased a front loading dryer approximately 3 years ago. Right after the 1 year warranty expired, the dryer began having char issues with the vent screen in the back of the unit. I can only run the appliance on delicate unless I want my clothing to have char marks and holes. I have lost thousands of dollars in clothing, not to mention the increase in my gas and electric bills.
Published: August 9, 2012
Rosemarie of Pittsburgh, PA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
We purchased all Electrolux when we built our new home in 2009. Oven Contro
We purchased all Electrolux when we built our new home in 2009. Oven Control Board went out. I bought and replaced part myself. Dishwasher does not clean well. Drain Pump went out. Leak detector cut the unit off a year later. I repaired myself. A clamp on the main pump hose was not tight enough. Microwave repaired twice. Door switch bad. Then door switch mount came lose.Side by Side Fridge control panel on front replaced, segments of temperature went out. Poor Temperature distribution in fridge, get 42 degrees on top shelf while bottom shelf is 37. Set it any colder and back of both drawers freeze things. So far vent fan hood, gas cooktop, and washer and dryer are OK. Thankfully I have a great dealer with great repair people, ** in Florence. I have purchase receipt for all of these, dated 11-28-08.
Published: May 16, 2015
Donald of Florence, AL
Source: consumeraffairs.com
After using my dryer for a couple of years now, Ive been having problems. T
After using my dryer for a couple of years now, Ive been having problems. The lint filter no longer fits smoothly. The edge sits up higher than the rest of the area in the front of the dryer and this causes clothing to get hung on the edge, thus, wrapping around other garments until a knot of twisted, knotted clothing exists. This twisting and heating of the garments actually causes wrinkling and stretching which is very difficult to get out, even no-iron clothing requires either wetting and re-drying or ironing.
Published: October 29, 2018
Deborah of Harriman, TN
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I am not happy at all with our purchase! Was told by technician who came ou
I am not happy at all with our purchase! Was told by technician who came out to check them that I needed to shut my cold water down so we could get warm water wash? Never heard of such a thing! So we put coats in and it shuffles them until the washer is out of balance! The dryer is another problem? We put 3 bath towels and hand and washcloths in and the kitchen towels? When you go to take them out part of them still wet! All we wanted was to have a washer and dryer we could turn on and do laundry! This pair is nothing but computerized junk to us!
Published: February 10, 2019
Marion of New London, OH
Source: consumeraffairs.com
We bought the Electrolux washer and dryer that said it had fast wash and fa
We bought the Electrolux washer and dryer that said it had fast wash and fast dry. We were planning to buy Samsung as we had this brand before and it worked great. We went to Bad Boys and they persuaded us to buy this brand mainly because of the fast wash and dry features. The washer was fine but the dryers fast dry feature does not work at all. Garbage. We told Bad Boys that we were not happy and they sent someone to take a look. They said that there was nothing wrong with it and that that is how it was. Neither Electrolux or Bad boys did anything further to help us. We spent over $6000 in appliances and no help at all regarding this issue. Terrible customer services on both parts. We will NEVER ever buy this brand again.
Published: March 28, 2019
Sally of Toronto, ON
Source: consumeraffairs.com
The cost was very affordable for the size of both. The different types of c
The cost was very affordable for the size of both. The different types of cycles were offered on each. The washer had a hand wash plus a delicate cycle. The cycle on the washer was no longer than 38 minutes, compared to some might last way longer. The dryer had a lot of issue and needed repaired. This was caused by the assembly line by the manufacturer. The dryer would need to have air dry cycle on cold cycle to air comforters. A price would be too high for the pair. The company does not have a good reputation on quality and does not have a a record of low maintenance. Even though Ive had problems with the dryer, the store where we purchased them sold us an extended warranty which paid for itself. We would not purchase Electrolux due to the problems that we encountered.
Published: March 25, 2016
Solange of Sudbury, ON
Source: consumeraffairs.com
Purchased brand new front load ElFLS60LTI Electrolux washer and dryer July
Purchased brand new front load ElFLS60LTI Electrolux washer and dryer July 2015. Washer leaking from underneath and called service repair company. Back metal wheel with rubber belt had continually been cutting away into the back of the drum and carved out a hole where water leaked out. There was plenty of shredded strips of the rubber belt at bottom of the unit due to half of the belt eroding away as it was carved into the back of drum with the metal wheel. Not worth money to repair. I took photos and called Electrolux customer service and asked for a discount toward a new washer or even a used washer since this one was in use for only 2.5 years. The answer was NO. They suggested I shop around for deals. They did offer me 50% off any parts. Nothing toward labor. So I might as well buy a new washing machine. How about offering me 50% off a washer since this clearly was a defect. Anyway, I will never purchase an Electrolux product again.
Published: June 5, 2018
Tammy of Stratford, CT
Source: consumeraffairs.com
Refrigerator icemaker quit after a few months. Several months later, after
Refrigerator icemaker quit after a few months. Several months later, after checking online, I found that the lines can freeze, so I took a hair dryer to it and it now works fine. After only two years, the interior lights would stay on. Now they stay off. The company refuses to do anything about it. I would expect ten years out of a major appliance….not two years!
Published: March 18, 2014
Gordon of Cosby, TN
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I purchased a Front loader Electrolux brand washer and dryer on February 19
I purchased a Front loader Electrolux brand washer and dryer on February 19 from Home Depot for a Presidents Day sale. I was given a delivery date on March 3. Four days before they were supposed to deliver, Electrolux called me and asked if they could deliver on March 31, because my dryer was back ordered and they would only deliver them together. I told them that was very inconvenient because I had no other washer and dryer and I had a 6 month old baby. I asked them what I should do. They told me to call Home Depot. Home Depot was helpful, they said they would reimburse me $300 the cost it would be for laundry service. On March 28, I called Electrolux to make sure they were delivering my washer/dryer on the 31st. They told me that again my dryer was backordered and they would not be delivering it until May 16. They said there was nothing they could do that I would have to contact Home Depot for any help. I asked if they were planning on just not calling me and letting me sit around all day waiting for my delivery to not happen and she said, Well, we try and contact our customers but we dont always get to everyone. Needless to say, Im fuming angry and I am going to try and cancel my order and find something else.
Published: March 28, 2018
Karen of West Jordan, UT
Source: consumeraffairs.com
We purchased an Electrolux washer (and dryer) — our first Electrolux brand
We purchased an Electrolux washer (and dryer) — our first Electrolux brand of major appliance. We are normally careful to read reviews and check the brand out. All the reviews regarding the product features and benefits were strong. Never having had a problem with all laundry appliances we have purchased over the last 20 years or so, we failed to check the feedback on quality and service. Did check with friends and family with Electrolux laundry appliances — and they had performance concerns but did not have any service issues. Within the first 9 months, the washer developed a bottom leak (which I now see is a common problem). We are not high volume users, doing about 4 to 6 loads every month. Upon calling Electrolux, it seems that the authorized service agent in my area (the greater Boston area) can only come out 2 weeks from the day I called. Since this is the only way I can have my appliance repaired and the cost covered under the manufacturers warranty, I accepted the appointment. I think that it is reasonable to expect a problem free first year (or longer for an appliance that costs as much), as has been our experience over the last 20+ years. And, if it seems that this is a common issue, and likely a manufacturing defect. In my view, the manufacturer should stand behind their reputation and provide extended warranty coverage to address known manufacturing defects while fixing the issue in their design and production. If this were a car, I am quite sure there would be a recall to fix the problem at no cost to the owner. Fortunately, the damage caused by the water leaking is not major in our case. Nonetheless, it is not usable as it is for an extended period. So, families who may have the washer installed where there is potential for water leakage damage or who cannot function without a washer for a couple of weeks (or more), or who may not want to incur the additional maintenance costs — may wish to exclude this brand from their consideration.
Published: August 26, 2014
Shubhra of Rockport, MA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
We purchased an Electrolux front load washer-dryer from Lowes Home Center o
We purchased an Electrolux front load washer-dryer from Lowes Home Center on 05/14/11. We also purchased an extended protection, 4 year plan at that time.We have had problems ever since we purchased the washer. It will not drain the water. We contacted Lowe’s, and they sent a repair technician to check the machine. We have had 4 or 5 service technicians in all to come out. The machine still will not drain. One technician told us our drain pipe was too tall, so I cut the pipe to the height I was told it needed to be. The machine worked for two and a half loads and stopped draining. The last technician said because we have a septic tank, we had to put in a p-trap to keep back flow air from stopping the machine from draining. I installed the trap. It still will not drain.My wife called the technician again and was told this was not their problem. They told her that they could not keep coming out to our home. What can we do about this problem?
Published: September 28, 2011
Jimacie of Springtown, TX
Source: consumeraffairs.com
Bought a front load washer and dryer 2 years ago. Within the first month ou
Bought a front load washer and dryer 2 years ago. Within the first month our washer was beeping and displaying an error code. Called and told it would cost $125 for one of their authorized repairmen to take a look. Fast forward to 6 months old, it started leaving oil/grease stains on our clothing. Destroying these articles of clothing. Fast forward to 9 months in and out dryer wouldnt stay on for longer than 5 minutes at a time. Called and was told it was the heat element and it was not covered. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?! So we paid out of pocket to repair and purchase the part. Now not even two years old the washer is leaking water everywhere causing extensive damage to our floor and wall. They are willing to cover the part as now suddenly parts ARE covered up to two years (so our heat element should have been covered!) but are still going to be responsible for the cost of labor. I have never seen such junk! What company does not stand behind their products?! I know and understand warranties. However with units that have had as many problems as these, it is inexcusable to shrug shoulders and say Oh well. Plagued with issues and no assistance. What a joke!!!
Published: July 3, 2017
Sarah of Paoli, PA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
Based on positive reviews across the web, bought Electrolux EFLS617 washer
Based on positive reviews across the web, bought Electrolux EFLS617 washer and matching dryer. Empty Nest household — Washer quit after 6 weeks. Warranty service into 3rd week wait. Local Service provider stated failed part is recall, and tells us min 2 weeks. I call 2 weeks later, part ordered through distributor and is on back order with no eta available. Called Electrolux for help to on recalled part; Electrolux rep stated part is not recall and would not assist in tracking part down. Asked to speak to customer satisfaction dept; rep stated This is Electrolux customer satisfaction and said no more. It appears Electrolux reps are trained robots assigned to only check failed appliance is registered under your name. This rep deflected all my questions to local service provider. No help, no empathy, no apology for failure or inconvenience. Attitude not helpful — I suspect that failure is their normal. And I’m stuck without a washer. Sorry I bought this washer.
Published: August 7, 2017
Donna of Boca Raton, FL
Source: consumeraffairs.com
We have been very pleased with our dryer. Overall, it’s a very nice dr
We have been very pleased with our dryer. Overall, it’s a very nice dryer. We had to call for service due to not starting but, it was a minor manufacturing issue and fixed within minutes. We are still very happy with the dryer.
Published: December 7, 2016
Ray of Carpinteria, CA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I purchased a set of Electrolux washer and dryer. I have to say, What junk?
I purchased a set of Electrolux washer and dryer. I have to say, What junk? After fixing the washing 3 times in the 3 yrs we had it we decided to leave it at the curb. And now we are on our 2nd heating element for the dryer in 3 yrs. Stay away from these products.
Published: July 22, 2018
Darla of Shelbyville, IN
Source: consumeraffairs.com
Electrolux Washer Model EIFLS55IIW1 — Washing machine delivered 1/25/2014.
Electrolux Washer Model EIFLS55IIW1 — Washing machine delivered 1/25/2014. Purchased matching dryer 6/1/14. Dryer control panel dies after three months. Repaired under warranty. Just short of 22 months of delivery washer does not spin out clothes. $100 for repairman to come out. Says, Broken belt. Comes back a week later with belt. But NO, not the belt, the pulley, and the pulley ate into the drum, destroying that as well. 22 months old and washer is considered totaled by repairman. However, can be fixed for $1,200 for parts and labor. Wait, I only bought this 22 months ago for $899. Now the fun, Electrolux says that it will warranty parts and that I can pay for the labor. Again, top of the line machine should of lasted at least 5 years, not 22 months!! Frigidaire washer made by Electrolux stood the test of four teenagers, dog blankets, horse blankets, etc., but the more expensive top of the line model could not stand up to two senior citizens doing normal washes, with the wife doing all the appropriate cleanings on machine. Bottom line, if I did not have the stackable set I would of not replaced it with this piece of junk. Even wife says the first machine did not clean the clothes properly, not enough water, and ran far beyond time for a load of wash. Recommendation: Stay away from the Electrolux line. Read the other comments about water, service, etc. They are not going to help and the new machine to replace was even more than the first one. No discounts, no credits. Nothing from Electrolux. Dont buy is our recommendation!
Published: November 13, 2015
Lynn of Ware, MA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
After having replaced my LG washer with the Electrolux Luxcare Washer in ea
After having replaced my LG washer with the Electrolux Luxcare Washer in early January, I was so pleased that I immediately ordered the matching Electrolux dryer. I could not be more pleased! I have not experienced any negative issues. I am a strong believer in Electrolux products as I have an Electrolux dish washer & refrigerator. My clothes are cleaner than ever and the dryer does not wrinkle my clothes! I love the light in the dryer too.
Published: February 15, 2020
Babsie73, Flowood MS
Source: homedepot.com
I had purchased an Electrolux washer and dryer in July of 2015. I spent ove
I had purchased an Electrolux washer and dryer in July of 2015. I spent over $2200 on the pair. I noticed almost immediately that the washer wasnt completely spinning the clothes dry. I assumed it was because it was too full. I lightened the loads and the problem still continued. I often had to rewash the loads 4 and 5 times to get it to spin dry. I had family come in to stay with me a few months after I purchased it. They used the machine and told me to call the company and have someone come out. I did and when the service guy came out he had told me that the entire inside of the machine needed to be replaced because a bolt came loose and pushed the drum forward. He informed me that the was a lemon and that I should get a replacement machine. He also said this would take 2 weeks and 2 guys and a 5 hr job. 2 weeks without a washing machine was unheard of in my world. I immediately called Electrolux and spoke to a manager. They told me all they could do is fix it and pay for the repairs. They told me to talk to Sears where I bought it to see if they would do anything for me. Well Sears did nothing!!! Literally said its not our problem and they dont deal with Electrolux. Then why the Hell do you sell it??? Never shop there… Ever. Anyway the repairs guy came out 12 days later. Fixed it and 1 week later I called to report the same issue. He retired to tell me its just the way this machine is. Nothing else he could do. Again, 2 weeks later the machine stopped spinning all together. They returned and said the bolt was loose again. This time they glued it. 7 months old and the machine is being glued. Well I said, pretty bad for a new machine to be treated like a 10 year old one. I called Electrolux and told them this was the 3 call on the same problem and this should be treated as a lemon and the machine should be replaced. The woman agreed completely and said she would get on the problem. Well never heard from her again. My husband called, talked to the manager and he said now that its glued it should be fine. I would have to wait for it to break again before any action takes place. Ive been out of laundry for a total of a month and for some reason they think thats ok!! I dont!!! Never ever purchase from this ** company. Save your money please.
Published: March 3, 2016
Brigette of Avon Lake, OH
Source: consumeraffairs.com
We purchased the newest gas dryer from them. It arrived damaged. We began t
We purchased the newest gas dryer from them. It arrived damaged. We began this hell of trying to get a working unit in June 7. Everything is in business days ranging from a fictional 3-5 to 7-10. There are no customer service managers or supervisors who will call you back, to get a reply from them is 1-2 business days and the excuse is so and such was going to call you tomorrow. On June 18 we were told a unit would be delivered and installed for us. We were told they were en route to the warehouse and we would have one as soon as they got to the warehouse. It’s July 10, still nothing, never a call from anyone and on July 9th we were told they had a unit but refused to ship it to us for fear of damage to the unit. This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. The original unit came in a undamaged box, it was next to the washer and the washer was in mint condition. The Dryer on the other hand was boxed and shipped damaged. Its box had no signs of stress, no holes or openings and showed no signs of rebounding. The packaging material inside the box was also in perfect condition. Nothing was compressed or broken as if to show signs of absorbing a fall. The machine is gouged and the top of the machine is not attached to the body of the unit. Someone at Electrolux allowed the unit to ship out broken. We have been trying to get resolve for over a month and no one seems to care at Electrolux. There is zero sense of urgency and zero words or apology or empathy. This is one of the worst if not the worst experience of buying a product, I absolutely regret buying these appliances from them.
Published: July 11, 2018
Marie of Medina, OH
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I purchased by Electrolux dryer in 2/09. My major complaint was on occasion
I purchased by Electrolux dryer in 2/09. My major complaint was on occasion it would burn certain clothing. The grate on the back of the dryer became black. I tried to clean it to no avail. I dealt with it since it was past my extended warranty and wasnt happening all the time. Recently my dryer stopped working and I said error code E66 on the panel. I called the service number it gave me and they referred me to a service tech in the area. He came the next day stated he could fix the fuse that burned out causing the error code but the real problem is the fact that the dryer gets too hot (I have noticed that) and that is what is burning the clothing. A total of $800 to fix this problem!! A quick google search shows that this is an issue with these dryers, and from the conversation with the service agent it seems they are aware of this. They offered me a 10% discount on the parts! How generous! I choose Electrolux because of their name but that isnt worth anything anymore. Never again!
Published: March 18, 2015
Susan of Lake Grove, NY
Source: consumeraffairs.com
We purchased a new washer and dryer and was promised a $200 rebate from Ele
We purchased a new washer and dryer and was promised a $200 rebate from Electrolux. The products were purchase late October of 2017 and were delivered early Nov. 2017. We filed for the rebate online as it was supposed to be a “lot quicker”. Several days later, on November 21, we received an email stating that our request was received and that it would take approximately 7 business days to review the claim. The email lists a link to check on the status of the claim. However when you go to the website it is a non-secure website and we get a warning that it is not recommended to open the link. On Dec. 20th we received an email that said the prepaid Citibank MasterCard for $200 was mailed to us and we should receive it within 3 weeks. (Not sure what planet it was mailed from that takes 3 weeks).The email stated a number to call if we did not receive within the 3 weeks. As of today, 1/15/2018 we have not received the rebate card so my wife, called that number. She was told it was processed on the 11th. When questioned about that he said it was “requested by Electrolux on Jan. 11th. When questioned further he said we should receive it by the 25th of this month. However if we do not have it by then call back. It is rather obvious that the scam is to not mail the rebate unless the customer complains that they have not received it in the hope that the customer will forget about it. Also obvious is that we are not going to forget about it so hopefully it will actually be sent soon. Of course if and when we get the rebate it is prepaid credit card which I am sure they hope we will lose and not use. We will probably never purchase anything from this company again as they are not trustworthy and we are not comfortable with their sales tactics.
Published: January 15, 2018
Ronald of Decorah, IA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
The washer started squeaking while spinning after 2 months of utilization.
The washer started squeaking while spinning after 2 months of utilization. Called customer support and firstly they asked me if I unplugged the washer (not sure what is the connection between the 2, but ok..). Then they said that I have to pay for the service and when I told them that the appliance is in warranty they said that I have to pay to unstack the dryer (which is on top of the washer) at least (!). Be prepared to pay $135 with tax.
They booked a service provider that was not covering my area, so I had to call again and when I told the customer support about this, he pretended he cant hear me and hung up on me. So I had to call again. I am very frustrated with the customer service as well as with the payment I have to make even if the appliance is in warranty. I will never buy Electrolux and would never recommend it to anyone. An appliance that starts making that noise after 2 months of use is not a good appliance!
Published: February 10, 2022
R of Richmond Hill, Other
Source: consumeraffairs.com
Purchased Electrolux washer/dryer from Home Depot late 2017 (product receiv
Purchased Electrolux washer/dryer from Home Depot late 2017 (product received in Nov. 2017). Issues started soon after purchase with the dryer, it was clogging with lint in the blower motor. Not even sure how this was happening, since these are lint making machines. Service came out and had no options on how to prevent this from occurring. Again other than to contact servicing and have them clean it out. Basically they take the machine apart to do this, not a job for ordinary folk.After speaking with Electrolux, and informing them of this continuing issue. Their response is to continue calling for warranty/servicing. The big question was what if this issue persists beyond the one year manufacturing warranty, Electrolux response… “purchase extended warranty”. Are you kidding me!!! That’s when I contacted Home Depot head office. Their response to this issue was much of the same. I can’t believe either one of these entities could live up to their product (Electrolux) or service (Home Depot). This issue should resolved by a replacement or a full refund.Things to keep in mind, these service requests take up time during working hours cause warranty company doesn’t work after hours or weekends. So we have to take time off work each and every time a service is requested. Other option is to cut my losses and dump these machine and buy new ones. Even after a year of ownership. Extremely disappointed with both Electrolux and Home Depot Canada.
Published: February 28, 2019
Bill of Richmond Hill, ON
Source: consumeraffairs.com
We purchased a stackable dryer from Electrolux in August of 2016. 2 years a
We purchased a stackable dryer from Electrolux in August of 2016. 2 years and 5 months later the motor stopped working with normal usage. We spent $420 to replace the motor and today, almost exactly 1 year later, the motor stopped working again, same code same issue. I called their customer service and they are offering to sell me the part for 50% off plus labor and diagnostic costs. They will not take any responsibility for a defective, useless, and very expensive LEMON they have sold us. THE WORST PRODUCT EVER! DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON ELECTROLUX PRODUCTS.
Published: January 17, 2020
Maryam of New York, NY
Source: consumeraffairs.com
Im from Malaysia and am a user of Electrolux Washing Machine and dryer. Im
Im from Malaysia and am a user of Electrolux Washing Machine and dryer. Im very happy with both the machines until I encounter problem with my Dryer. It was making a loud sound and I quickly called Electrolux dealer AB First Trading in Shah Alam. The technician came and inspected my dryer. It took him merely 2 minutes of inspection and he told me that the motor is faulty and needed to change the entire motor system. On top of that, he told some belts are balding and needed to change as well. It will cost around RM800-RM1000 to have it changed. I was shocked. I didnt trust him so I asked another technician (not Electrolux dealer) to inspect my dryer. He opened the machine, and showed me a pile of dusts. After removing the pile of dusts, the loud sound disappeared! I was utterly shocked that the problem was only removal of dusts; not drum faulty, not motor, not belt! I felt cheated by AB First Trading but also relieved that I did not engage their service. However, Their sales staff kept harassing me and easily called me 20 times a day (at least) to ask for their labour charges. I was so mad as they cheated on me first and I refused to pay the labour charges. After all, the AB First Trading technician did not even open up the machine. he was just here listening to the sound. I wish Electrolux headquarter can do something about this as the experience are tormenting and the harassment is getting worse. My shop is a place doing business and I really hope the harassment can stop.
Published: November 25, 2015
Chin of Kuala Lumpur, Other
Source: consumeraffairs.com
We purchased a washer and gas dryer in June 2017. The washer is ok but the
We purchased a washer and gas dryer in June 2017. The washer is ok but the dryer seemed to take longer and longer to dry. The lint screen turns out to be the problem as it does not seal and lets lint get by into the blower. The blower blades get packed full and the safety heat circuits shut the gas off. Appears Electrolux also figured that the lint screen filter was a faulty design and on the new model did a complete redesign!! I will not use the dryer since Electrolux has not designed or manufactured a parts correction and will not sell it to anyone else as it appears to be a fire hazard!
Published: February 21, 2019
Peter Kennedy of Templeton, CA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
In September 2013 I purchased numerous appliances for a house I was renovat
In September 2013 I purchased numerous appliances for a house I was renovating. Among those were an Electrolux washer, dryer and 2 wine refrigerators. The appliances were delivered and installed in February 2014. The dryer steam valve malfunctioned in less than a year flooding the laundry room and damaging the wood floor; that was repaired under warranty. The washer malfunctioned a few months later — out of warranty — when it would not spin clothes dry. That required a service call and parts replacement for $454. About a year later the same problem arose. Another service call, another $454. Recently the problem occurred for the 3rd time. I was told that I needed a new drive belt and that the bearings were bad. The quote to repair was more than the cost of a new washer. I replaced washer and dryer with Maytag versions. The wine refrigerators have fixed shelves so close together that Burgundy style bottles cannot be placed on them without causing the shelf above to come out as well. The only solution is to skip a shelf if you need to store bottles wider than standard. Oh, yes, one of the refrigerators temperature controls no longer works.
Published: April 15, 2016
Steven of Redwood City, CA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I purchased a new apartment sized washer dryer combo approximately 2 and a
I purchased a new apartment sized washer dryer combo approximately 2 and a half years ago. It was always noisy when it was on the spin cycle but then the noise became unbearable so I called an authorized repair service. I was told the shaft was broken and it would cost $700 or more to repair and there was no guarantee it wouldn’t happen again, that cost me $100. I called and complained to Electrolux and they said all they would do was cover 20% of the cost of new parts which to me is next to nothing. So the lesson is if you buy from Electrolux get the extended warranty and good to you.
Published: April 5, 2019
Vivi of Vancouver, BC
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I purchased a washer and dryer combo about a year ago that came with a $100
I purchased a washer and dryer combo about a year ago that came with a $100 visa card rebate. I submitted the rebate application that day. I waited for months but got nothing in the mail. I decided to call back to see what was going on and it turns out that the rebate was declined because my zip code was missing from the invoice from the store, yet I entered it on the application. All the other information was identical. They state that I was notified via email but never received anything regarding it. Electrolux refused to resend the $100 gift card when I contacted customer support. I see similar rebates currently advertised on their products so I dont see why they cant just resend the gift card.
Published: October 9, 2018
Jonathan of Nashua, NH
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I have been waiting 6 weeks for my washer to get fixed. I can’t seem to g
I have been waiting 6 weeks for my washer to get fixed. I can’t seem to get anyone in the warranty customer service department at RC Willey to tell me at what point I will have a working washer. The repair company has been out three times to repair the washer with no success. Prior to this I had the dryer fixed 2 times using the Electrolux first year warranty and one time through the RC Willey Warranty. Each repair takes a minimum of 2 weeks to complete. The washer/dryer set is 2 years old. I have contacted Electrolux and they said I have a parts warranty but will have to pay out of pocket if I don’t use the warranty. What is the point of purchasing a warranty if you never have a working product? I’m trying really hard to understand why it is so hard to complete the repairs on the unit I have. If you sell a warranty you should stand behind it. I will never buy Electrolux again and most certainly will never purchase anything from RC Willey. Extremely disappointed in both companies.
Published: November 1, 2018
Kathryn of Midway, UT
Source: consumeraffairs.com
DO NOT BUY ELECTROLUX! I wish I had read reviews before purchasing these ap
DO NOT BUY ELECTROLUX! I wish I had read reviews before purchasing these appliances. Theyre 14 months old and the dryer will not work and the spin cycle on the wash machine sounds like an airplane taking off in my laundry room. They were going to send a tech, I booked a day off work and they didnt show up. They then passed me off to an approved service company and Im still waiting — going on two weeks. GARBAGE PRODUCTS!!! Just do yourself a favour and buy Samsung. Electrolux is BRUTAL.
Published: March 1, 2022
Suzanne of Misissauga, Other
Source: consumeraffairs.com
We bought our current washer and dryer set around 3 years ago. After the fi
We bought our current washer and dryer set around 3 years ago. After the first few months the washer EIFLS60LT1 completely failed and needed a new drum, bearing belt and pulley. It was replaced for us. After another few months the exact same problem came up and got fixed under warranty. Now a couple years later the same problem is starting again with failing bearings and also the LCD screen quit working shortly after it was fixed under warranty.
Published: January 28, 2018
Mitch of Strathmore, AB
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I purchased a matching set of front loaders (models EIFLS60JIW and EIMED60J
I purchased a matching set of front loaders (models EIFLS60JIW and EIMED60JIW) on July 12, 2013 and the washer been nothing but a headache. It gets off balance with small loads, medium loads and large loads. Nothing is more frustrating than to start a load, hoping to come home and throw the load into the dryer only to discover it got off balance and never started the cycle. THEN, to make it worse, my clothes are getting slits put in them. I dont know if it is the washer or the dryer. Ive had a service call and they cant figure it out. I absolutely detest this set and wish I had never, ever purchased them. My neighbor has a set of Maytags and she love them — no problems whatsoever.
Published: May 19, 2014
Karen of Veneta, OR
Source: consumeraffairs.com
Purchased a pair of top of model laundry machine (EWFLS70JSS and EWMGD70JSS
Purchased a pair of top of model laundry machine (EWFLS70JSS and EWMGD70JSS for 2900). Gasket was lumpy, color between the two unit was not matching. Dealer told me to contact manufacturer as the issue is caused during manufacturing process. Indeed, its obvious that something went wrong in the factory as model numbers were correct. Contacted Electrolux multiple times and they only agreed to exchange the rubber gasket. The color issue is cosmetic and theyre not responsible for it. Neither dealer nor manufacturer took ownership and each time I get the pass the buck response. Electrolux does not stand behind its defective products, only because it wasnt a functional issue. Im at a substantial loss right now, I paid full price to get lemons. Electrolux offers no help or support to customers. Because of this issue I had to waste numerous hours with customer service and issue still unresolved. The company is not even inclined to assist. Whats even more disappointing is that Electrolux has incomplete record of services. A technician came to diagnose the problems and agreed with the issues with the gasket and color differences. Now the gasket problem is related to the washer, but the service record stated that the repairer came in for the dryer. I will need to take another few days off from work for another diagnostic visit and then subsequent repairs. Electrolux doesnt recognize that the issue started with their manufacturing and had the laundry pair that I got been perfect I couldnt have saved many hours of time on the phone with them and I didnt have to forgo my income to stay home for their repair. Its very obvious that Electrolux doesnt care about us consumers as long as they make the sales. Avoid this brand, you dont get what you paid for. I completely lost confidence in this brand. I know it sounds ridiculous what happened to me, but I want to share my experience with other consumers and hopefully help them make an informed purchase decision.
Published: September 22, 2015
vicky of Bayside, NY
Source: consumeraffairs.com
We purchased a new home and bought the washer and dryer. When delivered, it
We purchased a new home and bought the washer and dryer. When delivered, it was off balance and need a repair guy had to come in. Not a problem with the unit, just the service. When adjusted, the washer made very loud loud noise from rattles, belt rubbing, etc. We thought Electrolux was the top of the line, however, it’s just a terrible product. After one day, we asked the supplier to take them back. I wish it would have worked out. My only comment is BEWARE. We are now forced to find an alternative.
Published: February 9, 2020
Tom of Trumbull, CT
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I bought the big expensive Electrolux washer and dyer. The big stand up kin
I bought the big expensive Electrolux washer and dyer. The big stand up kind with the doors on the side, with the window in the door. I love the washer but the dryer does not dry well and the wrinkle release is useless. To make matters worse some moron designed the filter inside the door to be flat so clothes just sit on the ledge and wrinkle terribly. It is a really stupid design!!! IT should at least be at an angle so some of the clothes do not just sit on the ledge, there should obviously be no ledge there!!!
Published: August 27, 2019
Rick of Gresham, OR
Source: consumeraffairs.com
12/19/2011 purchased Electrolux washer & dryer from local appliance dea
12/19/2011 purchased Electrolux washer & dryer from local appliance dealer, over $1600. Shortly afterward, problems with washer spin cycle & door lock. Local dealers authorized repairman made multiple repair attempts, problem unsolved. Dealer said WE had to contact the factory! So much for the local dealer for good service. After back and forth with factory, they agreed to replace washer with a new one. 2013 the dryer heater element failed, replaced under warranty. 2014 dryer heater element failed again. Warranty expired. Again, no help from local dealer, and no help from Electrolux. 2014 dryer motor making noise. No help from local guy, Electrolux will send a motor for half price. The second washer still has problem with spin cycle, rebooting by unplugging seems to reset and resolve the problem, so far. I mistakenly expected, after investing in new high end appliances, I would enjoy a few years of trouble free service. Wrong!
Published: December 3, 2014
Thomas of Mechanicsburg , PA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
We purchased an Electrolux washer and dryer in April of 2019 because our pl
We purchased an Electrolux washer and dryer in April of 2019 because our plumber installed the washer connection on the right side of our laundry room. Electrolux was the only system that offered a reversible door on the washer. We have owned an LG washer and dryer since 2005 and like that brand, but were stuck with the situation. The dryer is a stunning example of lousy engineering and lousy quality control. The door ledge is deep, so the spinning motion of the dryer dumps lighter-weight clothes like socks and T-shirts onto the ledge, which covers the lint filter opening which causes poor air circulation. To fix that, the company installed a larger vane that apparently tries to fix the problem by scooping the clothes off the filter. It works with larger items, not with smaller.The second failure is the moisture sensor, which sits near the lint filter, facing up. It is fairly large. Since the clothes do not properly circulate in the dryer and end up on top of the lint filter, they end up on top of the moisture sensor. The wet clothes stay in circulation because they are heavier. The lighter clothes that dry faster end up falling on the lint filter and sensor, so the dryer thinks the load is dry and signals the end of cycle. We often have to run three or more cycles to dry the clothes. The electronic control board failed within a few months of the dryer being installed. The touch sensors would not work. When the service tech came out to replace it, he said that it was a common problem with the machines, and demonstrated sliding a finger across the button we wanted to active when the panel stopped responding. He also suggested using the timed drying feature rather than the sensor options because of the poor design of the sensor. He replace the panel, which then failed again about 6 months later. This time, the timed option stopped working; its stuck on 30 minutes. A few weeks ago, the washer decided to join in the fray. It will not dispense fabric softener. Apparently the control that turns on the water spray over the dispenser is not working, so we have a cup full of softener sitting there.In 15 years of owning LG appliances (the first set from 2005 to 2016, the second set from 2106 to now — both are in our primary home) we have had more service calls on the Electrolux garbage in 18 months of service than 15 years for LG. We begged Electrolux to take the appliances back, but they refused. It appears that their primary profit comes from selling extended warranty service, which costs a significant percentage of the original purchase price. Bottom line: Electrolux products should stay in the showroom, not in your laundry room.
Published: November 10, 2020
Robert of Cleveland, OH
Source: consumeraffairs.com
Hi. I would never ever recommend to buy products from them. I had the worst
Hi. I would never ever recommend to buy products from them. I had the worst experience with them by purchasing Frigidaire washer dryer unit. Had motherboard problems after 2 weeks of purchase. Called customer care atleast 10 times and no one is bothered and they just keep saying we have ordered parts and waiting and waiting… To put it short I did a BIG mistake buying frigidiare product. Never ever buy their products.
Published: December 16, 2019
Pankaj of Milton, ON
Source: consumeraffairs.com
We have been very pleased with our dryer. Overall, its a very nice dryer. W
We have been very pleased with our dryer. Overall, its a very nice dryer. We had to call for service due to not starting but, it was a minor manufacturing issue and fixed within minutes. We are still very happy with the dryer.
Published: December 7, 2016
Jennifer of Broken Arrow, OK
Source: consumeraffairs.com
We bought a new front-loading washer and dryer from Nebraska Furniture Mart
We bought a new front-loading washer and dryer from Nebraska Furniture Mart in February 2017. The dryers CPU board has already went out and quit working. When we called for warranty work and had it looked at and called back to Electrolux to find out about parts they said they were on order and might take 2 weeks to get fixed. Electrolux doesnt even carry parts for their own products! Now the washer wont even complete a cycle without having to rinse and spin twice! I will never buy anything from Electrolux again. $2000 for crap! I have learned my lesson and will never recommend these products to anybody including my enemies! Electrolux is a very cheap-made machinery with poor customer service!
Published: April 20, 2017
James of St. Joseph, MO
Source: consumeraffairs.com
The dryer is ok but it collects enormous amounts of lint around the removab
The dryer is ok but it collects enormous amounts of lint around the removable filter. Monthly, I have to remove 6 screws and clean out the part that actually holds the filter. Very inconvenient and time consuming. The washer is ok, but does not remove dog hair as well as an agitator washer.
Published: February 4, 2017
Jan of Greer, S.C.
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I bought Electrolux dryer EFMG627UTT recently on Sep 18. Dryer is taking to
I bought Electrolux dryer EFMG627UTT recently on Sep 18. Dryer is taking too long to dry and customer service is poor. They already change the motherboard board and temp sensor. The predictive dry is stupid feature and not working good. The empty dryer with no load is running 1 hr and they claim that it can sense the load and moisture and predict accurately the running time. Means it should stop cycle in few min when load and moisture is 0. But still it predicts 57 min and running for 57. Technicians Jose says it is normal and per tech specification and when I asked what is the tech spec, he said he dont know. None of them in customer care knows that spec. Worst customer support and worst machine. If anybody can guide to sue them I will be happy to do. Reason of review: Poor customer service. Monetary Loss: $1800.
Published: November 29, 2018
Harsan of Chino Hills, CA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I purchased an Electrolux washer and a dryer from a local appliance store —
I purchased an Electrolux washer and a dryer from a local appliance store — Appliance World in Huntington, November 24, 2012. The washer and dryer were delivered on December 10, 2012 and were both not working. The washer was leaking water all over the floor, and the dryer was making a really loud banging sound. I have contacted Appliance World and they informed me that they have a no return policy, and that I have to work directly with Electrolux. I have contracted Electrolux and they have sent a service man to my house 3 different times to fix the problems. My washer currently seems to be working. However, the dryer is still not working — making the same loud noise. I have had to take 3 days off from work for these service calls, and Electrolux is now saying I have to have a 4th service call and that my warranty does not include replacement of the machine.
Published: January 30, 2013
Jill of Dix Hills, NY
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I was extremely excited to buy a set of supposedly quality washer and dryer
I was extremely excited to buy a set of supposedly quality washer and dryers made by Electrolux last year in March 2015. We purchased them from hhgregg in Lakeland, FL. Less than a year later the washer made a funny screeching noise and would not fully spin all the water out of the clothes. So thankfully it was under warranty being it was less than a year old. They sent a technician to look at the washer. (He was very nice) He said it was the drum and can order a new part and when it comes in we will come back out and replace it for you. He called in the repair, we were told it would be in the next week on a Monday. So Monday comes and goes. We called and they said the part didnt come in, it will be another week. This is extremely frustrating being we have a new born and have been washing clothes at a laundry mat and a neighbors house. SPENDING MONEY AT LAUNDROMAT!!! Finally after over 50$ in coins spent they came out on 03/15 and replaced some parts. Not only did one of the guys come to our house coughing and hacking all over the place they left scratches on the front of the washer!!! So guess what??? My baby gets a cold, no one is sick in our house and still she is fighting it. Im so upset at this whole ordeal. So even worse!!! TODAY the washer starts making the same sound, this time I recorded it on my phone to show the technician. About less than a minute after recording the spin cycle which is the last cycle… I walk out to the kitchen which is right off the laundry room, I start to smell smoke!!! Like something is burning! I go back into the laundry room and theres smoke coming from the damn washer. I panic and hit cancel, run to the living room, grab my daughter and my phone, run outside and called my husband who called the fire department. The fire department just left and my husband is the phone with hhgregg since our warranty ran out on 03/28/2016. They said OH WELL! My house would have burned down if I didnt hit cancel. We did purchase an extended warranty through hhgregg so we will see what happens. I am terrified to use these machines! I have pictures, video, and a report from the fire department. I will keep everyone updated. I no longer want these machines in my home. I will be returning both units to hhgregg even if we just drop them off. We are being handed back and forth from hhgregg and Electrolux at the moment. This was a very scary event today and we are being treated like no one wants to touch the washer because it caught on fire. Cannon Appliance Service said they want nothing to do with the repair anymore, call hhgregg. We are being told they have to come out and look at it and make sure it wasnt OUR FAULT their machine caught on fire. Thats where we are at, they are coming on Monday 04/04/16 to check it out. The fire department put the washer outside on our driveway. I have a video of the washer and you can actually see smoke starting to come out of the machine which I didnt notice till I watched the video just now.
Published: March 31, 2016
Stephanie of Lakeland, FL
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I have had a new $950 dryer that the blower is out on. I have only had the
I have had a new $950 dryer that the blower is out on. I have only had the machine for 2 months. They won’t replace the machine. After town ninths, the machine should be replaced and not worked on. If I had wanted a refurbished machine which this will be once they start replacing parts, I would have bought one and saved the money… NO help from Electrolux except parroting the warranty. DO NOT BUY ELECTROLUX! I bought my friend a GE set for half the price–worked just as well with NO problems.
Published: January 22, 2018
Kannon of Clearwater, FL
Source: consumeraffairs.com
We purchased the dryer in June 2014 and from the first use, the towel setti
We purchased the dryer in June 2014 and from the first use, the towel setting never dried the towels in the time attributed to that setting — 40 minutes. We have had repairmen inspect the dryer on at least 2 occasions and have spoken directly with Electrolux, and have been told that the factory temperature is set correctly and that we should dry the towels 2x if the setting is not drying the towels. I explained this is a problem — if I put one towel in to dry or several, they never dry on the towel setting. Electrolux asked if I was stating that they are using false advertisement to sell their machines and I responded yes. They further indicated they were not going to change the temperature on the towel setting and reiterated that I should not use the towel setting and that I should find a setting that does dry the towels and that I should not use the towel setting.
Published: December 19, 2014
howard of Wilmington, NC
Source: consumeraffairs.com
Bought a new front load washer and dryer from large local furniture & a
Bought a new front load washer and dryer from large local furniture & appliance distributor. An upgrade we thought from the used appliances we got from my fiances parents (which should be noted had last 12… yes, TWELVE years). Not even 3 months in and the washer quit. The issue — the flywheel in the back came loose, or was simply not tightened properly when built (HINT — manufacturer DEFECT!!!), and cut deep grooves in the back of the hard plastic housing, so far you can see through it. And it eventually threw the belt off, thus giving the tub no agitation to wash or spin. That was how we discovered something was broken. Completely useless washer. And that is exactly how Electrolux is now working with us (LOL) to resolve the problem. THEY are completely useless!!! Even their local authorized service company confirmed it was inoperable, that it was irreparable AND it was a manufacturer DEFECT. And to further the agony, the apparent leakage of water over probably a few weeks, has caused water damage and mold to the brand new linoleum and woodwork we put into the laundry room as part of our upgrade.And their response — file a claim with OUR insurance company and then see if theyll subrogate. WHY should we do that when YOUR APPLIANCE DEFECT caused the problem?! I say again, Electrolux is completely USELESS! NEVER again will we buy ANYTHING Electrolux. We thought these new washer & dryer were a dream, but now has turned into an incredible nightmare!Hey Electrolux, heres a noble idea… Stand behind your products and take care of the consumer and maybe even small problems will be overlooked and youll get a better reputation. NOT with us mind you, that is utterly shot to heck! Completely useless!!! In closing, AVOID ELECTROLUX PRODUCTS AT ALL COSTS! Save yourselves from the insanity and stress. Weve been hassling with them almost 3 weeks now and no washer. They are a horrible company to deal with. Thank you for reading.
Published: June 25, 2015
Doug of Council Bluffs, IA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
Not only was our washer and dryer late, but when they arrived, the stacking
Not only was our washer and dryer late, but when they arrived, the stacking kit (that we purchased with it) AND the dryer vent did not come with. I tried calling like 10 different numbers to not get ANY help, still didnt. So when the delivery people came, they couldnt even set it up for us. Now we had to go back to Home Depot, explain, and show them we paid. They had trouble contacting them! So its going to be another week plus of waiting for the kit! That comes to almost 7 total weeks of waiting when they were originally scheduled to be here November 6 (originally with a 3 week waiting period). It is now November 27 and delivery date for this part is December 5. Im livid. Customer service reps are bogus and people didnt do their job right.
Published: November 27, 2018
Makenzie of Decatur, GA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I have owned my new Electrolux dryer for 39 days. Of those days the dryer h
I have owned my new Electrolux dryer for 39 days. Of those days the dryer has been unusable for 10 days, and counting. When I call customer service for a repair, they give me a service date that is 4 days out the first time. It was fixed. The motor was loose. Now it has ceased to spin. I am waiting 4 days for a service call again. Frustrated that there is no sense of urgency at all.
Published: January 19, 2015
rick of Redwood City, CA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
Have Electrolux washer and dryer with pedestal for each washer wont spin an
Have Electrolux washer and dryer with pedestal for each washer wont spin and wont remove water. I cant get Lowes to help. Paid over $3,000 for both. I have problems with lint screen. It is so fine that I got to take outside and blow out with air compressor. Someone needs to go after Lowes/Electrolux. We need help.
Published: December 28, 2011
Roger of Front Royal, VA
Source: consumeraffairs.com
I spent around $2000 for what I thought was a top of the line Electrolux wa
I spent around $2000 for what I thought was a top of the line Electrolux washer and dryer from Home Depot. After use for a couple of weeks the dryer started leaking water from the steam valve. I would dry my clothes only to find a pool of water in the dryer and wet clothes. I called Home Depot and they told me to call Electrolux. Electrolux sent a service person and they did nothing to fix the problem. The person blamed the installer stating it was an installation issue. I spent hours on the phone, holding, getting transferred and hung up on with Home Depot and the Install company. After another two weeks the installer came back to check the install. At this point the water was leaking from the dryer back to the floor pan and water was collecting in large amounts on the floor plan. The installer found no issues and showed me where the water was coming from the back of the dryer. Back to the phones again with Electrolux. Another week and the service company came back. They replaced the steam valve and said it was likely not closing. Afterwards I used the dryer again and the water was not leaking but the dryer made a rattling noise and it was getting hot to touch on outer sides of the machine. I called Electrolux and told them I was not comfortable using the dryer. This was supposed to be a brand new top of the line machine and was causing me nothing but issues, time off from work and countless hours on the phone. The Electrolux representative said I may be eligible for a replacement and that they would put in the request and I would hear back in 48 business hours. This was on a Tuesday and by Friday I still hadnt heard back. I called Electrolux again and spoke to two different representatives; the first one said there was no update and I had to just wait. When I asked to speak to a supervisor she transfer me to a customer survey and hung up on me. The second representative said the first person did not file the request correctly and that they would put in the request again and I would need to wait another 48 business hours. Again no response within 48 hours from Electrolux. I am exhausted in dealing with this company, their poor product and customer service. If I had the option I would just return it all and get another brand. What are my rights as a consumer?
Published: June 21, 2017
Ania of Alexandria, VA
Source: consumeraffairs.com