Айзек ошибка 404

Error!404 is a core entity in Alphatale and is the supposed Ancestor of Error!Sans, alongside being the self-proclaimed 'God of The Multiverse'. He had won the battle, but at what cost? He had become a very corrupted monster and had gone insane, thinking of the most darkest deeds. Error404 hid away in a special part of the Anti-Void that only he can access called the Mainframe/The outer wall. It is a place where he can see all activity in and out of the Anti-Void. He has been there ever since, n

Error!404 is a core entity in Alphatale and is the supposed Ancestor of Error!Sans, alongside being the self-proclaimed ‘God of The Multiverse’.



He had won the battle, but at what cost? He had become a very corrupted monster and had gone insane, thinking of the most darkest deeds. Error404 hid away in a special part of the Anti-Void that only he can access called the Mainframe/The outer wall. It is a place where he can see all activity in and out of the Anti-Void. He has been there ever since, never to be in contact with other AUs, slowly driving himself more and more insane with grief in his isolation, only accompanied by one other.

Puppet Series/Error and 404 adventures

Alphatale: A New Puppet Book 1

Alphatale: A New Puppet Book 2

AlphaTale: A New Puppet Book 3



Silent, Error404 prefers to show his true intentions at first, no longer having much of a reason to hide them. A master manipulator, he has developed so much to the point he can perfect a poker face. At first glance, Error404 comes off as a sociopathic experimenter, working in the background to deal with everything he considers a bother. The slightest grudge, he’ll take the most exaggerated response. A permanent solution to a temporary problem.

However, that isn’t truly Error404. Error404 retains his sadness, yet instead commonly turns it into sternness, usually being a reason for his intimidating posture. Despite his notoriety as a formal sociopath, in person he comes off as a pure brute, always dominating the situation anytime he’s present, always knowing what to say and always being the one on top. Error404 has a complete god complex, yet he truly isn’t a bad person. All he wants is a happy ending, yet he will go to desperate measures for so, even to the point of giving others a bad ending. His aspirations for regaining Alphatale are stronger than ever, and he will accomplish it.

He loves to be alone, talking to Alpha of how his day is. He doesn’t believe that Alpha is alive, yet he always pretends to personally vent his mood out, just to not lash out. Because you do NOT want to see him lashing out.


The link below will send you to the channel where Error!404’s Voice Actor is:


Quirks and small things

404 has been in the entire Mainframe now, making him the first being to ever be fully connected to the Mainframe that wasn’t born from it.

404 had taken the manipulation tactics from his late mother, being able to fake any given emotion if he felt the need to do so. He can quickly respond to anything without a hint of fear in his tone.

404 had a large tendency to talk to himself when alone. However, maybe it isn’t himself he’s talking to after all. Perhaps it’s someone else?


404 wears a long blue coat with a giant number four on the. His blue also being shown on his slippers with the blue lines now taking over his white parts of his outfit. He wears dark blue socks and has tags on his arms.


  • Error!Sans: 404’s developed a strange bond with Error, although his intentions haven’t been clouded by his role as a mentor for Error. The two have had their fair shares of arguments, yet in the very end, despite how much Error and 404 had been in distaste for one another, they end up having each other’s backs when the time is necessary.
  • King.M: King.M was created by 404 as a cover-up and is used as a pawn. King.M has lots of resentment towards 404 and vice versa, but the two have had their share of moments as well. The two have a passive-aggressive like relationship.
  • Alpha!Chara: 404 and Alpha!Chara in the past had a very serious relationship finding each other one day in Hotland, they had some Ice cream and started getting closer from there.They spent over 4 years together and we’re thinking of making each official until the siren went off. 404 has never forgotten Chara and refuses to date or grow romantically close with anyone for they only have the eyes for Chara.
  • Ink!Sans: 404 once wanted Ink instead of Error!Sans, but now only sees him as an obstacle. Although a great vessel and amazing killing and working machine, 404 can’t risk ink due to his unpredictability
  • Astral Mother: a pest and a terrible excuse for a parent.
  • Infected: He has a bleeding hatred towards Infected that I don’t think words can describe. Too, too many words to put here I promise.
  • Loading: Seeks to stripe 404 of his Multiverse energy and the two have been at blows for a while now.
  • Abyss!Sans: an annoying protector of AUs that constantly likes to get in his way. 404 has tried countless times to try to venture into the Abyss but with Abyss!Sans has found little success. Abyss and 404 have come to many blows and Abyss has always managed to escape with his life thankfully, but with 404 stalking his back and messing with the Abyss, it can be difficult to keep things together.
  • CORE!Frisk: 404 finds Core!Frisk interesting, though they’re the previous introduction didn’t go well once 404 introduced himself in person he and Core got along just fine, He kept his motives and plans away from Core. Core and 404 grew close, but not too close for 404 feared to grow too attached to them.


Blue Mastery

The most powerful variant of the Blue SOUL Alteration, allowing 404 to move any object, alive or dead, from any distance as long as he can see to it. He may also use this ability to completely collapse the SOUL if used on an alive being by crushing their soul similar to how Error would do with his strings, resulting in an instant kill. He also uses this for Mind Manipulation.

Mind Manipulation

404 can take complete control of others’ SOUL’s, allowing him to alter, distort and warp their mind to think various things, commonly using this method to force others into serving him.

Great Knowledge

From 404’s long lasting time in the multiverse, he knows almost everything of it.

Dark Blasters

Powerful Blasters designed by The Astral Mother herself, able to destroy almost anything that it is fired at. Upon making contact it is able to delete any regular or glitched code out code, whether it is a person, object, essence, or anything of sorts. When he was little they were able to destroy Mountains without much of an issue, now with the upgrades from the Mainframe they are capable of destroying Universes and even the Multiverse if enough are used.

God Ray

Fires a blast from his fingers that will kill anything and anyone who has regular, glitched out or unordinary code (not including God-like code or anything such as Mainframe Code) from a regular AU character.

God Ray first shot

The First shot paralyzes the foe keeping them in a still and forever frozen position until the 2nd shot has landed.

God Ray 2nd shot

This final shot takes the time it has and kills the opponent once it’s made contact.


This Ability is used when Error404 is either killed or takes so much damage that he is on the verse of dying. When he has taken too much damage or is killed, he will begin to be revived by the Mainframe with the copy of his code that it has.

Void Infliction

This ability is an automatic, only caused from Error404 entering a void. Upon him entering a void that isn’t an anti-void and/or the Mainframe, the amounts of stray data in the area will begin to rapidly vibrate, rumbling and possibly even collapsing the void.


404 can fly.

Unopposed Strength

404 has gained immense strength from both training and from the Mainframe, allowing him to carry as much as 222,900 tons.

MFTL+ Speed — Infinite Speed

404 has speeds so fast he can reach the center of universe in a matter of minutes to him showing feats of Infinte speed as shown from him standing in the absolute void a place vacant of everything.

Glitch Whip

404 can form a whip-like beam of light directly from the Mainframe itself, which can reach lengths of the Empire State Building.

Fiberglass SOUL

404’s SOUL is deflective against any form of attack be it physical magical etc. Trying to Manipulate his Soul in any way does not work and as such you will have to fight him head on and attack his physical body.

Pixilation Manipulation

404 makes small pixels out of thin air without any requirements allowing him to form things out of any physical or magical material. He can also use this on himself as a substitute to teleportation sometimes when he’s bored and likes to show off.

Mama’s Boy

404 has the ability to transform his SOUL into one of pure fear, where his colour palette goes from white to black and from blue to orange. This sets fear into any being with a SOUL.

Conduit of Balance

404 possess the Conduit of Balance, allowing for him to control the aspects and fabrics of the entire verse and functions that balance it/sustain it. However he has yet to truly master this ability and hence isn’t capable of using it to its fullest extent. However this chart will show 404’s progression to mastering his Conduit Soul and all the things he can do from being a novice to a Master to a Full fledge Conduit.

Novice (Currently at this Level)

Here 404’s basic understanding of the balance conduit allows him to weaker stronger foes than him to a decent degree, giving him the power of nullifying supernatural and Eldrich foes and possible objects that may seem dangerous to him a greater example of how this ability works is here, Anomalous Nullification

Basic Summary: 404 can nullify any supernatural/anomalous thing, negating it completely. This varies between individuals, considering how powerful the he is using it at the time along with firing a Balance ray which can make his foes depending on how powrful, as weak as he is.

Advanced beginner

404 at this stage can manipulate basic fundamentals of reality with him at his best being able to even manipulate the laws of physics itself. 404 at this stage possesses capabilities that surpass or defy the mainstream laws of physics. The ability itself is a metaphor for things that cannot be explained, Because of it’s «unusual nature» yet still somewhat existing in the corporeal plane of existence, this ability may exist somewhere between Physics Manipulation and Metaphysics Manipulation.

— SuperPower Wiki.


404 at this stage can control lesser Gods’s power outputs and inputs and even Outerversal structures on a meta and physical level. His capabilities are reaching close to their best as at this stage entities like Sol would be no match for his control over things beyond the Omniverse itself. At this point 404 is becoming more and more Conduit like with him now being the embodiment of duality and all binary oppositions. 404 embodies all dualism and binary oppositions and systems, having absolute control over all boundaries, dualities, and even ones that do not exist, and can create and even destroy boundaries.


= Coming soon =

Full-Fledge Conduit

= coming soon =


Puppet Master Form

This form is activated when Error!Sans merges with Error404, and he will only do so when 404 needs major assistance. This Form is Highly Dangerous, possibly the only Form 404 can control. 404 in this form has full control of his and Error’s abilities and even some new ones that combine the two. This new form isn’t just strong though, This form Gives 404 ungodly Speed and incredible damage output to a whopping 190,990 dg per millisecond. And he moves at speeds faster than the speed of light…even as fast if not close to that of the Butterfly transformation’s speed. This form also has an intense healing factor completely denying death itself to where it can heal just about any wound or form of damage it takes in battle.

Master Cables

Puppet Master Form/Error666

These new form of Cables have been fused with 404’s Powers and Error’s, The Cables start red and blue chasing down the target and once latched onto something or someone Blue Master is then initiated with the color Blue and Red mixing into Black forcing the Object or person into a forced state of binding. And the final kill is when the black cables crush the opponent into dust using Blue mastery as a type of heavy gravity crushing the opponent with sheer strength.


The Transformation is activated when 404 is close to death or in moments of massive distress, he is capable of controlling it now and can go into it at will unlike before.The Mainframe then proceeds to direct some of its energy and to 404.This major power boost allows 404 to destroy anything in his path and gives him full control of existence itself ranging to many of the Hyperverses within Reality 6 (He cannot control all of Reality 6 or any other superior one). This form can kill some with just a mere touch similar to that of a death’s touch and can fly at such high speeds that instant teleportation is what it takes to match Butterfly. It’s attack potency allows it to break apart and distort an entire Hyperverse just by moving .Not only that, but the eyes on the wings shoot out high plasma lasers (These plasma lasers have unlimited superiority and power over Ultranova) more perfect and evolved forms of beams so strong that they can go straight through Hyperverses with ease and still completely wipe them out, erasing them in the process completely. The wings on Butterfly work as lasers and can send large beams of plasma shooting out of them that can cut through Hyperverses like butter.


Multiverse takes a toll on the user, making them stronger. However, as the power increase, their lifespan begins to decrease.
This Form was featured in AlphaTale a New Puppet: Book 2 Catastrophic Destruction



Formed by Error and 404 during the events of Chapter 6. The Form has its price though. When the transformation is over, the Mainframe will take all of the code and energy back and will take the life of one of the two that was used to make. ButterFly666 demonstrated it’s finishing attack. MULTIVERSE MACHINE GUN. An attack so powerful that it killed an Unnameable’s vessel and 2 other beings along with it to truly demonstrate it’s incredible power, the said vessel of the Unnameable was able to destroy all of Reality 6 but could not withstand B666’s attack or overpower it.


No Code, No Soul


AlphaTale a New Puppet: Book 2 Catastrophic Destruction , J404 happens when Malware takes control of 404’s body and uses it as if it’s his own. Malware is a ruthless, Mindless, Soulless, and Codeless entity which applies the same things to 404 when hosting him thus making any code, soul or even mind powers completely useless. This transformation is stronger than The Puppet Master’s regular base form however still inferior to Butterfly although malware had the power to make him stronger than it, he didn’t take the risk of having 404’s vessel not be able to handle it which Butterfly took a massive role in. Just!404 is both a form as well as a different mindset, the form happens due to Malware, as stated before, hosting him and lending him some power as well as gaining a few of Malware’s abilities if Malware is generous enough to give them or if he actually needs to give them.

God Eyes

Working just like the God ray yet very much more dangerous, these beams shoot out of J.404’s eyes and can track and follow J.404’s targets anywhere so long as he can see them, once they hit the target both soul and the code of the individual are destroyed and erased completely.

Eyes of Belial

Gazing into 404’s eyes for at least 5 seconds would send the most sane of people into a deep, deep fear that they could be paralysed by the very sight itself. It would even disturb the likes of Infected.


J404!Butterfly is immensely powerful, grabbing at all the power of the mainframe and the Reality as well as a very big amount of Malware’s himself. This is the transformation Malware was waiting for, the moment Butterfly took its effects, Malware was more than confident 404’s vessel could handle a large amount of his power without any consequence due to its massive regeneration factors. J404!Butterfly is a living embodiment of uncontrollable chaos.

Time n Space control

J404!Butterfly can manipulate Time n Space around him, slowing down some things to a complete stand still or even being able to shatter whole parts of space itself. It is also able to mess with the concept of time within Reality 6, to where he can slow things down to a almost standstill like movement where characters believe their reaching him when in reality they couldn’t be none the wiser.

instantaneous movement

J404!Butterfly moves so fast that it appears where it wants to be even faster than instant teleportation could.


The Omninoav is a large attack that has unknown chaotic power, the move is a large spherical like orb that when thrown is has J404 described «Could destroy both this Reality and the next» possibly hinting at it’s destructive capabilities.


Error404’s mission is to tear apart worlds and use the stray code to rebuild Alphatale from the ground up. He believes that the ends justify the means and that this is for the greater good. He believes that if Alphatale is reborn it will allow AUs to flourish and become better than what they are now, but thanks to his deal with Error sadly this will never be known for his deal was to help Error wipe out the rest of the AUs once Alphatale is finished.

After that’s done, what happens between them from there is up in the air.


The Order is From the 1st/Best to the Last/Worse

Error404 has people he controls or they do his bidding because of his power.

These will be labeled from Controlled to Main

Controlled = Under Error404’s 24hour Watch and never set free unless he says so.

Right Side = They have Free will, but they must do as he says and come to his side when he says so.

Main = These few Henchmen have their free will but still do what Error404 says just like with the right side Henchmen, but unlike them, the Main Henchmen are Error404’s closest allies, so they can also help him make tough decisions and the main henchmen often can command the Right Side and The Controlled Henchmen to do their bidding.

There will be no adding to the list

  • Error!Sans — Main
  • Thought!Sans — Controlled
  • Cyan!Sans — Right Side
  • Syno!Sans — Controlled
  • Nightmare — Right Side
  • Killer — Controlled


  • Geno says he once saw a weird-looking skeleton walking around, but when he went to talk to it, it fled into the darkness.
  • Even though it can’t talk, the Sanstrosity has seen Error404 but didn’t interact with him for fear that he may be attacked.
  • Ink!Sans has claimed and told Error!Sans that he saw a figure similar to him, but Error didn’t listen and blew it off like Ink was trying to trick him.
  • Undertale Frisk once told Sans that they saw another him wandering around the woods and fields of Snowdin and Waterfall.
  • Rescuetale Gaster was taking pictures of wildlife when a white thing that resembled Sans came into view. Gaster was able to take a picture of the being before he vanished.
  • S.T being the Judge seeks to eliminate him but he has only seen him once.
  • What!Sans and Tahw!Sans has seen him, during a fight they were having.
  • Hero Sans Thought He Saw A Suspicious, White Sans Walking around and gazing at him while he Was Fighting Dark!Sans
  • Metroidtale Undyne barely caught a glimpse of Error 404 and tried to attack him with a swiftness type of super, homing missile, but Error 404 escaped before the missile could get to him.
  • Floweytale Flowey has once claimed to have seen a strange, glitchy Sans once, he tried to take its SOUL but he found the vine he used to do so ripped out from his stem, after that he fled back to his AU.
  • Inkmare once saw a Sans going around and assumed it was Error in cosplay, so he left it alone.
  • Beta!Toriel once confused him for Crimson. The results weren’t pretty.
  • Echo Flowey saw him wandering around the Neutral Timeline once, but he disappeared before he had time to tell anybody.
  • Killer saw some strange white sans while wandering around in Horrortale but when he tried to attack, it disappeared.
  • VDash!Gadget at one point had to escape a collapsing Null Space Void which was caused by the appearance of a «White big-boned looking Error Skeleton with a white and blue hooded robe, black shirt and shorts, and blue shoes.»
  • Error404 once freaked Abyss out by manipulating the code of the Abyss.
  • One day, as an Asgore was watering his flowers, he’d seen two glitchy skeletons discussing topics by his flower garden, and before he could even welcome them to drink tea, they’d already left.


  • Error404 is a very rare Character to see, due to him being an absolute recluse. Then again, nobody probably wants to see the guy.
  • Error404 likes to watch and collect Ink!Sans’s drawings, which is why Ink makes so many because whenever he makes a new drawing it magically disappears.
  • If Error were to for any reason touch Error404 while they were not in a calm state, they would end up bugging out the entire Multiverse.
  • Error404 is the strongest member of the Error family.
  • Error404 is so strong that he can make another Error!Sans if he so wishes to at the cost of his code.
  • Error404 is the biological brother of Alpha!Sans.
  • Error404, in a way, is the technical father of Error!Sans.
  • Error404 loves to eat cookies.
  • Error404 alone can beat all the deities with little to no difficulty and he could probably take on half of the multiverse, though he prefers to only fight directly when necessary.
  • Error404, being the self-proclaimed ‘God of The Multiverse’, is the strongest Sans in the multiverse.
  • Error404 is the only Sans strong enough to control and make Error and any other Powerful Sans his puppet with his Mind Manipulation, Examples: Ultra!Sans, Omega Sans, Ink!Sans, etc.
  • Error404 isn’t aware that his brother Alpha!Sans is alive, blinded by his own grief to the point he is ignorant of it.
  • Error404 and Error have a very special secret.
  • Error404 isn’t bad entirely. Despite his cruel actions, in his mind he considers it justified, only doing it to bring his loved ones back, considering it his duty.
  • Error404 hates pranks because they’re childish and a waste of time to him.
  • Error404’s birthday is on the 20th of December.
  • Error404 can take away an entire world and bring it into his realm. For example, imagine Jupiter where the moon is……Yea that’s how big his realm is.
  • Error404’s Realm is a giant cliff side that leads into the very core of the Multiverse and has an endless ceiling covered with scenes of AUs, visions of those he has control over, and drawings that Ink had made.
  • Error404’s mother is known as The Astral Mother.
  • Error404 is an extremely dangerous entity to come upon, and the only way to possibly win a battle against him would be to simply flee. There’s no point trying to kill what can always return.
  • 404’s streaks of black lines on his face are scar marks that he’d made from his breakdown in the Anti-Void. The said marks were once so deep, they were able to have a whole finger stuck in them, yet they soon repaired to as much as they could by time.
  • Error404 Sans can collapse the Null Space void simply by stepping foot on its realm.
  • Error!404 was created by SHADIKAL15.
  • His theme is made by Jinify — AKA AbyssSans199.


Distortion — Error404 Theme Last Revamp — Jinify Original


Error404 da by oraclesaturn-dbcb9lw


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Classic 404 design

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Hot boi

Error404 once again complete


Screenshot 20190923-201831~2

Screenshot 20190923-200913~2



Butterfly updated look


Error666 Updated look


Error404 redesign, pic made by Naderssnas




made by Yamata41

Untitled228 20200804101517

ButterFly666 made by SHADIKAL15

Instagram User CDtmUTwAWOF

Created by bakery_aye

IMG 20201015 090943

Untitled185 20210503170018


Error!404 is a core entity in Alphatale and is the supposed Ancestor of Error!Sans, alongside being the self-proclaimed ‘God of The Multiverse’.



He had won the battle, but at what cost? He had become a very corrupted monster and had gone insane, thinking of the most darkest deeds. Error404 hid away in a special part of the Anti-Void that only he can access called the Mainframe/The outer wall. It is a place where he can see all activity in and out of the Anti-Void. He has been there ever since, never to be in contact with other AUs, slowly driving himself more and more insane with grief in his isolation, only accompanied by one other.

Puppet Series/Error and 404 adventures

Alphatale: A New Puppet Book 1

Alphatale: A New Puppet Book 2

AlphaTale: A New Puppet Book 3



Silent, Error404 prefers to show his true intentions at first, no longer having much of a reason to hide them. A master manipulator, he has developed so much to the point he can perfect a poker face. At first glance, Error404 comes off as a sociopathic experimenter, working in the background to deal with everything he considers a bother. The slightest grudge, he’ll take the most exaggerated response. A permanent solution to a temporary problem.

However, that isn’t truly Error404. Error404 retains his sadness, yet instead commonly turns it into sternness, usually being a reason for his intimidating posture. Despite his notoriety as a formal sociopath, in person he comes off as a pure brute, always dominating the situation anytime he’s present, always knowing what to say and always being the one on top. Error404 has a complete god complex, yet he truly isn’t a bad person. All he wants is a happy ending, yet he will go to desperate measures for so, even to the point of giving others a bad ending. His aspirations for regaining Alphatale are stronger than ever, and he will accomplish it.

He loves to be alone, talking to Alpha of how his day is. He doesn’t believe that Alpha is alive, yet he always pretends to personally vent his mood out, just to not lash out. Because you do NOT want to see him lashing out.


The link below will send you to the channel where Error!404’s Voice Actor is:


Quirks and small things

404 has been in the entire Mainframe now, making him the first being to ever be fully connected to the Mainframe that wasn’t born from it.

404 had taken the manipulation tactics from his late mother, being able to fake any given emotion if he felt the need to do so. He can quickly respond to anything without a hint of fear in his tone.

404 had a large tendency to talk to himself when alone. However, maybe it isn’t himself he’s talking to after all. Perhaps it’s someone else?


404 wears a long blue coat with a giant number four on the. His blue also being shown on his slippers with the blue lines now taking over his white parts of his outfit. He wears dark blue socks and has tags on his arms.


  • Error!Sans: 404’s developed a strange bond with Error, although his intentions haven’t been clouded by his role as a mentor for Error. The two have had their fair shares of arguments, yet in the very end, despite how much Error and 404 had been in distaste for one another, they end up having each other’s backs when the time is necessary.
  • King.M: King.M was created by 404 as a cover-up and is used as a pawn. King.M has lots of resentment towards 404 and vice versa, but the two have had their share of moments as well. The two have a passive-aggressive like relationship.
  • Alpha!Chara: 404 and Alpha!Chara in the past had a very serious relationship finding each other one day in Hotland, they had some Ice cream and started getting closer from there.They spent over 4 years together and we’re thinking of making each official until the siren went off. 404 has never forgotten Chara and refuses to date or grow romantically close with anyone for they only have the eyes for Chara.
  • Ink!Sans: 404 once wanted Ink instead of Error!Sans, but now only sees him as an obstacle. Although a great vessel and amazing killing and working machine, 404 can’t risk ink due to his unpredictability
  • Astral Mother: a pest and a terrible excuse for a parent.
  • Infected: He has a bleeding hatred towards Infected that I don’t think words can describe. Too, too many words to put here I promise.
  • Loading: Seeks to stripe 404 of his Multiverse energy and the two have been at blows for a while now.
  • Abyss!Sans: an annoying protector of AUs that constantly likes to get in his way. 404 has tried countless times to try to venture into the Abyss but with Abyss!Sans has found little success. Abyss and 404 have come to many blows and Abyss has always managed to escape with his life thankfully, but with 404 stalking his back and messing with the Abyss, it can be difficult to keep things together.
  • CORE!Frisk: 404 finds Core!Frisk interesting, though they’re the previous introduction didn’t go well once 404 introduced himself in person he and Core got along just fine, He kept his motives and plans away from Core. Core and 404 grew close, but not too close for 404 feared to grow too attached to them.


Blue Mastery

The most powerful variant of the Blue SOUL Alteration, allowing 404 to move any object, alive or dead, from any distance as long as he can see to it. He may also use this ability to completely collapse the SOUL if used on an alive being by crushing their soul similar to how Error would do with his strings, resulting in an instant kill. He also uses this for Mind Manipulation.

Mind Manipulation

404 can take complete control of others’ SOUL’s, allowing him to alter, distort and warp their mind to think various things, commonly using this method to force others into serving him.

Great Knowledge

From 404’s long lasting time in the multiverse, he knows almost everything of it.

Dark Blasters

Powerful Blasters designed by The Astral Mother herself, able to destroy almost anything that it is fired at. Upon making contact it is able to delete any regular or glitched code out code, whether it is a person, object, essence, or anything of sorts. When he was little they were able to destroy Mountains without much of an issue, now with the upgrades from the Mainframe they are capable of destroying Universes and even the Multiverse if enough are used.

God Ray

Fires a blast from his fingers that will kill anything and anyone who has regular, glitched out or unordinary code (not including God-like code or anything such as Mainframe Code) from a regular AU character.

God Ray first shot

The First shot paralyzes the foe keeping them in a still and forever frozen position until the 2nd shot has landed.

God Ray 2nd shot

This final shot takes the time it has and kills the opponent once it’s made contact.


This Ability is used when Error404 is either killed or takes so much damage that he is on the verse of dying. When he has taken too much damage or is killed, he will begin to be revived by the Mainframe with the copy of his code that it has.

Void Infliction

This ability is an automatic, only caused from Error404 entering a void. Upon him entering a void that isn’t an anti-void and/or the Mainframe, the amounts of stray data in the area will begin to rapidly vibrate, rumbling and possibly even collapsing the void.


404 can fly.

Unopposed Strength

404 has gained immense strength from both training and from the Mainframe, allowing him to carry as much as 222,900 tons.

MFTL+ Speed — Infinite Speed

404 has speeds so fast he can reach the center of universe in a matter of minutes to him showing feats of Infinte speed as shown from him standing in the absolute void a place vacant of everything.

Glitch Whip

404 can form a whip-like beam of light directly from the Mainframe itself, which can reach lengths of the Empire State Building.

Fiberglass SOUL

404’s SOUL is deflective against any form of attack be it physical magical etc. Trying to Manipulate his Soul in any way does not work and as such you will have to fight him head on and attack his physical body.

Pixilation Manipulation

404 makes small pixels out of thin air without any requirements allowing him to form things out of any physical or magical material. He can also use this on himself as a substitute to teleportation sometimes when he’s bored and likes to show off.

Mama’s Boy

404 has the ability to transform his SOUL into one of pure fear, where his colour palette goes from white to black and from blue to orange. This sets fear into any being with a SOUL.

Conduit of Balance

404 possess the Conduit of Balance, allowing for him to control the aspects and fabrics of the entire verse and functions that balance it/sustain it. However he has yet to truly master this ability and hence isn’t capable of using it to its fullest extent. However this chart will show 404’s progression to mastering his Conduit Soul and all the things he can do from being a novice to a Master to a Full fledge Conduit.

Novice (Currently at this Level)

Here 404’s basic understanding of the balance conduit allows him to weaker stronger foes than him to a decent degree, giving him the power of nullifying supernatural and Eldrich foes and possible objects that may seem dangerous to him a greater example of how this ability works is here, Anomalous Nullification

Basic Summary: 404 can nullify any supernatural/anomalous thing, negating it completely. This varies between individuals, considering how powerful the he is using it at the time along with firing a Balance ray which can make his foes depending on how powrful, as weak as he is.

Advanced beginner

404 at this stage can manipulate basic fundamentals of reality with him at his best being able to even manipulate the laws of physics itself. 404 at this stage possesses capabilities that surpass or defy the mainstream laws of physics. The ability itself is a metaphor for things that cannot be explained, Because of it’s «unusual nature» yet still somewhat existing in the corporeal plane of existence, this ability may exist somewhere between Physics Manipulation and Metaphysics Manipulation.

— SuperPower Wiki.


404 at this stage can control lesser Gods’s power outputs and inputs and even Outerversal structures on a meta and physical level. His capabilities are reaching close to their best as at this stage entities like Sol would be no match for his control over things beyond the Omniverse itself. At this point 404 is becoming more and more Conduit like with him now being the embodiment of duality and all binary oppositions. 404 embodies all dualism and binary oppositions and systems, having absolute control over all boundaries, dualities, and even ones that do not exist, and can create and even destroy boundaries.


= Coming soon =

Full-Fledge Conduit

= coming soon =


Puppet Master Form

This form is activated when Error!Sans merges with Error404, and he will only do so when 404 needs major assistance. This Form is Highly Dangerous, possibly the only Form 404 can control. 404 in this form has full control of his and Error’s abilities and even some new ones that combine the two. This new form isn’t just strong though, This form Gives 404 ungodly Speed and incredible damage output to a whopping 190,990 dg per millisecond. And he moves at speeds faster than the speed of light…even as fast if not close to that of the Butterfly transformation’s speed. This form also has an intense healing factor completely denying death itself to where it can heal just about any wound or form of damage it takes in battle.

Master Cables

Puppet Master Form/Error666

These new form of Cables have been fused with 404’s Powers and Error’s, The Cables start red and blue chasing down the target and once latched onto something or someone Blue Master is then initiated with the color Blue and Red mixing into Black forcing the Object or person into a forced state of binding. And the final kill is when the black cables crush the opponent into dust using Blue mastery as a type of heavy gravity crushing the opponent with sheer strength.


The Transformation is activated when 404 is close to death or in moments of massive distress, he is capable of controlling it now and can go into it at will unlike before.The Mainframe then proceeds to direct some of its energy and to 404.This major power boost allows 404 to destroy anything in his path and gives him full control of existence itself ranging to many of the Hyperverses within Reality 6 (He cannot control all of Reality 6 or any other superior one). This form can kill some with just a mere touch similar to that of a death’s touch and can fly at such high speeds that instant teleportation is what it takes to match Butterfly. It’s attack potency allows it to break apart and distort an entire Hyperverse just by moving .Not only that, but the eyes on the wings shoot out high plasma lasers (These plasma lasers have unlimited superiority and power over Ultranova) more perfect and evolved forms of beams so strong that they can go straight through Hyperverses with ease and still completely wipe them out, erasing them in the process completely. The wings on Butterfly work as lasers and can send large beams of plasma shooting out of them that can cut through Hyperverses like butter.


Multiverse takes a toll on the user, making them stronger. However, as the power increase, their lifespan begins to decrease.
This Form was featured in AlphaTale a New Puppet: Book 2 Catastrophic Destruction



Formed by Error and 404 during the events of Chapter 6. The Form has its price though. When the transformation is over, the Mainframe will take all of the code and energy back and will take the life of one of the two that was used to make. ButterFly666 demonstrated it’s finishing attack. MULTIVERSE MACHINE GUN. An attack so powerful that it killed an Unnameable’s vessel and 2 other beings along with it to truly demonstrate it’s incredible power, the said vessel of the Unnameable was able to destroy all of Reality 6 but could not withstand B666’s attack or overpower it.


No Code, No Soul


AlphaTale a New Puppet: Book 2 Catastrophic Destruction , J404 happens when Malware takes control of 404’s body and uses it as if it’s his own. Malware is a ruthless, Mindless, Soulless, and Codeless entity which applies the same things to 404 when hosting him thus making any code, soul or even mind powers completely useless. This transformation is stronger than The Puppet Master’s regular base form however still inferior to Butterfly although malware had the power to make him stronger than it, he didn’t take the risk of having 404’s vessel not be able to handle it which Butterfly took a massive role in. Just!404 is both a form as well as a different mindset, the form happens due to Malware, as stated before, hosting him and lending him some power as well as gaining a few of Malware’s abilities if Malware is generous enough to give them or if he actually needs to give them.

God Eyes

Working just like the God ray yet very much more dangerous, these beams shoot out of J.404’s eyes and can track and follow J.404’s targets anywhere so long as he can see them, once they hit the target both soul and the code of the individual are destroyed and erased completely.

Eyes of Belial

Gazing into 404’s eyes for at least 5 seconds would send the most sane of people into a deep, deep fear that they could be paralysed by the very sight itself. It would even disturb the likes of Infected.


J404!Butterfly is immensely powerful, grabbing at all the power of the mainframe and the Reality as well as a very big amount of Malware’s himself. This is the transformation Malware was waiting for, the moment Butterfly took its effects, Malware was more than confident 404’s vessel could handle a large amount of his power without any consequence due to its massive regeneration factors. J404!Butterfly is a living embodiment of uncontrollable chaos.

Time n Space control

J404!Butterfly can manipulate Time n Space around him, slowing down some things to a complete stand still or even being able to shatter whole parts of space itself. It is also able to mess with the concept of time within Reality 6, to where he can slow things down to a almost standstill like movement where characters believe their reaching him when in reality they couldn’t be none the wiser.

instantaneous movement

J404!Butterfly moves so fast that it appears where it wants to be even faster than instant teleportation could.


The Omninoav is a large attack that has unknown chaotic power, the move is a large spherical like orb that when thrown is has J404 described «Could destroy both this Reality and the next» possibly hinting at it’s destructive capabilities.


Error404’s mission is to tear apart worlds and use the stray code to rebuild Alphatale from the ground up. He believes that the ends justify the means and that this is for the greater good. He believes that if Alphatale is reborn it will allow AUs to flourish and become better than what they are now, but thanks to his deal with Error sadly this will never be known for his deal was to help Error wipe out the rest of the AUs once Alphatale is finished.

After that’s done, what happens between them from there is up in the air.


The Order is From the 1st/Best to the Last/Worse

Error404 has people he controls or they do his bidding because of his power.

These will be labeled from Controlled to Main

Controlled = Under Error404’s 24hour Watch and never set free unless he says so.

Right Side = They have Free will, but they must do as he says and come to his side when he says so.

Main = These few Henchmen have their free will but still do what Error404 says just like with the right side Henchmen, but unlike them, the Main Henchmen are Error404’s closest allies, so they can also help him make tough decisions and the main henchmen often can command the Right Side and The Controlled Henchmen to do their bidding.

There will be no adding to the list

  • Error!Sans — Main
  • Thought!Sans — Controlled
  • Cyan!Sans — Right Side
  • Syno!Sans — Controlled
  • Nightmare — Right Side
  • Killer — Controlled


  • Geno says he once saw a weird-looking skeleton walking around, but when he went to talk to it, it fled into the darkness.
  • Even though it can’t talk, the Sanstrosity has seen Error404 but didn’t interact with him for fear that he may be attacked.
  • Ink!Sans has claimed and told Error!Sans that he saw a figure similar to him, but Error didn’t listen and blew it off like Ink was trying to trick him.
  • Undertale Frisk once told Sans that they saw another him wandering around the woods and fields of Snowdin and Waterfall.
  • Rescuetale Gaster was taking pictures of wildlife when a white thing that resembled Sans came into view. Gaster was able to take a picture of the being before he vanished.
  • S.T being the Judge seeks to eliminate him but he has only seen him once.
  • What!Sans and Tahw!Sans has seen him, during a fight they were having.
  • Hero Sans Thought He Saw A Suspicious, White Sans Walking around and gazing at him while he Was Fighting Dark!Sans
  • Metroidtale Undyne barely caught a glimpse of Error 404 and tried to attack him with a swiftness type of super, homing missile, but Error 404 escaped before the missile could get to him.
  • Floweytale Flowey has once claimed to have seen a strange, glitchy Sans once, he tried to take its SOUL but he found the vine he used to do so ripped out from his stem, after that he fled back to his AU.
  • Inkmare once saw a Sans going around and assumed it was Error in cosplay, so he left it alone.
  • Beta!Toriel once confused him for Crimson. The results weren’t pretty.
  • Echo Flowey saw him wandering around the Neutral Timeline once, but he disappeared before he had time to tell anybody.
  • Killer saw some strange white sans while wandering around in Horrortale but when he tried to attack, it disappeared.
  • VDash!Gadget at one point had to escape a collapsing Null Space Void which was caused by the appearance of a «White big-boned looking Error Skeleton with a white and blue hooded robe, black shirt and shorts, and blue shoes.»
  • Error404 once freaked Abyss out by manipulating the code of the Abyss.
  • One day, as an Asgore was watering his flowers, he’d seen two glitchy skeletons discussing topics by his flower garden, and before he could even welcome them to drink tea, they’d already left.


  • Error404 is a very rare Character to see, due to him being an absolute recluse. Then again, nobody probably wants to see the guy.
  • Error404 likes to watch and collect Ink!Sans’s drawings, which is why Ink makes so many because whenever he makes a new drawing it magically disappears.
  • If Error were to for any reason touch Error404 while they were not in a calm state, they would end up bugging out the entire Multiverse.
  • Error404 is the strongest member of the Error family.
  • Error404 is so strong that he can make another Error!Sans if he so wishes to at the cost of his code.
  • Error404 is the biological brother of Alpha!Sans.
  • Error404, in a way, is the technical father of Error!Sans.
  • Error404 loves to eat cookies.
  • Error404 alone can beat all the deities with little to no difficulty and he could probably take on half of the multiverse, though he prefers to only fight directly when necessary.
  • Error404, being the self-proclaimed ‘God of The Multiverse’, is the strongest Sans in the multiverse.
  • Error404 is the only Sans strong enough to control and make Error and any other Powerful Sans his puppet with his Mind Manipulation, Examples: Ultra!Sans, Omega Sans, Ink!Sans, etc.
  • Error404 isn’t aware that his brother Alpha!Sans is alive, blinded by his own grief to the point he is ignorant of it.
  • Error404 and Error have a very special secret.
  • Error404 isn’t bad entirely. Despite his cruel actions, in his mind he considers it justified, only doing it to bring his loved ones back, considering it his duty.
  • Error404 hates pranks because they’re childish and a waste of time to him.
  • Error404’s birthday is on the 20th of December.
  • Error404 can take away an entire world and bring it into his realm. For example, imagine Jupiter where the moon is……Yea that’s how big his realm is.
  • Error404’s Realm is a giant cliff side that leads into the very core of the Multiverse and has an endless ceiling covered with scenes of AUs, visions of those he has control over, and drawings that Ink had made.
  • Error404’s mother is known as The Astral Mother.
  • Error404 is an extremely dangerous entity to come upon, and the only way to possibly win a battle against him would be to simply flee. There’s no point trying to kill what can always return.
  • 404’s streaks of black lines on his face are scar marks that he’d made from his breakdown in the Anti-Void. The said marks were once so deep, they were able to have a whole finger stuck in them, yet they soon repaired to as much as they could by time.
  • Error404 Sans can collapse the Null Space void simply by stepping foot on its realm.
  • Error!404 was created by SHADIKAL15.
  • His theme is made by Jinify — AKA AbyssSans199.


Distortion — Error404 Theme Last Revamp — Jinify Original


Error404 da by oraclesaturn-dbcb9lw


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Classic 404 design

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Hot boi

Error404 once again complete


Screenshot 20190923-201831~2

Screenshot 20190923-200913~2



Butterfly updated look


Error666 Updated look


Error404 redesign, pic made by Naderssnas




made by Yamata41

Untitled228 20200804101517

ButterFly666 made by SHADIKAL15

Instagram User CDtmUTwAWOF

Created by bakery_aye

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The Binding of Isaac ( TBoI ) — наверное самая масштабная рогалик игра с огромным количеством контента, предметов и их взаимодействий.

А описание можно и развернуть, я там много всего накатал :D

Подписывайтесь на канал, оценивайте видео и оставляйте комментарии, буду очень благодарен обратной связи, я старался :D Только пожалуйста, без лишнего негатива, хотелось бы создать на канале уютную дружескую атмосферу, а не помойку, надеюсь не понимание ;)

По-моему этот забег самый интересный за все время, без преувеличений. *СПОЙЛЕРЫ* Сами посудите — со старту золотой телепорт , позволяющий попадать стабильно в сверхсекретную комнату «Я ошибка». Комната я ошибка 404 (404 — потому, что эта комната как бы не найдена :D), в которой может быть просто что-угодно, в которую обычным путем никак не попасть, только телепортацией. А в противном случае — ну в комнату дьявола/ангела стабильно так же можно попадать. Но на этом все на останавливается — выпадение подряд двух топовейших артефактов — как вам такое? Всё еще мало? Ну тогда добавим сюда еще голову козла, которая позволяет попасть на этаж Сатаны еще до открытия «Оно живое». И всё ещё мало? Ну тогда добиваем это тем, что на этом этаже мы так же попадаем в Я ошибка и перебираемся даже в темную комнату на прямой путь к Агнецу :D Вот так-то, как вам такое? :D Ни слова о везении..))

Ссылка на плейлист игры — 🤍🤍youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHYhutVJxvbbYRsVWLFhwIx7BcS6M3TzU

Купить и скачать The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth plus можно по ссылке в Steam — 🤍store.steampowered.com/app/250900/
Но учитывайте, что дополнения покупать нужно на уже купленную версию The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

Музыка в конце видео (аутро): Bastion — Setting Sail, Coming Home

Интро взято из представленных вариантов-шаблонов (т.к. сам я пока не умею такое делать :D) и не надо обвинять в плагиате или ещё чем-то. Ссылка на видео с этим интро — 🤍🤍youtube.com/watch?v=qd64X-6E690

Ссылки на вконтакте будут добавлены позже (т.к. пока что там по сути ничего нет :D). Но если вдруг кому-то интересно, то мне 21, зовут Лео (Leo), оттуда и никнейм :D

Так же, если кому-то интересно, захват экрана игры — Bandicam, для монтажа использую Shotcut (другие проги почему-то не хотят открывать видео и аудиозапись игры), немного Photoshop CS6

Подробнее о самой игре:
The Binding of Isaac Afterbirth + ( Зе биндинг оф Айзек афтерберс + ) — представляет из себя, как я уже и говорил, рогалик, что подразумевает рандомно генерируемые этажи, предметы и всё-всё-всё. Мы играем за маленького персонажа по имени Айзек ( Isaac ), у которого есть… эм… много разны воплощений? Личностей? Которые являются различными персонажами и вариациями главного героя. Мы стреляем из глаз слезами, можем так убивать монстров, а подбирая артефакты, получаем различные улучшения — от банальных повышений характеристик, до полностью меняющих игру модификаторов наших слез и прочего.
С каждым прохождением мы продвигаемся всё дальше, открываются новые этажи, персонажи, предметы, а так же можно менять уровень сложности. А в дополнении afterbirth был добавлен и новый режим — режим жадности, а в afterbirth+ еще и усложненный вариант режима
В игре огромное количество контента, а так же отсылок, забавных юморных моментов и прочего. Так, к примеру про Enter the Gungeon говорят, что это игра, где вы играете за пулю, стреляете пулями по пулям и уворачиваетесь от пуль :D… То про Айзека можно сказать, что вы бродите по канализации, можете оставлять… кхм… какахи, стрелять по монстрам-какахам, уворачиваться от них же, а в некоторых находить и ценные предметы :D Но это, конечно, юморное отвлечение, а не основы игры :D В общем, если вы любите жанр рогалики, то эта игра должна быть у вас в списке первых для прохождения ;)

Комментарии пользователей:


2021-02-03 14:45:19

а как выключить ту штуку слево?


2020-06-02 08:27:11

Слишком много ошибок для одного забега!

Зелёный человечек

2019-01-11 21:54:22

Открываешь забытого.

Зелёный человечек

2019-01-11 21:53:32

Что ты творишь!!))

Зелёный человечек

2019-01-11 21:28:26

Да что за имба!)

Зелёный человечек

2019-01-11 21:24:08

Какие интересные забеги у тебя!)

Волна щитпостов заставила меня сделать хоть какой-то адекватный контент, для этого медленно умирающего сайта. Я фанат рогаликов, а Айзек является для меня эталоном этого жанра, поэтому я хочу чтобы вы хотя бы попробовали поиграть в него.

Что есть в Айзеке, чего нет в других игр?

Если честно, очень тяжело понять с чего надо начать разбор этой игры. Она в прямом смысле завалена множеством контента, но я постараюсь разобрать всё по очереди. Что мы имеем?
-Необычный стиль и персонажи
-Постоянная прогрессия
И на самом деле ещё много чего, но я хочу разобрать именно эти пункты.

Что главное в рогалике?

Я думаю чтобы было справедливо для начала разобрать Кор-механику этого жанра. Почти в любом рогалике, смерть является основой прогресса, ведь до смерти идёт сам геймплей, а после мы получаем что-то новое в следующем забеге. В Айзеке более 700 предметов, и это без учёта модификаций, и соответственно каждый забег будет отличаться от предыдущего. Это и заставляет нас пробовать ещё и ещё, но главный вопрос Зачем продолжать играть в это? преследует многих игроков, и сейчас я вам попытаюсь это рассказать.

В игре 34 разных персонажа, из которых всего 15 вы сможете увидеть во время выбора. Каждый из них имеет свой анлок за определённое действие, которое отображается во время выбора персонажа и выглядит это как-то так

Как-то так выглядит лист достижений каждого персонажа

А ещё в игре 637 достижений, и за каждое из них ты получаешь что-то новое для следующего забега.

Все различные анлоки, мы получаем за любые действия, особенно вначале игры.
Сломал 5 камней? Да ты красава получи возможность найти предмет в камне, который увеличит твой урон.
Ты перезапустил забег 7 раз? Да ты ахуенный, получи ещё один предмет.
И такие получение этих предметов зачастую заставят тебя переигрывать раз за разом, и возможно для вас Айзек станет как наркотик(У меня на двух платформах наиграно в общей сложности 500 часов, и я не хочу останавливаться)

А ведь я даже не начал говорить про предметы, расходники и синергии.

Надо бы кратко поговорить про айтемы.
Есть 3 вида предметов, активка, пассивка и брелок.

Активки заряжаются от прохождения комнат(1 комната-1 деление), а также могут быть перезаряжены разными расходниками.

Как и с пассивными предметами активки имеют, абсолютно разные свойства, от увеличения урона, или самонаводящихся слёз, до перезапуска всего забега с теми предметами которые у тебя уже были.

Пассивные предметы имеют синергии, и разные баффы

Если вы не понимаете, что происходит на экране, это абсолютно нормально.

Зачастую вашу забег можешь превратиться в лагающее буллет-хельное месиво, и это очень и очень хорошо.
Пассивные предметы могут: увеличить вам хп, скорострельность, дальность, урон. Также есть модификаторы слёз, которые также увеличат ваш дпс. Фамильяры, которые помогут вам не чувствовать себя одиноко.
Брелоки же остаются в совсем другом слоте, и носить такую вещь можно лишь одну(с доп. предметов, можно носить 2 брелока). У них тоже разные свойства, они могут дать как и статы, такие как урон, скорость, скорострельность удачу, так и полностью поменять движение ваших слёз.


Основа всей игры это персонажи, и когда ты только начинаешь играть, у тебя доступен лишь один основной Айзек, у которого изначально нет никаких особенностей, но он может по мере продвижения игры, обрести стартовый предмет D6, который случайно меняет предмет в комнате на другой.
В игре ещё 33 персонажа и все они отличаются, если говорить кратко про самых интересных персонажей то:
Лост-не имеет ХП, но может защититься от одного урона за комнату(Имеет стартовый предмет который реролит предмет с 25% шансом исчезновения предмета)
Форготен(или же забытый) — имеет две версия себя, скелет и его душа, скелет может аттаковать на ближней дистанцией с 3х урона, душа может летать на небольшом расстоянии от тела, а также стреляет обычными слезами.

Очень хотелось бы продолжить список, но не хочу сильно душнить.

Это лишь малая часть персонажей игры, остальные персонажи имеют абсолютно уникальный геймплей, и вам надо попробовать это самим

Так а что по прогрессии?

Как говорилось в начале этого щитпоста, в игре очень и очень много предметов, в начале игры тебя поощряют за эксплоринг(взрыв грибов и камней, нахождение секреток, убийство врагов, да и убийство себя тоже). Первые несколько хороших траев, мы будем постоянно открывать что-то новое, к примеру челленджи(которые опять же несут за собой новые анлоки), или продолжение нашего сюжетного пути.

Вот такие детские рисунки показывают нам анлоки, и видеть вы их будете даже после 100 часов игры

Когда я только начал играть в Айзека, я не видел смысла так много играть, потому что не знал что есть контент дальше первого финального босса(нога матери), и если бы друзья меня не затащили поиграть через ремоут плей 2 года назад, я бы упустил лучший рогалик, и одну из лучших игр прошлого десятилетия.

Мои личные итоги могут быть очень предвзяты, но всё же постараюсь всё рассказать кратко

— очень классная стилистика всей игры, которая выделяется среди других игр
— неповторяющиеся забеги в игре
— модификации, как глобальные, так и менее крупные, которые смогут заставить вас потратить ещё больше сотни часов
— геймплей является скиллозависимым
— очень классная система прогрессии, и синергий

Также у меня есть настолка по айзеку, и если вы хотите про неё почитать, можете накидать плюсиков(буду очень сильно рад)
Ещё сам хочу сделать щитпосты про моды, думаю это тоже должно быть интересно

Это был мой первый пост, я пытался сделать его почти 3 дня, но всё же взяв себя в руки допилил его, пишите критику в комментариях, прислушаюсь к вашему мнению.

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