Alert hard drive fan failure как исправить

Инструкция по эксплуатации Dell Precision T3600 • Ошибки, Которые временно останавливают загрузку компьютера • Компьютеры Dell

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12. Ошибки, которые не останавливают загрузку компьютера


об ошибке

Alert! Cover was previously removed. (Внимание! Крышка компьютера была открыта).


, которые временно останавливают загрузку компьютера


сообщения об ошибках вызывают временную остановку загрузки и выводят запрос о нажатии клавиши <F1>


продолжения загрузки или клавиши <F2> для входа в программу настройки системы. В таблице ниже


сообщения об ошибках.


13. — Ошибки, которые временно останавливают загрузку компьютера


об ошибке

Alert! Front I/O Cable failure. (Внимание! Сбой кабеля передней панели ввода-вывода).

Alert! Left Memory fan failure. (Внимание! Сбой левого вентилятора модуля памяти).

Alert! Right Memory fan failure. (Внимание! Сбой правого вентилятора модуля памяти).

Alert! PCI fan failure. (Внимание! Сбой вентилятора PCI)

Alert! Chipset heat sink not detected. (Внимание! Набор микросхем радиатора не обнаружен).

Alert! Hard Drive fan1 failure. (Внимание! Сбой вентилятора жесткого диска 1).

Alert! Hard Drive fan2 failure. (Внимание! Сбой вентилятора жесткого диска 2).

Alert! Hard Drive fan3 failure. (Внимание! Сбой вентилятора жесткого диска 3).

Alert! CPU 0 fan failure. (Внимание! Сбой вентилятора ЦП 0)

Alert! CPU 1 fan failure. (Внимание! Сбой вентилятора ЦП 1)

Alert! Memory related failure detected. (Внимание! Сбой модуля памяти).

Alert! Correctable memory error has been detected in memory slot DIMMx. (Внимание! Обнаружена устранимая

памяти в слоте DIMMx).

Warning: Non-optimal memory population detected. For increased memory bandwidth populate DIMM connectors
with white latches before those with black latches. (Осторожно! Обнаружено неоптимальное заполнение памяти.

увеличения пропускной способности модулей памяти сначала заполните разъемы DIMM с белыми


, а потом с черными).

Your current power supply does not support the recent configuration changes made to your system. Please contact
Dell Technical support team to learn about upgrading to a higher wattage power supply. (Установленный блок

не поддерживает последние изменения конфигурации системы. Обратитесь к группе техподдержки

Dell, чтобы узнать, как провести модернизацию и установить блок питания более высокой мощности).

Dell Reliable Memory Technology (RMT) has discovered and isolated errors in system memory. You may continue to
work. Memory module replacement is recommended. Please refer to the RMT Event log screen in BIOS setup for
specific DIMM information. (Технология Dell Reliable Memory Technology (RMT) обнаружила изолированные

в системной памяти. Вы можете продолжить работу. Рекомендуется заменить модуль памяти.


к экрану журнала событий RMT в настройках BIOS для получения сведений об отдельных DIMM).

Dell Reliable Memory Technology (RMT) has discovered and isolated errors in system memory. You may continue to
work. Memory module replacement is recommended. Please refer to the RMT Event log screen in BIOS setup for
specific DIMM information. (Технология Dell Reliable Memory Technology (RMT) обнаружила изолированные




ID 18686

Ребята, будьте добры помогите! комп при загрузке пишет acept Previous fan failure и просит нажать F1 при этом все вентиляторы работают , что сделать, надпись не выскакивала ?

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Комментарии (9)

04.09.2012 16:28

Я думаю, пишет комп несколько другое: Alert Previous fan failure. Это означает, что: возможно, имел место сбой в работе BIOS (перепрошить BIOS). Но более вероятно следующее. Вторая причина: кулер не держит параметры (т.е. ему скоро придет гроб). Заменяем кулер. Третья причина: плохой контакт разъема кулера с разъемом материнской платы. В этом случае опять же надо менять кулер (ну или поменять разъем, если есть навыки и запчасти).


04.09.2012 16:58

скорей всего  третья причина, но это длится уже около года, а сегодня достало окончательно


04.09.2012 17:02

Отключить в BIOS контроль оборотов кулера, если он нормально работает, потом (если подозревать разъём на плате) можно переключить кулер в другой разъём (обычно их не менее 2-х), а если нет свободных разъёмов, поменять с кулером системного блока (отказ которого не так опасен для системы).


04.09.2012 17:12

Вот отключать контроль я бы не советовал. По причине: если он есть, значит, он для чего-то нужен. Отключив контроль, можно дождаться фатальных последствий вследствие нескольких перегревов. 

А в остальном — да, можно поэкспериментировать.


04.09.2012 17:18

pmv пишет:

Отключить в BIOS контроль оборотов кулера, если он нормально работает, потом (если подозревать разъём на плате) можно переключить кулер в другой разъём (обычно их не менее 2-х), а если нет свободных разъёмов, поменять с кулером системного блока (отказ которого не так опасен для системы).

 во вражеском языке не силен как отключить в bioc  материнка dell optiplex G270


04.09.2012 17:21

aleksandr62 пишет:

харда 2

После установки второго это появилось?


04.09.2012 17:49

Boris-59 пишет:

После установки второго это появилось?

возможно после установки


04.09.2012 17:53

Topic: how to disable hard driver fan  (Read 35996 times)

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hi, my hard drive fan went and i need to disable it in my bios.
it says:
Alert! hard drive fan failure. Strike the F1 key to continue, F2 to run the setup utility.

I have a Dimension 9200c

4gb ram
cpu 2.13 intel

thanks a lot guys. :)



It may not be a HD fan but a CPU/Heatsink Fan attached over that needed to be replaced. How many CPU tower fans being used and have you tried reinserting them?

« Last Edit: March 02, 2011, 11:15:08 PM by jason2074 »



its the hd fan not the cpu fan.


Carbon Dudeoxide



yes I do have experience opening up the side of your computer and physically interacting with the hardware.
My HD Fan doesn’t work… my question is without this fan can it lead to more problems. I always had hd without fans…. this computer is the first.

thanks  :)





replacing the fan is on the mind right now lol

will it give me hd issue if i don’t?

the reason i ask is because this is the first pc i know that ever had a hd fan.

thanks :)


Carbon Dudeoxide



i did unplug the fan… will i still have hd issue without it  ???
i still get this error message with it unplug
thanks :)



I believe the answer regarding a possible heat issue is that it depends on the air circulation in your computer case without the hard drive fan.  How many fans are inside your computer and what’s their air flow direction?  Typically, any fan in front of the computer draws air in and fan(s) on back are pointed outward to move warm air out of the case. 

Also, removing the non-functioning hard drive fan may be the best approach since it’s presence might be a slight obstruction to air flow around the hard drive.

Also, you might install HWMonitor and see whether it give you a hard drive temperature reading.  I’ve used it on my Windows 7 system and it works well. 



i’m going to buy a new hd fan so it will remove the error message and no heat issues… the tower is thin so i do need more air flow.
I’ll let you know if everthing went ok.
Thanks everbody! :)

« Last Edit: March 03, 2011, 09:57:56 AM by Slayer666 »



The fan works now but i still get the error… what gives  >:(




The fan works now but i still get the error… what gives  >:(


Did you connect the fan to the HD FAN header on the motherboard, or is it a Molex plug?

Either way, Hard Drives don’t generally come with fans, they are installed afterwards, and therefore are usually completely unnecessary. (If they were necessary then the HD manufacturers would include one- which they don’t.)

Right now my HDs are hovering around 71 degrees. I haven’t had a problem with any of them.

Also, you could simply disable the message in the CMOS setup, I think.


I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.


  HD FAN header is connected to the hd itself on the motherboard.
in the bios configuration… i don’t see it at all unless i miss it and i look like a 100 times.

Thanks  :P



  HD FAN header is connected to the hd itself on the motherboard.
in the bios configuration… i don’t see it at all unless i miss it and i look like a 100 times.

Thanks  :P

How is it connected to the HDD ? ?
Be more specific.


» Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. «

I was working on a Dell 7010 yesterday after getting a report that the workstation was producing a «humming» noise.

Upon arrival, the workstation booted up normally with no issue and I could detect no humming at all.  This unit is new and just installed last month.  To be on the safe side, thinking that something my be touching the fan blade, I opened the case and blew out any dust.  I then shut the PC down and rebooted.  On this boot I got the message:

«Alert.  Previous fan failure.  Press F1 to continue.«

I booted into Windows and then opened the case.  All fans were working normally, including the CPU fan.

I rebooted the machine again and entered the BIOS.  In the system log, the above message was only message listed.

I am thinking that this might just be an isolated incident but am looking for any other suggestions as to what might have caused this.

Even though this unit is still under warranty, they won’t even consider replacing it, or any parts unless there is a total hardware failure.

«Alert! Previous Fan Failure» Diagnosis & Repair Checklist

TECHSPOT forums have helped me with great tech advice in the past, so I am offering the following diagnostic procedure as my first post in these forums. It includes almost all of the recommendations made throughout this thread combined with some from my own experience with this problem as a technician. I did my best to give credit to those who posted great recommendations.

«Alert! Previous Fan Failure»
Diagnosis & Repair Checklist:

STEP 1: CHECK THE FAN. If the fan is dead, wobbling, smoking, or on fire, it must be replaced. Use compressed air to blow any dust out of the fan. LOOK CLOSELY and make sure the fan is connected to the appropriate power connector on the mainboard; often there are multiple power connectors for the CPU fan and CASE or SYS fans. Check that the entire assembly (fan, screws, heat sink, clips) is properly mounted in the retention bracket; the metal heat sink should be held firmly against the CPU with snugly fastened clips. If the assembly seems loose, it is either assembled improperly or it is broken. If you find any of the above to be true, skip to STEP 5.

STEP 2: ENTER THE CMOS/BIOS SETUP UTILITY. Getting there isn’t always easy. Since the «Alert! Previous Fan Failure» problem is primarily specific to Dell computers, tapping on the F2 key after turning the computer on should get you into the BIOS/CMOS setup utility. If it doesn’t, try the DEL key or some other F# keys, just be careful to not restore your computer. If the computer does not seem to be receiving your key strokes, make sure your keyboard is in good working order and properly connected to the computer (and not plugged into the green PS/2 mouse jack). If the setup utility asks for a password, enter it. If you do not know what the password is, look on the mainboard for a jumper that will reset the CMOS password; if you can’t find a password reset jumper, GOOD LUCK. You could search the internet for CMOS/BIOS password removal tools and perhaps get lucky and feel like a hacker!

STEP 3: CHANGE THE CMOS/BIOS SETTINGS. Once you have successfully entered the CMOS/BIOS setup utility, you are in the home stretch. Clearing the event log seems to have been the


for a lot of people who posted here, which makes sense because the error message says «previous fan failure» and not «current fan failure». Changing the «DO NOT report keyboard errors» setting was the


which really does not make sense because the keyboard and fan operate at different voltages and are generally unrelated, HOWEVER! since it worked for them it might work for you. You can always try resetting the CMOS/BIOS settings to the «default» or «safe» settings, but you may notice your computer behaving differently afterwards, and it is therefore not recommended. It seems that all CMOS/BIOS setup utilities are a little awkward to navigate, so look for instructions on the bottom or right side of the screen if you are having trouble.

STEP 4: UPDATE THE BIOS. Hopefully the error message is gone. If not, there are a few more things to try. The reason why this procedure has a reputation is because every once in a while it quickly and unsuspectingly destroys people’s computers! (actually, just their motherboards!). During the BIOS update process, if the procedure fails for any reason, the computer will no longer boot and the motherboard will be have to be replaced. With that in mind, go to Dell’s support web site, enter the computer’s model number or service tag, and download the most recent BIOS update (located in the device drivers section). Follow the instructions carefully and guard the power strip.

STEP 5: REPLACE THE FAN. If the error continues to appear, there may be a problem with the fan, its wires, or the connector. If you replace the fan, make sure it is the correct size (92mm fan is common with Dells as mentioned earlier by «benthere») with a power rating of 12 volts and around 0.42 amps (as mentioned earlier by «wsnett») which should draw about 5 watts. If you must remove the entire fan & heat sink assembly, be sure to clean up the old thermal compound residue using isopropyl alcohol and then apply new thermal compound; make sure the heat sink is seated and secured firmly against the CPU; make sure the clips are properly attached to the brackets; make sure the fan is plugged into the motherboard properly.

STEP 6: STILL HAVE THE ERROR? «snoopindaweb» posted this key sequence at power-up: turn on -> CAPS LOCK -> NUM LOCK -> SCROLL LOCK -> ALT+E -> ALT+B -> ALT+F, then do an «Automatic IDE Configuration». I haven’t tried it because I didn’t need to, as the list of recommendations above solved the problem.

STEP 7: BUILD A NEW COMPUTER. If you are frustrated and don’t like the way Dell builds computers, and you feel the need to post unhelpful, angry comments in an online forum like TECHSPOT, then you must step away from the keyboard, gain control of yourself, take responsibility for your anger, and claim ownership of your computer by building one yourself. Its fun, educational, and impresses the opposite sex.

I enjoyed putting this together.
I really hope it helps someone.

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