Amdvbflash error in vbios image

Having issues in terms of flashing a stock Sapphire reference 5700 with a 5700XT reference bios. Before any attempt the stock bios was backed up, used DDU to remove drivers, and was booted in safe mode. After unlocking the bios via amdvbflash I then used amdvbflashwin to load the 5700xt bios...

Download atiflash/amdvbflash 2.93
Go here

Then look for Version 4.68, underneath 4.68 you will see a link to show older version, click that and you should see version 2.93


Follow these steps carefully:

1. Open your «C:» drive in Windows, create a new folder, call it atiflash.

2. Extract the contents of to the «C:atiflash» folder

3. Find the bios file you downloaded and rename the bios file to sp57x.rom

4. Move sp57x.rom to the «C:atiflash» folder

5. Open the start menu, type cmd, when cmd.exe appears right click it and hit «Run as administrator»

6. At the command prompt type in cd and press enter until only C:> is on the screen.

7. Type in cd/atiflash and press enter, you should see C:atiflash>

7a. At C:atiflash> type in amdvbflash.exe -i to identify your gpu with a number (0,1,2)

8. At the C:atiflash> prompt type in
amdvbflash.exe -unlockrom 0 (or 1, 2)
(there is a space between the e and -unlockrom and 0)(0 is the number zero)
press enter and you will be prompted that the «ROM Unlocked»

9. At the C:atiflash> prompt type in
amdvbflash.exe -f -p 0 sp57x.rom (or 1,2)
(there is a space between the .exe and -f, and a space between -f and -p and 0)press enter.

Follow directions on screen and if flash is successful exit the command prompt and restart, windows should show up on screen

You do not use amdvbflaswin, you use command prompt, follow my directions above


  1. Question rx 5700 — 0FL01 error — plz help!!
  2. ksukhin
  3. Mini_Me
  4. Mini_Me
  5. ВСЕ RX 5600 XT в майнинге
  6. JleHuH
  7. SBCAndrew
  8. platoshkin
  9. SBCAndrew
  10. teran_a
  11. satline
  12. That day when I tried to flash my AMD VBIOS in Linux
  13. Prologue
  14. Let’s do it
  15. amdmeminfo
  16. atiflash / amdvbflash
  17. FreeDOS
  18. Supported OS: Linux
  19. Screwed Drivers
  20. Geeks, Gurus and miners
  21. That day when I tried to flash my AMD VBIOS in Linux Windows
  22. In more recent news
  23. Overclocking in Linux
  24. AMDVBFlash, UEFI version
  25. Conclusion

Question rx 5700 — 0FL01 error — plz help!!



Can anyone help me fix the 0FL01 error? I cannot flash my RX 5700 no matter what I try.

I’m using amdvbflash 3.04+ version from IgorsLab and the TechPowerUp. I tried flashing in Windows and in UEFI powershell from USB. I get the same error no matter what.


Can anyone help me fix the 0FL01 error? I cannot flash my RX 5700 no matter what I try.

I’m using amdvbflash 3.04+ version from IgorsLab and the TechPowerUp. I tried flashing in Windows and in UEFI powershell from USB. I get the same error no matter what.

Greetings and welcome,

Please do not worry, this problem is fixable, first let us do the easy way by following the below,

I. Extract the downloaded AtiFlashTool v2.93+ with the backup bios file to a folder and put it in drive C,



Can anyone help me fix the 0FL01 error? I cannot flash my RX 5700 no matter what I try.

I’m using amdvbflash 3.04+ version from IgorsLab and the TechPowerUp. I tried flashing in Windows and in UEFI powershell from USB. I get the same error no matter what.

Greetings and welcome,

Please do not worry, this problem is fixable, first let us do the easy way by following the below,

I. Extract the downloaded AtiFlashTool v2.93+ with the backup bios file to a folder and put it in drive C,

II. Boot to Windows Safe Mode (optional),

III. Open Command Prompt CMD as an administrator and navigate to the folder mentioned above,

IV. Now enter these commands below:

amdvbflash.exe -i
Press Enter

It will show you the gpu adapters list occupying the pcie slots for an example if there is only one gpu then its adapter number will be 0.
amdvbflash.exe -unlockrom 0
Press Enter

It will unlock the gpu chip for flashing if it is locked.
amdvbflash.exe -s 0 chooseAname.rom
Press Enter

To make a backup of the gpu bios if needed.
amdvbflash.exe -p -f 0 BackupBiosName.ROM
Press Enter

To flash the bios, here — f to force the flash in case of error.

V. Wait for the update to complete and reboot.


ВСЕ RX 5600 XT в майнинге


Пляшущий с бубном


Местный житель

настройки для всех RX5600 одинаковые

core 1050
memory 910
core voltage 650 (675, 700, 725 если не держит)
memory controller coltage 700 (725, 750 если не держит)
mvdd 1300
soc 950mhz

42.2 TRM 43.0 Phoenix

core 1080
memory 930
core voltage 700 (700, 725, 750 если не держит)
memory controller coltage 750
mvdd не задаём
soc 1085mhz

core 1080
memory 950-960
core voltage 700 (700, 725, 750 если не держит)
memory controller coltage 750
mvdd не задаём
soc 1085mhz


Свой человек


Местный житель



Видеокарта ASUS AMD Radeon RX 5600XT EVO OC 6GB GDDR6 192-bit 1xHDMI 3xDP HDCP DUAL-RX5600XT-T6G-EVO память самсунг Samsung GDDR6 · 115-D189P00-100

подскажите чем прошить можно?

  • Asus RX 5600 XT 6 GB TUF 3 EVO GAMING TOP T6G 115-D199PI0-101 731FHB. Samsung + Micron download

Этот подойдет?


Пляшущий с бубном

настройки для всех RX5600 одинаковые

core 1050
memory 910
core voltage 650 (675, 700, 725 если не держит)
memory controller coltage 700 (725, 750 если не держит)
mvdd 1300
soc 950mhz

42.2 TRM 43.0 Phoenix

core 1080
memory 930
core voltage 700 (700, 725, 750 если не держит)
memory controller coltage 750
mvdd не задаём
soc 1085mhz

core 1080
memory 950-960
core voltage 700 (700, 725, 750 если не держит)
memory controller coltage 750
mvdd не задаём
soc 1085mhz

А в чём может быть беда? HIVEOS, выставляю soc 1085 mhz — хэш падает до 28.9. Лечится только перезапуском фермы, и восстановлением данного параметра в значение по-умолчанию

По оптимальным настройкам — всё работает, 42,96 МХ @ 72W

ПС. Удалось завести на 43,94 МХ @ 75 W
Core 1100
Memory 930
Core voltage 675
Memory controller voltage 700
mvdd 1300
soc 950mhz

карта Asus RX 5600 XT 6 GB TUF 3 EVO GAMING TOP O6G 115-D199PI0-101 биос 731FHB.

ППС. хоть в настройках и прописано SoC 950 MHz, amd-info показывает 1085 MHz !


That day when I tried to flash my AMD VBIOS in Linux


It’s 2019. AMD is more than ready to take its place in the GPU market share. Right after the release of RX 5600 XT, AMD and manufacturers partners released an update for the VBIOS (yes, GPUs also have BIOS) changing the clocks of processors making the card even more powerful.

The selection of graphics drivers for AMD hardware is comparibly very good. AMD is contributing to upstream projects like the mainline kernel code base and Mesa. And even maintaining their own projects like amdvlk or Compressonator.

There are 3 different Vulkan implementation available for Linux, which all use the amdgpu kernel module.

  • AMDGPU Pro, the proprietary userspace AMD Vulkan implementation.
  • amdvlk, an new open source Vulkan implementation by AMD.
  • radv, the free Vulkan implementation for AMD maintained by the Mesa project.

In addition you also can use a OpenGL 4.5 conformant GL implementation RadeonSI from Mesa, implemented on the Gallium framework.

radv also recently gained a new shader compiler ACO , which was sponsored by Valve. It is delivering considarable performance improvements compared to the old one.

Let’s do it

So here I’m, just one more GNU/Linux user with my GPU properly installed and running just fine. Oh wait, it seems that I can upgrade its VBIOS in order to improve performance, it shouldn’t be that hard, right? Right?

Since this is the first time I do such operation, I started with some DuckDuckGoing to check the required steps. Each manufacturer (e.g. Gigabyte, ASRock, etc) is responsible to providing the update software for theirs users. Some lucky people managed to get an updated board from factory, while some versions won’t get support for the new version at all.

Since I’m not lucky, I need to flash my card. My model is the “Radeon RX 5600 XT Challenger D 6G OC”, also know as “RX5600XT CLD 6GO”. If you open the model page and click in the support tab, there’s one button named “vBIOS”. Clicking it reveals this text box:

The detailed description “Enhance performance.” quickly gets my attention and I know that I’m where I need to be. But calm down, let’s read all the information.

Please read the information below before downloading or updating your vBIOS

Sure, safety first.

We do not recommend users to update the vBIOS if their graphics card is already running normally.

Wait. So it seems that ASRock released a software to enhance performance of the card, but asks you not to do so and tells you that actually this is not a good idea.

ASRock assumes no responsibility for any damages caused by improper operations of downloading or updating the vBIOS.

And if something went wrong, good luck dealing with that.

Before you download or update the vBIOS, please read “(How to Update)” below carefully.

In the column “Update vBIOS Under/ How to Update” there’s only one entry where is possible to read Windows. These are bad news for me, since I have no Windows around to use. I click anyway in search for more knowledge and (as suggested) I carefully read the four steps instructions on how to extract a compressed file and how to double-click in a batch file, but they are all for Windows, so wasn’t so useful for me. Anyway, I click and download the “Global” option just in case I need it in the future.

The zip contains two files: Update.cmd and h566GCLDO_L07_X64Gop_2_09.exe . The first one is basically a batch script that call the second one with update as argument. The second one seems to be a C++ application to flash the card. It is important to notice that this binary is a Windows application with a VBIOS image embedded. To get only the image, TechPowerUp hosts a collection of VBIOS images. If an appropriated flashing tool. My first attempt failed, now it’s time to search again.


Looking for some kind of software to hack my AMD GPU that run in Linux, I discovered that there is one called amdmeminfo . Mysteriously, there was no entry at ArchLinux User Repository.I moved forward and decided to give a try. For that, I choose the first GitHub result in DDG, hoping for the best and that should be the most relevant one. From the README, we can read that “Get GDDR5 memory information and other information from AMD Radeon GPUs.” Not bad, huh?

After following the build instructions, I managed to get my binary. This was the result of the first run:

After reading the code, I realized that this segfault had occurred because this version of the tool doesn’t support my card and no one checked if (gpu == NULL) . I need a more recent version of amdmeminfo for my card. The “original” repo, the one ystarnaud has chosen to fork from Zuikkis isn’t modified since 2014, so I think it will not help me. Back to the repo I’m using, there is a Pull Request. Maybe it’s to add to support RX 5600 XT, who knows?

Well, you don’t need to be a git expert to see that’s something going strange here. I download the file and opened, and it’s an entire different repo download as zip, to deal with alt-coins proxy: xmrig-proxy.

Not sure what were VIP21’s intentions with this move, but it doesn’t seem it was succeeded. I moved to check the forks, and found that there are 50 ones, mostly from cryptomining people. After checking one by one, minershive’s (also a cryptocoin enthusiastic account) one seems to be the most reasonable one, with support to RX 5600 XT! It stills segfault, but at least was able to output the current version of my vBIOS:

When I discovered this software, there were 50 forks. Now we have 51 forks!

I had renamed the tool to amdgpuinfo , since we get more general information about a GPU, not only about memory (at least for my card, I can’t get any memory information for now). You can find my repo at my GitLab. I also solved the problem with AUR package, and created one: amdgpuinfo-git. This tool was useful only to get my VBIOS version, since it can’t flash the card (at least for now).

atiflash / amdvbflash

As I continued my seek for Linux tools that could flash AMD cards, I found a lot of tutorials on how to do it in Windows. One popular tool among those guides is called atiflash , a tool to manipulate AMD GPUs and their VBIOSs. ATI was a company acquired by AMD and become part of the GPU development sector, but since 2010, the name ATI name isn’t used in any products released by them. So even with this outdated name, this tool shows some potential.


I first heard of it in this guide in TechPowerUp’s forum, teaching how to use atiflash to flash your VBIOS. Wait, FreeDOS?

It seems like a lot of Windows users don’t trust it to perform such critical actions as flashing your VBIOS GPU. An unexpected interruption, reboot, a spiked CPU load or blue screen could corrupt the image and brick the card. Windows Update, Windows Defender, Cortana, antivirus, virus, all those softwares could work together to do that for you.

So how do you use your flashing tool, a Windows binary, in a safe environment? The answer got me by surprise, but if you are familiar with this kind of procedures, you probably already know FreeDOS. This is a GPL DOS-compatible operating system that allows you to run Windows software in an isolated condition. No updates, no voice assistance. Hopefully, no internet either. Just you and a command prompt, waiting for your order. Fortunately, Windows has a good retro compatible ABI, meaning that you can run some simple software in any release between from DOS to Windows 10.

Supported OS: Linux

The version of atiflash that is used in this guide, v4.17, is able to work on DOS as I tested in FreeDOS. But won’t be even nicer just using this in GNU/Linux? I could only find one version of this software for my OS, in a shady repository from konqueror1 , one more cryptominer: This tool, as version 4.25, could not detect my flash card, so I needed a more updated one. Just to be sure, I tried in FreeDOS. It worked fine, but it couldn’t detect my card as well.

Hopefully, the same TechPowerUp website hosts atiflash versions, along with VBIOS images, so maybe it was just a matter of finding the right version, with the right image. So I grab the 2.93 version for download, but it only has Windows versions. Changelog says that in August 15th, 2019, support for flashing Navi Radeon RX 5700 Series BIOS was added. Two important things to notice here: even that this release is newer, it’s version has a lower number than the one that we found before (4.15). Also, the name of binary is actualy “AMDVbFlash”, without “ATI” anymore. Probably they reset the version counter when changing the name, but kept the old name in pages to enhance the Google visibility. Once again I fire my FreeDOS USB, but this time all I get from the tool is “This Program Can not Be Run in DOS Mode”. It turns that this message is bultin in the software, and it seems that it just print this and then exits, if it is running in a DOS environment. Maybe some developer in AMD changed the compiler or build system, breaking the DOS compatibility on the way.

We had already tested Linux and DOS versions out there, but TPU doesn’t provide any of then. In the hope that another tech forum has some binaries for me, I found more two websites: Guru3D and Geeks3D. I have no idea if they same some kind of relation or just use similar names by chance. By just a few days of difference, both pages posted the 3.04 release of the tool:

Geeks3D post comes with a promise that I was waiting for:

My hope quickly ended, when clicking for download I was presented to AMDVbFlash_v3.04.exe file. Extracting the .exe , there is an EndUserLicenseAgreement(use).doc by AMD and a readme.txt . Once again, the README states that Linux, UEFI and DOS are all supported, along with a nice AMD Copyright.

Screwed Drivers

Those tools should be coming from somewhere, hopefully from AMD itself, since they are both developer and copyright owner of the tool. However, the only mention that I could find about the tool in AMD website is in their security page.

At AMD, security is a top priority. We were made aware of the public disclosure of potential industry-wide, driver-related vulnerabilities on August 11, 2019 and, after gaining new information from the researcher, AMD now believes this is related to a disclosure communicated to us earlier this year regarding the AMDVBFlash graphics driver tool that was temporarily made available on our website so early adopters of older AMD graphics products could perform a needed Video BIOS refresh and has since been removed. AMD is continuing to investigate the issue to determine if any other of our drivers may be affected.

To learn more about how this was being exploited, you can read the post by the researchers at Eclypsium’s blog:

Drivers that provide access to system BIOS or system components for the purposes of updating firmware, running diagnostics, or customizing options on the component can allow attackers to turn the very tools used to manage a system into powerful threats that can escalate privileges and persist invisibly on the host.

In summary, attackers could flash vulnerable firmware and driver to escalate privilege to read/write in kernel space. The article talks only about Windows, so it doesn’t seem to affect Linux. Also, it’s not clear about the role of “AMDVBFlash” in that attack, the article only says that “[…] the very drivers and tools that would be used to update the firmware are themselves vulnerable and provide a potential avenue for attack.”. To prevent users exploiting this attack, they removed the tool from their website, although they can’t delete it from the internet. It would be nice to have a fixed version for users, or even the source code, so they could fix it themselves. I just hope that they didn’t take down the tool with the argument that “it could be used to flash malicious images”. Similarly, this would be like removing the web browser, since it could be used to download malware.

Geeks, Gurus and miners

As you may have noticed, this statement was announced in August 8th, but the TechPowerUp and Geeks3D/Guru3D released versions after that date, in January 24th. It would make sense that this tool continues under development for AMD and their manufacturers partners, and there might have someone inside AMD leaking this software for those forums. The first line of the changelog is “AMDVBFLASH EXTERNAL – WINDOWS”, that once again brings more questions than answers. Is there an internal version? Is there a non-Windows binary? How did 3D managed to get access to this release, even after AMD saying that the tool was removed from their website?

I also found a Linux version of this tool in “ethOS Mining OS”, a paid distro for mining coins that offers atiflash as a cool feature and in “minerstat” distro as well. However, after reading their documentation, I strongly believe that this version is the old ATIflash v4.25 that I tried before.

Given all that, I couldn’t find a single tool to flash my card without a running Windows machine. The poor user amd762 even posted in AMD community forum, asking for a Linux version for the tool, but got only the silence.

That day when I tried to flash my AMD VBIOS in Linux Windows

AMDVBFlash in graphical mode, running in Windows 10

Eventually, I gave up, took the road and after 100 kilometers I reached the house of a friend of mine that have a Windows machine. We opened the cabinet, replaced the GPU, opened Windows 10 and fired up those tools described during the article. First, I did a backup of the current VBIOS image with AMDVbFlash and then used the ASRock solution to install the new one. Fortunately, all worked fine and my card now has a faster clock.

In more recent news

Luckily, now the situation is slight better in Linux side. After I did all those steps to get my VBIOS updated, I found the following resources:

Overclocking in Linux

There is a post in Reddit that teaches you how to change the voltage and frequency of your AMD card. This is basically an overclocking, but as far as I know, the performance result should be the same as flashing the VBIOS. Read the comments, since there are some useful tips and information there.

AMDVBFlash, UEFI version

TechPowerUp surprises me again, and release an UEFI shell version of AMDVBFlash 2.93 out of nowhere. Technically, this should be the best way to flash you card, since it doesn’t depend on your OS, just requires that you have a motherboard that supports UEFI. Just copy the files in a pen drive formated as FAT32 and boot it.

This release wasn’t made by AMD itself, but by “W1zzard”, an administrator from TechPowerUp. I’m not sure if it’s a reverse engineer of the original tool, or it’s the UEFI version released by AMD but with the Copyright modified. I couldn’t find more information about this developer, since their Twitter account has just one tweet with “6.5 million LinkedIn passwords” in a pastebin.

I tested following commands and everything worked as expected:

  • Listing devices/adapters: amdvbflash -i

Write the VBIOS of adapter 0 at file: amdvbflash -s 0

Check VBIOS info in a given file: amdvbflash -biosfileinfo

Note: after I published this post, W1zzard commented in Reddit clarifying the situation:

W1zzard from tpu here, the uefi flasher itself is amd original, i packaged it into a simple download with uefi shell and wrote the uefi Scripts

We’re not hosting the newer vbflash because it requires that driver which has security issues as you mentioned. The current 2.93 can flash all amd cards so no reason to use the newer version and jump through the driver hoops

Also, the UEFI version tool can be found with some vendors images, as is the case of MSI image.


AMD, in contrast with others GPU vendors, does a great job supporting Linux drivers in upstream. However, it lacks support for a VBIOS flashing tool in Linux (despite their confusing README stating the opposite), so RX 5600 XT users need to do wild things to get their card updated, including using Windows. If the tool was open source, I’m very confident that the community would support a Linux release. Thanks for reading, and if you know something about what is going on, I would love to hear.

Check my next post to see the final outcome of this history.

Thanks Lubosz for joining me in this adventure, digging in the web, looking for software, inspiring and reviewing this text.

Discussion on Reddit.

Discussion on Hacker News.

В© AndrГ© Almeida 2022
Licensed as CC BY 4.0


5700 to xt vbios flashing issue


New Member

Having issues in terms of flashing a stock Sapphire reference 5700 with a 5700XT reference bios. Before any attempt the stock bios was backed up, used DDU to remove drivers, and was booted in safe mode. After unlocking the bios via amdvbflash I then used amdvbflashwin to load the 5700xt bios, however receive an “Error in VBIOS Image” alert regardless of the reference xt bios I used from TPU.

DDU was used to clean out existing software, temp driver installed, ROM was unlocked via amdvbflash before using the Win GUI. Best to leave be or is this a known issue when using the GUI version? (3.31)


The Exiled Airman
System Name PCGOD
Processor AMD FX 8350@ 5.0GHz
Motherboard Asus TUF 990FX Sabertooth R2 2901 Bios
Cooling Scythe Ashura, 2×BitFenix 230mm Spectre Pro LED (Blue,Green), 2x BitFenix 140mm Spectre Pro LED
Memory 16 GB Gskill Ripjaws X 2133 (2400 OC, 10-10-12-20-20, 1T, 1.65V)
Video Card(s) AMD Radeon 290 Sapphire Vapor-X
Storage Samsung 840 Pro 256GB, WD Velociraptor 1TB
Display(s) NEC Multisync LCD 1700V (Display Port Adapter)
Case AeroCool Xpredator Evil Blue Edition
Audio Device(s) Creative Labs Sound Blaster ZxR
Power Supply Seasonic 1250 XM2 Series (XP3)
Mouse Roccat Kone XTD
Keyboard Roccat Ryos MK Pro
Software Windows 7 Pro 64

Having issues in terms of flashing a stock Sapphire reference 5700 with a 5700XT reference bios. Before any attempt the stock bios was backed up, used DDU to remove drivers, and was booted in safe mode. After unlocking the bios via amdvbflash I then used amdvbflashwin to load the 5700xt bios, however receive an “Error in VBIOS Image” alert regardless of the reference xt bios I used from TPU.

DDU was used to clean out existing software, temp driver installed, ROM was unlocked via amdvbflash before using the Win GUI. Best to leave be or is this a known issue when using the GUI version? (3.31)

I suggest you start off with pictures of the SKU and Part Number Sticker, a GPU-Z Screenshot, post them here.

Then in GPU-Z click the black arrow next to the Uefi Checkbox. Attempt to upload the bios through GPU-Z to the VGA Bios Collection/Database, do not upload it in the thread. You may receive a prompt stating that the bios is already in the collection/database with a link to the file, copy and paste the link here.

If you do not receive the prompt, please proceed with the upload but in the description please add the SKU number and a model info of said card, then copy and paste that link here.


New Member

I suggest you start off with pictures of the SKU and Part Number Sticker, a GPU-Z Screenshot, post them here.

Then in GPU-Z click the black arrow next to the Uefi Checkbox. Attempt to upload the bios through GPU-Z to the VGA Bios Collection/Database, do not upload it in the thread. You may receive a prompt stating that the bios is already in the collection/database with a link to the file, copy and paste the link here.

If you do not receive the prompt, please proceed with the upload but in the description please add the SKU number and a model info of said card, then copy and paste that link here.

Sure thing capture below. Let me know if there’s a specific bios or another process. It is the reference version by Sapphire

Sapphire RX 5700 Tripple DP / Single HDMI 8GB GDDR6
P/N: 113-D1820201-101 Flash Type GD25WQ80C


The Exiled Airman
System Name PCGOD
Processor AMD FX 8350@ 5.0GHz
Motherboard Asus TUF 990FX Sabertooth R2 2901 Bios
Cooling Scythe Ashura, 2×BitFenix 230mm Spectre Pro LED (Blue,Green), 2x BitFenix 140mm Spectre Pro LED
Memory 16 GB Gskill Ripjaws X 2133 (2400 OC, 10-10-12-20-20, 1T, 1.65V)
Video Card(s) AMD Radeon 290 Sapphire Vapor-X
Storage Samsung 840 Pro 256GB, WD Velociraptor 1TB
Display(s) NEC Multisync LCD 1700V (Display Port Adapter)
Case AeroCool Xpredator Evil Blue Edition
Audio Device(s) Creative Labs Sound Blaster ZxR
Power Supply Seasonic 1250 XM2 Series (XP3)
Mouse Roccat Kone XTD
Keyboard Roccat Ryos MK Pro
Software Windows 7 Pro 64

Ok you have a reference card, this is your current bios.

Sapphire RX 5700 VBIOS


New Member

Ok you have a reference card, this is your current bios.

Sapphire RX 5700 VBIOS


The Exiled Airman
System Name PCGOD
Processor AMD FX 8350@ 5.0GHz
Motherboard Asus TUF 990FX Sabertooth R2 2901 Bios
Cooling Scythe Ashura, 2×BitFenix 230mm Spectre Pro LED (Blue,Green), 2x BitFenix 140mm Spectre Pro LED
Memory 16 GB Gskill Ripjaws X 2133 (2400 OC, 10-10-12-20-20, 1T, 1.65V)
Video Card(s) AMD Radeon 290 Sapphire Vapor-X
Storage Samsung 840 Pro 256GB, WD Velociraptor 1TB
Display(s) NEC Multisync LCD 1700V (Display Port Adapter)
Case AeroCool Xpredator Evil Blue Edition
Audio Device(s) Creative Labs Sound Blaster ZxR
Power Supply Seasonic 1250 XM2 Series (XP3)
Mouse Roccat Kone XTD
Keyboard Roccat Ryos MK Pro
Software Windows 7 Pro 64

Im about to get to that.

Lucky for you you can deal with just 2 files

Sapphire RX 5700 XT VBIOS

Sapphire RX 5700 XT VBIOS


New Member

Im about to get to that.

Lucky for you you can deal with just 2 files

Sapphire RX 5700 XT VBIOS

Sapphire RX 5700 XT VBIOS

Using the newest version of amdvbioswin still receiving the VBIOS error with any of the reference bios files. Again didn’t use the command line and force a flash


The Exiled Airman
System Name PCGOD
Processor AMD FX 8350@ 5.0GHz
Motherboard Asus TUF 990FX Sabertooth R2 2901 Bios
Cooling Scythe Ashura, 2×BitFenix 230mm Spectre Pro LED (Blue,Green), 2x BitFenix 140mm Spectre Pro LED
Memory 16 GB Gskill Ripjaws X 2133 (2400 OC, 10-10-12-20-20, 1T, 1.65V)
Video Card(s) AMD Radeon 290 Sapphire Vapor-X
Storage Samsung 840 Pro 256GB, WD Velociraptor 1TB
Display(s) NEC Multisync LCD 1700V (Display Port Adapter)
Case AeroCool Xpredator Evil Blue Edition
Audio Device(s) Creative Labs Sound Blaster ZxR
Power Supply Seasonic 1250 XM2 Series (XP3)
Mouse Roccat Kone XTD
Keyboard Roccat Ryos MK Pro
Software Windows 7 Pro 64

Then look for Version 4.68, underneath 4.68 you will see a link to show older version, click that and you should see version 2.93

Follow these steps carefully:

1. Open your «C:» drive in Windows, create a new folder, call it atiflash.

2. Extract the contents of to the «C:atiflash» folder

3. Find the bios file you downloaded and rename the bios file to sp57x.rom

4. Move sp57x.rom to the «C:atiflash» folder

5. Open the start menu, type cmd, when cmd.exe appears right click it and hit «Run as administrator»

6. At the command prompt type in cd and press enter until only C:> is on the screen.

7. Type in cd/atiflash and press enter, you should see C:atiflash>

7a. At C:atiflash> type in amdvbflash.exe -i to identify your gpu with a number (0,1,2)

8. At the C:atiflash> prompt type in
amdvbflash.exe -unlockrom 0 (or 1, 2)
(there is a space between the e and -unlockrom and 0)(0 is the number zero)
press enter and you will be prompted that the «ROM Unlocked»

9. At the C:atiflash> prompt type in
amdvbflash.exe -f -p 0 sp57x.rom (or 1,2)
(there is a space between the .exe and -f, and a space between -f and -p and 0)press enter.

Follow directions on screen and if flash is successful exit the command prompt and restart, windows should show up on screen

Using the newest version of amdvbioswin still receiving the VBIOS error with any of the reference bios files. Again didn’t use the command line and force a flash

Zyll Goliat

System Name KING-XEON
Processor Xeon 2697 V2(12c/24t) (OC-3,45Ghz-ALL*CORES—-TURBO BOOSTING 4,03Ghz)
Motherboard Sabertooth X79
Cooling Xigmatek LOKI SD963 double-Fan
Memory 64Gb DDR3 Kingston/Mushkin 1540Mhz Active clocks(9-9-9-24-162-1T)
Video Card(s) 1)RX 5700 Sapphire-1910Mhz***2)MATROX M9120LP
Storage 2 x ssd-Kingston 240Gb A400 in RAID 0+ HDD 500Gb +Samsung 128gbSSD +SSD Kinston 480Gb
Display(s) BenQ 28″EL2870U(4K-HDR) / Acer 24″(1080P) / Eizo 2336W(1080p) / 2x Eizo 19″(1280×1024)
Case Lian Li
Audio Device(s) Realtek/Creative T20 Speakers
Power Supply F S P Hyper S 700W
Mouse Asus TUF-GAMING M3
Keyboard Func FUNC-KB-460/Mechanical Keyboard
VR HMD Oculus Rift DK2
Software Win 11
Benchmark Scores Fire Strike=14610,Cinebench R15=1789,Cinebench R20=3791.Passmark=20689,Geekbench4=32885

You need to use CMD as Admin.

This is how I am doing it:

amdvbflash -i
amdvbflash -unlockrom 0 (if 0 is your card that you want to flash)
amdvbflash -f -p 0 name.rom (name of the bios you flashing.rom)

Also as I am currently using RX 5700 (same as yours Saphirre) I will suggest you that is way better if you mod your own bios with the Red Bios editor and MorePower tool Link
You can use MorePowerTool and also you don’t need to flash the bios if you want to try it will change your reg. so that you can try and see how that goes first.

P.S. I also tried RX 5700XT bios and honestly you ain’t going to get much card will pull much more power and it will heat faster and potentially could become unstable especially with the reference cooler. personally I modded my own bios to keep the card undervolted and low power consumption but also unlocked so that I can OC If I want.


The Exiled Airman
System Name PCGOD
Processor AMD FX 8350@ 5.0GHz
Motherboard Asus TUF 990FX Sabertooth R2 2901 Bios
Cooling Scythe Ashura, 2×BitFenix 230mm Spectre Pro LED (Blue,Green), 2x BitFenix 140mm Spectre Pro LED
Memory 16 GB Gskill Ripjaws X 2133 (2400 OC, 10-10-12-20-20, 1T, 1.65V)
Video Card(s) AMD Radeon 290 Sapphire Vapor-X
Storage Samsung 840 Pro 256GB, WD Velociraptor 1TB
Display(s) NEC Multisync LCD 1700V (Display Port Adapter)
Case AeroCool Xpredator Evil Blue Edition
Audio Device(s) Creative Labs Sound Blaster ZxR
Power Supply Seasonic 1250 XM2 Series (XP3)
Mouse Roccat Kone XTD
Keyboard Roccat Ryos MK Pro
Software Windows 7 Pro 64

You need to use CMD as Admin.

This is how I am doing it:

amdvbflash -i
amdvbflash -unlockrom 0 (if 0 is your card that you want to flash)
amdvbflash -f -p 0 name.rom (name of the bios you flashing.rom)

Also as I am currently using RX 5700 (same as yours Saphirre) I will suggest you that is way better if you mod your own bios with the Red Bios editor and MorePower tool Link

Reference cards were the easiest to flash

He was also usind 3.31 when 2.93 cmd version needs to be used. I wrote the guide for a reason as i got tired of writing everything out all the time


New Member

Then look for Version 4.68, underneath 4.68 you will see a link to show older version, click that and you should see version 2.93

Follow these steps carefully:

1. Open your «C:» drive in Windows, create a new folder, call it atiflash.

2. Extract the contents of to the «C:atiflash» folder

3. Find the bios file you downloaded and rename the bios file to sp57x.rom

4. Move sp57x.rom to the «C:atiflash» folder

5. Open the start menu, type cmd, when cmd.exe appears right click it and hit «Run as administrator»

6. At the command prompt type in cd and press enter until only C:> is on the screen.

7. Type in cd/atiflash and press enter, you should see C:atiflash>

7a. At C:atiflash> type in amdvbflash.exe -i to identify your gpu with a number (0,1,2)

8. At the C:atiflash> prompt type in
amdvbflash.exe -unlockrom 0 (or 1, 2)
(there is a space between the e and -unlockrom and 0)(0 is the number zero)
press enter and you will be prompted that the «ROM Unlocked»

9. At the C:atiflash> prompt type in
amdvbflash.exe -f -p 0 sp57x.rom (or 1,2)
(there is a space between the .exe and -f, and a space between -f and -p and 0)press enter.

Follow directions on screen and if flash is successful exit the command prompt and restart, windows should show up on screen

You do not use amdvbflaswin, you use command prompt, follow my directions above


  • #1

Коллеги, посоветуйте как быть. Карта из коробки не прошивается. При попытке прошивки с параметрами: amdvbflash.exe -f -p 0 ИмяФайла.rom выдает ошибку Failed to read ROM, ERROR: 0FL01.
Карта определяется, работает. Феникс хэш в стоке 50.6 махов, без разгона.
Пробовал прошить загрузившись с другой карты, отключив в диспетчере задач ту, которую необходимо прошить. Ошибка та же, реакции ноль.
Переключал биос, ошибка та же. Пробовал биосы от таких же карт, как стоковые, так уже с таймингами и андервольтом, ошибка та же.
Так же пробовал -unlockrom, не помогает.
информация через -i : Flash — SOC15 SPI, Ramsize 4000, test — fail, bios p/n прочерк

Последнее редактирование: 3 Июл 2020

  • #2

Запуск прошивальщика от администратора пробовал?

  • #4

для кройки и шитья 5700 нужен amdvbflash версии 2.93:

1) запускаешь cmd из пуска (я через поиск нахожу) от имени администратора
2) вбиваешь в cmd полный путь к прошивальщику, например C:123amdvbflash.exe -unlockrom 0
3) закрываешь cmd
4) заходишь в папку где лежит прошивальщик, в строке адреса пишешь cmd
5) в открывшемся cmd вбиваешь amdvbflash -f -p 0 5700.rom
7) кайфуешь

  • #5

Вот на фото первая карта , абсолютно такая же и уже прошитая, прошилась без вопросов,
вторая — печаль

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  • #6

для кройки и шитья 5700 нужен amdvbflash версии 2.93:

1) запускаешь cmd из пуска (я через поиск нахожу) от имени администратора
2) вбиваешь в cmd полный путь к прошивальщику, например C:123amdvbflash.exe -unlockrom 0
3) закрываешь cmd
4) заходишь в папку где лежит прошивальщик, в строке адреса пишешь cmd
5) в открывшемся cmd вбиваешь amdvbflash -f -p 0 5700.rom
7) кайфуешь

версия 2.93. Через командную строку win+r не получилось по тому же принципу. Попробую через cmd
Так же пробовал на разных компах и через райзер и через x16

  • #7

версия 2.93. Через командную строку win+r не получилось по тому же принципу. Попробую через cmd

я на первом шаге нахожу через поиск (win 10) командную строку, жму по ней правой кнопкой — запустить от имени администратора
либо в папке windows найди cmd.exe и его запускай от имени админа

  • #8

Переключатель биоса в нужном положении?

  • #9

Переключатель биоса в нужном положении?

Пробовал шить в обоих положения, результат одинаков

  • #10

Через хайв без проблем шьётся.

  • #11

Через хайв без проблем шьётся.

уже залил, вечером поставлю, попробую

  • #12

Отпишись потом о результатах пожалуйста как решил данную проблему

  • #13

HWinfo или АБ не запущены случаем? Если да, то закройте.

  • #14

уже залил, вечером поставлю, попробую

В чем была причина? Отписывайся! Это ведь форум а не справочное бюро. Другим пригодится инфа

  • #15

В чем была причина? Отписывайся! Это ведь форум а не справочное бюро. Другим пригодится инфа

написано же «вечером» — читай внимательно!!! проблема еще не решена, обратную связь дам как добью вопрос…

  • #16

Версия должна быть 2.93+, плюсовая а не обычная 2.93.

  • #17

написано же «вечером» — читай внимательно!!! проблема еще не решена, обратную связь дам как добью вопрос…

Не ори — не дома. Версия прошивальщика здесь скачана?
2.93+ должна быть.

  • #18

Не ори — не дома. Версия прошивальщика здесь скачана?
2.93+ должна быть.


  • #19

для кройки и шитья 5700 нужен amdvbflash версии 2.93:

1) запускаешь cmd из пуска (я через поиск нахожу) от имени администратора
2) вбиваешь в cmd полный путь к прошивальщику, например C:123amdvbflash.exe -unlockrom 0
3) закрываешь cmd
4) заходишь в папку где лежит прошивальщик, в строке адреса пишешь cmd
5) в открывшемся cmd вбиваешь amdvbflash -f -p 0 5700.rom
7) кайфуешь

Это не помогло!!!

  • #20

Через хайв без проблем шьётся.

С хайва тоже не шьётся, выдает ту же ошибку.

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  • #2

Can anyone help me fix the 0FL01 error? I cannot flash my RX 5700 no matter what I try.

I’m using amdvbflash 3.04+ version from IgorsLab and the TechPowerUp. I tried flashing in Windows and in UEFI powershell from USB. I get the same error no matter what.

Plz help!

Anhang anzeigen 7233

Anhang anzeigen 7234

Greetings and welcome,

Please do not worry, this problem is fixable, first let us do the easy way by following the below,

I. Extract the downloaded AtiFlashTool v2.93+ with the backup bios file to a folder and put it in drive C,

II. Boot to Windows Safe Mode (optional),

III. Open Command Prompt CMD as an administrator and navigate to the folder mentioned above,

IV. Now enter these commands below:

amdvbflash.exe -i
Press Enter

It will show you the gpu adapters list occupying the pcie slots for an example if there is only one gpu then its adapter number will be 0.
amdvbflash.exe -unlockrom 0
Press Enter

It will unlock the gpu chip for flashing if it is locked.
amdvbflash.exe -s 0 chooseAname.rom
Press Enter

To make a backup of the gpu bios if needed.
amdvbflash.exe -p -f 0 BackupBiosName.ROM
Press Enter

To flash the bios, here — f to force the flash in case of error.

V. Wait for the update to complete and reboot.

You may have a good day,


Zuletzt bearbeitet
11, 2021

  • #3

Hello, sadly still showing the error 0FL01 and says SSID mismatched… there is something else that i can do?

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  • #4

Hello, sadly still showing the error 0FL01 and says SSID mismatched… there is something else that i can do?

Hello and welcome,

Please check the previous post as I updated it recently.

  • #5

Hello and welcome,

Please check the previous post as I updated it recently.

Thank’s its working now!!! you’re the best!!

  • #6

Thank’s its working now!!! you’re the best!!

You are welcome.

  • #7

Hey, i done the same.

Now when i am booting up (5700xt in 2. Slot) it would detect. No display driver notthing.
What i could flashed it back, i musted used 1+ 8 Option.
Thanks for your help.

~ I am German

  • #8

Hey, i done the same.

Now when i am booting up (5700xt in 2. Slot) it would detect. No display driver notthing.
What i could flashed it back, i musted used 1+ 8 Option.
Thanks for your help.

~ I am German

Hey and welcome,

Yes, please try shortening the 1 and 8 pins of the vbios chip.

  • #9

i did this and reflashed the Bios.

My Problem is fixed. I didnt plug a Cable from the cooler (not fans) in the GPU, so i had ~ 10 sec screen than black. Now it works. But thanks for your help

  • #10

i did this and reflashed the Bios.

My Problem is fixed. I didnt plug a Cable from the cooler (not fans) in the GPU, so i had ~ 10 sec screen than black. Now it works. But thanks for your help

You are welcome.

  • #11

Hello, Mini_Me, thanks for all your effort.
I also trying to flash a bricked Gygabyte 5700 xt Gaming OC ver 2.0
I am able to boot to windows, but when Using Amdvbflash 3.04+
When using command amdvbflash -i i get test fail.
and error 0FL01
Thanks for your time.

  • #12


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  • #13

Hello and welcome,

Please use the amdvbflash v2.93+ with -f command,

amdvbflash -p -f 0 vbios.rom

  • #14

I tried, version 2.93+ with command -f -p 0 bios.rom
And still get error.
Would apreciate your help.
thanks again.

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  • #15

Also i am using, PCI riser, and Mobo is set to PCI Gen2.

  • #16

Also i am using, PCI riser, and Mobo is set to PCI Gen2.

Please use the command as below,

amdvbflash -p -f 0 vbios.rom

and not

amdvbflash -fa -p 0 vbios.rom

  • #17

Please use the command as below,

amdvbflash -p -f 0 vbios.rom

and not

amdvbflash -fa -p 0 vbios.rom

Tried on both, in v2.93+ and 3.04+ Ans till get Error.

I am currently in safe mode. But it doesnt take effect.

  • #18

Tried on both, in v2.93+ and 3.04+ Ans till get Error.

I am currently in safe mode. But it doesnt take effect.

Unfortunately from your gpu id which is 7310 that highly indicates your card have a hardware component fail that may need a replacement.

  • #19

Unfortunately from your gpu id which is 7310 that highly indicates your card have a hardware component fail that may need a replacement.

Ok, thanks. for your help . I will RMA the card.

  • #20

I decided to remove the heatsink and give i try without the riser, and installing in the PCI 16x
Finally i could pass the rom test, and i coould flash the Vbios, With V2.93+ .
however after restarting windows, i will still not get post.
I tried using Gygabyte Tool with the Bios from Gygabyte OC gaming Rev 1.0 , even though my
Card i Rev 2.0. Use the tool restart after flash, and same thing.
I can only post shorting pins 1 and 8 of CMOS.
Should i RMA the Gpu at this point?

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Jul 14, 2017





  • #1

So I bought a used Gigabyte Auorus RX 580 8gb that was used for mining. It didn’t even work when I got it but I eventually got drivers on it and now it works fine until I was playing Destiny 2 last night and the game randomly froze, I saw some artifacts, then the screen turned Purple/Pink and there was a loud buzz coming through my headphones. I looked at GPU-Z thinking it had a mining BIOS or something odd on it, and what I found is it doesn’t have the correct BIOS a Gigabyte Auorus should have. It instead has Bios Version which doesn’t line up with the Tech Power up VBIOS database for the model I have. When I tried to use AMD Winflash, I got a Subsystem ID Mismatch error. I really don’t know what to do.


Jan 1, 2018





  • #4

It seems to have an asus vbios on it.

Download this and extract if needed:

Now look at your card and download the correct vbios and put it in the folder with the above program.

Now go to an admin cmd prompt. Navigate to the folder where that program is by using the change directory command.

Then type
amdvbflash.exe -f -p 0 «NameOfYourBIOS».rom

Keep in mind, if the vbios is incompatable it can brick the card.


Jan 1, 2018





  • #2

Can we see a GPUz screenshot?

You can use AMDVBflash from the command line to force flash the Vbios and ignore ssid mismatch errors.

Jul 14, 2017






Jan 1, 2018





  • #4

It seems to have an asus vbios on it.

Download this and extract if needed:

Now look at your card and download the correct vbios and put it in the folder with the above program.

Now go to an admin cmd prompt. Navigate to the folder where that program is by using the change directory command.

Then type
amdvbflash.exe -f -p 0 «NameOfYourBIOS».rom

Keep in mind, if the vbios is incompatable it can brick the card.

Jul 14, 2017





  • #5

It seems to have an asus vbios on it.

Download this and extract if needed:

Now look at your card and download the correct vbios and put it in the folder with the above program.

Now go to an admin cmd prompt. Navigate to the folder where that program is by using the change directory command.

Then type
amdvbflash.exe -f -p 0 «NameOfYourBIOS».rom

Keep in mind, if the vbios is incompatable it can brick the card.

If It bricks the card, what can I do to fix it?


Jan 1, 2018





  • #6

Boot on igpu or other graphics card.
Then flash the vbios again on the 580.

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