Amqp server timeout error

Если подключении компоненты и отправке в цикле сообщений, когда возникает ошибка от компоненты "AMQP server timeout error", то при КлиентКомпоненты = Неопределено, происходит перезапуск в...

Если подключении компоненты и отправке в цикле сообщений, когда возникает ошибка от компоненты «AMQP server timeout error», то при КлиентКомпоненты = Неопределено, происходит перезапуск всего действия. Например, если выгрузка начата по кнопке — весь алгоритм команды кнопки начинается заново и, соответственно начинается вся выгрузка заново.

Процедура ОтправкаСообщений(ПараметрыПодключения, ТЗ)

	КлиентКомпоненты = ПодключитьсяКRabbit(ПараметрыПодключения);
	ВызватьИсключение ОписаниеОшибки();

Для каждого стр из ТЗ Цикл
	КоличествоПопыток = 1;
	Пока КоличествоПопыток <= 3 Цикл
			ОтправитьСообщениеRabbit(ПараметрыПодключения, КлиентКомпоненты, стр.ТекстСообщения);
			ТекстОшибки = ОписаниеОшибки();	// Из GetLastError возвращается "AMQP server timeout error"
			КоличествоПопыток = КоличествоПопыток + 1;
	Если НЕ КоличествоПопыток <= 3 Тогда
		КлиентКомпоненты = Неопределено; // Если не получилось переотправить, после этой строки начинается алгоритм заново 
		ВызватьИсключение ТекстОшибки;

КлиентКомпоненты = Неопределено; // Если получилось переотправить, начинается алгоритм заново 		



This guide accompanies the one on networking and focuses on troubleshooting of
network connections.

For connections that use TLS there is an additional guide on troubleshooting TLS.

Troubleshooting Methodology

Troubleshooting of network connectivity issues is a broad topic. There are entire
books written about it. This guide explains a methodology and widely available networking tools
that help narrow most common issues down efficiently.

Networking protocols are layered.
So are problems with them. An effective troubleshooting
strategy typically uses the process of elimination to pinpoint the issue (or multiple issues),
starting at higher levels. Specifically for messaging technologies, the following steps
are often effective and sufficient:

  • Verify client configuration
  • Verify server configuration using rabbitmq-diagnostics listeners,
    rabbitmq-diagnostics status,
    rabbitmq-diagnostics environment
  • Inspect server logs
  • Verify hostname resolution
  • Verify what TCP port are used and their accessibility
  • Verify IP routing
  • If needed, take and analyze a traffic dump (traffic capture)
  • Verify that clients can successfully authenticate

These steps, when performed in sequence, usually help identify the root cause of
the vast majority of networking issues. Troubleshooting tools and techniques for
levels lower than the Internet (networking) layer
are outside of the scope of this guide.

Certain problems only happen in environments with a high degree of connection churn.
Client connections can be inspected using the management UI.
It is also possible to inspect all TCP connections of a node and their state.
That information collected over time, combined with server logs, will help detect connection churn,
file descriptor exhaustion and related issues.

Verify Client Configuration

All developers and operators have been there: typos,
outdated values, issues in provisioning tools, mixed up
public and private key paths, and so on. Step one is to
double check application and client library

Verify Server Configuration

Verifying server configuration helps prove that RabbitMQ is running
with the expected set of settings related to networking. It also verifies
that the node is actually running. Here are the recommended steps:

  • Make sure the node is running using rabbitmq-diagnostics status
  • Verify config file is correctly placed and has correct syntax/structure
  • Inspect listeners using rabbitmq-diagnostics listeners
    or the listeners section in rabbitmq-diagnostics status
  • Inspect effective configuration using rabbitmq-diagnostics environment

Note that in older RabbitMQ versions, the status and environment commands
were only available as part of rabbitmqctl:
rabbitmqctl status and so on.
In modern versions either tool can be used to run those commands but
rabbitmq-diagnostics is what most documentation guides
will typically recommend.

The listeners section will look something like this:

Interface: [::], port: 25672, protocol: clustering, purpose: inter-node and CLI tool communication
Interface: [::], port: 5672, protocol: amqp, purpose: AMQP 0-9-1 and AMQP 1.0
Interface: [::], port: 5671, protocol: amqp/ssl, purpose: AMQP 0-9-1 and AMQP 1.0 over TLS
Interface: [::], port: 15672, protocol: http, purpose: HTTP API
Interface: [::], port: 15671, protocol: https, purpose: HTTP API over TLS (HTTPS)
Interface: [::], port: 1883, protocol: mqtt, purpose: MQTT

In the above example, there are 6 TCP listeners on the node:

  • Inter-node and CLI tool communication on port 25672
  • AMQP 0-9-1 (and 1.0, if enabled) listener for non-TLS connections on port 5672
  • AMQP 0-9-1 (and 1.0, if enabled) listener for TLS-enabled connections on port 5671
  • HTTP API listeners on ports 15672 (HTTP) and 15671 (HTTPS)
  • MQTT listener for non-TLS connections 1883

In second example, there are 4 TCP listeners on the node:

  • Inter-node and CLI tool communication on port 25672
  • AMQP 0-9-1 (and 1.0, if enabled) listener for non-TLS connections, 5672
  • AMQP 0-9-1 (and 1.0, if enabled) listener for TLS-enabled connections, 5671
  • HTTP API listener on ports 15672 (HTTP only)

All listeners are bound to all available interfaces.

Inspecting TCP listeners used by a node helps spot non-standard port configuration,
protocol plugins (e.g. MQTT) that are supposed to be configured but aren’t,
cases when the node is limited to only a few network interfaces, and so on. If a port is not on the
listener list it means the node cannot accept any connections on it.

Inspect Server Logs

RabbitMQ nodes will log key
client connection lifecycle events.
A TCP connection must be successfully established and at least 1 byte of data must be
sent by the peer for a connection to be considered (and logged as) accepted.

From this point, connection handshake and negotiation proceeds as defined by the specification
of the messaging protocol used, e.g. AMQP 0-9-1, AMQP 1.0 or MQTT.

If no events are logged, this means that either there were no successful inbound TCP connections
or they sent no data.

Hostname Resolution

It is very common for applications to use hostnames or URIs with hostnames when connecting
to RabbitMQ. dig and nslookup are
commonly used tools for troubleshooting hostnames resolution.

Port Access

Besides hostname resolution and IP routing issues,
TCP port inaccessibility for outside connections is a common reason for
failing client connections. telnet is a commonly
used, very minimalistic tool for testing TCP connections to a particular hostname and port.

The following example uses telnet to connect to host localhost on port 5672.
There is a running node with stock defaults running on localhost and nothing blocks access to the port, so
the connection succeeds. 12345 is then entered for input followed by an Enter.
This data will be sent to the node on the opened connection.

Since 12345 is not a correct AMQP 0-9-1 or AMQP 1.0 protocol header,
so the server closes TCP connection:

telnet localhost 5672
# => Trying ::1...
# => Connected to localhost.
# => Escape character is '^]'.
12345 # enter this and hit Enter to send
# => AMQP   Connection closed by foreign host.

After telnet connection succeeds, use Control + ] and then Control + D to
quit it.

The following example connects to localhost on port 5673.
The connection fails (refused by the OS) since there is no process listening on that port.

telnet localhost 5673
# => Trying ::1...
# => telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused
# => Trying
# => telnet: connect to address Connection refused
# => telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

Failed or timing out telnet connections
strongly suggest there’s a proxy, load balancer or firewall
that blocks incoming connections on the target port. It
could also be due to RabbitMQ process not running on the
target node or uses a non-standard port. Those scenarios
should be eliminated at the step that double checks server
listener configuration.

There’s a great number of firewall, proxy and load balancer tools and products.
iptables is a commonly used
firewall on Linux and other UNIX-like systems. There is no shortage of iptables
tutorials on the Web.

Open ports, TCP and UDP connections of a node can be inspected using netstat,
ss, lsof.

The following example uses lsof to display OS processes that listen on port 5672 and use IPv4:

sudo lsof -n -i4TCP:5672 | grep LISTEN

Similarly, for programs that use IPv6:

sudo lsof -n -i6TCP:5672 | grep LISTEN

On port 1883:

sudo lsof -n -i4TCP:1883 | grep LISTEN
sudo lsof -n -i6TCP:1883 | grep LISTEN

If the above commands produce no output then no local OS processes listen on the given port.

The following example uses ss to display listening TCP sockets that use IPv4 and their OS processes:

sudo ss --tcp -f inet --listening --numeric --processes

Similarly, for TCP sockets that use IPv6:

sudo ss --tcp -f inet6 --listening --numeric --processes

For the list of ports used by RabbitMQ and its various
plugins, see above. Generally all ports used for external
connections must be allowed by the firewalls and proxies.

rabbitmq-diagnostics listeners and rabbitmq-diagnostics status can be
used to list enabled listeners and their ports on a RabbitMQ node.

IP Routing

Messaging protocols supported by RabbitMQ use TCP and require IP routing between
clients and RabbitMQ hosts to be functional. There are several tools and techniques
that can be used to verify IP routing between two hosts. traceroute and ping
are two common options available for many operating systems. Most routing table inspection tools are OS-specific.

Note that both traceroute and ping use ICMP
while RabbitMQ client libraries and inter-node connections use TCP.
Therefore a successful ping run alone does not guarantee successful client connectivity.

Both traceroute and ping have Web-based and GUI tools built on top.

Capturing Traffic

All network activity can be inspected, filtered and analyzed using a traffic capture.

tcpdump and its GUI sibling Wireshark
are the industry standards for capturing traffic, filtering and analysis. Both support all protocols supported by RabbitMQ.
See the Using Wireshark with RabbitMQ guide for an overview.

TLS Connections

For connections that use TLS there is a separate guide on troubleshooting TLS.

When adopting TLS it is important to make sure that clients
use correct port to connect (see the list of ports above)
and that they are instructed to use TLS (perform TLS
upgrade). A client that is not configured to use TLS will
successfully connect to a TLS-enabled server port but its connection
will then time out since it never performs the TLS upgrade that the server

A TLS-enabled client connecting to a non-TLS enabled port will successfully
connect and try to perform a TLS upgrade which the server does not expect, this
triggering a protocol parser exception. Such exceptions will be logged by the server.

Inspecting Connections

Open ports, TCP and UDP connections of a node can be inspected using netstat,
ss, lsof.

The following example uses netstat to list all TCP connection sockets regardless of their state and interface.
IP addresses will be displayed as numbers instead of being resolved to domain names. Program names will be printed next
to numeric port values (as opposed to protocol names).

sudo netstat --all --numeric --tcp --programs

Both inbound (client, peer nodes, CLI tools) and outgoing (peer nodes,
Federation links and Shovels) connections can be inspected this way.

rabbitmqctl list_connections, management UI
can be used to inspect more connection properties, some of which are RabbitMQ- or
messaging protocol-specific:

  • Network traffic flow, both inbound and outbound
  • Messaging (application-level) protocol used
  • Connection virtual host
  • Time of connection
  • Username
  • Number of channels
  • Client library details (name, version, capabilities)
  • Effective heartbeat timeout
  • TLS details

Combining connection information from management UI or CLI tools with those of netstat or ss
can help troubleshoot misbehaving applications, application instances and client libraries.

Most relevant connection metrics can be collected, aggregated and monitored
using Prometheus and Grafana.

Detecting High Connection Churn

High connection churn (lots of connections opened and closed after a brief
period of time) can lead to resource exhaustion.
It is therefore important to be able to identify such scenarios. netstat and ss
are most popular options for inspecting TCP connections.
A lot of connections in the TIME_WAIT state is a likely symptom of high connection churn.
Lots of connections in states other than ESTABLISHED also might be a symptom worth investigating.

Evidence of short lived connections can be found in RabbitMQ log files. E.g. here’s an example
of such connection that lasted only a few milliseconds:

2018-06-17 16:23:29.851 [info] <0.634.0> accepting AMQP connection <0.634.0> ( ->
2018-06-17 16:23:29.853 [info] <0.634.0> connection <0.634.0> ( -> user 'guest' authenticated and granted access to vhost '/'
2018-06-17 16:23:29.855 [info] <0.634.0> closing AMQP connection <0.634.0> ( ->, vhost: '/', user: 'guest')

Getting Help and Providing Feedback

If you have questions about the contents of this guide or
any other topic related to RabbitMQ, don’t hesitate to ask them
on the RabbitMQ mailing list.

Help Us Improve the Docs <3

If you’d like to contribute an improvement to the site,
its source is available on GitHub.
Simply fork the repository and submit a pull request. Thank you!

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The Java server will return errors to the client under certain circumstances. These error codes are defined in the AMQP Spec.

 Common error codes include:





No Route

The message is being sent to a destination that does not exist.


No Consumers

The message is marked as immediate delivery, but no consumers are able to recieve the message at this time.


Access Refused

Implise that you’ve been refused access.
Note that incorrect user/password credentials will result in a 530 error.


Not Found

The client attempted an operation on an entity which does not exist. 


Already Exists

The client attempted to create an entity which already exists.


In Use

The client attempted to delete an entity which is currently being used.


Invalid Routing Key

The client attempted to use an invalid routing key. 


Request Timeout

The requested operation could not be completed in time.


Invalid Argument

The client provided an argument which the server did not recognise, eg. invalid JMS selector.


Not Allowed

The client attempted an operation which it does not have permission for.
Failure to supply correct user/password credentials will result in a 530.


Unsupported Protocol Version

The server does not support the requested AMQP version. 

Rajesh D N


Jul 18, 2017, 9:35:19 AM7/18/17

to rabbitmq-users

HI All,

i am using amqp-client-4.1.0 (Java client) with rabbitmq 3.6.9 and Erlang 19.2.  Application and RabbitmQ is on same server no clustering and i am directly accessing rabbitmq using localhost.

I recently updated few of the production system from 3.6.6 to 3.6.9 rabbitmq.

After that i am seeing too many connection related errors in rabbitmq logs.  (timeout, enotconn) causing the connection to close abruptly. 

Any one else facing the same problem.

can some one help me identifying the issue here?

=ERROR REPORT==== 10-Jul-2017::03:52:18 ===


=ERROR REPORT==== 17-Jul-2017::03:52:18 ===


=WARNING REPORT==== 16-Jul-2017::23:05:55 ===

Could not find handle.exe, please install from sysinternals

=ERROR REPORT==== 16-Jul-2017::23:55:17 ===

** Generic server rabbit_mgmt_external_stats terminating 

** Last message in was emit_update

** When Server state == {state,8192,





























** Reason for termination == 

** {badarg,
















Michael Klishin


Jul 18, 2017, 1:50:10 PM7/18/17

to rabbitm…

Those messages are not related.

External stats server terminating means the node won’t be able to retrieve the number of open file handles,

free disk space and similar node-wide stats from the OS. In a recent version it’s somewhat more resilient (stops

after a few failed attempts). This does not take the node down and is not related to client connections.

Failed writes and `enotconn` means that a client TCP socket wasn’t in the connected state when RabbitMQ attempted

to perform a write on it. `timeout` is fairly self-explanatory and also comes from a client socket write operation in this case.

In environments where clients can disappear at any moment, this may be expected.

Rajesh D N


Jul 31, 2017, 12:50:08 PM7/31/17

to rabbitmq-users

thanks for the reply and it was very useful. as default value is 60 seconds for heartbeat, still setting 60 or not setting at all makes any difference?

i have changed from queuing consumer to default consumers for connection recovery.

but now i am facing some problems like 

I see too many {writer,send_failed,{error,timeout}} in rabbitmq logs. 

when the connection is recovered i see more than one consumer per channel as apposed to one consumer  per channel which is what i have configured. 

Any thoughts on avoiding timeout error? 

Michael Klishin


Jul 31, 2017, 3:10:34 PM7/31/17

to rabbitm…

I see too many {writer,send_failed,{error,timeout}} in rabbitmq logs. 

This means socket writes fail due to timeout (from the RabbitMQ end).

Automatic connection recovery generally recovers the topology it knows about.

There are known edge cases where a hostname resolves to more than one IP

and it sometimes can lead to more connections than expected:

We are not aware of any other recovery issues in the most recent release (4.2.0).

You can use Wireshark to take a traffic capture and see what’s going on on the wire:

Rajesh D N


Oct 3, 2017, 6:46:37 AM10/3/17

to rabbitmq-users

My understanding of this might be due to Kaspersky is wrong.

I uninstalled kaspersky and i still see this error in logs. I have set the heartbeat to 10 seconds. What’s causing this?

And even though I have connection auto recovery set to true this error causes the connection not to get recovered.

Michael Klishin


Oct 3, 2017, 4:56:28 PM10/3/17

to rabbitm…

There can be a lot of reasons that lead to TCP socket write timeouts.

This error does not «cause client connection to not get recovered». It merely indicates a client network connection

recovery will not begin.

Socket write timeouts and connection recovery are not directly related. It is fair to say that

they do have a common root cause, however.

Rajesh D N


Oct 4, 2017, 10:11:35 AM10/4/17

to rabbitmq-users

I tried setting the hearbeat to 10 seconds, 30 seconds.

but now i see  too many «{inet_error,enotconn}» in rabbitmq logs. 

Now, i am running into some wearied issue after this error.

I am getting «Connection reset by peer: socket write error» issue when try to acknowledge the message. 

this is the line that is causing exception recoverableChannel.basicAck(deliveryTag, false);

I am using DefaultConsumer, recoverableChannel,  autorecoveringConnection on java client 4.10. 

above this line i have tried printing channel number and it prints fine. so i am suspecting the basicAck method is causing this issue. 

any thoughts on this?

On Tuesday, 3 October 2017 19:26:28 UTC+5:30, Michael Klishin wrote:

There can be a lot of reasons that lead to TCP socket write timeouts.

This error does not «cause client connection to not get recovered». It merely indicates a client network connection

recovery will not begin.

Socket write timeouts and connection recovery are not directly related. It is fair to say that

they do have a common root cause, however.

My understanding of this might be due to Kaspersky is wrong.

I uninstalled kaspersky and i still see this error in logs. I have set the heartbeat to 10 seconds. What’s causing this?

And even though I have connection auto recovery set to true this error causes the connection not to get recovered.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups «rabbitmq-users» group.

Michael Klishin


Oct 4, 2017, 1:27:40 PM10/4/17

to rabbitm…

«enotconn» means a TCP socket is «no longer connected» (in an unusable state). It’s very likely a yet

another variation of the same root cause: TCP connections from clients time out or error.

If you observe this over and over, something is up with the quality of the network connection

between your clients and RabbitMQ. Such errors cannot be avoided entirely but in many cases

are not the norm.

Rajesh D N


Oct 4, 2017, 2:48:49 PM10/4/17

to rabbitmq-users

can you help me in solving/troubleshooting  the «Connection reset by peer: socket write error» while ack recoverableChannel.basicAck(deliveryTag, false);?

if you are available i can send a meeting invite to check. 

Michael Klishin


Oct 4, 2017, 3:14:07 PM10/4/17

to rabbitm…

The ack operation here is not the root cause, merely something that happens to be called often enough in your app to run into a socket write failure.

You have enough evidence on both ends that TCP connections 

between RabbitMQ and your clients fail often and repeatedly.

Client connection recovery can help to some extent but ultimately the question is why that happens and how can it be made less frequent.

Please take it from here.

Staff Software Engineer, Pivotal/RabbitMQ


  • APP client connections fail with errors:

    2021-07-01 10:06:33,312 [87] INFO UBR.GEMS.Services.Integration.Helper.Logger - Connection is null or closed. Creating connection. -
    2021-07-01 10:06:33,312 [87] INFO UBR.GEMS.Services.Integration.Helper.Logger - Connection created. -
    2021-07-01 10:06:33,312 [87] INFO UBR.GEMS.Services.Integration.Helper.Logger - Sending message. -
    2021-07-01 10:06:33,327 [87] ERROR UBR.GEMS.Services.Integration.Helper.Logger - Error Sending AMQP Message
    Amqp.AmqpException: Connectivity to the peer container was lost
    at Amqp.Link.ThrowIfDetaching(String operation)
    at Amqp.SenderLink.SendInternal(Message message, DeliveryState deliveryState, OutcomeCallback callback, Object state, Boolean sync)
    at Amqp.SenderLink.Send(Message message, OutcomeCallback callback, Object state)
  • Errors are found in the server error log:

    2021-07-01 02:06:49.331801 +0000 SERVER (info) [C98] Connection from (to failed: amqp:resource-limit-exceeded local-idle-timeout expired
    2021-07-01 02:06:49.331953 +0000 ROUTER_CORE (info) [C98] Connection Closed
    2021-07-01 02:06:53.863397 +0000 SERVER (info) [C102] Connection from (to failed: amqp:resource-limit-exceeded local-idle-timeout expired
    2021-07-01 02:06:53.863623 +0000 ROUTER_CORE (info) [C102] Connection Closed


  • Red Hat Openshift Container Platform (OCP) 4.6
  • Red Hat AMQ Interconnect (AMQ Interconnect) 1.8.0
  • AMQ Interconnect deployed in OCP
  • Clients connections via «amqps://xxxx»

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