Application popup application error

In our application with have an SQL Agent Job with an SSIS-Package (.dtsx).

In our application with have an SQL Agent Job with an SSIS-Package (.dtsx).

In this SSIS-Package, there are an process step (Execute Process Task) with Executable: «taskkill.exe» and Arguments: «/F /T /IM abc.exe».

The SQL Agent runs under a technical user ‘TecAbcUser’ and the Job Step Run as: «SQL Server Agent Service Account».

The technical user «TecAbcUser» has following additional rights:
- act as part of the operating system
— replace process level token
— log on as a batch job

When I run the job in SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2 over job contextmenu with «Start Job at Step…» the dtsx package will be executed, but taskkill.exe wouldn’t be started and no errors will be shown in job history.
But there are shown the following error in Event Viewer «System»:

»Application popup: taskkill.exe — Application Error : The application was unable to start correctly (0x0000142). Click OK to close the application»

If I start the SSIS-Package (dtsx) directli per double click on this dtsx file, Execute Package Utility (DTExecUI.exe) will be started and after clicking on Execute, taskkill.exe will be started and no error is thrown to Event Viewer logging.

Could anybody help me about this issue?

Best Regards,




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Много текста, уж tohruShrug.png

Собственно обнаружил в событиях

Беглый осмотр гугла начал пугать, у людей с ней бсоды. меня пока пронесло.
Еще осмотр показал что трабл чаще всего на платах «Gigabyte» это сдвиг, но мне мало что дает. 
Температуры в игрульках в норме, вылетов / зависаний падений фпс нет. нареканий к быстродействию пк пока что тоже. 
Фирменная утилитка проверки ссд показала 95 процентов хп, 0 ошибок.
Сканирование системы восстановило только гадский game bar xbox мной же выпиленный. 
Драйвера на карту, проц и т.д скачаны только сегодня (ос переустанавливал)

бп чифтек которому нет и полгода. маме буквально месяц — H410M H V3 (на что хватило) оп одна плашка на 8 hyperX fury
ЦП i3 12100 новый. вк 750 ti

Судя по времени, событие идет потоком при играх. но вылезает и в простое, раз в 10-15 минут. 

Куда рыть по пути наименьшего сопротивления? боюсь на обычных ошибках история может не закончиться 




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Сообщения: 182

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Как я понял, оно тебе ничего плохого не делает(по крайней мере на данный момент). Забей, работает — не трожь




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Сообщения: 586

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биос на мамке обновлен?
дрова все стоят?- в диспетчере устройств нет «неизвестных устройств» со знаком вопроса?

эта ошибка вроде при проблемах в управлении питанием или переводом в сонэнергосбережениегибернацию. (смотреть в настройках питания ос или биоса) 

«сканирование системы» делал через командную строку (от админа) нижеприведенными командами?

SFC /scannow

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

но если проблем особо не испытываешьне видишь, то и ковыряться с этим наверно смысла особо пока нет.




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Сообщения: 1864

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Spirit_WinD сказал(а):↑

биос на мамке обновлен?

Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

Да, последний вроде как. сегодня перепроверю. дисм и скан на ошибки отсут. файлы от админа через пкм. в диспетчере все чисто. 
По питанию была неприятность, машина упорно не хотела спать. отправляешь в сон — моментальный возврат оттуда
Сразу после остановки кулеров. как выяснилось каким то образом будила новая usb клавиатура. старая на ps2 такое не выкидывала. 
Отключил пробуждение от нее, стал засыпать. хотя и стало менее удобно. 
В биосе ничего не менял кроме CSM (Там отдельная история, мать не видит без него старые карты. массовый трабл)
Единственное что, это событие чередуется почти еще с одним из ошибок


Драйвер устройства для доверенного платформенного модуля (TPM) обнаружил неустранимую ошибку, связанную с оборудованием TPM, которая не позволяет использовать службы TPM (например, шифрование данных). Обратитесь за помощью к производителю компьютера.

Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

Драйвер TPM удалял, переустанавливал.




Сообщения: 586

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Сообщения: 586

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чекни в биосе у тебя включен Power Loading -> Enabled? если нет, включи и проверь будет ли так же выдавать ошибку.
еще можно для проверки выключить C-States -> Disable. ошибка не уйдет- включишь обратно.
по поводу tpm это уже гигабайтам..  на сайте майков по этой ошибке- проверить обновления винды и биос (но он у тебя обновлен, если только ждать новый, тем более под новый проц).
в любом случае у челов с этой ошибкой в придачу обычно бсоды или фризыстаттеры в играх жесткие, если у тебя подобного нет, то можно и забить наверно.




Сообщения: 586

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Сообщения: 586

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DEL. опять сообщение 2 раза продублировалось…




Сообщения: 1864

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Сообщения: 1864

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Spirit_WinD сказал(а):↑

чекни в биосе

Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

Он на русском ) 
Первое я перевел, как силовая нагрузка, второе переводчик осилить не смог. щас чекну что там есть 




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Сообщения: 586

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Бубенцы сказал(а):↑

Он на русском ) 
Первое я перевел, как силовая нагрузка, второе переводчик осилить не смог. щас чекну что там есть 

Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

power loading — вроде «нагрузка источника питания». у тебя это во вкладке «settings»

c-states обычно на авто стоит, но можешь выключить просто для проверки. с3 state c6c7 с10 state по идее должны быть в расширенных настройках цп. но смотри сам где они спрятаны. пробуй поочередно отключать и проверять, но по идее оно в авто должно работать нормально.
ps. у тебя i3-10100




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Сообщения: 1139

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В событиях много всякого хлама написано. У тебя что происходит, и после каких действий?




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Всем привет. возникает такая же ошибка «Application Popup» Код события:   56. Возникают периодические статеры в играх и зависания «намертво». Комп совсем недавно собран из нового железа. Мать тоже от гигов и проц от интел, как у человека с проблемой выше. Помогите кто чем может.




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Сообщения: 6655

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Delorean27 сказал(а):↑

Всем привет. возникает такая же ошибка «Application Popup» Код события:   56. Возникают периодические статеры в играх и зависания «намертво». Комп совсем недавно собран из нового железа. Мать тоже от гигов и проц от интел, как у человека с проблемой выше. Помогите кто чем может.

Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

Новое железо, это какое? Какой проц/мать/бп. В какие слоты память вставлена? Что по настройкам электропитания? 




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Mahouka_No сказал(а):↑

Новое железо, это какое? Какой проц/мать/бп. В какие слоты память вставлена? Что по настройкам электропитания? 

Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

Собственно покупал все в Ситилинк. Проц: intel 10400f, мать: gigabyte h510m h, БП: cooler master mwe white 450вт. Память: Radeon r7 Performance Series R748G2606U2S-U DDR4 —  8ГБ 2666 2 шт. На матери 2 слота. 

Что интересно комп зависает намертво как в играх, так и в браузере, например или в Ворде, но это не часто. В основном это происходит раз в сессию. Несколько раз подряд зависал в гугл мите, когда вел презентацию с включённой вэбкой, демонстрацией экрана и презентацией.




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Сообщения: 6655

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Delorean273 сказал(а):↑

Собственно покупал все в Ситилинк. Проц: intel 10400f, мать: gigabyte h510m h, БП: cooler master mwe white 450вт. Память: Radeon r7 Performance Series R748G2606U2S-U DDR4 —  8ГБ 2666 2 шт. На матери 2 слота. 

Что интересно комп зависает намертво как в играх, так и в браузере, например или в Ворде, но это не часто. В основном это происходит раз в сессию. Несколько раз подряд зависал в гугл мите, когда вел презентацию с включённой вэбкой, демонстрацией экрана и презентацией.

Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

я бы сказал, что дело в памяти. Но вроде по ней ошибок нету. Ибо память от амд, это не память от амд. А ноунейм бренд, и от него часто проблемы  бывают. Прогони. Tm5 какой-нибудь, также попробуй поиграть( в игры, или просто серфинг) с одной плашкой, вместо двух по очереди.

Даже если дело не в них, советую пока 14 дней не прошло поменять на обычные самые дешёвые зеленые самсунги




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Mahouka_No сказал(а):↑

я бы сказал, что дело в памяти. Но вроде по ней ошибок нету. Ибо память от амд, это не память от амд. А ноунейм бренд, и от него часто проблемы  бывают. Прогони. Tm5 какой-нибудь, также попробуй поиграть( в игры, или просто серфинг) с одной плашкой, вместо двух по очереди.

Даже если дело не в них, советую пока 14 дней не прошло поменять на обычные самые дешёвые зеленые самсунги

Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

Действительно, вы были правы! Тесты каждой плашки tm5 ничего не показали. В играх одна из плашек показала синий экран и те же ошибки по журналу, другая плашка полностью функционирует и стабильно работает. Большое вам спасибо! Теперь буду думать что делать с памятью. Если сервисный центр примет, то хорошо. Про новое железо я конечно загнул. Покупал в октябре прошлого года, эх как время летит….

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Issue: How to fix Event ID 56, Application Popup error in Windows?

Hello. I need help with the error on Windows 11 now. Event ID 56 bothers me. It shows up after every reboot and I have no idea where it comes from and how to deal with it properly. Can you help me learn about it is possibly solve the reason behind the problem?

Solved Answer

Event ID 56, Application Popup error in Windows is a common issue that keeps occurring. People complain about this and some of the reports online even state that their PC shutdowns and the issue remains unsolved and unexplained. users encounter the error for a few different reasons, however, and there are particular fixes for this.

This is the error that can often be accompanied by the computer reboot and shutdown and the Blue Screen of Death error[1] that appears on the screen when the operating system tries to avoid corruption of the machine. These errors can often come with the error code that notifies about the log name or the level of the issue, indicating the driver that has been a trigger for the error.

Event ID 56, Application Popup error in Windows can show up when the river for the particular device is corrupted or is faulty. This application error can be related to BIOS and Firmware updates, river updates or formatting other parts of the Windows operating system.

Users[2] have encountered these messages for years now. So these fixes are closely related to the problem that triggers it. Even though these errors appear on Windows 10 and Windows 11 even, upgrades of the OS and bugs there[3] do not trigger in this issue.

It is possible to troubleshoot what issues caused the appearance of this Event ID 56, Application Popup error in Windows. Also, there are ways to quickly improve the performance, so this issue could be fixed easily. Applications like ReimageMac Washing Machine X9 can be launched to clear infection leftovers and treat problems related to corrupted or missing system files. other options are listed below and might take more time, but should help solve this issue and avoid permanent damage.

Event ID 56, Application Popup error

1. Run system file checker

Fix it now!

Fix it now!

To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage Reimage.

2. Update BIOS

Fix it now!

Fix it now!

To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage Reimage.

  • Press the Windows Key + R buttons. This will open the Run prompt.
  • In this, type msinfo32.
  • A System Information window will open. Select the System Summary option on the menu on the left and look under BIOS Version/Date.
  • Note down the BIOS version and date.
  • Enter the BIOS by pressing the key mentioned on the screen during startup.
  • Enter Advanced Mode.
  • Plug in your USB to a working USB port.
  • Here, you will find a utility such as EZ Flash, Q Flash, or another flash utility. It depends on the manufacturer of your motherboard. Click on it.
  • Select the USB drive on which you stored your BIOS file from the pop-up screen.
  • On the next screen, you’ll see the downloaded BIOS file.
  • Double-click on the file.
  • On the pop-up prompt, click on Yes and then Yes again.
  • The BIOS will go through the update process and, upon updating, press Ok on the prompt.
  • Enter BIOS one more time and restart the computer.

3. Update graphics or video drivers

Fix it now!

Fix it now!

To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage Reimage.

4. Manually update ME firmware

Fix it now!

Fix it now!

To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage Reimage.

  • Download the latest version of Intel ME from the manufacturer of your motherboard’s website.
  • Save the ME zip file in the OS folder.
  • Unzip the file and double-click on the MEUpdateTool.exe application.
  • Then, click on Yes on the ME update tool prompt.
  • Once the update has finished installing, click on the OK button.
  • On the startup screen, press the key mentioned on the screen to enter BIOS.
  • Under Advanced Mode in the Main Menu
  • Check for the ME FW Version and verify it’s the latest one.

5. Format Windows

Fix it now!

Fix it now!

To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage Reimage.

Repair your Errors automatically team is trying to do its best to help users find the best solutions for eliminating their errors. If you don’t want to struggle with manual repair techniques, please use the automatic software. All recommended products have been tested and approved by our professionals. Tools that you can use to fix your error are listed bellow:

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Download Fix


do it now!

Download Fix


Compatible with Microsoft Windows
Compatible with OS X

Still having problems?
If you failed to fix your error using Reimage, reach our support team for help. Please, let us know all details that you think we should know about your problem.

Reimage — a patented specialized Windows repair program. It will diagnose your damaged PC. It will scan all System Files, DLLs and Registry Keys that have been damaged by security threats.Reimage — a patented specialized Mac OS X repair program. It will diagnose your damaged computer. It will scan all System Files and Registry Keys that have been damaged by security threats.
This patented repair process uses a database of 25 million components that can replace any damaged or missing file on user’s computer.
To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage malware removal tool.

Press mentions on Reimage

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Data recovery software is one of the options that could help you recover your files. Once you delete a file, it does not vanish into thin air – it remains on your system as long as no new data is written on top of it. Data Recovery Pro is recovery software that searchers for working copies of deleted files within your hard drive. By using the tool, you can prevent loss of valuable documents, school work, personal pictures, and other crucial files.

Download PC Repair Tool to quickly find & fix Windows errors automatically

If the Event ID 56: Application Popup error keeps troubling you, then this post may be able to help you. When this error pops up, your device may shut down, or a Blue Screen of Death can appear. A notification highlighting the log name, source, event ID, level, and description will also appear along with the error message. Fortunately, you can follow some simple steps to eliminate this error.

Event ID 56 Application Popup error

What causes Event ID 56?

Event ID 56: Application Popup error occurs when the component that raises this event isn’t installed on your device, or the installation is corrupted. It is usually related to BIOS and Firmware updates, driver updates, etc.

If the Event ID 56: Application Popup error keeps troubling you on your Windows computer, follow these suggestions to resolve the issue:

  1. Run or Roll back Windows Update
  2. Update device drivers
  3. Update BIOS/Firmware
  4. System Restore to a point before the problem started
  5. Repair Windows OS using Installation Media

Now let us see these in detail.

1] Run or Roll back Windows Update/Upgrade

Update drivers

First, update Windows manually and see if this helps.

However, if the issue occurred after Windows Updates, you might consider uninstalling the Update. To uninstall an update, follow these steps:

Uninstall Updates

  1. Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Type appwiz.cpl and hit Enter.
  3. In the Uninstall or view a program page click on View Installed Updates.
  4. Right-click on the recently installed update and select Uninstall.

2] Update Device Drivers

update drivers

Outdated or corrupt device drivers are also known to cause Event ID 56 on Windows. Update your device drivers and check if the issue’s fixed.

Follow one of the methods below to update your device drivers:

  1. You may check for Driver & Optional Updates via Windows Update to update your drivers
  2. You may visit the manufacturer’s site to download the drivers.
  3. Use a free driver update software
  4. If you have the INF driver file already on your computer then:
    • Open Device Manager.
    • Click the driver category to expand the menu.
    • Then choose the relevant driver and right-click on it.
    • Select Update Driver.
    • Follow the on-screen wizard to finish updating your audio drivers.

3] Update BIOS/Firmware

update bios windows 10

Updating BIOS can fix bugs related to specific hardware or add compatibility for new devices. BIOS is to make your PC run; updating it carries a huge risk. If anything goes wrong, it could stop your motherboard from working and stop your computer from starting as expected. Always follow the manufacturer’s BIOS updating process if you need to update your BIOS. Here’s how you can update your device’s BIOS.

4] System Restore to a point before the problem started

2 System Restore Point

In case of an install failure or data corruption, System Restore can make your device to working condition without reinstalling the operating system. Doing so will repair the Windows environment by installing the files and settings saved in the restore point. Here’s how you can perform a System Restore. Note that this can be done only if you’ve created a System Restore Point earlier.

5] Repair Windows OS using Installation Media

repair your computer windows setup

If none of these methods were able to help you, repair the Windows OS using the Installation media. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Download Windows ISO and create a Bootable USB or DVD drive
  2. Boot from the media and choose Repair your computer.
  3. Under Advanced Troubleshooting, select Advanced Options > Troubleshoot.
  4. Now click on Startup Repair and follow the instructions on-screen.

Fix: Disk has been surprise removed, Event ID 157

What is Event ID 56?

Event ID 56 shuts your device down or displays a Blue Screen of Death. It can also display a notification highlighting the log name, source, event ID, level, and description, along with the error message. This error occurs when the component that raises this event isn’t installed on your device or the installation is corrupted. It is usually related to BIOS and Firmware updates, driver updates, etc.

How do I open the Event Log in Windows 11?

In order to open the Event Log, you need to use the Event Viewer in Windows 11. You can search for event viewer in the Taskbar search box and click on the respective search result. Then, go to Windows Logs and select the type of log you want to view. Following that, the event log for that category will be visible on your screen.

Read: How to Fix DCOM Event ID 10016 error on Windows.


Anand Khanse is the Admin of, a 10-year Microsoft MVP (2006-16) & a Windows Insider MVP (2016-2022). Please read the entire post & the comments first, create a System Restore Point before making any changes to your system & be careful about any 3rd-party offers while installing freeware.


We are producing symbols in release mode for troubleshooting our applications created with Visual Studio 2005/2008.

So we’ve set the compiler /Zi and the linker /DEBUG settings. This produces a PDB file as expected. For what I’ve understood so far, this should’nt change the behavior of the application if it fails at some point ?

Could someone confirm that I’m wrong ?

We’ve noticed that after this change, we have Application Popup errors when the application fails, that asks for user interaction. This is unfortunate if the application runs as a windows service :

Event Type: Information
Event Source: Application Popup
Event Category: None
Event ID: 26
Date:  11/03/2009
Time:  16:07:11
User:  N/A
Computer: SRV-XXXXXX
Application popup: RTEComSv.exe — Application Error : The exception unknown software exception (0xc0000409) occurred in the application at location 0x0046958b.

Click on OK to terminate the program
Click on CANCEL to debug the program

For more information, see Help and Support Center at


I’ve also noticed that the executable size has changed. It is larger with these new settings.

Any help appreciated.

When the Event ID 56 ACPI 5 error pops up on your screen, your PC may shut down suddenly or show a Blue Screen of Death. Luckily, you can get a full guide here. This post from MiniTool Partition Wizard provides some useful solutions to help you fix this error successfully.

What Is Event ID 56?

Event ID 56 is a common Application Popup error that happens on Windows computers. It is always accompanied by a computer restart, shutdown, and the Blue Screen of Death error.

When you get the error, you will get a notification highlighting the log name, source, event ID, level, and description. The error message is like this:

Event ID 56 ACPI 5

This Application Popup error often shows when the component isn’t installed on your PC or its installation is corrupt. If the BIOS, firmware, hardware, and driver are outdated on your PC, you may also encounter this error.

Solution 1. Run or Roll back Windows Update

The first solution you can try is to check if Windows is up-to-date. If your Windows is outdated, you can go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update and then click the Check for update button to update it. 

If the Event ID 56 ACPI 5 error occurred after installing Windows Updates, you can try uninstalling the update to fix the error. Here’s the way:

  1. Press the Windows and R keys to open the Run window.
  2. Type «cpl» in the box and press the Enter key.
  3. Then click the View installed updates link on the top left of this window.
  4. Next, right-click the recently installed update and select Uninstall. If a prompt window pops up, select Uninstall to confirm the operation.
  5. Once done, check if the error is fixed.

click the View installed updates link

Solution 2. Update Graphic and Video Drivers

Outdated device drivers can cause the “ACPI 5, Application Popup” error. So, you can try updating your graphic and video drivers to solve this error.

To update the device drivers, you can just open the Device Manager window and expand the Display adapters category to view the graphics and video cards. Next, you need to right-click on that driver and then select the Update Driver option. After that, select the Search automatically for drivers option and follow the on-screen instructions to update it.

select Update driver

Solution 3. Run SFC and DISM

Some people report that running the System File Checker (SFC) and Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) can also work for this “ACPI 5, Application Popup” error. Here’s the way:

Step 1. Click the Search icon from the taskbar and type «command prompt» in the search box.

Step 2. Click Run as administrator from the right side of this window.

Step 3. Type «sfc /scannow» and press the Enter key.

Step 4. Once done, restart your computer and check if the error is fixed. If not, type these commands and press Enter after each command:

  • DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth
  • DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Checkhealth
  • DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

Step 5. Once done, restart your PC and check if the error is fixed.

Solution 4. Disable Unused Audio Devices

Disabling unused audio devices may also work for the Event ID 56 ACPI 5 error. You can also have a try. You need to open the Device Manager and double-click on the audio devices that you’re not using. Next, go to the Driver tab and click Disable Device button. Click Yes on the prompted window. Once done, you can disable it successfully.

Solution 5. Run a Clean Boot

You can also try a clean boot to see if something else is causing the crashes. Here’s the guide: 

  1. Enter «msconfig» into the search box and select the first result to open the System Configuration window.
  2. Under the General tab, select the Selective startup Next, uncheck the Load startup items option and keep the “Load system services” option checked.
  3. Go to the Services tab, and check the Hide all Microsoft services Next, click on the Disable all button and then click on the Apply button.
  4. Go to the Startup tab and click on the Open Task Manager window.
  5. Right-click the applications you suspect and select Disable option from the menu. Exit Task Manager.
  6. Under the Startup tab, click on the OK button.
  7. Restart your computer and then your computer is in a clean boot environment.
  8. Next, go to see if the problem occurs. If not, turn suspicious services or apps back on, reboot again, and see if you get the error again.
  9. Once you find the source of the error, stop using them or remove

Solution 6. Update BIOS

Outdated BIOS can cause many system errors, including this “ACPI 5, Application Popup” error. To see if your BIOS is outdated, you can read this post: Should I Update My BIOS: Reasons & How To Check. If your BIOS is outdated, you can try updating it to fix this error.

However, updating your BIOS has an extremely high risk of bricking your system. You need to make a backup of your system to prevent your PC from crashing and being unable to read the data on it.

To back up your system, I recommend you use MiniTool Partition Wizard. It’s a professional partition management tool that can be used for copying partitions/disks, formatting disks/partitions, recovering data, converting MBR to GPT, and so on.

Step 1. Download and install MiniTool Partition Wizard on your PC.


You can use the MiniTool Partition Wizard free edition to copy a non-system disk. However, if you want to copy the system disk, you need to download the MiniTool Partition Wizard Pro edition or above.

Free Download

Step 2. Connect the external storage device to your computer and then launch this app.

Step 3. Select Copy Disk Wizard from the left sidebar.

select Copy Disk Wizard option

Step 4. Select the disk that you would like to copy and then click Next.

select the disk you want to copy

Step 5. Next, select the target disk that you want to copy to and click the Next button. Click Yes to continue.

select the target disk

Step 6. Select copy options based on your needs and click Next. Click the Finish button on the next page.

select your copy option and click Next

Step 7. Click Apply and Yes to execute your changes.

click Apply and Yes

Solution 7. Manually Update ME Firmware

Some people report that manually updating the MT firmware works out the issue. To give it a shot, do the following:

  1. Download the latest version of Intel ME from your motherboard manufacturer’s website.
  2. Save the ME zip file in the OS folder.
  3. Unzip this file and double-click on the MEUpdateTool.exe application to initiate the ME update.
  4. Close all the background programs and click Yes on the ME update tool prompt.
  5. Once done, click the OK button. Then your computer will restart automatically.
  6. On the startup screen, press the key mentioned on the screen to enter BIOS.
  7. Under Advanced Mode in the Main Menu, check for the ME FW Version and verify it’s the latest one.

Solution 8. Restore System to a Point Before the Problem Started

If have a System Restore Point earlier, you can restore your system to get your device working again. You can type “create a restore point” in the search box and press the Enter key. Next, go to the System Protection tab and click the System Restore button. After that, follow the on-screen instructions to restore your computer.

You can also try using installation media to help you fix the «ACPI 5, Application Popup» error. Some people report that this method helps them fix the error successfully. If you decide to have a try, you can follow these steps:

  1. Download Windows 10 ISO.
  2. Create a Bootable USB or DVD drive.
  3. Boot from the media and choose “Repair your computer.”
  4. Under Advanced troubleshooting, select Advanced Options > Troubleshoot.
  5. Next, click on the Startup Repair option and follow the instructions on the screen to finish the process.

Bottom Line

Is this post useful for you? Do you know any other useful solutions to the Event ID 56 ACPI 5 error? If you want to share them with us, please tell us in the following comment zone.

In addition, if there are any problems with MiniTool Partition Wizard when you use it, please send us an email via [email protected]. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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