Arithmetic error floating point overflow signalled

Работа по теме: Григорьев ''Основы Turbo Pascal''. Глава: 12. Ошибки при выполнении программы. Опции компилятора. Предмет: Программирование. ВУЗ: ОмГТУ.

пользоваться массивами, условными
операторами и операторами цикла, вы
можете писать довольно серьезные
программы. При выполнении этих программ
неизбежно будут возникать критические
ошибки, приводящие к аварийному завершению
программы. Такие ошибки по английски
называются Run-time errors — ошибки времени
выполнения. Рассмотрим пока только
наиболее часто встречающиеся арифметические

by zero — код ошибки 200;

overflow — код ошибки 215;

check error — код ошибки 201;

point overflow — код ошибки 205;

floating point operation — код ошибки 207.

by zero

— деление на ноль — возникает при выполнении
операций DIV,

и /,
когда делитель равен нулю.

Arithmetic overflow

— целочисленное переполнение — возникает
при выполнении арифметической операции
над целыми числами, когда результат
операции выходит за границы соответствующего
типа. Такая ошибка произойдет, например,
при выполнении программы

a,b : Word; c : Integer; BEGIN a:=100; b:=200; c:=a-b; END.

произошла, когда вычислилось значение
выражения a-b,
равное -100.
Мы знаем, что при выполнении операции
над операндами типа Word
результат будет иметь тип Word,
а -100 не является допустимым значением
этого типа. То обстоятельство, что это
значение мы собирались присвоить
переменной типа Integer,
имеет значения, т.к. ошибка произошла
присваивания. Интересно, что, если
описать a

то ошибки не будет (см. таблицу 2 в главе

check error

— ошибка проверки диапазона — происходит
в двух случаях. Во-первых, при попытке
присвоить целочисленной переменной
недопустимое значение, и, во-вторых, при
использовании недопустимого индексного
выражения для элемента любого массива.
Проиллюстрируем оба эти случая на
простых примерах.

a,b,c : Word; BEGIN a:=$FFFF; b:=1; c:=a+b; END.

попытались присвоить переменной типа
значение 65536, которое не является
допустимым для этого типа.

x : ARRAY[2..8] OF Real; i : Byte;

FOR i:=8 DOWNTO 1 DO x[i]:=Sqrt(i); END.

произошла при обращении к первому
элементу массива, который не существует.
Фактически этот второй случай полностью
аналогичен первому — мы попытались
«присвоить» индексу массива, тип
которого-2..8, значение 1.

point overflow

— вещественное переполнение — возникает
при выполнении операции над вещественными
числами, когда результат операции
слишком велик, или при попытке присвоить
вещественной переменной слишком большое
значение. Когда речь идет о вещественных
числах, термин «слишком большое»
следует понимать как большое по абсолютной
величине — знак числа не имеет значения.
Приведем пример программы, содержащей
такую ошибку.

r : Real; BEGIN r:=-1E20; r:=Sqr(r); END.

возведении в квадрат величины r
мы получим слишком большое для типа

floating point operation

возникает в трех случаях:

при вычислении корня из отрицательного

при вычислении логарифма неположительного

при вычислении функций Trunc и Round от
слишком большого (по абсолютной величине)
вещественного числа. Эта ошибка довольно
очевидна, и мы не станем ее иллюстрировать.

же должен поступать программист, когда
при выполнении его программы возникают
ошибки? Прежде всего нужно локализовать
ошибку, то есть найти оператор, в котором
она произошла. В этом вам может помочь
среда Turbo Pascal, если в ней правильно
установлены опции
Опции компилятора позволяют изменять
режим компиляции и задаются в подменю
меню Options
среды Turbo Pascal. Пока нас будут интересовать
лишь пять опций: Range
Если они включены, то настройка среды
благоприятна для отладки вашей программы.
Если они выключены, то их обязательно
следует включить, а еще лучше задать их
непосредственно в тексте своей программы.
Опции записываются в программе в виде:


опции соответствует своя буква (эти
буквы выделены в подменю Compiler
цветом), символ «+» означает включить,
а символ «-» — выключить. В программе
можно задать одну опцию, например, {$R+}
или несколько опций — {$R+,I-,S+}
. Некоторые опции можно записывать
только в самом начале программы, другие
могут размещаться в любом ее месте.


(R) отвечает за контроль ошибок Range
check error

(C) — за контроль ошибок Ariphmetic

(I) — за контроль ошибок ввода-вывода.
Смысл опции Stack

(S) будет объяснен несколько позже, а
опция Debug

(D) включает в код программы отладочную
информацию, что позволяет среде Turbo
Pascal при аварийном завершении программы
показать курсором оператор, в котором
произошла ошибка. Позаботьтесь, чтобы
при отладке программы перед первым ее
оператором была строка {$R+,C+,I+,S+,D+}
— это поможет вам найти и устранить все
ошибки. Некоторые неопытные программисты
выключают эти опции, тогда программа
не прерывается при некоторых ошибках,
а продолжает выполняться, на этом
основании делается вывод, что программа
верна. Это самообман — программа
выполняется, но выполняется неправильно
и никак не сообщает об ошибках.

Соседние файлы в папке Учебники

  • #
  • #

0 / 0 / 0

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24.12.2017, 18:30. Показов 3244. Ответов 4

Здраствуйте помогите мне с программой при считывании у меня выходит ошибка «floating point overflow».
Вот программа

Помощь в написании контрольных, курсовых и дипломных работ, диссертаций здесь




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24.12.2017, 18:30

Ответы с готовыми решениями:

Floating point overflow
Программа компилится, но при запуске и нажатии баттона (код ниже) возникает фат. ошибка и…

floating point overflow
Здравствуйте. Помогите, пожалуйста, разобраться с данной проблемой, как её решить?
вылетает с…

Floating point overflow
Здравствуйте! Задание состоит в том, чтобы вычислить значение суммы следующего ряда с требуемой…

Floating point overflow
Очень долго возился с этим заданием.Еле-еле понял как делать.Теперь выдает ошибку "Floating point…


1073 / 986 / 340

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24.12.2017, 19:19


Дельфи не признает разделитель «запятая» между целой и дробной частями числа.
Разделителем должен быть символ «точка».
Проверка показала, что после замены запятой на точку вычисления происходят без ошибок


Как исправить ошибку floating point overflow?



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24.12.2017, 19:28


Сообщение от Скандербег
Посмотреть сообщение

Дельфи не признает разделитель «запятая» между целой и дробной частями числа.

Признаёт. Просто Delimiter по умолчанию установлен на «.» . Так что либо установить Delimiter := ‘,’ либо заменить в поле ввода запятую на точку.



1073 / 986 / 340

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24.12.2017, 20:00


Да, действительно, можно изменить умолчальный разделитель, но попробуйте это популярно растолковать новичкам.
Ведь тогда им придется в каждой своей программе менять.

Все же, в продолжении, приведу пример как изменить разделитель дробной части числа в конкретной программе.
В любом модуле проекта в секции инициализации пишется следующее:

  FormatSettings.DecimalSeparator := ','; 


пофигист широкого профиля

4602 / 3062 / 850

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25.12.2017, 02:33


Скандербег, Matan!,
Господа-камрады А при чём тут разделитель целой и дробной части? ТС ведь заявил ошибку с «floating point overflow».
Возможно у этой темы была предистория, которую я не знаю.
Но насчет разделителя вы оба даёте неверные советы. Наши люди употребляют и точку и запятую. В большинстве своём даже не думая. Так что если нужно писать ПО с элементами ввода чисел — самое лучшее решение (трудоёмкое для программиста — это да) — контролировать ввод и заменять символы «точка» и «запятая» на DecimalSeparator.



I have a short code which fro some velues gives : arithmetic error 

It works for depth = 50, but for depth> 100 fails. I try , but I cant 
find the cause.

Help is welcome.



theory :
Newton method for finding parameter external ray :

================Output ==================================

d = 90  ; s = 1 ;  c = 0.0567835800174668*%i-.7499611394681097 ;
d = 91  ; s = 1 ;  c = 0.0567835800174668*%i-.7499611394681097 ;
d = 92  ; s = 1 ;  c = 0.0567835800174668*%i-.7499611394681097 ;
d = 93  ; s = 1 ;  c = 0.0567835800174668*%i-.7499611394681097 ;
Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
  arithmetic error FLOATING-POINT-OVERFLOW signalled
Automatically continuing.
To enable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.

============ code ==================================





/* - ---------------- functions ------*/


output : one complex value c on the external parameter ray

/*        if (abs(cNext - cPrev)< 1.0) then  return( cNext ),*/

GiveNewC(t, oldC, P):=
   block (
       [z, D, n, p, cPrev , cNext],

       cPrev : oldC,

       /* Newton iteration */
       for n:0 thru 64 do
         z : 0,
         D : 0,
         /*  nested loop for the z^2+c etc that runs (depth) times  */
         for p:1 thru P do
           D : float(rectform(2*z*D + 1)),
           z : float(rectform(z*z + cPrev))

         cNext : float(rectform(cPrev - (z - t)/D)),

         if (abs(cNext-cPrev) < 0.00000000001) then return (cNext ),
         cPrev :  cNext

   return (cNext )


Number of ray points = depth*sharpness = D*S

magnitude(t) = r = radial parametr : 1 < R^{1/{2^depth}} <= r > R

output : sequence depth*sharpness of complex values c,
          along external parameter ray ,
          from c near infinity ( here abs(c) = R))
          toward landing point on the boundary of Mandelbrot set


GiveRay( angle, depth, sharpness):=
block (
  [ r, R: 65536, m, t, old_c , new_c, d, s],

  old_c : R*exp(2*%pi*angle * %i),

  for d:1   thru depth  do
      for s:1   thru sharpness  do
       (  /*  */
          m : (d-1)*sharpness + s - 0.5,
          r : R^(1/(2^(m/sharpness))),
          t : float(rectform(r*exp(2*%pi*angle * %i))),
          new_c : GiveNewC( t, old_c, d),
          printf(true,  "d = ~d  ; s = ~d ;  c = ~a ; ~%", d, s, 
          old_c : new_c
      angle : mod(2 * angle,1)


/* --------------------------- */

GiveRay(1/3,120, 1);

How to fix floating point exception core dumpedFloating point exception (core dumped) is an error that arises when your application tries to do something that is not allowed with a floating point number. In this article, we’ll teach you why the floating point exception occurs and how to fix it. Also, we’ll give you other information about this error. Keep on reading to gain in-depth knowledge on this error and how to prevent it in the future.


  • Why Is There a Floating Point Exception (Core Dumped) Error?
    • – Invalid Operation
    • – Division by Zero
    • – Overflow
    • – Underflow
    • – Inexact
  • How to Fix Floating Point Exception (Core Dumped)
    • – Avoid Invalid Operation
    • – Avoid Computations That Lead to Division by Zero
    • – Avoid Overflow
    • – Avoid Underflow
  • Useful Information About the Floating-point Exception Error
    • – What Is Floating-point Exception Sigfpe?
    • – What Is Floating-point Numbers Represented As?
    • – How Can We Avoid Floating-point Exception in Fluent?
    • – How Do You Stop a Floating Error in Python?
    • – How Are Floating-point Numbers Stored?
  • Conclusion

Floating point exception occurs because of several reasons such as invalid operation, division by zero, overflow, underflow, or inexact. In this section, we’ll be going through these reasons one by one.

– Invalid Operation

An invalid operation occurs when an operation cannot be represented or has no mathematical value. For example, the square root of a negative number or the logarithm of a negative number falls into this category. We know that in the context of complex numbers you can take the square root of a negative number, but there is no way to represent this in computers.

Also, if your program performs a floating-point operation on a location meant for integer, this will cause an invalid operation. That is because there is a discrepancy between the stored data (integer) and the operation you are trying to perform on the data (floating-point operation).

– Division by Zero

When you try to divide a number by zero, you’ll get a floating-point exception. The same happens when you try to divide by infinity or NaN. The following are examples:

  • -1/0
  • log(0)

– Overflow

An overflow exception occurs when an operation produces a value that is outside of its range. This means that the value is either higher or lower than the smallest representable value.

– Underflow

When the result of a calculation is smaller than what can be stored in a data type, underflow occurs.

– Inexact

An inexact exception occurs when the result of an operation is not equal to the expected value. This happens when you do the operation with exponent range and unbound precision.

How to Fix Floating Point Exception (Core Dumped)

You can fix the floating-point exception by avoiding invalid operations, avoiding computations that lead to division by zero, avoiding overflow, and avoiding underflow. The following steps will go into detail on how to solve floating point exception (core dumped):

– Avoid Invalid Operation

When performing computations in your code, it’s very easy to run into an invalid operation. However, if you are on the lookout, you can avoid such situations. For example, you can implement a check that’ll stop a calculation with a negative number. Another example is an attempt to compute a string and a number.

Also, if you are using OpenFOAM, ensure your mesh is correct and your courant number is not too high. Otherwise, you’ll get a floating point exception (core dumped) OpenFOAM error. In addition, when you are using Gromacs, ensure your simulation is correct. Otherwise, you can get a floating point exception (core dumped) gromacs error.

What’s more, you can run into a floating point exception (core dumped) ubuntu error when you are using Packet Tracer or BRM client in Ubuntu. In both cases, you will need to install the right software to get rid of the error. As a final note, avoid using negatives with conditional checks in your code.

– Avoid Computations That Lead to Division by Zero

You can run into computations that lead to division by zero when you are working on an array using a for loop. One of the best ways to do this is to check if the denominator is zero before you divide. This will avoid the floating-point exception error. Another option is to use try-catch block or try-except block in supported programming languages.

In Python, the try-except block will prevent floating point exception (core dumped) python error. What’s more, there have been reported cases where division by zero leads to floating point exception (core dumped) pytorch error. Meanwhile, in Assembly language, division by zero can lead to floating point exception (core dumped) assembly error.

The same happens when using the Netwide Assembler (NASM), where you’ll get floating point exception (core dumped) nasm error when you divide a number by zero.

– Avoid Overflow

You can avoid overflow by making sure you do not go above what a particular data type can store. Code examples will help you better understand what we are talking about, so let’s see some code examples.

In the C code detailed below, we have an unsigned char that can take a maximum of 256 characters. However, we set its initial value to 250 and then we perform a loop that requests for the next 10. This means we are asking for 260 characters from 256, hence an overflow occurs. We show the overflow by printing the hexadecimal equivalent of the numbers.

#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Declare an unsigned char
unsigned char n = 250;
int i;
// Print the numbers in Hexadecimal
// and ordinary number
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
printf(“%hhu | %hhXn”, n, n);
return 0;

The following is the output of the code above:

250 | FA
251 | FB
252 | FC
253 | FD
254 | FE
255 | FF
0 | 0
1 | 1
2 | 2
3 | 3

– Avoid Underflow

You can prevent underflow by not taking away from a data type more than what it can provide. If you don’t, an underflow will happen.

In the code example below, we have an unsigned char whose value is five. Afterwards, we loop over it 10 times, decrementing the loop counter at every iteration. In the end, only the first five counters will output the correct result. The rest will produce an underflow.

#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Declare an unsigned char
unsigned char n = 5;
int i;
// Print the numbers with for-loop
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
printf(“%hhu | %hhXn”, n, n);
return 0;

The output of the code:

5 | 5
4 | 4
3 | 3
2 | 2
1 | 1
0 | 0
255 | FF
254 | FE
253 | FD
252 | FC

Useful Information About the Floating-point Exception Error

In this section, we’ll discuss related information about the floating-point exception. This will be more like a question-and-answer conversation. We’ve outlined the most commonly-asked questions below, with expert answers following.

– What Is Floating-point Exception Sigfpe?

Floating-point exception SIGFPE is a signal raised by floating-point exception which results in the process termination and production of a core file. Meanwhile, the former and the latter will occur in the absence of a signal-handler subroutine. However, if there is a signal handler subroutine, the process calls it instead.

– What Is Floating-point Numbers Represented As?

Floating-point numbers are represented as scientific notation, so the scientific notation can be written as F multiplied by two raised to an Exponent, where F is the Fraction, E is the Exponent and the number two is the Radix. Meanwhile, both the Fraction and Exponent can be positive or negative numbers.

Also, modern computers use the IEEE 754 standard to represent floating-point numbers. For example, 2.6, 0.28, and negative 11.34 are all floating-point numbers. However, numbers like 80 and 70 are not floating-point numbers.

– How Can We Avoid Floating-point Exception in Fluent?

You can avoid floating-point exceptions in Fluent by setting your mesh to CFD. Here is a more detailed step-by-step process to do this:

  1. Set your mesh to CFD.
  2. The mesh should have an orthogonal array value with good skewness.
  3. Your mesh should be unstructured and arranged in triangles arrangement.
  4. Show all the bodies of your geometry in your mesh without cuts.
  5. If there is improper initialization, reset and start again.
  6. If you are doing transient apps, select Pressure-Implicit with Splitting of Operator (PISO).
  7. Set your timestamps to less than 5 multiply by 10 exponential negative 3.
  8. Activate Implicit Update Settings.

– How Do You Stop a Floating Error in Python?

You cannot stop floating errors, however, you can manage them by using another representation for the values for precise computation. For example, if you need exact decimal rounding, you can represent the values as binary-coded decimals.

– How Are Floating-point Numbers Stored?

Floating-point numbers are stored as the significand and the exponent with a sign bit. The high-order bit indicates a sign. Meanwhile, zero indicates a positive value, while one indicates a negative value. As a result, the exponent is the remaining eight bits.


This article explained floating-point exception and how to fix floating-point exception (core dumped); we also learned about other information that related to this error. The following points were tackled in this guide:

  • Floating-point exception when there is an error in floating-point arithmetic.
  • Causes of floating-point exception include invalid operation and overflow.
  • You cannot avoid floating-point errors, but you can manage them.
  • SIGFPE is a signal raised by the floating-point exception.
  • Floating-point exception can occur in applications like OpenFoam, Gromacs, and Fluent by Ansys.

Floating point exception core dumped errorWith everything that we’ve taught you in this article, you are now well-prepared to tackle floating-point exception confidently.

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Topic: [SOLVED] Floating point overflow Message.  (Read 13988 times)

Good forum people,

When an operation, typically math, exceeds the value within the accuracy limits of the processor, one gets the message «Floating point overflow».

Is there a way to trap this error and handle it within one’s own code, so that that message is not displayed, and instead one provides own message on what to do?


« Last Edit: August 15, 2011, 02:11:20 pm by Elmug »


Try this:

  on E : Exception do
     //ShowMessage(E.Message); // or ShowMessage(YourMsg);
    Exit; //break(without msg)

« Last Edit: August 11, 2011, 08:58:13 am by exdatis »


Try this:

  on E : Exception do
     //ShowMessage(E.Message); // or ShowMessage(YourMsg);
    Exit; //break(without msg)

Thanks, Exdatis.

I will try it right away.

Looks like what I was after. :)


Hi good people,

Am back to report on this interesting and important thing relating to the solution kindly afforded by Exdatis.

1. No too important, but and «end» not shown is needed in the above code which is part of the Try command. I noticed because Lazarus added it. But mention it here in case it might trip someone else. Good for me Lazarus added it, since it’s the first time I use the Try directive.

2. But most important is this: When I hit the run arrow and got it to compile and run, the code DID NOT WORK! No error trapping as expected happened. I did get an error again. Luckily I noticed the error was similar but slightly different than what I was getting without the «Try» directives. And I almost abandoned the solution as not doing what it was supposed to do.

3. However, when I tried the .exe file produced at exactly the same time I hit the run arrow (I’m on Windows XP), the code worked PERFECTLY!

Therefore, seems to me, there is something to be done to the Lazarus system so that the functioning of the resultant application when Lazarus is running it after a successful compile and when the application (.exe) that it actually produces, have the same behavior, at least for this situation described.

I have noticed also similar cases of differences, not as important as this one, concerning what the .exe does and what the application does when it is running from the Run-Arrow, directly after it compiles it. However have not documented them, nor recall details. Vaguely, though, I think they have to do as to when errors happen in execution.

Perhaps others have noticed and some action is due by the Lazarus coders?

Thanks Exdatis for the help. ;)

« Last Edit: August 11, 2011, 10:17:35 am by Elmug »


AFAIK even when using a «try» you will still get the error message when running from out of Lazarus, but you should be able to continue the program anyway. 

I’m not sure if it is a bug or that in that case you should rather see it as a kind of reminder or warning.   Personally I have become so used to it I hardly notice.


1.0/2.6.0  XP SP3 & OS X 10.6.8

AFAIK even when using a «try» you will still get the error message when running from out of Lazarus, but you should be able to continue the program anyway. 

I’m not sure if it is a bug or that in that case you should rather see it as a kind of reminder or warning.   Personally I have become so used to it I hardly notice.

Yes, that’s what it looks like,
and I don’t see why the .exe does the error trapping of the Try correctly, and when the same code is run from the GreenRunArrow, no errot trapping takes place.

It seems to me that the problem is that Lazarus is using the one and only Errror Message that Free Pascal provides. Meaning Lazarus is a Free Pascal application in itself.

Maybe it’s not so easy to solve?

Thanks for confirming this, Arbee.


Hi good forum people,

I did think of an easy way to solve this problem, as follows:

1. Why not have Lazarus, upon successful compiling, just run the ACTUAL .exe file, instead of running a variation of it?

2. This way, there would be no differences as discussed and confirmed.

3. I just don’t see any reason not to run the actual .exe

4. Perhaps this is a way to do it like back from DOS when only one .exe would run at a time?

5. Also, running the .exe would also alleviate the occasional happening that  an exception raised CAN crash the non-.exe AND  Lazarus. This I have seen happening, while none when the .exe meets exactly the same error.

However, I’d like to learn from the thoughts of others on this.


« Last Edit: August 13, 2011, 12:07:16 pm by Elmug »


When running your executable within the compiler, it is running the actual source code — but when your program throws an exception, it is still caught by the debugger (remember — Lazarus is still running in the background).

  It is just a way of showing you while you are working on your code that a) there is an exception to be handled and b) here are a few more details about the exception; and now you can work on fixing the cause of the exception while still in the development environment.

  You may not see the error when you just run the executable, because  you may have forgotten or overlooked  showing a message in your try..except block, your program just chugs happily along (or so you think).   Just accept this as a type of double check on your code before you sell millions of copies of your program and have users calling to complain about a bug!!



version:      Lazarus 1.9   FPC 3.0.4

   widget set:  x-86_64-linux-gtk 2
OS:             ArchLinux/ Xfce 4.12

Sorry, I forgot to mention that if you go into Project —>> Options —>> Linking and deselect all the debugger options, this should take care of the problem.  That is what I have done before.



version:      Lazarus 1.9   FPC 3.0.4

   widget set:  x-86_64-linux-gtk 2
OS:             ArchLinux/ Xfce 4.12

When running your executable within the compiler, it is running the actual source code — but when your program throws an exception, it is still caught by the debugger (remember — Lazarus is still running in the background).

  It is just a way of showing you while you are working on your code that a) there is an exception to be handled and b) here are a few more details about the exception; and now you can work on fixing the cause of the exception while still in the development environment.

  You may not see the error when you just run the executable, because  you may have forgotten or overlooked  showing a message in your try..except block, your program just chugs happily along (or so you think).   Just accept this as a type of double check on your code before you sell millions of copies of your program and have users calling to complain about a bug!!


Hi Geno,

And thanks for the good points.

In my situation, though, I found that the app compiles with no errors and there is no way that while the app is running under the Lazarus umbrella the overflow can be detected.

I really can not think of any reason, still, where running the .exe wouldn’t be better than for Lazarus to run it under is umbrella, instead of turning it loose.

It seems to me that when Lazarus has compiled it, it’s done its job.

And Lazarus does a great job in detecting errors that prevent compiling.

Maybe the mode of running it under its umbrella has to do with debugging, single-stepping the app, or some things that I still haven’t gotten to?

Also, thanks for the tip on how to set the option you use. I will try it after a while.


Go Up to Delphi Compiler Errors Index

Fatal errors always immediately terminate the program.

Exception mapping

In applications that use the System.SysUtils unit (as most GUI applications do), fatal errors are mapped to exceptions. For a description of the conditions that produce each error, see the documentation for the exception.

I/O error list

The following table lists all fatal errors, numbers, and mapped exceptions.





Division by zero



Range check error



Stack overflow



Heap overflow error



Invalid pointer operation



Floating point overflow



Floating point underflow



Invalid floating point operation



Abstract Method Error



Arithmetic overflow (integer only)



Access violation






Privileged instruction



Invalid typecast



Invalid variant typecast



Invalid variant operation



No variant method call dispatcher



Cannot create variant array



Variant does not contain array



Variant array bounds error



TLS initialization error

No exception to map to.


Assertion failed



Interface Cast Error



Safecall error

System. SysUtils.ESafeCallException


Unhandled exception

No exception to map to.


Too many nested exceptions

Up to 16 permitted.


Fatal signal raised on a non-Delphi thread

No exception to map to.

See Also

  • Exception Handling
  • Resolving Internal Errors (Delphi)
  • Delphi Run-time Errors
  • Input-Output Errors
  • Operating system errors

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