Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime

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    create procedure temp(empid int, todaydate datetime)



    select * from table where todaydate  = lastdate;


    here lastdate
    is INT TYPE

    getting Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.

    pls help it.


    	empid INT
    	,todaydate DATETIME
    	SELECT *
    	FROM mytable
    	WHERE todaydate = cast(lastdate AS DATETIME)

    -Vaibhav Chaudhari

    • Marked as answer by

      Thursday, November 27, 2014 2:56 PM

I need help in the following issue

I have created a procedure for the purpose of fetching the yesterday data from oracle db table and insert it into sql server db table 2012.

Using the following 

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Temp') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #Temp
		lead(convert(varchar,convert(datetime,'01-JAN-1970 03:00:00',120) + [DAT_CLOSEDATE]/(24*60*60), 120),1,convert(varchar,convert(datetime,'01-JAN-1970 03:00:00',120) + [DAT_CLOSEDATE]/(24*60*60), 120)) over(partition by [TXT_TICKETNUMBER] order by [DAT_CLOSEDATE])AS  [CLOSE_DATE]
	INTO #Temp

every thing is working as expected when I don’t use the WHERE

but once I use the WHERE condition the following error appears 

Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 4
Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.
The statement has been terminated.


The DAT_CLOSEDATE column datatype in the oracle table is float.

I used the LEAD AND CONVERT functions in order to convert its values to be a
datetime datatype

I have tried to convert it to date datatype as following.

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Temp') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #Temp
		lead(convert(varchar,convert(date,'01-JAN-1970 03:00:00',120) + [DAT_CLOSEDATE]/(24*60*60), 120),1,convert(varchar,convert(date,'01-JAN-1970 03:00:00',120) + [DAT_CLOSEDATE]/(24*60*60), 120)) over(partition by [TXT_TICKETNUMBER] order by [DAT_CLOSEDATE])AS  [CLOSE_DATE]
	INTO #Temp

But I got this error

Msg 206, Level 16, State 2, Line 4
Operand type clash: date is incompatible with float


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Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime in sql

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Unable to conver it.

create procedure temp(empid int, todaydate datetime)

select * from table where todaydate = lastdate;

here lastdate is INT TYPE

getting Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.


  • Marked as answer by Simon_Hou Microsoft contingent staff Thursday, November 27, 2014 2:56 PM

  • Marked as answer by Simon_Hou Microsoft contingent staff Thursday, November 27, 2014 2:56 PM

select * from table where todaydate = CAST(lastdate AS DATETIME)

Are you using Oracle database? It is not compiled on SQL Server

Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,

When I gave todaydate as 08/06/2014 its thros above error in sql server

Use ANSI date string format if possible. Try:

And what value does lastdate have? Using other data types than date, datetime or datetime2 for dates is bound to cause misery and pain.

If lastdate is an int, this is the number of days since 1900-01-01. So if you pass lastdate = 20141124, you will indeed get an overflow big time.

Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,

if lastdate column is int data type, first you need to convert to char or varchar before converting to date

i think in your case, may be better choice

Saravana kumar C

Whats the date field having? Is it having exact date value or just an offset?

If its an exact date value like 20141124 then you can do like this

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  • Edited by Visakh16 MVP Monday, November 24, 2014 12:43 PM

This is pure garbage.

DATE is a temporal data type, not a numeric! Think how silly this is!! On a scale from 1 to 10, what color is your favorite letter of the alphabet? What is Christmas divided by Ramadan?

You also got the syntax wrong, an employee identifier should be a CHAR(n) data type, a table a cannot be name “table”, etc.

—CELKO— Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL


Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime in sql

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The following query is giving me this error —

Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 5

Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.

@Year varchar ( 50 ), @Month varchar ( 50 )

start_date_tnx = @Year + ‘-‘ + @Month + ‘-‘ + cast ( day ( start_date_tnx ) as nvarchar ( 20 ))

For 2010 year and month 10 . only I have data. but for other years and months there is no data currently in the system.

I am not getting why its giving me the arithemetic over flow error.

Any suggestions in this area.


YYYY-MM-DD is not a safe format with datetime (it is with datetime2 and date).

This article from SQL Server MVP Tibor Karaszi will tell you all you need:

Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
Links for SQL Server Books Online: SQL 2008, SQL 2005 and SQL 2000.
(Just click the link you need.)

The format set by the SET DATEFORMAT instruction will apply even if you put the year in the first place; so you will get exactly the same error by using either 2010-10-31 than you will get with 10-31-2010. The following piece of code show you that the placement of the year change nothing if you are using the separator «-» but that if you remove the separator «-«, the SET DATEFORMAT will lose its effect:

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP — Access
Blog/web site:
Independent consultant and remote programming for Access and SQL-Server (French)

I am not sure that got your problem. What type of start_date_tnx column?

SET @y=2010
SET @m=11
SET @d=1

If it does not help ,please post sample data + an expected result?

start_date_tnx = cast(rtrim(@y*10000+@m*100+@d) as datetime)

Best Regards, Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP

Wrong date format. Check the language for the login or use the SET DATEFORMAT mdy instruction; see:

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP — Access
Blog/web site:
Independent consultant and remote programming for Access and SQL-Server (French)

start_date_tnx is of datetime datatype

and I am using sql server 2005

declare @Year varchar ( 50 ), @Month varchar ( 50 )

select * from transaction_tnx where start_date_tnx = @Year + ‘-‘ + @Month + ‘-‘ + cast ( day ( start_date_tnx ) as nvarchar ( 20 )) order by start_date_tnx

For 2010 year and month 10 . only I have data. but for other years and months there is no data currently in the system.

I am not getting why its giving me the arithemetic over flow error. When I am setting year to 2010 and month to 10 then I am not getting error. but for 2010, 11. its displaying the error.. Any suggestions in this area.

error msg : arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime


Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime in sql


I need help in the following issue

I have created a procedure for the purpose of fetching the yesterday data from oracle db table and insert it into sql server db table 2012.

Using the following

every thing is working as expected when I don’t use the WHERE condition.

but once I use the WHERE condition the following error appears

The DAT_CLOSEDATE column datatype in the oracle table is float.

I used the LEAD AND CONVERT functions in order to convert its values to be a datetime datatype

I have tried to convert it to date datatype as following.

But I got this error

Все ответы

What is datatype of DAT_CLOSEDATE column? INT?

Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,

Cab you show an example of the Oracle value? You need to cast the float to date

SET @myDate = 20180731

Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,

First, LEAD has nothing to do with converting floats to datetime values. LEAD gives you the next value, as defined by the OVER clause, of the column in the result set, and it is a little odd to return only that value and not the next. This illustrates:

Now to the overflow error. First you break your back in the SELECT list to convert this float value to datetime, but then for some reason in the WHERE clause you expect SQL Server to understand this secret Oracle value on its own. You would need to decode in the same way.

Furthermore, even if we overlook that part, the WHERE clause is quite dubious. Run

What does it return? Are you really sure you only what the values that are on the millisecond (well on the 3.33 ms) 24 hours earlier?

Since you are using OPENQUERY, it is a lot better to put the WHERE clause inside OPENQUERY. Obviously then you need to use Oracle syntax and functions. (If you need help with that, you will have to ask in an Oracle forum.)


Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime in sql

This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

Asked by:


I need help in the following issue

I have created a procedure for the purpose of fetching the yesterday data from oracle db table and insert it into sql server db table 2012.

Using the following

every thing is working as expected when I don’t use the WHERE condition.

but once I use the WHERE condition the following error appears

The DAT_CLOSEDATE column datatype in the oracle table is float.

I used the LEAD AND CONVERT functions in order to convert its values to be a datetime datatype

I have tried to convert it to date datatype as following.

But I got this error

What is datatype of DAT_CLOSEDATE column? INT?

Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,

Cab you show an example of the Oracle value? You need to cast the float to date

SET @myDate = 20180731

Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,

First, LEAD has nothing to do with converting floats to datetime values. LEAD gives you the next value, as defined by the OVER clause, of the column in the result set, and it is a little odd to return only that value and not the next. This illustrates:

Now to the overflow error. First you break your back in the SELECT list to convert this float value to datetime, but then for some reason in the WHERE clause you expect SQL Server to understand this secret Oracle value on its own. You would need to decode in the same way.

Furthermore, even if we overlook that part, the WHERE clause is quite dubious. Run

What does it return? Are you really sure you only what the values that are on the millisecond (well on the 3.33 ms) 24 hours earlier?

Since you are using OPENQUERY, it is a lot better to put the WHERE clause inside OPENQUERY. Obviously then you need to use Oracle syntax and functions. (If you need help with that, you will have to ask in an Oracle forum.)



Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime


LWJDBC adapter fails when updating a column with a time that has an hour
value of 24.

The business process was using the «TimestampUtilService»
with this parameter yy/MM/dd kk:mm:ss:SSS

The kk value generates the
hour in the range 1-24.

This was causing the error in the LWJDBC adapter
when updating an external SQL database.

Error Message

8115: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000
Driver for JDBC][SQLServer]Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to
data type datetime

Resolving The Problem


Replace this yy/MM/dd kk:mm:ss:SSS with yy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss:SSS

will generate an hour in the range 00 to 23.

[{«Product»:{«code»:»SS3JSW»,»label»:»IBM Sterling B2B Integrator»},»Business Unit»:{«code»:»BU059″,»label»:»IBM Software w/o TPS»},»Component»:»Extensions»,»Platform»:[{«code»:»PF025″,»label»:»Platform Independent»}],»Version»:»All»,»Edition»:»»,»Line of Business»:{«code»:»LOB59″,»label»:»Sustainability Software»}},{«Product»:{«code»:»SS3JSW»,»label»:»IBM Sterling B2B Integrator»},»Business Unit»:{«code»:»BU059″,»label»:»IBM Software w/o TPS»},»Component»:»Adapters»,»Platform»:[{«code»:»»,»label»:»»}],»Version»:»»,»Edition»:»»,»Line of Business»:{«code»:»LOB59″,»label»:»Sustainability Software»}}]

Historical Number


I have such an issue. I want to select a column PDWEDT (it is numeric) and I need to select previous Saturday. The way how I usually do is with the help of declare statement



DECLARE @LastSunday DATETIME = DATEADD(day, -1 * (( @CurrentWeekday % 7) - 1), GETDATE());

Afterwards, I have some code and later I just try to select the dates


 AND  p.[PDWEDT] = @LastSunday

Not sure why but I am getting an error: «Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.»

So I see 2 potential ways to solve this problem.

1. Either to find another way to select previous Saturday instead of DECLARE statements (though as I understand it is the most common way). or 2. To cast or convert the field, however I am not sure how it can be done since it is numeric at the very moment. I will appreciate any ideas. Thank you. p/s I use SQL Server Management Studio.

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    ghost chili

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    Ahh, the code was getting sunday not saturday, try this.

    EDIT: one correction



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    I’m currently importing a table from MYSQL to MSSQL. There’s a column there for storing date, only it’s stored as an number. When i import it to MSSQL i get it in as an int data type.

    When i try to convert that to datetime I get an :

    Arithmetic overflow error converting
    expression to data type datetime.

    Since i’m using MSSQL 2005 I can’t use datetime2 and fit it so it does not overflow.

    Is there a way to trim that date stored as an int so it does not overflow the datetime format ?

    asked Jan 14, 2010 at 18:17

    Paul's user avatar

    The MSSQL datetime data type can take values from January 1, 1753 to December 31, 9999. The integer equivalents for those values are -53690 and 2958463 respectively. Trying to convert integer values outside that range would cause the arithmetic overflow.

    answered Jan 14, 2010 at 19:27

    Ryan Bolger's user avatar

    Ryan BolgerRyan Bolger

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    Microsoft distributes Microsoft SQL Server 2008 fixes as one downloadable file. Because the fixes are cumulative, each new release contains all the hotfixes and all the security fixes that were included with the previous SQL Server 2008 fix release.


    Consider the following scenario.

    • You enable the data collector.

    • Under a heavy or prolonged workload, when the data collector runs, database maintenance activity on very large databases, such as rebuilding indexes, and updating statistics, may lead to the arithmetic overflow error as follows. This arithmetic overflow error occurs intermittently during the Collect a snapshot of sys.dm_exec_query_stats phase.

    Message: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E57.
    An OLE DB record is available. Source: «Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0» Hresult: 0x80040E57 Description: «Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int.».

    If you increase the data collector logging level to 2 (for example, you run the «exec sp_syscollector_update_collection_set @collection_set_id=<CollectionSetID>,@logging_level = 2» statement), the following error messages are returned:

    <Date Time>,SEQ — Capture and analyze query statistics and query plan and text,Error,6569,,,,SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E57.<nl/>An OLE DB record is available. Source: «Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0» Hresult: 0x80040E57 Description: «Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int.».,, <Date Time>,,<Date Time>,,,,OnError,-1071636471 <Date Time>,QueryActivityUpload,Error,6569,,,,SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E57.<nl/>An OLE DB record is available. Source: «Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0» Hresult: 0x80040E57 Description: «Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int.».,, <Date Time>,,<Date Time>,,,,OnError,-1071636471

    <Date Time>,DFT — Create Interesting Queries Upload Batch,Error,6569,,,,component «ODS — Get current snapshot of dm_exec_query_stats» (16412) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202009.,, <Date Time>,,<Date Time>,,,,OnError,-1073450982

    <Date Time>,SEQ — Capture and analyze query statistics and query plan and text,Error,6569,,,,component «ODS — Get current snapshot of dm_exec_query_stats» (16412) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202009.,, <Date Time>,,<Date Time>,,,,OnError,-1073450982

    <Date Time>,QueryActivityUpload,Error,6569,,,,component «ODS — Get current snapshot of dm_exec_query_stats» (16412) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202009.,, <Date Time>,,<Date Time>,,,,OnError,-1073450982

    In this scenario, the following statement that is run by SQL Server causes the arithmetic overflow error:

    DECLARE @p1 datetime
    SET @p1 = GETDATE()

    -- Use ISNULL here and in other columns to handle in-progress queries that are not yet in sys.dm_exec_query_stats.
    -- These values only come from sys.dm_exec_query_stats. If the plan does not show up in sys.dm_exec_query_stats
    -- (first execution of a still-in-progress query, visible in sys.dm_exec_requests), these values will be NULL.
    MAX (plan_generation_num) AS plan_generation_num,
    MIN (creation_time) AS creation_time,
    MAX (last_execution_time) AS last_execution_time,
    SUM (execution_count) AS execution_count,
    SUM (total_worker_time) AS total_worker_time,
    MIN (min_worker_time) AS min_worker_time, -- NULLable
    MAX (max_worker_time) AS max_worker_time,
    SUM (total_physical_reads) AS total_physical_reads,
    MIN (min_physical_reads) AS min_physical_reads, -- NULLable
    MAX (max_physical_reads) AS max_physical_reads,
    SUM (total_logical_writes) AS total_logical_writes,
    MIN (min_logical_writes) AS min_logical_writes, -- NULLable
    MAX (max_logical_writes) AS max_logical_writes,
    SUM (total_logical_reads) AS total_logical_reads,
    MIN (min_logical_reads) AS min_logical_reads, -- NULLable
    MAX (max_logical_reads) AS max_logical_reads,
    SUM (total_clr_time) AS total_clr_time,
    MIN (min_clr_time) AS min_clr_time, -- NULLable
    MAX (max_clr_time) AS max_clr_time,
    SUM (total_elapsed_time) AS total_elapsed_time,
    MIN (min_elapsed_time) AS min_elapsed_time, -- NULLable
    MAX (max_elapsed_time) AS max_elapsed_time,
    @p1 AS collection_time
    FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS q
    -- Temporary workaround for VSTS #91422. This should be removed if/when sys.dm_exec_query_stats reflects in-progress queries.
    ISNULL (qs.plan_generation_num, 0) AS plan_generation_num,
    ISNULL (qs.creation_time, r.start_time) AS creation_time,
    r.start_time AS last_execution_time,
    1 AS execution_count,
    -- dm_exec_requests shows CPU time as ms, while dm_exec_query_stats
    -- uses microseconds. Convert ms to us.
    r.cpu_time * 1000 AS total_worker_time,
    qs.min_worker_time, -- min should not be influenced by in-progress queries
    r.cpu_time * 1000 AS max_worker_time,
    r.reads AS total_physical_reads,
    qs.min_physical_reads, -- min should not be influenced by in-progress queries
    r.reads AS max_physical_reads,
    r.writes AS total_logical_writes,
    qs.min_logical_writes, -- min should not be influenced by in-progress queries
    r.writes AS max_logical_writes,
    r.logical_reads AS total_logical_reads,
    qs.min_logical_reads, -- min should not be influenced by in-progress queries
    r.logical_reads AS max_logical_reads,
    qs.total_clr_time, -- CLR time is not available in dm_exec_requests
    qs.min_clr_time, -- CLR time is not available in dm_exec_requests
    qs.max_clr_time, -- CLR time is not available in dm_exec_requests
    -- dm_exec_requests shows elapsed time as ms, while dm_exec_query_stats
    -- uses microseconds. Convert ms to us.
    r.total_elapsed_time * 1000 AS total_elapsed_time,
    qs.min_elapsed_time, -- min should not be influenced by in-progress queries
    r.total_elapsed_time * 1000 AS max_elapsed_time
    FROM sys.dm_exec_requests AS r
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS qs ON r.plan_handle = qs.plan_handle AND r.statement_start_offset = qs.statement_start_offset
    AND r.statement_end_offset = qs.statement_end_offset
    WHERE r.sql_handle IS NOT NULL
    ) AS query_stats
    OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text (sql_handle) AS sql
    GROUP BY [sql_handle], plan_handle, statement_start_offset, statement_end_offset
    ORDER BY [sql_handle], plan_handle, statement_start_offset, statement_end_offset

    Therefore, if you manually run this statement, you may also receive the following error message:

    Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2,

    Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int


    The fix for this issue was first released in Cumulative Update 5 for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1. For more information about this cumulative update package, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    975977 Cumulative update package 5 for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1Note Because the builds are cumulative, each new fix release contains all the hotfixes and all the security fixes that were included with the previous SQL Server 2008 fix release. Microsoft recommends that you consider applying the most recent fix release that contains this hotfix. For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    970365 The SQL Server 2008 builds that were released after SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 was released
    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 hotfixes are created for specific SQL Server service packs. You must apply a SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 hotfix to an installation of SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1. By default, any hotfix that is provided in a SQL Server service pack is included in the next SQL Server service pack.


    Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the «Applies to» section.


    For more information about the Incremental Servicing Model for SQL Server, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    935897 An Incremental Servicing Model is available from the SQL Server team to deliver hotfixes for reported problems

    For more information about the naming schema for SQL Server updates, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    822499New naming schema for Microsoft SQL Server software update packages

    For more information about software update terminology, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    824684 Description of the standard terminology that is used to describe Microsoft software updates

    I don’t know if anyone has given you the Stern Lecture for using a non-datetime datatype to contain datetime data, but if not, consider it done.

    That being said, and with the realization that we can’t always control the form of the data sent to us from outside our domain, here is one solution. I’ve even fixed the IsDate problem. By using date arithmetic rather than conversion (limiting CONVERT to change the numeric to integer so we can use modulo), all values between the two extremes will generate a valid date — although, if someone entered the date 20080231 which is not a valid date, the result will be 2008-02-29, which is a valid date but not necessarily the correct date (the date the user meant to enter). Since this will not result in an error, it may not be the result you want.

    declare @test-2 table(

    FirstDispursementDate numeric( 8, 0 )


    Insert @test-2( FirstDispursementDate )

    select 20020405 union all

    select 20041222 union all

    select 20001111 union all

    select 20060223 union all

    select 19991110 union all

    select 19980425 union all

    select 19991118 union all

    select 20080723 union all

    select 20020813 union all

    select 17500723 union all -- Bogus date

    select 20070231 union all -- Looks bad but converts to 2007-02-28

    select 20029999 union all -- Looks bad but converts to 2010-06-09

    select 20029901 union all -- Looks bad but converts to 2010-03-01

    select 99991231 union all

    select 0; -- Bogus date

    -- All calculations in one statement

    select FirstDispursementDate as AsNumeric,

    DateAdd( mm, ((Convert( int, FirstDispursementDate / 10000 ) - 1900) * 12 )

    + ((Convert( int, FirstDispursementDate ) % 10000) / 100) - 1,

    DateAdd( dd, (Convert( int, FirstDispursementDate ) % 100) - 1, 0 ))

    as AsDatetimeValue

    from @test-2

    where FirstDispursementDate between 17530101 and 99991231; -- Fullproof "IsDate" function

    -- The same calculations but separated into nested derived tables for purposes

    -- of illustration only.

    -- First convert numeric to int (x), then split int value into three values for

    -- year, month and day (y) and finally manipulate to make a datetime value.

    select DateAdd( mm, ((FDDYear - 1900) * 12) + FDDMonth - 1,

    DateAdd( dd, FDDDay - 1, 0 )) as AsDatetimeValue


    select FirstDispursementDate / 10000 as FDDYear,

    FirstDispursementDate % 10000 / 100 as FDDMonth,

    FirstDispursementDate % 100 as FDDDay


    select Convert( int, FirstDispursementDate ) as FirstDispursementDate

    from @test-2

    where FirstDispursementDate between 17530101 and 99991231

    ) x

    ) y;

    Tomm Carr

    Version Normal Form —

    This exception occurs when you set a date, which is earlier than January 1, 1753 to a datetime parameter in your SQL expression. Now, what does this «January 1, 1753» represent? This is the minimum date value that a DATETIME data type can have. Setting any date earlier to this date in your SQL expression will result in a SQL datetime overflow. Also such arithmetic overflow exceptions could occur when we set to a datetime field, a date which is later than 31st December, 9999, which is the maximum date value that a DATETIME data type can have.

    In order to avoid such SQL exceptions, it is always a good practice to validate your date to ensure that your date time is never beyond the min and max limits of SQL date time.

    The following sample code will help you to validate your date:

    Dim dtSQLMinDate As DateTime = New DateTime(1753, 1, 1)
    Dim dtSQLMaxDate As DateTime = New DateTime(9999, 12, 31)
    Private Function ValidateMyDate(ByVal dtMyDate As DateTime) As Boolean
        If dtMyDate < dtSQLMinDate Then
            MsgBox("Enter a valid date which is later than Jan 1, 1753")
        End If
        If dtMyDate > dtSQLMaxDate Then
            MsgBox("Enter a valid date which is earlier than Dec 31, 9999")
        End If
    End Function

    DateTime dtSQLMinDate = new DateTime(1753, 1, 1);
    DateTime dtSQLMaxDate = new DateTime(9999, 12, 31);
    private bool ValidateMyDate(DateTime dtMyDate)
        if (dtMyDate < dtSQLMinDate) {
            Interaction.MsgBox("Enter a valid date which is later than Jan 1, 1753");
        if (dtMyDate > dtSQLMaxDate) {
            Interaction.MsgBox("Enter a valid date which is earlier than Dec 31, 9999");

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