Arithmetic overflow error converting varchar to data type numeric

I'm having an issue this party of my query:
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  • I’m having an issue this party of my query:


    CASE WHEN TRY_CONVERT(decimal(10,2),A.[HOURS])> 0.00 then A.[HOURS]*60.00
        ELSE 0 END + 
      CASE WHEN TRY_CONVERT(decimal(10,2),A.[MINUTES]) > 0.00 THEN A.[MINUTES]
    ELSE 0 

    The error I’m receiving is «Arithmetic overflow error converting varchar to data type numeric»

    Fields [HOURS] and [MINUTES] are both varchar(25) and the end result will be put into a Field [MINUTES] of INT datatype.

    I’ve attempted to increase varchar(25) to various, longer lengths but to no avail. Can anyone be help?


  • but this


    will return a varchar string from your query, you really should convert your values to numbers to return them properly.

    But since a CASE expression always return the same data type, the value will be converted to something numeric, so that is not an issue. Although I would prefer an explicit conversion.

    I think I found the issue…data issue to be exact. There was a record with 44444.00 in the HOURS field, rather than 44. 

    How would you go about altering my query to convert to numbers(numeric?)

    So what does 44444 mean? Did really someone work that many hours or is it just junk?

    I would recommed that you write the query as:

      try_convert(decimak(N,2), HOURS) * 60 +
      CASE WHEN try_convert(tinyint, MINUTES) < 60
           THEN try_convert(tinyint, MINUTES)
           ELSE NULL

    N here is 2 or maybe 3, depending how many hours you should permit. The idea is that if any of columns don’t convert, you produce NULL, because the value is obviously correct. And MINUTES but be < 60.

    I should add that I’m here making a guess of the business rules.      

    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,

    • Marked as answer by

      Tuesday, April 15, 2014 4:10 PM

  • The other problem is this:


    returns a number

    but this


    will return a varchar string from your query, you really should convert your values to numbers to return them properly.

    • Marked as answer by
      Tuesday, April 15, 2014 12:06 AM

  • Pls take a look

    CASE WHEN TRY_CONVERT(decimal(28,2),A.[HOURS])> 0.00 then A.[HOURS]*60.00
         ELSE 0 END + 
       CASE WHEN TRY_CONVERT(decimal(28,2),A.[MINUTES]) > 0.00 THEN A.[MINUTES]
     ELSE 0 

    • Marked as answer by
      Tuesday, April 15, 2014 12:06 AM

SQL Arithmetic Overflow Error Converting Varchar to Data Type Numeric

The Arithmetic Overflow Error occurs when converting a numeric or decimal value into a varchar data type, either implicitly or explicitly, and the length of the varchar variable or column is not long enough to hold the decimal or numeric value.

Example Query :

CCOST DECIMAL(5,4) DEFAULT ‘15000.1234’);



Msg 8115, Level 16, State 8, Line 1

Arithmetic overflow error converting varchar to data type numeric.

The statement has been terminated.

Numeric data types that have fixed precision and scale decimal [(p[,s])] and numeric[(p[,s])].

When maximum precision is used, valid values are from — 10^38 +1 through 10^38 — 1. 

The ISO synonyms for decimal are dec and dec(p, s). numeric is functionally equivalent to decimal.

The maximum total number of decimal digits that will be stored, both to the left and to the right of the decimal point. 

The precision must be a value from 1 through the maximum precision of 38. The default precision is 18.

The no. of decimal digits that will be stored to the right of the decimal point. This number is subtracted from p to determine the maximum number of digits to the left of the decimal point. 

Scale must be a value from 0 through p. Scale can be specified only if precision is specified. The default scale is 0; therefore, 0 <= s <= p. Maximum storage sizes vary, based on the precision.

Converting decimal and numeric Data :

For the decimal and numeric data types, SQL Server considers each specific combination of precision and scale as a different data type. For example, decimal(5,5) and decimal(5,0) are considered different data types.

In Transact-SQL statements, a constant with a decimal point is automatically converted into a numeric data value, using the minimum precision and scale necessary. For example, the constant 12.345 is converted into a numeric value with a precision of 5 and a scale of 3.

Converting from decimal or numeric to float or real can cause some loss of precision. Converting from int, smallint, tinyint, float, real, money, or smallmoney to either decimal or numeric can cause overflow.

By default, SQL Server uses rounding when converting a number to a decimal or numeric value with a lower precision and scale. However, if the SET ARITHABORT option is ON, SQL Server raises an error when overflow occurs. Loss of only precision and scale is not sufficient to raise an error.
When converting float or real values to decimal or numeric, the decimal value will never have more than 17 decimals. Any float value < 5E-18 will always convert as 0. 

Resolved Query :


CCOST DECIMAL(9,4) DEFAULT ‘15000.1234’);




  1. Sql arithmetic overflow error converting varchar to data type numeric
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  5. Sql arithmetic overflow error converting varchar to data type numeric
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  8. Ошибка SQL: Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric
  9. Специальные предложения
  10. См. также
  11. Реструктуризация базы в 1С: для чего требуется и о назначении в целом
  12. Копии баз данных и размер БД. Проблемы и пути решения
  13. Работа с файлом *.dt формата
  14. Регистрация в центре лицензирования не выполнена
  15. Настройка отказоустойчивого кластера 1C + PostgreSQL (etcd+patroni+haproxy) на Centos 8
  16. Workaround me в 1С/MS SQL и не только, системный подход к созданию костылей
  17. Ошибка Dump в 1С
  18. Режимы запуска системы 1С:Предприятие
  19. Оптимизация высоконагруженных конфигураций: история маленькой победы, или советы тем, кто столкнулся с проблемой впервые и не знает, что делать
  20. Ошибка формата потока расширения
  21. Пропадающие файлы на томе в 1С: КА 2.5
  22. Ошибка загрузки большого архива 1Cv8.dt в PostgresSQL на платформе 1С 8.3.19
  23. SAMBA для 1С
  24. Регламентное задание по завершению сеансов пользователей 1С
  25. Базовые приемы работы с кластером 1С при помощи БСП
  26. How to Fix Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric in SQL Server? Example
  27. Explanation:
  28. Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric in SQL Server Examples

Sql arithmetic overflow error converting varchar to data type numeric

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Asked by:


I do have databases whose size are more than 1024 GB and so my query below fed on the PS script is not able to bring out the total file size values , when this part of the query is run i get that «the Arithmetic overflow error converting varchar to data type numeric» error

is there an way to avoid using an different data type .

select @@servername as ServerName,
DB_NAME(mf.database_id) as [db_name],
str(convert(dec(14,2),size) / 128,14,2) as DATABASE_SIZE_MB,
str(convert(dec(14,2),size) / 128,14,2)/convert(dec(8,2),1024.00) as DATABASE_SIZE_GB
from sys.master_files as mf
INNER JOIN sys.databases as da ON da.database_id = mf.database_id

Is this statement causes error?

str(convert(dec(14,2),size) / 128,14,2)/convert(dec(8,2),1024.00) as DATABASE_SIZE_GB

Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,

A Fan of SSIS, SSRS and SSAS

What about this:

Hi Eben Raja Earnest,

This error occurs when converting a numeric or decimal value into a varchar data type, either implicitly or explicitly, and the length of the varchar variable or column is not long enough to hold the decimal or numeric value.

We are glad to hear that you have solved your issue ,please kindly mark the helpful replies or your own reply as answers. By doing so, it will benefit all community members who are having this similar issue. Your contribution is highly appreciated.


Sql arithmetic overflow error converting varchar to data type numeric


I do have databases whose size are more than 1024 GB and so my query below fed on the PS script is not able to bring out the total file size values , when this part of the query is run i get that «the Arithmetic overflow error converting varchar to data type numeric» error

is there an way to avoid using an different data type .

select @@servername as ServerName,
DB_NAME(mf.database_id) as [db_name],
str(convert(dec(14,2),size) / 128,14,2) as DATABASE_SIZE_MB,
str(convert(dec(14,2),size) / 128,14,2)/convert(dec(8,2),1024.00) as DATABASE_SIZE_GB
from sys.master_files as mf
INNER JOIN sys.databases as da ON da.database_id = mf.database_id

Все ответы

Is this statement causes error?

str(convert(dec(14,2),size) / 128,14,2)/convert(dec(8,2),1024.00) as DATABASE_SIZE_GB

Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,

A Fan of SSIS, SSRS and SSAS

What about this:

Hi Eben Raja Earnest,

This error occurs when converting a numeric or decimal value into a varchar data type, either implicitly or explicitly, and the length of the varchar variable or column is not long enough to hold the decimal or numeric value.

We are glad to hear that you have solved your issue ,please kindly mark the helpful replies or your own reply as answers. By doing so, it will benefit all community members who are having this similar issue. Your contribution is highly appreciated.


Ошибка SQL: Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric

По запросу «Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric» есть куча обсуждений и очень мало записано решений. Мой случай, вероятно, частный, но кого-то подтолкнет в направлении «куда копать».

SQL 2016 Standard
Платформа 8.3.18

При выполнении запросов к БД типа:

Когда, количество строк >

10 000 000, выдавалась ошибка:


Добавлено преобразование типа Число к конкретной длине. Баг перестал воспроизводиться.

Коллеги, если сталкивались с ошибкой, в комментариях опишите причину сбоя, и, если знают — другие способы устранения.

Специальные предложения

int до 2 147 483 647, не думаю, что такое кол-во записей в регистре.

Скорее всего, это игры 1С/MSSQL с precison numeric. Например, рассматривает 1 как Numeric(7,0), пытаясь к нему преобразовать результат СУММА(1).

В конкретном примере использование «Сумма», по-моему, неоправдано, ибо Количество(*), скорее-всего выполнится верно.
( а если есть еще индекс по одному из измерений и делать COUNT(OUR_FIELD), то и full index scan не так страшен).

Советы по использованию «Выразить», наверное, относятся к случаю, когда вместо литерала суммируют что-то более осмысленное.

Лезть в профайлер и смотреть во что 1С превращает 1, неохота.

Для подсчета кол-ва записей лучше юзать:
Выбрать Количество(1) Из РегистрНакопления.ТоварыКПоступлению

ну а если нужна сумма, то можно применить такой костыль:
Выбрать Сумма(0.001) Из РегистрНакопления.ТоварыКПоступлению
получите сумму в тысячах )

(4) мысль автора комментария по-моему осталась не законченной.
Заметил и что?
Если решил, то как?
Если знаете решение — почему не поделиться с сообществом?
Кто знает о вашем достижении?

Если по существу — то вы молодец.

(6) наверное, мой навык гугления не такой как ваш.
Видел эту статью.
Там SQL древний описан и я не стал ее читать (зря).

Ничего страшного, если решение будет записано еще раз с указанием более свежей версии SQL.

Обновление 25.08.21 11:18

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How to Fix Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric in SQL Server? Example

This error comes when you try to store an out-of-range floating point value into a numeric variable. For example, if your NUMERIC or DECIMAL variable is defined as NUMERIC(5,2) then the maximum value it can hold is 999.99, if you try to store something like 1000.00 then it will throw «Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric». One of the common reasons for this error is the ignorance and misunderstanding of the NUMERIC data type. For example, many SQL Server DBAs and developers think that a NUMERIC(5,2) variable can hold a 7 digit floating point number where 5 digits are before the decimal and 2 digits are after the decimal. This is wrong.

A NUMERIC(5,2) means, the total number of digits in the value cannot exceed 5 and decimal precision is 2 digits i.e. the maximum possible value is 999.99.

Another thing SQL programmers don’t know and remember about NUMERIC or DECIMAL data types in Microsoft SQL Server is that it doesn’t throw this error if you specify more digits than permitted after the decimal point, instead, it does rounding for example if you store 100.999 then it will store 101.00 after rounding.

Here is an SQL query to prove these points:

Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric.


Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric in SQL Server Examples

Here are some more SQL queries which will confirm the behavior of the NUMERIC variable and its range:

That’s all about «Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric in SQL Server». You can see that cause of the error is usually out-of-range value for the defined NUMERIC type. Just check the source of value and correct or increase the precision level of your column.

Always remember that NUMERIC(5,2) means a total of 5 digits with 2 digits after the decimal point, and the maximum value it can hold is 999.99. Beware of rounding due to more additional digits after the decimal point, which can also cause «Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric» in Microsoft SQL Server.


When you specify two filter conditions with AND, it’s up to the SQL Server to decide the order in which to apply the conditions.

Consider this code:

create table test ( data varchar(10), kind varchar(10) )

insert into test ( data, kind ) values ( '1.1', 'ABC' )

insert into test ( data, kind ) values ( '9.9', 'ABC' )

insert into test ( data, kind ) values ( '222', 'XYZ' )

insert into test ( data, kind ) values ( 'zrk', 'GHI' )

select * from test

where convert(decimal(4,2),data) > 5

and kind='ABC'

drop table test

The first time I ran this, I got this error:

Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric.

Why? Because SQL Server decided to check the conversion first, and then check the kind. When it got to the third row, it tried to convert ‘222’ to decimal(4,2) and failed, since it is larger than 99.99.

Next I commented out the third insertion, and ran the query again.

This time, I got this error:

Error converting data type varchar to numeric.

This time, SQL Server got to the last row and tried to convert ‘zrk’ to a number and failed, since it is not a number.

Then I un-commented out that third line, returning the code to its original form, and ran it again.

This time, the query worked, and it returned the one correct row with the value 9.9.

Why? For whatever mysterious reason, SQL Server came up with a different execution plan this time. It decided to check the ‘ABC’ filter first, and therefore never saw the other two values that would lead to errors.

How can you ensure that SQL Server would always apply the ‘ABC’ filter first? The query could be rewritten:

select * from

( select * from test

where kind='ABC' ) x

where convert(decimal(4,2),data) > 5

While developing data processes in SQL Server, under certain circumstances, you might get the error message: error converting varchar to numeric. This error is similar with the conversion error you might get when you are trying to convert a varchar to float, etc.

Read on to find out the reason for getting this error message and how you can easily resolve it within just a minute.

The Numeric Data Type in SQL Server

Prior to discuss how you can reproduce and resolve the issue, it is important that you first understand the numeric data type in SQL Server. As described in the relevant MS Docs article, the numeric data type has fixed precision and scale, and it has equivalent functionality with the decimal data type.


The numeric data type takes two arguments, that is precision and scale. The syntax is numeric(precision, scale).

Precision defines the maximum number of decimal digits (in both sides of the number) and its value range is between 1 and 38.

Scale, defines the number of decimal digit that will be stored to the right of the decimal point. Its value can range between 1 and the value specified for precision.

Here’s an example of a numeric data type value in SQL Server:

DECLARE @numValue NUMERIC(10,2);
SET @numValue=123456.7890

SELECT @numValue as NumValue;

The number returned by the above T-SQL query is: 123456.7890

In the above example I specified as precision 10 and as scale 2.

So, even though I specified 123456.7890 as the numeric value, it was indirectly converted to a numeric(10,2) value and that’s why it returned the value 123456.79

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Reproducing the Conversion Error

Great. Now, let’s reproduce the conversion error by trying to convert a “problematic” varchar value to numeric.

You can find this example below:

DECLARE @valueToConvert VARCHAR(50);
SET @valueToConvert='1123,456.7890';

SELECT CAST(@valueToConvert AS NUMERIC(10,2)) as ConvertedNumber;

When you execute the above T-SQL code, you will get the below exact error message:

Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 4
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.

How to Resolve the Conversion Error

As you might have observed in the above example, the @valueToConvert variable, besides the dot (.), it also contains a comma (,).

Therefore, at the time of its conversion to the numeric data type, the comma is considered an illegal character for the destination data type (numeric) and that’s why you get the error message.

In order to resolve the conversion error, you just need to remove the comma (,) from the varchar value that you want to convert to numeric.

Note: At this point, you also need to make sure that the varchar value to be converted, is the actual number you wish to convert to the numeric data type. Also, you need to make sure that you only use the decimal symbol, in this case the dot (.), and not any digit grouping symbols, etc.

So, if we remove the comma from the above example, we can see that the conversion is successful.

DECLARE @valueToConvert VARCHAR(50);
SET @valueToConvert='1123456.7890';

SELECT CAST(@valueToConvert AS NUMERIC(10,2)) as ConvertedNumber;


Error converting varchar to numeric in SQL Server - Article on

In general, when converting varchar values to numbers (i.e. decimal, numeric, etc.), you need to be careful in order for your varchar value, not contain any digit grouping symbols (i.e. a comma) or any other characters that do not have a meaning as a number.

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How to resolve the error: Error converting varchar to numeric in SQL Server

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Artemakis Artemiou

Artemakis Artemiou is a Senior SQL Server Architect, Author, a 9 Times Microsoft Data Platform MVP (2009-2018). He has over 20 years of experience in the IT industry in various roles. Artemakis is the founder of SQLNetHub and {}. Artemakis is the creator of the well-known software tools Snippets Generator and DBA Security Advisor. Also, he is the author of many eBooks on SQL Server. Artemakis currently serves as the President of the Cyprus .NET User Group (CDNUG) and the International .NET Association Country Leader for Cyprus (INETA). Moreover, Artemakis teaches on Udemy, you can check his courses here.

Views: 18,881

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