Auxpropfunc error invalid parameter supplied

Description Robert Scheck 2005-09-01 14:03:08 UTC


Robert Scheck

2005-09-01 14:03:08 UTC

Description of problem:
I've the following error message in syslog (/var/log/messages) after updating to 
Rawhide and restarting saslauthd and sendmail:

[...] sendmail[18698]: auxpropfunc error invalid parameter supplied

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

Steps to Reproduce & how reproducible:
Everytime, restart sendmail.

Actual results:
I searched a bit in the Internet and only got, that the problem is ldapdb 
related. When I built cyrus-sasl myself with --disable-ldapdb, the problem 

Expected results:
No error message in syslog! ;-)

Additional info:
I filed this bug against cyrus-sasl, because I think this problem caused by 
cyrus-sasl and not by sendmail.

Comment 1

Nalin Dahyabhai

2005-09-01 20:11:54 UTC

The ldapdb plugin gets loaded, and I don't see any way to disable it in your
configuration without also disabling sasldb support.  As a temporary workaround,
try adding "ldapdb_uri: ldapi:///" to /usr/lib/sasl2/Sendmail.conf.

Comment 2

Nalin Dahyabhai

2005-09-01 20:17:32 UTC

I guess moving the ldapdb auxprop module into yet another subpackage is the most
workable solution.

I try to set up saslauthd for the XMPP server prosody but got stuck somewhere. I used the following documentation:


My problem is that I can’t get connected. The XMPP client always gets stuck somewhere while exchanging authentication information.

Test using testsaslauthd was successful:

testsaslauthd -u theuser -p "$pw" 
0: OK "Success."

I assume this means that the /etc/saslauthd.conf file is correct in this case.

Test using sasl-sample-server/sasl-sample-client (called in different terminals and copy-pasting the S: and C: lines):

root@xmpp:~# sasl-sample-server -s "xmpp" -m plain
Forcing use of mechanism plain
Sending list of 1 mechanism(s)
S: cGxhaW4=
Waiting for client mechanism...
C: U......................=
got 'PLAIN'
sasl-sample-server: SASL Other: Password verification failed
sasl-sample-server: Starting SASL negotiation: user not found (user not found)

root@xmpp:~# sasl-sample-client -s xmpp -a theuser 
Waiting for mechanism list from server...
S: cGxhaW4=
recieved 5 byte message
Choosing best mechanism from: plain
returning OK: theuser
Using mechanism PLAIN
Preparing initial.
Sending initial response...
C: U......................=
Negotiation complete
Username: theuser
SSF: 0
Waiting for encoded message...

I don’t understand why testsaslauthd succeeds while the other tool combo can’t find the user.

After running /usr/sbin/saslauthd -d I found the following block in /var/log/auth.log. Maybe that’s the problem. But whatever I tried, I can’t find out what’s supplying the invalid parameter:

Dec  2 15:42:14 xmpp sasl-sample-server: auxpropfunc error invalid parameter supplied
Dec  2 15:42:14 xmpp sasl-sample-server: _sasl_plugin_load failed on sasl_auxprop_plug_init for plugin: ldapdb
Dec  2 15:42:14 xmpp sasl-sample-server: ldapdb_canonuser_plug_init() failed in sasl_canonuser_add_plugin(): invalid parameter supplied
Dec  2 15:42:14 xmpp sasl-sample-server: _sasl_plugin_load failed on sasl_canonuser_init for plugin: ldapdb
Dec  2 15:42:20 xmpp sasl-sample-client: ldapdb_canonuser_plug_init() failed in sasl_canonuser_add_plugin(): invalid parameter supplied
Dec  2 15:42:20 xmpp sasl-sample-client: _sasl_plugin_load failed on sasl_canonuser_init for plugin: ldapdb
Dec  2 15:42:34 xmpp sasl-sample-server: DIGEST-MD5 common mech free

Also, I found that sasl-sample-server and sasl-sample-client use a list of several methods when using without -m option but in the file /usr/lib/sasl2/xmpp.conf I explicitly select the PLAIN method:

pwcheck_method: saslauthd
mech_list: PLAIN

Probably I got the wrong path so I copied the file also to /etc/sasl/xmpp.conf and /etc/sasl2/xmpp.conf just for case. Unfortunately, I can’t find any piece of documentation which tells the paths explicitly for Debian 8.

Also testsaslauthd doesn’t seem to care about the service:

root@xmpp:~# testsaslauthd -s xmpp -u theuser -p "$pw" 
0: OK "Success."
root@xmpp:~# testsaslauthd -s nonexistingservice -u theuser -p "$pw" 
0: OK "Success."

Any idea what else I can to do find the reason?


Obviously, sasl-sample-server accesses the file /etc/sasldb2 which should not happen in ldap mode, I think. Is it possible that this tool doesn’t care about configuration and that it doesn’t support ldap? Output from strace:

stat("/etc/sasldb2", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0640, st_size=12288, ...}) = 0
open("/etc/sasldb2", O_RDONLY)          = 3
fcntl(3, F_GETFD)                       = 0
fcntl(3, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)           = 0
read(3, "1a256t2010"..., 512) = 512
close(3)                                = 0

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Joined: 16 Jul 2003
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Location: Germany

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2009 9:58 am    Post subject: sasl ldapdb auxpropfunc error Reply with quote


I have strage errors in my /var/log/auth.log:


May 19 11:40:51 silent-gabosh imap[22436]: auxpropfunc error invalid parameter supplied

May 19 11:40:51 silent-gabosh imap[22436]: _sasl_plugin_load failed on sasl_auxprop_plug_init for plugin: ldapdb

May 19 11:43:57 silent-gabosh postfix/smtpd[22478]: auxpropfunc error invalid parameter supplied

May 19 11:43:57 silent-gabosh postfix/smtpd[22478]: _sasl_plugin_load failed on sasl_auxprop_plug_init for plugin: ldapdb

May 19 11:43:58 silent-gabosh lmtpunix[22483]: auxpropfunc error invalid parameter supplied

May 19 11:43:58 silent-gabosh lmtpunix[22483]: _sasl_plugin_load failed on sasl_auxprop_plug_init for plugin: ldapdb

I’m Using LDAP-Authentication which is workling fine, but this errors are coming every time when a login is proceeded.

This errors are coming from different services authenticatig over sasl (CyrusIMAP, Postfix,…).

Has anyone an idea?

Here is my sasl config:


# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/cyrus-sasl/files/saslauthd-2.1.21.conf,v 1.2 2007/04/07 13:03:55 chtekk Exp $

# Config file for /etc/init.d/saslauthd

# Initial (empty) options.

SASLAUTHD_OPTS=»-O /etc/saslauthd.conf»

# Specify the authentications mechanism.

# **NOTE** For a list see: saslauthd -v

# Since 2.1.19, add «-r» to options for old behavior,

# ie. reassemble user and realm to user@realm form.



# Specify the hostname for remote IMAP server.

# **NOTE** Only needed if rimap auth mechanism is used.


# Specify the number of worker processes to create.


# Enable credential cache, set cache size and timeout.

# **NOTE** Size is measured in kilobytes.

#          Timeout is measured in seconds.



ldap_servers: ldaps://

ldap_search_base: ou=People,dc=gabosh,dc=net

ldap_scope: one

ldap_uidattr: uid


pwcheck_method: saslauthd

mech_list: LOGIN PLAIN

You can find futher documentation of my System here:



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SASL/PAM/LDAP is driving me crazy… that’s what I read a lot when googling for problems in this area, and what I experience myself :-S
I’m trying to get Cyrus imap working for virtual hosting on CentOS with this authorisation backend and really don’t know what’s happening.
In saslauthd I configured the LDAP search filter to use, but it looks like pam completely ignores it.

Here’s what I do for testing (done more tests but all with similar results):

[root@testserv ~]# imtest -u -a
WARNING: no hostname supplied, assuming localhost

S: * OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4 IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ ID STARTTLS] testserv. Cyrus IMAP4 v2.3.7-Invoca-RPM-2.3.7-7.el5_6.4 server ready
S: C01 OK Completed
Please enter your password: 
C: L01 LOGIN {6}
S: + go ahead
C: <omitted>
S: L01 NO Login failed: authentication failure
Authentication failed. generic failure
Security strength factor: 0
* BYE LOGOUT received
Q01 OK Completed
Connection closed.

The LDAP entry does exist (and so does the mailbox in Cyrus):

[root@testserv ~]# ldapsearch -WxD cn=Manager,o=mydomain,c=com
Enter LDAP Password: 
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <> with scope subtree
# filter:
# requesting: ALL

# myuser, accounts,, mydomain, com
dn: uid=myuser,ou=accounts,,o=mydomain,c=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
uidNumber: 16
uid: myuser
gidNumber: 5
givenName: My
sn: Name
cn: My Name
userPassword:: dYN5ebB0fXhNRn1pZllhRnJX7Uk=
shadowLastChange: 15176
homeDirectory: /dev/null

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1

This is what I get in /var/log/messages

Aug  2 04:00:11 testserv cyrus/imap[12514]: auxpropfunc error invalid parameter supplied 
Aug  2 04:00:19 testserv saslauthd[5926]: do_auth         : auth failure: [] [service=imap] [] [mech=pam] [reason=PAM auth error]

… /var/adm/auth.log

Aug  2 04:00:11 testserv cyrus/imap[12514]: auxpropfunc error invalid parameter supplied 
Aug  2 04:00:11 testserv cyrus/imap[12514]: _sasl_plugin_load failed on sasl_auxprop_plug_init for plugin: ldapdb 
Aug  2 04:00:19 testserv saslauthd[5926]: DEBUG: auth_pam: pam_authenticate failed: User not known to the underlying authentication module
Aug  2 04:00:19 testserv saslauthd[5926]: do_auth         : auth failure: [] [service=imap] [] [mech=pam] [reason=PAM auth error]

(AFAIK I can ignore the auxprop msg)

… and /var/log/slapd.log:

Aug  2 04:00:19 testserv slapd[5968]: conn=61 fd=27 ACCEPT from IP= (IP= 
Aug  2 04:00:19 testserv slapd[5968]: conn=61 op=0 BIND dn="" method=128 
Aug  2 04:00:19 testserv slapd[5968]: conn=61 op=0 RESULT tag=97 err=0 text= 
Aug  2 04:00:19 testserv slapd[5968]: conn=61 op=1 SRCH base="o=mydomain,c=com" scope=2 deref=0 filter="(" 
Aug  2 04:00:19 testserv slapd[5968]: conn=61 op=1 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=0 text= 
Aug  2 04:00:19 testserv slapd[5968]: conn=61 op=2 UNBIND 
Aug  2 04:00:19 testserv slapd[5968]: conn=61 fd=27 closed 

These are the settings in In /etc/imapd.conf:

sasl_mech_list: PLAIN LOGIN
sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
## sasl_auxprop_plugin: sasldb
sasl_auto_transition: no

and my sasl config:

[root@testserv ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/saslauthd 
# Directory in which to place saslauthd's listening socket, pid file, and so
# on.  This directory must already exist.

# Mechanism to use when checking passwords.  Run "saslauthd -v" to get a list
# of which mechanism your installation was compiled with the ablity to use.

# Additional flags to pass to saslauthd on the command line.  See saslauthd(8)
# for the list of accepted flags.
FLAGS="-c -r -O /etc/saslauthd.conf"

[root@testserv ~]# cat /etc/saslauthd.conf
ldap_servers: ldap://
ldap_search_base: dc=%d,o=mydomain,c=com
ldap_auth_method: bind 
#ldap_filter: (|(uid=%u)((&(mail=%u@%d)(accountStatus=active))) 
ldap_filter: (&(mail=%u@%d)(accountStatus=active)) 
ldap_debug: 1 
ldap_version: 3

The accountStatus=active is not in ldap yet, but that doesn’t make a difference since I don’t see it in the filter… that’s not the reason for the failure.
The weird thing is, I do get an error when I rename or remove /etc/saslauthd.conf, but when the file exists it seems happily ignored…

The filter in slapd.log seems to be taken from /etc/ldap.conf. Apart from some timers, that only contains:

base o=mydomain,c=com
pam_login_attribute mail

Outcommenting the pam_login_attribute results in this filter in slapd.log:


Pam-imap looks like this:

[root@testserv ~]# cat /etc/pam.d/imap 
auth       required debug
account       required debug

#auth       sufficient likeauth nullok
#auth       sufficient use_first_pass
#auth       required
#account    sufficient
#account    sufficient

The outcommented stuff is because I don’t have the cyrus admin user in Ldap; that’s a Linux user. That works fine when uncommented, but I still need to play around with that a little and first I wanna get imap working.

Finally nsswitch:

[root@testserv ~]# cat /etc/nsswitch.conf 
# /etc/nsswitch.conf
# An example Name Service Switch config file. This file should be
# sorted with the most-used services at the beginning.
# The entry '[NOTFOUND=return]' means that the search for an
# entry should stop if the search in the previous entry turned
# up nothing. Note that if the search failed due to some other reason
# (like no NIS server responding) then the search continues with the
# next entry.
# Legal entries are:
#       nisplus or nis+         Use NIS+ (NIS version 3)
#       nis or yp               Use NIS (NIS version 2), also called YP
#       dns                     Use DNS (Domain Name Service)
#       files                   Use the local files
#       db                      Use the local database (.db) files
#       compat                  Use NIS on compat mode
#       hesiod                  Use Hesiod for user lookups
#       [NOTFOUND=return]       Stop searching if not found so far

# To use db, put the "db" in front of "files" for entries you want to be
# looked up first in the databases
# Example:
#passwd:    db files nisplus nis
#shadow:    db files nisplus nis
#group:     db files nisplus nis

passwd: compat ldap
group:  compat ldap
shadow: compat ldap

hosts:      files dns

bootparams: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files

ethers:     files
netmasks:   files
networks:   files
protocols:  files
rpc:        files
services:   files

netgroup:   nisplus

publickey:  nisplus

automount:  files nisplus
aliases:    files nisplus

Any info where to start looking will be greatly appreciated!

Thnx in advance

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