Awesome cannot open display error 5

So I decided to install some dotfiles off of github.. but as expected, it didn't go well.

So I decided to install some dotfiles off of github.. but as expected, it didn’t go well.

Long story short, I tried installing rxyhn’s latest dotfiles for awesome-git. Normally, I use the stable version of awesome, but since this required the master version, I installed that without removing the stable version first. I didn’t notice anything weird at first (after reloading awesome). As I kept moving through the set up section, installing the dependencies on top of what I already had been using for so long(not sure if that’s a good thing or not, I just wanted to install the dotfiles quickly), I started noticing things like my keybinds wouldn’t work and soon enough, the whole thing was frozen… I think I followed the whole setup section correctly but I did notice something else too. The command fc-cache -v wouldnt work.. and by that I mean, everytime I’d execute it, it would just enter a new line in the terminal(without the prompt) and just stay there. I left it for what felt like 10-20 minutes hoping it would do something(in case the files were too big or something idk). As you may have guessed. nothing happened. So I thought of doing it using root permissions and it worked.. I think? Well, I got a response that’s for sure. However the issue still persists. Let’s get to the main error messages.

Whenever I boot into arch, lightdm loads perfectly fine. Once I log into the system, the only thing I see is my cursor and a black screen. I accessed the tty and tried starting awesome from there. No such luck, these are the error messages I got:

 WARNING: modelines must use ASCII
awesome: cannot open display(error 5) 

I tried looking around for answers, but the only relevant ones to this error were the ones saying that you had to type in exec awesome in your .xinitrc file, which I’ve already done.
So at this point I’m all out of ideas. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as always.

EDIT: Removed git version and installed awesome stable. Still wouldnt connect to screen. Removed the /awesome/ folder too… still nothing.

EDIT 2: I installed lxqt and it wouldn’t connect to screen either.. even though x starts.

ps. Apologies for my broken English.

Last edited by Freakzz (2022-04-17 07:43:30)

Suffering from crippling rice addiction.


  1. Arch Linux
  2. #1 2014-10-29 02:14:25
  3. [Solved] uninstall lxde/install awesome
  4. #2 2014-10-29 02:20:17
  5. Re: [Solved] uninstall lxde/install awesome
  6. #3 2014-10-29 02:28:35
  7. Re: [Solved] uninstall lxde/install awesome
  8. #4 2014-10-29 02:29:46
  9. Re: [Solved] uninstall lxde/install awesome
  10. #5 2014-10-29 02:37:03
  11. Re: [Solved] uninstall lxde/install awesome
  12. #6 2014-10-29 02:40:47
  13. Re: [Solved] uninstall lxde/install awesome
  14. Arch Linux
  15. #1 2022-04-16 17:08:54
  16. [SOLVED] AwesomeWM cannot open display
  17. Awesome не запускается
  18. How can I run a second window manager?
  19. 2 Answers 2
  20. Cannot open display #1287
  22. Footer

Arch Linux

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#1 2014-10-29 02:14:25

[Solved] uninstall lxde/install awesome

I am trying to uninstall lxde and use awesome instead as my desktop manager. From the wiki, I thought all I would have to do is

But when I reboot, I get the lxde login screen. Any ideas on why this is occurring? Thanks.

Last edited by esquire70 (2014-12-11 17:57:51)

#2 2014-10-29 02:20:17

Re: [Solved] uninstall lxde/install awesome

How were you starting LXDE? With LXDM?

Registered Linux User #482438

#3 2014-10-29 02:28:35

Re: [Solved] uninstall lxde/install awesome

From which a reboot shows neither lxde nor awesome starting

#4 2014-10-29 02:29:46

Re: [Solved] uninstall lxde/install awesome

In the terminal with neither starting if I type

#5 2014-10-29 02:37:03

Re: [Solved] uninstall lxde/install awesome

Your echo line is complete nonsense. That wouldn’t change your xinitrc at all, and even if it did, it wouldn’t change it in a useful way. As for executing awesome from a tty that wouldn’t be expected to work. You need to edit your xinitrc and then use startx or xinit.

«UNIX is simple and coherent. » — Dennis Ritchie, «GNU’s Not UNIX» — Richard Stallman

#6 2014-10-29 02:40:47

Re: [Solved] uninstall lxde/install awesome

My apologies for the echo statement and thanks for the replies. It turns out that I needed to set my session in


Arch Linux

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#1 2022-04-16 17:08:54

[SOLVED] AwesomeWM cannot open display

So I decided to install some dotfiles off of github.. but as expected, it didn’t go well.

Long story short, I tried installing rxyhn’s latest dotfiles for awesome-git. Normally, I use the stable version of awesome, but since this required the master version, I installed that without removing the stable version first. I didn’t notice anything weird at first (after reloading awesome). As I kept moving through the set up section, installing the dependencies on top of what I already had been using for so long(not sure if that’s a good thing or not, I just wanted to install the dotfiles quickly), I started noticing things like my keybinds wouldn’t work and soon enough, the whole thing was frozen. I think I followed the whole setup section correctly but I did notice something else too. The command fc-cache -v wouldnt work.. and by that I mean, everytime I’d execute it, it would just enter a new line in the terminal(without the prompt) and just stay there. I left it for what felt like 10-20 minutes hoping it would do something(in case the files were too big or something idk). As you may have guessed. nothing happened. So I thought of doing it using root permissions and it worked.. I think? Well, I got a response that’s for sure. However the issue still persists. Let’s get to the main error messages.

Whenever I boot into arch, lightdm loads perfectly fine. Once I log into the system, the only thing I see is my cursor and a black screen. I accessed the tty and tried starting awesome from there. No such luck, these are the error messages I got:

I tried looking around for answers, but the only relevant ones to this error were the ones saying that you had to type in exec awesome in your .xinitrc file, which I’ve already done.
So at this point I’m all out of ideas. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as always.

EDIT: Removed git version and installed awesome stable. Still wouldnt connect to screen. Removed the /awesome/ folder too. still nothing.

EDIT 2: I installed lxqt and it wouldn’t connect to screen either.. even though x starts.

ps. Apologies for my broken English.

Last edited by Freakzz (2022-04-17 07:43:30)


Awesome не запускается

Стоял и стоит осом с моим конфигом.

Решил побаловаться. Поставил E17, запустил, побаловался. Перегрузился (глюкнуло), запустил fvwm, побаловался, вышел, попытался загрузить осом обратно. Появились обои и выбивает в экран логина. И больше ничего не могу с ним сделать. i3wm — норм, сейчас в нем. А осом — никак. В xsession-error пусто вообще. Нулевой файл.

Прошу помочь разобраться в проблеме и починить осом!

Переставляй ось, шалунишка, будет быстрее чем докопаемся до правды.

я ее с 11.4 не переставлял. должен быть выход! 🙂

оу, это куда вписать?

вставил в .initrc, заменив стандартный запуск. при старте осома в логе пишет, что cannot open display

смени DISPLAY= с :1.0 на :0.0.

Вполне возможно что какая-то проблема с виджетами. Попробуй их отключить и войти уже без них

У пользователя нет прав на запуск X-сервера? Не надо это в .initrc писать. Эта команда запускает X-сервер, а потом запускает в нём awesome, весь вывод отправляется в

А если от рута запустить?

хм. до этого, если осом с моим конфигом не мог стартануть, то стартовал дефолтный. сейчас и его нет.

я пробовал от рута, иксы стартанули, появился терминал в окне (правая нижняя четверть), но окружения осома нет (даже дефолта)

А что в /root/awesome.log?

до дому доберусь — смогу ответить. Спасибо за желание помочь!

хм. до этого, если осом с моим конфигом не мог стартануть, то стартовал дефолтный. сейчас и его нет.

У меня то же самое было. Попробуй всётаки сделать так, как я сказал. Ну или просто разместить в домашней папке дефолтный конфиг, дабы убедиться что проблема в модифицированном.

я настраивал виджет раскладки (кажись) через дбус. Они сломались?

буду очень благодарен, если поможете понять, чего сейчас не хватает в моей системе (что напортачил E17). Вот конфиг осома:

А если от пользователя:

оно пустое при этом всем.

он что-то написал в терминал, потом переключился на сломанный осом: черный экран и вместо курсора мыши — крест (типа недоступно). В

/awesome.log лишь строка, что уже работает другой оконный менеджер.

Вчера на рабочей машинке у меня тоже осум перестал запускаться, суть такова: стоит slim, зашёл нормально, зашел в свой любимый vim, отредактировал в осумовском конфиге одно из имен тэга(не имеет значения), сделал рестарт и он вылетел в слим(демоном запущен), при попытке зайти — он заходит, подгружает все виджеты и тд и тут же выходит. В логах сначала вообще ничего не было, потом выдал трейс с xcb и lua 5.2, решил приатачить gdm, сделал export DISPLAY=:1 && X :1 и запустил в отладчике осум, и тут он заработал, вообщем, как выяснилось он не хотел почему-то запускаться в :0. Ну да arch, в оновлении были nvdia дрова, но я сначала их даунгрейдил, но без результатно, другие WM/DE, работают нормально.

что посоветуете мне попробовать? я чета пока не въехал, что могло у меня попортиться.


How can I run a second window manager?

Specifically, I’d like to run awesome-git at the same time as awesome. I’ve tried running the former from a shell in the latter:

I get the same result if I add —replace .

After changing to a different VT:

If I try to specify a display I get the following:

/.Xauthority , but that didn’t help.

2 Answers 2

Because of the way X window managers work, you can only run one at a time in an X server. (Oddly enough I can’t find an obvious resource to back this up. )

It won’t give quite the same effect, but you can easily run a second window manager inside a nested X server such as Xephyr:

This will give you a tiled awesome-git running inside a nested 1024×768 screen in your (presumably awesome -managed) current X session.

Use vncserver and vncviewer :

  • start a VNC server in the backgrounded process by running the vncserver [1] command
  • start a VNC viewer in your current window manager by running the vncviewer [1] command and connect to the VNC server you just started

[1] On CentOS-7 vncserver is provided by the tigervnc-server RPM package (if your distro is different then you will have to query your package manager to see what provides the vncserver .

[2] On CentOS-7 vncviewer is provided by the tigervnc RPM package (so again if your distro is diffferent you will have to query your package manager to see what provides vncviewer ).


Cannot open display #1287

Trying to run awesome for first time(assuming my noobledge). I read all file
and do all configuration . Fedora had all dependencies -some of them with another names. I had some problem installing LGI from Fedora repo, but i solved it cloning the repo and latter
proceed to make && sudo make install . It apparently solved the problem with that LGI installation
but debugging awesome i get this:

How to reproduce the issue:

Another try was to make a custom-script in bash name .xinitrc

with the following result:

Actual result:

Expected result:

It can’t start awesome application !!

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

I reinstalled LGI and some thing is fixed:

But i can’t start awesome anyway.

/.xinitrc is fine, but then you need to use/call startx to start the X server (for the display).

Thanks for the response. I’m doing something like:

it don’t worked, and startx awesome neither. After that command i tryed to run again:

With startx awesome —-> xauth: file /home/Helio/.serverauth.9820 does not exist

Another try with startx awesome :2 it started another graphical enviroment, but it is running my usual Gnome therefore if i do ps aux|grep awesome i get this:

user 8535 0.0 1.9 270004 77560 pts/0 Tl 15:57 0:01 gdb awesome
user 10394 0.0 0.0 117668 3128 tty3 S+ 16:48 0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/startx awesome :2
user 10417 0.0 0.0 13980 1012 tty3 S+ 16:48 0:00 xinit xterm awesome :2 — /usr/bin/X :2 vt3 -keeptty -nolisten tcp -auth /home/user/.serverauth.10394
user 11430 0.0 0.0 117160 964 pts/1 S+ 16:54 0:00 grep —color=auto awesome

So it is starting another display _n_:2 , and it don’t load awesome as you can see on — output over ps .

Ok, i think i solved it -i’m almost sure(50%) . Wow, it is runing oh yeaH.
i have to read i litle bit more, about what i’m doing on my .xinitrc because that:
*) exec gnome-session i was expecting as something like else statement on a inner loop, but it is not.
. But this was the problem for sure. Now when i call awesome it did it. Tanks any way!!

I’m glad you figured it out, closing this issue then.

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You can’t perform that action at this time.

You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.


Thanks for the response. I’m doing something like:

(gdb) shell startx
xauth:  file /home/Helio/.serverauth.9232 does not exist

X.Org X Server 1.18.3
Release Date: 2016-04-04
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System:  4.4.6-301.fc23.x86_64 
Current Operating System: Linux NR021AA 4.5.5-300.fc24.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu May 19 13:05:32 UTC 2016 x86_64
Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.5.5-300.fc24.x86_64 root=/dev/mapper/fedora-root ro rhgb quiet LANG=es_ES.UTF-8
Build Date: 04 May 2016  10:36:18PM
Build ID: xorg-x11-server 1.18.3-2.fc24 
Current version of pixman: 0.34.0
	Before reporting problems, check
	to make sure that you have the latest version.
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
	(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
	(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.2.log", Time: Fri Dec 23 16:17:30 2016
(==) Using config directory: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d"
(==) Using system config directory "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d"
(II) [KMS] Kernel modesetting enabled.
/home/Helio/.xinitrc: línea 24: exec: openbox-session: no se encontró
xinit: connection to X server lost

waiting for X server to shut down (II) Server terminated successfully (0). Closing log file.

Couldn't get a file descriptor referring to the console

it don’t worked, and startx awesome neither. After that command i tryed to run again:

(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/Helio/Github/awesome/.build-NR021AA-x86_64-redhat-linux-6.2.1/awesome --replace
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib64/".
[New Thread 0x7fffe74ed700 (LWP 9384)]
2016-12-23 16:21:15 E: awesome: main:588: cannot open display (error 1)
[Thread 0x7fffe74ed700 (LWP 9384) exited]
[Inferior 1 (process 9383) exited with code 01]

With startx awesome —-> xauth: file /home/Helio/.serverauth.9820 does not exist

Specifically, I’d like to run awesome-git at the same time as awesome. I’ve tried running the former from a shell in the latter:

$ awesome-git/pkg/awesome-git/usr/bin/awesome
[…] E: awesome: main:653: another window manager is already running (can't select SubstructureRedirect)

I get the same result if I add --replace.

After changing to a different VT:

$ awesome-git/pkg/awesome-git/usr/bin/awesome
[…] E: awesome: main:592: cannot open display (error 5)

If I try to specify a display I get the following:

$ DISPLAY=:1 awesome-git/pkg/awesome-git/usr/bin/awesome
[…] E: awesome: main:592: cannot open display (error 1)

I tried to rm ~/.Xauthority, but that didn’t help.

Community's user avatar

asked Nov 3, 2016 at 22:11

l0b0's user avatar

Because of the way X window managers work, you can only run one at a time in an X server. (Oddly enough I can’t find an obvious resource to back this up…)

It won’t give quite the same effect, but you can easily run a second window manager inside a nested X server such as Xephyr:

Xephyr :30 -screen 1024x768 &
DISPLAY=:30 xterm &
DISPLAY=:30 awesome-git &

This will give you a tiled awesome-git running inside a nested 1024×768 screen in your (presumably awesome-managed) current X session.

answered Nov 3, 2016 at 22:25

Stephen Kitt's user avatar

Stephen KittStephen Kitt

388k51 gold badges996 silver badges1095 bronze badges

Use vncserver and vncviewer:

  • start a VNC server in the backgrounded process by running the vncserver [1] command
  • start a VNC viewer in your current window manager by running the vncviewer [1] command and connect to the VNC server you just started

[1] On CentOS-7 vncserver is provided by the tigervnc-server RPM package (if your distro is different then you will have to query your package manager to see what provides the vncserver.

[2] On CentOS-7 vncviewer is provided by the tigervnc RPM package (so again if your distro is diffferent you will have to query your package manager to see what provides vncviewer).

UPDATE: I just noticed the question is tagged for Arch Linux. So I checked to see if Arch has vncserver and it looks like it does have it: .

answered Jan 22, 2019 at 13:47

Trevor Boyd Smith's user avatar

Trevor Boyd SmithTrevor Boyd Smith

3,55412 gold badges33 silver badges41 bronze badges

имеем Asus EeePC. Установили Debian 7.1 в варианте без всякого ПО, рабочего стола и пр. На данный момент актуальна задача установки Awesome. Произвел действия, описанные запускаю startx — появляется тот самый WM Awesome, но! не открываются окна. Что странно: 1.Открывается только окно xvidtune. 2.Из консоли запуск (из под root) только по startx, ввод команды exec awesome имеет значение команды exit — окончание сессии, приглашение авторизоваться. Либо, если через su ошибка «E: awesome: main:378: cannot open display». Кто-нибудь может пнуть в нужное русло? Заранее спасибо.

[  2219.959] (**) ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: (accel) keeping acceleration scheme 1
[  2219.959] (**) ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: (accel) acceleration profile 1
[  2219.959] (**) ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: (accel) acceleration factor: 2.000
[  2219.959] (**) ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: (accel) acceleration threshold: 4
[  2219.959] (--) synaptics: ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: touchpad found
[  2219.961] (II) config/udev: Adding input device ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad (/dev/input/mouse0)
[  2219.961] (**) ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: Ignoring device from InputClass "touchpad ignore duplicates"
[  2219.963] (II) config/udev: Adding input device PC Speaker (/dev/input/event5)
[  2219.963] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[  2219.963] (II) This device may have been added with another device file

Основная проблема — завоевать мир, при этом не привлечь внимание санитаров.

муть мутная…

Цитироватьsuper + Enter запустить терминал.

окно терминала запускается?

Всем спасибо за помощь!
Не хватало пакета с именем xterm.

Основная проблема — завоевать мир, при этом не привлечь внимание санитаров.

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