Найдена следующая информация по ошибке B1271 для автомобиля TOYOTA PRIUS (2003-2008) XW20:
На русском языке:
Короткое замыкание на массу цепи оттайки потенциометра серводвигателя
На английском языке:
Servo Motor Potentiometer Defrost Circuit Short To Ground
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Ошибки (коды ошибок) полученные от прибора, сканера требуют правильной интерпретации информации, дабы не тратить время и деньги на замену работающих элементов автомобиля.
Проблема зачастую кроется намного глубже чем кажется на первый взгляд. Это& вызвано теми обстоятельствами, что информационные сообщения содержат, как было выше сказано, косвенную информацию о нарушении работы системы.
Может быть полезным для решения вопроса по устранению неисправности у Toyota Prius:
Возможные симптомы — Подсветка двигателя включена (или предупреждающая лампа обслуживания двигателя).
Короткое замыкание на массу цепи оттайки потенциометра серводвигателя — это общее описание кода B1271, но у производителя может быть другое описание. В настоящее время у нас нет дополнительной информации о коде B1271 OBDII.
Расшифровка ошибки B1271 у Lexus: Низкое напряжение в цепи датчика 2 положения дроссельной заслонки (TP)
Низкое напряжение в цепи датчика 2 положения дроссельной заслонки (TP)
Коды неисправности P0601, P0602, P0603, P0604, P0606, P0607, P0641, P0651 не устанавливаются. Напряжение в системе больше 5,23 вольт. Зажигание находится в положении «Разблокировано / Принадлежности» или «Работа». Диагностические коды неисправности P0120, P0122, P0123, P0220, P0222, P0223 запускаются постоянно, когда выполняются вышеуказанные условия. Контроллер ЭСУД обнаруживает, что напряжение датчика положения дроссельной заслонки 2 ниже 0,25 В в течение более 1 с.
- Опорная цепь низкого уровня датчика положения дроссельной заслонки при обрыве / высоком сопротивлении
- Опорная цепь 5 В датчика положения дроссельной заслонки при замыкании на массу или обрыве / высоком сопротивлении
- Сигнальная цепь датчика положения дроссельной заслонки: короткое замыкание на напряжение
- Сигнальная цепь датчика положения дроссельной заслонки: короткое замыкание на массу или обрыв / высокое сопротивление
- Неисправность датчика положения дроссельной заслонки (замените корпус дроссельной заслонки)
- ECM неисправен
< li>Опорная цепь 5 В датчика положения дроссельной заслонки: короткое замыкание на напряжение
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From english:
Decoding the error B1271 from Lexus: Throttle Position (TP) Sensor 2 Circuit Low Voltage
Throttle Position (TP) Sensor 2 Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0601, P0602, P0603, P0604, P0606, P0607, P0641, P0651 are not set.The system voltage is more than 5.23 volts.The ignition is in the Unlock/Accessory or Run position.DTC P0120, P0122, P0123, P0220, P0222, P0223 run continuously when the above conditions are met.The ECM detects that the TP sensor 2 voltage is less than 0.25 volt for greater than 1 s.
- TP sensor low reference circuit for an open/high resistance
- TP sensor 5-volt reference circuit for a short to ground or an open/high resistance
- TP sensor 5-volt reference circuit for a short to voltage
- TP sensor signal circuit for a short to voltage
- TP sensor signal circuit for a short to ground or an open/high resistance
- TP sensor has failed (replace throttle body)
- ECM has failed
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Опрос: Смогли ли диагностировать неисправность? (Кол-во голосов: 170)
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Стандартные коды ошибок OBD2:
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POA93 — Неисправность системы охлаждения инвертора.
POA37 — Неисправность в цепи датчика №2 температуры электродвигателя.
B1241 — Ошибка при диагностике одной из цепей ECU кузова.
B1271 — Комбинированный прибор, нет связи.
Вам нужно стереть ошибки и проверить их по новой, определить активные ошибки.Балаково, Kia Ceed
Без сканера такие вопросы не решаются. Можно запустить любой исполнительный механизм, запитав его напрямую, только это не приведёт к однозначному решению. Без контроля текущих параметров вы не определите, включает ли контроллер помпу, какая температура определяется, нет ли обрывов цепей или замыкания.
I have a 2007 prius with 175k miles.
I’m having intermittent Red Triangle while driving. Comes on every 20-75 miles. I have unplugged the 12v a few times to clear it so my car will start. I’m getting B1200, B1207, B1271 Codes (no current malfunction) under Gateway. I’m not sure how old these codes are. I’ve been driving the thing trying to get the dash to light up again so I can read the codes. It’s been a few days and all is well, but that triangle is going to come up eventually. I recently had my hybrid battery replaced. No other problems. 12v battery is pretty old but voltage seems to be ok. Is the car ok to drive for now? I would appreciate any help. Thank you!
Finally got techstream working.
have you checked your engine oil level?
Hmmmm. Maybe something’s been nibbling on the wires?
HV fan was checked and was clean/clear. I checked the inverter pump — all good. I re-seated the orange safety latch on the hybrid battery. I’ve been monitoring temperatures of different systems — all good. Using Techstream to pull codes, and also have been using a bluetooth obd2 device to monitor systems in real time. Checking oil weekly, was just changed. I’m prepping to change the transmission fluid and spark plugs. Funny you should mention possible critters chewing my wires, as the 12v battery ground wire (i guess thats what it is, single white wire into battery.) has small holes exposing wire which i wrapped with electric tape. As of now I have driven 100 miles with no dash lights…
Mileage is good, new hybrid battery is strong. everything sounds and runs perfect…i’m not driving more than 10 miles at a time to work and back. Guess ill trust that it’s ok, until triangle is triggered again.
Appreciate the responses.
Ok. So Triangle came on today. Codes are:
P0AA6 — Hybrid Battery Voltage fault — Sub Code 612
C1310 — HV Malfunction
C1259 — System regenerative malfunction.I read the 612 code is the hybrid battery.
My battery is under warranty so im really hoping its a bad battery….if its anything else UHG.
Unfortunately the guy I spoke with about the warranty said my check engine light needs to come on to indicate a bad battery…which sounds like rubbish.
Yes it’s a rubbish excuse. But with many refurbished batteries, the warranty is only good if the company/person is willing to honor it.
Do you guys think I should open up the battery pack and inspect it for a cell leak?
What would you do if you did find one? I’m not sure I would take on the task unless you have the knowledge and equipment to fix it
I just want proof that there is an issue with hybrid battery, so warranty is honored.
But the argument can be made that you opened the case and messed with the battery so warranty denied.
Either way you lose. So I guess you should just open it. Looking for a leak is very difficult unless you disassemble the entire battery. Good Luck!
Blah yeah…so maybe only option is dealership diagnosis….uhg….ill talk to guy that replaced it and ask him how to proceed after he gets back from vacation XD…
The triangle is a check engine light, or as good as one. Who is this battery rebuilding company?
They are called hybrid-reconditioning in PA.
So to drive the car you have to disconnect the 12v to clear the codes, and when you disconnect the 12v the codes needed for warranty replacement go away?
You bought a Used battery….there’s the problem.
Do not open it up or mess with it in any way.
Bring it back to the place you bought it.
Bring your wallet along for any additional charges.
Can you share approximately how much the used battery cost?
Pretty sure this is the source : hybrid-reconditioning on eBay — and was also used in this thread : Keep my core? | PriusChat
Currently around $800, though the price has been lower in the past. Comes with a one (1) warranty, and NO RETURNS.
One listing includes free installation, which may be at the sellers «pick up only» location. The other offers free shipping.
No upfront core charge, though you must give them «a recondition-able trade-in battery» or be charged $500 extra.
Seller has decent feedback, which means the batteries must be making it past the ebay 60 day limit for posting feedback
I spoke with the guy from Hybrid-reconditioning. They are coming to replace my current battery with another reconditioned on Monday. They were very nice and accommodating. Happy I didn’t need to have it diagnosed by a dealer. I would feel terrible if it’s something other than the hybrid pack. But i’m pretty confident it is. I’ll update if problem is resolved.
I paid 750 plus tax and they drove 120 miles to install. I would be very happy to get 3 years out of it. But after warranty is out it’s a toss up…