Bash permission denied termux как исправить

Problem description I appear to have lost permissions to files and directories in home, even though though I am their owner and permissions are set to 700. For example, cd .termux will yield: bash:...

Problem description
I appear to have lost permissions to files and directories in home, even though though I am their owner and permissions are set to 700.

For example, cd .termux will yield: bash: cd: .termux: Permission denied.

$ ls -lah
total 96K
drwx------ 10 u0_a132 u0_a132 4.0K May 12 10:27 .
drwx------  4 u0_a132 u0_a132 4.0K Apr 20 13:08 ..
-rw-------  1 u0_a132 u0_a132  824 May 12 10:05 .bash_history
drwx------  5 u0_a132 u0_a132 4.0K Apr 26 17:40 .config
drwx------  3 u0_a132 u0_a132 4.0K Apr 24 18:53 .gnupg
drwx------  3 u0_a132 u0_a132 4.0K Apr 20 13:01 .local
drwx------  2 u0_a132 u0_a132 4.0K Apr 23 19:25 .shortcuts
drwx------  3 u0_a132 u0_a132 4.0K Apr 21 14:25 .ssh
drwx------  3 u0_a132 u0_a132 4.0K Apr 23 19:24 .termux
drwx------  2 u0_a132 u0_a132 4.0K May 12 10:27 storage
drwxr-xr-x 14 u0_a132 u0_a132 4.0K Apr 28 16:29 wip

$ whoami

$ groups
u0_a132 inet everybody u0_a132_cache all_a132

$ chown u0_a132:u0_a132 .termux
chown: changing ownership of '.termux': Permission denied

Steps to reproduce
Unfortunately, I’m not sure. I opened up termux at some point and the theme had stopped working. When I tried to change the theme, I got a permission denied bubble, which prompted my investigation.

Expected behavior
Since I’m the directory’s owner and permissions are set to 700, I expect to be able to set ownership and permissions, and to, e.g., cd into .termux.

Additional information

$ termux-info
Updatable packages:
All packages up to date
Subscribed repositories: science/stable games/stable stable/main
System information:
Linux localhost 4.4.169-gee9976dde895 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Mar 6 01:42:27 UTC 2019 aarch64 Android
Termux-packages arch:
Android version:
Device manufacturer:
Device model:
Pixel 2

enter image description here

Why do I keep getting this error?

>> gcc a.out
>> ./a.out
bash: ./a.out: Permission denied

I even tried this

>> chmod +x a.out

But still I keep getting the error. I have installed clang and termux-setup-storage package. My files are in main memory (not on sd card).

Termux has only problem executing a.out file. If I make any error in C program it fails to compile the a.c file

asked Dec 28, 2020 at 13:14

Kangkan Lahkar's user avatar


You can’t execute executable in internel storage because that’s mount with noexec in android.
Move that binary somewhere in termux home directory or $PREFIX.

answered Dec 28, 2020 at 16:43

Krishna Kanhaiya's user avatar


so if you need to run those file than you need to run
$ ls //to see your file is here or not .if not than change directory
$ mv a.out ~
$cd ~
$chmod +x a.out

answered Nov 6, 2021 at 19:55

Glax3210's user avatar


If you just installed termux api?

$ pkg install root-repo

Revoke termux app permission in settings.

$ termux-setup-storage

And taraa!!

Suraj Rao's user avatar

Suraj Rao

29.3k11 gold badges96 silver badges103 bronze badges

answered Nov 15, 2022 at 11:27

Warior Kegelapan's user avatar

I’m running SuperSu 2.82 (latest) and Termux (latest) on Andriod 7.

What is causing the permission denied error below? I get the same error with mount namespace separation turned off (or on) in SuperSU.

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 * Install a package: pkg install <package>
 * Upgrade packages:  pkg upgrade

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 * Root:     pkg install root-repo
 * Unstable: pkg install unstable-repo
 * X11:      pkg install x11-repo

Report issues at

~ $ echo $0
~ $ id -u
~ $ echo $HOME
~ $ echo $PATH

~ $ ls -la /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/readlink
lrwxrwxrwx 1 u0_a212 u0_a212 9 Oct 21 04:05 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/readlink -> coreutils

~ $ ls -la /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/coreutils
-rwx------ 1 u0_a212 u0_a212 1032096 Jul 30 11:15 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/coreutils

~ $ exec su --mount-master -c "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH HOME=$HOME PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin $0"

~ # [ $(readlink /proc/1/ns/mnt) = $(readlink /proc/self/ns/mnt) ] || nsenter -t 1 -m -- "$0"
bash: /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/readlink: Permission denied
bash: /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/readlink: Permission denied

The error is not limited to readlink. It applies to all the core commands I tried, including ls:

~ # ls
bash: /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/ls: Permission denied

I get better results with tsu, but then I get a new ‘permission denied’ error at my next step after readlink:

rclone -v mount mypcloud: /mnt/runtime/write/emulated/0/mypcloud --gid 9997 --dir-perms 0771 --file-perms 0660 --umask=0 --allow-other

2021/10/23 03:30:12 Fatal error: failed to mount FUSE fs: fusermount: fork/exec /system/bin/fusermount: permission denied

It doesn’t matter which mountpoint I use. Also, the above permission error is not related to any of the options --gid 9997 --dir-perms 0771 --file-perms 0660 --umask=0:

# mkdir -p /mnt/cloud/mypcloud
# chmod 775 -R /mnt/cloud/
# rclone -v mount mypcloud: /mnt/cloud/mypcloud --allow-other
WARNING: linker: /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/rclone: unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x8000001
2021/10/23 03:51:33 INFO  : pcloud root '': poll-interval is not supported by this remote
2021/10/23 03:51:33 NOTICE: pcloud root '': --vfs-cache-mode writes or full is recommended for this remote as it can't stream
2021/10/23 03:51:33 Fatal error: failed to mount FUSE fs: fusermount: fork/exec /system/bin/fusermount: permission denied

Hi, this is another article about termux problem fixing. so welcome to my latest article.

So are you facing termux storage permission denied error when you’re using your terminal or installing any packages on your termux app?

Are you!

Then here is the solution of permission denied error of termux, so just read the whole step by step process one by one.

Fix Unable To Locate Package in Termux

Steps To Fix Termux Storage Permission Denied Error or Cannot Open Directory


Now you see an “Allow” or “Deny” button will appear on you, so you just click on the “allow” button to fix this error, and then type the command.

cd /sdcard

Now if you see all the storage folders are on there then you successfully solved the error, now if you want to install any packages on your termux terminal then you will not get any error messages like termux storage permission denied or cannot open directory.

Basically, this is a storage error, so if you didn’t specify your primary storage to install any packages then you will get the error, so now I think you understand how to fix termux storage permission denied error with some easy steps.


This is a video for more explanation of this article:

How to setup storage in termux

Bottom Line

So this is for today’s guys, hope you enjoyed the article and if you got any value from this article then please do share or leave a comment below, also, if you found anything errors during those steps then also, do comment on the same box that’s why I will replay you and give you the solution of your query very soon!

Track Mobile Phone Location Using Termux

permission denied sudo tsu #748


ghost commented Jun 30, 2018

My phone is rooted but can’t access root on termux

bash: /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/ls: Permission denied
$ sudo su

bash: /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/ls: Permission d

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Grimler91 commented Jun 30, 2018

ghost commented Jun 30, 2018

setuidroot commented Jul 6, 2018

Are you still having this issue? What root management app are you using? (Magisk, SuperSU. hopefully not KingRoot, etc.)

Invoking su should give you a root shell on the phone, but without access to Tmux packages (that’s what tsu is for.) If su says permission denied, then your root control app isn’t allowing root access to Termux. I recommend Magisk. it’s open source, kept up-to-date and easily flashed from recovery (like TWRP.)

Are you on old Android ≤5? If so, tsu has issues with LD_LIBRARY_PATH; but su will always work if you have correctly rooted your device. I’m betting your root management app is not allowing termux root access. if you’re using KingRoot, they block termux to make it harder for you to remove kingroot (as it’s spyware.) Check your root management app to make sure it isn’t kingroot and is allowing Termux root access.

xeffyr commented Jul 6, 2018

@setuidroot Most android devices (without custom rom installed) have a such thing as SELinux. It can restrict permissions for all users including root. So:

Are you still having this issue?

Run apt install and you will mess up all selabels (not only ownership) and will get permission denied when accessing files.

Solutions for this are:

Termux does not support Android less than 5. Even if user will be able to install applicantion, cli programs will not work.

setuidroot commented Jul 9, 2018

As far as SELinux. that gets messy. You can disable it, like you said; but I wouldn’t normally recommend people run without SELinux unless they really know what they’re doing. That opens the possibly for any app to gain access outside of it’s allowed permissions. I’ve never run into termux issues with SELinux unless doing things like packet sniffing/injection. But I realize this is highly device and OS dependent.

I wasn’t aware termux doesn’t work on android less than 5 (I dont have any devices less than 5.) I have a bootloader locked galaxy s5 running android 5 that has issues with tsu and LD_LIBRARY_PATH; Grimler91 has some good insight on that here: termux/termux-packages#2047

I don’t know what OP’s issue is. if he can get root with su, but not tsu? Or no root at all? If he replies with more info maybe we can help him further. Either way, I appreciate all you guys that contribute so much to termux 🙂


tsu permission denied when executing command #2047


rafinetiz commented Jan 18, 2018

I already granted supersu permission..

permission denied termux что делать

As you can see in images.
Only a few commands can be run.

Termux ver. : 0.59
Android ver. : 5.1.1
Root type: Systemless root

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

xeffyr commented Jan 18, 2018 •

rafinetiz commented Jan 18, 2018

So, how to fix this?

Grimler91 commented Jan 18, 2018 •

I’ve experienced this on several devices/ROMs. I use this script on my tablet instead of tsu:

Replace /system/xbin/su with the path to your su binary obviously.

Haven’t investigated further.

(from tsu: bash: /system/bin/getenforce: Permission denied )

xeffyr commented Jan 18, 2018

This may be the source of ‘permission denied’ error. It is possible to restrict permissions of root user with selinux policy.

Atavic commented Jan 18, 2018

If Grimler91 solution works, that’s a 👍

Sometimes Custom ROM devs tell people to change SELinux options to Permissive Mode and that’s really a bad idea.

Grimler91 commented Jan 18, 2018

@Atavic I don’t think it’s the proper way to solve the problem though. I’ve revised the script a bit, no need to export vars before (and LD_LIBRARY_PATH wasn’t preserved for some reason).

Grimler91 commented Jan 19, 2018

I believe it would better to move this issue to

Harshiv-Patel commented Jul 26, 2018

I face a «permission denied» issue as well:

`$ tsu
$ ls
bash: /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/ls: Permission denied
$ env
bash: /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/env: Permission denied

The Shell prompt is ( possibly other environment variables too) preserved, with color.
Rooted with Magisk v16.
Running Android Lollipop 5.1.1
CPU arch : armv7l.

rafinetiz commented Jul 26, 2018

@Harshiv-Patel show the output of /system/bin/getenforce

helmut72 commented Aug 18, 2018

$ /system/bin/getenforce
CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE «/system/bin/getenforce»: cannot locate symbol «OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms» referenced by «/system/lib64/».

xeffyr commented Aug 18, 2018

@helmut72 Use LD_LIBRARY_PATH= /system/bin/getenforce

permission denied termux что делать

helmut72 commented Aug 18, 2018

Thanks, getenforce shows now a proper output. But tsu still doesn’t work.

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH= /system/bin/getenforce
$ tsu
/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/tsu: 139: exec: : Permission denied

Grimler91 commented Aug 18, 2018

@helmut72 update your magisk, if you are using magisk

Harshiv-Patel commented Aug 20, 2018

I am running on stock ROM of Samsung SM-E700H device (arm) if that could help.
Rooted with Magisk v16

Grimler91 commented Aug 20, 2018

@Harshiv-Patel Magisk v16.0 was released in February. Update your magisk.

Harshiv-Patel commented Aug 20, 2018 •

AFAIK v16.00 is latest stable version of Magisk. Magisk manager doesn’t show any other updates.

Grimler91 commented Aug 20, 2018

Weird, there are newer releases available at the github page at least.

Harshiv-Patel commented Aug 20, 2018

Updated Magisk to beta v16.71 through Magisk Manager (which I didn’t really expect to fix the issue). No change is observed. Issue persists.

Grimler91 commented Aug 20, 2018

@Harshiv-Patel alright, thanks for checking!

rafinetiz commented Aug 20, 2018 •

This may be the source of ‘permission denied’ error. It is possible to restrict permissions of root user with selinux policy.

He’s right, you all need to change the current state of Enforcing status to Permissive Mode.
And now tsu is work perfectly in my device after i changing Enforcing status to Permissive Mode.
Of course i’m using a custom rom to enabled this feature.

haxersworld commented Sep 27, 2018

I’m thinking this could be a kernel issue on our phones Sammy S7 here 8.0 with noway to setenforce to permissive might try a new rom and kernel. I really don’t want to however this is my last resort in trying to correct the error 32/64 bit to unset LD_PRELOAD works = permission Denied.

ghost commented Jan 17, 2019

ghost commented Jan 17, 2019

also we need to find a work around this worked fine before the Oreo update ( 8.1.1 ). I read an portal post on XDA developers it said that Samsung was trying to patch spector and meltdown and downgrading is not possable I have tried

Grimler91 commented Jan 17, 2019

ghost commented Jan 19, 2019

My issue is the program gets killed by something

xeffyr commented Jan 24, 2019

@Austcool-Walker Sorry, but I don’t have this file on my local storage.
Fix your link.

ghost commented Jan 24, 2019 •

ghost commented Jan 24, 2019

It gets killed on the SM-T380 I’m rooted with magisk

ghost commented Feb 6, 2019

For me the problem is solved my issues were because of Samsung Defex security in the kernel going to and requesting the kernel source code and building with the Defex disabled in defconfig fixed my problems

WonderKruger commented Aug 8, 2020

Solved this problem for me

You can’t perform that action at this time.

You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.


/system/bin/am: Permission denied #26


sedatsevgili commented Jul 4, 2016

I am using an lg g3 and not any custom rom and i did not rooted my device.
I installed termux-api app and updated and upgraded my apt too.
However when i want to call any termux api command in the termux terminal, i see this error message:
/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/am: 3: exec: /system/bin/am: Permission denied

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

fornwall commented Jul 4, 2016

Can you paste the output of running:

Also, could you paste the output of

sedatsevgili commented Jul 4, 2016

And the second one is: /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin:/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets

fornwall commented Jul 4, 2016

What is the output of running

sedatsevgili commented Jul 4, 2016

-bash: /system/bin/am: /system/bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied

fornwall commented Jul 4, 2016

sedatsevgili commented Jul 4, 2016

fornwall commented Jul 4, 2016

Hm, not sure what the problem is here. Could you paste the output from running

sedatsevgili commented Jul 5, 2016

Script to start «am» on the device, which has a very rudimentary


saramasood111 commented Jul 24, 2016

William8915 commented Mar 22, 2017 •

Temporary solution: make a copy of /system/bin/am manually (through adb or other methods), and adjust /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/am accordingly.

Tested on LG G3 Stylus (D690)

sedatsevgili commented Jul 27, 2017

posalusa24 commented Oct 19, 2017

Try changing selinux mode to permissive. It worked for me.

posalusa24 commented Oct 19, 2017

you can use an app like selinux mode changer to change modes. try googling it

posalusa24 commented Oct 19, 2017

by the way selinux mode status is under Settings>About Phone

sedatsevgili commented Oct 19, 2017

@posalusa24 Thanks, i will try asap

sedatsevgili commented Dec 11, 2017

Issue is still alive. I think i have to change my device to use the api 🙁
Btw, i don’t want to root.

sedatsevgili commented Dec 18, 2017

Well, i changed my device. And it works right now 🙂

rootkittt commented May 4, 2018

Hi, ive got any problems to run “su“.
Ive tried it with “tsu“ and i cannot use “su“

My phone is rooted by chainfire super su.

But i always get this error. How can i fix it?


Permission denied #create-react-app #1899


ismailnurudeen commented Dec 3, 2017 •

bash: /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/create-react-app: Permission denied

I got this error when i tried to create a react app using
$ create-react-app my-app.

Please i need help on how to fix it.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

SDRausty commented Dec 3, 2017

@ElNuru247 thank you for your post. A little more information is requested. Use termux-info and help us figure out what might be happening. My second question to you is simple. Did you root your precious smartphone?

ismailnurudeen commented Dec 3, 2017 •

Thanks for replying.
Here is the result from using termux-info

My android device isn’t rooted.

SDRausty commented Dec 3, 2017 •

fornwall commented Dec 4, 2017

@ElNuru247 Could you write the output of running the below commands here:

ismailnurudeen commented Dec 4, 2017

@frornwall here are the outputs of the commands you asked me to run

SDRausty commented Dec 5, 2017

@@ElNuru247 Thanks for sharing. Can you provide a couple of more clues for us by running these commands?

Post the link to create-react-app so we can take a closer look at the source code too. Where did you download create-react-app from?

wschenk commented Dec 11, 2017

I’m able to get this to work. I would install

restart termux to get the scripts running correctly (as documented here ) and then

You get an error at the end saying that it can’t rename «gitignore» to «.gitignore» but everything seems to work fine otherwise.

ismailnurudeen commented Dec 25, 2017

I followed the @wschenk ‘s steps above and it still didn’t work.
here is a screenshot of the result.

permission denied termux что делать

wschenk commented Jan 3, 2018

Did you try the instructions here? That might help.

xeffyr commented Mar 2, 2019


Bash: /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/ls: Permission denied #269


badrshah commented May 28, 2019

Despite having a rooted device this is what termux shows me.

Device: Samsung’s Galaxy J5 SM-J500H
Android version: 6.0.1
Root type: system less root (SuperSU)

permission denied termux что делать

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Grimler91 commented May 28, 2019

badrshah commented May 28, 2019

Grimler91 commented May 28, 2019

Then I don’t really know, might be something weird with your superSU version

badrshah commented May 28, 2019

Grimler91 commented May 28, 2019

Well we can’t do anything about superSU, that’s not a termux-package, and tsu is hosted in a separate repo

Seems like there are some similar reports over at the tsu repo: cswl/tsu#42, cswl/tsu#35, subscribe/comment on them and add your output of termux-info

xeffyr commented May 28, 2019

Grimler91 commented May 28, 2019

Hm, I can reproduce the problem on my android 9 phone, but I would guess that it is some problem with the SU version, or selinux (but not likely since OP has problems on android 6).

The permission denied only happens from a termux shell, running termux binaries from a /system/bin/sh shell works fine (so executing /sbin/su and then /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/ls works fine but /sbin/su and then /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/bash followed by /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/ls gives permission denied)

xeffyr commented May 28, 2019


Используя программу эмуляции терминала termux ( ), я набираю следующую команду:

ls /sdcard

Я получаю следующую ошибку:

ls: can't open '/sdcard': Permission denied

Понимая, что каталог / sdcard на Android — это символическая ссылка, я попытался найти местоположение фактического каталога — узнав, что это не просто символическая ссылка, а символическая ссылка на другую символическую ссылку, а фактический каталог — / storage / emulated / 0

Итак, наконец, я напечатал:

ls -ld /storage/emulated/0

Результат, который я получил, был:

drwxrwx--x   63 root     sdcard_r      4096 Aug 10 12:04 /storage/emulated/0

Итак, вкратце — я не знаю, использовался ли termux для запуска с разрешениями группы sdcard_r или o- разрешения, используемые для разрешения чтения-записи, — но мне нужно знать, какой из двух он был раньше, и как все исправить — ведь возможность доступа к содержимому внутренней SD-карты очень важна.

Нет, мое устройство не имеет root-прав, и я не планирую его рутировать — поэтому я не могу предоставить какую-либо информацию, которую мне пришлось бы получить для рутирования устройства. Однако отсутствие рутования никогда не препятствовало мне иметь доступ на чтение к каталогу / sdcard — так что это ново (и тревожно).

Конечно, прошло уже несколько месяцев с тех пор, как я пытался это сделать ранее, но это новое ограничение для Android серьезно препятствует удобству использования termux и тому, кто знает, что еще, поскольку мне нужно иметь доступ к файлам, которые на моей SD-карте. (Я все еще могу многое, даже если не все, даже без разрешения на запись — но я почти застрял в воде, если не могу получить разрешения на чтение, как в настоящее время).


Более новые версии Android требуют, чтобы приложения запрашивали разрешение во время выполнения. Возможно, вы уже заметили это. Одним из примеров является Chrome, запрашивающий разрешение на хранение при первой загрузке. Для Termux это проблема. Разрешения по умолчанию имеют значение «не разрешено», поэтому, когда Termux требуется разрешение для задачи, поскольку Termux не был обновлен для запроса этих разрешений, он все равно пытается выполнить задачу и в результате выдает ошибку. К сожалению, разработчики должны исправить это сами. К счастью, Android дает вам возможность управлять разрешениями приложений вручную. Пока разработчики не обновят Termux соответствующим образом, это, вероятно, единственный способ.

Шаг 1: Перейдите на страницу информации о приложении Termux.

Есть несколько способов добраться до этой страницы. Поскольку разные телефоны могут вести себя по-разному, я включил все, что знаю.

Способ 1: использование многозадачного меню

  1. Откройте Termux.
  2. Нажмите кнопку многозадачности, чтобы открыть меню многозадачности. Это должно быть рядом с кнопкой домой слева.
  3. В списке приложений Termux должен быть первым. Нажмите и удерживайте его значок.

    На некоторых телефонах вы уже будете на информационной странице. На других телефонах вы вместо этого увидите изменения в окне приложения Termux вверху, где где-то появится значок информации (ℹ). Другие телефоны могут предоставить вам контекстное меню с опцией «Информация о приложении». В обоих случаях нажмите на них.

Способ 2. Использование панели уведомлений

  1. Откройте Termux. Вы хотите, чтобы уведомление Termux появилось.
  2. Опустите панель уведомлений и найдите уведомление Termux.
  3. Попробуйте одно из следующих действий:

    • Проведите уведомлением влево или вправо, найдите зубчатое колесо (⛭) или значок информации (ℹ) и коснитесь его. Вы не можете отклонить уведомление Termux, так что не беспокойтесь об этом.
    • Нажмите и удерживайте уведомление и найдите шестерёнку (⛭), значок информации (ℹ) или контекстное меню с параметром «Информация о приложении» и коснитесь его.
    • Найдите значок приложения и / или имя. Возможно, вам придется провести вниз по уведомлению. Нажмите и удерживайте его. Может появиться шестеренка (⛭), значок информации (ℹ) или контекстное меню. Нажмите соответственно.

Способ 3: использование диспетчера приложений

  1. Зайдите в настройки> приложения.
  2. Ищите опцию с надписью «Диспетчер приложений» или аналогичный. Кажется, это зависит от вашего устройства.
  3. Найдите запись Termux и нажмите на нее. Возможно, вам придется изменить фильтр на «установленные приложения» или «загруженные приложения».

Шаг 2: Изменение разрешений

Теперь вы должны попасть на страницу с именем, значком и номером версии Termux с двумя кнопками с надписью «Удалить» и «Принудительный останов». ниже должны быть различные другие варианты.

  1. Ищите опцию с надписью «Разрешения» (возможно, вам нужно прокрутить). Нажмите на него.
  2. Там должна быть запись для разрешения хранения. Включите его, нажав переключатель рядом с ним. Если разрешения на хранение нет в списке, используйте связанную с хранилищем команду в Termux, чтобы получить ошибку отказа в разрешении и вернуться.

Тестирование изменений

Теперь вы предоставили Termux доступ к вашему хранилищу. Вы можете проверить это с помощью следующей команды:
ls /sdcard/
Если вы не получили ошибку об отказе в разрешении, это сработало! Вам не нужно делать это снова, пока вы не переустановите Termux.

это июль 2017 года, и у меня была такая же проблема, гуглил и прибыл сюда. Комментарий Мэтью Рида указал путь к решению, но нет ответа, в котором это четко прописано, так что вот что из этого вышло:

Termux не запрашивает разрешение файловой системы при установке, поэтому вы должны включить его через Настройки => Приложения => Termux => Разрешения

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