Bash sh syntax error unexpected end of file

A common syntax error in Bash scripts is "Unexpected end of file". What does it mean? Why are you seeing this error while running your Bash script?

You are running a Bash script, and you see a syntax error: Unexpected end of file.

What does it mean?

This can happen if you create your script using Windows.


Because Windows uses a combination of two characters, Carriage Return and Line Feed, as line break in text files (also known as CRLF).

On the other side Unix (or Linux) only use the Line Feed character as line break.

So, let’s see what happens if we save a script using Windows and then we execute it in Linux.

Using the Windows notepad I have created a Bash script called


if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
  echo "More than one argument passed"
  echo "No arguments passed"

And here is the output I get when I execute it:

[ec2-user@localhost scripts]$ ./ 
./ line 2: $'r': command not found
./ line 8: syntax error: unexpected end of file 

How do we see where the problem is?

Edit the script with the vim editor using the -b flag that runs the editor in binary mode:

[ec2-user@localhost scripts]$ vim -b

(Below you can see the content of the script)

if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then^M
  echo "More than one argument passed"^M
  echo "No arguments passed"^M

At the end of each line we see the ^M character. What is that?

It’s the carriage return we have mentioned before. Used by Windows but not by Unix (Linux) in line breaks.

To solve both errors we need to convert our script into a format that Linux understands.

The most common tool to do that is called dos2unix.

If dos2unix is not present on your system you can use the package manager of your distribution to install it.

For instance, on my server I can use YUM (Yellowdog Updater Modified).

To search for the package I use the yum search command:

[root@localhost ~]$ yum search dos2unix
Loaded plugins: extras_suggestions, langpacks, priorities, update-motd
====================== N/S matched: dos2unix =====================================
dos2unix.x86_64 : Text file format converters

And then the yum install command to install it:

[root@localhost ~]$ yum install dos2unix
Loaded plugins: extras_suggestions, langpacks, priorities, update-motd
amzn2-core                                                   | 2.4 kB  00:00:00
amzn2extra-docker                                            | 1.8 kB  00:00:00     
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package dos2unix.x86_64 0:6.0.3-7.amzn2.0.2 will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution 

Dependencies Resolved 

  Package       Arch        Version            Repository            Size
  dos2unix      x86_64      6.0.3-7.amzn2.0.2  amzn2-core            75 k
 Transaction Summary
 Install  1 Package

 Total download size: 75 k
 Installed size: 194 k
 Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
 Downloading packages:
 dos2unix-6.0.3-7.amzn2.0.2.x86_64.rpm                      |  75 kB  00:00:00     
 Running transaction check
 Running transaction test
 Transaction test succeeded
 Running transaction
   Installing : dos2unix-6.0.3-7.amzn2.0.2.x86_64                          1/1 
   Verifying  : dos2unix-6.0.3-7.amzn2.0.2.x86_64                          1/1 

   dos2unix.x86_64 0:6.0.3-7.amzn2.0.2                                                                                                                         

We are ready to convert our script using dos2unix!

[ec2-user@localhost scripts]$ dos2unix 
dos2unix: converting file to Unix format ... 

And now it’s time to execute it:

[ec2-user@localhost scripts]$ ./  No arguments passed

It works!

If you are interested I have written an article that explains the basics of Bash script arguments.


I have found myself having to use the dos2unix command several times over the years.

And now you know what to do if you see the syntax error “Unexpected end of file” while running a Bash script 🙂

Related FREE Course: Decipher Bash Scripting

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In this article, we will see how to solve «syntax error: unexpected end of File» in Linux Shell Scripting. Last night when I was working on a simple shell script to calculate sum of two numbers, I noticed an error while running the script which was totally unexpected. Then I realized although the error is straight forward but it is so common that anyone can willingly or unwillingly can do this mistake. Then after I decided to write a short article about this explaining the different scenarios which can result in unexpected end of file error.

Solved "syntax error: unexpected end of File" in Linux Shell Scripting

Also Read: Solved «xx: command not found» error in Linux Shell Scripting

The simple shell script which I was working is as shown below. Here I am calculating the sum of a and b values and storing it in variable c. Then finally displaying the output using echo $c as you can see below.

cyberithub@ubuntu:~$ nano calculate
#! /bin/bash


 echo $c


When I tried to run above script, it gave me below error output.

cyberithub@ubuntu:~$ ./calculate
./calculate: line 13: syntax error: unexpected end of file

While unexpected end of file error can be encountered due to multiple reasons but most of the time it will be due to either parentheses or braces not opened or closed properly. Basically, the unexpected end of file error means you are trying to open something which was never closed as in bash of braces. If you need to know more about the error, then use bash -x <script_name>. Here -x switch is used for debugging purposes. This is more useful when you have a longer script where it is not at all easy to find errors.

Since in our case it’s a pretty small script so we can easily identify the error. So if you see the output, it says the error is in line 13 which is the below highlighted line.

cyberithub@ubuntu:~$ nano calculate
#! /bin/bash


 c = $(($a+$b))
 echo $c


You might have identified the error by now. In line 13, opening and closing parentheses has been used to call the sum function which is incorrect. So if you remove the opening and closing parentheses like shown below and then try to run the script then you can see that sum function works properly.

cyberithub@ubuntu:~$ nano calculate
#! /bin/bash


 echo $c



cyberithub@ubuntu:~$ ./calculate

The other scenario you might encounter when you open the braces but forget to close it like in below example where you have opened the braces in below highlighted line 12 but forgot or missed closing it. In that case also you will encounter unexpected end of file error when you try to run the script. Hence you need to be careful in closing braces.

cyberithub@ubuntu:~$ nano calculate
#! /bin/bash


 echo $c



cyberithub@ubuntu:~$ ./calculate
./calculate: line 12: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Hope the above explanation makes sense and helps you solve the error if you are also facing unexpected end of file error. Please let me know your feedback in the comment box !!

Can someone explain why the end of the file is unexpected on line 49? (Line 49 is one line after the last line)


timeend=$(date -u +%H%M)
timestart=$(date --date "$timeend 30 minutes ago" -u +%H%M)

while true
    if [[ $firsttime -eq 0 ]]; then
    if [[ $firsttime -ne true ]]; then
    increment=$(( $increment + 2 ))
    time=$(( $timestart + $increment ))
    if [[ $time -ge $timeend ]]; then

    gpnids << EOF
    RADTIM   = "$time"
    TITLE    = 1/-2
    PANEL    = 0
    DEVICE   = gif|radar"$increment".gif|1280;1024|C
    CLEAR    = Y
    TEXT     = 1/2/2/hw
    COLORS   = 7
    WIND     =  
    LINE     =  
    CLRBAR   =  
    IMCBAR   = 5/v/LL/.005;.6/.4;.01
    GAREA    = dset
    MAP      = 24 + 23 + 1/1/2 + 14 + 15/1/2
    LATLON   = 0
    OUTPUT   = t

    $mapfil = lorvus.usg + hicnus.nws + hipona.nws + louhus.nws + loisus.nws




asked Jun 19, 2014 at 16:11

WxPilot's user avatar


You should also have gotten another error which is perhaps more informative:

/home/terdon/scripts/ line 49: warning: here-document at line 21 delimited by end-of-file (wanted `EOF’)

/home/terdon/scripts/ line 50: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Your error is that you have spaces before the string that ends the heredoc. To take a simple example, this complains:


cat << EOF

But this doesn’t:


cat << EOF

Community's user avatar

answered Jun 19, 2014 at 16:20

terdon's user avatar


96.2k15 gold badges192 silver badges289 bronze badges


I get two lines that should help you work out what’s going on:

./test: line 48: warning: here-document at line 21 delimited by end-of-file (wanted `EOF')
./test: line 49: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Your heredoc (<< EOF) construction is incorrectly formed. It’s whitespace sensitive so you either strip it back:

    command <<EOF

Or let it know you’re tabbing it(and it must be a tab):

    command <<-EOF

I prefer the second because it lets you structure the script a lot better… Something your script could already benefit from.

answered Jun 19, 2014 at 16:23

Oli's user avatar


286k115 gold badges669 silver badges829 bronze badges


End of File warning

%>: line 49: warning: here-document at line 21 delimited by end-of-file (wanted ‘EOF’)

  • heredoc is looking for the delimiter (end tag), in this case EOF
  • it’s never never recognized in your example because it is prefixed by spaces
  • the end of the actual file is reached without ever finding the delimiter; hence the warning

This can be addressed by removing the spaces, or as Terndon points out using tabs — I didn’t know this


Another common error for end of file error that occurs deals with whitespace issues. Generally from copying code online formatted for Windows and running it in Linux.

This can be addressed by running dos2unix on the file to quickly convert those characters.

answered Apr 5, 2019 at 15:24

Mike's user avatar


1111 bronze badge

If you are using vim or vi try to use the command

:set list

You will be able to see spaces between the symbol $

Sometimes It’s come in handy to figure out some unexpected behavior.
In this case delete the white spaces finished the job.

muru's user avatar


189k52 gold badges460 silver badges711 bronze badges

answered Jul 12, 2015 at 13:44

whale's user avatar


Bash syntax error: unexpected end of file

Here’s the code:

[pastacode lang=”bash” manual=”%23!%2Fbin%2Fbash%0A%23%20june%202011%0A%0Aif%20%5B%20%24%23%20-lt%203%20-o%20%24%23%20-gt%203%20%5D%3B%20then%0A%20%20%20echo%20%22Error…%20Usage%3A%20%240%20host%20database%20username%22%0A%20%20%20exit%200%0AFi%0A” message=”bash code” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]

  • after running sh
  • syntax error: unexpected end of file


  • is with CRLF line terminators.

[pastacode lang=”bash” manual=”” message=”bash code” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]

then the problem will be fixed.

  • You can install dos2unix in ubuntu with this:

[pastacode lang=”markup” manual=”sudo%20apt-get%20install%20dos2unix” message=”bash code” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]
[pastacode lang=”bash” manual=”die%20()%20%7B%20test%20-n%20%22%24%40%22%20%26%26%20echo%20%22%24%40%22%3B%20exit%201%20%7D%0A” message=”bash code” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]


  • Terminate bodies of single-line functions with semicolon

I.e. this innocent-looking snippet will cause the same error:

[pastacode lang=”bash” manual=”%20die%20()%20%7B%20test%20-n%20%22%24%40%22%20%26%26%20echo%20%22%24%40%22%3B%20exit%201%20%7D%0A” message=”” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]

  • To make the dumb parser:

[pastacode lang=”bash” manual=”die%20()%20%7B%20test%20-n%20%22%24%40%22%20%26%26%20echo%20%22%24%40%22%3B%20exit%201%3B%20%7D%0A” message=”bash code” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]


  • We needed on cygwin :-

[pastacode lang=”bash” manual=”%20export%20SHELLOPTS%0A%20set%20-o%20igncr%0A” message=”bash code” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]

in .bash_profile . This way we didn’t need to run unix2dos


  • Make sure the name of the directory in which the .sh file is present does not have a space character.
  • e.g: Say if it is in a folder called ‘New Folder’, you’re bound to come across the error that you’ve cited. Instead just name it as ‘New_Folder’.

Wikitechy Founder, Author, International Speaker, and Job Consultant. My role as the CEO of Wikitechy, I help businesses build their next generation digital platforms and help with their product innovation and growth strategy. I’m a frequent speaker at tech conferences and events.

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Accepted answer

I think is with CRLF line terminators.



then the problem will be fixed.

You can install dos2unix in ubuntu with this:

sudo apt-get install dos2unix


I just cut-and-pasted your example into a file; it ran fine under bash. I don’t see any problems with it.

For good measure you may want to ensure it ends with a newline, though bash shouldn’t care. (It runs for me both with and without the final newline.)

You’ll sometimes see strange errors if you’ve accidentally embedded a control character in the file. Since it’s a short script, try creating a new script by pasting it from your question here on StackOverflow, or by simply re-typing it.

What version of bash are you using? (bash --version)

Good luck!


Make sure the name of the directory in which the .sh file is present does not have a space character. e.g: Say if it is in a folder called ‘New Folder’, you’re bound to come across the error that you’ve cited. Instead just name it as ‘New_Folder’. I hope this helps.


Apparently, some versions of the shell can also emit this message when the final line of your script lacks a newline.


In Ubuntu:

$ gedit ~/.profile

Then, File -> Save as and set end line to Unix/Linux


For people using MacOS:

If you received a file with Windows format and wanted to run on MacOS and seeing this error, run these commands.

brew install dos2unix
sh <>


If the the script itself is valid and there are no syntax errors, then some possible causes could be:

  • Invalid end-of-lines (for example, rn instead of n)
  • Presence of the byte order mark (BOM) at the beginning of the file

Both can be fixed using vim or vi.

To fix line endings open the file in vim and from the command mode type:

:set ff=unix

To remove the BOM use:

:set nobomb


For those who don’t have dos2unix installed (and don’t want to install it):

Remove trailing r character that causes this error:

sed -i 's/r$//' filename

Details from this StackOverflow answer. This was really helpful.


I was able to cut and paste your code into a file and it ran correctly. If you
execute it like this it should work:

Your «»:

# june 2011

if [ $# -lt 3 -o $# -gt 3 ]; then
   echo "Error... Usage: $0 host database username"
   exit 0

The command:

$ ./ arg1 arg2 arg3

Note that «» must be executable:

$ chmod +x

You may be getting that error b/c of how you’re doing input (w/ a pipe, carrot,
etc.). You could also try splitting the condition into two:

if [ $# -lt 3 ] || [ $# -gt 3 ]; then
   echo "Error... Usage: $0 host database username"
   exit 0

Or, since you’re using bash, you could use built-in syntax:

if [[ $# -lt 3 || $# -gt 3 ]]; then
   echo "Error... Usage: $0 host database username"
   exit 0

And, finally, you could of course just check if 3 arguments were given (clean,
maintains POSIX shell compatibility):

if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
   echo "Error... Usage: $0 host database username"
   exit 0


In my case, there is a redundant in the like following:

function foo() {
    python tools/ 
                           --cfg configs/Kinetics/X3D_8x8_R50.yaml 
                           NUM_GPUS 1 
                           TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE 8 
                           SOLVER.BASE_LR 0.0125 
                           DATA.PATH_TO_DATA_DIR ./afs/kinetics400 
                           DATA.PATH_PREFIX  ./afs/kinetics400    # Error

There is NOT a at the end of DATA.PATH_PREFIX ./afs/kinetics400



In my case, I was working on Windows OS and I got the same error while running autoconf.

  • I simply open file with my NOTEPAD++ IDE.
  • Then I converted the File with EOL conversion into Windows (CR LF) as follows:



Missing a closing brace on a function definition will cause this error as I just discovered.

function whoIsAnIidiot() {
    echo "you are for forgetting the closing brace just below this line !"

Which of course should be like this…

function whoIsAnIidiot() {
    echo "not you for sure"


on cygwin I needed:-

 set -o igncr

in .bash_profile . This way I didn’t need to run unix2dos


This was happening for me when I was trying to call a function using parens, e.g.

run() {
  echo hello


should be:

run() {
  echo hello



So I found this post and the answers did not help me but i was able to figure out why it gave me the error. I had a

cat > temp.txt < EOF
some content

The issue was that i copied the above code to be in a function and inadvertently tabbed the code. Need to make sure the last EOF is not tabbed.


I had the problem when I wrote «if — fi» statement in one line:

if [ -f ~/.git-completion.bash ]; then . ~/.git-completion.bash fi

Write multiline solved my problem:

if [ -f ~/.git-completion.bash ]; then 
    . ~/.git-completion.bash


I got this answer from this similar problem on StackOverflow

Open the file in Vim and try

:set fileformat=unix

Convert eh line endings to unix endings and see if that solves the
issue. If editing in Vim, enter the command :set fileformat=unix and
save the file. Several other editors have the ability to convert line
endings, such as Notepad++ or Atom

Thanks @lemongrassnginger


an un-closed if => fi clause will raise this as well

tip: use trap to debug, if your script is huge…


set -x
trap read debug


i also just got this error message by using the wrong syntax in an if clause

  • else if (syntax error: unexpected end of file)
  • elif (correct syntax)

i debugged it by commenting bits out until it worked


Another thing to check (just occured to me):

  • terminate bodies of single-line functions with semicolon

I.e. this innocent-looking snippet will cause the same error:

die () { test -n "$@" && echo "$@"; exit 1 }

To make the dumb parser happy:

die () { test -n "$@" && echo "$@"; exit 1; }

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