Bash syntax error unterminated quoted string

I am trying to get a cronjob to pipe output into a dated file in a specified (folder) location. My crontab entry looks something like this: * * * * * /some/path/ >> $(date "+/home/oo...

I am trying to get a cronjob to pipe output into a dated file in a specified (folder) location.

My crontab entry looks something like this:

* * * * * /some/path/ >> $(date "+/home/oompah/logs/%Y%m%d.test.log")

What I don’t understand is that when I type this command at the console, I get the correct string:

echo $(date "+/home/oompah/logs/%Y%m%d.test.log")

What’s causing this error and how may I fix it?

bash version info is:

GNU bash, version 4.1.5(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

asked Mar 29, 2011 at 14:09

oompahloompah's user avatar


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You should excape the percent signs in your crontab:

* * * * * /some/path/ >> $(date "+/home/oompah/logs/%Y%m%d.test.log")

Percent (%) signs have a special meaning in crontabs. They are interpreted as newline characters.

Matthew Simoneau's user avatar

answered Mar 29, 2011 at 14:36

bmk's user avatar


Put the date command inside the script. cron isn’t necessarily running the shell you think it is.

answered Mar 29, 2011 at 14:11

bmargulies's user avatar


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make sure you have shebang #!/bin/bash as the first line in your script. Also, as bmargulies stated, put the date command inside the script if possible.

answered Mar 29, 2011 at 14:14

kurumi's user avatar


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I am trying to use a backup script that will backup my sql database and website files.
I am running Ubuntu 12.04 32 bit version and zPanel.

Also what are these variables:


I assume the first one is DB name.

Here is the script:

# Daily Backup Routine - Backup and Sync to Dropbox
# This script creates a backup using today's date, then deleted
# any backups made 3 days ago. If run every day it will ensure
# you have a week's worth of backups of your MySQL databases and
# zPanel web directories. 
# Uses whatever Dropbox account is running on the server.
# Written by Richard Ferreira for the backup of zPanel websites.
# Contact me - richard[at]
# Before we get started, we should set some parameters. We'll need these for later.
# The webserver's datafiles:
# Where do we want the backup to go?  (SET THIS - IT'S A TEMP FOLDER)
# Where is our dropbox folder? (SET THIS TO YOUR ABSOLUTE BACKUP PATH)
# What do we want our date to look like?
NOW=$(date +"%d-%m-%Y")
# We need to know the date 3 days ago to purge any backups that were made 3 days ago.
# This ensures we don't keep unnecessarily old backups.
# It doesn't matter if it skips one every now and then - we'll just have to check manually from time to time.
# If you want to keep more days backups, change the "3 days ago" to "x days ago"
DAYSAGO=$(date --date="3 days ago" +"%d-%m-%Y")
# What should our file backup look like?
# Our MySQL Login information and some paths (we'll use 'which' to make sure we get them):
# Don't forget to change the root password here!
# Let's just, for sanity's sake, make sure our temp backup folder exists.
mkdir $BACKUP
# Now let's start!
# Let's get the databases that we want to backup.
DBS="$($MYSQL -u $SQLUSER -h $SQLHOST -p$SQLPASS -Bse 'show databases')"
# Now let's dump them to .sql files and put them in our backup directory.
for db in $DBS
# Let's shove the whole webserver directory into a tarball and throw that in with the sql files:
tar -zcvf /root/backup/$WEBFILE $WEBDIR
# That's all done - we should put the backups on Copy by putting them into our Copy folder.
# First let's make a folder for today.
# Copy our backups into it.
cp -R $BACKUP/* $DROPBOX/Asterix/$NOW
# We can delete the backup we made 3 days ago from Copy now.
# And clear out the temporary director for next time.
rm $BACKUP/*
# Job well done!
# Have a beer and relax!

Here is my problem:
When I try to run the script I get this error:
./ 66: ./ Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string

If anyone could help me with this would appreciate it a lot!

I’ve added some code to the end of a bash script I am using. The code shown here is intended to copy a csv into my postgres table, and then remove brackets, quotes and double quotes from the title column of test_table.

 #copy csv to table

psql -U postgres -d ebay_sold -c "COPY test_table (item_number,title,url,price) FROM '/home/perl_experiments/xmlcsv.txt' (DELIMITER('|'))"

#Remove brackets, then double qotes, then single quotes from title column
    psql -U postgres -d ebay_sold -c "UPDATE test_table SET title = regexp_replace(title, '[()]', '', 'g')"
    psql -U postgres -d ebay_sold -c "UPDATE test_table SET title = regexp_replace(title, '"', '', 'g')"
    psql -U postgres -d ebay_sold -c "UPDATE test_table SET title = regexp_replace(title, '''', '', 'g')"

The copying to the postgres table works fine. The remove brackets, double quotes and single quotes work as expected when applied manually in postgres. However, when I run the bash script, I get:

line 27: syntax error: unterminated quoted string

The error which i’m getting relates to the line

           psql -U postgres -d ebay_sold -c "UPDATE test_table SET title = regexp_replace(title, '"', '', 'g')"

As I say this command works fine when performed manually when i’m logged into postgres, does anyone have any idea why i’m getting this error when I run the script in bash?

I am trying to run a .run file, I log in as SU and run the following command:


but I am getting the following error:

 Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string

What is the cause of this?

Hennes's user avatar


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asked Nov 20, 2013 at 14:55

Colin747's user avatar


The cause is probably an unterminated quoted string in the installer. (well duh!).

Either run it with the -x option to get more debug information, or open the installer in an editor and look for unmatched pairs of quotes.


#!/usr/bin/env bash
#My demo installer!
echo "starting here!"
echo "and an error in this line
echo "We will never get here!"

Notice the missing closing quote (") in the second echo line.


I just downloaded a file called from sourceforge (which I assume is the same file as you are using) and when I opened it in vim I noticed it starts with ^?ELF^. This file seems to be an ELF binary.

Using the file command on it confirms this:
file: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, stripped

It is not a shell script and the normal way to execute it would either be:

  1. (assuming the directory is in your search path),
  2. or with the full path prepended. E.g. ./ if you are already in the same directory where the file is. (This is why @erhun’s answer worked).

answered Nov 20, 2013 at 15:00

Hennes's user avatar


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It will work with this way.

chmod +x

answered Nov 20, 2013 at 15:09

erhun's user avatar


1414 bronze badges


I tried to install and had the same message.
None of these answers worked for me because I think this is the x64 bit version and I was trying to install it on a 32bit Linux Mint.

Instead I downloaded (notice the lack of x64 in the file name) and this one worked.
I did the chmod , then sudo ./ and after good few seconds i had the gui installer running.

PS. You’ll need to go to sourceforge because website will give you x64 version as default download.

answered Feb 14, 2014 at 20:21

mareq133's user avatar

Looks not a problem with 64-bit OS.

I got same error and ‘uname -m’ can confirm it (displays x86_64), although I was already sure specifically purchase 64-bit machine.

Looks like while downloading (wget for many hours, very slow mobile Internet), ‘’ got corrupted!

answered Apr 30, 2014 at 18:49

Anshul's user avatar

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кавычки в переменной (bash, dash)

Модераторы: /dev/random, Модераторы разделов

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кавычки в переменной


$ args="'head -n1' 'tail -n1'"
$ echo $args
'head -n1' 'tail -n1'
$ echo | pee $args
sh: 0: Illegal option -1
sh: 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string
sh: 0: Illegal option -1
sh: 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string

Интересует не решение конкретной проблемы (она уже решена совершенно другим путём), а именно причина ошибки.

Пишите правильно:

в консоли
вку́пе (с чем-либо)
в общем
в течение (часа)
по умолчанию

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Сообщения: 19825
Статус: nulla salus bello
ОС: Debian GNU/Linux

Re: кавычки в переменной


Bizdelnick » 28.09.2013 20:01

А, вон оно что. А откуда тогда «Unterminated quoted string»?
По идее pee должен был бы попытаться выполнить команду ‘head с тремя аргументами -n1’, ‘tail и -n1’. Однако видно, что он пытается выполнить две команды.

Пишите правильно:

в консоли
вку́пе (с чем-либо)
в общем
в течение (часа)
по умолчанию

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ОС: Debian GNU/Linux

Re: кавычки в переменной


Bizdelnick » 28.09.2013 20:15

Да, точно, теперь дошло. Спасибо!

Пишите правильно:

в консоли
вку́пе (с чем-либо)
в общем
в течение (часа)
по умолчанию

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Контактная информация:

Re: кавычки в переменной


drBatty » 28.09.2013 20:16

Bizdelnick писал(а): ↑

28.09.2013 19:24

Интересует не решение конкретной проблемы (она уже решена совершенно другим путём), а именно причина ошибки.

а что такое pee?

ну а вообще — да, кавычки они являются самыми обычными символами ПОСЛЕ того, как оказались в переменной.

Код: Выделить всё

$ X=A"B
$ echo $X
$ Y=$X
$ echo $Y

Как видите, ДО того, как они завернулись, мне пришлось поставить бэкслэш.

Bizdelnick писал(а): ↑

28.09.2013 20:01

А, вон оно что. А откуда тогда «Unterminated quoted string»?

а вот это уже ваша pee видать таким образом распарсила свои параметры.
Hint: use set -x

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ОС: Slackware-current
Контактная информация:

Re: кавычки в переменной


drBatty » 28.09.2013 20:42

а… Точно! Как же я забыл про мочу кошки!

Вот что думает по этому поводу гуглотранслятор:

Обратите внимание, что в то время как это похоже на тройник, копия вход не отправляется на стандартный вывод, как и тройник делает. Если это требуется, то используйте мочу кошки …

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Тема: запуск пакета с расширением .run  (Прочитано 2103 раз)

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Здравствуйте Все! Подскажите как решить проблему.
Ubuntu 14/04 Desktop. Скачал пакет с данным расширением, поставил галочку на исполнение, но через терминал с ‘sh‘ не запускается, пишет : Syntax error: «(» unexpected.
Загуглить не получается толком т.к. из-за спец знаков поисковой машины выдача дебильная получается.
Скачал с другого сайта другой пакет с  .run, та же самая ошибка вылазит.
Скачал заведомо не подходящий по битности пакет, там выдало : Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string.
На одном сайте написали о необходимости установки вот этого:

Сделал, но результат тот же :(
Запускал инсталятор в режиме создания пакетов, та же ошибка.
Может есть у кого надумки?



Только что получилось, хрен знает почему сразу не пошло, ведь делал все также.
Права 755 надо было поставить, хотя ставил и в первый раз….


Только что получилось, хрен знает почему сразу не пошло, ведь делал все также.
Права 755 надо было поставить, хотя ставил и в первый раз….

так после chmod… — проверить: ls — la.

Не остыл — в бане на вечно…

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