Hey! I want some ambient sound on my zombie server. I made the sound cutting, so every ambient is in other .mp4 file
Here is the code.
local sounds = {" sounds/ambient0.mp4, sounds/ambient1.mp4, sounds/ambient2.mp4, sounds/ambient3.mp4, sounds/ambient4.mp4, sounds/ambient5.mp4, sounds/ambient6.mp4, sounds/ambient7.mp4, sounds/ambient8.mp4, sounds/ambient9.mp4, sounds/ambient10.mp4, sounds/ambient11.mp4, sounds/ambient12.mp4, sounds/ambient13.mp4, sounds/ambient14.mp4, sounds/ambient15.mp4, sounds/ambient16.mp4, sounds/ambient17.mp4, sounds/ambient18.mp4, sounds/ambient19.mp4, sounds/ambient20.mp4, sounds/ambient21.mp4, sounds/ambient22.mp4, sounds/ambient23.mp4, sounds/ambient24.mp4, sounds/ambient25.mp4, sounds/ambient26.mp4, sounds/ambient27.mp4, sounds/ambient28.mp4, sounds/ambient29.mp4, sounds/ambient30.mp4, sounds/ambient31.mp4, sounds/ambient32.mp4, sounds/ambient33.mp4, sounds/ambient34.mp4 "} function playsound() playSound(sounds[math.random(1, #sounds)]) setSoundVolume(sound, 300.0) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),playsound) setTimer(playsound, 60000,0)
Here is the XML:
<meta> <info author="Yakuza" type="script" description="Ambient Sounds" version="1.0.1"/> <script src="ambience.lua" type="client" /> <file src="sounds/ambient0.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient1.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient2.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient3.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient4.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient5.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient6.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient7.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient8.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient9.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient10.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient11.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient12.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient13.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient14.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient15.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient16.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient17.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient18.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient19.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient20.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient21.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient22.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient23.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient24.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient25.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient26.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient27.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient28.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient29.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient30.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient31.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient32.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient33.mp4" /> <file src="sounds/ambient34.mp4" /> </meta>
And here is the error message I get when I start the resource:
BASS ERROR 2 in LoadMedia path:C:Program Files (x86)MTA San Andreas 1.3modsdeathmatchresourcesambient soundsambient0.mp4, soundsambient1.mp4, soundsambient2.mp4, soundsambient3.mp4, soundsambient4.mp4, soundsambient5.mp4, soundsambient6.mp4, soundsambient7.mp4, soundsambient8.mp4, soundsambient9.mp4, soundsambient10.mp4, soundsambient11.mp4, soundsambient12.mp4, soundsambient13.mp4, soundsambient14.mp4, soundsambient15.mp4, soundsambient16.mp4, soundsambient17.mp4, soundsambient18.mp4, soundsambient19.mp4, soundsambient20.mp4, soundsambient21.mp4, soundsambient22.mp4, soundsambient23.mp4, soundsambient24.mp4, soundsambient25.mp4, soundsambient26.mp4, soundsambient27.mp4, soundsambient28.mp4, soundsambient29.mp4, soundsambient30.mp4, soundsambient31.mp4, soundsambient32.mp4, soundsambient33.mp4, soundsambient34.mp4 3d:0 loop:0
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I keep getting errors in my server when I open console.
BASS ERROR 2 in LoadMedia path:C:GamesMTAmodsdeathmatchresourceszombierpgsoundsmgroan5.ogg 3d:1 loop:0
BASS ERROR 2 in LoadMedia path:C:GamesMTAmodsdeathmatchresourceszombierpgsoundsmgroan5.ogg 3d:1 loop:0
BASS ERROR 2 in LoadMedia path:C:GamesMTAmodsdeathmatchresourceszombierpgsoundsmgroan7.ogg 3d:1 loop:0
BASS ERROR 2 in LoadMedia path:C:GamesMTAmodsdeathmatchresourceszombierpgsoundsmgroan5.ogg 3d:1 loop:0
Edited August 23, 2012 by Guest
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Those are your Sound errors,
Go to the script that involves those sounds then make sure your file path is as corrected: Filepath
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I replaced it with all with: zombierpg/sounds/mrgoan1 etc
But now it says that it can’t find this location…
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Put how it was and show meta.xml
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Actually, your going to have to post the sound part of the script here and your Meta.xml.
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I replaced my sounds back to normal but I still get these errors:
Script part:
addEvent( "Zomb_Moan", true ) function Zmoan ( ped, randnum ) if (isElement(ped)) then local Zx,Zy,Zz = getElementPosition( ped ) local sound = playSound3D("sounds/mgroan"..randnum..".ogg", Zx, Zy, Zz, false) setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 20) end end addEventHandler( "Zomb_Moan", getRootElement(), Zmoan )
Meta part:
<file src="sounds/mgroan2.ogg" /> <file src="sounds/mgroan3.ogg" /> <file src="sounds/mgroan4.ogg" /> <file src="sounds/mgroan6.ogg" /> <file src="sounds/mgroan8.ogg" /> <file src="sounds/mgroan9.ogg" /> <file src="sounds/mgroan10.ogg" />
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well, that looks good, can you play the sounds your self?
BTW, try this:
addEvent( "Zomb_Moan", true ) function Zmoan ( ped, randnum ) if (isElement(ped)) then local Zx,Zy,Zz = getElementPosition( ped ) local sound = playSound3D("sounds/mgroan"..randnum..".ogg", Zx, Zy, Zz) setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 20) end end addEventHandler( "Zomb_Moan", getRootElement(), Zmoan )
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I keep getting errors, everything else looks same. And yes I can hear the sounds.
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try keeping the sounds in the same folder as the scripts, meaning don’t put them in the sounds folder.
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Bass error is still here…
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Are you sure the files are OGG format? Didn’t you edit the extension?
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Do you have Team Viewer?
and try putting the folder name as: ‘[sounds]’ .
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addEvent( "Zomb_Moan", true ) function Zmoan ( ped, randnum ) if (isElement(ped)) then local Zx,Zy,Zz = getElementPosition( ped ) if ( randnum == 5 or randnum == 7 ) then return end local sound = playSound3D("sounds/mgroan"..randnum..".ogg", Zx, Zy, Zz, false) setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 20) end end addEventHandler( "Zomb_Moan", getRootElement(), Zmoan )
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addEvent( "Zomb_Moan", true ) function Zmoan ( ped, randnum ) if (isElement(ped)) then local Zx,Zy,Zz = getElementPosition( ped ) if ( randnum == 5 or randnum == 7 ) then return end local sound = playSound3D("sounds/mgroan"..randnum..".ogg", Zx, Zy, Zz, false) setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 20) end end addEventHandler( "Zomb_Moan", getRootElement(), Zmoan )
This won’t fix the error, it will just stop the function if randnum is 5 or 7.
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Nothing helped, does anyone else has any idea?
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Describe the bug
[Output] : BASS ERROR 41 in LoadMedia path:C:GamesMTA San Andreasmodsdeathmatchresourcesex_gatesfilesgate.mp3 3d:1 loop:0
Game freezes for 1-5 seconds
Steps to reproduce
Use mp3 at playSound or playSound3D
Multi Theft Auto v1.5.9-release-21150
Additional context
This bug is from 21135
After converting to .wav it will work without any errors.
Script + mp3 file:
addEvent(«playGateSound», true)
addEventHandler(«playGateSound», root, function(sound,x,y,z)
local mx, my, mz = getElementPosition(localPlayer)
if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, mx, my, mz) <= 50 then
local sound = playSound3D(sound, x,y,z, false)
setSoundVolume(sound, 0.3)
setSoundMinDistance(sound, 10)
setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 15)
Relevant log output
[2022-04-08 12:16:09] [Output] : BASS ERROR 41 in LoadMedia path:C:GamesMTA San Andreasmodsdeathmatchresourcesex_gatesfilesgate.mp3 3d:1 loop:0 [2022-04-08 12:16:42] [Output] : BASS ERROR 41 in LoadMedia path:C:GamesMTA San Andreasmodsdeathmatchresourcesex_gatesfilesgate.mp3 3d:1 loop:0 [2022-04-08 12:16:44] [Output] : BASS ERROR 41 in LoadMedia path:C:GamesMTA San Andreasmodsdeathmatchresourcesex_gatesfilesgate.mp3 3d:1 loop:0
Security Policy
- I have read and understood the Security Policy and this issue is not security related.
BASS ERROR 2 in LoadMedia path:C:Program Files (x86)MTA San Andreas 1.5modsdeathmatchresourcespd_business_clublecimy 3d:1 loop:0
[info] Zakładasz maskę. Od teraz nazwa twojej postaci jest ukryta.
[?] Nieznajomy #22446: atnie slysze
[?] Nieznajomy #22446: kurwa
[?] Nieznajomy #22446: nie lsysze
Odczekaj chwilę…
[?] Nieznajomy #22446: pisz kurwa
[info] Zostałeś zakuty przez Kubasny!
[info] Zdejmujesz maskę.
[86] davek: no co ty odpierdalasz koles
[86] davek: mam wylaczonego voica
[86] davek: i pierdolisz cos
Nieznajomy #2759 rzuca sie na uciekajacego, wykreca mu lapy po czym zakuwa w kajdanki.
[86] davek: nom
[86] davek: i co ty odpierdalasz?
Nieznajomy #2759 przystawil zatrzymanego do maski, po czym dokladnie go przeszukuje.
Chcesz wybrać ID grupy do której chcesz pisać? Wpisz /gchat <id grupy>!
[DC] [District Shooter | davek] [86] davek: hahaha
[DC] [District Shooter | davek] [86] davek: kurwa
[DC] [District Shooter | davek] [86] davek: sapd
[DC] [District Shooter | davek] [86] davek: podjechalo
[DC] [District Shooter | davek] [86] davek: i jeblo mi z parki
[86] davek: no
[86] davek: i co to ma byc?
[86] davek: podjezdzasz
[86] davek: pisze nie slysze
[86] davek: i napierdalasz
[86] davek: no pomysl
[?] Nieznajomy #2759: Jestes zatrzymany pod pretekstem posiadania broni.
[86] davek: nom
[86] davek: ktorej nie mam
[86] davek: jebnij sie w glowe
[86] davek: bo odpierddalasz takie rp
[86] davek: podbiegasz
[86] davek: sprawdzasz eq
[?] Nieznajomy #14123: u
Odczekaj chwilę…
[?] Nieznajomy #2759: Jeszcze sprawdzimy, czy jestes poszukikwany.
[?] Nieznajomy #14123: płacz
[86] davek: pretekst
[86] davek: nom
[86] davek: ja i tak wychodze
[?] Nieznajomy #14123: oj
Odczekaj chwilę…
[86] davek: zaraz
[86] davek: wiec siema
[?] Nieznajomy #14123: wiec ban
[?] Nieznajomy #14123: siema
Nieznajomy #2759 wyjal od davek’a dokumenty, podal funkcjonariuszom.
[86] davek: wyjal
[86] davek: a skad?
[86] davek: ktorych nie mam
Odczekaj chwilę…
[86] davek: ahahahah
[?] Nieznajomy #2759: Dokladnie Cie przeszukalem
[86] davek: ta
[86] davek: na chuju to napisales?
[?] Nieznajomy #2759: Dobra nie placz.
Przez drobne problemy techniczne start filmu się chwilkę opóźnił, osoby których jeszcze nie m << kacper5091
[?] Nieznajomy #2759: gangi must winy
[?] Nieznajomy #2759: mood
[86] davek: chyba powinienem na do napisac
[86] davek: co znalazles?
nie ma zapraszamy!!! Film już trwa << kacper5091
- #1
BASS ERROR 2 in LoadMedia path:C:Program Files (x86)MTA San Andreas 1.4modsdeathmatchresourcesRLsoundsstart.mp3 3d:0 loop:1
function achievsound_func ()
local sound = playSound («sounds/start.mp3», false)
setSoundVolume ( sound, 10 )
endKann mir wer weiterhelfen?
- #2
Was genau geht den nicht? Spielt er die Musik nicht ab oder wie?
- #3
Jap es kommt keine musik und es kommt immer die Error meldung
- #4
War das Script schon drinnen oder hast du es gemacht?
- #5
du musst auch nen EventHandler hinzufügen, damit diese Funktion auch gestartet wird^^
- #6
function GUI_ShowLoginWindow()
guiSetVisible(LoginWindow, true)
guiSetVisible(LoginWindow2, true)
guiSetVisible(LoginWindow3, true)
loginsound = playSound(«start.mp3», true)
setSoundVolume(loginsound, 10)
bindKey ( «enter», «down», SubmitEinloggenBtn )
addEvent ( «ShowLoginWindow», true)
addEventHandler ( «ShowLoginWindow», getRootElement(), GUI_ShowLoginWindow)function GUI_DisableLoginWindow()
guiSetVisible(LoginWindow, false)
guiSetVisible(LoginWindow2, false)
guiSetVisible(LoginWindow3, false)
setTimer ( checkForSocialStateChanges, 10000, -1 )
setTimer ( getPlayerSocialAvailableStates, 1000, 1 )
addEvent ( «DisableLoginWindow», true )
addEventHandler ( «DisableLoginWindow», getRootElement(), GUI_DisableLoginWindow)addEventHandler(«onClientResourceStart», getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),
function ()local player = getLocalPlayer()
loginScreen = _CreateLoginWindow()
for i = 1, 100 do
outputChatBox (» «)
setTimer ( ShowInfoWindow, 1000, 1 )
triggerServerEvent ( «regcheck», getLocalPlayer(), player )
end )ist doch eig richtig
- #7
Überprüf mal ob das bei dir Überall drinnen ist?
addEventHandler ("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ()joinmusik = playSound ("register_login/start.mp3", true) -- hier music.mp3 zu dem Filepath deiner Datei umändern! end) function stopJoinMusik () stopSound (joinmusik) end
in in der /register_login/register_window.lua ein (ganz am Ende) dann ersetzt du diese Funktion in der register_window.lua Zeile 228:
function GUI_DisableRegisterGui() cancelCameraIntro () destroyElement ( gWindow["register"] ) showCursor ( false ) removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), showVersionInfo ) destroyElement ( gImage["versionInfoDraw1"] ) destroyElement ( gImage["versionInfoDraw2"] ) killTimer ( LVCamFlightTimer ) end
function GUI_DisableRegisterGui() stopJoinMusik () cancelCameraIntro () destroyElement ( gWindow["register"] ) showCursor ( false ) removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), showVersionInfo ) destroyElement ( gImage["versionInfoDraw1"] ) destroyElement ( gImage["versionInfoDraw2"] ) killTimer ( LVCamFlightTimer ) end
und in der login_window.lua Zeile 112
function GUI_DisableLoginWindow() cancelCameraIntro () guiSetVisible(LoginWindow, false) showCursor(false) removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), showVersionInfo ) destroyElement ( gImage["versionInfoDraw1"] ) destroyElement ( gImage["versionInfoDraw2"] ) setTimer ( checkForSocialStateChanges, 10000, -1 ) setTimer ( getPlayerSocialAvailableStates, 1000, 1 ) if isTimer ( LVCamFlightTimer ) then killTimer ( LVCamFlightTimer ) end end
Alles anzeigen
function GUI_DisableLoginWindow() stopJoinMusik () cancelCameraIntro () guiSetVisible(LoginWindow, false) showCursor(false) removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), showVersionInfo ) destroyElement ( gImage["versionInfoDraw1"] ) destroyElement ( gImage["versionInfoDraw2"] ) setTimer ( checkForSocialStateChanges, 10000, -1 ) setTimer ( getPlayerSocialAvailableStates, 1000, 1 ) if isTimer ( LVCamFlightTimer ) then killTimer ( LVCamFlightTimer ) end end
Alles anzeigen
- #8
Ist die start.mp3 im sounds Ordner?
Bitte die Clientdaten überprüfen