Bf2 memory error

[Solved] BF2 Memory Error - Freeze or CTD on Map Change PR:BF2 Support

2012-04-20, 04:50



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[Solved] BF2 Memory Error — Freeze or CTD on Map Change

Sorry if this is a repost, I didn’t find a match (but I was able to fix my Mumble connection issue… ).

Any way, since loading 0.97 PRV, during the map change my system will freeze or CTD. The error log states «BF2 Memory Error».

After I kill the session, restart PR, I can get in another server, play another round, map change, freeze / CTD, etc…

Any thoughts? Could it be a settings problem?

[LOUS] DawgMach1

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Last edited by [R-DEV]BloodyDeed; 2012-04-26 at 06:04..

2012-04-20, 06:49



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Re: BF2 Memory Error — Freeze or CTD on Map Change

Update: Dropped video to settings to medium and still get the same freeze or CTD.

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2012-04-20, 07:37



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Re: BF2 Memory Error — Freeze or CTD on Map Change

Is this happening on Ia Drang map perhaps or all PRV maps? Does it happen in standard PR, with standard maps or just PRV?

Post your specs and OS version.

Moved to BF2 support.


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2012-04-21, 22:49



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Re: BF2 Memory Error — Freeze or CTD on Map Change

Solved — It was happening on all maps. Turns out I wasn’t running Mumble in ADMIN mode so it would make the initial link when starting BF2-PR, but crash the game during map changes while trying to link up / waiting for WIN7 admin approval.

[LOUS] DawgMach1

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2012-04-22, 07:51



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Re: BF2 Memory Error — Freeze or CTD on Map Change

Quite odd solution. Im running Mumble and PR as admin on Win7 64bit all the time from the beginning and I haven’t experienced something like this. Neither I heard it may help in some scenarios, and I also dont understand how it helps.

On map change Mumble does not have to link you up again to the server, its only switching you from your squad channel ( if you were in any squads ) to server root channel. Thats why I cant understand how this helps.

I’m going to leave it ope another 24h. If problem arises post feedback here, if not all well.


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2012-04-23, 05:47



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Re: BF2 Memory Error — Freeze or CTD on Map Change

Ok, you’re right, that didn’t fix the problem. However, odd enough the problem wasn’t consistent during the weekend.

OS: Win 7 Pro 32bit
CPU: AMD 64 X2 6000+ (3.01 Ghz)
RAM: 4 GB (4 sticks)
Video: 2 EVGA GeForce 9800 GTX+ SLI Mode

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

***Edit — I just adjusted my RAM allocation per the *sticky* thread at the top of BF2 Support. Will advise if that fixes the problem.***

[LOUS] DawgMach1

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Last edited by DawgMach1; 2012-04-23 at 05:55..

2012-04-26, 05:57



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Re: BF2 Memory Error — Freeze or CTD on Map Change

Solved — The RAM allocation fixed the CTD / Freeze during map change.

[LOUS] DawgMach1

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2012-04-26, 06:03



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Glad to hear that.
Going to close this thread.

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1) OK, I’ve been grappling with this problem for a while now, and nothing seems to be working.

Basically, when I try to load the map in BF2, it comes up with this error:

memory.dll: sanity check: block size 20428545 (19.48 MB) doesn’t seem sane

If I select the ‘Try Again’ option or ‘Continue’ option, it craches/freezes; but if I select the ‘Cancel’ option, it carries on loading fine.

FYI, the map loads with no problems in BF2_R, and it crashes at either 14% or 15%.

2) My other problem is that the minimap looks like this:…p;pictureid=585

I put a post up a while ago, but nothing worked…munculldistance etc etc. I have lightmapped the trees seperately each time, but only some show up!!! any ideas would be useful. I have had it suggested that i use photoshop and copy the decent area about.

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1) Try closing all unnecessary software (messengers, media players, anti-vir) and run it again. How much RAM do you have?

And is there any error in windowed mode?

2) The link is broken..

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1) Try closing all unnecessary software (messengers, media players, anti-vir) and run it again. How much RAM do you have?

And is there any error in windowed mode?

2) The link is broken..

I’ve tried it ithout anything running, no change. I have 2 GB atm.

Try this one:…p;pictureid=585

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01. What is your patch version? (Patch is important as it can fix many unnecessary CTDs)

02. Is your BF2 a PIRATE (Ahoi Mate-tes), or cheaper than original (you must have been cheated, or you are greedy on saving $)?

03. Is your RAM enough? (Your 2GB RAM is more than enough, good, But DDR2 module and above are reccomended, in case you don’t have one)

My case:

Ever since I have BF2 Complete Collection in original (and it is my first original CD! lol… cuz I am still not bored with it until now, so I decided to go original, and I only do this if a game’s replay value is high) and 2GB Kingston DDR2 RAM this problem is no more…I got it occasionally when I blew up a bridge, also together with patch v1.0 I would CTD when I was in a blackhawk for a while. And I can’t patch my game because my .exe is crack.

So if your problem is really what I said, go get original, it’s cheap now, even complete collection… But hey, if you really want pirates, go get Battlefield 2 Pirates mod… :lol:

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01. What is your patch version? (Patch is important as it can fix many unnecessary CTDs)

02. Is your BF2 a PIRATE (Ahoi Mate-tes), or cheaper than original (you must have been cheated, or you are greedy on saving $)?

03. Is your RAM enough? (Your 2GB RAM is more than enough, good, But DDR2 module and above are reccomended, in case you don’t have one)

My case:

Ever since I have BF2 Complete Collection in original (and it is my first original CD! lol… cuz I am still not bored with it until now, so I decided to go original, and I only do this if a game’s replay value is high) and 2GB Kingston DDR2 RAM this problem is no more…I got it occasionally when I blew up a bridge, also together with patch v1.0 I would CTD when I was in a blackhawk for a while. And I can’t patch my game because my .exe is crack.

So if your problem is really what I said, go get original, it’s cheap now, even complete collection… But hey, if you really want pirates, go get Battlefield 2 Pirates mod… :lol:

I have a FULLY legal, FULLY Patched BF2 and Editor, and my RAM can cope easily with the load BF2 plays on it.

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Is all your hardware up to date?

edit: oh and your RAM type?

Edited October 26, 2008 by urban_fighter_0181

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try doing a full terrain re-save, could be corrupt heightmapprimary.raw, or the terraindata.raw. I dont belive this to be a hardware problem, i know i have had this error before had my system rocks :P, and a belive the resave fixed it before if my memory serves me right. ;)

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Sorry mate I thought you say you can’t start bf2

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Good lord.. I wish I remembered what this was — we had this same error pop up with some of our beta testers. Its not your BF2 or your files etc, I do remember that… cuz one or two guys would see it and everyone else was fine. It had to do with either a driver problem for guys with SATA drives or maybe having to increase the size of your swap file. I’ll check our staff forum and see if I can find where we were talking about this error. In the meantime, do a web search because there were lots of people who got that from just playing BF2 after one of the major EA/DICE patches.

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I always had that error when one of the files (texture or sound ) was corrupted. Check with the debugger’s log file to pinpoint the file in question. As this doesn’t always work you should browse through the textures of the map to find the offending one.

This can be done quickly with e.g. NVidia’s ‘Windows Texture Viewer’ , available here:

If you added custom objects , textures or sounds those are always number one candidates for corruption. Check especially these newly introduced files.

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OK, I’ve kinda just got a huge burst of stuff from work. BUT when I get some free time, I’ll look at this, hopefully by next Sunday. Thanks guys, I’ll deffo get back as to whether it works or not.

ps. any ideas about the minimap problem?

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Reupload the pic and I’ll have a look… Try uploading at or

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Whats strange about that.. Looks like a very good minimap to me!

And a very nice map!

Edited November 4, 2008 by TNE26

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Trees not showing around edge of minimap tne26…

I know this has been brought up before, but i cant remember the answer, its one bug i haven’t had… but i will try to find thread…

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Ok, the bigger the map the more the issue.

What I do is save everything.

Restart the editor, run terrain lightmaps.

When the lightmapping has finished without closing the editor renderer/minculldistance/10000

Then draw minimap.

If some still don’t show, the lightmapping would have converted the trees to statics, zoom out of the map and drag across the whole map to select all (Don’t for get to turn all layers off except 1). Then raise the trees bit by bit reloading the minimap until they are all showing.

Don’t go to high with the trees cos you’ll go above the camera and they’ll all disapear.


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I thought they were supposed to be missing.. Actually have this issue myself in a 256×2 map with trees missing in the four corners.. Thanks Jung.. but anyhow.. Keep us updated on that map.. Looking very interesting.

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I thought they were supposed to be missing.. Actually have this issue myself in a 256×2 map with trees missing in the four corners.. Thanks Jung.. but anyhow.. Keep us updated on that map.. Looking very interesting.

OK guys, I’ve gotta relightmap it anyway…I’ve got a small problem with mschoeldgen[Xww2]’s solution to the crashing problem as there isn’t a debug report!?! I’ll look to do the minimap thing asap, thanks for the tips.

ps. if any of you wanna look at my map, the ‘B’ version of the test release is here:…;/fileinfo.html

It loads fine in BF2_R, but if you loadit in standard vanilla, press cancel when it crashes and then click on the BF2 at the bottom and it will load just fine. It’s not the most current version because I have made some minor terrain changes to one flag (if you try it,you’ll find the one)….also, in the story area, it references Operation Peppermint Sky, which is another of my maps (where the detail maps and colour maps have gone corrupt, I’ve never had much luck in the finishing stages ofa map :P).

Edited November 8, 2008 by cardenas

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Ill download right away!

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Установка последнего DirectX 9С за Октябрь может не решить проблему с Выбросом из Игры!!!
По крайней мере мне не помогло. В инете нашел решение, которому не предал по началу значение … но оно помогло.

2. Пишем DXDIAG
3. Заходим в раздел «Звук»
4. Передвигаем ползунок (внизу:слева) на пункт «Базовое ускорение»
6. Закрываем (сохранится само) и ИГРАЕМ =)

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BF2 Memory Error — memory.dll sanity check

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    Nov 6, 2006

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Nov 6, 2006

Pollogies if this has already been posted before but I’m at a loss. I have BF2+SF+EF+AF+patch 1.4 all loaded and working sweet on my old system (never mind the mega LAG death tho — means you get owned instead of owning!) which is as follows:

P4 1.9Ghz stock
1Gb DDR-400
40Gb Seagate HDD (one with games loaded — is mapped as E:)
XFX GeForce5700 128Mb AGP

Now I’ve never had problems installing nor patching on this machine. Current system is in my sig. Both are running WinXP SP2 + all updates. New is running Catalyst 6.10 (same thing happens when using drivers straight off the Sapphire CD). List of problems:

BF2 installs fine
— Install SF off DVD and it comes up Patch Failed when patching to 1.1.
— Removed both, tried again, same result
— Removed both, this time did a ‘manual’ patch and install from the SF DVD, game loads but now there is strange image issues, ‘yellow’ border of all buttons appear rainbow colour and no pictures display, hit n miss whether game loads okay (single player).
— Tried installing EF, failed as it wants patch 1.2 or higher
— Patch Failed error when installing 1.4
— Removed all again and followed previous know steps to get BF2+SF going, went straight to patching to 1.4, again patch failed error

My work around? Left as at last try above (1.4 patch failed error) and copied straight from my old system onto the new one (My Docs n all). Worked perfec in single player, I enjoyed all the eye candy my X1950XTX could throw at me. Wanted to see how it went in multiplayer. Map starts loading and at 62% (specifies Geometries bottom left of screen) it pauses for a while then I get the two following errors:

BF2 Memory Error
memory.dll: sanity check: block size — 1092128776 (3054.46Mb) doesn’t seem sane
Cance | Try Again | Continue

press whatever you like and you get the following:

BF2 Memory Error
memory.dll: all alloc attempts failed for size — 1092128776
Cancel | Try Again | Continue

press whatever you like and BF2 crashes.

This is running all settings at HIGH, AF at 2x and a resolution of 1024×768 @ 60Hz. Single player still worked fine, it also pauses at 61% — Geometries but continues to load. Thought I’d up the res for single player to 1280×1024 @ 60Hz (what my VX922 can handle) and I get the above error sequence but at 61%. I’ve found a similar post on BFNation forums around feb this year but no result was found. Someone had a similar issue and send a message to EA and they said «reinstall and make sure Temp locations are clear». Now I’ve cleared the temp locations without any luck, updated the nForce570 drivers (straight from Shuttle, latest from their site which were around 7/10/06 I think) again without any luck. Only step not taken is a reinstallation of BF2 plus all n sundry.

I’ve recently had all the memory memtested and they are all okay so I’m positive it isn’t a hardware error but software just not sure where to go. The PC was rebuilt last Friday night and patched up etc. I’ll be reinstalling BF2 tonight or tomorrow but have a feeling its just going to fail on installation leaving me with the copy from the old box. Current path for my installation is D:GamesEA Games… and I’ve found (again off BFNation) q post stating that if you install anywhere other than the default dir you can have issues (not the case with the old PC but will try it to sort this out). As flaky as BF2 can be its my favourite game which I play with mates online and a main driving force for spending the dosh I did to get my new ubber box so any help you guys might have would be greatly greatly appreciated.

  • #2

Nov 6, 2006

Forgot to mention, I also downloaded 1.22 to update and install EF onwards but that gave me a Patch Failed error.

Patch 1.4 was used on the old system so I know it is a good working file.

  • #3

Nov 6, 2006

Well the reinstall using the default dir wasn’t that successful, had same level of success getting SF installed as I did before. Unable to patch up either.

Good news tho? Recopied my known working version from a location I’d saved it too incase this issue arose again and cleared the Temp folders and it worked fine. Loaded into multiplayer this time tho, not just single player. Settings were 800×600 @60Hz, Medium everything and AF off. Upped the res to 1280×1024 @ 60Hz, rest the same, still worked so upped everything to HIGH and it still worked. Loaded up through Gamespy so that was great too.

Issues again? Yup, set AF to x2 and it failed, not at 62% Geometries this time but 18% Objects. Turned AF off and same result, cleared Temp locations, and it worked. Turned AF on @ x2 again and it worked, upped to x4 and again it still worked. Now tho there are slight artifacts when you use any scopes, looking shadows of rotor blades on the choppers sides are still showing jaggies and when looking at trees there are some silver artifacts around the bases, also get some ‘skin warping’ when looking around. Doesn’t happen on everything and doesn’t hinder gameplay but still noticable tho. So driver issue or still buggy BF2? Using Cat 6.10.

Regardless I’m a lot happier now tho :)

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well i try to play bf2 and it get s to about 62% done and i get a BF2 memory error…has anyone ever gotten that before and how do i fix it


  • #2

I get a memory error in game…it says it ran out of memory to load the bitmap image, and my textures and terrain on certain objects and places on the map dissapear, followed by PC locking up, and a BSOD. I looked everywhere on the internet, all the people with this issue have either an X800 or an X850, and they all have 1GB of ram…as soon as they upgrade to more ram, the error goes away. I used to play BF2 just fine on maximum, but then I formatted and applied the same settings again, and this is how BF2 repays me…

  • #3

well i try to play bf2 and it get s to about 62% done and i get a BF2 memory error…has anyone ever gotten that before and how do i fix it


It could be your overclock m8, try loading the game with your CPU, RAM etc @ default. I had a problem like yours with BF2 and it was solved when I put my clocks make to default :)

  • #4

Or you could genuinely have trouble with your RAM… an often overlooked possibility. When I last got an error like this I had to format Windows to get past it.

  • #5

well i didnt have it oced and it was doing it,but its a moot point anyway…lol… casue i returned it all and went with s939…just till i can afford to buy a better board and a seperate vid card instead of onboard vid


Keep getting ctd’d with the following error.

BF2 Memory Error

Memory.dll:setInternalPoolByIndex() fails, should not come here

Gives me the option to re-try, ok or cancel without actually giving me the ability to use the menu. No regularity to it. Seemingly random. System spec’s below.


System Information
  Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home (10.0.10240)
      Architecture: 64-bit
   Current Culture: English (Canada)
       Motherboard: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. B85M-G R2.0
         Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz (Physical: 4, Logical: 8)
            Memory: 16.00 GB
      DIMM Modules: ChannelA-DIMM1: 8.00 GB @ 1600 MHz
                    ChannelB-DIMM1: 8.00 GB @ 1600 MHz
         Page File: 2.38 GB
    .NET Framework: 4.6, Runtime: 4.0.30319.42000

Display Information
 Display Device(s): HP 2509 Series Wide LCD Monitor on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
   Display Mode(s): 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) @ 60 Hz
    Driver Version: (358.50)
    Display Memory: 4.00 GB
     Multisampling: 2, 4, 8
               DPI: 96 (100%)

Audio Information
  Primary Playback: Speakers (Skullcandy Slayer)
 Primary Recording: Microphone (Skullcandy Slayer)
  Open AL Renderer: Software
               EAX: True
           EAX 1.0: False
           EAX 2.0: True
           EAX 3.0: False
           EAX 4.0: False
           EAX 5.0: False
             X-RAM: False

Disk Information
      Install Path: C:Program Files (x86)Project RealityProject Reality BF2
                    Free: 178.62 GB, Total: 223.08 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: True
          Mod Path: C:Program Files (x86)Project RealityProject Reality BF2modspr
                    Free: 178.62 GB, Total: 223.08 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: True
     Profiles Path: C:UsersAkronymDocumentsProjectRealityProfiles
                    Free: 178.62 GB, Total: 223.08 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: True
    Update DL Path: C:UsersAkronymAppDataLocalProject RealityProject Reality BF2Downloads
                    Free: 178.62 GB, Total: 223.08 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: True
   Update Log Path: C:UsersAkronymAppDataLocalProject RealityProject Reality BF2UpdateLogs
                    Free: 178.62 GB, Total: 223.08 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: True

Game Information
    Installed Mods: pr
       Current Mod: pr
           Version: Standalone - 1.0
        PR Version:
          Language: english
   Debug Available: False
     Large Address: True
Supported Hardware: None

Profile Information
      Profile 0001: prWARsAkro
              Type: Online
 Last Used Profile: True
        View Intro: True
        Fullscreen: True
      Display Mode: 1920x1080@60Hz
Display Mode Valid: True
   Graphics Scheme: High
     Multisampling: Off
             VSync: False
   Terrain Quality: High
   Effects Quality: High
  Geometry Quality: High
   Texture Quality: High
  Lighting Quality: High
   Dynamic Shadows: High
    Dynamic Lights: High
 Texture Filtering: High
    Audio Provider: Software
    Provider Valid: True
     Audio Quality: Medium
               EAX: True

      Profile 0002: Akronym
              Type: Online
        View Intro: True
        Fullscreen: True
      Display Mode: 1920x1080@60Hz
Display Mode Valid: True
   Graphics Scheme: Medium
     Multisampling: Off
             VSync: False
   Terrain Quality: Low
   Effects Quality: Low
  Geometry Quality: Low
   Texture Quality: Medium
  Lighting Quality: Low
   Dynamic Shadows: Medium
    Dynamic Lights: Medium
 Texture Filtering: Medium
    Audio Provider: Software
    Provider Valid: True
     Audio Quality: Medium
               EAX: True

Thanks for looking.

Anyone get a memory.dll:sanity Check error in BF2 ever?

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    Aug 26, 2005



  • #1

Archived from groups: (More info?)

I just got one in the middle of a game. Booted me out to desktop.

Full error:

Memory.dll:sanity check:block size 2125836 (20.27 MB) doesnt seem sane

anyone know what this means and how i can fix it? I am guessing it
might not be a BF2 bug though but a problem with my system?

My system specs:
Windows XP Pro SP2
Pentium 4 2.53 GHz CPU
Intel D845PEBT2 Motherboard
1.0 GB DDR 333MHZ PC2700 RAM (Kingston ValueRAM)
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 129 video card
SoundBlaster Audigy 2 Zs Platnium Pro
2×120 GB Western Digital HD’s
1×160 GB Western Digital Serial ATA HD
Samsung SyncMaster 730B 17in Flatscreen Monitor
Plantronics DSP 500 Headphone with MIC
M$ Wireless Desktop Elite Keyboard
Logitech MX518 Optical Mouse

Thanks for any help on this matter!




  • #2

Archived from groups: (More info?)

restore your registry and stay away from mods ;)

«Moondog» <> wrote in message…
> I just got one in the middle of a game. Booted me out to desktop.
> Full error:
> Memory.dll:sanity check:block size 2125836 (20.27 MB) doesnt seem sane
> anyone know what this means and how i can fix it? I am guessing it
> might not be a BF2 bug though but a problem with my system?
> My system specs:
> Windows XP Pro SP2
> Pentium 4 2.53 GHz CPU
> Intel D845PEBT2 Motherboard
> 1.0 GB DDR 333MHZ PC2700 RAM (Kingston ValueRAM)
> ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 129 video card
> SoundBlaster Audigy 2 Zs Platnium Pro
> 2×120 GB Western Digital HD’s
> 1×160 GB Western Digital Serial ATA HD
> Samsung SyncMaster 730B 17in Flatscreen Monitor
> Plantronics DSP 500 Headphone with MIC
> M$ Wireless Desktop Elite Keyboard
> Logitech MX518 Optical Mouse
> Thanks for any help on this matter!
> Moondog2010

Apr 11, 2004





  • #3

Archived from groups: (More info?)

Moondog wrote:
> I just got one in the middle of a game. Booted me out to desktop.
> Full error:
> Memory.dll:sanity check:block size 2125836 (20.27 MB) doesnt seem sane
> anyone know what this means and how i can fix it? I am guessing it
> might not be a BF2 bug though but a problem with my system?
> My system specs:
> Windows XP Pro SP2
> Pentium 4 2.53 GHz CPU
> Intel D845PEBT2 Motherboard
> 1.0 GB DDR 333MHZ PC2700 RAM (Kingston ValueRAM)
> ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 129 video card
> SoundBlaster Audigy 2 Zs Platnium Pro
> 2×120 GB Western Digital HD’s
> 1×160 GB Western Digital Serial ATA HD
> Samsung SyncMaster 730B 17in Flatscreen Monitor
> Plantronics DSP 500 Headphone with MIC
> M$ Wireless Desktop Elite Keyboard
> Logitech MX518 Optical Mouse
> Thanks for any help on this matter!
> Moondog2010

thats a Trojan or Virus doing that.
SpybotSD, AVG, Hijackthis, Coolwebshredder etc etc.
should be able to cure this.

Jan 29, 2006





  • #4

Moondog wrote:
thats a Trojan or Virus doing that.
SpybotSD, AVG, Hijackthis, Coolwebshredder etc etc.
should be able to cure this.

thats not true my PC is clean and I still get that error sometimes. Some people say it has to do with SATA drives but I don’t think its that.

I have all the latest drivers for my system and I still have issues with the game.

Mar 21, 2007





  • #5

I have just started get this error message also! no idea what it is!

Dec 25, 2006





  • #6

WindowsXP-KB924867-x86-ENU.exe (just google it, I’m too lazy to post the link)
hotfix from Microsoft, this solves the hang on optimizing shaders screen and some people have stated fixes above error as well, something to do with block size that was messed up in an update they released some time ago.

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