Bill love eating strawberries and cream найти ошибку

Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 5 Grammar Practice Номер 6 Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences below. 1. Bill love eating strawberries and cream. 2. He always eating strawberries and cream when he visits grandmother. 3. In fact, he is eats a big...

Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences below.
1. Bill love eating strawberries and cream.
2. He always eating strawberries and cream when he visits grandmother.
3. In fact, he is eats a big bowl right now.
4. What classes is you taking this term?
5. My little cousin still is believes in Father Christmas.
6. We is going to the beach this afternoon.

Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 5 Grammar Practice. Номер №6


Перевод задания
Найдите и исправьте ошибки в предложениях ниже.
1. Bill love eating strawberries and cream.
2. He always eating strawberries and cream when he visits grandmother.
3. In fact, he is eats a big bowl right now.
4. What classes is you taking this term?
5. My little cousin still is believes in Father Christmas.
6. We is going to the beach this afternoon.

1. Bill loves eating strawberries and cream.
2. He always eats strawberries and cream when he visits grandmother.
3. In fact, he is eating a big bowl right now.
4. What classes are you taking this term?
5. My little cousin still believes in Father Christmas. (не нужно is)
6. We are going to the beach this afternoon.

Перевод ответа
1. Билл любит есть клубнику со сливками.
2. Он всегда ест клубнику со сливками, когда навещает бабушку.
3. Фактически, он сейчас ест большую миску.
4. Какие классы вы посещаете в этом семестре?
5. Мой маленький кузен все еще верит в Деда Мороза. (не нужно is)
6. Сегодня днем мы идем на пляж.

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Ответы к рабочей тетради Spotlight 6 класс, страница 33

1. Add — ing to the verbs and put them in the correct box. — Добавьте -ing к глаголам и поставьте их в правиль­ные колонки

• stop • sleep • die • run • walk • dance • swim • shop • write • laugh • study • play


-ing: sleeping, walking, studying, playing, laughing
-ie — y + ‘ing: dying
-e — ‘ing: dancing, writing
double consonant + ‘ing: stopping, running, swimming, shopping

2. Put the verbs in brackets in the present continuous. — Поставьте глаголы в скобках в настоящее длительное время.


A: Where’s Bob? — Где Боб?
B: In the park. He is playing with his friends. — В парке. Он играет со своими друзьями.
A: What is she doing? — Что она делает?
B: She is watching TV. — Она смотрит телевизор.
A: Where are they going? — Куда они идут?
B: To the supermarket. Are you going with them? — В супермаркет. Ты пойдешь с ними?
A: Tim isn’t working at present. — Тим сейчас не работает.
B: Really? Is he looking for a job? — Правда? Он ищет работу?

3. Write sentences about yourself. Use the expressions in the list. — Напишите предложения о себе. Используйте выраже­ния из списка

• now • at the moment • these days • tonight

Можно ответить так:

I am reading a book now.
I am listening to my favourite song/my teacher at the moment.
I am having lots of fun with my friends these days.
I am helping my mum bake a cake tonight.

4. Put the sentences below in the interrogative and negative form. — Поставьте предложения ниже в вопросительную и отрицательную форму


The musicians are performing.
Are the musicians performing? The musicians aren’t performing. — Музыканты дают представление? Музыканты не дают представление.
Mary is drinking Cola.
Is Mary drinking Cola? Mary isn’t drinking Cola. — Мария пьет Колу? Мария не пьет Колу.
The clowns are holding balloons.
Are the clowns holding balloons? The clowns aren’t holding balloons. — Клоуны держат шарики? Клоуны не держат шарики.
I’m taking pictures of my friends.
Am I taking pictures of my friends? I’m not taking pictures of my friends. — Я фотографирую моих друзей? Я не фотографирую моих друзей.
You’re feeling tired.
Are you feeling tired? You aren’t feeling tired. — Ты чувствуешь себя усталым? Ты не чувствуешь себя усталым.

5. Put the words in the correct order. — Поставьте слова в правильном порядке


are/park/playing/children/in/cricket/ the/the
The children are playing cricket in the park. — Дети играют в крикет в парке.
Paul is working in Rome this month. — Павел работает в Риме в этом месяце.
can’t/l/swim/suit/because/l/am/wearing/ swim/my/not
I can’t swim because I am not wearing my swim suit. — Я не могу плавать, потому что у меня нет купальника.
Is Linda studying in her room? — Линда учится в своей комнате?

6. Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences below. — Найдите и исправьте ошибки в выражениях ниже


Bill love eating strawberries and cream.
Bill loves eating strawberries and cream. — Бил любит есть клубнику и сливки
He always eating strawberries and cream when he visits grandmother.
He always eats strawberries and cream when he visits his grandmother. — Он всегда есть клубнику и сливки, когда приходит к своей бабушке
In fact, he is eats a big bowl right now.
In fact, he is eating a big bowl right now. — Как раз сейчас он ест большую часку.
What classes is you taking this term?
What classes are you taking this term? — Какие предметы ты берешь в этом семестре?
My little cousin still is believes in Father Christmas.
My little cousin still believes in Father Christmas. — Мой младший двоюродный брат верит в Деда Мороза.
We is going to the beach this afternoon.
We are going to the beach this afternoon. — Мы собираемся на пляж сегодня.


  1. Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 5 Grammar Practice. Номер №6
  2. Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 5 Grammar Practice. Номер №6
  3. Решение
  4. Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 6 Grammar Practice. Номер №6
  5. Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 6 Grammar Practice. Номер №6
  6. Решение
  7. Error correction correct the sentences 6 класс
  8. 7 Error correction Correct the mistakes in these sentences.
  9. 8 Language patterns: remember + -ing/remember to do
  10. Which of the verbs in italics is:
  11. B Complete sentences 1-7 with the correct form of these verbs.
  12. Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 5 Grammar Practice. Номер №6
  13. Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 5 Grammar Practice. Номер №6
  14. Решение
  15. Error correction 5 Find and correct one error in each sentence?
  16. Complete the sentences with these expressions?
  17. Write guestions to the inderlined words?
  18. Find and correct the mistakes in each sentence?
  19. Помогите пожалуйста?
  20. 1. Найдите и исправьте ошибку в каждом предложении?
  21. Помогите срочно?
  22. Replace the underlined adjective in each sentence with the correct one from the words below?
  23. Read the sentences, find and correct the mistakes?
  24. Question sentenceThey are visiting the hospital?
  25. По англискому There is one mistake in each sentence?

Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 5 Grammar Practice. Номер №6

Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences below.
1 . Bill love eating strawberries and cream.
2 . He always eating strawberries and cream when he visits grandmother.
3 . In fact, he is eats a big bowl right now.
4 . What classes is you taking this term?
5 . My little cousin still is believes in Father Christmas.
6 . We is going to the beach this afternoon.

Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 5 Grammar Practice. Номер №6


Перевод задания
Найдите и исправьте ошибки в предложениях ниже.
1 . Bill love eating strawberries and cream.
2 . He always eating strawberries and cream when he visits grandmother.
3 . In fact, he is eats a big bowl right now.
4 . What classes is you taking this term?
5 . My little cousin still is believes in Father Christmas.
6 . We is going to the beach this afternoon.

1 . Bill loves eating strawberries and cream.
2 . He always eats strawberries and cream when he visits grandmother.
3 . In fact, he is eating a big bowl right now.
4 . What classes are you taking this term?
5 . My little cousin still believes in Father Christmas. ( не нужно is)
6 . We are going to the beach this afternoon.

Перевод ответа
1 . Билл любит есть клубнику со сливками.
2 . Он всегда ест клубнику со сливками, когда навещает бабушку.
3 . Фактически, он сейчас ест большую миску.
4 . Какие классы вы посещаете в этом семестре?
5 . Мой маленький кузен все еще верит в Деда Мороза. (не нужно is)
6 . Сегодня днем мы идем на пляж.


Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 6 Grammar Practice. Номер №6

Correct the mistakes in the sentences below.
1 . Mary are having dinner at the moment.
2 . I works hard at school.
3 . Alice don’t like playing chess.
4 . We often eating out on Sundays.
5 . I always eat fish. I hate it!
6 . She love talking on the phone!
7 . Does they go on trips every weekend?
8 . Are you do the washing−up?
9 . Does he goes jogging every morning?

Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 6 Grammar Practice. Номер №6


Перевод задания
Исправьте ошибки в предложениях ниже.
1 . Mary are having dinner at the moment.
2 . I works hard at school.
3 . Alice don’t like playing chess.
4 . We often eating out on Sundays.
5 . I always eat fish. I hate it!
6 . She love talking on the phone!
7 . Does they go on trips every weekend?
8 . Are you do the washing−up?
9 . Does he goes jogging every morning?

1 . Mary is having dinner at the moment.
2 . I work hard at school.
3 . Alice doesn’t like playing chess.
4 . We often eat out on Sundays.
5 . I never eat fish. I hate it!
6 . She loves talking on the phone!
7 . Do they go on trips every weekend?
8 . Are you doing the washing−up? / Do you do the washing−up?
9 . Does he go jogging every morning?

Перевод ответа
1 . Мэри сейчас обедает.
2 . Я много работаю в школе.
3 . Алиса не любит играть в шахматы.
4 . По воскресеньям мы часто едим вне дома.
5 . Я никогда не ем рыбу. Я ненавижу ее!
6 . Она любит разговаривать по телефону!
7 . Ездят ли они в поездки каждые выходные?
8 . Вы моете посуду? / Вы моете посуду?
9 . Бегает ли он каждое утро?


Error correction correct the sentences 6 класс

Read this extract from an interview with 16-year-old Zoe Bates, Britain’s youngest tennis star. Choose the correct alternative for each gap.

Presenter It 1 mustn’t be / can’t be easy being Britain’s youngest tennis star.

Zoe No, it isn’t. I 2 had to / must get used to the attention very quickly. Every match I play appears in the newspapers. There’s quite a lot of pressure to do well.

Presenter That 3 ought to be / must be difficult.

Zoe It is, especially if I lose. It 4 can be / has to be very depressing reading about it the next day.

Presenter Do you think you were born to play tennis?

Zoe Well, I think I have a natural talent, but 15 had to / must work very hard when I started playing — and still do!

Presenter How many hours a day do you practise?

Zoe I 6 might / have got to train for four hours a day. It’s just like a full-time job.

Presenter Do you have time to go to school?

Zoe No, I don’t. I have private tutors, so I 7 don’t have to / haven’t to go to school. But I still 8 have to / should take exams. I’m studying for my GCSEs * at the moment.

Presenter When did you start playing tennis?

Zoe My father started giving me lessons when I was six years old. By the time I was ten I 9 might / could beat him!

Presenter And do you have any advice for other young tennis players?

Zoe Well, they 10 ought to / may remember that it’s only a game. They 11 couldn’t / shouldn’t get too upset when they lose a match. And they 12 mustn’t / haven’t to spend too much time training. You 13 need / have to time out to do other things, like going out with your friends.

Presenter What about the future? Do you think you 14 must / might do something else when you’re eighteen, for example?

Zoe I 15 may / can try something different, I’m not sure. But at the moment I 16 mustn’t / can’t imagine life without tennis.
* GCSEs = General Certificate of Secondary Education exams for 16-year-old students

Presenter It can’t be easy being Britain’s youngest tennis star.

Zoe No, it isn’t. I had to get used to the attention very quickly. Every match I play appears in the newspapers. There’s quite a lot of pressure to do well.

Presenter That must be difficult.

Zoe It is, especially if I lose. It can be very depressing reading about it the next day.

Presenter Do you think you were born to play tennis?

Zoe Well, I think I have a natural talent, but had to work very hard when I started playing — and still do!

Presenter How many hours a day do you practise?

Zoe I have got to train for four hours a day. It’s just like a full-time job.

Presenter Do you have time to go to school?

Zoe No, I don’t. I have private tutors, so I don’t have to go to school. But I still have to take exams. I’m studying for my GCSEs * at the moment.

Presenter When did you start playing tennis?

Zoe My father started giving me lessons when I was six years old. By the time I was ten I could beat him!

Presenter And do you have any advice for other young tennis players?

Zoe Well, they ought to remember that it’s only a game. They shouldn’t get too upset when they lose a match. And they mustn’t spend too much time training. You need time out to do other things, like going out with your friends.

Presenter What about the future? Do you think you might do something else when you’re eighteen, for example?

Zoe I may try something different, I’m not sure. But at the moment I can’t imagine life without tennis.
* GCSEs = General Certificate of Secondary Education exams for 16-year-old students

7 Error correction Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

2 If you want to pass your exam, you have got work harder. 2 If you want to pass your exam, you have got to work harder. — correct

3 Do you must leave now? It’s still early. 3 Must you leave now? It’s still early. — correct

4 That mustn’t be Amy. She’s gone skiing this week. 4 That can’t be Amy. She’s gone skiing this week. — correct

5 May I stay out late tonight? No, you shouldn’t. 5 May I stay out late tonight? No, you may not. — correct

6 It can’t to be Rachel’s birthday today. The party is next Saturday. 6 It can’t be Rachel’s birthday today. The party is next Saturday. — correct

7 Yesterday, Karl must go to the dentist. 7 Yesterday, Karl had to go to the dentist. — correct

8 You’ve to phone him as soon as you get home. 8 You’ll have to phone him as soon as you get home. — correct

9 If you want to improve your football, you ought practise more often. 9 If you want to improve your football, you ought to practise more often. — correct

10 Sue hadn’t to bring her umbrella. It wasn’t raining. 10 Sue didn’t have to bring her umbrella. It wasn’t raining. — correct

8 Language patterns: remember + -ing/remember to do

A Look at the sentences and answer the questions.

I remember teaching the others Maths when they were eight.

Remember to bring your CD player to the party.

Which of the verbs in italics is:

    a reminding somebody to do something?

b talking about a personal memory?

    a reminding somebody to do something — Remember to bring your CD player to the party.

    b talking about a personal memory — I remember teaching the others Maths when they were eight.

B Complete sentences 1-7 with the correct form of these verbs.

    • listen • close • use • give in • take • wear • have

1 Rob remembered closing the front door, but he didn’t know if he’d locked it.

2 ‘Remember to take your suntan cream in case you go to the beach.’

3 Helen never remembers to give in her homework on time.

4 John remembered listening to the song, but didn’t remember the name of the group.

5 ‘Where’s my dictionary? I remember using it in class this morning.’

6 When you ride your motorbike, you must remember to wear a helmet.

7 I can remember having long summer holidays as a child.


Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 5 Grammar Practice. Номер №6

Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences below.
1 . Bill love eating strawberries and cream.
2 . He always eating strawberries and cream when he visits grandmother.
3 . In fact, he is eats a big bowl right now.
4 . What classes is you taking this term?
5 . My little cousin still is believes in Father Christmas.
6 . We is going to the beach this afternoon.

Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 5 Grammar Practice. Номер №6


Перевод задания
Найдите и исправьте ошибки в предложениях ниже.
1 . Bill love eating strawberries and cream.
2 . He always eating strawberries and cream when he visits grandmother.
3 . In fact, he is eats a big bowl right now.
4 . What classes is you taking this term?
5 . My little cousin still is believes in Father Christmas.
6 . We is going to the beach this afternoon.

1 . Bill loves eating strawberries and cream.
2 . He always eats strawberries and cream when he visits grandmother.
3 . In fact, he is eating a big bowl right now.
4 . What classes are you taking this term?
5 . My little cousin still believes in Father Christmas. ( не нужно is)
6 . We are going to the beach this afternoon.

Перевод ответа
1 . Билл любит есть клубнику со сливками.
2 . Он всегда ест клубнику со сливками, когда навещает бабушку.
3 . Фактически, он сейчас ест большую миску.
4 . Какие классы вы посещаете в этом семестре?
5 . Мой маленький кузен все еще верит в Деда Мороза. (не нужно is)
6 . Сегодня днем мы идем на пляж.


Error correction 5 Find and correct one error in each sentence?

Английский язык | 5 — 9 классы

Error correction 5 Find and correct one error in each sentence.

1 How many does it cost?

2 The T — shirt is not enough big.

3 Americans are speaking English with an American accent.

4 He went to New York ago two years.

5 While he was visiting Hollywood, he was meeting a famous actor.

6 I meet hardly ever Americans in my city.

7 The smaller US state is Hawaii.

Kennedy were a president.

was meeting — met

Complete the sentences with these expressions?

Complete the sentences with these expressions.

Too expensive, good enough, too difficult, not big enough, not old enough You can’t go to disco.

These jeans cost $300!

They didn’t win the match.

We bought a new house.

The old one was.

I can’t do this exercise.

Write guestions to the inderlined words?

Write guestions to the inderlined words.

А)My friend could speak English when he was ten.

B)Ken was in London two years ago.

C)James and mary were at home yesterday.

D)Helen was in the park with her brother.

Find and correct the mistakes in each sentence?

Find and correct the mistakes in each sentence.

Помогите пожалуйста?

Find and correct one error in each sentence 1) It started raining while we was walking home 2) He can play chess very good 3) You won the game?

4) I could to play draughts when I was eight 5) Comedies are funnier that dramas 6) You should saving your work on a memory stick 7) My parents bought a laptop ago two years 8) I think reality shows are most interesting than soap operas.

1. Найдите и исправьте ошибку в каждом предложении?

1. Найдите и исправьте ошибку в каждом предложении.

Find and correct the mistake in each sentence.

1. There were a pencil on the table.

2. There was three boys in the classroom.

3. Was a woman there in the café?

4. Were two chairs there at the window?

5. There not was a computer on the table.

6. There not were three pens in the bag.

7. There were a dog in the room.

Помогите срочно?

Make one sentence from two.

Complete the new sentence with too or enough.

Replace the underlined adjective in each sentence with the correct one from the words below?

Replace the underlined adjective in each sentence with the correct one from the words below.

(Короч нужно заменить слова)

[exciting terrible famous polluted]

1 Many people want to see the (friendly) Big Ben in London.

2 Come and visit me.

There are many (tall) places in my city.

3 There’s a lot of traffic in my town and it’s very (good — lookin).

Read the sentences, find and correct the mistakes?

Read the sentences, find and correct the mistakes.

1) We was at the cinema two days ago.

2) There isn’t many milk in the fridge.

3) Last summer Nick often went to the river.

Question sentenceThey are visiting the hospital?

They are visiting the hospital.

По англискому There is one mistake in each sentence?

По англискому There is one mistake in each sentence.

Find and correct it.

ЗАДАНИЕ My mum is the actress.

Вопрос Error correction 5 Find and correct one error in each sentence?, расположенный на этой странице сайта, относится к категории Английский язык и соответствует программе для 5 — 9 классов. Если ответ не удовлетворяет в полной мере, найдите с помощью автоматического поиска похожие вопросы, из этой же категории, или сформулируйте вопрос по-своему. Для этого ключевые фразы введите в строку поиска, нажав на кнопку, расположенную вверху страницы. Воспользуйтесь также подсказками посетителей, оставившими комментарии под вопросом.

1) we were waiting for the train on the platform. 2)we ussuslly have a breakfast at 9 o’clock. 7) lf they ho to Kyiv, they will visit many musseums. 8) l will dance if they played my favourite song 9)Go to the kitchen.

Ex 2 1. D 2. E 3. B 4. A 5. F 6. C Ex 3 2. Shorter 3. Bigger 4. Older / Elder 5. Younger 6. More comfortable.

1. Kazakhstan, Astana. 2. very big country 3. Many 4. Kazakh.

1) Great Britain / London 2) busy city 3)8 million 4) english.

1 1) If it (is not) too cold, I (not put) on my coat. 2) I (will write) the composition if you (do not disturb) me. 3) His vocabulary (will increase) greatly if he ( reads) fifty pages. 4) You (will go) to the Philarmonic much more often if you re..

The famouswriter — потому что определённый предмет (писатель) артикль а ставится тогда, когда существительное начинается на согласную. Артикль an ставится, когда существительное начинается на гласную.

1) used to go swimming 2) was dancing 3) were you laughing 4) used to drink 5) rode 6) was writing 7) was raining 8) used to play 9) Sang 10) was cleaning.

Are is are aren’t are isn’t is aren’t are isn’t is is.

1)I spend the time of my life right 2)The wall is very dense 3)The mouth of the river is its end 4)We make our way through the storm 5)We will win and get the main winning.


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  • Рабочая тетрадь
  • Module 5. Feasts
  • Grammar Practice
  • 1
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  • 10a
  • 10b
  • 9a
  • 9b

Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences below.
Найдите и исправьте ошибки в выражениях ниже

Bill love eating strawberries and cream.

Bill loves eating strawberries and cream.

Бил любит есть клубнику и сливки

He always eating strawberries and cream when he visits grandmother.

He always eats strawberries and cream when he visits his grandmother.

Он всегда есть клубнику и сливки, когда приходит к своей бабушке

In fact, he is eats a big bowl right now.

In fact, he is eating a big bowl right now.

Как раз сейчас он ест из большой чашки.

What classes is you taking this term?

What classes are you taking this term?

Какие предметы ты берешь в этом семестре?

My little cousin still is believes in Father Christmas.

My little cousin still believes in Father Christmas.

Мой младший двоюродный брат верит в Деда Мороза.

We is going to the beach this afternoon.

We are going to the beach this afternoon.

Мы собираемся на пляж сегодня.

ГДЗ — «Spotlight — Рабочая тетрадь — Рабочая тетрадь»

по предмету Английский язык за 6 класс.

Год издания



Дули Д., Эванс В., Подоляко О.Е., Ваулина Ю.Е.


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