Bison syntax error

I'm back and now writing my own language and my OS, but as I'm now starting in the development of my own development language, I'm getting some errors when using Bison and I don't know how to solve...

I’m back and now writing my own language and my OS, but as I’m now starting in the development of my own development language, I’m getting some errors when using Bison and I don’t know how to solve them. This is my *.y file code:

        | input line

line:     'n'
        | exp 'n'  { printf ("t%.10gn", $1); }

exp:      NUM             { $$ = $1;         }
        | exp exp '+'     { $$ = $1 + $2;    }
        | exp exp '-'     { $$ = $1 - $2;    }
        | exp exp '*'     { $$ = $1 * $2;    }
        | exp exp '/'     { $$ = $1 / $2;    }
      /* Exponentiation */
        | exp exp '^'     { $$ = pow ($1, $2); }
      /* Unary minus    */
        | exp 'n'         { $$ = -$1;        }

And when I try to use Bison with this source code I’m getting this error:

calc.y:1.1-5: syntax error, unexpected identifier:

Jonathan Leffler's user avatar

asked Oct 11, 2009 at 15:04

Nathan Campos's user avatar

Nathan CamposNathan Campos

28.5k59 gold badges193 silver badges299 bronze badges


You need a ‘%%’ before the rules as well as after them (or, strictly, instead; if there is no code after the second ‘%%’, you can omit that line).

You will also need a ‘%token NUM’ before the first ‘%%’; the grammar then passes Bison.

answered Oct 11, 2009 at 15:45

Jonathan Leffler's user avatar

Jonathan LefflerJonathan Leffler

718k138 gold badges893 silver badges1260 bronze badges


Another alternative solution exists, which is to upgrade to bison version 3.0.4. I guess between version 2.x and 3.x, they changed the file syntax.

answered Oct 13, 2016 at 11:13

herrtim's user avatar

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Conditions for Using Bison
  • 1 The Concepts of Bison
    • 1.1 Languages and Context-Free Grammars
    • 1.2 From Formal Rules to Bison Input
    • 1.3 Semantic Values
    • 1.4 Semantic Actions
    • 1.5 Writing GLR Parsers
      • 1.5.1 Using GLR on Unambiguous Grammars
      • 1.5.2 Using GLR to Resolve Ambiguities
      • 1.5.3 GLR Semantic Actions
        • Deferred semantic actions
        • YYERROR
        • Restrictions on semantic values and locations
      • 1.5.4 Controlling a Parse with Arbitrary Predicates
      • 1.5.5 Considerations when Compiling GLR Parsers
    • 1.6 Locations
    • 1.7 Bison Output: the Parser Implementation File
    • 1.8 Stages in Using Bison
    • 1.9 The Overall Layout of a Bison Grammar
  • 2 Examples
    • 2.1 Reverse Polish Notation Calculator
      • 2.1.1 Declarations for rpcalc
      • 2.1.2 Grammar Rules for rpcalc
        • Explanation of input
        • Explanation of line
        • Explanation of expr
      • 2.1.3 The rpcalc Lexical Analyzer
      • 2.1.4 The Controlling Function
      • 2.1.5 The Error Reporting Routine
      • 2.1.6 Running Bison to Make the Parser
      • 2.1.7 Compiling the Parser Implementation File
    • 2.2 Infix Notation Calculator: calc
    • 2.3 Simple Error Recovery
    • 2.4 Location Tracking Calculator: ltcalc
      • 2.4.1 Declarations for ltcalc
      • 2.4.2 Grammar Rules for ltcalc
      • 2.4.3 The ltcalc Lexical Analyzer.
    • 2.5 Multi-Function Calculator: mfcalc
      • 2.5.1 Declarations for mfcalc
      • 2.5.2 Grammar Rules for mfcalc
      • 2.5.3 The mfcalc Symbol Table
      • 2.5.4 The mfcalc Lexer
      • 2.5.5 The mfcalc Main
    • 2.6 Exercises
  • 3 Bison Grammar Files
    • 3.1 Outline of a Bison Grammar
      • 3.1.1 The prologue
      • 3.1.2 Prologue Alternatives
      • 3.1.3 The Bison Declarations Section
      • 3.1.4 The Grammar Rules Section
      • 3.1.5 The epilogue
    • 3.2 Symbols, Terminal and Nonterminal
    • 3.3 Grammar Rules
      • 3.3.1 Syntax of Grammar Rules
      • 3.3.2 Empty Rules
      • 3.3.3 Recursive Rules
    • 3.4 Defining Language Semantics
      • 3.4.1 Data Types of Semantic Values
      • 3.4.2 More Than One Value Type
      • 3.4.3 Generating the Semantic Value Type
      • 3.4.4 The Union Declaration
      • 3.4.5 Providing a Structured Semantic Value Type
      • 3.4.6 Actions
      • 3.4.7 Data Types of Values in Actions
      • 3.4.8 Actions in Mid-Rule
        • Using Mid-Rule Actions
        • Mid-Rule Action Translation
        • Conflicts due to Mid-Rule Actions
    • 3.5 Tracking Locations
      • 3.5.1 Data Type of Locations
      • 3.5.2 Actions and Locations
      • 3.5.3 Default Action for Locations
    • 3.6 Named References
    • 3.7 Bison Declarations
      • 3.7.1 Require a Version of Bison
      • 3.7.2 Token Type Names
      • 3.7.3 Operator Precedence
      • 3.7.4 Nonterminal Symbols
      • 3.7.5 Performing Actions before Parsing
      • 3.7.6 Freeing Discarded Symbols
      • 3.7.7 Printing Semantic Values
      • 3.7.8 Suppressing Conflict Warnings
      • 3.7.9 The Start-Symbol
      • 3.7.10 A Pure (Reentrant) Parser
      • 3.7.11 A Push Parser
      • 3.7.12 Bison Declaration Summary
      • 3.7.13 %define Summary
      • 3.7.14 %code Summary
    • 3.8 Multiple Parsers in the Same Program
  • 4 Parser C-Language Interface
    • 4.1 The Parser Function yyparse
    • 4.2 The Push Parser Function yypush_parse
    • 4.3 The Pull Parser Function yypull_parse
    • 4.4 The Parser Create Function yystate_new
    • 4.5 The Parser Delete Function yystate_delete
    • 4.6 The Lexical Analyzer Function yylex
      • 4.6.1 Calling Convention for yylex
      • 4.6.2 Semantic Values of Tokens
      • 4.6.3 Textual Locations of Tokens
      • 4.6.4 Calling Conventions for Pure Parsers
    • 4.7 The Error Reporting Function yyerror
    • 4.8 Special Features for Use in Actions
    • 4.9 Parser Internationalization
  • 5 The Bison Parser Algorithm
    • 5.1 Lookahead Tokens
    • 5.2 Shift/Reduce Conflicts
    • 5.3 Operator Precedence
      • 5.3.1 When Precedence is Needed
      • 5.3.2 Specifying Operator Precedence
      • 5.3.3 Specifying Precedence Only
      • 5.3.4 Precedence Examples
      • 5.3.5 How Precedence Works
      • 5.3.6 Using Precedence For Non Operators
    • 5.4 Context-Dependent Precedence
    • 5.5 Parser States
    • 5.6 Reduce/Reduce Conflicts
    • 5.7 Mysterious Conflicts
    • 5.8 Tuning LR
      • 5.8.1 LR Table Construction
      • 5.8.2 Default Reductions
      • 5.8.3 LAC
      • 5.8.4 Unreachable States
    • 5.9 Generalized LR (GLR) Parsing
    • 5.10 Memory Management, and How to Avoid Memory Exhaustion
  • 6 Error Recovery
  • 7 Handling Context Dependencies
    • 7.1 Semantic Info in Token Types
    • 7.2 Lexical Tie-ins
    • 7.3 Lexical Tie-ins and Error Recovery
  • 8 Debugging Your Parser
    • 8.1 Understanding Your Parser
    • 8.2 Visualizing Your Parser
    • 8.3 Visualizing your parser in multiple formats
    • 8.4 Tracing Your Parser
      • 8.4.1 Enabling Traces
      • 8.4.2 Enabling Debug Traces for mfcalc
      • 8.4.3 The YYPRINT Macro
  • 9 Invoking Bison
    • 9.1 Bison Options
    • 9.2 Option Cross Key
    • 9.3 Yacc Library
  • 10 Parsers Written In Other Languages
    • 10.1 C++ Parsers
      • 10.1.1 C++ Bison Interface
      • 10.1.2 C++ Semantic Values
        • C++ Unions
        • C++ Variants
      • 10.1.3 C++ Location Values
        • C++ position
        • C++ location
        • User Defined Location Type
      • 10.1.4 C++ Parser Interface
      • 10.1.5 C++ Scanner Interface
        • Split Symbols
        • Complete Symbols
      • 10.1.6 A Complete C++ Example
        • Calc++ — C++ Calculator
        • Calc++ Parsing Driver
        • Calc++ Parser
        • Calc++ Scanner
        • Calc++ Top Level
    • 10.2 Java Parsers
      • 10.2.1 Java Bison Interface
      • 10.2.2 Java Semantic Values
      • 10.2.3 Java Location Values
      • 10.2.4 Java Parser Interface
      • 10.2.5 Java Scanner Interface
      • 10.2.6 Special Features for Use in Java Actions
      • 10.2.7 Java Push Parser Interface
      • 10.2.8 Differences between C/C++ and Java Grammars
      • 10.2.9 Java Declarations Summary
  • 11 Frequently Asked Questions
    • 11.1 Memory Exhausted
    • 11.2 How Can I Reset the Parser
    • 11.3 Strings are Destroyed
    • 11.4 Implementing Gotos/Loops
    • 11.5 Multiple start-symbols
    • 11.6 Secure? Conform?
    • 11.7 I can’t build Bison
    • 11.8 Where can I find help?
    • 11.9 Bug Reports
    • 11.10 More Languages
    • 11.11 Beta Testing
    • 11.12 Mailing Lists
  • Appendix A Bison Symbols
  • Appendix B Glossary
  • Appendix C Copying This Manual
  • Bibliography
  • Index of Terms


This manual (23 January 2015) is for GNU Bison (version 3.0.4), the GNU parser generator.

Copyright © 1988-1993, 1995, 1998-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover
texts being “A GNU Manual,” and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled “GNU Free Documentation License.”

(a) The FSF’s Back-Cover Text is: “You have the freedom to copy and modify this GNU manual. Buying copies from the FSF supports it in developing GNU and promoting software freedom.”


Bison is a general-purpose parser generator that converts an annotated context-free grammar into a deterministic LR or generalized LR (GLR) parser employing LALR(1) parser tables. As an experimental feature, Bison can also generate IELR(1)
or canonical LR(1) parser tables. Once you are proficient with Bison, you can use it to develop a wide range of language parsers, from those used in simple desk calculators to complex programming languages.

Bison is upward compatible with Yacc: all properly-written Yacc grammars ought to work with Bison with no change. Anyone familiar with Yacc should be able to use Bison with little trouble. You need to be fluent in C or C++ programming in order
to use Bison or to understand this manual. Java is also supported as an experimental feature.

We begin with tutorial chapters that explain the basic concepts of using Bison and show three explained examples, each building on the last. If you don’t know Bison or Yacc, start by reading these chapters. Reference chapters follow, which
describe specific aspects of Bison in detail.

Bison was written originally by Robert Corbett. Richard Stallman made it Yacc-compatible. Wilfred Hansen of Carnegie Mellon University added multi-character string literals and other features. Since then, Bison has grown more robust and evolved
many other new features thanks to the hard work of a long list of volunteers. For details, see the
THANKS and ChangeLog files included in the Bison distribution.

This edition corresponds to version 3.0.4 of Bison.

Conditions for Using Bison

The distribution terms for Bison-generated parsers permit using the parsers in nonfree programs. Before Bison version 2.2, these extra permissions applied only when Bison was generating LALR(1) parsers in C. And before Bison version 1.24, Bison-generated
parsers could be used only in programs that were free software.

The other GNU programming tools, such as the GNU C compiler, have never had such a requirement. They could always be used for nonfree software. The reason Bison was different was not due to a special policy decision; it resulted from applying
the usual General Public License to all of the Bison source code.

The main output of the Bison utility—the Bison parser implementation file—contains a verbatim copy of a sizable piece of Bison, which is the code for the parser’s implementation. (The actions from your grammar are inserted into
this implementation at one point, but most of the rest of the implementation is not changed.) When we applied the GPL terms to the skeleton code for the parser’s implementation, the effect was to restrict the use of Bison output to free

We didn’t change the terms because of sympathy for people who want to make software proprietary. Software should be free. But we concluded that limiting Bison’s use to free software was doing little to encourage people
to make other software free. So we decided to make the practical conditions for using Bison match the practical conditions for using the other GNU tools.

This exception applies when Bison is generating code for a parser. You can tell whether the exception applies to a Bison output file by inspecting the file for text beginning with “As a special exception…”. The text spells out
the exact terms of the exception.


Version 3, 29 June 2007

Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
license document, but changing it is not allowed.


The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for software and other kinds of works.

The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change all versions of
a program—to make sure it remains free software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to any other work released this way by its authors. You
can apply it to your programs, too.

When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for them if you wish), that you receive source
code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs, and that you know you can do these things.

To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it: responsibilities
to respect the freedom of others.

For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must show
them these terms so they know their rights.

Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: (1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.

For the developers’ and authors’ protection, the GPL clearly explains that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users’ and authors’ sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as changed, so
that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to authors of previous versions.

Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of protecting users’ freedom to change the
software. The systematic pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.

Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to avoid the special danger that patents
applied to a free program could make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.

The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow.


  1. Definitions.

    “This License” refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.

    “Copyright” also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of works, such as semiconductor masks.

    “The Program” refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this License. Each licensee is addressed as “you”. “Licensees” and “recipients” may be individuals or organizations.

    To “modify” a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an exact copy. The resulting work is called a “modified version” of the
    earlier work or a work “based on” the earlier work.

    A “covered work” means either the unmodified Program or a work based on the Program.

    To “propagate” a work means to do anything with it that, without permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a computer or modifying a private
    copy. Propagation includes copying, distribution (with or without modification), making available to the public, and in some countries other activities as well.

    To “convey” a work means any kind of propagation that enables other parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.

    An interactive user interface displays “Appropriate Legal Notices” to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) tells the user that there
    is no warranty for the work (except to the extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If the interface presents a list of user commands or options,
    such as a menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.

  2. Source Code.

    The “source code” for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. “Object code” means any non-source form of a work.

    A “Standard Interface” means an interface that either is an official standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that is widely used among
    developers working in that language.

    The “System Libraries” of an executable work include anything, other than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major Component, and (b) serves
    only to enable use of the work with that Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an implementation is available to the public in source code form. A “Major Component”, in this context, means a major
    essential component (kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system (if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.

    The “Corresponding Source” for a work in object code form means all the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to control those activities.
    However, it does not include the work’s System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but which are not part of the work. For example,
    Corresponding Source includes interface definition files associated with source files for the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, such
    as by intimate data communication or control flow between those subprograms and other parts of the work.

    The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding Source.

    The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that same work.

  3. Basic Permissions.

    All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited permission to run the unmodified Program.
    The output from running a covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.

    You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose of having them make modifications
    exclusively for you, or provide you with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do not control copyright. Those thus making or running the
    covered works for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.

    Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 makes it unnecessary.

  4. Protecting Users’ Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.

    No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article 11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or similar laws prohibiting or restricting
    circumvention of such measures.

    When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to the covered work, and you
    disclaim any intention to limit operation or modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work’s users, your or third parties’ legal rights to forbid circumvention of technological measures.

  5. Conveying Verbatim Copies.

    You may convey verbatim copies of the Program’s source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; keep intact all notices stating
    that this License and any non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.

    You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.

  6. Conveying Modified Source Versions.

    You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:

    1. The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified it, and giving a relevant date.
    2. The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is released under this License and any conditions added under section 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to “keep intact all notices”.
    3. You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 additional terms, to the whole of the work, and
      all its parts, regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.

    4. If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your work need not make them do so.

    A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, in or on a volume of a storage
    or distribution medium, is called an “aggregate” if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation’s users beyond what the individual works permit.
    Inclusion of a covered work in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other parts of the aggregate.

  7. Conveying Non-Source Forms.

    You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, in one of these ways:

    1. Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium customarily used for software interchange.
    2. Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as long as you offer spare parts or customer support
      for that product model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical medium customarily used
      for software interchange, for a price no more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.

    3. Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and only if you received the object code with such
      an offer, in accord with subsection 6b.

    4. Convey the object code by offering access from a designated place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no further charge. You need not require recipients
      to copy the Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party) that supports equivalent
      copying facilities, provided you maintain clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it
      is available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.

    5. Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no charge under subsection 6d.

    A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be included in conveying the object code work.

    A “User Product” is either (1) a “consumer product”, which means any tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
    into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular product received by a particular user, “normally used” refers to a typical
    or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product is a consumer product regardless
    of whether the product has substantial commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent the only significant mode of use of the product.

    “Installation Information” for a User Product means any methods, procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from a modified
    version of its Corresponding Source. The information must suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because modification has been made.

    If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the User Product is transferred
    to the recipient in perpetuity or for a fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied by the Installation Information. But this requirement
    does not apply if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has been installed in ROM).

    The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for the User Product in
    which it has been modified or installed. Access to a network may be denied when the modification itself materially and adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and protocols for communication across the

    Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly documented (and with an implementation available to the public in source code form), and must require
    no special password or key for unpacking, reading or copying.

  8. Additional Terms.

    “Additional permissions” are terms that supplement the terms of this License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall be treated as though
    they were included in this License, to the extent that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately under those permissions, but the entire Program
    remains governed by this License without regard to the additional permissions.

    When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own removal in certain cases when you modify
    the work.) You may place additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.

    Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:

    1. Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
    2. Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal Notices displayed by works containing it; or
    3. Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
    4. Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or authors of the material; or
    5. Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
    6. Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for any liability that these contractual
      assumptions directly impose on those licensors and authors.

    All other non-permissive additional terms are considered “further restrictions” within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is governed by this License
    along with a term that is a further restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this License, you may add to a covered work material governed
    by the terms of that license document, provided that the further restriction does not survive such relicensing or conveying.

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    Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; the above requirements apply either way.

  9. Termination.

    You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License (including any patent
    licenses granted under the third paragraph of section 11).

    However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently,
    if the copyright holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after the cessation.

    Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have received notice of violation of this License
    (for any work) from that copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after your receipt of the notice.

    Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently reinstated, you do not qualify
    to receive new licenses for the same material under section 10.

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    You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission to receive a copy likewise does
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    Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third
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    You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of rights granted under this License,
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    A “contributor” is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The work thus licensed is called the contributor’s “contributor version”.

    A contributor’s “essential patent claims” are all patent claims owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted by this License,
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    Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.

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    If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a covered work so as to
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    Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single combined work, and to convey the resulting
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    the combination as such.

  15. Revised Versions of this License.

    The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems
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    Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General Public License “or any later version” applies to it, you have the option of following the terms
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    If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy’s public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you to choose that version for
    the Program.

    Later license versions may give you additional or different permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a later version.

  16. Disclaimer of Warranty.


  17. Limitation of Liability.


  18. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.

    If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates an absolute waiver of all civil
    liability in connection with the Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a copy of the Program in return for a fee.


How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs

If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.

To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the “copyright” line and a
pointer to where the full notice is found.

one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.
Copyright (C) year name of author

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see

Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.

If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:

program Copyright (C) year name of author
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type ‘show w’.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type ‘show c’ for details.

The hypothetical commands ‘show w’ and ‘show c’ should show the appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program’s commands might be different; for a GUI interface,
you would use an “about box”.

You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, if any, to sign a “copyright disclaimer” for the program, if necessary. For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see

The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. If this
is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General Public License instead of this License. But first, please read

1 The Concepts of Bison

This chapter introduces many of the basic concepts without which the details of Bison will not make sense. If you do not already know how to use Bison or Yacc, we suggest you start by reading this chapter carefully.

1.1 Languages and Context-Free Grammars

In order for Bison to parse a language, it must be described by a
context-free grammar. This means that you specify one or more
syntactic groupings and give rules for constructing them from their parts. For example, in the C language, one kind of grouping is called an ‘expression’. One rule for making an expression might be, “An expression
can be made of a minus sign and another expression”. Another would be, “An expression can be an integer”. As you can see, rules are often recursive, but there must be at least one rule which leads out of the recursion.

The most common formal system for presenting such rules for humans to read is Backus-Naur Form or “BNF”, which was developed in order to specify the language Algol 60. Any grammar expressed in BNF is a context-free grammar.
The input to Bison is essentially machine-readable BNF.

There are various important subclasses of context-free grammars. Although it can handle almost all context-free grammars, Bison is optimized for what are called LR(1) grammars. In brief, in these grammars, it must be possible to tell how to parse
any portion of an input string with just a single token of lookahead. For historical reasons, Bison by default is limited by the additional restrictions of LALR(1), which is hard to explain simply. See Mysterious Conflicts,
for more information on this. As an experimental feature, you can escape these additional restrictions by requesting IELR(1) or canonical LR(1) parser tables. See LR Table Construction, to learn how.

Parsers for LR(1) grammars are deterministic, meaning roughly that the next grammar rule to apply at any point in the input is uniquely determined by the preceding input and a fixed, finite portion (called a lookahead) of the
remaining input. A context-free grammar can be ambiguous, meaning that there are multiple ways to apply the grammar rules to get the same inputs. Even unambiguous grammars can be nondeterministic, meaning that no fixed lookahead
always suffices to determine the next grammar rule to apply. With the proper declarations, Bison is also able to parse these more general context-free grammars, using a technique known as GLR parsing (for Generalized LR). Bison’s GLR
parsers are able to handle any context-free grammar for which the number of possible parses of any given string is finite.

In the formal grammatical rules for a language, each kind of syntactic unit or grouping is named by a symbol. Those which are built by grouping smaller constructs according to grammatical rules are called
nonterminal symbols; those which can’t be subdivided are called
terminal symbols or token types. We call a piece of input corresponding to a single terminal symbol a token, and a piece corresponding to a single nonterminal symbol a grouping.

We can use the C language as an example of what symbols, terminal and nonterminal, mean. The tokens of C are identifiers, constants (numeric and string), and the various keywords, arithmetic operators and punctuation marks. So the terminal symbols
of a grammar for C include ‘identifier’, ‘number’, ‘string’, plus one symbol for each keyword, operator or punctuation mark: ‘if’, ‘return’, ‘const’, ‘static’,
‘int’, ‘char’, ‘plus-sign’, ‘open-brace’, ‘close-brace’, ‘comma’ and many more. (These tokens can be subdivided into characters, but that is a matter of lexicography,
not grammar.)

Here is a simple C function subdivided into tokens:

int             /* keyword ‘int’ */
square (int x)  /* identifier, open-paren, keyword ‘int’,
                   identifier, close-paren */
{               /* open-brace */
  return x * x; /* keyword ‘return’, identifier, asterisk,
                   identifier, semicolon */
}               /* close-brace */

The syntactic groupings of C include the expression, the statement, the declaration, and the function definition. These are represented in the grammar of C by nonterminal symbols ‘expression’, ‘statement’, ‘declaration’
and ‘function definition’. The full grammar uses dozens of additional language constructs, each with its own nonterminal symbol, in order to express the meanings of these four. The example above is a function definition; it contains
one declaration, and one statement. In the statement, each ‘x’ is an expression and so is ‘x * x’.

Each nonterminal symbol must have grammatical rules showing how it is made out of simpler constructs. For example, one kind of C statement is the
return statement; this would be described with a grammar rule which reads informally as follows:

A ‘statement’ can be made of a ‘return’ keyword, an ‘expression’ and a ‘semicolon’.

There would be many other rules for ‘statement’, one for each kind of statement in C.

One nonterminal symbol must be distinguished as the special one which defines a complete utterance in the language. It is called the start
. In a compiler, this means a complete input program. In the C language, the nonterminal symbol ‘sequence of definitions and declarations’ plays this role.

For example, ‘1 + 2’ is a valid C expression—a valid part of a C program—but it is not valid as an entire C program. In the context-free grammar of C, this follows from the fact that ‘expression’
is not the start symbol.

The Bison parser reads a sequence of tokens as its input, and groups the tokens using the grammar rules. If the input is valid, the end result is that the entire token sequence reduces to a single grouping whose symbol is the grammar’s start
symbol. If we use a grammar for C, the entire input must be a ‘sequence of definitions and declarations’. If not, the parser reports a syntax error.

1.2 From Formal Rules to Bison Input

A formal grammar is a mathematical construct. To define the language for Bison, you must write a file expressing the grammar in Bison syntax: a Bison grammar file. See Bison Grammar Files.

A nonterminal symbol in the formal grammar is represented in Bison input as an identifier, like an identifier in C. By convention, it should be in lower case, such as expr, stmt or declaration.

The Bison representation for a terminal symbol is also called a token
. Token types as well can be represented as C-like identifiers. By convention, these identifiers should be upper case to distinguish them from nonterminals: for example, INTEGER, IDENTIFIER, IF or
RETURN. A terminal symbol that stands for a particular keyword in the language should be named after that keyword converted to upper case. The terminal symbol error is reserved for error recovery. See Symbols.

A terminal symbol can also be represented as a character literal, just like a C character constant. You should do this whenever a token is just a single character (parenthesis, plus-sign, etc.): use that same character in a literal as the terminal
symbol for that token.

A third way to represent a terminal symbol is with a C string constant containing several characters. See Symbols, for more information.

The grammar rules also have an expression in Bison syntax. For example, here is the Bison rule for a C return statement. The semicolon in quotes is a literal character token, representing part of the C syntax for the statement; the
naked semicolon, and the colon, are Bison punctuation used in every rule.

See Syntax of Grammar Rules.

1.3 Semantic Values

A formal grammar selects tokens only by their classifications: for example, if a rule mentions the terminal symbol ‘integer constant’, it means that
any integer constant is grammatically valid in that position. The precise value of the constant is irrelevant to how to parse the input: if ‘
x+4’ is grammatical then ‘x+1’ or ‘x+3989’ is equally grammatical.

But the precise value is very important for what the input means once it is parsed. A compiler is useless if it fails to distinguish between 4, 1 and 3989 as constants in the program! Therefore, each token in a Bison grammar has both a token type
and a semantic value. See Defining Language Semantics, for details.

The token type is a terminal symbol defined in the grammar, such as
INTEGER, IDENTIFIER or ','. It tells everything you need to know to decide where the token may validly appear and how to group it with other tokens. The grammar rules know nothing about tokens except
their types.

The semantic value has all the rest of the information about the meaning of the token, such as the value of an integer, or the name of an identifier. (A token such as ',' which is just punctuation doesn’t need to have any semantic

For example, an input token might be classified as token type
INTEGER and have the semantic value 4. Another input token might have the same token type INTEGER but value 3989. When a grammar rule says that INTEGER is allowed, either of these tokens is acceptable
because each is an INTEGER. When the parser accepts the token, it keeps track of the token’s semantic value.

Each grouping can also have a semantic value as well as its nonterminal symbol. For example, in a calculator, an expression typically has a semantic value that is a number. In a compiler for a programming language, an expression typically has
a semantic value that is a tree structure describing the meaning of the expression.

1.4 Semantic Actions

In order to be useful, a program must do more than parse input; it must also produce some output based on the input. In a Bison grammar, a grammar rule can have an action made up of C statements. Each time the parser recognizes a match
for that rule, the action is executed. See Actions.

Most of the time, the purpose of an action is to compute the semantic value of the whole construct from the semantic values of its parts. For example, suppose we have a rule which says an expression can be the sum of two expressions. When the
parser recognizes such a sum, each of the subexpressions has a semantic value which describes how it was built up. The action for this rule should create a similar sort of value for the newly recognized larger expression.

For example, here is a rule that says an expression can be the sum of two subexpressions:

expr: expr '+' expr   { $$ = $1 + $3; } ;

The action says how to produce the semantic value of the sum expression from the values of the two subexpressions.

1.5 Writing GLR Parsers

In some grammars, Bison’s deterministic LR(1) parsing algorithm cannot decide whether to apply a certain grammar rule at a given point. That is, it may not be able to decide (on the basis of the input read so far) which of two possible reductions
(applications of a grammar rule) applies, or whether to apply a reduction or read more of the input and apply a reduction later in the input. These are known respectively as reduce/reduce conflicts (see Reduce/Reduce),
and shift/reduce conflicts (see Shift/Reduce).

To use a grammar that is not easily modified to be LR(1), a more general parsing algorithm is sometimes necessary. If you include
%glr-parser among the Bison declarations in your file (see Grammar Outline), the result is a Generalized LR (GLR) parser. These parsers handle Bison grammars that contain no unresolved conflicts
(i.e., after applying precedence declarations) identically to deterministic parsers. However, when faced with unresolved shift/reduce and reduce/reduce conflicts, GLR parsers use the simple expedient of doing both, effectively cloning the
parser to follow both possibilities. Each of the resulting parsers can again split, so that at any given time, there can be any number of possible parses being explored. The parsers proceed in lockstep; that is, all of them consume (shift)
a given input symbol before any of them proceed to the next. Each of the cloned parsers eventually meets one of two possible fates: either it runs into a parsing error, in which case it simply vanishes, or it merges with another parser, because
the two of them have reduced the input to an identical set of symbols.

During the time that there are multiple parsers, semantic actions are recorded, but not performed. When a parser disappears, its recorded semantic actions disappear as well, and are never performed. When a reduction makes two parsers identical,
causing them to merge, Bison records both sets of semantic actions. Whenever the last two parsers merge, reverting to the single-parser case, Bison resolves all the outstanding actions either by precedences given to the grammar rules involved,
or by performing both actions, and then calling a designated user-defined function on the resulting values to produce an arbitrary merged result.

1.5.1 Using GLR on Unambiguous Grammars

In the simplest cases, you can use the GLR algorithm to parse grammars that are unambiguous but fail to be LR(1). Such grammars typically require more than one symbol of lookahead.

Consider a problem that arises in the declaration of enumerated and subrange types in the programming language Pascal. Here are some examples:

type subrange = lo .. hi;
type enum = (a, b, c);

The original language standard allows only numeric literals and constant identifiers for the subrange bounds (‘lo’ and ‘hi’), but Extended Pascal (ISO/IEC 10206) and many other Pascal implementations
allow arbitrary expressions there. This gives rise to the following situation, containing a superfluous pair of parentheses:

type subrange = (a) .. b;

Compare this to the following declaration of an enumerated type with only one value:

(These declarations are contrived, but they are syntactically valid, and more-complicated cases can come up in practical programs.)

These two declarations look identical until the ‘..’ token. With normal LR(1) one-token lookahead it is not possible to decide between the two forms when the identifier ‘
a’ is parsed. It is, however, desirable for a parser to decide this, since in the latter case ‘
a’ must become a new identifier to represent the enumeration value, while in the former case ‘a’ must be evaluated with its current meaning, which may be a constant or even a function call.

You could parse ‘(a)’ as an “unspecified identifier in parentheses”, to be resolved later, but this typically requires substantial contortions in both semantic actions and large parts of the grammar, where
the parentheses are nested in the recursive rules for expressions.

You might think of using the lexer to distinguish between the two forms by returning different tokens for currently defined and undefined identifiers. But if these declarations occur in a local scope, and ‘a’ is defined
in an outer scope, then both forms are possible—either locally redefining ‘a’, or using the value of ‘a’ from the outer scope. So this approach cannot work.

A simple solution to this problem is to declare the parser to use the GLR algorithm. When the GLR parser reaches the critical state, it merely splits into two branches and pursues both syntax rules simultaneously. Sooner or later, one of them
runs into a parsing error. If there is a ‘..’ token before the next ‘
;’, the rule for enumerated types fails since it cannot accept ‘..’ anywhere; otherwise, the subrange type rule fails since it requires a ‘..’ token. So one of the branches
fails silently, and the other one continues normally, performing all the intermediate actions that were postponed during the split.

If the input is syntactically incorrect, both branches fail and the parser reports a syntax error as usual.

The effect of all this is that the parser seems to “guess” the correct branch to take, or in other words, it seems to use more lookahead than the underlying LR(1) algorithm actually allows for. In this example, LR(2) would suffice,
but also some cases that are not LR(k) for any k can be handled this way.

In general, a GLR parser can take quadratic or cubic worst-case time, and the current Bison parser even takes exponential time and space for some grammars. In practice, this rarely happens, and for many grammars it is possible to prove that it
cannot happen. The present example contains only one conflict between two rules, and the type-declaration context containing the conflict cannot be nested. So the number of branches that can exist at any time is limited by the constant 2,
and the parsing time is still linear.

Here is a Bison grammar corresponding to the example above. It parses a vastly simplified form of Pascal type declarations.


%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/'
type_decl: TYPE ID '=' type ';' ;

  '(' id_list ')'
| expr DOTDOT expr

| id_list ',' ID

  '(' expr ')'
| expr '+' expr
| expr '-' expr
| expr '*' expr
| expr '/' expr
| ID

When used as a normal LR(1) grammar, Bison correctly complains about one reduce/reduce conflict. In the conflicting situation the parser chooses one of the alternatives, arbitrarily the one declared first. Therefore the following correct input
is not recognized:

The parser can be turned into a GLR parser, while also telling Bison to be silent about the one known reduce/reduce conflict, by adding these two declarations to the Bison grammar file (before the first ‘

No change in the grammar itself is required. Now the parser recognizes all valid declarations, according to the limited syntax above, transparently. In fact, the user does not even notice when the parser splits.

So here we have a case where we can use the benefits of GLR, almost without disadvantages. Even in simple cases like this, however, there are at least two potential problems to beware. First, always analyze the conflicts reported by Bison to make
sure that GLR splitting is only done where it is intended. A GLR parser splitting inadvertently may cause problems less obvious than an LR parser statically choosing the wrong alternative in a conflict. Second, consider interactions with the
lexer (see Semantic Tokens) with great care. Since a split parser consumes tokens without performing any actions during the split, the lexer cannot obtain information via parser actions. Some cases of lexer interactions
can be eliminated by using GLR to shift the complications from the lexer to the parser. You must check the remaining cases for correctness.

In our example, it would be safe for the lexer to return tokens based on their current meanings in some symbol table, because no new symbols are defined in the middle of a type declaration. Though it is possible for a parser to define the enumeration
constants as they are parsed, before the type declaration is completed, it actually makes no difference since they cannot be used within the same enumerated type declaration.

1.5.2 Using GLR to Resolve Ambiguities

Let’s consider an example, vastly simplified from a C++ grammar.

  #include <stdio.h>
  #define YYSTYPE char const *
  int yylex (void);
  void yyerror (char const *);


%right '='
%left '+'



| prog stmt   { printf ("n"); }

  expr ';'  %dprec 1
| decl      %dprec 2

  ID               { printf ("%s ", $$); }
| TYPENAME '(' expr ')'
                   { printf ("%s <cast> ", $1); }
| expr '+' expr    { printf ("+ "); }
| expr '=' expr    { printf ("= "); }

  TYPENAME declarator ';'
                   { printf ("%s <declare> ", $1); }
| TYPENAME declarator '=' expr ';'
                   { printf ("%s <init-declare> ", $1); }

  ID               { printf (""%s" ", $1); }
| '(' declarator ')'

This models a problematic part of the C++ grammar—the ambiguity between certain declarations and statements. For example,

parses as either an expr or a stmt decl (assuming that ‘T’ is recognized as a TYPENAME and ‘
x’ as an ID). Bison detects this as a reduce/reduce conflict between the rules
expr : ID and declarator : ID, which it cannot resolve at the time it encounters x in the example above. Since this is a GLR parser, it therefore splits the problem into two parses, one for each choice
of resolving the reduce/reduce conflict. Unlike the example from the previous section (see Simple GLR Parsers), however, neither of these parses “dies,” because the grammar as it stands is ambiguous.
One of the parsers eventually reduces stmt : expr ';' and the other reduces stmt : decl, after which both parsers are in an identical state: they’ve seen ‘prog stmt’ and have the same
unprocessed input remaining. We say that these parses have merged.

At this point, the GLR parser requires a specification in the grammar of how to choose between the competing parses. In the example above, the two %dprec declarations specify that Bison is to give precedence to the parse that interprets
the example as a
decl, which implies that x is a declarator. The parser therefore prints

"x" y z + T <init-declare>

The %dprec declarations only come into play when more than one parse survives. Consider a different input string for this parser:

This is another example of using GLR to parse an unambiguous construct, as shown in the previous section (see Simple GLR Parsers). Here, there is no ambiguity (this cannot be parsed as a declaration). However,
at the time the Bison parser encounters x, it does not have enough information to resolve the reduce/reduce conflict (again, between x as an expr or a declarator). In this case, no precedence
declaration is used. Again, the parser splits into two, one assuming that x is an expr, and the other assuming x is a declarator. The second of these parsers then vanishes when it sees +,
and the parser prints

Suppose that instead of resolving the ambiguity, you wanted to see all the possibilities. For this purpose, you must merge the semantic actions of the two possible parsers, rather than choosing one over the other. To do so, you could change the
declaration of stmt as follows:

  expr ';'  %merge <stmtMerge>
| decl      %merge <stmtMerge>

and define the stmtMerge function as:

static YYSTYPE
stmtMerge (YYSTYPE x0, YYSTYPE x1)
  printf ("<OR> ");
  return "";

with an accompanying forward declaration in the C declarations at the beginning of the file:

  #define YYSTYPE char const *
  static YYSTYPE stmtMerge (YYSTYPE x0, YYSTYPE x1);

With these declarations, the resulting parser parses the first example as both an expr and a decl, and prints

"x" y z + T <init-declare> x T <cast> y z + = <OR>

Bison requires that all of the productions that participate in any particular merge have identical ‘
%merge’ clauses. Otherwise, the ambiguity would be unresolvable, and the parser will report an error during any parse that results in the offending merge.

1.5.3 GLR Semantic Actions

The nature of GLR parsing and the structure of the generated parsers give rise to certain restrictions on semantic values and actions. Deferred semantic actions

By definition, a deferred semantic action is not performed at the same time as the associated reduction. This raises caveats for several Bison features you might use in a semantic action in a GLR parser.

In any semantic action, you can examine yychar to determine the type of the lookahead token present at the time of the associated reduction. After checking that yychar is not set to YYEMPTY or YYEOF,
you can then examine yylval and yylloc to determine the lookahead token’s semantic value and location, if any. In a nondeferred semantic action, you can also modify any of these variables to influence syntax
analysis. See Lookahead Tokens.

In a deferred semantic action, it’s too late to influence syntax analysis. In this case, yychar, yylval, and yylloc are set to shallow copies of the values they had at the time of the associated reduction.
For this reason alone, modifying them is dangerous. Moreover, the result of modifying them is undefined and subject to change with future versions of Bison. For example, if a semantic action might be deferred, you should never write it to
yyclearin (see Action Features) or to attempt to free memory referenced by yylval. YYERROR

Another Bison feature requiring special consideration is YYERROR (see Action Features), which you can invoke in a semantic action to initiate error recovery. During deterministic GLR operation, the effect
of YYERROR is the same as its effect in a deterministic parser. The effect in a deferred action is similar, but the precise point of the error is undefined; instead, the parser reverts to deterministic operation, selecting an
unspecified stack on which to continue with a syntax error. In a semantic predicate (see Semantic Predicates) during nondeterministic parsing, YYERROR silently prunes the parse that invoked the
test. Restrictions on semantic values and locations

GLR parsers require that you use POD (Plain Old Data) types for semantic values and location types when using the generated parsers as C++ code.

1.5.4 Controlling a Parse with Arbitrary Predicates

In addition to the %dprec and %merge directives, GLR parsers allow you to reject parses on the basis of arbitrary computations executed in user code, without having Bison treat this rejection as an error if there are
alternative parses. (This feature is experimental and may evolve. We welcome user feedback.) For example,

  %?{  new_syntax } "widget" id new_args  { $$ = f($3, $4); }
| %?{ !new_syntax } "widget" id old_args  { $$ = f($3, $4); }

is one way to allow the same parser to handle two different syntaxes for widgets. The clause preceded by %? is treated like an ordinary action, except that its text is treated as an expression and is always evaluated immediately (even
when in nondeterministic mode). If the expression yields 0 (false), the clause is treated as a syntax error, which, in a nondeterministic parser, causes the stack in which it is reduced to die. In a deterministic parser, it acts like YYERROR.

As the example shows, predicates otherwise look like semantic actions, and therefore you must be take them into account when determining the numbers to use for denoting the semantic values of right-hand side symbols. Predicate actions, however,
have no defined value, and may not be given labels.

There is a subtle difference between semantic predicates and ordinary actions in nondeterministic mode, since the latter are deferred. For example, we could try to rewrite the previous example as

  { if (!new_syntax) YYERROR; }
    "widget" id new_args  { $$ = f($3, $4); }
|  { if (new_syntax) YYERROR; }
    "widget" id old_args   { $$ = f($3, $4); }

(reversing the sense of the predicate tests to cause an error when they are false). However, this does not have the same effect if new_args and old_args have overlapping syntax. Since the mid-rule actions testing
new_syntax are deferred, a GLR parser first encounters the unresolved ambiguous reduction for cases where new_args and old_args recognize the same string
before performing the tests of new_syntax. It therefore reports an error.

Finally, be careful in writing predicates: deferred actions have not been evaluated, so that using them in a predicate will have undefined effects.

1.5.5 Considerations when Compiling GLR Parsers

The GLR parsers require a compiler for ISO C89 or later. In addition, they use the inline keyword, which is not C89, but is C99 and is a common extension in pre-C99 compilers. It is up to the user of these parsers to handle portability
issues. For instance, if using Autoconf and the Autoconf macro AC_C_INLINE, a mere

  #include <config.h>

will suffice. Otherwise, we suggest

  #if (__STDC_VERSION__ < 199901 && ! defined __GNUC__ 
       && ! defined inline)
  # define inline

1.6 Locations

Many applications, like interpreters or compilers, have to produce verbose and useful error messages. To achieve this, one must be able to keep track of the textual location, or location, of each syntactic construct. Bison provides
a mechanism for handling these locations.

Each token has a semantic value. In a similar fashion, each token has an associated location, but the type of locations is the same for all tokens and groupings. Moreover, the output parser is equipped with a default data structure for storing
locations (see Tracking Locations, for more details).

Like semantic values, locations can be reached in actions using a dedicated set of constructs. In the example above, the location of the whole grouping is @$, while the locations of the subexpressions are @1 and

When a rule is matched, a default action is used to compute the semantic value of its left hand side (see Actions). In the same way, another default action is used for locations. However, the action for locations is general
enough for most cases, meaning there is usually no need to describe for each rule how @$ should be formed. When building a new location for a given grouping, the default behavior of the output parser is to take the beginning of
the first symbol, and the end of the last symbol.

1.7 Bison Output: the Parser Implementation File

When you run Bison, you give it a Bison grammar file as input. The most important output is a C source file that implements a parser for the language described by the grammar. This parser is called a
Bison parser, and this file is called a Bison parser
implementation file
. Keep in mind that the Bison utility and the Bison parser are two distinct programs: the Bison utility is a program whose output is the Bison parser implementation file that becomes part of your program.

The job of the Bison parser is to group tokens into groupings according to the grammar rules—for example, to build identifiers and operators into expressions. As it does this, it runs the actions for the grammar rules it uses.

The tokens come from a function called the lexical analyzer that you must supply in some fashion (such as by writing it in C). The Bison parser calls the lexical analyzer each time it wants a new token. It doesn’t know what is “inside”
the tokens (though their semantic values may reflect this). Typically the lexical analyzer makes the tokens by parsing characters of text, but Bison does not depend on this. See The Lexical Analyzer Function yylex.

The Bison parser implementation file is C code which defines a function named yyparse which implements that grammar. This function does not make a complete C program: you must supply some additional functions. One is the lexical analyzer.
Another is an error-reporting function which the parser calls to report an error. In addition, a complete C program must start with a function called
main; you have to provide this, and arrange for it to call
yyparse or the parser will never run. See Parser
C-Language Interface.

Aside from the token type names and the symbols in the actions you write, all symbols defined in the Bison parser implementation file itself begin with ‘yy’ or ‘YY’. This includes interface functions
such as the lexical analyzer function yylex, the error reporting function yyerror and the parser function
yyparse itself. This also includes numerous identifiers used for internal purposes. Therefore, you should avoid using C identifiers starting with ‘yy’ or ‘YY’ in the Bison grammar
file except for the ones defined in this manual. Also, you should avoid using the C identifiers ‘malloc’ and ‘free’ for anything other than their usual meanings.

In some cases the Bison parser implementation file includes system headers, and in those cases your code should respect the identifiers reserved by those headers. On some non-GNU hosts, <alloca.h>,
<malloc.h>, <stddef.h>, and <stdlib.h> are included as needed to declare memory allocators and related types.
<libintl.h> is included if message translation is in use (see Internationalization). Other system headers may be included if you define YYDEBUG to a nonzero value (see
Tracing Your Parser).

1.8 Stages in Using Bison

The actual language-design process using Bison, from grammar specification to a working compiler or interpreter, has these parts:

  1. Formally specify the grammar in a form recognized by Bison (see Bison Grammar Files). For each grammatical rule in the language, describe the action that is to be taken when an instance of that rule is recognized.
    The action is described by a sequence of C statements.

  2. Write a lexical analyzer to process input and pass tokens to the parser. The lexical analyzer may be written by hand in C (see The
    Lexical Analyzer Function yylex). It could also be produced using Lex, but the use of Lex is not discussed in this manual.

  3. Write a controlling function that calls the Bison-produced parser.
  4. Write error-reporting routines.

To turn this source code as written into a runnable program, you must follow these steps:

  1. Run Bison on the grammar to produce the parser.
  2. Compile the code output by Bison, as well as any other source files.
  3. Link the object files to produce the finished product.

1.9 The Overall Layout of a Bison Grammar

The input file for the Bison utility is a Bison grammar file. The general form of a Bison grammar file is as follows:


Bison declarations

Grammar rules

The ‘%%’, ‘%{’ and ‘%}’ are punctuation that appears in every Bison grammar file to separate the sections.

The prologue may define types and variables used in the actions. You can also use preprocessor commands to define macros used there, and use
#include to include header files that do any of these things. You need to declare the lexical analyzer yylex and the error printer yyerror here, along with any other global identifiers used by the actions
in the grammar rules.

The Bison declarations declare the names of the terminal and nonterminal symbols, and may also describe operator precedence and the data types of semantic values of various symbols.

The grammar rules define how to construct each nonterminal symbol from its parts.

The epilogue can contain any code you want to use. Often the definitions of functions declared in the prologue go here. In a simple program, all the rest of the program can go here.

2 Examples

Now we show and explain several sample programs written using Bison: a reverse polish notation calculator, an algebraic (infix) notation calculator — later extended to track “locations” — and a multi-function calculator.
All produce usable, though limited, interactive desk-top calculators.

These examples are simple, but Bison grammars for real programming languages are written the same way. You can copy these examples into a source file to try them.

2.1 Reverse Polish Notation Calculator

The first example is that of a simple double-precision reverse polish
calculator (a calculator using postfix operators). This example provides a good starting point, since operator precedence is not an issue. The second example will illustrate how operator precedence is handled.

The source code for this calculator is named rpcalc.y. The ‘
.y’ extension is a convention used for Bison grammar files.

2.1.1 Declarations for rpcalc

Here are the C and Bison declarations for the reverse polish notation calculator. As in C, comments are placed between ‘/*…*/’.

/* Reverse polish notation calculator.  */

  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <math.h>
  int yylex (void);
  void yyerror (char const *);
%define api.value.type {double}
%token NUM

%% /* Grammar rules and actions follow.  */

The declarations section (see The prologue) contains two preprocessor directives and two forward declarations.

The #include directive is used to declare the exponentiation function pow.

The forward declarations for yylex and yyerror are needed because the C language requires that functions be declared before they are used. These functions will be defined in the epilogue, but the parser calls them so
they must be declared in the prologue.

The second section, Bison declarations, provides information to Bison about the tokens and their types (see The Bison
Declarations Section).

The %define directive defines the variable api.value.type, thus specifying the C data type for semantic values of both tokens and groupings (see Data Types of Semantic Values). The Bison parser
will use whatever type api.value.type is defined as; if you don’t define it, int is the default. Because we specify ‘
{double}’, each token and each expression has an associated value, which is a floating point number. C code can use YYSTYPE to refer to the value api.value.type.

Each terminal symbol that is not a single-character literal must be declared. (Single-character literals normally don’t need to be declared.) In this example, all the arithmetic operators are designated by single-character literals, so the
only terminal symbol that needs to be declared is NUM, the token type for numeric constants.

2.1.2 Grammar Rules for rpcalc

Here are the grammar rules for the reverse polish notation calculator.

| input line

| exp 'n'      { printf ("%.10gn", $1); }

  NUM           { $$ = $1;           }
| exp exp '+'   { $$ = $1 + $2;      }
| exp exp '-'   { $$ = $1 - $2;      }
| exp exp '*'   { $$ = $1 * $2;      }
| exp exp '/'   { $$ = $1 / $2;      }
| exp exp '^'   { $$ = pow ($1, $2); }  /* Exponentiation */
| exp 'n'       { $$ = -$1;          }  /* Unary minus    */

The groupings of the rpcalc “language” defined here are the expression (given the name exp), the line of input (line), and the complete input transcript (input). Each of these nonterminal symbols
has several alternate rules, joined by the vertical bar ‘|’ which is read as “or”. The following sections explain what these rules mean.

The semantics of the language is determined by the actions taken when a grouping is recognized. The actions are the C code that appears inside braces. See Actions.

You must specify these actions in C, but Bison provides the means for passing semantic values between the rules. In each action, the pseudo-variable $$ stands for the semantic value for the grouping that the rule is going to construct.
Assigning a value to $$ is the main job of most actions. The semantic values of the components of the rule are referred to as $1, $2, and so on. Explanation of input

Consider the definition of input:

| input line

This definition reads as follows: “A complete input is either an empty string, or a complete input followed by an input line”. Notice that “complete input” is defined in terms of itself. This definition is said to be left recursive since input appears always as the leftmost symbol in the sequence. See Recursive Rules.

The first alternative is empty because there are no symbols between the colon and the first ‘|’; this means that input can match an empty string of input (no tokens). We write the rules this way because it
is legitimate to type Ctrl-d right after you start the calculator. It’s conventional to put an empty alternative first and to use the (optional) %empty directive, or to write the comment ‘/* empty
’ in it (see Empty Rules).

The second alternate rule (input line) handles all nontrivial input. It means, “After reading any number of lines, read one more line if possible.” The left recursion makes this rule into a loop. Since the first alternative
matches empty input, the loop can be executed zero or more times.

The parser function yyparse continues to process input until a grammatical error is seen or the lexical analyzer says there are no more input tokens; we will arrange for the latter to happen at end-of-input. Explanation of line

Now consider the definition of line:

| exp 'n'  { printf ("%.10gn", $1); }

The first alternative is a token which is a newline character; this means that rpcalc accepts a blank line (and ignores it, since there is no action). The second alternative is an expression followed by a newline. This is the alternative that
makes rpcalc useful. The semantic value of the exp grouping is the value of $1 because the exp in question is the first symbol in the alternative. The action prints this value, which is the result of
the computation the user asked for.

This action is unusual because it does not assign a value to $$. As a consequence, the semantic value associated with the line is uninitialized (its value will be unpredictable). This would be a bug if that value were
ever used, but we don’t use it: once rpcalc has printed the value of the user’s input line, that value is no longer needed. Explanation of expr

The exp grouping has several rules, one for each kind of expression. The first rule handles the simplest expressions: those that are just numbers. The second handles an addition-expression, which looks like two expressions followed
by a plus-sign. The third handles subtraction, and so on.

| exp exp '+'     { $$ = $1 + $2;    }
| exp exp '-'     { $$ = $1 - $2;    }

We have used ‘|’ to join all the rules for exp, but we could equally well have written them separately:

exp: NUM ;
exp: exp exp '+'     { $$ = $1 + $2; };
exp: exp exp '-'     { $$ = $1 - $2; };

Most of the rules have actions that compute the value of the expression in terms of the value of its parts. For example, in the rule for addition,
$1 refers to the first component exp and $2 refers to the second one. The third component, '+', has no meaningful associated semantic value, but if it had one you could refer to it as
$3. When yyparse recognizes a sum expression using this rule, the sum of the two subexpressions’ values is produced as the value of the entire expression. See Actions.

You don’t have to give an action for every rule. When a rule has no action, Bison by default copies the value of $1 into $$. This is what happens in the first rule (the one that uses NUM).

The formatting shown here is the recommended convention, but Bison does not require it. You can add or change white space as much as you wish. For example, this:

exp: NUM | exp exp '+' {$$ = $1 + $2; } | … ;

means the same thing as this:

| exp exp '+'    { $$ = $1 + $2; }
| …

The latter, however, is much more readable.

2.1.3 The rpcalc Lexical Analyzer

The lexical analyzer’s job is low-level parsing: converting characters or sequences of characters into tokens. The Bison parser gets its tokens by calling the lexical analyzer. See The Lexical
Analyzer Function yylex.

Only a simple lexical analyzer is needed for the RPN calculator. This lexical analyzer skips blanks and tabs, then reads in numbers as
double and returns them as NUM tokens. Any other character that isn’t part of a number is a separate token. Note that the token-code for such a single-character token is the character itself.

The return value of the lexical analyzer function is a numeric code which represents a token type. The same text used in Bison rules to stand for this token type is also a C expression for the numeric code for the type. This works in two ways.
If the token type is a character literal, then its numeric code is that of the character; you can use the same character literal in the lexical analyzer to express the number. If the token type is an identifier, that identifier is defined
by Bison as a C macro whose definition is the appropriate number. In this example, therefore, NUM becomes a macro for yylex to use.

The semantic value of the token (if it has one) is stored into the global variable yylval, which is where the Bison parser will look for it. (The C data type of yylval is YYSTYPE, whose value was defined
at the beginning of the grammar via ‘%define api.value.type
’; see Declarations for rpcalc.)

A token type code of zero is returned if the end-of-input is encountered. (Bison recognizes any nonpositive value as indicating end-of-input.)

Here is the code for the lexical analyzer:

/* The lexical analyzer returns a double floating point
   number on the stack and the token NUM, or the numeric code
   of the character read if not a number.  It skips all blanks
   and tabs, and returns 0 for end-of-input.  */

#include <ctype.h>

yylex (void)
  int c;

  /* Skip white space.  */
  while ((c = getchar ()) == ' ' || c == 't')
  /* Process numbers.  */
  if (c == '.' || isdigit (c))
      ungetc (c, stdin);
      scanf ("%lf", &yylval);
      return NUM;
  /* Return end-of-input.  */
  if (c == EOF)
    return 0;
  /* Return a single char.  */
  return c;

2.1.4 The Controlling Function

In keeping with the spirit of this example, the controlling function is kept to the bare minimum. The only requirement is that it call
yyparse to start the process of parsing.

main (void)
  return yyparse ();

2.1.5 The Error Reporting Routine

When yyparse detects a syntax error, it calls the error reporting function yyerror to print an error message (usually but not always "syntax error"). It is up to the programmer to supply
yyerror (see Parser C-Language Interface), so here is the definition we will use:

#include <stdio.h>

/* Called by yyparse on error.  */
yyerror (char const *s)
  fprintf (stderr, "%sn", s);

After yyerror returns, the Bison parser may recover from the error and continue parsing if the grammar contains a suitable error rule (see Error Recovery). Otherwise, yyparse returns nonzero.
We have not written any error rules in this example, so any invalid input will cause the calculator program to exit. This is not clean behavior for a real calculator, but it is adequate for the first example.

2.1.6 Running Bison to Make the Parser

Before running Bison to produce a parser, we need to decide how to arrange all the source code in one or more source files. For such a simple example, the easiest thing is to put everything in one file, the grammar file. The definitions of yylex,
yyerror and
main go at the end, in the epilogue of the grammar file (see The Overall Layout of a Bison Grammar).

For a large project, you would probably have several source files, and use
make to arrange to recompile them.

With all the source in the grammar file, you use the following command to convert it into a parser implementation file:

In this example, the grammar file is called rpcalc.y (for “Reverse Polish CALCulator”). Bison produces a parser implementation file named, removing the ‘
.y’ from the grammar file name. The parser implementation file contains the source code for yyparse. The additional functions in the grammar file (yylex, yyerror and main)
are copied verbatim to the parser implementation file.

2.1.7 Compiling the Parser Implementation File

Here is how to compile and run the parser implementation file:

# List files in current directory.
$ ls  rpcalc.y

# Compile the Bison parser.
# -lm’ tells compiler to search math library for pow.
$ cc -lm -o rpcalc

# List files again.
$ ls
rpcalc  rpcalc.y

The file rpcalc now contains the executable code. Here is an example session using rpcalc.

$ rpcalc
4 9 +
⇒ 13
3 7 + 3 4 5 *+-
⇒ -13
3 7 + 3 4 5 * + - n              Note the unary minus, ‘n
⇒ 13
5 6 / 4 n +
⇒ -3.166666667
3 4 ^                            Exponentiation
⇒ 81
^D                               End-of-file indicator

2.2 Infix Notation Calculator: calc

We now modify rpcalc to handle infix operators instead of postfix. Infix notation involves the concept of operator precedence and the need for parentheses nested to arbitrary depth. Here is the Bison code for
calc.y, an infix desk-top calculator.

/* Infix notation calculator.  */

  #include <math.h>
  #include <stdio.h>
  int yylex (void);
  void yyerror (char const *);

/* Bison declarations.  */
%define api.value.type {double}
%token NUM
%left '-' '+'
%left '*' '/'
%precedence NEG   /* negation--unary minus */
%right '^'        /* exponentiation */
%% /* The grammar follows.  */
| input line

| exp 'n'  { printf ("t%.10gn", $1); }

  NUM                { $$ = $1;           }
| exp '+' exp        { $$ = $1 + $3;      }
| exp '-' exp        { $$ = $1 - $3;      }
| exp '*' exp        { $$ = $1 * $3;      }
| exp '/' exp        { $$ = $1 / $3;      }
| '-' exp  %prec NEG { $$ = -$2;          }
| exp '^' exp        { $$ = pow ($1, $3); }
| '(' exp ')'        { $$ = $2;           }

The functions yylex, yyerror and main can be the same as before.

There are two important new features shown in this code.

In the second section (Bison declarations), %left declares token types and says they are left-associative operators. The declarations
%left and %right (right associativity) take the place of
%token which is used to declare a token type name without associativity/precedence. (These tokens are single-character literals, which ordinarily don’t need to be declared. We declare them here to specify the associativity/precedence.)

Operator precedence is determined by the line ordering of the declarations; the higher the line number of the declaration (lower on the page or screen), the higher the precedence. Hence, exponentiation has the highest precedence, unary minus (NEG)
is next, followed by ‘*’ and ‘/’, and so on. Unary minus is not associative, only precedence matters (%precedence. See Operator

The other important new feature is the %prec in the grammar section for the unary minus operator. The %prec simply instructs Bison that the rule ‘| ‘-‘ exp’ has the same precedence as
NEG—in this case the next-to-highest. See Context-Dependent Precedence.

Here is a sample run of calc.y:

$ calc
4 + 4.5 - (34/(8*3+-3))
-56 + 2
3 ^ 2

2.3 Simple Error Recovery

Up to this point, this manual has not addressed the issue of error
—how to continue parsing after the parser detects a syntax error. All we have handled is error reporting with yyerror. Recall that by default yyparse returns after calling
yyerror. This means that an erroneous input line causes the calculator program to exit. Now we show how to rectify this deficiency.

The Bison language itself includes the reserved word error, which may be included in the grammar rules. In the example below it has been added to one of the alternatives for line:

| exp 'n'   { printf ("t%.10gn", $1); }
| error 'n' { yyerrok;                  }

This addition to the grammar allows for simple error recovery in the event of a syntax error. If an expression that cannot be evaluated is read, the error will be recognized by the third rule for line, and parsing will continue. (The
yyerror function is still called upon to print its message as well.) The action executes the statement
yyerrok, a macro defined automatically by Bison; its meaning is that error recovery is complete (see Error Recovery). Note the difference between yyerrok and yyerror; neither
one is a misprint.

This form of error recovery deals with syntax errors. There are other kinds of errors; for example, division by zero, which raises an exception signal that is normally fatal. A real calculator program must handle this signal and use longjmp to return to main and resume parsing input lines; it would also have to discard the rest of the current line of input. We won’t discuss this issue further because it is not specific to Bison programs.

2.4 Location Tracking Calculator: ltcalc

This example extends the infix notation calculator with location tracking. This feature will be used to improve the error messages. For the sake of clarity, this example is a simple integer calculator, since most of the work needed to use locations
will be done in the lexical analyzer.

2.4.1 Declarations for ltcalc

The C and Bison declarations for the location tracking calculator are the same as the declarations for the infix notation calculator.

/* Location tracking calculator.  */

  #include <math.h>
  int yylex (void);
  void yyerror (char const *);

/* Bison declarations.  */
%define api.value.type {int}
%token NUM

%left '-' '+'
%left '*' '/'
%precedence NEG
%right '^'

%% /* The grammar follows.  */

Note there are no declarations specific to locations. Defining a data type for storing locations is not needed: we will use the type provided by default (see Data Types of Locations), which is a four member structure
with the following integer fields:
first_line, first_column, last_line and
last_column. By conventions, and in accordance with the GNU Coding Standards and common practice, the line and column count both start at 1.

2.4.2 Grammar Rules for ltcalc

Whether handling locations or not has no effect on the syntax of your language. Therefore, grammar rules for this example will be very close to those of the previous example: we will only modify them to benefit from the new information.

Here, we will use locations to report divisions by zero, and locate the wrong expressions or subexpressions.

| input line

| exp 'n' { printf ("%dn", $1); }

  NUM           { $$ = $1; }
| exp '+' exp   { $$ = $1 + $3; }
| exp '-' exp   { $$ = $1 - $3; }
| exp '*' exp   { $$ = $1 * $3; }
| exp '/' exp
      if ($3)
        $$ = $1 / $3;
          $$ = 1;
          fprintf (stderr, "%d.%d-%d.%d: division by zero",
                   @3.first_line, @3.first_column,
                   @3.last_line, @3.last_column);
| '-' exp %prec NEG     { $$ = -$2; }
| exp '^' exp           { $$ = pow ($1, $3); }
| '(' exp ')'           { $$ = $2; }

This code shows how to reach locations inside of semantic actions, by using the pseudo-variables @n for rule components, and the pseudo-variable @$ for groupings.

We don’t need to assign a value to @$: the output parser does it automatically. By default, before executing the C code of each action,
@$ is set to range from the beginning of @1 to the end of @n, for a rule with n components. This behavior can be redefined (see Default Action for
Locations), and for very specific rules, @$ can be computed by hand.

2.4.3 The ltcalc Lexical Analyzer.

Until now, we relied on Bison’s defaults to enable location tracking. The next step is to rewrite the lexical analyzer, and make it able to feed the parser with the token locations, as it already does for semantic values.

To this end, we must take into account every single character of the input text, to avoid the computed locations of being fuzzy or wrong:

yylex (void)
  int c;

  /* Skip white space.  */
  while ((c = getchar ()) == ' ' || c == 't')

  /* Step.  */
  yylloc.first_line = yylloc.last_line;
  yylloc.first_column = yylloc.last_column;

  /* Process numbers.  */
  if (isdigit (c))
      yylval = c - '0';
      while (isdigit (c = getchar ()))
          yylval = yylval * 10 + c - '0';
      ungetc (c, stdin);
      return NUM;
  /* Return end-of-input.  */
  if (c == EOF)
    return 0;

  /* Return a single char, and update location.  */
  if (c == 'n')
      yylloc.last_column = 0;
  return c;

Basically, the lexical analyzer performs the same processing as before: it skips blanks and tabs, and reads numbers or single-character tokens. In addition, it updates yylloc, the global variable (of type
YYLTYPE) containing the token’s location.

Now, each time this function returns a token, the parser has its number as well as its semantic value, and its location in the text. The last needed change is to initialize yylloc, for example in the controlling function:

main (void)
  yylloc.first_line = yylloc.last_line = 1;
  yylloc.first_column = yylloc.last_column = 0;
  return yyparse ();

Remember that computing locations is not a matter of syntax. Every character must be associated to a location update, whether it is in valid input, in comments, in literal strings, and so on.

2.5 Multi-Function Calculator: mfcalc

Now that the basics of Bison have been discussed, it is time to move on to a more advanced problem. The above calculators provided only five functions, ‘+’, ‘’, ‘*’, ‘/
and ‘^’. It would be nice to have a calculator that provides other mathematical functions such as sin, cos, etc.

It is easy to add new operators to the infix calculator as long as they are only single-character literals. The lexical analyzer yylex passes back all nonnumeric characters as tokens, so new grammar rules suffice for adding a new
operator. But we want something more flexible: built-in functions whose syntax has this form:

At the same time, we will add memory to the calculator, by allowing you to create named variables, store values in them, and use them later. Here is a sample session with the multi-function calculator:

$ mfcalc
pi = 3.141592653589
⇒ 3.1415926536
⇒ 0.0000000000
alpha = beta1 = 2.3
⇒ 2.3000000000
⇒ 2.3000000000
⇒ 0.8329091229
⇒ 2.3000000000

Note that multiple assignment and nested function calls are permitted.

2.5.1 Declarations for mfcalc

Here are the C and Bison declarations for the multi-function calculator.

  #include <stdio.h>  /* For printf, etc. */
  #include <math.h>   /* For pow, used in the grammar.  */
  #include "calc.h"   /* Contains definition of 'symrec'.  */
  int yylex (void);
  void yyerror (char const *);
%define api.value.type union /* Generate YYSTYPE from these types:  */
%token <double>  NUM         /* Simple double precision number.  */
%token <symrec*> VAR FNCT    /* Symbol table pointer: variable and function.  */
%type  <double>  exp

%precedence '='
%left '-' '+'
%left '*' '/'
%precedence NEG /* negation--unary minus */
%right '^'      /* exponentiation */

The above grammar introduces only two new features of the Bison language. These features allow semantic values to have various data types (see More Than One Value Type).

The special union value assigned to the %define variable
api.value.type specifies that the symbols are defined with their data types. Bison will generate an appropriate definition of YYSTYPE to store these values.

Since values can now have various types, it is necessary to associate a type with each grammar symbol whose semantic value is used. These symbols are
NUM, VAR, FNCT, and exp. Their declarations are augmented with their data type (placed between angle brackets). For instance, values of NUM are stored in double.

The Bison construct %type is used for declaring nonterminal symbols, just as %token is used for declaring token types. Previously we did not use %type before because nonterminal symbols are normally declared
implicitly by the rules that define them. But exp must be declared explicitly so we can specify its value type. See Nonterminal Symbols.

2.5.2 Grammar Rules for mfcalc

Here are the grammar rules for the multi-function calculator. Most of them are copied directly from calc; three rules, those which mention VAR or FNCT, are new.

%% /* The grammar follows.  */
| input line

| exp 'n'   { printf ("%.10gn", $1); }
| error 'n' { yyerrok;                }

  NUM                { $$ = $1;                         }
| VAR                { $$ = $1->value.var;              }
| VAR '=' exp        { $$ = $3; $1->value.var = $3;     }
| FNCT '(' exp ')'   { $$ = (*($1->value.fnctptr))($3); }
| exp '+' exp        { $$ = $1 + $3;                    }
| exp '-' exp        { $$ = $1 - $3;                    }
| exp '*' exp        { $$ = $1 * $3;                    }
| exp '/' exp        { $$ = $1 / $3;                    }
| '-' exp  %prec NEG { $$ = -$2;                        }
| exp '^' exp        { $$ = pow ($1, $3);               }
| '(' exp ')'        { $$ = $2;                         }
/* End of grammar.  */

2.5.3 The mfcalc Symbol Table

The multi-function calculator requires a symbol table to keep track of the names and meanings of variables and functions. This doesn’t affect the grammar rules (except for the actions) or the Bison declarations, but it requires some additional
C functions for support.

The symbol table itself consists of a linked list of records. Its definition, which is kept in the header calc.h, is as follows. It provides for either functions or variables to be placed in the table.

/* Function type.  */
typedef double (*func_t) (double);

/* Data type for links in the chain of symbols.  */
struct symrec
  char *name;  /* name of symbol */
  int type;    /* type of symbol: either VAR or FNCT */
    double var;      /* value of a VAR */
    func_t fnctptr;  /* value of a FNCT */
  } value;
  struct symrec *next;  /* link field */

typedef struct symrec symrec;

/* The symbol table: a chain of 'struct symrec'.  */
extern symrec *sym_table;

symrec *putsym (char const *, int);
symrec *getsym (char const *);

The new version of main will call init_table to initialize the symbol table:

struct init
  char const *fname;
  double (*fnct) (double);

struct init const arith_fncts[] =
  { "atan", atan },
  { "cos",  cos  },
  { "exp",  exp  },
  { "ln",   log  },
  { "sin",  sin  },
  { "sqrt", sqrt },
  { 0, 0 },

/* The symbol table: a chain of 'struct symrec'.  */
symrec *sym_table;

/* Put arithmetic functions in table.  */
init_table (void)
  int i;
  for (i = 0; arith_fncts[i].fname != 0; i++)
      symrec *ptr = putsym (arith_fncts[i].fname, FNCT);
      ptr->value.fnctptr = arith_fncts[i].fnct;

By simply editing the initialization list and adding the necessary include files, you can add additional functions to the calculator.

Two important functions allow look-up and installation of symbols in the symbol table. The function putsym is passed a name and the type (
VAR or FNCT) of the object to be installed. The object is linked to the front of the list, and a pointer to the object is returned. The function getsym is passed the name of the symbol to look up. If
found, a pointer to that symbol is returned; otherwise zero is returned.

#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc. */
#include <string.h> /* strlen. */

symrec *
putsym (char const *sym_name, int sym_type)
  symrec *ptr = (symrec *) malloc (sizeof (symrec));
  ptr->name = (char *) malloc (strlen (sym_name) + 1);
  strcpy (ptr->name,sym_name);
  ptr->type = sym_type;
  ptr->value.var = 0; /* Set value to 0 even if fctn.  */
  ptr->next = (struct symrec *)sym_table;
  sym_table = ptr;
  return ptr;

symrec *
getsym (char const *sym_name)
  symrec *ptr;
  for (ptr = sym_table; ptr != (symrec *) 0;
       ptr = (symrec *)ptr->next)
    if (strcmp (ptr->name, sym_name) == 0)
      return ptr;
  return 0;

2.5.4 The mfcalc Lexer

The function yylex must now recognize variables, numeric values, and the single-character arithmetic operators. Strings of alphanumeric characters with a leading letter are recognized as either variables or functions depending on
what the symbol table says about them.

The string is passed to getsym for look up in the symbol table. If the name appears in the table, a pointer to its location and its type (
VAR or FNCT) is returned to yyparse. If it is not already in the table, then it is installed as a VAR using
putsym. Again, a pointer and its type (which must be VAR) is returned to yyparse.

No change is needed in the handling of numeric values and arithmetic operators in yylex.

#include <ctype.h>

yylex (void)
  int c;

  /* Ignore white space, get first nonwhite character.  */
  while ((c = getchar ()) == ' ' || c == 't')

  if (c == EOF)
    return 0;

  /* Char starts a number => parse the number.         */
  if (c == '.' || isdigit (c))
      ungetc (c, stdin);
      scanf ("%lf", &yylval.NUM);
      return NUM;

Bison generated a definition of YYSTYPE with a member named
NUM to store value of NUM symbols.

  /* Char starts an identifier => read the name.       */
  if (isalpha (c))
      /* Initially make the buffer long enough
         for a 40-character symbol name.  */
      static size_t length = 40;
      static char *symbuf = 0;
      symrec *s;
      int i;
      if (!symbuf)
        symbuf = (char *) malloc (length + 1);

      i = 0;
          /* If buffer is full, make it bigger.        */
          if (i == length)
              length *= 2;
              symbuf = (char *) realloc (symbuf, length + 1);
          /* Add this character to the buffer.         */
          symbuf[i++] = c;
          /* Get another character.                    */
          c = getchar ();
      while (isalnum (c));

      ungetc (c, stdin);
      symbuf[i] = '';

      s = getsym (symbuf);
      if (s == 0)
        s = putsym (symbuf, VAR);
      *((symrec**) &yylval) = s;
      return s->type;

  /* Any other character is a token by itself.        */
  return c;

2.5.5 The mfcalc Main

The error reporting function is unchanged, and the new version of
main includes a call to init_table and sets the yydebug on user demand (See Tracing Your Parser, for details):

/* Called by yyparse on error.  */
yyerror (char const *s)
  fprintf (stderr, "%sn", s);

main (int argc, char const* argv[])
  int i;
  /* Enable parse traces on option -p.  */
  for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
    if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-p"))
      yydebug = 1;
  init_table ();
  return yyparse ();

This program is both powerful and flexible. You may easily add new functions, and it is a simple job to modify this code to install predefined variables such as pi or e as well.

2.6 Exercises

  1. Add some new functions from math.h to the initialization list.
  2. Add another array that contains constants and their values. Then modify init_table to add these constants to the symbol table. It will be easiest to give the constants type VAR.
  3. Make the program report an error if the user refers to an uninitialized variable in any way except to store a value in it.

3 Bison Grammar Files

Bison takes as input a context-free grammar specification and produces a C-language function that recognizes correct instances of the grammar.

The Bison grammar file conventionally has a name ending in ‘.y’. See Invoking Bison.

3.1 Outline of a Bison Grammar

A Bison grammar file has four main sections, shown here with the appropriate delimiters:


Bison declarations

Grammar rules


Comments enclosed in ‘/* … */’ may appear in any of the sections. As a GNU extension, ‘//’ introduces a comment that continues until end of line.

3.1.1 The prologue

The Prologue section contains macro definitions and declarations of functions and variables that are used in the actions in the grammar rules. These are copied to the beginning of the parser implementation file so that they precede
the definition of yyparse. You can use ‘#include’ to get the declarations from a header file. If you don’t need any C declarations, you may omit the ‘%{’ and ‘
%}’ delimiters that bracket this section.

The Prologue section is terminated by the first occurrence of ‘%}’ that is outside a comment, a string literal, or a character constant.

You may have more than one Prologue section, intermixed with the
Bison declarations. This allows you to have C and Bison declarations that refer to each other. For example, the %union declaration may use types defined in a header file, and you may wish to prototype functions that
take arguments of type YYSTYPE. This can be done with two Prologue blocks, one before and one after the
%union declaration.

  #define _GNU_SOURCE
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include "ptypes.h"

%union {
  long int n;
  tree t;  /* tree is defined in ptypes.h. */

  static void print_token_value (FILE *, int, YYSTYPE);
  #define YYPRINT(F, N, L) print_token_value (F, N, L)

When in doubt, it is usually safer to put prologue code before all Bison declarations, rather than after. For example, any definitions of feature test macros like _GNU_SOURCE or
_POSIX_C_SOURCE should appear before all Bison declarations, as feature test macros can affect the behavior of Bison-generated
#include directives.

3.1.2 Prologue Alternatives

The functionality of Prologue sections can often be subtle and inflexible. As an alternative, Bison provides a %code directive with an explicit qualifier field, which identifies the purpose of the code and thus the location(s)
where Bison should generate it. For C/C++, the qualifier can be omitted for the default location, or it can be one of requires, provides,
top. See %code Summary.

Look again at the example of the previous section:

  #define _GNU_SOURCE
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include "ptypes.h"

%union {
  long int n;
  tree t;  /* tree is defined in ptypes.h. */

  static void print_token_value (FILE *, int, YYSTYPE);
  #define YYPRINT(F, N, L) print_token_value (F, N, L)

Notice that there are two Prologue sections here, but there’s a subtle distinction between their functionality. For example, if you decide to override Bison’s default definition for YYLTYPE, in which Prologue section should you write your new definition? You should write it in the first since Bison will insert that code into the parser implementation file before the default
YYLTYPE definition. In which Prologue section should you prototype an internal function, trace_token, that accepts
YYLTYPE and yytokentype as arguments? You should prototype it in the second since Bison will insert that code
after the YYLTYPE and yytokentype definitions.

This distinction in functionality between the two Prologue sections is established by the appearance of the %union between them. This behavior raises a few questions. First, why should the position of a %union affect definitions related to
YYLTYPE and yytokentype? Second, what if there is no %union? In that case, the second kind of Prologue section is not available. This behavior is not intuitive.

To avoid this subtle %union dependency, rewrite the example using a
%code top and an unqualified %code. Let’s go ahead and add the new YYLTYPE definition and the
trace_token prototype at the same time:

%code top {
  #define _GNU_SOURCE
  #include <stdio.h>

  /* WARNING: The following code really belongs
   * in a '%code requires'; see below.  */

  #include "ptypes.h"
  typedef struct YYLTYPE
    int first_line;
    int first_column;
    int last_line;
    int last_column;
    char *filename;

%union {
  long int n;
  tree t;  /* tree is defined in ptypes.h. */

%code {
  static void print_token_value (FILE *, int, YYSTYPE);
  #define YYPRINT(F, N, L) print_token_value (F, N, L)
  static void trace_token (enum yytokentype token, YYLTYPE loc);

In this way, %code top and the unqualified %code achieve the same functionality as the two kinds of Prologue sections, but it’s always explicit which kind you intend. Moreover, both kinds are always available
even in the absence of %union.

The %code top block above logically contains two parts. The first two lines before the warning need to appear near the top of the parser implementation file. The first line after the warning is required by YYSTYPE and
thus also needs to appear in the parser implementation file. However, if you’ve instructed Bison to generate a parser header file (see %defines), you probably want that line to appear before the YYSTYPE definition in that header file as well. The YYLTYPE definition should also appear in the parser header file to override the default YYLTYPE definition there.

In other words, in the %code top block above, all but the first two lines are dependency code required by the YYSTYPE and YYLTYPE definitions. Thus, they belong in one or more %code requires:

%code top {
  #define _GNU_SOURCE
  #include <stdio.h>

%code requires {
  #include "ptypes.h"
%union {
  long int n;
  tree t;  /* tree is defined in ptypes.h. */

%code requires {
  typedef struct YYLTYPE
    int first_line;
    int first_column;
    int last_line;
    int last_column;
    char *filename;

%code {
  static void print_token_value (FILE *, int, YYSTYPE);
  #define YYPRINT(F, N, L) print_token_value (F, N, L)
  static void trace_token (enum yytokentype token, YYLTYPE loc);

Now Bison will insert #include "ptypes.h" and the new
YYLTYPE definition before the Bison-generated YYSTYPE and YYLTYPE definitions in both the parser implementation file and the parser header file. (By the same reasoning, %code
would also be the appropriate place to write your own definition for YYSTYPE.)

When you are writing dependency code for YYSTYPE and
YYLTYPE, you should prefer %code requires over
%code top regardless of whether you instruct Bison to generate a parser header file. When you are writing code that you need Bison to insert only into the parser implementation file and that has no special need to appear at the
top of that file, you should prefer the unqualified %code over %code top. These practices will make the purpose of each block of your code explicit to Bison and to other developers reading your grammar file. Following
these practices, we expect the unqualified %code and %code
to be the most important of the four Prologue alternatives.

At some point while developing your parser, you might decide to provide trace_token to modules that are external to your parser. Thus, you might wish for Bison to insert the prototype into both the parser header file and the parser
implementation file. Since this function is not a dependency required by YYSTYPE or
YYLTYPE, it doesn’t make sense to move its prototype to a
%code requires. More importantly, since it depends upon
YYLTYPE and yytokentype, %code requires is not sufficient. Instead, move its prototype from the unqualified
%code to a %code provides:

%code top {
  #define _GNU_SOURCE
  #include <stdio.h>

%code requires {
  #include "ptypes.h"
%union {
  long int n;
  tree t;  /* tree is defined in ptypes.h. */

%code requires {
  typedef struct YYLTYPE
    int first_line;
    int first_column;
    int last_line;
    int last_column;
    char *filename;

%code provides {
  void trace_token (enum yytokentype token, YYLTYPE loc);

%code {
  static void print_token_value (FILE *, int, YYSTYPE);
  #define YYPRINT(F, N, L) print_token_value (F, N, L)

Bison will insert the trace_token prototype into both the parser header file and the parser implementation file after the definitions for yytokentype, YYLTYPE, and

The above examples are careful to write directives in an order that reflects the layout of the generated parser implementation and header files: %code top, %code requires, %code provides, and then %code.
While your grammar files may generally be easier to read if you also follow this order, Bison does not require it. Instead, Bison lets you choose an organization that makes sense to you.

You may declare any of these directives multiple times in the grammar file. In that case, Bison concatenates the contained code in declaration order. This is the only way in which the position of one of these directives within the grammar file
affects its functionality.

The result of the previous two properties is greater flexibility in how you may organize your grammar file. For example, you may organize semantic-type-related directives by semantic type:

%code requires { #include "type1.h" }
%union { type1 field1; }
%destructor { type1_free ($$); } <field1>
%printer { type1_print (yyoutput, $$); } <field1>

%code requires { #include "type2.h" }
%union { type2 field2; }
%destructor { type2_free ($$); } <field2>
%printer { type2_print (yyoutput, $$); } <field2>

You could even place each of the above directive groups in the rules section of the grammar file next to the set of rules that uses the associated semantic type. (In the rules section, you must terminate each of those directives with a semicolon.)
And you don’t have to worry that some directive (like a %union) in the definitions section is going to adversely affect their functionality in some counter-intuitive manner just because it comes first. Such an organization
is not possible using Prologue sections.

This section has been concerned with explaining the advantages of the four
Prologue alternatives over the original Yacc Prologue. However, in most cases when using these directives, you shouldn’t need to think about all the low-level ordering issues discussed here. Instead, you should
simply use these directives to label each block of your code according to its purpose and let Bison handle the ordering.
%code is the most generic label. Move code to %code requires, %code provides, or %code top as needed.

3.1.3 The Bison Declarations Section

The Bison declarations section contains declarations that define terminal and nonterminal symbols, specify precedence, and so on. In some simple grammars you may not need any declarations. See Bison Declarations.

3.1.4 The Grammar Rules Section

The grammar rules section contains one or more Bison grammar rules, and nothing else. See Syntax of Grammar Rules.

There must always be at least one grammar rule, and the first ‘
%%’ (which precedes the grammar rules) may never be omitted even if it is the first thing in the file.

3.1.5 The epilogue

The Epilogue is copied verbatim to the end of the parser implementation file, just as the Prologue is copied to the beginning. This is the most convenient place to put anything that you want to have in the parser implementation
file but which need not come before the definition of yyparse. For example, the definitions of yylex and yyerror often go here. Because C requires functions to be declared before being used, you often
need to declare functions like yylex and yyerror in the Prologue, even if you define them in the Epilogue. See Parser
C-Language Interface.

If the last section is empty, you may omit the ‘%%’ that separates it from the grammar rules.

The Bison parser itself contains many macros and identifiers whose names start with ‘yy’ or ‘YY’, so it is a good idea to avoid using any such names (except those documented in this manual) in
the epilogue of the grammar file.

3.2 Symbols, Terminal and Nonterminal

Symbols in Bison grammars represent the grammatical classifications of the language.

A terminal symbol (also known as a token type) represents a class of syntactically equivalent tokens. You use the symbol in grammar rules to mean that a token in that class is allowed. The symbol is represented in the Bison parser
by a numeric code, and the yylex function returns a token type code to indicate what kind of token has been read. You don’t need to know what the code value is; you can use the symbol to stand for it.

A nonterminal symbol stands for a class of syntactically equivalent groupings. The symbol name is used in writing grammar rules. By convention, it should be all lower case.

Symbol names can contain letters, underscores, periods, and non-initial digits and dashes. Dashes in symbol names are a GNU extension, incompatible with POSIX Yacc. Periods and dashes make symbol names less convenient to use with named references,
which require brackets around such names (see Named References). Terminal symbols that contain periods or dashes make little sense: since they are not valid symbols (in most programming languages) they are not
exported as token names.

There are three ways of writing terminal symbols in the grammar:

  • A named token type is written with an identifier, like an identifier in C. By convention, it should be all upper case. Each such name must be defined with a Bison declaration such as
    %token. See Token Type Names.

  • A character token type (or literal character token) is written in the grammar using the same syntax used in C for character constants; for example, '+' is a character token type. A character token type doesn’t
    need to be declared unless you need to specify its semantic value data type (see Data Types of
    Semantic Values), associativity, or precedence (see Operator Precedence).

    By convention, a character token type is used only to represent a token that consists of that particular character. Thus, the token type '+' is used to represent the character ‘+’ as a token. Nothing
    enforces this convention, but if you depart from it, your program will confuse other readers.

    All the usual escape sequences used in character literals in C can be used in Bison as well, but you must not use the null character as a character literal because its numeric code, zero, signifies end-of-input (see Calling Convention
    for yylex). Also, unlike standard C, trigraphs have no special meaning in Bison character literals, nor is backslash-newline allowed.

  • A literal string token is written like a C string constant; for example, "<=" is a literal string token. A literal string token doesn’t need to be declared unless you need to specify its semantic
    value data type (see Value Type), associativity, or precedence (see Precedence).

    You can associate the literal string token with a symbolic name as an alias, using the %token declaration (see Token
    Declarations). If you don’t do that, the lexical analyzer has to retrieve the token number for the literal string token from the
    yytname table (see Calling Convention).

    Warning: literal string tokens do not work in Yacc.

    By convention, a literal string token is used only to represent a token that consists of that particular string. Thus, you should use the token type "<=" to represent the string ‘<=
    as a token. Bison does not enforce this convention, but if you depart from it, people who read your program will be confused.

    All the escape sequences used in string literals in C can be used in Bison as well, except that you must not use a null character within a string literal. Also, unlike Standard C, trigraphs have no special meaning in Bison string literals,
    nor is backslash-newline allowed. A literal string token must contain two or more characters; for a token containing just one character, use a character token (see above).

How you choose to write a terminal symbol has no effect on its grammatical meaning. That depends only on where it appears in rules and on when the parser function returns that symbol.

The value returned by yylex is always one of the terminal symbols, except that a zero or negative value signifies end-of-input. Whichever way you write the token type in the grammar rules, you write it the same way in the definition
yylex. The numeric code for a character token type is simply the positive numeric code of the character, so yylex can use the identical value to generate the requisite code, though you may need to convert it to unsigned
to avoid sign-extension on hosts where char is signed. Each named token type becomes a C macro in the parser implementation file, so yylex can use the name to stand for the code. (This is why periods don’t make
sense in terminal symbols.) See Calling Convention for yylex.

If yylex is defined in a separate file, you need to arrange for the token-type macro definitions to be available there. Use the ‘-d’ option when you run Bison, so that it will write these macro definitions
into a separate header file which you can include in the other source files that need it. See Invoking Bison.

If you want to write a grammar that is portable to any Standard C host, you must use only nonnull character tokens taken from the basic execution character set of Standard C. This set consists of the ten digits, the 52 lower- and upper-case English
letters, and the characters in the following C-language string:

"abtnvfr !"#%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?[\]^_{|}~"

The yylex function and Bison must use a consistent character set and encoding for character tokens. For example, if you run Bison in an ASCII environment, but then compile and run the resulting program in an environment that uses
an incompatible character set like EBCDIC, the resulting program may not work because the tables generated by Bison will assume ASCII numeric values for character tokens. It is standard practice for software distributions to contain C source
files that were generated by Bison in an ASCII environment, so installers on platforms that are incompatible with ASCII must rebuild those files before compiling them.

The symbol error is a terminal symbol reserved for error recovery (see Error Recovery); you shouldn’t use it for any other purpose. In particular, yylex should never return this value.
The default value of the error token is 256, unless you explicitly assigned 256 to one of your tokens with a %token declaration.

3.3 Grammar Rules

A Bison grammar is a list of rules.

3.3.1 Syntax of Grammar Rules

A Bison grammar rule has the following general form:

where result is the nonterminal symbol that this rule describes, and components are various terminal and nonterminal symbols that are put together by this rule (see Symbols).

For example,

says that two groupings of type exp, with a ‘+’ token in between, can be combined into a larger grouping of type exp.

White space in rules is significant only to separate symbols. You can add extra white space as you wish.

Scattered among the components can be actions that determine the semantics of the rule. An action looks like this:

This is an example of braced code, that is, C code surrounded by braces, much like a compound statement in C. Braced code can contain any sequence of C tokens, so long as its braces are balanced. Bison does not check the braced code for
correctness directly; it merely copies the code to the parser implementation file, where the C compiler can check it.

Within braced code, the balanced-brace count is not affected by braces within comments, string literals, or character constants, but it is affected by the C digraphs ‘<%’ and ‘%>’ that represent
braces. At the top level braced code must be terminated by ‘}’ and not by a digraph. Bison does not look for trigraphs, so if braced code uses trigraphs you should ensure that they do not affect the nesting of braces
or the boundaries of comments, string literals, or character constants.

Usually there is only one action and it follows the components. See Actions.

Multiple rules for the same result can be written separately or can be joined with the vertical-bar character ‘|’ as follows:

| rule2-components…

They are still considered distinct rules even when joined in this way.

3.3.2 Empty Rules

A rule is said to be empty if its right-hand side (components) is empty. It means that result can match the empty string. For example, here is how to define an optional semicolon:

It is easy not to see an empty rule, especially when | is used. The
%empty directive allows to make explicit that a rule is empty on purpose:

| ";"

Flagging a non-empty rule with %empty is an error. If run with
-Wempty-rule, bison will report empty rules without
%empty. Using %empty enables this warning, unless
-Wno-empty-rule was specified.

The %empty directive is a Bison extension, it does not work with Yacc. To remain compatible with POSIX Yacc, it is customary to write a comment ‘/* empty */’ in each rule with no components:

  /* empty */
| ";"

3.3.3 Recursive Rules

A rule is called recursive when its result nonterminal appears also on its right hand side. Nearly all Bison grammars need to use recursion, because that is the only way to define a sequence of any number of a particular thing.
Consider this recursive definition of a comma-separated sequence of one or more expressions:

| expseq1 ',' exp

Since the recursive use of expseq1 is the leftmost symbol in the right hand side, we call this left recursion. By contrast, here the same construct is defined using right recursion:

| exp ',' expseq1

Any kind of sequence can be defined using either left recursion or right recursion, but you should always use left recursion, because it can parse a sequence of any number of elements with bounded stack space. Right recursion uses up space on
the Bison stack in proportion to the number of elements in the sequence, because all the elements must be shifted onto the stack before the rule can be applied even once. See The Bison Parser Algorithm, for further
explanation of this.

Indirect or mutual recursion occurs when the result of the rule does not appear directly on its right hand side, but does appear in rules for other nonterminals which do appear on its right hand side.

For example:

| primary '+' primary

| '(' expr ')'

defines two mutually-recursive nonterminals, since each refers to the other.

3.4 Defining Language Semantics

The grammar rules for a language determine only the syntax. The semantics are determined by the semantic values associated with various tokens and groupings, and by the actions taken when various groupings are recognized.

For example, the calculator calculates properly because the value associated with each expression is the proper number; it adds properly because the action for the grouping ‘x + y
is to add the numbers associated with x and y.

3.4.1 Data Types of Semantic Values

In a simple program it may be sufficient to use the same data type for the semantic values of all language constructs. This was true in the RPN and infix calculator examples (see Reverse Polish
Notation Calculator).

Bison normally uses the type int for semantic values if your program uses the same data type for all language constructs. To specify some other type, define the %define variable
api.value.type like this:

%define api.value.type {double}


%define api.value.type {struct semantic_type}

The value of api.value.type should be a type name that does not contain parentheses or square brackets.

Alternatively, instead of relying of Bison’s %define support, you may rely on the C/C++ preprocessor and define YYSTYPE as a macro, like this:

This macro definition must go in the prologue of the grammar file (see Outline of a Bison Grammar). If compatibility with POSIX Yacc matters to you, use this. Note however that Bison cannot know YYSTYPE’s
value, not even whether it is defined, so there are services it cannot provide. Besides this works only for languages that have a preprocessor.

3.4.2 More Than One Value Type

In most programs, you will need different data types for different kinds of tokens and groupings. For example, a numeric constant may need type
int or long int, while a string constant needs type
char *, and an identifier might need a pointer to an entry in the symbol table.

To use more than one data type for semantic values in one parser, Bison requires you to do two things:

  • Specify the entire collection of possible data types. There are several options:
    • let Bison compute the union type from the tags you assign to symbols;
    • use the %union Bison declaration (see The Union

    • define the %define variable api.value.type to be a union type whose members are the type tags (see Providing a
      Structured Semantic Value Type);

    • use a typedef or a #define to define YYSTYPE to be a union type whose member names are the type tags.
  • Choose one of those types for each symbol (terminal or nonterminal) for which semantic values are used. This is done for tokens with the
    %token Bison declaration (see Token Type Names) and for groupings with the %type Bison declaration (see Nonterminal Symbols).

3.4.3 Generating the Semantic Value Type

The special value union of the %define variable
api.value.type instructs Bison that the tags used with the
%token and %type directives are genuine types, not names of members of YYSTYPE.

For example:

%define api.value.type union
%token <int> INT "integer"
%token <int> 'n'
%type <int> expr
%token <char const *> ID "identifier"

generates an appropriate value of YYSTYPE to support each symbol type. The name of the member of YYSTYPE for tokens than have a declared identifier id (such as INT and ID above, but
'n') is id. The other symbols have unspecified names on which you should not depend; instead, relying on C casts to access the semantic value with the appropriate type:

/* For an "integer".  */
yylval.INT = 42;
return INT;

/* For an 'n', also declared as int.  */
*((int*)&yylval) = 42;
return 'n';

/* For an "identifier".  */
yylval.ID = "42";
return ID;

If the %define variable api.token.prefix is defined (see api.token.prefix), then it is also used to prefix the union member names. For instance, with ‘%define api.token.prefix

/* For an "integer".  */
yylval.TOK_INT = 42;
return TOK_INT;

This Bison extension cannot work if %yacc (or
-y/—yacc) is enabled, as POSIX mandates that Yacc generate tokens as macros (e.g., ‘#define INT 258’, or ‘#define

This feature is new, and user feedback would be most welcome.

A similar feature is provided for C++ that in addition overcomes C++ limitations (that forbid non-trivial objects to be part of a union): ‘
%define api.value.type variant’, see C++ Variants.

3.4.4 The Union Declaration

The %union declaration specifies the entire collection of possible data types for semantic values. The keyword %union is followed by braced code containing the same thing that goes inside a union in C.

For example:

%union {
  double val;
  symrec *tptr;

This says that the two alternative types are double and symrec
. They are given names val and tptr; these names are used in the %token and %type declarations to pick one of the types for a terminal or nonterminal symbol (see Nonterminal Symbols).

As an extension to POSIX, a tag is allowed after the %union. For example:

%union value {
  double val;
  symrec *tptr;

specifies the union tag value, so the corresponding C type is
union value. If you do not specify a tag, it defaults to

As another extension to POSIX, you may specify multiple %union declarations; their contents are concatenated. However, only the first
%union declaration can specify a tag.

Note that, unlike making a union declaration in C, you need not write a semicolon after the closing brace.

3.4.5 Providing a Structured Semantic Value Type

Instead of %union, you can define and use your own union type
YYSTYPE if your grammar contains at least one ‘<type>’ tag. For example, you can put the following into a header file

union YYSTYPE {
  double val;
  symrec *tptr;

and then your grammar can use the following instead of %union:

#include "parser.h"
%define api.value.type {union YYSTYPE}
%type <val> expr
%token <tptr> ID

Actually, you may also provide a struct rather that a union, which may be handy if you want to track information for every symbol (such as preceding comments).

The type you provide may even be structured and include pointers, in which case the type tags you provide may be composite, with ‘.’ and ‘->’ operators.

3.4.6 Actions

An action accompanies a syntactic rule and contains C code to be executed each time an instance of that rule is recognized. The task of most actions is to compute a semantic value for the grouping built by the rule from the semantic values associated
with tokens or smaller groupings.

An action consists of braced code containing C statements, and can be placed at any position in the rule; it is executed at that position. Most rules have just one action at the end of the rule, following all the components. Actions in the middle
of a rule are tricky and used only for special purposes (see Actions in Mid-Rule).

The C code in an action can refer to the semantic values of the components matched by the rule with the construct $n, which stands for the value of the nth component. The semantic value for the grouping being
constructed is $$. In addition, the semantic values of symbols can be accessed with the named references construct $name or $[name]. Bison translates both of these constructs into
expressions of the appropriate type when it copies the actions into the parser implementation file. $$ (or $name, when it stands for the current grouping) is translated to a modifiable lvalue, so it can
be assigned to.

Here is a typical example:

| exp '+' exp     { $$ = $1 + $3; }

Or, in terms of named references:

| exp[left] '+' exp[right]  { $result = $left + $right; }

This rule constructs an exp from two smaller exp groupings connected by a plus-sign token. In the action, $1 and $3 (
$left and $right) refer to the semantic values of the two component exp groupings, which are the first and third symbols on the right hand side of the rule. The sum is stored into $$ ($result)
so that it becomes the semantic value of the addition-expression just recognized by the rule. If there were a useful semantic value associated with the ‘+’ token, it could be referred to as $2.

See Named References, for more information about using the named references construct.

Note that the vertical-bar character ‘|’ is really a rule separator, and actions are attached to a single rule. This is a difference with tools like Flex, for which ‘|’ stands for either “or”,
or “the same action as that of the next rule”. In the following example, the action is triggered only when ‘b’ is found:

a-or-b: 'a'|'b'   { a_or_b_found = 1; };

If you don’t specify an action for a rule, Bison supplies a default:
$$ = $1.
Thus, the value of the first symbol in the rule becomes the value of the whole rule. Of course, the default action is valid only if the two data types match. There is no meaningful default action for an empty rule; every empty rule must have
an explicit action unless the rule’s value does not matter.

$n with n zero or negative is allowed for reference to tokens and groupings on the stack before those that match the current rule. This is a very risky practice, and to use it reliably you must be certain
of the context in which the rule is applied. Here is a case in which you can use this reliably:

  expr bar '+' expr  { … }
| expr bar '-' expr  { … }

  %empty    { previous_expr = $0; }

As long as bar is used only in the fashion shown here, $0 always refers to the expr which precedes bar in the definition of foo.

It is also possible to access the semantic value of the lookahead token, if any, from a semantic action. This semantic value is stored in yylval. See Special Features for Use in Actions.

3.4.7 Data Types of Values in Actions

If you have chosen a single data type for semantic values, the $$ and $n constructs always have that data type.

If you have used %union to specify a variety of data types, then you must declare a choice among these types for each terminal or nonterminal symbol that can have a semantic value. Then each time you use $$ or
$n, its data type is determined by which symbol it refers to in the rule. In this example,

| exp '+' exp    { $$ = $1 + $3; }

$1 and $3 refer to instances of exp, so they all have the data type declared for the nonterminal symbol exp. If
$2 were used, it would have the data type declared for the terminal symbol '+', whatever that might be.

Alternatively, you can specify the data type when you refer to the value, by inserting ‘<type>’ after the ‘$’ at the beginning of the reference. For example, if you have defined
types as shown here:

%union {
  int itype;
  double dtype;

then you can write $<itype>1 to refer to the first subunit of the rule as an integer, or $<dtype>1 to refer to it as a double.

3.4.8 Actions in Mid-Rule

Occasionally it is useful to put an action in the middle of a rule. These actions are written just like usual end-of-rule actions, but they are executed before the parser even recognizes the following components. Using Mid-Rule Actions

A mid-rule action may refer to the components preceding it using
$n, but it may not refer to subsequent components because it is run before they are parsed.

The mid-rule action itself counts as one of the components of the rule. This makes a difference when there is another action later in the same rule (and usually there is another at the end): you have to count the actions along with the symbols
when working out which number n to use in

The mid-rule action can also have a semantic value. The action can set its value with an assignment to $$, and actions later in the rule can refer to the value using $n. Since there is no symbol to name the
action, there is no way to declare a data type for the value in advance, so you must use the ‘$<…>n’ construct to specify a data type each time you refer to this value.

There is no way to set the value of the entire rule with a mid-rule action, because assignments to $$ do not have that effect. The only way to set the value for the entire rule is with an ordinary action at the end of the rule.

Here is an example from a hypothetical compiler, handling a let statement that looks like ‘let (variable) statement’ and serves to create a variable named variable temporarily
for the duration of statement. To parse this construct, we must put
variable into the symbol table while statement is parsed, then remove it afterward. Here is how it is done:

  "let" '(' var ')'
      $<context>$ = push_context ();
      declare_variable ($3);
      $$ = $6;
      pop_context ($<context>5);

As soon as ‘let (variable)’ has been recognized, the first action is run. It saves a copy of the current semantic context (the list of accessible variables) as its semantic value, using alternative
context in the data-type union. Then it calls
declare_variable to add the new variable to that list. Once the first action is finished, the embedded statement stmt can be parsed.

Note that the mid-rule action is component number 5, so the ‘stmt’ is component number 6. Named references can be used to improve the readability and maintainability (see Named References):

  "let" '(' var ')'
      $<context>let = push_context ();
      declare_variable ($3);
      $$ = $6;
      pop_context ($<context>let);

After the embedded statement is parsed, its semantic value becomes the value of the entire let-statement. Then the semantic value from the earlier action is used to restore the prior list of variables. This removes the temporary let-variable
from the list so that it won’t appear to exist while the rest of the program is parsed.

In the above example, if the parser initiates error recovery (see Error Recovery) while parsing the tokens in the embedded statement stmt, it might discard the previous semantic context $<context>5 without restoring it. Thus, $<context>5 needs a destructor (see Freeing
Discarded Symbols). However, Bison currently provides no means to declare a destructor specific to a particular mid-rule action’s semantic value.

One solution is to bury the mid-rule action inside a nonterminal symbol and to declare a destructor for that symbol:

%type <context> let
%destructor { pop_context ($$); } let

  let stmt
      $$ = $2;
      pop_context ($let);

  "let" '(' var ')'
      $let = push_context ();
      declare_variable ($3);

Note that the action is now at the end of its rule. Any mid-rule action can be converted to an end-of-rule action in this way, and this is what Bison actually does to implement mid-rule actions. Mid-Rule Action Translation

As hinted earlier, mid-rule actions are actually transformed into regular rules and actions. The various reports generated by Bison (textual, graphical, etc., see Understanding Your Parser) reveal this translation,
best explained by means of an example. The following rule:

exp: { a(); } "b" { c(); } { d(); } "e" { f(); };

is translated into:

$@1: %empty { a(); };
$@2: %empty { c(); };
$@3: %empty { d(); };
exp: $@1 "b" $@2 $@3 "e" { f(); };

with new nonterminal symbols $@n, where n is a number.

A mid-rule action is expected to generate a value if it uses $$, or the (final) action uses $n where n denote the mid-rule action. In that case its nonterminal is rather named @n:

exp: { a(); } "b" { $$ = c(); } { d(); } "e" { f = $1; };

is translated into

@1: %empty { a(); };
@2: %empty { $$ = c(); };
$@3: %empty { d(); };
exp: @1 "b" @2 $@3 "e" { f = $1; }

There are probably two errors in the above example: the first mid-rule action does not generate a value (it does not use $$ although the final action uses it), and the value of the second one is not used (the final action does not
$3). Bison reports these errors when the
midrule-value warnings are enabled (see Invoking

$ bison -fcaret -Wmidrule-value mid.y
mid.y:2.6-13: warning: unset value: $$
 exp: { a(); } "b" { $$ = c(); } { d(); } "e" { f = $1; };
mid.y:2.19-31: warning: unused value: $3
 exp: { a(); } "b" { $$ = c(); } { d(); } "e" { f = $1; };
                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Conflicts due to Mid-Rule Actions

Taking action before a rule is completely recognized often leads to conflicts since the parser must commit to a parse in order to execute the action. For example, the following two rules, without mid-rule actions, can coexist in a working parser
because the parser can shift the open-brace token and look at what follows before deciding whether there is a declaration or not:

  '{' declarations statements '}'
| '{' statements '}'

But when we add a mid-rule action as follows, the rules become nonfunctional:

  { prepare_for_local_variables (); }
     '{' declarations statements '}'
|    '{' statements '}'

Now the parser is forced to decide whether to run the mid-rule action when it has read no farther than the open-brace. In other words, it must commit to using one rule or the other, without sufficient information to do it correctly. (The open-brace
token is what is called the lookahead token at this time, since the parser is still deciding what to do about it. See Lookahead Tokens.)

You might think that you could correct the problem by putting identical actions into the two rules, like this:

  { prepare_for_local_variables (); }
    '{' declarations statements '}'
| { prepare_for_local_variables (); }
    '{' statements '}'

But this does not help, because Bison does not realize that the two actions are identical. (Bison never tries to understand the C code in an action.)

If the grammar is such that a declaration can be distinguished from a statement by the first token (which is true in C), then one solution which does work is to put the action after the open-brace, like this:

  '{' { prepare_for_local_variables (); }
    declarations statements '}'
| '{' statements '}'

Now the first token of the following declaration or statement, which would in any case tell Bison which rule to use, can still do so.

Another solution is to bury the action inside a nonterminal symbol which serves as a subroutine:

  %empty  { prepare_for_local_variables (); }

  subroutine '{' declarations statements '}'
| subroutine '{' statements '}'

Now Bison can execute the action in the rule for subroutine without deciding which rule for compound it will eventually use.

3.5 Tracking Locations

Though grammar rules and semantic actions are enough to write a fully functional parser, it can be useful to process some additional information, especially symbol locations.

The way locations are handled is defined by providing a data type, and actions to take when rules are matched.

3.5.1 Data Type of Locations

Defining a data type for locations is much simpler than for semantic values, since all tokens and groupings always use the same type.

You can specify the type of locations by defining a macro called
YYLTYPE, just as you can specify the semantic value type by defining a YYSTYPE macro (see Value Type). When YYLTYPE is not defined, Bison uses a default structure type with four

typedef struct YYLTYPE
  int first_line;
  int first_column;
  int last_line;
  int last_column;

When YYLTYPE is not defined, at the beginning of the parsing, Bison initializes all these fields to 1 for yylloc. To initialize
yylloc with a custom location type (or to chose a different initialization), use the %initial-action directive. See Performing Actions before Parsing.

3.5.2 Actions and Locations

Actions are not only useful for defining language semantics, but also for describing the behavior of the output parser with locations.

The most obvious way for building locations of syntactic groupings is very similar to the way semantic values are computed. In a given rule, several constructs can be used to access the locations of the elements being matched. The location of
nth component of the right hand side is
@n, while the location of the left hand side grouping is

In addition, the named references construct @name and
@[name] may also be used to address the symbol locations. See Named References, for more information about using the named references construct.

Here is a basic example using the default data type for locations:

| exp '/' exp
      @$.first_column = @1.first_column;
      @$.first_line = @1.first_line;
      @$.last_column = @3.last_column;
      @$.last_line = @3.last_line;
      if ($3)
        $$ = $1 / $3;
          $$ = 1;
          fprintf (stderr, "%d.%d-%d.%d: division by zero",
                   @3.first_line, @3.first_column,
                   @3.last_line, @3.last_column);

As for semantic values, there is a default action for locations that is run each time a rule is matched. It sets the beginning of @$ to the beginning of the first symbol, and the end of @$ to the end of the last symbol.

With this default action, the location tracking can be fully automatic. The example above simply rewrites this way:

| exp '/' exp
      if ($3)
        $$ = $1 / $3;
          $$ = 1;
          fprintf (stderr, "%d.%d-%d.%d: division by zero",
                   @3.first_line, @3.first_column,
                   @3.last_line, @3.last_column);

It is also possible to access the location of the lookahead token, if any, from a semantic action. This location is stored in yylloc. See Special Features for Use in Actions.

3.5.3 Default Action for Locations

Actually, actions are not the best place to compute locations. Since locations are much more general than semantic values, there is room in the output parser to redefine the default action to take for each rule. The YYLLOC_DEFAULT macro is invoked each time a rule is matched, before the associated action is run. It is also invoked while processing a syntax error, to compute the error’s location. Before reporting an unresolvable syntactic ambiguity, a GLR parser
YYLLOC_DEFAULT recursively to compute the location of that ambiguity.

Most of the time, this macro is general enough to suppress location dedicated code from semantic actions.

The YYLLOC_DEFAULT macro takes three parameters. The first one is the location of the grouping (the result of the computation). When a rule is matched, the second parameter identifies locations of all right hand side elements of the
rule being matched, and the third parameter is the size of the rule’s right hand side. When a GLR parser reports an ambiguity, which of multiple candidate right hand sides it passes to YYLLOC_DEFAULT is undefined. When processing
a syntax error, the second parameter identifies locations of the symbols that were discarded during error processing, and the third parameter is the number of discarded symbols.

By default, YYLLOC_DEFAULT is defined this way:

# define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Cur, Rhs, N)                      
  if (N)                                                  
      (Cur).first_line   = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 1).first_line;   
      (Cur).first_column = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 1).first_column; 
      (Cur).last_line    = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, N).last_line;    
      (Cur).last_column  = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, N).last_column;  
      (Cur).first_line   = (Cur).last_line   =            
        YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 0).last_line;                       
      (Cur).first_column = (Cur).last_column =            
        YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 0).last_column;                     
while (0)

where YYRHSLOC (rhs, k) is the location of the kth symbol in rhs when k is positive, and the location of the symbol just before the reduction when k and n are both zero.

When defining YYLLOC_DEFAULT, you should consider that:

  • All arguments are free of side-effects. However, only the first one (the result) should be modified by YYLLOC_DEFAULT.
  • For consistency with semantic actions, valid indexes within the right hand side range from 1 to n. When n is zero, only 0 is a valid index, and it refers to the symbol just before the reduction. During error processing
    n is always positive.

  • Your macro should parenthesize its arguments, if need be, since the actual arguments may not be surrounded by parentheses. Also, your macro should expand to something that can be used as a single statement when it is followed by a semicolon.

3.6 Named References

As described in the preceding sections, the traditional way to refer to any semantic value or location is a positional reference, which takes the form $n, $$, @n, and @$.
However, such a reference is not very descriptive. Moreover, if you later decide to insert or remove symbols in the right-hand side of a grammar rule, the need to renumber such references can be tedious and error-prone.

To avoid these issues, you can also refer to a semantic value or location using a named reference. First of all, original symbol names may be used as named references. For example:

invocation: op '(' args ')'
  { $invocation = new_invocation ($op, $args, @invocation); }

Positional and named references can be mixed arbitrarily. For example:

invocation: op '(' args ')'
  { $$ = new_invocation ($op, $args, @$); }

However, sometimes regular symbol names are not sufficient due to ambiguities:

exp: exp '/' exp
  { $exp = $exp / $exp; } // $exp is ambiguous.

exp: exp '/' exp
  { $$ = $1 / $exp; } // One usage is ambiguous.

exp: exp '/' exp
  { $$ = $1 / $3; } // No error.

When ambiguity occurs, explicitly declared names may be used for values and locations. Explicit names are declared as a bracketed name after a symbol appearance in rule definitions. For example:

exp[result]: exp[left] '/' exp[right]
  { $result = $left / $right; }

In order to access a semantic value generated by a mid-rule action, an explicit name may also be declared by putting a bracketed name after the closing brace of the mid-rule action code:

exp[res]: exp[x] '+' {$left = $x;}[left] exp[right]
  { $res = $left + $right; }

In references, in order to specify names containing dots and dashes, an explicit bracketed syntax $[name] and @[name] must be used:

if-stmt: "if" '(' expr ')' "then" then.stmt ';'
  { $[if-stmt] = new_if_stmt ($expr, $[then.stmt]); }

It often happens that named references are followed by a dot, dash or other C punctuation marks and operators. By default, Bison will read ‘
$name.suffix’ as a reference to symbol value $name followed by ‘
.suffix’, i.e., an access to the suffix field of the semantic value. In order to force Bison to recognize ‘name.suffix’ in its entirety as the name of a semantic value, the bracketed
syntax ‘
$[name.suffix]’ must be used.

The named references feature is experimental. More user feedback will help to stabilize it.

3.7 Bison Declarations

The Bison declarations section of a Bison grammar defines the symbols used in formulating the grammar and the data types of semantic values. See Symbols.

All token type names (but not single-character literal tokens such as
'+' and '*') must be declared. Nonterminal symbols must be declared if you need to specify which data type to use for the semantic value (see More Than One Value Type).

The first rule in the grammar file also specifies the start symbol, by default. If you want some other symbol to be the start symbol, you must declare it explicitly (see Languages
and Context-Free Grammars).

3.7.1 Require a Version of Bison

You may require the minimum version of Bison to process the grammar. If the requirement is not met, bison exits with an error (exit status 63).

3.7.2 Token Type Names

The basic way to declare a token type name (terminal symbol) is as follows:

Bison will convert this into a #define directive in the parser, so that the function yylex (if it is in this file) can use the name name to stand for this token type’s code.

Alternatively, you can use %left, %right,
%precedence, or
%nonassoc instead of %token, if you wish to specify associativity and precedence. See Operator

You can explicitly specify the numeric code for a token type by appending a nonnegative decimal or hexadecimal integer value in the field immediately following the token name:

%token NUM 300
%token XNUM 0x12d // a GNU extension

It is generally best, however, to let Bison choose the numeric codes for all token types. Bison will automatically select codes that don’t conflict with each other or with normal characters.

In the event that the stack type is a union, you must augment the
%token or other token declaration to include the data type alternative delimited by angle-brackets (see More
Than One Value Type).

For example:

%union {              /* define stack type */
  double val;
  symrec *tptr;
%token <val> NUM      /* define token NUM and its type */

You can associate a literal string token with a token type name by writing the literal string at the end of a %token declaration which declares the name. For example:

For example, a grammar for the C language might specify these names with equivalent literal string tokens:

%token  <operator>  OR      "||"
%token  <operator>  LE 134  "<="
%left  OR  "<="

Once you equate the literal string and the token name, you can use them interchangeably in further declarations or the grammar rules. The
yylex function can use the token name or the literal string to obtain the token type code number (see Calling Convention). Syntax error messages passed to yyerror from the parser
will reference the literal string instead of the token name.

The token numbered as 0 corresponds to end of file; the following line allows for nicer error messages referring to “end of file” instead of “$end”:

%token END 0 "end of file"

3.7.3 Operator Precedence

Use the %left, %right, %nonassoc, or
%precedence declaration to declare a token and specify its precedence and associativity, all at once. These are called precedence declarations. See Operator Precedence, for general information
on operator precedence.

The syntax of a precedence declaration is nearly the same as that of
%token: either


And indeed any of these declarations serves the purposes of %token. But in addition, they specify the associativity and relative precedence for all the symbols:

  • The associativity of an operator op determines how repeated uses of the operator nest: whether ‘x op y op
    ’ is parsed by grouping x with y first or by grouping y with z first. %left specifies left-associativity (grouping x with y first) and
    %right specifies right-associativity (grouping y with
    z first). %nonassoc specifies no associativity, which means that ‘x op y op z’ is considered a syntax error.

    %precedence gives only precedence to the symbols, and defines no associativity at all. Use this to define precedence only, and leave any potential conflict due to associativity enabled.

  • The precedence of an operator determines how it nests with other operators. All the tokens declared in a single precedence declaration have equal precedence and nest together according to their associativity. When two tokens declared in different
    precedence declarations associate, the one declared later has the higher precedence and is grouped first.

For backward compatibility, there is a confusing difference between the argument lists of %token and precedence declarations. Only a %token can associate a literal string with a token type name. A precedence declaration
always interprets a literal string as a reference to a separate token. For example:

%left  OR "<="         // Does not declare an alias.
%left  OR 134 "<=" 135 // Declares 134 for OR and 135 for "<=".

3.7.4 Nonterminal Symbols

When you use %union to specify multiple value types, you must declare the value type of each nonterminal symbol for which values are used. This is done with a %type declaration, like this:

%type <type> nonterminal

Here nonterminal is the name of a nonterminal symbol, and
type is the name given in the %union to the alternative that you want (see The Union Declaration). You can give any number of nonterminal symbols in the same %type declaration,
if they have the same value type. Use spaces to separate the symbol names.

You can also declare the value type of a terminal symbol. To do this, use the same <type> construction in a declaration for the terminal symbol. All kinds of token declarations allow

3.7.5 Performing Actions before Parsing

Sometimes your parser needs to perform some initializations before parsing. The %initial-action directive allows for such arbitrary code.

Directive: %initial-action { code }

Declare that the braced code must be invoked before parsing each time
yyparse is called. The code may use $$ (or
$<tag>$) and @$ — initial value and location of the lookahead — and the %parse-param.

For instance, if your locations use a file name, you may use

%parse-param { char const *file_name };
  @$.initialize (file_name);

3.7.6 Freeing Discarded Symbols

During error recovery (see Error Recovery), symbols already pushed on the stack and tokens coming from the rest of the file are discarded until the parser falls on its feet. If the parser runs out of memory, or if
it returns via YYABORT or YYACCEPT, all the symbols on the stack must be discarded. Even if the parser succeeds, it must discard the start symbol.

When discarded symbols convey heap based information, this memory is lost. While this behavior can be tolerable for batch parsers, such as in traditional compilers, it is unacceptable for programs like shells or protocol implementations that may
parse and execute indefinitely.

The %destructor directive defines code that is called when a symbol is automatically discarded.

Directive: %destructor { code } symbols

Invoke the braced code whenever the parser discards one of the
symbols. Within code, $$ (or $<tag>$) designates the semantic value associated with the discarded symbol, and
@$ designates its location. The additional parser parameters are also available (see The Parser Function

When a symbol is listed among symbols, its %destructor is called a per-symbol %destructor. You may also define a per-type %destructor by listing a semantic type tag among symbols.
In that case, the parser will invoke this code whenever it discards any grammar symbol that has that semantic type tag unless that symbol has its own per-symbol %destructor.

Finally, you can define two different kinds of default %destructors. (These default forms are experimental. More user feedback will help to determine whether they should become permanent features.) You can place each of <*> and <> in the symbols list of exactly one %destructor declaration in your grammar file. The parser will invoke the code associated with one of these whenever it discards any user-defined
grammar symbol that has no per-symbol and no per-type
%destructor. The parser uses the code for <*> in the case of such a grammar symbol for which you have formally declared a semantic type tag (%type counts as such a declaration,
$<tag>$ does not). The parser uses the code for <> in the case of such a grammar symbol that has no declared semantic type tag.

For example:

%union { char *string; }
%token <string> STRING1 STRING2
%type  <string> string1 string2
%union { char character; }
%token <character> CHR
%type  <character> chr
%token TAGLESS

%destructor { } <character>
%destructor { free ($$); } <*>
%destructor { free ($$); printf ("%d", @$.first_line); } STRING1 string1
%destructor { printf ("Discarding tagless symbol.n"); } <>

guarantees that, when the parser discards any user-defined symbol that has a semantic type tag other than <character>, it passes its semantic value to free by default. However, when the parser discards a STRING1 or a string1, it also prints its line number to stdout. It performs only the second %destructor in this case, so it invokes
free only once. Finally, the parser merely prints a message whenever it discards any symbol, such as TAGLESS, that has no semantic type tag.

A Bison-generated parser invokes the default %destructors only for user-defined as opposed to Bison-defined symbols. For example, the parser will not invoke either kind of default
%destructor for the special Bison-defined symbols $accept,
$undefined, or $end (see Bison Symbols), none of which you can reference in your grammar. It also will not invoke either for the error token (see error),
which is always defined by Bison regardless of whether you reference it in your grammar. However, it may invoke one of them for the end token (token 0) if you redefine it from $end to, for example, END:

Finally, Bison will never invoke a %destructor for an unreferenced mid-rule semantic value (see Actions in Mid-Rule). That is, Bison does not consider a mid-rule to have a semantic value if you
do not reference $$ in the mid-rule’s action or $n (where n is the right-hand side symbol position of the mid-rule) in any later action in that rule. However, if you do reference either,
the Bison-generated parser will invoke the <> %destructor whenever it discards the mid-rule symbol.

Discarded symbols are the following:

  • stacked symbols popped during the first phase of error recovery,
  • incoming terminals during the second phase of error recovery,
  • the current lookahead and the entire stack (except the current right-hand side symbols) when the parser returns immediately, and
  • the current lookahead and the entire stack (including the current right-hand side symbols) when the C++ parser ( catches an exception in
  • the start symbol, when the parser succeeds.

The parser can return immediately because of an explicit call to
YYABORT or YYACCEPT, or failed error recovery, or memory exhaustion.

Right-hand side symbols of a rule that explicitly triggers a syntax error via YYERROR are not discarded automatically. As a rule of thumb, destructors are invoked only when user actions cannot manage the memory.

3.7.7 Printing Semantic Values

When run-time traces are enabled (see Tracing Your Parser), the parser reports its actions, such as reductions. When a symbol involved in an action is reported, only its kind is displayed, as the parser cannot know how semantic
values should be formatted.

The %printer directive defines code that is called when a symbol is reported. Its syntax is the same as %destructor (see Freeing Discarded Symbols).

Directive: %printer { code } symbols

Invoke the braced code whenever the parser displays one of the
symbols. Within code, yyoutput denotes the output stream (a FILE* in C, and an std::ostream& in C++), $$ (or
$<tag>$) designates the semantic value associated with the symbol, and @$ its location. The additional parser parameters are also available (see The Parser Function

The symbols are defined as for %destructor (see Freeing Discarded Symbols.): they can be per-type (e.g., ‘
<ival>’), per-symbol (e.g., ‘exp’, ‘NUM’, ‘«float»’), typed per-default (i.e., ‘<*>’, or untyped
per-default (i.e., ‘

For example:

%union { char *string; }
%token <string> STRING1 STRING2
%type  <string> string1 string2
%union { char character; }
%token <character> CHR
%type  <character> chr
%token TAGLESS

%printer { fprintf (yyoutput, "'%c'", $$); } <character>
%printer { fprintf (yyoutput, "&%p", $$); } <*>
%printer { fprintf (yyoutput, ""%s"", $$); } STRING1 string1
%printer { fprintf (yyoutput, "<>"); } <>

guarantees that, when the parser print any symbol that has a semantic type tag other than <character>, it display the address of the semantic value by default. However, when the parser displays a STRING1 or a
string1, it formats it as a string in double quotes. It performs only the second %printer in this case, so it prints only once. Finally, the parser print ‘<>’ for any symbol, such as
TAGLESS, that has no semantic type tag. See Enabling Debug Traces
for mfcalc, for a complete example.

3.7.8 Suppressing Conflict Warnings

Bison normally warns if there are any conflicts in the grammar (see Shift/Reduce Conflicts), but most real grammars have harmless shift/reduce conflicts which are resolved in a predictable way and would be difficult
to eliminate. It is desirable to suppress the warning about these conflicts unless the number of conflicts changes. You can do this with the %expect declaration.

The declaration looks like this:

Here n is a decimal integer. The declaration says there should be n shift/reduce conflicts and no reduce/reduce conflicts. Bison reports an error if the number of shift/reduce conflicts differs from n, or if there
are any reduce/reduce conflicts.

For deterministic parsers, reduce/reduce conflicts are more serious, and should be eliminated entirely. Bison will always report reduce/reduce conflicts for these parsers. With GLR parsers, however, both kinds of conflicts are routine; otherwise,
there would be no need to use GLR parsing. Therefore, it is also possible to specify an expected number of reduce/reduce conflicts in GLR parsers, using the declaration:

In general, using %expect involves these steps:

  • Compile your grammar without %expect. Use the ‘-v’ option to get a verbose list of where the conflicts occur. Bison will also print the number of conflicts.
  • Check each of the conflicts to make sure that Bison’s default resolution is what you really want. If not, rewrite the grammar and go back to the beginning.
  • Add an %expect declaration, copying the number n from the number which Bison printed. With GLR parsers, add an
    %expect-rr declaration as well.

Now Bison will report an error if you introduce an unexpected conflict, but will keep silent otherwise.

3.7.9 The Start-Symbol

Bison assumes by default that the start symbol for the grammar is the first nonterminal specified in the grammar specification section. The programmer may override this restriction with the %start declaration as follows:

3.7.10 A Pure (Reentrant) Parser

A reentrant program is one which does not alter in the course of execution; in other words, it consists entirely of pure (read-only) code. Reentrancy is important whenever asynchronous execution is possible; for example, a nonreentrant
program may not be safe to call from a signal handler. In systems with multiple threads of control, a nonreentrant program must be called only within interlocks.

Normally, Bison generates a parser which is not reentrant. This is suitable for most uses, and it permits compatibility with Yacc. (The standard Yacc interfaces are inherently nonreentrant, because they use statically allocated variables for communication
with yylex, including yylval and yylloc.)

Alternatively, you can generate a pure, reentrant parser. The Bison declaration ‘%define api.pure’ says that you want the parser to be reentrant. It looks like this:

The result is that the communication variables yylval and
yylloc become local variables in yyparse, and a different calling convention is used for the lexical analyzer function
yylex. See Calling Conventions for Pure
Parsers, for the details of this. The variable yynerrs becomes local in yyparse in pull mode but it becomes a member of yypstate in push mode. (see The Error
Reporting Function yyerror). The convention for calling
yyparse itself is unchanged.

Whether the parser is pure has nothing to do with the grammar rules. You can generate either a pure parser or a nonreentrant parser from any valid grammar.

3.7.11 A Push Parser

(The current push parsing interface is experimental and may evolve. More user feedback will help to stabilize it.)

A pull parser is called once and it takes control until all its input is completely parsed. A push parser, on the other hand, is called each time a new token is made available.

A push parser is typically useful when the parser is part of a main event loop in the client’s application. This is typically a requirement of a GUI, when the main event loop needs to be triggered within a certain time period.

Normally, Bison generates a pull parser. The following Bison declaration says that you want the parser to be a push parser (see api.push-pull):

%define api.push-pull push

In almost all cases, you want to ensure that your push parser is also a pure parser (see A Pure (Reentrant) Parser). The only time you should create an impure push parser is to have backwards compatibility with the impure
Yacc pull mode interface. Unless you know what you are doing, your declarations should look like this:

%define api.pure full
%define api.push-pull push

There is a major notable functional difference between the pure push parser and the impure push parser. It is acceptable for a pure push parser to have many parser instances, of the same type of parser, in memory at the same time. An impure push
parser should only use one parser at a time.

When a push parser is selected, Bison will generate some new symbols in the generated parser. yypstate is a structure that the generated parser uses to store the parser’s state. yypstate_new is the function that
will create a new parser instance. yypstate_delete will free the resources associated with the corresponding parser instance. Finally, yypush_parse is the function that should be called whenever a token is available
to provide the parser. A trivial example of using a pure push parser would look like this:

int status;
yypstate *ps = yypstate_new ();
do {
  status = yypush_parse (ps, yylex (), NULL);
} while (status == YYPUSH_MORE);
yypstate_delete (ps);

If the user decided to use an impure push parser, a few things about the generated parser will change. The yychar variable becomes a global variable instead of a variable in the yypush_parse function. For this reason,
the signature of the yypush_parse function is changed to remove the token as a parameter. A nonreentrant push parser example would thus look like this:

extern int yychar;
int status;
yypstate *ps = yypstate_new ();
do {
  yychar = yylex ();
  status = yypush_parse (ps);
} while (status == YYPUSH_MORE);
yypstate_delete (ps);

That’s it. Notice the next token is put into the global variable yychar for use by the next invocation of the yypush_parse function.

Bison also supports both the push parser interface along with the pull parser interface in the same generated parser. In order to get this functionality, you should replace the ‘%define api.push-pull push’ declaration
with the ‘
%define api.push-pull both’ declaration. Doing this will create all of the symbols mentioned earlier along with the two extra symbols, yyparse and yypull_parse. yyparse can be used
exactly as it normally would be used. However, the user should note that it is implemented in the generated parser by calling yypull_parse. This makes the yyparse function that is generated with the ‘
%define api.push-pull both’ declaration slower than the normal
yyparse function. If the user calls the yypull_parse function it will parse the rest of the input stream. It is possible to yypush_parse tokens to select a subgrammar and then yypull_parse the rest of the input stream. If you would like to switch back and forth between between parsing styles, you would have to write your own yypull_parse function that knows when to quit looking for input. An example of using the
yypull_parse function would look like this:

yypstate *ps = yypstate_new ();
yypull_parse (ps); /* Will call the lexer */
yypstate_delete (ps);

Adding the ‘%define api.pure’ declaration does exactly the same thing to the generated parser with ‘%define api.push-pull both’ as it did for ‘
%define api.push-pull push’.

3.7.12 Bison Declaration Summary

Here is a summary of the declarations used to define a grammar:

Directive: %union

Declare the collection of data types that semantic values may have (see The Union Declaration).

Directive: %token

Declare a terminal symbol (token type name) with no precedence or associativity specified (see Token Type Names).

Directive: %right

Declare a terminal symbol (token type name) that is right-associative (see Operator Precedence).

Directive: %left

Declare a terminal symbol (token type name) that is left-associative (see Operator Precedence).

Directive: %nonassoc

Declare a terminal symbol (token type name) that is nonassociative (see Operator Precedence). Using it in a way that would be associative is a syntax error.

Directive: %type

Declare the type of semantic values for a nonterminal symbol (see Nonterminal Symbols).

Directive: %start

Specify the grammar’s start symbol (see The

Directive: %expect

Declare the expected number of shift-reduce conflicts (see Suppressing Conflict Warnings).

In order to change the behavior of bison, use the following directives:

Directive: %code {code}
Directive: %code qualifier {code}

Insert code verbatim into the output parser source at the default location or at the location specified by qualifier. See %code Summary.

Directive: %debug

Instrument the parser for traces. Obsoleted by ‘%define
’. See Tracing Your Parser.

Directive: %define variable
Directive: %define variable value
Directive: %define variable {value}
Directive: %define variable «value«

Define a variable to adjust Bison’s behavior. See %define Summary.

Directive: %defines

Write a parser header file containing macro definitions for the token type names defined in the grammar as well as a few other declarations. If the parser implementation file is named name.c then the parser header
file is named name.h.

For C parsers, the parser header file declares YYSTYPE unless
YYSTYPE is already defined as a macro or you have used a
<type> tag without using %union. Therefore, if you are using a %union (see More Than One
Value Type) with components that require other definitions, or if you have defined a YYSTYPE macro or type definition (see Data Types of Semantic Values), you need to arrange for these definitions to be propagated
to all modules, e.g., by putting them in a prerequisite header that is included both by your parser and by any other module that needs YYSTYPE.

Unless your parser is pure, the parser header file declares
yylval as an external variable. See A Pure
(Reentrant) Parser.

If you have also used locations, the parser header file declares
YYLTYPE and yylloc using a protocol similar to that of the
YYSTYPE macro and yylval. See Tracking Locations.

This parser header file is normally essential if you wish to put the definition of yylex in a separate source file, because
yylex typically needs to be able to refer to the above-mentioned declarations and to the token type codes. See Semantic Values of Tokens.

If you have declared %code requires or %code provides, the output header also contains their code. See %code Summary.

The generated header is protected against multiple inclusions with a C preprocessor guard: ‘YY_PREFIX_FILE_INCLUDED’, where
PREFIX and FILE are the prefix (see Multiple Parsers in the Same Program) and generated file name turned uppercase, with each series of non alphanumerical characters converted to
a single underscore.

For instance with ‘%define api.prefix {calc}’ and ‘%defines
’, the header will be guarded as follows.

Directive: %defines defines-file

Same as above, but save in the file defines-file.

Directive: %destructor

Specify how the parser should reclaim the memory associated to discarded symbols. See Freeing Discarded Symbols.

Directive: %file-prefix «prefix«

Specify a prefix to use for all Bison output file names. The names are chosen as if the grammar file were named prefix.y.

Directive: %language «language«

Specify the programming language for the generated parser. Currently supported languages include C, C++, and Java.
language is case-insensitive.

Directive: %locations

Generate the code processing the locations (see Special Features for Use in Actions). This mode is enabled as soon as the grammar uses the special ‘@n’ tokens, but if your
grammar does not use it, using ‘%locations’ allows for more accurate syntax error messages.

Directive: %name-prefix «prefix«

Rename the external symbols used in the parser so that they start with
prefix instead of ‘yy’. The precise list of symbols renamed in C parsers is yyparse, yylex, yyerror, yynerrs,
yylval, yychar, yydebug, and (if locations are used) yylloc. If you use a push parser,
yypush_parse, yypull_parse, yypstate,
yypstate_new and yypstate_delete will also be renamed. For example, if you use ‘%name-prefix «c_»’, the names become c_parse, c_lex, and so on.
For C++ parsers, see the ‘%define api.namespace’ documentation in this section. See Multiple Parsers in the Same Program.

Directive: %no-lines

Don’t generate any #line preprocessor commands in the parser implementation file. Ordinarily Bison writes these commands in the parser implementation file so that the C compiler and debuggers will associate errors and
object code with your source file (the grammar file). This directive causes them to associate errors with the parser implementation file, treating it as an independent source file in its own right.

Directive: %output «file«

Generate the parser implementation in file.

Directive: %pure-parser

Deprecated version of ‘%define api.pure’ (see api.pure), for which Bison is more careful to warn about unreasonable usage.

Directive: %require «version«

Require version version or higher of Bison. See Require a Version of Bison.

Directive: %skeleton «file«

Specify the skeleton to use.

If file does not contain a /, file is the name of a skeleton file in the Bison installation directory. If it does, file is an absolute file name or a file name relative to the directory of
the grammar file. This is similar to how most shells resolve commands.

Directive: %token-table

Generate an array of token names in the parser implementation file. The name of the array is yytname; yytname[i] is the name of the token whose internal Bison token code number is
i. The first three elements of yytname correspond to the predefined tokens "$end", "error", and
"$undefined"; after these come the symbols defined in the grammar file.

The name in the table includes all the characters needed to represent the token in Bison. For single-character literals and literal strings, this includes the surrounding quoting characters and any escape sequences. For example, the Bison
single-character literal
'+' corresponds to a three-character name, represented in C as
"'+'"; and the Bison two-character literal string "\/" corresponds to a five-character name, represented in C as

When you specify %token-table, Bison also generates macro definitions for macros YYNTOKENS, YYNNTS, and


The highest token number, plus one.


The number of nonterminal symbols.


The number of grammar rules,


The number of parser states (see Parser States).

Directive: %verbose

Write an extra output file containing verbose descriptions of the parser states and what is done for each type of lookahead token in that state. See Understanding Your Parser, for more information.

Directive: %yacc

Pretend the option —yacc was given, i.e., imitate Yacc, including its naming conventions. See Bison Options, for more.

3.7.13 %define Summary

There are many features of Bison’s behavior that can be controlled by assigning the feature a single value. For historical reasons, some such features are assigned values by dedicated directives, such as
%start, which assigns the start symbol. However, newer such features are associated with variables, which are assigned by the
%define directive:

Directive: %define variable
Directive: %define variable value
Directive: %define variable {value}
Directive: %define variable «value«

Define variable to value.

The type of the values depend on the syntax. Braces denote value in the target language (e.g., a namespace, a type, etc.). Keyword values (no delimiters) denote finite choice (e.g., a variation of a feature). String values denote remaining
cases (e.g., a file name).

It is an error if a variable is defined by %define multiple times, but see -D name[=value].

The rest of this section summarizes variables and values that
%define accepts.

Some variables take Boolean values. In this case, Bison will complain if the variable definition does not meet one of the following four conditions:

  1. value is true
  2. value is omitted (or "" is specified). This is equivalent to true.
  3. value is false.
  4. variable is never defined. In this case, Bison selects a default value.

What variables are accepted, as well as their meanings and default values, depend on the selected target language and/or the parser skeleton (see %language, see %skeleton). Unaccepted
variables produce an error. Some of the accepted variables are described below.

Directive: %define api.namespace {namespace}
  • Languages(s): C++
  • Purpose: Specify the namespace for the parser class. For example, if you specify:
    %define api.namespace {foo::bar}

    Bison uses foo::bar verbatim in references such as:


    However, to open a namespace, Bison removes any leading :: and then splits on any remaining occurrences:

    namespace foo { namespace bar {
      class position;
      class location;
    } }
  • Accepted Values: Any absolute or relative C++ namespace reference without a trailing
    "::". For example, "foo" or "::foo::bar".

  • Default Value: The value specified by %name-prefix, which defaults to yy. This usage of %name-prefix is for backward compatibility and can be confusing since %name-prefix also specifies
    the textual prefix for the lexical analyzer function. Thus, if you specify
    %name-prefix, it is best to also specify ‘%define
    ’ so that %name-prefix only affects the lexical analyzer function. For example, if you specify:

    %define api.namespace {foo}
    %name-prefix "bar::"

    The parser namespace is foo and yylex is referenced as

Directive: %define api.location.type {type}
  • Language(s): C++, Java
  • Purpose: Define the location type. See User Defined Location Type.
  • Accepted Values: String
  • Default Value: none
  • History: Introduced in Bison 2.7 for C, C++ and Java. Introduced under the name
    location_type for C++ in Bison 2.5 and for Java in Bison 2.4.
Directive: %define api.prefix {prefix}
  • Language(s): All
  • Purpose: Rename exported symbols. See Multiple Parsers in the Same Program.
  • Accepted Values: String
  • Default Value: yy
  • History: introduced in Bison 2.6
Directive: %define api.pure purity
  • Language(s): C
  • Purpose: Request a pure (reentrant) parser program. See A Pure (Reentrant) Parser.
  • Accepted Values: true, false, full

    The value may be omitted: this is equivalent to specifying true, as is the case for Boolean values.

    When %define api.pure full is used, the parser is made reentrant. This changes the signature for yylex (see Pure Calling), and also that of
    yyerror when the tracking of locations has been activated, as shown below.

    The true value is very similar to the full value, the only difference is in the signature of yyerror on Yacc parsers without
    %parse-param, for historical reasons.

    I.e., if ‘%locations %define api.pure’ is passed then the prototypes for
    yyerror are:

    void yyerror (char const *msg);                 // Yacc parsers.
    void yyerror (YYLTYPE *locp, char const *msg);  // GLR parsers.

    But if ‘%locations %define api.pure %parse-param {int *nastiness}’ is used, then both parsers have the same signature:

    void yyerror (YYLTYPE *llocp, int *nastiness, char const *msg);

    (see The Error
    Reporting Function yyerror)

  • Default Value: false
  • History: the full value was introduced in Bison 2.7
Directive: %define api.push-pull kind
  • Language(s): C (deterministic parsers only)
  • Purpose: Request a pull parser, a push parser, or both. See A Push Parser. (The current push parsing interface is experimental and may evolve. More user feedback will help to stabilize it.)
  • Accepted Values: pull, push, both
  • Default Value: pull
Directive: %define api.token.constructor
  • Language(s): C++
  • Purpose: When variant-based semantic values are enabled (see C++ Variants), request that symbols be handled as a whole (type, value, and possibly location) in the scanner. See Complete Symbols,
    for details.

  • Accepted Values: Boolean.
  • Default Value:
  • History: introduced in Bison 3.0
Directive: %define api.token.prefix {prefix}
  • Languages(s): all
  • Purpose: Add a prefix to the token names when generating their definition in the target language. For instance
    %token FILE for ERROR
    %define api.token.prefix {TOK_}
    start: FILE for ERROR;

    generates the definition of the symbols TOK_FILE, TOK_for, and TOK_ERROR in the generated source files. In particular, the scanner must use these prefixed token names, while the grammar itself
    may still use the short names (as in the sample rule given above). The generated informational files (*.output, *.xml,
    *.dot) are not modified by this prefix.

    Bison also prefixes the generated member names of the semantic value union. See Generating the Semantic Value Type, for more details.

    See Calc++ Parser and Calc++ Scanner, for a complete example.

  • Accepted Values: Any string. Should be a valid identifier prefix in the target language, in other words, it should typically be an identifier itself (sequence of letters, underscores, and —not at the beginning— digits).
  • Default Value: empty
  • History: introduced in Bison 3.0
Directive: %define api.value.type support
Directive: %define api.value.type {type}
  • Language(s): all
  • Purpose: The type for semantic values.
  • Accepted Values:

    This grammar has no semantic value at all. This is not properly supported yet.

    union-directive’ (C, C++)

    The type is defined thanks to the %union directive. You don’t have to define api.value.type in that case, using %union suffices. See The Union Declaration.
    For instance:

    %define api.value.type union-directive
      int ival;
      char *sval;
    %token <ival> INT "integer"
    %token <sval> STR "string"
    union’ (C, C++)

    The symbols are defined with type names, from which Bison will generate a
    union. For instance:

    %define api.value.type union
    %token <int> INT "integer"
    %token <char *> STR "string"

    This feature needs user feedback to stabilize. Note that most C++ objects cannot be stored in a union.

    variant’ (C++)

    This is similar to union, but special storage techniques are used to allow any kind of C++ object to be used. For instance:

    %define api.value.type variant
    %token <int> INT "integer"
    %token <std::string> STR "string"

    This feature needs user feedback to stabilize. See C++ Variants.


    Use this type as semantic value.

    %code requires
      struct my_value
          is_int, is_str
        } kind;
          int ival;
          char *sval;
        } u;
    %define api.value.type {struct my_value}
    %token <u.ival> INT "integer"
    %token <u.sval> STR "string"
  • Default Value:
    • union-directive if %union is used, otherwise …
    • int if type tags are used (i.e., ‘%token <type>…’ or ‘
      %type <type>…’ is used), otherwise …
    • — undefined.
  • History: introduced in Bison 3.0. Was introduced for Java only in 2.3b as
Directive: %define name
  • Language(s): C
  • Purpose: The tag of the generated union (not the name of the
    typedef). This variable is set to id when ‘%union
    ’ is used. There is no clear reason to give this union a name.

  • Accepted Values: Any valid identifier.
  • Default Value:

  • History: Introduced in Bison 3.0.3.
Directive: %define location_type

Obsoleted by api.location.type since Bison 2.7.

Directive: %define lr.default-reduction when
  • Language(s): all
  • Purpose: Specify the kind of states that are permitted to contain default reductions. See Default Reductions. (The ability to specify where default reductions should be used is experimental. More user
    feedback will help to stabilize it.)

  • Accepted Values: most, consistent, accepting
  • Default Value:
    • accepting if lr.type is canonical-lr.
    • most otherwise.
  • History: introduced as lr.default-reductions in 2.5, renamed as
    lr.default-reduction in 3.0.
Directive: %define lr.keep-unreachable-state
  • Language(s): all
  • Purpose: Request that Bison allow unreachable parser states to remain in the parser tables. See Unreachable States.
  • Accepted Values: Boolean
  • Default Value: false
  • History: introduced as lr.keep_unreachable_states in 2.3b, renamed as
    lr.keep-unreachable-states in 2.5, and as
    lr.keep-unreachable-state in 3.0.
Directive: %define lr.type type
  • Language(s): all
  • Purpose: Specify the type of parser tables within the LR(1) family. See LR Table Construction. (This feature is experimental. More user feedback will help to stabilize it.)
  • Accepted Values: lalr, ielr, canonical-lr
  • Default Value: lalr
Directive: %define namespace {namespace}

Obsoleted by api.namespace

Directive: %define parse.assert
  • Languages(s): C++
  • Purpose: Issue runtime assertions to catch invalid uses. In C++, when variants are used (see C++ Variants), symbols must be constructed and destroyed properly. This option checks these constraints.
  • Accepted Values: Boolean
  • Default Value: false
Directive: %define parse.error verbosity
  • Languages(s): all
  • Purpose: Control the kind of error messages passed to the error reporting function. See The Error Reporting Function
  • Accepted Values:
    • simple Error messages passed to yyerror are simply "syntax error"
    • verbose Error messages report the unexpected token, and possibly the expected ones. However, this report can often be incorrect when LAC is not enabled (see LAC).
  • Default Value:
Directive: %define parse.lac when
  • Languages(s): C (deterministic parsers only)
  • Purpose: Enable LAC (lookahead correction) to improve syntax error handling. See LAC.
  • Accepted Values: none, full
  • Default Value: none
Directive: %define parse.trace
  • Languages(s): C, C++, Java
  • Purpose: Require parser instrumentation for tracing. See Tracing Your Parser.

    In C/C++, define the macro YYDEBUG (or prefixDEBUG with ‘
    %define api.prefix {prefix}’), see Multiple Parsers in the Same Program) to 1 in the parser implementation file if it is not already defined, so that the debugging
    facilities are compiled.

  • Accepted Values: Boolean
  • Default Value: false

3.7.14 %code Summary

The %code directive inserts code verbatim into the output parser source at any of a predefined set of locations. It thus serves as a flexible and user-friendly alternative to the traditional Yacc prologue, %{code%}.
This section summarizes the functionality of %code for the various target languages supported by Bison. For a detailed discussion of how to use
%code in place of %{code%} for C/C++ and why it is advantageous to do so, see Prologue Alternatives.

Directive: %code {code}

This is the unqualified form of the %code directive. It inserts code verbatim at a language-dependent default location in the parser implementation.

For C/C++, the default location is the parser implementation file after the usual contents of the parser header file. Thus, the unqualified form replaces %{code%} for most purposes.

For Java, the default location is inside the parser class.

Directive: %code qualifier {code}

This is the qualified form of the %code directive.
qualifier identifies the purpose of code and thus the location(s) where Bison should insert it. That is, if you need to specify location-sensitive code that does not belong at the default location selected
by the unqualified %code form, use this form instead.

For any particular qualifier or for the unqualified form, if there are multiple occurrences of the %code directive, Bison concatenates the specified code in the order in which it appears in the grammar file.

Not all qualifiers are accepted for all target languages. Unaccepted qualifiers produce an error. Some of the accepted qualifiers are:

  • Language(s): C, C++
  • Purpose: This is the best place to write dependency code required for
    YYSTYPE and YYLTYPE. In other words, it’s the best place to define types referenced in %union directives. If you use
    #define to override Bison’s default YYSTYPE and YYLTYPE definitions, then it is also the best place. However you should rather
    %define api.value.type and api.location.type.

  • Location(s): The parser header file and the parser implementation file before the Bison-generated YYSTYPE and YYLTYPE definitions.
  • Language(s): C, C++
  • Purpose: This is the best place to write additional definitions and declarations that should be provided to other modules.
  • Location(s): The parser header file and the parser implementation file after the Bison-generated YYSTYPE, YYLTYPE, and token definitions.
  • Language(s): C, C++
  • Purpose: The unqualified %code or %code requires should usually be more appropriate than %code top. However, occasionally it is necessary to insert code much nearer the top of the parser implementation
    file. For example:

    %code top {
      #define _GNU_SOURCE
      #include <stdio.h>
  • Location(s): Near the top of the parser implementation file.
  • Language(s): Java
  • Purpose: This is the best place to write Java import directives.
  • Location(s): The parser Java file after any Java package directive and before any class definitions.

Though we say the insertion locations are language-dependent, they are technically skeleton-dependent. Writers of non-standard skeletons however should choose their locations consistently with the behavior of the standard Bison skeletons.

3.8 Multiple Parsers in the Same Program

Most programs that use Bison parse only one language and therefore contain only one Bison parser. But what if you want to parse more than one language with the same program? Then you need to avoid name conflicts between different definitions of
functions and variables such as yyparse,
yylval. To use different parsers from the same compilation unit, you also need to avoid conflicts on types and macros (e.g., YYSTYPE) exported in the generated header.

The easy way to do this is to define the %define variable
api.prefix. With different api.prefixs it is guaranteed that headers do not conflict when included together, and that compiled objects can be linked together too. Specifying ‘%define api.prefix
’ (or passing the option ‘-Dapi.prefix={prefix}’, see
Invoking Bison) renames the interface functions and variables of the Bison parser to start with prefix instead of ‘
yy’, and all the macros to start by PREFIX (i.e., prefix upper-cased) instead of ‘YY’.

The renamed symbols include yyparse, yylex, yyerror,
yynerrs, yylval, yylloc, yychar and
yydebug. If you use a push parser, yypush_parse,
yypull_parse, yypstate, yypstate_new and
yypstate_delete will also be renamed. The renamed macros include
YYSTYPE, YYLTYPE, and YYDEBUG, which is treated specifically — more about this below.

For example, if you use ‘%define api.prefix {c}’, the names become
cparse, clex, …, CSTYPE, CLTYPE, and so on.

The %define variable api.prefix works in two different ways. In the implementation file, it works by adding macro definitions to the beginning of the parser implementation file, defining yyparse as
prefixparse, and so on:

#define yyparse cparse
#define yylval  clval
YYSTYPE yylval;
int yyparse (void);

This effectively substitutes one name for the other in the entire parser implementation file, thus the “original” names (yylex,
YYSTYPE, …) are also usable in the parser implementation file.

However, in the parser header file, the symbols are defined renamed, for instance:

extern CSTYPE clval;
int cparse (void);

The macro YYDEBUG is commonly used to enable the tracing support in parsers. To comply with this tradition, when api.prefix is used,
YYDEBUG (not renamed) is used as a default value:

/* Debug traces.  */
#ifndef CDEBUG
# if defined YYDEBUG
#   define CDEBUG 1
#  else
#   define CDEBUG 0
#  endif
# else
#  define CDEBUG 0
# endif
extern int cdebug;

Prior to Bison 2.6, a feature similar to api.prefix was provided by the obsolete directive %name-prefix (see Bison
Symbols) and the option --name-prefix (see Bison Options).

4 Parser C-Language Interface

The Bison parser is actually a C function named yyparse. Here we describe the interface conventions of yyparse and the other functions that it needs to use.

Keep in mind that the parser uses many C identifiers starting with ‘
yy’ and ‘YY’ for internal purposes. If you use such an identifier (aside from those in this manual) in an action or in epilogue in the grammar file, you are likely to run into trouble.

4.1 The Parser Function yyparse

You call the function yyparse to cause parsing to occur. This function reads tokens, executes actions, and ultimately returns when it encounters end-of-input or an unrecoverable syntax error. You can also write an action which directs
yyparse to return immediately without reading further.

Function: int yyparse (void)

The value returned by yyparse is 0 if parsing was successful (return is due to end-of-input).

The value is 1 if parsing failed because of invalid input, i.e., input that contains a syntax error or that causes YYABORT to be invoked.

The value is 2 if parsing failed due to memory exhaustion.

In an action, you can cause immediate return from yyparse by using these macros:


Return immediately with value 0 (to report success).


Return immediately with value 1 (to report failure).

If you use a reentrant parser, you can optionally pass additional parameter information to it in a reentrant way. To do so, use the declaration %parse-param:

Directive: %parse-param {argument-declaration} …

Declare that one or more
argument-declaration are additional yyparse arguments. The argument-declaration is used when declaring functions or prototypes. The last identifier in
argument-declaration must be the argument name.

Here’s an example. Write this in the parser:

%parse-param {int *nastiness} {int *randomness}

Then call the parser like this:

  int nastiness, randomness;
  …  /* Store proper data in nastiness and randomness.  */
  value = yyparse (&nastiness, &randomness);

In the grammar actions, use expressions like this to refer to the data:

exp: …    { …; *randomness += 1; … }

Using the following:

%parse-param {int *randomness}

Results in these signatures:

void yyerror (int *randomness, const char *msg);
int  yyparse (int *randomness);

Or, if both %define api.pure full (or just %define api.pure) and %locations are used:

void yyerror (YYLTYPE *llocp, int *randomness, const char *msg);
int  yyparse (int *randomness);

4.2 The Push Parser Function yypush_parse

(The current push parsing interface is experimental and may evolve. More user feedback will help to stabilize it.)

You call the function yypush_parse to parse a single token. This function is available if either the ‘%define api.push-pull push’ or ‘
%define api.push-pull both’ declaration is used. See A Push Parser.

Function: int yypush_parse (yypstate *yyps)

The value returned by yypush_parse is the same as for yyparse with the following exception: it returns YYPUSH_MORE if more input is required to finish parsing the grammar.

4.3 The Pull Parser Function yypull_parse

(The current push parsing interface is experimental and may evolve. More user feedback will help to stabilize it.)

You call the function yypull_parse to parse the rest of the input stream. This function is available if the ‘%define api.push-pull both’ declaration is used. See A Push Parser.

Function: int yypull_parse (yypstate *yyps)

The value returned by yypull_parse is the same as for yyparse.

4.4 The Parser Create Function yystate_new

(The current push parsing interface is experimental and may evolve. More user feedback will help to stabilize it.)

You call the function yypstate_new to create a new parser instance. This function is available if either the ‘%define api.push-pull push’ or ‘
%define api.push-pull both’ declaration is used. See A Push Parser.

Function: yypstate* yypstate_new (void)

The function will return a valid parser instance if there was memory available or 0 if no memory was available. In impure mode, it will also return 0 if a parser instance is currently allocated.

4.5 The Parser Delete Function yystate_delete

(The current push parsing interface is experimental and may evolve. More user feedback will help to stabilize it.)

You call the function yypstate_delete to delete a parser instance. function is available if either the ‘%define api.push-pull push’ or ‘
%define api.push-pull both’ declaration is used. See A Push Parser.

Function: void yypstate_delete (yypstate *yyps)

This function will reclaim the memory associated with a parser instance. After this call, you should no longer attempt to use the parser instance.

4.6 The Lexical Analyzer Function yylex

The lexical analyzer function, yylex, recognizes tokens from the input stream and returns them to the parser. Bison does not create this function automatically; you must write it so that yyparse can call it.
The function is sometimes referred to as a lexical scanner.

In simple programs, yylex is often defined at the end of the Bison grammar file. If yylex is defined in a separate source file, you need to arrange for the token-type macro definitions to be available there. To do this,
use the ‘-d’ option when you run Bison, so that it will write these macro definitions into the separate parser header file,, which you can include in the other source files that need
it. See Invoking

4.6.1 Calling Convention for yylex

The value that yylex returns must be the positive numeric code for the type of token it has just found; a zero or negative value signifies end-of-input.

When a token is referred to in the grammar rules by a name, that name in the parser implementation file becomes a C macro whose definition is the proper numeric code for that token type. So yylex can use the name to indicate that
type. See Symbols.

When a token is referred to in the grammar rules by a character literal, the numeric code for that character is also the code for the token type. So yylex can simply return that character code, possibly converted to unsigned char to avoid sign-extension. The null character must not be used this way, because its code is zero and that signifies end-of-input.

Here is an example showing these things:

yylex (void)
  if (c == EOF)    /* Detect end-of-input.  */
    return 0;
  if (c == '+' || c == '-')
    return c;      /* Assume token type for '+' is '+'.  */
  return INT;      /* Return the type of the token.  */

This interface has been designed so that the output from the lex utility can be used without change as the definition of yylex.

If the grammar uses literal string tokens, there are two ways that
yylex can determine the token type codes for them:

  • If the grammar defines symbolic token names as aliases for the literal string tokens, yylex can use these symbolic names like all others. In this case, the use of the literal string tokens in the grammar file has no effect on

  • yylex can find the multicharacter token in the yytname table. The index of the token in the table is the token type’s code. The name of a multicharacter token is recorded in yytname with a double-quote,
    the token’s characters, and another double-quote. The token’s characters are escaped as necessary to be suitable as input to Bison.

    Here’s code for looking up a multicharacter token in yytname, assuming that the characters of the token are stored in
    token_buffer, and assuming that the token does not contain any characters like ‘«’ that require escaping.

    for (i = 0; i < YYNTOKENS; i++)
        if (yytname[i] != 0
            && yytname[i][0] == '"'
            && ! strncmp (yytname[i] + 1, token_buffer,
                          strlen (token_buffer))
            && yytname[i][strlen (token_buffer) + 1] == '"'
            && yytname[i][strlen (token_buffer) + 2] == 0)

    The yytname table is generated only if you use the
    %token-table declaration. See Decl Summary.

4.6.2 Semantic Values of Tokens

In an ordinary (nonreentrant) parser, the semantic value of the token must be stored into the global variable yylval. When you are using just one data type for semantic values, yylval has that type. Thus, if the type
is int (the default), you might write this in

  yylval = value;  /* Put value onto Bison stack.  */
  return INT;      /* Return the type of the token.  */

When you are using multiple data types, yylval’s type is a union made from the %union declaration (see The
Union Declaration). So when you store a token’s value, you must use the proper member of the union. If the %union declaration looks like this:

%union {
  int intval;
  double val;
  symrec *tptr;

then the code in yylex might look like this:

  yylval.intval = value; /* Put value onto Bison stack.  */
  return INT;            /* Return the type of the token.  */

4.6.3 Textual Locations of Tokens

If you are using the ‘@n’-feature (see Tracking Locations) in actions to keep track of the textual locations of tokens and groupings, then you must provide this information
in yylex. The function
yyparse expects to find the textual location of a token just parsed in the global variable yylloc. So yylex must store the proper data in that variable.

By default, the value of yylloc is a structure and you need only initialize the members that are going to be used by the actions. The four members are called first_line, first_column,
last_line and last_column. Note that the use of this feature makes the parser noticeably slower.

The data type of yylloc has the name YYLTYPE.

4.6.4 Calling Conventions for Pure Parsers

When you use the Bison declaration %define api.pure full to request a pure, reentrant parser, the global communication variables yylval and yylloc cannot be used. (See A Pure (Reentrant)
Parser.) In such parsers the two global variables are replaced by pointers passed as arguments to yylex. You must declare them as shown here, and pass the information back by storing it through those pointers.

yylex (YYSTYPE *lvalp, YYLTYPE *llocp)
  *lvalp = value;  /* Put value onto Bison stack.  */
  return INT;      /* Return the type of the token.  */

If the grammar file does not use the ‘@’ constructs to refer to textual locations, then the type YYLTYPE will not be defined. In this case, omit the second argument; yylex will be called with
only one argument.

If you wish to pass additional arguments to yylex, use
%lex-param just like %parse-param (see Parser Function). To pass additional arguments to both yylex and
yyparse, use %param.

Directive: %lex-param {argument-declaration} …

Specify that argument-declaration are additional yylex argument declarations. You may pass one or more such declarations, which is equivalent to repeating %lex-param.

Directive: %param {argument-declaration} …

Specify that argument-declaration are additional
yylex/yyparse argument declaration. This is equivalent to ‘
%lex-param {argument-declaration} … %parse-param
{argument-declaration} …
’. You may pass one or more declarations, which is equivalent to repeating %param.

For instance:

%lex-param   {scanner_mode *mode}
%parse-param {parser_mode *mode}
%param       {environment_type *env}

results in the following signatures:

int yylex   (scanner_mode *mode, environment_type *env);
int yyparse (parser_mode *mode, environment_type *env);

If ‘%define api.pure full’ is added:

int yylex   (YYSTYPE *lvalp, scanner_mode *mode, environment_type *env);
int yyparse (parser_mode *mode, environment_type *env);

and finally, if both ‘%define api.pure full’ and %locations are used:

int yylex   (YYSTYPE *lvalp, YYLTYPE *llocp,
             scanner_mode *mode, environment_type *env);
int yyparse (parser_mode *mode, environment_type *env);

4.7 The Error Reporting Function yyerror

The Bison parser detects a syntax error (or parse error) whenever it reads a token which cannot satisfy any syntax rule. An action in the grammar can also explicitly proclaim an error, using the macro YYERROR (see
Special Features for Use in Actions).

The Bison parser expects to report the error by calling an error reporting function named yyerror, which you must supply. It is called by yyparse whenever a syntax error is found, and it receives one argument. For a syntax
error, the string is normally
"syntax error"

If you invoke ‘%define parse.error verbose’ in the Bison declarations section (see The Bison Declarations Section), then Bison provides a more verbose and specific error message string
instead of just plain "syntax error"
. However, that message sometimes contains incorrect information if LAC is not enabled (see LAC).

The parser can detect one other kind of error: memory exhaustion. This can happen when the input contains constructions that are very deeply nested. It isn’t likely you will encounter this, since the Bison parser normally extends its stack
automatically up to a very large limit. But if memory is exhausted, yyparse calls yyerror in the usual fashion, except that the argument string is "memory exhausted"

In some cases diagnostics like "syntax error"
are translated automatically from English to some other language before they are passed to yyerror. See Internationalization.

The following definition suffices in simple programs:

yyerror (char const *s)
  fprintf (stderr, "%sn", s);

After yyerror returns to yyparse, the latter will attempt error recovery if you have written suitable error recovery grammar rules (see Error Recovery). If recovery is impossible, yyparse will immediately return 1.

Obviously, in location tracking pure parsers, yyerror should have an access to the current location. With %define api.pure, this is indeed the case for the GLR parsers, but not for the Yacc parser, for historical reasons,
and this is the why %define api.pure full should be prefered over %define api.pure.

When %locations %define api.pure full is used, yyerror has the following signature:

void yyerror (YYLTYPE *locp, char const *msg);

The prototypes are only indications of how the code produced by Bison uses yyerror. Bison-generated code always ignores the returned value, so yyerror can return any type, including void. Also, yyerror can be a variadic function; that is why the message is always passed last.

Traditionally yyerror returns an int that is always ignored, but this is purely for historical reasons, and void is preferable since it more accurately describes the return type for

The variable yynerrs contains the number of syntax errors reported so far. Normally this variable is global; but if you request a pure parser (see A Pure (Reentrant) Parser) then it is a local variable which
only the actions can access.

4.8 Special Features for Use in Actions

Here is a table of Bison constructs, variables and macros that are useful in actions.

Variable: $$

Acts like a variable that contains the semantic value for the grouping made by the current rule. See Actions.

Variable: $ n

Acts like a variable that contains the semantic value for the
nth component of the current rule. See Actions.

Variable: $< typealt>$

Like $$ but specifies alternative typealt in the union specified by the %union declaration. See Data
Types of Values in Actions.

Variable: $< typealt>n

Like $n but specifies alternative typealt in the union specified by the %union declaration. See Data Types of Values in Actions.

Macro: YYABORT ;

Return immediately from yyparse, indicating failure. See The Parser Function yyparse.


Return immediately from yyparse, indicating success. See The Parser Function yyparse.

Macro: YYBACKUP (token, value);

Unshift a token. This macro is allowed only for rules that reduce a single value, and only when there is no lookahead token. It is also disallowed in GLR parsers. It installs a lookahead token with token type token and semantic
value value; then it discards the value that was going to be reduced by this rule.

If the macro is used when it is not valid, such as when there is a lookahead token already, then it reports a syntax error with a message ‘cannot back up’ and performs ordinary error recovery.

In either case, the rest of the action is not executed.


Value stored in yychar when there is no lookahead token.

Macro: YYEOF

Value stored in yychar when the lookahead is the end of the input stream.

Macro: YYERROR ;

Cause an immediate syntax error. This statement initiates error recovery just as if the parser itself had detected an error; however, it does not call yyerror, and does not print any message. If you want to print an error
message, call yyerror explicitly before the ‘YYERROR;’ statement. See Error Recovery.


The expression YYRECOVERING () yields 1 when the parser is recovering from a syntax error, and 0 otherwise. See Error Recovery.

Variable: yychar

Variable containing either the lookahead token, or YYEOF when the lookahead is the end of the input stream, or YYEMPTY when no lookahead has been performed so the next token is not yet known. Do not modify yychar in a deferred semantic action (see GLR Semantic Actions). See Lookahead Tokens.

Macro: yyclearin ;

Discard the current lookahead token. This is useful primarily in error rules. Do not invoke yyclearin in a deferred semantic action (see GLR Semantic Actions). See Error Recovery.

Macro: yyerrok ;

Resume generating error messages immediately for subsequent syntax errors. This is useful primarily in error rules. See Error Recovery.

Variable: yylloc

Variable containing the lookahead token location when yychar is not set to YYEMPTY or YYEOF. Do not modify yylloc in a deferred semantic action (see GLR Semantic Actions).
See Actions and Locations.

Variable: yylval

Variable containing the lookahead token semantic value when yychar is not set to YYEMPTY or YYEOF. Do not modify yylval in a deferred semantic action (see GLR Semantic Actions).
See Actions.

Value: @ $

Acts like a structure variable containing information on the textual location of the grouping made by the current rule. See Tracking Locations.

Value: @ n

Acts like a structure variable containing information on the textual location of the nth component of the current rule. See Tracking Locations.

4.9 Parser Internationalization

A Bison-generated parser can print diagnostics, including error and tracing messages. By default, they appear in English. However, Bison also supports outputting diagnostics in the user’s native language. To make this work, the user should
set the usual environment variables. See The User’s View in GNU gettext utilities. For example, the shell command ‘export LC_ALL=fr_CA.UTF-8
might set the user’s locale to French Canadian using the UTF-8 encoding. The exact set of available locales depends on the user’s installation.

The maintainer of a package that uses a Bison-generated parser enables the internationalization of the parser’s output through the following steps. Here we assume a package that uses GNU Autoconf and GNU Automake.

  1. Into the directory containing the GNU Autoconf macros used by the package —often called m4— copy the
    bison-i18n.m4 file installed by Bison under ‘
    share/aclocal/bison-i18n.m4’ in Bison’s installation directory. For example:

    cp /usr/local/share/aclocal/bison-i18n.m4 m4/bison-i18n.m4
  2. In the top-level, after the AM_GNU_GETTEXT invocation, add an invocation of BISON_I18N. This macro is defined in the file bison-i18n.m4 that you copied earlier. It causes

    configure’ to find the value of the
    BISON_LOCALEDIR variable, and it defines the source-language symbol YYENABLE_NLS to enable translations in the Bison-generated parser.

  3. In the main function of your program, designate the directory containing Bison’s runtime message catalog, through a call to ‘
    bindtextdomain’ with domain name ‘bison-runtime’. For example:

    bindtextdomain ("bison-runtime", BISON_LOCALEDIR);

    Typically this appears after any other call bindtextdomain
    that your package already has. Here we rely on ‘
    BISON_LOCALEDIR’ to be defined as a string through the

  4. In the that controls the compilation of the main function, make ‘BISON_LOCALEDIR’ available as a C preprocessor macro, either in ‘DEFS’ or in ‘AM_CPPFLAGS’.
    For example:



  5. Finally, invoke the command autoreconf to generate the build infrastructure.

5 The Bison Parser Algorithm

As Bison reads tokens, it pushes them onto a stack along with their semantic values. The stack is called the parser stack. Pushing a token is traditionally called shifting.

For example, suppose the infix calculator has read ‘1 + 5 *’, with a ‘
3’ to come. The stack will have four elements, one for each token that was shifted.

But the stack does not always have an element for each token read. When the last n tokens and groupings shifted match the components of a grammar rule, they can be combined according to that rule. This is called
reduction. Those tokens and groupings are replaced on the stack by a single grouping whose symbol is the result (left hand side) of that rule. Running the rule’s action is part of the process of reduction, because this is what
computes the semantic value of the resulting grouping.

For example, if the infix calculator’s parser stack contains this:

and the next input token is a newline character, then the last three elements can be reduced to 15 via the rule:

Then the stack contains just these three elements:

At this point, another reduction can be made, resulting in the single value 16. Then the newline token can be shifted.

The parser tries, by shifts and reductions, to reduce the entire input down to a single grouping whose symbol is the grammar’s start-symbol (see Languages and Context-Free Grammars).

This kind of parser is known in the literature as a bottom-up parser.

5.1 Lookahead Tokens

The Bison parser does not always reduce immediately as soon as the last n tokens and groupings match a rule. This is because such a simple strategy is inadequate to handle most languages. Instead, when a reduction is possible,
the parser sometimes “looks ahead” at the next token in order to decide what to do.

When a token is read, it is not immediately shifted; first it becomes the
lookahead token, which is not on the stack. Now the parser can perform one or more reductions of tokens and groupings on the stack, while the lookahead token remains off to the side. When no more reductions should take place, the
lookahead token is shifted onto the stack. This does not mean that all possible reductions have been done; depending on the token type of the lookahead token, some rules may choose to delay their application.

Here is a simple case where lookahead is needed. These three rules define expressions which contain binary addition operators and postfix unary factorial operators (‘!’), and allow parentheses for grouping.

  term '+' expr
| term

  '(' expr ')'
| term '!'
| "number"

Suppose that the tokens ‘1 + 2
have been read and shifted; what should be done? If the following token is ‘)’, then the first three tokens must be reduced to form an expr. This is the only valid course, because shifting the ‘)
would produce a sequence of symbols
term ')'
, and no rule allows this.

If the following token is ‘!’, then it must be shifted immediately so that ‘2 !
can be reduced to make a term. If instead the parser were to reduce before shifting, ‘1 + 2
would become an
expr. It would then be impossible to shift the ‘!’ because doing so would produce on the stack the sequence of symbols expr
. No rule allows that sequence.

The lookahead token is stored in the variable yychar. Its semantic value and location, if any, are stored in the variables
yylval and yylloc. See Special Features for Use in Actions.

5.2 Shift/Reduce Conflicts

Suppose we are parsing a language which has if-then and if-then-else statements, with a pair of rules like this:

  "if" expr "then" stmt
| "if" expr "then" stmt "else" stmt

Here "if", "then" and "else" are terminal symbols for specific keyword tokens.

When the "else" token is read and becomes the lookahead token, the contents of the stack (assuming the input is valid) are just right for reduction by the first rule. But it is also legitimate to shift the
"else", because that would lead to eventual reduction by the second rule.

This situation, where either a shift or a reduction would be valid, is called a shift/reduce conflict. Bison is designed to resolve these conflicts by choosing to shift, unless otherwise directed by operator precedence declarations. To
see the reason for this, let’s contrast it with the other alternative.

Since the parser prefers to shift the "else", the result is to attach the else-clause to the innermost if-statement, making these two inputs equivalent:

if x then if y then win; else lose;

if x then do; if y then win; else lose; end;

But if the parser chose to reduce when possible rather than shift, the result would be to attach the else-clause to the outermost if-statement, making these two inputs equivalent:

if x then if y then win; else lose;

if x then do; if y then win; end; else lose;

The conflict exists because the grammar as written is ambiguous: either parsing of the simple nested if-statement is legitimate. The established convention is that these ambiguities are resolved by attaching the else-clause to the innermost if-statement;
this is what Bison accomplishes by choosing to shift rather than reduce. (It would ideally be cleaner to write an unambiguous grammar, but that is very hard to do in this case.) This particular ambiguity was first encountered in the specifications
of Algol 60 and is called the “dangling else” ambiguity.

To avoid warnings from Bison about predictable, legitimate shift/reduce conflicts, you can use the %expect n declaration. There will be no warning as long as the number of shift/reduce conflicts is exactly n,
and Bison will report an error if there is a different number. See Suppressing Conflict Warnings. However, we don’t recommend the use of %expect (except ‘%expect 0’!),
as an equal number of conflicts does not mean that they are the same. When possible, you should rather use precedence directives to fix the conflicts explicitly (see Using Precedence For Non

The definition of if_stmt above is solely to blame for the conflict, but the conflict does not actually appear without additional rules. Here is a complete Bison grammar file that actually manifests the conflict:

| if_stmt

  "if" expr "then" stmt
| "if" expr "then" stmt "else" stmt

5.3 Operator Precedence

Another situation where shift/reduce conflicts appear is in arithmetic expressions. Here shifting is not always the preferred resolution; the Bison declarations for operator precedence allow you to specify when to shift and when to reduce.

5.3.1 When Precedence is Needed

Consider the following ambiguous grammar fragment (ambiguous because the input ‘ 2 * 3
can be parsed in two different ways):

  expr '-' expr
| expr '*' expr
| expr '<' expr
| '(' expr ')'

Suppose the parser has seen the tokens ‘1’, ‘’ and ‘2’; should it reduce them via the rule for the subtraction operator? It depends on the next token. Of course, if the
next token is ‘)’, we must reduce; shifting is invalid because no single rule can reduce the token sequence ‘ 2 )
or anything starting with that. But if the next token is ‘*’ or ‘<’, we have a choice: either shifting or reduction would allow the parse to complete, but with different results.

To decide which one Bison should do, we must consider the results. If the next operator token op is shifted, then it must be reduced first in order to permit another opportunity to reduce the difference. The result is (in effect) ‘ (2 op 3)
. On the other hand, if the subtraction is reduced before shifting op, the result is ‘(1  2) op 3
. Clearly, then, the choice of shift or reduce should depend on the relative precedence of the operators ‘
’ and op: ‘*’ should be shifted first, but not ‘

What about input such as ‘ 2  5
; should this be ‘
(1  2)  5
or should it be ‘ (2  5)
? For most operators we prefer the former, which is called left association. The latter alternative, right association, is desirable for assignment operators. The choice of left or right association is a matter of whether
the parser chooses to shift or reduce when the stack contains ‘ 2
and the lookahead token is ‘’: shifting makes right-associativity.

5.3.2 Specifying Operator Precedence

Bison allows you to specify these choices with the operator precedence declarations %left and %right. Each such declaration contains a list of tokens, which are operators whose precedence and associativity is being declared.
The %left declaration makes all those operators left-associative and the %right declaration makes them right-associative. A third alternative is %nonassoc, which declares that it is a syntax error to
find the same operator twice “in a row”. The last alternative, %precedence, allows to define only precedence and no associativity at all. As a result, any associativity-related conflict that remains will be reported
as an compile-time error. The directive %nonassoc creates run-time error: using the operator in a associative way is a syntax error. The directive %precedence creates compile-time errors: an operator
can be involved in an associativity-related conflict, contrary to what expected the grammar author.

The relative precedence of different operators is controlled by the order in which they are declared. The first precedence/associativity declaration in the file declares the operators whose precedence is lowest, the next such declaration declares
the operators whose precedence is a little higher, and so on.

5.3.3 Specifying Precedence Only

Since POSIX Yacc defines only %left, %right, and
%nonassoc, which all defines precedence and associativity, little attention is paid to the fact that precedence cannot be defined without defining associativity. Yet, sometimes, when trying to solve a conflict, precedence suffices.
In such a case, using %left,
%right, or %nonassoc might hide future (associativity related) conflicts that would remain hidden.

The dangling else ambiguity (see Shift/Reduce
Conflicts) can be solved explicitly. This shift/reduce conflicts occurs in the following situation, where the period denotes the current parsing state:

if e1 then if  e2 then s1 . else s2

The conflict involves the reduction of the rule ‘IF expr THEN
’, which precedence is by default that of its last token (
THEN), and the shifting of the token ELSE. The usual disambiguation (attach the else to the closest if), shifting must be preferred, i.e., the precedence of ELSE must be higher
than that of THEN. But neither is expected to be involved in an associativity related conflict, which can be specified as follows.

%precedence THEN
%precedence ELSE

The unary-minus is another typical example where associativity is usually over-specified, see Infix Notation
Calculator — calc. The %left directive is traditionally used to declare the precedence of NEG, which is more than needed since it also defines its associativity. While this is harmless in the traditional example,
who knows how NEG might be used in future evolutions of the grammar…

5.3.4 Precedence Examples

In our example, we would want the following declarations:

%left '<'
%left '-'
%left '*'

In a more complete example, which supports other operators as well, we would declare them in groups of equal precedence. For example, '+' is declared with '-':

%left '<' '>' '=' "!=" "<=" ">="
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/'

5.3.5 How Precedence Works

The first effect of the precedence declarations is to assign precedence levels to the terminal symbols declared. The second effect is to assign precedence levels to certain rules: each rule gets its precedence from the last terminal symbol mentioned
in the components. (You can also specify explicitly the precedence of a rule. See Context-Dependent Precedence.)

Finally, the resolution of conflicts works by comparing the precedence of the rule being considered with that of the lookahead token. If the token’s precedence is higher, the choice is to shift. If the rule’s precedence is higher,
the choice is to reduce. If they have equal precedence, the choice is made based on the associativity of that precedence level. The verbose output file made by ‘-v’ (see Invoking Bison) says
how each conflict was resolved.

Not all rules and not all tokens have precedence. If either the rule or the lookahead token has no precedence, then the default is to shift.

5.3.6 Using Precedence For Non Operators

Using properly precedence and associativity directives can help fixing shift/reduce conflicts that do not involve arithmetics-like operators. For instance, the “dangling else” problem (see Shift/Reduce Conflicts)
can be solved elegantly in two different ways.

In the present case, the conflict is between the token "else" willing to be shifted, and the rule ‘if_stmt: «if» expr «then» stmt’, asking for reduction. By default, the precedence
of a rule is that of its last token, here "then", so the conflict will be solved appropriately by giving "else" a precedence higher than that of "then", for instance as follows:

%precedence "then"
%precedence "else"

Alternatively, you may give both tokens the same precedence, in which case associativity is used to solve the conflict. To preserve the shift action, use right associativity:

Neither solution is perfect however. Since Bison does not provide, so far, “scoped” precedence, both force you to declare the precedence of these keywords with respect to the other operators your grammar. Therefore, instead of being
warned about new conflicts you would be unaware of (e.g., a shift/reduce conflict due to ‘if test then 1 else 2 + 3’ being ambiguous: ‘if test then 1 else (2 + 3)’ or ‘(if test then 1
else 2) + 3
’?), the conflict will be already “fixed”.

5.4 Context-Dependent Precedence

Often the precedence of an operator depends on the context. This sounds outlandish at first, but it is really very common. For example, a minus sign typically has a very high precedence as a unary operator, and a somewhat lower precedence (lower
than multiplication) as a binary operator.

The Bison precedence declarations can only be used once for a given token; so a token has only one precedence declared in this way. For context-dependent precedence, you need to use an additional mechanism: the %prec modifier for

The %prec modifier declares the precedence of a particular rule by specifying a terminal symbol whose precedence should be used for that rule. It’s not necessary for that symbol to appear otherwise in the rule. The modifier’s
syntax is:

and it is written after the components of the rule. Its effect is to assign the rule the precedence of terminal-symbol, overriding the precedence that would be deduced for it in the ordinary way. The altered rule precedence then affects
how conflicts involving that rule are resolved (see Operator Precedence).

Here is how %prec solves the problem of unary minus. First, declare a precedence for a fictitious terminal symbol named UMINUS. There are no tokens of this type, but the symbol serves to stand for its precedence:

%left '+' '-'
%left '*'
%left UMINUS

Now the precedence of UMINUS can be used in specific rules:

| exp '-' exp
| '-' exp %prec UMINUS

5.5 Parser States

The function yyparse is implemented using a finite-state machine. The values pushed on the parser stack are not simply token type codes; they represent the entire sequence of terminal and nonterminal symbols at or near the top of
the stack. The current state collects all the information about previous input which is relevant to deciding what to do next.

Each time a lookahead token is read, the current parser state together with the type of lookahead token are looked up in a table. This table entry can say, “Shift the lookahead token.” In this case, it also specifies the new parser
state, which is pushed onto the top of the parser stack. Or it can say, “Reduce using rule number n.” This means that a certain number of tokens or groupings are taken off the top of the stack, and replaced by one grouping.
In other words, that number of states are popped from the stack, and one new state is pushed.

There is one other alternative: the table can say that the lookahead token is erroneous in the current state. This causes error processing to begin (see Error Recovery).

5.6 Reduce/Reduce Conflicts

A reduce/reduce conflict occurs if there are two or more rules that apply to the same sequence of input. This usually indicates a serious error in the grammar.

For example, here is an erroneous attempt to define a sequence of zero or more word groupings.

  %empty         { printf ("empty sequencen"); }
| maybeword
| sequence word  { printf ("added word %sn", $2); }

  %empty    { printf ("empty maybewordn"); }
| word      { printf ("single word %sn", $1); }

The error is an ambiguity: there is more than one way to parse a single
word into a sequence. It could be reduced to a
maybeword and then into a sequence via the second rule. Alternatively, nothing-at-all could be reduced into a sequence via the first rule, and this could be combined with the word using the
third rule for sequence.

There is also more than one way to reduce nothing-at-all into a
sequence. This can be done directly via the first rule, or indirectly via maybeword and then the second rule.

You might think that this is a distinction without a difference, because it does not change whether any particular input is valid or not. But it does affect which actions are run. One parsing order runs the second rule’s action; the other
runs the first rule’s action and the third rule’s action. In this example, the output of the program changes.

Bison resolves a reduce/reduce conflict by choosing to use the rule that appears first in the grammar, but it is very risky to rely on this. Every reduce/reduce conflict must be studied and usually eliminated. Here is the proper way to define

  %empty         { printf ("empty sequencen"); }
| sequence word  { printf ("added word %sn", $2); }

Here is another common error that yields a reduce/reduce conflict:

| sequence words
| sequence redirects

| words word

| redirects redirect

The intention here is to define a sequence which can contain either
word or redirect groupings. The individual definitions of
sequence, words and redirects are error-free, but the three together make a subtle ambiguity: even an empty input can be parsed in infinitely many ways!

Consider: nothing-at-all could be a words. Or it could be two
words in a row, or three, or any number. It could equally well be a
redirects, or two, or any number. Or it could be a words followed by three redirects and another words. And so on.

Here are two ways to correct these rules. First, to make it a single level of sequence:

| sequence word
| sequence redirect

Second, to prevent either a words or a redirects from being empty:

| sequence words
| sequence redirects

| words word

| redirects redirect

Yet this proposal introduces another kind of ambiguity! The input ‘
word word’ can be parsed as a single words composed of two ‘
word’s, or as two one-word words (and likewise for
redirect/redirects). However this ambiguity is now a shift/reduce conflict, and therefore it can now be addressed with precedence directives.

To simplify the matter, we will proceed with word and redirect being tokens: "word" and "redirect".

To prefer the longest words, the conflict between the token
"word" and the rule ‘sequence: sequence words’ must be resolved as a shift. To this end, we use the same techniques as exposed above, see
Using Precedence For Non Operators. One solution relies on precedences: use %prec to give a lower precedence to the rule:

%precedence "word"
%precedence "sequence"
| sequence word      %prec "sequence"
| sequence redirect  %prec "sequence"

| words "word"

Another solution relies on associativity: provide both the token and the rule with the same precedence, but make them right-associative:

%right "word" "redirect"
| sequence word      %prec "word"
| sequence redirect  %prec "redirect"

5.7 Mysterious Conflicts

Sometimes reduce/reduce conflicts can occur that don’t look warranted. Here is an example:

def: param_spec return_spec ',';
| name_list ':' type

| name ':' type
type: "id";

name: "id";
| name ',' name_list

It would seem that this grammar can be parsed with only a single token of lookahead: when a param_spec is being read, an "id" is a
name if a comma or colon follows, or a type if another
"id" follows. In other words, this grammar is LR(1).

However, for historical reasons, Bison cannot by default handle all LR(1) grammars. In this grammar, two contexts, that after an "id" at the beginning of a param_spec and likewise at the beginning of a
return_spec, are similar enough that Bison assumes they are the same. They appear similar because the same set of rules would be active—the rule for reducing to a name and that for reducing to a type.
Bison is unable to determine at that stage of processing that the rules would require different lookahead tokens in the two contexts, so it makes a single parser state for them both. Combining the two contexts causes a conflict later. In parser
terminology, this occurrence means that the grammar is not LALR(1).

For many practical grammars (specifically those that fall into the non-LR(1) class), the limitations of LALR(1) result in difficulties beyond just mysterious reduce/reduce conflicts. The best way to fix all these problems is to select a different
parser table construction algorithm. Either IELR(1) or canonical LR(1) would suffice, but the former is more efficient and easier to debug during development. See LR Table Construction, for details. (Bison’s
IELR(1) and canonical LR(1) implementations are experimental. More user feedback will help to stabilize them.)

If you instead wish to work around LALR(1)’s limitations, you can often fix a mysterious conflict by identifying the two parser states that are being confused, and adding something to make them look distinct. In the above example, adding
one rule to
return_spec as follows makes the problem go away:

| name ':' type
| "id" "bogus"       /* This rule is never used.  */

This corrects the problem because it introduces the possibility of an additional active rule in the context after the "id" at the beginning of
return_spec. This rule is not active in the corresponding context in a param_spec, so the two contexts receive distinct parser states. As long as the token "bogus" is never generated by yylex,
the added rule cannot alter the way actual input is parsed.

In this particular example, there is another way to solve the problem: rewrite the rule for return_spec to use "id" directly instead of via name. This also causes the two confusing contexts to have
different sets of active rules, because the one for
return_spec activates the altered rule for return_spec rather than the one for name.

| name_list ':' type

| "id" ':' type

For a more detailed exposition of LALR(1) parsers and parser generators, see DeRemer 1982.

5.8 Tuning LR

The default behavior of Bison’s LR-based parsers is chosen mostly for historical reasons, but that behavior is often not robust. For example, in the previous section, we discussed the mysterious conflicts that can be produced by LALR(1),
Bison’s default parser table construction algorithm. Another example is Bison’s %define parse.error verbose directive, which instructs the generated parser to produce verbose syntax error messages, which can sometimes
contain incorrect information.

In this section, we explore several modern features of Bison that allow you to tune fundamental aspects of the generated LR-based parsers. Some of these features easily eliminate shortcomings like those mentioned above. Others can be helpful purely
for understanding your parser.

Most of the features discussed in this section are still experimental. More user feedback will help to stabilize them.

5.8.1 LR Table Construction

For historical reasons, Bison constructs LALR(1) parser tables by default. However, LALR does not possess the full language-recognition power of LR. As a result, the behavior of parsers employing LALR parser tables is often mysterious. We presented
a simple example of this effect in Mysterious Conflicts.

As we also demonstrated in that example, the traditional approach to eliminating such mysterious behavior is to restructure the grammar. Unfortunately, doing so correctly is often difficult. Moreover, merely discovering that LALR causes mysterious
behavior in your parser can be difficult as well.

Fortunately, Bison provides an easy way to eliminate the possibility of such mysterious behavior altogether. You simply need to activate a more powerful parser table construction algorithm by using the %define lr.type directive.

Directive: %define lr.type type

Specify the type of parser tables within the LR(1) family. The accepted values for type are:

  • lalr (default)
  • ielr
  • canonical-lr

(This feature is experimental. More user feedback will help to stabilize it.)

For example, to activate IELR, you might add the following directive to you grammar file:

For the example in Mysterious Conflicts, the mysterious conflict is then eliminated, so there is no need to invest time in comprehending the conflict or restructuring the grammar to fix it. If, during future
development, the grammar evolves such that all mysterious behavior would have disappeared using just LALR, you need not fear that continuing to use IELR will result in unnecessarily large parser tables. That is, IELR generates LALR tables
when LALR (using a deterministic parsing algorithm) is sufficient to support the full language-recognition power of LR. Thus, by enabling IELR at the start of grammar development, you can safely and completely eliminate the need to consider
LALR’s shortcomings.

While IELR is almost always preferable, there are circumstances where LALR or the canonical LR parser tables described by Knuth (see Knuth 1965) can be useful. Here we summarize the relative advantages of each parser
table construction algorithm within Bison:

  • LALR

    There are at least two scenarios where LALR can be worthwhile:

    • GLR without static conflict resolution.

      When employing GLR parsers (see GLR Parsers), if you do not resolve any conflicts statically (for example, with %left or %precedence), then the parser explores all potential
      parses of any given input. In this case, the choice of parser table construction algorithm is guaranteed not to alter the language accepted by the parser. LALR parser tables are the smallest parser tables Bison can currently
      construct, so they may then be preferable. Nevertheless, once you begin to resolve conflicts statically, GLR behaves more like a deterministic parser in the syntactic contexts where those conflicts appear, and so either IELR
      or canonical LR can then be helpful to avoid LALR’s mysterious behavior.

    • Malformed grammars.

      Occasionally during development, an especially malformed grammar with a major recurring flaw may severely impede the IELR or canonical LR parser table construction algorithm. LALR can be a quick way to construct parser tables in
      order to investigate such problems while ignoring the more subtle differences from IELR and canonical LR.

  • IELR

    IELR (Inadequacy Elimination LR) is a minimal LR algorithm. That is, given any grammar (LR or non-LR), parsers using IELR or canonical LR parser tables always accept exactly the same set of sentences. However, like LALR, IELR merges parser
    states during parser table construction so that the number of parser states is often an order of magnitude less than for canonical LR. More importantly, because canonical LR’s extra parser states may contain duplicate conflicts
    in the case of non-LR grammars, the number of conflicts for IELR is often an order of magnitude less as well. This effect can significantly reduce the complexity of developing a grammar.

  • Canonical LR

    While inefficient, canonical LR parser tables can be an interesting means to explore a grammar because they possess a property that IELR and LALR tables do not. That is, if %nonassoc is not used and default reductions are
    left disabled (see Default Reductions), then, for every left context of every canonical LR state, the set of tokens accepted by that state is guaranteed to be the exact set of tokens that is syntactically
    acceptable in that left context. It might then seem that an advantage of canonical LR parsers in production is that, under the above constraints, they are guaranteed to detect a syntax error as soon as possible without performing any
    unnecessary reductions. However, IELR parsers that use LAC are also able to achieve this behavior without sacrificing %nonassoc or default reductions. For details and a few caveats of LAC, see LAC.

For a more detailed exposition of the mysterious behavior in LALR parsers and the benefits of IELR, see Denny 2008 March, and
Denny 2010 November.

5.8.2 Default Reductions

After parser table construction, Bison identifies the reduction with the largest lookahead set in each parser state. To reduce the size of the parser state, traditional Bison behavior is to remove that lookahead set and to assign that reduction
to be the default parser action. Such a reduction is known as a default reduction.

Default reductions affect more than the size of the parser tables. They also affect the behavior of the parser:

  • Delayed yylex invocations.

    A consistent state is a state that has only one possible parser action. If that action is a reduction and is encoded as a default reduction, then that consistent state is called a defaulted state. Upon reaching a defaulted
    state, a Bison-generated parser does not bother to invoke yylex to fetch the next token before performing the reduction. In other words, whether default reductions are enabled in consistent states determines how soon a
    Bison-generated parser invokes yylex for a token: immediately when it reaches that token in the input or when it eventually needs that token as a lookahead to determine the next parser action. Traditionally,
    default reductions are enabled, and so the parser exhibits the latter behavior.

    The presence of defaulted states is an important consideration when designing yylex and the grammar file. That is, if the behavior of
    yylex can influence or be influenced by the semantic actions associated with the reductions in defaulted states, then the delay of the next yylex invocation until after those reductions is significant. For
    example, the semantic actions might pop a scope stack that yylex uses to determine what token to return. Thus, the delay might be necessary to ensure that yylex does not look up the next token in a scope that
    should already be considered closed.

  • Delayed syntax error detection.

    When the parser fetches a new token by invoking yylex, it checks whether there is an action for that token in the current parser state. The parser detects a syntax error if and only if either (1) there is no action for that
    token or (2) the action for that token is the error action (due to the use of %nonassoc). However, if there is a default reduction in that state (which might or might not be a defaulted state), then it is impossible for
    condition 1 to exist. That is, all tokens have an action. Thus, the parser sometimes fails to detect the syntax error until it reaches a later state.

    While default reductions never cause the parser to accept syntactically incorrect sentences, the delay of syntax error detection can have unexpected effects on the behavior of the parser. However, the delay can be caused anyway by parser
    state merging and the use of %nonassoc, and it can be fixed by another Bison feature, LAC. We discuss the effects of delayed syntax error detection and LAC more in the next section (see LAC).

For canonical LR, the only default reduction that Bison enables by default is the accept action, which appears only in the accepting state, which has no other action and is thus a defaulted state. However, the default accept action does not delay
any yylex invocation or syntax error detection because the accept action ends the parse.

For LALR and IELR, Bison enables default reductions in nearly all states by default. There are only two exceptions. First, states that have a shift action on the error token do not have default reductions because delayed syntax error
detection could then prevent the error token from ever being shifted in that state. However, parser state merging can cause the same effect anyway, and LAC fixes it in both cases, so future versions of Bison might drop this exception
when LAC is activated. Second, GLR parsers do not record the default reduction as the action on a lookahead token for which there is a conflict. The correct action in this case is to split the parse instead.

To adjust which states have default reductions enabled, use the
%define lr.default-reduction directive.

Directive: %define lr.default-reduction where

Specify the kind of states that are permitted to contain default reductions. The accepted values of where are:

  • most (default for LALR and IELR)
  • consistent
  • accepting (default for canonical LR)

(The ability to specify where default reductions are permitted is experimental. More user feedback will help to stabilize it.)

5.8.3 LAC

Canonical LR, IELR, and LALR can suffer from a couple of problems upon encountering a syntax error. First, the parser might perform additional parser stack reductions before discovering the syntax error. Such reductions can perform user semantic
actions that are unexpected because they are based on an invalid token, and they cause error recovery to begin in a different syntactic context than the one in which the invalid token was encountered. Second, when verbose error messages are
enabled (see
Error Reporting), the expected token list in the syntax error message can both contain invalid tokens and omit valid tokens.

The culprits for the above problems are %nonassoc, default reductions in inconsistent states (see Default Reductions), and parser state merging. Because IELR and LALR merge parser states, they suffer
the most. Canonical LR can suffer only if %nonassoc is used or if default reductions are enabled for inconsistent states.

LAC (Lookahead Correction) is a new mechanism within the parsing algorithm that solves these problems for canonical LR, IELR, and LALR without sacrificing %nonassoc, default reductions, or state merging. You can enable LAC with the
%define parse.lac directive.

Directive: %define parse.lac value

Enable LAC to improve syntax error handling.

  • none (default)
  • full

(This feature is experimental. More user feedback will help to stabilize it. Moreover, it is currently only available for deterministic parsers in C.)

Conceptually, the LAC mechanism is straight-forward. Whenever the parser fetches a new token from the scanner so that it can determine the next parser action, it immediately suspends normal parsing and performs an exploratory parse using a temporary
copy of the normal parser state stack. During this exploratory parse, the parser does not perform user semantic actions. If the exploratory parse reaches a shift action, normal parsing then resumes on the normal parser stacks. If the exploratory
parse reaches an error instead, the parser reports a syntax error. If verbose syntax error messages are enabled, the parser must then discover the list of expected tokens, so it performs a separate exploratory parse for each token in the grammar.

There is one subtlety about the use of LAC. That is, when in a consistent parser state with a default reduction, the parser will not attempt to fetch a token from the scanner because no lookahead is needed to determine the next parser action.
Thus, whether default reductions are enabled in consistent states (see Default Reductions) affects how soon the parser detects a syntax error: immediately when it reaches an erroneous token or when
it eventually
needs that token as a lookahead to determine the next parser action. The latter behavior is probably more intuitive, so Bison currently provides no way to achieve the former behavior while default reductions are enabled in consistent

Thus, when LAC is in use, for some fixed decision of whether to enable default reductions in consistent states, canonical LR and IELR behave almost exactly the same for both syntactically acceptable and syntactically unacceptable input. While
LALR still does not support the full language-recognition power of canonical LR and IELR, LAC at least enables LALR’s syntax error handling to correctly reflect LALR’s language-recognition power.

There are a few caveats to consider when using LAC:

  • Infinite parsing loops.

    IELR plus LAC does have one shortcoming relative to canonical LR. Some parsers generated by Bison can loop infinitely. LAC does not fix infinite parsing loops that occur between encountering a syntax error and detecting it, but enabling
    canonical LR or disabling default reductions sometimes does.

  • Verbose error message limitations.

    Because of internationalization considerations, Bison-generated parsers limit the size of the expected token list they are willing to report in a verbose syntax error message. If the number of expected tokens exceeds that limit, the list
    is simply dropped from the message. Enabling LAC can increase the size of the list and thus cause the parser to drop it. Of course, dropping the list is better than reporting an incorrect list.

  • Performance.

    Because LAC requires many parse actions to be performed twice, it can have a performance penalty. However, not all parse actions must be performed twice. Specifically, during a series of default reductions in consistent states and shift
    actions, the parser never has to initiate an exploratory parse. Moreover, the most time-consuming tasks in a parse are often the file I/O, the lexical analysis performed by the scanner, and the user’s semantic actions, but none
    of these are performed during the exploratory parse. Finally, the base of the temporary stack used during an exploratory parse is a pointer into the normal parser state stack so that the stack is never physically copied. In our experience,
    the performance penalty of LAC has proved insignificant for practical grammars.

While the LAC algorithm shares techniques that have been recognized in the parser community for years, for the publication that introduces LAC, see Denny 2010 May.

5.8.4 Unreachable States

If there exists no sequence of transitions from the parser’s start state to some state s, then Bison considers s to be an unreachable
. A state can become unreachable during conflict resolution if Bison disables a shift action leading to it from a predecessor state.

By default, Bison removes unreachable states from the parser after conflict resolution because they are useless in the generated parser. However, keeping unreachable states is sometimes useful when trying to understand the relationship between
the parser and the grammar.

Directive: %define lr.keep-unreachable-state value

Request that Bison allow unreachable states to remain in the parser tables.
value must be a Boolean. The default is false.

There are a few caveats to consider:

  • Missing or extraneous warnings.

    Unreachable states may contain conflicts and may use rules not used in any other state. Thus, keeping unreachable states may induce warnings that are irrelevant to your parser’s behavior, and it may eliminate warnings that are relevant.
    Of course, the change in warnings may actually be relevant to a parser table analysis that wants to keep unreachable states, so this behavior will likely remain in future Bison releases.

  • Other useless states.

    While Bison is able to remove unreachable states, it is not guaranteed to remove other kinds of useless states. Specifically, when Bison disables reduce actions during conflict resolution, some goto actions may become useless, and thus
    some additional states may become useless. If Bison were to compute which goto actions were useless and then disable those actions, it could identify such states as unreachable and then remove those states. However, Bison does not
    compute which goto actions are useless.

5.9 Generalized LR (GLR) Parsing

Bison produces deterministic parsers that choose uniquely when to reduce and which reduction to apply based on a summary of the preceding input and on one extra token of lookahead. As a result, normal Bison handles a proper subset of
the family of context-free languages. Ambiguous grammars, since they have strings with more than one possible sequence of reductions cannot have deterministic parsers in this sense. The same is true of languages that require more than one
symbol of lookahead, since the parser lacks the information necessary to make a decision at the point it must be made in a shift-reduce parser. Finally, as previously mentioned (see Mysterious Conflicts),
there are languages where Bison’s default choice of how to summarize the input seen so far loses necessary information.

When you use the ‘%glr-parser’ declaration in your grammar file, Bison generates a parser that uses a different algorithm, called Generalized LR (or GLR). A Bison GLR parser uses the same basic algorithm for parsing as
an ordinary Bison parser, but behaves differently in cases where there is a shift-reduce conflict that has not been resolved by precedence rules (see Precedence) or a reduce-reduce conflict. When a GLR parser encounters
such a situation, it effectively splits into a several parsers, one for each possible shift or reduction. These parsers then proceed as usual, consuming tokens in lock-step. Some of the stacks may encounter other conflicts and split
further, with the result that instead of a sequence of states, a Bison GLR parsing stack is what is in effect a tree of states.

In effect, each stack represents a guess as to what the proper parse is. Additional input may indicate that a guess was wrong, in which case the appropriate stack silently disappears. Otherwise, the semantics actions generated in each stack are
saved, rather than being executed immediately. When a stack disappears, its saved semantic actions never get executed. When a reduction causes two stacks to become equivalent, their sets of semantic actions are both saved with the state that
results from the reduction. We say that two stacks are equivalent when they both represent the same sequence of states, and each pair of corresponding states represents a grammar symbol that produces the same segment of the input token stream.

Whenever the parser makes a transition from having multiple states to having one, it reverts to the normal deterministic parsing algorithm, after resolving and executing the saved-up actions. At this transition, some of the states on the stack
will have semantic values that are sets (actually multisets) of possible actions. The parser tries to pick one of the actions by first finding one whose rule has the highest dynamic precedence, as set by the ‘%dprec
declaration. Otherwise, if the alternative actions are not ordered by precedence, but there the same merging function is declared for both rules by the ‘%merge’ declaration, Bison resolves and evaluates both and then
calls the merge function on the result. Otherwise, it reports an ambiguity.

It is possible to use a data structure for the GLR parsing tree that permits the processing of any LR(1) grammar in linear time (in the size of the input), any unambiguous (not necessarily LR(1)) grammar in quadratic worst-case time, and any general
(possibly ambiguous) context-free grammar in cubic worst-case time. However, Bison currently uses a simpler data structure that requires time proportional to the length of the input times the maximum number of stacks required for any prefix
of the input. Thus, really ambiguous or nondeterministic grammars can require exponential time and space to process. Such badly behaving examples, however, are not generally of practical interest. Usually, nondeterminism in a grammar is local—the
parser is “in doubt” only for a few tokens at a time. Therefore, the current data structure should generally be adequate. On LR(1) portions of a grammar, in particular, it is only slightly slower than with the deterministic LR(1)
Bison parser.

For a more detailed exposition of GLR parsers, see Scott

5.10 Memory Management, and How to Avoid Memory Exhaustion

The Bison parser stack can run out of memory if too many tokens are shifted and not reduced. When this happens, the parser function yyparse calls yyerror and then returns 2.

Because Bison parsers have growing stacks, hitting the upper limit usually results from using a right recursion instead of a left recursion, see Recursive Rules.

By defining the macro YYMAXDEPTH, you can control how deep the parser stack can become before memory is exhausted. Define the macro with a value that is an integer. This value is the maximum number of tokens that can be shifted (and
not reduced) before overflow.

The stack space allowed is not necessarily allocated. If you specify a large value for YYMAXDEPTH, the parser normally allocates a small stack at first, and then makes it bigger by stages as needed. This increasing allocation happens
automatically and silently. Therefore, you do not need to make YYMAXDEPTH painfully small merely to save space for ordinary inputs that do not need much stack.

However, do not allow YYMAXDEPTH to be a value so large that arithmetic overflow could occur when calculating the size of the stack space. Also, do not allow YYMAXDEPTH to be less than

The default value of YYMAXDEPTH, if you do not define it, is 10000.

You can control how much stack is allocated initially by defining the macro YYINITDEPTH to a positive integer. For the deterministic parser in C, this value must be a compile-time constant unless you are assuming C99 or some other
target language or compiler that allows variable-length arrays. The default is 200.

Do not allow YYINITDEPTH to be greater than YYMAXDEPTH.

You can generate a deterministic parser containing C++ user code from the default (C) skeleton, as well as from the C++ skeleton (see C++ Parsers). However, if you do use the default skeleton and want to allow
the parsing stack to grow, be careful not to use semantic types or location types that require non-trivial copy constructors. The C skeleton bypasses these constructors when copying data to new, larger stacks.

6 Error Recovery

It is not usually acceptable to have a program terminate on a syntax error. For example, a compiler should recover sufficiently to parse the rest of the input file and check it for errors; a calculator should accept another expression.

In a simple interactive command parser where each input is one line, it may be sufficient to allow yyparse to return 1 on error and have the caller ignore the rest of the input line when that happens (and then call
yyparse again). But this is inadequate for a compiler, because it forgets all the syntactic context leading up to the error. A syntax error deep within a function in the compiler input should not cause the compiler to treat the
following line like the beginning of a source file.

You can define how to recover from a syntax error by writing rules to recognize the special token error. This is a terminal symbol that is always defined (you need not declare it) and reserved for error handling. The Bison parser
generates an error token whenever a syntax error happens; if you have provided a rule to recognize this token in the current context, the parse can continue.

For example:

| stmts 'n'
| stmts exp 'n'
| stmts error 'n'

The fourth rule in this example says that an error followed by a newline makes a valid addition to any stmts.

What happens if a syntax error occurs in the middle of an exp? The error recovery rule, interpreted strictly, applies to the precise sequence of a stmts, an error and a newline. If an error occurs in the
middle of an exp, there will probably be some additional tokens and subexpressions on the stack after the last stmts, and there will be tokens to read before the next newline. So the rule is not applicable in the
ordinary way.

But Bison can force the situation to fit the rule, by discarding part of the semantic context and part of the input. First it discards states and objects from the stack until it gets back to a state in which the
error token is acceptable. (This means that the subexpressions already parsed are discarded, back to the last complete stmts.) At this point the error token can be shifted. Then, if the old lookahead
token is not acceptable to be shifted next, the parser reads tokens and discards them until it finds a token which is acceptable. In this example, Bison reads and discards input until the next newline so that the fourth rule can apply. Note
that discarded symbols are possible sources of memory leaks, see Freeing
Discarded Symbols, for a means to reclaim this memory.

The choice of error rules in the grammar is a choice of strategies for error recovery. A simple and useful strategy is simply to skip the rest of the current input line or current statement if an error is detected:

stmt: error ';'  /* On error, skip until ';' is read.  */

It is also useful to recover to the matching close-delimiter of an opening-delimiter that has already been parsed. Otherwise the close-delimiter will probably appear to be unmatched, and generate another, spurious error message:

  '(' expr ')'
| '(' error ')'

Error recovery strategies are necessarily guesses. When they guess wrong, one syntax error often leads to another. In the above example, the error recovery rule guesses that an error is due to bad input within one
stmt. Suppose that instead a spurious semicolon is inserted in the middle of a valid stmt. After the error recovery rule recovers from the first error, another syntax error will be found straightaway, since the text
following the spurious semicolon is also an invalid

To prevent an outpouring of error messages, the parser will output no error message for another syntax error that happens shortly after the first; only after three consecutive input tokens have been successfully shifted will error messages resume.

Note that rules which accept the error token may have actions, just as any other rules can.

You can make error messages resume immediately by using the macro
yyerrok in an action. If you do this in the error rule’s action, no error messages will be suppressed. This macro requires no arguments; ‘
yyerrok;’ is a valid C statement.

The previous lookahead token is reanalyzed immediately after an error. If this is unacceptable, then the macro yyclearin may be used to clear this token. Write the statement ‘yyclearin;’ in the error rule’s
action. See Special Features for Use in Actions.

For example, suppose that on a syntax error, an error handling routine is called that advances the input stream to some point where parsing should once again commence. The next symbol returned by the lexical scanner is probably correct. The previous
lookahead token ought to be discarded with ‘yyclearin;’.

The expression YYRECOVERING () yields 1 when the parser is recovering from a syntax error, and 0 otherwise. Syntax error diagnostics are suppressed while recovering from a syntax error.

7 Handling Context Dependencies

The Bison paradigm is to parse tokens first, then group them into larger syntactic units. In many languages, the meaning of a token is affected by its context. Although this violates the Bison paradigm, certain techniques (known as kludges)
may enable you to write Bison parsers for such languages.

(Actually, “kludge” means any technique that gets its job done but is neither clean nor robust.)

7.1 Semantic Info in Token Types

The C language has a context dependency: the way an identifier is used depends on what its current meaning is. For example, consider this:

This looks like a function call statement, but if foo is a typedef name, then this is actually a declaration of x. How can a Bison parser for C decide how to parse this input?

The method used in GNU C is to have two different token types,
IDENTIFIER and TYPENAME. When yylex finds an identifier, it looks up the current declaration of the identifier in order to decide which token type to return: TYPENAME if the identifier is
declared as a typedef, IDENTIFIER otherwise.

The grammar rules can then express the context dependency by the choice of token type to recognize. IDENTIFIER is accepted as an expression, but TYPENAME is not. TYPENAME can start a declaration, but
IDENTIFIER cannot. In contexts where the meaning of the identifier is not significant, such as in declarations that can shadow a typedef name, either TYPENAME or IDENTIFIER is accepted—there
is one rule for each of the two token types.

This technique is simple to use if the decision of which kinds of identifiers to allow is made at a place close to where the identifier is parsed. But in C this is not always so: C allows a declaration to redeclare a typedef name provided an explicit
type has been specified earlier:

typedef int foo, bar;
int baz (void)
  static bar (bar);      /* redeclare bar as static variable */
  extern foo foo (foo);  /* redeclare foo as function */
  return foo (bar);

Unfortunately, the name being declared is separated from the declaration construct itself by a complicated syntactic structure—the “declarator”.

As a result, part of the Bison parser for C needs to be duplicated, with all the nonterminal names changed: once for parsing a declaration in which a typedef name can be redefined, and once for parsing a declaration in which that can’t be
done. Here is a part of the duplication, with actions omitted for brevity:

  declarator maybeasm '=' init
| declarator maybeasm

  notype_declarator maybeasm '=' init
| notype_declarator maybeasm

Here initdcl can redeclare a typedef name, but notype_initdcl cannot. The distinction between declarator and
notype_declarator is the same sort of thing.

There is some similarity between this technique and a lexical tie-in (described next), in that information which alters the lexical analysis is changed during parsing by other parts of the program. The difference is here the information is global,
and is used for other purposes in the program. A true lexical tie-in has a special-purpose flag controlled by the syntactic context.

7.2 Lexical Tie-ins

One way to handle context-dependency is the lexical tie-in: a flag which is set by Bison actions, whose purpose is to alter the way tokens are parsed.

For example, suppose we have a language vaguely like C, but with a special construct ‘hex (hex-expr)’. After the keyword hex comes an expression in parentheses in which all integers are hexadecimal.
In particular, the token ‘a1b’ must be treated as an integer rather than as an identifier if it appears in that context. Here is how you can do it:

  int hexflag;
  int yylex (void);
  void yyerror (char const *);
| constant
| HEX '('        { hexflag = 1; }
    expr ')'     { hexflag = 0; $$ = $4; }
| expr '+' expr  { $$ = make_sum ($1, $3); }


Here we assume that yylex looks at the value of hexflag; when it is nonzero, all integers are parsed in hexadecimal, and tokens starting with letters are parsed as integers if possible.

The declaration of hexflag shown in the prologue of the grammar file is needed to make it accessible to the actions (see The Prologue). You must also write the code in yylex to obey the flag.

7.3 Lexical Tie-ins and Error Recovery

Lexical tie-ins make strict demands on any error recovery rules you have. See Error Recovery.

The reason for this is that the purpose of an error recovery rule is to abort the parsing of one construct and resume in some larger construct. For example, in C-like languages, a typical error recovery rule is to skip tokens until the next semicolon,
and then start a new statement, like this:

  expr ';'
| IF '(' expr ')' stmt { … }
| error ';'  { hexflag = 0; }

If there is a syntax error in the middle of a ‘hex (expr)’ construct, this error rule will apply, and then the action for the completed ‘hex (expr)’ will never run. So hexflag would remain set for the entire rest of the input, or until the next hex keyword, causing identifiers to be misinterpreted as integers.

To avoid this problem the error recovery rule itself clears hexflag.

There may also be an error recovery rule that works within expressions. For example, there could be a rule which applies within parentheses and skips to the close-parenthesis:

| '(' expr ')'   { $$ = $2; }
| '(' error ')'

If this rule acts within the hex construct, it is not going to abort that construct (since it applies to an inner level of parentheses within the construct). Therefore, it should not clear the flag: the rest of the hex construct should be parsed with the flag still in effect.

What if there is an error recovery rule which might abort out of the
hex construct or might not, depending on circumstances? There is no way you can write the action to determine whether a hex construct is being aborted or not. So if you are using a lexical tie-in, you had better make
sure your error recovery rules are not of this kind. Each rule must be such that you can be sure that it always will, or always won’t, have to clear the flag.

8 Debugging Your Parser

Developing a parser can be a challenge, especially if you don’t understand the algorithm (see The Bison Parser Algorithm). This chapter explains how understand and debug a parser.

The first sections focus on the static part of the parser: its structure. They explain how to generate and read the detailed description of the automaton. There are several formats available:

  • — as text, see Understanding Your Parser;
  • — as a graph, see Visualizing Your Parser;
  • — or as a markup report that can be turned, for instance, into HTML, see
    Visualizing your parser in multiple formats.

The last section focuses on the dynamic part of the parser: how to enable and understand the parser run-time traces (see Tracing Your

8.1 Understanding Your Parser

As documented elsewhere (see The Bison Parser Algorithm) Bison parsers are shift/reduce automata. In some cases (much more frequent than one would hope), looking at this automaton is required to tune or simply
fix a parser.

The textual file is generated when the options —report or
—verbose are specified, see Invoking
Bison. Its name is made by removing ‘.tab.c’ or ‘.c’ from the parser implementation file name, and adding ‘.output’ instead. Therefore, if the grammar file is foo.y,
then the parser implementation file is called by default. As a consequence, the verbose output file is called foo.output.

The following grammar file, calc.y, will be used in the sequel:

%token NUM STR
%left '+' '-'
%left '*'
  exp '+' exp
| exp '-' exp
| exp '*' exp
| exp '/' exp
useless: STR;

bison reports:

calc.y: warning: 1 nonterminal useless in grammar
calc.y: warning: 1 rule useless in grammar
calc.y:12.1-7: warning: nonterminal useless in grammar: useless
calc.y:12.10-12: warning: rule useless in grammar: useless: STR
calc.y: conflicts: 7 shift/reduce

When given —report=state, in addition to, it creates a file calc.output with contents detailed below. The order of the output and the exact presentation might vary, but the interpretation is the

The first section reports useless tokens, nonterminals and rules. Useless nonterminals and rules are removed in order to produce a smaller parser, but useless tokens are preserved, since they might be used by the scanner (note the difference between
“useless” and “unused” below):

Nonterminals useless in grammar

Terminals unused in grammar

Rules useless in grammar
    6 useless: STR

The next section lists states that still have conflicts.

State 8 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
State 9 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
State 10 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
State 11 conflicts: 4 shift/reduce

Then Bison reproduces the exact grammar it used:


    0 $accept: exp $end

    1 exp: exp '+' exp
    2    | exp '-' exp
    3    | exp '*' exp
    4    | exp '/' exp
    5    | NUM

and reports the uses of the symbols:

Terminals, with rules where they appear

$end (0) 0
'*' (42) 3
'+' (43) 1
'-' (45) 2
'/' (47) 4
error (256)
NUM (258) 5
STR (259)

Nonterminals, with rules where they appear

$accept (9)
    on left: 0
exp (10)
    on left: 1 2 3 4 5, on right: 0 1 2 3 4

Bison then proceeds onto the automaton itself, describing each state with its set of items, also known as pointed rules. Each item is a production rule together with a point (‘.’) marking the location
of the input cursor.

State 0

    0 $accept: . exp $end

    NUM  shift, and go to state 1

    exp  go to state 2

This reads as follows: “state 0 corresponds to being at the very beginning of the parsing, in the initial rule, right before the start symbol (here, exp). When the parser returns to this state right after having reduced a rule
that produced an exp, the control flow jumps to state 2. If there is no such transition on a nonterminal symbol, and the lookahead is a NUM, then this token is shifted onto the parse stack, and the control flow jumps
to state 1. Any other lookahead triggers a syntax error.”

Even though the only active rule in state 0 seems to be rule 0, the report lists NUM as a lookahead token because NUM can be at the beginning of any rule deriving an exp. By default Bison reports the so-called
core or kernel of the item set, but if you want to see more detail you can invoke bison with
—report=itemset to list the derived items as well:

State 0

    0 $accept: . exp $end
    1 exp: . exp '+' exp
    2    | . exp '-' exp
    3    | . exp '*' exp
    4    | . exp '/' exp
    5    | . NUM

    NUM  shift, and go to state 1

    exp  go to state 2

In the state 1…

State 1

    5 exp: NUM .

    $default  reduce using rule 5 (exp)

the rule 5, ‘exp: NUM;’, is completed. Whatever the lookahead token (‘
$default’), the parser will reduce it. If it was coming from State 0, then, after this reduction it will return to state 0, and will jump to state 2 (‘exp: go to state 2’).

State 2

    0 $accept: exp . $end
    1 exp: exp . '+' exp
    2    | exp . '-' exp
    3    | exp . '*' exp
    4    | exp . '/' exp

    $end  shift, and go to state 3
    '+'   shift, and go to state 4
    '-'   shift, and go to state 5
    '*'   shift, and go to state 6
    '/'   shift, and go to state 7

In state 2, the automaton can only shift a symbol. For instance, because of the item ‘exp: exp . ‘+’ exp’, if the lookahead is ‘
+’ it is shifted onto the parse stack, and the automaton jumps to state 4, corresponding to the item ‘exp: exp ‘+’ . exp’. Since there is no default action, any lookahead not listed triggers a syntax

The state 3 is named the final state, or the accepting

State 3

    0 $accept: exp $end .

    $default  accept

the initial rule is completed (the start symbol and the end-of-input were read), the parsing exits successfully.

The interpretation of states 4 to 7 is straightforward, and is left to the reader.

State 4

    1 exp: exp '+' . exp

    NUM  shift, and go to state 1

    exp  go to state 8

State 5

    2 exp: exp '-' . exp

    NUM  shift, and go to state 1

    exp  go to state 9

State 6

    3 exp: exp '*' . exp

    NUM  shift, and go to state 1

    exp  go to state 10

State 7

    4 exp: exp '/' . exp

    NUM  shift, and go to state 1

    exp  go to state 11

As was announced in beginning of the report, ‘State 8 conflicts:
1 shift/reduce

State 8

    1 exp: exp . '+' exp
    1    | exp '+' exp .
    2    | exp . '-' exp
    3    | exp . '*' exp
    4    | exp . '/' exp

    '*'  shift, and go to state 6
    '/'  shift, and go to state 7

    '/'       [reduce using rule 1 (exp)]
    $default  reduce using rule 1 (exp)

Indeed, there are two actions associated to the lookahead ‘/’: either shifting (and going to state 7), or reducing rule 1. The conflict means that either the grammar is ambiguous, or the parser lacks information to make
the right decision. Indeed the grammar is ambiguous, as, since we did not specify the precedence of ‘/’, the sentence ‘NUM + NUM / NUM’ can be parsed as ‘NUM + (NUM /
’, which corresponds to shifting ‘/’, or as ‘(NUM + NUM) /
’, which corresponds to reducing rule 1.

Because in deterministic parsing a single decision can be made, Bison arbitrarily chose to disable the reduction, see Shift/Reduce Conflicts. Discarded actions are reported between square brackets.

Note that all the previous states had a single possible action: either shifting the next token and going to the corresponding state, or reducing a single rule. In the other cases, i.e., when shifting
and reducing is possible or when several reductions are possible, the lookahead is required to select the action. State 8 is one such state: if the lookahead is ‘*’ or ‘/
then the action is shifting, otherwise the action is reducing rule 1. In other words, the first two items, corresponding to rule 1, are not eligible when the lookahead token is ‘*’, since we specified that ‘*
has higher precedence than ‘+’. More generally, some items are eligible only with some set of possible lookahead tokens. When run with
—report=lookahead, Bison specifies these lookahead tokens:

State 8

    1 exp: exp . '+' exp
    1    | exp '+' exp .  [$end, '+', '-', '/']
    2    | exp . '-' exp
    3    | exp . '*' exp
    4    | exp . '/' exp

    '*'  shift, and go to state 6
    '/'  shift, and go to state 7

    '/'       [reduce using rule 1 (exp)]
    $default  reduce using rule 1 (exp)

Note however that while ‘NUM + NUM / NUM’ is ambiguous (which results in the conflicts on ‘/’), ‘NUM + NUM * NUM’ is not: the conflict was solved thanks to associativity
and precedence directives. If invoked with
—report=solved, Bison includes information about the solved conflicts in the report:

Conflict between rule 1 and token '+' resolved as reduce (%left '+').
Conflict between rule 1 and token '-' resolved as reduce (%left '-').
Conflict between rule 1 and token '*' resolved as shift ('+' < '*').

The remaining states are similar:

State 9

    1 exp: exp . '+' exp
    2    | exp . '-' exp
    2    | exp '-' exp .
    3    | exp . '*' exp
    4    | exp . '/' exp

    '*'  shift, and go to state 6
    '/'  shift, and go to state 7

    '/'       [reduce using rule 2 (exp)]
    $default  reduce using rule 2 (exp)

State 10

    1 exp: exp . '+' exp
    2    | exp . '-' exp
    3    | exp . '*' exp
    3    | exp '*' exp .
    4    | exp . '/' exp

    '/'  shift, and go to state 7

    '/'       [reduce using rule 3 (exp)]
    $default  reduce using rule 3 (exp)

State 11

    1 exp: exp . '+' exp
    2    | exp . '-' exp
    3    | exp . '*' exp
    4    | exp . '/' exp
    4    | exp '/' exp .

    '+'  shift, and go to state 4
    '-'  shift, and go to state 5
    '*'  shift, and go to state 6
    '/'  shift, and go to state 7

    '+'       [reduce using rule 4 (exp)]
    '-'       [reduce using rule 4 (exp)]
    '*'       [reduce using rule 4 (exp)]
    '/'       [reduce using rule 4 (exp)]
    $default  reduce using rule 4 (exp)

Observe that state 11 contains conflicts not only due to the lack of precedence of ‘/’ with respect to ‘+’, ‘’, and ‘*’, but also because the
associativity of ‘/’ is not specified.

Bison may also produce an HTML version of this output, via an XML file and XSLT processing (see Visualizing your parser in multiple formats).

8.2 Visualizing Your Parser

As another means to gain better understanding of the shift/reduce automaton corresponding to the Bison parser, a DOT file can be generated. Note that debugging a real grammar with this is tedious at best, and impractical most of the times, because
the generated files are huge (the generation of a PDF or PNG file from it will take very long, and more often than not it will fail due to memory exhaustion). This option was rather designed for beginners, to help them understand LR parsers.

This file is generated when the —graph option is specified (see Invoking Bison). Its name is made by removing ‘
.tab.c’ or ‘.c’ from the parser implementation file name, and adding ‘.dot’ instead. If the grammar file is foo.y, the Graphviz output file is called
A DOT file may also be produced via an XML file and XSLT processing (see Visualizing your
parser in multiple formats).

The following grammar file, rr.y, will be used in the sequel:

exp: a ";" | b ".";
a: "0";
b: "0";

The graphical output (see Figure 8.1) is very similar to the textual one, and as such it is easier understood by making direct comparisons between them. See Debugging Your
Parser, for a detailled analysis of the textual report.


Figure 8.1: A graphical rendering of the parser.

Graphical Representation of States

The items (pointed rules) for each state are grouped together in graph nodes. Their numbering is the same as in the verbose file. See the following points, about transitions, for examples

When invoked with —report=lookaheads, the lookahead tokens, when needed, are shown next to the relevant rule between square brackets as a comma separated list. This is the case in the figure for the representation of reductions,

The transitions are represented as directed edges between the current and the target states.

Graphical Representation of Shifts

Shifts are shown as solid arrows, labelled with the lookahead token for that shift. The following describes a reduction in the rr.output file:

State 3

    1 exp: a . ";"

    ";"  shift, and go to state 6

A Graphviz rendering of this portion of the graph could be:


Graphical Representation of Reductions

Reductions are shown as solid arrows, leading to a diamond-shaped node bearing the number of the reduction rule. The arrow is labelled with the appropriate comma separated lookahead tokens. If the reduction is the default action for the given
state, there is no such label.

This is how reductions are represented in the verbose file rr.output:

State 1

    3 a: "0" .  [";"]
    4 b: "0" .  ["."]

    "."       reduce using rule 4 (b)
    $default  reduce using rule 3 (a)

A Graphviz rendering of this portion of the graph could be:


When unresolved conflicts are present, because in deterministic parsing a single decision can be made, Bison can arbitrarily choose to disable a reduction, see Shift/Reduce Conflicts. Discarded actions are distinguished
by a red filling color on these nodes, just like how they are reported between square brackets in the verbose file.

The reduction corresponding to the rule number 0 is the acceptation state. It is shown as a blue diamond, labelled “Acc”.

Graphical representation of go tos

The ‘go to’ jump transitions are represented as dotted lines bearing the name of the rule being jumped to.

8.3 Visualizing your parser in multiple formats

Bison supports two major report formats: textual output (see Understanding Your Parser) when invoked with option —verbose, and DOT (see Visualizing Your Parser) when invoked with
—graph. However, another alternative is to output an XML file that may then be, with
xsltproc, rendered as either a raw text format equivalent to the verbose file, or as an HTML version of the same file, with clickable transitions, or even as a DOT. The .output and DOT files obtained via XSLT have
no difference whatsoever with those obtained by invoking
bison with options —verbose or —graph.

The XML file is generated when the options -x or
—xml[=FILE] are specified, see Invoking Bison. If not specified, its name is made by removing ‘.tab.c’ or ‘.c’ from the parser implementation file name,
and adding ‘.xml’ instead. For instance, if the grammar file is foo.y, the default XML output file is foo.xml.

Bison ships with a data/xslt directory, containing XSL Transformation files to apply to the XML file. Their names are non-ambiguous:


Used to output a copy of the DOT visualization of the automaton.


Used to output a copy of the ‘.output’ file.


Used to output an xhtml enhancement of the ‘.output’ file.

Sample usage (requires xsltproc):

$ bison -x gr.y
$ bison --print-datadir
$ xsltproc /usr/local/share/bison/xslt/xml2xhtml.xsl gr.xml >gr.html

8.4 Tracing Your Parser

When a Bison grammar compiles properly but parses “incorrectly”, the
yydebug parser-trace feature helps figuring out why.

8.4.1 Enabling Traces

There are several means to enable compilation of trace facilities:

the macro YYDEBUG

Define the macro YYDEBUG to a nonzero value when you compile the parser. This is compliant with POSIX Yacc. You could use ‘
-DYYDEBUG=1’ as a compiler option or you could put ‘#define
’ in the prologue of the grammar file (see The

If the %define variable api.prefix is used (see Multiple Parsers in the Same Program), for instance ‘%define
api.prefix x
’, then if CDEBUG is defined, its value controls the tracing feature (enabled if and only if nonzero); otherwise tracing is enabled if and only if YYDEBUG is nonzero.

the option -t (POSIX Yacc compliant)
the option —debug (Bison extension)

Use the ‘-t’ option when you run Bison (see Invoking
Bison). With ‘%define api.prefix {c}’, it defines CDEBUG to 1, otherwise it defines YYDEBUG to 1.

the directive ‘%debug

Add the %debug directive (see Bison Declaration
Summary). This Bison extension is maintained for backward compatibility with previous versions of Bison.

the variable ‘parse.trace

Add the ‘%define parse.trace’ directive (see parse.trace), or pass the -Dparse.trace option (see Bison Options). This is a Bison extension,
which is especially useful for languages that don’t use a preprocessor. Unless POSIX and Yacc portability matter to you, this is the preferred solution.

We suggest that you always enable the trace option so that debugging is always possible.

The trace facility outputs messages with macro calls of the form
YYFPRINTF (stderr, format, args) where
format and args are the usual printf format and variadic arguments. If you define YYDEBUG to a nonzero value but do not define YYFPRINTF, <stdio.h> is automatically
included and YYFPRINTF is defined to fprintf.

Once you have compiled the program with trace facilities, the way to request a trace is to store a nonzero value in the variable yydebug. You can do this by making the C code do it (in main, perhaps), or you can alter
the value with a C debugger.

Each step taken by the parser when yydebug is nonzero produces a line or two of trace information, written on stderr. The trace messages tell you these things:

  • Each time the parser calls yylex, what kind of token was read.
  • Each time a token is shifted, the depth and complete contents of the state stack (see Parser States).
  • Each time a rule is reduced, which rule it is, and the complete contents of the state stack afterward.

To make sense of this information, it helps to refer to the automaton description file (see Understanding Your Parser). This file shows the meaning of each state in terms of positions in various rules, and also what
each state will do with each possible input token. As you read the successive trace messages, you can see that the parser is functioning according to its specification in the listing file. Eventually you will arrive at the place where something
undesirable happens, and you will see which parts of the grammar are to blame.

The parser implementation file is a C/C++/Java program and you can use debuggers on it, but it’s not easy to interpret what it is doing. The parser function is a finite-state machine interpreter, and aside from the actions it executes the
same code over and over. Only the values of variables show where in the grammar it is working.

8.4.2 Enabling Debug Traces for mfcalc

The debugging information normally gives the token type of each token read, but not its semantic value. The %printer directive allows specify how semantic values are reported, see Printing
Semantic Values. For backward compatibility, Yacc like C parsers may also use the YYPRINT (see The YYPRINT
Macro), but its use is discouraged.

As a demonstration of %printer, consider the multi-function calculator, mfcalc (see Multi-function Calc). To enable run-time traces, and semantic value reports, insert the following
directives in its prologue:

/* Generate the parser description file.  */
/* Enable run-time traces (yydebug).  */
%define parse.trace

/* Formatting semantic values.  */
%printer { fprintf (yyoutput, "%s", $$->name); } VAR;
%printer { fprintf (yyoutput, "%s()", $$->name); } FNCT;
%printer { fprintf (yyoutput, "%g", $$); } <double>;

The %define directive instructs Bison to generate run-time trace support. Then, activation of these traces is controlled at run-time by the
yydebug variable, which is disabled by default. Because these traces will refer to the “states” of the parser, it is helpful to ask for the creation of a description of that parser; this is the purpose of (admittedly
%verbose directive.

The set of %printer directives demonstrates how to format the semantic value in the traces. Note that the specification can be done either on the symbol type (e.g., VAR or FNCT), or on the type tag: since
<double> is the type for both NUM and exp, this printer will be used for them.

Here is a sample of the information provided by run-time traces. The traces are sent onto standard error.

$ echo 'sin(1-1)' | ./mfcalc -p
Starting parse
Entering state 0
Reducing stack by rule 1 (line 34):
-> $$ = nterm input ()
Stack now 0
Entering state 1

This first batch shows a specific feature of this grammar: the first rule (which is in line 34 of mfcalc.y can be reduced without even having to look for the first token. The resulting left-hand symbol ($$) is a valueless
()’) input non terminal (nterm).

Then the parser calls the scanner.

Reading a token: Next token is token FNCT (sin())
Shifting token FNCT (sin())
Entering state 6

That token (token) is a function (FNCT) whose value is ‘
sin’ as formatted per our %printer specification: ‘sin()’. The parser stores (Shifting) that token, and others, until it can do something about it.

Reading a token: Next token is token '(' ()
Shifting token '(' ()
Entering state 14
Reading a token: Next token is token NUM (1.000000)
Shifting token NUM (1.000000)
Entering state 4
Reducing stack by rule 6 (line 44):
   $1 = token NUM (1.000000)
-> $$ = nterm exp (1.000000)
Stack now 0 1 6 14
Entering state 24

The previous reduction demonstrates the %printer directive for
<double>: both the token NUM and the resulting nonterminal
exp have ‘1’ as value.

Reading a token: Next token is token '-' ()
Shifting token '-' ()
Entering state 17
Reading a token: Next token is token NUM (1.000000)
Shifting token NUM (1.000000)
Entering state 4
Reducing stack by rule 6 (line 44):
   $1 = token NUM (1.000000)
-> $$ = nterm exp (1.000000)
Stack now 0 1 6 14 24 17
Entering state 26
Reading a token: Next token is token ')' ()
Reducing stack by rule 11 (line 49):
   $1 = nterm exp (1.000000)
   $2 = token '-' ()
   $3 = nterm exp (1.000000)
-> $$ = nterm exp (0.000000)
Stack now 0 1 6 14
Entering state 24

The rule for the subtraction was just reduced. The parser is about to discover the end of the call to sin.

Next token is token ')' ()
Shifting token ')' ()
Entering state 31
Reducing stack by rule 9 (line 47):
   $1 = token FNCT (sin())
   $2 = token '(' ()
   $3 = nterm exp (0.000000)
   $4 = token ')' ()
-> $$ = nterm exp (0.000000)
Stack now 0 1
Entering state 11

Finally, the end-of-line allow the parser to complete the computation, and display its result.

Reading a token: Next token is token 'n' ()
Shifting token 'n' ()
Entering state 22
Reducing stack by rule 4 (line 40):
   $1 = nterm exp (0.000000)
   $2 = token 'n' ()
⇒ 0
-> $$ = nterm line ()
Stack now 0 1
Entering state 10
Reducing stack by rule 2 (line 35):
   $1 = nterm input ()
   $2 = nterm line ()
-> $$ = nterm input ()
Stack now 0
Entering state 1

The parser has returned into state 1, in which it is waiting for the next expression to evaluate, or for the end-of-file token, which causes the completion of the parsing.

Reading a token: Now at end of input.
Shifting token $end ()
Entering state 2
Stack now 0 1 2
Cleanup: popping token $end ()
Cleanup: popping nterm input ()

8.4.3 The YYPRINT Macro

Before %printer support, semantic values could be displayed using the
YYPRINT macro, which works only for terminal symbols and only with the yacc.c skeleton.

Macro: YYPRINT (stream, token, value);

If you define YYPRINT, it should take three arguments. The parser will pass a standard I/O stream, the numeric code for the token type, and the token value (from yylval).

For yacc.c only. Obsoleted by %printer.

Here is an example of YYPRINT suitable for the multi-function calculator (see Declarations for mfcalc):

  static void print_token_value (FILE *, int, YYSTYPE);
  #define YYPRINT(File, Type, Value)            
    print_token_value (File, Type, Value)

… %% … %% …

static void
print_token_value (FILE *file, int type, YYSTYPE value)
  if (type == VAR)
    fprintf (file, "%s", value.tptr->name);
  else if (type == NUM)
    fprintf (file, "%d", value.val);

9 Invoking Bison

The usual way to invoke Bison is as follows:

Here infile is the grammar file name, which usually ends in ‘
.y’. The parser implementation file’s name is made by replacing the ‘.y’ with ‘.tab.c’ and removing any leading directory. Thus, the ‘bison foo.y
file name yields, and the ‘bison hack/foo.y’ file name yields It’s also possible, in case you are writing C++ code instead of C in your grammar file, to name it
foo.ypp or foo.y++. Then, the output files will take an extension like the given one as input (respectively and This feature takes effect with all options that manipulate
file names like ‘
-o’ or ‘-d’.

For example :

will produce and, and

bison -d -o output.c++ infile.y

will produce output.c++ and outfile.h++.

For compatibility with POSIX, the standard Bison distribution also contains a shell script called yacc that invokes Bison with the -y option.

9.1 Bison Options

Bison supports both traditional single-letter options and mnemonic long option names. Long option names are indicated with ‘’ instead of ‘
’. Abbreviations for option names are allowed as long as they are unique. When a long option takes an argument, like ‘
—file-prefix’, connect the option name and the argument with ‘

Here is a list of options that can be used with Bison, alphabetized by short option. It is followed by a cross key alphabetized by long option.

Operations modes:


Print a summary of the command-line options to Bison and exit.


Print the version number of Bison and exit.


Print the name of the directory containing locale-dependent data.


Print the name of the directory containing skeletons and XSLT.


Act more like the traditional Yacc command. This can cause different diagnostics to be generated, and may change behavior in other minor ways. Most importantly, imitate Yacc’s output file name conventions, so that the parser implementation
file is called, and the other outputs are called y.output and Also, if generating a deterministic parser in C, generate
#define statements in addition to an enum to associate token numbers with token names. Thus, the following shell script can substitute for Yacc, and the Bison distribution contains such a script for compatibility
with POSIX:

The -y/—yacc option is intended for use with traditional Yacc grammars. If your grammar uses a Bison extension like ‘%glr-parser’, Bison might not be Yacc-compatible even if this option
is specified.

-W [category]

Output warnings falling in category. category can be one of:


Warn about mid-rule values that are set but not used within any of the actions of the parent rule. For example, warn about unused $2 in:

exp: '1' { $$ = 1; } '+' exp { $$ = $1 + $4; };

Also warn about mid-rule values that are used but not set. For example, warn about unset $$ in the mid-rule action in:

exp: '1' { $1 = 1; } '+' exp { $$ = $2 + $4; };

These warnings are not enabled by default since they sometimes prove to be false alarms in existing grammars employing the Yacc constructs
$0 or $-n (where n is some positive integer).


Incompatibilities with POSIX Yacc.


S/R and R/R conflicts. These warnings are enabled by default. However, if the %expect or %expect-rr directive is specified, an unexpected number of conflicts is an error, and an expected number of conflicts
is not reported, so -W and —warning then have no effect on the conflict report.


Deprecated constructs whose support will be removed in future versions of Bison.


Empty rules without %empty. See Empty Rules. Disabled by default, but enabled by uses of %empty, unless
-Wno-empty-rule was specified.


Useless precedence and associativity directives. Disabled by default.

Consider for instance the following grammar:

%nonassoc "="
%left "+"
%left "*"
%precedence "("
| "var" "=" exp

  exp "+" exp
| exp "*" "num"
| "(" exp ")"
| "num"

Bison reports:

warning: useless precedence and associativity for "="
 %nonassoc "="
warning: useless associativity for "*", use %precedence
 %left "*"
warning: useless precedence for "("
 %precedence "("

One would get the exact same parser with the following directives instead:

%left "+"
%precedence "*"

All warnings not categorized above. These warnings are enabled by default.

This category is provided merely for the sake of completeness. Future releases of Bison may move warnings from this category to new, more specific categories.


All the warnings except yacc.


Turn off all the warnings.


See -Werror, below.

A category can be turned off by prefixing its name with ‘no-’. For instance, -Wno-yacc will hide the warnings about POSIX Yacc incompatibilities.


Turn enabled warnings for every category into errors, unless they are explicitly disabled by -Wno-error=category.


Enable warnings falling in category, and treat them as errors.

category is the same as for —warnings, with the exception that it may not be prefixed with ‘no-’ (see above).

Note that the precedence of the ‘=’ and ‘,’ operators is such that the following commands are not equivalent, as the first will not treat S/R conflicts as errors.

$ bison -Werror=yacc,conflicts-sr input.y
$ bison -Werror=yacc,error=conflicts-sr input.y

Do not turn enabled warnings for every category into errors, unless they are explicitly enabled by -Werror=category.


Deactivate the error treatment for this category. However, the warning itself won’t be disabled, or enabled, by this option.

-f [feature]

Activate miscellaneous feature. feature can be one of:


Show caret errors, in a manner similar to GCC’s
-fdiagnostics-show-caret, or Clang’s -fcaret-diagnotics. The location provided with the message is used to quote the corresponding line of the source file, underlining the important part of it
with carets (^). Here is an example, using the following file in.y:

%type <ival> exp
exp: exp '+' exp { $exp = $1 + $2; };

When invoked with -fcaret (or nothing), Bison will report:

in.y:3.20-23: error: ambiguous reference: '$exp'
 exp: exp '+' exp { $exp = $1 + $2; };
in.y:3.1-3:       refers to: $exp at $$
 exp: exp '+' exp { $exp = $1 + $2; };
in.y:3.6-8:       refers to: $exp at $1
 exp: exp '+' exp { $exp = $1 + $2; };
in.y:3.14-16:     refers to: $exp at $3
 exp: exp '+' exp { $exp = $1 + $2; };
in.y:3.32-33: error: $2 of 'exp' has no declared type
 exp: exp '+' exp { $exp = $1 + $2; };

Whereas, when invoked with -fno-caret, Bison will only report:

in.y:3.20-23: error: ambiguous reference: ‘$exp’
in.y:3.1-3:       refers to: $exp at $$
in.y:3.6-8:       refers to: $exp at $1
in.y:3.14-16:     refers to: $exp at $3
in.y:3.32-33: error: $2 of ‘exp’ has no declared type

This option is activated by default.

Tuning the parser:


In the parser implementation file, define the macro YYDEBUG to 1 if it is not already defined, so that the debugging facilities are compiled. See Tracing Your Parser.

-D name[=value]
-F name[=value]

Each of these is equivalent to ‘%define name «value«’ (see %define Summary) except that Bison processes multiple definitions for the same name as follows:

  • Bison quietly ignores all command-line definitions for name except the last.
  • If that command-line definition is specified by a -D or
    --define, Bison reports an error for any %define definition for name.
  • If that command-line definition is specified by a -F or
    --force-define instead, Bison quietly ignores all %define definitions for name.
  • Otherwise, Bison reports an error if there are multiple %define definitions for name.

You should avoid using -F and --force-define in your make files unless you are confident that it is safe to quietly ignore any conflicting %define that may be added to the grammar file.

-L language

Specify the programming language for the generated parser, as if
%language was specified (see Bison Declaration
Summary). Currently supported languages include C, C++, and Java.
language is case-insensitive.


Pretend that %locations was specified. See Decl Summary.

-p prefix

Pretend that %name-prefix "prefix" was specified (see Decl Summary). Obsoleted by -Dapi.prefix=prefix. See Multiple Parsers in the Same Program.


Don’t put any #line preprocessor commands in the parser implementation file. Ordinarily Bison puts them in the parser implementation file so that the C compiler and debuggers will associate errors with your source file,
the grammar file. This option causes them to associate errors with the parser implementation file, treating it as an independent source file in its own right.

-S file

Specify the skeleton to use, similar to %skeleton (see Bison Declaration Summary).

If file does not contain a /, file is the name of a skeleton file in the Bison installation directory. If it does, file is an absolute file name or a file name relative to the current working
directory. This is similar to how most shells resolve commands.


Pretend that %token-table was specified. See Decl Summary.

Adjust the output:


Pretend that %defines was specified, i.e., write an extra output file containing macro definitions for the token type names defined in the grammar, as well as a few other declarations. See Decl Summary.


This is the same as --defines except -d does not accept a
file argument since POSIX Yacc requires that -d can be bundled with other short options.

-b file-prefix

Pretend that %file-prefix was specified, i.e., specify prefix to use for all Bison output file names. See Decl Summary.

-r things

Write an extra output file containing verbose description of the comma separated list of things among:


Description of the grammar, conflicts (resolved and unresolved), and parser’s automaton.


Implies state and augments the description of the automaton with the full set of items for each state, instead of its core only.


Implies state and augments the description of the automaton with each rule’s lookahead set.


Implies state. Explain how conflicts were solved thanks to precedence and associativity directives.


Enable all the items.


Do not generate the report.


Specify the file for the verbose description.


Pretend that %verbose was specified, i.e., write an extra output file containing verbose descriptions of the grammar and parser. See Decl Summary.

-o file

Specify the file for the parser implementation file.

The other output files’ names are constructed from file as described under the ‘-v’ and ‘-d’ options.

-g [file]

Output a graphical representation of the parser’s automaton computed by Bison, in Graphviz
DOT format.
file is optional. If omitted and the grammar file is foo.y, the output file will be

-x [file]

Output an XML report of the parser’s automaton computed by Bison.
file is optional. If omitted and the grammar file is foo.y, the output file will be
foo.xml. (The current XML schema is experimental and may evolve. More user feedback will help to stabilize it.)

9.2 Option Cross Key

Here is a list of options, alphabetized by long option, to help you find the corresponding short option and directive.

Long Option Short Option Bison Directive
—debug -t %debug
—define=name[=value] -D name[=value] %define name ["value"]
—defines[=file] -d %defines ["file"]
—feature[=feature] -f [feature]
—file-prefix=prefix -b prefix %file-prefix "prefix"
—force-define=name[=value] -F name[=value] %define name ["value"]
—graph[=file] -g [file]
—help -h
—language=language -L language %language "language"
—locations %locations
—name-prefix=prefix -p prefix %name-prefix "prefix"
—no-lines -l %no-lines
—output=file -o file %output "file"
—report=things -r things
—skeleton=file -S file %skeleton "file"
—token-table -k %token-table
—verbose -v %verbose
—version -V
—warnings[=category] -W [category]
—xml[=file] -x [file]
—yacc -y %yacc

9.3 Yacc Library

The Yacc library contains default implementations of the
yyerror and main functions. These default implementations are normally not useful, but POSIX requires them. To use the Yacc library, link your program with the
-ly option. Note that Bison’s implementation of the Yacc library is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (see Copying).

If you use the Yacc library’s yyerror function, you should declare yyerror as follows:

int yyerror (char const *);

The int value returned by this yyerror is ignored.

The implementation of Yacc library’s main function is:

int main (void)
  setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
  return yyparse ();

so if you use it, the internationalization support is enabled (e.g., error messages are translated), and your yyparse function should have the following type signature:

10 Parsers Written In Other Languages

10.1 C++ Parsers

10.1.1 C++ Bison Interface

The C++ deterministic parser is selected using the skeleton directive, ‘
%skeleton «»’, or the synonymous command-line option
— See Decl Summary.

When run, bison will create several entities in the ‘yy’ namespace.

Use the ‘%define api.namespace’ directive to change the namespace name, see api.namespace. The various classes are generated in the following files:


The definition of the classes position and location, used for location tracking when enabled. These files are not generated if the
%define variable api.location.type is defined. See C++ Location Values.


An auxiliary class stack used by the parser.


(Assuming the extension of the grammar file was ‘.yy’.) The declaration and implementation of the C++ parser class. The basename and extension of these two files follow the same rules as with regular C parsers

The header is mandatory; you must either pass
-d/—defines to bison, or use the ‘
%defines’ directive.

All these files are documented using Doxygen; run doxygen for a complete and accurate documentation.

10.1.2 C++ Semantic Values

Bison supports two different means to handle semantic values in C++. One is alike the C interface, and relies on unions (see C++ Unions). As C++ practitioners know, unions are inconvenient in C++, therefore another
approach is provided, based on variants (see C++ Variants). C++ Unions

The %union directive works as for C, see The
Union Declaration. In particular it produces a genuine
union, which have a few specific features in C++.

  • — The type YYSTYPE is defined but its use is discouraged: rather you should refer to the parser’s encapsulated type
  • — Non POD (Plain Old Data) types cannot be used. C++ forbids any instance of classes with constructors in unions: only pointers to such objects are allowed.

Because objects have to be stored via pointers, memory is not reclaimed automatically: using the %destructor directive is the only means to avoid leaks. See Freeing Discarded
Symbols. C++ Variants

Bison provides a variant based implementation of semantic values for C++. This alleviates all the limitations reported in the previous section, and in particular, object types can be used without pointers.

To enable variant-based semantic values, set %define variable
variant (see variant). Once this defined,
%union is ignored, and instead of using the name of the fields of the
%union to “type” the symbols, use genuine types.

For instance, instead of

  int ival;
  std::string* sval;
%token <ival> NUMBER;
%token <sval> STRING;


%token <int> NUMBER;
%token <std::string> STRING;

STRING is no longer a pointer, which should fairly simplify the user actions in the grammar and in the scanner (in particular the memory management).

Since C++ features destructors, and since it is customary to specialize
operator<< to support uniform printing of values, variants also typically simplify Bison printers and destructors.

Variants are stricter than unions. When based on unions, you may play any dirty game with yylval, say storing an int, reading a
char*, and then storing a double in it. This is no longer possible with variants: they must be initialized, then assigned to, and eventually, destroyed.

Method on semantic_type: T& build<T> ()

Initialize, but leave empty. Returns the address where the actual value may be stored. Requires that the variant was not initialized yet.

Method on semantic_type: T& build<T> (const T& t)

Initialize, and copy-construct from t.

Warning: We do not use Boost.Variant, for two reasons. First, it appeared unacceptable to require Boost on the user’s machine (i.e., the machine on which the generated parser will be compiled, not the machine on which bison was run). Second, for each possible semantic value, Boost.Variant not only stores the value, but also a tag specifying its type. But the parser already “knows” the type of the semantic value, so that would be duplicating the information.

Therefore we developed light-weight variants whose type tag is external (so they are really like unions for C++ actually). But our code is much less mature that Boost.Variant. So there is a number of limitations in (the current implementation
of) variants:

  • Alignment must be enforced: values should be aligned in memory according to the most demanding type. Computing the smallest alignment possible requires meta-programming techniques that are not currently implemented in Bison, and therefore,
    since, as far as we know, double is the most demanding type on all platforms, alignments are enforced for double whatever types are actually used. This may waste space in some cases.

  • There might be portability issues we are not aware of.

As far as we know, these limitations can be alleviated. All it takes is some time and/or some talented C++ hacker willing to contribute to Bison.

10.1.3 C++ Location Values

When the directive %locations is used, the C++ parser supports location tracking, see Tracking Locations.

By default, two auxiliary classes define a position, a single point in a file, and a location, a range composed of a pair of
positions (possibly spanning several files). But if the
%define variable api.location.type is defined, then these classes will not be generated, and the user defined type will be used.

In this section uint is an abbreviation for unsigned int: in genuine code only the latter is used. C++ position

Constructor on position: position (std::string* file = 0, uint line = 1, uint col = 1)

Create a position denoting a given point. Note that file is not reclaimed when the position is destroyed: memory managed must be handled elsewhere.

Method on position: void initialize (std::string* file = 0, uint line = 1, uint col = 1)

Reset the position to the given values.

Instance Variable of position: std::string* file

The name of the file. It will always be handled as a pointer, the parser will never duplicate nor deallocate it. As an experimental feature you may change it to ‘type*’ using ‘%define
filename_type «type«

Instance Variable of position: uint line

The line, starting at 1.

Method on position: void lines (int height = 1)

If height is not null, advance by height lines, resetting the column number. The resulting line number cannot be less than 1.

Instance Variable of position: uint column

The column, starting at 1.

Method on position: void columns (int width = 1)

Advance by width columns, without changing the line number. The resulting column number cannot be less than 1.

Method on position: position& operator+= (int width)
Method on position: position operator+ (int width)
Method on position: position& operator-= (int width)
Method on position: position operator- (int width)

Various forms of syntactic sugar for columns.

Method on position: bool operator== (const position& that)
Method on position: bool operator!= (const position& that)

Whether *this and that denote equal/different positions.

Function: std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const position& p)

Report p on o like this: ‘
file:line.column’, or ‘
line.column’ if file is null. C++ location

Constructor on location: location (const position& begin, const position& end)

Create a Location from the endpoints of the range.

Constructor on location: location (const position& pos = position())
Constructor on location: location (std::string* file, uint line, uint col)

Create a Location denoting an empty range located at a given point.

Method on location: void initialize (std::string* file = 0, uint line = 1, uint col = 1)

Reset the location to an empty range at the given values.

Instance Variable of location: position begin
Instance Variable of location: position end

The first, inclusive, position of the range, and the first beyond.

Method on location: void columns (int width = 1)
Method on location: void lines (int height = 1)

Forwarded to the end position.

Method on location: location operator+ (int width)
Method on location: location operator+= (int width)
Method on location: location operator- (int width)
Method on location: location operator-= (int width)

Various forms of syntactic sugar for columns.

Method on location: location operator+ (const location& end)
Method on location: location operator+= (const location& end)

Join two locations: starts at the position of the first one, and ends at the position of the second.

Method on location: void step ()

Move begin onto end.

Method on location: bool operator== (const location& that)
Method on location: bool operator!= (const location& that)

Whether *this and that denote equal/different ranges of positions.

Function: std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const location& p)

Report p on o, taking care of special cases such as: no
filename defined, or equal filename/line or column. User Defined Location Type

Instead of using the built-in types you may use the %define variable
api.location.type to specify your own type:

%define api.location.type {LocationType}

The requirements over your LocationType are:

  • it must be copyable;
  • in order to compute the (default) value of @$ in a reduction, the parser basically runs
    @$.begin = @1.begin;
    @$.end   = @N.end; // The location of last right-hand side symbol.

    so there must be copyable begin and end members;

  • alternatively you may redefine the computation of the default location, in which case these members are not required (see Location Default Action);
  • if traces are enabled, then there must exist an ‘std::ostream&
    operator<< (std::ostream& o, const LocationType& s)
    ’ function.

In programs with several C++ parsers, you may also use the %define variable api.location.type to share a common set of built-in definitions for position and location. For instance, one parser
master/parser.yy might use:

%define api.namespace {master::}

to generate the master/position.hh and master/location.hh files, reused by other parsers as follows:

%define api.location.type {master::location}
%code requires { #include <master/location.hh> }

10.1.4 C++ Parser Interface

The output files output.hh and declare and define the parser class in the namespace yy. The class name defaults to parser, but may be changed using ‘
%define parser_class_name {name}’. The interface of this class is detailed below. It can be extended using the
%parse-param feature: its semantics is slightly changed since it describes an additional member of the parser class, and an additional argument for its constructor.

Type of parser: semantic_type
Type of parser: location_type

The types for semantic values and locations (if enabled).

Type of parser: token

A structure that contains (only) the yytokentype enumeration, which defines the tokens. To refer to the token FOO, use yy::parser::token::FOO. The scanner can use ‘
typedef yy::parser::token token;’ to “import” the token enumeration (see Calc++ Scanner).

Type of parser: syntax_error

This class derives from std::runtime_error. Throw instances of it from the scanner or from the user actions to raise parse errors. This is equivalent with first invoking error to report the location and message
of the syntax error, and then to invoke YYERROR to enter the error-recovery mode. But contrary to YYERROR which can only be invoked from user actions (i.e., written in the action itself), the exception can
be thrown from function invoked from the user action.

Method on parser: parser (type1 arg1, …)

Build a new parser object. There are no arguments by default, unless ‘
%parse-param {type1 arg1}’ was used.

Method on syntax_error: syntax_error (const location_type& l, const std::string& m)
Method on syntax_error: syntax_error (const std::string& m)

Instantiate a syntax-error exception.

Method on parser: int parse ()

Run the syntactic analysis, and return 0 on success, 1 otherwise.

The whole function is wrapped in a try/catch block, so that when an exception is thrown, the %destructors are called to release the lookahead symbol, and the symbols pushed on the stack.

Method on parser: std::ostream& debug_stream ()
Method on parser: void set_debug_stream (std::ostream& o)

Get or set the stream used for tracing the parsing. It defaults to

Method on parser: debug_level_type debug_level ()
Method on parser: void set_debug_level (debug_level l)

Get or set the tracing level. Currently its value is either 0, no trace, or nonzero, full tracing.

Method on parser: void error (const location_type& l, const std::string& m)
Method on parser: void error (const std::string& m)

The definition for this member function must be supplied by the user: the parser uses it to report a parser error occurring at l, described by m. If location tracking is not enabled, the second signature is used.

10.1.5 C++ Scanner Interface

The parser invokes the scanner by calling yylex. Contrary to C parsers, C++ parsers are always pure: there is no point in using the ‘
%define api.pure’ directive. The actual interface with yylex depends whether you use unions, or variants. Split Symbols

The interface is as follows.

Method on parser: int yylex (semantic_type* yylval, location_type* yylloc, type1 arg1, …)
Method on parser: int yylex (semantic_type* yylval, type1 arg1, …)

Return the next token. Its type is the return value, its semantic value and location (if enabled) being yylval and yylloc. Invocations of ‘
%lex-param {type1 arg1}’ yield additional arguments.

Note that when using variants, the interface for yylex is the same, but yylval is handled differently.

Regular union-based code in Lex scanner typically look like:

[0-9]+   {
           yylval.ival = text_to_int (yytext);
           return yy::parser::INTEGER;
[a-z]+   {
           yylval.sval = new std::string (yytext);
           return yy::parser::IDENTIFIER;

Using variants, yylval is already constructed, but it is not initialized. So the code would look like:

[0-9]+   {
 <int>() = text_to_int (yytext);
           return yy::parser::INTEGER;
[a-z]+   {
 <std::string> = yytext;
           return yy::parser::IDENTIFIER;


[0-9]+   {
           return yy::parser::INTEGER;
[a-z]+   {
           return yy::parser::IDENTIFIER;
         } Complete Symbols

If you specified both %define api.value.type variant and
%define api.token.constructor, the parser class also defines the class parser::symbol_type which defines a complete symbol, aggregating its type (i.e., the traditional value returned by yylex),
its semantic value (i.e., the value passed in yylval, and possibly its location (yylloc).

Method on symbol_type: symbol_type (token_type type, const semantic_type& value, const location_type& location)

Build a complete terminal symbol which token type is type, and which semantic value is value. If location tracking is enabled, also pass the location.

This interface is low-level and should not be used for two reasons. First, it is inconvenient, as you still have to build the semantic value, which is a variant, and second, because consistency is not enforced: as with unions, it is still possible
to give an integer as semantic value for a string.

So for each token type, Bison generates named constructors as follows.

Method on symbol_type: make_ token (const value_type& value, const location_type& location)
Method on symbol_type: make_ token (const location_type& location)

Build a complete terminal symbol for the token type token (not including the api.token.prefix) whose possible semantic value is
value of adequate value_type. If location tracking is enabled, also pass the location.

For instance, given the following declarations:

%define api.token.prefix {TOK_}
%token <std::string> IDENTIFIER;
%token <int> INTEGER;
%token COLON;

Bison generates the following functions:

symbol_type make_IDENTIFIER(const std::string& v,
                            const location_type& l);
symbol_type make_INTEGER(const int& v,
                         const location_type& loc);
symbol_type make_COLON(const location_type& loc);

which should be used in a Lex-scanner as follows.

[0-9]+   return yy::parser::make_INTEGER(text_to_int (yytext), loc);
[a-z]+   return yy::parser::make_IDENTIFIER(yytext, loc);
":"      return yy::parser::make_COLON(loc);

Tokens that do not have an identifier are not accessible: you cannot simply use characters such as ':', they must be declared with %token.

10.1.6 A Complete C++ Example

This section demonstrates the use of a C++ parser with a simple but complete example. This example should be available on your system, ready to compile, in the directory …/bison/examples/calc++. It focuses on the use of Bison, therefore
the design of the various C++ classes is very naive: no accessors, no encapsulation of members etc. We will use a Lex scanner, and more precisely, a Flex scanner, to demonstrate the various interactions. A hand-written scanner is actually
easier to interface with. Calc++ — C++ Calculator

Of course the grammar is dedicated to arithmetics, a single expression, possibly preceded by variable assignments. An environment containing possibly predefined variables such as
one and two, is exchanged with the parser. An example of valid input follows.

three := 3
seven := one + two * three
seven * seven Calc++ Parsing Driver

To support a pure interface with the parser (and the scanner) the technique of the “parsing context” is convenient: a structure containing all the data to exchange. Since, in addition to simply launch the parsing, there are several
auxiliary tasks to execute (open the file for parsing, instantiate the parser etc.), we recommend transforming the simple parsing context structure into a fully blown
parsing driver class.

The declaration of this driver class, calc++-driver.hh, is as follows. The first part includes the CPP guard and imports the required standard library components, and the declaration of the parser class.

# include <string>
# include <map>
# include "calc++-parser.hh"

Then comes the declaration of the scanning function. Flex expects the signature of yylex to be defined in the macro
YY_DECL, and the C++ parser expects it to be declared. We can factor both as follows.

// Tell Flex the lexer's prototype ...
# define YY_DECL 
  yy::calcxx_parser::symbol_type yylex (calcxx_driver& driver)
// ... and declare it for the parser's sake.

The calcxx_driver class is then declared with its most obvious members.

// Conducting the whole scanning and parsing of Calc++.
class calcxx_driver
  calcxx_driver ();
  virtual ~calcxx_driver ();

  std::map<std::string, int> variables;

  int result;

To encapsulate the coordination with the Flex scanner, it is useful to have member functions to open and close the scanning phase.

  // Handling the scanner.
  void scan_begin ();
  void scan_end ();
  bool trace_scanning;

Similarly for the parser itself.

  // Run the parser on file F.
  // Return 0 on success.
  int parse (const std::string& f);
  // The name of the file being parsed.
  // Used later to pass the file name to the location tracker.
  std::string file;
  // Whether parser traces should be generated.
  bool trace_parsing;

To demonstrate pure handling of parse errors, instead of simply dumping them on the standard error output, we will pass them to the compiler driver using the following two member functions. Finally, we close the class declaration and CPP guard.

  // Error handling.
  void error (const yy::location& l, const std::string& m);
  void error (const std::string& m);
#endif // ! CALCXX_DRIVER_HH

The implementation of the driver is straightforward. The parse member function deserves some attention. The error functions are simple stubs, they should actually register the located error messages and set error state.

#include "calc++-driver.hh"
#include "calc++-parser.hh"

calcxx_driver::calcxx_driver ()
  : trace_scanning (false), trace_parsing (false)
  variables["one"] = 1;
  variables["two"] = 2;

calcxx_driver::~calcxx_driver ()

calcxx_driver::parse (const std::string &f)
  file = f;
  scan_begin ();
  yy::calcxx_parser parser (*this);
  parser.set_debug_level (trace_parsing);
  int res = parser.parse ();
  scan_end ();
  return res;

calcxx_driver::error (const yy::location& l, const std::string& m)
  std::cerr << l << ": " << m << std::endl;

calcxx_driver::error (const std::string& m)
  std::cerr << m << std::endl;
} Calc++ Parser

The grammar file calc++-parser.yy starts by asking for the C++ deterministic parser skeleton, the creation of the parser header file, and specifies the name of the parser class. Because the C++ skeleton changed several times, it is
safer to require the version you designed the grammar for.

%skeleton "" /* -*- C++ -*- */
%require "3.0.4"
%define parser_class_name {calcxx_parser}

This example will use genuine C++ objects as semantic values, therefore, we require the variant-based interface. To make sure we properly use it, we enable assertions. To fully benefit from type-safety and more natural definition of “symbol”,
we enable api.token.constructor.

%define api.token.constructor
%define api.value.type variant
%define parse.assert

Then come the declarations/inclusions needed by the semantic values. Because the parser uses the parsing driver and reciprocally, both would like to include the header of the other, which is, of course, insane. This mutual dependency will be broken
using forward declarations. Because the driver’s header needs detailed knowledge about the parser class (in particular its inner types), it is the parser’s header which will use a forward declaration of the driver. See %code Summary.

%code requires
# include <string>
class calcxx_driver;

The driver is passed by reference to the parser and to the scanner. This provides a simple but effective pure interface, not relying on global variables.

// The parsing context.
%param { calcxx_driver& driver }

Then we request location tracking, and initialize the first location’s file name. Afterward new locations are computed relatively to the previous locations: the file name will be propagated.

  // Initialize the initial location.
  @$.begin.filename = @$.end.filename = &driver.file;

Use the following two directives to enable parser tracing and verbose error messages. However, verbose error messages can contain incorrect information (see LAC).

%define parse.trace
%define parse.error verbose

The code between ‘%code {’ and ‘}’ is output in the
*.cc file; it needs detailed knowledge about the driver.

# include "calc++-driver.hh"

The token numbered as 0 corresponds to end of file; the following line allows for nicer error messages referring to “end of file” instead of “$end”. Similarly user friendly names are provided for each symbol. To avoid name
clashes in the generated files (see Calc++ Scanner), prefix tokens with TOK_ (see api.token.prefix).

%define api.token.prefix {TOK_}
  END  0  "end of file"
  ASSIGN  ":="
  MINUS   "-"
  PLUS    "+"
  STAR    "*"
  SLASH   "/"
  LPAREN  "("
  RPAREN  ")"

Since we use variant-based semantic values, %union is not used, and both %type and %token expect genuine types, as opposed to type tags.

%token <std::string> IDENTIFIER "identifier"
%token <int> NUMBER "number"
%type  <int> exp

No %destructor is needed to enable memory deallocation during error recovery; the memory, for strings for instance, will be reclaimed by the regular destructors. All the values are printed using their
operator<< (see Printing Semantic Values).

%printer { yyoutput << $$; } <*>;

The grammar itself is straightforward (see Location Tracking Calculator — ltcalc).

%start unit;
unit: assignments exp  { driver.result = $2; };

  %empty                 {}
| assignments assignment {};

  "identifier" ":=" exp { driver.variables[$1] = $3; };

%left "+" "-";
%left "*" "/";
  exp "+" exp   { $$ = $1 + $3; }
| exp "-" exp   { $$ = $1 - $3; }
| exp "*" exp   { $$ = $1 * $3; }
| exp "/" exp   { $$ = $1 / $3; }
| "(" exp ")"   { std::swap ($$, $2); }
| "identifier"  { $$ = driver.variables[$1]; }
| "number"      { std::swap ($$, $1); };

Finally the error member function registers the errors to the driver.

yy::calcxx_parser::error (const location_type& l,
                          const std::string& m)
  driver.error (l, m);
} Calc++ Scanner

The Flex scanner first includes the driver declaration, then the parser’s to get the set of defined tokens.

%{ /* -*- C++ -*- */
# include <cerrno>
# include <climits>
# include <cstdlib>
# include <string>
# include "calc++-driver.hh"
# include "calc++-parser.hh"

// Work around an incompatibility in flex (at least versions
// 2.5.31 through 2.5.33): it generates code that does
// not conform to C89.  See Debian bug 333231
// <>.
# undef yywrap
# define yywrap() 1

// The location of the current token.
static yy::location loc;

Because there is no #include-like feature we don’t need
yywrap, we don’t need unput either, and we parse an actual file, this is not an interactive session with the user. Finally, we enable scanner tracing.

%option noyywrap nounput batch debug noinput

Abbreviations allow for more readable rules.

id    [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*
int   [0-9]+
blank [ t]

The following paragraph suffices to track locations accurately. Each time yylex is invoked, the begin position is moved onto the end position. Then when a pattern is matched, its width is added to the end column. When matching ends
of lines, the end cursor is adjusted, and each time blanks are matched, the begin cursor is moved onto the end cursor to effectively ignore the blanks preceding tokens. Comments would be treated equally.

  // Code run each time a pattern is matched.
  # define YY_USER_ACTION  loc.columns (yyleng);
  // Code run each time yylex is called.
  loc.step ();
{blank}+   loc.step ();
[n]+      loc.lines (yyleng); loc.step ();

The rules are simple. The driver is used to report errors.

"-"      return yy::calcxx_parser::make_MINUS(loc);
"+"      return yy::calcxx_parser::make_PLUS(loc);
"*"      return yy::calcxx_parser::make_STAR(loc);
"/"      return yy::calcxx_parser::make_SLASH(loc);
"("      return yy::calcxx_parser::make_LPAREN(loc);
")"      return yy::calcxx_parser::make_RPAREN(loc);
":="     return yy::calcxx_parser::make_ASSIGN(loc);

{int}      {
  errno = 0;
  long n = strtol (yytext, NULL, 10);
  if (! (INT_MIN <= n && n <= INT_MAX && errno != ERANGE))
    driver.error (loc, "integer is out of range");
  return yy::calcxx_parser::make_NUMBER(n, loc);
{id}       return yy::calcxx_parser::make_IDENTIFIER(yytext, loc);
.          driver.error (loc, "invalid character");
<<EOF>>    return yy::calcxx_parser::make_END(loc);

Finally, because the scanner-related driver’s member-functions depend on the scanner’s data, it is simpler to implement them in this file.

calcxx_driver::scan_begin ()
  yy_flex_debug = trace_scanning;
  if (file.empty () || file == "-")
    yyin = stdin;
  else if (!(yyin = fopen (file.c_str (), "r")))
      error ("cannot open " + file + ": " + strerror(errno));
      exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

calcxx_driver::scan_end ()
  fclose (yyin);
} Calc++ Top Level

The top level file,, poses no problem.

#include <iostream>
#include "calc++-driver.hh"

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  int res = 0;
  calcxx_driver driver;
  for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
    if (argv[i] == std::string ("-p"))
      driver.trace_parsing = true;
    else if (argv[i] == std::string ("-s"))
      driver.trace_scanning = true;
    else if (!driver.parse (argv[i]))
      std::cout << driver.result << std::endl;
      res = 1;
  return res;

10.2 Java Parsers

10.2.1 Java Bison Interface

(The current Java interface is experimental and may evolve. More user feedback will help to stabilize it.)

The Java parser skeletons are selected using the %language "Java" directive or the -L java/—language=java option.

When generating a Java parser, bison basename.y will create a single Java source file named containing the parser implementation. Using a grammar file without a
.y suffix is currently broken. The basename of the parser implementation file can be changed by the %file-prefix directive or the -p/—name-prefix option. The entire parser implementation
file name can be changed by the
%output directive or the -o/—output option. The parser implementation file contains a single class for the parser.

You can create documentation for generated parsers using Javadoc.

Contrary to C parsers, Java parsers do not use global variables; the state of the parser is always local to an instance of the parser class. Therefore, all Java parsers are “pure”, and the %pure-parser and %define api.pure directives do nothing when used in Java.

Push parsers are currently unsupported in Java and %define
have no effect.

GLR parsers are currently unsupported in Java. Do not use the
glr-parser directive.

No header file can be generated for Java parsers. Do not use the
%defines directive or the -d/—defines options.

Currently, support for tracing is always compiled in. Thus the ‘%define parse.trace’ and ‘%token-table’ directives and the
-t/—debug and -k/—token-table options have no effect. This may change in the future to eliminate unused code in the generated parser, so use ‘%define parse.trace
explicitly if needed. Also, in the future the
%token-table directive might enable a public interface to access the token names and codes.

Getting a “code too large” error from the Java compiler means the code hit the 64KB bytecode per method limitation of the Java class file. Try reducing the amount of code in actions and static initializers; otherwise, report a bug
so that the parser skeleton will be improved.

10.2.2 Java Semantic Values

There is no %union directive in Java parsers. Instead, the semantic values’ types (class names) should be specified in the
%type or %token directive:

%type <Expression> expr assignment_expr term factor
%type <Integer> number

By default, the semantic stack is declared to have Object members, which means that the class types you specify can be of any class. To improve the type safety of the parser, you can declare the common superclass of all the semantic
values using the ‘%define api.value.type’ directive. For example, after the following declaration:

%define api.value.type {ASTNode}

any %type or %token specifying a semantic type which is not a subclass of ASTNode, will cause a compile-time error.

Types used in the directives may be qualified with a package name. Primitive data types are accepted for Java version 1.5 or later. Note that in this case the autoboxing feature of Java 1.5 will be used. Generic types may not be used; this is
due to a limitation in the implementation of Bison, and may change in future releases.

Java parsers do not support %destructor, since the language adopts garbage collection. The parser will try to hold references to semantic values for as little time as needed.

Java parsers do not support %printer, as toString() can be used to print the semantic values. This however may change (in a backwards-compatible way) in future versions of Bison.

10.2.3 Java Location Values

When the directive %locations is used, the Java parser supports location tracking, see Tracking Locations. An auxiliary user-defined class defines a position, a single point in a file; Bison
itself defines a class representing a location, a range composed of a pair of positions (possibly spanning several files). The location class is an inner class of the parser; the name is Location by default, and may also
be renamed using %define api.location.type {class-name}.

The location class treats the position as a completely opaque value. By default, the class name is Position, but this can be changed with %define api.position.type {class-name}. This class must be supplied
by the user.

Instance Variable of Location: Position begin
Instance Variable of Location: Position end

The first, inclusive, position of the range, and the first beyond.

Constructor on Location: Location (Position loc)

Create a Location denoting an empty range located at a given point.

Constructor on Location: Location (Position begin, Position end)

Create a Location from the endpoints of the range.

Method on Location: String toString ()

Prints the range represented by the location. For this to work properly, the position class should override the equals and
toString methods appropriately.

10.2.4 Java Parser Interface

The name of the generated parser class defaults to YYParser. The
YY prefix may be changed using the %name-prefix directive or the -p/—name-prefix option. Alternatively, use ‘
%define parser_class_name {name}’ to give a custom name to the class. The interface of this class is detailed below.

By default, the parser class has package visibility. A declaration ‘
%define public’ will change to public visibility. Remember that, according to the Java language specification, the name of the .java file should match the name of the class in this case. Similarly, you can use
final and strictfp with the
%define declaration to add other modifiers to the parser class. A single ‘%define annotations {annotations}’ directive can be used to add any number of annotations to the parser class.

The Java package name of the parser class can be specified using the ‘
%define package’ directive. The superclass and the implemented interfaces of the parser class can be specified with the %define
and ‘%define implements’ directives.

The parser class defines an inner class, Location, that is used for location tracking (see Java Location Values), and a inner interface, Lexer (see Java Scanner Interface).
Other than these inner class/interface, and the members described in the interface below, all the other members and fields are preceded with a yy or
YY prefix to avoid clashes with user code.

The parser class can be extended using the %parse-param directive. Each occurrence of the directive will add a protected
field to the parser class, and an argument to its constructor, which initialize them automatically.

Constructor on YYParser: YYParser (lex_param, …, parse_param, …)

Build a new parser object with embedded %code lexer. There are no parameters, unless %params and/or %parse-params and/or
%lex-params are used.

Use %code init for code added to the start of the constructor body. This is especially useful to initialize superclasses. Use ‘
%define init_throws’ to specify any uncaught exceptions.

Constructor on YYParser: YYParser (Lexer lexer, parse_param, …)

Build a new parser object using the specified scanner. There are no additional parameters unless %params and/or %parse-params are used.

If the scanner is defined by %code lexer, this constructor is declared protected and is called automatically with a scanner created with the correct %params and/or %lex-params.

Use %code init for code added to the start of the constructor body. This is especially useful to initialize superclasses. Use ‘
%define init_throws’ to specify any uncaught exceptions.

Method on YYParser: boolean parse ()

Run the syntactic analysis, and return true on success,
false otherwise.

Method on YYParser: boolean getErrorVerbose ()
Method on YYParser: void setErrorVerbose (boolean verbose)

Get or set the option to produce verbose error messages. These are only available with ‘%define parse.error verbose’, which also turns on verbose error messages.

Method on YYParser: void yyerror (String msg)
Method on YYParser: void yyerror (Position pos, String msg)
Method on YYParser: void yyerror (Location loc, String msg)

Print an error message using the yyerror method of the scanner instance in use. The Location and Position parameters are available only if location tracking is active.

Method on YYParser: boolean recovering ()

During the syntactic analysis, return true if recovering from a syntax error. See Error Recovery.

Method on YYParser: getDebugStream ()
Method on YYParser: void setDebugStream ( o)

Get or set the stream used for tracing the parsing. It defaults to

Method on YYParser: int getDebugLevel ()
Method on YYParser: void setDebugLevel (int l)

Get or set the tracing level. Currently its value is either 0, no trace, or nonzero, full tracing.

Constant of YYParser: String bisonVersion
Constant of YYParser: String bisonSkeleton

Identify the Bison version and skeleton used to generate this parser.

10.2.5 Java Scanner Interface

There are two possible ways to interface a Bison-generated Java parser with a scanner: the scanner may be defined by %code lexer, or defined elsewhere. In either case, the scanner has to implement the
Lexer inner interface of the parser class. This interface also contain constants for all user-defined token names and the predefined
EOF token.

In the first case, the body of the scanner class is placed in
%code lexer blocks. If you want to pass parameters from the parser constructor to the scanner constructor, specify them with
%lex-param; they are passed before %parse-params to the constructor.

In the second case, the scanner has to implement the Lexer interface, which is defined within the parser class (e.g., YYParser.Lexer). The constructor of the parser object will then accept an object implementing the interface;
%lex-param is not used in this case.

In both cases, the scanner has to implement the following methods.

Method on Lexer: void yyerror (Location loc, String msg)

This method is defined by the user to emit an error message. The first parameter is omitted if location tracking is not active. Its type can be changed using %define api.location.type {class-name}.

Method on Lexer: int yylex ()

Return the next token. Its type is the return value, its semantic value and location are saved and returned by the their methods in the interface.

Use ‘%define lex_throws’ to specify any uncaught exceptions. Default is

Method on Lexer: Position getStartPos ()
Method on Lexer: Position getEndPos ()

Return respectively the first position of the last token that
yylex returned, and the first position beyond it. These methods are not needed unless location tracking is active.

The return type can be changed using %define api.position.type

Method on Lexer: Object getLVal ()

Return the semantic value of the last token that yylex returned.

The return type can be changed using ‘%define api.value.type

10.2.6 Special Features for Use in Java Actions

The following special constructs can be uses in Java actions. Other analogous C action features are currently unavailable for Java.

Use ‘%define throws’ to specify any uncaught exceptions from parser actions, and initial actions specified by %initial-action.

Variable: $ n

The semantic value for the nth component of the current rule. This may not be assigned to. See Java Semantic Values.

Variable: $< typealt>n

Like $n but specifies a alternative type typealt. See Java Semantic Values.

Variable: $$

The semantic value for the grouping made by the current rule. As a value, this is in the base type (Object or as specified by ‘
%define api.value.type’) as in not cast to the declared subtype because casts are not allowed on the left-hand side of Java assignments. Use an explicit Java cast if the correct subtype is needed. See Java Semantic Values.

Variable: $< typealt>$

Same as $$ since Java always allow assigning to the base type. Perhaps we should use this and $<>$ for the value and $$ for setting the value but there is currently no easy way to distinguish
these constructs. See Java Semantic Values.

Variable: @ n

The location information of the nth component of the current rule. This may not be assigned to. See Java Location Values.

Variable: @ $

The location information of the grouping made by the current rule. See Java Location Values.

Statement: return YYABORT ;

Return immediately from the parser, indicating failure. See Java Parser Interface.

Statement: return YYACCEPT ;

Return immediately from the parser, indicating success. See Java Parser Interface.

Statement: return YYERROR ;

Start error recovery (without printing an error message). See Error Recovery.

Function: boolean recovering ()

Return whether error recovery is being done. In this state, the parser reads token until it reaches a known state, and then restarts normal operation. See Error Recovery.

Function: void yyerror (String msg)
Function: void yyerror (Position loc, String msg)
Function: void yyerror (Location loc, String msg)

Print an error message using the yyerror method of the scanner instance in use. The Location and Position parameters are available only if location tracking is active.

10.2.7 Java Push Parser Interface

(The current push parsing interface is experimental and may evolve. More user feedback will help to stabilize it.)

Normally, Bison generates a pull parser for Java. The following Bison declaration says that you want the parser to be a push parser (see api.push-pull):

%define api.push-pull push

Most of the discussion about the Java pull Parser Interface, (see Java Parser Interface) applies to the push parser interface as well.

When generating a push parser, the method push_parse is created with the following signature (depending on if locations are enabled).

Method on YYParser: void push_parse (int token, Object yylval)
Method on YYParser: void push_parse (int token, Object yylval, Location yyloc)
Method on YYParser: void push_parse (int token, Object yylval, Position yypos)

The primary difference with respect to a pull parser is that the parser method push_parse is invoked repeatedly to parse each token. This function is available if either the «%define api.push-pull push» or «%define
api.push-pull both» declaration is used (see api.push-pull). The Location and Position parameters are available only if location tracking is active.

The value returned by the push_parse method is one of the following four constants: YYABORT, YYACCEPT, YYERROR, or
YYPUSH_MORE. This new value, YYPUSH_MORE, may be returned if more input is required to finish parsing the grammar.

If api.push-pull is declared as both, then the generated parser class will also implement the parse method. This method’s body is a loop that repeatedly invokes the scanner and then passes the values obtained from
the scanner to the push_parse method.

There is one additional complication. Technically, the push parser does not need to know about the scanner (i.e. an object implementing the
YYParser.Lexer interface), but it does need access to the
yyerror method. Currently, the yyerror method is defined in the YYParser.Lexer interface. Hence, an implementation of that interface is still required in order to provide an implementation of
yyerror. The current approach (and subject to change) is to require the YYParser constructor to be given an object implementing the
YYParser.Lexer interface. This object need only implement the
yyerror method; the other methods can be stubbed since they will never be invoked. The simplest way to do this is to add a trivial scanner implementation to your grammar file using whatever implementation of
yyerror is desired. The following code sample shows a simple way to accomplish this.

%code lexer
  public Object getLVal () {return null;}
  public int yylex () {return 0;}
  public void yyerror (String s) {System.err.println(s);}

10.2.8 Differences between C/C++ and Java Grammars

The different structure of the Java language forces several differences between C/C++ grammars, and grammars designed for Java parsers. This section summarizes these differences.

  • Java lacks a preprocessor, so the YYERROR, YYACCEPT,
    YYABORT symbols (see Table of Symbols) cannot obviously be macros. Instead, they should be preceded by return when they appear in an action. The actual definition of these symbols
    is opaque to the Bison grammar, and it might change in the future. The only meaningful operation that you can do, is to return them. See Java Action Features.

    Note that of these three symbols, only YYACCEPT and
    YYABORT will cause a return from the yyparse method

  • Java lacks unions, so %union has no effect. Instead, semantic values have a common base type: Object or as specified by ‘
    %define api.value.type’. Angle brackets on %token, type,
    $n and $$ specify subtypes rather than fields of an union. The type of $$, even with angle brackets, is the base type since Java casts are not allow on the left-hand side of assignments.
    $n and @n are not allowed on the left-hand side of assignments. See Java Semantic Values, and
    Java Action Features.

  • The prologue declarations have a different meaning than in C/C++ code.
    %code imports

    blocks are placed at the beginning of the Java source code. They may include copyright notices. For a package declarations, it is suggested to use ‘%define package’ instead.

    unqualified %code

    blocks are placed inside the parser class.

    %code lexer

    blocks, if specified, should include the implementation of the scanner. If there is no such block, the scanner can be any class that implements the appropriate interface (see Java Scanner Interface).

    Other %code blocks are not supported in Java parsers. In particular, %{ … %} blocks should not be used and may give an error in future versions of Bison.

    The epilogue has the same meaning as in C/C++ code and it can be used to define other classes used by the parser outside the parser class.

10.2.9 Java Declarations Summary

This summary only include declarations specific to Java or have special meaning when used in a Java parser.

Directive: %language «Java»

Generate a Java class for the parser.

Directive: %lex-param {type name}

A parameter for the lexer class defined by %code lexer
only, added as parameters to the lexer constructor and the parser constructor that creates a lexer. Default is none. See Java Scanner Interface.

Directive: %name-prefix «prefix«

The prefix of the parser class name prefixParser if ‘
%define parser_class_name’ is not used. Default is YY. See Java Bison Interface.

Directive: %parse-param {type name}

A parameter for the parser class added as parameters to constructor(s) and as fields initialized by the constructor(s). Default is none. See Java Parser Interface.

Directive: %token <type> token

Declare tokens. Note that the angle brackets enclose a Java type. See Java Semantic Values.

Directive: %type <type> nonterminal

Declare the type of nonterminals. Note that the angle brackets enclose a Java type. See Java Semantic Values.

Directive: %code { code … }

Code appended to the inside of the parser class. See Java Differences.

Directive: %code imports { code … }

Code inserted just after the package declaration. See Java Differences.

Directive: %code init { code … }

Code inserted at the beginning of the parser constructor body. See Java Parser Interface.

Directive: %code lexer { code … }

Code added to the body of a inner lexer class within the parser class. See Java Scanner Interface.

Directive: %% code

Code (after the second %%) appended to the end of the file,
outside the parser class. See Java Differences.

Directive: % { code … %}

Not supported. Use %code imports instead. See Java Differences.

Directive: %define abstract

Whether the parser class is declared abstract. Default is false. See Java Bison Interface.

Directive: %define annotations {annotations}

The Java annotations for the parser class. Default is none. See Java Bison Interface.

Directive: %define extends {superclass}

The superclass of the parser class. Default is none. See Java Bison Interface.

Directive: %define final

Whether the parser class is declared final. Default is false. See Java Bison Interface.

Directive: %define implements {interfaces}

The implemented interfaces of the parser class, a comma-separated list. Default is none. See Java Bison Interface.

Directive: %define init_throws {exceptions}

The exceptions thrown by %code init from the parser class constructor. Default is none. See Java Parser Interface.

Directive: %define lex_throws {exceptions}

The exceptions thrown by the yylex method of the lexer, a comma-separated list. Default is See Java Scanner Interface.

Directive: %define api.location.type {class}

The name of the class used for locations (a range between two positions). This class is generated as an inner class of the parser class by bison. Default is Location. Formerly named location_type.
Java Location Values.

Directive: %define package {package}

The package to put the parser class in. Default is none. See Java Bison Interface.

Directive: %define parser_class_name {name}

The name of the parser class. Default is YYParser or
name-prefixParser. See Java Bison Interface.

Directive: %define api.position.type {class}

The name of the class used for positions. This class must be supplied by the user. Default is Position. Formerly named position_type. See Java Location Values.

Directive: %define public

Whether the parser class is declared public. Default is false. See Java Bison Interface.

Directive: %define api.value.type {class}

The base type of semantic values. Default is Object. See Java Semantic Values.

Directive: %define strictfp

Whether the parser class is declared strictfp. Default is false. See Java Bison Interface.

Directive: %define throws {exceptions}

The exceptions thrown by user-supplied parser actions and
%initial-action, a comma-separated list. Default is none. See Java Parser Interface.

11 Frequently Asked Questions

Several questions about Bison come up occasionally. Here some of them are addressed.

11.1 Memory Exhausted

My parser returns with error with a ‘memory exhausted’ message. What can I do?

This question is already addressed elsewhere, see Recursive

11.2 How Can I Reset the Parser

The following phenomenon has several symptoms, resulting in the following typical questions:

I invoke yyparse several times, and on correct input it works properly; but when a parse error is found, all the other calls fail too. How can I reset the error flag of yyparse?


My parser includes support for an ‘#include’-like feature, in which case I run yyparse from yyparse. This fails although I did specify ‘%define api.pure full’.

These problems typically come not from Bison itself, but from Lex-generated scanners. Because these scanners use large buffers for speed, they might not notice a change of input file. As a demonstration, consider the following source file,

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
.*n    ECHO; return 1;
yyparse (char const *file)
  yyin = fopen (file, "r");
  if (!yyin)
      perror ("fopen");
      exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
  /* One token only.  */
  yylex ();
  if (fclose (yyin) != 0)
      perror ("fclose");
      exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
  return 0;

main (void)
  yyparse ("input");
  yyparse ("input");
  return 0;

If the file input contains

input:1: Hello,
input:2: World!

then instead of getting the first line twice, you get:

$ flex -ofirst-line.c first-line.l
$ gcc  -ofirst-line   first-line.c -ll
$ ./first-line
input:1: Hello,
input:2: World!

Therefore, whenever you change yyin, you must tell the Lex-generated scanner to discard its current buffer and switch to the new one. This depends upon your implementation of Lex; see its documentation for more. For Flex, it suffices
to call ‘
YY_FLUSH_BUFFER’ after each change to yyin. If your Flex-generated scanner needs to read from several input streams to handle features like include files, you might consider using Flex functions like ‘yy_switch_to_buffer
that manipulate multiple input buffers.

If your Flex-generated scanner uses start conditions (see Start conditions in The Flex Manual), you might also want to reset the scanner’s state, i.e., go back to the initial start condition,
through a call to ‘BEGIN (0)’.

11.3 Strings are Destroyed

My parser seems to destroy old strings, or maybe it loses track of them. Instead of reporting ‘«foo», «bar»’, it reports ‘
«bar», «bar»’, or even ‘«foonbar», «bar»’.

This error is probably the single most frequent “bug report” sent to Bison lists, but is only concerned with a misunderstanding of the role of the scanner. Consider the following Lex code:

#include <stdio.h>
char *yylval = NULL;
.*    yylval = yytext; return 1;
n    /* IGNORE */
main ()
  /* Similar to using $1, $2 in a Bison action.  */
  char *fst = (yylex (), yylval);
  char *snd = (yylex (), yylval);
  printf (""%s", "%s"n", fst, snd);
  return 0;

If you compile and run this code, you get:

$ flex -osplit-lines.c split-lines.l
$ gcc  -osplit-lines   split-lines.c -ll
$ printf 'onentwon' | ./split-lines
two", "two"

this is because yytext is a buffer provided for reading in the action, but if you want to keep it, you have to duplicate it (e.g., using strdup). Note that the output may depend on how your implementation of
Lex handles yytext. For instance, when given the Lex compatibility option -l (which triggers the option ‘%array’) Flex generates a different behavior:

$ flex -l -osplit-lines.c split-lines.l
$ gcc     -osplit-lines   split-lines.c -ll
$ printf 'onentwon' | ./split-lines
"two", "two"

11.4 Implementing Gotos/Loops

My simple calculator supports variables, assignments, and functions, but how can I implement gotos, or loops?

Although very pedagogical, the examples included in the document blur the distinction to make between the parser—whose job is to recover the structure of a text and to transmit it to subsequent modules of the program—and the processing
(such as the execution) of this structure. This works well with so called straight line programs, i.e., precisely those that have a straightforward execution model: execute simple instructions one after the others.

If you want a richer model, you will probably need to use the parser to construct a tree that does represent the structure it has recovered; this tree is usually called the abstract syntax tree, or AST for short. Then, walking
through this tree, traversing it in various ways, will enable treatments such as its execution or its translation, which will result in an interpreter or a compiler.

This topic is way beyond the scope of this manual, and the reader is invited to consult the dedicated literature.

11.5 Multiple start-symbols

I have several closely related grammars, and I would like to share their implementations. In fact, I could use a single grammar but with multiple entry points.

Bison does not support multiple start-symbols, but there is a very simple means to simulate them. If foo and bar are the two pseudo start-symbols, then introduce two new tokens, say
START_FOO and START_BAR, and use them as switches from the real start-symbol:

%start start;
| START_BAR bar;

These tokens prevents the introduction of new conflicts. As far as the parser goes, that is all that is needed.

Now the difficult part is ensuring that the scanner will send these tokens first. If your scanner is hand-written, that should be straightforward. If your scanner is generated by Lex, them there is simple means to do it: recall that anything between

%{ … %}’ after the first %% is copied verbatim in the top of the generated
yylex function. Make sure a variable start_token is available in the scanner (e.g., a global variable or using
%lex-param etc.), and use the following:

  /* Prologue.  */
  if (start_token)
      int t = start_token;
      start_token = 0;
      return t;
  /* The rules.  */

11.6 Secure? Conform?

Is Bison secure? Does it conform to POSIX?

If you’re looking for a guarantee or certification, we don’t provide it. However, Bison is intended to be a reliable program that conforms to the POSIX specification for Yacc. If you run into problems, please send us a bug report.

11.7 I can’t build Bison

I can’t build Bison because make complains that
msgfmt is not found. What should I do?

Like most GNU packages with internationalization support, that feature is turned on by default. If you have problems building in the po subdirectory, it indicates that your system’s internationalization support is lacking. You
can re-configure Bison with
—disable-nls to turn off this support, or you can install GNU gettext from and re-configure Bison. See the file ABOUT-NLS for more information.

11.8 Where can I find help?

I’m having trouble using Bison. Where can I find help?

First, read this fine manual. Beyond that, you can send mail to This mailing list is intended to be populated with people who are willing to answer questions about using and installing Bison. Please keep in mind that (most of) the people on the
list have aspects of their lives which are not related to Bison (!), so you may not receive an answer to your question right away. This can be frustrating, but please try not to honk them off; remember that any help they provide is purely
voluntary and out of the kindness of their hearts.

11.9 Bug Reports

I found a bug. What should I include in the bug report?

Before you send a bug report, make sure you are using the latest version. Check or one of its mirrors. Be sure to include the version number in your bug report. If
the bug is present in the latest version but not in a previous version, try to determine the most recent version which did not contain the bug.

If the bug is parser-related, you should include the smallest grammar you can which demonstrates the bug. The grammar file should also be complete (i.e., I should be able to run it through Bison without having to edit or add anything). The smaller
and simpler the grammar, the easier it will be to fix the bug.

Include information about your compilation environment, including your operating system’s name and version and your compiler’s name and version. If you have trouble compiling, you should also include a transcript of the build session,
starting with the invocation of ‘configure’. Depending on the nature of the bug, you may be asked to send additional files as well (such as config.h or config.cache).

Patches are most welcome, but not required. That is, do not hesitate to send a bug report just because you cannot provide a fix.

Send bug reports to

11.10 More Languages

Will Bison ever have C++ and Java support? How about insert your
favorite language here

C++ and Java support is there now, and is documented. We’d love to add other languages; contributions are welcome.

11.11 Beta Testing

What is involved in being a beta tester?

It’s not terribly involved. Basically, you would download a test release, compile it, and use it to build and run a parser or two. After that, you would submit either a bug report or a message saying that everything is okay. It is important
to report successes as well as failures because test releases eventually become mainstream releases, but only if they are adequately tested. If no one tests, development is essentially halted.

Beta testers are particularly needed for operating systems to which the developers do not have easy access. They currently have easy access to recent GNU/Linux and Solaris versions. Reports about other operating systems are especially welcome.

11.12 Mailing Lists

How do I join the help-bison and bug-bison mailing lists?


Appendix A Bison Symbols

Variable: @ $

In an action, the location of the left-hand side of the rule. See Tracking Locations.

Variable: @ n
Symbol: @ n

In an action, the location of the n-th symbol of the right-hand side of the rule. See Tracking Locations.

In a grammar, the Bison-generated nonterminal symbol for a mid-rule action with a semantical value. See Mid-Rule Action Translation.

Variable: @ name
Variable: @ [name]

In an action, the location of a symbol addressed by name. See Tracking Locations.

Symbol: $ @n

In a grammar, the Bison-generated nonterminal symbol for a mid-rule action with no semantical value. See Mid-Rule Action Translation.

Variable: $$

In an action, the semantic value of the left-hand side of the rule. See Actions.

Variable: $ n

In an action, the semantic value of the n-th symbol of the right-hand side of the rule. See Actions.

Variable: $ name
Variable: $[ name]

In an action, the semantic value of a symbol addressed by name. See Actions.

Delimiter: %%

Delimiter used to separate the grammar rule section from the Bison declarations section or the epilogue. See The Overall Layout of a Bison Grammar.

Delimiter: % {code%}

All code listed between ‘%{’ and ‘%}’ is copied verbatim to the parser implementation file. Such code forms the prologue of the grammar file. See Outline of a Bison

Directive: %? {expression}

Predicate actions. This is a type of action clause that may appear in rules. The expression is evaluated, and if false, causes a syntax error. In GLR parsers during nondeterministic operation, this silently causes an alternative parse
to die. During deterministic operation, it is the same as the effect of YYERROR. See Semantic Predicates.

This feature is experimental. More user feedback will help to determine whether it should become a permanent feature.

Construct: /* … */
Construct: //

Comments, as in C/C++.

Delimiter: :

Separates a rule’s result from its components. See Syntax of
Grammar Rules.

Delimiter: ;

Terminates a rule. See Syntax of Grammar Rules.

Delimiter: |

Separates alternate rules for the same result nonterminal. See Syntax of Grammar Rules.

Directive: <*>

Used to define a default tagged %destructor or default tagged

This feature is experimental. More user feedback will help to determine whether it should become a permanent feature.

See Freeing Discarded Symbols.

Directive: <>

Used to define a default tagless %destructor or default tagless

This feature is experimental. More user feedback will help to determine whether it should become a permanent feature.

See Freeing Discarded Symbols.

Symbol: $accept

The predefined nonterminal whose only rule is ‘$accept: start
’, where start is the start symbol. See The
Start-Symbol. It cannot be used in the grammar.

Directive: %code {code}
Directive: %code qualifier {code}

Insert code verbatim into the output parser source at the default location or at the location specified by qualifier. See %code Summary.

Directive: %debug

Equip the parser for debugging. See Decl Summary.

Directive: %define variable
Directive: %define variable value
Directive: %define variable {value}
Directive: %define variable «value«

Define a variable to adjust Bison’s behavior. See %define Summary.

Directive: %defines

Bison declaration to create a parser header file, which is usually meant for the scanner. See Decl Summary.

Directive: %defines defines-file

Same as above, but save in the file defines-file. See Decl Summary.

Directive: %destructor

Specify how the parser should reclaim the memory associated to discarded symbols. See Freeing Discarded Symbols.

Directive: %dprec

Bison declaration to assign a precedence to a rule that is used at parse time to resolve reduce/reduce conflicts. See Writing
GLR Parsers.

Directive: %empty

Bison declaration to declare make explicit that a rule has an empty right-hand side. See Empty Rules.

Symbol: $end

The predefined token marking the end of the token stream. It cannot be used in the grammar.

Symbol: error

A token name reserved for error recovery. This token may be used in grammar rules so as to allow the Bison parser to recognize an error in the grammar without halting the process. In effect, a sentence containing an error may be recognized
as valid. On a syntax error, the token error becomes the current lookahead token. Actions corresponding to error are then executed, and the lookahead token is reset to the token that originally caused the
violation. See Error Recovery.

Directive: %error-verbose

An obsolete directive standing for ‘%define parse.error verbose’ (see The Error Reporting Function yyerror).

Directive: %file-prefix «prefix«

Bison declaration to set the prefix of the output files. See Decl Summary.

Directive: %glr-parser

Bison declaration to produce a GLR parser. See Writing GLR Parsers.

Directive: %initial-action

Run user code before parsing. See Performing Actions before Parsing.

Directive: %language

Specify the programming language for the generated parser. See Decl Summary.

Directive: %left

Bison declaration to assign precedence and left associativity to token(s). See Operator Precedence.

Directive: %lex-param {argument-declaration} …

Bison declaration to specifying additional arguments that
yylex should accept. See Calling Conventions
for Pure Parsers.

Directive: %merge

Bison declaration to assign a merging function to a rule. If there is a reduce/reduce conflict with a rule having the same merging function, the function is applied to the two semantic values to get a single result. See Writing GLR Parsers.

Directive: %name-prefix «prefix«

Obsoleted by the %define variable api.prefix (see Multiple Parsers in the Same Program).

Rename the external symbols (variables and functions) used in the parser so that they start with prefix instead of ‘yy’. Contrary to
api.prefix, do no rename types and macros.

The precise list of symbols renamed in C parsers is yyparse,
yylex, yyerror, yynerrs, yylval, yychar,
yydebug, and (if locations are used) yylloc. If you use a push parser, yypush_parse, yypull_parse, yypstate,
yypstate_new and yypstate_delete will also be renamed. For example, if you use ‘%name-prefix «c_»’, the names become
c_parse, c_lex, and so on. For C++ parsers, see the
%define api.namespace documentation in this section.

Directive: %no-lines

Bison declaration to avoid generating #line directives in the parser implementation file. See Decl Summary.

Directive: %nonassoc

Bison declaration to assign precedence and nonassociativity to token(s). See Operator Precedence.

Directive: %output «file«

Bison declaration to set the name of the parser implementation file. See Decl Summary.

Directive: %param {argument-declaration} …

Bison declaration to specify additional arguments that both
yylex and yyparse should accept. See The
Parser Function yyparse.

Directive: %parse-param {argument-declaration} …

Bison declaration to specify additional arguments that yyparse should accept. See The Parser Function yyparse.

Directive: %prec

Bison declaration to assign a precedence to a specific rule. See Context-Dependent Precedence.

Directive: %precedence

Bison declaration to assign precedence to token(s), but no associativity See Operator Precedence.

Directive: %pure-parser

Deprecated version of ‘%define api.pure’ (see api.pure), for which Bison is more careful to warn about unreasonable usage.

Directive: %require «version«

Require version version or higher of Bison. See Require a Version of Bison.

Directive: %right

Bison declaration to assign precedence and right associativity to token(s). See Operator Precedence.

Directive: %skeleton

Specify the skeleton to use; usually for development. See Decl Summary.

Directive: %start

Bison declaration to specify the start symbol. See The

Directive: %token

Bison declaration to declare token(s) without specifying precedence. See Token Type Names.

Directive: %token-table

Bison declaration to include a token name table in the parser implementation file. See Decl Summary.

Directive: %type

Bison declaration to declare nonterminals. See Nonterminal Symbols.

Symbol: $undefined

The predefined token onto which all undefined values returned by
yylex are mapped. It cannot be used in the grammar, rather, use

Directive: %union

Bison declaration to specify several possible data types for semantic values. See The Union Declaration.


Macro to pretend that an unrecoverable syntax error has occurred, by making yyparse return 1 immediately. The error reporting function yyerror is not called. See The
Parser Function yyparse.

For Java parsers, this functionality is invoked using return YYABORT; instead.


Macro to pretend that a complete utterance of the language has been read, by making yyparse return 0 immediately. See The Parser Function yyparse.

For Java parsers, this functionality is invoked using return YYACCEPT; instead.


Macro to discard a value from the parser stack and fake a lookahead token. See Special Features for Use in Actions.

Variable: yychar

External integer variable that contains the integer value of the lookahead token. (In a pure parser, it is a local variable within
yyparse.) Error-recovery rule actions may examine this variable. See Special Features for Use in Actions.

Variable: yyclearin

Macro used in error-recovery rule actions. It clears the previous lookahead token. See Error Recovery.


Macro to define to equip the parser with tracing code. See Tracing Your Parser.

Variable: yydebug

External integer variable set to zero by default. If yydebug is given a nonzero value, the parser will output information on input symbols and parser action. See Tracing Your Parser.

Macro: yyerrok

Macro to cause parser to recover immediately to its normal mode after a syntax error. See Error Recovery.


Cause an immediate syntax error. This statement initiates error recovery just as if the parser itself had detected an error; however, it does not call yyerror, and does not print any message. If you want to print an error
message, call yyerror explicitly before the ‘YYERROR;’ statement. See Error Recovery.

For Java parsers, this functionality is invoked using return YYERROR; instead.

Function: yyerror

User-supplied function to be called by yyparse on error. See The Error Reporting Function yyerror.


An obsolete macro used in the yacc.c skeleton, that you define with #define in the prologue to request verbose, specific error message strings when yyerror is called. It doesn’t matter what
definition you use for YYERROR_VERBOSE, just whether you define it. Using ‘%define parse.error verbose’ is preferred (see The Error Reporting Function yyerror).


Macro used to output run-time traces. See Enabling Traces.


Macro for specifying the initial size of the parser stack. See Memory Management.

Function: yylex

User-supplied lexical analyzer function, called with no arguments to get the next token. See The Lexical Analyzer Function

Variable: yylloc

External variable in which yylex should place the line and column numbers associated with a token. (In a pure parser, it is a local variable within yyparse, and its address is passed to
yylex.) You can ignore this variable if you don’t use the ‘@’ feature in the grammar actions. See Textual Locations of Tokens. In semantic actions, it stores
the location of the lookahead token. See Actions and Locations.


Data type of yylloc; by default, a structure with four members. See Data Types of Locations.

Variable: yylval

External variable in which yylex should place the semantic value associated with a token. (In a pure parser, it is a local variable within yyparse, and its address is passed to
yylex.) See Semantic Values of Tokens. In semantic actions, it stores the semantic value of the lookahead token. See Actions.


Macro for specifying the maximum size of the parser stack. See Memory Management.

Variable: yynerrs

Global variable which Bison increments each time it reports a syntax error. (In a pure parser, it is a local variable within yyparse. In a pure push parser, it is a member of yypstate.) See The Error Reporting Function yyerror.

Function: yyparse

The parser function produced by Bison; call this function to start parsing. See The Parser Function yyparse.


Macro used to output token semantic values. For yacc.c only. Obsoleted by %printer. See The YYPRINT Macro.

Function: yypstate_delete

The function to delete a parser instance, produced by Bison in push mode; call this function to delete the memory associated with a parser. See The Parser Delete Function
yypstate_delete. (The current push parsing interface is experimental and may evolve. More user feedback will help to stabilize it.)

Function: yypstate_new

The function to create a parser instance, produced by Bison in push mode; call this function to create a new parser. See The Parser Create Function
yypstate_new. (The current push parsing interface is experimental and may evolve. More user feedback will help to stabilize it.)

Function: yypull_parse

The parser function produced by Bison in push mode; call this function to parse the rest of the input stream. See The Pull Parser Function
yypull_parse. (The current push parsing interface is experimental and may evolve. More user feedback will help to stabilize it.)

Function: yypush_parse

The parser function produced by Bison in push mode; call this function to parse a single token. See The Push Parser Function
yypush_parse. (The current push parsing interface is experimental and may evolve. More user feedback will help to stabilize it.)


The expression YYRECOVERING () yields 1 when the parser is recovering from a syntax error, and 0 otherwise. See Special Features for Use in Actions.


Macro used to control the use of alloca when the deterministic parser in C needs to extend its stacks. If defined to 0, the parser will use malloc to extend its stacks. If defined to 1, the parser will use alloca.
Values other than 0 and 1 are reserved for future Bison extensions. If not defined,
YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA defaults to 0.

In the all-too-common case where your code may run on a host with a limited stack and with unreliable stack-overflow checking, you should set YYMAXDEPTH to a value that cannot possibly result in unchecked stack overflow on
any of your target hosts when
alloca is called. You can inspect the code that Bison generates in order to determine the proper numeric values. This will require some expertise in low-level implementation details.


Deprecated in favor of the %define variable api.value.type. Data type of semantic values; int by default. See Data Types of Semantic Values.

Appendix B Glossary

Accepting state

A state whose only action is the accept action. The accepting state is thus a consistent state. See Understanding Your Parser.

Backus-Naur Form (BNF; also called “Backus Normal Form”)

Formal method of specifying context-free grammars originally proposed by John Backus, and slightly improved by Peter Naur in his 1960-01-02 committee document contributing to what became the Algol 60 report. See Languages and Context-Free Grammars.

Consistent state

A state containing only one possible action. See Default Reductions.

Context-free grammars

Grammars specified as rules that can be applied regardless of context. Thus, if there is a rule which says that an integer can be used as an expression, integers are allowed anywhere an expression is permitted. See Languages and Context-Free

Default reduction

The reduction that a parser should perform if the current parser state contains no other action for the lookahead token. In permitted parser states, Bison declares the reduction with the largest lookahead set to be the default reduction
and removes that lookahead set. See Default Reductions.

Defaulted state

A consistent state with a default reduction. See Default Reductions.

Dynamic allocation

Allocation of memory that occurs during execution, rather than at compile time or on entry to a function.

Empty string

Analogous to the empty set in set theory, the empty string is a character string of length zero.

Finite-state stack machine

A “machine” that has discrete states in which it is said to exist at each instant in time. As input to the machine is processed, the machine moves from state to state as specified by the logic of the machine. In the case of
the parser, the input is the language being parsed, and the states correspond to various stages in the grammar rules. See The Bison Parser Algorithm.

Generalized LR (GLR)

A parsing algorithm that can handle all context-free grammars, including those that are not LR(1). It resolves situations that Bison’s deterministic parsing algorithm cannot by effectively splitting off multiple parsers, trying all
possible parsers, and discarding those that fail in the light of additional right context. See Generalized
LR Parsing.


A language construct that is (in general) grammatically divisible; for example, ‘expression’ or ‘declaration’ in C. See Languages and Context-Free Grammars.

IELR(1) (Inadequacy Elimination LR(1))

A minimal LR(1) parser table construction algorithm. That is, given any context-free grammar, IELR(1) generates parser tables with the full language-recognition power of canonical LR(1) but with nearly the same number of parser states
as LALR(1). This reduction in parser states is often an order of magnitude. More importantly, because canonical LR(1)’s extra parser states may contain duplicate conflicts in the case of non-LR(1) grammars, the number of conflicts
for IELR(1) is often an order of magnitude less as well. This can significantly reduce the complexity of developing a grammar. See LR Table Construction.

Infix operator

An arithmetic operator that is placed between the operands on which it performs some operation.

Input stream

A continuous flow of data between devices or programs.

LAC (Lookahead Correction)

A parsing mechanism that fixes the problem of delayed syntax error detection, which is caused by LR state merging, default reductions, and the use of %nonassoc. Delayed syntax error detection results in unexpected semantic
actions, initiation of error recovery in the wrong syntactic context, and an incorrect list of expected tokens in a verbose syntax error message. See LAC.

Language construct

One of the typical usage schemas of the language. For example, one of the constructs of the C language is the if statement. See Languages and Context-Free Grammars.

Left associativity

Operators having left associativity are analyzed from left to right: ‘
a+b+c’ first computes ‘a+b’ and then combines with ‘
c’. See Operator Precedence.

Left recursion

A rule whose result symbol is also its first component symbol; for example, ‘expseq1 : expseq1 ‘,’ exp;’. See Recursive

Left-to-right parsing

Parsing a sentence of a language by analyzing it token by token from left to right. See The Bison Parser Algorithm.

Lexical analyzer (scanner)

A function that reads an input stream and returns tokens one by one. See The Lexical Analyzer Function yylex.

Lexical tie-in

A flag, set by actions in the grammar rules, which alters the way tokens are parsed. See Lexical Tie-ins.

Literal string token

A token which consists of two or more fixed characters. See Symbols.

Lookahead token

A token already read but not yet shifted. See Lookahead


The class of context-free grammars that Bison (like most other parser generators) can handle by default; a subset of LR(1). See Mysterious Conflicts.


The class of context-free grammars in which at most one token of lookahead is needed to disambiguate the parsing of any piece of input.

Nonterminal symbol

A grammar symbol standing for a grammatical construct that can be expressed through rules in terms of smaller constructs; in other words, a construct that is not a token. See Symbols.


A function that recognizes valid sentences of a language by analyzing the syntax structure of a set of tokens passed to it from a lexical analyzer.

Postfix operator

An arithmetic operator that is placed after the operands upon which it performs some operation.


Replacing a string of nonterminals and/or terminals with a single nonterminal, according to a grammar rule. See The Bison
Parser Algorithm.


A reentrant subprogram is a subprogram which can be in invoked any number of times in parallel, without interference between the various invocations. See A Pure (Reentrant) Parser.

Reverse polish notation

A language in which all operators are postfix operators.

Right recursion

A rule whose result symbol is also its last component symbol; for example, ‘expseq1: exp ‘,’ expseq1;’. See Recursive


In computer languages, the semantics are specified by the actions taken for each instance of the language, i.e., the meaning of each statement. See Defining Language Semantics.


A parser is said to shift when it makes the choice of analyzing further input from the stream rather than reducing immediately some already-recognized rule. See The Bison Parser Algorithm.

Single-character literal

A single character that is recognized and interpreted as is. See From Formal Rules to Bison Input.

Start symbol

The nonterminal symbol that stands for a complete valid utterance in the language being parsed. The start symbol is usually listed as the first nonterminal symbol in a language specification. See The Start-Symbol.

Symbol table

A data structure where symbol names and associated data are stored during parsing to allow for recognition and use of existing information in repeated uses of a symbol. See Multi-function Calc.

Syntax error

An error encountered during parsing of an input stream due to invalid syntax. See Error Recovery.


A basic, grammatically indivisible unit of a language. The symbol that describes a token in the grammar is a terminal symbol. The input of the Bison parser is a stream of tokens which comes from the lexical analyzer. See Symbols.

Terminal symbol

A grammar symbol that has no rules in the grammar and therefore is grammatically indivisible. The piece of text it represents is a token. See Languages and Context-Free Grammars.

Unreachable state

A parser state to which there does not exist a sequence of transitions from the parser’s start state. A state can become unreachable during conflict resolution. See Unreachable States.

Appendix C Copying This Manual

Version 1.3, 3 November 2008

Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.

    The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other functional and useful document free in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying it,
    either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others.

    This License is a kind of “copyleft”, which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free

    We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License
    is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.


    This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under the terms of this License. Such a notice grants a world-wide, royalty-free license,
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    You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies to the Document are reproduced in all
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    9. Preserve the section Entitled “History”, Preserve its Title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no section
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    You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover
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ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents

To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of the License in the document and put the following copyright and license notices just after the title page:

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  Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
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  with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
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If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts, replace the “with…Texts.” line with this:

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If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the situation.

If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their use in free software.


[Denny 2008]

Joel E. Denny and Brian A. Malloy, IELR(1): Practical LR(1) Parser Tables for Non-LR(1) Grammars with Conflict Resolution, in Proceedings of the
2008 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
(SAC’08), ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 240–245.

[Denny 2010 May]

Joel E. Denny, PSLR(1): Pseudo-Scannerless Minimal LR(1) for the Deterministic Parsing of Composite Languages, Ph.D. Dissertation, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA (May 2010).

[Denny 2010 November]

Joel E. Denny and Brian A. Malloy, The IELR(1) Algorithm for Generating Minimal LR(1) Parser Tables for Non-LR(1) Grammars with Conflict Resolution, in Science of Computer Programming, Vol. 75, Issue 11 (November 2010), pp.

[DeRemer 1982]

Frank DeRemer and Thomas Pennello, Efficient Computation of LALR(1) Look-Ahead Sets, in ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and
, Vol. 4, No. 4 (October 1982), pp. 615–649.

[Knuth 1965]

Donald E. Knuth, On the Translation of Languages from Left to Right, in
Information and Control, Vol. 8, Issue 6 (December 1965), pp. 607–639.

[Scott 2000]

Elizabeth Scott, Adrian Johnstone, and Shamsa Sadaf Hussain,
Tomita-Style Generalised LR Parsers, Royal Holloway, University of London, Department of Computer Science, TR-00-12 (December 2000).

Index of Terms

Jump to:   $  

Index Entry   Section

$:   Java Action Features
$:   Action Features
$:   Table of Symbols
$:   Table of Symbols
$:   Table of Symbols
$$:   Actions
$$:   Java Action Features
$$:   Action Features
$$:   Table of Symbols
$<:   Java Action Features
$<:   Java Action Features
$<:   Action Features
$<:   Action Features
$@n:   Mid-Rule Action Translation
$accept:   Table of Symbols
$end:   Table of Symbols
$n:   Actions
$name:   Actions
$undefined:   Table of Symbols
$[:   Table of Symbols
$[name]:   Actions

%:   Java Declarations Summary
%:   Table of Symbols
%%:   Java Declarations Summary
%%:   Table of Symbols
%?:   Semantic Predicates
%?:   Table of Symbols
%code:   Prologue Alternatives
%code:   Decl Summary
%code:   Decl Summary
%code:   Decl Summary
%code:   %code Summary
%code:   %code Summary
%code:   %code Summary
%code:   Calc++ Parser
%code:   Java Declarations Summary
%code:   Table of Symbols
%code:   Table of Symbols
%code imports:   %code Summary
%code imports:   Java Declarations Summary
%code init:   Java Declarations Summary
%code lexer:   Java Declarations Summary
%code provides:   Prologue Alternatives
%code provides:   Decl Summary
%code provides:   %code Summary
%code requires:   Prologue Alternatives
%code requires:   Decl Summary
%code requires:   %code Summary
%code requires:   Calc++ Parser
%code top:   Prologue Alternatives
%code top:   %code Summary
%debug:   Decl Summary
%debug:   Enabling Traces
%debug:   Table of Symbols
%define:   Decl Summary
%define:   Decl Summary
%define:   Decl Summary
%define:   Decl Summary
%define:   %define Summary
%define:   %define Summary
%define:   %define Summary
%define:   %define Summary
%define:   %define Summary
%define:   Table of Symbols
%define:   Table of Symbols
%define:   Table of Symbols
%define:   Table of Symbols
%define abstract:   Java Declarations Summary
%define annotations:   Java Declarations Summary
%define api.location.type:   %define Summary
%define api.location.type:   User Defined Location Type
%define api.location.type:   Java Declarations Summary
%define api.namespace:   %define Summary
%define api.namespace:   C++ Bison Interface
%define api.position.type:   Java Declarations Summary
%define api.prefix:   %define Summary
%define api.pure:   Pure Decl
%define api.pure:   %define Summary
%define api.push-pull:   Push Decl
%define api.push-pull:   %define Summary
%define api.push-pull:   Java Push Parser Interface
%define api.token.constructor:   %define Summary
%define api.token.constructor:   Calc++ Parser
%define api.token.prefix:   %define Summary
%define api.value.type:   %define Summary
%define api.value.type:   %define Summary
%define api.value.type:   Java Declarations Summary
%define api.value.type union:   Type Generation
%define api.value.type variant:   Calc++ Parser
%define   %define Summary
%define extends:   Java Declarations Summary
%define final:   Java Declarations Summary
%define implements:   Java Declarations Summary
%define init_throws:   Java Declarations Summary
%define lex_throws:   Java Declarations Summary
%define location_type:   %define Summary
%define lr.default-reduction:   %define Summary
%define lr.default-reduction:   Default Reductions
%define lr.default-reduction:   Default Reductions
%define lr.keep-unreachable-state:   %define Summary
%define lr.keep-unreachable-state:   Unreachable States
%define lr.keep-unreachable-state:   Unreachable States
%define lr.type:   %define Summary
%define lr.type:   LR Table Construction
%define lr.type:   LR Table Construction
%define package:   Java Declarations Summary
%define parse.assert:   %define Summary
%define parse.error:   %define Summary
%define parse.error:   Error Reporting
%define parse.lac:   %define Summary
%define parse.lac:   LAC
%define parse.lac:   LAC
%define parse.trace:   %define Summary
%define parse.trace:   Enabling Traces
%define parser_class_name:   Java Declarations Summary
%define public:   Java Declarations Summary
%define strictfp:   Java Declarations Summary
%define throws:   Java Declarations Summary
%defines:   Decl Summary
%defines:   Decl Summary
%defines:   Table of Symbols
%defines:   Table of Symbols
%destructor:   Using Mid-Rule Actions
%destructor:   Destructor Decl
%destructor:   Destructor Decl
%destructor:   Destructor Decl
%destructor:   Decl Summary
%destructor:   Table of Symbols
%dprec:   Merging GLR Parses
%dprec:   Table of Symbols
%empty:   Empty Rules
%empty:   Table of Symbols
%error-verbose:   Table of Symbols
%expect:   Expect Decl
%expect:   Decl Summary
%expect-rr:   Simple GLR Parsers
%expect-rr:   Expect Decl
%file-prefix:   Decl Summary
%file-prefix:   Table of Symbols
%glr-parser:   GLR Parsers
%glr-parser:   Simple GLR Parsers
%glr-parser:   Table of Symbols
%initial-action:   Initial Action Decl
%initial-action:   Initial Action Decl
%initial-action:   Initial Action Decl
%initial-action:   Table of Symbols
%language:   Decl Summary
%language:   Table of Symbols
%language "Java":   Java Declarations Summary
%left:   Decl Summary
%left:   Using Precedence
%left:   Table of Symbols
%lex-param:   Pure Calling
%lex-param:   Pure Calling
%lex-param:   Java Declarations Summary
%lex-param:   Table of Symbols
%locations:   Decl Summary
%merge:   Merging GLR Parses
%merge:   Table of Symbols
%name-prefix:   Decl Summary
%name-prefix:   Java Declarations Summary
%name-prefix:   Table of Symbols
%no-lines:   Decl Summary
%no-lines:   Table of Symbols
%nonassoc:   Decl Summary
%nonassoc:   Using Precedence
%nonassoc:   LR Table Construction
%nonassoc:   Default Reductions
%nonassoc:   Table of Symbols
%output:   Decl Summary
%output:   Table of Symbols
%param:   Pure Calling
%param:   Pure Calling
%param:   Table of Symbols
%parse-param:   Parser Function
%parse-param:   Parser Function
%parse-param:   Java Declarations Summary
%parse-param:   Table of Symbols
%prec:   Contextual Precedence
%prec:   Table of Symbols
%precedence:   Using Precedence
%precedence:   Precedence Only
%precedence:   Table of Symbols
%printer:   Printer Decl
%printer:   Printer Decl
%printer:   Printer Decl
%pure-parser:   Decl Summary
%pure-parser:   Table of Symbols
%require:   Require Decl
%require:   Decl Summary
%require:   Table of Symbols
%right:   Decl Summary
%right:   Using Precedence
%right:   Table of Symbols
%skeleton:   Decl Summary
%skeleton:   Table of Symbols
%start:   Start Decl
%start:   Decl Summary
%start:   Table of Symbols
%token:   Token Decl
%token:   Decl Summary
%token:   Java Declarations Summary
%token:   Table of Symbols
%token-table:   Decl Summary
%token-table:   Table of Symbols
%type:   Type Decl
%type:   Decl Summary
%type:   Java Declarations Summary
%type:   Table of Symbols
%union:   Union Decl
%union:   Structured Value Type
%union:   Decl Summary
%union:   Table of Symbols
%verbose:   Decl Summary
%yacc:   Decl Summary

/*:   Table of Symbols
/* … */:   Grammar Outline
//:   Table of Symbols
// …:   Grammar Outline

::   Table of Symbols

;:   Table of Symbols

<*>:   Destructor Decl
<*>:   Printer Decl
<*>:   Table of Symbols
<>:   Destructor Decl
<>:   Printer Decl
<>:   Table of Symbols

@:   Java Action Features
@:   Java Action Features
@:   Action Features
@:   Action Features
@:   Table of Symbols
@:   Table of Symbols
@:   Table of Symbols
@:   Table of Symbols
@:   Table of Symbols
@$:   Actions and Locations
@n:   Mid-Rule Action Translation
@n:   Actions and Locations
@n:   Action Features
@name:   Actions and Locations
@[name]:   Actions and Locations

|:   Rules Syntax
|:   Table of Symbols

abstract syntax tree:   Implementing Gotos/Loops
accepting state:   Understanding
action:   Actions
action data types:   Action Types
action features summary:   Action Features
actions in mid-rule:   Mid-Rule Actions
actions in mid-rule:   Destructor Decl
actions, location:   Actions and Locations
actions, semantic:   Semantic Actions
additional C code section:   Epilogue
algorithm of parser:   Algorithm
ambiguous grammars:   Language and Grammar
ambiguous grammars:   Generalized LR Parsing
associativity:   Why Precedence
AST:   Implementing Gotos/Loops

Backus-Naur form:   Language and Grammar
begin of location:   C++ location
begin of Location:   Java Location Values
Bison declaration summary:   Decl Summary
Bison declarations:   Declarations
Bison declarations (introduction):   Bison Declarations
Bison grammar:   Grammar in Bison
Bison invocation:   Invocation
Bison parser:   Bison Parser
Bison parser algorithm:   Algorithm
Bison symbols, table of:   Table of Symbols
Bison utility:   Bison Parser
bison-i18n.m4:   Internationalization
bison-po:   Internationalization
bisonSkeleton of YYParser:   Java Parser Interface
bisonVersion of YYParser:   Java Parser Interface
BISON_I18N:   Internationalization
BISON_LOCALEDIR:   Internationalization
BNF:   Language and Grammar
braced code:   Rules Syntax
build<T> on semantic_type:   C++ Variants
build<T> on semantic_type:   C++ Variants

C code, section for additional:   Epilogue
C-language interface:   Interface
calc:   Infix Calc
calculator, infix notation:   Infix Calc
calculator, location tracking:   Location Tracking Calc
calculator, multi-function:   Multi-function Calc
calculator, simple:   RPN Calc
canonical LR:   Mysterious Conflicts
canonical LR:   LR Table Construction
character token:   Symbols
column of position:   C++ position
columns on location:   C++ location
columns on position:   C++ position
comment:   Grammar Outline
compiling the parser:   Rpcalc Compile
conflicts:   GLR Parsers
conflicts:   Simple GLR Parsers
conflicts:   Merging GLR Parses
conflicts:   Shift/Reduce
conflicts, reduce/reduce:   Reduce/Reduce
conflicts, suppressing warnings of:   Expect Decl
consistent states:   Default Reductions
context-dependent precedence:   Contextual Precedence
context-free grammar:   Language and Grammar
controlling function:   Rpcalc Main
core, item set:   Understanding

dangling else:   Shift/Reduce
data type of locations:   Location Type
data types in actions:   Action Types
data types of semantic values:   Value Type
debugging:   Tracing
debug_level on parser:   C++ Parser Interface
debug_stream on parser:   C++ Parser Interface
declaration summary:   Decl Summary
declarations:   Prologue
declarations section:   Prologue
declarations, Bison:   Declarations
declarations, Bison (introduction):   Bison Declarations
declaring literal string tokens:   Token Decl
declaring operator precedence:   Precedence Decl
declaring the start symbol:   Start Decl
declaring token type names:   Token Decl
declaring value types:   Type Generation
declaring value types:   Union Decl
declaring value types:   Structured Value Type
declaring value types, nonterminals:   Type Decl
default action:   Actions
default data type:   Value Type
default location type:   Location Type
default reductions:   Default Reductions
default stack limit:   Memory Management
default start symbol:   Start Decl
defaulted states:   Default Reductions
deferred semantic actions:   GLR Semantic Actions
defining language semantics:   Semantics
delayed syntax error detection:   LR Table Construction
delayed syntax error detection:   Default Reductions
delayed yylex invocations:   Default Reductions
discarded symbols:   Destructor Decl
discarded symbols, mid-rule actions:   Using Mid-Rule Actions
dot:   Graphviz

else, dangling:   Shift/Reduce
empty rule:   Empty Rules
end of location:   C++ location
end of Location:   Java Location Values
epilogue:   Epilogue
error:   Error Recovery
error:   Table of Symbols
error on parser:   C++ Parser Interface
error on parser:   C++ Parser Interface
error recovery:   Error Recovery
error recovery, mid-rule actions:   Using Mid-Rule Actions
error recovery, simple:   Simple Error Recovery
error reporting function:   Error Reporting
error reporting routine:   Rpcalc Error
examples, simple:   Examples
exceptions:   C++ Parser Interface
exercises:   Exercises

file format:   Grammar Layout
file of position:   C++ position
finite-state machine:   Parser States
formal grammar:   Grammar in Bison
format of grammar file:   Grammar Layout
freeing discarded symbols:   Destructor Decl
frequently asked questions:   FAQ

generalized LR (GLR) parsing:   Language and Grammar
generalized LR (GLR) parsing:   GLR Parsers
generalized LR (GLR) parsing:   Generalized LR Parsing
generalized LR (GLR) parsing, ambiguous grammars:   Merging GLR Parses
generalized LR (GLR) parsing, unambiguous grammars:   Simple GLR Parsers
getDebugLevel on YYParser:   Java Parser Interface
getDebugStream on YYParser:   Java Parser Interface
getEndPos on Lexer:   Java Scanner Interface
getErrorVerbose on YYParser:   Java Parser Interface
getLVal on Lexer:   Java Scanner Interface
getStartPos on Lexer:   Java Scanner Interface
gettext:   Internationalization
glossary:   Glossary
GLR parsers and inline:   Compiler Requirements
GLR parsers and yychar:   GLR Semantic Actions
GLR parsers and yyclearin:   GLR Semantic Actions
GLR parsers and YYERROR:   GLR Semantic Actions
GLR parsers and yylloc:   GLR Semantic Actions
GLR parsers and YYLLOC_DEFAULT:   Location Default Action
GLR parsers and yylval:   GLR Semantic Actions
GLR parsing:   Language and Grammar
GLR parsing:   GLR Parsers
GLR parsing:   Generalized LR Parsing
GLR parsing, ambiguous grammars:   Merging GLR Parses
GLR parsing, unambiguous grammars:   Simple GLR Parsers
GLR with LALR:   LR Table Construction
grammar file:   Grammar Layout
grammar rule syntax:   Rules Syntax
grammar rules section:   Grammar Rules
grammar, Bison:   Grammar in Bison
grammar, context-free:   Language and Grammar
grouping, syntactic:   Language and Grammar

Header guard:   Decl Summary

i18n:   Internationalization
IELR:   Mysterious Conflicts
IELR:   LR Table Construction
IELR grammars:   Language and Grammar
infix notation calculator:   Infix Calc
initialize on location:   C++ location
initialize on position:   C++ position
inline:   Compiler Requirements
interface:   Interface
internationalization:   Internationalization
introduction:   Introduction
invoking Bison:   Invocation
item:   Understanding
item set core:   Understanding
item set core:   Understanding

kernel, item set:   Understanding

LAC:   LR Table Construction
LAC:   Default Reductions
LALR:   Mysterious Conflicts
LALR:   LR Table Construction
LALR grammars:   Language and Grammar
language semantics, defining:   Semantics
layout of Bison grammar:   Grammar Layout
left recursion:   Recursion
lexical analyzer:   Lexical
lexical analyzer, purpose:   Bison Parser
lexical analyzer, writing:   Rpcalc Lexer
lexical tie-in:   Lexical Tie-ins
line of position:   C++ position
lines on location:   C++ location
lines on position:   C++ position
literal string token:   Symbols
literal token:   Symbols
location:   Locations
location:   Tracking Locations
location actions:   Actions and Locations
location on location:   C++ location
location on location:   C++ location
location on location:   C++ location
Location on Location:   Java Location Values
Location on Location:   Java Location Values
location tracking calculator:   Location Tracking Calc
location, textual:   Locations
location, textual:   Tracking Locations
location_type:   C++ Parser Interface
lookahead correction:   LAC
lookahead token:   Lookahead
LR:   Mysterious Conflicts
LR grammars:   Language and Grammar
ltcalc:   Location Tracking Calc

main function in simple example:   Rpcalc Main
make_ on symbol_type:   Complete Symbols
make_ on symbol_type:   Complete Symbols
memory exhaustion:   Memory Management
memory management:   Memory Management
mfcalc:   Multi-function Calc
mid-rule actions:   Mid-Rule Actions
mid-rule actions:   Destructor Decl
multi-function calculator:   Multi-function Calc
multicharacter literal:   Symbols
mutual recursion:   Recursion
Mysterious Conflict:   LR Table Construction
Mysterious Conflicts:   Mysterious Conflicts

named references:   Named References
NLS:   Internationalization
nondeterministic parsing:   Language and Grammar
nondeterministic parsing:   Generalized LR Parsing
nonterminal symbol:   Symbols
nonterminal, useless:   Understanding

operator precedence:   Precedence
operator precedence, declaring:   Precedence Decl
operator!= on location:   C++ location
operator!= on position:   C++ position
operator+ on location:   C++ location
operator+ on location:   C++ location
operator+ on position:   C++ position
operator+= on location:   C++ location
operator+= on location:   C++ location
operator+= on position:   C++ position
operator- on location:   C++ location
operator- on position:   C++ position
operator-= on location:   C++ location
operator-= on position:   C++ position
operator<<:   C++ position
operator<<:   C++ location
operator== on location:   C++ location
operator== on position:   C++ position
options for invoking Bison:   Invocation
overflow of parser stack:   Memory Management

parse error:   Error Reporting
parse on parser:   C++ Parser Interface
parse on YYParser:   Java Parser Interface
parser:   Bison Parser
parser on parser:   C++ Parser Interface
parser stack:   Algorithm
parser stack overflow:   Memory Management
parser state:   Parser States
pointed rule:   Understanding
polish notation calculator:   RPN Calc
position on position:   C++ position
precedence declarations:   Precedence Decl
precedence of operators:   Precedence
precedence, context-dependent:   Contextual Precedence
precedence, unary operator:   Contextual Precedence
preventing warnings about conflicts:   Expect Decl
printing semantic values:   Printer Decl
Prologue:   Prologue
Prologue:   %code Summary
Prologue Alternatives:   Prologue Alternatives
pure parser:   Pure Decl
push parser:   Push Decl
push parser:   Push Decl
push_parse on YYParser:   Java Push Parser Interface
push_parse on YYParser:   Java Push Parser Interface
push_parse on YYParser:   Java Push Parser Interface

questions:   FAQ

recovering:   Java Action Features
recovering on YYParser:   Java Parser Interface
recovery from errors:   Error Recovery
recursive rule:   Recursion
reduce/reduce conflict:   Reduce/Reduce
reduce/reduce conflicts:   GLR Parsers
reduce/reduce conflicts:   Simple GLR Parsers
reduce/reduce conflicts:   Merging GLR Parses
reduction:   Algorithm
reentrant parser:   Pure Decl
requiring a version of Bison:   Require Decl
reverse polish notation:   RPN Calc
right recursion:   Recursion
rpcalc:   RPN Calc
rule syntax:   Rules Syntax
rule, empty:   Empty Rules
rule, pointed:   Understanding
rule, recursive:   Recursion
rule, useless:   Understanding
rules section for grammar:   Grammar Rules
running Bison (introduction):   Rpcalc Generate

semantic actions:   Semantic Actions
Semantic predicates in GLR parsers:   Semantic Predicates
semantic value:   Semantic Values
semantic value type:   Value Type
semantic_type:   C++ Parser Interface
setDebugLevel on YYParser:   Java Parser Interface
setDebugStream on YYParser:   Java Parser Interface
setErrorVerbose on YYParser:   Java Parser Interface
set_debug_level on parser:   C++ Parser Interface
set_debug_stream on parser:   C++ Parser Interface
shift/reduce conflicts:   GLR Parsers
shift/reduce conflicts:   Simple GLR Parsers
shift/reduce conflicts:   Shift/Reduce
shifting:   Algorithm
simple examples:   Examples
single-character literal:   Symbols
stack overflow:   Memory Management
stack, parser:   Algorithm
stages in using Bison:   Stages
start symbol:   Language and Grammar
start symbol, declaring:   Start Decl
state (of parser):   Parser States
step on location:   C++ location
string token:   Symbols
summary, action features:   Action Features
summary, Bison declaration:   Decl Summary
suppressing conflict warnings:   Expect Decl
symbol:   Symbols
symbol table example:   Mfcalc Symbol Table
symbols (abstract):   Language and Grammar
symbols in Bison, table of:   Table of Symbols
symbol_type on symbol_type:   Complete Symbols
syntactic grouping:   Language and Grammar
syntax error:   Error Reporting
syntax of grammar rules:   Rules Syntax
syntax_error:   C++ Parser Interface
syntax_error on syntax_error:   C++ Parser Interface
syntax_error on syntax_error:   C++ Parser Interface

terminal symbol:   Symbols
textual location:   Locations
textual location:   Tracking Locations
token:   Language and Grammar
token:   C++ Parser Interface
token type:   Symbols
token type names, declaring:   Token Decl
token, useless:   Understanding
toString on Location:   Java Location Values
tracing the parser:   Tracing

uint:   C++ Location Values
unary operator precedence:   Contextual Precedence
unreachable states:   Unreachable States
useless nonterminal:   Understanding
useless rule:   Understanding
useless token:   Understanding
using Bison:   Stages

value type, semantic:   Value Type
value types, declaring:   Type Generation
value types, declaring:   Union Decl
value types, declaring:   Structured Value Type
value types, nonterminals, declaring:   Type Decl
value, semantic:   Semantic Values
version requirement:   Require Decl

warnings, preventing:   Expect Decl
writing a lexical analyzer:   Rpcalc Lexer

xml:   Xml

YYABORT:   Parser Function
YYABORT:   Parser Function
YYABORT:   Action Features
YYABORT:   Java Action Features
YYABORT:   Table of Symbols
YYACCEPT:   Parser Function
YYACCEPT:   Parser Function
YYACCEPT:   Action Features
YYACCEPT:   Java Action Features
YYACCEPT:   Table of Symbols
YYBACKUP:   Action Features
YYBACKUP:   Action Features
YYBACKUP:   Table of Symbols
yychar:   GLR Semantic Actions
yychar:   Lookahead
yychar:   Action Features
yychar:   Table of Symbols
yyclearin:   GLR Semantic Actions
yyclearin:   Action Features
yyclearin:   Error Recovery
yyclearin:   Table of Symbols
yydebug:   Tracing
YYDEBUG:   Enabling Traces
YYDEBUG:   Table of Symbols
yydebug:   Table of Symbols
YYEMPTY:   Action Features
YYENABLE_NLS:   Internationalization
YYEOF:   Action Features
yyerrok:   Action Features
yyerrok:   Error Recovery
yyerrok:   Table of Symbols
YYERROR:   GLR Semantic Actions
yyerror:   Error Reporting
YYERROR:   Action Features
YYERROR:   Java Action Features
yyerror:   Java Action Features
yyerror:   Java Action Features
yyerror:   Java Action Features
YYERROR:   Table of Symbols
yyerror:   Table of Symbols
yyerror on Lexer:   Java Scanner Interface
yyerror on YYParser:   Java Parser Interface
yyerror on YYParser:   Java Parser Interface
yyerror on YYParser:   Java Parser Interface
YYERROR_VERBOSE:   Table of Symbols
YYFPRINTF:   Enabling Traces
YYFPRINTF:   Table of Symbols
YYINITDEPTH:   Memory Management
YYINITDEPTH:   Table of Symbols
yylex:   Lexical
yylex:   Table of Symbols
yylex on Lexer:   Java Scanner Interface
yylex on parser:   Split Symbols
yylex on parser:   Split Symbols
yylloc:   GLR Semantic Actions
yylloc:   Actions and Locations
yylloc:   Token Locations
yylloc:   Lookahead
yylloc:   Action Features
yylloc:   Table of Symbols
YYLLOC_DEFAULT:   Location Default Action
YYLTYPE:   Token Locations
YYLTYPE:   Table of Symbols
yylval:   GLR Semantic Actions
yylval:   Actions
yylval:   Token Values
yylval:   Lookahead
yylval:   Action Features
yylval:   Table of Symbols
YYMAXDEPTH:   Memory Management
YYMAXDEPTH:   Table of Symbols
yynerrs:   Error Reporting
yynerrs:   Table of Symbols
yyoutput:   Printer Decl
yyparse:   Parser Function
yyparse:   Parser Function
yyparse:   Table of Symbols
YYParser on YYParser:   Java Parser Interface
YYParser on YYParser:   Java Parser Interface
YYPRINT:   Table of Symbols
yypstate_delete:   Parser Delete Function
yypstate_delete:   Parser Delete Function
yypstate_delete:   Table of Symbols
yypstate_new:   Parser Create Function
yypstate_new:   Parser Create Function
yypstate_new:   Table of Symbols
yypull_parse:   Pull Parser Function
yypull_parse:   Pull Parser Function
yypull_parse:   Table of Symbols
yypush_parse:   Push Parser Function
yypush_parse:   Push Parser Function
yypush_parse:   Table of Symbols
YYRECOVERING:   Error Recovery
YYRECOVERING:   Action Features
YYRECOVERING:   Action Features
YYRECOVERING:   Table of Symbols
YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA:   Table of Symbols
YYSTYPE:   Table of Symbols

Jump to:   $  


Table of Contents

  • Bison
  • Introduction
  • Conditions for Using Bison
    • Preamble
    • Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
  • 1 The Concepts of Bison
    • 1.1 Languages and Context-Free Grammars
    • 1.2 From Formal Rules to Bison Input
    • 1.3 Semantic Values
    • 1.4 Semantic Actions
    • 1.5 Writing GLR Parsers
      • 1.5.1 Using GLR on Unambiguous Grammars
      • 1.5.2 Using GLR to Resolve Ambiguities
      • 1.5.3 GLR Semantic Actions
      • 1.5.4 Considerations when Compiling GLR Parsers
    • 1.6 Locations
    • 1.7 Bison Output: the Parser File
    • 1.8 Stages in Using Bison
    • 1.9 The Overall Layout of a Bison Grammar
  • 2 Examples
    • 2.1 Reverse Polish Notation Calculator
      • 2.1.1 Declarations for rpcalc
      • 2.1.2 Grammar Rules for rpcalc
        • Explanation of input
        • Explanation of line
        • Explanation of expr
      • 2.1.3 The rpcalc Lexical Analyzer
      • 2.1.4 The Controlling Function
      • 2.1.5 The Error Reporting Routine
      • 2.1.6 Running Bison to Make the Parser
      • 2.1.7 Compiling the Parser File
    • 2.2 Infix Notation Calculator: calc
    • 2.3 Simple Error Recovery
    • 2.4 Location Tracking Calculator: ltcalc
      • 2.4.1 Declarations for ltcalc
      • 2.4.2 Grammar Rules for ltcalc
      • 2.4.3 The ltcalc Lexical Analyzer.
    • 2.5 Multi-Function Calculator: mfcalc
      • 2.5.1 Declarations for mfcalc
      • 2.5.2 Grammar Rules for mfcalc
      • 2.5.3 The mfcalc Symbol Table
    • 2.6 Exercises
  • 3 Bison Grammar Files
    • 3.1 Outline of a Bison Grammar
      • 3.1.1 The prologue
      • 3.1.2 The Bison Declarations Section
      • 3.1.3 The Grammar Rules Section
      • 3.1.4 The epilogue
    • 3.2 Symbols, Terminal and Nonterminal
    • 3.3 Syntax of Grammar Rules
    • 3.4 Recursive Rules
    • 3.5 Defining Language Semantics
      • 3.5.1 Data Types of Semantic Values
      • 3.5.2 More Than One Value Type
      • 3.5.3 Actions
      • 3.5.4 Data Types of Values in Actions
      • 3.5.5 Actions in Mid-Rule
    • 3.6 Tracking Locations
      • 3.6.1 Data Type of Locations
      • 3.6.2 Actions and Locations
      • 3.6.3 Default Action for Locations
    • 3.7 Bison Declarations
      • 3.7.1 Require a Version of Bison
      • 3.7.2 Token Type Names
      • 3.7.3 Operator Precedence
      • 3.7.4 The Collection of Value Types
      • 3.7.5 Nonterminal Symbols
      • 3.7.6 Performing Actions before Parsing
      • 3.7.7 Freeing Discarded Symbols
      • 3.7.8 Suppressing Conflict Warnings
      • 3.7.9 The Start-Symbol
      • 3.7.10 A Pure (Reentrant) Parser
      • 3.7.11 Bison Declaration Summary
    • 3.8 Multiple Parsers in the Same Program
  • 4 Parser C-Language Interface
    • 4.1 The Parser Function yyparse
    • 4.2 The Lexical Analyzer Function yylex
      • 4.2.1 Calling Convention for yylex
      • 4.2.2 Semantic Values of Tokens
      • 4.2.3 Textual Locations of Tokens
      • 4.2.4 Calling Conventions for Pure Parsers
    • 4.3 The Error Reporting Function yyerror
    • 4.4 Special Features for Use in Actions
    • 4.5 Parser Internationalization
  • 5 The Bison Parser Algorithm
    • 5.1 Look-Ahead Tokens
    • 5.2 Shift/Reduce Conflicts
    • 5.3 Operator Precedence
      • 5.3.1 When Precedence is Needed
      • 5.3.2 Specifying Operator Precedence
      • 5.3.3 Precedence Examples
      • 5.3.4 How Precedence Works
    • 5.4 Context-Dependent Precedence
    • 5.5 Parser States
    • 5.6 Reduce/Reduce Conflicts
    • 5.7 Mysterious Reduce/Reduce Conflicts
    • 5.8 Generalized LR (GLR) Parsing
    • 5.9 Memory Management, and How to Avoid Memory Exhaustion
  • 6 Error Recovery
  • 7 Handling Context Dependencies
    • 7.1 Semantic Info in Token Types
    • 7.2 Lexical Tie-ins
    • 7.3 Lexical Tie-ins and Error Recovery
  • 8 Debugging Your Parser
    • 8.1 Understanding Your Parser
    • 8.2 Tracing Your Parser
  • 9 Invoking Bison
    • 9.1 Bison Options
    • 9.2 Option Cross Key
    • 9.3 Yacc Library
  • 10 C++ Language Interface
    • 10.1 C++ Parsers
      • 10.1.1 C++ Bison Interface
      • 10.1.2 C++ Semantic Values
      • 10.1.3 C++ Location Values
      • 10.1.4 C++ Parser Interface
      • 10.1.5 C++ Scanner Interface
    • 10.2 A Complete C++ Example
      • 10.2.1 Calc++ — C++ Calculator
      • 10.2.2 Calc++ Parsing Driver
      • 10.2.3 Calc++ Parser
      • 10.2.4 Calc++ Scanner
      • 10.2.5 Calc++ Top Level
  • 11 Frequently Asked Questions
    • 11.1 Memory Exhausted
    • 11.2 How Can I Reset the Parser
    • 11.3 Strings are Destroyed
    • 11.4 Implementing Gotos/Loops
    • 11.5 Multiple start-symbols
    • 11.6 Secure? Conform?
    • 11.7 I can’t build Bison
    • 11.8 Where can I find help?
    • 11.9 Bug Reports
    • 11.10 Other Languages
    • 11.11 Beta Testing
    • 11.12 Mailing Lists
  • Appendix A Bison Symbols
  • Appendix B Glossary
  • Appendix C Copying This Manual
    • C.1 GNU Free Documentation License
      • C.1.1 ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents
  • Index

Next: Introduction,
Up: (dir)


This manual is for GNU Bison (version 2.3,
30 May 2006), the GNU parser generator.

Copyright © 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1998,
1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software
Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover texts
being “A GNU Manual,” and with the Back-Cover Texts as in
(a) below. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled
“GNU Free Documentation License.”

(a) The FSF’s Back-Cover Text is: “You have freedom to copy
and modify this GNU Manual, like GNU software.
Copies published by the Free Software Foundation raise funds for
GNU development.”

Tutorial sections:

Reference sections:

— The Detailed Node Listing —

The Concepts of Bison

Writing GLR Parsers


Reverse Polish Notation Calculator

Grammar Rules for rpcalc

Location Tracking Calculator: ltcalc

Multi-Function Calculator: mfcalc

Bison Grammar Files

Outline of a Bison Grammar

Defining Language Semantics

Tracking Locations

Bison Declarations

Parser C-Language Interface

The Lexical Analyzer Function yylex

The Bison Parser Algorithm

Operator Precedence

Handling Context Dependencies

Debugging Your Parser

Invoking Bison

C++ Language Interface

C++ Parsers

A Complete C++ Example

Frequently Asked Questions

Copying This Manual

Next: Conditions,
Previous: Top,
Up: Top


Bison is a general-purpose parser generator that converts an
annotated context-free grammar into an LALR(1) or
GLR parser for that grammar. Once you are proficient with
Bison, you can use it to develop a wide range of language parsers, from those
used in simple desk calculators to complex programming languages.

Bison is upward compatible with Yacc: all properly-written Yacc grammars
ought to work with Bison with no change. Anyone familiar with Yacc
should be able to use Bison with little trouble. You need to be fluent in
C or C++ programming in order to use Bison or to understand this manual.

We begin with tutorial chapters that explain the basic concepts of using
Bison and show three explained examples, each building on the last. If you
don’t know Bison or Yacc, start by reading these chapters. Reference
chapters follow which describe specific aspects of Bison in detail.

Bison was written primarily by Robert Corbett; Richard Stallman made it
Yacc-compatible. Wilfred Hansen of Carnegie Mellon University added
multi-character string literals and other features.

This edition corresponds to version 2.3 of Bison.

Next: Copying,
Previous: Introduction,
Up: Top

Conditions for Using Bison

The distribution terms for Bison-generated parsers permit using the
parsers in nonfree programs. Before Bison version 2.2, these extra
permissions applied only when Bison was generating LALR(1)
parsers in C. And before Bison version 1.24, Bison-generated
parsers could be used only in programs that were free software.

The other GNU programming tools, such as the GNU C
compiler, have never
had such a requirement. They could always be used for nonfree
software. The reason Bison was different was not due to a special
policy decision; it resulted from applying the usual General Public
License to all of the Bison source code.

The output of the Bison utility—the Bison parser file—contains a
verbatim copy of a sizable piece of Bison, which is the code for the
parser’s implementation. (The actions from your grammar are inserted
into this implementation at one point, but most of the rest of the
implementation is not changed.) When we applied the GPL
terms to the skeleton code for the parser’s implementation,
the effect was to restrict the use of Bison output to free software.

We didn’t change the terms because of sympathy for people who want to
make software proprietary. Software should be free. But we
concluded that limiting Bison’s use to free software was doing little to
encourage people to make other software free. So we decided to make the
practical conditions for using Bison match the practical conditions for
using the other GNU tools.

This exception applies when Bison is generating code for a parser.
You can tell whether the exception applies to a Bison output file by
inspecting the file for text beginning with “As a special
exception”. The text spells out the exact terms of the

Next: Concepts,
Previous: Conditions,
Up: Top


Version 2, June 1991

     Copyright © 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
     Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
     of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software—to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation’s software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.

When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.

To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.

For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their

We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.

Also, for each author’s protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors’ reputations.

Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone’s free use or not licensed at all.

The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.

  1. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
    a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
    under the terms of this General Public License. The “Program”, below,
    refers to any such program or work, and a “work based on the Program”
    means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
    that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
    either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
    language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
    the term “modification”.) Each licensee is addressed as “you”.

    Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
    covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
    running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
    is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
    Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
    Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.

  2. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program’s
    source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
    conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
    copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
    notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
    and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
    along with the Program.

    You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
    you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.

  3. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
    of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
    distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
    above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:

    1. You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
      stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.

    2. You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
      whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
      part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
      parties under the terms of this License.

    3. If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
      when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
      interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
      announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
      notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
      a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
      these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
      License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
      does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
      the Program is not required to print an announcement.)

    These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
    identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
    and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
    themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
    sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
    distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
    on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
    this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
    entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.

    Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
    your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
    exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
    collective works based on the Program.

    In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
    with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
    a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
    the scope of this License.

  4. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
    under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
    Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:

    1. Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
      source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
      1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,

    2. Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
      years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
      cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
      machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
      distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
      customarily used for software interchange; or,

    3. Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
      to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
      allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
      received the program in object code or executable form with such
      an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)

    The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
    making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
    code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
    associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
    control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
    special exception, the source code distributed need not include
    anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
    form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
    operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
    itself accompanies the executable.

    If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
    access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
    access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
    distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
    compelled to copy the source along with the object code.

  5. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
    except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
    otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
    void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
    However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
    this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
    parties remain in full compliance.

  6. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
    signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
    distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
    prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
    modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
    Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
    all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
    the Program or works based on it.

  7. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
    Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
    original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
    these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
    restrictions on the recipients’ exercise of the rights granted herein.
    You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
    this License.

  8. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
    infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
    conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
    otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
    excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
    distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
    License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
    may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
    license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
    all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
    the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
    refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.

    If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
    any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
    apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other

    It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
    patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
    such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
    integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
    implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
    generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
    through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
    system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
    to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
    impose that choice.

    This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
    be a consequence of the rest of this License.

  9. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
    certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
    original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
    may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
    those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
    countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
    the limitation as if written in the body of this License.

  10. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
    of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
    be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
    address new problems or concerns.

    Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
    specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and “any
    later version”, you have the option of following the terms and conditions
    either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
    Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
    this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software

  11. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
    programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
    to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
    Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
    make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
    of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
    of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.



Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs

If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.

To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the “copyright” line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.

     one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.
     Copyright (C) yyyy  name of author
     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
     (at your option) any later version.
     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     GNU General Public License for more details.
     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.

If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:

     Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
     Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
     This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
     under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.

The hypothetical commands ‘show w’ and ‘show c’ should show
the appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, the
commands you use may be called something other than ‘show w’ and
show c’; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items—whatever
suits your program.

You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a “copyright disclaimer” for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:

     Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
     `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
     signature of Ty Coon, 1 April 1989
     Ty Coon, President of Vice

This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.

Next: Examples,
Previous: Copying,
Up: Top

1 The Concepts of Bison

This chapter introduces many of the basic concepts without which the
details of Bison will not make sense. If you do not already know how to
use Bison or Yacc, we suggest you start by reading this chapter carefully.

Next: Grammar in Bison,
Up: Concepts

1.1 Languages and Context-Free Grammars

In order for Bison to parse a language, it must be described by a
context-free grammar. This means that you specify one or more
syntactic groupings and give rules for constructing them from their
parts. For example, in the C language, one kind of grouping is called an
`expression’. One rule for making an expression might be, “An expression
can be made of a minus sign and another expression”. Another would be,
“An expression can be an integer”. As you can see, rules are often
recursive, but there must be at least one rule which leads out of the

The most common formal system for presenting such rules for humans to read
is Backus-Naur Form or “BNF”, which was developed in
order to specify the language Algol 60. Any grammar expressed in
BNF is a context-free grammar. The input to Bison is
essentially machine-readable BNF.

There are various important subclasses of context-free grammar. Although it
can handle almost all context-free grammars, Bison is optimized for what
are called LALR(1) grammars.
In brief, in these grammars, it must be possible to
tell how to parse any portion of an input string with just a single
token of look-ahead. Strictly speaking, that is a description of an
LR(1) grammar, and LALR(1) involves additional
restrictions that are
hard to explain simply; but it is rare in actual practice to find an
LR(1) grammar that fails to be LALR(1).
See Mysterious Reduce/Reduce Conflicts, for
more information on this.

Parsers for LALR(1) grammars are deterministic, meaning
roughly that the next grammar rule to apply at any point in the input is
uniquely determined by the preceding input and a fixed, finite portion
(called a look-ahead) of the remaining input. A context-free
grammar can be ambiguous, meaning that there are multiple ways to
apply the grammar rules to get the same inputs. Even unambiguous
grammars can be nondeterministic, meaning that no fixed
look-ahead always suffices to determine the next grammar rule to apply.
With the proper declarations, Bison is also able to parse these more
general context-free grammars, using a technique known as GLR
parsing (for Generalized LR). Bison’s GLR parsers
are able to handle any context-free grammar for which the number of
possible parses of any given string is finite.

In the formal grammatical rules for a language, each kind of syntactic
unit or grouping is named by a symbol. Those which are built by
grouping smaller constructs according to grammatical rules are called
nonterminal symbols; those which can’t be subdivided are called
terminal symbols or token types. We call a piece of input
corresponding to a single terminal symbol a token, and a piece
corresponding to a single nonterminal symbol a grouping.

We can use the C language as an example of what symbols, terminal and
nonterminal, mean. The tokens of C are identifiers, constants (numeric
and string), and the various keywords, arithmetic operators and
punctuation marks. So the terminal symbols of a grammar for C include
`identifier’, `number’, `string’, plus one symbol for each keyword,
operator or punctuation mark: `if’, `return’, `const’, `static’, `int’,
`char’, `plus-sign’, `open-brace’, `close-brace’, `comma’ and many more.
(These tokens can be subdivided into characters, but that is a matter of
lexicography, not grammar.)

Here is a simple C function subdivided into tokens:

     int             /* keyword `int' */
     square (int x)  /* identifier, open-paren, keyword `int', identifier, close-paren */
     {               /* open-brace */
       return x * x; /* keyword `return', identifier, asterisk, identifier, semicolon */
     }               /* close-brace */

The syntactic groupings of C include the expression, the statement, the
declaration, and the function definition. These are represented in the
grammar of C by nonterminal symbols `expression’, `statement’,
`declaration’ and `function definition’. The full grammar uses dozens of
additional language constructs, each with its own nonterminal symbol, in
order to express the meanings of these four. The example above is a
function definition; it contains one declaration, and one statement. In
the statement, each ‘x’ is an expression and so is ‘x * x’.

Each nonterminal symbol must have grammatical rules showing how it is made
out of simpler constructs. For example, one kind of C statement is the
return statement; this would be described with a grammar rule which
reads informally as follows:

A `statement’ can be made of a `return’ keyword, an `expression’ and a

There would be many other rules for `statement’, one for each kind of
statement in C.

One nonterminal symbol must be distinguished as the special one which
defines a complete utterance in the language. It is called the start
. In a compiler, this means a complete input program. In the C
language, the nonterminal symbol `sequence of definitions and declarations’
plays this role.

For example, ‘1 + 2’ is a valid C expression—a valid part of a C
program—but it is not valid as an entire C program. In the
context-free grammar of C, this follows from the fact that `expression’ is
not the start symbol.

The Bison parser reads a sequence of tokens as its input, and groups the
tokens using the grammar rules. If the input is valid, the end result is
that the entire token sequence reduces to a single grouping whose symbol is
the grammar’s start symbol. If we use a grammar for C, the entire input
must be a `sequence of definitions and declarations’. If not, the parser
reports a syntax error.

Next: Semantic Values,
Previous: Language and Grammar,
Up: Concepts

1.2 From Formal Rules to Bison Input

A formal grammar is a mathematical construct. To define the language
for Bison, you must write a file expressing the grammar in Bison syntax:
a Bison grammar file. See Bison Grammar Files.

A nonterminal symbol in the formal grammar is represented in Bison input
as an identifier, like an identifier in C. By convention, it should be
in lower case, such as expr, stmt or declaration.

The Bison representation for a terminal symbol is also called a token
. Token types as well can be represented as C-like identifiers. By
convention, these identifiers should be upper case to distinguish them from
nonterminals: for example, INTEGER, IDENTIFIER, IF or
RETURN. A terminal symbol that stands for a particular keyword in
the language should be named after that keyword converted to upper case.
The terminal symbol error is reserved for error recovery.
See Symbols.

A terminal symbol can also be represented as a character literal, just like
a C character constant. You should do this whenever a token is just a
single character (parenthesis, plus-sign, etc.): use that same character in
a literal as the terminal symbol for that token.

A third way to represent a terminal symbol is with a C string constant
containing several characters. See Symbols, for more information.

The grammar rules also have an expression in Bison syntax. For example,
here is the Bison rule for a C return statement. The semicolon in
quotes is a literal character token, representing part of the C syntax for
the statement; the naked semicolon, and the colon, are Bison punctuation
used in every rule.

     stmt:   RETURN expr ';'

See Syntax of Grammar Rules.

Next: Semantic Actions,
Previous: Grammar in Bison,
Up: Concepts

1.3 Semantic Values

A formal grammar selects tokens only by their classifications: for example,
if a rule mentions the terminal symbol `integer constant’, it means that
any integer constant is grammatically valid in that position. The
precise value of the constant is irrelevant to how to parse the input: if
x+4’ is grammatical then ‘x+1’ or ‘x+3989’ is equally

But the precise value is very important for what the input means once it is
parsed. A compiler is useless if it fails to distinguish between 4, 1 and
3989 as constants in the program! Therefore, each token in a Bison grammar
has both a token type and a semantic value. See Defining Language Semantics,
for details.

The token type is a terminal symbol defined in the grammar, such as
INTEGER, IDENTIFIER or ','. It tells everything
you need to know to decide where the token may validly appear and how to
group it with other tokens. The grammar rules know nothing about tokens
except their types.

The semantic value has all the rest of the information about the
meaning of the token, such as the value of an integer, or the name of an
identifier. (A token such as ',' which is just punctuation doesn’t
need to have any semantic value.)

For example, an input token might be classified as token type
INTEGER and have the semantic value 4. Another input token might
have the same token type INTEGER but value 3989. When a grammar
rule says that INTEGER is allowed, either of these tokens is
acceptable because each is an INTEGER. When the parser accepts the
token, it keeps track of the token’s semantic value.

Each grouping can also have a semantic value as well as its nonterminal
symbol. For example, in a calculator, an expression typically has a
semantic value that is a number. In a compiler for a programming
language, an expression typically has a semantic value that is a tree
structure describing the meaning of the expression.

Next: GLR Parsers,
Previous: Semantic Values,
Up: Concepts

1.4 Semantic Actions

In order to be useful, a program must do more than parse input; it must
also produce some output based on the input. In a Bison grammar, a grammar
rule can have an action made up of C statements. Each time the
parser recognizes a match for that rule, the action is executed.
See Actions.

Most of the time, the purpose of an action is to compute the semantic value
of the whole construct from the semantic values of its parts. For example,
suppose we have a rule which says an expression can be the sum of two
expressions. When the parser recognizes such a sum, each of the
subexpressions has a semantic value which describes how it was built up.
The action for this rule should create a similar sort of value for the
newly recognized larger expression.

For example, here is a rule that says an expression can be the sum of
two subexpressions:

     expr: expr '+' expr   { $$ = $1 + $3; }

The action says how to produce the semantic value of the sum expression
from the values of the two subexpressions.

Next: Locations Overview,
Previous: Semantic Actions,
Up: Concepts

1.5 Writing GLR Parsers

In some grammars, Bison’s standard
LALR(1) parsing algorithm cannot decide whether to apply a
certain grammar rule at a given point. That is, it may not be able to
decide (on the basis of the input read so far) which of two possible
reductions (applications of a grammar rule) applies, or whether to apply
a reduction or read more of the input and apply a reduction later in the
input. These are known respectively as reduce/reduce conflicts
(see Reduce/Reduce), and shift/reduce conflicts
(see Shift/Reduce).

To use a grammar that is not easily modified to be LALR(1), a
more general parsing algorithm is sometimes necessary. If you include
%glr-parser among the Bison declarations in your file
(see Grammar Outline), the result is a Generalized LR
(GLR) parser. These parsers handle Bison grammars that
contain no unresolved conflicts (i.e., after applying precedence
declarations) identically to LALR(1) parsers. However, when
faced with unresolved shift/reduce and reduce/reduce conflicts,
GLR parsers use the simple expedient of doing both,
effectively cloning the parser to follow both possibilities. Each of
the resulting parsers can again split, so that at any given time, there
can be any number of possible parses being explored. The parsers
proceed in lockstep; that is, all of them consume (shift) a given input
symbol before any of them proceed to the next. Each of the cloned
parsers eventually meets one of two possible fates: either it runs into
a parsing error, in which case it simply vanishes, or it merges with
another parser, because the two of them have reduced the input to an
identical set of symbols.

During the time that there are multiple parsers, semantic actions are
recorded, but not performed. When a parser disappears, its recorded
semantic actions disappear as well, and are never performed. When a
reduction makes two parsers identical, causing them to merge, Bison
records both sets of semantic actions. Whenever the last two parsers
merge, reverting to the single-parser case, Bison resolves all the
outstanding actions either by precedences given to the grammar rules
involved, or by performing both actions, and then calling a designated
user-defined function on the resulting values to produce an arbitrary
merged result.

1.5.1 Using GLR on Unambiguous Grammars

In the simplest cases, you can use the GLR algorithm
to parse grammars that are unambiguous, but fail to be LALR(1).
Such grammars typically require more than one symbol of look-ahead,
or (in rare cases) fall into the category of grammars in which the
LALR(1) algorithm throws away too much information (they are in
LR(1), but not LALR(1), Mystery Conflicts).

Consider a problem that
arises in the declaration of enumerated and subrange types in the
programming language Pascal. Here are some examples:

     type subrange = lo .. hi;
     type enum = (a, b, c);

The original language standard allows only numeric
literals and constant identifiers for the subrange bounds (‘lo
and ‘hi’), but Extended Pascal (ISO/IEC
10206) and many other
Pascal implementations allow arbitrary expressions there. This gives
rise to the following situation, containing a superfluous pair of

     type subrange = (a) .. b;

Compare this to the following declaration of an enumerated
type with only one value:

     type enum = (a);

(These declarations are contrived, but they are syntactically
valid, and more-complicated cases can come up in practical programs.)

These two declarations look identical until the ‘..’ token.
With normal LALR(1) one-token look-ahead it is not
possible to decide between the two forms when the identifier
a’ is parsed. It is, however, desirable
for a parser to decide this, since in the latter case
a’ must become a new identifier to represent the enumeration
value, while in the former case ‘a’ must be evaluated with its
current meaning, which may be a constant or even a function call.

You could parse ‘(a)’ as an “unspecified identifier in parentheses”,
to be resolved later, but this typically requires substantial
contortions in both semantic actions and large parts of the
grammar, where the parentheses are nested in the recursive rules for

You might think of using the lexer to distinguish between the two
forms by returning different tokens for currently defined and
undefined identifiers. But if these declarations occur in a local
scope, and ‘a’ is defined in an outer scope, then both forms
are possible—either locally redefining ‘a’, or using the
value of ‘a’ from the outer scope. So this approach cannot

A simple solution to this problem is to declare the parser to
use the GLR algorithm.
When the GLR parser reaches the critical state, it
merely splits into two branches and pursues both syntax rules
simultaneously. Sooner or later, one of them runs into a parsing
error. If there is a ‘..’ token before the next
;’, the rule for enumerated types fails since it cannot
accept ‘..’ anywhere; otherwise, the subrange type rule
fails since it requires a ‘..’ token. So one of the branches
fails silently, and the other one continues normally, performing
all the intermediate actions that were postponed during the split.

If the input is syntactically incorrect, both branches fail and the parser
reports a syntax error as usual.

The effect of all this is that the parser seems to “guess” the
correct branch to take, or in other words, it seems to use more
look-ahead than the underlying LALR(1) algorithm actually allows
for. In this example, LALR(2) would suffice, but also some cases
that are not LALR(k) for any k can be handled this way.

In general, a GLR parser can take quadratic or cubic worst-case time,
and the current Bison parser even takes exponential time and space
for some grammars. In practice, this rarely happens, and for many
grammars it is possible to prove that it cannot happen.
The present example contains only one conflict between two
rules, and the type-declaration context containing the conflict
cannot be nested. So the number of
branches that can exist at any time is limited by the constant 2,
and the parsing time is still linear.

Here is a Bison grammar corresponding to the example above. It
parses a vastly simplified form of Pascal type declarations.

     %token TYPE DOTDOT ID
     %left '+' '-'
     %left '*' '/'
     type_decl : TYPE ID '=' type ';'
     type : '(' id_list ')'
          | expr DOTDOT expr
     id_list : ID
          | id_list ',' ID
     expr : '(' expr ')'
          | expr '+' expr
          | expr '-' expr
          | expr '*' expr
          | expr '/' expr
          | ID

When used as a normal LALR(1) grammar, Bison correctly complains
about one reduce/reduce conflict. In the conflicting situation the
parser chooses one of the alternatives, arbitrarily the one
declared first. Therefore the following correct input is not

     type t = (a) .. b;

The parser can be turned into a GLR parser, while also telling Bison
to be silent about the one known reduce/reduce conflict, by
adding these two declarations to the Bison input file (before the first

     %expect-rr 1

No change in the grammar itself is required. Now the
parser recognizes all valid declarations, according to the
limited syntax above, transparently. In fact, the user does not even
notice when the parser splits.

So here we have a case where we can use the benefits of GLR,
almost without disadvantages. Even in simple cases like this, however,
there are at least two potential problems to beware. First, always
analyze the conflicts reported by Bison to make sure that GLR
splitting is only done where it is intended. A GLR parser
splitting inadvertently may cause problems less obvious than an
LALR parser statically choosing the wrong alternative in a
conflict. Second, consider interactions with the lexer (see Semantic Tokens) with great care. Since a split parser consumes tokens without
performing any actions during the split, the lexer cannot obtain
information via parser actions. Some cases of lexer interactions can be
eliminated by using GLR to shift the complications from the
lexer to the parser. You must check the remaining cases for

In our example, it would be safe for the lexer to return tokens based on
their current meanings in some symbol table, because no new symbols are
defined in the middle of a type declaration. Though it is possible for
a parser to define the enumeration constants as they are parsed, before
the type declaration is completed, it actually makes no difference since
they cannot be used within the same enumerated type declaration.

1.5.2 Using GLR to Resolve Ambiguities

Let’s consider an example, vastly simplified from a C++ grammar.

       #include <stdio.h>
       #define YYSTYPE char const *
       int yylex (void);
       void yyerror (char const *);
     %token TYPENAME ID
     %right '='
     %left '+'
     prog :
          | prog stmt   { printf ("n"); }
     stmt : expr ';'  %dprec 1
          | decl      %dprec 2
     expr : ID               { printf ("%s ", $$); }
          | TYPENAME '(' expr ')'
                             { printf ("%s <cast> ", $1); }
          | expr '+' expr    { printf ("+ "); }
          | expr '=' expr    { printf ("= "); }
     decl : TYPENAME declarator ';'
                             { printf ("%s <declare> ", $1); }
          | TYPENAME declarator '=' expr ';'
                             { printf ("%s <init-declare> ", $1); }
     declarator : ID         { printf (""%s" ", $1); }
          | '(' declarator ')'

This models a problematic part of the C++ grammar—the ambiguity between
certain declarations and statements. For example,

     T (x) = y+z;

parses as either an expr or a stmt
(assuming that ‘T’ is recognized as a TYPENAME and
x’ as an ID).
Bison detects this as a reduce/reduce conflict between the rules
expr : ID and declarator : ID, which it cannot resolve at the
time it encounters x in the example above. Since this is a
GLR parser, it therefore splits the problem into two parses, one for
each choice of resolving the reduce/reduce conflict.
Unlike the example from the previous section (see Simple GLR Parsers),
however, neither of these parses “dies,” because the grammar as it stands is
ambiguous. One of the parsers eventually reduces stmt : expr ';' and
the other reduces stmt : decl, after which both parsers are in an
identical state: they’ve seen ‘prog stmt’ and have the same unprocessed
input remaining. We say that these parses have merged.

At this point, the GLR parser requires a specification in the
grammar of how to choose between the competing parses.
In the example above, the two %dprec
declarations specify that Bison is to give precedence
to the parse that interprets the example as a
decl, which implies that x is a declarator.
The parser therefore prints

     "x" y z + T <init-declare>

The %dprec declarations only come into play when more than one
parse survives. Consider a different input string for this parser:

     T (x) + y;

This is another example of using GLR to parse an unambiguous
construct, as shown in the previous section (see Simple GLR Parsers).
Here, there is no ambiguity (this cannot be parsed as a declaration).
However, at the time the Bison parser encounters x, it does not
have enough information to resolve the reduce/reduce conflict (again,
between x as an expr or a declarator). In this
case, no precedence declaration is used. Again, the parser splits
into two, one assuming that x is an expr, and the other
assuming x is a declarator. The second of these parsers
then vanishes when it sees +, and the parser prints

     x T <cast> y +

Suppose that instead of resolving the ambiguity, you wanted to see all
the possibilities. For this purpose, you must merge the semantic
actions of the two possible parsers, rather than choosing one over the
other. To do so, you could change the declaration of stmt as

     stmt : expr ';'  %merge <stmtMerge>
          | decl      %merge <stmtMerge>

and define the stmtMerge function as:

     static YYSTYPE
     stmtMerge (YYSTYPE x0, YYSTYPE x1)
       printf ("<OR> ");
       return "";

with an accompanying forward declaration
in the C declarations at the beginning of the file:

       #define YYSTYPE char const *
       static YYSTYPE stmtMerge (YYSTYPE x0, YYSTYPE x1);

With these declarations, the resulting parser parses the first example
as both an expr and a decl, and prints

     "x" y z + T <init-declare> x T <cast> y z + = <OR>

Bison requires that all of the
productions that participate in any particular merge have identical
%merge’ clauses. Otherwise, the ambiguity would be unresolvable,
and the parser will report an error during any parse that results in
the offending merge.

1.5.3 GLR Semantic Actions

By definition, a deferred semantic action is not performed at the same time as
the associated reduction.
This raises caveats for several Bison features you might use in a semantic
action in a GLR parser.

In any semantic action, you can examine yychar to determine the type of
the look-ahead token present at the time of the associated reduction.
After checking that yychar is not set to YYEMPTY or YYEOF,
you can then examine yylval and yylloc to determine the
look-ahead token’s semantic value and location, if any.
In a nondeferred semantic action, you can also modify any of these variables to
influence syntax analysis.
See Look-Ahead Tokens.

In a deferred semantic action, it’s too late to influence syntax analysis.
In this case, yychar, yylval, and yylloc are set to
shallow copies of the values they had at the time of the associated reduction.
For this reason alone, modifying them is dangerous.
Moreover, the result of modifying them is undefined and subject to change with
future versions of Bison.
For example, if a semantic action might be deferred, you should never write it
to invoke yyclearin (see Action Features) or to attempt to free
memory referenced by yylval.

Another Bison feature requiring special consideration is YYERROR
(see Action Features), which you can invoke in a semantic action to
initiate error recovery.
During deterministic GLR operation, the effect of YYERROR is
the same as its effect in an LALR(1) parser.
In a deferred semantic action, its effect is undefined.

Also, see Default Action for Locations, which
describes a special usage of YYLLOC_DEFAULT in GLR parsers.

Previous: GLR Semantic Actions,
Up: GLR Parsers

1.5.4 Considerations when Compiling GLR Parsers

The GLR parsers require a compiler for ISO C89 or
later. In addition, they use the inline keyword, which is not
C89, but is C99 and is a common extension in pre-C99 compilers. It is
up to the user of these parsers to handle
portability issues. For instance, if using Autoconf and the Autoconf
macro AC_C_INLINE, a mere

       #include <config.h>

will suffice. Otherwise, we suggest

       #if __STDC_VERSION__ < 199901 && ! defined __GNUC__ && ! defined inline
        #define inline

Next: Bison Parser,
Previous: GLR Parsers,
Up: Concepts

1.6 Locations

Many applications, like interpreters or compilers, have to produce verbose
and useful error messages. To achieve this, one must be able to keep track of
the textual location, or location, of each syntactic construct.
Bison provides a mechanism for handling these locations.

Each token has a semantic value. In a similar fashion, each token has an
associated location, but the type of locations is the same for all tokens and
groupings. Moreover, the output parser is equipped with a default data
structure for storing locations (see Locations, for more details).

Like semantic values, locations can be reached in actions using a dedicated
set of constructs. In the example above, the location of the whole grouping
is @$, while the locations of the subexpressions are @1 and

When a rule is matched, a default action is used to compute the semantic value
of its left hand side (see Actions). In the same way, another default
action is used for locations. However, the action for locations is general
enough for most cases, meaning there is usually no need to describe for each
rule how @$ should be formed. When building a new location for a given
grouping, the default behavior of the output parser is to take the beginning
of the first symbol, and the end of the last symbol.

Next: Stages,
Previous: Locations Overview,
Up: Concepts

1.7 Bison Output: the Parser File

When you run Bison, you give it a Bison grammar file as input. The output
is a C source file that parses the language described by the grammar.
This file is called a Bison parser. Keep in mind that the Bison
utility and the Bison parser are two distinct programs: the Bison utility
is a program whose output is the Bison parser that becomes part of your

The job of the Bison parser is to group tokens into groupings according to
the grammar rules—for example, to build identifiers and operators into
expressions. As it does this, it runs the actions for the grammar rules it

The tokens come from a function called the lexical analyzer that
you must supply in some fashion (such as by writing it in C). The Bison
parser calls the lexical analyzer each time it wants a new token. It
doesn’t know what is “inside” the tokens (though their semantic values
may reflect this). Typically the lexical analyzer makes the tokens by
parsing characters of text, but Bison does not depend on this.
See The Lexical Analyzer Function yylex.

The Bison parser file is C code which defines a function named
yyparse which implements that grammar. This function does not make
a complete C program: you must supply some additional functions. One is
the lexical analyzer. Another is an error-reporting function which the
parser calls to report an error. In addition, a complete C program must
start with a function called main; you have to provide this, and
arrange for it to call yyparse or the parser will never run.
See Parser C-Language Interface.

Aside from the token type names and the symbols in the actions you
write, all symbols defined in the Bison parser file itself
begin with ‘yy’ or ‘YY’. This includes interface functions
such as the lexical analyzer function yylex, the error reporting
function yyerror and the parser function yyparse itself.
This also includes numerous identifiers used for internal purposes.
Therefore, you should avoid using C identifiers starting with ‘yy
or ‘YY’ in the Bison grammar file except for the ones defined in
this manual. Also, you should avoid using the C identifiers
malloc’ and ‘free’ for anything other than their usual

In some cases the Bison parser file includes system headers, and in
those cases your code should respect the identifiers reserved by those
headers. On some non-GNU hosts, <alloca.h>, <malloc.h>,
<stddef.h>, and <stdlib.h> are included as needed to
declare memory allocators and related types. <libintl.h> is
included if message translation is in use
(see Internationalization). Other system headers may
be included if you define YYDEBUG to a nonzero value
(see Tracing Your Parser).

Next: Grammar Layout,
Previous: Bison Parser,
Up: Concepts

1.8 Stages in Using Bison

The actual language-design process using Bison, from grammar specification
to a working compiler or interpreter, has these parts:

  1. Formally specify the grammar in a form recognized by Bison
    (see Bison Grammar Files). For each grammatical rule
    in the language, describe the action that is to be taken when an
    instance of that rule is recognized. The action is described by a
    sequence of C statements.

  2. Write a lexical analyzer to process input and pass tokens to the parser.
    The lexical analyzer may be written by hand in C (see The Lexical Analyzer Function yylex). It could also be produced
    using Lex, but the use of Lex is not discussed in this manual.

  3. Write a controlling function that calls the Bison-produced parser.
  4. Write error-reporting routines.

To turn this source code as written into a runnable program, you
must follow these steps:

  1. Run Bison on the grammar to produce the parser.
  2. Compile the code output by Bison, as well as any other source files.
  3. Link the object files to produce the finished product.

Previous: Stages,
Up: Concepts

1.9 The Overall Layout of a Bison Grammar

The input file for the Bison utility is a Bison grammar file. The
general form of a Bison grammar file is as follows:

     Bison declarations
     Grammar rules

The ‘%%’, ‘%{’ and ‘%}’ are punctuation that appears
in every Bison grammar file to separate the sections.

The prologue may define types and variables used in the actions. You can
also use preprocessor commands to define macros used there, and use
#include to include header files that do any of these things.
You need to declare the lexical analyzer yylex and the error
printer yyerror here, along with any other global identifiers
used by the actions in the grammar rules.

The Bison declarations declare the names of the terminal and nonterminal
symbols, and may also describe operator precedence and the data types of
semantic values of various symbols.

The grammar rules define how to construct each nonterminal symbol from its

The epilogue can contain any code you want to use. Often the
definitions of functions declared in the prologue go here. In a
simple program, all the rest of the program can go here.

Next: Grammar File,
Previous: Concepts,
Up: Top

2 Examples

Now we show and explain three sample programs written using Bison: a
reverse polish notation calculator, an algebraic (infix) notation
calculator, and a multi-function calculator. All three have been tested
under BSD Unix 4.3; each produces a usable, though limited, interactive
desk-top calculator.

These examples are simple, but Bison grammars for real programming
languages are written the same way. You can copy these examples into a
source file to try them.

Next: Infix Calc,
Up: Examples

2.1 Reverse Polish Notation Calculator

The first example is that of a simple double-precision reverse polish
calculator (a calculator using postfix operators). This example
provides a good starting point, since operator precedence is not an issue.
The second example will illustrate how operator precedence is handled.

The source code for this calculator is named rpcalc.y. The
.y’ extension is a convention used for Bison input files.

Next: Rpcalc Rules,
Up: RPN Calc

2.1.1 Declarations for rpcalc

Here are the C and Bison declarations for the reverse polish notation
calculator. As in C, comments are placed between ‘/*…*/’.

     /* Reverse polish notation calculator.  */
       #define YYSTYPE double
       #include <math.h>
       int yylex (void);
       void yyerror (char const *);
     %token NUM
     %% /* Grammar rules and actions follow.  */

The declarations section (see The prologue) contains two
preprocessor directives and two forward declarations.

The #define directive defines the macro YYSTYPE, thus
specifying the C data type for semantic values of both tokens and
groupings (see Data Types of Semantic Values). The
Bison parser will use whatever type YYSTYPE is defined as; if you
don’t define it, int is the default. Because we specify
double, each token and each expression has an associated value,
which is a floating point number.

The #include directive is used to declare the exponentiation
function pow.

The forward declarations for yylex and yyerror are
needed because the C language requires that functions be declared
before they are used. These functions will be defined in the
epilogue, but the parser calls them so they must be declared in the

The second section, Bison declarations, provides information to Bison
about the token types (see The Bison Declarations Section). Each terminal symbol that is not a
single-character literal must be declared here. (Single-character
literals normally don’t need to be declared.) In this example, all the
arithmetic operators are designated by single-character literals, so the
only terminal symbol that needs to be declared is NUM, the token
type for numeric constants.

Next: Rpcalc Lexer,
Previous: Rpcalc Decls,
Up: RPN Calc

2.1.2 Grammar Rules for rpcalc

Here are the grammar rules for the reverse polish notation calculator.

     input:    /* empty */
             | input line
     line:     'n'
             | exp 'n'      { printf ("t%.10gn", $1); }
     exp:      NUM           { $$ = $1;           }
             | exp exp '+'   { $$ = $1 + $2;      }
             | exp exp '-'   { $$ = $1 - $2;      }
             | exp exp '*'   { $$ = $1 * $2;      }
             | exp exp '/'   { $$ = $1 / $2;      }
              /* Exponentiation */
             | exp exp '^'   { $$ = pow ($1, $2); }
              /* Unary minus    */
             | exp 'n'       { $$ = -$1;          }

The groupings of the rpcalc “language” defined here are the expression
(given the name exp), the line of input (line), and the
complete input transcript (input). Each of these nonterminal
symbols has several alternate rules, joined by the vertical bar ‘|
which is read as “or”. The following sections explain what these rules

The semantics of the language is determined by the actions taken when a
grouping is recognized. The actions are the C code that appears inside
braces. See Actions.

You must specify these actions in C, but Bison provides the means for
passing semantic values between the rules. In each action, the
pseudo-variable $$ stands for the semantic value for the grouping
that the rule is going to construct. Assigning a value to $$ is the
main job of most actions. The semantic values of the components of the
rule are referred to as $1, $2, and so on.

Next: Rpcalc Line,
Up: Rpcalc Rules Explanation of input

Consider the definition of input:

     input:    /* empty */
             | input line

This definition reads as follows: “A complete input is either an empty
string, or a complete input followed by an input line”. Notice that
“complete input” is defined in terms of itself. This definition is said
to be left recursive since input appears always as the
leftmost symbol in the sequence. See Recursive Rules.

The first alternative is empty because there are no symbols between the
colon and the first ‘|’; this means that input can match an
empty string of input (no tokens). We write the rules this way because it
is legitimate to type Ctrl-d right after you start the calculator.
It’s conventional to put an empty alternative first and write the comment
/* empty */’ in it.

The second alternate rule (input line) handles all nontrivial input.
It means, “After reading any number of lines, read one more line if
possible.” The left recursion makes this rule into a loop. Since the
first alternative matches empty input, the loop can be executed zero or
more times.

The parser function yyparse continues to process input until a
grammatical error is seen or the lexical analyzer says there are no more
input tokens; we will arrange for the latter to happen at end-of-input.

Next: Rpcalc Expr,
Previous: Rpcalc Input,
Up: Rpcalc Rules Explanation of line

Now consider the definition of line:

     line:     'n'
             | exp 'n'  { printf ("t%.10gn", $1); }

The first alternative is a token which is a newline character; this means
that rpcalc accepts a blank line (and ignores it, since there is no
action). The second alternative is an expression followed by a newline.
This is the alternative that makes rpcalc useful. The semantic value of
the exp grouping is the value of $1 because the exp in
question is the first symbol in the alternative. The action prints this
value, which is the result of the computation the user asked for.

This action is unusual because it does not assign a value to $$. As
a consequence, the semantic value associated with the line is
uninitialized (its value will be unpredictable). This would be a bug if
that value were ever used, but we don’t use it: once rpcalc has printed the
value of the user’s input line, that value is no longer needed.

Previous: Rpcalc Line,
Up: Rpcalc Rules Explanation of expr

The exp grouping has several rules, one for each kind of expression.
The first rule handles the simplest expressions: those that are just numbers.
The second handles an addition-expression, which looks like two expressions
followed by a plus-sign. The third handles subtraction, and so on.

     exp:      NUM
             | exp exp '+'     { $$ = $1 + $2;    }
             | exp exp '-'     { $$ = $1 - $2;    }

We have used ‘|’ to join all the rules for exp, but we could
equally well have written them separately:

     exp:      NUM ;
     exp:      exp exp '+'     { $$ = $1 + $2;    } ;
     exp:      exp exp '-'     { $$ = $1 - $2;    } ;

Most of the rules have actions that compute the value of the expression in
terms of the value of its parts. For example, in the rule for addition,
$1 refers to the first component exp and $2 refers to
the second one. The third component, '+', has no meaningful
associated semantic value, but if it had one you could refer to it as
$3. When yyparse recognizes a sum expression using this
rule, the sum of the two subexpressions’ values is produced as the value of
the entire expression. See Actions.

You don’t have to give an action for every rule. When a rule has no
action, Bison by default copies the value of $1 into $$.
This is what happens in the first rule (the one that uses NUM).

The formatting shown here is the recommended convention, but Bison does
not require it. You can add or change white space as much as you wish.
For example, this:

     exp   : NUM | exp exp '+' {$$ = $1 + $2; } | ... ;

means the same thing as this:

     exp:      NUM
             | exp exp '+'    { $$ = $1 + $2; }
             | ...

The latter, however, is much more readable.

Next: Rpcalc Main,
Previous: Rpcalc Rules,
Up: RPN Calc

2.1.3 The rpcalc Lexical Analyzer

The lexical analyzer’s job is low-level parsing: converting characters
or sequences of characters into tokens. The Bison parser gets its
tokens by calling the lexical analyzer. See The Lexical Analyzer Function yylex.

Only a simple lexical analyzer is needed for the RPN
calculator. This
lexical analyzer skips blanks and tabs, then reads in numbers as
double and returns them as NUM tokens. Any other character
that isn’t part of a number is a separate token. Note that the token-code
for such a single-character token is the character itself.

The return value of the lexical analyzer function is a numeric code which
represents a token type. The same text used in Bison rules to stand for
this token type is also a C expression for the numeric code for the type.
This works in two ways. If the token type is a character literal, then its
numeric code is that of the character; you can use the same
character literal in the lexical analyzer to express the number. If the
token type is an identifier, that identifier is defined by Bison as a C
macro whose definition is the appropriate number. In this example,
therefore, NUM becomes a macro for yylex to use.

The semantic value of the token (if it has one) is stored into the
global variable yylval, which is where the Bison parser will look
for it. (The C data type of yylval is YYSTYPE, which was
defined at the beginning of the grammar; see Declarations for rpcalc.)

A token type code of zero is returned if the end-of-input is encountered.
(Bison recognizes any nonpositive value as indicating end-of-input.)

Here is the code for the lexical analyzer:

     /* The lexical analyzer returns a double floating point
        number on the stack and the token NUM, or the numeric code
        of the character read if not a number.  It skips all blanks
        and tabs, and returns 0 for end-of-input.  */
     #include <ctype.h>
     yylex (void)
       int c;
       /* Skip white space.  */
       while ((c = getchar ()) == ' ' || c == 't')
       /* Process numbers.  */
       if (c == '.' || isdigit (c))
           ungetc (c, stdin);
           scanf ("%lf", &yylval);
           return NUM;
       /* Return end-of-input.  */
       if (c == EOF)
         return 0;
       /* Return a single char.  */
       return c;

Next: Rpcalc Error,
Previous: Rpcalc Lexer,
Up: RPN Calc

2.1.4 The Controlling Function

In keeping with the spirit of this example, the controlling function is
kept to the bare minimum. The only requirement is that it call
yyparse to start the process of parsing.

     main (void)
       return yyparse ();

Next: Rpcalc Gen,
Previous: Rpcalc Main,
Up: RPN Calc

2.1.5 The Error Reporting Routine

When yyparse detects a syntax error, it calls the error reporting
function yyerror to print an error message (usually but not
always "syntax error"). It is up to the programmer to supply
yyerror (see Parser C-Language Interface), so
here is the definition we will use:

     #include <stdio.h>
     /* Called by yyparse on error.  */
     yyerror (char const *s)
       fprintf (stderr, "%sn", s);

After yyerror returns, the Bison parser may recover from the error
and continue parsing if the grammar contains a suitable error rule
(see Error Recovery). Otherwise, yyparse returns nonzero. We
have not written any error rules in this example, so any invalid input will
cause the calculator program to exit. This is not clean behavior for a
real calculator, but it is adequate for the first example.

Next: Rpcalc Compile,
Previous: Rpcalc Error,
Up: RPN Calc

2.1.6 Running Bison to Make the Parser

Before running Bison to produce a parser, we need to decide how to
arrange all the source code in one or more source files. For such a
simple example, the easiest thing is to put everything in one file. The
definitions of yylex, yyerror and main go at the
end, in the epilogue of the file
(see The Overall Layout of a Bison Grammar).

For a large project, you would probably have several source files, and use
make to arrange to recompile them.

With all the source in a single file, you use the following command to
convert it into a parser file:

     bison file.y

In this example the file was called rpcalc.y (for “Reverse Polish
calculator”). Bison produces a file named,
removing the ‘.y’ from the original file name. The file output by
Bison contains the source code for yyparse. The additional
functions in the input file (yylex, yyerror and main)
are copied verbatim to the output.

Previous: Rpcalc Gen,
Up: RPN Calc

2.1.7 Compiling the Parser File

Here is how to compile and run the parser file:

     # List files in current directory.
     $ ls  rpcalc.y
     # Compile the Bison parser.
     # -lm’ tells compiler to search math library for pow.
     $ cc -lm -o rpcalc
     # List files again.
     $ ls
     rpcalc  rpcalc.y

The file rpcalc now contains the executable code. Here is an
example session using rpcalc.

     $ rpcalc
     4 9 +
     3 7 + 3 4 5 *+-
     3 7 + 3 4 5 * + - n              Note the unary minus, ‘n
     5 6 / 4 n +
     3 4 ^                            Exponentiation
     ^D                               End-of-file indicator

Next: Simple Error Recovery,
Previous: RPN Calc,
Up: Examples

2.2 Infix Notation Calculator: calc

We now modify rpcalc to handle infix operators instead of postfix. Infix
notation involves the concept of operator precedence and the need for
parentheses nested to arbitrary depth. Here is the Bison code for
calc.y, an infix desk-top calculator.

     /* Infix notation calculator.  */
       #define YYSTYPE double
       #include <math.h>
       #include <stdio.h>
       int yylex (void);
       void yyerror (char const *);
     /* Bison declarations.  */
     %token NUM
     %left '-' '+'
     %left '*' '/'
     %left NEG     /* negation--unary minus */
     %right '^'    /* exponentiation */
     %% /* The grammar follows.  */
     input:    /* empty */
             | input line
     line:     'n'
             | exp 'n'  { printf ("t%.10gn", $1); }
     exp:      NUM                { $$ = $1;         }
             | exp '+' exp        { $$ = $1 + $3;    }
             | exp '-' exp        { $$ = $1 - $3;    }
             | exp '*' exp        { $$ = $1 * $3;    }
             | exp '/' exp        { $$ = $1 / $3;    }
             | '-' exp  %prec NEG { $$ = -$2;        }
             | exp '^' exp        { $$ = pow ($1, $3); }
             | '(' exp ')'        { $$ = $2;         }

The functions yylex, yyerror and main can be the
same as before.

There are two important new features shown in this code.

In the second section (Bison declarations), %left declares token
types and says they are left-associative operators. The declarations
%left and %right (right associativity) take the place of
%token which is used to declare a token type name without
associativity. (These tokens are single-character literals, which
ordinarily don’t need to be declared. We declare them here to specify
the associativity.)

Operator precedence is determined by the line ordering of the
declarations; the higher the line number of the declaration (lower on
the page or screen), the higher the precedence. Hence, exponentiation
has the highest precedence, unary minus (NEG) is next, followed
by ‘*’ and ‘/’, and so on. See Operator Precedence.

The other important new feature is the %prec in the grammar
section for the unary minus operator. The %prec simply instructs
Bison that the rule ‘| ‘-‘ exp’ has the same precedence as
NEG—in this case the next-to-highest. See Context-Dependent Precedence.

Here is a sample run of calc.y:

     $ calc
     4 + 4.5 - (34/(8*3+-3))
     -56 + 2
     3 ^ 2

Next: Location Tracking Calc,
Previous: Infix Calc,
Up: Examples

2.3 Simple Error Recovery

Up to this point, this manual has not addressed the issue of error
—how to continue parsing after the parser detects a syntax
error. All we have handled is error reporting with yyerror.
Recall that by default yyparse returns after calling
yyerror. This means that an erroneous input line causes the
calculator program to exit. Now we show how to rectify this deficiency.

The Bison language itself includes the reserved word error, which
may be included in the grammar rules. In the example below it has
been added to one of the alternatives for line:

     line:     'n'
             | exp 'n'   { printf ("t%.10gn", $1); }
             | error 'n' { yyerrok;                  }

This addition to the grammar allows for simple error recovery in the
event of a syntax error. If an expression that cannot be evaluated is
read, the error will be recognized by the third rule for line,
and parsing will continue. (The yyerror function is still called
upon to print its message as well.) The action executes the statement
yyerrok, a macro defined automatically by Bison; its meaning is
that error recovery is complete (see Error Recovery). Note the
difference between yyerrok and yyerror; neither one is a

This form of error recovery deals with syntax errors. There are other
kinds of errors; for example, division by zero, which raises an exception
signal that is normally fatal. A real calculator program must handle this
signal and use longjmp to return to main and resume parsing
input lines; it would also have to discard the rest of the current line of
input. We won’t discuss this issue further because it is not specific to
Bison programs.

Next: Multi-function Calc,
Previous: Simple Error Recovery,
Up: Examples

2.4 Location Tracking Calculator: ltcalc

This example extends the infix notation calculator with location
tracking. This feature will be used to improve the error messages. For
the sake of clarity, this example is a simple integer calculator, since
most of the work needed to use locations will be done in the lexical

2.4.1 Declarations for ltcalc

The C and Bison declarations for the location tracking calculator are
the same as the declarations for the infix notation calculator.

     /* Location tracking calculator.  */
       #define YYSTYPE int
       #include <math.h>
       int yylex (void);
       void yyerror (char const *);
     /* Bison declarations.  */
     %token NUM
     %left '-' '+'
     %left '*' '/'
     %left NEG
     %right '^'
     %% /* The grammar follows.  */

Note there are no declarations specific to locations. Defining a data
type for storing locations is not needed: we will use the type provided
by default (see Data Types of Locations), which is a
four member structure with the following integer fields:
first_line, first_column, last_line and

Next: Ltcalc Lexer,
Previous: Ltcalc Decls,
Up: Location Tracking Calc

2.4.2 Grammar Rules for ltcalc

Whether handling locations or not has no effect on the syntax of your
language. Therefore, grammar rules for this example will be very close
to those of the previous example: we will only modify them to benefit
from the new information.

Here, we will use locations to report divisions by zero, and locate the
wrong expressions or subexpressions.

     input   : /* empty */
             | input line
     line    : 'n'
             | exp 'n' { printf ("%dn", $1); }
     exp     : NUM           { $$ = $1; }
             | exp '+' exp   { $$ = $1 + $3; }
             | exp '-' exp   { $$ = $1 - $3; }
             | exp '*' exp   { $$ = $1 * $3; }
             | exp '/' exp
                   if ($3)
                     $$ = $1 / $3;
                       $$ = 1;
                       fprintf (stderr, "%d.%d-%d.%d: division by zero",
                                @3.first_line, @3.first_column,
                                @3.last_line, @3.last_column);
             | '-' exp %preg NEG     { $$ = -$2; }
             | exp '^' exp           { $$ = pow ($1, $3); }
             | '(' exp ')'           { $$ = $2; }

This code shows how to reach locations inside of semantic actions, by
using the pseudo-variables @n for rule components, and the
pseudo-variable @$ for groupings.

We don’t need to assign a value to @$: the output parser does it
automatically. By default, before executing the C code of each action,
@$ is set to range from the beginning of @1 to the end
of @n, for a rule with n components. This behavior
can be redefined (see Default Action for Locations), and for very specific rules, @$ can be computed by

2.4.3 The ltcalc Lexical Analyzer.

Until now, we relied on Bison’s defaults to enable location
tracking. The next step is to rewrite the lexical analyzer, and make it
able to feed the parser with the token locations, as it already does for
semantic values.

To this end, we must take into account every single character of the
input text, to avoid the computed locations of being fuzzy or wrong:

     yylex (void)
       int c;
       /* Skip white space.  */
       while ((c = getchar ()) == ' ' || c == 't')
       /* Step.  */
       yylloc.first_line = yylloc.last_line;
       yylloc.first_column = yylloc.last_column;
       /* Process numbers.  */
       if (isdigit (c))
           yylval = c - '0';
           while (isdigit (c = getchar ()))
               yylval = yylval * 10 + c - '0';
           ungetc (c, stdin);
           return NUM;
       /* Return end-of-input.  */
       if (c == EOF)
         return 0;
       /* Return a single char, and update location.  */
       if (c == 'n')
           yylloc.last_column = 0;
       return c;

Basically, the lexical analyzer performs the same processing as before:
it skips blanks and tabs, and reads numbers or single-character tokens.
In addition, it updates yylloc, the global variable (of type
YYLTYPE) containing the token’s location.

Now, each time this function returns a token, the parser has its number
as well as its semantic value, and its location in the text. The last
needed change is to initialize yylloc, for example in the
controlling function:

     main (void)
       yylloc.first_line = yylloc.last_line = 1;
       yylloc.first_column = yylloc.last_column = 0;
       return yyparse ();

Remember that computing locations is not a matter of syntax. Every
character must be associated to a location update, whether it is in
valid input, in comments, in literal strings, and so on.

Next: Exercises,
Previous: Location Tracking Calc,
Up: Examples

2.5 Multi-Function Calculator: mfcalc

Now that the basics of Bison have been discussed, it is time to move on to
a more advanced problem. The above calculators provided only five
functions, ‘+’, ‘’, ‘*’, ‘/’ and ‘^’. It would
be nice to have a calculator that provides other mathematical functions such
as sin, cos, etc.

It is easy to add new operators to the infix calculator as long as they are
only single-character literals. The lexical analyzer yylex passes
back all nonnumeric characters as tokens, so new grammar rules suffice for
adding a new operator. But we want something more flexible: built-in
functions whose syntax has this form:

     function_name (argument)

At the same time, we will add memory to the calculator, by allowing you
to create named variables, store values in them, and use them later.
Here is a sample session with the multi-function calculator:

     $ mfcalc
     pi = 3.141592653589
     alpha = beta1 = 2.3

Note that multiple assignment and nested function calls are permitted.

2.5.1 Declarations for mfcalc

Here are the C and Bison declarations for the multi-function calculator.

       #include <math.h>  /* For math functions, cos(), sin(), etc.  */
       #include "calc.h"  /* Contains definition of `symrec'.  */
       int yylex (void);
       void yyerror (char const *);
     %union {
       double    val;   /* For returning numbers.  */
       symrec  *tptr;   /* For returning symbol-table pointers.  */
     %token <val>  NUM        /* Simple double precision number.  */
     %token <tptr> VAR FNCT   /* Variable and Function.  */
     %type  <val>  exp
     %right '='
     %left '-' '+'
     %left '*' '/'
     %left NEG     /* negation--unary minus */
     %right '^'    /* exponentiation */
     %% /* The grammar follows.  */

The above grammar introduces only two new features of the Bison language.
These features allow semantic values to have various data types
(see More Than One Value Type).

The %union declaration specifies the entire list of possible types;
this is instead of defining YYSTYPE. The allowable types are now
double-floats (for exp and NUM) and pointers to entries in
the symbol table. See The Collection of Value Types.

Since values can now have various types, it is necessary to associate a
type with each grammar symbol whose semantic value is used. These symbols
are NUM, VAR, FNCT, and exp. Their
declarations are augmented with information about their data type (placed
between angle brackets).

The Bison construct %type is used for declaring nonterminal
symbols, just as %token is used for declaring token types. We
have not used %type before because nonterminal symbols are
normally declared implicitly by the rules that define them. But
exp must be declared explicitly so we can specify its value type.
See Nonterminal Symbols.

Next: Mfcalc Symtab,
Previous: Mfcalc Decl,
Up: Multi-function Calc

2.5.2 Grammar Rules for mfcalc

Here are the grammar rules for the multi-function calculator.
Most of them are copied directly from calc; three rules,
those which mention VAR or FNCT, are new.

     input:   /* empty */
             | input line
             | exp 'n'   { printf ("t%.10gn", $1); }
             | error 'n' { yyerrok;                  }
     exp:      NUM                { $$ = $1;                         }
             | VAR                { $$ = $1->value.var;              }
             | VAR '=' exp        { $$ = $3; $1->value.var = $3;     }
             | FNCT '(' exp ')'   { $$ = (*($1->value.fnctptr))($3); }
             | exp '+' exp        { $$ = $1 + $3;                    }
             | exp '-' exp        { $$ = $1 - $3;                    }
             | exp '*' exp        { $$ = $1 * $3;                    }
             | exp '/' exp        { $$ = $1 / $3;                    }
             | '-' exp  %prec NEG { $$ = -$2;                        }
             | exp '^' exp        { $$ = pow ($1, $3);               }
             | '(' exp ')'        { $$ = $2;                         }
     /* End of grammar.  */

Previous: Mfcalc Rules,
Up: Multi-function Calc

2.5.3 The mfcalc Symbol Table

The multi-function calculator requires a symbol table to keep track of the
names and meanings of variables and functions. This doesn’t affect the
grammar rules (except for the actions) or the Bison declarations, but it
requires some additional C functions for support.

The symbol table itself consists of a linked list of records. Its
definition, which is kept in the header calc.h, is as follows. It
provides for either functions or variables to be placed in the table.

     /* Function type.  */
     typedef double (*func_t) (double);
     /* Data type for links in the chain of symbols.  */
     struct symrec
       char *name;  /* name of symbol */
       int type;    /* type of symbol: either VAR or FNCT */
         double var;      /* value of a VAR */
         func_t fnctptr;  /* value of a FNCT */
       } value;
       struct symrec *next;  /* link field */
     typedef struct symrec symrec;
     /* The symbol table: a chain of `struct symrec'.  */
     extern symrec *sym_table;
     symrec *putsym (char const *, int);
     symrec *getsym (char const *);

The new version of main includes a call to init_table, a
function that initializes the symbol table. Here it is, and
init_table as well:

     #include <stdio.h>
     /* Called by yyparse on error.  */
     yyerror (char const *s)
       printf ("%sn", s);
     struct init
       char const *fname;
       double (*fnct) (double);
     struct init const arith_fncts[] =
       "sin",  sin,
       "cos",  cos,
       "atan", atan,
       "ln",   log,
       "exp",  exp,
       "sqrt", sqrt,
       0, 0
     /* The symbol table: a chain of `struct symrec'.  */
     symrec *sym_table;
     /* Put arithmetic functions in table.  */
     init_table (void)
       int i;
       symrec *ptr;
       for (i = 0; arith_fncts[i].fname != 0; i++)
           ptr = putsym (arith_fncts[i].fname, FNCT);
           ptr->value.fnctptr = arith_fncts[i].fnct;
     main (void)
       init_table ();
       return yyparse ();

By simply editing the initialization list and adding the necessary include
files, you can add additional functions to the calculator.

Two important functions allow look-up and installation of symbols in the
symbol table. The function putsym is passed a name and the type
(VAR or FNCT) of the object to be installed. The object is
linked to the front of the list, and a pointer to the object is returned.
The function getsym is passed the name of the symbol to look up. If
found, a pointer to that symbol is returned; otherwise zero is returned.

     symrec *
     putsym (char const *sym_name, int sym_type)
       symrec *ptr;
       ptr = (symrec *) malloc (sizeof (symrec));
       ptr->name = (char *) malloc (strlen (sym_name) + 1);
       strcpy (ptr->name,sym_name);
       ptr->type = sym_type;
       ptr->value.var = 0; /* Set value to 0 even if fctn.  */
       ptr->next = (struct symrec *)sym_table;
       sym_table = ptr;
       return ptr;
     symrec *
     getsym (char const *sym_name)
       symrec *ptr;
       for (ptr = sym_table; ptr != (symrec *) 0;
            ptr = (symrec *)ptr->next)
         if (strcmp (ptr->name,sym_name) == 0)
           return ptr;
       return 0;

The function yylex must now recognize variables, numeric values, and
the single-character arithmetic operators. Strings of alphanumeric
characters with a leading letter are recognized as either variables or
functions depending on what the symbol table says about them.

The string is passed to getsym for look up in the symbol table. If
the name appears in the table, a pointer to its location and its type
(VAR or FNCT) is returned to yyparse. If it is not
already in the table, then it is installed as a VAR using
putsym. Again, a pointer and its type (which must be VAR) is
returned to yyparse.

No change is needed in the handling of numeric values and arithmetic
operators in yylex.

     #include <ctype.h>
     yylex (void)
       int c;
       /* Ignore white space, get first nonwhite character.  */
       while ((c = getchar ()) == ' ' || c == 't');
       if (c == EOF)
         return 0;
       /* Char starts a number => parse the number.         */
       if (c == '.' || isdigit (c))
           ungetc (c, stdin);
           scanf ("%lf", &yylval.val);
           return NUM;
       /* Char starts an identifier => read the name.       */
       if (isalpha (c))
           symrec *s;
           static char *symbuf = 0;
           static int length = 0;
           int i;
           /* Initially make the buffer long enough
              for a 40-character symbol name.  */
           if (length == 0)
             length = 40, symbuf = (char *)malloc (length + 1);
           i = 0;
               /* If buffer is full, make it bigger.        */
               if (i == length)
                   length *= 2;
                   symbuf = (char *) realloc (symbuf, length + 1);
               /* Add this character to the buffer.         */
               symbuf[i++] = c;
               /* Get another character.                    */
               c = getchar ();
           while (isalnum (c));
           ungetc (c, stdin);
           symbuf[i] = '';
           s = getsym (symbuf);
           if (s == 0)
             s = putsym (symbuf, VAR);
           yylval.tptr = s;
           return s->type;
       /* Any other character is a token by itself.        */
       return c;

This program is both powerful and flexible. You may easily add new
functions, and it is a simple job to modify this code to install
predefined variables such as pi or e as well.

Previous: Multi-function Calc,
Up: Examples

2.6 Exercises

  1. Add some new functions from math.h to the initialization list.
  2. Add another array that contains constants and their values. Then
    modify init_table to add these constants to the symbol table.
    It will be easiest to give the constants type VAR.

  3. Make the program report an error if the user refers to an
    uninitialized variable in any way except to store a value in it.

Next: Interface,
Previous: Examples,
Up: Top

3 Bison Grammar Files

Bison takes as input a context-free grammar specification and produces a
C-language function that recognizes correct instances of the grammar.

The Bison grammar input file conventionally has a name ending in ‘.y’.
See Invoking Bison.

Next: Symbols,
Up: Grammar File

3.1 Outline of a Bison Grammar

A Bison grammar file has four main sections, shown here with the
appropriate delimiters:

     Bison declarations
     Grammar rules

Comments enclosed in ‘/* … */’ may appear in any of the sections.
As a GNU extension, ‘//’ introduces a comment that
continues until end of line.

3.1.1 The prologue

The Prologue section contains macro definitions and declarations
of functions and variables that are used in the actions in the grammar
rules. These are copied to the beginning of the parser file so that
they precede the definition of yyparse. You can use
#include’ to get the declarations from a header file. If you
don’t need any C declarations, you may omit the ‘%{’ and
%}’ delimiters that bracket this section.

The Prologue section is terminated by the the first occurrence
of ‘%}’ that is outside a comment, a string literal, or a
character constant.

You may have more than one Prologue section, intermixed with the
Bison declarations. This allows you to have C and Bison
declarations that refer to each other. For example, the %union
declaration may use types defined in a header file, and you may wish to
prototype functions that take arguments of type YYSTYPE. This
can be done with two Prologue blocks, one before and one after the
%union declaration.

       #include <stdio.h>
       #include "ptypes.h"
     %union {
       long int n;
       tree t;  /* tree is defined in ptypes.h. */
       static void print_token_value (FILE *, int, YYSTYPE);
       #define YYPRINT(F, N, L) print_token_value (F, N, L)

Next: Grammar Rules,
Previous: Prologue,
Up: Grammar Outline

3.1.2 The Bison Declarations Section

The Bison declarations section contains declarations that define
terminal and nonterminal symbols, specify precedence, and so on.
In some simple grammars you may not need any declarations.
See Bison Declarations.

Next: Epilogue,
Previous: Bison Declarations,
Up: Grammar Outline

3.1.3 The Grammar Rules Section

The grammar rules section contains one or more Bison grammar
rules, and nothing else. See Syntax of Grammar Rules.

There must always be at least one grammar rule, and the first
%%’ (which precedes the grammar rules) may never be omitted even
if it is the first thing in the file.

Previous: Grammar Rules,
Up: Grammar Outline

3.1.4 The epilogue

The Epilogue is copied verbatim to the end of the parser file, just as
the Prologue is copied to the beginning. This is the most convenient
place to put anything that you want to have in the parser file but which need
not come before the definition of yyparse. For example, the
definitions of yylex and yyerror often go here. Because
C requires functions to be declared before being used, you often need
to declare functions like yylex and yyerror in the Prologue,
even if you define them in the Epilogue.
See Parser C-Language Interface.

If the last section is empty, you may omit the ‘%%’ that separates it
from the grammar rules.

The Bison parser itself contains many macros and identifiers whose names
start with ‘yy’ or ‘YY’, so it is a good idea to avoid using
any such names (except those documented in this manual) in the epilogue
of the grammar file.

Next: Rules,
Previous: Grammar Outline,
Up: Grammar File

3.2 Symbols, Terminal and Nonterminal

Symbols in Bison grammars represent the grammatical classifications
of the language.

A terminal symbol (also known as a token type) represents a
class of syntactically equivalent tokens. You use the symbol in grammar
rules to mean that a token in that class is allowed. The symbol is
represented in the Bison parser by a numeric code, and the yylex
function returns a token type code to indicate what kind of token has
been read. You don’t need to know what the code value is; you can use
the symbol to stand for it.

A nonterminal symbol stands for a class of syntactically
equivalent groupings. The symbol name is used in writing grammar rules.
By convention, it should be all lower case.

Symbol names can contain letters, digits (not at the beginning),
underscores and periods. Periods make sense only in nonterminals.

There are three ways of writing terminal symbols in the grammar:

  • A named token type is written with an identifier, like an
    identifier in C. By convention, it should be all upper case. Each
    such name must be defined with a Bison declaration such as
    %token. See Token Type Names.

  • A character token type (or literal character token) is
    written in the grammar using the same syntax used in C for character
    constants; for example, '+' is a character token type. A
    character token type doesn’t need to be declared unless you need to
    specify its semantic value data type (see Data Types of Semantic Values), associativity, or precedence (see Operator Precedence).

    By convention, a character token type is used only to represent a
    token that consists of that particular character. Thus, the token
    type '+' is used to represent the character ‘+’ as a
    token. Nothing enforces this convention, but if you depart from it,
    your program will confuse other readers.

    All the usual escape sequences used in character literals in C can be
    used in Bison as well, but you must not use the null character as a
    character literal because its numeric code, zero, signifies
    end-of-input (see Calling Convention for yylex). Also, unlike standard C, trigraphs have no
    special meaning in Bison character literals, nor is backslash-newline

  • A literal string token is written like a C string constant; for
    example, "<=" is a literal string token. A literal string token
    doesn’t need to be declared unless you need to specify its semantic
    value data type (see Value Type), associativity, or precedence
    (see Precedence).

    You can associate the literal string token with a symbolic name as an
    alias, using the %token declaration (see Token Declarations). If you don’t do that, the lexical analyzer has to
    retrieve the token number for the literal string token from the
    yytname table (see Calling Convention).

    Warning: literal string tokens do not work in Yacc.

    By convention, a literal string token is used only to represent a token
    that consists of that particular string. Thus, you should use the token
    type "<=" to represent the string ‘<=’ as a token. Bison
    does not enforce this convention, but if you depart from it, people who
    read your program will be confused.

    All the escape sequences used in string literals in C can be used in
    Bison as well, except that you must not use a null character within a
    string literal. Also, unlike Standard C, trigraphs have no special
    meaning in Bison string literals, nor is backslash-newline allowed. A
    literal string token must contain two or more characters; for a token
    containing just one character, use a character token (see above).

How you choose to write a terminal symbol has no effect on its
grammatical meaning. That depends only on where it appears in rules and
on when the parser function returns that symbol.

The value returned by yylex is always one of the terminal
symbols, except that a zero or negative value signifies end-of-input.
Whichever way you write the token type in the grammar rules, you write
it the same way in the definition of yylex. The numeric code
for a character token type is simply the positive numeric code of the
character, so yylex can use the identical value to generate the
requisite code, though you may need to convert it to unsigned
to avoid sign-extension on hosts where char is signed.
Each named token type becomes a C macro in
the parser file, so yylex can use the name to stand for the code.
(This is why periods don’t make sense in terminal symbols.)
See Calling Convention for yylex.

If yylex is defined in a separate file, you need to arrange for the
token-type macro definitions to be available there. Use the ‘-d
option when you run Bison, so that it will write these macro definitions
into a separate header file which you can include
in the other source files that need it. See Invoking Bison.

If you want to write a grammar that is portable to any Standard C
host, you must use only nonnull character tokens taken from the basic
execution character set of Standard C. This set consists of the ten
digits, the 52 lower- and upper-case English letters, and the
characters in the following C-language string:

     "abtnvfr !"#%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?[\]^_{|}~"

The yylex function and Bison must use a consistent character set
and encoding for character tokens. For example, if you run Bison in an
ASCII environment, but then compile and run the resulting
program in an environment that uses an incompatible character set like
EBCDIC, the resulting program may not work because the tables
generated by Bison will assume ASCII numeric values for
character tokens. It is standard practice for software distributions to
contain C source files that were generated by Bison in an
ASCII environment, so installers on platforms that are
incompatible with ASCII must rebuild those files before
compiling them.

The symbol error is a terminal symbol reserved for error recovery
(see Error Recovery); you shouldn’t use it for any other purpose.
In particular, yylex should never return this value. The default
value of the error token is 256, unless you explicitly assigned 256 to
one of your tokens with a %token declaration.

Next: Recursion,
Previous: Symbols,
Up: Grammar File

3.3 Syntax of Grammar Rules

A Bison grammar rule has the following general form:

     result: components...

where result is the nonterminal symbol that this rule describes,
and components are various terminal and nonterminal symbols that
are put together by this rule (see Symbols).

For example,

     exp:      exp '+' exp

says that two groupings of type exp, with a ‘+’ token in between,
can be combined into a larger grouping of type exp.

White space in rules is significant only to separate symbols. You can add
extra white space as you wish.

Scattered among the components can be actions that determine
the semantics of the rule. An action looks like this:

     {C statements}

This is an example of braced code, that is, C code surrounded by
braces, much like a compound statement in C. Braced code can contain
any sequence of C tokens, so long as its braces are balanced. Bison
does not check the braced code for correctness directly; it merely
copies the code to the output file, where the C compiler can check it.

Within braced code, the balanced-brace count is not affected by braces
within comments, string literals, or character constants, but it is
affected by the C digraphs ‘<%’ and ‘%>’ that represent
braces. At the top level braced code must be terminated by ‘}
and not by a digraph. Bison does not look for trigraphs, so if braced
code uses trigraphs you should ensure that they do not affect the
nesting of braces or the boundaries of comments, string literals, or
character constants.

Usually there is only one action and it follows the components.
See Actions.

Multiple rules for the same result can be written separately or can
be joined with the vertical-bar character ‘|’ as follows:

     result:    rule1-components...
             | rule2-components...

They are still considered distinct rules even when joined in this way.

If components in a rule is empty, it means that result can
match the empty string. For example, here is how to define a
comma-separated sequence of zero or more exp groupings:

     expseq:   /* empty */
             | expseq1
     expseq1:  exp
             | expseq1 ',' exp

It is customary to write a comment ‘/* empty */’ in each rule
with no components.

Next: Semantics,
Previous: Rules,
Up: Grammar File

3.4 Recursive Rules

A rule is called recursive when its result nonterminal
appears also on its right hand side. Nearly all Bison grammars need to
use recursion, because that is the only way to define a sequence of any
number of a particular thing. Consider this recursive definition of a
comma-separated sequence of one or more expressions:

     expseq1:  exp
             | expseq1 ',' exp

Since the recursive use of expseq1 is the leftmost symbol in the
right hand side, we call this left recursion. By contrast, here
the same construct is defined using right recursion:

     expseq1:  exp
             | exp ',' expseq1

Any kind of sequence can be defined using either left recursion or right
recursion, but you should always use left recursion, because it can
parse a sequence of any number of elements with bounded stack space.
Right recursion uses up space on the Bison stack in proportion to the
number of elements in the sequence, because all the elements must be
shifted onto the stack before the rule can be applied even once.
See The Bison Parser Algorithm, for further explanation
of this.

Indirect or mutual recursion occurs when the result of the
rule does not appear directly on its right hand side, but does appear
in rules for other nonterminals which do appear on its right hand

For example:

     expr:     primary
             | primary '+' primary
     primary:  constant
             | '(' expr ')'

defines two mutually-recursive nonterminals, since each refers to the

Next: Locations,
Previous: Recursion,
Up: Grammar File

3.5 Defining Language Semantics

The grammar rules for a language determine only the syntax. The semantics
are determined by the semantic values associated with various tokens and
groupings, and by the actions taken when various groupings are recognized.

For example, the calculator calculates properly because the value
associated with each expression is the proper number; it adds properly
because the action for the grouping ‘x + y’ is to add
the numbers associated with x and y.

Next: Multiple Types,
Up: Semantics

3.5.1 Data Types of Semantic Values

In a simple program it may be sufficient to use the same data type for
the semantic values of all language constructs. This was true in the
RPN and infix calculator examples (see Reverse Polish Notation Calculator).

Bison’s default is to use type int for all semantic values. To
specify some other type, define YYSTYPE as a macro, like this:

     #define YYSTYPE double

YYSTYPE‘s replacement list should be a type name
that does not contain parentheses or square brackets.
This macro definition must go in the prologue of the grammar file
(see Outline of a Bison Grammar).

Next: Actions,
Previous: Value Type,
Up: Semantics

3.5.2 More Than One Value Type

In most programs, you will need different data types for different kinds
of tokens and groupings. For example, a numeric constant may need type
int or long int, while a string constant needs type
char *, and an identifier might need a pointer to an entry in the
symbol table.

To use more than one data type for semantic values in one parser, Bison
requires you to do two things:

  • Specify the entire collection of possible data types, with the
    %union Bison declaration (see The Collection of Value Types).

  • Choose one of those types for each symbol (terminal or nonterminal) for
    which semantic values are used. This is done for tokens with the
    %token Bison declaration (see Token Type Names)
    and for groupings with the %type Bison declaration (see Nonterminal Symbols).

Next: Action Types,
Previous: Multiple Types,
Up: Semantics

3.5.3 Actions

An action accompanies a syntactic rule and contains C code to be executed
each time an instance of that rule is recognized. The task of most actions
is to compute a semantic value for the grouping built by the rule from the
semantic values associated with tokens or smaller groupings.

An action consists of braced code containing C statements, and can be
placed at any position in the rule;
it is executed at that position. Most rules have just one action at the
end of the rule, following all the components. Actions in the middle of
a rule are tricky and used only for special purposes (see Actions in Mid-Rule).

The C code in an action can refer to the semantic values of the components
matched by the rule with the construct $n, which stands for
the value of the nth component. The semantic value for the grouping
being constructed is $$. Bison translates both of these
constructs into expressions of the appropriate type when it copies the
actions into the parser file. $$ is translated to a modifiable
lvalue, so it can be assigned to.

Here is a typical example:

     exp:    ...
             | exp '+' exp
                 { $$ = $1 + $3; }

This rule constructs an exp from two smaller exp groupings
connected by a plus-sign token. In the action, $1 and $3
refer to the semantic values of the two component exp groupings,
which are the first and third symbols on the right hand side of the rule.
The sum is stored into $$ so that it becomes the semantic value of
the addition-expression just recognized by the rule. If there were a
useful semantic value associated with the ‘+’ token, it could be
referred to as $2.

Note that the vertical-bar character ‘|’ is really a rule
separator, and actions are attached to a single rule. This is a
difference with tools like Flex, for which ‘|’ stands for either
“or”, or “the same action as that of the next rule”. In the
following example, the action is triggered only when ‘b’ is found:

     a-or-b: 'a'|'b'   { a_or_b_found = 1; };

If you don’t specify an action for a rule, Bison supplies a default:
$$ = $1. Thus, the value of the first symbol in the rule
becomes the value of the whole rule. Of course, the default action is
valid only if the two data types match. There is no meaningful default
action for an empty rule; every empty rule must have an explicit action
unless the rule’s value does not matter.

$n with n zero or negative is allowed for reference
to tokens and groupings on the stack before those that match the
current rule. This is a very risky practice, and to use it reliably
you must be certain of the context in which the rule is applied. Here
is a case in which you can use this reliably:

     foo:      expr bar '+' expr  { ... }
             | expr bar '-' expr  { ... }
     bar:      /* empty */
             { previous_expr = $0; }

As long as bar is used only in the fashion shown here, $0
always refers to the expr which precedes bar in the
definition of foo.

It is also possible to access the semantic value of the look-ahead token, if
any, from a semantic action.
This semantic value is stored in yylval.
See Special Features for Use in Actions.

Next: Mid-Rule Actions,
Previous: Actions,
Up: Semantics

3.5.4 Data Types of Values in Actions

If you have chosen a single data type for semantic values, the $$
and $n constructs always have that data type.

If you have used %union to specify a variety of data types, then you
must declare a choice among these types for each terminal or nonterminal
symbol that can have a semantic value. Then each time you use $$ or
$n, its data type is determined by which symbol it refers to
in the rule. In this example,

     exp:    ...
             | exp '+' exp
                 { $$ = $1 + $3; }

$1 and $3 refer to instances of exp, so they all
have the data type declared for the nonterminal symbol exp. If
$2 were used, it would have the data type declared for the
terminal symbol '+', whatever that might be.

Alternatively, you can specify the data type when you refer to the value,
by inserting ‘<type>’ after the ‘$’ at the beginning of the
reference. For example, if you have defined types as shown here:

     %union {
       int itype;
       double dtype;

then you can write $<itype>1 to refer to the first subunit of the
rule as an integer, or $<dtype>1 to refer to it as a double.

Previous: Action Types,
Up: Semantics

3.5.5 Actions in Mid-Rule

Occasionally it is useful to put an action in the middle of a rule.
These actions are written just like usual end-of-rule actions, but they
are executed before the parser even recognizes the following components.

A mid-rule action may refer to the components preceding it using
$n, but it may not refer to subsequent components because
it is run before they are parsed.

The mid-rule action itself counts as one of the components of the rule.
This makes a difference when there is another action later in the same rule
(and usually there is another at the end): you have to count the actions
along with the symbols when working out which number n to use in

The mid-rule action can also have a semantic value. The action can set
its value with an assignment to $$, and actions later in the rule
can refer to the value using $n. Since there is no symbol
to name the action, there is no way to declare a data type for the value
in advance, so you must use the ‘$<…>n’ construct to
specify a data type each time you refer to this value.

There is no way to set the value of the entire rule with a mid-rule
action, because assignments to $$ do not have that effect. The
only way to set the value for the entire rule is with an ordinary action
at the end of the rule.

Here is an example from a hypothetical compiler, handling a let
statement that looks like ‘let (variable) statement’ and
serves to create a variable named variable temporarily for the
duration of statement. To parse this construct, we must put
variable into the symbol table while statement is parsed, then
remove it afterward. Here is how it is done:

     stmt:   LET '(' var ')'
                     { $<context>$ = push_context ();
                       declare_variable ($3); }
             stmt    { $$ = $6;
                       pop_context ($<context>5); }

As soon as ‘let (variable)’ has been recognized, the first
action is run. It saves a copy of the current semantic context (the
list of accessible variables) as its semantic value, using alternative
context in the data-type union. Then it calls
declare_variable to add the new variable to that list. Once the
first action is finished, the embedded statement stmt can be
parsed. Note that the mid-rule action is component number 5, so the
stmt’ is component number 6.

After the embedded statement is parsed, its semantic value becomes the
value of the entire let-statement. Then the semantic value from the
earlier action is used to restore the prior list of variables. This
removes the temporary let-variable from the list so that it won’t
appear to exist while the rest of the program is parsed.

In the above example, if the parser initiates error recovery (see Error Recovery) while parsing the tokens in the embedded statement stmt,
it might discard the previous semantic context $<context>5 without
restoring it.
Thus, $<context>5 needs a destructor (see Freeing Discarded Symbols).
However, Bison currently provides no means to declare a destructor for a
mid-rule action’s semantic value.

One solution is to bury the mid-rule action inside a nonterminal symbol and to
declare a destructor for that symbol:

     %type <context> let
     %destructor { pop_context ($$); } let
     stmt:  let stmt
                    { $$ = $2;
                      pop_context ($1); }
     let:   LET '(' var ')'
                    { $$ = push_context ();
                      declare_variable ($3); }

Note that the action is now at the end of its rule.
Any mid-rule action can be converted to an end-of-rule action in this way, and
this is what Bison actually does to implement mid-rule actions.

Taking action before a rule is completely recognized often leads to
conflicts since the parser must commit to a parse in order to execute the
action. For example, the following two rules, without mid-rule actions,
can coexist in a working parser because the parser can shift the open-brace
token and look at what follows before deciding whether there is a
declaration or not:

     compound: '{' declarations statements '}'
             | '{' statements '}'

But when we add a mid-rule action as follows, the rules become nonfunctional:

     compound: { prepare_for_local_variables (); }
               '{' declarations statements '}'
             | '{' statements '}'

Now the parser is forced to decide whether to run the mid-rule action
when it has read no farther than the open-brace. In other words, it
must commit to using one rule or the other, without sufficient
information to do it correctly. (The open-brace token is what is called
the look-ahead token at this time, since the parser is still
deciding what to do about it. See Look-Ahead Tokens.)

You might think that you could correct the problem by putting identical
actions into the two rules, like this:

     compound: { prepare_for_local_variables (); }
               '{' declarations statements '}'
             | { prepare_for_local_variables (); }
               '{' statements '}'

But this does not help, because Bison does not realize that the two actions
are identical. (Bison never tries to understand the C code in an action.)

If the grammar is such that a declaration can be distinguished from a
statement by the first token (which is true in C), then one solution which
does work is to put the action after the open-brace, like this:

     compound: '{' { prepare_for_local_variables (); }
               declarations statements '}'
             | '{' statements '}'

Now the first token of the following declaration or statement,
which would in any case tell Bison which rule to use, can still do so.

Another solution is to bury the action inside a nonterminal symbol which
serves as a subroutine:

     subroutine: /* empty */
               { prepare_for_local_variables (); }
     compound: subroutine
               '{' declarations statements '}'
             | subroutine
               '{' statements '}'

Now Bison can execute the action in the rule for subroutine without
deciding which rule for compound it will eventually use.

Next: Declarations,
Previous: Semantics,
Up: Grammar File

3.6 Tracking Locations

Though grammar rules and semantic actions are enough to write a fully
functional parser, it can be useful to process some additional information,
especially symbol locations.

The way locations are handled is defined by providing a data type, and
actions to take when rules are matched.

3.6.1 Data Type of Locations

Defining a data type for locations is much simpler than for semantic values,
since all tokens and groupings always use the same type.

You can specify the type of locations by defining a macro called
YYLTYPE, just as you can specify the semantic value type by
defining YYSTYPE (see Value Type).
When YYLTYPE is not defined, Bison uses a default structure type with
four members:

     typedef struct YYLTYPE
       int first_line;
       int first_column;
       int last_line;
       int last_column;
     } YYLTYPE;

Next: Location Default Action,
Previous: Location Type,
Up: Locations

3.6.2 Actions and Locations

Actions are not only useful for defining language semantics, but also for
describing the behavior of the output parser with locations.

The most obvious way for building locations of syntactic groupings is very
similar to the way semantic values are computed. In a given rule, several
constructs can be used to access the locations of the elements being matched.
The location of the nth component of the right hand side is
@n, while the location of the left hand side grouping is

Here is a basic example using the default data type for locations:

     exp:    ...
             | exp '/' exp
                   @$.first_column = @1.first_column;
                   @$.first_line = @1.first_line;
                   @$.last_column = @3.last_column;
                   @$.last_line = @3.last_line;
                   if ($3)
                     $$ = $1 / $3;
                       $$ = 1;
                       fprintf (stderr,
                                "Division by zero, l%d,c%d-l%d,c%d",
                                @3.first_line, @3.first_column,
                                @3.last_line, @3.last_column);

As for semantic values, there is a default action for locations that is
run each time a rule is matched. It sets the beginning of @$ to the
beginning of the first symbol, and the end of @$ to the end of the
last symbol.

With this default action, the location tracking can be fully automatic. The
example above simply rewrites this way:

     exp:    ...
             | exp '/' exp
                   if ($3)
                     $$ = $1 / $3;
                       $$ = 1;
                       fprintf (stderr,
                                "Division by zero, l%d,c%d-l%d,c%d",
                                @3.first_line, @3.first_column,
                                @3.last_line, @3.last_column);

It is also possible to access the location of the look-ahead token, if any,
from a semantic action.
This location is stored in yylloc.
See Special Features for Use in Actions.

Previous: Actions and Locations,
Up: Locations

3.6.3 Default Action for Locations

Actually, actions are not the best place to compute locations. Since
locations are much more general than semantic values, there is room in
the output parser to redefine the default action to take for each
rule. The YYLLOC_DEFAULT macro is invoked each time a rule is
matched, before the associated action is run. It is also invoked
while processing a syntax error, to compute the error’s location.
Before reporting an unresolvable syntactic ambiguity, a GLR
parser invokes YYLLOC_DEFAULT recursively to compute the location
of that ambiguity.

Most of the time, this macro is general enough to suppress location
dedicated code from semantic actions.

The YYLLOC_DEFAULT macro takes three parameters. The first one is
the location of the grouping (the result of the computation). When a
rule is matched, the second parameter identifies locations of
all right hand side elements of the rule being matched, and the third
parameter is the size of the rule’s right hand side.
When a GLR parser reports an ambiguity, which of multiple candidate
right hand sides it passes to YYLLOC_DEFAULT is undefined.
When processing a syntax error, the second parameter identifies locations
of the symbols that were discarded during error processing, and the third
parameter is the number of discarded symbols.

By default, YYLLOC_DEFAULT is defined this way:

     # define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N)                                
           if (N)                                                            
               (Current).first_line   = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 1).first_line;         
               (Current).first_column = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 1).first_column;       
               (Current).last_line    = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, N).last_line;          
               (Current).last_column  = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, N).last_column;        
               (Current).first_line   = (Current).last_line   =              
                 YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 0).last_line;                                 
               (Current).first_column = (Current).last_column =              
                 YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 0).last_column;                               
         while (0)

where YYRHSLOC (rhs, k) is the location of the kth symbol
in rhs when k is positive, and the location of the symbol
just before the reduction when k and n are both zero.

When defining YYLLOC_DEFAULT, you should consider that:

  • All arguments are free of side-effects. However, only the first one (the
    result) should be modified by YYLLOC_DEFAULT.

  • For consistency with semantic actions, valid indexes within the
    right hand side range from 1 to n. When n is zero, only 0 is a
    valid index, and it refers to the symbol just before the reduction.
    During error processing n is always positive.

  • Your macro should parenthesize its arguments, if need be, since the
    actual arguments may not be surrounded by parentheses. Also, your
    macro should expand to something that can be used as a single
    statement when it is followed by a semicolon.

Next: Multiple Parsers,
Previous: Locations,
Up: Grammar File

3.7 Bison Declarations

The Bison declarations section of a Bison grammar defines the symbols
used in formulating the grammar and the data types of semantic values.
See Symbols.

All token type names (but not single-character literal tokens such as
'+' and '*') must be declared. Nonterminal symbols must be
declared if you need to specify which data type to use for the semantic
value (see More Than One Value Type).

The first rule in the file also specifies the start symbol, by default.
If you want some other symbol to be the start symbol, you must declare
it explicitly (see Languages and Context-Free Grammars).

Next: Token Decl,
Up: Declarations

3.7.1 Require a Version of Bison

You may require the minimum version of Bison to process the grammar. If
the requirement is not met, bison exits with an error (exit
status 63).

     %require "version"

Next: Precedence Decl,
Previous: Require Decl,
Up: Declarations

3.7.2 Token Type Names

The basic way to declare a token type name (terminal symbol) is as follows:

     %token name

Bison will convert this into a #define directive in
the parser, so that the function yylex (if it is in this file)
can use the name name to stand for this token type’s code.

Alternatively, you can use %left, %right, or
%nonassoc instead of %token, if you wish to specify
associativity and precedence. See Operator Precedence.

You can explicitly specify the numeric code for a token type by appending
a decimal or hexadecimal integer value in the field immediately
following the token name:

     %token NUM 300
     %token XNUM 0x12d // a GNU extension

It is generally best, however, to let Bison choose the numeric codes for
all token types. Bison will automatically select codes that don’t conflict
with each other or with normal characters.

In the event that the stack type is a union, you must augment the
%token or other token declaration to include the data type
alternative delimited by angle-brackets (see More Than One Value Type).

For example:

     %union {              /* define stack type */
       double val;
       symrec *tptr;
     %token <val> NUM      /* define token NUM and its type */

You can associate a literal string token with a token type name by
writing the literal string at the end of a %token
declaration which declares the name. For example:

     %token arrow "=>"

For example, a grammar for the C language might specify these names with
equivalent literal string tokens:

     %token  <operator>  OR      "||"
     %token  <operator>  LE 134  "<="
     %left  OR  "<="

Once you equate the literal string and the token name, you can use them
interchangeably in further declarations or the grammar rules. The
yylex function can use the token name or the literal string to
obtain the token type code number (see Calling Convention).

Next: Union Decl,
Previous: Token Decl,
Up: Declarations

3.7.3 Operator Precedence

Use the %left, %right or %nonassoc declaration to
declare a token and specify its precedence and associativity, all at
once. These are called precedence declarations.
See Operator Precedence, for general information on
operator precedence.

The syntax of a precedence declaration is the same as that of
%token: either

     %left symbols...


     %left <type> symbols...

And indeed any of these declarations serves the purposes of %token.
But in addition, they specify the associativity and relative precedence for
all the symbols:

  • The associativity of an operator op determines how repeated uses
    of the operator nest: whether ‘x op y op
    ’ is parsed by grouping x with y first or by
    grouping y with z first. %left specifies
    left-associativity (grouping x with y first) and
    %right specifies right-associativity (grouping y with
    z first). %nonassoc specifies no associativity, which
    means that ‘x op y op z’ is
    considered a syntax error.

  • The precedence of an operator determines how it nests with other operators.
    All the tokens declared in a single precedence declaration have equal
    precedence and nest together according to their associativity.
    When two tokens declared in different precedence declarations associate,
    the one declared later has the higher precedence and is grouped first.

Next: Type Decl,
Previous: Precedence Decl,
Up: Declarations

3.7.4 The Collection of Value Types

The %union declaration specifies the entire collection of
possible data types for semantic values. The keyword %union is
followed by braced code containing the same thing that goes inside a
union in C.

For example:

     %union {
       double val;
       symrec *tptr;

This says that the two alternative types are double and symrec
. They are given names val and tptr; these names are used
in the %token and %type declarations to pick one of the types
for a terminal or nonterminal symbol (see Nonterminal Symbols).

As an extension to POSIX, a tag is allowed after the
union. For example:

     %union value {
       double val;
       symrec *tptr;

specifies the union tag value, so the corresponding C type is
union value. If you do not specify a tag, it defaults to

As another extension to POSIX, you may specify multiple
%union declarations; their contents are concatenated. However,
only the first %union declaration can specify a tag.

Note that, unlike making a union declaration in C, you need not write
a semicolon after the closing brace.

Next: Initial Action Decl,
Previous: Union Decl,
Up: Declarations

3.7.5 Nonterminal Symbols

When you use %union to specify multiple value types, you must
declare the value type of each nonterminal symbol for which values are
used. This is done with a %type declaration, like this:

     %type <type> nonterminal...

Here nonterminal is the name of a nonterminal symbol, and
type is the name given in the %union to the alternative
that you want (see The Collection of Value Types). You
can give any number of nonterminal symbols in the same %type
declaration, if they have the same value type. Use spaces to separate
the symbol names.

You can also declare the value type of a terminal symbol. To do this,
use the same <type> construction in a declaration for the
terminal symbol. All kinds of token declarations allow

Next: Destructor Decl,
Previous: Type Decl,
Up: Declarations

3.7.6 Performing Actions before Parsing

Sometimes your parser needs to perform some initializations before
parsing. The %initial-action directive allows for such arbitrary

— Directive: %initial-action { code }

Declare that the braced code must be invoked before parsing each time
yyparse is called. The code may use $$ and
@$ — initial value and location of the look-ahead — and the

For instance, if your locations use a file name, you may use

     %parse-param { char const *file_name };
       @$.initialize (file_name);

Next: Expect Decl,
Previous: Initial Action Decl,
Up: Declarations

3.7.7 Freeing Discarded Symbols

During error recovery (see Error Recovery), symbols already pushed
on the stack and tokens coming from the rest of the file are discarded
until the parser falls on its feet. If the parser runs out of memory,
or if it returns via YYABORT or YYACCEPT, all the
symbols on the stack must be discarded. Even if the parser succeeds, it
must discard the start symbol.

When discarded symbols convey heap based information, this memory is
lost. While this behavior can be tolerable for batch parsers, such as
in traditional compilers, it is unacceptable for programs like shells or
protocol implementations that may parse and execute indefinitely.

The %destructor directive defines code that is called when a
symbol is automatically discarded.

— Directive: %destructor { code } symbols

Invoke the braced code whenever the parser discards one of the
Within code, $$ designates the semantic value associated
with the discarded symbol. The additional parser parameters are also
available (see The Parser Function yyparse).

For instance:

       char *string;
     %token <string> STRING
     %type  <string> string
     %destructor { free ($$); } STRING string

guarantees that when a STRING or a string is discarded,
its associated memory will be freed.

Discarded symbols are the following:

  • stacked symbols popped during the first phase of error recovery,
  • incoming terminals during the second phase of error recovery,
  • the current look-ahead and the entire stack (except the current
    right-hand side symbols) when the parser returns immediately, and
  • the start symbol, when the parser succeeds.

The parser can return immediately because of an explicit call to
YYABORT or YYACCEPT, or failed error recovery, or memory

Right-hand size symbols of a rule that explicitly triggers a syntax
error via YYERROR are not discarded automatically. As a rule
of thumb, destructors are invoked only when user actions cannot manage
the memory.

Next: Start Decl,
Previous: Destructor Decl,
Up: Declarations

3.7.8 Suppressing Conflict Warnings

Bison normally warns if there are any conflicts in the grammar
(see Shift/Reduce Conflicts), but most real grammars
have harmless shift/reduce conflicts which are resolved in a predictable
way and would be difficult to eliminate. It is desirable to suppress
the warning about these conflicts unless the number of conflicts
changes. You can do this with the %expect declaration.

The declaration looks like this:

     %expect n

Here n is a decimal integer. The declaration says there should
be n shift/reduce conflicts and no reduce/reduce conflicts.
Bison reports an error if the number of shift/reduce conflicts differs
from n, or if there are any reduce/reduce conflicts.

For normal LALR(1) parsers, reduce/reduce conflicts are more
serious, and should be eliminated entirely. Bison will always report
reduce/reduce conflicts for these parsers. With GLR
parsers, however, both kinds of conflicts are routine; otherwise,
there would be no need to use GLR parsing. Therefore, it is
also possible to specify an expected number of reduce/reduce conflicts
in GLR parsers, using the declaration:

     %expect-rr n

In general, using %expect involves these steps:

  • Compile your grammar without %expect. Use the ‘-v’ option
    to get a verbose list of where the conflicts occur. Bison will also
    print the number of conflicts.

  • Check each of the conflicts to make sure that Bison’s default
    resolution is what you really want. If not, rewrite the grammar and
    go back to the beginning.

  • Add an %expect declaration, copying the number n from the
    number which Bison printed. With GLR parsers, add an
    %expect-rr declaration as well.

Now Bison will warn you if you introduce an unexpected conflict, but
will keep silent otherwise.

Next: Pure Decl,
Previous: Expect Decl,
Up: Declarations

3.7.9 The Start-Symbol

Bison assumes by default that the start symbol for the grammar is the first
nonterminal specified in the grammar specification section. The programmer
may override this restriction with the %start declaration as follows:

     %start symbol

Next: Decl Summary,
Previous: Start Decl,
Up: Declarations

3.7.10 A Pure (Reentrant) Parser

A reentrant program is one which does not alter in the course of
execution; in other words, it consists entirely of pure (read-only)
code. Reentrancy is important whenever asynchronous execution is possible;
for example, a nonreentrant program may not be safe to call from a signal
handler. In systems with multiple threads of control, a nonreentrant
program must be called only within interlocks.

Normally, Bison generates a parser which is not reentrant. This is
suitable for most uses, and it permits compatibility with Yacc. (The
standard Yacc interfaces are inherently nonreentrant, because they use
statically allocated variables for communication with yylex,
including yylval and yylloc.)

Alternatively, you can generate a pure, reentrant parser. The Bison
declaration %pure-parser says that you want the parser to be
reentrant. It looks like this:


The result is that the communication variables yylval and
yylloc become local variables in yyparse, and a different
calling convention is used for the lexical analyzer function
yylex. See Calling Conventions for Pure Parsers, for the details of this. The variable yynerrs also
becomes local in yyparse (see The Error Reporting Function yyerror). The convention for calling
yyparse itself is unchanged.

Whether the parser is pure has nothing to do with the grammar rules.
You can generate either a pure parser or a nonreentrant parser from any
valid grammar.

Previous: Pure Decl,
Up: Declarations

3.7.11 Bison Declaration Summary

Here is a summary of the declarations used to define a grammar:

— Directive: %union

Declare the collection of data types that semantic values may have
(see The Collection of Value Types).

— Directive: %token

Declare a terminal symbol (token type name) with no precedence
or associativity specified (see Token Type Names).

— Directive: %right

Declare a terminal symbol (token type name) that is right-associative
(see Operator Precedence).

— Directive: %left

Declare a terminal symbol (token type name) that is left-associative
(see Operator Precedence).

— Directive: %nonassoc

Declare a terminal symbol (token type name) that is nonassociative
(see Operator Precedence).
Using it in a way that would be associative is a syntax error.

— Directive: %type

Declare the type of semantic values for a nonterminal symbol
(see Nonterminal Symbols).

— Directive: %start

Specify the grammar’s start symbol (see The Start-Symbol).

— Directive: %expect

Declare the expected number of shift-reduce conflicts
(see Suppressing Conflict Warnings).

In order to change the behavior of bison, use the following

— Directive: %debug

In the parser file, define the macro YYDEBUG to 1 if it is not
already defined, so that the debugging facilities are compiled.

See Tracing Your Parser.

— Directive: %defines

Write a header file containing macro definitions for the token type
names defined in the grammar as well as a few other declarations.
If the parser output file is named name.c then this file
is named name.h.

Unless YYSTYPE is already defined as a macro, the output header
declares YYSTYPE. Therefore, if you are using a %union
(see More Than One Value Type) with components that
require other definitions, or if you have defined a YYSTYPE macro
(see Data Types of Semantic Values), you need to
arrange for these definitions to be propagated to all modules, e.g., by
putting them in a prerequisite header that is included both by your
parser and by any other module that needs YYSTYPE.

Unless your parser is pure, the output header declares yylval
as an external variable. See A Pure (Reentrant) Parser.

If you have also used locations, the output header declares
YYLTYPE and yylloc using a protocol similar to that of
YYSTYPE and yylval. See Tracking Locations.

This output file is normally essential if you wish to put the definition
of yylex in a separate source file, because yylex
typically needs to be able to refer to the above-mentioned declarations
and to the token type codes. See Semantic Values of Tokens.

— Directive: %destructor

Specify how the parser should reclaim the memory associated to
discarded symbols. See Freeing Discarded Symbols.

— Directive: %file-prefix=»prefix»

Specify a prefix to use for all Bison output file names. The names are
chosen as if the input file were named prefix.y.

— Directive: %locations

Generate the code processing the locations (see Special Features for Use in Actions). This mode is enabled as soon as
the grammar uses the special ‘@n’ tokens, but if your
grammar does not use it, using ‘%locations’ allows for more
accurate syntax error messages.

— Directive: %name-prefix=»prefix»

Rename the external symbols used in the parser so that they start with
prefix instead of ‘yy’. The precise list of symbols renamed
in C parsers
is yyparse, yylex, yyerror, yynerrs,
yylval, yychar, yydebug, and
(if locations are used) yylloc. For example, if you use
%name-prefix=»c_»’, the names become c_parse, c_lex,
and so on. In C++ parsers, it is only the surrounding namespace which is
named prefix instead of ‘yy’.
See Multiple Parsers in the Same Program.

— Directive: %no-parser

Do not include any C code in the parser file; generate tables only. The
parser file contains just #define directives and static variable

This option also tells Bison to write the C code for the grammar actions
into a file named file.act, in the form of a
brace-surrounded body fit for a switch statement.

— Directive: %no-lines

Don’t generate any #line preprocessor commands in the parser
file. Ordinarily Bison writes these commands in the parser file so that
the C compiler and debuggers will associate errors and object code with
your source file (the grammar file). This directive causes them to
associate errors with the parser file, treating it an independent source
file in its own right.

— Directive: %output=»file»

Specify file for the parser file.

— Directive: %pure-parser

Request a pure (reentrant) parser program (see A Pure (Reentrant) Parser).

— Directive: %require «version»

Require version version or higher of Bison. See Require a Version of Bison.

— Directive: %token-table

Generate an array of token names in the parser file. The name of the
array is yytname; yytname[i] is the name of the
token whose internal Bison token code number is i. The first
three elements of yytname correspond to the predefined tokens
"error", and "$undefined"; after these come the symbols
defined in the grammar file.

The name in the table includes all the characters needed to represent
the token in Bison. For single-character literals and literal
strings, this includes the surrounding quoting characters and any
escape sequences. For example, the Bison single-character literal
'+' corresponds to a three-character name, represented in C as
"'+'"; and the Bison two-character literal string "\/"
corresponds to a five-character name, represented in C as

When you specify %token-table, Bison also generates macro
definitions for macros YYNTOKENS, YYNNTS, and

The highest token number, plus one.
The number of nonterminal symbols.
The number of grammar rules,
The number of parser states (see Parser States).

— Directive: %verbose

Write an extra output file containing verbose descriptions of the
parser states and what is done for each type of look-ahead token in
that state. See Understanding Your Parser, for more

— Directive: %yacc

Pretend the option —yacc was given, i.e., imitate Yacc,
including its naming conventions. See Bison Options, for more.

Previous: Declarations,
Up: Grammar File

3.8 Multiple Parsers in the Same Program

Most programs that use Bison parse only one language and therefore contain
only one Bison parser. But what if you want to parse more than one
language with the same program? Then you need to avoid a name conflict
between different definitions of yyparse, yylval, and so on.

The easy way to do this is to use the option ‘-p prefix
(see Invoking Bison). This renames the interface
functions and variables of the Bison parser to start with prefix
instead of ‘yy’. You can use this to give each parser distinct
names that do not conflict.

The precise list of symbols renamed is yyparse, yylex,
yyerror, yynerrs, yylval, yylloc,
yychar and yydebug. For example, if you use ‘-p c’,
the names become cparse, clex, and so on.

All the other variables and macros associated with Bison are not
These others are not global; there is no conflict if the same
name is used in different parsers. For example, YYSTYPE is not
renamed, but defining this in different ways in different parsers causes
no trouble (see Data Types of Semantic Values).

The ‘-p’ option works by adding macro definitions to the beginning
of the parser source file, defining yyparse as
prefixparse, and so on. This effectively substitutes one
name for the other in the entire parser file.

Next: Algorithm,
Previous: Grammar File,
Up: Top

4 Parser C-Language Interface

The Bison parser is actually a C function named yyparse. Here we
describe the interface conventions of yyparse and the other
functions that it needs to use.

Keep in mind that the parser uses many C identifiers starting with
yy’ and ‘YY’ for internal purposes. If you use such an
identifier (aside from those in this manual) in an action or in epilogue
in the grammar file, you are likely to run into trouble.

Next: Lexical,
Up: Interface

4.1 The Parser Function yyparse

You call the function yyparse to cause parsing to occur. This
function reads tokens, executes actions, and ultimately returns when it
encounters end-of-input or an unrecoverable syntax error. You can also
write an action which directs yyparse to return immediately
without reading further.

— Function: int yyparse (void)

The value returned by yyparse is 0 if parsing was successful (return
is due to end-of-input).

The value is 1 if parsing failed because of invalid input, i.e., input
that contains a syntax error or that causes YYABORT to be

The value is 2 if parsing failed due to memory exhaustion.

In an action, you can cause immediate return from yyparse by using
these macros:


Return immediately with value 0 (to report success).

— Macro: YYABORT

Return immediately with value 1 (to report failure).

If you use a reentrant parser, you can optionally pass additional
parameter information to it in a reentrant way. To do so, use the
declaration %parse-param:

— Directive: %parse-param {argument-declaration}

Declare that an argument declared by the braced-code
argument-declaration is an additional yyparse argument.
The argument-declaration is used when declaring
functions or prototypes. The last identifier in
argument-declaration must be the argument name.

Here’s an example. Write this in the parser:

     %parse-param {int *nastiness}
     %parse-param {int *randomness}

Then call the parser like this:

       int nastiness, randomness;
       ...  /* Store proper data in nastiness and randomness.  */
       value = yyparse (&nastiness, &randomness);

In the grammar actions, use expressions like this to refer to the data:

     exp: ...    { ...; *randomness += 1; ... }

Next: Error Reporting,
Previous: Parser Function,
Up: Interface

4.2 The Lexical Analyzer Function yylex

The lexical analyzer function, yylex, recognizes tokens from
the input stream and returns them to the parser. Bison does not create
this function automatically; you must write it so that yyparse can
call it. The function is sometimes referred to as a lexical scanner.

In simple programs, yylex is often defined at the end of the Bison
grammar file. If yylex is defined in a separate source file, you
need to arrange for the token-type macro definitions to be available there.
To do this, use the ‘-d’ option when you run Bison, so that it will
write these macro definitions into a separate header file which you can include in the other source files
that need it. See Invoking Bison.

Next: Token Values,
Up: Lexical

4.2.1 Calling Convention for yylex

The value that yylex returns must be the positive numeric code
for the type of token it has just found; a zero or negative value
signifies end-of-input.

When a token is referred to in the grammar rules by a name, that name
in the parser file becomes a C macro whose definition is the proper
numeric code for that token type. So yylex can use the name
to indicate that type. See Symbols.

When a token is referred to in the grammar rules by a character literal,
the numeric code for that character is also the code for the token type.
So yylex can simply return that character code, possibly converted
to unsigned char to avoid sign-extension. The null character
must not be used this way, because its code is zero and that
signifies end-of-input.

Here is an example showing these things:

     yylex (void)
       if (c == EOF)    /* Detect end-of-input.  */
         return 0;
       if (c == '+' || c == '-')
         return c;      /* Assume token type for `+' is '+'.  */
       return INT;      /* Return the type of the token.  */

This interface has been designed so that the output from the lex
utility can be used without change as the definition of yylex.

If the grammar uses literal string tokens, there are two ways that
yylex can determine the token type codes for them:

  • If the grammar defines symbolic token names as aliases for the
    literal string tokens, yylex can use these symbolic names like
    all others. In this case, the use of the literal string tokens in
    the grammar file has no effect on yylex.

  • yylex can find the multicharacter token in the yytname
    table. The index of the token in the table is the token type’s code.
    The name of a multicharacter token is recorded in yytname with a
    double-quote, the token’s characters, and another double-quote. The
    token’s characters are escaped as necessary to be suitable as input
    to Bison.

    Here’s code for looking up a multicharacter token in yytname,
    assuming that the characters of the token are stored in
    token_buffer, and assuming that the token does not contain any
    characters like ‘«’ that require escaping.

              for (i = 0; i < YYNTOKENS; i++)
                  if (yytname[i] != 0
                      && yytname[i][0] == '"'
                      && ! strncmp (yytname[i] + 1, token_buffer,
                                    strlen (token_buffer))
                      && yytname[i][strlen (token_buffer) + 1] == '"'
                      && yytname[i][strlen (token_buffer) + 2] == 0)

    The yytname table is generated only if you use the
    %token-table declaration. See Decl Summary.

Next: Token Locations,
Previous: Calling Convention,
Up: Lexical

4.2.2 Semantic Values of Tokens

In an ordinary (nonreentrant) parser, the semantic value of the token must
be stored into the global variable yylval. When you are using
just one data type for semantic values, yylval has that type.
Thus, if the type is int (the default), you might write this in

       yylval = value;  /* Put value onto Bison stack.  */
       return INT;      /* Return the type of the token.  */

When you are using multiple data types, yylval‘s type is a union
made from the %union declaration (see The Collection of Value Types). So when you store a token’s value, you
must use the proper member of the union. If the %union
declaration looks like this:

     %union {
       int intval;
       double val;
       symrec *tptr;

then the code in yylex might look like this:

       yylval.intval = value; /* Put value onto Bison stack.  */
       return INT;            /* Return the type of the token.  */

Next: Pure Calling,
Previous: Token Values,
Up: Lexical

4.2.3 Textual Locations of Tokens

If you are using the ‘@n’-feature (see Tracking Locations) in actions to keep track of the textual locations
of tokens and groupings, then you must provide this information in
yylex. The function yyparse expects to find the textual
location of a token just parsed in the global variable yylloc.
So yylex must store the proper data in that variable.

By default, the value of yylloc is a structure and you need only
initialize the members that are going to be used by the actions. The
four members are called first_line, first_column,
last_line and last_column. Note that the use of this
feature makes the parser noticeably slower.

The data type of yylloc has the name YYLTYPE.

Previous: Token Locations,
Up: Lexical

4.2.4 Calling Conventions for Pure Parsers

When you use the Bison declaration %pure-parser to request a
pure, reentrant parser, the global communication variables yylval
and yylloc cannot be used. (See A Pure (Reentrant) Parser.) In such parsers the two global variables are replaced by
pointers passed as arguments to yylex. You must declare them as
shown here, and pass the information back by storing it through those

     yylex (YYSTYPE *lvalp, YYLTYPE *llocp)
       *lvalp = value;  /* Put value onto Bison stack.  */
       return INT;      /* Return the type of the token.  */

If the grammar file does not use the ‘@’ constructs to refer to
textual locations, then the type YYLTYPE will not be defined. In
this case, omit the second argument; yylex will be called with
only one argument.

If you wish to pass the additional parameter data to yylex, use
%lex-param just like %parse-param (see Parser Function).

— Directive: lex-param {argument-declaration}

Declare that the braced-code argument-declaration is an
additional yylex argument declaration.

For instance:

     %parse-param {int *nastiness}
     %lex-param   {int *nastiness}
     %parse-param {int *randomness}

results in the following signature:

     int yylex   (int *nastiness);
     int yyparse (int *nastiness, int *randomness);

If %pure-parser is added:

     int yylex   (YYSTYPE *lvalp, int *nastiness);
     int yyparse (int *nastiness, int *randomness);

and finally, if both %pure-parser and %locations are used:

     int yylex   (YYSTYPE *lvalp, YYLTYPE *llocp, int *nastiness);
     int yyparse (int *nastiness, int *randomness);

Next: Action Features,
Previous: Lexical,
Up: Interface

4.3 The Error Reporting Function yyerror

The Bison parser detects a syntax error or parse error
whenever it reads a token which cannot satisfy any syntax rule. An
action in the grammar can also explicitly proclaim an error, using the
macro YYERROR (see Special Features for Use in Actions).

The Bison parser expects to report the error by calling an error
reporting function named yyerror, which you must supply. It is
called by yyparse whenever a syntax error is found, and it
receives one argument. For a syntax error, the string is normally
"syntax error".

If you invoke the directive %error-verbose in the Bison
declarations section (see The Bison Declarations Section), then Bison provides a more verbose and specific error message
string instead of just plain "syntax error".

The parser can detect one other kind of error: memory exhaustion. This
can happen when the input contains constructions that are very deeply
nested. It isn’t likely you will encounter this, since the Bison
parser normally extends its stack automatically up to a very large limit. But
if memory is exhausted, yyparse calls yyerror in the usual
fashion, except that the argument string is "memory exhausted".

In some cases diagnostics like "syntax error" are
translated automatically from English to some other language before
they are passed to yyerror. See Internationalization.

The following definition suffices in simple programs:

     yyerror (char const *s)
       fprintf (stderr, "%sn", s);

After yyerror returns to yyparse, the latter will attempt
error recovery if you have written suitable error recovery grammar rules
(see Error Recovery). If recovery is impossible, yyparse will
immediately return 1.

Obviously, in location tracking pure parsers, yyerror should have
an access to the current location.
This is indeed the case for the GLR
parsers, but not for the Yacc parser, for historical reasons. I.e., if
%locations %pure-parser’ is passed then the prototypes for
yyerror are:

     void yyerror (char const *msg);                 /* Yacc parsers.  */
     void yyerror (YYLTYPE *locp, char const *msg);  /* GLR parsers.   */

If ‘%parse-param {int *nastiness}’ is used, then:

     void yyerror (int *nastiness, char const *msg);  /* Yacc parsers.  */
     void yyerror (int *nastiness, char const *msg);  /* GLR parsers.   */

Finally, GLR and Yacc parsers share the same yyerror calling
convention for absolutely pure parsers, i.e., when the calling
convention of yylex and the calling convention of
%pure-parser are pure. I.e.:

     /* Location tracking.  */
     /* Pure yylex.  */
     %lex-param   {int *nastiness}
     /* Pure yyparse.  */
     %parse-param {int *nastiness}
     %parse-param {int *randomness}

results in the following signatures for all the parser kinds:

     int yylex (YYSTYPE *lvalp, YYLTYPE *llocp, int *nastiness);
     int yyparse (int *nastiness, int *randomness);
     void yyerror (YYLTYPE *locp,
                   int *nastiness, int *randomness,
                   char const *msg);

The prototypes are only indications of how the code produced by Bison
uses yyerror. Bison-generated code always ignores the returned
value, so yyerror can return any type, including void.
Also, yyerror can be a variadic function; that is why the
message is always passed last.

Traditionally yyerror returns an int that is always
ignored, but this is purely for historical reasons, and void is
preferable since it more accurately describes the return type for

The variable yynerrs contains the number of syntax errors
reported so far. Normally this variable is global; but if you
request a pure parser (see A Pure (Reentrant) Parser)
then it is a local variable which only the actions can access.

Next: Internationalization,
Previous: Error Reporting,
Up: Interface

4.4 Special Features for Use in Actions

Here is a table of Bison constructs, variables and macros that
are useful in actions.

— Variable: $$

Acts like a variable that contains the semantic value for the
grouping made by the current rule. See Actions.

— Variable: $n

Acts like a variable that contains the semantic value for the
nth component of the current rule. See Actions.

— Variable: $<typealt>$

Like $$ but specifies alternative typealt in the union
specified by the %union declaration. See Data Types of Values in Actions.

— Variable: $<typealt>n

Like $n but specifies alternative typealt in the
union specified by the %union declaration.
See Data Types of Values in Actions.

— Macro: YYABORT;

Return immediately from yyparse, indicating failure.
See The Parser Function yyparse.

— Macro: YYACCEPT;

Return immediately from yyparse, indicating success.
See The Parser Function yyparse.

— Macro: YYBACKUP (token, value);

Unshift a token. This macro is allowed only for rules that reduce
a single value, and only when there is no look-ahead token.
It is also disallowed in GLR parsers.
It installs a look-ahead token with token type token and
semantic value value; then it discards the value that was
going to be reduced by this rule.

If the macro is used when it is not valid, such as when there is
a look-ahead token already, then it reports a syntax error with
a message ‘cannot back up’ and performs ordinary error

In either case, the rest of the action is not executed.

— Macro: YYEMPTY

Value stored in yychar when there is no look-ahead token.

— Macro: YYEOF

Value stored in yychar when the look-ahead is the end of the input

— Macro: YYERROR;

Cause an immediate syntax error. This statement initiates error
recovery just as if the parser itself had detected an error; however, it
does not call yyerror, and does not print any message. If you
want to print an error message, call yyerror explicitly before
the ‘YYERROR;’ statement. See Error Recovery.


The expression YYRECOVERING () yields 1 when the parser
is recovering from a syntax error, and 0 otherwise.
See Error Recovery.

— Variable: yychar

Variable containing either the look-ahead token, or YYEOF when the
look-ahead is the end of the input stream, or YYEMPTY when no look-ahead
has been performed so the next token is not yet known.
Do not modify yychar in a deferred semantic action (see GLR Semantic Actions).
See Look-Ahead Tokens.

— Macro: yyclearin;

Discard the current look-ahead token. This is useful primarily in
error rules.
Do not invoke yyclearin in a deferred semantic action (see GLR Semantic Actions).
See Error Recovery.

— Macro: yyerrok;

Resume generating error messages immediately for subsequent syntax
errors. This is useful primarily in error rules.
See Error Recovery.

— Variable: yylloc

Variable containing the look-ahead token location when yychar is not set
Do not modify yylloc in a deferred semantic action (see GLR Semantic Actions).
See Actions and Locations.

— Variable: yylval

Variable containing the look-ahead token semantic value when yychar is
not set to YYEMPTY or YYEOF.
Do not modify yylval in a deferred semantic action (see GLR Semantic Actions).
See Actions.

— Value: @$

Acts like a structure variable containing information on the textual location
of the grouping made by the current rule. See Tracking Locations.

— Value: @n

Acts like a structure variable containing information on the textual location
of the nth component of the current rule. See Tracking Locations.

Previous: Action Features,
Up: Interface

4.5 Parser Internationalization

A Bison-generated parser can print diagnostics, including error and
tracing messages. By default, they appear in English. However, Bison
also supports outputting diagnostics in the user’s native language. To
make this work, the user should set the usual environment variables.
See The User’s View.
For example, the shell command ‘export LC_ALL=fr_CA.UTF-8’ might
set the user’s locale to French Canadian using the UTF-8
encoding. The exact set of available locales depends on the user’s

The maintainer of a package that uses a Bison-generated parser enables
the internationalization of the parser’s output through the following
steps. Here we assume a package that uses GNU Autoconf and
GNU Automake.

  1. Into the directory containing the GNU Autoconf macros used
    by the package—often called m4—copy the
    bison-i18n.m4 file installed by Bison under
    share/aclocal/bison-i18n.m4’ in Bison’s installation directory.
    For example:

              cp /usr/local/share/aclocal/bison-i18n.m4 m4/bison-i18n.m4
  2. In the top-level, after the AM_GNU_GETTEXT
    invocation, add an invocation of BISON_I18N. This macro is
    defined in the file bison-i18n.m4 that you copied earlier. It
    causes ‘configure’ to find the value of the
    BISON_LOCALEDIR variable, and it defines the source-language
    symbol YYENABLE_NLS to enable translations in the
    Bison-generated parser.

  3. In the main function of your program, designate the directory
    containing Bison’s runtime message catalog, through a call to
    bindtextdomain’ with domain name ‘bison-runtime’.
    For example:

              bindtextdomain ("bison-runtime", BISON_LOCALEDIR);

    Typically this appears after any other call bindtextdomain
    that your package already has. Here we rely on
    BISON_LOCALEDIR’ to be defined as a string through the

  4. In the that controls the compilation of the main
    function, make ‘BISON_LOCALEDIR’ available as a C preprocessor macro,
    either in ‘DEFS’ or in ‘AM_CPPFLAGS’. For example:



  5. Finally, invoke the command autoreconf to generate the build

Next: Error Recovery,
Previous: Interface,
Up: Top

5 The Bison Parser Algorithm

As Bison reads tokens, it pushes them onto a stack along with their
semantic values. The stack is called the parser stack. Pushing a
token is traditionally called shifting.

For example, suppose the infix calculator has read ‘1 + 5 *’, with a
3’ to come. The stack will have four elements, one for each token
that was shifted.

But the stack does not always have an element for each token read. When
the last n tokens and groupings shifted match the components of a
grammar rule, they can be combined according to that rule. This is called
reduction. Those tokens and groupings are replaced on the stack by a
single grouping whose symbol is the result (left hand side) of that rule.
Running the rule’s action is part of the process of reduction, because this
is what computes the semantic value of the resulting grouping.

For example, if the infix calculator’s parser stack contains this:

     1 + 5 * 3

and the next input token is a newline character, then the last three
elements can be reduced to 15 via the rule:

     expr: expr '*' expr;

Then the stack contains just these three elements:

     1 + 15

At this point, another reduction can be made, resulting in the single value
16. Then the newline token can be shifted.

The parser tries, by shifts and reductions, to reduce the entire input down
to a single grouping whose symbol is the grammar’s start-symbol
(see Languages and Context-Free Grammars).

This kind of parser is known in the literature as a bottom-up parser.

Next: Shift/Reduce,
Up: Algorithm

5.1 Look-Ahead Tokens

The Bison parser does not always reduce immediately as soon as the
last n tokens and groupings match a rule. This is because such a
simple strategy is inadequate to handle most languages. Instead, when a
reduction is possible, the parser sometimes “looks ahead” at the next
token in order to decide what to do.

When a token is read, it is not immediately shifted; first it becomes the
look-ahead token, which is not on the stack. Now the parser can
perform one or more reductions of tokens and groupings on the stack, while
the look-ahead token remains off to the side. When no more reductions
should take place, the look-ahead token is shifted onto the stack. This
does not mean that all possible reductions have been done; depending on the
token type of the look-ahead token, some rules may choose to delay their

Here is a simple case where look-ahead is needed. These three rules define
expressions which contain binary addition operators and postfix unary
factorial operators (‘!’), and allow parentheses for grouping.

     expr:     term '+' expr
             | term
     term:     '(' expr ')'
             | term '!'
             | NUMBER

Suppose that the tokens ‘1 + 2’ have been read and shifted; what
should be done? If the following token is ‘)’, then the first three
tokens must be reduced to form an expr. This is the only valid
course, because shifting the ‘)’ would produce a sequence of symbols
term ')', and no rule allows this.

If the following token is ‘!’, then it must be shifted immediately so
that ‘2 !’ can be reduced to make a term. If instead the
parser were to reduce before shifting, ‘1 + 2’ would become an
expr. It would then be impossible to shift the ‘!’ because
doing so would produce on the stack the sequence of symbols expr
. No rule allows that sequence.

The look-ahead token is stored in the variable yychar.
Its semantic value and location, if any, are stored in the variables
yylval and yylloc.
See Special Features for Use in Actions.

Next: Precedence,
Previous: Look-Ahead,
Up: Algorithm

5.2 Shift/Reduce Conflicts

Suppose we are parsing a language which has if-then and if-then-else
statements, with a pair of rules like this:

               IF expr THEN stmt
             | IF expr THEN stmt ELSE stmt

Here we assume that IF, THEN and ELSE are
terminal symbols for specific keyword tokens.

When the ELSE token is read and becomes the look-ahead token, the
contents of the stack (assuming the input is valid) are just right for
reduction by the first rule. But it is also legitimate to shift the
ELSE, because that would lead to eventual reduction by the second

This situation, where either a shift or a reduction would be valid, is
called a shift/reduce conflict. Bison is designed to resolve
these conflicts by choosing to shift, unless otherwise directed by
operator precedence declarations. To see the reason for this, let’s
contrast it with the other alternative.

Since the parser prefers to shift the ELSE, the result is to attach
the else-clause to the innermost if-statement, making these two inputs

     if x then if y then win (); else lose;
     if x then do; if y then win (); else lose; end;

But if the parser chose to reduce when possible rather than shift, the
result would be to attach the else-clause to the outermost if-statement,
making these two inputs equivalent:

     if x then if y then win (); else lose;
     if x then do; if y then win (); end; else lose;

The conflict exists because the grammar as written is ambiguous: either
parsing of the simple nested if-statement is legitimate. The established
convention is that these ambiguities are resolved by attaching the
else-clause to the innermost if-statement; this is what Bison accomplishes
by choosing to shift rather than reduce. (It would ideally be cleaner to
write an unambiguous grammar, but that is very hard to do in this case.)
This particular ambiguity was first encountered in the specifications of
Algol 60 and is called the “dangling else” ambiguity.

To avoid warnings from Bison about predictable, legitimate shift/reduce
conflicts, use the %expect n declaration. There will be no
warning as long as the number of shift/reduce conflicts is exactly n.
See Suppressing Conflict Warnings.

The definition of if_stmt above is solely to blame for the
conflict, but the conflict does not actually appear without additional
rules. Here is a complete Bison input file that actually manifests the

     %token IF THEN ELSE variable
     stmt:     expr
             | if_stmt
               IF expr THEN stmt
             | IF expr THEN stmt ELSE stmt
     expr:     variable

Next: Contextual Precedence,
Previous: Shift/Reduce,
Up: Algorithm

5.3 Operator Precedence

Another situation where shift/reduce conflicts appear is in arithmetic
expressions. Here shifting is not always the preferred resolution; the
Bison declarations for operator precedence allow you to specify when to
shift and when to reduce.

5.3.1 When Precedence is Needed

Consider the following ambiguous grammar fragment (ambiguous because the
input ‘1 — 2 * 3’ can be parsed in two different ways):

     expr:     expr '-' expr
             | expr '*' expr
             | expr '<' expr
             | '(' expr ')'

Suppose the parser has seen the tokens ‘1’, ‘’ and ‘2’;
should it reduce them via the rule for the subtraction operator? It
depends on the next token. Of course, if the next token is ‘)’, we
must reduce; shifting is invalid because no single rule can reduce the
token sequence ‘— 2 )’ or anything starting with that. But if
the next token is ‘*’ or ‘<’, we have a choice: either
shifting or reduction would allow the parse to complete, but with
different results.

To decide which one Bison should do, we must consider the results. If
the next operator token op is shifted, then it must be reduced
first in order to permit another opportunity to reduce the difference.
The result is (in effect) ‘1 — (2 op 3)’. On the other
hand, if the subtraction is reduced before shifting op, the result
is ‘(1 — 2) op 3’. Clearly, then, the choice of shift or
reduce should depend on the relative precedence of the operators
’ and op: ‘*’ should be shifted first, but not

What about input such as ‘1 — 2 — 5’; should this be
(1 — 2) — 5’ or should it be ‘1 — (2 — 5)’? For most
operators we prefer the former, which is called left association.
The latter alternative, right association, is desirable for
assignment operators. The choice of left or right association is a
matter of whether the parser chooses to shift or reduce when the stack
contains ‘1 — 2’ and the look-ahead token is ‘’: shifting
makes right-associativity.

Next: Precedence Examples,
Previous: Why Precedence,
Up: Precedence

5.3.2 Specifying Operator Precedence

Bison allows you to specify these choices with the operator precedence
declarations %left and %right. Each such declaration
contains a list of tokens, which are operators whose precedence and
associativity is being declared. The %left declaration makes all
those operators left-associative and the %right declaration makes
them right-associative. A third alternative is %nonassoc, which
declares that it is a syntax error to find the same operator twice “in a

The relative precedence of different operators is controlled by the
order in which they are declared. The first %left or
%right declaration in the file declares the operators whose
precedence is lowest, the next such declaration declares the operators
whose precedence is a little higher, and so on.

Next: How Precedence,
Previous: Using Precedence,
Up: Precedence

5.3.3 Precedence Examples

In our example, we would want the following declarations:

     %left '<'
     %left '-'
     %left '*'

In a more complete example, which supports other operators as well, we
would declare them in groups of equal precedence. For example, '+' is
declared with '-':

     %left '<' '>' '=' NE LE GE
     %left '+' '-'
     %left '*' '/'

(Here NE and so on stand for the operators for “not equal”
and so on. We assume that these tokens are more than one character long
and therefore are represented by names, not character literals.)

Previous: Precedence Examples,
Up: Precedence

5.3.4 How Precedence Works

The first effect of the precedence declarations is to assign precedence
levels to the terminal symbols declared. The second effect is to assign
precedence levels to certain rules: each rule gets its precedence from
the last terminal symbol mentioned in the components. (You can also
specify explicitly the precedence of a rule. See Context-Dependent Precedence.)

Finally, the resolution of conflicts works by comparing the precedence
of the rule being considered with that of the look-ahead token. If the
token’s precedence is higher, the choice is to shift. If the rule’s
precedence is higher, the choice is to reduce. If they have equal
precedence, the choice is made based on the associativity of that
precedence level. The verbose output file made by ‘-v
(see Invoking Bison) says how each conflict was

Not all rules and not all tokens have precedence. If either the rule or
the look-ahead token has no precedence, then the default is to shift.

Next: Parser States,
Previous: Precedence,
Up: Algorithm

5.4 Context-Dependent Precedence

Often the precedence of an operator depends on the context. This sounds
outlandish at first, but it is really very common. For example, a minus
sign typically has a very high precedence as a unary operator, and a
somewhat lower precedence (lower than multiplication) as a binary operator.

The Bison precedence declarations, %left, %right and
%nonassoc, can only be used once for a given token; so a token has
only one precedence declared in this way. For context-dependent
precedence, you need to use an additional mechanism: the %prec
modifier for rules.

The %prec modifier declares the precedence of a particular rule by
specifying a terminal symbol whose precedence should be used for that rule.
It’s not necessary for that symbol to appear otherwise in the rule. The
modifier’s syntax is:

     %prec terminal-symbol

and it is written after the components of the rule. Its effect is to
assign the rule the precedence of terminal-symbol, overriding
the precedence that would be deduced for it in the ordinary way. The
altered rule precedence then affects how conflicts involving that rule
are resolved (see Operator Precedence).

Here is how %prec solves the problem of unary minus. First, declare
a precedence for a fictitious terminal symbol named UMINUS. There
are no tokens of this type, but the symbol serves to stand for its

     %left '+' '-'
     %left '*'
     %left UMINUS

Now the precedence of UMINUS can be used in specific rules:

     exp:    ...
             | exp '-' exp
             | '-' exp %prec UMINUS

Next: Reduce/Reduce,
Previous: Contextual Precedence,
Up: Algorithm

5.5 Parser States

The function yyparse is implemented using a finite-state machine.
The values pushed on the parser stack are not simply token type codes; they
represent the entire sequence of terminal and nonterminal symbols at or
near the top of the stack. The current state collects all the information
about previous input which is relevant to deciding what to do next.

Each time a look-ahead token is read, the current parser state together
with the type of look-ahead token are looked up in a table. This table
entry can say, “Shift the look-ahead token.” In this case, it also
specifies the new parser state, which is pushed onto the top of the
parser stack. Or it can say, “Reduce using rule number n.”
This means that a certain number of tokens or groupings are taken off
the top of the stack, and replaced by one grouping. In other words,
that number of states are popped from the stack, and one new state is

There is one other alternative: the table can say that the look-ahead token
is erroneous in the current state. This causes error processing to begin
(see Error Recovery).

Next: Mystery Conflicts,
Previous: Parser States,
Up: Algorithm

5.6 Reduce/Reduce Conflicts

A reduce/reduce conflict occurs if there are two or more rules that apply
to the same sequence of input. This usually indicates a serious error
in the grammar.

For example, here is an erroneous attempt to define a sequence
of zero or more word groupings.

     sequence: /* empty */
                     { printf ("empty sequencen"); }
             | maybeword
             | sequence word
                     { printf ("added word %sn", $2); }
     maybeword: /* empty */
                     { printf ("empty maybewordn"); }
             | word
                     { printf ("single word %sn", $1); }

The error is an ambiguity: there is more than one way to parse a single
word into a sequence. It could be reduced to a
maybeword and then into a sequence via the second rule.
Alternatively, nothing-at-all could be reduced into a sequence
via the first rule, and this could be combined with the word
using the third rule for sequence.

There is also more than one way to reduce nothing-at-all into a
sequence. This can be done directly via the first rule,
or indirectly via maybeword and then the second rule.

You might think that this is a distinction without a difference, because it
does not change whether any particular input is valid or not. But it does
affect which actions are run. One parsing order runs the second rule’s
action; the other runs the first rule’s action and the third rule’s action.
In this example, the output of the program changes.

Bison resolves a reduce/reduce conflict by choosing to use the rule that
appears first in the grammar, but it is very risky to rely on this. Every
reduce/reduce conflict must be studied and usually eliminated. Here is the
proper way to define sequence:

     sequence: /* empty */
                     { printf ("empty sequencen"); }
             | sequence word
                     { printf ("added word %sn", $2); }

Here is another common error that yields a reduce/reduce conflict:

     sequence: /* empty */
             | sequence words
             | sequence redirects
     words:    /* empty */
             | words word
     redirects:/* empty */
             | redirects redirect

The intention here is to define a sequence which can contain either
word or redirect groupings. The individual definitions of
sequence, words and redirects are error-free, but the
three together make a subtle ambiguity: even an empty input can be parsed
in infinitely many ways!

Consider: nothing-at-all could be a words. Or it could be two
words in a row, or three, or any number. It could equally well be a
redirects, or two, or any number. Or it could be a words
followed by three redirects and another words. And so on.

Here are two ways to correct these rules. First, to make it a single level
of sequence:

     sequence: /* empty */
             | sequence word
             | sequence redirect

Second, to prevent either a words or a redirects
from being empty:

     sequence: /* empty */
             | sequence words
             | sequence redirects
     words:    word
             | words word
             | redirects redirect

Next: Generalized LR Parsing,
Previous: Reduce/Reduce,
Up: Algorithm

5.7 Mysterious Reduce/Reduce Conflicts

Sometimes reduce/reduce conflicts can occur that don’t look warranted.
Here is an example:

     %token ID
     def:    param_spec return_spec ','
             |    name_list ':' type
             |    name ':' type
     type:        ID
     name:        ID
             |    name ',' name_list

It would seem that this grammar can be parsed with only a single token
of look-ahead: when a param_spec is being read, an ID is
a name if a comma or colon follows, or a type if another
ID follows. In other words, this grammar is LR(1).

However, Bison, like most parser generators, cannot actually handle all
LR(1) grammars. In this grammar, two contexts, that after
an ID
at the beginning of a param_spec and likewise at the beginning of
a return_spec, are similar enough that Bison assumes they are the
same. They appear similar because the same set of rules would be
active—the rule for reducing to a name and that for reducing to
a type. Bison is unable to determine at that stage of processing
that the rules would require different look-ahead tokens in the two
contexts, so it makes a single parser state for them both. Combining
the two contexts causes a conflict later. In parser terminology, this
occurrence means that the grammar is not LALR(1).

In general, it is better to fix deficiencies than to document them. But
this particular deficiency is intrinsically hard to fix; parser
generators that can handle LR(1) grammars are hard to write
and tend to
produce parsers that are very large. In practice, Bison is more useful
as it is now.

When the problem arises, you can often fix it by identifying the two
parser states that are being confused, and adding something to make them
look distinct. In the above example, adding one rule to
return_spec as follows makes the problem go away:

     %token BOGUS
             |    name ':' type
             /* This rule is never used.  */
             |    ID BOGUS

This corrects the problem because it introduces the possibility of an
additional active rule in the context after the ID at the beginning of
return_spec. This rule is not active in the corresponding context
in a param_spec, so the two contexts receive distinct parser states.
As long as the token BOGUS is never generated by yylex,
the added rule cannot alter the way actual input is parsed.

In this particular example, there is another way to solve the problem:
rewrite the rule for return_spec to use ID directly
instead of via name. This also causes the two confusing
contexts to have different sets of active rules, because the one for
return_spec activates the altered rule for return_spec
rather than the one for name.

             |    name_list ':' type
             |    ID ':' type

For a more detailed exposition of LALR(1) parsers and parser
generators, please see:
Frank DeRemer and Thomas Pennello, Efficient Computation of
LALR(1) Look-Ahead Sets, ACM Transactions on
Programming Languages and Systems
, Vol. 4, No. 4 (October 1982),
pp. 615–649

Next: Memory Management,
Previous: Mystery Conflicts,
Up: Algorithm

5.8 Generalized LR (GLR) Parsing

Bison produces deterministic parsers that choose uniquely
when to reduce and which reduction to apply
based on a summary of the preceding input and on one extra token of look-ahead.
As a result, normal Bison handles a proper subset of the family of
context-free languages.
Ambiguous grammars, since they have strings with more than one possible
sequence of reductions cannot have deterministic parsers in this sense.
The same is true of languages that require more than one symbol of
look-ahead, since the parser lacks the information necessary to make a
decision at the point it must be made in a shift-reduce parser.
Finally, as previously mentioned (see Mystery Conflicts),
there are languages where Bison’s particular choice of how to
summarize the input seen so far loses necessary information.

When you use the ‘%glr-parser’ declaration in your grammar file,
Bison generates a parser that uses a different algorithm, called
Generalized LR (or GLR). A Bison GLR
parser uses the same basic
algorithm for parsing as an ordinary Bison parser, but behaves
differently in cases where there is a shift-reduce conflict that has not
been resolved by precedence rules (see Precedence) or a
reduce-reduce conflict. When a GLR parser encounters such a
situation, it
effectively splits into a several parsers, one for each possible
shift or reduction. These parsers then proceed as usual, consuming
tokens in lock-step. Some of the stacks may encounter other conflicts
and split further, with the result that instead of a sequence of states,
a Bison GLR parsing stack is what is in effect a tree of states.

In effect, each stack represents a guess as to what the proper parse
is. Additional input may indicate that a guess was wrong, in which case
the appropriate stack silently disappears. Otherwise, the semantics
actions generated in each stack are saved, rather than being executed
immediately. When a stack disappears, its saved semantic actions never
get executed. When a reduction causes two stacks to become equivalent,
their sets of semantic actions are both saved with the state that
results from the reduction. We say that two stacks are equivalent
when they both represent the same sequence of states,
and each pair of corresponding states represents a
grammar symbol that produces the same segment of the input token

Whenever the parser makes a transition from having multiple
states to having one, it reverts to the normal LALR(1) parsing
algorithm, after resolving and executing the saved-up actions.
At this transition, some of the states on the stack will have semantic
values that are sets (actually multisets) of possible actions. The
parser tries to pick one of the actions by first finding one whose rule
has the highest dynamic precedence, as set by the ‘%dprec
declaration. Otherwise, if the alternative actions are not ordered by
precedence, but there the same merging function is declared for both
rules by the ‘%merge’ declaration,
Bison resolves and evaluates both and then calls the merge function on
the result. Otherwise, it reports an ambiguity.

It is possible to use a data structure for the GLR parsing tree that
permits the processing of any LALR(1) grammar in linear time (in the
size of the input), any unambiguous (not necessarily
LALR(1)) grammar in
quadratic worst-case time, and any general (possibly ambiguous)
context-free grammar in cubic worst-case time. However, Bison currently
uses a simpler data structure that requires time proportional to the
length of the input times the maximum number of stacks required for any
prefix of the input. Thus, really ambiguous or nondeterministic
grammars can require exponential time and space to process. Such badly
behaving examples, however, are not generally of practical interest.
Usually, nondeterminism in a grammar is local—the parser is “in
doubt” only for a few tokens at a time. Therefore, the current data
structure should generally be adequate. On LALR(1) portions of a
grammar, in particular, it is only slightly slower than with the default
Bison parser.

For a more detailed exposition of GLR parsers, please see: Elizabeth
Scott, Adrian Johnstone and Shamsa Sadaf Hussain, Tomita-Style
Generalised LR Parsers, Royal Holloway, University of
London, Department of Computer Science, TR-00-12,,

Previous: Generalized LR Parsing,
Up: Algorithm

5.9 Memory Management, and How to Avoid Memory Exhaustion

The Bison parser stack can run out of memory if too many tokens are shifted and
not reduced. When this happens, the parser function yyparse
calls yyerror and then returns 2.

Because Bison parsers have growing stacks, hitting the upper limit
usually results from using a right recursion instead of a left
recursion, See Recursive Rules.

By defining the macro YYMAXDEPTH, you can control how deep the
parser stack can become before memory is exhausted. Define the
macro with a value that is an integer. This value is the maximum number
of tokens that can be shifted (and not reduced) before overflow.

The stack space allowed is not necessarily allocated. If you specify a
large value for YYMAXDEPTH, the parser normally allocates a small
stack at first, and then makes it bigger by stages as needed. This
increasing allocation happens automatically and silently. Therefore,
you do not need to make YYMAXDEPTH painfully small merely to save
space for ordinary inputs that do not need much stack.

However, do not allow YYMAXDEPTH to be a value so large that
arithmetic overflow could occur when calculating the size of the stack
space. Also, do not allow YYMAXDEPTH to be less than

The default value of YYMAXDEPTH, if you do not define it, is

You can control how much stack is allocated initially by defining the
macro YYINITDEPTH to a positive integer. For the C
LALR(1) parser, this value must be a compile-time constant
unless you are assuming C99 or some other target language or compiler
that allows variable-length arrays. The default is 200.

Do not allow YYINITDEPTH to be greater than YYMAXDEPTH.

Because of semantical differences between C and C++, the
LALR(1) parsers in C produced by Bison cannot grow when compiled
by C++ compilers. In this precise case (compiling a C parser as C++) you are
suggested to grow YYINITDEPTH. The Bison maintainers hope to fix
this deficiency in a future release.

Next: Context Dependency,
Previous: Algorithm,
Up: Top

6 Error Recovery

It is not usually acceptable to have a program terminate on a syntax
error. For example, a compiler should recover sufficiently to parse the
rest of the input file and check it for errors; a calculator should accept
another expression.

In a simple interactive command parser where each input is one line, it may
be sufficient to allow yyparse to return 1 on error and have the
caller ignore the rest of the input line when that happens (and then call
yyparse again). But this is inadequate for a compiler, because it
forgets all the syntactic context leading up to the error. A syntax error
deep within a function in the compiler input should not cause the compiler
to treat the following line like the beginning of a source file.

You can define how to recover from a syntax error by writing rules to
recognize the special token error. This is a terminal symbol that
is always defined (you need not declare it) and reserved for error
handling. The Bison parser generates an error token whenever a
syntax error happens; if you have provided a rule to recognize this token
in the current context, the parse can continue.

For example:

     stmnts:  /* empty string */
             | stmnts 'n'
             | stmnts exp 'n'
             | stmnts error 'n'

The fourth rule in this example says that an error followed by a newline
makes a valid addition to any stmnts.

What happens if a syntax error occurs in the middle of an exp? The
error recovery rule, interpreted strictly, applies to the precise sequence
of a stmnts, an error and a newline. If an error occurs in
the middle of an exp, there will probably be some additional tokens
and subexpressions on the stack after the last stmnts, and there
will be tokens to read before the next newline. So the rule is not
applicable in the ordinary way.

But Bison can force the situation to fit the rule, by discarding part of
the semantic context and part of the input. First it discards states
and objects from the stack until it gets back to a state in which the
error token is acceptable. (This means that the subexpressions
already parsed are discarded, back to the last complete stmnts.)
At this point the error token can be shifted. Then, if the old
look-ahead token is not acceptable to be shifted next, the parser reads
tokens and discards them until it finds a token which is acceptable. In
this example, Bison reads and discards input until the next newline so
that the fourth rule can apply. Note that discarded symbols are
possible sources of memory leaks, see Freeing Discarded Symbols, for a means to reclaim this memory.

The choice of error rules in the grammar is a choice of strategies for
error recovery. A simple and useful strategy is simply to skip the rest of
the current input line or current statement if an error is detected:

     stmnt: error ';'  /* On error, skip until ';' is read.  */

It is also useful to recover to the matching close-delimiter of an
opening-delimiter that has already been parsed. Otherwise the
close-delimiter will probably appear to be unmatched, and generate another,
spurious error message:

     primary:  '(' expr ')'
             | '(' error ')'

Error recovery strategies are necessarily guesses. When they guess wrong,
one syntax error often leads to another. In the above example, the error
recovery rule guesses that an error is due to bad input within one
stmnt. Suppose that instead a spurious semicolon is inserted in the
middle of a valid stmnt. After the error recovery rule recovers
from the first error, another syntax error will be found straightaway,
since the text following the spurious semicolon is also an invalid

To prevent an outpouring of error messages, the parser will output no error
message for another syntax error that happens shortly after the first; only
after three consecutive input tokens have been successfully shifted will
error messages resume.

Note that rules which accept the error token may have actions, just
as any other rules can.

You can make error messages resume immediately by using the macro
yyerrok in an action. If you do this in the error rule’s action, no
error messages will be suppressed. This macro requires no arguments;
yyerrok;’ is a valid C statement.

The previous look-ahead token is reanalyzed immediately after an error. If
this is unacceptable, then the macro yyclearin may be used to clear
this token. Write the statement ‘yyclearin;’ in the error rule’s
See Special Features for Use in Actions.

For example, suppose that on a syntax error, an error handling routine is
called that advances the input stream to some point where parsing should
once again commence. The next symbol returned by the lexical scanner is
probably correct. The previous look-ahead token ought to be discarded
with ‘yyclearin;’.

The expression YYRECOVERING () yields 1 when the parser
is recovering from a syntax error, and 0 otherwise.
Syntax error diagnostics are suppressed while recovering from a syntax

Next: Debugging,
Previous: Error Recovery,
Up: Top

7 Handling Context Dependencies

The Bison paradigm is to parse tokens first, then group them into larger
syntactic units. In many languages, the meaning of a token is affected by
its context. Although this violates the Bison paradigm, certain techniques
(known as kludges) may enable you to write Bison parsers for such

(Actually, “kludge” means any technique that gets its job done but is
neither clean nor robust.)

7.1 Semantic Info in Token Types

The C language has a context dependency: the way an identifier is used
depends on what its current meaning is. For example, consider this:

     foo (x);

This looks like a function call statement, but if foo is a typedef
name, then this is actually a declaration of x. How can a Bison
parser for C decide how to parse this input?

The method used in GNU C is to have two different token types,
IDENTIFIER and TYPENAME. When yylex finds an
identifier, it looks up the current declaration of the identifier in order
to decide which token type to return: TYPENAME if the identifier is
declared as a typedef, IDENTIFIER otherwise.

The grammar rules can then express the context dependency by the choice of
token type to recognize. IDENTIFIER is accepted as an expression,
but TYPENAME is not. TYPENAME can start a declaration, but
IDENTIFIER cannot. In contexts where the meaning of the identifier
is not significant, such as in declarations that can shadow a
typedef name, either TYPENAME or IDENTIFIER is
accepted—there is one rule for each of the two token types.

This technique is simple to use if the decision of which kinds of
identifiers to allow is made at a place close to where the identifier is
parsed. But in C this is not always so: C allows a declaration to
redeclare a typedef name provided an explicit type has been specified

     typedef int foo, bar;
     int baz (void)
       static bar (bar);      /* redeclare bar as static variable */
       extern foo foo (foo);  /* redeclare foo as function */
       return foo (bar);

Unfortunately, the name being declared is separated from the declaration
construct itself by a complicated syntactic structure—the “declarator”.

As a result, part of the Bison parser for C needs to be duplicated, with
all the nonterminal names changed: once for parsing a declaration in
which a typedef name can be redefined, and once for parsing a
declaration in which that can’t be done. Here is a part of the
duplication, with actions omitted for brevity:

               declarator maybeasm '='
             | declarator maybeasm
               notype_declarator maybeasm '='
             | notype_declarator maybeasm

Here initdcl can redeclare a typedef name, but notype_initdcl
cannot. The distinction between declarator and
notype_declarator is the same sort of thing.

There is some similarity between this technique and a lexical tie-in
(described next), in that information which alters the lexical analysis is
changed during parsing by other parts of the program. The difference is
here the information is global, and is used for other purposes in the
program. A true lexical tie-in has a special-purpose flag controlled by
the syntactic context.

Next: Tie-in Recovery,
Previous: Semantic Tokens,
Up: Context Dependency

7.2 Lexical Tie-ins

One way to handle context-dependency is the lexical tie-in: a flag
which is set by Bison actions, whose purpose is to alter the way tokens are

For example, suppose we have a language vaguely like C, but with a special
construct ‘hex (hex-expr)’. After the keyword hex comes
an expression in parentheses in which all integers are hexadecimal. In
particular, the token ‘a1b’ must be treated as an integer rather than
as an identifier if it appears in that context. Here is how you can do it:

       int hexflag;
       int yylex (void);
       void yyerror (char const *);
     expr:   IDENTIFIER
             | constant
             | HEX '('
                     { hexflag = 1; }
               expr ')'
                     { hexflag = 0;
                        $$ = $4; }
             | expr '+' expr
                     { $$ = make_sum ($1, $3); }
             | STRING

Here we assume that yylex looks at the value of hexflag; when
it is nonzero, all integers are parsed in hexadecimal, and tokens starting
with letters are parsed as integers if possible.

The declaration of hexflag shown in the prologue of the parser file
is needed to make it accessible to the actions (see The Prologue).
You must also write the code in yylex to obey the flag.

7.3 Lexical Tie-ins and Error Recovery

Lexical tie-ins make strict demands on any error recovery rules you have.
See Error Recovery.

The reason for this is that the purpose of an error recovery rule is to
abort the parsing of one construct and resume in some larger construct.
For example, in C-like languages, a typical error recovery rule is to skip
tokens until the next semicolon, and then start a new statement, like this:

     stmt:   expr ';'
             | IF '(' expr ')' stmt { ... }
             error ';'
                     { hexflag = 0; }

If there is a syntax error in the middle of a ‘hex (expr)
construct, this error rule will apply, and then the action for the
completed ‘hex (expr)’ will never run. So hexflag would
remain set for the entire rest of the input, or until the next hex
keyword, causing identifiers to be misinterpreted as integers.

To avoid this problem the error recovery rule itself clears hexflag.

There may also be an error recovery rule that works within expressions.
For example, there could be a rule which applies within parentheses
and skips to the close-parenthesis:

     expr:   ...
             | '(' expr ')'
                     { $$ = $2; }
             | '(' error ')'

If this rule acts within the hex construct, it is not going to abort
that construct (since it applies to an inner level of parentheses within
the construct). Therefore, it should not clear the flag: the rest of
the hex construct should be parsed with the flag still in effect.

What if there is an error recovery rule which might abort out of the
hex construct or might not, depending on circumstances? There is no
way you can write the action to determine whether a hex construct is
being aborted or not. So if you are using a lexical tie-in, you had better
make sure your error recovery rules are not of this kind. Each rule must
be such that you can be sure that it always will, or always won’t, have to
clear the flag.

Next: Invocation,
Previous: Context Dependency,
Up: Top

8 Debugging Your Parser

Developing a parser can be a challenge, especially if you don’t
understand the algorithm (see The Bison Parser Algorithm). Even so, sometimes a detailed description of the automaton
can help (see Understanding Your Parser), or
tracing the execution of the parser can give some insight on why it
behaves improperly (see Tracing Your Parser).

Next: Tracing,
Up: Debugging

8.1 Understanding Your Parser

As documented elsewhere (see The Bison Parser Algorithm)
Bison parsers are shift/reduce automata. In some cases (much more
frequent than one would hope), looking at this automaton is required to
tune or simply fix a parser. Bison provides two different
representation of it, either textually or graphically (as a VCG

The textual file is generated when the options —report or
—verbose are specified, see See Invoking Bison. Its name is made by removing ‘.tab.c’ or ‘.c’ from
the parser output file name, and adding ‘.output’ instead.
Therefore, if the input file is foo.y, then the parser file is
called by default. As a consequence, the verbose
output file is called foo.output.

The following grammar file, calc.y, will be used in the sequel:

     %token NUM STR
     %left '+' '-'
     %left '*'
     exp: exp '+' exp
        | exp '-' exp
        | exp '*' exp
        | exp '/' exp
        | NUM
     useless: STR;

bison reports:

     calc.y: warning: 1 useless nonterminal and 1 useless rule
     calc.y:11.1-7: warning: useless nonterminal: useless
     calc.y:11.10-12: warning: useless rule: useless: STR
     calc.y: conflicts: 7 shift/reduce

When given —report=state, in addition to, it
creates a file calc.output with contents detailed below. The
order of the output and the exact presentation might vary, but the
interpretation is the same.

The first section includes details on conflicts that were solved thanks
to precedence and/or associativity:

     Conflict in state 8 between rule 2 and token '+' resolved as reduce.
     Conflict in state 8 between rule 2 and token '-' resolved as reduce.
     Conflict in state 8 between rule 2 and token '*' resolved as shift.


The next section lists states that still have conflicts.

     State 8 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
     State 9 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
     State 10 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
     State 11 conflicts: 4 shift/reduce

The next section reports useless tokens, nonterminal and rules. Useless
nonterminals and rules are removed in order to produce a smaller parser,
but useless tokens are preserved, since they might be used by the
scanner (note the difference between “useless” and “not used”

     Useless nonterminals:
     Terminals which are not used:
     Useless rules:
     #6     useless: STR;

The next section reproduces the exact grammar that Bison used:

       Number, Line, Rule
         0   5 $accept -> exp $end
         1   5 exp -> exp '+' exp
         2   6 exp -> exp '-' exp
         3   7 exp -> exp '*' exp
         4   8 exp -> exp '/' exp
         5   9 exp -> NUM

and reports the uses of the symbols:

     Terminals, with rules where they appear
     $end (0) 0
     '*' (42) 3
     '+' (43) 1
     '-' (45) 2
     '/' (47) 4
     error (256)
     NUM (258) 5
     Nonterminals, with rules where they appear
     $accept (8)
         on left: 0
     exp (9)
         on left: 1 2 3 4 5, on right: 0 1 2 3 4

Bison then proceeds onto the automaton itself, describing each state
with it set of items, also known as pointed rules. Each
item is a production rule together with a point (marked by ‘.’)
that the input cursor.

     state 0
         $accept  ->  . exp $   (rule 0)
         NUM         shift, and go to state 1
         exp         go to state 2

This reads as follows: “state 0 corresponds to being at the very
beginning of the parsing, in the initial rule, right before the start
symbol (here, exp). When the parser returns to this state right
after having reduced a rule that produced an exp, the control
flow jumps to state 2. If there is no such transition on a nonterminal
symbol, and the look-ahead is a NUM, then this token is shifted on
the parse stack, and the control flow jumps to state 1. Any other
look-ahead triggers a syntax error.”

Even though the only active rule in state 0 seems to be rule 0, the
report lists NUM as a look-ahead token because NUM can be
at the beginning of any rule deriving an exp. By default Bison
reports the so-called core or kernel of the item set, but if
you want to see more detail you can invoke bison with
—report=itemset to list all the items, include those that can
be derived:

     state 0
         $accept  ->  . exp $   (rule 0)
         exp  ->  . exp '+' exp   (rule 1)
         exp  ->  . exp '-' exp   (rule 2)
         exp  ->  . exp '*' exp   (rule 3)
         exp  ->  . exp '/' exp   (rule 4)
         exp  ->  . NUM   (rule 5)
         NUM         shift, and go to state 1
         exp         go to state 2

In the state 1…

     state 1
         exp  ->  NUM .   (rule 5)
         $default    reduce using rule 5 (exp)

the rule 5, ‘exp: NUM;’, is completed. Whatever the look-ahead token
(‘$default’), the parser will reduce it. If it was coming from
state 0, then, after this reduction it will return to state 0, and will
jump to state 2 (‘exp: go to state 2’).

     state 2
         $accept  ->  exp . $   (rule 0)
         exp  ->  exp . '+' exp   (rule 1)
         exp  ->  exp . '-' exp   (rule 2)
         exp  ->  exp . '*' exp   (rule 3)
         exp  ->  exp . '/' exp   (rule 4)
         $           shift, and go to state 3
         '+'         shift, and go to state 4
         '-'         shift, and go to state 5
         '*'         shift, and go to state 6
         '/'         shift, and go to state 7

In state 2, the automaton can only shift a symbol. For instance,
because of the item ‘exp -> exp . ‘+’ exp’, if the look-ahead if
+’, it will be shifted on the parse stack, and the automaton
control will jump to state 4, corresponding to the item ‘exp -> exp
‘+’ . exp
’. Since there is no default action, any other token than
those listed above will trigger a syntax error.

The state 3 is named the final state, or the accepting

     state 3
         $accept  ->  exp $ .   (rule 0)
         $default    accept

the initial rule is completed (the start symbol and the end
of input were read), the parsing exits successfully.

The interpretation of states 4 to 7 is straightforward, and is left to
the reader.

     state 4
         exp  ->  exp '+' . exp   (rule 1)
         NUM         shift, and go to state 1
         exp         go to state 8
     state 5
         exp  ->  exp '-' . exp   (rule 2)
         NUM         shift, and go to state 1
         exp         go to state 9
     state 6
         exp  ->  exp '*' . exp   (rule 3)
         NUM         shift, and go to state 1
         exp         go to state 10
     state 7
         exp  ->  exp '/' . exp   (rule 4)
         NUM         shift, and go to state 1
         exp         go to state 11

As was announced in beginning of the report, ‘State 8 conflicts:
1 shift/reduce

     state 8
         exp  ->  exp . '+' exp   (rule 1)
         exp  ->  exp '+' exp .   (rule 1)
         exp  ->  exp . '-' exp   (rule 2)
         exp  ->  exp . '*' exp   (rule 3)
         exp  ->  exp . '/' exp   (rule 4)
         '*'         shift, and go to state 6
         '/'         shift, and go to state 7
         '/'         [reduce using rule 1 (exp)]
         $default    reduce using rule 1 (exp)

Indeed, there are two actions associated to the look-ahead ‘/’:
either shifting (and going to state 7), or reducing rule 1. The
conflict means that either the grammar is ambiguous, or the parser lacks
information to make the right decision. Indeed the grammar is
ambiguous, as, since we did not specify the precedence of ‘/’, the
sentence ‘NUM + NUM / NUM’ can be parsed as ‘NUM + (NUM /
’, which corresponds to shifting ‘/’, or as ‘(NUM + NUM) /
’, which corresponds to reducing rule 1.

Because in LALR(1) parsing a single decision can be made, Bison
arbitrarily chose to disable the reduction, see Shift/Reduce Conflicts. Discarded actions are reported in between
square brackets.

Note that all the previous states had a single possible action: either
shifting the next token and going to the corresponding state, or
reducing a single rule. In the other cases, i.e., when shifting
and reducing is possible or when several reductions are
possible, the look-ahead is required to select the action. State 8 is
one such state: if the look-ahead is ‘*’ or ‘/’ then the action
is shifting, otherwise the action is reducing rule 1. In other words,
the first two items, corresponding to rule 1, are not eligible when the
look-ahead token is ‘*’, since we specified that ‘*’ has higher
precedence than ‘+’. More generally, some items are eligible only
with some set of possible look-ahead tokens. When run with
—report=look-ahead, Bison specifies these look-ahead tokens:

     state 8
         exp  ->  exp . '+' exp  [$, '+', '-', '/']   (rule 1)
         exp  ->  exp '+' exp .  [$, '+', '-', '/']   (rule 1)
         exp  ->  exp . '-' exp   (rule 2)
         exp  ->  exp . '*' exp   (rule 3)
         exp  ->  exp . '/' exp   (rule 4)
         '*'         shift, and go to state 6
         '/'         shift, and go to state 7
         '/'         [reduce using rule 1 (exp)]
         $default    reduce using rule 1 (exp)

The remaining states are similar:

     state 9
         exp  ->  exp . '+' exp   (rule 1)
         exp  ->  exp . '-' exp   (rule 2)
         exp  ->  exp '-' exp .   (rule 2)
         exp  ->  exp . '*' exp   (rule 3)
         exp  ->  exp . '/' exp   (rule 4)
         '*'         shift, and go to state 6
         '/'         shift, and go to state 7
         '/'         [reduce using rule 2 (exp)]
         $default    reduce using rule 2 (exp)
     state 10
         exp  ->  exp . '+' exp   (rule 1)
         exp  ->  exp . '-' exp   (rule 2)
         exp  ->  exp . '*' exp   (rule 3)
         exp  ->  exp '*' exp .   (rule 3)
         exp  ->  exp . '/' exp   (rule 4)
         '/'         shift, and go to state 7
         '/'         [reduce using rule 3 (exp)]
         $default    reduce using rule 3 (exp)
     state 11
         exp  ->  exp . '+' exp   (rule 1)
         exp  ->  exp . '-' exp   (rule 2)
         exp  ->  exp . '*' exp   (rule 3)
         exp  ->  exp . '/' exp   (rule 4)
         exp  ->  exp '/' exp .   (rule 4)
         '+'         shift, and go to state 4
         '-'         shift, and go to state 5
         '*'         shift, and go to state 6
         '/'         shift, and go to state 7
         '+'         [reduce using rule 4 (exp)]
         '-'         [reduce using rule 4 (exp)]
         '*'         [reduce using rule 4 (exp)]
         '/'         [reduce using rule 4 (exp)]
         $default    reduce using rule 4 (exp)

Observe that state 11 contains conflicts not only due to the lack of
precedence of ‘/’ with respect to ‘+’, ‘’, and
*’, but also because the
associativity of ‘/’ is not specified.

Previous: Understanding,
Up: Debugging

8.2 Tracing Your Parser

If a Bison grammar compiles properly but doesn’t do what you want when it
runs, the yydebug parser-trace feature can help you figure out why.

There are several means to enable compilation of trace facilities:

the macro YYDEBUG
Define the macro YYDEBUG to a nonzero value when you compile the
parser. This is compliant with POSIX Yacc. You could use
-DYYDEBUG=1’ as a compiler option or you could put ‘#define
’ in the prologue of the grammar file (see The Prologue).

the option -t, —debug
Use the ‘-t’ option when you run Bison (see Invoking Bison). This is POSIX compliant too.

the directive ‘%debug
Add the %debug directive (see Bison Declaration Summary). This is a Bison extension, which will prove
useful when Bison will output parsers for languages that don’t use a
preprocessor. Unless POSIX and Yacc portability matter to
you, this is
the preferred solution.

We suggest that you always enable the debug option so that debugging is
always possible.

The trace facility outputs messages with macro calls of the form
YYFPRINTF (stderr, format, args) where
format and args are the usual printf format and
arguments. If you define YYDEBUG to a nonzero value but do not
define YYFPRINTF, <stdio.h> is automatically included
and YYPRINTF is defined to fprintf.

Once you have compiled the program with trace facilities, the way to
request a trace is to store a nonzero value in the variable yydebug.
You can do this by making the C code do it (in main, perhaps), or
you can alter the value with a C debugger.

Each step taken by the parser when yydebug is nonzero produces a
line or two of trace information, written on stderr. The trace
messages tell you these things:

  • Each time the parser calls yylex, what kind of token was read.
  • Each time a token is shifted, the depth and complete contents of the
    state stack (see Parser States).

  • Each time a rule is reduced, which rule it is, and the complete contents
    of the state stack afterward.

To make sense of this information, it helps to refer to the listing file
produced by the Bison ‘-v’ option (see Invoking Bison). This file shows the meaning of each state in terms of
positions in various rules, and also what each state will do with each
possible input token. As you read the successive trace messages, you
can see that the parser is functioning according to its specification in
the listing file. Eventually you will arrive at the place where
something undesirable happens, and you will see which parts of the
grammar are to blame.

The parser file is a C program and you can use C debuggers on it, but it’s
not easy to interpret what it is doing. The parser function is a
finite-state machine interpreter, and aside from the actions it executes
the same code over and over. Only the values of variables show where in
the grammar it is working.

The debugging information normally gives the token type of each token
read, but not its semantic value. You can optionally define a macro
named YYPRINT to provide a way to print the value. If you define
YYPRINT, it should take three arguments. The parser will pass a
standard I/O stream, the numeric code for the token type, and the token
value (from yylval).

Here is an example of YYPRINT suitable for the multi-function
calculator (see Declarations for mfcalc):

       static void print_token_value (FILE *, int, YYSTYPE);
       #define YYPRINT(file, type, value) print_token_value (file, type, value)
     ... %% ... %% ...
     static void
     print_token_value (FILE *file, int type, YYSTYPE value)
       if (type == VAR)
         fprintf (file, "%s", value.tptr->name);
       else if (type == NUM)
         fprintf (file, "%d", value.val);

Next: C++ Language Interface,
Previous: Debugging,
Up: Top

9 Invoking Bison

The usual way to invoke Bison is as follows:

     bison infile

Here infile is the grammar file name, which usually ends in
.y’. The parser file’s name is made by replacing the ‘.y
with ‘.tab.c’ and removing any leading directory. Thus, the
bison foo.y’ file name yields, and the ‘bison hack/foo.y’ file name yields It’s also possible, in case you are writing
C++ code instead of C in your grammar file, to name it foo.ypp
or foo.y++. Then, the output files will take an extension like
the given one as input (respectively and
This feature takes effect with all options that manipulate file names like
-o’ or ‘-d’.

For example :

     bison -d infile.yxx

will produce and, and

     bison -d -o output.c++ infile.y

will produce output.c++ and outfile.h++.

For compatibility with POSIX, the standard Bison
distribution also contains a shell script called yacc that
invokes Bison with the -y option.

9.1 Bison Options

Bison supports both traditional single-letter options and mnemonic long
option names. Long option names are indicated with ‘’ instead of
’. Abbreviations for option names are allowed as long as they
are unique. When a long option takes an argument, like
—file-prefix’, connect the option name and the argument with

Here is a list of options that can be used with Bison, alphabetized by
short option. It is followed by a cross key alphabetized by long

Operations modes:

Print a summary of the command-line options to Bison and exit.

Print the version number of Bison and exit.

Print the name of the directory containing locale-dependent data.

Act more like the traditional Yacc command. This can cause
different diagnostics to be generated, and may change behavior in
other minor ways. Most importantly, imitate Yacc’s output
file name conventions, so that the parser output file is called, and the other outputs are called y.output and Thus, the following shell script can substitute
for Yacc, and the Bison distribution contains such a script for
compatibility with POSIX:

          #! /bin/sh
          bison -y "$@"

The -y/—yacc option is intended for use with
traditional Yacc grammars. If your grammar uses a Bison extension
like ‘%glr-parser’, Bison might not be Yacc-compatible even if
this option is specified.

Tuning the parser:

-S file
Specify the skeleton to use. You probably don’t need this option unless
you are developing Bison.

In the parser file, define the macro YYDEBUG to 1 if it is not
already defined, so that the debugging facilities are compiled.
See Tracing Your Parser.

Pretend that %locations was specified. See Decl Summary.

-p prefix
Pretend that %name-prefix="prefix" was specified.
See Decl Summary.

Don’t put any #line preprocessor commands in the parser file.
Ordinarily Bison puts them in the parser file so that the C compiler
and debuggers will associate errors with your source file, the
grammar file. This option causes them to associate errors with the
parser file, treating it as an independent source file in its own right.

Pretend that %no-parser was specified. See Decl Summary.

Pretend that %token-table was specified. See Decl Summary.

Adjust the output:

Pretend that %defines was specified, i.e., write an extra output
file containing macro definitions for the token type names defined in
the grammar, as well as a few other declarations. See Decl Summary.

Same as above, but save in the file defines-file.

-b file-prefix
Pretend that %file-prefix was specified, i.e, specify prefix to use
for all Bison output file names. See Decl Summary.

-r things
Write an extra output file containing verbose description of the comma
separated list of things among:

Description of the grammar, conflicts (resolved and unresolved), and
LALR automaton.

Implies state and augments the description of the automaton with
each rule’s look-ahead set.

Implies state and augments the description of the automaton with
the full set of items for each state, instead of its core only.

Pretend that %verbose was specified, i.e, write an extra output
file containing verbose descriptions of the grammar and
parser. See Decl Summary.

-o file
Specify the file for the parser file.

The other output files’ names are constructed from file as
described under the ‘-v’ and ‘-d’ options.

Output a VCG definition of the LALR(1) grammar
automaton computed by Bison. If the grammar file is foo.y, the
VCG output file will
be foo.vcg.

The behavior of –graph is the same than ‘-g’. The only
difference is that it has an optional argument which is the name of
the output graph file.

Next: Yacc Library,
Previous: Bison Options,
Up: Invocation

9.2 Option Cross Key

Here is a list of options, alphabetized by long option, to help you find
the corresponding short option.

Long Option Short Option
—debug -t
—defines=defines-file -d
—file-prefix=prefix -b file-prefix
—graph=graph-file -d
—help -h
—name-prefix=prefix -p name-prefix
—no-lines -l
—no-parser -n
—output=outfile -o outfile
—token-table -k
—verbose -v
—version -V
—yacc -y

Previous: Option Cross Key,
Up: Invocation

9.3 Yacc Library

The Yacc library contains default implementations of the
yyerror and main functions. These default
implementations are normally not useful, but POSIX requires
them. To use the Yacc library, link your program with the
-ly option. Note that Bison’s implementation of the Yacc
library is distributed under the terms of the GNU General
Public License (see Copying).

If you use the Yacc library’s yyerror function, you should
declare yyerror as follows:

     int yyerror (char const *);

Bison ignores the int value returned by this yyerror.
If you use the Yacc library’s main function, your
yyparse function should have the following type signature:

     int yyparse (void);

Next: FAQ,
Previous: Invocation,
Up: Top

10 C++ Language Interface

10.1 C++ Parsers

10.1.1 C++ Bison Interface

The C++ parser LALR(1) skeleton is named To
select it, you may either pass the option —
to Bison, or include the directive ‘%skeleton «»’ in the
grammar preamble. When run, bison will create several
entities in the ‘yy’ namespace. Use the ‘%name-prefix
directive to change the namespace name, see Decl Summary. The
various classes are generated in the following files:

The definition of the classes position and location,
used for location tracking. See C++ Location Values.

An auxiliary class stack used by the parser.

(Assuming the extension of the input file was ‘.yy’.) The
declaration and implementation of the C++ parser class. The basename
and extension of these two files follow the same rules as with regular C
parsers (see Invocation).

The header is mandatory; you must either pass
-d/—defines to bison, or use the
%defines’ directive.

All these files are documented using Doxygen; run doxygen
for a complete and accurate documentation.

10.1.2 C++ Semantic Values

The %union directive works as for C, see The Collection of Value Types. In particular it produces a genuine
union1, which have a few specific features in C++.

  • The type YYSTYPE is defined but its use is discouraged: rather
    you should refer to the parser’s encapsulated type
  • Non POD (Plain Old Data) types cannot be used. C++ forbids any
    instance of classes with constructors in unions: only pointers
    to such objects are allowed.

Because objects have to be stored via pointers, memory is not
reclaimed automatically: using the %destructor directive is the
only means to avoid leaks. See Freeing Discarded Symbols.

10.1.3 C++ Location Values

When the directive %locations is used, the C++ parser supports
location tracking, see Locations Overview. Two
auxiliary classes define a position, a single point in a file,
and a location, a range composed of a pair of
positions (possibly spanning several files).

— Method on position: std::string* file

The name of the file. It will always be handled as a pointer, the
parser will never duplicate nor deallocate it. As an experimental
feature you may change it to ‘type*’ using ‘%define
«filename_type» «

— Method on position: unsigned int line

The line, starting at 1.

— Method on position: unsigned int lines (int height = 1)

Advance by height lines, resetting the column number.

— Method on position: unsigned int column

The column, starting at 0.

— Method on position: unsigned int columns (int width = 1)

Advance by width columns, without changing the line number.

— Method on position: position& operator+= (position& pos, int width)
— Method on position: position operator+ (const position& pos, int width)
— Method on position: position& operator-= (const position& pos, int width)
— Method on position: position operator- (position& pos, int width)

Various forms of syntactic sugar for columns.

— Method on position: position operator<< (std::ostream o, const position& p)

Report p on o like this:
file:line.column’, or
line.column’ if file is null.

— Method on location: position begin
— Method on location: position end

The first, inclusive, position of the range, and the first beyond.

— Method on location: unsigned int columns (int width = 1)
— Method on location: unsigned int lines (int height = 1)

Advance the end position.

— Method on location: location operator+ (const location& begin, const location& end)
— Method on location: location operator+ (const location& begin, int width)
— Method on location: location operator+= (const location& loc, int width)

Various forms of syntactic sugar.

— Method on location: void step ()

Move begin onto end.

10.1.4 C++ Parser Interface

The output files output.hh and
declare and define the parser class in the namespace yy. The
class name defaults to parser, but may be changed using
%define «parser_class_name» «name«’. The interface of
this class is detailed below. It can be extended using the
%parse-param feature: its semantics is slightly changed since
it describes an additional member of the parser class, and an
additional argument for its constructor.

— Type of parser: semantic_value_type
— Type of parser: location_value_type

The types for semantics value and locations.

— Method on parser: parser (type1 arg1, …)

Build a new parser object. There are no arguments by default, unless
%parse-param {type1 arg1}’ was used.

— Method on parser: int parse ()

Run the syntactic analysis, and return 0 on success, 1 otherwise.

— Method on parser: std::ostream& debug_stream ()
— Method on parser: void set_debug_stream (std::ostream& o)

Get or set the stream used for tracing the parsing. It defaults to

— Method on parser: debug_level_type debug_level ()
— Method on parser: void set_debug_level (debug_level l)

Get or set the tracing level. Currently its value is either 0, no trace,
or nonzero, full tracing.

— Method on parser: void error (const location_type& l, const std::string& m)

The definition for this member function must be supplied by the user:
the parser uses it to report a parser error occurring at l,
described by m.

Previous: C++ Parser Interface,
Up: C++ Parsers

10.1.5 C++ Scanner Interface

The parser invokes the scanner by calling yylex. Contrary to C
parsers, C++ parsers are always pure: there is no point in using the
%pure-parser directive. Therefore the interface is as follows.

— Method on parser: int yylex (semantic_value_type& yylval, location_type& yylloc, type1 arg1, …)

Return the next token. Its type is the return value, its semantic
value and location being yylval and yylloc. Invocations of
%lex-param {type1 arg1}’ yield additional arguments.

10.2 A Complete C++ Example

This section demonstrates the use of a C++ parser with a simple but
complete example. This example should be available on your system,
ready to compile, in the directory ../bison/examples/calc++. It
focuses on the use of Bison, therefore the design of the various C++
classes is very naive: no accessors, no encapsulation of members etc.
We will use a Lex scanner, and more precisely, a Flex scanner, to
demonstrate the various interaction. A hand written scanner is
actually easier to interface with.

10.2.1 Calc++ — C++ Calculator

Of course the grammar is dedicated to arithmetics, a single
expression, possibly preceded by variable assignments. An
environment containing possibly predefined variables such as
one and two, is exchanged with the parser. An example
of valid input follows.

     three := 3
     seven := one + two * three
     seven * seven

10.2.2 Calc++ Parsing Driver

To support a pure interface with the parser (and the scanner) the
technique of the “parsing context” is convenient: a structure
containing all the data to exchange. Since, in addition to simply
launch the parsing, there are several auxiliary tasks to execute (open
the file for parsing, instantiate the parser etc.), we recommend
transforming the simple parsing context structure into a fully blown
parsing driver class.

The declaration of this driver class, calc++-driver.hh, is as
follows. The first part includes the CPP guard and imports the
required standard library components, and the declaration of the parser

     #ifndef CALCXX_DRIVER_HH
     # define CALCXX_DRIVER_HH
     # include <string>
     # include <map>
     # include "calc++-parser.hh"

Then comes the declaration of the scanning function. Flex expects
the signature of yylex to be defined in the macro
YY_DECL, and the C++ parser expects it to be declared. We can
factor both as follows.

     // Announce to Flex the prototype we want for lexing function, ...
     # define YY_DECL					
       yylex (yy::calcxx_parser::semantic_type* yylval,      
              yy::calcxx_parser::location_type* yylloc,      
              calcxx_driver& driver)
     // ... and declare it for the parser's sake.

The calcxx_driver class is then declared with its most obvious

     // Conducting the whole scanning and parsing of Calc++.
     class calcxx_driver
       calcxx_driver ();
       virtual ~calcxx_driver ();
       std::map<std::string, int> variables;
       int result;

To encapsulate the coordination with the Flex scanner, it is useful to
have two members function to open and close the scanning phase.

       // Handling the scanner.
       void scan_begin ();
       void scan_end ();
       bool trace_scanning;

Similarly for the parser itself.

       // Handling the parser.
       void parse (const std::string& f);
       std::string file;
       bool trace_parsing;

To demonstrate pure handling of parse errors, instead of simply
dumping them on the standard error output, we will pass them to the
compiler driver using the following two member functions. Finally, we
close the class declaration and CPP guard.

       // Error handling.
       void error (const yy::location& l, const std::string& m);
       void error (const std::string& m);
     #endif // ! CALCXX_DRIVER_HH

The implementation of the driver is straightforward. The parse
member function deserves some attention. The error functions
are simple stubs, they should actually register the located error
messages and set error state.

     #include "calc++-driver.hh"
     #include "calc++-parser.hh"
     calcxx_driver::calcxx_driver ()
       : trace_scanning (false), trace_parsing (false)
       variables["one"] = 1;
       variables["two"] = 2;
     calcxx_driver::~calcxx_driver ()
     calcxx_driver::parse (const std::string &f)
       file = f;
       scan_begin ();
       yy::calcxx_parser parser (*this);
       parser.set_debug_level (trace_parsing);
       parser.parse ();
       scan_end ();
     calcxx_driver::error (const yy::location& l, const std::string& m)
       std::cerr << l << ": " << m << std::endl;
     calcxx_driver::error (const std::string& m)
       std::cerr << m << std::endl;

10.2.3 Calc++ Parser

The parser definition file calc++-parser.yy starts by asking for
the C++ LALR(1) skeleton, the creation of the parser header file, and
specifies the name of the parser class. Because the C++ skeleton
changed several times, it is safer to require the version you designed
the grammar for.

     %skeleton ""                          /*  -*- C++ -*- */
     %require "2.1a"
     %define "parser_class_name" "calcxx_parser"

Then come the declarations/inclusions needed to define the
%union. Because the parser uses the parsing driver and
reciprocally, both cannot include the header of the other. Because the
driver’s header needs detailed knowledge about the parser class (in
particular its inner types), it is the parser’s header which will simply
use a forward declaration of the driver.

     # include <string>
     class calcxx_driver;

The driver is passed by reference to the parser and to the scanner.
This provides a simple but effective pure interface, not relying on
global variables.

     // The parsing context.
     %parse-param { calcxx_driver& driver }
     %lex-param   { calcxx_driver& driver }

Then we request the location tracking feature, and initialize the
first location’s file name. Afterwards new locations are computed
relatively to the previous locations: the file name will be
automatically propagated.

       // Initialize the initial location.
       @$.begin.filename = @$.end.filename = &driver.file;

Use the two following directives to enable parser tracing and verbose
error messages.


Semantic values cannot use “real” objects, but only pointers to

     // Symbols.
       int          ival;
       std::string *sval;

The code between ‘%{’ and ‘%}’ after the introduction of the
%union’ is output in the *.cc file; it needs detailed
knowledge about the driver.

     # include "calc++-driver.hh"

The token numbered as 0 corresponds to end of file; the following line
allows for nicer error messages referring to “end of file” instead
of “$end”. Similarly user friendly named are provided for each
symbol. Note that the tokens names are prefixed by TOKEN_ to
avoid name clashes.

     %token        END      0 "end of file"
     %token        ASSIGN     ":="
     %token <sval> IDENTIFIER "identifier"
     %token <ival> NUMBER     "number"
     %type  <ival> exp        "expression"

To enable memory deallocation during error recovery, use

     %printer    { debug_stream () << *$$; } "identifier"
     %destructor { delete $$; } "identifier"
     %printer    { debug_stream () << $$; } "number" "expression"

The grammar itself is straightforward.

     %start unit;
     unit: assignments exp  { driver.result = $2; };
     assignments: assignments assignment {}
                | /* Nothing.  */        {};
     assignment: "identifier" ":=" exp { driver.variables[*$1] = $3; };
     %left '+' '-';
     %left '*' '/';
     exp: exp '+' exp   { $$ = $1 + $3; }
        | exp '-' exp   { $$ = $1 - $3; }
        | exp '*' exp   { $$ = $1 * $3; }
        | exp '/' exp   { $$ = $1 / $3; }
        | "identifier"  { $$ = driver.variables[*$1]; }
        | "number"      { $$ = $1; };

Finally the error member function registers the errors to the

     yy::calcxx_parser::error (const yy::calcxx_parser::location_type& l,
                               const std::string& m)
       driver.error (l, m);

10.2.4 Calc++ Scanner

The Flex scanner first includes the driver declaration, then the
parser’s to get the set of defined tokens.

     %{                                            /* -*- C++ -*- */
     # include <cstdlib>
     # include <errno.h>
     # include <limits.h>
     # include <string>
     # include "calc++-driver.hh"
     # include "calc++-parser.hh"
     /* Work around an incompatibility in flex (at least versions
        2.5.31 through 2.5.33): it generates code that does
        not conform to C89.  See Debian bug 333231
        <>.  */
     # undef yywrap
     # define yywrap() 1
     /* By default yylex returns int, we use token_type.
        Unfortunately yyterminate by default returns 0, which is
        not of token_type.  */
     #define yyterminate() return token::END

Because there is no #include-like feature we don’t need
yywrap, we don’t need unput either, and we parse an
actual file, this is not an interactive session with the user.
Finally we enable the scanner tracing features.

     %option noyywrap nounput batch debug

Abbreviations allow for more readable rules.

     id    [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*
     int   [0-9]+
     blank [ t]

The following paragraph suffices to track locations accurately. Each
time yylex is invoked, the begin position is moved onto the end
position. Then when a pattern is matched, the end position is
advanced of its width. In case it matched ends of lines, the end
cursor is adjusted, and each time blanks are matched, the begin cursor
is moved onto the end cursor to effectively ignore the blanks
preceding tokens. Comments would be treated equally.

     # define YY_USER_ACTION  yylloc->columns (yyleng);
       yylloc->step ();
     {blank}+   yylloc->step ();
     [n]+      yylloc->lines (yyleng); yylloc->step ();

The rules are simple, just note the use of the driver to report errors.
It is convenient to use a typedef to shorten
yy::calcxx_parser::token::identifier into
token::identifier for instance.

       typedef yy::calcxx_parser::token token;
                /* Convert ints to the actual type of tokens.  */
     [-+*/]     return yy::calcxx_parser::token_type (yytext[0]);
     ":="       return token::ASSIGN;
     {int}      {
       errno = 0;
       long n = strtol (yytext, NULL, 10);
       if (! (INT_MIN <= n && n <= INT_MAX && errno != ERANGE))
         driver.error (*yylloc, "integer is out of range");
       yylval->ival = n;
       return token::NUMBER;
     {id}       yylval->sval = new std::string (yytext); return token::IDENTIFIER;
     .          driver.error (*yylloc, "invalid character");

Finally, because the scanner related driver’s member function depend
on the scanner’s data, it is simpler to implement them in this file.

     calcxx_driver::scan_begin ()
       yy_flex_debug = trace_scanning;
       if (!(yyin = fopen (file.c_str (), "r")))
         error (std::string ("cannot open ") + file);
     calcxx_driver::scan_end ()
       fclose (yyin);

10.2.5 Calc++ Top Level

The top level file,, poses no problem.

     #include <iostream>
     #include "calc++-driver.hh"
     main (int argc, char *argv[])
       calcxx_driver driver;
       for (++argv; argv[0]; ++argv)
         if (*argv == std::string ("-p"))
           driver.trace_parsing = true;
         else if (*argv == std::string ("-s"))
           driver.trace_scanning = true;
     	driver.parse (*argv);
     	std::cout << driver.result << std::endl;

Next: Table of Symbols,
Previous: C++ Language Interface,
Up: Top

11 Frequently Asked Questions

Several questions about Bison come up occasionally. Here some of them
are addressed.

11.1 Memory Exhausted

     My parser returns with error with a ‘memory exhausted’
     message.  What can I do?

This question is already addressed elsewhere, See Recursive Rules.

Next: Strings are Destroyed,
Previous: Memory Exhausted,

11.2 How Can I Reset the Parser

The following phenomenon has several symptoms, resulting in the
following typical questions:

     I invoke yyparse several times, and on correct input it works
     properly; but when a parse error is found, all the other calls fail
     too.  How can I reset the error flag of yyparse?


     My parser includes support for an ‘#include’-like feature, in
     which case I run yyparse from yyparse.  This fails
     although I did specify I needed a %pure-parser.

These problems typically come not from Bison itself, but from
Lex-generated scanners. Because these scanners use large buffers for
speed, they might not notice a change of input file. As a
demonstration, consider the following source file,

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
.*n    ECHO; return 1;
yyparse (char const *file)
  yyin = fopen (file, "r");
  if (!yyin)
    exit (2);
  /* One token only.  */
  yylex ();
  if (fclose (yyin) != 0)
    exit (3);
  return 0;

main (void)
  yyparse ("input");
  yyparse ("input");
  return 0;

If the file input contains

input:1: Hello,
input:2: World!

then instead of getting the first line twice, you get:

     $ flex -ofirst-line.c first-line.l
     $ gcc  -ofirst-line   first-line.c -ll
     $ ./first-line
     input:1: Hello,
     input:2: World!

Therefore, whenever you change yyin, you must tell the
Lex-generated scanner to discard its current buffer and switch to the
new one. This depends upon your implementation of Lex; see its
documentation for more. For Flex, it suffices to call
YY_FLUSH_BUFFER’ after each change to yyin. If your
Flex-generated scanner needs to read from several input streams to
handle features like include files, you might consider using Flex
functions like ‘yy_switch_to_buffer’ that manipulate multiple
input buffers.

If your Flex-generated scanner uses start conditions (see Start conditions), you might
also want to reset the scanner’s state, i.e., go back to the initial
start condition, through a call to ‘BEGIN (0)’.

11.3 Strings are Destroyed

     My parser seems to destroy old strings, or maybe it loses track of
     them.  Instead of reporting ‘"foo", "bar"’, it reports
     ‘"bar", "bar"’, or even ‘"foonbar", "bar"’.

This error is probably the single most frequent “bug report” sent to
Bison lists, but is only concerned with a misunderstanding of the role
of the scanner. Consider the following Lex code:

#include <stdio.h>
char *yylval = NULL;
.*    yylval = yytext; return 1;
n    /* IGNORE */
main ()
  /* Similar to using $1, $2 in a Bison action.  */
  char *fst = (yylex (), yylval);
  char *snd = (yylex (), yylval);
  printf (""%s", "%s"n", fst, snd);
  return 0;

If you compile and run this code, you get:

     $ flex -osplit-lines.c split-lines.l
     $ gcc  -osplit-lines   split-lines.c -ll
     $ printf 'onentwon' | ./split-lines
     two", "two"

this is because yytext is a buffer provided for reading
in the action, but if you want to keep it, you have to duplicate it
(e.g., using strdup). Note that the output may depend on how
your implementation of Lex handles yytext. For instance, when
given the Lex compatibility option -l (which triggers the
option ‘%array’) Flex generates a different behavior:

     $ flex -l -osplit-lines.c split-lines.l
     $ gcc     -osplit-lines   split-lines.c -ll
     $ printf 'onentwon' | ./split-lines
     "two", "two"

Next: Multiple start-symbols,
Previous: Strings are Destroyed,

11.4 Implementing Gotos/Loops

     My simple calculator supports variables, assignments, and functions,
     but how can I implement gotos, or loops?

Although very pedagogical, the examples included in the document blur
the distinction to make between the parser—whose job is to recover
the structure of a text and to transmit it to subsequent modules of
the program—and the processing (such as the execution) of this
structure. This works well with so called straight line programs,
i.e., precisely those that have a straightforward execution model:
execute simple instructions one after the others.

If you want a richer model, you will probably need to use the parser
to construct a tree that does represent the structure it has
recovered; this tree is usually called the abstract syntax tree,
or AST for short. Then, walking through this tree,
traversing it in various ways, will enable treatments such as its
execution or its translation, which will result in an interpreter or a

This topic is way beyond the scope of this manual, and the reader is
invited to consult the dedicated literature.

Next: Secure? Conform?,
Previous: Implementing Gotos/Loops,

11.5 Multiple start-symbols

     I have several closely related grammars, and I would like to share their
     implementations.  In fact, I could use a single grammar but with
     multiple entry points.

Bison does not support multiple start-symbols, but there is a very
simple means to simulate them. If foo and bar are the two
pseudo start-symbols, then introduce two new tokens, say
START_FOO and START_BAR, and use them as switches from the
real start-symbol:

     %token START_FOO START_BAR;
     %start start;
     start: START_FOO foo
          | START_BAR bar;

These tokens prevents the introduction of new conflicts. As far as the
parser goes, that is all that is needed.

Now the difficult part is ensuring that the scanner will send these
tokens first. If your scanner is hand-written, that should be
straightforward. If your scanner is generated by Lex, them there is
simple means to do it: recall that anything between ‘%{ … %}
after the first %% is copied verbatim in the top of the generated
yylex function. Make sure a variable start_token is
available in the scanner (e.g., a global variable or using
%lex-param etc.), and use the following:

       /* Prologue.  */
       if (start_token)
           int t = start_token;
           start_token = 0;
           return t;
       /* The rules.  */

Next: I can’t build Bison,
Previous: Multiple start-symbols,

11.6 Secure? Conform?

     Is Bison secure?  Does it conform to POSIX?

If you’re looking for a guarantee or certification, we don’t provide it.
However, Bison is intended to be a reliable program that conforms to the
POSIX specification for Yacc. If you run into problems,
please send us a bug report.

Next: Where can I find help?,
Previous: Secure? Conform?,

11.7 I can’t build Bison

     I can't build Bison because make complains that
     msgfmt is not found.
     What should I do?

Like most GNU packages with internationalization support, that feature
is turned on by default. If you have problems building in the po
subdirectory, it indicates that your system’s internationalization
support is lacking. You can re-configure Bison with
—disable-nls to turn off this support, or you can install GNU
gettext from and re-configure
Bison. See the file ABOUT-NLS for more information.

Next: Bug Reports,
Previous: I can’t build Bison,

11.8 Where can I find help?

     I'm having trouble using Bison.  Where can I find help?

First, read this fine manual. Beyond that, you can send mail to This mailing list is intended to be
populated with people who are willing to answer questions about using
and installing Bison. Please keep in mind that (most of) the people on
the list have aspects of their lives which are not related to Bison (!),
so you may not receive an answer to your question right away. This can
be frustrating, but please try not to honk them off; remember that any
help they provide is purely voluntary and out of the kindness of their

Next: Other Languages,
Previous: Where can I find help?,

11.9 Bug Reports

     I found a bug.  What should I include in the bug report?

Before you send a bug report, make sure you are using the latest
version. Check or one of its
mirrors. Be sure to include the version number in your bug report. If
the bug is present in the latest version but not in a previous version,
try to determine the most recent version which did not contain the bug.

If the bug is parser-related, you should include the smallest grammar
you can which demonstrates the bug. The grammar file should also be
complete (i.e., I should be able to run it through Bison without having
to edit or add anything). The smaller and simpler the grammar, the
easier it will be to fix the bug.

Include information about your compilation environment, including your
operating system’s name and version and your compiler’s name and
version. If you have trouble compiling, you should also include a
transcript of the build session, starting with the invocation of
`configure’. Depending on the nature of the bug, you may be asked to
send additional files as well (such as `config.h’ or `config.cache’).

Patches are most welcome, but not required. That is, do not hesitate to
send a bug report just because you can not provide a fix.

Send bug reports to

Next: Beta Testing,
Previous: Bug Reports,

11.10 Other Languages

     Will Bison ever have C++ support?  How about Java or insert your
     favorite language here?

C++ support is there now, and is documented. We’d love to add other
languages; contributions are welcome.

Next: Mailing Lists,
Previous: Other Languages,

11.11 Beta Testing

     What is involved in being a beta tester?

It’s not terribly involved. Basically, you would download a test
release, compile it, and use it to build and run a parser or two. After
that, you would submit either a bug report or a message saying that
everything is okay. It is important to report successes as well as
failures because test releases eventually become mainstream releases,
but only if they are adequately tested. If no one tests, development is
essentially halted.

Beta testers are particularly needed for operating systems to which the
developers do not have easy access. They currently have easy access to
recent GNU/Linux and Solaris versions. Reports about other operating
systems are especially welcome.

Previous: Beta Testing,

11.12 Mailing Lists

     How do I join the help-bison and bug-bison mailing lists?


Next: Glossary,
Previous: FAQ,
Up: Top

Appendix A Bison Symbols

— Variable: @$

In an action, the location of the left-hand side of the rule.
See Locations Overview.

— Variable: @n

In an action, the location of the n-th symbol of the right-hand
side of the rule. See Locations Overview.

— Variable: $$

In an action, the semantic value of the left-hand side of the rule.
See Actions.

— Variable: $n

In an action, the semantic value of the n-th symbol of the
right-hand side of the rule. See Actions.

— Delimiter: %%

Delimiter used to separate the grammar rule section from the
Bison declarations section or the epilogue.
See The Overall Layout of a Bison Grammar.

— Delimiter: %{code%}

All code listed between ‘%{’ and ‘%}’ is copied directly to
the output file uninterpreted. Such code forms the prologue of the input
file. See Outline of a Bison Grammar.

— Construct: /**/

Comment delimiters, as in C.

— Delimiter: :

Separates a rule’s result from its components. See Syntax of Grammar Rules.

— Delimiter: ;

Terminates a rule. See Syntax of Grammar Rules.

— Delimiter: |

Separates alternate rules for the same result nonterminal.
See Syntax of Grammar Rules.

— Symbol: $accept

The predefined nonterminal whose only rule is ‘$accept: start
’, where start is the start symbol. See The Start-Symbol. It cannot be used in the grammar.

— Directive: %debug

Equip the parser for debugging. See Decl Summary.

— Directive: %defines

Bison declaration to create a header file meant for the scanner.
See Decl Summary.

— Directive: %destructor

Specify how the parser should reclaim the memory associated to
discarded symbols. See Freeing Discarded Symbols.

— Directive: %dprec

Bison declaration to assign a precedence to a rule that is used at parse
time to resolve reduce/reduce conflicts. See Writing GLR Parsers.

— Symbol: $end

The predefined token marking the end of the token stream. It cannot be
used in the grammar.

— Symbol: error

A token name reserved for error recovery. This token may be used in
grammar rules so as to allow the Bison parser to recognize an error in
the grammar without halting the process. In effect, a sentence
containing an error may be recognized as valid. On a syntax error, the
token error becomes the current look-ahead token. Actions
corresponding to error are then executed, and the look-ahead
token is reset to the token that originally caused the violation.
See Error Recovery.

— Directive: %error-verbose

Bison declaration to request verbose, specific error message strings
when yyerror is called.

— Directive: %file-prefix=»prefix»

Bison declaration to set the prefix of the output files. See Decl Summary.

— Directive: %glr-parser

Bison declaration to produce a GLR parser. See Writing GLR Parsers.

— Directive: %initial-action

Run user code before parsing. See Performing Actions before Parsing.

— Directive: %left

Bison declaration to assign left associativity to token(s).
See Operator Precedence.

— Directive: %lex-param {argument-declaration}

Bison declaration to specifying an additional parameter that
yylex should accept. See Calling Conventions for Pure Parsers.

— Directive: %merge

Bison declaration to assign a merging function to a rule. If there is a
reduce/reduce conflict with a rule having the same merging function, the
function is applied to the two semantic values to get a single result.
See Writing GLR Parsers.

— Directive: %name-prefix=»prefix»

Bison declaration to rename the external symbols. See Decl Summary.

— Directive: %no-lines

Bison declaration to avoid generating #line directives in the
parser file. See Decl Summary.

— Directive: %nonassoc

Bison declaration to assign nonassociativity to token(s).
See Operator Precedence.

— Directive: %output=»file»

Bison declaration to set the name of the parser file. See Decl Summary.

— Directive: %parse-param {argument-declaration}

Bison declaration to specifying an additional parameter that
yyparse should accept. See The Parser Function yyparse.

— Directive: %prec

Bison declaration to assign a precedence to a specific rule.
See Context-Dependent Precedence.

— Directive: %pure-parser

Bison declaration to request a pure (reentrant) parser.
See A Pure (Reentrant) Parser.

— Directive: %require «version»

Require version version or higher of Bison. See Require a Version of Bison.

— Directive: %right

Bison declaration to assign right associativity to token(s).
See Operator Precedence.

— Directive: %start

Bison declaration to specify the start symbol. See The Start-Symbol.

— Directive: %token

Bison declaration to declare token(s) without specifying precedence.
See Token Type Names.

— Directive: %token-table

Bison declaration to include a token name table in the parser file.
See Decl Summary.

— Directive: %type

Bison declaration to declare nonterminals. See Nonterminal Symbols.

— Symbol: $undefined

The predefined token onto which all undefined values returned by
yylex are mapped. It cannot be used in the grammar, rather, use

— Directive: %union

Bison declaration to specify several possible data types for semantic
values. See The Collection of Value Types.

— Macro: YYABORT

Macro to pretend that an unrecoverable syntax error has occurred, by
making yyparse return 1 immediately. The error reporting
function yyerror is not called. See The Parser Function yyparse.


Macro to pretend that a complete utterance of the language has been
read, by making yyparse return 0 immediately.
See The Parser Function yyparse.


Macro to discard a value from the parser stack and fake a look-ahead
token. See Special Features for Use in Actions.

— Variable: yychar

External integer variable that contains the integer value of the
look-ahead token. (In a pure parser, it is a local variable within
yyparse.) Error-recovery rule actions may examine this variable.
See Special Features for Use in Actions.

— Variable: yyclearin

Macro used in error-recovery rule actions. It clears the previous
look-ahead token. See Error Recovery.

— Macro: YYDEBUG

Macro to define to equip the parser with tracing code. See Tracing Your Parser.

— Variable: yydebug

External integer variable set to zero by default. If yydebug
is given a nonzero value, the parser will output information on input
symbols and parser action. See Tracing Your Parser.

— Macro: yyerrok

Macro to cause parser to recover immediately to its normal mode
after a syntax error. See Error Recovery.

— Macro: YYERROR

Macro to pretend that a syntax error has just been detected: call
yyerror and then perform normal error recovery if possible
(see Error Recovery), or (if recovery is impossible) make
yyparse return 1. See Error Recovery.

— Function: yyerror

User-supplied function to be called by yyparse on error.
See The Error Reporting Function yyerror.


An obsolete macro that you define with #define in the prologue
to request verbose, specific error message strings
when yyerror is called. It doesn’t matter what definition you
use for YYERROR_VERBOSE, just whether you define it. Using
%error-verbose is preferred.


Macro for specifying the initial size of the parser stack.
See Memory Management.

— Function: yylex

User-supplied lexical analyzer function, called with no arguments to get
the next token. See The Lexical Analyzer Function yylex.


An obsolete macro for specifying an extra argument (or list of extra
arguments) for yyparse to pass to yylex. The use of this
macro is deprecated, and is supported only for Yacc like parsers.
See Calling Conventions for Pure Parsers.

— Variable: yylloc

External variable in which yylex should place the line and column
numbers associated with a token. (In a pure parser, it is a local
variable within yyparse, and its address is passed to
You can ignore this variable if you don’t use the ‘@’ feature in the
grammar actions.
See Textual Locations of Tokens.
In semantic actions, it stores the location of the look-ahead token.
See Actions and Locations.


Data type of yylloc; by default, a structure with four
members. See Data Types of Locations.

— Variable: yylval

External variable in which yylex should place the semantic
value associated with a token. (In a pure parser, it is a local
variable within yyparse, and its address is passed to
See Semantic Values of Tokens.
In semantic actions, it stores the semantic value of the look-ahead token.
See Actions.


Macro for specifying the maximum size of the parser stack. See Memory Management.

— Variable: yynerrs

Global variable which Bison increments each time it reports a syntax error.
(In a pure parser, it is a local variable within yyparse.)
See The Error Reporting Function yyerror.

— Function: yyparse

The parser function produced by Bison; call this function to start
parsing. See The Parser Function yyparse.


An obsolete macro for specifying the name of a parameter that
yyparse should accept. The use of this macro is deprecated, and
is supported only for Yacc like parsers. See Calling Conventions for Pure Parsers.


The expression YYRECOVERING () yields 1 when the parser
is recovering from a syntax error, and 0 otherwise.
See Special Features for Use in Actions.


Macro used to control the use of alloca when the C
LALR(1) parser needs to extend its stacks. If defined to 0,
the parser will use malloc to extend its stacks. If defined to
1, the parser will use alloca. Values other than 0 and 1 are
reserved for future Bison extensions. If not defined,
YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA defaults to 0.

In the all-too-common case where your code may run on a host with a
limited stack and with unreliable stack-overflow checking, you should
set YYMAXDEPTH to a value that cannot possibly result in
unchecked stack overflow on any of your target hosts when
alloca is called. You can inspect the code that Bison
generates in order to determine the proper numeric values. This will
require some expertise in low-level implementation details.


Data type of semantic values; int by default.
See Data Types of Semantic Values.

Next: Copying This Manual,
Previous: Table of Symbols,
Up: Top

Appendix B Glossary

Backus-Naur Form (BNF; also called “Backus Normal Form”)
Formal method of specifying context-free grammars originally proposed
by John Backus, and slightly improved by Peter Naur in his 1960-01-02
committee document contributing to what became the Algol 60 report.
See Languages and Context-Free Grammars.

Context-free grammars
Grammars specified as rules that can be applied regardless of context.
Thus, if there is a rule which says that an integer can be used as an
expression, integers are allowed anywhere an expression is
permitted. See Languages and Context-Free Grammars.

Dynamic allocation
Allocation of memory that occurs during execution, rather than at
compile time or on entry to a function.

Empty string
Analogous to the empty set in set theory, the empty string is a
character string of length zero.

Finite-state stack machine
A “machine” that has discrete states in which it is said to exist at
each instant in time. As input to the machine is processed, the
machine moves from state to state as specified by the logic of the
machine. In the case of the parser, the input is the language being
parsed, and the states correspond to various stages in the grammar
rules. See The Bison Parser Algorithm.

Generalized LR (GLR)
A parsing algorithm that can handle all context-free grammars, including those
that are not LALR(1). It resolves situations that Bison’s
usual LALR(1)
algorithm cannot by effectively splitting off multiple parsers, trying all
possible parsers, and discarding those that fail in the light of additional
right context. See Generalized LR Parsing.

A language construct that is (in general) grammatically divisible;
for example, `expression’ or `declaration’ in C.
See Languages and Context-Free Grammars.

Infix operator
An arithmetic operator that is placed between the operands on which it
performs some operation.

Input stream
A continuous flow of data between devices or programs.

Language construct
One of the typical usage schemas of the language. For example, one of
the constructs of the C language is the if statement.
See Languages and Context-Free Grammars.

Left associativity
Operators having left associativity are analyzed from left to right:
a+b+c’ first computes ‘a+b’ and then combines with
c’. See Operator Precedence.

Left recursion
A rule whose result symbol is also its first component symbol; for
example, ‘expseq1 : expseq1 ‘,’ exp;’. See Recursive Rules.

Left-to-right parsing
Parsing a sentence of a language by analyzing it token by token from
left to right. See The Bison Parser Algorithm.

Lexical analyzer (scanner)
A function that reads an input stream and returns tokens one by one.
See The Lexical Analyzer Function yylex.

Lexical tie-in
A flag, set by actions in the grammar rules, which alters the way
tokens are parsed. See Lexical Tie-ins.

Literal string token
A token which consists of two or more fixed characters. See Symbols.

Look-ahead token
A token already read but not yet shifted. See Look-Ahead Tokens.

The class of context-free grammars that Bison (like most other parser
generators) can handle; a subset of LR(1). See Mysterious Reduce/Reduce Conflicts.

The class of context-free grammars in which at most one token of
look-ahead is needed to disambiguate the parsing of any piece of input.

Nonterminal symbol
A grammar symbol standing for a grammatical construct that can
be expressed through rules in terms of smaller constructs; in other
words, a construct that is not a token. See Symbols.

A function that recognizes valid sentences of a language by analyzing
the syntax structure of a set of tokens passed to it from a lexical

Postfix operator
An arithmetic operator that is placed after the operands upon which it
performs some operation.

Replacing a string of nonterminals and/or terminals with a single
nonterminal, according to a grammar rule. See The Bison Parser Algorithm.

A reentrant subprogram is a subprogram which can be in invoked any
number of times in parallel, without interference between the various
invocations. See A Pure (Reentrant) Parser.

Reverse polish notation
A language in which all operators are postfix operators.

Right recursion
A rule whose result symbol is also its last component symbol; for
example, ‘expseq1: exp ‘,’ expseq1;’. See Recursive Rules.

In computer languages, the semantics are specified by the actions
taken for each instance of the language, i.e., the meaning of
each statement. See Defining Language Semantics.

A parser is said to shift when it makes the choice of analyzing
further input from the stream rather than reducing immediately some
already-recognized rule. See The Bison Parser Algorithm.

Single-character literal
A single character that is recognized and interpreted as is.
See From Formal Rules to Bison Input.

Start symbol
The nonterminal symbol that stands for a complete valid utterance in
the language being parsed. The start symbol is usually listed as the
first nonterminal symbol in a language specification.
See The Start-Symbol.

Symbol table
A data structure where symbol names and associated data are stored
during parsing to allow for recognition and use of existing
information in repeated uses of a symbol. See Multi-function Calc.

Syntax error
An error encountered during parsing of an input stream due to invalid
syntax. See Error Recovery.

A basic, grammatically indivisible unit of a language. The symbol
that describes a token in the grammar is a terminal symbol.
The input of the Bison parser is a stream of tokens which comes from
the lexical analyzer. See Symbols.

Terminal symbol
A grammar symbol that has no rules in the grammar and therefore is
grammatically indivisible. The piece of text it represents is a token.
See Languages and Context-Free Grammars.

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Appendix C Copying This Manual

C.1 GNU Free Documentation License

Version 1.2, November 2002

     Copyright © 2000,2001,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
     51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
     Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
     of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.

    The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
    functional and useful document free in the sense of freedom: to
    assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it,
    with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially.
    Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way
    to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible
    for modifications made by others.

    This License is a kind of “copyleft”, which means that derivative
    works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It
    complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft
    license designed for free software.

    We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free
    software, because free software needs free documentation: a free
    program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the
    software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals;
    it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or
    whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License
    principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.


    This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that
    contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be
    distributed under the terms of this License. Such a notice grants a
    world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration, to use that
    work under the conditions stated herein. The “Document”, below,
    refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a
    licensee, and is addressed as “you”. You accept the license if you
    copy, modify or distribute the work in a way requiring permission
    under copyright law.

    A “Modified Version” of the Document means any work containing the
    Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with
    modifications and/or translated into another language.

    A “Secondary Section” is a named appendix or a front-matter section
    of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the
    publishers or authors of the Document to the Document’s overall
    subject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall
    directly within that overall subject. (Thus, if the Document is in
    part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain
    any mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical
    connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal,
    commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding

    The “Invariant Sections” are certain Secondary Sections whose titles
    are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice
    that says that the Document is released under this License. If a
    section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not
    allowed to be designated as Invariant. The Document may contain zero
    Invariant Sections. If the Document does not identify any Invariant
    Sections then there are none.

    The “Cover Texts” are certain short passages of text that are listed,
    as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that
    the Document is released under this License. A Front-Cover Text may
    be at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may be at most 25 words.

    A “Transparent” copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy,
    represented in a format whose specification is available to the
    general public, that is suitable for revising the document
    straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of
    pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available
    drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or
    for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input
    to text formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file
    format whose markup, or absence of markup, has been arranged to thwart
    or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent.
    An image format is not Transparent if used for any substantial amount
    of text. A copy that is not “Transparent” is called “Opaque”.

    Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain
    ascii without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input
    format, SGML or XML using a publicly available
    DTD, and standard-conforming simple HTML,
    PostScript or PDF designed for human modification. Examples
    of transparent image formats include PNG, XCF and
    JPG. Opaque formats include proprietary formats that can be
    read and edited only by proprietary word processors, SGML or
    XML for which the DTD and/or processing tools are
    not generally available, and the machine-generated HTML,
    PostScript or PDF produced by some word processors for
    output purposes only.

    The “Title Page” means, for a printed book, the title page itself,
    plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material
    this License requires to appear in the title page. For works in
    formats which do not have any title page as such, “Title Page” means
    the text near the most prominent appearance of the work’s title,
    preceding the beginning of the body of the text.

    A section “Entitled XYZ” means a named subunit of the Document whose
    title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses following
    text that translates XYZ in another language. (Here XYZ stands for a
    specific section name mentioned below, such as “Acknowledgements”,
    “Dedications”, “Endorsements”, or “History”.) To “Preserve the Title”
    of such a section when you modify the Document means that it remains a
    section “Entitled XYZ” according to this definition.

    The Document may include Warranty Disclaimers next to the notice which
    states that this License applies to the Document. These Warranty
    Disclaimers are considered to be included by reference in this
    License, but only as regards disclaiming warranties: any other
    implication that these Warranty Disclaimers may have is void and has
    no effect on the meaning of this License.


    You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either
    commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the
    copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies
    to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other
    conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You may not use
    technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further
    copying of the copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept
    compensation in exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough
    number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3.

    You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and
    you may publicly display copies.


    If you publish printed copies (or copies in media that commonly have
    printed covers) of the Document, numbering more than 100, and the
    Document’s license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose the
    copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover
    Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on
    the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify
    you as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present
    the full title with all words of the title equally prominent and
    visible. You may add other material on the covers in addition.
    Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve
    the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated
    as verbatim copying in other respects.

    If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit
    legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit
    reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent

    If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering
    more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent
    copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy
    a computer-network location from which the general network-using
    public has access to download using public-standard network protocols
    a complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material.
    If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps,
    when you begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure
    that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated
    location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an
    Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that
    edition to the public.

    It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the
    Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give
    them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document.


    You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under
    the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release
    the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified
    Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution
    and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy
    of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:

    1. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct
      from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions
      (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section
      of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version
      if the original publisher of that version gives permission.

    2. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities
      responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified
      Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the
      Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than five),
      unless they release you from this requirement.

    3. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the
      Modified Version, as the publisher.

    4. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
    5. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications
      adjacent to the other copyright notices.

    6. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice
      giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the
      terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below.

    7. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections
      and required Cover Texts given in the Document’s license notice.

    8. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
    9. Preserve the section Entitled “History”, Preserve its Title, and add
      to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and
      publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If
      there is no section Entitled “History” in the Document, create one
      stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as
      given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified
      Version as stated in the previous sentence.

    10. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for
      public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise
      the network locations given in the Document for previous versions
      it was based on. These may be placed in the “History” section.
      You may omit a network location for a work that was published at
      least four years before the Document itself, or if the original
      publisher of the version it refers to gives permission.

    11. For any section Entitled “Acknowledgements” or “Dedications”, Preserve
      the Title of the section, and preserve in the section all the
      substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or
      dedications given therein.

    12. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document,
      unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers
      or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles.

    13. Delete any section Entitled “Endorsements”. Such a section
      may not be included in the Modified Version.

    14. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled “Endorsements” or
      to conflict in title with any Invariant Section.

    15. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.

    If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or
    appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material
    copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all
    of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the
    list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version’s license notice.
    These titles must be distinct from any other section titles.

    You may add a section Entitled “Endorsements”, provided it contains
    nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various
    parties—for example, statements of peer review or that the text has
    been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a

    You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a
    passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list
    of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of
    Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or
    through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already
    includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or
    by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of,
    you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit
    permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.

    The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License
    give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or
    imply endorsement of any Modified Version.


    You may combine the Document with other documents released under this
    License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified
    versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the
    Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and
    list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its
    license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers.

    The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and
    multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single
    copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but
    different contents, make the title of each such section unique by
    adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original
    author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number.
    Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of
    Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.

    In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled “History”
    in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled
    “History”; likewise combine any sections Entitled “Acknowledgements”,
    and any sections Entitled “Dedications”. You must delete all
    sections Entitled “Endorsements.”


    You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents
    released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this
    License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in
    the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for
    verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects.

    You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute
    it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this
    License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all
    other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.


    A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate
    and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or
    distribution medium, is called an “aggregate” if the copyright
    resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights
    of the compilation’s users beyond what the individual works permit.
    When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does not
    apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves
    derivative works of the Document.

    If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these
    copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of
    the entire aggregate, the Document’s Cover Texts may be placed on
    covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the
    electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form.
    Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole


    Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may
    distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4.
    Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special
    permission from their copyright holders, but you may include
    translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the
    original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a
    translation of this License, and all the license notices in the
    Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include
    the original English version of this License and the original versions
    of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement between
    the translation and the original version of this License or a notice
    or disclaimer, the original version will prevail.

    If a section in the Document is Entitled “Acknowledgements”,
    “Dedications”, or “History”, the requirement (section 4) to Preserve
    its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual


    You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except
    as expressly provided for under this License. Any other attempt to
    copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will
    automatically terminate your rights under this License. However,
    parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this
    License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
    parties remain in full compliance.


    The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions
    of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new
    versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
    differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See

    Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number.
    If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this
    License “or any later version” applies to it, you have the option of
    following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or
    of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the
    Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version
    number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not
    as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation.

C.1.1 ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents

To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of
the License in the document and put the following copyright and
license notices just after the title page:

       Copyright (C)  year  your name.
       Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
       under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2
       or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
       with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
       Texts.  A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU
       Free Documentation License''.

If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts,
replace the “with…Texts.” line with this:

         with the Invariant Sections being list their titles, with
         the Front-Cover Texts being list, and with the Back-Cover Texts
         being list.

If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other
combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the

If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we
recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of
free software license, such as the GNU General Public License,
to permit their use in free software.

Previous: Copying This Manual,
Up: Top


  • $: Table of Symbols
  • $: Action Features
  • $$: Table of Symbols
  • $$: Action Features
  • $$: Actions
  • $<: Action Features
  • $accept: Table of Symbols
  • $end: Table of Symbols
  • $n: Actions
  • $undefined: Table of Symbols
  • %: Table of Symbols
  • %%: Table of Symbols
  • %debug: Table of Symbols
  • %debug: Tracing
  • %debug: Decl Summary
  • %defines: Table of Symbols
  • %defines: Decl Summary
  • %destructor: Table of Symbols
  • %destructor: Decl Summary
  • %destructor: Destructor Decl
  • %destructor: Mid-Rule Actions
  • %dprec: Table of Symbols
  • %dprec: Merging GLR Parses
  • %error-verbose: Table of Symbols
  • %error-verbose: Error Reporting
  • %expect: Decl Summary
  • %expect: Expect Decl
  • %expect-rr: Expect Decl
  • %expect-rr: Simple GLR Parsers
  • %file-prefix=": Table of Symbols
  • %file-prefix=": Decl Summary
  • %glr-parser: Table of Symbols
  • %glr-parser: Simple GLR Parsers
  • %glr-parser: GLR Parsers
  • %initial-action: Table of Symbols
  • %initial-action: Initial Action Decl
  • %left: Table of Symbols
  • %left: Using Precedence
  • %left: Decl Summary
  • %lex-param: Table of Symbols
  • %lex-param: Pure Calling
  • %locations: Decl Summary
  • %merge: Table of Symbols
  • %merge: Merging GLR Parses
  • %name-prefix=": Table of Symbols
  • %name-prefix=": Decl Summary
  • %no-lines: Table of Symbols
  • %no-lines: Decl Summary
  • %no-parser: Decl Summary
  • %nonassoc: Table of Symbols
  • %nonassoc: Using Precedence
  • %nonassoc: Decl Summary
  • %output=": Table of Symbols
  • %output=": Decl Summary
  • %parse-param: Table of Symbols
  • %parse-param: Parser Function
  • %prec: Table of Symbols
  • %prec: Contextual Precedence
  • %pure-parser: Table of Symbols
  • %pure-parser: Decl Summary
  • %pure-parser: Pure Decl
  • %require: Table of Symbols
  • %require: Decl Summary
  • %require: Require Decl
  • %right: Table of Symbols
  • %right: Using Precedence
  • %right: Decl Summary
  • %start: Table of Symbols
  • %start: Decl Summary
  • %start: Start Decl
  • %token: Table of Symbols
  • %token: Decl Summary
  • %token: Token Decl
  • %token-table: Table of Symbols
  • %token-table: Decl Summary
  • %type: Table of Symbols
  • %type: Decl Summary
  • %type: Type Decl
  • %union: Table of Symbols
  • %union: Decl Summary
  • %union: Union Decl
  • %verbose: Decl Summary
  • %yacc: Decl Summary
  • /*: Table of Symbols
  • :: Table of Symbols
  • ;: Table of Symbols
  • @$: Table of Symbols
  • @$: Action Features
  • @$: Actions and Locations
  • @n: Table of Symbols
  • @n: Action Features
  • @n: Actions and Locations
  • abstract syntax tree: Implementing Gotos/Loops
  • action: Actions
  • action data types: Action Types
  • action features summary: Action Features
  • actions in mid-rule: Mid-Rule Actions
  • actions, location: Actions and Locations
  • actions, semantic: Semantic Actions
  • additional C code section: Epilogue
  • algorithm of parser: Algorithm
  • ambiguous grammars: Generalized LR Parsing
  • ambiguous grammars: Language and Grammar
  • associativity: Why Precedence
  • AST: Implementing Gotos/Loops
  • Backus-Naur form: Language and Grammar
  • begin on location: C++ Location Values
  • Bison declaration summary: Decl Summary
  • Bison declarations: Declarations
  • Bison declarations (introduction): Bison Declarations
  • Bison grammar: Grammar in Bison
  • Bison invocation: Invocation
  • Bison parser: Bison Parser
  • Bison parser algorithm: Algorithm
  • Bison symbols, table of: Table of Symbols
  • Bison utility: Bison Parser
  • bison-i18n.m4: Internationalization
  • bison-po: Internationalization
  • BISON_I18N: Internationalization
  • BISON_LOCALEDIR: Internationalization
  • BNF: Language and Grammar
  • braced code: Rules
  • C code, section for additional: Epilogue
  • C-language interface: Interface
  • calc: Infix Calc
  • calculator, infix notation: Infix Calc
  • calculator, location tracking: Location Tracking Calc
  • calculator, multi-function: Multi-function Calc
  • calculator, simple: RPN Calc
  • character token: Symbols
  • column on position: C++ Location Values
  • columns on location: C++ Location Values
  • columns on position: C++ Location Values
  • compiling the parser: Rpcalc Compile
  • conflicts: Shift/Reduce
  • conflicts: Merging GLR Parses
  • conflicts: Simple GLR Parsers
  • conflicts: GLR Parsers
  • conflicts, reduce/reduce: Reduce/Reduce
  • conflicts, suppressing warnings of: Expect Decl
  • context-dependent precedence: Contextual Precedence
  • context-free grammar: Language and Grammar
  • controlling function: Rpcalc Main
  • core, item set: Understanding
  • dangling else: Shift/Reduce
  • data type of locations: Location Type
  • data types in actions: Action Types
  • data types of semantic values: Value Type
  • debug_level on parser: C++ Parser Interface
  • debug_stream on parser: C++ Parser Interface
  • debugging: Tracing
  • declaration summary: Decl Summary
  • declarations: Prologue
  • declarations section: Prologue
  • declarations, Bison: Declarations
  • declarations, Bison (introduction): Bison Declarations
  • declaring literal string tokens: Token Decl
  • declaring operator precedence: Precedence Decl
  • declaring the start symbol: Start Decl
  • declaring token type names: Token Decl
  • declaring value types: Union Decl
  • declaring value types, nonterminals: Type Decl
  • default action: Actions
  • default data type: Value Type
  • default location type: Location Type
  • default stack limit: Memory Management
  • default start symbol: Start Decl
  • deferred semantic actions: GLR Semantic Actions
  • defining language semantics: Semantics
  • discarded symbols: Destructor Decl
  • discarded symbols, mid-rule actions: Mid-Rule Actions
  • else, dangling: Shift/Reduce
  • end on location: C++ Location Values
  • epilogue: Epilogue
  • error: Table of Symbols
  • error: Error Recovery
  • error on parser: C++ Parser Interface
  • error recovery: Error Recovery
  • error recovery, mid-rule actions: Mid-Rule Actions
  • error recovery, simple: Simple Error Recovery
  • error reporting function: Error Reporting
  • error reporting routine: Rpcalc Error
  • examples, simple: Examples
  • exercises: Exercises
  • FDL, GNU Free Documentation License: GNU Free Documentation License
  • file format: Grammar Layout
  • file on position: C++ Location Values
  • finite-state machine: Parser States
  • formal grammar: Grammar in Bison
  • format of grammar file: Grammar Layout
  • freeing discarded symbols: Destructor Decl
  • frequently asked questions: FAQ
  • generalized LR (GLR) parsing: Generalized LR Parsing
  • generalized LR (GLR) parsing: GLR Parsers
  • generalized LR (GLR) parsing: Language and Grammar
  • generalized LR (GLR) parsing, ambiguous grammars: Merging GLR Parses
  • generalized LR (GLR) parsing, unambiguous grammars: Simple GLR Parsers
  • gettext: Internationalization
  • glossary: Glossary
  • GLR parsers and inline: Compiler Requirements
  • GLR parsers and yychar: GLR Semantic Actions
  • GLR parsers and yyclearin: GLR Semantic Actions
  • GLR parsers and YYERROR: GLR Semantic Actions
  • GLR parsers and yylloc: GLR Semantic Actions
  • GLR parsers and YYLLOC_DEFAULT: Location Default Action
  • GLR parsers and yylval: GLR Semantic Actions
  • GLR parsing: Generalized LR Parsing
  • GLR parsing: GLR Parsers
  • GLR parsing: Language and Grammar
  • GLR parsing, ambiguous grammars: Merging GLR Parses
  • GLR parsing, unambiguous grammars: Simple GLR Parsers
  • grammar file: Grammar Layout
  • grammar rule syntax: Rules
  • grammar rules section: Grammar Rules
  • grammar, Bison: Grammar in Bison
  • grammar, context-free: Language and Grammar
  • grouping, syntactic: Language and Grammar
  • i18n: Internationalization
  • infix notation calculator: Infix Calc
  • inline: Compiler Requirements
  • interface: Interface
  • internationalization: Internationalization
  • introduction: Introduction
  • invoking Bison: Invocation
  • item: Understanding
  • item set core: Understanding
  • kernel, item set: Understanding
  • LALR(1): Mystery Conflicts
  • LALR(1) grammars: Language and Grammar
  • language semantics, defining: Semantics
  • layout of Bison grammar: Grammar Layout
  • left recursion: Recursion
  • lex-param: Pure Calling
  • lexical analyzer: Lexical
  • lexical analyzer, purpose: Bison Parser
  • lexical analyzer, writing: Rpcalc Lexer
  • lexical tie-in: Lexical Tie-ins
  • line on position: C++ Location Values
  • lines on location: C++ Location Values
  • lines on position: C++ Location Values
  • literal string token: Symbols
  • literal token: Symbols
  • location: Locations
  • location: Locations Overview
  • location actions: Actions and Locations
  • location tracking calculator: Location Tracking Calc
  • location, textual: Locations
  • location, textual: Locations Overview
  • location_value_type: C++ Parser Interface
  • look-ahead token: Look-Ahead
  • LR(1): Mystery Conflicts
  • LR(1) grammars: Language and Grammar
  • ltcalc: Location Tracking Calc
  • main function in simple example: Rpcalc Main
  • memory exhaustion: Memory Management
  • memory management: Memory Management
  • mfcalc: Multi-function Calc
  • mid-rule actions: Mid-Rule Actions
  • multi-function calculator: Multi-function Calc
  • multicharacter literal: Symbols
  • mutual recursion: Recursion
  • NLS: Internationalization
  • nondeterministic parsing: Generalized LR Parsing
  • nondeterministic parsing: Language and Grammar
  • nonterminal symbol: Symbols
  • nonterminal, useless: Understanding
  • operator precedence: Precedence
  • operator precedence, declaring: Precedence Decl
  • operator+ on location: C++ Location Values
  • operator+ on position: C++ Location Values
  • operator+= on location: C++ Location Values
  • operator+= on position: C++ Location Values
  • operator- on position: C++ Location Values
  • operator-= on position: C++ Location Values
  • operator<< on position: C++ Location Values
  • options for invoking Bison: Invocation
  • overflow of parser stack: Memory Management
  • parse error: Error Reporting
  • parse on parser: C++ Parser Interface
  • parser: Bison Parser
  • parser on parser: C++ Parser Interface
  • parser stack: Algorithm
  • parser stack overflow: Memory Management
  • parser state: Parser States
  • pointed rule: Understanding
  • polish notation calculator: RPN Calc
  • precedence declarations: Precedence Decl
  • precedence of operators: Precedence
  • precedence, context-dependent: Contextual Precedence
  • precedence, unary operator: Contextual Precedence
  • preventing warnings about conflicts: Expect Decl
  • Prologue: Prologue
  • pure parser: Pure Decl
  • questions: FAQ
  • recovery from errors: Error Recovery
  • recursive rule: Recursion
  • reduce/reduce conflict: Reduce/Reduce
  • reduce/reduce conflicts: Merging GLR Parses
  • reduce/reduce conflicts: Simple GLR Parsers
  • reduce/reduce conflicts: GLR Parsers
  • reduction: Algorithm
  • reentrant parser: Pure Decl
  • requiring a version of Bison: Require Decl
  • reverse polish notation: RPN Calc
  • right recursion: Recursion
  • rpcalc: RPN Calc
  • rule syntax: Rules
  • rule, pointed: Understanding
  • rule, useless: Understanding
  • rules section for grammar: Grammar Rules
  • running Bison (introduction): Rpcalc Gen
  • semantic actions: Semantic Actions
  • semantic value: Semantic Values
  • semantic value type: Value Type
  • semantic_value_type: C++ Parser Interface
  • set_debug_level on parser: C++ Parser Interface
  • set_debug_stream on parser: C++ Parser Interface
  • shift/reduce conflicts: Shift/Reduce
  • shift/reduce conflicts: Simple GLR Parsers
  • shift/reduce conflicts: GLR Parsers
  • shifting: Algorithm
  • simple examples: Examples
  • single-character literal: Symbols
  • stack overflow: Memory Management
  • stack, parser: Algorithm
  • stages in using Bison: Stages
  • start symbol: Language and Grammar
  • start symbol, declaring: Start Decl
  • state (of parser): Parser States
  • step on location: C++ Location Values
  • string token: Symbols
  • summary, action features: Action Features
  • summary, Bison declaration: Decl Summary
  • suppressing conflict warnings: Expect Decl
  • symbol: Symbols
  • symbol table example: Mfcalc Symtab
  • symbols (abstract): Language and Grammar
  • symbols in Bison, table of: Table of Symbols
  • syntactic grouping: Language and Grammar
  • syntax error: Error Reporting
  • syntax of grammar rules: Rules
  • terminal symbol: Symbols
  • textual location: Locations
  • textual location: Locations Overview
  • token: Language and Grammar
  • token type: Symbols
  • token type names, declaring: Token Decl
  • token, useless: Understanding
  • tracing the parser: Tracing
  • unary operator precedence: Contextual Precedence
  • useless nonterminal: Understanding
  • useless rule: Understanding
  • useless token: Understanding
  • using Bison: Stages
  • value type, semantic: Value Type
  • value types, declaring: Union Decl
  • value types, nonterminals, declaring: Type Decl
  • value, semantic: Semantic Values
  • version requirement: Require Decl
  • warnings, preventing: Expect Decl
  • writing a lexical analyzer: Rpcalc Lexer
  • YYABORT: Table of Symbols
  • YYABORT: Parser Function
  • YYABORT;: Action Features
  • YYACCEPT: Table of Symbols
  • YYACCEPT: Parser Function
  • YYACCEPT;: Action Features
  • YYBACKUP: Table of Symbols
  • YYBACKUP: Action Features
  • yychar: Table of Symbols
  • yychar: Look-Ahead
  • yychar: Action Features
  • yychar: GLR Semantic Actions
  • yyclearin: Table of Symbols
  • yyclearin: Error Recovery
  • yyclearin: GLR Semantic Actions
  • yyclearin;: Action Features
  • yydebug: Table of Symbols
  • YYDEBUG: Table of Symbols
  • YYDEBUG: Tracing
  • yydebug: Tracing
  • YYEMPTY: Action Features
  • YYENABLE_NLS: Internationalization
  • YYEOF: Action Features
  • yyerrok: Table of Symbols
  • yyerrok: Error Recovery
  • yyerrok;: Action Features
  • yyerror: Table of Symbols
  • YYERROR: Table of Symbols
  • YYERROR: Action Features
  • yyerror: Error Reporting
  • YYERROR: GLR Semantic Actions
  • YYERROR;: Action Features
  • YYERROR_VERBOSE: Table of Symbols
  • YYINITDEPTH: Table of Symbols
  • YYINITDEPTH: Memory Management
  • yylex: Table of Symbols
  • yylex: Lexical
  • yylex on parser: C++ Scanner Interface
  • YYLEX_PARAM: Table of Symbols
  • yylloc: Table of Symbols
  • yylloc: Look-Ahead
  • yylloc: Action Features
  • yylloc: Token Locations
  • yylloc: Actions and Locations
  • yylloc: GLR Semantic Actions
  • YYLLOC_DEFAULT: Location Default Action
  • YYLTYPE: Table of Symbols
  • YYLTYPE: Token Locations
  • yylval: Table of Symbols
  • yylval: Look-Ahead
  • yylval: Action Features
  • yylval: Token Values
  • yylval: Actions
  • yylval: GLR Semantic Actions
  • YYMAXDEPTH: Table of Symbols
  • YYMAXDEPTH: Memory Management
  • yynerrs: Table of Symbols
  • yynerrs: Error Reporting
  • yyparse: Table of Symbols
  • yyparse: Parser Function
  • YYPARSE_PARAM: Table of Symbols
  • YYPRINT: Tracing
  • YYRECOVERING: Table of Symbols
  • YYRECOVERING: Error Recovery
  • YYRECOVERING: Action Features
  • YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA: Table of Symbols
  • YYSTYPE: Table of Symbols
  • |: Table of Symbols
  • |: Rules

This is the fourth post in a series about “things I’ve learned while
making improvements to Sorbet’s parser.” With the last post, I talked
about some tools and techniques that I’ve found useful while hacking on
Sorbet’s Bison-based
parser. This post is going to continue that theme by explaining in a
little more detail the primary tool Bison has for adding error recovery
to a parser: the special error token.

You don’t really need to read the previous posts for this
post to be useful, but if in case you want to queue them up to read
later, here’s the list:

  • Part 1: Why Recover from Syntax
  • Part 2: What I Didn’t Do
  • Part 3: Tools and Techniques for
    Debugging a (Bison) Parser
  • Part 4: Bison’s
    error Token
  • (coming soon) Part 5: Backtracking, aka Lexer Hacks
  • (coming soon) Part 6: Falling Back on Indentation, aka More
    Lexer Hacks

That being said, if you’re also trying to hack on a Bison parser to
make it recover from errors, I hate to say it but this post is not going
to be a substitute for the official
docs on Error Recovery. You’re going to want to spend some time
skimming that section of the docs if you haven’t already.

Bison needs explicit annotations within a grammar to provide syntax
error recovery. This is in contrast with parser tools like tree-sitter,If you’re curious, I’ve written some assorted thoughts on tree-sitter. which automatically include error recovery. Concretely,
Bison requires inserting special error tokens in production
rules that should participate in error recovery.

To get the most out of Bison’s error recovery mode, it’s crucial to
understand what it’s actually doing with those error

Bison’s error recovery

There’s a vague description of the algorithm in
the docs, but I found that I had to make the algorithm more explicit
before I could understand what was and wasn’t possible.

At a high level, this is what Bison does:

  1. It encounters an error. By which we mean: neither shifting the
    lookahead token nor reducing the current stack is a valid action given
    the current lookahead token).

  2. It reports the error by calling the (user-defined)
    yyerrorIn C++ parsers, this is called

    Importantly, this function is always called.Other parser generators, for example Happy for Haskell do not
    necessarily report an error when an error token is
    Even if a production rule eventually consumes the error
    token and successfully recovers from the parse error, an error will have
    been reported.

    Also note that it’s impossibleSorbet gets around this limitation by appending parse
    errors to a temporary queue, only flushing them to the user once parsing
    has completed. Sorbet sometimes mutates
    the last element of the queue inside semantic actions to improve the
    error message with specific information about the parse failure.
    to delay calling yyerror until it’s clear
    that no production rule matched the error token, since the
    yyerror function is called even before attempting to
    shift the error token, less reduce a rule
    that uses it. For similar reasons, this makes it more complicated to
    allow the eventual error rule to provide extra context on the error

  3. Next, Bison looks to see it can shift the error
    token, given what the current stack contents and parser state are. It
    leaves the current lookahead token untouched for the time being.

    If it can shift the error token, it does so. Bison has
    finished recovering from the syntax error. The parse continues, using
    the untouched lookahead token.

  4. If it can’t shift the error token,
    Bison completely discards the object on the top of the

    To make that clear, if the parser stack looked something like

    # def foo
    #   x.
    # end
    stack = ['def', identifier, 'n', expression, '.']
    lookahead = 'end'

    and Bison found no matching error production rule, it would throw
    away the '.' token that it had already shifted onto the
    parser stack:

    stack = ['def', identifier, 'n', expression]
    lookahead = 'end'

    and then loop back to the previous step, checking to see whether it’s
    now possible to shift the error token. This process repeats
    until Bison has gobbled up the whole stack or some production rule
    consumes the error token.

  5. If Bison’s Location
    Tracking feature is on (which allows using @1,
    @2, etc. in semantic actions to get the locations
    associated with components of the rule), it’s worth knowing how the
    error token’s location is set. Bison sets the error
    location to span from the last thing it discarded from the stack all the
    way to the lookahead token that induced the error. If it discarded
    nothing, then the range would just be the location of the lookahead

    Using the example above, if the '.' token was the only
    token Bison needed to discard, the error token’s location would be set
    to span from that '.' token all the way to the
    'end' lookahead token.

Most Bison grammars have a catch all | error production
somewhere, like this one in Sorbet’s parser:

stmts: %empty { /* ... */ }
     | stmt { /* ... */ }
     | stmts newline stmt { /* ... */ }
     | error { /* ... */ }
Snippet of Sorbet’s parser. View
on GitHub →

The nice thing about a rule like this is that it provides coarse
grained error recovery at a high level without requiring special cases
for every production in the grammar. It works because no matter what
happens to be on the stack, it’ll always eventually match (as long as
we’re in the parser state corresponding to stmts) because
eventually Bison will have discarded the entire stack.

It’ll definitely throw away a lot of stuff, but at least it’ll let
the parse continue instead of failing to produce any parse result. For
example, if there was no parse error further down in the file, and the
error occurred near the top, this rule gets us lots of error recovery
for little work. But yeah, it’s not great to throw that much stuff

We’re going to want to put more error tokens in more
targeted places. For that, I’ve come up with a handful of strategies to
make the most of Bison’s error recovery.

Figure out the most
common edit paths

Even though Bison requires a lot of error annotations to
get good parse results, you can get good bang for your buck by figuring
out the most common edit paths. For example, here’s every intermediate
edit when the user adds a keyword argument to a Ruby method:

foo(a, x: x) # contents before edit
foo(a, x: x,)
foo(a, x: x, y)
foo(a, x: x, y:)
foo(a, x: x, y: y) # edit finished

Ideally there’s an error production for every
intermediate state, because adding a keyword argument to a method call
is common. On the other hand, you can likely get away not adding rules
for uncommon syntax errors.

If you want, you can take the guesswork out of what’s common and
what’s not by measuring, assuming you have a corpus of syntax errors you
can sample from.For example, we gather usage metrics from every Sorbet
user at Stripe.
The semi-automated approach to measurement, which is what
I’ve personally used: when there’s a syntax error and the parse result
is “bad” according to some heuristic (like: the parse is completely
empty, or there was a partial parse result but it was too bad to find
any completion suggestions at the user’s cursor), log the bad source
buffer to a file, and then go triage the logged files, fixing the most
common errors first.

The annoying part about that approach is the manual triage work of
opening up the logged buffers, identifying which part of the file had
the parse error, and blaming it to some section of the parser. An idea
I’ve had (but not implemented) for a more automatic approach: when
there’s a syntax error that’s never recovered (or that’s handled by some
“catch all” production rule), log the lookahead token and parser state
where the error happened. Cross reference parser states with what’s in
the textual
report on the parser to get approximate line numbers in the grammar
that need to be updated. States that show up the most commonly are the
ones in need of dedicated error rules.

The error token is
usually last

With the most common edit paths in hand, I’ve usually had the most
success by following two tips for crafting the error rules.

  1. Put the error token as the very last token in the
    production rule. It can be tempting to try writing rules like this,
    where the error token is followed by some other stuff:

      | args ',' arg { /* ... */ }
      | args ',' error arg  { /* ... */ }

    Sometimes this works, but in my experience, it’s much easier to
    reason about conflicts when the error token is the last
    token in a rule.

  2. Put the error token only after
    terminals. There’s almost never conflicts in the grammar when putting
    the error token after a ',' or
    '=' token, but there usually are when putting it after
    something like an args non-terminal.

    Intuitively this makes sense, because the args
    production itself probably has a bunch of rules that have consume an
    error token at the end, causing the conflicts. The
    non-terminal might even have a catch-all | error

In situations where I haven’t been able to trivially follow these
rules, I’ve usually been able to go into the preceding non-terminal rule
(like args) and sprinkle error tokens
judiciously inside that rule to allow following these

Unfortunately, there have definitely been times where that hasn’t
worked, which will be the topic of a future post.

Consider using

After recovering from a parse error using the error
token, the lookahead token will still be set to whatever it was that
caused the error to happen in the first place.

If for whatever reason you think that attempting to continue the
parse with that token would just screw things up again, you can use the
yyclearin macroIn the C++ skeleton, this is available using
yyla.clear() instead.
to clear out the lookahead token, which will cause Bison
to request another token from the lexer.

We’re not currently using this in Sorbet because I’ve replaced most
places where it might have been useful with some even more powerful
techniques (discussed in a future part), but I figured I may as well
mention it.

Invent a special AST node
for errors

Consider this parse error:

The rule for parsing an assignment with no error looks like this, and
produces an assign node in the AST:

arg: lhs '=' arg_rhs
         $$ =, $1, $2, $3);
   | ...
Snippet of Sorbet’s parser. View
on GitHub →

To handle the error case, we still have the lhs and the
'=', but we don’t have the arg_rhs. The parser
will detect that 'end' is not a valid arg_rhs,
and shift the error token for us to recognize:

arg: lhs '=' arg_rhs
         $$ =, $1, $2, $3);
   | lhs '=' error
         $$ =, $1, $2, /* ... ? ... */);
   | ...

It’s unclear what to use in place of $3, because
error doesn’t have an associated semantic value. To fill
the void, we can invent a special AST error_node type.Slight fib; Sorbet actually creates a constant
literal node with a magic name for backwards compatibility

“What’s up with that endPos stuff?”
There’s some discussion in the full source on GitHub.

arg: lhs '=' arg_rhs
         $$ =, $1, $2, $3);
   | lhs '=' error
         auto enode =, @2.endPos(), @3.endPos());
         $$ =, $1, $2, enode);
   | ...
Snippet of Sorbet’s parser. View
on GitHub →

This special AST node allows phases downstream of the parser to
pretend the parse succeeded. In particular, it’s easy to detect where
the syntax error occurred when responding to completion requests (which
is important, because in the above example, the syntax error is also
where the user’s cursor is).

Read the generated parser’s

To close, I’d like to point out that everything in this post that I
didn’t find in the official docs, I taught myself by browsing the source
code generated by Bison. Despite being generated, it’s actually pretty
well commented, and with a bit of elbow grease you might even be able to
get your IDE to let you use jump to def in it.

Some nice things about browsing the source:

  • It’s never out of sync with the version of Bison you’re using
    (unlike the official docs, which only track the latest

  • You can see exactly what happens and in what order. For example,
    reading the source is how I convinced a colleague that no, using
    error productions did not mean we would be preventing
    errors from being reported. It was faster to read the source than
    attempt to find whether the docs mentioned this.

  • You can see what fun, undocumented APIs are actually available to
    you. For example, the docs talk about yylval and
    yylloc, which are supposed to store the semantic value and
    location of the lookahead token. But in the C++ skeleton, these things
    have been renamed (without documentation) to yyla.value and
    yyla.location, respectively.

Reading the generated parser’s source code reinforced my
understanding of Bison’s parsing algorithm and made it easier to debug
when things went wrong.

All this being said, I’ve run into plenty of limitations when
attempting to improve Sorbet’s parser. In the next post, I’ll explain
one such example, why using error tokens alone wasn’t
enough, and how I tweaked Sorbet’s lexer to aid the parser in error

← Part 3: Tools and Techniques for
Debugging a (Bison) Parser

(coming soon) Part 5: Backtracking, aka Lexer Hacks →

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