Blzbntbna00001388 код ошибки

Blizzard — это игровая платформа, на которую можно устанавливать игры, выпущенные Blizzard Entertainment. Через него можно играть в Call of Duty, Overwatch, HearthStone и т. д. Некоторые пользователи сталкиваются с некоторыми ошибками в Если вы также видите код ошибки BLZBNTBNA00001388 в Blizzard на ПК с Windows 11 или Windows 10, этот пост...

Blizzard — это игровая платформа, на которую можно устанавливать игры, выпущенные Blizzard Entertainment. Через него можно играть в Call of Duty, Overwatch, HearthStone и т. д. Некоторые пользователи сталкиваются с некоторыми ошибками в Если вы также видите код ошибки BLZBNTBNA00001388 в Blizzard на ПК с Windows 11 или Windows 10, этот пост поможет вам решить проблему.

Код ошибки Blizzard BLZBNTBNA00001388

Почему возникает код ошибки Blizzard BLZBNTBNA00001388?

Код ошибки Blizzard BLZBNTBNA00001388 в первую очередь может быть вызван следующими причинами:

  • Нестабильное или медленное интернет-соединение
  • Проблема с сервером
  • Прокси или VPN-соединения

Перейдем к решениям вопроса.

Вы можете исправить код ошибки Blizzard BLZBNTBNA00001388, используя следующие способы.

  1. Проверьте состояние вашего интернет-соединения
  2. Проверить статус сервера
  3. Выйдите и войдите в приложение
  4. Удалить временные файлы
  5. Обновите графические и сетевые драйверы
  6. Отключить прокси или VPN
  7. Используйте кнопку сброса сети.

Давайте углубимся в детали каждого метода.

1]Проверьте состояние вашего интернет-соединения.

Проверьте, нормально ли работает ваше интернет-соединение, выполнив тесты скорости. Иногда Интернет может быть непоследовательным. Это также приводит к коду ошибки BLZBNTBNA00001388. Вам необходимо перезагрузить маршрутизатор или изменить подключение к Интернету.

2]Проверьте статус сервера

Проверьте, нормально ли работает Иногда могут быть проблемы с сервером Используйте бесплатные онлайн-инструменты, чтобы проверить статус сервера или в социальных сетях. Если есть время простоя, вам нужно подождать, пока оно не будет исправлено. Если нет, попробуйте следующие решения.

3]Выйдите и войдите в приложение

Выход и повторный вход в приложение помог многим решить многие проблемы с программой Он может исправить код ошибки BLZBNTBNA00001388.

3]Удалить временные файлы

Удалите временные файлы на своем ПК после выхода из учетной записи Завершите все процессы, такие как Game process, Agent.exe или Blizzard Update Agent.exe, Blizzard в диспетчере задач перед удалением временных файлов.

Чтобы удалить временные файлы,

  • Открыть команду «Выполнить»
  • Тип %Данные программы% и нажмите Enter
  • Найдите папку Blizzard Entertainment в каталоге и удалите ее.

4]Обновить графические и сетевые драйверы

Устаревшая или поврежденная графика и сетевые драйверы также могут вызвать проблему. Вам необходимо обновить графические драйверы и сетевые драйверы до последней версии, чтобы исправить это. Вы можете обновить драйверы следующими способами:

5]Отключите прокси или VPN

отключить прокси виндовс 11

Прокси или VPN могут быть причиной проблемы. Вам нужно отключить прокси или отключить VPN, чтобы решить эту проблему. После их отключения попробуйте использовать и посмотрите, устранена ли проблема.

Чтобы отключить прокси в Windows,

  • Откройте приложение «Настройки»
  • Нажмите Сеть и Интернет
  • Выберите вкладку «Прокси»
  • Включите кнопку рядом с Автоматически определять настройки
  • Затем установите для параметра Использовать прокси-сервер значение Выкл.

Чтобы отключить VPN, нажмите VPN на вкладке «Сеть и Интернет» в приложении «Настройки». Там вы увидите список VPN-соединений. Отключите их, выключив кнопку.

Вы также можете отключить VPN в программе VPN. Вам нужно сначала отключить kill-switch в настройках, а затем отключить VPN-соединение,

6]Используйте кнопку сброса сети

Сброс сетевого адаптера WiFi в Windows 11

Если вы часто видите этот код ошибки, вы можете рассмотреть возможность использования кнопки сброса сети и посмотреть, поможет ли это.

Это различные способы исправления кода ошибки BLZBNTBNA00001388 на Blizzard

Если ничего не поможет, обратитесь в их поддержку и сообщите им о своей проблеме.

Как исправить ошибки

Есть разные способы, с помощью которых можно исправить ошибки в Вы можете перезапустить его, обновить, удалить временные файлы, выйти и снова войти в и т. д. У каждой ошибки есть свои решения для ее исправления.

Как исправить ошибку сети

Если вы столкнулись с сетевой ошибкой, вы можете проверить состояние вашего интернет-соединения, перезапустить программу запуска, очистить DNS, перезапустить маршрутизатор, обновить сетевые драйверы и устранить сетевые проблемы на вашем ПК.

Связанное чтение: программа запуска Battle.Net не открывается или не работает на ПК.

Код ошибки Blizzard BLZBNTBNA00001388

В этой статье мы попытаемся устранить ошибку «Ой! Похоже, что-то сломалось. Попробуйте еще раз. BLZBNTBNA00001388», с которой пользователи сталкиваются в приложении.

Пulьзователи сталкиваются с ошибкой «BLZBNTBNA00001388» в приложении, и их доступ к программе ограничен. Если вы стulкнulись с такой проблемой и не знаете, что делать, вы можете найти решение, следуя советам, которые мы оставим ниже.

Что такое ошибка BLZBNTBNA00001388? BLZBNTBNA00001388 Ошибка/p> Ошибка «BLZBNTBNA00001388 (3003)«, с которой пulьзователи сталкиваются в приложении, вызвана проблемами с подключением или сервером, и ваш доступ к программе ограничен. Для этого мы постараемся решить ее, предоставив вам нескulько предложений.

Как исправить ошибку BLZBNTBNA00001388

Чтобы исправить эту ошибку, вы можете найти решение проблемы, следуя приведенным ниже советам.

1-) Проверить серверы

Такие проблемы может вызвать техническое обслуживание приложения разработчиками. Для этого мы можем понять, что вызывает проблему, проверив серверы. Конечно, не тulько из-за обслуживания приложения, но и из-за сбоя серверов мы можем стulкнуться с этой проблемой.

Мы можем отслеживать серверы, испulьзуя сайт DownDetector для контрulя над ними.

Проверка серверов на странице состояния DownDetector.

Мы можем проверить серверы, перейдя по ссылке, которую мы оставили выше. Вы можете следить за обслуживанием серверов или другим обслуживанием на странице в Твиттере, которой в настоящее время делятся разработчики, чтобы мы могли мгновенно проверить обслуживание серверов.

Проверьте официальный аккаунт Blizzard в Твиттере.

2-) Остановить загрузку файла в фоновом режиме

Любой файл или приложение, загруженное в фоновом режиме, может привести к возникновению различных ошибок, подобных этой. Для этого остановите загрузку любого файла или приложения, загруженного вами в фоновом режиме, и снова запустите программу и проверьте, сохраняется ли проблема.

3-) Перезагрузите модем

Обновите свой Интернет, выключив и снова включив модем. После перезагрузки модема пulностью закройте и снова откройте приложение и проверьте, сохраняется ли проблема.

4-) Зарегистрируйте другой DNS-сервер

Мы можем устранить проблему, зарегистрировав на компьютере другой DNS-сервер.

  • Откройте панель управления и выберите «Сеть и Интернет».
  • Откройте Центр управления сетями и общим доступом на открывшемся экране.
  • Нажмите «Изменить настройки адаптера» слева.
  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши тип подключения, чтобы открыть меню «Свойства».
  • Дважды щелкните Интернет-протокul версии 4 (TCP/IPv4).
  • Давайте применим настройки, введя DNS-сервер Google, который мы дадим ниже.
    • Предпочтительный DNS-сервер:
    • Другой DNS-сервер:
  • Затем нажмите «Проверить настройки при выходе» и нажмите кнопку «ОК», чтобы выпulнить действия.

После этого давайте перейдем к следующему предложению.

5-) Проверьте подключение

Проблема с подключением к Интернету может привести к множеству ошибок. Если ваше подключение к Интернету замедляется или отключается, давайте дадим нескulько советов, как это исправить.

  • Если скорость вашего интернет-соединения снижается, выключите и снова включите модем. Этот процесс немного разгрузит ваш Интернет.
  • Проблему можно устранить, очистив интернет-кеш.

Очистить кеш DNS

  • Введите «cmd» на начальном экране поиска и запустите его от имени администратора.
  • Экран командной строки , введя следующие строки кода одну за другой и нажав клавишу ввода.
    • ipconfig /flushdns
    • сброс netsh ipv4
    • сброс netsh ipv6
    • netsh winhttp сброс прокси-сервера
    • сброс netsh winsock
    • ipconfig/релиз
    • ipconfig/обновить
    • ipconfig /registerdns
    • сброс tcp интерфейса netsh
    • сетевой сброс IP-адреса
    • netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal
  • После этой операции будет показано, что ваш кэш DNS и прокси-серверы успешно очищены.

После этого процесса перезагрузите компьютер, запустите программу и проверьте, сохраняется ли проблема. Если проблема не устранена, давайте перейдем к другому предложению.

6-) Сменить сервер

Техническое обслуживание некоторых серверов может привести к возникновению различных проблем, подобных этой. Кроме того, перепulнение некоторых серверов может привести к возникновению таких ошибок. Для этого мы можем устранить проблему, сменив сервер.

  • Запустите
  • Нажмите на значок шестеренки в правом верхнем углу и измените его на «Регион входа«. BLZBNTBNA00001388 Ошибка/p>

После этого процесса вы можете проверить, сохраняется ли проблема.

7-) Установите VPN-подключение

Мы можем устранить проблему, выпulнив прокси-соединение с помощью любой программы vpn. Я могу порекомендовать вам испulьзовать программу UrbanVPN для реализации VPN-подключения.

Нажмите, чтобы скачать UrbanVPN.

  • Прежде всего, давайте пulностью закроем программу, работающую в фоновом режиме, с помощью диспетчера задач.
  • Запустите UrbanVPN или любую программу VPN.
  • Затем выпulните подключение, выбрав любую страну.

После завершения процесса подключения вы можете запустить и проверить, сохраняется ли проблема.

8-) Запуск от имени администратора

Невозможность запуска приложения с правами администратора может привести к возникновению различных подобных ошибок. Для этого пulностью закройте программу, запустите ее от имени администратора и проверьте, сохраняется ли проблема.

    9-) Отключить антивирусную программу

    Отключите все испulьзуемые вами антивирусные программы или пulностью удалите их со своего компьютера. Если вы испulьзуете Защитник Windows, отключите его. Для этого;

    • Откройте начальный экран поиска.
    • Откройте экран поиска, введя «Настройки безопасности Windows«.
    • На открывшемся экране нажмите «Защита от вирусов и угроз«.
    • Нажмите в меню «Защита от программ-вымогателей«.
    • Отключите «Контрulируемый доступ к папкам» на открывшемся экране.

    После этого отключим постоянную защиту.

    • Введите «защита от вирусов и угроз» на начальном экране поиска и откройте его.
    • Затем нажмите «Управление настройками«.
    • Установите для защиты в режиме реального времени значение «Выкл«.

    После выпulнения этой операции нам нужно будет добавить папку в качестве исключения.

    • Введите «защита от вирусов и угроз» на начальном экране поиска и откройте его.
    • В разделе

    • Настройки защиты от вирусов и угроз выберите Управление настройками, а затем в разделе Исключения. Исключить, выберите добавить или удалить.
    • Выберите Добавить исключение, а затем выберите папку, сохраненную на вашем диске.

    После этого процесса запустите и проверьте, сохраняется ли проблема.

    Да, друзья, мы решили нашу проблему под этим загulовком. Если ваша проблема не устранена, вы можете спросить об ошибках, с которыми вы стulкнulись, зайдя на нашу платформу ФОРУМ.

    Blizzard is a gaming platform where you can install games released by Blizzard Entertainment. You can play Call of Duty, Overwatch, HearthStone, etc through it. Some users are encountering some errors on If you also see the error code BLZBNTBNA00001388 in Blizzard on your Windows 11 or Windows 10 PC, then this post will help you fix the issue.

    Blizzard Error Code BLZBNTBNA00001388

    Why does Blizzard Error Code BLZBNTBNA00001388 occur?

    Blizzard Error Code BLZBNTBNA00001388 can primarily be caused due to:

    • Unstable or slow internet connection
    • server issue
    • Proxies or VPN connections

    Let’s get into the solutions to the issue.

    You can fix the Blizzard error code BLZBNTBNA00001388 using the following ways.

    1. Check the status of your internet connection
    2. Check the Server status
    3. Log out and log in in to the application
    4. Delete temporary files
    5. Update Graphics & Network drivers
    6. Turn off proxies or VPN
    7. Use the Network Reset button.

    Let’s get into the details of every method.

    1] Check the status of your internet connection

    Check if your internet connection is working fine by doing speed tests. Sometimes, the internet may be inconsistent. That also results in error code  BLZBNTBNA00001388. You need to restart the router, or alternatively change your internet connection.

    2]  Check the Server status

    Check if is working fine. Sometimes, there might be issues with the server. Use free online tools to check the server status of or check on social media. If there is downtime, you need to wait until it is fixed. If not, try the following solutions.

    3] Log out and log in to the application

    Logging out and logging in again into the application helped many to fix many issues with the program. It has the potential to fix the Error Code BLZBNTBNA00001388.

    3] Delete temporary files

    Delete the temporary files on your PC after logging out of the account. End all the processes like Game process, Agent.exe or Blizzard Update Agent.exe, Blizzard in the Task Manager before deleting temporary files.

    To delete temporary files of the,

    • Open Run command
    • Type %ProgramData% and press Enter
    • Search for the Blizzard Entertainment folder in the directory and delete it

    4] Update Graphics & Network drivers

    Outdated or corrupted graphics and network drivers also can cause the issue. You need to update graphics drivers and network drivers to the latest version to fix it. You can update drivers in the following ways:

    • Via Windows Optional Update
    • Downloading the drivers from the manufacturer’s website.

    5] Turn off proxies or VPN

    turn off proxy windows 11

    The proxies or VPN might be causing the issue. You need to disable proxies or turn off the VPN to fix the issue. After disabling them, try using and see if it has fixed the issue.

    To disable Proxies on Windows,

    • Open the Settings app
    • Click on Network & Internet 
    • Select Proxy tab
    • Toggle the button on beside Automatically detect settings
    • Then, set Use a proxy server to Off

    To disable VPN, click on VPN in the Network & Internet tab in the Settings app. You will see the list of VPN connections there. Disable them by toggling the button off.

    You can also disable VPN in the VPN program. You need to turn off the kill-switch first in the settings and then turn off the VPN connection,

    6] Use the Network Reset button

    Reset WiFi network adapter on Windows 11

    If you see this error code frequently, you may want to consider using the use Network Reset button and see if that helps.

    These are the different ways you can employ to fix the error code BLZBNTBNA00001388 on Blizzard

    If nothing helps, contact their Support and report your problem to them.

    How do I fix errors?

    There are different ways using which you can fix the errors on You can relaunch it, update, delete temporary files, log out and log in again into, etc. Each error has different solutions to fix it.

    How do I fix the network error?

    If you are facing the network error, you can check the status of your internet connection, relaunch the launcher, flush DNS, restart the router, update network drivers and troubleshoot network issues on your PC.

    Related read: Battle.Net launcher not opening or working on PC.

    Blizzard is a gaming platform where you can install games released by Blizzard Entertainment. You can play Call of Duty, Overwatch, HearthStone, etc through it. Some users are encountering some errors on If you also see the error code BLZBNTBNA00001388 in Blizzard on your Windows 11 or Windows 10 PC, then this post will help you fix the issue.

    Blizzard Error Code BLZBNTBNA00001388

    Why does Blizzard Error Code BLZBNTBNA00001388 occur?

    Blizzard Error Code BLZBNTBNA00001388 can primarily be caused due to:

    • Unstable or slow internet connection
    • server issue
    • Proxies or VPN connections

    Let’s get into the solutions to the issue.

    You can fix the Blizzard error code BLZBNTBNA00001388 using the following ways.

    1. Check the status of your internet connection
    2. Check the Server status
    3. Log out and log in in to the application
    4. Delete temporary files
    5. Update Graphics & Network drivers
    6. Turn off proxies or VPN
    7. Use the Network Reset button.

    Let’s get into the details of every method.

    1] Check the status of your internet connection

    Check if your internet connection is working fine by doing speed tests. Sometimes, the internet may be inconsistent. That also results in error code  BLZBNTBNA00001388. You need to restart the router, or alternatively change your internet connection.

    2]  Check the Server status

    Check if is working fine. Sometimes, there might be issues with the server. Use free online tools to check the server status of or check on social media. If there is downtime, you need to wait until it is fixed. If not, try the following solutions.

    3] Log out and log in to the application

    Logging out and logging in again into the application helped many to fix many issues with the program. It has the potential to fix the Error Code BLZBNTBNA00001388.

    3] Delete temporary files

    Delete the temporary files on your PC after logging out of the account. End all the processes like Game process, Agent.exe or Blizzard Update Agent.exe, Blizzard in the Task Manager before deleting temporary files.

    To delete temporary files of the,

    • Open Run command
    • Type %ProgramData% and press Enter
    • Search for the Blizzard Entertainment folder in the directory and delete it

    4] Update Graphics & Network drivers

    Outdated or corrupted graphics and network drivers also can cause the issue. You need to update graphics drivers and network drivers to the latest version to fix it. You can update drivers in the following ways:

    • Via Windows Optional Update
    • Downloading the drivers from the manufacturer’s website.

    5] Turn off proxies or VPN

    turn off proxy windows 11

    The proxies or VPN might be causing the issue. You need to disable proxies or turn off the VPN to fix the issue. After disabling them, try using and see if it has fixed the issue.

    To disable Proxies on Windows,

    • Open the Settings app
    • Click on Network & Internet 
    • Select Proxy tab
    • Toggle the button on beside Automatically detect settings
    • Then, set Use a proxy server to Off

    To disable VPN, click on VPN in the Network & Internet tab in the Settings app. You will see the list of VPN connections there. Disable them by toggling the button off.

    You can also disable VPN in the VPN program. You need to turn off the kill-switch first in the settings and then turn off the VPN connection,

    6] Use the Network Reset button

    Reset WiFi network adapter on Windows 11

    If you see this error code frequently, you may want to consider using the use Network Reset button and see if that helps.

    These are the different ways you can employ to fix the error code BLZBNTBNA00001388 on Blizzard

    If nothing helps, contact their Support and report your problem to them.

    How do I fix errors?

    There are different ways using which you can fix the errors on You can relaunch it, update, delete temporary files, log out and log in again into, etc. Each error has different solutions to fix it.

    How do I fix the network error?

    If you are facing the network error, you can check the status of your internet connection, relaunch the launcher, flush DNS, restart the router, update network drivers and troubleshoot network issues on your PC.

    Related read: Battle.Net launcher not opening or working on PC.

    Some users are experiencing a weird issue where they get randomly disconnected when using the voice chat functionality to communicate with their friends. Upon reconnecting, they are greeted by the BLZBNTBNA00001388 error. The only way to resume the gaming session, in this case, is to restart the Battle.Net app entirely.

    BLZBNTBNA00001388 with Battle.Net

    We’ve investigated this issue extensively and we realized that there are actually multiple causes that might ultimately cause these lingering issues when using the VoIP functionality on Battle.Net. Here’s a list of culprits that you should be aware of:

    • Ongoing server issue – If it’s the first time you’re getting this error, you should start this troubleshooting guide by assuming you’re dealing with a temporary server issue. To make sure the issue is not beyond your control, start by checking if the problem is not occurring due to a temporary server issue or scheduled maintenance.
    • Corrupted cache – One of the most common causes that will trigger this error code (if the problem is not server-based) is a temporary file issue. You can fix the majority of these problems by clicking on Reload when the error occurs or by restarting the client.
    • Unreliable / Insufficient Connection – If you are forced to use a wireless connection from a limited ISP plan, chances are the available bandwidth is not enough to sustain the VoIP data transfer while you’re actively playing a game via In this case, you should be able to alleviate the problem by switching over to a wired connection.
    • Background application hogging the bandwidth – If you’re working with a limited bandwidth supplied by your IPS, there’s also a chance that you see this error whenever is unable to facilitate the packet data transfer because other applications are hogging up all the available bandwidth. In this case, you should close out any unnecessary application that is running in the background and is actively using the Internet.
    • 3rd party security program interference – According to some affected users, you can also expect to deal with this issue in instances where the active antivirus or firewall that you’re using is blocking the connection with the server due to a false positive. In this case, you can either disable or uninstall the overprotective security suite.
    • Outdated GPU drivers – If you get this error immediately after you try to open up a game installed through, chances are you’re using outdated GPU drivers that no longer accepts. If this scenario is applicable, you can fix the issue by installing the latest GPU drivers & physics drivers for your graphics cards.
    • Outdated Network drivers – If you only see this error occurring while attempting to use the VoIP functionality, you should also turn your attention towards your network drivers. If you haven’t done so already, make sure to update your Network drivers to the latest iterations available.
    • Corrupted DNS Cache – Another reason why you might be encountering this error is a scenario in which the DNS cache has become corrupted. To fix it, you’ll need to flush your current DNS cache from an elevated Command Prompt window. 
    • The router is flooded with data – If you’re using a low-end router and you have a lot of different devices connected to it, chances are you’re experiencing this issue because it’s being overworked and it’s having trouble splitting the bandwidth to all available network participants. In this case, a network reboot or reset should fix the issue in most cases.
    • The network is being funneled through a Proxy or VPN server – It’s common knowledge that doesn’t play well with anonymity apps. If you’re using proxy or VPNs, you should temporarily disable them while you’re using to avoid this error entirely. 

    Now that we went over every potential cause of the BLZBNTBNA00001388 error, let’s go over every potential fix that other affected users have successfully used to troubleshoot and fix this issue. 

    1. Check for a server issue

    Before you start troubleshooting the issue using the available methods below, our advice is to take some time and investigate whether the issue is beyond your control or not.

    If the problem is indeed being caused by a server problem or is in the middle of scheduled maintenance, none of the methods below will make a difference. 

    Start by checking the DownDetector page of and check if other users in your area are having the same problem (take the time to read the latest comments on the bottom of the page). 

    Check for a server issue

    If you found evidence of an ongoing server problem, check the official Twitter account of Blizzard for an official announcement of the problem. 

    In case the investigation has not revealed an ongoing server issue, move down to the first potential fix below.

    2. Clear up Temporary files

    As it turns out, this problem can also be related to some type of inconsistency rooted in the cache file of the main application. 

    When you get the BLZBNTBNA00001388 error, hit the Refresh button and see if the VoIP connection is established. 

    If that doesn’t work, go ahead and click on your account icon inside, then click on Log Out from the context menu that just appeared. 

    Log Out from account

    Once you are logged out, insert your credentials once again and see if the problem is now resolved.

    If the problem is still not resolved after you hit Refresh and relaunched the main app, move down to the next potential fix below. 

    3. Switch to a wired connection (if applicable)

    If you’re using a wireless connection and you’re working with limited bandwidth or a low-end router, chances are that’s the main reason why you are frequently dealing with the BLZBNTBNA00001388 error.

    VoIP is quite resource-consuming (especially if you’re on a limited ISP plan). Plus, this issue is likely amplified even more if there are several other devices connected to the same network.

    If this scenario is applicable in your case, our advice would be to make the switch to an ethernet connection (instead of Wi-Fi) and connect to your home network via cable.

    Connect via Ethernet cable

    After you made the switch to an ethernet connection, see if the problem is fixed.

    If the problem is still not resolved, move down to the next potential fix below. 

    4. Close any unnecessary background applications

    Another scenario that is likely applicable if you’re working with a limited Internet connection is a case where you have a lot of background programs that are eating away at the available bandwidth. 

    Note: P2P clients like uTorrent or BitTorrent will hog a lot of the available bandwidth even when you’re not downloading anything as items are being seeded across the P2P network.

    If you’re experiencing this issue with, make sure no applications are eating away at the bandwidth that the game launcher needs to use to facilitate VoIP and Online matchmaking.

    To do this, open Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc), access the Processes tab, then go ahead and close every unnecessary program by right-clicking it and clicking on End Task from the context menu. 

    Ending tasks for unnecessary programs

    Note: If the simple interface of Task Manager is opened by default, click on More details to expand the Expert interface. 

    Show more details

    Once you’ve made sure that every potential program that might unnecessarily take up your Internet bandwidth is closed, return to and see if the BLZBNTBNA00001388 error is fixed.

    If the problem is still not resolved, move down to the next potential fix below. 

    5. Disable or Uninstall 3rd party security programs (if applicable)

    Another fairly common issue that can ultimately cause the BLZBNTBNA00001388 error when using is an overprotective antivirus that ends up blocking the data transfer between the game you are attempting to play and the server.

    Other users that have dealt with the same issue have confirmed that the problem was finally resolved after they either disabled or uninstalled the interfering 3rd party suite. 

    Note: Keep in mind that this method is only meant for those of you that use a 3rd party security suite (not Windows Security)

    In case you are using an external antivirus that doesn’t include a firewall component, you should be able to resolve the problem just by disabling the real-time protection. In most cases, you can do this by accessing the tray bar icon of your antivirus. 

    Disable the antivirus

    On the other hand, if you’re using a 3rd party antivirus that includes a firewall component, the only available scenario to you is to uninstall the suite temporarily (at least until you conform to the issue) – this is necessary because the same security suite will remain in place even after you disable the real-time protection.

    Note: If you conclude that your AV is to blame for the BLZBNTBNA00001388 error, you can replace it with a different 3rd party equivalent (or stick to using Windows Defender).

    If you are forced to uninstall your currently active 3rd party antivirus, here’s what you need to do:

    1. Start by pressing Windows key + R to open up a Run dialog box. Next, type ‘appwiz.cpl’ and press Enter to open up the Programs and Features menu. 
      Open up the Programs and Features menu
    2. Once you’re finally inside the Programs and Features menu, scroll down through the list of installed programs and locate the security suite that you wish to get rid of. 
    3. Next, right-click on the 3rd party antivirus suite and choose Uninstall from the context menu to initiate the uninstallation process. 
      Uninstalling the problematic antivirus
    4. Follow the remaining prompts to complete the uninstallation, then reboot your PC and see if the issue inside is finally resolved.

    If the problem is still not fixed, move down to the next potential fix below. 

    6. Update GPU Drivers

    According to other affected users, this problem can also be caused by outdated GPU drivers, regardless of you’re using Nvidia or AMD. We now have confirmation from EA that the initial build of FIFA 22 had some rendering issues that have since been rectified via graphics drivers released by Nvidia and MD.

    If the methods above didn’t fix the issue in your case and you’re still experiencing the BLZBNTBNA00001388 error, the next step should be to update your GPU drivers.

    Here’s a quick guide on how to do this:

    1. Start by pressing Windows key + R to open up a Run dialog box. Next, type ‘devmgmt.msc’ inside the text box and press Enter to open up Device Manager.
      Open up Device Manager
    2. Inside Device Manager, scroll down through the list of installed devices and expand the drop-down menu associated with Display Adapters.
    3. Next, right-click on the dedicated GPU that you’re using when launching the game and choose Update driver from the newly appeared context menu.
      Updating the GPU driver
    4. Once you get to the next window, click on Search Automatically for updated driver software.
    5. Wait for the initial scan to complete before following the instructions to install the latest software available.
    6. Reboot your computer and see if the issue is resolved at the next system startup.

    If Device Manager was unable to find a new GPU driver version, you should also try to use the proprietary driver updating software released by your GPU:

    GeForce Experience - Nvidia 
    Adrenalin - AMD

    Note: THese tools will automatically detect your GPU model and install the appropriate driver.

    If you already had the latest GPU driver or updating to the latest version didn’t fix the issue for you, follow the next method below.

    7. Update Network card drivers

    As it’s been confirmed by several users, this problem can also appear due to an outdated network adapter driver. 

    If this scenario is applicable, you can expect to see the BLZBNTBNA00001388 error as the connection with Blizzard servers is interrupted.

    To make sure your network driver is not to blame for the issue, follow the instructions below to update it via Device Manager:

    1. Start by pressing Windows key + R to open up a Run dialog box.
    2. Next, type “devmgmt.msc” and press Enter to open up Device Manager. If prompted by the UAC (User Account Control), click Yes to grant admin access.
      Open Device Manager
    3. From the Device Manager window, expand the drop-down menu associated with Network Adapters and right-click on your network adapter.
    4. From the context menu that just appeared, and click on Properties.
      Accessing the Properties screen
    5. Inside the Properties menu, select the Driver tab, then click on Update driver. 
      Update the Network driver
    6. From the next screen, click on Search Automatically for updated driver software.
    7. Wait patiently until the scan is complete, then follow the on-screen instructions to install the latest version available.
    8. When the new driver version is installed, reboot your PC and see if the problem is now fixed.

    If this method didn’t work in your case, move down to the next potential fix below. 

    8. Flush your DNS cache

    In case you’re experiencing this issue in and off, chances are the problem is related to some kind of network inconsistency that’s facilitated by a bad DNS (Domain Name System) cache. In this case, you can expect this type of issue to occur when the connection with Battle.Net servers is terminated prematurely.

    If this scenario is applicable, you should be able to fix the problem (on any Windows version) by doing a DNS flush – this operation will clear the DNS cache allowing your router to restart the connection with no temporary files.

    Follow the instructions below for specific steps on doing a DNS cache:

    1. Start by opening a dialog box by pressing Windows key + R.
    2. Type ‘cmd’ inside the text box, then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open up an elevated Command Prompt.
    3. When you see the User Account Control (UAC) prompt, click Yes to grant admin access.
      Open up a CMD prompt
    4. Inside the elevated CMD Prompt, type the following command and press Enter to effectively flush the DNS cache on your PC:

      Note: This operation will remove any information that is currently stored in the DNS cache – this will force the router to assign a brand new DNS range. 

    5. Once the command is successfully processed, close the elevated CMD prompt, reboot your PC and see if the issue is resolved once the next startup is complete.

    If the BLZBNTBNA00001388 error is still occurring, move down to the next method below.

    9. Restart or Reset your Router

    If you’re using a wireless connection when playing a game that’s launched via, it’s possible that you’re seeing this error due to the fact that it has become flooded with data.

    This is quite common with certain router models with limited bandwidth – especially if multiple connected devices are actively drawing from the bandwidth.

    In this case, there are a few troubleshooting methods that you should consider.

    Router Reboot

    This fix was confirmed to be effective by a lot of users that we’re experiencing the BLZBNTBNA00001388 error with

    To enforce this fix, press the Off button on the rear of your network device and wait for a full minute before starting your router once again.

    IMPORTANT: While your router is turned off, take the time to remove the power cable from the power outlet in order to ensure that the power capacitors are completely drained. 

    Reboot router

    Note: As opposed to a router reset, this procedure will not reset any custom settings or credentials. 

    Rebooting Router 

    If the method above didn’t work in your case, you should also go for a router reset. This will work in scenarios where a custom network setting is interfering with 

    Note: A router reset operation will end up clearing any personalized settings that you previously established – This includes any forwarded ports, custom credentials, whitelists, and blocked items. 

    To do this, look for the reset button on the back of your router. In most cases, you will need a toothpick or something similar to reach it. 

    IMPORTANT: Some routers are configured to ‘forget’ the PPPoE credentials when a reset is performed. If your ISP is using this login method, ensure that you have the credentials at the ready so you can re-establish the Internet connection once the operation is complete. 

    Reset the router

    You might need to use a sharp object to press and hold the Reset button until you see all the front LEDs flash at once, then release the button. After you see this behavior, re-insert the ISP connections to establish the Internet connection if necessary, then restart your PC and see if the problem is fixed. 

    If you’re still experiencing the same BLZBNTBNA00001388 error, move down to the next method below. 

    10. Disable Proxy and VPN Connections (if applicable)

    If none of the methods above have been effective for you, you should also consider terminating any proxy or VPN connections that you might be currently using on your PC.

    It’s a well know fact that doesn’t play well with Proxy servers or VPN clients. And as it turns out, a lot of anonymity services are outright being blocked from engaging in data exchanges.

    Several affected users have reported that they’ve only been able to resolve the issue by disabling their proxy server or VPN client that they were using.

    We created two separate guides that will help you disable your VPN or proxy server in case this method is applicable.

    Disable Proxy server

    If you’re using a proxy server, you’ll need to access the Proxy menu inside the Window Setting menu and terminate the connection manually.

    Here’s how:

    1. Start by opening up a Run dialog box by pressing Windows key + R. Next, type ”ms-settings:network-proxy’ and press Enter to open up the Proxy tab of the Settings app.  
      Accessing the proxy server
    2. Inside the Proxy tab of the Settings menu, move down to the Manual Proxy Setup section.
    3. Next, go to the right-hand section of the screen and uncheck the box associated with Use a proxy server.  
      Disable the Proxy server
    4. After you manage to disable the Proxy server, restart your computer and see if the problem is resolved at the next computer startup by opening again.

    Disable VPN server

    Disabling the VPN client is dependent on the type of implementation that you’re using. If you installed a desktop VPN client, you will need to access the specific settings menu and disable the VPN connection from there.

    On the other hand, if you have set up a VPN connection through the Windows 10 built-in feature, here’s a quick guide on disabling it: 

    1. Start by pressing Windows key + R to open up a Run dialog box.
    2. Next, type ‘ms-settings:network-vpn’ and press Enter to open up the VPN tab of the Settings app on your Windows computer.
      Access the VPN client
    3. Inside the VPN connection tab, move over to the right-hand side section and click on your VPN, then click Remove from the context menu to prevent it from interfering with the application.
      Remove the VPN connection

    If the problem is still not fixed, move down to the next potential fix below. 

    11. Contact Blizzards Support Team

    If none of the methods above have proven to be effective in your case, the last resort method is to open a ticket at Blizzard and get support from an agent that will help you troubleshoot the issue further.

    To do this, access the official support page, sign in with the same account that you use on, then go through the process of opening a ticket.

    Access the Support page of Blizzard

    Note: You can expect to get an official replay in under 24 hours. 

    Blizzard is a gaming platform where you can install games released by Blizzard Entertainment. You can play Call of Duty, Overwatch, HearthStone, etc through it. Some users are encountering some errors on If you also see the error code BLZBNTBNA00001388 in Blizzard on your Windows 11 or Windows 10 PC, then this post will help you fix the issue.

    windows, microsoft

    Why does Blizzard Error Code BLZBNTBNA00001388 occur?

    Blizzard Error Code BLZBNTBNA00001388 can primarily be caused due to:Unstable or slow internet server issueProxies or VPN connections

    Let’s get into the solutions to the issue.

    You can fix the Blizzard error code BLZBNTBNA00001388 using the following ways.

    1. Check the status of your internet connection
    2. Check the Server status
    3. Log out and log in in to the application
    4. Delete temporary files
    5. Update Graphics & Network drivers
    6. Turn off proxies or VPN
    7. Use the Network Reset button.

    Let’s get into the details of every method.

    1] Check the status of your internet connection

    Check if your internet connection is working fine by doing speed tests. Sometimes, the internet may be inconsistent. That also results in error code  BLZBNTBNA00001388. You need to restart the router, or alternatively change your internet connection.

    2]  Check the Server status

    Check if is working fine. Sometimes, there might be issues with the server. Use free online tools to check the server status of or check on social media. If there is downtime, you need to wait until it is fixed. If not, try the following solutions.

    3] Log out and log in to the application

    Logging out and logging in again into the application helped many to fix many issues with the program. It has the potential to fix the Error Code BLZBNTBNA00001388.

    3] Delete temporary files

    Delete the temporary files on your PC after logging out of the account. End all the processes like Game process, Agent.exe or Blizzard Update Agent.exe, Blizzard in the Task Manager before deleting temporary files.

    To delete temporary files of the,

  • Open Run command
  • Type %ProgramData% and press Enter
  • Search for the Blizzard Entertainment folder in the directory and delete it

    4] Update Graphics & Network drivers

    Outdated or corrupted graphics and network drivers also can cause the issue. You need to update graphics drivers and network drivers to the latest version to fix it. You can update drivers in the following ways:

  • Via Windows Optional Update
  • Downloading the drivers from the manufacturer’s website.

    5] Turn off proxies or VPN

    windows, microsoft

    The proxies or VPN might be causing the issue. You need to disable proxies or turn off the VPN to fix the issue. After disabling them, try using and see if it has fixed the issue.

    To disable Proxies on Windows,

  • Open the Settings app
  • Click on Network & Internet 
  • Select Proxy tab
  • Toggle the button on beside Automatically detect settings
  • Then, set Use a proxy server to OffTo disable VPN, click on VPN in the Network & Internet tab in the Settings app. You will see the list of VPN connections there. Disable them by toggling the button off.You can also disable VPN in the VPN program. You need to turn off the kill-switch first in the settings and then turn off the VPN connection,

    6] Use the Network Reset button

    windows, microsoft

    If you see this error code frequently, you may want to consider using the use Network Reset button and see if that helps.These are the different ways you can employ to fix the error code BLZBNTBNA00001388 on Blizzard nothing helps, contact their Support and report your problem to them.

    How do I fix errors?

    There are different ways using which you can fix the errors on You can relaunch it, update, delete temporary files, log out and log in again into, etc. Each error has different solutions to fix it.

    How do I fix the network error?

    If you are facing the network error, you can check the status of your internet connection, relaunch the launcher, flush DNS, restart the router, update network drivers and troubleshoot network issues on your PC.

    windows, microsoft

  • AZ Tech
    November 5, 2022
    Fix Errors
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    Bethesda has announced that they will be discontinuing the Launcher and moving all of their titles to Steam in the coming months. As a Bethesda fan, you might be a little disappointed, but we have got you covered. In this blog, we will walk you through the steps to continue playing your Bethesda games on Steam. You need to migrate Bethesda Launcher Games to Steam to do so and in this guide, we will discuss the same.

    1 DAY AGO

    The Windows Club

    How to remove Non-printable Characters in Excel?

    In this post, we will show you how to remove non-printable characters in Excel. The first 32 characters in the ASCII character table (a standard data-encoding format for communication between computers) are non-printable characters. These characters aren’t displayed (or printed) but tell the application how to format the data. Backspace (ASCII Code 08), Carriage Return (ASCII Code 13), Horizontal Tab (ASCII Code 09), and Line Feed (ASCII Code 10) are some examples of non-printable characters.

    2 DAYS AGO

    The Windows Club

    How to remove Email Account from Outlook on Windows, iPhone, Android

    Many good email service providers let us use their service for free. Outlook from Microsoft is one of them. You can create an account for free on Outlook and use it for communications. It can also be used to sign in on various Microsoft products quickly. Not only can you use Outlook accounts on Outlook email clients, but you can sign in to your Gmail account or any email account on Outlook apps. You can access your multiple email accounts in a single Outlook program. You can also remove them easily with a few clicks. In this guide, we show you how to remove your email account from Outlook on Windows, iPhone, and Android.

    19 HOURS AGO

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