Brew error unknown command switch

I am in the process of trying to restart some legacy project that demands the use of an older version of openssl. I have found good input on the issue here, which worked on one of my machines but n...

I am in the process of trying to restart some legacy project that demands the use of an older version of openssl.

I have found good input on the issue here, which worked on one of my machines but not the other, which gives me the following error:

$  brew switch openssl 1.0.2t
Error: Unknown command: switch

The error does not seem to be very common, nothing helpful is showing up on a google/stackoverflow search.

What I have tried so far:

  • resolved all warnings shown by brew doctor
  • run brew update && brew upgrade
  • updated Xcode Command Line Tools
  • reinstalled openssl

What can I do to fix this?

asked Feb 6, 2021 at 22:48

de.'s user avatar


As I commented above, Homebrew got rid of the switch command entirely, which is why it says «Unknown command».

But rbenv provides a tap that you can install openssl from. You can run the command below:

brew install rbenv/tap/openssl@1.0

If you’re installing openssl@1.0 for Ruby purposes, this thread tells you how to do that as well. For example:

CONFIGURE_OPTS="--with-openssl-dir=$(brew --prefix openssl@1.0)" RUBY_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--with-openssl-dir=$(brew --prefix openssl@1.0)" rbenv install 2.7.2

answered Feb 8, 2021 at 12:08

reesaspieces's user avatar


1,4404 gold badges17 silver badges44 bronze badges


I just used sudo:

sudo brew switch dart 2.16.0

and close the vs code and start again.
That’s it and run without any errors.

answered Feb 7, 2022 at 14:16

Ahmadreza Shamimi's user avatar


brew config output

HOMEBREW_VERSION: 3.1.3-124-g94ce323
HEAD: 94ce3236a517dfae6b492dcb4fd6b726a6175e8f
Last commit: 9 hours ago
Core tap ORIGIN:
Core tap HEAD: 58bac2f622d827c05c87c6b1d8df05fda0ae7b4e
Core tap last commit: 2 hours ago
Core tap branch: master
Homebrew Ruby: 2.6.3 => /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/vendor/portable-ruby/2.6.3_2/bin/ruby
CPU: dodeca-core 64-bit kabylake
Clang: 11.0 build 1103
Git: 2.28.0 => /usr/local/bin/git
Curl: 7.64.1 => /usr/bin/curl
macOS: 10.15.7-x86_64
Xcode: N/A

brew doctor output

Please note that these warnings are just used to help the Homebrew maintainers
with debugging if you file an issue. If everything you use Homebrew for is
working fine: please don't worry or file an issue; just ignore this. Thanks!

Warning: A newer Command Line Tools release is available.
Update them from Software Update in System Preferences or run:
  softwareupdate --all --install --force

If that doesn't show you any updates, run:
  sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
  sudo xcode-select --install

Alternatively, manually download them from:

Warning: Some installed kegs have no formulae!
This means they were either deleted or installed with `brew diy`.
You should find replacements for the following formulae:

Warning: Unbrewed dylibs were found in /usr/local/lib.
If you didn't put them there on purpose they could cause problems when
building Homebrew formulae, and may need to be deleted.

Unexpected dylibs:

Warning: Unbrewed header files were found in /usr/local/include.
If you didn't put them there on purpose they could cause problems when
building Homebrew formulae, and may need to be deleted.

Unexpected header files:

Warning: Unbrewed '.la' files were found in /usr/local/lib.
If you didn't put them there on purpose they could cause problems when
building Homebrew formulae, and may need to be deleted.

Unexpected '.la' files:

Warning: Unbrewed '.pc' files were found in /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig.
If you didn't put them there on purpose they could cause problems when
building Homebrew formulae, and may need to be deleted.

Unexpected '.pc' files:

Warning: Unbrewed static libraries were found in /usr/local/lib.
If you didn't put them there on purpose they could cause problems when
building Homebrew formulae, and may need to be deleted.

Unexpected static libraries:

Warning: You have uncommitted modifications to Homebrew/homebrew-core.
If this is a surprise to you, then you should stash these modifications.
Stashing returns Homebrew to a pristine state but can be undone
should you later need to do so for some reason.
  cd /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core && git stash && git clean -d -f

Uncommitted files:
   M .github/
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   M Formula/a2ps.rb
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   M Formula/aardvark_shell_utils.rb
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   M Formula/ace.rb
   M Formula/aces_container.rb
   M Formula/ack.rb
   M Formula/acme.rb
   M Formula/acmetool.rb
   M Formula/acpica.rb
   M Formula/act.rb
   M Formula/activemq-cpp.rb
   M Formula/activemq.rb
   M Formula/adios2.rb
   M Formula/admesh.rb
   M Formula/adns.rb
   M Formula/adplug.rb
   M Formula/adr-tools.rb
   M Formula/advancecomp.rb
   M Formula/advancemame.rb
   M Formula/advancemenu.rb
   M Formula/advancescan.rb
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   M Formula/amap.rb
   M Formula/amazon-ecs-cli.rb
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   M Formula/amp.rb
   M Formula/ampl-mp.rb
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   M Formula/analog.rb
   M Formula/angband.rb
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   M Formula/apache-forrest.rb
   M Formula/apache-geode.rb
   M Formula/apache-opennlp.rb
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   M Formula/apachetop.rb
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   M Formula/apib.rb
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   M Formula/apm-bash-completion.rb
   M Formula/apng2gif.rb
   M Formula/apngasm.rb
   M Formula/apollo-cli.rb
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   M Formula/app-engine-java.rb
   M Formula/app-engine-python.rb
   M Formula/apparix.rb
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   M Formula/appscale-tools.rb
   M Formula/appstream-glib.rb
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   M Formula/asciiquarium.rb
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   M Formula/atomicparsley.rb
   M Formula/atomist-cli.rb
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   M Formula/audacious.rb
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   M Formula/autoenv.rb
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   M Formula/automysqlbackup.rb
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   M Formula/avro-tools.rb
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   M Formula/bash-completion@2.rb
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   M Formula/bash.rb
   M Formula/bashdb.rb
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   M Formula/berkeley-db@4.rb
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   M Formula/cap-completion.rb
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   M Formula/cedille.rb
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   M Formula/cern-ndiff.rb
   M Formula/certbot.rb
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   M Formula/certstrap.rb
   M Formula/ceylon.rb
   M Formula/cf-tool.rb
   M Formula/cf.rb
   M Formula/cf4ocl.rb
   M Formula/cfengine.rb
   M Formula/cfitsio.rb
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   M Formula/cfn-lint.rb
   M Formula/cfr-decompiler.rb
   M Formula/cfssl.rb
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   M Formula/chadwick.rb
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   M Formula/chalk-cli.rb
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   M Formula/chapel.rb
   M Formula/charm-tools.rb
   M Formula/charm.rb
   M Formula/chart-testing.rb
   M Formula/chcase.rb
   M Formula/cheapglk.rb
   M Formula/cheat.rb
   M Formula/check.rb
   M Formula/check_postgres.rb
   M Formula/checkbashisms.rb
   M Formula/checkstyle.rb
   M Formula/cheops.rb
   M Formula/chezmoi.rb
   M Formula/chezscheme.rb
   M Formula/chgems.rb
   M Formula/chibi-scheme.rb
   M Formula/chicken.rb
   M Formula/chinadns-c.rb
   M Formula/chipmunk.rb
   M Formula/chisel.rb
   M Formula/chkrootkit.rb
   M Formula/chmlib.rb
   M Formula/chocolate-doom.rb
   M Formula/choose-gui.rb
   M Formula/choose-rust.rb
   M Formula/choose.rb
   M Formula/chordii.rb
   M Formula/chromaprint.rb
   M Formula/chrome-cli.rb
   M Formula/chrome-export.rb
   M Formula/chronograf.rb
   M Formula/chrony.rb
   M Formula/chruby-fish.rb
   M Formula/chruby.rb
   M Formula/chuck.rb
   M Formula/cidrmerge.rb
   M Formula/cifer.rb
   M Formula/cig.rb
   M Formula/cimg.rb
   M Formula/circleci.rb
   M Formula/citus.rb
   M Formula/cityhash.rb
   M Formula/civl.rb
   M Formula/cjdns.rb
   M Formula/cjson.rb
   M Formula/ckan.rb
   M Formula/cksfv.rb
   M Formula/clac.rb
   M Formula/clair.rb
   M Formula/clamav.rb
   M Formula/clamz.rb
   M Formula/clang-format.rb
   M Formula/classads.rb
   M Formula/claws-mail.rb
   M Formula/clblas.rb
   M Formula/clblast.rb
   M Formula/clean.rb
   M Formula/clearlooks-phenix.rb
   M Formula/clens.rb
   M Formula/clfft.rb
   M Formula/clhep.rb
   M Formula/cli53.rb
   M Formula/clib.rb
   M Formula/click.rb
   M Formula/cliclick.rb
   M Formula/clinfo.rb
   M Formula/cling.rb
   M Formula/clingo.rb
   M Formula/clip.rb
   M Formula/clipper.rb
   M Formula/clipsafe.rb
   M Formula/clisp.rb
   M Formula/cln.rb
   M Formula/cloc.rb
   M Formula/clockywock.rb
   M Formula/clog.rb
   M Formula/clojure-lsp.rb
   M Formula/clojure.rb
   M Formula/clojurescript.rb
   M Formula/cloog.rb
   M Formula/closure-compiler.rb
   M Formula/closure-stylesheets.rb
   M Formula/cloud-nuke.rb
   M Formula/cloud-watch.rb
   M Formula/cloudformation-cli.rb
   M Formula/clozure-cl.rb
   M Formula/clp.rb
   M Formula/clpbar.rb
   M Formula/clucene.rb
   M Formula/clutter-gst.rb
   M Formula/clutter-gtk.rb
   M Formula/clutter.rb
   M Formula/clzip.rb
   M Formula/cmake.rb
   M Formula/cmark-gfm.rb
   M Formula/cmark.rb
   M Formula/cmatrix.rb
   M Formula/cmdshelf.rb
   M Formula/cmigemo.rb
   M Formula/cminpack.rb
   M Formula/cmix.rb
   M Formula/cmocka.rb
   M Formula/cmockery.rb
   M Formula/cmockery2.rb
   M Formula/cmt.rb
   M Formula/cmu-pocketsphinx.rb
   M Formula/cmu-sphinxbase.rb
   M Formula/cmuclmtk.rb
   M Formula/cmus.rb
   M Formula/cmusfm.rb
   M Formula/cnats.rb
   M Formula/cntlm.rb
   M Formula/cobalt.rb
   M Formula/coccinelle.rb
   M Formula/cocoapods.rb
   M Formula/coconut.rb
   M Formula/cocot.rb
   M Formula/coda-cli.rb
   M Formula/code-server.rb
   M Formula/codec2.rb
   M Formula/codemod.rb
   M Formula/codequery.rb
   M Formula/codespell.rb
   M Formula/coffeescript.rb
   M Formula/cogl.rb
   M Formula/cointop.rb
   M Formula/coinutils.rb
   M Formula/colfer.rb
   M Formula/collada-dom.rb
   M Formula/collectd.rb
   M Formula/collector-sidecar.rb
   M Formula/color-code.rb
   M Formula/colordiff.rb
   M Formula/colormake.rb
   M Formula/colorsvn.rb
   M Formula/colortail.rb
   M Formula/comby.rb
   M Formula/commandbox.rb
   M Formula/compface.rb
   M Formula/composer.rb
   M Formula/conan.rb
   M Formula/concurrencykit.rb
   M Formula/confd.rb
   M Formula/configen.rb
   M Formula/confuse.rb
   M Formula/conjure-up.rb
   M Formula/connect.rb
   M Formula/conserver.rb
   M Formula/console_bridge.rb
   M Formula/consul-backinator.rb
   M Formula/consul-template.rb
   M Formula/consul.rb
   M Formula/contacts.rb
   M Formula/container-diff.rb
   M Formula/container-structure-test.rb
   M Formula/contentful-cli.rb
   M Formula/convertlit.rb
   M Formula/convmv.rb
   M Formula/convox.rb
   M Formula/cookiecutter.rb
   M Formula/copilot.rb
   M Formula/coq.rb
   M Formula/corectl.rb
   M Formula/coredns.rb
   M Formula/coreos-ct.rb
   M Formula/coreutils.rb
   M Formula/corkscrew.rb
   M Formula/corral.rb
   M Formula/corsixth.rb
   M Formula/cortex.rb
   M Formula/cosi.rb
   M Formula/coturn.rb
   M Formula/couchdb-lucene.rb
   M Formula/couchdb.rb
   M Formula/couchpotatoserver.rb
   M Formula/cowsay.rb
   M Formula/cp2k.rb
   M Formula/cpanminus.rb
   M Formula/cpansearch.rb
   M Formula/cpio.rb
   M Formula/cpl.rb
   M Formula/cpm.rb
   M Formula/cpmtools.rb
   M Formula/cpp-gsl.rb
   M Formula/cppad.rb
   M Formula/cppcheck.rb
   M Formula/cppcms.rb
   M Formula/cppi.rb
   M Formula/cppman.rb
   M Formula/cppp.rb
   M Formula/cpprestsdk.rb
   M Formula/cpptest.rb
   M Formula/cppunit.rb
   M Formula/cpputest.rb
   M Formula/cpr.rb
   M Formula/cproto.rb
   M Formula/cpu_features.rb
   M Formula/cpulimit.rb
   M Formula/cql.rb
   M Formula/cqlkit.rb
   M Formula/cquery.rb
   M Formula/cracklib.rb
   M Formula/crash.rb
   M Formula/crc32c.rb
   M Formula/create-dmg.rb
   M Formula/credstash.rb
   M Formula/creduce.rb
   M Formula/crf++.rb
   M Formula/crm114.rb
   M Formula/croaring.rb
   M Formula/cromwell.rb
   M Formula/cronolog.rb
   M Formula/crosstool-ng.rb
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   M Formula/crunch.rb
   M Formula/crush-tools.rb
   M Formula/cryfs.rb
   M Formula/cryptol.rb
   M Formula/cryptominisat.rb
   M Formula/crystal-icr.rb
   M Formula/crystal.rb
   M Formula/cscope.rb
   M Formula/csfml.rb
   M Formula/csmith.rb
   M Formula/csound.rb
   M Formula/cspice.rb
   M Formula/css-crush.rb
   M Formula/cssembed.rb
   M Formula/csshx.rb
   M Formula/cstore_fdw.rb
   M Formula/csv-fix.rb
   M Formula/csvkit.rb
   M Formula/csvprintf.rb
   M Formula/csvq.rb
   M Formula/csvtomd.rb
   M Formula/ctags.rb
   M Formula/ctail.rb
   M Formula/ctemplate.rb
   M Formula/ctl.rb
   M Formula/ctop.rb
   M Formula/cuba.rb
   M Formula/cubeb.rb
   M Formula/cubejs-cli.rb
   M Formula/cubelib.rb
   M Formula/cucumber-cpp.rb
   M Formula/cucumber-ruby.rb
   M Formula/cuetools.rb
   M Formula/cunit.rb
   M Formula/cups.rb
   M Formula/curaengine.rb
   M Formula/curl.rb
   M Formula/curlftpfs.rb
   M Formula/curlpp.rb
   M Formula/curseofwar.rb
   M Formula/cutter.rb
   M Formula/cvs.rb
   M Formula/cvsps.rb
   M Formula/cvsutils.rb
   M Formula/cvsync.rb
   M Formula/cweb.rb
   M Formula/cwlogs.rb
   M Formula/cxxopts.rb
   M Formula/cxxtest.rb
   M Formula/cypher-shell.rb
   M Formula/cython.rb
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   M Formula/daemonize.rb
   M Formula/daemonlogger.rb
   M Formula/daemontools.rb
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   M Formula/daq.rb
   M Formula/dar.rb
   M Formula/darcs.rb
   M Formula/dark-mode.rb
   M Formula/darkhttpd.rb
   M Formula/darkice.rb
   M Formula/darksky-weather.rb
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   M Formula/dashing.rb
   M Formula/dasht.rb
   M Formula/dasm.rb
   M Formula/datamash.rb
   M Formula/datetime-fortran.rb
   M Formula/dateutils.rb
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   M Formula/davix.rb
   M Formula/davmail.rb
   M Formula/db-vcs.rb
   M Formula/dbacl.rb
   M Formula/dbhash.rb
   M Formula/dbmate.rb
   M Formula/dbus-glib.rb
   M Formula/dbus.rb
   M Formula/dbxml.rb
   M Formula/dc3dd.rb
   M Formula/dcadec.rb
   M Formula/dcd.rb
   M Formula/dcfldd.rb
   M Formula/dcled.rb
   M Formula/dcm2niix.rb
   M Formula/dcmtk.rb
   M Formula/dcos-cli.rb
   M Formula/dcraw.rb
   M Formula/ddate.rb
   M Formula/ddclient.rb
   M Formula/ddd.rb
   M Formula/ddgr.rb
   M Formula/ddrescue.rb
   M Formula/deark.rb
   M Formula/debianutils.rb
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   M Formula/deheader.rb
   M Formula/dehydrated.rb
   M Formula/deja-gnu.rb
   M Formula/delta.rb
   M Formula/deno.rb
   M Formula/denominator.rb
   M Formula/density.rb
   M Formula/dep.rb
   M Formula/dependency-check.rb
   M Formula/deployer.rb
   M Formula/depqbf.rb
   M Formula/derby.rb
   M Formula/desk.rb
   M Formula/desktop-file-utils.rb
   M Formula/detach.rb
   M Formula/detekt.rb
   M Formula/detox.rb
   M Formula/devd.rb
   M Formula/devdash.rb
   M Formula/devil.rb
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   M Formula/devtodo.rb
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   M Formula/dex2jar.rb
   M Formula/dfc.rb
   M Formula/dfix.rb
   M Formula/dfmt.rb
   M Formula/dfu-programmer.rb
   M Formula/dfu-util.rb
   M Formula/dgen.rb
   M Formula/dgraph.rb
   M Formula/dhall-bash.rb
   M Formula/dhall-json.rb
   M Formula/dhall-lsp-server.rb
   M Formula/dhall-yaml.rb
   M Formula/dhall.rb
   M Formula/dhcpdump.rb
   M Formula/dhcping.rb
   M Formula/dhex.rb
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   M Formula/dialog.rb
   M Formula/diamond.rb
   M Formula/diceware.rb
   M Formula/dict.rb
   M Formula/diction.rb
   M Formula/dieharder.rb
   M Formula/diesel.rb
   M Formula/diff-pdf.rb
   M Formula/diff-so-fancy.rb
   M Formula/diffoscope.rb
   M Formula/diffr.rb
   M Formula/diffstat.rb
   M Formula/diffutils.rb
   M Formula/digdag.rb
   M Formula/digitemp.rb
   M Formula/dirac.rb
   M Formula/direnv.rb
   M Formula/direvent.rb
   M Formula/dirt.rb
   M Formula/discount.rb
   M Formula/disktype.rb
   M Formula/diskus.rb
   M Formula/dislocker.rb
   M Formula/distcc.rb
   M Formula/distribution.rb
   M Formula/dita-ot.rb
   M Formula/ditaa.rb
   M Formula/dive.rb
   M Formula/django-completion.rb
   M Formula/djbdns.rb
   M Formula/djview4.rb
   M Formula/djvu2pdf.rb
   M Formula/djvulibre.rb
   M Formula/dlib.rb
   M Formula/dlite.rb
   M Formula/dmagnetic.rb
   M Formula/dmalloc.rb
   M Formula/dmd.rb
   M Formula/dmenu.rb
   M Formula/dmg2img.rb
   M Formula/dmtx-utils.rb
   M Formula/dns2tcp.rb
   M Formula/dnscontrol.rb
   M Formula/dnscrypt-proxy.rb
   M Formula/dnscrypt-wrapper.rb
   M Formula/dnsdist.rb
   M Formula/dnsmap.rb
   M Formula/dnsmasq.rb
   M Formula/dnsperf.rb
   M Formula/dnsprobe.rb
   M Formula/dnsrend.rb
   M Formula/dnstop.rb
   M Formula/dnstracer.rb
   M Formula/dnstwist.rb
   M Formula/dnsviz.rb
   M Formula/docbook-xsl.rb
   M Formula/docbook.rb
   M Formula/docbook2x.rb
   M Formula/docfx.rb
   M Formula/docker-clean.rb
   M Formula/docker-completion.rb
   M Formula/docker-compose-completion.rb
   M Formula/docker-compose.rb
   M Formula/docker-credential-helper-ecr.rb
   M Formula/docker-credential-helper.rb
   M Formula/docker-gen.rb
   M Formula/docker-ls.rb
   M Formula/docker-machine-completion.rb
   M Formula/docker-machine-driver-hyperkit.rb
   M Formula/docker-machine-driver-vmware.rb
   M Formula/docker-machine-driver-vultr.rb
   M Formula/docker-machine-driver-xhyve.rb
   M Formula/docker-machine-nfs.rb
   M Formula/docker-machine-parallels.rb
   M Formula/docker-machine.rb
   M Formula/docker-slim.rb
   M Formula/docker-squash.rb
   M Formula/docker-swarm.rb
   M Formula/docker.rb
   M Formula/docker2aci.rb
   M Formula/dockerize.rb
   M Formula/dockutil.rb
   M Formula/dockviz.rb
   M Formula/dockward.rb
   M Formula/doctest.rb
   M Formula/doctl.rb
   M Formula/docutils.rb
   M Formula/docx2txt.rb
   M Formula/doitlive.rb
   M Formula/dolt.rb
   M Formula/dopewars.rb
   M Formula/dos2unix.rb
   M Formula/dosbox-staging.rb
   M Formula/dosbox-x.rb
   M Formula/dosbox.rb
   M Formula/dosfstools.rb
   M Formula/double-conversion.rb
   M Formula/doublecpp.rb
   M Formula/doubledown.rb
   M Formula/dovecot.rb
   M Formula/doxygen.rb
   M Formula/doxymacs.rb
   M Formula/dpkg.rb
   M Formula/dps8m.rb
   M Formula/draco.rb
   M Formula/drafter.rb
   M Formula/drake.rb
   M Formula/drip.rb
   M Formula/dromeaudio.rb
   M Formula/drone-cli.rb
   M Formula/dropbear.rb
   M Formula/dropbox-uploader.rb
   M Formula/druid.rb
   M Formula/dscanner.rb
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   M Formula/dshb.rb
   M Formula/dsocks.rb
   M Formula/dspdfviewer.rb
   M Formula/dssim.rb
   M Formula/dsvpn.rb
   M Formula/dtach.rb
   M Formula/dtc.rb
   M Formula/dterm.rb
   M Formula/dub.rb
   M Formula/duc.rb
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   M Formula/duckdb.rb
   M Formula/duckscript.rb
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   M Formula/duktape.rb
   M Formula/dumb.rb
   M Formula/dune.rb
   M Formula/dungeon.rb
   M Formula/duo_unix.rb
   M Formula/duplicity.rb
   M Formula/duply.rb
   M Formula/dupseek.rb
   M Formula/dust.rb
   M Formula/duti.rb
   M Formula/dvanalyzer.rb
   M Formula/dvc.rb
   M Formula/dvd+rw-tools.rb
   M Formula/dvd-vr.rb
   M Formula/dvdauthor.rb
   M Formula/dvdbackup.rb
   M Formula/dvdrtools.rb
   M Formula/dvm.rb
   M Formula/dvorak7min.rb
   M Formula/dwarf.rb
   M Formula/dwarfutils.rb
   M Formula/dwatch.rb
   M Formula/dwdiff.rb
   M Formula/dwm.rb
   M Formula/dxflib.rb
   M Formula/dxpy.rb
   M Formula/dyld-headers.rb
   M Formula/dylibbundler.rb
   M Formula/dynamips.rb
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   M Formula/dynet.rb
   M Formula/e2fsprogs.rb
   M Formula/e2tools.rb
   M Formula/earthly.rb
   M Formula/easy-git.rb
   M Formula/easy-tag.rb
   M Formula/easyengine.rb
   M Formula/easyrpg-player.rb
   M Formula/ebook-tools.rb
   M Formula/ec2-ami-tools.rb
   M Formula/ec2-api-tools.rb
   M Formula/ecasound.rb
   M Formula/eccodes.rb
   M Formula/echoprint-codegen.rb
   M Formula/ecl.rb
   M Formula/ecm.rb
   M Formula/ed.rb
   M Formula/editorconfig.rb
   M Formula/efl.rb
   M Formula/eg-examples.rb
   M Formula/eg.rb
   M Formula/eiffelstudio.rb
   M Formula/eigen.rb
   M Formula/einstein.rb
   M Formula/ejabberd.rb
   M Formula/ejdb.rb
   M Formula/eject.rb
   M Formula/ekg2.rb
   M Formula/ekhtml.rb
   M Formula/eksctl.rb
   M Formula/elasticsearch.rb
   M Formula/elasticsearch@6.rb
   M Formula/elb-tools.rb
   M Formula/elektra.rb
   M Formula/eless.rb
   M Formula/elinks.rb
   M Formula/elixir-build.rb
   M Formula/elixir.rb
   M Formula/elm-format.rb
   M Formula/elm.rb
   M Formula/elvish.rb
   M Formula/emacs-clang-complete-async.rb
   M Formula/emacs-dracula.rb
   M Formula/emacs.rb
   M Formula/embree.rb
   M Formula/embulk.rb
   M Formula/emojify.rb
   M Formula/emp.rb
   M Formula/ems-flasher.rb
   M Formula/emscripten.rb
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   M Formula/encfs.rb
   M Formula/enchant.rb
   M Formula/enet.rb
   M Formula/enigma.rb
   M Formula/enscript.rb
   M Formula/ensmallen.rb
   M Formula/ent.rb
   M Formula/entityx.rb
   M Formula/entr.rb
   M Formula/envchain.rb
   M Formula/envconsul.rb
   M Formula/envv.rb
   M Formula/eot-utils.rb
   M Formula/epeg.rb
   M Formula/ephemeralpg.rb
   M Formula/epic5.rb
   M Formula/eprover.rb
   M Formula/epsilon.rb
   M Formula/epstool.rb
   M Formula/epubcheck.rb
   M Formula/eralchemy.rb
   M Formula/erlang.rb
   M Formula/erlang@20.rb
   M Formula/erlang@21.rb
   M Formula/erlang@22.rb
   M Formula/es.rb
   M Formula/eslint.rb
   M Formula/esniper.rb
   M Formula/espeak.rb
   M Formula/esptool.rb
   M Formula/etcd.rb
   M Formula/ethereum.rb
   M Formula/etl.rb
   M Formula/etsh.rb
   M Formula/ettercap.rb
   M Formula/euler-py.rb
   M Formula/eureka.rb
   M Formula/eva.rb
   M Formula/eventlog.rb
   M Formula/eventql.rb
   M Formula/evince.rb
   M Formula/ex-vi.rb
   M Formula/exa.rb
   M Formula/exact-image.rb
   M Formula/excel-compare.rb
   M Formula/exempi.rb
   M Formula/exenv.rb
   M Formula/exercism.rb
   M Formula/exif.rb
   M Formula/exiftags.rb
   M Formula/exiftool.rb
   M Formula/exiftran.rb
   M Formula/exim.rb
   M Formula/exiv2.rb
   M Formula/exodriver.rb
   M Formula/exomizer.rb
   M Formula/expat.rb
   M Formula/expect.rb
   M Formula/exploitdb.rb
   M Formula/ext2fuse.rb
   M Formula/ext4fuse.rb
   M Formula/extract_url.rb
   M Formula/exult.rb
   M Formula/eye-d3.rb
   M Formula/ezstream.rb
   M Formula/f3.rb
   M Formula/faac.rb
   M Formula/faad2.rb
   M Formula/faas-cli.rb
   M Formula/fabio.rb
   M Formula/fabric-completion.rb
   M Formula/fabric.rb
   M Formula/fades.rb
   M Formula/fail2ban.rb
   M Formula/fairymax.rb
   M Formula/faiss.rb
   M Formula/fakeroot.rb
   M Formula/falcon.rb
   M Formula/fantom.rb
   M Formula/fargatecli.rb
   M Formula/fasd.rb
   M Formula/fastbit.rb
   M Formula/fastd.rb
   M Formula/fastjar.rb
   M Formula/fastlane.rb
   M Formula/fastme.rb
   M Formula/fastmod.rb
   M Formula/fastqc.rb
   M Formula/fasttext.rb
   M Formula/fatsort.rb
   M Formula/faudio.rb
   M Formula/fauna-shell.rb
   M Formula/faust.rb
   M Formula/fava.rb
   M Formula/fb-client.rb
   M Formula/fbi-servefiles.rb
   M Formula/fblog.rb
   M Formula/fceux.rb
   M Formula/fcgi.rb
   M Formula/fcgiwrap.rb
   M Formula/fcitx-remote-for-osx.rb
   M Formula/fcl.rb
   M Formula/fcrackzip.rb
   M Formula/fd.rb
   M Formula/fdclone.rb
   M Formula/fdk-aac-encoder.rb
   M Formula/fdk-aac.rb
   M Formula/fdroidserver.rb
   M Formula/fdupes.rb
   M Formula/feedgnuplot.rb
   M Formula/feh.rb
   M Formula/fennel.rb
   M Formula/fetch-crl.rb
   M Formula/fetchmail.rb
   M Formula/fex.rb
   M Formula/ffe.rb
   M Formula/fff.rb
   M Formula/ffind.rb
   M Formula/ffmpeg.rb
   M Formula/ffmpeg2theora.rb
   M Formula/ffmpeg@2.8.rb
   M Formula/ffmpegthumbnailer.rb
   M Formula/ffms2.rb
   M Formula/ffsend.rb
   M Formula/fftw.rb
   M Formula/ffuf.rb
   M Formula/fibjs.rb
   M Formula/ficy.rb
   M Formula/field3d.rb
   M Formula/fifechan.rb
   M Formula/fig2dev.rb
   M Formula/figlet.rb
   M Formula/file-formula.rb
   M Formula/file-roller.rb
   M Formula/filebeat.rb
   M Formula/fileicon.rb
   M Formula/finatra.rb
   M Formula/findent.rb
   M Formula/findomain.rb
   M Formula/findutils.rb
   M Formula/fio.rb
   M Formula/firebase-cli.rb
   M Formula/fish.rb
   M Formula/fits.rb
   M Formula/fizmo.rb
   M Formula/fizsh.rb
   M Formula/flac.rb
   M Formula/flac123.rb
   M Formula/flactag.rb
   M Formula/flake.rb
   M Formula/flake8.rb
   M Formula/flamegraph.rb
   M Formula/flank.rb
   M Formula/flann.rb
   M Formula/flarectl.rb
   M Formula/flash.rb
   M Formula/flashrom.rb
   M Formula/flasm.rb
   M Formula/flatbuffers.rb
   M Formula/flatcc.rb
   M Formula/flawfinder.rb
   M Formula/fleetctl.rb
   M Formula/flex.rb
   M Formula/flickcurl.rb
   M Formula/flif.rb
   M Formula/flint-checker.rb
   M Formula/flint.rb
   M Formula/flintrock.rb
   M Formula/flow-tools.rb
   M Formula/flow.rb
   M Formula/flowgrind.rb
   M Formula/fltk.rb
   M Formula/fluent-bit.rb
   M Formula/fluid-synth.rb
   M Formula/flume.rb
   M Formula/fluxctl.rb
   M Formula/flvmeta.rb
   M Formula/flvstreamer.rb
   M Formula/flyway.rb
   M Formula/fmdiff.rb
   M Formula/fmpp.rb
   M Formula/fmt.rb
   M Formula/fn.rb
   M Formula/fobis.rb
   M Formula/folderify.rb
   M Formula/folly.rb
   M Formula/foma.rb
   M Formula/fon-flash-cli.rb
   M Formula/fondu.rb
   M Formula/fontconfig.rb
   M Formula/fontforge.rb
   M Formula/fonttools.rb
   M Formula/fop.rb
   M Formula/forcecli.rb
   M Formula/ford.rb
   M Formula/forego.rb
   M Formula/foremost.rb
   M Formula/fork-cleaner.rb
   M Formula/format-udf.rb
   M Formula/fortio.rb
   M Formula/fortune.rb
   M Formula/fossil.rb
   M Formula/fourstore.rb
   M Formula/fox.rb
   M Formula/fpc.rb
   M Formula/fpdns.rb
   M Formula/fping.rb
   M Formula/fplll.rb
   M Formula/fpp.rb
   M Formula/fprobe.rb
   M Formula/fq.rb
   M Formula/fragroute.rb
   M Formula/freealut.rb
   M Formula/freeciv.rb
   M Formula/freediameter.rb
   M Formula/freedink.rb
   M Formula/freeglut.rb
   M Formula/freeimage.rb
   M Formula/freeipmi.rb
   M Formula/freeling.rb
   M Formula/freeradius-server.rb
   M Formula/freerdp.rb
   M Formula/freeswitch.rb
   M Formula/freetds.rb
   M Formula/freetype.rb
   M Formula/freexl.rb
   M Formula/frege-repl.rb
   M Formula/frege.rb
   M Formula/frei0r.rb
   M Formula/fribidi.rb
   M Formula/frobtads.rb
   M Formula/frotz.rb
   M Formula/frpc.rb
   M Formula/frps.rb
   M Formula/frugal.rb
   M Formula/fruit.rb
   M Formula/fs-uae.rb
   M Formula/fselect.rb
   M Formula/fsevent_watch.rb
   M Formula/fsevents-tools.rb
   M Formula/fsh.rb
   M Formula/fsql.rb
   M Formula/fstrm.rb
   M Formula/fsw.rb
   M Formula/fswatch.rb
   M Formula/ftgl.rb
   M Formula/ftjam.rb
   M Formula/fuego.rb
   M Formula/funcoeszz.rb
   M Formula/functionalplus.rb
   M Formula/fuse-emulator.rb
   M Formula/fuse-zip.rb
   M Formula/fuseki.rb
   M Formula/futhark.rb
   M Formula/fuzzy-find.rb
   M Formula/fwknop.rb
   M Formula/fwup.rb
   M Formula/fx.rb
   M Formula/fzf.rb
   M Formula/fzy.rb
   M Formula/g2.rb
   M Formula/g3log.rb
   M Formula/gabedit.rb
   M Formula/gaffitter.rb
   M Formula/galen.rb
   M Formula/gambit-scheme.rb
   M Formula/gambit.rb
   M Formula/game-music-emu.rb
   M Formula/gammaray.rb
   M Formula/gammu.rb
   M Formula/gandi.cli.rb
   M Formula/ganglia.rb
   M Formula/garmintools.rb
   M Formula/gateway-go.rb
   M Formula/gatsby-cli.rb
   M Formula/gau.rb
   M Formula/gauche.rb
   M Formula/gauge.rb
   M Formula/gaul.rb
   M Formula/gawk.rb
   M Formula/gbdfed.rb
   M Formula/gcab.rb
   M Formula/gcal.rb
   M Formula/gcc.rb
   M Formula/gcc@4.9.rb
   M Formula/gcc@5.rb
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   M Formula/gcc@7.rb
   M Formula/gcc@8.rb
   M Formula/gcc@9.rb
   M Formula/gconf.rb
   M Formula/gcore.rb
   M Formula/gcovr.rb
   M Formula/gcsfuse.rb
   M Formula/gcutil.rb
   M Formula/gcviewer.rb
   M Formula/gd.rb
   M Formula/gdal.rb
   M Formula/gdb.rb
   M Formula/gdbgui.rb
   M Formula/gdbm.rb
   M Formula/gdcm.rb
   M Formula/gdk-pixbuf.rb
   M Formula/gdl.rb
   M Formula/gdm.rb
   M Formula/gdmap.rb
   M Formula/gdrive.rb
   M Formula/gdub.rb
   M Formula/gearman.rb
   M Formula/geckodriver.rb
   M Formula/gecode.rb
   M Formula/gedit.rb
   M Formula/geeqie.rb
   M Formula/gegl.rb
   M Formula/gel.rb
   M Formula/gem-completion.rb
   M Formula/genact.rb
   M Formula/genders.rb
   M Formula/generate-json-schema.rb
   M Formula/genext2fs.rb
   M Formula/gengetopt.rb
   M Formula/genometools.rb
   M Formula/genstats.rb
   M Formula/geocode-glib.rb
   M Formula/geogram.rb
   M Formula/geographiclib.rb
   M Formula/geoip.rb
   M Formula/geoipupdate.rb
   M Formula/geomview.rb
   M Formula/geos.rb
   M Formula/geoserver.rb
   M Formula/geph2.rb
   M Formula/gerbil-scheme.rb
   M Formula/gerbv.rb
   M Formula/gerrit-tools.rb
   M Formula/get-flash-videos.rb
   M Formula/get_iplayer.rb
   M Formula/getdns.rb
   M Formula/getmail.rb
   M Formula/gettext.rb
   M Formula/getxbook.rb
   M Formula/gexiv2.rb
   M Formula/gf-complete.rb
   M Formula/gflags.rb
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   M Formula/gh.rb
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   M Formula/ghostscript.rb
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   M Formula/gibbslda.rb
   M Formula/gibo.rb
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   M Formula/gifcap.rb
   M Formula/gifify.rb
   M Formula/giflib.rb
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   M Formula/gistit.rb
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   M Formula/git-annex.rb
   M Formula/git-appraise.rb
   M Formula/git-archive-all.rb
   M Formula/git-bug.rb
   M Formula/git-cal.rb
   M Formula/git-cinnabar.rb
   M Formula/git-cola.rb
   M Formula/git-credential-manager.rb
   M Formula/git-crypt.rb
   M Formula/git-delta.rb
   M Formula/git-extras.rb
   M Formula/git-filter-repo.rb
   M Formula/git-fixup.rb
   M Formula/git-flow-avh.rb
   M Formula/git-flow.rb
   M Formula/git-fresh.rb
   M Formula/git-ftp.rb
   M Formula/git-game.rb
   M Formula/git-gerrit.rb
   M Formula/git-gui.rb
   M Formula/git-hooks-go.rb
   M Formula/git-hooks.rb
   M Formula/git-if.rb
   M Formula/git-imerge.rb
   M Formula/git-integration.rb
   M Formula/git-interactive-rebase-tool.rb
   M Formula/git-lfs.rb
   M Formula/git-multipush.rb
   M Formula/git-now.rb
   M Formula/git-number.rb
   M Formula/git-octopus.rb
   M Formula/git-open.rb
   M Formula/git-plus.rb
   M Formula/git-quick-stats.rb
   M Formula/git-recent.rb
   M Formula/git-remote-codecommit.rb
   M Formula/git-remote-gcrypt.rb
   M Formula/git-remote-hg.rb
   M Formula/git-review.rb
   M Formula/git-revise.rb
   M Formula/git-secret.rb
   M Formula/git-secrets.rb
   M Formula/git-series.rb
   M Formula/git-sh.rb
   M Formula/git-sizer.rb
   M Formula/git-ssh.rb
   M Formula/git-standup.rb
   M Formula/git-subrepo.rb
   M Formula/git-svn-abandon.rb
   M Formula/git-test.rb
   M Formula/git-tf.rb
   M Formula/git-town.rb
   M Formula/git-tracker.rb
   M Formula/git-trim.rb
   M Formula/git-url-sub.rb
   M Formula/git-utils.rb
   M Formula/git-vendor.rb
   M Formula/git-when-merged.rb
   M Formula/git.rb
   M Formula/gitbatch.rb
   M Formula/gitbucket.rb
   M Formula/giter8.rb
   M Formula/gitfs.rb
   M Formula/gitg.rb
   M Formula/github-keygen.rb
   M Formula/github-markdown-toc.rb
   M Formula/github-release.rb
   M Formula/gitlab-gem.rb
   M Formula/gitlab-runner.rb
   M Formula/gitleaks.rb
   M Formula/gitless.rb
   M Formula/gitmoji.rb
   M Formula/gitslave.rb
   M Formula/gitter-cli.rb
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   M Formula/gitup.rb
   M Formula/gitversion.rb
   M Formula/gjs.rb
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   M Formula/glbinding.rb
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   M Formula/glfw.rb
   M Formula/glib-networking.rb
   M Formula/glib-openssl.rb
   M Formula/glib.rb
   M Formula/glibmm.rb
   M Formula/glide.rb
   M Formula/glkterm.rb
   M Formula/glktermw.rb
   M Formula/glm.rb
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   M Formula/globe.rb
   M Formula/globjects.rb
   M Formula/glog.rb
   M Formula/glooctl.rb
   M Formula/gloox.rb
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   M Formula/glpk.rb
   M Formula/glslang.rb
   M Formula/glslviewer.rb
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   M Formula/glulxe.rb
   M Formula/gluon.rb
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   M Formula/gmailctl.rb
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   M Formula/gmp.rb
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   M Formula/gmt@5.rb
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   M Formula/gnome-common.rb
   M Formula/gnome-latex.rb
   M Formula/gnome-recipes.rb
   M Formula/gnome-themes-standard.rb
   M Formula/gnu-apl.rb
   M Formula/gnu-barcode.rb
   M Formula/gnu-chess.rb
   M Formula/gnu-cobol.rb
   M Formula/gnu-complexity.rb
   M Formula/gnu-getopt.rb
   M Formula/gnu-go.rb
   M Formula/gnu-indent.rb
   M Formula/gnu-prolog.rb
   M Formula/gnu-sed.rb
   M Formula/gnu-shogi.rb
   M Formula/gnu-smalltalk.rb
   M Formula/gnu-tar.rb
   M Formula/gnu-time.rb
   M Formula/gnu-typist.rb
   M Formula/gnu-units.rb
   M Formula/gnu-which.rb
   M Formula/gnumeric.rb
   M Formula/gnunet.rb
   M Formula/gnupg-pkcs11-scd.rb
   M Formula/gnupg.rb
   M Formula/gnupg@1.4.rb
   M Formula/gnuplot.rb
   M Formula/gnuplot@4.rb
   M Formula/gnuradio.rb
   M Formula/gnuski.rb
   M Formula/gnustep-make.rb
   M Formula/gnutls.rb
   M Formula/go-bindata.rb
   M Formula/go-jira.rb
   M Formula/go-jsonnet.rb
   M Formula/go-md2man.rb
   M Formula/go-statik.rb
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   M Formula/go@1.12.rb
   M Formula/go@1.13.rb
   M Formula/go@1.9.rb
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   M Formula/goad.rb
   M Formula/gobject-introspection.rb
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   M Formula/gocryptfs.rb
   M Formula/goenv.rb
   M Formula/gofabric8.rb
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   M Formula/gofish.rb
   M Formula/golang-migrate.rb
   M Formula/golangci-lint.rb
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   M Formula/gom.rb
   M Formula/gomplate.rb
   M Formula/goocanvas.rb
   M Formula/goofys.rb
   M Formula/google-authenticator-libpam.rb
   M Formula/google-benchmark.rb
   M Formula/google-java-format.rb
   M Formula/google-sparsehash.rb
   M Formula/google-sql-tool.rb
   M Formula/googler.rb
   M Formula/goolabs.rb
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   M Formula/govc.rb
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   M Formula/gphoto2.rb
   M Formula/gplcver.rb
   M Formula/gpm.rb
   M Formula/gpp.rb
   M Formula/gpredict.rb
   M Formula/gprof2dot.rb
   M Formula/gpsbabel.rb
   M Formula/gpsd.rb
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   M Formula/gptfdisk.rb
   M Formula/gptsync.rb
   M Formula/gputils.rb
   M Formula/gpx.rb
   M Formula/gqlplus.rb
   M Formula/gqview.rb
   M Formula/gr-osmosdr.rb
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   M Formula/gradio.rb
   M Formula/gradle-completion.rb
   M Formula/gradle-profiler.rb
   M Formula/gradle.rb
   M Formula/grafana.rb
   M Formula/grails.rb
   M Formula/grakn.rb
   M Formula/grap.rb
   M Formula/graph-tool.rb
   M Formula/graphene.rb
   M Formula/graphicsmagick.rb
   M Formula/graphite2.rb
   M Formula/graphql-cli.rb
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   M Formula/grc.rb
   M Formula/greed.rb
   M Formula/grep.rb
   M Formula/grepcidr.rb
   M Formula/grex.rb
   M Formula/griffon.rb
   M Formula/grin-wallet.rb
   M Formula/grin.rb
   M Formula/grip.rb
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   M Formula/gromacs.rb
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   M Formula/growly.rb
   M Formula/grpc-swift.rb
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   M Formula/grpcurl.rb
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   M Formula/grunt-cli.rb
   M Formula/grunt-completion.rb
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   M Formula/gsasl.rb
   M Formula/gsettings-desktop-schemas.rb
   M Formula/gsl.rb
   M Formula/gsmartcontrol.rb
   M Formula/gsoap.rb
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   M Formula/gssdp.rb
   M Formula/gssh.rb
   M Formula/gst-editing-services.rb
   M Formula/gst-libav.rb
   M Formula/gst-plugins-bad.rb
   M Formula/gst-plugins-base.rb
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   M Formula/gst-plugins-ugly.rb
   M Formula/gst-python.rb
   M Formula/gst-rtsp-server.rb
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   M Formula/gti.rb
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   M Formula/gtk-chtheme.rb
   M Formula/gtk-doc.rb
   M Formula/gtk-gnutella.rb
   M Formula/gtk-mac-integration.rb
   M Formula/gtk-vnc.rb
   M Formula/gtkdatabox.rb
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   M Formula/gtksourceviewmm.rb
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   M Formula/gulp-cli.rb
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   M Formula/hapi-fhir-cli.rb
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   M Formula/hashlink.rb
   M Formula/hashpump.rb
   M Formula/haskell-stack.rb
   M Formula/haste-client.rb
   M Formula/hasura-cli.rb
   M Formula/hatari.rb
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   M Formula/heimdal.rb
   M Formula/heksa.rb
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   M Formula/helm.rb
   M Formula/helm@2.rb
   M Formula/helmfile.rb
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   M Formula/help2man.rb
   M Formula/henplus.rb
   M Formula/hercules.rb
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   M Formula/hexcurse.rb
   M Formula/hexedit.rb
   M Formula/hexgui.rb
   M Formula/hexyl.rb
   M Formula/hey.rb
   M Formula/hfstospell.rb
   M Formula/hfsutils.rb
   M Formula/hg-fast-export.rb
   M Formula/hicolor-icon-theme.rb
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   M Formula/highlight.rb
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   M Formula/hiredis.rb
   M Formula/historian.rb
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   M Formula/hivemind.rb
   M Formula/hledger.rb
   M Formula/hlint.rb
   M Formula/hmmer.rb
   M Formula/hoedown.rb
   M Formula/homeassistant-cli.rb
   M Formula/homebank.rb
   M Formula/homeshick.rb
   M Formula/homesick-completion.rb
   M Formula/homeworlds.rb
   M Formula/honcho.rb
   M Formula/hopenpgp-tools.rb
   M Formula/hornetq.rb
   M Formula/hostdb.rb
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   M Formula/howard-hinnant-date.rb
   M Formula/howdoi.rb
   M Formula/hpack.rb
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   M Formula/hr.rb
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   M Formula/hspell.rb
   M Formula/hss.rb
   M Formula/hstr.rb
   M Formula/ht.rb
   M Formula/html-xml-utils.rb
   M Formula/html2text.rb
   M Formula/htmlcleaner.rb
   M Formula/htmlcompressor.rb
   M Formula/htmlcxx.rb
   M Formula/htmldoc.rb
   M Formula/htop.rb
   M Formula/htpdate.rb
   M Formula/htslib.rb
   M Formula/http-parser.rb
   M Formula/http-server.rb
   M Formula/http_load.rb
   M Formula/httpd.rb
   M Formula/httpdiff.rb
   M Formula/httperf.rb
   M Formula/httpflow.rb
   M Formula/httpie.rb
   M Formula/httping.rb
   M Formula/httpry.rb
   M Formula/httpstat.rb
   M Formula/httptunnel.rb
   M Formula/httrack.rb
   M Formula/hub.rb
   M Formula/hubflow.rb
   M Formula/huexpress.rb
   M Formula/hugo.rb
   M Formula/hunspell.rb
   M Formula/hwloc.rb
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   M Formula/hyperfine.rb
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   M Formula/i2util.rb
   M Formula/i386-elf-gdb.rb
   M Formula/i686-elf-binutils.rb
   M Formula/i686-elf-gcc.rb
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   M Formula/iamy.rb
   M Formula/iat.rb
   M Formula/ibex.rb
   M Formula/iblinter.rb
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   M Formula/icdiff.rb
   M Formula/ice.rb
   M Formula/icecast.rb
   M Formula/icecream.rb
   M Formula/icemon.rb
   M Formula/icon-naming-utils.rb
   M Formula/icon.rb
   M Formula/icoutils.rb
   M Formula/icu4c.rb
   M Formula/id3ed.rb
   M Formula/id3lib.rb
   M Formula/id3tool.rb
   M Formula/id3v2.rb
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   M Formula/idnits.rb
   M Formula/idris.rb
   M Formula/idris2.rb
   M Formula/idutils.rb
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   M Formula/ifstat.rb
   M Formula/iftop.rb
   M Formula/ifuse.rb
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   M Formula/ike-scan.rb
   M Formula/ilmbase.rb
   M Formula/imagejs.rb
   M Formula/imagemagick.rb
   M Formula/imagemagick@6.rb
   M Formula/imageoptim-cli.rb
   M Formula/imagesnap.rb
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   M Formula/imake.rb
   M Formula/imap-uw.rb
   M Formula/imapfilter.rb
   M Formula/imapsync.rb
   M Formula/imessage-ruby.rb
   M Formula/imgproxy.rb
   M Formula/imgur-screenshot.rb
   M Formula/imlib2.rb
   M Formula/immortal.rb
   M Formula/immudb.rb
   M Formula/inadyn.rb
   M Formula/include-what-you-use.rb
   M Formula/inetutils.rb
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   M Formula/influxdb.rb
   M Formula/inform6.rb
   M Formula/infrakit.rb
   M Formula/iniparser.rb
   M Formula/inko.rb
   M Formula/inlets.rb
   M Formula/innoextract.rb
   M Formula/innotop.rb
   M Formula/insect.rb
   M Formula/inspectrum.rb
   M Formula/inspircd.rb
   M Formula/instalooter.rb
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   M Formula/intercal.rb
   M Formula/internetarchive.rb
   M Formula/intltool.rb
   M Formula/inxi.rb
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   M Formula/ioke.rb
   M Formula/ioping.rb
   M Formula/ios-class-guard.rb
   M Formula/ios-deploy.rb
   M Formula/ios-sim.rb
   M Formula/ios-webkit-debug-proxy.rb
   M Formula/iozone.rb
   M Formula/ip_relay.rb
   M Formula/ipbt.rb
   M Formula/ipcalc.rb
   M Formula/iperf.rb
   M Formula/iperf3.rb
   M Formula/ipfs.rb
   M Formula/iphotoexport.rb
   M Formula/ipinfo.rb
   M Formula/ipmitool.rb
   M Formula/ipmiutil.rb
   M Formula/ipopt.rb
   M Formula/iprint.rb
   M Formula/iproute2mac.rb
   M Formula/ipsumdump.rb
   M Formula/ipv6calc.rb
   M Formula/ipv6toolkit.rb
   M Formula/ipython.rb
   M Formula/ircd-hybrid.rb
   M Formula/ircd-irc2.rb
   M Formula/ircii.rb
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   M Formula/ironcli.rb
   M Formula/irrlicht.rb
   M Formula/irrtoolset.rb
   M Formula/irssi.rb
   M Formula/isc-dhcp.rb
   M Formula/isl.rb
   M Formula/iso-codes.rb
   M Formula/ispc.rb
   M Formula/ispell.rb
   M Formula/istioctl.rb
   M Formula/isync.rb
   M Formula/itex2mml.rb
   M Formula/itk.rb
   M Formula/itpp.rb
   M Formula/itstool.rb
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   M Formula/ivykis.rb
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   M Formula/jsoncpp.rb
   M Formula/jsonlint.rb
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   M Formula/jsonrpc-glib.rb
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   M Formula/libvoikko.rb
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   M Formula/libzzip.rb
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   M Formula/m2c.rb
   M Formula/m4.rb
   M Formula/mac-robber.rb
   M Formula/mackup.rb
   M Formula/macos-trash.rb
   M Formula/macosvpn.rb
   M Formula/macvim.rb
   M Formula/mad.rb
   M Formula/madplay.rb
   M Formula/mafft.rb
   M Formula/mage.rb
   M Formula/magic-wormhole.rb
   M Formula/magnetix.rb
   M Formula/mahout.rb
   M Formula/mailcheck.rb
   M Formula/mailhog.rb
   M Formula/mailutils.rb
   M Formula/mairix.rb
   M Formula/make.rb
   M Formula/makedepend.rb
   M Formula/makefile2graph.rb
   M Formula/makeicns.rb
   M Formula/makensis.rb
   M Formula/makepkg.rb
   M Formula/makepp.rb
   M Formula/makeself.rb
   M Formula/malbolge.rb
   M Formula/mallet.rb
   M Formula/mame.rb
   M Formula/man-db.rb
   M Formula/man2html.rb
   M Formula/mandoc.rb
   M Formula/mandown.rb
   M Formula/manticoresearch.rb
   M Formula/mapcrafter.rb
   M Formula/mapnik.rb
   M Formula/mapserver.rb
   M Formula/mariadb-connector-c.rb
   M Formula/mariadb-connector-odbc.rb
   M Formula/mariadb.rb
   M Formula/mariadb@10.1.rb
   M Formula/mariadb@10.2.rb
   M Formula/mariadb@10.3.rb
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   M Formula/marked.rb
   M Formula/marst.rb
   M Formula/mas.rb
   M Formula/mask.rb
   M Formula/masscan.rb
   M Formula/massren.rb
   M Formula/mat2.rb
   M Formula/math-comp.rb
   M Formula/matlab2tikz.rb
   M Formula/maven-completion.rb
   M Formula/maven-shell.rb
   M Formula/maven.rb
   M Formula/maven@3.2.rb
   M Formula/maven@3.3.rb
   M Formula/maven@3.5.rb
   M Formula/mavsdk.rb
   M Formula/mawk.rb
   M Formula/maxima.rb
   M Formula/maxwell.rb
   M Formula/mbedtls.rb
   M Formula/mbelib.rb
   M Formula/mboxgrep.rb
   M Formula/mcabber.rb
   M Formula/mcpp.rb
   M Formula/mcrypt.rb
   M Formula/md.rb
   M Formula/md5deep.rb
   M Formula/md5sha1sum.rb
   M Formula/mda-lv2.rb
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   M Formula/mdbtools.rb
   M Formula/mdcat.rb
   M Formula/mdds.rb
   M Formula/mdf2iso.rb
   M Formula/mdk.rb
   M Formula/mdp.rb
   M Formula/mdr.rb
   M Formula/mdv.rb
   M Formula/mdxmini.rb
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   M Formula/mecab-ko-dic.rb
   M Formula/mecab-ko.rb
   M Formula/mecab-unidic-extended.rb
   M Formula/mecab-unidic.rb
   M Formula/mecab.rb
   M Formula/media-info.rb
   M Formula/mediaconch.rb
   M Formula/mednafen.rb
   M Formula/megacmd.rb
   M Formula/megatools.rb
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   M Formula/memcached.rb
   M Formula/memcacheq.rb
   M Formula/memtester.rb
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   M Formula/mercury.rb
   M Formula/mergelog.rb
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   M Formula/mesalib-glw.rb
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   M Formula/mesos.rb
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   M Formula/metaproxy.rb
   M Formula/metashell.rb
   M Formula/metis.rb
   M Formula/metricbeat.rb
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   M Formula/mfoc.rb
   M Formula/mfterm.rb
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   M Formula/mgba.rb
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   M Formula/micro.rb
   M Formula/micronaut.rb
   M Formula/micropython.rb
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   M Formula/midicsv.rb
   M Formula/midnight-commander.rb
   M Formula/mighttpd2.rb
   M Formula/mikmod.rb
   M Formula/mikutter.rb
   M Formula/mill.rb
   M Formula/miller.rb
   M Formula/mimic.rb
   M Formula/minbif.rb
   M Formula/minetest.rb
   M Formula/mingw-w64.rb
   M Formula/minica.rb
   M Formula/minicom.rb
   M Formula/minidjvu.rb
   M Formula/minidlna.rb
   M Formula/minikube.rb
   M Formula/minimal-racket.rb
   M Formula/minimesos.rb
   M Formula/minimodem.rb
   M Formula/minio-mc.rb
   M Formula/minio.rb
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   M Formula/miniserve.rb
   M Formula/minisign.rb
   M Formula/miniupnpc.rb
   M Formula/minizinc.rb
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   M Formula/mitmproxy.rb
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   M Formula/mkcert.rb
   M Formula/mkclean.rb
   M Formula/mkcue.rb
   M Formula/mkdocs.rb
   M Formula/mkhexgrid.rb
   M Formula/mksh.rb
   M Formula/mktorrent.rb
   M Formula/mkvalidator.rb
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   M Formula/mkvtomp4.rb
   M Formula/mkvtoolnix.rb
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   M Formula/mmctl.rb
   M Formula/mmix.rb
   M Formula/mmseqs2.rb
   M Formula/mmsrip.rb
   M Formula/mmv.rb
   M Formula/moarvm.rb
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   M Formula/mockserver.rb
   M Formula/moco.rb
   M Formula/modd.rb
   M Formula/modgit.rb
   M Formula/modman.rb
   M Formula/modules.rb
   M Formula/moe.rb
   M Formula/mogenerator.rb
   M Formula/molecule.rb
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   M Formula/monero.rb
   M Formula/monetdb.rb
   M Formula/mongo-c-driver.rb
   M Formula/mongo-cxx-driver.rb
   M Formula/mongo-orchestration.rb
   M Formula/mongoose.rb
   M Formula/mongrel2.rb
   M Formula/mongroup.rb
   M Formula/monit.rb
   M Formula/monitoring-plugins.rb
   M Formula/monkeysphere.rb
   M Formula/mono-libgdiplus.rb
   M Formula/mono.rb
   M Formula/monolith.rb
   M Formula/montage.rb
   M Formula/moon-buggy.rb
   M Formula/moreutils.rb
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   M Formula/mosh.rb
   M Formula/mosml.rb
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   M Formula/mozilla-addon-sdk.rb
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   M Formula/mp3check.rb
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   M Formula/mp3gain.rb
   M Formula/mp3info.rb
   M Formula/mp3splt.rb
   M Formula/mp3unicode.rb
   M Formula/mp3val.rb
   M Formula/mp3wrap.rb
   M Formula/mp4v2.rb
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   M Formula/mpage.rb
   M Formula/mpc.rb
   M Formula/mpck.rb
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   M Formula/mpdscribble.rb
   M Formula/mpdviz.rb
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   M Formula/mpfr.rb
   M Formula/mpg123.rb
   M Formula/mpg321.rb
   M Formula/mpgtx.rb
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   M Formula/mpich.rb
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   M Formula/mplayershell.rb
   M Formula/mpop.rb
   M Formula/mps-youtube.rb
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   M Formula/mpv.rb
   M Formula/mpw.rb
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   M Formula/mrboom.rb
   M Formula/mrtg.rb
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   M Formula/msgpack.rb
   M Formula/msgpuck.rb
   M Formula/msitools.rb
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   M Formula/msmtp.rb
   M Formula/mspdebug.rb
   M Formula/mstch.rb
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   M Formula/mtools.rb
   M Formula/mtr.rb
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   M Formula/mujs.rb
   M Formula/multimarkdown.rb
   M Formula/multitail.rb
   M Formula/muparser.rb
   M Formula/mupdf-tools.rb
   M Formula/mupdf.rb
   M Formula/mupen64plus.rb
   M Formula/musepack.rb
   M Formula/mussh.rb
   M Formula/mutt.rb
   M Formula/mvnvm.rb
   M Formula/mvtools.rb
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   M Formula/mydumper.rb
   M Formula/myman.rb
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   M Formula/mysql-client.rb
   M Formula/mysql-client@5.7.rb
   M Formula/mysql-connector-c++.rb
   M Formula/mysql-sandbox.rb
   M Formula/mysql-search-replace.rb
   M Formula/mysql.rb
   M Formula/mysql@5.6.rb
   M Formula/mysql@5.7.rb
   M Formula/mysqltuner.rb
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   M Formula/nanomsg.rb
   M Formula/nanomsgxx.rb
   M Formula/nanopb-generator.rb
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   M Formula/nats-streaming-server.rb
   M Formula/naturaldocs.rb
   M Formula/nauty.rb
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   M Formula/ncmpc.rb
   M Formula/ncmpcpp.rb
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   M Formula/ncp.rb
   M Formula/ncrack.rb
   M Formula/ncurses.rb
   M Formula/ncview.rb
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   M Formula/neko.rb
   M Formula/neo4j.rb
   M Formula/neofetch.rb
   M Formula/neomutt.rb
   M Formula/neon.rb
   M Formula/neopop-sdl.rb
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   M Formula/nesc.rb
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   M Formula/nestopia-ue.rb
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   M Formula/netcat.rb
   M Formula/netcat6.rb
   M Formula/netcdf.rb
   M Formula/netdata.rb
   M Formula/nethack.rb
   M Formula/nethacked.rb
   M Formula/nethogs.rb
   M Formula/netlify-cli.rb
   M Formula/netpbm.rb
   M Formula/netperf.rb
   M Formula/netris.rb
   M Formula/nettle.rb
   M Formula/nettoe.rb
   M Formula/networkit.rb
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   M Formula/newlisp.rb
   M Formula/newman.rb
   M Formula/newrelic-cli.rb
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   M Formula/newt.rb
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   M Formula/nfcutils.rb
   M Formula/nfdump.rb
   M Formula/nghttp2.rb
   M Formula/nginx.rb
   M Formula/ngircd.rb
   M Formula/ngrep.rb
   M Formula/ngs.rb
   M Formula/ngspice.rb
   M Formula/ngt.rb
   M Formula/nickle.rb
   M Formula/nicovideo-dl.rb
   M Formula/nifi-registry.rb
   M Formula/nifi.rb
   M Formula/nift.rb
   M Formula/nikto.rb
   M Formula/nim.rb
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   M Formula/nkf.rb
   M Formula/nload.rb
   M Formula/nlohmann-json.rb
   M Formula/nlopt.rb
   M Formula/nmap.rb
   M Formula/nmh.rb
   M Formula/nng.rb
   M Formula/nnn.rb
   M Formula/no-more-secrets.rb
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   M Formula/node-sass.rb
   M Formula/node.rb
   M Formula/node@10.rb
   M Formula/node@12.rb
   M Formula/node_exporter.rb
   M Formula/nodebrew.rb
   M Formula/nodeenv.rb
   M Formula/nodenv.rb
   M Formula/nomad.rb
   M Formula/nopoll.rb
   M Formula/norm.rb
   M Formula/normalize.rb
   M Formula/noti.rb
   M Formula/notifiers.rb
   M Formula/notmuch-mutt.rb
   M Formula/notmuch.rb
   M Formula/noweb.rb
   M Formula/npth.rb
   M Formula/npush.rb
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   M Formula/nrg2iso.rb
   M Formula/nrpe.rb
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   M Formula/nsnake.rb
   M Formula/nspr.rb
   M Formula/nsq.rb
   M Formula/nss.rb
   M Formula/nsuds.rb
   M Formula/ntfs-3g.rb
   M Formula/ntl.rb
   M Formula/ntopng.rb
   M Formula/ntp.rb
   M Formula/nu-smv.rb
   M Formula/nu.rb
   M Formula/nudoku.rb
   M Formula/nuget.rb
   M Formula/num-utils.rb
   M Formula/numpy.rb
   M Formula/numpy@1.16.rb
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   M Formula/nut.rb
   M Formula/nutcracker.rb
   M Formula/nuttcp.rb
   M Formula/nuvie.rb
   M Formula/nuxeo.rb
   M Formula/nvc.rb
   M Formula/nvi.rb
   M Formula/nvm.rb
   M Formula/nwchem.rb
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   M Formula/nyx.rb
   M Formula/nzbget.rb
   M Formula/oath-toolkit.rb
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   M Formula/oauth2l.rb
   M Formula/objc-codegenutils.rb
   M Formula/objc-run.rb
   M Formula/objfw.rb
   M Formula/ocaml-findlib.rb
   M Formula/ocaml-num.rb
   M Formula/ocaml.rb
   M Formula/ocamlbuild.rb
   M Formula/ocamlsdl.rb
   M Formula/oci-cli.rb
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   M Formula/ocp.rb
   M Formula/ocproxy.rb
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   M Formula/ocrmypdf.rb
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   M Formula/odpi.rb
   M Formula/odt2txt.rb
   M Formula/offlineimap.rb
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   M Formula/oil.rb
   M Formula/okteto.rb
   M Formula/ola.rb
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   M Formula/omega-rpg.rb
   M Formula/omega.rb
   M Formula/omniorb.rb
   M Formula/ompl.rb
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   M Formula/one-ml.rb
   M Formula/onednn.rb
   M Formula/onefetch.rb
   M Formula/onetime.rb
   M Formula/oniguruma.rb
   M Formula/onioncat.rb
   M Formula/onnxruntime.rb
   M Formula/onscripter.rb
   M Formula/ooniprobe.rb
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   M Formula/open-babel.rb
   M Formula/open-completion.rb
   M Formula/open-image-denoise.rb
   M Formula/open-jtalk.rb
   M Formula/open-mesh.rb
   M Formula/open-mpi.rb
   M Formula/open-ocd.rb
   M Formula/open-scene-graph.rb
   M Formula/open-sp.rb
   M Formula/open-tyrian.rb
   M Formula/open-zwave.rb
   M Formula/openal-soft.rb
   M Formula/openapi-generator.rb
   M Formula/openblas.rb
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   M Formula/opencbm.rb
   M Formula/opencc.rb
   M Formula/openclonk.rb
   M Formula/opencoarrays.rb
   M Formula/opencolorio.rb
   M Formula/openconnect.rb
   M Formula/opencore-amr.rb
   M Formula/opencsg.rb
   M Formula/opencv.rb
   M Formula/opencv@2.rb
   M Formula/opencv@3.rb
   M Formula/opendbx.rb
   M Formula/opendetex.rb
   M Formula/openexr.rb
   M Formula/openfast.rb
   M Formula/openfortivpn.rb
   M Formula/openh264.rb
   M Formula/openhmd.rb
   M Formula/openimageio.rb
   M Formula/openjazz.rb
   M Formula/openjdk.rb
   M Formula/openjdk@11.rb
   M Formula/openjpeg.rb
   M Formula/openkim-models.rb
   M Formula/openldap.rb
   M Formula/openlibm.rb
   M Formula/openmotif.rb
   M Formula/openmsx.rb
   M Formula/openrct2.rb
   M Formula/openrtsp.rb
   M Formula/opensaml.rb
   M Formula/opensc.rb
   M Formula/openshift-cli.rb
   M Formula/openslide.rb
   M Formula/openslp.rb
   M Formula/openssh.rb
   M Formula/openssl@1.1.rb
   M Formula/openstackclient.rb
   M Formula/opensubdiv.rb
   M Formula/opentracing-cpp.rb
   M Formula/opentsdb.rb
   M Formula/openttd.rb
   M Formula/openvdb.rb
   M Formula/openvpn.rb
   M Formula/operator-sdk.rb
   M Formula/ophcrack.rb
   M Formula/optipng.rb
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   M Formula/opus.rb
   M Formula/opusfile.rb
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   M Formula/orbit.rb
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   M Formula/orc.rb
   M Formula/orientdb.rb
   M Formula/orocos-kdl.rb
   M Formula/ortp.rb
   M Formula/ory-hydra.rb
   M Formula/osc.rb
   M Formula/oscats.rb
   M Formula/osi.rb
   M Formula/osm-gps-map.rb
   M Formula/osm-pbf.rb
   M Formula/osm2pgrouting.rb
   M Formula/osm2pgsql.rb
   M Formula/osmfilter.rb
   M Formula/osmium-tool.rb
   M Formula/osmosis.rb
   M Formula/ospray.rb
   M Formula/osqp.rb
   M Formula/osquery.rb
   M Formula/osrm-backend.rb
   M Formula/osslsigncode.rb
   M Formula/ossp-uuid.rb
   M Formula/osx-cpu-temp.rb
   M Formula/osxutils.rb
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   M Formula/otf2bdf.rb
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   M Formula/owfs.rb
   M Formula/oxipng.rb
   M Formula/oysttyer.rb
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   M Formula/p11-kit.rb
   M Formula/p7zip.rb
   M Formula/pacapt.rb
   M Formula/pachi.rb
   M Formula/packer-completion.rb
   M Formula/packer.rb
   M Formula/packetbeat.rb
   M Formula/packetq.rb
   M Formula/packmol.rb
   M Formula/packr.rb
   M Formula/pacman4console.rb
   M Formula/pacparser.rb
   M Formula/pacvim.rb
   M Formula/pagmo.rb
   M Formula/pakchois.rb
   M Formula/paket.rb
   M Formula/pam-u2f.rb
   M Formula/pam_yubico.rb
   M Formula/pandoc-citeproc.rb
   M Formula/pandoc-crossref.rb
   M Formula/pandoc-include-code.rb
   M Formula/pandoc.rb
   M Formula/pango.rb
   M Formula/pangomm.rb
   M Formula/paperkey.rb
   M Formula/paps.rb
   M Formula/par.rb
   M Formula/par2.rb
   M Formula/parallel.rb
   M Formula/parallelstl.rb
   M Formula/pari.rb
   M Formula/parquet-tools.rb
   M Formula/parrot.rb
   M Formula/partio.rb
   M Formula/pass-git-helper.rb
   M Formula/pass-otp.rb
   M Formula/pass.rb
   M Formula/passenger.rb
   M Formula/passpie.rb
   M Formula/passwdqc.rb
   M Formula/pastebinit.rb
   M Formula/pastel.rb
   M Formula/patchelf.rb
   M Formula/patchutils.rb
   M Formula/path-extractor.rb
   M Formula/pax-construct.rb
   M Formula/pax-runner.rb
   M Formula/payara.rb
   M Formula/pazpar2.rb
   M Formula/pbc-sig.rb
   M Formula/pbc.rb
   M Formula/pbzip2.rb
   M Formula/pc6001vx.rb
   M Formula/pcal.rb
   M Formula/pcapplusplus.rb
   M Formula/pcb.rb
   M Formula/pcb2gcode.rb
   M Formula/pce.rb
   M Formula/pcl.rb
   M Formula/pcre++.rb
   M Formula/pcre.rb
   M Formula/pcre2.rb
   M Formula/pcsc-lite.rb
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   M Formula/pdf2json.rb
   M Formula/pdf2svg.rb
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   M Formula/pdfcrack.rb
   M Formula/pdfgrep.rb
   M Formula/pdflib-lite.rb
   M Formula/pdfpc.rb
   M Formula/pdfsandwich.rb
   M Formula/pdftk-java.rb
   M Formula/pdftohtml.rb
   M Formula/pdftoipe.rb
   M Formula/pdns.rb
   M Formula/pdnsd.rb
   M Formula/pdnsrec.rb
   M Formula/pdsh.rb
   M Formula/peco.rb
   M Formula/peg-markdown.rb
   M Formula/peg.rb
   M Formula/pegtl.rb
   M Formula/pelikan.rb
   M Formula/perceptualdiff.rb
   M Formula/percol.rb
   M Formula/percona-server.rb
   M Formula/percona-toolkit.rb
   M Formula/percona-xtrabackup.rb
   M Formula/perkeep.rb
   M Formula/perl-build.rb
   M Formula/perl.rb
   M Formula/perl@5.18.rb
   M Formula/perltidy.rb
   M Formula/peru.rb
   M Formula/petsc-complex.rb
   M Formula/petsc.rb
   M Formula/pev.rb
   M Formula/pex.rb
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   M Formula/pgbadger.rb
   M Formula/pgbouncer.rb
   M Formula/pgcli.rb
   M Formula/pgdbf.rb
   M Formula/pgformatter.rb
   M Formula/pgloader.rb
   M Formula/pgpdump.rb
   M Formula/pgpool-ii.rb
   M Formula/pgroonga.rb
   M Formula/pgrouting.rb
   M Formula/pgtoolkit.rb
   M Formula/pgtune.rb
   M Formula/pgweb.rb
   M Formula/phoon.rb
   M Formula/phoronix-test-suite.rb
   M Formula/php-code-sniffer.rb
   M Formula/php-cs-fixer.rb
   M Formula/php.rb
   M Formula/php@7.2.rb
   M Formula/php@7.3.rb
   M Formula/phplint.rb
   M Formula/phpmd.rb
   M Formula/phpmyadmin.rb
   M Formula/phpstan.rb
   M Formula/phpunit.rb
   M Formula/physfs.rb
   M Formula/pianobar.rb
   M Formula/pianod.rb
   M Formula/picard-tools.rb
   M Formula/picat.rb
   M Formula/pick.rb
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   M Formula/picocom.rb
   M Formula/pict.rb
   M Formula/pidcat.rb
   M Formula/pidgin.rb
   M Formula/pidof.rb
   M Formula/pig.rb
   M Formula/pigz.rb
   M Formula/pike.rb
   M Formula/piknik.rb
   M Formula/pillar.rb
   M Formula/pilosa.rb
   M Formula/pinboard-notes-backup.rb
   M Formula/pinentry-mac.rb
   M Formula/pinentry.rb
   M Formula/pinfo.rb
   M Formula/pioneer.rb
   M Formula/pioneers.rb
   M Formula/pip-completion.rb
   M Formula/pipebench.rb
   M Formula/pipemeter.rb
   M Formula/pipenv.rb
   M Formula/pipes-sh.rb
   M Formula/pipgrip.rb
   M Formula/pipx.rb
   M Formula/pit.rb
   M Formula/pius.rb
   M Formula/pixman.rb
   M Formula/pixz.rb
   M Formula/pjproject.rb
   M Formula/pk.rb
   M Formula/pkcrack.rb
   M Formula/pkcs11-helper.rb
   M Formula/pkg-config.rb
   M Formula/pkgdiff.rb
   M Formula/pktanon.rb
   M Formula/pla.rb
   M Formula/planck.rb
   M Formula/plank.rb
   M Formula/plantuml.rb
   M Formula/platformio.rb
   M Formula/platypus.rb
   M Formula/plenv.rb
   M Formula/plod.rb
   M Formula/ploticus.rb
   M Formula/plotutils.rb
   M Formula/plowshare.rb
   M Formula/plplot.rb
   M Formula/plustache.rb
   M Formula/plzip.rb
   M Formula/pmccabe.rb
   M Formula/pmd.rb
   M Formula/pmdmini.rb
   M Formula/pms.rb
   M Formula/pnetcdf.rb
   M Formula/png++.rb
   M Formula/png2ico.rb
   M Formula/pngcheck.rb
   M Formula/pngcrush.rb
   M Formula/pngnq.rb
   M Formula/pngpaste.rb
   M Formula/pngquant.rb
   M Formula/pnpm.rb
   M Formula/po4a.rb
   M Formula/poco.rb
   M Formula/pod2man.rb
   M Formula/podiff.rb
   M Formula/podofo.rb
   M Formula/poetry.rb
   M Formula/points2grid.rb
   M Formula/pokerstove.rb
   M Formula/polipo.rb
   M Formula/polyglot.rb
   M Formula/polyml.rb
   M Formula/polynote.rb
   M Formula/pony-stable.rb
   M Formula/ponyc.rb
   M Formula/ponysay.rb
   M Formula/poppler.rb
   M Formula/popt.rb
   M Formula/portaudio.rb
   M Formula/portmidi.rb
   M Formula/posh.rb
   M Formula/poster.rb
   M Formula/postgis.rb
   M Formula/postgresql.rb
   M Formula/postgresql@10.rb
   M Formula/postgresql@11.rb
   M Formula/postgresql@9.4.rb
   M Formula/postgresql@9.5.rb
   M Formula/postgresql@9.6.rb
   M Formula/postgrest.rb
   M Formula/postmark.rb
   M Formula/potrace.rb
   M Formula/povray.rb
   M Formula/pow.rb
   M Formula/powerline-go.rb
   M Formula/powerman.rb
   M Formula/ppl.rb
   M Formula/pprint.rb
   M Formula/ppss.rb
   M Formula/ppsspp.rb
   M Formula/pqiv.rb
   M Formula/pre-commit.rb
   M Formula/precomp.rb
   M Formula/predictionio.rb
   M Formula/prefixsuffix.rb
   M Formula/premake.rb
   M Formula/prestodb.rb
   M Formula/prestosql.rb
   M Formula/prettier.rb
   M Formula/prettyping.rb
   M Formula/primer3.rb
   M Formula/primesieve.rb
   M Formula/prips.rb
   M Formula/privoxy.rb
   M Formula/procmail.rb
   M Formula/procs.rb
   M Formula/proctools.rb
   M Formula/procyon-decompiler.rb
   M Formula/prodigal.rb
   M Formula/profanity.rb
   M Formula/proftpd.rb
   M Formula/progress.rb
   M Formula/proguard.rb
   M Formula/proj.rb
   M Formula/prometheus.rb
   M Formula/promtail.rb
   M Formula/proof-general.rb
   M Formula/proper.rb
   M Formula/proselint.rb
   M Formula/proteinortho.rb
   M Formula/protobuf-c.rb
   M Formula/protobuf-swift.rb
   M Formula/protobuf.rb
   M Formula/protobuf@3.6.rb
   M Formula/protobuf@3.7.rb
   M Formula/protoc-gen-go.rb
   M Formula/protoc-gen-grpc-web.rb
   M Formula/prototool.rb
   M Formula/prover9.rb
   M Formula/proxychains-ng.rb
   M Formula/proxytunnel.rb
   M Formula/ps2eps.rb
   M Formula/psc-package.rb
   M Formula/psftools.rb
   M Formula/psgrep.rb
   M Formula/pspg.rb
   M Formula/psql2csv.rb
   M Formula/psqlodbc.rb
   M Formula/pssh.rb
   M Formula/pstoedit.rb
   M Formula/pstree.rb
   M Formula/psutils.rb
   M Formula/ptex.rb
   M Formula/pth.rb
   M Formula/ptunnel.rb
   M Formula/publish.rb
   M Formula/pueue.rb
   M Formula/puf.rb
   M Formula/pugixml.rb
   M Formula/pulledpork.rb
   M Formula/pulp.rb
   M Formula/pulseaudio.rb
   M Formula/pulumi.rb
   M Formula/pumba.rb
   M Formula/pup.rb
   M Formula/pure-ftpd.rb
   M Formula/purescript.rb
   M Formula/pushpin.rb
   M Formula/putmail-queue.rb
   M Formula/putmail.rb
   M Formula/putty.rb
   M Formula/puzzles.rb
   M Formula/pv.rb
   M Formula/pwgen.rb
   M Formula/pwnat.rb
   M Formula/pwncat.rb
   M Formula/pwntools.rb
   M Formula/pwsafe.rb
   M Formula/py2cairo.rb
   M Formula/py3cairo.rb
   M Formula/pybind11.rb
   M Formula/pycodestyle.rb
   M Formula/pyenv-ccache.rb
   M Formula/pyenv-pip-migrate.rb
   M Formula/pyenv-virtualenv.rb
   M Formula/pyenv-virtualenvwrapper.rb
   M Formula/pyenv-which-ext.rb
   M Formula/pyenv.rb
   M Formula/pygitup.rb
   M Formula/pygments.rb
   M Formula/pygobject3.rb
   M Formula/pyinstaller.rb
   M Formula/pyinvoke.rb
   M Formula/pylint.rb
   M Formula/pympress.rb
   M Formula/pypy.rb
   M Formula/pypy3.rb
   M Formula/pyqt.rb
   M Formula/pyside.rb
   M Formula/python-markdown.rb
   M Formula/python-yq.rb
   M Formula/python@3.7.rb
   M Formula/python@3.8.rb
   M Formula/pytouhou.rb
   M Formula/pyvim.rb
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   M Formula/qcachegrind.rb
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   M Formula/qd.rb
   M Formula/qdae.rb
   M Formula/qdbm.rb
   M Formula/qemu.rb
   M Formula/qhull.rb
   M Formula/qjackctl.rb
   M Formula/qjson.rb
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   M Formula/qpdf.rb
   M Formula/qpid-proton.rb
   M Formula/qpm.rb
   M Formula/qprint.rb
   M Formula/qrcp.rb
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   M Formula/qscintilla2.rb
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   M Formula/qtads.rb
   M Formula/qtfaststart.rb
   M Formula/qtkeychain.rb
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   M Formula/quazip.rb
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   M Formula/quickjs.rb
   M Formula/quicktype.rb
   M Formula/quill.rb
   M Formula/quilt.rb
   M Formula/quotatool.rb
   M Formula/quvi.rb
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   M Formula/qwtpolar.rb
   M Formula/qxmpp.rb
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   M Formula/rabbitmq.rb
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   M Formula/radamsa.rb
   M Formula/radare2.rb
   M Formula/ragel.rb
   M Formula/rails-completion.rb
   M Formula/rainbarf.rb
   M Formula/rake-completion.rb
   M Formula/rakudo-star.rb
   M Formula/rakudo.rb
   M Formula/rancher-cli.rb
   M Formula/rancher-compose.rb
   M Formula/rancid.rb
   M Formula/randomize-lines.rb
   M Formula/range-v3.rb
   M Formula/ranger.rb
   M Formula/rapidjson.rb
   M Formula/raptor.rb
   M Formula/rargs.rb
   M Formula/rarian.rb
   M Formula/rasqal.rb
   M Formula/ratfor.rb
   M Formula/rats.rb
   M Formula/rav1e.rb
   M Formula/rawgl.rb
   M Formula/rawtoaces.rb
   M Formula/raxml-ng.rb
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   M Formula/rbenv-bundler-ruby-version.rb
   M Formula/rbenv-bundler.rb
   M Formula/rbenv-chefdk.rb
   M Formula/rbenv-communal-gems.rb
   M Formula/rbenv-ctags.rb
   M Formula/rbenv-default-gems.rb
   M Formula/rbenv-gemset.rb
   M Formula/rbenv-use.rb
   M Formula/rbenv-vars.rb
   M Formula/rbenv-whatis.rb
   M Formula/rbenv.rb
   M Formula/rbspy.rb
   M Formula/rbtools.rb
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   M Formula/rcm.rb
   M Formula/rcs.rb
   M Formula/rdate.rb
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   M Formula/rdfind.rb
   M Formula/rdiff-backup.rb
   M Formula/rds-command-line-tools.rb
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   M Formula/re-flex.rb
   M Formula/re2.rb
   M Formula/re2c.rb
   M Formula/react-native-cli.rb
   M Formula/readline.rb
   M Formula/readosm.rb
   M Formula/reattach-to-user-namespace.rb
   M Formula/reaver.rb
   M Formula/rebar.rb
   M Formula/rebar3.rb
   M Formula/recode.rb
   M Formula/recon-ng.rb
   M Formula/recoverjpeg.rb
   M Formula/recutils.rb
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   M Formula/redir.rb
   M Formula/redis-leveldb.rb
   M Formula/redis.rb
   M Formula/redis@3.2.rb
   M Formula/redis@4.0.rb
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   M Formula/redo.rb
   M Formula/redpen.rb
   M Formula/redshift.rb
   M Formula/redsocks.rb
   M Formula/redstore.rb
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   M Formula/regex-opt.rb
   M Formula/regina-rexx.rb
   M Formula/regldg.rb
   M Formula/rem.rb
   M Formula/remake.rb
   M Formula/remarshal.rb
   M Formula/remctl.rb
   M Formula/remind.rb
   M Formula/reminiscence.rb
   M Formula/ren.rb
   M Formula/rename.rb
   M Formula/renameutils.rb
   M Formula/reop.rb
   M Formula/reorder-python-imports.rb
   M Formula/repl.rb
   M Formula/repo.rb
   M Formula/reposurgeon.rb
   M Formula/reprepro.rb
   M Formula/rest-shell.rb
   M Formula/restic.rb
   M Formula/restund.rb
   M Formula/restview.rb
   M Formula/resty.rb
   M Formula/rethinkdb.rb
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   M Formula/rgf.rb
   M Formula/rgxg.rb
   M Formula/rhash.rb
   M Formula/rhino.rb
   M Formula/riemann-client.rb
   M Formula/riemann.rb
   M Formula/riff.rb
   M Formula/rig.rb
   M Formula/rinetd.rb
   M Formula/ringojs.rb
   M Formula/ripgrep-all.rb
   M Formula/ripgrep.rb
   M Formula/ripmime.rb
   M Formula/rke.rb
   M Formula/rkflashtool.rb
   M Formula/rkhunter.rb
   M Formula/rlog.rb
   M Formula/rlwrap.rb
   M Formula/rmate.rb
   M Formula/rmcast.rb
   M Formula/rmlint.rb
   M Formula/rnv.rb
   M Formula/robodoc.rb
   M Formula/robot-framework.rb
   M Formula/robotfindskitten.rb
   M Formula/rocksdb.rb
   M Formula/rofs-filtered.rb
   M Formula/rogue.rb
   M Formula/roll.rb
   M Formula/rolldice.rb
   M Formula/rom-tools.rb
   M Formula/root.rb
   M Formula/roswell.rb
   M Formula/roundup.rb
   M Formula/rp.rb
   M Formula/rpcgen.rb
   M Formula/rpg.rb
   M Formula/rpl.rb
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   M Formula/rpm2cpio.rb
   M Formula/rqlite.rb
   M Formula/rrdtool.rb
   M Formula/rsnapshot.rb
   M Formula/rssh.rb
   M Formula/rsstail.rb
   M Formula/rst-lint.rb
   M Formula/rswift.rb
   M Formula/rsync-time-backup.rb
   M Formula/rsync.rb
   M Formula/rsyslog.rb
   M Formula/rt-audio.rb
   M Formula/rtags.rb
   M Formula/rtf2latex2e.rb
   M Formula/rtmidi.rb
   M Formula/rtmpdump.rb
   M Formula/rtorrent.rb
   M Formula/rtptools.rb
   M Formula/rtv.rb
   M Formula/rubberband.rb
   M Formula/ruby-build.rb
   M Formula/ruby-completion.rb
   M Formula/ruby-install.rb
   M Formula/ruby.rb
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   M Formula/ruby@2.5.rb
   M Formula/ruby@2.6.rb
   M Formula/rubyfmt.rb
   M Formula/run.rb
   M Formula/runcocoa.rb
   M Formula/runit.rb
   M Formula/rush.rb
   M Formula/rust-analyzer.rb
   M Formula/rust.rb
   M Formula/rustc-completion.rb
   M Formula/rustup-init.rb
   M Formula/rxvt-unicode.rb
   M Formula/ry.rb
   M Formula/rzip.rb
   M Formula/s-lang.rb
   M Formula/s-nail.rb
   M Formula/s-search.rb
   M Formula/s2geometry.rb
   M Formula/s2n.rb
   M Formula/s3-backer.rb
   M Formula/s3cmd.rb
   M Formula/s3fs.rb
   M Formula/s3ql.rb
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   M Formula/safe-rm.rb
   M Formula/sagittarius-scheme.rb
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   M Formula/saltwater.rb
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   M Formula/samtools.rb
   M Formula/samurai.rb
   M Formula/sane-backends.rb
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   M Formula/savana.rb
   M Formula/saxon-b.rb
   M Formula/saxon.rb
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   M Formula/sbjson.rb
   M Formula/sblim-sfcc.rb
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   M Formula/sbt@0.13.rb
   M Formula/sbtenv.rb
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   M Formula/sc68.rb
   M Formula/scala.rb
   M Formula/scala@2.11.rb
   M Formula/scala@2.12.rb
   M Formula/scalaenv.rb
   M Formula/scalapack.rb
   M Formula/scalariform.rb
   M Formula/scalastyle.rb
   M Formula/scale2x.rb
   M Formula/scamper.rb
   M Formula/scc.rb
   M Formula/sccache.rb
   M Formula/scdoc.rb
   M Formula/sceptre.rb
   M Formula/schema-evolution-manager.rb
   M Formula/scheme48.rb
   M Formula/schroedinger.rb
   M Formula/scipy.rb
   M Formula/scm-manager.rb
   M Formula/scmpuff.rb
   M Formula/scons.rb
   M Formula/scour.rb
   M Formula/scrcpy.rb
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   M Formula/screenfetch.rb
   M Formula/screenresolution.rb
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   M Formula/scrollkeeper.rb
   M Formula/scrub.rb
   M Formula/scrypt.rb
   M Formula/scs.rb
   M Formula/scummvm-tools.rb
   M Formula/scummvm.rb
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   M Formula/sdhash.rb
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   M Formula/sdl2_image.rb
   M Formula/sdl2_mixer.rb
   M Formula/sdl2_net.rb
   M Formula/sdl2_ttf.rb
   M Formula/sdl_gfx.rb
   M Formula/sdl_image.rb
   M Formula/sdl_mixer.rb
   M Formula/sdl_net.rb
   M Formula/sdl_rtf.rb
   M Formula/sdl_sound.rb
   M Formula/sdl_ttf.rb
   M Formula/sdlpop.rb
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   M Formula/seexpr.rb
   M Formula/selecta.rb
   M Formula/selenium-server-standalone.rb
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   M Formula/semtag.rb
   M Formula/sendemail.rb
   M Formula/sentencepiece.rb
   M Formula/seqtk.rb
   M Formula/ser2net.rb
   M Formula/serd.rb
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   M Formula/serialosc.rb
   M Formula/sersniff.rb
   M Formula/serve.rb
   M Formula/serveit.rb
   M Formula/serverless.rb
   M Formula/servus.rb
   M Formula/setweblocthumb.rb
   M Formula/sf-pwgen.rb
   M Formula/sfcgal.rb
   M Formula/sfk.rb
   M Formula/sfml.rb
   M Formula/sfst.rb
   M Formula/sgrep.rb
   M Formula/sha1dc.rb
   M Formula/sha2.rb
   M Formula/sha3sum.rb
   M Formula/shadowenv.rb
   M Formula/shadowsocks-libev.rb
   M Formula/shairport-sync.rb
   M Formula/shairport.rb
   M Formula/shakespeare.rb
   M Formula/shapelib.rb
   M Formula/shared-mime-info.rb
   M Formula/shc.rb
   M Formula/shellcheck.rb
   M Formula/shellharden.rb
   M Formula/shellinabox.rb
   M Formula/shellshare.rb
   M Formula/shelltestrunner.rb
   M Formula/shellz.rb
   M Formula/shfmt.rb
   M Formula/shibboleth-sp.rb
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   M Formula/shivavg.rb
   M Formula/shmcat.rb
   M Formula/shml.rb
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   M Formula/shntool.rb
   M Formula/shogun.rb
   M Formula/shorten.rb
   M Formula/shpotify.rb
   M Formula/shtool.rb
   M Formula/shunit2.rb
   M Formula/shyaml.rb
   M Formula/sic.rb
   M Formula/sickle.rb
   M Formula/siege.rb
   M Formula/sift.rb
   M Formula/signal-cli.rb
   M Formula/signify-osx.rb
   M Formula/sile.rb
   M Formula/silk.rb
   M Formula/simdjson.rb
   M Formula/simg2img.rb
   M Formula/simgrid.rb
   M Formula/simh.rb
   M Formula/simple-amqp-client.rb
   M Formula/simple-mtpfs.rb
   M Formula/simple-obfs.rb
   M Formula/simple-scan.rb
   M Formula/simple-tiles.rb
   M Formula/simutrans.rb
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   M Formula/singular.rb
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   M Formula/sipcalc.rb
   M Formula/sipp.rb
   M Formula/sipsak.rb
   M Formula/siril.rb
   M Formula/sisc-scheme.rb
   M Formula/sispmctl.rb
   M Formula/sjk.rb
   M Formula/sk.rb
   M Formula/skaffold.rb
   M Formula/skafos.rb
   M Formula/ski.rb
   M Formula/skinny.rb
   M Formula/skktools.rb
   M Formula/skopeo.rb
   M Formula/skylighting.rb
   M Formula/skymaker.rb
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   M Formula/slackcat.rb
   M Formula/slacknimate.rb
   M Formula/slashem.rb
   M Formula/sleepwatcher.rb
   M Formula/sleuthkit.rb
   M Formula/slimerjs.rb
   M Formula/sloc.rb
   M Formula/sloccount.rb
   M Formula/slowhttptest.rb
   M Formula/slrn.rb
   M Formula/slugify.rb
   M Formula/slurm.rb
   M Formula/smake.rb
   M Formula/smali.rb
   M Formula/smartmontools.rb
   M Formula/smartypants.rb
   M Formula/smimesign.rb
   M Formula/smlpkg.rb
   M Formula/smpeg.rb
   M Formula/smpeg2.rb
   M Formula/sn0int.rb
   M Formula/snag.rb
   M Formula/snakemake.rb
   M Formula/snap-telemetry.rb
   M Formula/snap7.rb
   M Formula/snapcraft.rb
   M Formula/snappy.rb
   M Formula/snappystream.rb
   M Formula/snapraid.rb
   M Formula/sng.rb
   M Formula/sngrep.rb
   M Formula/sniffglue.rb
   M Formula/snobol4.rb
   M Formula/snort.rb
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   M Formula/snownews.rb
   M Formula/sntop.rb
   M Formula/snzip.rb
   M Formula/so.rb
   M Formula/socat.rb
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   M Formula/sofia-sip.rb
   M Formula/softhsm.rb
   M Formula/solarus.rb
   M Formula/solid.rb
   M Formula/solidity.rb
   M Formula/sollya.rb
   M Formula/solr.rb
   M Formula/solr@7.7.rb
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   M Formula/somagic.rb
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   M Formula/sonar-scanner.rb
   M Formula/sonarqube-lts.rb
   M Formula/sonarqube.rb
   M Formula/sonic.rb
   M Formula/sonobuoy.rb
   M Formula/sops.rb
   M Formula/sord.rb
   M Formula/sound-touch.rb
   M Formula/soundpipe.rb
   M Formula/source-highlight.rb
   M Formula/source-to-image.rb
   M Formula/sourcedocs.rb
   M Formula/sourcekitten.rb
   M Formula/sourcery.rb
   M Formula/sox.rb
   M Formula/spaceinvaders-go.rb
   M Formula/spaceman-diff.rb
   M Formula/spades.rb
   M Formula/spandsp.rb
   M Formula/spark.rb
   M Formula/sparkey.rb
   M Formula/sparse.rb
   M Formula/spatialindex.rb
   M Formula/spatialite-gui.rb
   M Formula/spatialite-tools.rb
   M Formula/spawn-fcgi.rb
   M Formula/spdlog.rb
   M Formula/spdylay.rb
   M Formula/speech-tools.rb
   M Formula/speedread.rb
   M Formula/speedtest-cli.rb
   M Formula/speex.rb
   M Formula/speexdsp.rb
   M Formula/sphinx-doc.rb
   M Formula/sphinx.rb
   M Formula/spice-gtk.rb
   M Formula/spice-protocol.rb
   M Formula/spidermonkey.rb
   M Formula/spigot.rb
   M Formula/spim.rb
   M Formula/spin.rb
   M Formula/spiped.rb
   M Formula/spirv-cross.rb
   M Formula/spirv-tools.rb
   M Formula/splint.rb
   M Formula/spoof-mac.rb
   M Formula/spotbugs.rb
   M Formula/spotify-tui.rb
   M Formula/spotifyd.rb
   M Formula/spring-completion.rb
   M Formula/spring-loaded.rb
   M Formula/spring-roo.rb
   M Formula/sproxy.rb
   M Formula/sql-translator.rb
   M Formula/sqlcipher.rb
   M Formula/sqldiff.rb
   M Formula/sqlite-analyzer.rb
   M Formula/sqlite.rb
   M Formula/sqliteodbc.rb
   M Formula/sqlmap.rb
   M Formula/sqlparse.rb
   M Formula/sqoop.rb
   M Formula/sqtop.rb
   M Formula/squashfs.rb
   M Formula/squashfuse.rb
   M Formula/squid.rb
   M Formula/squirrel.rb
   M Formula/sratom.rb
   M Formula/sratoolkit.rb
   M Formula/src.rb
   M Formula/srecord.rb
   M Formula/srmio.rb
   M Formula/srt.rb
   M Formula/srtp.rb
   M Formula/ssdb.rb
   M Formula/ssdeep.rb
   M Formula/ssed.rb
   M Formula/ssh-audit.rb
   M Formula/ssh-copy-id.rb
   M Formula/ssh-permit-a38.rb
   M Formula/ssh-vault.rb
   M Formula/sshfs.rb
   M Formula/sshguard.rb
   M Formula/sshtrix.rb
   M Formula/sshuttle.rb
   M Formula/ssldump.rb
   M Formula/sslh.rb
   M Formula/ssllabs-scan.rb
   M Formula/sslmate.rb
   M Formula/sslscan.rb
   M Formula/sslsplit.rb
   M Formula/sslyze.rb
   M Formula/ssss.rb
   M Formula/sstp-client.rb
   M Formula/st.rb
   M Formula/standardese.rb
   M Formula/stanford-corenlp.rb
   M Formula/stanford-ner.rb
   M Formula/stanford-parser.rb
   M Formula/star.rb
   M Formula/starship.rb
   M Formula/startup-notification.rb
   M Formula/statik.rb
   M Formula/stdman.rb
   M Formula/stella.rb
   M Formula/stellar-core.rb
   M Formula/step.rb
   M Formula/stern.rb
   M Formula/stgit.rb
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   M Formula/stlink.rb
   M Formula/stm32flash.rb
   M Formula/stockfish.rb
   M Formula/stoken.rb
   M Formula/stolon.rb
   M Formula/stone-soup.rb
   M Formula/stone.rb
   M Formula/storm.rb
   M Formula/stormlib.rb
   M Formula/stormssh-completion.rb
   M Formula/stormssh.rb
   M Formula/stout.rb
   M Formula/stow.rb
   M Formula/streamlink.rb
   M Formula/streamripper.rb
   M Formula/stress-ng.rb
   M Formula/stress.rb
   M Formula/strongswan.rb
   M Formula/stubby.rb
   M Formula/stunnel.rb
   M Formula/stuntman.rb
   M Formula/style-check.rb
   M Formula/sub2srt.rb
   M Formula/subfinder.rb
   M Formula/subliminal.rb
   M Formula/subnetcalc.rb
   M Formula/subversion.rb
   M Formula/subversion@1.8.rb
   M Formula/suil.rb
   M Formula/suite-sparse.rb
   M Formula/sundials.rb
   M Formula/superlu.rb
   M Formula/supermodel.rb
   M Formula/supertux.rb
   M Formula/supervisor.rb
   M Formula/surfraw.rb
   M Formula/suricata.rb
   M Formula/svdlibc.rb
   M Formula/svg2pdf.rb
   M Formula/svg2png.rb
   M Formula/svgcleaner.rb
   M Formula/svgo.rb
   M Formula/svtplay-dl.rb
   M Formula/swagger-codegen.rb
   M Formula/swagger-codegen@2.rb
   M Formula/swagger2markup-cli.rb
   M Formula/swaks.rb
   M Formula/swfmill.rb
   M Formula/swftools.rb
   M Formula/swi-prolog.rb
   M Formula/swift-format.rb
   M Formula/swift-protobuf.rb
   M Formula/swift-sh.rb
   M Formula/swift.rb
   M Formula/swiftformat.rb
   M Formula/swiftgen.rb
   M Formula/swiftlint.rb
   M Formula/swiftplate.rb
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   M Formula/swig@3.rb
   M Formula/swimat.rb
   M Formula/switch-lan-play.rb
   M Formula/switchaudio-osx.rb
   M Formula/sword.rb
   M Formula/sxiv.rb
   M Formula/syck.rb
   M Formula/sylpheed.rb
   M Formula/sync_gateway.rb
   M Formula/syncthing.rb
   M Formula/synfig.rb
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   M Formula/syntaxerl.rb
   M Formula/sysbench.rb
   M Formula/sysdig.rb
   M Formula/systemc.rb
   M Formula/sz81.rb
   M Formula/szip.rb
   M Formula/t-completion.rb
   M Formula/t1lib.rb
   M Formula/t1utils.rb
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   M Formula/taglib.rb
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   M Formula/tarsnapper.rb
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   M Formula/tasksh.rb
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   M Formula/tbb.rb
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   M Formula/tccutil.rb
   M Formula/tcl-tk.rb
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   M Formula/tcping.rb
   M Formula/tcpkali.rb
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   M Formula/tcpsplit.rb
   M Formula/tcpstat.rb
   M Formula/tcptrace.rb
   M Formula/tcptraceroute.rb
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   M Formula/teensy_loader_cli.rb
   M Formula/tektoncd-cli.rb
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   M Formula/telegram-cli.rb
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   M Formula/terminal-notifier.rb
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   M Formula/terraform-ls.rb
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   M Formula/terraform_landscape.rb
   M Formula/terraformer.rb
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   M Formula/terragrunt.rb
   M Formula/terrahelp.rb
   M Formula/terrahub.rb
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   M Formula/the_platinum_searcher.rb
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   M Formula/theharvester.rb
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   M Formula/thors-serializer.rb
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   M Formula/thrift@0.9.rb
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   M Formula/tmux-mem-cpu-load.rb
   M Formula/tmux-xpanes.rb
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   M Formula/tmuxinator-completion.rb
   M Formula/tmuxinator.rb
   M Formula/tmx.rb
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   M Formula/tnftpd.rb
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   M Formula/todoman.rb
   M Formula/tofrodos.rb
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   M Formula/tokyo-dystopia.rb
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   M Formula/tomcat@8.rb
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   M Formula/translate-toolkit.rb
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   M Formula/treecc.rb
   M Formula/treefrog.rb
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   M Formula/ucspi-tcp.rb
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   M Formula/unittest-cpp.rb
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   M Formula/unixodbc.rb
   M Formula/unnethack.rb
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   M Formula/unshield.rb
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   M Formula/userspace-rcu.rb
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   M Formula/uudeview.rb
   M Formula/uutils-coreutils.rb
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   M Formula/
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   M Formula/vowpal-wabbit.rb
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   M Formula/wireshark.rb
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   M Formula/x86_64-elf-gcc.rb
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   M Formula/xlslib.rb
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   M Formula/zile.rb
   M Formula/zim.rb
   M Formula/zimg.rb
   M Formula/zinc.rb
   M Formula/zint.rb
   M Formula/zip.rb
   M Formula/zita-convolver.rb
   M Formula/zlib.rb
   M Formula/zlog.rb
   M Formula/zmap.rb
   M Formula/zmqpp.rb
   M Formula/znapzend.rb
   M Formula/znc.rb
   M Formula/zola.rb
   M Formula/zookeeper.rb
   M Formula/zopfli.rb
   M Formula/zorba.rb
   M Formula/zork.rb
   M Formula/zoxide.rb
   M Formula/zpaq.rb
   M Formula/zplug.rb
   M Formula/zrepl.rb
   M Formula/zsdx.rb
   M Formula/zsh-autosuggestions.rb
   M Formula/zsh-completions.rb
   M Formula/zsh-git-prompt.rb
   M Formula/zsh-history-substring-search.rb
   M Formula/zsh-lovers.rb
   M Formula/zsh-navigation-tools.rb
   M Formula/zsh-syntax-highlighting.rb
   M Formula/zsh.rb
   M Formula/zshdb.rb
   M Formula/zssh.rb
   M Formula/zstd.rb
   M Formula/zsxd.rb
   M Formula/zsync.rb
   M Formula/zurl.rb
   M Formula/zxcc.rb
   M Formula/zydis.rb
   M Formula/zyre.rb
   M Formula/zzuf.rb
   M Formula/zzz.rb
   M LICENSE.txt
   M formula_renames.json
   M tap_migrations.json
  ?? .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
  ?? .github/stale.yml
  ?? .github/support.yml
  ?? .github/workflows/autocancel.yml
  ?? .github/workflows/autolabel.yml
  ?? Formula/atlassian-cli.rb
  ?? Formula/avian.rb
  ?? Formula/boost@1.55.rb
  ?? Formula/boost@1.59.rb
  ?? Formula/confluent-platform.rb
  ?? Formula/curl-openssl.rb
  ?? Formula/dtrx.rb
  ?? Formula/fcct.rb
  ?? Formula/fmsx.rb
  ?? Formula/geant4.rb
  ?? Formula/gobby.rb
  ?? Formula/godep.rb
  ?? Formula/gst-validate.rb
  ?? Formula/joplin.rb
  ?? Formula/kde-extra-cmake-modules.rb
  ?? Formula/kde-threadweaver.rb
  ?? Formula/llvm@6.rb
  ?? Formula/meson-internal.rb
  ?? Formula/minizip2.rb
  ?? Formula/mysql-connector-c++@1.1.rb
  ?? Formula/now-cli.rb
  ?? Formula/ori.rb
  ?? Formula/pgplot.rb
  ?? Formula/prest.rb
  ?? Formula/rmtrash.rb
  ?? Formula/scw@1.rb
  ?? Formula/stlviewer.rb
  ?? Formula/unp64.rb
  ?? Formula/unrar.rb
  ?? Formula/woboq_codebrowser.rb
  ?? Formula/wpscan.rb
  ?? Formula/xspin.rb
  ?? Formula/xu4.rb
  • I ran brew update and am still able to reproduce my issue.
  • I have resolved all warnings from brew doctor and that did not fix my problem.

What were you trying to do (and why)?

i want to brew switch my go version from stable 1.16.3 to go 1.14.6

What happened (include all command output)?

Error: Unknown command: switch

What did you expect to happen?

command run ok

Step-by-step reproduction instructions (by running brew commands)

unknown command switch #10748


Bluelich commented Mar 1, 2021 •

brew config output

HEAD: b712bcc
Last commit: 7 days ago
Core tap ORIGIN:
Core tap HEAD: 81c64f2
Core tap last commit: 73 minutes ago
Core tap branch: master
Homebrew Ruby: 2.6.3 => /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.6/usr/bin/ruby
CPU: octa-core 64-bit kabylake
Clang: 12.0 build 1200
Git: 2.24.3 => /Applications/
Curl: 7.64.1 => /usr/bin/curl
macOS: 11.2-x86_64
Xcode: 12.4

brew doctor output

Your system is ready to brew.

  • The brew doctor above contains no «Warning» lines.

What were you trying to do (and why)?

brew switch cocapods 1.9.3

What happened (include all command output)?

unknown command switch

What did you expect to happen?

«switch» command works fine.

Step-by-step reproduction instructions (by running brew commands)

brew switch cocapods 1.9.3.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:


brew switch (external command) does not work #25647


dalguji commented Jan 4, 2014

I found an interesting error of the external command «brew switch».

Regardless of parameters, simply «brew switch . » always fails while it runs fine if I run it with full path like «/usr/local/bin/brew switch . » on my OSX Mavericks machine.

I found that the shell script, brew in /usr/loca/bin takes two arguments ONLY like ‘switch formula_name’ in $@ from the beginning of the script when it’s run as «brew switch formula_name version_number’. And it passes the arguments to brew.rb

However if it runs with a full path like «/usr/local/bin/brew switch . «, it takes whole arguments and runs fine. I am not sure of the root cause. Any idea?

adamv commented Jan 4, 2014

Do you have more than one brew binary on your system? Or a brew alias?

adamv commented Jan 4, 2014

Also, what is your brew doctor and brew —config ?

dalguji commented Jan 5, 2014

Hi @adamv, you’re right. I checked my machine again and found there is an alias for brew, I made months ago. I removed the alias and it works fine now. So it was my mistake, not a brew bug. Thanks a lot for your advice!


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You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.


benlinton /

Multiple MySQL Versions for Development

Options included below:

  • Using Docker docker-compose
  • Using Homebrew brew

Using Docker (recommended)

This gist was originally created for Homebrew before the rise of Docker, yet it may be best to avoid installing mysql via brew any longer. Instead consider adding a barebones docker-compose.yml for each project and run docker-compose up to start each project’s mysql service.


Please visit for environment variables that you can optionally set (e.g. username, password, etc.)

To start the your mysql service.

To stop your mysql service.

Disclaimer: Your milage may vary, I’ve updated this gist based on comments below but haven’t tested it myself since switching to Docker. Please see comments below and/or gist history for additional details.

I was using homebrew version 0.9.5 when writing this gist.

Install the current version of mysql.

Install the older version of mysql.

Then to switch to the older version.

And to switch back to the current version.

To verify which mysql version you’re on at any time.

serundeputy commented Mar 4, 2016

When switching back to mysql55 I needed to additionally do:

brew link mysql55 —force

sylvain441 commented Mar 8, 2016

Thank you for this. Really helpfull
Although if anyone wants to downgrade from 5.7 to 5.6 good luck

I finally had to

LouisRitchie commented Jul 25, 2016

Thanks a lot, this is exactly what i was looking for. Very helpful 👍

BlakeBurnette commented Oct 7, 2016 •

This seems to create weird behaviors @@Version pulls up 5.7, but mysql —version pulls 5.5 which produces errors with Strict Dates.

TheCorp commented Oct 22, 2016

Remove the .err file from the data dir and then it should load smoothly

noahpatterson commented Nov 22, 2016

Just FYI with I had to remove the *.err files /usr/local/var/mysql and the ib_logfile* files per

LucasArruda commented Dec 1, 2016

@sylvaiin thanks for the tips. Migrating for me was not so easy. Even after removing 5.7 from brew, and doing all those steps from the article you linked, somehow mysql command was refusing to connect to mysql 5.6 service.

What worked for me was removing both versions from brew (uninstalling them), like totally wiping mysql (both mysql and mysql56) from my system and then installing mysql 5.6 with brew. That worked!

travisdetert commented Feb 1, 2017

What is the point of this, exactly? Why can I not just install mysql56 only and have this work as expected? (My google fu is not finding a reliable way of NOT installing 5.7 at this point and having 5.6 work reliably)

zhihuidev commented Mar 21, 2017

I find in my brew searching, the mysql@5.5 instead of mysql55, so should: brew install mysql@5.5

LoranceChen commented Mar 24, 2017 •

There should be use brew install mysql@5.6 , see the tips:

→ brew install homebrew/versions/mysql56
Updating Homebrew.
^CWarning: Use mysql@5.6 instead of deprecated homebrew/versions/mysql56
Warning: mysql@5.6 is a keg-only and another version is linked to opt.
Use brew install —force if you want to install this version

→ brew search mysql
automysqlbackup mysql-connector-c mysql-utilities
mysql ✔ mysql-connector-c++ mysql@5.5
mysql++ mysql-sandbox mysql@5.6 ✔
mysql-cluster mysql-search-replace mysqltuner

and then link with brew switch mysql@5.6 5.6.35
finally start server: brew services start mysql56

Hope that will be some help.

mikeghen commented Apr 18, 2017

geryit commented Apr 19, 2017

To switch to older mysql server version, I had to stop current mysql service also :

ghost commented Apr 21, 2017

Went with mysql@5.6 and I’m getting: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/tmp/mysql.sock’ (2) Although brew services list says mysql@5.6 is started, there’s no mysqld process running and no mysql.sock file anywhere. Any ideas on how to fix it? should I just go with the deprecated mysql56 instead?

jsweeney commented Apr 24, 2017

@jpmelguizo I also had your problem. My issue was that the mysql@5.6 was trying to boot the mysql 5.7 database (installed in the default /usr/local/var folder). If you want to run both in parallel on their own distinct databases, there are a few more steps to do.

Create a new (separate) data directory and database for the 5.6 version
Run /usr/local/Cellar/mysql@5.6/5.6.36/bin/mysql_install_db —user=root —datadir=/usr/local/var/mysql56


Как я могу заварить ссылку на конкретную версию?

У меня есть несколько бочонков одной и той же упаковки в /usr/local/Cellar/libfoo , например /usr/local/Cellar/libfoo/1.0.1 , /usr/local/Cellar/libfoo/HEAD и /usr/local/Cellar/libfoo/mycopy

Как я могу заварить ссылку на конкретную версию?

8 ответов

УСТАРЕЛО в Homebrew 2.6.0 (декабрь 2020 г.). Проверьте другие ответы на наличие обновлений

Информация об использовании:

Вы можете найти версии, установленные в вашей системе, с помощью info .

И чтобы увидеть доступные для установки версии, вы можете указать номер версии dud, так как brew услужливо ответит с доступными номерами версий:

Обновление (15.10.2014):

Команда brew versions была удалена из brew, но, если вы все же хотите использовать эту команду, сначала запустите brew tap homebrew/boneyard .

Рекомендуемый способ установки старой версии — установка из репозитория homebrew/versions следующим образом:

Для получения подробной информации обо всех способах установки более старой версии формулы прочтите этот ответ.

Я спросил на #machomebrew и узнал, что вы можете переключаться между версиями с помощью переключателя пивоварения.

Чтобы получить версию mycopy libfoo.

К сожалению, brew switch устарел в Homebrew 2.6.0 ( Декабрь 2020 г.)

TL; DR, чтобы перейти на package версию 10 :

Чтобы использовать другую версию пакета, например node :

  • Во-первых, убедитесь, что конкретная версия установлена ​​с помощью brew list . Мой пакет здесь: node (16) и node@14 .
  • Отключите текущий пакет: brew unlink node .
  • Ссылка на правильную версию

Если вы установили, например, php 5.4, его можно переключить на php 5.5 следующим образом:

brew switch libfoo mycopy

Вы можете использовать brew switch для переключения между версиями одного и того же пакета, если он установлен как подкаталоги с поддержкой версий в Cellar/

Здесь будут перечислены установленные версии (например, у меня был Cellar/sdl2/2.0.3 , я скомпилировал в Cellar/sdl2/2.0.4 )

Затем переключаться между ними

Информация теперь показывает * рядом с 2.0.4.

Чтобы установить под Cellar/

/ из исходного кода, вы можете, например, сделать

Проверьте, где он установлен с

Если все выглядит правильно

Затем из cd $(brew —Cellar) сделайте переключение между версиями.

Я использую brew version 0.9.5

В случае, если brew switch выдает ошибку (в этом примере при попытке переключиться на версию узла 14):

Правильный способ переключения версий:

Homebrew удалена подкоманда brew switch в Homebrew 2.6.0 . Верните его здесь.

Имя @ версия формула

В основном есть два способа переключиться на старую версию приложения.

Если это более крупная версия, поменяйте. Homebrew, возможно, создал в репо пакет с поддержкой версий. Как и go , go@1.10 , это две разные формулы, установленные в двух разных местах.

Переключатель заваривания

Но не в каждом пакете есть версионный вариант. Если вы только что обновились до новой версии, а старая все еще в вашей системе, пропустите шаги 1, 2.

  1. В этой ситуации выполните поиск в репозитории homebrew-core и загрузите конкретную формулу. например mysql 8.0.23
  2. Загрузите raw файл и установите из него brew install /path/to/downloaded/mysql.rb .
  3. Теперь существуют и последняя, ​​и старая версия 8.0.23 (та же формула mysql ), переключите (отключите) старую версию с помощью brew switch mysql 8.0.23

brew info mysql перечислит все существующие старые версии.

Шаги 1, 2 можно заменить на brew extract , но для этого пользователь должен поддерживать свой собственный кран. Я не буду здесь рассказывать об этом, просто поищите, если вам интересно.

Если ответ @simon не работает на некоторых компьютерах Mac, следуйте приведенному ниже процессу.

Если вы уже установили swiftgen, используя следующие команды:

$ brew update $ brew install swiftgen

Затем выполните следующие действия, чтобы запустить swiftgen со старой версией.

Шаг 1: brew uninstall swiftgen Шаг 2. Перейдите к: и загрузите swiftgen с версией:

Разархивируйте пакет в любой из каталогов.

Шаг 3: Выполните в терминале следующее:

У вас должно получиться: SwiftGen v0.0 (Stencil v0.8.0, StencilSwiftKit v1.0.0, SwiftGenKit v1.0.1)


Как я могу заварить ссылку на конкретную версию?

У меня есть несколько бочонков одной и той же упаковки в /usr/local/Cellar/libfoo , например /usr/local/Cellar/libfoo/1.0.1 , /usr/local/Cellar/libfoo/HEAD и /usr/local/Cellar/libfoo/mycopy

Как я могу заварить ссылку на конкретную версию?

8 ответов

УСТАРЕЛО в Homebrew 2.6.0 (декабрь 2020 г.). Проверьте другие ответы на наличие обновлений

Информация об использовании:

Вы можете найти версии, установленные в вашей системе, с помощью info .

И чтобы увидеть доступные для установки версии, вы можете указать номер версии dud, так как brew услужливо ответит с доступными номерами версий:

Обновление (15.10.2014):

Команда brew versions была удалена из brew, но, если вы все же хотите использовать эту команду, сначала запустите brew tap homebrew/boneyard .

Рекомендуемый способ установки старой версии — установка из репозитория homebrew/versions следующим образом:

Для получения подробной информации обо всех способах установки более старой версии формулы прочтите этот ответ.

Я спросил на #machomebrew и узнал, что вы можете переключаться между версиями с помощью переключателя пивоварения.

Чтобы получить версию mycopy libfoo.

К сожалению, brew switch устарел в Homebrew 2.6.0 ( Декабрь 2020 г.)

TL; DR, чтобы перейти на package версию 10 :

Чтобы использовать другую версию пакета, например node :

  • Во-первых, убедитесь, что конкретная версия установлена ​​с помощью brew list . Мой пакет здесь: node (16) и node@14 .
  • Отключите текущий пакет: brew unlink node .
  • Ссылка на правильную версию

Если вы установили, например, php 5.4, его можно переключить на php 5.5 следующим образом:

brew switch libfoo mycopy

Вы можете использовать brew switch для переключения между версиями одного и того же пакета, если он установлен как подкаталоги с поддержкой версий в Cellar/

Здесь будут перечислены установленные версии (например, у меня был Cellar/sdl2/2.0.3 , я скомпилировал в Cellar/sdl2/2.0.4 )

Затем переключаться между ними

Информация теперь показывает * рядом с 2.0.4.

Чтобы установить под Cellar/

/ из исходного кода, вы можете, например, сделать

Проверьте, где он установлен с

Если все выглядит правильно

Затем из cd $(brew —Cellar) сделайте переключение между версиями.

Я использую brew version 0.9.5

В случае, если brew switch выдает ошибку (в этом примере при попытке переключиться на версию узла 14):

Правильный способ переключения версий:

Homebrew удалена подкоманда brew switch в Homebrew 2.6.0 . Верните его здесь.

Имя @ версия формула

В основном есть два способа переключиться на старую версию приложения.

Если это более крупная версия, поменяйте. Homebrew, возможно, создал в репо пакет с поддержкой версий. Как и go , go@1.10 , это две разные формулы, установленные в двух разных местах.

Переключатель заваривания

Но не в каждом пакете есть версионный вариант. Если вы только что обновились до новой версии, а старая все еще в вашей системе, пропустите шаги 1, 2.

  1. В этой ситуации выполните поиск в репозитории homebrew-core и загрузите конкретную формулу. например mysql 8.0.23
  2. Загрузите raw файл и установите из него brew install /path/to/downloaded/mysql.rb .
  3. Теперь существуют и последняя, ​​и старая версия 8.0.23 (та же формула mysql ), переключите (отключите) старую версию с помощью brew switch mysql 8.0.23

brew info mysql перечислит все существующие старые версии.

Шаги 1, 2 можно заменить на brew extract , но для этого пользователь должен поддерживать свой собственный кран. Я не буду здесь рассказывать об этом, просто поищите, если вам интересно.

Если ответ @simon не работает на некоторых компьютерах Mac, следуйте приведенному ниже процессу.

Если вы уже установили swiftgen, используя следующие команды:

$ brew update $ brew install swiftgen

Затем выполните следующие действия, чтобы запустить swiftgen со старой версией.

Шаг 1: brew uninstall swiftgen Шаг 2. Перейдите к: и загрузите swiftgen с версией:

Разархивируйте пакет в любой из каталогов.

Шаг 3: Выполните в терминале следующее:

У вас должно получиться: SwiftGen v0.0 (Stencil v0.8.0, StencilSwiftKit v1.0.0, SwiftGenKit v1.0.1)


Это, наверное, лучший способ по состоянию на 11.1.2022:

Чтобы установить конкретную версию, например, postgresql 9.5, вы просто запускаете:

$ brew install postgresql@9.5

Чтобы просмотреть доступные версии, выполните поиск с помощью @:

$ brew search postgresql@
==> Formulae
postgresql                 postgresql@11              postgresql@13              postgresql@9.5             qt-postgresql
postgresql@10              postgresql@12              postgresql@9.4             postgresql@9.6             postgrest

==> Casks

УСТАРЕЛО в Homebrew 2.6.0 (декабрь 2020 г.):

Информация об использовании:

Usage: brew switch <formula> <version>


brew switch mysql 5.5.29

Вы можете найти версии, установленные в вашей системе, с помощью info.

brew info mysql

И чтобы увидеть доступные версии для установки, вы можете указать номер версии, так как brew услужливо ответит с доступными номерами версий:

brew switch mysql 0

Обновление (15.10.2014):

Компания brew versions команда была удалена из brew, но если вы хотите использовать эту команду, сначала запустите brew tap homebrew/boneyard.

Рекомендуемый способ установки старой версии — установка с homebrew/versions следующие репо:

$ brew tap homebrew/versions
$ brew install mysql55

Для получения подробной информации обо всех способах установки старой версии формулы прочитайте этот ответ.


As I commented above, Homebrew got rid of the switch command entirely, which is why it says «Unknown command». But rbenv provides a tap that you can install openssl from. You can run the command below:
Reviews 2


when I want to recover my 2960 switch in rommon mode with xmodem command, It shows me these errors. when I reset the switch, still shoes these errors:
Estimated Reading Time 4 mins


10.1 -delete : This switch is use to remove a particular that already specified in the find command. Use this switch with extra care. Example # find ./ -inum 1316256 ./test123.txt # find ./ -inum 1316256 -delete # find ./ -inum 1316256 In this case, -delete switch remove the file test123.txt. Similarly we can remove anything that found by find command. 10.2 -exec : This …


e.g. console command: food [#] 100 -> normal depletion rate, 50-> depletion rate halved I really enjoy the game so far, but food/water loss is way too fast in my opinion and is more a tedious task than a survival aspect that adds decent time pressure.


When entering certain commands in AutoCAD, the command line shows: Command: XXXXXX Unknown command «XXXXXX». Press F1 for help. The following are possible causes of this issue: Incorrect support folder path. Wrong partial customization file (ACAD.cuix) loaded. Missing ARX files. Missing acad<version>doc.lsp file. The command is not available in the product, or …


Command#5: FORMAT/AUTOTEST. This command is run in order to format a hard drive. It is an external command that wipes out the data from the hard drive. Command#6: FORMAT/Z:n. This command is used for specifying cluster size in bytes. Here, n is multiplied with 512. It is an external command and is used with FDISK that supports FAT32 file system.


The host name command allows you to give the switch a name and that will change the prompt because the switch host name will be part of the prompt. This host name is also used for management to simply visually identify the switch and quickly identify it by looking at the prompt and for other identification purposes, including enabling DNS on the switch. Switch(config …


09-06-2013 , 22:50 Re: Unknown command «sm»?? # 2 its not installed correctly. and or your used wrong versions. your problem is to vague. try a ‘help sourcemod install’ search


Minecraft Tools: Unknown Command Message. Unknown Command Message. Unknown Command Message for Minecraft by Viperr_66.


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Examples. The following is a sample output of the switch show lacp command for Gigabit Ethernet interface 1/0. nfvis# switch show lacp gigabitEthernet 1/0 Port gi1/0 LACP parameters: Actor system priority: 1 system mac addr: 00:a6:ca:d6:38:50 port Admin key: 0 port Oper key: 0 port Oper number: 1 port Admin priority: 1 port Admin timeout: LONG port Oper …


You signed in with another tab or window. To add additional certificates, place .pem files in $(brew —prefix)/etc/[email protected]/certs Missing link for crossing the …


Sometimes we get drawings that in order to accomplish this we use the command «export» and from the list of choices I select Autocad 2013. It worked great in version 2015. Is still does in that version. In AC2016 I get the unknown command response. This happens with other commands from the pull dn menu as well!


How to Enter the Command 1. Open the Chat Window. The easiest way to run a command in Minecraft is within the chat window. The game control to open the chat window depends on the version of Minecraft:. For Java Edition (PC/Mac), press the T key to open the chat window.; For Pocket Edition (PE), tap on the chat button at the top of the screen.; For Xbox One, press the …


19:49:12 [INFO] Unknown Command version 1.7 is enabled! 19:49:12 [INFO] WorldEdit 4.7 enabled. 19:49:12 [INFO] WorldEdit: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. 19:49:12 [INFO] WorldGuard: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. 19:49:12 [INFO] WorldGuard: (SAVEDATA) Single session is enforced. 19:49:12 [INFO] WorldGuard: (SAVEDATA) TNT …


brew switch error: unknown command: switchardal league south west brew switch error: unknown command: switch. disadvantages of art therapy; convert jtoken to jproperty; truck load of gravel for sale near me. chris burnett navy; exhaust fan thermostat; geisinger pediatrics lewistown, pa; joe bastianich restaurants near me ; eagle lofts streeteasy; andy zaltzman wife …


Hi All, I just upgraded to ACAD2009 a few weeks back, after having happily and productively beeing using ACAD2008 for over a year or so. I have imported all my settings from ACAD2008, which includes network paths that reference locations for shared files on our server. I am running Windows XP Pro…


Name of the command switch as slug. Multiple entries are possible. command_on string Required. The action to take for on. command_off string Required. The action to take for off. command_state string (Optional) If given, this command will be run. Returning a result code 0 will indicate that the switch is on. value_template string (Optional) If specified, …


permission-message: You don’t have permission to access this command. /cmw: description: Info command usage: /cmw permission: cmw.base permission-message: You don’t have permission to access this command. /cmw help: description: Help menu for CMW usage: /cmw help permission: permission-message: You don’t have permission to access …


Unknown Command. Discussion in ‘Plugin Development’ started by Rmarmorstein, Nov 28, 2012. Thread Status: Not open for further replies. Offline Rmarmorstein. I am making a plugin to change the prefix of a player, using the command /prefix and it will execute the command via the console pex user <Player Sending command or cdsend> preifx &f[<color …


22:28:29.619 : Unknown command:N12593 X0.00 Y0.00 B0.00 L0.00. there is no G or M code at all in that command firmware receives. Also as you see the line number N is way of from 80 you send with M99. Are you connected with 2 hosts using different line numbers? sennalb. February 2017. I repetier, I am connected to the Arduino with a USB cable of my PC with only …


brew switch error: unknown command: switch. omega serial number 29. November 2020 …


Feb 15, 2015 @ 7:56am. Its maybe u were splled it wrong in console. Or you just installed the addon without restarting yur game. As i know you need to restart ur garrysmod to install it properly on ur listen server. Unknown command means the console doesnt recognize the command. Probably u enter a wrong command or the addon isnt installed properly.


The bat file can’t find START or doesn’t have full path to the executable. Another reason you could be have problems if somebody renamed a folder and put a space into the folder name. Single quotes may solve the issue. Try removing Start and then put single quotes into the file like below. ‘c:full path devenv.exe’ ‘/useenv Server.sln’.


im trying to change the default unknown command message from minecraft! Technically its easy: Listen to the PlayerCommandPreproccessEvent and cancel it if theres no helptopic for the command. It works, but it is blocking alot of Forge commands :/ Im sure you know that you can change the message in the spigot.yml, but this message will work with …


The command is a little finicky, but it can be done. What you need is the MAC address of the problem hosts, or if there’s only one, just pick another MAC address nearby. Here’s an example: test-s-02#trace mac 2880.2301.8998 6033.4b8c.5306 Source 2880.2301.8998 found on test-s-02 1 test-s-02 ( : Gi1/0/8 => Po1 2 test-s-01 ( : Po1 => …


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I need to know the meaning of «CommandLine Switch» and «passed» in in this context as I have not been able to find the full construction. … This site uses cookies. Some of these cookies are essential to the operation of the site, while others help to improve your experience by providing insights into how the site is being used. For more information, please see the …


Switch5Fh Unknown command or computer name or unable to find computer address. Switch5fh unknown command or computer name or unable. School University of Phoenix; Course Title CIT 276; Uploaded By thomgreatt1988. Pages 327 Ratings 100% (1) 1 out of 1 people found this document helpful; This preview shows page 216 — 221 out of 327 pages. …


Unknown Command If the user-programmable CAN-interface (CAN-PRIM) is active, 32 virtual message boxes are available to the user. . Bei aktivierter freiprogrammierbarer CAN-Schnittstelle (CAN-PRIM) stehen dem Anwender 32 virtuelle Message-Boxen zur Verfügung. Unknown command found in device configuration file. …


Unrecognized command Switch zswZ7CsFoSk Switch2cCnoCKwspso Unknown command or from CIT 276 at University of Phoenix


I pressed ~ and enter loonies and it says unknown command what am i doin wrong Mobs877. unwashed heathen (guest) Apr 5, 04 at 11:34pm (PST) ^ re: unknown command when putting in cheats: You need …


Reason: Unknown System version: Service:——Switch hardware ID information——Switch is booted up Switch type is : MDS 9222i Model number is DS-C9222I-K9 H/W version is 1.1 Part Number is 73-11019-01 — switch part number Part Revision is B0 Manufacture Date is …


Run Universal Silent Switch Finder and click the > button on the File line and load the mbam-setup- file. Once loaded, it’ll take a few seconds to analyze the setup file and then show the available silent command line switches.


This answer is useful. 1. This answer is not useful. Show activity on this post. Adding this vm arguments fixed that issue: your_sencha_pathSenchaCmd6.5.3.6sencha.vmoptions. -Duser.language=en -Duser.variant=Traditional_WIN. Share. Follow this answer to receive …


© Valve Corporation. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. #footer_privacy_policy | #footer …


brew config output HOMEBREW_VERSION: 3.0.2 ORIGIN: HEAD: b712bcc Last commit: 7 days ago Core tap ORIGIN: …


ERROR: Unknown command ‘a’ ERROR: Unknown command ‘a’ ERROR: Failed to open file ‘C:UsersmyUserNametheDBName_data.dump’, error: 2 Restoring the exact same dump with that procedure works well on Linux, but doesn’t on Windows. Thanks for your help. mysql mariadb restore mysqldump. Share . Improve this question. Follow asked Jul 31, 2019 at 21:11. T’lash …


Uncategorized. brew switch error: unknown command: switch. brew switch error: unknown command: switch


thinkyhead commented on Jul 31, 2015. Two conditions will throw an «Unknown command» error: If the command M209 Sn is received with a value other than 0 or 1. If a badly-formed command is received, such as Q or A123. It’s possible that sending one or more spaces on a line by itself could result in Unknown command: «».


To make things marginally faster, I implemented a command-line switch to automatically choose to upgrade and keeps apps — «setup.exe /Auto upgrade» (or /auto:upgrade). On a working computer, the results from #1 above occur. The selection to keep personal files and apps is automatically engaged and the upgrade works flawlessly.


yet, shell returning unknown command. How does one deal with this? (i.e. get shell command to be known) chroot chrome-book chrome-os. Share. Improve this question. Follow edited Jun 26, 2016 at 14:59. alexus. asked Jun 26, 2016 at 1:06. alexus alexus. 876 5 5 gold badges 14 14 silver badges 30 30 bronze badges. 4. Are you … «just here to use crouton»? …


A command-line switch is a convenient way to change the behavior of an app without making it permanent. The switch only modifies the app’s instance for the one time it is used to run it. If you use the shortcut method instead of the Command Prompt method, you will always have a quick way to run the app with a switch without having to type it out each time. …


Su Command in Linux (Switch User) Updated Dec 10, 2020 • 3 min read. Contents. How to Use the su Command; Sudo vs. Su; Conclusion; Share: The su (short for substitute or switch user) utility allows you to run commands with another user’s privileges, by default the root user. Using su is the simplest way to switch to the administrative account in …


The /gamemode command is considered to be a «cheat» command, so it won’t let you run it (by apparently pretending that it doesn’t exist). The easiest solution would be to create a new world and enable cheats while doing so. Also, the syntax for the /gamemode command changed in …


$ git add * —all error: unknown switch `C’ usage: git add [options] [—] <pathspec>… -n, —dry-run dry run -v, —verbose be verbose -i, —interactive interactive picking -p, —patch select hunks interactively -e, —edit edit current diff and apply -f, —force allow adding otherwise ignored files -u, —update update tracked files -N, —intent-to-add record only the fact that the path will be …


You regularly launch the product from the Finder clicking on an SPSS Statistics system file (*.sav). Often you see a message such as: ‘An unknown switch is specified on the command line: -psn_0_614550’. In most cases you can click through and the product operates as expected. Research shows Mac OS X adds this ‘-psn_x_xxxxxx’ command line …


I just tried to update visual studio. It crashes and says «Invalid Command Line. Unknown Switch : deferUpdateConfiguration.» It then asks me to restore the last project I happened to have opened before did the update. Now its asking me to reboot the computer. Is this normal for visual studio update? · Hi nutmix, Welcome to MSDN forum. No, it seems that …

WebFeb 28, 2021 The brew doctor above contains no «Warning» lines. added the bug in your own tap instead. jonchang closed this as completed on Feb 28, 2021 BrewTestBot …
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WebOct 2, 2019 brew switch has been dropped since Homebrew 2.6.0. Anyone still want the old brew switch, use the following tap, where brew switch is included as a custom sub …
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WebMay 11, 2022 Solution 1 ⭐ This is probably the best way as of 11.1.2022: To install a specific version, e.g. postgresql 9.5 you simply run: $ brew install [email protected] To list …
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WebBrew switch takes Error:Unkonw command:switch #11265 Arasinakaopened this issue Apr 28, 2021· 1 comment Labels bugReproducible Homebrew/brew bugoutdatedPR was …
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WebFeb 26, 2015 brew cleanup Error: Unknown command: find · Issue #69 · Homebrew/brew · GitHub Skip to content Sign in Homebrew / brew Public Sponsor …
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WebJan 14, 2014 The bat file can’t find START or doesn’t have full path to the executable. Another reason you could be have problems if somebody renamed a folder and put a …
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WebOct 10, 2020 Homebrew locked as resolved and limited conversation to collaborators on Dec 1, 2020 Sign up for free to subscribe to this conversation on GitHub . Already have …
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WebThis command will list all services started using brew. Install a Package using brew brew install package_name To install a package using homebrew we can use the above …
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WebJun 14, 2016 What does brew tech support say when you ask them? That is all I could do for you so it seems more efficient to cut out the middle-man. Show more Less. Reply …
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WebRegenerate the UUID used for Homebrew’s analytics. autoremove [ —dry-run] Uninstall formulae that were only installed as a dependency of another formula and are now no …
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WebHomebrew’s package index
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WebCancel: No input/output. Used by official sw when closing the object, when the serv-obj is initialized (after using the cmd, official sw will also wait on the Event). This cmd is also …
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WebJun 9, 2022 2. brew switch. Using the brew info go command you can see the current versions of go that you can switch to, so you can install multiple versions and switch to …
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Webbrew services — Unknown command: services · Issue #206 · Homebrew/homebrew-services · GitHub Homebrew / homebrew-services Public Notifications Fork 202 Star …
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WebDec 29, 2011 Enter the full commands manually as indicated here, and if a typo is done, you have to delete the entire line to the point of the typo, correct it and type the …
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Web$ brew switch openssl 1.0.2 t Error: Unknown command: switch 该错误似乎并不常见,在 google/stackoverflow 搜索中没有显示任何有用的信息。 到目前为止我尝试过的: 解 …
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