But i can to be serious too when i need to be где ошибка

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Общая лексика

  • Предназначен для электронного поиска и показа и совмещающим в себе функции переводного и толкового словаря. Большинство лексических значений снабжено толкованиями, комментариями об использовании, примерами употребления; многие включены в синонимические ряды и антонимические пары.

  1. [bʌt] (полная форма); [bət] (редуцированная форма) брит. / амер.

    1. нареч.

      лишь, только; просто

    2. предл.

      кроме, за исключением, исключая

    3. союз

      1. но, а, однако, тем не менее (указывает на противопоставление, противоречие)

      2. а


        если (бы) не; как не; чтобы не (указывает на ограничение, исключение)

        1. кроме как

      3. чтобы не; без того, чтобы не (после отрицания)

      4. но, а (в начале предложения; служит указанием на переход к новой теме)

    4. сущ.


  2. [bʌt] брит. / амер.

    1. сущ.; шотл.

      кухня или жилая комната в двухкомнатном доме

    2. нареч.; шотл.

      снаружи, извне, наружу; на улице

AmericanEnglish (En-Ru)


  1. cj

    a, но, однако

  2. prep

    кроме, за исключением

  3. ad

    только, лишь

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Try to … и try -ing

Try to do = пытаться сделать, делать попытку:

  • I was very tired. I tried to keep my eyes open, but I couldn’t.
  • Please try to be quiet when you come home. Everyone will be asleep.

Try также означает ‘делать что-то в качестве эксперимента или теста’. Например:

  • These cakes are delicious. You should try one. (= тебе нужно попробовать, чтобы понять, нравится тебе они или нет)
  • We couldn’t find anywhere to stay. We tried every hotel in the town, but they were all full. (= мы заходили в каждую гостиницу, чтобы узнать есть ли у них свободная комната)

Если после try (с этим значением) следует глагол, мы говорим try -ing:

  • A: The photocopier doesn’t seem to be working.
    B: Try pressing the green button.
     (= нажми зеленую кнопку — возможно, это поможет решить проблему)


  • I tried to move the table, but it was too heavy. (т.е. я не мог его сдвинуть)
  • I didn’t like the way the furniture was arranged, so I tried moving the table to the other side of the room. But it still didn’t look right, so I moved it back again.

Need to … и need -ing

I need to do something = это нужно сделать, и это нужно мне:

  • I need to take more exercise.
  • He needs to work harder if he wants to make progress.
  • I don’t need to come to the meeting, do I?

Something needs doing = это необходимо сделать:

  • The batteries in the radio need changing. (= батарейки нужно заменить)
  • Do you think my jacket needs cleaning? (= … нужно почистить)
  • It’s a difficult problem. It needs thinking about very carefully. (= об этом нужно подумать)

Help и can’t help

Вы можете сказать help to do или help do (с или без to):

  • Everybody helped to clean up after the party.
    или Everybody helped clean up …
  • Can you help me to move this table?
    или Can you help me move

I can’t help doing something = я не могу не сделать что-либо:

  • I don’t like him, but he has a lot of problems. I can’t help feeling sorry for him.
    Мне он не нравится, но у него куча проблем. Всё равно мне его жаль, ничего не могу поделать.
  • She tried to be serious, but she couldn’t help laughing. (= она не могла остановить свой смех)
  • I’m sorry I’m so nervous. I can’t help it. (= я не могу перестать волноваться)


1. Предложите решения, используя try + один из следующих предложений (suggestions):

phone his office
turn it the other way

move the aerial
take an aspirin

change the batteries

  1. — The radio isn’t working. I wonder what’s wrong with it.
  2. — I can’t open the door. The key won’t turn.
  3. — The TV picture isn’t very good. What can I do about it?
  4. — I can’t contact Fred. He’s not at home. What shall I do?
  5. — I’ve got a terrible headache. I wish it would go.


2. Для каждой картинки напишите предложение с need(s) + один из следующих глаголов:

clean cut empty paint tighten

The room isn’t very nice.


3. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму.

I was very tired. I tried (keep) my eyes open, but I couldn’t.

I rang the doorbell, but there was no answer. Then I tried (knock) on the door, but there was still no answer.

We tried (put) the fire out but without success. We had to call the fire brigade.

Sue needed to borrow some money. She tried (ask) Gerry, but he was short of money too.

I tried (reach) the shelf, but I wasn’t tall enough.

Please leave me alone. I’m trying (concentrate).


I need a change. I need (go) away for a while.

My grandmother isn’t able to look after herself any more. She needs (look) after.

The windows are dirty. They need (clean).

Your hair is getting very long. It needs (cut).

You don’t need (iron) that shirt. It doesn’t need (iron).


They were talking very loudly. I couldn’t help (overhear) what they said.

Can you help me (get) the dinner ready?

He looks so funny. Whenever I see him, I can’t help (smile).

The fine weather helped (make) it a very enjoyable holiday.


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sure that the modal verb you use sounds natural in the given

  1. Shall/Can/Might
    I borrow your pen? Mine can’t/won’t/doesn’t

  2. I
    go to the bank. I haven’t got any money.

  3. Lizzie

    spell her name before she was three.

  4. Should/May/Will
    you help me with the shopping, please?

  5. You

    go to the post office. I’ll go later.

  6. You

    study hard for your exams if you want to pass them well.

  7. You
    to be at work by nine o’clock.

  8. No
    reporters couldn’t/were
    approach the scene of the accident.

  9. We

    phone Mary. It’s her birthday today.

  10. What
    time must/shall/will
    I pick you up from work?

  11. You
    pay the bills today. — I know. I promise I won’t forget.

  12. Will/May/Shall
    we go to the beach tomorrow? — Yes. That’s a great idea.

  13. I’m
    going to the cinema. Do you want to come with me? — No, thank you. I

    do my homework.

  14. You
    put that shirt in the washing machine. — I know. It has to be

  15. Was
    your suitcase very heavy? — Yes, but I was

    carry it by myself.

  16. Shall/Would/Could
    speak to the manager, please? — I’m
    afraid he’s busy at the moment.

  17. The Madisons brought us a bottle of vintage wine
    for our anniversary.
    — They needn’t/mustn’t/shouldn’t
    done that, but it
    was very kind.

  18. Could/Will/Shall
    you tell me where the bank is, please?
    — Certainly.
    It’s on the corner.

  19. You mustn’t/needn’t/shouldn’t
    clean the floor. — Oh, have you done it

  20. Would/Shall/Will
    we go for a walk this afternoon? — Why
    not? It’s a lovely day.

  21. Can/Shall/Will I
    have a milkshake, please? — Yes, of course. What flavour would you

  22. May/Shall/Will I
    borrow your pen, please? — Yes,
    of course. Be my guest.

  23. Shall/Will/Would
    pour you a glass of orange juice? — Yes,
    please. Could/May/Shall
    you put some ice in it, too?

  24. I put your blue trousers in the washing machine.
    — Oh,
    no! You shouldn’t/mustn’t/can’t
    done that. They have to be dry-cleaned.

  25. Where’s Alan? — Well, it’s five o’clock. He
    to be here by now.

  26. What are you doing on Saturday morning? — I have
    go into the office for a couple of hours.

  27. I want to get a better job. — You
    some more qualifications.

Match the parts of the sentences with modal verbs with their
synonymous expressions


Similar to Modal Verbs


mustn’t write in library books.


are supposed to …


can’t be 55. She looks much younger.


wasn’t necessary for us to … (but we did)


needn’t use this article for your course paper.




ought to report to the boss immediately.


managed to …


didn’t need to buy all that stuff.


had better …


should report to your boss as soon as you come to work.




I borrow your dictionary when you finish with it?


sure they are …


needn’t have warned her about that delay.


you mind if I …?


was able to save enough money to buy a car.


are to…


we tell the headmaster all the truth?


isn’t necessary for you to …


must hand in this paper tomorrow.


certain you can’t …


must be fourth year students.


wasn’t necessary for her …

the following sentences using modal verbs or expressions similar to
modal verbs. Options are possible. Follow the example

It is possible that Sue will be late this evening. — Sue
be late this evening./ Sue is likely to be late this evening.

  1. I’m
    sure David isn’t going to the party tonight.

  2. It
    isn’t necessary for you to call Mr. Stevenson. I’ve done
    it already.

  3. The
    guests are supposed to arrive at 8 o’clock.

  4. It
    wasn’t necessary for Toby to go to school today.

  5. I
    advise you to book a table in advance.

  6. They
    are obliged to wear helmets at work.

  7. You
    are to wait here until the manager arrives.

  8. Steve
    managed to repair the bike after trying for two hours.

  9. Perhaps
    we will go to Italy for a holiday next summer.

  10. We
    are obliged to wear a uniform for school.

  11. You
    aren’t allowed to run in the corridors.

  12. How
    about inviting some friends over to dinner?

  13. It
    isn’t necessary for you to buy me a present.

  14. Do
    you mind if I use your telephone?

  15. Would
    you like me to clean the windows for you?

  16. How
    about going for a walk this afternoon?

  17. Oh,
    you’ve bought some bread. It wasn’t necessary for you to do

Fill in the gaps with the
appropriate form of the modal verbs or their equivalents given in the
box. Options are possible.



to have to

to be able to


don’t have to





How to be a good friend

The problem is that as we get older we feel we ________ (1) sort out
our own problems, and we keep these to ourselves, rather than talking
about them. So if one of your friends suddenly becomes more withdrawn
than usual, it ________ (2) mean that they have a problem, but don’t
feel they ________ (3) tell you about it.


If your friend wants to tell you about their problem, you ________
(4) listen! In most cases, you ________ (5) actually do anything
about it, but allowing them to talk about their feelings ________ (6)
help them to work it through.

Wait for the right time

You ________ (7+8) get practical information that ________ (9) help
your friend. You probably think you ________ (10) tell them what you
want to straightaway, but there’s a right time for everything. So you
________ (11) force the information on them; instead, wait until they
actually ask for it.

Don’t bring it back to you

You ________ (12) talk about your own experiences to show you
understand your friend’s problems. If your friend doesn’t ask if
anything similar has happened to you, you ________ (13) go on about
your own problems, past or present. Remember, the most important
thing you ________ (14) do for your friend is just be there for them.

Rephrase the following sentences
using modal verbs or expressions similar to modal verbs. Options are

  1. It would be great if taking exams were voluntary for students.

  2. It is possible that this book will help you in your research.

  3. Joe promised to call tonight, so I’m sure that’s him on the phone

  4. Working on the shop floor is a compulsory part of the training for

  5. It’s forbidden to go near the launch pad.

  6. I advise you to send them a letter of apology.

  7. I’m certain Andrew didn’t reveal your secret.

  8. Let’s discuss this over lunch.

  9. Do you think Laura will leave for Chicago earlier than she thought?

  10. It isn’t necessary for Ron to pay for our tickets.

  11. I’m sure Robert realised how wrong he was.

  12. It is possible that they will sell their house.

  13. It wasn’t necessary for her to come early, but she did.

  14. Everyone is supposed to pay taxes to the government.

  15. I’m sure the books are in this cupboard.

  16. Let’s have lunch in half an hour.

  17. It isn’t
    necessary for you to work on Saturday.

  18. I advise you to open a bank account.

  19. It wasn’t necessary for him to help me, but he did.

  20. I’m sure she understood what I was saying.

  21. Perhaps he took the train to work this morning.

  22. Is it possible that Jane is leaving school at the end of this week?

  23. We’ll probably have a party for Simon’s birthday.

  24. I’d better start studying for my exams soon.

  25. Perhaps Alice is at the hairdresser’s now.

  26. It is possible that she has forgotten to call.

  27. It wasn’t necessary for him to buy a gift, but he did.

  28. I advise you
    to have your car serviced.

  29. I’m sure Sylvia didn’t mean what she said.

illustrate the

in the meaning of the parts of sentences given below, put each of
them into some situation to make their meaning clear in context.
Translate your sentences into your mother tongue.


  1. They
    might tell me but…

  2. They
    might have told me but …

  3. They
    may have told me but . . .

  4. They
    may tell me but …


  1. She
    can’t have lunch because …

  2. She
    couldn’t have lunch because …

  3. She
    can’t be having lunch because …

  4. She
    can’t have had lunch because …


  1. We
    could have tea early because…

  2. We
    were able to have tea early because…


  1. He
    may not have seen her, so …

  2. He
    may not be seeing her, so …

  3. He
    may not see her, so…


  1. You
    mustn’t tell her that …

  2. You
    needn’t tell her that …

  3. You
    don’t have to tell her that …

  4. You
    oughtn’t/shouldn’t to tell her that …


  1. He
    can’t have seen her, so …

  2. He
    can’t be seeing her, so …

  3. He
    can’t see her, so…


  1. I
    should have trusted him but …

  2. I
    shouldn’t have trusted him but …

  1. I
    needn’t have trusted him but …

  2. I
    had to trust him but …

  3. I
    didn’t have to trust him but …

of these groups contains pairs of sentences that share the same
meaning. Match the sentences that mean the same.

into your mother tongue.


Mother Tongue


    1. We’ll
      probably have lunch soon.

    2. Maybe
      we’ll have lunch soon.

    3. We’ll
      possibly have lunch soon.

    4. We
      might as well have lunch soon.

    5. We
      might well have lunch soon.

    6. We’ve
      got nothing better to do, so let’s have lunch soon.


    1. You
      must be joking.

    2. You
      have to tell a joke.

    3. You’ve
      got to tell a joke.

    4. You
      can’t be serious.


    1. Can
      you speak English?

    2. Do
      you know how to speak English?

    3. I’d
      like you to speak English.

    4. Can
      you speak English, please?


    1. You’d
      better tell him sooner or later.

    2. You
      ought to tell him sooner or later.

    3. You
      have to tell him sooner or later.

    4. You’ve
      got to tell him sooner or later.


    1. You
      needn’t tell him yet.

    2. You
      don’t have to tell him yet.

    3. You
      can’t tell him yet.

    4. You
      mustn’t tell him yet.


    1. It
      wasn’t a good idea to tell her.

    2. I
      shouldn’t have told her.

    3. I
      didn’t have to tell her.

    4. It
      wasn’t necessary to tell her.


    1. You
      probably won’t take too long.

    2. You
      shouldn’t take too long.

    3. I
      advise you not to take too long.

    4. It
      shouldn’t take you too long.


    1. You
      might have told me.

    2. I’m
      not sure whether you told me.

    3. You
      may have told me.

    4. You
      should have told me.

TASK 8. Correct
mistakes in the sentences below

  1. You should to exercise

  2. I must study very
    hard last week.

  3. Although he didn’t feel well yesterday,
    he could
    finish his work.

  4. Need I to pay cash for my ticket?

  5. The shops can be very
    crowded tomorrow because it’s the last
    shopping day before Christmas.

  6. May this letter be from my friend?

  7. Could you lend me some money? — Of
    course I could.

  8. I could watch the late
    film on TV last night.

  9. Could you help me lift this box? — Of course I could.

  10. I could go to Emma’s party last Saturday.

  11. Need I to book a table in advance?

  12. May these flowers be from your fiancé?

  13. Although she was exhausted, she could finish the race.

  14. You should to brush your teeth twice a day.

  15. I must have my car repaired last month.

  16. The bus can be late today because there is a lot of traffic.

  17. They shouldn’t to have called the police.

  18. We were not late as Paul could change the flat
    tyre by himself.

  19. She needn’t to have bought such an expensive dress.

  20. You have to come! The Prime Minister has to give
    a speech at the conference tomorrow.

  21. That mustn’t have been Paul. He’s on holiday in Jamaica.

  22. They might have been forgotten about our meeting.

  23. Jack has had to see the General Manager yesterday. —

TASK 9. Which
one of the verbs given can complete all three sentences in each set?

1. used to — will — would

  1. Most
    days my father _______ get up first and make breakfast.

  2. When
    I was training for the marathon, I _______ run over 100 kilometres a

  3. We
    went back to Dublin to see the house where we _______ live in the

should — ought to — must

  1. Students
    _______ be encouraged to type their assignments.

  2. Whose
    car is that outside Bill’s house? — It _______ belong to Bill’s
    sister. I heard that she’s staying with him this weekend.

  3. You
    _______ have some of this cake. It’s brilliant!

needn’t — mustn’t — don’t have to

  1. I’ll
    be quite late getting to London, but you _______ change your plans
    for me.

  2. I’m
    afraid I owe quite a lot of money to the bank — but you _______
    worry about it.

  3. Next
    time, read the small print in the document before you sign it. You
    _______ make the same mistake again.

must — need to — have to

  1. People
    with fair skins _______ be particularly careful when they go out in
    the sun.

  2. The
    Browns _______ have won the lottery — they’ve bought another new

  3. We
    _______ give at least six months’ notice if we want to leave the

may — could — might

  1. Ray
    told me that someone had bought the old house next door he _______
    be right about that, I wondered.

  2. The
    major changes to the timetable _______ cause delay and confusion.

  3. I
    asked in the bookshop about Will Dutton’s latest book, but all they
    _______ tell me was that it would be published before the end of the

Find 13 mistakes in this letter and correct them.


you can already know, we must start looking for a new receptionist in
our office last month. Mr Brown, our boss, can have chosen some-one
who already worked in another department but he didn’t able to find
anyone suitable, so he got to advertise in the local paper. There
ought have been a lot of applicants but surprisingly only a couple of
replies came in and only one of those was suitable.

told Mr thrown that he had better to get in touch with her at once.
He decided we needn’t to phone, her as there was no hurry, and we
must as we1l send her a card. Unfortunately we heard no more from
her, so we’ve had to start advertising again — in vain so far.

the moment, the job’s being done by Mr Brown’s son who hasn’t to be
working really because, he’s unhelpful and sometimes he should be
quite rude to visitors. I haven’t to tell you that we’re all pretty
fed up with the situation. Well, as I don’t have to say any more,
I’ll stop there.

TASK 11.
Tick the sentences that are
acceptable. Correct the others

  1. You might as well come with us if you’ve nothing better to do.

  2. I won’t be in the country when you two are tying the knot.

  3. How much longer do you think that noise will be going on?

  4. I don’t think I shall be able to join you until 8.30.

  5. Shall I look OK if I wear this?

  6. You shall have to put two first-class stamps on this envelope.

  7. I think a weekend away would be a good idea.

  8. Presumably we would be laughed at if we tried it in public.

  9. If he maintains his current rate of progress, he should sail through
    the exam.

  10. Looking like that, he should compare unfavourably with the other

  11. According to statistics, smokers shouldn’t live as long as

TASK 12. Translate
into English, using modal words or modal expressions wherever




Я здивований, що бачу
тебе. Хіба ти не повинен бути сьогодні
на роботі?

Я удивлен, что вижу
тебя. Разве ты не должен быть сегодня
на работе?


Великобританії не можна паркуватися
на подвійній жовтій лінії. Тому,
хто порушить це правило, доводиться
великий штраф.

В Великобритании
нельзя парковаться на двойной желтой
линии. Тому, кто нарушит это правило,
приходится платить большой штраф.


обіцяла бути тут о 9 годині.
Вона мабуть забула про нашу зустріч.

Шэрон обещала быть
здесь в 9 часов. Она должно быть забыла
о нашей встрече.


Не може
бути, щоб Роберт загубив
цю книгу! Я його тисячу разів
попереджала, що вона унікальна! – Не
хвилюйся ти так. Книга ще може знайтись.

Не может быть, чтобы
Роберт потерял эту книгу! Я его тысячу
раз предупреждала, что она уникальна!
– Не расстраивайся так. Книга еще
может найтись.


допомогти? Ці ящики
занадто важкі,
щоб ти їх
носила сама. – Не турбуйся.
Дон обіцяв мені допомогти. Він повинен
прийти з
хвилини на

Тебе помочь? Эти
ящики слишком тяжелые, чтобы ты их
таскала сама. – Не беспокойся. Дон
обещал мне помочь. Он должен прийти с
минуты на минуту.


Ця машина
знову не заводиться! – Хіба ти не кажеш
це щоранку?! Ти давно вже повинна була
відвезти її до механіка.

Эта машина снова не
заводится! – Разве ты не говоришь это
каждое утро?! Ты давно уже должна была
отвезти ее механику.


альпініст був важко поранений, він
добратися до вершини гори.

Хотя альпинист был
тяжело ранен, он смог добраться до
вершины горы.


Тобі не
потрібно було розігрівати суп. Зараз
так жарко, що ми могли з’їсти його прямо
з холодильника.

Тебе не нужно было
разогревать суп. Сейчас так жарко, что
мы могли съесть его прямо из холодильника.


вона готувалася
до цього іспиту довгий час, але її
знання по цьому предмету
настільки слабкі, що вона однаково б
його не здала.

Возможно, она
готовилась к этому экзамену долгое
время, но ее знания по этому предмету
настолько слабы, что она все равно бы
его не сдала.


не потрібно було прибиратися на кухні,
тому що коли вона ввійшла туди, вона
побачила, що хтось із її гостей зробив
це за неї.

Миссис Бойл не нужно
было приводить в порядок кухню, так
как когда она вошла туда, она обнаружила,
что кто-то из ее гостей сделал это за


Ти чуєш
цей дивний звук? Як ти думаєш, що це? –
Не знаю. Можливо, це чайник на кухні.
У нас теж дуже гучний

Ты слышишь этот
странный звук? Как ты думаешь, что это?
– Не знаю. Возможно, это чайник на
кухне. У нас тоже очень шумный чайник.


На жаль,
межу цими двома країнами завжди були
не такими гладкими, як вони могли б
бути, будь там при
інші люди.

К сожалению, отношения
межу этими двумя странами всегда были
не такими гладкими, как они могли бы
быть, будь там у власти другие люди.


Генрі з
нетерпінням очікував того часу, коли
він зможе
заробляти досить грошей, щоб не залежати
від свого вітчима.

Генри с нетерпением
ожидал того времени, когда он сможет
зарабатывать достаточно денег, чтобы
не зависеть от своего отчима.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Unit 57- Part A

galka.jpgTry to … and try -ing
Try to do = attempt to do, make an effort to do:
•    I was very tired. I tried to keep my eyes open, but I couldn’t.
    Please try to be quiet when you come home. Everyone will be asleep.

Try also means ‘do something as an experiment or test’. For example:

•    These cakes are delicious. You should try one.  (= you should have one to see if you like it)
•    We couldn’t find anywhere to stay. We tried every hotel in the town, but they were all full.
  (= we went to every hotel to see if they had a room)

If try
(with this meaning) is followed by a verb, we say try -ing:
•    A: The photocopier doesn’t seem to be working.
      B: Try pressing the green button.

     (= press the green button – perhaps this will help to solve the problem!


•    I tried to move the table, but it was too heavy.  (so I couldn’t move it)
•    I didn’t like the way the furniture was arranged, so I tried moving the table to the other side of the room. But it still didn’t look right, so I moved it back again.

Unit 57- Part B

galka.jpgNeed to … and need -ing
I need to do something = it is necessary for me to do it:
57.1.jpg•    I need to take more exercise.
•    He needs to work harder if he wants to make progress.
•    I don’t need to come to the meeting, do I?

Something needs doing
= it needs to be done:
•    The batteries in the radio need changing.
     (= they need to be changed)
•    Do you think my jacket needs cleaning?
     (= … needs to be cleaned)
•    It’s a difficult problem. It needs thinking about very carefully.
(= it needs to be thought about) 

Unit 57- Part C

galka.jpgHelp and can’t help
You can say help to do or help do (with or without to):

•    Everybody helped to clean up after the party,   or
      Everybody helped clean up …

•    Can you help me to move this table?    or
      Can you help me move

can’t help doing something = I can’t stop myself doing it:
•    I don’t like him, but he has a lot of problems. I can’t help feeling sorry for him.
•    She tried to be serious, but she couldn’t help laughing.
(= she couldn’t stop herself laughing)
•    I’m sorry I’m so nervous. I can’t help it.
(= I can’t help being nervous)


{slide=1 Make suggestions.}

flag.jpgMake suggestions. Each time use try + one of the following suggestions:
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}2    Try turning it the other way.
3    Have you tried moving the aerial?
4    Why don’t you try phoning his office?
5    Have you tried taking an aspirin?{end-tooltip}

{xtypo_rounded3}phone his office          move the aerial     change the batteries
turn it the other way    take an aspirin {/xtypo_rounded3}


{/slide} {slide=2 For each picture, write a sentence.}

{/slide} {slide=3 Put the verb into the correct form.}flag.jpgPut the verb into the correct form.
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}1 b knocking
   с  to put
   d asking
   e to reach
   f to concentrate
2 a to go
   b looking
   с cleaning
   d cutting
   e You don’t need to iron…It doesn’t need ironing
3 a overhearing
   b get   or   to get
   с smiling
   d make ‘ or    to make{end-tooltip}

1  a   I was very tired. I tried  to keep  (keep) my eyes open, but I couldn’t.
    b   I rang the doorbell, but there was no answer. Then I tried __________ (knock) on the door, but there was still no answer.
    c   We tried __________ (put) the fire out but without success. We had to call the fire brigade.
    d   Sue needed to borrow some money. She tried __________ (ask) Gerry, but he was short of money too.
    e   I tried __________ (reach) the shelf, but I wasn’t tall enough.
    f    Please leave me alone. I’m trying __________ (concentrate).
2  a   I need a change. I need __________ (go) away for a while.
    b   My grandmother isn’t able to look after herself any more. She needs __________ (look) after.
    c   The windows are dirty. They need __________ (clean).
    d   Your hair is getting very long. It needs __________ (cut).
    e   You don’t need __________ (iron) that shirt. It doesn’t need __________ (iron).
3  a   They were talking very loudly. I couldn’t help __________ (overhear) what they said.
    b   Can you help me __________ (get) the dinner ready?
    с   He looks so funny. Whenever I see him, I can’t help __________ (smile).
    d   The fine weather helped __________ (make) it a very enjoyable holiday.

Всё больше людей в последнее время интересуются здоровым образом жизни и здоровым питанием. Сыроедение – это особая форма вегетарианства, но более строгая и жесткая, которая становится все более популярной у множества людей.

 1) Be afraid to do и be afraid of -ing

To be afraid to do something — не хотеть что-то делать (бояться что-то делать), потому что это опасно, или результат может быть неприятным, плохим.

The streets in this city ate not safe at night. Many people are afraid to go out alone. — Улицы этого городанебезопасны по ночамМногие люди бояться выходить из дому одни. (Они не хотят выходить одни, потому что это опасно).

She was afraid to tell her parents that she had broken the neighbours window. — Она боялась говорить родителям, что разбила соседское окно (она не отела говорить, потому что знала, что они будут сердиться).

Be afraid of —ing — есть вероятность, что что-то плохое случится.

We walked along the path very carefully because it was icy and we were afraid of falling. — мы шли по тропинкеочень осторожнопотому что было скользкои мы боялись упасть.

I don’t like dogs. I’m always afraid of being bitten. — Я не люблю собакЯ всегда боюсь быть укушенным. (beingbitten — пассив, но он дела не меняет)

I don’t like to take other people’s things. I am afraid of losing them. — Не люблю брать чужих вещей, боюсь их потерять.

2) Need to do и need -ing

need to do something — необходимо что-то сделать

I need to take more exercise. — Мне нужно больше двигаться(Take exercise — делать моцион, гулять; делать гимнастику)

He needs to work harder. — Ему нужно больше/усиленнее работать.

I dont need to come to the meeting. — Мне не нужно приходить на собрание.

Need —ing — должно быть сделано что-то с чем то (значение пассивное)

The batteries in the radio need changing — Батарейки в приемнике нужно сменить.

This jacket is rather dirty. It needs cleaning. — эта куртка довольно грязная. Ее нужно почистить.

Do you think the grass needs cutting? — Думаешьтраву нужно скосить?

3) Help

После help (в значении «помогать») идет инфинитив To можно ставить, а можно и не ставить:

Everybody helped (to) clean up after the party. — Все помогали убираться после вечеринки.

Can somebody help me (tomove this table? — Кто-нибудь может мне помочь передвинуть этот стол?

Но с help есть выражение cant help doing something — не мочь остановиться делать что-то/не иметь возможности (по независящим обстоятельствам что-то не сделать):

I tried to be serious but I couldnt help laughing. — Я старался быть серьезным, но не мог удержаться от смеха.

I’m sorry I broke the glass. Someone pushed me and I couldn’t help dropping it. — Извинитечто разбил бокал.Кто-то толкнул меня, и я не смог его удержать.

He is so stupid but it’s not his fault. He cant help being stupid. — он такой глупый, но это не его вина. Он не может не быть глупым (он такой от рождения/он таким родился/такой уж он есть/с этим ничего не поделаешь)


Продолжи ситуацию, сделав предложения

из слов в скобках.

c afraid

The streets are unsafe at night. (I/afraid/go out/alone) I’m afraid of going out alone.

1.       I don’t usually carry my passport with me. (I/afraid/lose/it).____________

2.       The sea was very rough. (We/afraid/go/swimming) ____________

3.       We rushed to the station. (We/afraid/miss/our train).______________

C need

4.       The room hasn’t been painted for years. (paint). It ____________

5.       Your hair is too long. (cutIt _____________

Смешанное упражнение

1.       Does this job need ________________ (do) now or can I leave it until later?

2.       I’ve got an extra bed, so when you come to stay, you won’t need __________ (bring) your sleeping bag.

3.       Tom helped his mother ______________ (get) the dinner ready.

4.       He looks so funny. When I see him I can’t help _____________ (smile).

5.       The weather helped ________(make) it a very enjoyable holiday.

6.       I didn’t tell Tom that I thought he had behaved foolishly. (I/afraid/hurt/his feelings)_______

7.       In the middle of the film there was a particularly horrifying scene. (We/afraid/look)____

8.       The glasses were very full, so Ann carried the, very carefully. (She/afraid/spill/the drinks)_________

9. I didn’t like the look of the food on my plate.

a)      (I/afraid/eat/it)_________

b) (I/afraid/make/myself/ill)_____________


c afraid

1. I don’t usually carry my passport with me. I am afraid of loosing it.

2. The sea was very rough. We were afraid to go swimming.

3. We rushed to the station. We were afraid of missing our train.

C need

4. It needs painting.

5. It needs cutting.

Смешанное упражнение

1. Does this job need doing (to be done) now or can I leave it until later?

2. I’ve got an extra bed, so when you come to stay, you won’t need to bring your sleeping bag.

3. Tom helped his mother get (to get) the dinner ready.

4. He looks so funny. When I see him I can’t help smiling.

5. The weather helped make (to make) it a very enjoyable holiday.

6. I didn’t tell Tom that I thought he had behaved foolishly. I was afraid of hurting his feelings.

7. In the middle of the film there was a particularly horrifying scene. We were afraid to look.

8. The glasses were very full, so Ann carried the, very carefully. She was afraid of spilling the drinks.

9. I didn’t like the look of the food on my plate.

a) I was afraid to eat it.

b) I was afraid of making make myself ill.

Бесплатные ответы на тест Синергия Английский язык. Если вы по какой то причине не можете самостоятельно сдать этот или любой другой тест, то мы готовы Вам в этом помочь. Так же можете посетить наш магазин готовых ответов на тесты.

Верные ответы выделены знаком «+» Скриншот с набранными баллами прилагается к тесту

What time … it … ?
Did happen +
Had happened
Has happened

Will you … the bank when you go out?
Be passing
Have passed  
Pass +

Can I speak to Jorge Ramos, please?
I’m afraid he isn’t the office today +
OK. I’II take a look at one

He … it for an hour before I came
Have been doing
Had been doing +
Had been done

His grandfather … from his job a year ago
Has retired +
Was retining

When I … it … yearsteday
Wake up, was raining +
Woke up, was raining
Woke up, rained

The company … only four people and they all work in one office
Employs +

A . … the target market?
B. It’s aimed at stylish young men who want to look good
What’s +
My subject today is

What did you learn from you last job?
OK. I’II take a look at one
I learned how to be patient +

Mr Albert … to meetings
Doesn’t go +
Not go
Isn’t go

What day suits you?
How about Wednesday? +
I think we need to target young people

… Ricardo drive to work?

Does +

And what … now?
Are you doing +
Do you do

This office building … a meeting room
Not have
Doesn’t have +

… you … many cities when you were in France
Are visiting
Did visit
Have visited +

Tomorrow at five he … football
11 play +
11 Be playing

I … for you for more than one hour
Has waited
Was waititng
Have been waititng +

Do you like football?
Yes, please
Yes, I do +

How about a cup of tea?
Yes, please +
OK. What is it?

I … my breakfast
Have already had +

There’s something I’d like to talk to you about
Yes, please.
OK. What is it? +

My suggestion is to go for a cocktail
That’s a great idea +
Yes, I do

Oscar … from home
Sometime work
Works sometimes
Sometimes works +

A . … my new camera.
B. Oh dear. I’m sorry to hear that
I have a problem with +
I’m afraid I can’t make

Next week, she’s moving to a new flat because her old one is … from the office
Too far +
Far enough

A . … Pascal’s is the best restaurant. The food is delicious
B . Yes, I agree. The food is great
What about is using
I think +

I … ypu later, OK?
‘II call +

Now I … for a taxi
Am waiting +

She started her job last year, … April
In +

Другие тесты Синергии:

  • Английский язык (профессиональный)
  • Английский язык (ВПО)
  • Английский язык (колледж)
  • Английский язык в сфере юриспруденции

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