Cache hierarchy error ryzen

Ошибка Cache Hierarchy Error Проблемы с компьютером Решение и ответ на вопрос 2953505

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Регистрация: 03.03.2022

Сообщений: 6


03.03.2022, 21:48. Показов 8036. Ответов 14

Доброго времени суток. Сразу извиняюсь за воду и лирику, но уж очень люблю лить текст и писать развернуто))
В общем, на протяжении примерно года боролся с (видимо, но это не точно) проблемой совместимости моего процессора и оперативной памяти. В поисках ответа были объявлены и проведены 2 крестовых похода по просторам интернета, но истины так найдено и не было. Десятки людей с аналогичной проблемой и еще больше вариантов решений, которые носили чисто индивидуальный характер для авторов и тех, кто подключался к обсуждению, либо просто все приводило в тупик и темы закрывались. Перейду дальше сразу к делу.
С сентября по декабрь 2020 года собрал ПК со следующей конфигурацией:

Процессор: Ryzen 5 3600x (Gammaxx 400 RGB)
Материнская плата: Gigabyte Aorus B450 Elite
Оперативная память: DDR4 HyperX Fury Black DDR4 2x8Gb 3200 МГЦ
Видео карта: Gigabyte RTX 3060ti
Диск: Samsung 860 EVO 500 gb
Б/П: Super Flower Leadex Silver 550W (Многие сейчас подумают, ну и что за умник ставит 550 на данную сборку и будут отчасти правы. Но данный бп ни разу не подвел и в той сборке, которая указана выше. Никаких проблем не возникало в любых нагрузках и любых тестах).
Корпус: Materexx 70.

Через какое то время путем долгих тыканий пыканий разогнал оперативку до 3400, все что смог с этих планок выжать с достойными таймингами. Система работала как часы, никаких проблем вообще, со всеми поставленными задачами справлялась. Будь то тяжелые ААА проекты или стресс тесты в Aida64, Cinebench, OCCT и тому подобное.
Спустя 3-4 месяца родилась идея, а че бы не подкинуть оперу получше и не обновиться до нормальных 3600 МГц. В итоге были приобретены 2 планки по 8 гб G.Skill TradientZ NEO RGB и с этого момента началось веселье.
После включения профиля ХМР система не хотела стабильно работать от слова совсем. В играх комп клинило, он зависал намертво, при этом не уходя в BSOD и не оставляя дампов памяти. Помогал только ребут с кнопки. В журнале событий после ребута были только ошибки типа:

Произошла неустранимая аппаратная ошибка.

Сообщивший компонент: ядро процессора
Источник ошибки: Machine Check Exception
Тип ошибки: Cache Hierarchy Error
ИД APIC процессора: 2

Стресс тесты сыпали ошибки кэша. И это было только при включённом ХМР В это же время в хате была точно такая же сборка (опера из первой конфигурации переехала как раз в нее), за исключением видяхи, там стояла 1050Ti. Было принято решение впихнуть оперу во вторую сборку и вуалям, все летает идеально. ХМР завелся с полоборота, никаких клинов, зависаний и ошибок в стрессах. С тех пор она и прожила на второй сборке, а в текущую вернулся НуперХ и как то забылось все.
И вот через какое то время серфя интернеты наткнулся на совет после которого я почувствовал себя полным дегенератом. Писали, что при установке ХМР профиля нужно еще выбрать один из трех предустановленных профилей, для якобы частот. Решил проверить, все воткнул и ничего себе, все заработало. Тесты на без проблем, никаких ошибок, все летает. В это же время снова втянулся в мир Ведьмака 3 и все было замечательно. Ура, подумал я, но не тут то было. Как раз вышел God of war на ПК и я решил в него погонять. И тут комп начал перезагружаться. Решив что проблема в игре, почитал в сети что у нее были какие то проблемы с версией, которая засерала то ли озу, то ли виртуальную память до перезагрузки ПК, в общем вроде как подумал что это нормально и особо не стал разбираться. Пройдя его вернулся в BF1 и тут ХЕРАКС, опять перезагрузка без BSODA и без дампа памяти, а в журнале событий снова мой любимый:

Сообщивший компонент: ядро процессора
Источник ошибки: Machine Check Exception
Тип ошибки: Cache Hierarchy Error
ИД APIC процессора: 2

Тесты — все хорошо. Начал опять серфить инет, проверил все что можно, схему питания винды, фаст бут в биосе (Кста биос регулярно проверяю и обновляю). Многие писали, что скорее всего брак камня, но при этом все стресс тесты он проходил без проблем. Мем тесть тоже ставил на ночь, ошибок 0.
В общем перепробовал все и тут пришло в голову, если это в игре происходит, то го проверим видяху. Скачал Furmark, поставил тест в ФХД и ХЕРАКС, перезагрузка на 20 минуте теста.
Собственно это анамнез на данный момент есть. Ребят, есть идеи что с этим г делать, а то уже хочется плакать?(

Помощь в написании контрольных, курсовых и дипломных работ, диссертаций здесь



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I built this PC 22 days ago with the following new parts:

Ryzen 5 3600 w/ Thermalright AM-14 cooler

MSI B550 Gaming Edge Wifi

16GB RAM Patriot Viper 3600 CL17

Sapphire RX 5700 XT Pulse

Seasonic Core GC Gold 650W

Kingston A2000 250GB

Crucial P1 1TB

It’s the second time I get the following error while gaming (2-3 hours gaming):

A fatal hardware error has occurred.

Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Machine Check Exception
Error Type: Cache Hierarchy Error
Processor APIC ID: 8

I am not overclocking neither the CPU or the GPU. The RAM is using the A-XMP profile 1.

The highest temperature I get while playing is 72 Celsius on the CPU. I tested the RAM use Memtest and no errors were found.

Is this a faulty CPU?

The motherboard is currently updated with the latest driver available.

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Technically you are overclocking your system by using A-XMP profile for your memory. 
Memtest doesn’t often stress CPU+RAM enough to spot the instability that you have later during gaming.
I suggest to run Prime95 blend for at least an hour and check if there are any rounding errors in threads logs with XMP enabled. If yes then repeat the same with XMP disabled/manually tuned memory settings.

It is still possible that your CPU or motherboard are faulty. Anyway CPU+RAM stability worth checking with Pime95 in my opinion.

Good luck


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Thank you for the hints. I just finished testing, ran Prime95 Blender for one hour and 15 minutes with standard Bios settings, and the same time with A-XMP on, and no errors or reboots on both scenarios.

Should I stress it a little longer? The three times happened when I was gaming, two times with Destiny 2 and one with Assassin’s Creed Origins. CPU temperature is always aroung 68-72 degrees while gaming, but GPU reached 92 degrees.  


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I believe longer than 1h15min blend tests aren’t required in your case.
If you didn’t have rounding errors in Prime95 worker logs then your CPU+RAM are stable under load. 
There are multiple posts on internet where ppl with similar to your specs had crashes with Cache Hierarchy Errors.
The desciption hints that it’s most likely CPU/Ram overclocking or faulty CPU/RAM issue. Most often it is.
But there are also user reports where changing their AMD GPU has solved problems.
I suggest resetting your BIOS settings, updating chipset drivers from AMD site,  reinstalling your graphics driver with DDU and setting pcie power management in Ryzen Balanced powerplan to «disabled» (or using «Ryzen High Perf.») to see if you’ll encounter the same error during gaming. 
If crashes won’t be fixed then i’d start RMA process


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Thank you again.

On Sunday, I played for over an hour using PBO ON + AutoOC 200MHz and had no crashes.

Then,  used the bios/flash function to reinstall the BIOS and applied A-XMP Profile 2, and kept PBO OFF. I ran memtest for over 400% and got no errors. I also ran Realbench and no errors. I decided to undervolt my GPU (Sapphire RX 5700 XT Pulse) and ran Unigine Heaven 27 times, and no crashes also. I also ran Prime35 Blender for another 1h15min which, as you showed in the picture, didn’t show any warning or errors. I didn’t have time to actually play, so I will try and see.

This is a new installation, which I assembled on June 19, so all drivers are the newest (I think only the video driver had a new version released, which I did update), but if it crashes again, I will definitely try even doing a clean Windows 10 installation.


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Hi there I am having the same issue. My setup is a 3700X with an nVidia RTX 2070 Super. Also for me it seems to happen a lot less then the others on this forum. It happened once 5 days ago and again today. Event viewer shows the same error as the OP but with different APIC ID numbers.

I have run Prime95 for 1 hour and got zero errors. My BIOS and chipset drivers are already up to date. 

I just did DDU and also changed the PCIe power management for the Ryzen Balanced power plan to disabled. I’m yet to find out whether or not these will have fixed the issue or not though since it rarely occurs. One other thing to note is that it doesn’t happen to me when gaming. The first time it happened my computer was locked, asleep and not in use. The second time it happened I had just woken the PC and entered my pin to unlock the computer. So maybe its somehow related to sleep or locking/unlocking the computer? I’m not really sure.


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Just as an update, I got the error again, after playing for several hours. In this case, Windows Event Viewer showed two messages instead of one, with the difference being Processor APIC ID: 8 and Processor APIC ID: 14. I got the error after upgrading the BIOS with a new release, with the expectation of fixing it.

I undervolted the GPU to try to low the temperatures, which was successful in this case, but still got the same error.

I rearranged the RAM sticks this morning and left Memtest running for over six hours, all over 700% so far, and no errors.

So, after all of that, I think it might be the CPU. 


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You’ve done a lot.
Basing on the log that you have posted, it points out to the CPU. Considering that you’ve made clean windows install, updated the chipset drivers and the bios (7C91v12), verified RAM stability under prolonged stress tests and still experiencing rare crashes in stock condition it looks like certain hardware is faulty (can be CPU or motherboard).
I found a user post having similar issue on this forum. Replacing the CPU solved it. Please check through the answers, hope it can help. 

Good luck!


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If you are still in your return period and can exchange the GPU, I would try a different GPU. I have seen many of these complaints across the net and many do come back Navi related.

It’s pretty obvious from your testing it isn’t memory and/or cpu. 

Trying another GPU will at least rule out the GPU. Just don’t get the same architecture if you try another. 

If you have an old GPU at home you could throw that in to test with too. With some older GPU’s though you may want to force the slot to PCIe 3.0.

Don’t pass up your chance to try another GPU. 


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I am also having this issue however I have a 3700X and an nVidia RTX 2070 super GPU. Although mine does not occur very often. It happened 5 days ago and then again today with the same error OP listed in event viewer albeit mine had different APIC ID’s


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I’m curious if you ever got this figured out?

When the issue occurs do you get ‘Green Screen Reboot’, with the Cache Hierarchy Error in Event Log?

I’m experiencing this and have been for months, off and on. The only thing similar between our builds is I have a Ryzen 3700X and an XFX RX5700 XT Thicc III edition. So Ryzen + RX5700….

I’m running 2 NVMe SSD on the PCIe 4 bus as well

Also nothing overclocked.

My issue does NOT occur if running an RX560, which is PCIe 3.0 instead of 4.0


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I’m having the same issue for months, I’ve tried everything! I don’t even know what component is faulty.

CPU: 3600X

GPU: 5700XT

MOBO: x570 i aorus pro wifi

It only happens during gaming. Never happened on idle. I have tried a lot of different stress tests but I was able to reproduce the error only once in OCCT VRAM test even though I tried at least 20-30 times.


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I have the same problem with my system. And have not found a solution yet :(

ASRock Steel Legend B450M
AMD Ryzen 5 3600
PowerColor Radeon RX 5700 XT Red Dragon
G.Skill Ripjaws V DDR4 16GB 3200MHz (X.M.P Profile)
WD Blue SN550 NVMe SSD — 500GB
Gigabyte G750H — 750 Watt


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Dear friend!

Could you please tell me if your problem persists?

I’m having the same headache with my system.

— 1x CPU AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
— 1x Corsair Hydro Series H115i Extreme Performance Liquid CPU Cooler
— 1x Mainboard MSI MPG B550 GAMING EDGE WIFI (MS-7C91) Bios 7C91v153
— 1x Memory Corsair VENGEANCE RGB PRO DDR4 PC4-28800 (3600MHz) 16GB Kit (2 x 8GB) CL18 — CMW16GX4M2D3600C18 — Micron
— 2x Memory Corsair VENGEANCE RGB PRO DDR4 PC4-28800 (3600MHz) 8GB CL18 — CM4X8GD3600C18W2D-CN — Nanya
— 1x Power Supply Corsair RM-1000 1000 watts
— 1x SSD 970 EVO NVMe M.2 250GB (MZ-V7E250BW)
— 1x Seagate 2TB FireCuda 3.5-Inch SATA 6Gb/s 7200-RPM 64 Cache Gaming SSHD (Solid State Hybrid Drive) (ST2000DX002-2DV164) / SN: Z4Z7TAJY / FIR: CC41
— 1x Seagate 10TB BarraCuda Pro 7200RPM SATA 6GB/s 256MB Cache 3.5-Inch Internal Hard Drive (ST10000DM0004-1ZC101) / SN: ZA20VDZD / FIR: SC60
— 1x Seagate 4TB Barracuda 5900RPM SATA 6GB/s 64MB Cache 3.5-Inch Internal Hard Drive (ST4000DM000-1F2168) / SN: Z3019LBS / FIR: CC54
— 1x Seagate 3TB Barracuda 7200RPM SATA 6GB/s 64MB Cache 3.5-Inch Internal Hard Drive (ST3000DM008-2DM166) / SN: Z504753B / FIR: CC26
— 1x Seagate 3TB Barracuda 7200RPM SATA 6GB/s 64MB Cache 3.5-Inch Internal Hard Drive (ST3000DM001-1ER166) / SN: W5003QZR / FIR: CC43
— 1x Seagate 4TB Barracuda 5900RPM SATA 6GB/s 64MB Cache 3.5-Inch Internal Hard Drive (ST4000DM000-1F2168) / SN: S301MZ37 / FIR: CC54
— 1x Corsair Obsidian Series 750D Performance Full Tower Case
— 1x Mechanic Keyboard Gamer Logitech G512 CARBON (TACTILE)
— 1x Mouse Gamer Redragon King Cobra (M711-FPS)
— 1x Hori Fighting Commander 4 Ps4 016u
— 1x HECATE G2000 Bluetooth 32W RMS EDIFIER
— 1x Microfone Condensador USB FIFINE K669B
— 1x Nobreak TS SHARA USP 1500VA 2BS+BA BIV/115V



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If you regularly update your bios and have older cpus, i suggest stay away from bios that supports 5000 series. Either try the latest BETA (AGESA ) or roll back to a version without 5000 series support.

My System: Ryzen 5 3600 @ Auto | MSI MPG x570 Gaming Plus (7C37vA9) | SAPPHIRE PULSE Radeon RX 580 8GB Lite (noDVI) | Gskill F4-3200C16D-16GFX | AOC 24G2U | Windows 10 Pro 20H2


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The problem occurs both new and old.
I am doing some more tests to ascertain this correctly. I disabled Windows Fast Boot on Windows 10.



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Same issue, Event 18 Cache Hierarchy Error during gaming resulting in a green screen and immediate crash. 

R5 3600x + RX 5700. 

This may be my second 3600 RMA, the first CPU was defective, though in that case 1 core failed the short ffts on prime95.  I never wanted to be back to spending my free time hunting down phantom solutions on this forum again and creating custom views on event viewer but here we are….


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Come on!

After a lot of analysis of the web forums and similar settings if equal, I came to the conclusion that the problem, besides Dragon Center, is the Fast Boot feature of Windows 10.

I do not activate this feature in the BIOS, as it affects the nominal speed of my SSD which is 3500 Mbps reading and with it active it drops to 3000 Mbps or less. Most who disabled Windows 10’s Fast Boot managed to have system stability. You have two days and nothing. I already played, I already restarted the system and everything is very stable.

I need to do more tests to certify, but I say that I am really enjoying it. I didn’t have to reformat the system or install the latest driver as recommended. I have 20.11.2 and I’m doing great, thanks.

For those who are having problems I suggest this. No traces of errors I was having before in the system and application logs.

For AMD, it is well known that something needs to be done so that we can return to using the Windows Fast Boot feature.



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2 hours of prime 95 yielded a fatal error in the 18K test:

FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.4996781519, expected less than 0.4
Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file. 

 I’m going to re-run for the smallest FFTs and see if it fails again.  After that I’m updating the chipset driver and repeat.  Next I’ll update the bios and re-run.  Finally, I’ll try two of my ram sticks at a time to eliminate those. If its still failing its another 3600 RMA for me, sigh.  I’m wondering how many defective 3000 series CPUs are in the wild where people don’t stress enough or just live through the crashes.


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I have almost exactly the same specs as you — 3700X, 5700XT.

My problems only started after I bought a new 1440p 144hz monitor. I was previously using a 1440p 60hz monitor, no issues of this type at all. 

I’m also still seeing these issues with Fast Boot off, so certainly not a magic bullet.


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I’m still testing.
I acquired new memories and now everything seems more stable. I took one that was inside the mainboard’s QLV. ADATA XPG — AX4U360038G17-ST60.

I’m just having problems right now with the AMD VGA driver. Before I tried to play and pow! Reboot.

It is known that there were problems with this driver since version 20.10.2 that have not yet solved this one.


  • #1

Hello everyone,
I got a peculiar problem when I’m using my computer casually where it suddenly become so lag then it automatically reboot. I checked Event viewer and got this status:

A fatal hardware error has occurred.
Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Machine Check Exception
Error Type: Cache Hierarchy Error
Processor APIC ID: 1
The details view of this entry contains further information.

Several troubleshoots that I have tried including:

  1. Memcheck from windows; All cleared on memory. No issues found, yet problem still pertained.
  2. Unplug WiFi card & DDU re-install graphics driver. Issues still exists.
  3. Format and re-install windows. Issue still exists.
  4. set BIOS configuration to default including not choosing d.o.c.p RAM profiles.

As for my computer specification, specified in the following:

  1. CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3500x
  2. Mobo: Asus PRIME A320M-K
  3. Memory: V-Gen Tsunami DDR4 3200Mhz Dual-Channel 16GB
  4. VGA: RX 580 8GB — Red Devil
  5. Storage_1: Adata SX6000 Lite 256 GB M.2 NVME
  6. Storage_2: WDC Blue SSD 500 GB
  7. PSU: Infinity 500 W (80+ Bronze)

I have also run CPU Stress test using Prime95 and during self test 12K (+/-30 min) it suddenly become lag and restarted itself. The temperature of the CPU at the moment reach 85 Celsius degree.
Can someone help me with this issue? Does the problem lies on the CPU? (which means I need to RMA it) or Does the PSU is the problem source?
I’d really appreciate your kind help and fast response.

If it is possible, I highly prefer not to RMA as during pandemics the logistic might not be the best which means slow delivery.

  • #8

Hello everyone,
I got a peculiar problem when I’m using my computer casually where it suddenly become so lag then it automatically reboot. I checked Event viewer and got this status:

A fatal hardware error has occurred.
Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Machine Check Exception
Error Type: Cache Hierarchy Error
Processor APIC ID: 1
The details view of this entry contains further information.

Several troubleshoots that I have tried including:

  1. Memcheck from windows; All cleared on memory. No issues found, yet problem still pertained.
  2. Unplug WiFi card & DDU re-install graphics driver. Issues still exists.
  3. Format and re-install windows. Issue still exists.
  4. set BIOS configuration to default including not choosing d.o.c.p RAM profiles.

As for my computer specification, specified in the following:

  1. CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3500x
  2. Mobo: Asus PRIME A320M-K
  3. Memory: V-Gen Tsunami DDR4 3200Mhz Dual-Channel 16GB
  4. VGA: RX 580 8GB — Red Devil
  5. Storage_1: Adata SX6000 Lite 256 GB M.2 NVME
  6. Storage_2: WDC Blue SSD 500 GB
  7. PSU: Infinity 500 W (80+ Bronze)

I have also run CPU Stress test using Prime95 and during self test 12K (+/-30 min) it suddenly become lag and restarted itself. The temperature of the CPU at the moment reach 85 Celsius degree.
Can someone help me with this issue? Does the problem lies on the CPU? (which means I need to RMA it) or Does the PSU is the problem source?
I’d really appreciate your kind help and fast response.

If it is possible, I highly prefer not to RMA as during pandemics the logistic might not be the best which means slow delivery.


It’s already fix. It’s turned out my electricity is not as stable as it used to. I changed the PSU to CM V750 2 which has greater efficiency and bigger capacity. I also bought an additional UPS to stabilize as well for risk mitigation should blackout suddenly happen. Ryzen cores are really sensitive to voltage changes.


Nov 7, 2011





  • #2

psu, cpu overheating, old chipset.
latest bios?

  • #3

psu, cpu overheating, old chipset.
latest bios?

I didn’t measure PSU temperature yet, but when my hands near the PSU it doesn’t felt hot. As for CPU, the highest temp reach up to 90 Celcius. However, if I checked to several forum that temperature seems acceptable enough for the system. The mobo Is using the latest BIOS from Asus A320M-K Prime official web.

Hopefully, that will clear up some specification that not described well yet.

Oct 16, 2017





  • #4

I didn’t measure PSU temperature yet, but when my hands near the PSU it doesn’t felt hot. As for CPU, the highest temp reach up to 90 Celcius. However, if I checked to several forum that temperature seems acceptable enough for the system. The mobo Is using the latest BIOS from Asus A320M-K Prime official web.

Hopefully, that will clear up some specification that not described well yet.

What are you using for CPU cooling? 85-90C seems pretty hot for a 3500X on an A320 board (meaning no overclocking possible). I’d look at cooler mounting at least, or even a modest after-market cooler if you’re using something tiny like the Wraith Stealth. CM Hyper212 is very good, pretty cheap and probably good enough to carry on to a future upgrade system.

How are you measuring the temperature? I’d suggest getting HWInfo 64 and look for a CPU die (average) temperature reading in the sensors table. It’s going to be a more relevant indication of the processor temp.

Jan 15, 2001





  • #5

Are you doing any overclocking on this machine?

Processor APIC ID: 1 is pointing to Core number 2

Make sure everything is set to default in the bios then download corecycler and run it. This should catch errors with any of the cores.

  • #6

What are you using for CPU cooling? 85-90C seems pretty hot for a 3500X on an A320 board (meaning no overclocking possible). I’d look at cooler mounting at least, or even a modest after-market cooler if you’re using something tiny like the Wraith Stealth. CM Hyper212 is very good, pretty cheap and probably good enough to carry on to a future upgrade system.

How are you measuring the temperature? I’d suggest getting HWInfo 64 and look for a CPU die (average) temperature reading in the sensors table. It’s going to be a more relevant indication of the processor temp.

Thank you for your input. I have tried stress testing using prime95 and take a log during stress testing with temperature readings from HWInfo64. Based on the logs, when the computer suddenly restart, the temperature of the CPU only reach 63 degree and the motherboard only reach 45 degree. I think it’s safe to say that the temperature wasn’t the case (the main cause of my computer issue).

  • #7

Are you doing any overclocking on this machine?

Processor APIC ID: 1 is pointing to Core number 2

Make sure everything is set to default in the bios then download corecycler and run it. This should catch errors with any of the cores.

Thank you for your response.

No I’m not doing any overclocking on this machine. Even when my RAM which could get to 3200 MHz using D.O.C.P profile, I set it back to default. Everything have been set to default BIOS-wise.

I have tried using prime95 but couldn’t see any problems from the logs. The last stress test shown that the computer suddenly restart during 1280k test.

  • #8

Hello everyone,
I got a peculiar problem when I’m using my computer casually where it suddenly become so lag then it automatically reboot. I checked Event viewer and got this status:

A fatal hardware error has occurred.
Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Machine Check Exception
Error Type: Cache Hierarchy Error
Processor APIC ID: 1
The details view of this entry contains further information.

Several troubleshoots that I have tried including:

  1. Memcheck from windows; All cleared on memory. No issues found, yet problem still pertained.
  2. Unplug WiFi card & DDU re-install graphics driver. Issues still exists.
  3. Format and re-install windows. Issue still exists.
  4. set BIOS configuration to default including not choosing d.o.c.p RAM profiles.

As for my computer specification, specified in the following:

  1. CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3500x
  2. Mobo: Asus PRIME A320M-K
  3. Memory: V-Gen Tsunami DDR4 3200Mhz Dual-Channel 16GB
  4. VGA: RX 580 8GB — Red Devil
  5. Storage_1: Adata SX6000 Lite 256 GB M.2 NVME
  6. Storage_2: WDC Blue SSD 500 GB
  7. PSU: Infinity 500 W (80+ Bronze)

I have also run CPU Stress test using Prime95 and during self test 12K (+/-30 min) it suddenly become lag and restarted itself. The temperature of the CPU at the moment reach 85 Celsius degree.
Can someone help me with this issue? Does the problem lies on the CPU? (which means I need to RMA it) or Does the PSU is the problem source?
I’d really appreciate your kind help and fast response.

If it is possible, I highly prefer not to RMA as during pandemics the logistic might not be the best which means slow delivery.


It’s already fix. It’s turned out my electricity is not as stable as it used to. I changed the PSU to CM V750 2 which has greater efficiency and bigger capacity. I also bought an additional UPS to stabilize as well for risk mitigation should blackout suddenly happen. Ryzen cores are really sensitive to voltage changes.

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  1. Cache hierarchy error как исправить
  2. [SOLVED] [SOLVED] Ryzen 5 3500x — WHEA-Logger «Cache Hierarchy Error» Need Help Troubleshooting
  3. Athurnm
  4. Athurnm
  5. Блог белорусского сисадмина
  6. полезные записки
  7. Внезапная перезагрузка Ryzen 5000 при слабых нагрузках. Решение.
  8. Внезапная перезагрузка Ryzen 5000 при слабых нагрузках. Решение. : 1 комментарий
  9. Processors
  10. [SOLVED] Cache Hierarchy Error and CPU Fan Error ?
  11. Georgie Matt

Cache hierarchy error как исправить

Played RDR2 for like 2-3 hours then i switched game to Generation Zero and played 1h and then it crashed went to Event viewer and saw «Machine Check Exception and Cache Hierarchy Error.

First time i seen this error had problems before when i played DayZ (green screen) and just watching Youtube (computer crash/ restart.)

Is the machine overclocked? it may be helpful if you post the whole error from event viewer, after viewing it you may get more info/help.

If it just happened the once it may just be an oddity.

A serious hardware failure has occurred.

Reported by component: Processor core
Source of error: Machine Check Exception
Field Type: Cache Hierarchy Error
Processor APIC ID: 9

Further information can be found in this item’s detailed view.

ErrorSource 3
ApicId 9
MCABank 5
MciStat 0xbea0000000000108
MciAddr 0x101f80072263dab
MciMisc 0xd01a0ffe00000000
ErrorType 9
TransactionType 2
Participation 256
RequestType 0
MemorIO 256
MemHierarchyLvl 0
Timeout 256
OperationType 256
Channel 256
Length 936
RawData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

Check for a bios update/reset to defaults, update chipset drivers and Gpu if not already done.

If the issue still persists then stress test Ram, Cpu and Gpu as the issue is likely one of the three. It may just be that something in bios is not set correctly, referring to motherboard manual for bios setup may help.


[SOLVED] [SOLVED] Ryzen 5 3500x — WHEA-Logger «Cache Hierarchy Error» Need Help Troubleshooting


Hello everyone,
I got a peculiar problem when I’m using my computer casually where it suddenly become so lag then it automatically reboot. I checked Event viewer and got this status:

A fatal hardware error has occurred.
Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Machine Check Exception
Error Type: Cache Hierarchy Error
Processor APIC ID: 1
The details view of this entry contains further information.

Several troubleshoots that I have tried including:

  1. Memcheck from windows; All cleared on memory. No issues found, yet problem still pertained.
  2. Unplug WiFi card & DDU re-install graphics driver. Issues still exists.
  3. Format and re-install windows. Issue still exists.
  4. set BIOS configuration to default including not choosing d.o.c.p RAM profiles.

As for my computer specification, specified in the following:

  1. CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3500x
  2. Mobo: Asus PRIME A320M-K
  3. Memory: V-Gen Tsunami DDR4 3200Mhz Dual-Channel 16GB
  4. VGA: RX 580 8GB — Red Devil
  5. Storage_1: Adata SX6000 Lite 256 GB M.2 NVME
  6. Storage_2: WDC Blue SSD 500 GB
  7. PSU: Infinity 500 W (80+ Bronze)

I have also run CPU Stress test using Prime95 and during self test 12K (+/-30 min) it suddenly become lag and restarted itself. The temperature of the CPU at the moment reach 85 Celsius degree.
Can someone help me with this issue? Does the problem lies on the CPU? (which means I need to RMA it) or Does the PSU is the problem source?
I’d really appreciate your kind help and fast response.

If it is possible, I highly prefer not to RMA as during pandemics the logistic might not be the best which means slow delivery.


Hello everyone,
I got a peculiar problem when I’m using my computer casually where it suddenly become so lag then it automatically reboot. I checked Event viewer and got this status:

A fatal hardware error has occurred.
Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Machine Check Exception
Error Type: Cache Hierarchy Error
Processor APIC ID: 1
The details view of this entry contains further information.

Several troubleshoots that I have tried including:

  1. Memcheck from windows; All cleared on memory. No issues found, yet problem still pertained.
  2. Unplug WiFi card & DDU re-install graphics driver. Issues still exists.
  3. Format and re-install windows. Issue still exists.
  4. set BIOS configuration to default including not choosing d.o.c.p RAM profiles.

As for my computer specification, specified in the following:

  1. CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3500x
  2. Mobo: Asus PRIME A320M-K
  3. Memory: V-Gen Tsunami DDR4 3200Mhz Dual-Channel 16GB
  4. VGA: RX 580 8GB — Red Devil
  5. Storage_1: Adata SX6000 Lite 256 GB M.2 NVME
  6. Storage_2: WDC Blue SSD 500 GB
  7. PSU: Infinity 500 W (80+ Bronze)

I have also run CPU Stress test using Prime95 and during self test 12K (+/-30 min) it suddenly become lag and restarted itself. The temperature of the CPU at the moment reach 85 Celsius degree.
Can someone help me with this issue? Does the problem lies on the CPU? (which means I need to RMA it) or Does the PSU is the problem source?
I’d really appreciate your kind help and fast response.

If it is possible, I highly prefer not to RMA as during pandemics the logistic might not be the best which means slow delivery.

It’s already fix. It’s turned out my electricity is not as stable as it used to. I changed the PSU to CM V750 2 which has greater efficiency and bigger capacity. I also bought an additional UPS to stabilize as well for risk mitigation should blackout suddenly happen. Ryzen cores are really sensitive to voltage changes.


Блог белорусского сисадмина

полезные записки

Внезапная перезагрузка Ryzen 5000 при слабых нагрузках. Решение.

После выхода новых процессоров Ryzen 5000 все сайты и форумы пестрили сообщениями об их непревзойденной производительности. После поступления первых партий в продажу количество восхищенных отзывов не уменьшилось, но появились первые сообщения о проблемах, с одной из которых столкнулся и я — самопроизвольная перезагрузка компьютера при простое или слабой нагрузке. При этом, все стресс-тесты проходят «на ура», тестирование отдельных компонентов также не выявляет проблем.

Я не хотел прибегать к ручному разгону, как к способу решения этой проблемы (помогает всем), но и постоянные перезагрузки с последующим появлением ошибки WHEA Logger ID 18 — Cache Hierarchy Error (или аналогичных) тоже не давали насладиться спокойной работой на мощном железе. Естественно, я обновлял BIOS, драйвера, пытался включать/отключать различные параметры в настройках BIOS, как и рекомендуют на большом количестве форумов… Не помогало ничего.

Но решить мою проблему помогла случайность. Во время очередных тестов я выставил профиль питания в Windows — Высокая производительность (High performance). Сразу внимания не обратил, но перезагрузки ушли. Затем, через некоторое время, я вернул «Сбалансированный» (Balanced performance) режим и компьютер опять начал перезагружаться. И снова это происходило либо при слабых нагрузках, либо вообще в простое. Возврат профиля «Высокая производительность» снова решил проблему.

Насколько я понял, внезапные перезагрузки возникали из-за попыток ОС Windows управлять состоянием процессора (его частотой или состоянием ядер) при простое. В профиле «Высокая производительность» минимальное состояние процессора равно 100%, т.е. частота не будет снижаться меньше базовой (3.7 ГГц для Ryzen 5900X).

Таким образом, если вы страдаете от внезапных перезагрузок на новом процессоре из серии Ryzen 5000, но ваше остальное железо точно рабочее, а БП способен вытянуть всю систему и стабильно работает под нагрузками — попробуйте поставить «Высокая производительность» в параметрах питания ОС Windows и скорее всего перезагрузки уйдут.

Внезапная перезагрузка Ryzen 5000 при слабых нагрузках. Решение. : 1 комментарий

У меня на обычной сбалансированной минимальное положение от 0%, думаю что стоит поставить 5% чтобы он не засыпал в мертвую так что проснуться не хватит сил.



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I got a peculiar problem when I’m using my computer casually where it suddenly become so lag then it automatically reboot. I checked Event viewer and got this status:

A fatal hardware error has occurred.

Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Machine Check Exception
Error Type: Cache Hierarchy Error
Processor APIC ID: 1

The details view of this entry contains further information.

Several troubleshoots that I have tried including:
1. Memcheck from windows; All cleared on memory. No issues found, yet problem still pertained.
2. Unplug WiFi card & DDU re-install graphics driver. Issues still exists.
3. Format and re-install windows. Issue still exists.
4. set BIOS configuration to default including not choosing d.o.c.p RAM profiles.

As for my computer specification, specified in the following:
1. CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3500x
2. Mobo: Asus PRIME A320M-K
3. Memory: V-Gen Tsunami DDR4 3200Mhz Dual-Channel 16GB
4. VGA: RX 580 8GB — Red Devil
5. Storage_1: Adata SX6000 Lite 256 GB M.2 NVME
6. Storage_2: WDC Blue SSD 500 GB
7. PSU: Infinity 500 W (80+ Bronze)

I have also run CPU Stress test using Prime95 and during self test 12K (««+/-30 min) it suddenly become lag and restarted itself. The temperature of the CPU at the moment reach 85 Celsius degree.

Can someone help me with this issue? Does the problem lies on the CPU? (which means I need to RMA it) or Does the PSU is the problem source?

I’d really appreciate your kind help and fast response.


[SOLVED] Cache Hierarchy Error and CPU Fan Error ?

Georgie Matt

Over the past week I have had an issue when gaming in that the PC restarts. Initially I thought it was RAM/PSU related but I have tested he RAM and replaced my PSU and it is neither of these. Both MemTest86 and Window Memory Diagnostic found no RAM error. I only found the CPU fan error after changing out the PSU and changing the BIOS to warn about it. My build is as follows:

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 3.6 GHz 6-Core Processor
Motherboard: MSI B450 TOMAHAWK MAX ATX AM4 Motherboard
Memory: Crucial Ballistix RGB 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3600 CL16 Memory
Storage: Sabrent Rocket Q 1 TB M.2-2280 NVME Solid State Drive
Storage: Seagate BarraCuda 2 TB 2.5″ 5400RPM Internal Hard Drive
Video Card: MSI Radeon RX 5700 XT 8 GB MECH OC Video Card

The CPU fan is running, it is connected to the CPU_FAN1 slot on my B450 Tomahawk Max Motherboard and all connections are good. All BIOS/drivers on all my hardware is up to date. This is not linked to the fan speed as I maxed out the CPU fan speed being too low in the BIOS and restarted and it still showed the same error. The PC is crashing when the system is under load gaming only, this is backed up by the Event Viewer which is identifying the Processor Core as suffering an error.

«A fatal hardware error has occurred«

Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Machine Check Exception
Error Type: Cache Hierarchy Error
Processor APIC ID: 8

It is possible it is a processor error, but the CPU fan error will likely be adding to this issue although I did wonder if it was related to the CPU not getting sufficient voltage during high usage? I have ran several tests including: BurninTest, Speedfan, HWInfo and Prime95 with no errors or issues I could see.


  1. 12-05-2020 10:46 PM


    Daylight_Invader no está en línea

    ROG Enthusiast


    ROG STRIX X570 I-GAMING — Windows Cache Hierarchy Error with Ryzen 5950X processor

    I’ve recently upgraded the processor in my I-gaming based rig to a 5950X. When running the board with DOCP (XMP), I seem to get spontaneous reboots and cache hierarchy errors including file corruptions. Strangely leaving the board in DOCP/XMP mode and running memtest for a few hours confirms no issues with the memory, but running under this mode in Windows just spells disaster.

    Running the machine back in full defaults and running processor specific stress tests (prime95 etc), all seem to show a clean processor. This suggests a BIOS issue of sorts.

    Anyone else getting this behaviour? I know the 5000 series run a little hotter than the older 3000 series, but I am definitely within the thermal limits. Running the 2816 bios at the moment, but not keen to go backwards if possible. Any help would be appreciated as I think I have re-installed this rig about 10 times as well as re-seated the processor etc. I only became convinced it was not hardware when all the stress testing I did individually came back clean suggesting some strange issues afoot elsewhere. A quick google around shows other ASUS owners posting in places like Reddit who also have issues like this and have resorted to lowering vcore voltages and turning off PBO.

    I should note that PBO when running under XMP guarantees a quick spontaneous reboot, although it is oddly when the processor is not doing a lot. PBO under default settings (i.e. with very slow memory) seems to have a well performing processor, but matched with a slow memory speed really does not unleash what this kit should be capable of.

  2. 12-06-2020 04:10 PM


    loccc no está en línea

    ROG Member


    Hey. Downgrade to 2802 bios version which is Patch-B and non beta. Many have similar issues as you with Patch-C bios versions which are beta versions currently. I had similar issues and bios downgrade solved all the problems with memory, fabric clocks and WHEA errors.

  3. 12-06-2020 07:34 PM


    Daylight_Invader no está en línea

    ROG Enthusiast


    Quote Originally Posted by loccc
    View Post

    Hey. Downgrade to 2802 bios version which is Patch-B and non beta. Many have similar issues as you with Patch-C bios versions which are beta versions currently. I had similar issues and bios downgrade solved all the problems with memory, fabric clocks and WHEA errors.

    Thanks for the post. I have to admit I am very nervous about downgrading to 2802 as many report exactly the same issues. This reddit post in particular worries me, so I think this might be a frying pan / fryer type situation. The memory issues in particular effect me as I am not attempting to OC. I’m simply wanting to use XMP/DOCP, which at the moment I cannot without these cache issues hitting me.…_motherboards/

  4. 12-06-2020 09:12 PM


    Daylight_Invader no está en línea

    ROG Enthusiast


    It looks like our colleagues across in the MSI camp are also experiencing these same issues. It’s also pointing to some odd vcore voltage settings and the like which might possibly be at the root of the problem.…around.353089/

    it also seems that this is not just a 5950x issue, but likely an issue affecting all 5000 series processors ( 5900x 5800x 5600x ) etc, and most likely down to something with AMD and the board partners need to work together to resolve.

  5. 12-06-2020 09:28 PM


    Daylight_Invader no está en línea

    ROG Enthusiast


    Found a few more threads elsewhere too so this is definitely a real issue affecting all of AMD’s major board partners. I suspect it’s not as widely known as it probably should be as so few people have these CPUs.

  6. 12-07-2020 06:12 PM


    Daylight_Invader no está en línea

    ROG Enthusiast


    Someone on another forum (oc UK) helped. Seems it’s related to the auto default voltages that have been set in these beta bioses.

    Interestingly if I follow that posters advice, I am able to re-enable PBO and DOCP/XMP using the following:

    Manual edit voltages in bios as follows:

    Cpu Soc Voltage 1.1v
    *Vddg iod 950mv
    *Vddg ccd 900mv

    Hopefully the above advice will help someone else experiencing these frustrating issues. it’s a real shame as this is one beast of a chip.

  7. 12-09-2020 12:06 AM


    fatalhalt no está en línea

    ROG Member

    fatalhalt PC Specs

    fatalhalt PC Specs
    Motherboard ROG Strix B550-I Gaming 2003 BIOS
    Processor Ryzen 7 5800X
    Memory (part number) G.SKILL F4-3200C14-16GTRS
    Graphics Card #1 Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 Super
    Storage #1 Firecuda 520 1TB PCIe NVMe 4.0
    Power Supply Corsair SF750

    B550-I ITX defaults to 1.25 VSOC for me on 5800X. For VDDG’s I manually set 1.05v for 3733 1:1

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ZenTimings_Screenshot_26791191.8310815.jpg 
Views:	27 
Size:	42.6 KB 
ID:	87163

  8. 12-09-2020 12:18 AM


    Daylight_Invader no está en línea

    ROG Enthusiast


    Quote Originally Posted by fatalhalt
    View Post

    B550-I ITX defaults to 1.25 VSOC for me on 5800X. For VDDG’s I manually set 1.05v for 3733 1:1

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ZenTimings_Screenshot_26791191.8310815.jpg 
Views:	27 
Size:	42.6 KB 
ID:	87163

    new bios for all these boards released! Let the testing begin!

  9. 12-28-2020 11:15 AM


    machine572 no está en línea

    New ROGer


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