Cannot execute command factorio как исправить

Hi. Trying to decrease working robot speed by disabling researches with command:

Doesn’t working console command.


Manual Inserter
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Doesn’t working console command.

Hi. Trying to decrease working robot speed by disabling researches with command:

Code: Select all

/c game.player.force.technologies['worker-robot-speed-4'].researched=false

but I get the error:

Code: Select all

cannot execute command. error: [string "game.player.force.technologies['worker-robot-..."]:1: attempt to index field 'worker-robot-speed-4' (a nil value)

tried this command with true/false bool value with others technologies and it’s works fine.
tested with game version 0.14.17 and 0.14.19, singleplayer.

also tried modifier:

Code: Select all

/c game.player.force.logistic_robot_speed_modifier = 0.5

with any multiplier but getting error:

Code: Select all

cannot execute command. error: LuaForce doesn't contain key logistic_robot_speed_modifier. stack traceback: [string  "game.player.force.logistic_robot_speed_modifi..."]:1: in main chunk

so I don’t understand where to dig now) will be appreciated for any help

also: tested with vanilla and modded version, same results.

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Re: Doesn’t working console command.


by Klonan » Tue Nov 22, 2016 5:41 pm

RomaEcho wrote:Hi. Trying to decrease working robot speed by disabling researches with command:

Code: Select all

/c game.player.force.technologies['worker-robot-speed-4'].researched=false

but I get the error:

Code: Select all

cannot execute command. error: [string "game.player.force.technologies['worker-robot-..."]:1: attempt to index field 'worker-robot-speed-4' (a nil value)

tried this command with true/false bool value with others technologies and it’s works fine.
tested with game version 0.14.17 and 0.14.19, singleplayer.

also tried modifier:

Code: Select all

/c game.player.force.logistic_robot_speed_modifier = 0.5

with any multiplier but getting error:

Code: Select all

cannot execute command. error: LuaForce doesn't contain key logistic_robot_speed_modifier. stack traceback: [string  "game.player.force.logistic_robot_speed_modifi..."]:1: in main chunk

so I don’t understand where to dig now) will be appreciated for any help

also: tested with vanilla and modded version, same results.

Its «worker-robots-speed-1», not robot,

And the modifier is: worker_robots_speed_modifier


Manual Inserter
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Re: Doesn’t working console command.


by RomaEcho » Tue Nov 22, 2016 5:54 pm

Klonan wrote:

Its «worker-robots-speed-1», not robot,

And the modifier is: worker_robots_speed_modifier

Yes! so simple. I guess technology name ingame and wiki need to be edited cause I puzzled two days). Anyway thanks a lot Klonan.


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Re: Doesn’t working console command.


by lexx » Mon Jan 02, 2017 10:31 pm

tryed do the command above on 0.14.21 but get same error can post the full command to enable highest bot speed research and bot speed (i am not a programmer)

is 1 the max the bots can run or can they go like 2-3 speed

just trying to do it without using mods so its undoable


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Re: Doesn’t working console command.


by daniel34 » Tue Jan 03, 2017 2:17 pm

To research robot speed upgrades use

Code: Select all

/c game.player.force.technologies['worker-robots-speed-4'].researched=true

This will only research upgrade 4 and not the previous ones, so you’ll have to use this command for each of the speed upgrades.

The command to directly set the speed is

Code: Select all

/c game.player.force.worker_robots_speed_modifier = 1

This will give robots a +100% speed bonus. 0 would be default speed, 0.5 would be +50%.
You can also use higher values, e.g. 4 would give robots a +400% speed bonus.

Important: The second command will override the results of the first, so if you researched all of the speed upgrades you already got a +240% speed bonus. If you then set the speed modifier to 1 it will actually lower the speed bonus to +100%, making the robots slower.


  1. Cannot execute command error luagamescript
  2. Cannot execute command error luagamescript
  3. Factorio Forums
  4. [0.12.1] Headless Linuxsrv: Missing key «isdemo»
  5. [0.12.1] Headless Linuxsrv: Missing key «isdemo»
  6. Re: [0.12.1] Headless Linuxsrv: Missing key «isdemo»
  7. Re: [0.12.1] Headless Linuxsrv: Missing key «isdemo»
  8. Factorio Forums
  9. Usefull commands for Map-tests
  10. Usefull commands for Map-tests
  11. Re: Usefull commands for Map-tests
  12. Re: Usefull commands for Map-tests
  13. Re: Usefull commands for Map-tests
  14. Re: Usefull commands for Map-tests
  15. Factorio Forums
  16. How to remove enemies via console?
  17. How to remove enemies via console?
  18. Re: How to remove enemies via console?
  19. Re: How to remove enemies via console?
  20. Re: How to remove enemies via console?
  21. Re: How to remove enemies via console?
  22. Re: How to remove enemies via console?
  23. Re: How to remove enemies via console?
  24. Re: How to remove enemies via console?
  25. Re: How to remove enemies via console?
  26. Re: How to remove enemies via console?
  27. Re: How to remove enemies via console?
  28. Re: How to remove enemies via console?
  29. Re: How to remove enemies via console?
  30. Re: How to remove enemies via console?
  31. Re: How to remove enemies via console?

Cannot execute command error luagamescript

I try to use the lua scripts for ressources

and it says; cannot execute command. Error: luagamescript doesn’t contain key local_player. stack traceback: [string «local surface = game.local_player.surface;f. «]:1: in main chunk.

It worked before so i guess the new update brought new console commands with it? Is there an updated list somewhere?

There is no command list. Anyone can create their own commands if hey want to. You could take a look at this. []

This problem is easy to fix and a Google search would help you out as well. Just replace local_player with player.

Reading and understanding error messages can help as well. I this case local_player is not valid.

update has changed da codez brotha!

so pait04 brotha is right

There is no command list.

The 0.13 update changed several of the console command wordings. The wiki has been updated to reflect those changes.

The wiki is almost always outdated. For the hard reference of what the game understands you need the LUA API:

Indeed, the rest of the wiki is outdated, but the console commands were updated fairly quickly after the patch.

Thanks for the link.

There is no command list.

The 0.13 update changed several of the console command wordings. The wiki has been updated to reflect those changes.

My link got removed for some reason. That ruined it. The link was pointed at that page. Do you have any idea why it was deleted? I don’t want to do it to happen again ^^

My link got removed for some reason. That ruined it. The link was pointed at that page. Do you have any idea why it was deleted? I don’t want to do it to happen again ^^

The Steam forums automatically delete certain links — we have no control over that.

Sometimes they are deleted because Steam thinks the site is phishing or illegitimate for some reason. I don’t know specifically why your link was removed.


Cannot execute command error luagamescript

I try to use the lua scripts for ressources

and it says; cannot execute command. Error: luagamescript doesn’t contain key local_player. stack traceback: [string «local surface = game.local_player.surface;f. «]:1: in main chunk.

It worked before so i guess the new update brought new console commands with it? Is there an updated list somewhere?

There is no command list. Anyone can create their own commands if hey want to. You could take a look at this. []

This problem is easy to fix and a Google search would help you out as well. Just replace local_player with player.

Reading and understanding error messages can help as well. I this case local_player is not valid.

update has changed da codez brotha!

so pait04 brotha is right

There is no command list.

The 0.13 update changed several of the console command wordings. The wiki has been updated to reflect those changes.

The wiki is almost always outdated. For the hard reference of what the game understands you need the LUA API:

Indeed, the rest of the wiki is outdated, but the console commands were updated fairly quickly after the patch.

Thanks for the link.

There is no command list.

The 0.13 update changed several of the console command wordings. The wiki has been updated to reflect those changes.

My link got removed for some reason. That ruined it. The link was pointed at that page. Do you have any idea why it was deleted? I don’t want to do it to happen again ^^

My link got removed for some reason. That ruined it. The link was pointed at that page. Do you have any idea why it was deleted? I don’t want to do it to happen again ^^

The Steam forums automatically delete certain links — we have no control over that.

Sometimes they are deleted because Steam thinks the site is phishing or illegitimate for some reason. I don’t know specifically why your link was removed.


Factorio Forums

[0.12.1] Headless Linuxsrv: Missing key «isdemo»

[0.12.1] Headless Linuxsrv: Missing key «isdemo»

Post by Unic » Sat Jul 25, 2015 9:12 pm

i can create a server with «—create MyMap» and than —start-server MyMap. All works fine, but if i try to reconnect i get :

Cant do anything about it. Even a Server restart dont helps. I dont use any mods.

EDIT: Pretty sure that this change is the problem:

because in most scripts ive found its called «is_demo» not «isdemo»

Edit2: If i use «12.0» all works fine.

Re: [0.12.1] Headless Linuxsrv: Missing key «isdemo»

Post by Unic » Sun Jul 26, 2015 8:39 am

Found the solution:

First its only happend with 12.1 not with 12.0.

The problem are files on the clientside. Under Factoriodatabasemigrations are some older files on my clientinstallation. After i have deleted the complete factoriofolder and reinstalled the game all works fine again.

Re: [0.12.1] Headless Linuxsrv: Missing key «isdemo»

Post by slpwnd » Mon Jul 27, 2015 1:58 pm

Unic wrote: Found the solution:

First its only happend with 12.1 not with 12.0.

The problem are files on the clientside. Under Factoriodatabasemigrations are some older files on my clientinstallation. After i have deleted the complete factoriofolder and reinstalled the game all works fine again.


Factorio Forums

Usefull commands for Map-tests

Moderators: orzelek, Dark

Usefull commands for Map-tests

Post by Ohz » Sun Jan 31, 2016 12:37 am

Usefull and easy copy/past players command to generate your map while you’re tinkering with RSO settings.
Most of you know them, but people like me that don’t have a clue about commands/coding/searching on forum/wiki/reddit and stopped playing since a year wants to come back and have a shortcut to basic commands.

— Edited for 0.14 — Thanks Deadly-Bagel and Nexela

— Reveal 1024px around you :

Re: Usefull commands for Map-tests

Post by Kane » Tue Mar 01, 2016 5:30 am

Great to see these here. Been using these for a couple of years to get a decent setup.

I also suggest these:

Great to move around freely around the map (it kills you):

Re: Usefull commands for Map-tests

Post by orzelek » Tue Mar 01, 2016 8:58 pm

One addition to above — changing of player to nil won’t kill you — you switch to a godmode controller.

You can go back to normal mode again like this after mouse overing on your character that should be standing patiently where you left it:

Re: Usefull commands for Map-tests

Post by eray » Fri Jun 03, 2016 5:37 pm

orzelek wrote: One addition to above — changing of player to nil won’t kill you — you switch to a godmode controller.

You can go back to normal mode again like this after mouse overing on your character that should be standing patiently where you left it:

Re: Usefull commands for Map-tests

Post by ariades » Sat Aug 13, 2016 10:24 pm

This would have been excellent for checking how my RSO worlds turn out, without having to turn on god mode and speed up the game time to be able to run around like the Flash.

However, I keep getting the following error message:

Please do explain this to me as to an idiot. Downloaded RSO today, and it is the only reason I ever started messing around with the Factorio console, so I have absolutely no idea about what I’m doing.


Factorio Forums

How to remove enemies via console?

How to remove enemies via console?

Post by Setari » Sun Jan 11, 2015 8:59 pm

So I accidentally put enemies on rich. like my entire starting area is just outlined in enemies. Is there any way to remove enemies via console command? Or to copy the map or edit properties or something so they are removed? I just wanted to play a map with rich minerals and wasn’t paying attention to the properties before loading the map and now it’s causing a problem for me. Luckily they’re peaceful but still :

Edit: And I mean remove the actual hives so they don’t come back. I already know about the «kill all moving enemies» thing.

Re: How to remove enemies via console?

Post by FishSandwich » Sun Jan 11, 2015 9:35 pm

Re: How to remove enemies via console?

Post by Setari » Sun Jan 11, 2015 10:24 pm

Re: How to remove enemies via console?

Post by Choumiko » Sun Jan 11, 2015 11:06 pm

Re: How to remove enemies via console?

Post by Adil » Mon Jan 12, 2015 12:22 am

Re: How to remove enemies via console?

Post by Setari » Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:54 pm

I put this code in the console and it will eliminate the enemies?

Nice, I’ll try it when I get a chance. If that’s not how I do it, let me know please.

I appreciate the help guys, so much.

Re: How to remove enemies via console?

Post by grifter1 » Mon Nov 02, 2015 1:59 am

Hi All can some one please help with a new command of the above that will work on 12.8 and if it is posable i want to get rid of all spawners of the map this is a very large map

my co-op mate has finished playing factorio for the moment and i want to just use this map for refining my train skills and the wiping out the spawners is very time consuming as all enemy is at max evolution and just solid red around the base

Re: How to remove enemies via console?

Post by grifter1 » Mon Nov 02, 2015 3:53 am

Can one of you bright coding guys help me out with a 12.8 compliant version of the above code
I am in a game that started of co-op and my mate has had all he can take of Factorio so i am going to use this map and a big sand box for refining my train skills
We started with the biters on max and evaluation is now max so the hole map is just about solid red outside my walls this isn’t a big problem as with the mods I have on I am now just about invincible it is just very time consuming to clear them out

If it is posable to have it remove all spawner like the kill all moving enemies code

I intent to do a big run around and stop them expanding back to the walls

Re: How to remove enemies via console?

Post by prg » Mon Nov 02, 2015 10:01 am

grifter1 wrote: Can one of you bright coding guys help me out with a 12.8 compliant version of the above code
I am in a game that started of co-op and my mate has had all he can take of Factorio so i am going to use this map and a big sand box for refining my train skills
We started with the biters on max and evaluation is now max so the hole map is just about solid red outside my walls this isn’t a big problem as with the mods I have on I am now just about invincible it is just very time consuming to clear them out

If it is posable to have it remove all spawner like the kill all moving enemies code

I intent to do a big run around and stop them expanding back to the walls

Re: How to remove enemies via console?

Post by grifter1 » Mon Nov 02, 2015 3:51 pm

grifter1 wrote: Can one of you bright coding guys help me out with a 12.8 compliant version of the above code
I am in a game that started of co-op and my mate has had all he can take of Factorio so i am going to use this map and a big sand box for refining my train skills
We started with the biters on max and evaluation is now max so the hole map is just about solid red outside my walls this isn’t a big problem as with the mods I have on I am now just about invincible it is just very time consuming to clear them out

If it is posable to have it remove all spawner like the kill all moving enemies code

I intent to do a big run around and stop them expanding back to the walls

Re: How to remove enemies via console?

Post by prg » Mon Nov 02, 2015 3:59 pm

Re: How to remove enemies via console?

Post by ssilk » Mon Nov 02, 2015 11:21 pm

Re: How to remove enemies via console?

Post by grifter1 » Tue Nov 03, 2015 12:24 am

Thanks for trying to help me out

Yes I am entering it as a command and I get the noise that happens when you use a command but all the bases are still there I did go to check and entered the code while standing in a very large base
No error code but nothing happened
I did the kill all command and that removed all the creeps

I did change the game to peaceful mode and have a lot of mods running

Am I able to get a log file to help you know what is happening?

And what I was trying to say is that I have a very large area cleared of enemies
Is this only trying to clear a 32×32 from the starting spot ?

Re: How to remove enemies via console?

Post by prg » Tue Nov 03, 2015 9:38 am

Re: How to remove enemies via console?

Post by grifter1 » Tue Nov 03, 2015 12:32 pm

i tried this and i get nothing back
i don’t think the mods i have change spawners list of mods below

    Stainless Steel

i have been playing with other commands and it looks like the game will only take commands with the multiplayer prefix and i checked i loaded it one player


На этой странице, по возможности, будут собираться различные варианты и способы решения возможных проблем с игрой.
Потому что нередки случаи, когда игра или не запускается вообще,  выдавая ошибку, или просто зависает.
Со временем список будет пополняться, оформление и структура страницы будет так же адаптироваться под количество статей.

Зависает загрузка на 89%

Вероятно зависание загрузки вызвано недостатком памяти видеокарты.
Для решения этой проблемы можно попробовать настроить параметры графики в файле конфигурации.
Что для этого нужно:

  • Открыть любым текстовым редактором файл «config.ini«.

Находится он или в корневом каталоге игры, в папке config(актуально для архивных версий)

Или же в C:Users<username>AppDataRoamingFactorioconfig
Попасть туда можно через папку с игрой(там есть ссылка на папку config).
Или запустить «Выполнить» через Win+R или пуск, вставить в строку: %appdata%factorioconfig и нажать «ОК»

  • В открытом файле config.ini найти, и изменить параметры следующим образом(можно пробовать поочерёдно):

Вариант 1. Изменить параметр использования видеопамяти. Это немного уменьшит потребление видеопамяти.


Вариант 2. Принудительно запустить игру в OpenGL режиме.


Вариант 3. Снизить качество графики.


Так же, стоит попробовать выключить все приложения, потребляющие видеопамять(в том числе и браузер).

В этом случае можно использовать готовый файл конфигурации, в котором применено сразу 3 параметра.
Нужно скачать и скопировать файл в папку config. В папке должно получиться 2 файла. default_config.ini и config.ini
Скачать файл Config.ini 4кб (Яндекс Диск)

35 227

Читы с помощью консольных команд

factorio консольные команды

  • 16.04.2018
  • Загрузка…

В игре factorio с помощью консоли можно изменить игру в корне. Однако нужно знать что и как изменять 🙂 В игре не предусмотрены как таковые читы. С помощью консольных команд можно все изменить. Вы можете просто скопировать код в консоль для активации. Чтобы открыть консоль, нужно нажать ~ (тильда). Поняв принцип реализации кода, можно создавать свои «читы».

  • Удалить всех врагов с карты:
    • /c local surface = game.player.surface
      for c in surface.get_chunks() do
      for key, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({area={{c.x * 32, c.y * 32}, {c.x * 32 + 32, c.y * 32 + 32}}, force= "enemy"})) do
  • Использование калькулятора:
    • /c game.player.print(5 * 2)
  • Проверка коеффициента еволюции кусателей:
    • /c game.player.print(game.evolution_factor)
  • Выключить ночь:
    • /c game.always_day=true
  • Уменьшить зум игры (удобно для чертежей):
    • /c game.player.zoom = 0.1
  • Убить всех врагов на вашем в радиусе вашего экрана:
    • /c game.forces["enemy"].kill_all_units()
  • Добавляет 100 железных пластин:
    • /c game.player.insert{name="iron-plate", count=100}
  • Добавляет количество ресурсов к месторождению ресурса (нужно навести на месторождения курсором)(железная руда, нефть и тд)
    • /c game.player.selected.amount=7500
  • Вокруг вашего персонажа создает месторождения новых ресурсов («stone» to «iron-ore», «copper-ore», or «coal» )
    • /c local surface = game.player.surface;
      for y=-2,2 do
      for x=-2,2 do
      surface.create_entity({name="stone", amount=5000, position={game.player.position.x+x, game.player.position.y+y}})
  • Исследывает все технологии:
    • /c for name,technology in pairs(game.player.force.technologies) do technology.researched=technology.enabled end
  • Ускоряет добычу вашей киркой:
    • /c game.player.force.manual_mining_speed_modifier=1000
  • Ускоряет крафт в вашем инвентаре:
    • /c game.player.force.manual_crafting_speed_modifier=1000
  • Изменить цвет вашего персонажа:
    • /c game.player.color={g=50,b=200,r=200,a=.9}
  • Показать количество юнитов в игре (врагов, игроков, нейтралов):
    • /c game.player.print(game.forces.enemy.get_entity_count("small-biter"))
  • Счетчик времени в игре:
    • /c game.player.print("The game has run for " .. math.floor(game.tick / 60) .. " seconds.")
  • Изменения параметра дня:
    • /c game.always_day = true
    • /c game.always_day = false
  • Изменения скорости в игре:
    • /c game.speed = 2
  • Установка мирного времени (враги первые не нападают, однако защищаются):
    • /c game.peaceful_mode = false
  • Установка стабильного ветра на /север /восток /юг /запад:
    • game.wind_speed = 2 * game.windspeed
      game.wind_orientation = 0.125
      game.wind_orientation_change = 0
  • Конец игры:
    • .с game.set_game_state{gamefinished = true, playerwon = true}
  • Вывод диалогового окна вашим персонажем:
    • game.show_message_dialog{text={"hello world"}, pointto = {type = "entity", entity = game.player.character}}


  • Удалить всех врагов с карты:
  • /c local surface = game.local_player.surface for c in surface.get_chunks() do for key, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({area={{c.x * 32, c.y * 32}, {c.x * 32 + 32, c.y * 32 + 32}}, force= «enemy»})) do entity.destroy() end end
  • Использование калькулятора:
    • /c game.local_player.print(5 * 2)
  • Проверка коеффициента эволюции кусателей:
    • /c game.local_player.print(game.evolution_factor)
  • Выключить ночь:
    • /c game.always_day=true
  • Уменьшить зум игры (удобно для чертежей):
    • /c game.local_player.zoom = 0.1
  • Убить всех врагов в радиусе вашего экрана:
    • /c game.forces[«enemy»].kill_all_units()
  • Добавляет 100 железных пластин: (значение можно менять так же я нашел для меди и для стали)
    • /c game.local_player.insert{name=»iron-plate», count=100}    железо
      • /c game.local_player.insert{name=»steel-plate», count=100}   сталь
        • /c game.local_player.insert{name=»copper-plate», count=100}    медь
  • Добавляет количество ресурсов к месторождению ресурса (нужно навести на месторождения курсором)(железная руда, нефть и тд)
    • /c game.local_player.selected.amount=7500
  • Вокруг вашего песонажа создает месторождения новых ресурсов («stone» to «iron-ore», «copper-ore», or «coal» ) (не делаейте в близи с другими ресурсами а то когда будете буры ставить он будет мешать их)
    • /c local surface = game.local_player.surface;
      for y=-2,2 do
      for x=-2,2 do
      surface.create_entity({name=»stone», amount=5000, position={game.local_player.position.x+x, game.local_player.position.y+y}})
  • Исследывает все технологии:
    • /c for name,technology in pairs(game.local_player.force.technologies) do technology.researched=technology.enabled end
  • Ускоряет скорость иследования: (1 минимальное значение 100 максимальное)
  •           /c game.local_player.force.laboratory_speed_modifier = 100
  • Ускоряет добычу вашей киркой:
    • /c game.local_player.force.manual_mining_speed_modifier=1000
  • Ускоряет крафт в вашем инвентаре:
    • /c game.local_player.force.manual_crafting_speed_modifier=1000
  • Изменить цвет вашего персонажа:
    • /c game.local_player.color={g=50,b=200,r=200,a=.9}
  • Показать количество юнитов в игре (врагов, игроков, нейтралов):
    • /c game.player.print(game.forces.enemy.get_entity_count(«small-biter»))
  • Счетчик времени в игре:
    • /c game.player.print(«The game has run for » .. math.floor(game.tick / 60) .. » seconds.»)
  • Изменения параметра дня:
    • /c game.always_day = true
    • /c game.always_day = false
  • Изменения скорости в игре:
    • /c game.speed = 2
  • Установка мирного времени (враги первые не нападают, однако защищаются):
    • /c game.peaceful_mode = false
  • Установка стабильного ветра на /север /восток /юг /запад:
    • game.wind_speed = 2 * game.windspeed
      game.wind_orientation = 0.125
      game.wind_orientation_change = 0
  • Конец игры:
    • .с game.set_game_state{gamefinished = true, playerwon = true}
  • Вывод диалогового окна вашим персонажем:
    • game.show_message_dialog{text={«hello world»}, pointto = {type = «entity», entity = game.player.character}}

Factorio: консольные команды и читы

Консольные команды и читы для Factorio помогут упростить навигацию по богатому миру игры, а также добиться главной цели – создать обширные производственные цепочки и повсеместную автоматизацию.

Всем известно, что Factorio – довольно сложная игра (особенно для новичков), и многие пользователи недостаточно терпеливы, из-за чего прибегают к использованию целого ряда консольных команд и различных читов, которые делают геймплей намного легче.

Именно поэтому мы решили найти самые полезные и популярные консольные команды и читы для Factorio, и разместили их в списке ниже.


Для начала нужно открыть консоль: нажмите на клавишу тильда (~) или слэш (/). Если консоль все равно не открывается, нужно повторно привязать клавишу в настройках игры. Просто зайдите в Управление-> Базовое взаимодействие, найдите параметр «Открыть чат (и консоль)» и поставьте нужную кнопку.

Примечание: если ввести «/ help» в консоли во время прохождения уровня, на экране появится полный список полезных консольных команд.

Команда Описание
/ seed Копирует сид текущей карты
/ time Показывает информацию о возрасте карты
/ toggle-action-logging Включение/отключение регистрации всех действий в консоли
/ permissions Открывает пользовательский интерфейс разрешений
/ alerts Отключает/включает различные предупреждения (например, no_material_for_construction)
/ unlock- shortcut- bar Разблокирует все элементы на панели быстрого доступа
/ admin Открывает интерфейс управления игроком
/ ban Забанить игрока
/ unban Снять бан с игрока
/ demote Снимает с игрока полномочия администратора
/ promotion Дает игроку полномочия администратора
/ ignore Игнорировать игрока
/ unignore Отключить игнорирование игрока
/ kick Выгнать игрока с сервера по указанной причине
/ mute Замутить игрока
/ unmute Размутить игрока

Ниже вы найдете небольшой набор читов для Factorio. В отличие от консольных команд, они отключают все достижения в игре.

Чит Описание
/cheat Исследует все технологии, включает режим читов
/editor Включает редактор карты
/c Выполняет указанную команду (примеры ниже)
/c game.player.zoom = 0.2 Увеличивает зум карты
/c game.player.force.manual_mining_speed_modifier = 1000 Ускоряет добычу
/c game.player.force.manual_crafting_speed_modifier = 1000 Ускоряет крафтинг
/c game.player.cheat_mode = true Чит режим, бесконечный крафтинг
/c game.player.selected.amount = 7000 Дает указанное количество ресурсов
/c game.player.insert {name = «item», count = 100} Дает указанное количество выбранного предмета
/c game.speed = number Изменяет скорость игры
/c game.player.surface.always_day = true Всегда день в игре
/c game.player.surface.clear_pollution () Убирает из игры загрязнение воздуха

Если вы ищите читы посложнее, то более расширенный список можно на wiki-странице Factorio (на английском).


by Tashreef Shareef

Tashreef Shareef is a software developer turned tech writer. He discovered his interest in technology after reading a tech magazine accidentally. Now he writes about everything tech from… read more

Updated on July 30, 2021

  • The Factorio server not responding error will prevent you from experiencing online multiplayer.
  • Check your network configuration for port forwarding and make sure it is set up correctly.
  • Try disabling the firewall or allowing the app through Windows Defender Firewall to fix this issue.
  • Scroll through the article below for more troubleshooting steps to fix Factorio can’t connect to server error.

Factorio is classified as a survival game by some gamers, and it’s one of the better survival games on Steam. However, several users have reported that Factorio server is not responding when trying to join a multiplayer game.

In this article, we have listed a few troubleshooting steps to help you resolve problem and connect to the server successfully.

How can I fix the Factorio server not responding error?

1. Allow Factorio through Firewall 

  1. Press the Windows key + R to open Run.
  2. Type control and click OK to open the Control Panel.
  3. Click on System Security.
  4. Next, click on Windows Defender Firewall.
    Factorio server not responding
  5. From the left pane, click on Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall.
  6. Click the Change Settings button. Click Yes if prompted by UAC.
  7. Scroll through the apps and locate Factorio.
  8. Make sure both the Private and Public boxes are checked.
  9. Click OK to save the changes and exit the Control Panel.

Relaunch Factorio and check if the Factorio still can’t connect to server. If you have a third-party antivirus with a firewall, make sure the app is not blocking games either.

Play via Steam 

factorio server not responding

If you or your friend is having difficulty joining the Factorio server, ask them to join via Steam. Several users have reported that when playing via Steam, they don’t get the error or server issues. 

2. Check if you have configured port forwarding 

  1. Go to your local connection setting and note down the local IPv4 address. It should look something like this:
  2. Next, open your internet browser and type your local IPv4 DNS address.
  3. Enter your username and password. The username is admin, and the password is admin/password by default for most routers. You can also check your router’s manual to see its login credentials.
  4. In your router configuration page, open Port forwarding.
  5. Type 34197 in the Service Port field. 
    Factorio server not responding
  6. Enter 34197 again in the Internal Port field as well.
  7. Paste your local IPv4 address in the IP address field.
  8. Click Apply/OK to save the changes.
  9. Open Google and search My IP to get your IP address.
  10. Send both your IP address and port forward code 34197 to your friend. 

Try connecting to the game server and check if the Factorio can’t establish connection error is resolved.

3. Disable Windows Defender Firewall 

  1. Click on Start and choose Settings.
  2. Go to Update and Security.
  3. Click on Windows Security.
    Factorio server not responding
  4. Next, choose Windows Firewall.
  5. Choose your currently active profile.
  6. Scroll down and toggle the switch to disable the firewall.

If you have a third-party antivirus with a firewall installed, disable it as well. Disabling the firewall seems to have resolved the Factorio not responding LAN and lag related issues.

Make sure to disable the security program temporarily and try connecting to the server to see if the error is fixed.

4. Run the network troubleshooter 

  1. Press the Windows key + I to open Settings.
  2. Go to Update & Security.
  3. Open the Troubleshoot tab from the left pane and select Additional troubleshooters.
  4. Scroll down and click on Internet Connections.
  5. Click the Run the Troubleshooter button.
  6. Follow on-screen instructions. You may need to choose your internet adapter to proceed.
  7. Once it is completed, in the Troubleshoot window, scroll down and click on Network Adapter.
  8. Click the Run the Troubleshooter button and follow on-screen instructions.

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.

If the error persists, check your WiFi hardware. If you are using external WiFi hardware, check the WiFi receiver for issues. Unplug the card and reboot your computer.

After the reboot, plug the card back and make sure it is detected. Connect your WiFi network and check if the Factorio couldn’t establish network communication with server error is resolved.

5. Switch to GTX Gaming server hosting

If you are a game server owner we recommend switching to GTX Gaming server hosting. This game server hosting may be a better option if none of the mentioned solutions didn’t work.

Using Factorio server hosting is very simple. Easy to use configuration files and offsite backup systems, your server has instantly set up. In case you get stuck, you have 24-hour support that can help you immediately.

Your server may still be installing in the same time you are logged in. This means that your server is updating to the latest Factorio version via a Steam update. You have to refresh your browser after two minutes and your server wil be running and ready for you to configure it out with your own title and admin password.

Get GTX Gaming

The Factorio server not responding error can occur due to several reasons, and we hope that our guide helped you fix this issue.

Did we miss a certain solution? Let us know in the comments below.

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by Tashreef Shareef

Tashreef Shareef is a software developer turned tech writer. He discovered his interest in technology after reading a tech magazine accidentally. Now he writes about everything tech from… read more

Updated on July 30, 2021

  • The Factorio server not responding error will prevent you from experiencing online multiplayer.
  • Check your network configuration for port forwarding and make sure it is set up correctly.
  • Try disabling the firewall or allowing the app through Windows Defender Firewall to fix this issue.
  • Scroll through the article below for more troubleshooting steps to fix Factorio can’t connect to server error.

Factorio is classified as a survival game by some gamers, and it’s one of the better survival games on Steam. However, several users have reported that Factorio server is not responding when trying to join a multiplayer game.

In this article, we have listed a few troubleshooting steps to help you resolve problem and connect to the server successfully.

How can I fix the Factorio server not responding error?

1. Allow Factorio through Firewall 

  1. Press the Windows key + R to open Run.
  2. Type control and click OK to open the Control Panel.
  3. Click on System Security.
  4. Next, click on Windows Defender Firewall.
    Factorio server not responding
  5. From the left pane, click on Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall.
  6. Click the Change Settings button. Click Yes if prompted by UAC.
  7. Scroll through the apps and locate Factorio.
  8. Make sure both the Private and Public boxes are checked.
  9. Click OK to save the changes and exit the Control Panel.

Relaunch Factorio and check if the Factorio still can’t connect to server. If you have a third-party antivirus with a firewall, make sure the app is not blocking games either.

Play via Steam 

factorio server not responding

If you or your friend is having difficulty joining the Factorio server, ask them to join via Steam. Several users have reported that when playing via Steam, they don’t get the error or server issues. 

2. Check if you have configured port forwarding 

  1. Go to your local connection setting and note down the local IPv4 address. It should look something like this:
  2. Next, open your internet browser and type your local IPv4 DNS address.
  3. Enter your username and password. The username is admin, and the password is admin/password by default for most routers. You can also check your router’s manual to see its login credentials.
  4. In your router configuration page, open Port forwarding.
  5. Type 34197 in the Service Port field. 
    Factorio server not responding
  6. Enter 34197 again in the Internal Port field as well.
  7. Paste your local IPv4 address in the IP address field.
  8. Click Apply/OK to save the changes.
  9. Open Google and search My IP to get your IP address.
  10. Send both your IP address and port forward code 34197 to your friend. 

Try connecting to the game server and check if the Factorio can’t establish connection error is resolved.

3. Disable Windows Defender Firewall 

  1. Click on Start and choose Settings.
  2. Go to Update and Security.
  3. Click on Windows Security.
    Factorio server not responding
  4. Next, choose Windows Firewall.
  5. Choose your currently active profile.
  6. Scroll down and toggle the switch to disable the firewall.

If you have a third-party antivirus with a firewall installed, disable it as well. Disabling the firewall seems to have resolved the Factorio not responding LAN and lag related issues.

Make sure to disable the security program temporarily and try connecting to the server to see if the error is fixed.

4. Run the network troubleshooter 

  1. Press the Windows key + I to open Settings.
  2. Go to Update & Security.
  3. Open the Troubleshoot tab from the left pane and select Additional troubleshooters.
  4. Scroll down and click on Internet Connections.
  5. Click the Run the Troubleshooter button.
  6. Follow on-screen instructions. You may need to choose your internet adapter to proceed.
  7. Once it is completed, in the Troubleshoot window, scroll down and click on Network Adapter.
  8. Click the Run the Troubleshooter button and follow on-screen instructions.

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.

If the error persists, check your WiFi hardware. If you are using external WiFi hardware, check the WiFi receiver for issues. Unplug the card and reboot your computer.

After the reboot, plug the card back and make sure it is detected. Connect your WiFi network and check if the Factorio couldn’t establish network communication with server error is resolved.

5. Switch to GTX Gaming server hosting

If you are a game server owner we recommend switching to GTX Gaming server hosting. This game server hosting may be a better option if none of the mentioned solutions didn’t work.

Using Factorio server hosting is very simple. Easy to use configuration files and offsite backup systems, your server has instantly set up. In case you get stuck, you have 24-hour support that can help you immediately.

Your server may still be installing in the same time you are logged in. This means that your server is updating to the latest Factorio version via a Steam update. You have to refresh your browser after two minutes and your server wil be running and ready for you to configure it out with your own title and admin password.

Get GTX Gaming

The Factorio server not responding error can occur due to several reasons, and we hope that our guide helped you fix this issue.

Did we miss a certain solution? Let us know in the comments below.

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