Catch error jenkins



  • 1 External
  • 2 Internal
  • 3 Scripted Pipeline
    • 3.1 Scripted Pipeline at Runtime
    • 3.2 Scripted Pipeline Failure Handling
  • 4 Declarative Pipeline
    • 4.1 Declarative Pipeline Directives
      • 4.1.1 environment
      • 4.1.2 parameters
    • 4.2 Declarative Pipeline Failure Handling
  • 5 Parameters
  • 6 Environment Variables
  • 7 Pipeline Steps
    • 7.1 node
    • 7.2 stage
    • 7.3 parallel
    • 7.4 sh
      • 7.4.1 sh — Script Return Status
      • 7.4.2 sh — Script stdout
      • 7.4.3 sh — Obtaining both the Return Status and stdout
      • 7.4.4 sh — Obtaining stdout and Preventing the Pipeline to Fail on Error
      • 7.4.5 sh — Label
    • 7.5 ws
    • 7.6 build
    • 7.7 junit
    • 7.8 checkout
      • 7.8.1 Git Plugin
    • 7.9 withCredentials
    • 7.10 Basic Steps
      • 7.10.1 echo
      • 7.10.2 error
      • 7.10.3 stash
      • 7.10.4 input
      • 7.10.5 timeout
      • 7.10.6 withEnv
      • 7.10.7 catchError
    • 7.11 Basic Steps that Deal with Files
      • 7.11.1 dir
      • 7.11.2 deleteDir
      • 7.11.3 pwd
      • 7.11.4 readFile
      • 7.11.5 writeFile
      • 7.11.6 fileExists
      • 7.11.7 findFiles
    • 7.12 Core
      • 7.12.1 archiveArtifacts
      • 7.12.2 fingerprint
  • 8 Obtaining the Current Pipeline Build Number
  • 9 FlowInterruptedException
  • 10 Navigating the Project Model Hierarchy
  • 11 Passing an Environment Variable from Downstream Build to Upstream Build
  • 12 @NonCPS
  • 13 Build Summary
  • 14 Dynamically Loaded Classes and Constructors
  • 15 Fail a Build
  • 16 Dynamically Loading Groovy Code from Repository into a Pipeline
  • 17 Groovy on Jenkins Idiosyncrasies
    • 17.1 Prefix Static Method Invocations with Declaring Class Name when Calling from Subclass




  • Jenkins Concepts
  • Writing a Jenkins Pipeline
  • Simple Pipeline Configuration

Scripted Pipeline

Scripted Pipeline is classical way of declaring Jenkins Pipeline, preceding Declarative Pipeline. Unlike the Declarative Pipeline, the Scripted Pipeline is a general-purpose DSL built with Groovy. The pipelines are declared in Jenkinsfiles and executed from the top of the Jenkinsfile downwards, like most traditional scripts in Groovy. Groovy syntax is available directly in the Scripted Pipeline declaration. The flow control can be declared with if/else conditionals or via Groovy’s exception handling support with try/catch/finally.

The simplest pipeline declaration:

A more complex one:

node('some-worker-label') {
  echo 'Pipeline logic starts'
  stage('Build') {
    if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master') {
      echo 'this is only executed on master'
    else {
       echo 'this is executed elsewhere'
  stage('Test') {
    // ...
  stage('Deploy') {
    // ...
  stage('Example') {
    try {
      sh 'exit 1'
    catch(ex) {
      echo 'something failed'

The basic building block of the Scripted Pipeline syntax is the step. The Scripted Pipeline does not introduce any steps that are specific to its syntax. The generic pipeline steps, such as node, stage, parallel, etc. are available here: Pipeline Steps.

Scripted Pipeline at Runtime

When the Jenkins server starts to execute the pipeline, it pulls the Jenkinsfile either from a repository, following a checkout sequence similar to the one shown here, or from the pipeline configuration, if it is specified in-line. Then the Jenkins instance instantiates a WorkflowScript ( instance. The «script» instance can be used to access the following state elements:

  • pipeline parameters, with this.params, which is a Map.

Scripted Pipeline Failure Handling

Scripted pipeline fail when an exception is thrown and reached the pipeline layer. The pipeline code can use try/catch/finally semantics to control this behavior, by catching the exceptions and preventing them from reaching the pipeline layer.

stage('Some Stage') {
  try {
    throw new Exception ("the build has failed")
  catch(Exception e) {
    // squelch the exception, the pipeline will not fail

The pipeline also fails when a command invoked with sh exits with a non-zero exit code. The underlying implementation throws an exception and that makes the build fail. It is possible to configure sh to not fail the build automatically on non-zero exit code, with its returnStatus option.
The first failure in a sequential execution will stop the build, no subsequent stages will be executed. The stage that caused the failure will be shown in red in Blue Ocean (in the example below, there were three sequential stages but stage3 did not get executed):

Failed Jenkins Stage.png

In this case the corresponding stage and the entire build will be marked as ‘FAILURE’.

A build can be programmatically marked as fail by setting the value of the currentBuild.result variable:

currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'

The entire build will be marked as failed (‘FAILURE’, ‘red’ build), but the stage in which the variable assignment was done, stage2 in this case, will not show as failed:

Programmatic Jenkins Red Build.png

The opposite behavior of marking a specific stage as failed (‘FAILURE’), but allowing the overall build to be successful can be obtained by using the catchError basic step:

stage('stage2') {
  catchError(buildResult: 'SUCCESS', stageResult: 'FAILURE') {
    throw new RuntimeException("synthetic")

The result is a failed ‘stage2’ but a successful build:

Programmatic Jenkins Red Stage.png

A stage result and the entire build result may be also influenced by the JUnit test report produced for the stage, if any. If the test report exists and it is processed by the junit step, and if the report contains test errors and failures, they’re both handled as «instability» of the build and the corresponding stage and the entire build will be marked as UNSTABLE. The classic view and Blue ocean will render a yellow stage and build:

Unstable and Stable Jenkins Stages.png

Also see junit below and:


Declarative Pipeline

Declarative Pipeline is a new way of declaring Jenkins pipelines, and consists in a more simplified and opinionated syntax. Declarative Pipeline is an alternative to Scripted Pipeline.

 pipeline { 
     agent any 
     options {
     stages {
         stage('Build') { 
             steps { 
                 sh 'make' 
             steps {
                 sh 'make check'
                 junit 'reports/**/*.xml' 
         stage('Deploy') {
             steps {
                 sh 'make publish'

Declarative Pipeline Directives



Jenkins Pipeline Environment Variables



Jenkins Pipeline Parameters

Declarative Pipeline Failure Handling



Jenkins Pipeline Parameters

Environment Variables

Jenkins Pipeline Environment Variables

Pipeline Steps


Allocates an executor or a node, typically a worker, and runs the enclosed code in the context of the workspace of that worker. Node may take a label name, computer name or an expression. The labels are declared on workers when they are defined in the master configuration, in their respective «clouds».

String NODE_LABEL = 'infra-worker'

node(NODE_LABEL) {
  sh 'uname -a'


The stage step defines a logical stage of the pipeline. The stage creates a labeled block in the pipeline and allows executing a closure in the context of that block:

stage('stage A') {
  print 'pipeline> in stage A'
stage('stage B') {
  print 'pipeline> in stage B'

Jenkins Pipeline Stages.png

Embedded stages as in this example are possible, and they will execute correctly, but they do not render well in Blue Ocean (Stage A.1 and Stage A.2 are not represented, just Stage A and B):

stage('stage A') {
  print('pipeline> in stage A')
    stage('stage A.1') {
      print('pipeline> in stage A.1')
    stage('stage A.2') {
      print('pipeline> in stage A.1')
  stage('stage B') {
    print('pipeline> in stage B')

To control failure behavior at stage level, use catchError step, described below.


Takes a map from branch names to closures and an optional argument failFast, and executes the closure code in parallel.

parallel firstBranch: {
  // do something
}, secondBranch: {
  // do something else
failFast: true|false
stage("tests") {
    "unit tests": {
      // run unit tests 
    "coverage tests": {
      // run coverage tests

Allocation to different nodes can be performed inside the closure:

def tasks = [:]
tasks["branch-1"] = {
  stage("task-1") {
    node('node_1') {
       sh 'echo $NODE_NAME'
tasks["branch-2"] = {
  stage("task-2") {
    node('node_1') {
       sh 'echo $NODE_NAME'
parallel tasks

Playground sh

Execute a shell script command, or multiple commands, on multiple lines. It can be specified in-line or it can refer to a file available on the filesystem exposed to the Jenkins node. It needs to be enclosed by a node to work.

The metacharacter $ must be escaped: ${LOGDIR}, unless it refers to a variable form the Groovy context.

Example: """
    mkdir -p ${LOGDIR}/something
  """.stripIndent() '''
    mkdir -p ${LOGDIR}/something

Both """...""" and '''...''' Groovy constructs can be used. For more details on enclosing representing multi-line strings with """ or ''', see:

Groovy | Multi-Line_Strings
sh — Script Return Status

By default, a script exits with a non-zero return code will cause the step and the pipeline to fail with an exception:

ERROR: script returned exit code 1

To prevent that, configure returnStatus to be equal with true, and the step will return the exit value of the script, instead of failing on non-zero exit value. You may then compare to zero and decide whether to fail the pipeline (throw an exception) or not from the Groovy layer that invoked sh.

int exitCode = sh(returnStatus: true, script: './bin/do-something')
if (exitCode != 0) throw new RuntimeException('my script failed')

The pipeline log result on failure looks similar to:

[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
java.lang.RuntimeException: my script failed

Also see Scripted Pipeline Failure Handling section above.

sh — Script stdout

By default, the standard output of the script is send to the log. If returnStdout is set to true, the script standard output is returned as String as the step value. Call trim() to strip off the trailing newline.

The script’s stderr is always sent to the log.

String result = sh(returnStdout: true, script: './bin/do-something').trim()
sh — Obtaining both the Return Status and stdout

If both returnStatus and returnStdout are turned on, returnStatus takes priority and the function returns the exit code. ⚠️ The stdout is discarded.

sh — Obtaining stdout and Preventing the Pipeline to Fail on Error

In case you want to use the external shell command to return a result to the pipeline, but not fail the pipeline when the external command fails, use this pattern:

try {
  String stdout = sh(returnStdout: true, returnStatus: false, script: 'my-script')
  // use the content returned by stdout in the pipeline
  print "we got this as result of sh invocation: ${stdout.trim()}"
catch(Exception e) {
  // catching the error will prevent pipeline failure, both stdout and stderr are captured in the pipeline log
  print "the invocation failed"

If the command fails, both its stdout and stderr are captured in the pipeline log.

sh — Label

If a «label» argument is specified, the stage will render that label in the Jenkins and Blue Ocean logs:

sh(script: './bin/do-something', label: 'this will show in logs')


Allocate workspace.


This is how a main pipeline launches in execution a subordinate pipeline.

This is how we may be able to return the result:


Jenkins understands the JUnit test report XML format (which is also used by TestNG). To use this feature, set up the build to run tests, which will generate their test reports into a local agent directory, then specify the path to the test reports in Ant glob syntax to the JUnit plugin pipeline step junit:

stage.junit '**/target/*-report/TEST-*.xml'

⚠️ Do not specify the path to a single test report file. The junit step will not load the file, even if it exists and it is a valid report, and will print an error message similar to:

[Pipeline] junit
Recording test results
No test report files were found. Configuration error?

Always use Ant glob syntax to specify how the report(s) are to be located:

Jenkins uses this step to ingest the test results, process them and provide historical test result trends, a web UI for viewing test reports, tracking failures, etc.

Both JUnit errors and failures are reported by the junit step as «failures», even if the JUnit XML report indicates both errors and failures. The following JUnit report:

<testsuite name="testsuite1" tests="2" errors="1" failures="1">
  <testcase name="test1" classname="test1">
    <error message="I have errored out"></error>
  <testcase name="test2" classname="test2">
    <failure message="I have failed"></failure>

produces this Jenkins report:

Jenkins JUnit Errors and Failures.png

The presence of at least one JUnit failure marks the corresponding stage, and the entire build as «UNSTABLE». The stage is rendered in the classical view and also in Blue Ocean in yellow:

Unstable Jenkins Stage.png

Also see: Scripted Pipeline Failure Handling above.


The «checkout» step is provided by the pipeline «SCM» plugin.

Git Plugin
  $class: 'GitSCM',
  branches: [[name: 'develop']],
  doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
  extensions: [
    [$class: 'GitLFSPull'],
    [$class: 'CloneOption', noTags: true, reference: '', timeout: 40, depth: 1],
    [$class: 'PruneStaleBranch']
  submoduleCfg: [],
  userRemoteConfigs: [
    [url: '',
     credentialsId: 'someCredId']

The simplest configuration that works:

        $class: 'GitSCM',
        branches: [[name: 'master']],
        userRemoteConfigs: [
                [url: '']

The step checks out the repository into the current directory, in does not create a top-level directory (‘some-project’ in this case). .git will be created in the current directory. If the current directory is the workspace, .git will be created in the workspace root.


A step that allows using credentials defined in the Jenkins server. See:

Jenkins Credentials Binding Plugin

Basic Steps

These basic steps are used invoking on stage.. In a Jenkinsfile, and inside a stage, invoke on this. or simply invoking directly, without qualifying.


echo "pod memory limit: ${params.POD_MEMORY_LIMIT_Gi}"
                      echo """
Run Configuration:

    something: ${SOMETHING}
    something else:         ${SOMETHING_ELSE}


This step signals an error and fails the pipeline.

Alternatively, you can simply:

throw new Exception("some message")



In its basic form, renders a «Proceed»/»Abort» input box with a custom message. Selecting «Proceed» passes the control to the next step in the pipeline. Selecting «Abort» throws a org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException, which produces «gray» pipelines.

    id: 'Proceed1',
    message: 'If the manual test is successful, select 'Proceed'. Otherwise, you can abort the pipeline.'


Upon timeout, an org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException is thrown from the closure that is being executed, and not from the timeout() invocation. The code shown below prints «A», «B», «D»:

timeout(time: 5, unit: 'SECONDS') {

     echo "A"

     try {

           echo "B"

           doSometing(); // this step takes a very long time and will time out

           echo "C"
     catch(org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException e) {

            // if this exception propagates up without being caught, the pipeline gets aborted

           echo "D"


Sets one more more environment variables within a block, making them available to any external process initiated within that scope. If a variable value contains spaces, it does need to be quoted inside the sequence, as shown below:

node {
  withEnv(['VAR_A=something', 'VAR_B=something else']) {
    sh 'echo "VAR_A: ${VAR_A}, VAR_B: ${VAR_B}"'

catchError {
  sh 'some-command-that-might-fail'

If the body throws an exception, mark the build as a failure, but continue to execute the pipeline from the statement following catchError step. If an exception is thrown, the behavior can be configured to:

  • print a message
  • set the build result other than failure
  • change the stage result
  • ignore certain kinds of exceptions that are used to interrupt the build

If catchError is used, there’s no need for finally, as the exception is caught and does not propagates up.

The alternative is to use plain try/catch/finally blocks.

catchError(message: 'some message', stageResult: 'FAILURE'|'SUCCESS'|... , buildResult: 'FAILURE'|'SUCCESS'|..., catchInterruptions: true) {
  sh 'some-command-that-might-fail'
  • message an an optional String message that will be logged to the console. If the stage result is specified, the message will also be associated with that result and may be shown in visualizations.
  • stageResult an optional String that will set as stage result when an error is caught. Use SUCCESS or null to keep the stage result from being set when an error is caught.
  • buildResult an optional String that will be set as overall build result when an error is caught. Note that the build result can only get worse, so you cannot change the result to SUCCESS if the current result is UNSTABLE or worse. Use SUCCESS or null to keep the build result from being set when an error is caught.
  • catchInterruptions If true, certain types of exceptions that are used to interrupt the flow of execution for Pipelines will be caught and handled by the step. If false, those types of exceptions will be caught and immediately rethrown. Examples of these types of exceptions include those thrown when a build is manually aborted through the UI and those thrown by the timeout step.

The default behavior for catchInterruptions is «true»: the code executing inside catchError() will be interrupted, whether it is an external command or pipeline code, and the code immediately following catchError() closure is executed.

stage('stage1') {
  catchError() {
    sh 'jenkins/pipelines/failure/long-running'
  print ">>>> post catchError()"
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (stage1)
[Pipeline] catchError
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
entering long running ....
sleeping for 60 secs
Aborted by ovidiu
Sending interrupt signal to process
jenkins/pipelines/failure/long-running: line 6:  5147 Terminated              sleep ${sleep_secs}
done sleeping, exiting long running ....
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // catchError
[Pipeline] echo
>>>> post catchError()

However, it seems that the same behavior occurs if catchError() is invoked with catchInteruptions: true, so it’s not clear what is the difference..

Probably the safest way to invoke is to use this pattern, this way we’re sure that even some exceptions bubble up, the cleanup work will be performed:

stage('stage1') {
  try {
    catchError() {
      sh 'jenkins/pipelines/failure/long-running'
  finally {
    print ">>>> execute mandatory cleanup code"

Also see Scripted Pipeline Failure Handling section above.

Basic Steps that Deal with Files


Change current directory, on the node, while the pipeline code runs on the master.

If the dir() argument is a relative directory, the new directory available to the code in the closure is relative to the current directory before the call, obtained with pwd():

dir("dirA") {
  // execute in the context of pwd()/dirA", where pwd() 
  // is the current directory before and a subdirectory of the workspace

If the dir() argument is an absolute directory, the new directory available to the code in the closure is the absolute directory specified as argument:

dir("/tmp") {
  // execute in /tmp

In both cases, the current directory is restored upon closure exit.

Also see:

Pipeline and Files


To recursively delete a directory and all its contents, step into the directory with dir() and then use deleteDir():

dir('tmp') {
  // ...

This will delete ./tmp content and the ./tmp directory itself.


Return the current directory path on node as a string, while the pipeline code runs on the master.


tmp (boolean, optional) If selected, return a temporary directory associated with the workspace rather than the workspace itself. This is an appropriate place to put temporary files which should not clutter a source checkout; local repositories or caches; etc.

println "current directory: ${pwd()}"
println "temporary directory: ${pwd(tmp: true)}"

Also see:

Pipeline and Files


Read a file from the workspace, on the node this operation is made in context of.

String versionFile = readFile("${stage.WORKSPACE}/terraform/my-module/VERSION")

If the file does not exist, the step throws java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /no/such/file.txt


writeFile will create any intermediate directory if necessary.

To create a directory, dir() into the inexistent directory then create a dummy file writeFile(file: '.dummy', text: ):

dir('tmp') {
  writeFile(file: '.dummy', text: '')

Alternatively, the directory can be created with a shell command:

Also see:

Pipeline and Files


Also see:

Pipeline and Files

fileExists can be used on directories as well. This is how to check whether a directory exists:

dir('dirA') {
  if (fileExists('/')) {
     println "directory exists"
  else {
     println "directory does not exist"

fileExists('/'), fileExists('.') and fileExists('') are equivalent, they all check for the existence of a directory into which the last dir() stepped into. The last form fileExists('') issues a warning, so it’s not preferred:

The fileExists step was called with a null or empty string, so the current directory will be checked instead.


Find files in workspace:

def files = findFiles(glob: '**/Test-*.xml', excludes: '')

Uses Ant style pattern:
Returns an array of instance for which the following attributes are available:

  • name: the name of the file and extension, without any path component (e.g. «test1.bats»)
  • path: the relative path to the current directory set with dir(), including the name of the file (e.g. «dirA/subDirA/test1.bats»)
  • directory: a boolean which is true if the file is a directory, false otherwise.
  • length: length in bytes.
  • lastModified: 1617772442000


dir('test') {
  def files = findFiles(glob: '**/*.bats')
  for(def f: files) {
    print "name: ${}, path: ${f.path}, directory: ${}, length: ${f.length}, lastModified: ${f.lastModified}"





Archives the build artifacts (for example, distribution zip files or jar files) so that they can be downloaded later. Archived files will be accessible from the Jenkins webpage. Normally, Jenkins keeps artifacts for a build as long as a build log itself is kept. Note that the Maven job type automatically archives any produced Maven artifacts. Any artifacts configured here will be archived on top of that. Automatic artifact archiving can be disabled under the advanced Maven options.


Obtaining the Current Pipeline Build Number

def buildNumber = currentBuild.rawBuild.getNumber()


throw new FlowInterruptedException(Result.ABORTED)

Navigating the Project Model Hierarchy

String branch="..."
String projectName = JOB_NAME.substring(0, JOB_NAME.size() - JOB_BASE_NAME.size() - 1)
WorkflowMultiBranchProject project = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName("${projectName}")
if (project == null) {
WorkflowJob job = project.getBranch(branch)
if (job == null) {
WorkflowRun run = job.getLastSuccessfulBuild()
if (run == null) {
List<Run.Artifact> artifacts = run.getArtifacts()

Passing an Environment Variable from Downstream Build to Upstream Build

Upstream build:

def result = build(job: jobName,  parameters: params, quietPeriod: 0, propagate: true, wait: true);

Downstream build:

env.SOME_VAR = "something"


Jenkins Concepts | CPS

Build Summary

   // write /tmp/summary-section-1.html

   def summarySection1 = util.catFile('/tmp/summary-section-1.html')
   if (summarySection1) {
     def summary = manager.createSummary('document.png')
     summary.appendText(summarySection1, false)

   // write /tmp/summary-section-2.html

   def summarySection2 = util.catFile('/tmp/summary-section-2.html')
   if (summarySection2) {
     def summary = manager.createSummary('document.png')
     summary.appendText(summarySection2, false)

Dynamically Loaded Classes and Constructors

If classes are loaded dynamically in the Jenkinsfile, do not use constructors and new. Use MyClass.newInstance(…).

Fail a Build

See error above.

Dynamically Loading Groovy Code from Repository into a Pipeline

This playground example shows how to dynamically load Groovy classes stored in a GitHub repository into a pipeline.

The example is not complete, in that invocation of a static method from Jenkinsfile does not work yet.

Groovy on Jenkins Idiosyncrasies

Prefix Static Method Invocations with Declaring Class Name when Calling from Subclass

Prefix the static method calls with the class name that declares them when calling from a subclass, otherwise you’ll get a:

hudson.remoting.ProxyException: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.lang.Class.locateOverlay() is applicable for argument types: (WorkflowScript, playground.jenkins.kubernetes.KubernetesCluster, playground.jenkins.PlatformVersion, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) values: [WorkflowScript@1db9ab90, <playground.jenkins.kubernetes.KubernetesCluster@376dc438>, ...]

Jenkins is an automation server. It allows for all kinds of automations. It is primarily used for Build automation, Continuous Integration, and Continuous Deployment.


  1. Install Jenkins on Ubuntu (using Vagrant)
  2. Vagrant for Jenkins on Ubuntu
  3. Jenkins in Docker


  1. Jenkins Pipeline — Hello World (pipeline, agent, stages, stage, stpes, echo)
  2. Jenkins Pipeline: running external programs with sh or bat, returnStdout, trim
  3. Jenkins Pipeline: Send e-mail notifications
  4. Jenkins Pipeline: Add some text to the job using manager.addShortText
  5. Jenkins CLI: create node
  6. Jenkins Pipeline BuildUser plugin
  7. Jenkins Pipeline — set and use environment variables
  8. Jenkins Pipeline: git checkout using reference to speed up cloning large repositories
  9. Jenkins report the name of the stage that failed (STAGE_NAME)
  10. Jenkins Pipeline: triggers from Version Control Systems (pollSCM)
  11. How to set the job number and description for a Jenkinsfile in a Jenkins Pipeline? (currentBuild, displayName, description)
  12. Jenkins Pipeline: read a file, write a file — readFile, writeFile
  13. Separate jobs for development and production currentBuild, projectName
  14. Jenkins pipeline: get current user (currentBuild, getBuildCauses)
  15. Jenkins parameters
  16. Arbitrary code execution in the shell (sh, parameters)
  17. Jenkins pipeline: parallel stages
  18. Jenkins Pipeline: Collect exit code from external commands (sh, bat, returnStatus)
  19. Jenkins pipeline: Get previous build status — currentBuild, getPreviousBuild
  20. Jenkins pipeline: interactive input during process (input)
  21. Jenkins pipeline: List agents by name or by label
  22. Jenkins pipeline: add badges
  23. Report failures.
  24. Send alerts
  25. Collect test coverage data.
  26. Jenkins slides
  27. Jenkins printing Unicode characters

Run external code, capture output

script {
      v = sh(script: 'echo " 42"; echo', returnStdout: true).trim()
      echo v
      echo "a${v}b"

bat for windows.

catch and print error in jenkins

jenkins exception try — catch

Get a job’s console logfile from a Jenkins pipeline

pipeline {
   agent none
   stages {
       stage ('Catch crash') {
           agent { label 'master'}
           steps {
               echo "before crash"
               script {
                   try {
                       sh 'exit 1'
                   } catch (err) {
                       echo "exception caught, going on"
                       println err // java.lang.ClassCastException:
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.EchoStep.message expects class java.lang.String but received
class hudson.AbortException
               echo "after crash"
       stage ('Continue after crash') {
           agent { label 'master'}
           steps {
               echo "stage after crash"
                    try {
                        //sh "ls -l no_such"
                        a = 10
                        b = 0
                        c = a/b
                    catch(Exception ex) {
                         //currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
                        println(ex) // hudson.AbortException: script returned exit code 2

dir and tmp are problematic

  stages {
       stage ('Run external exe') {
           agent { label 'master'}
           steps {
               sh 'pwd'
               dir('/tmp/gabor') {
                   echo "inside"
                   sh 'pwd'
                   //sh 'sudo ./'
               sh 'pwd'
               //sh "sudo sh -c 'cd /tmp; ./; cd -'"

examples/jenkins/mkdir_exception.txt Failed to mkdirs: /tmp@tmp/durable-e569697c
        at hudson.FilePath.mkdirs(
        at org.jenkinsci.plugins.durabletask.FileMonitoringTask$FileMonitoringController.<init>(FileMonitori
        at org.jenkinsci.plugins.durabletask.BourneShellScript$ShellController.<init>(
        at org.jenkinsci.plugins.durabletask.BourneShellScript$ShellController.<init>(
        at org.jenkinsci.plugins.durabletask.BourneShellScript.launchWithCookie(
        at org.jenkinsci.plugins.durabletask.FileMonitoringTask.launch(
        at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.durable_task.DurableTaskStep$Execution.start(DurableTaskStep
        at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.DSL.invokeStep(
        at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.DSL.invokeMethod(
        at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsScript.invokeMethod(
        at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1989.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedMethod.invoke(
        at groovy.lang.MetaMethod.doMethodInvoke(
        at groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl.invokeMethod(
        at groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl.invokeMethod(
        at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray.defaultCall(
        at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker$
        at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.GroovyInterceptor.onMethodCall(
        at org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.groovy.SandboxInterceptor.onMethodCall(SandboxInterc
        at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker$
        at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker.checkedCall(
        at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker.checkedCall(
        at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker.checkedCall(
        at com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.sandbox.SandboxInvoker.methodCall(

Jenkins / Groovy — define functions and call them with parameters

def report(status) {
   println "status=${status}"

and call them


Environment variables on Linux

sh 'printenv'
sh 'env'

git Backup



echo bat(returnStdout: true, script: 'set')

build(job: 'RevertServerAutomationCloud', parameters: [
     string(name: 'VM_SNAPSHOT', value: 'CleanDb')

how to include one jenkinsfile in another one?

how to avoid repetititon?

stage('Revert agent 100')

 stage('Revert agent 102')


how do try — catch and repeat interact?

vSphere buildStep: [$class: 'RevertToSnapshot', snapshotName: "${params.VM_SNAPSHOT}", vm: "${params.VM_NAME}"], serverName: ''

httpRequest authentication: 'df8-b86d-3272', consoleLogResponseBody: true, httpMode: 'POST', ignoreSslErrors: true, responseHandle: 'NONE', url:
"${params.AGENT_NAME}/doDisconnect?offlineMessage=bye", validResponseCodes: '100:404'

Active Choices Parameter


try {
   List<String> subnets = new ArrayList<String>()
   def subnetsRaw = "gcloud compute networks subnets list --project=${GCE_PROJECT} --network=corp-development --format=(NAME)".execute().text
   for (subnet in  subnetsRaw.split()) {
   return subnets
} catch (Exception e) {
   print e
   print "There was a problem fetching the artifacts"


   options {


Scripts not permitted to use method groovy.lang.GroovyObject invokeMethod java.lang.String java.lang.Object
(org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.EnvActionImpl keys). Administrators can decide whether to approve or reject this

archiveArtifacts can be called multiple times

archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'mydata.json', onlyIfSuccessful: true
writeJSON(file: 'otherfile.log', json: data, pretty: 4)
archiveArtifacts artifacts: '*.log', onlyIfSuccessful: true

Environment variable values must either be single quoted, double quoted, or function calls.

They cannot be earlier defined environment variables or parameter values.
We can however overcome this limitation by calling a function and passing the values to it.


pipeline {
   agent none
   options {
   parameters {
       string(name: 'machine', defaultValue: 'asos', description: 'Some text input')
       string(name: 'size',   defaultValue: '23', description: 'Some number input')
   environment {
       answer = 42
       // machine_name = params.machine  // -> Environment variable values must either be single quoted, double quoted, or function calls.
       machine_name = set_machine_name(params.machine)
   stages {
       stage('try') {
           agent { label 'master' }
           steps {
               script {
                   sh "hostname"

       stage('try-agent') {
           agent { label 'jenkins-simple-agent' }
           steps {
               script {
                   sh "hostname"

def set_machine_name(value) {
   return value

Jenkins environment

Even if there is an exception in the environment section Jenkins will still run the «success» part of the post section.
Same problem if there is an exception on one of the functions.

To overcome this we create an environment variable as the last step in the environment section
and then we check that variable using

if (! binding.hasVariable(‘environment_is_set’)) {
error(«Environment failed to set properly»)

That does not help in case there is an exception in the functions.


response = httpRequest discovery_url
println response
config_str = response.getContent()
for (item in config.sources) {

Sending e-mail problem fixed

* Sending e-mail
In Manage Jenkins — Configure System in the
Extended mail section set the
Domain name:
Use SMTP Authentication: +
User Name:
Password: SMTP port: 587
E-mail notification section:
SMTP server:
Default user e-mail suffix:
User Name:
Password: SMTP port: 587

Shut down Jenkins (via the Windows services)
Open the file: C:Program Files (x86)Jenkinsjenkins.xml
and change the arguments line to be:


<arguments>-Xrs -Xmx256m -Dhudson.lifecycle=hudson.lifecycle.WindowsServiceLifecycle  -Dmail.smtp.starttls.enable=true -jar
"%BASE%jenkins.war" --httpPort=8080 --webroot="%BASE%war"</arguments>

(specifically add: -Dmail.smtp.starttls.enable=true )
Then start Jenkins again.

Client was not authenticated to send anonymous mail
Error sending to the following VALID addresses


pipeline {
   agent none
   stages {
       stage('try') {
           agent { label 'master' }
           steps {
               script {
                   //some_strange_name = null
                   if (true) {
                       print("creating variable")
                       some_strange_name = 1

                   if (binding.hasVariable('some_strange_name')) {
                       print("has some_strange_name")
                   } else {
                       print("DOES NOT have some_strange_name")
       stage('try again') {
           agent { label 'master' }
           steps {
               script {
                   if (binding.hasVariable('some_strange_name')) {
                       print("has some_strange_name")
                   } else {
                       print("DOES NOT have some_strange_name")

Skip steps

Jenkins pipeline stop early with success
How to indicate that a job is successful
pipeline conditional step stage


pipeline {
   agent none
   options {
   parameters {
       booleanParam(defaultValue: false, description: 'Checkbox', name: 'yesno')
   stages {
       stage('first') {
           agent { label 'master' }
           steps {
               script {
                   println("first before")
                   done = true
                   println("first after")
       stage('second') {
           agent { label 'master' }
           when {
               expression {
                  return ! done;
           steps {
               script {


import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
pipeline {
   agent none
   options {
   parameters {
       string(name: 'machine', defaultValue: '', description: 'Name of the machine')
       string(name: 'size',   defaultValue: '23', description: 'The size')
       choice(choices: ['Mercury', 'Venus', 'Earth', 'Mars'], description:  'Pick a planet', name: 'planet')
   stages {
       stage('try') {
           agent { label 'master' }
           steps {
               script {
                   sh "hostname"

                   def data = readJSON text: '{}'
          = "test-529" as String
          = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat('yyyyMMddHHmmss').format(new Date())
                   writeJSON(file: 'mydata.json', json: data, pretty: 4)
                   archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'mydata.json', onlyIfSuccessful: true

                   //error("Fail after first artifact")

                   writeJSON(file: 'otherfile.log', json: data, pretty: 4)
                   archiveArtifacts artifacts: '*.log', onlyIfSuccessful: true

jenkins sh commnad fails — jenkins stops


pipeline {
   agent { label 'master' }
   stages {
       stage('only') {
           steps {
               sh "ls -l"
               sh "ls -l no_such"

Repository branch filter for Git

It will start multiple jobs if more than one branch was pushed out.
It is triggered even if there were no new commits in the branch that was pushed out

By default it will run every branch matching the filter, even if that branch was last changed 2 years ago.
This can be a problem if for some reason your have hundreds or thousands of historical branches.


You can limit this by selecting another option and setting the ancestry date to limit how many days
you are ready to go back in time.

  • Strategy for choosing what to build
  • Choosing strategy: Ancestry
  • Maximum Age of Commit: 1

In a pipeline


    $class: 'GitSCM',
    branches: [[name: '*/master']],
    doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
    extensions: [[
        $class: 'BuildChooserSetting',
        buildChooser: [$class: 'AncestryBuildChooser', ancestorCommitSha1: '', maximumAgeInDays: 1]
    submoduleCfg: [],
    userRemoteConfigs: [[]]

Jenkins Pipeline code reuse


When you encounter one of those 40-lines long Java stack-traces, look for WorkflowScript to locate the source of the problem.


pipeline {
    agent { label 'master' }
    stages {
        stage('only') {
            steps {
                script {
                    sh "ls -l"

                    try {
                        //sh "ls -l no_such"
                        a = 10
                        b = 0
                        c = a/b

                    catch(Exception ex) {
                         //currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
                        println(ex) // hudson.AbortException: script returned exit code 2

                    //} catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
                    //println("Catching the Array out of Bounds exception");
                    //}catch(Exception ex) {

                    echo "try again"
        stage('second') {
            steps {
                script {
//                    if (manager.logContains("three")) {
//                        manager.addWarningBadge("tres")
//                    } else {
//                        manager.addWarningBadge("nem harom")
//                    }


def is_it_the_answer(n) {
    if (n == 42) {
        return 'yes'
    throw new Exception('Nope')

                    try {
                    } catch (err) {

Jenkins parse console output

The logContains can parse the log created be the previous stages (but not the current stage)
It can also be used in a post-action.

«manager» is org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.groovypostbuild.GroovyPostbuildRecorder$BadgeManager@41fe3861

Postbuild plugin


        stage('second') {
            steps {
                script {
                    if (manager.logContains("three")) {
                    } else {
                        manager.addWarningBadge("kein drei")

         print("A disk image was created: zorg-1552278641")

         def matcher = manager.getLogMatcher(/.* (zorg-d+).*/)
         if (matcher?.matches()) {
             def image_name =


no such dsl method

jenkins build step

jenkins collect status from invoked jobs


pipeline {
    agent { label 'master' }
    stages {
        stage('only') {
            steps {
                script {
                    results = []
                    try {
                        def result = build job: "experiment-subproject", wait: true
                        println(result) //
                    } catch(err) {
                        println("ERROR caught")
                        println(err) // hudson.AbortException: experiment-subproject #4 completed with status FAILURE (propagate: false to ignore)

                    def res = build job: "experiment-subproject", wait: false
                    println(res) // null

                    rep = build job: "experiment-subproject", wait: true, propagate: false
                    println(rep) //
                    println(rep.getResult()) // FAILURE

                    //sh "ls -l"
                    //} catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
                    //println("Catching the Array out of Bounds exception");
                    //}catch(Exception ex) {

                    //print("A disk image was created: jenkins-agent-1554 and then more")
                    //echo "try again"
                    //try {
                    //    is_it_the_answer(23)
                    //} catch (err) {
                    //   print(err)
                    //    print(err.getMessage())
        stage('second') {
            steps {
                script {
                    echo "hi"
                    println(rep.getResult()) // FAILURE

                    def res = build job: "experiment-subproject", wait: true, propagate: false

//                    if (manager.logContains("three")) {
//                        manager.addWarningBadge("tres")
//                    } else {
//                        manager.addWarningBadge("nem harom")
//                    }
                    //def image_name = ''
                    //def matcher = manager.getLogMatcher(/.* (jenkins-agent-(d+)).*/)
                    //if (matcher?.matches()) {
                    //    image_name =
                    //    println(image_name)
                    //    manager.addShortText(image_name)
                    //    println(image_name.getClass())
        stage ('gitz') {
            agent { label 'build-small' }
            steps {
                script {
                    results.each {
                         println(it.getResult()) // FAILURE

def is_it_the_answer(n) {
    if (n == 42) {
        return 'yes'
    throw new Exception('Nope')

def do_sg(name) {
    print("do_sg with $name")


               script {
                    manager.addShortText("n${params.cluserName}", "black", "yellow", "0px", "white")
                    manager.addShortText("${params.clusterId}-${params.command}", "black", "lightgreen", "0px", "white")
                    manager.addShortText("${}", "black", "AliceBlue", "0px", "white")
                    if (params.usage) {
                        manager.addShortText("${params.usage}", "DimGray", "AliceBlue", "0px", "white")

Elapsed time


import groovy.time.TimeCategory
import groovy.time.TimeDuration

pipeline {
    agent { label 'master' }
    stages {
        stage('first') {
            steps {
                script {
                    start = new Date()
                    echo "in first"
        stage('second') {
            steps {
                script {
                    echo "in second"
    post {
        always {
            echo "in post always"
            script {
                def stop = new Date()
                TimeDuration td = TimeCategory.minus( stop, start )
                println("Elapsed time: $td")

        failure {
            echo "in post failure"

Serialize regex

After a regex matching Jenkins sometimes wants to serialize the object, but it cannot do it and thus is raises an
exception. (I have not yet figured out when does this happen.)


pipeline {
    agent { label 'master' }
    stages {
        stage('first') {
            steps {
                script {
                    echo "in first"
                    def text = """This is some long test
                    with more than 1
                    def match = (text =~ /bsomeb/)
                    println("still first")
        stage('second') {
            steps {
                script {
                    echo "in second"
    post {
        always {
            echo "in post always"
        failure {
            echo "in post failure"

def check_me() {
    println("in check")
    def text = """This is some long test
        with more than 1
    def match = (text =~ /bsomeb/)

Send mail

emailext (
    subject: "Test by Gabor",
    body: "Test from Gabor",
    to: '',
    from: '',
    listId: 'gabor-experimental',

Jenkins — check if host is accessible


// catch exception
// stop process early reporting failure

pipeline {
    agent { label 'master' }
    parameters {
       string(name: 'hostname', defaultValue: 'gabor-dev', description: 'Hostname or IP address')
    stages {
        stage('first') {
            steps {
                script {
                    echo "Checking $params.hostname"
                    try {
                        sh("ping -c 1 $params.hostname")
                    }  catch(Exception e) {
                       println("Exception: ${e}")
                       error("Could not find host $params.hostname, is it on?")
                    echo "still in first"
        stage('second') {
            steps {
                script {
                    echo "in second"
    post {
        always {
            echo "in post always"
        failure {
            echo "in post failure"

last started stage

//   last_started = env.STAGE_NAME

Early stop

jenkins — skip rest of the current stage, early end of current stage — stop the whole job reporting error

return  // skipping rest of the current stage, running next stage
error("Some error message")  // raise an exception stop the whole job


echo currentBuild.number  // failed expecting number
println(currentBuild.number)  // works

println("Number: ${currentBuild.number}")
println("Result: ${currentBuild.result}")
println("Display name: ${currentBuild.displayName}")

during the steps the result is null
in the post section it is already ‘SUCCESS’ or ‘FAILURE’

getting started

returnStatus instead of stopping the job

the exit code

def res2 = sh(script: "pwd", returnStatus: true)

Sample code

def errors = ''
def res = 'SUCCESS'
def res1 = sh(script: "xyz", returnStatus: true)
println("res1 ${res1}")
if (res1 !=0) {
    res = 'FAILURE'
    errors += "xyz"
def res2 = sh(script: "abc", returnStatus: true)
println("res2: ${res2}")
if (res2 !=0) {
    res = 'FAILURE'
    errors += "abc"
def res3 = sh(script: "pwd", returnStatus: true)
println("res3: ${res3}")
if (res3 !=0) {
    res = 'FAILURE'
    errors += "pwd"
//if (params.expected == 'Success') {
//    sh "pwd"
//} else {
//    sh "xyz"
if (res == 'FAILURE') {

jenkins error, we need to clean the regex variables

def output = sh(...)
def version = (output =~ /Versions*:s*([d.]+)/)
def build_number = (output =~ /Build numbers*:s*([d]+)/)
currentBuild.description = "${version[0][1]} - ${build_number[0][1]}<br>"
version = ""
build_number = ""

Optional artifacts

post {
    always {
        script {
            archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'screenshots/*', fingerprint: true, allowEmptyArchive: true



multiple cron with parameter


// multiple cron with parameter

// There is a plugin and this experiment

    triggers {
        cron("35,36 * * * *")

    stages {
        stage('Check disk usage') {
            steps {
                script {
                    echo "--------------"
                    echo "HELLO $BUILD_NUMBER"
                    echo "--------------"
                    String[] ENVS   = ["env1", "env3"]
                    def ENV_COUNT   = ENVS.length
                    def x           = BUILD_NUMBER.toInteger() % ENV_COUNT
                    echo x.toString()
                    echo ENVS[x]


  1. Pipeline Syntax
  2. Declarative Pipeline
  3. Limitations
  4. Sections
  5. agent
  6. stages
  7. steps
  8. Directives
  9. environment
  10. options
  11. parameters
  12. triggers
  13. Jenkins cron syntax
  14. stage
  15. tools
  16. input
  17. Sequential Stages
  18. Parallel
  19. Matrix

Pipeline Syntax

This section builds on the information introduced in Getting started with Pipeline and should be treated solely as a reference. For more information on how to use Pipeline syntax in practical examples, refer to the Using a Jenkinsfile section of this chapter. As of version 2.5 of the Pipeline plugin, Pipeline supports two discrete syntaxes which are detailed below. For the pros and cons of each, see the Syntax Comparison.

As discussed at the start of this chapter, the most fundamental part of a Pipeline is the «step». Basically, steps tell Jenkins what to do and serve as the basic building block for both Declarative and Scripted Pipeline syntax.

For an overview of available steps, please refer to the Pipeline Steps reference which contains a comprehensive list of steps built into Pipeline as well as steps provided by plugins.

Declarative Pipeline

Declarative Pipeline is a relatively recent addition to Jenkins Pipeline [1] which presents a more simplified and opinionated syntax on top of the Pipeline sub-systems.

All valid Declarative Pipelines must be enclosed within a pipeline block, for example:

The basic statements and expressions which are valid in Declarative Pipeline follow the same rules as Groovy’s syntax with the following exceptions:

The top-level of the Pipeline must be a block, specifically: pipeline < >.

No semicolons as statement separators. Each statement has to be on its own line.

Blocks must only consist of Sections, Directives, Steps, or assignment statements.

A property reference statement is treated as a no-argument method invocation. So, for example, input is treated as input() .

You can use the Declarative Directive Generator to help you get started with configuring the directives and sections in your Declarative Pipeline.


There is currently an open issue which limits the maximum size of the code within the pipeline<> block. This limitation does not apply to Scripted pipelines.


Sections in Declarative Pipeline typically contain one or more Directives or Steps.


The agent section specifies where the entire Pipeline, or a specific stage, will execute in the Jenkins environment depending on where the agent section is placed. The section must be defined at the top-level inside the pipeline block, but stage-level usage is optional.

In the top-level pipeline block and each stage block.

Differences between top and stage level Agents

There are some nuances when adding an agent to the top level or a stage level, and this when the options directive is applied.

Top Level Agents

In agents declared at the outermost level of the Pipeline, the options are invoked after entering the agent. As an example, when using timeout it will be only applied to the execution within the agent.

Stage Agents

In agents declared within a stage, the options are invoked before entering the agent and before checking any when conditions. In this case, when using timeout , it is applied before the agent is allocated.

This timeout will include the agent provisioning time. Because the timeout includes the agent provisioning time, the Pipeline may fail in cases where agent allocation is delayed.


In order to support the wide variety of use-cases Pipeline authors may have, the agent section supports a few different types of parameters. These parameters can be applied at the top-level of the pipeline block, or within each stage directive.

Execute the Pipeline, or stage, on any available agent. For example: agent any

When applied at the top-level of the pipeline block no global agent will be allocated for the entire Pipeline run and each stage section will need to contain its own agent section. For example: agent none

Execute the Pipeline, or stage, on an agent available in the Jenkins environment with the provided label. For example: agent

Label conditions can also be used. For example: agent < label ‘my-label1 && my-label2’ >or agent

agent < node < label ‘labelName’ >> behaves the same as agent < label ‘labelName’ >, but node allows for additional options (such as customWorkspace ).

Execute the Pipeline, or stage, with the given container which will be dynamically provisioned on a node pre-configured to accept Docker-based Pipelines, or on a node matching the optionally defined label parameter. docker also optionally accepts an args parameter which may contain arguments to pass directly to a docker run invocation, and an alwaysPull option, which will force a docker pull even if the image name is already present. For example: agent < docker ‘maven:3.8.7-eclipse-temurin-11’ >or

docker also optionally accepts a registryUrl and registryCredentialsId parameters which will help to specify the Docker Registry to use and its credentials. The parameter registryCredentialsId could be used alone for private repositories within the docker hub. For example:

Execute the Pipeline, or stage, with a container built from a Dockerfile contained in the source repository. In order to use this option, the Jenkinsfile must be loaded from either a Multibranch Pipeline or a Pipeline from SCM. Conventionally this is the Dockerfile in the root of the source repository: agent < dockerfile true >. If building a Dockerfile in another directory, use the dir option: agent < dockerfile < dir ‘someSubDir’ >> . If your Dockerfile has another name, you can specify the file name with the filename option. You can pass additional arguments to the docker build …​ command with the additionalBuildArgs option, like agent < dockerfile < additionalBuildArgs ‘—build-arg foo=bar’ >> . For example, a repository with the file build/ , expecting a build argument version :

dockerfile also optionally accepts a registryUrl and registryCredentialsId parameters which will help to specify the Docker Registry to use and its credentials. For example:

Execute the Pipeline, or stage, inside a pod deployed on a Kubernetes cluster. In order to use this option, the Jenkinsfile must be loaded from either a Multibranch Pipeline or a Pipeline from SCM. The Pod template is defined inside the kubernetes < >block. For example, if you want a pod with a Kaniko container inside it, you would define it as follows:

You will need to create a secret aws-secret for Kaniko to be able to authenticate with ECR. This secret should contain the contents of

/.aws/credentials . The other volume is a ConfigMap which should contain the endpoint of your ECR registry. For example:

Common Options

These are a few options that can be applied to two or more agent implementations. They are not required unless explicitly stated.

A string. The label or label condition on which to run the Pipeline or individual stage .

This option is valid for node , docker , and dockerfile , and is required for node .

A string. Run the Pipeline or individual stage this agent is applied to within this custom workspace, rather than the default. It can be either a relative path, in which case the custom workspace will be under the workspace root on the node, or an absolute path. For example:

This option is valid for node , docker , and dockerfile .

A boolean, false by default. If true, run the container on the node specified at the top-level of the Pipeline, in the same workspace, rather than on a new node entirely.

This option is valid for docker and dockerfile , and only has an effect when used on an agent for an individual stage .

A string. Runtime arguments to pass to docker run .

This option is valid for docker and dockerfile .


Execute all the steps defined in this Pipeline within a newly created container of the given name and tag ( maven:3.8.7-eclipse-temurin-11 ).


Defining agent none at the top-level of the Pipeline ensures that an Executor will not be assigned unnecessarily. Using agent none also forces each stage section to contain its own agent section.
Execute the steps in this stage in a newly created container using this image.
Execute the steps in this stage in a newly created container using a different image from the previous stage.

The post section defines one or more additional steps that are run upon the completion of a Pipeline’s or stage’s run (depending on the location of the post section within the Pipeline). post can support any of the following post-condition blocks: always , changed , fixed , regression , aborted , failure , success , unstable , unsuccessful , and cleanup . These condition blocks allow the execution of steps inside each condition depending on the completion status of the Pipeline or stage. The condition blocks are executed in the order shown below.

In the top-level pipeline block and each stage block.


Run the steps in the post section regardless of the completion status of the Pipeline’s or stage’s run.

Only run the steps in post if the current Pipeline’s run has a different completion status from its previous run.

Only run the steps in post if the current Pipeline’s run is successful and the previous run failed or was unstable.

Only run the steps in post if the current Pipeline’s or status is failure, unstable, or aborted and the previous run was successful.

Only run the steps in post if the current Pipeline’s run has an «aborted» status, usually due to the Pipeline being manually aborted. This is typically denoted by gray in the web UI.

Only run the steps in post if the current Pipeline’s or stage’s run has a «failed» status, typically denoted by red in the web UI.

Only run the steps in post if the current Pipeline’s or stage’s run has a «success» status, typically denoted by blue or green in the web UI.

Only run the steps in post if the current Pipeline’s run has an «unstable» status, usually caused by test failures, code violations, etc. This is typically denoted by yellow in the web UI.

Only run the steps in post if the current Pipeline’s or stage’s run has not a «success» status. This is typically denoted in the web UI depending on the status previously mentioned (for stages this may fire if the build itself is unstable).

Run the steps in this post condition after every other post condition has been evaluated, regardless of the Pipeline or stage’s status.


Conventionally, the post section should be placed at the end of the Pipeline.
Post-condition blocks contain steps the same as the steps section.


Containing a sequence of one or more stage directives, the stages section is where the bulk of the «work» described by a Pipeline will be located. At a minimum, it is recommended that stages contain at least one stage directive for each discrete part of the continuous delivery process, such as Build, Test, and Deploy.

Only once, inside the pipeline block.


The stages section will typically follow the directives such as agent , options , etc.


The steps section defines a series of one or more steps to be executed in a given stage directive.

Inside each stage block.


The steps section must contain one or more steps.



The environment directive specifies a sequence of key-value pairs which will be defined as environment variables for all steps, or stage-specific steps, depending on where the environment directive is located within the Pipeline.

This directive supports a special helper method credentials() which can be used to access pre-defined Credentials by their identifier in the Jenkins environment.

Inside the pipeline block, or within stage directives.

Supported Credentials Type

the environment variable specified will be set to the Secret Text content

the environment variable specified will be set to the location of the File file that is temporarily created

Username and password

the environment variable specified will be set to username:password and two additional environment variables will be automatically defined: MYVARNAME_USR and MYVARNAME_PSW respectively.

SSH with Private Key

the environment variable specified will be set to the location of the SSH key file that is temporarily created and two additional environment variables may be automatically defined: MYVARNAME_USR and MYVARNAME_PSW (holding the passphrase).

Unsupported credentials type causes the pipeline to fail with the message: org.jenkinsci.plugins.credentialsbinding.impl.CredentialNotFoundException: No suitable binding handler could be found for type .


An environment directive used in the top-level pipeline block will apply to all steps within the Pipeline.
An environment directive defined within a stage will only apply the given environment variables to steps within the stage .
The environment block has a helper method credentials() defined which can be used to access pre-defined Credentials by their identifier in the Jenkins environment.


The options directive allows configuring Pipeline-specific options from within the Pipeline itself. Pipeline provides a number of these options, such as buildDiscarder , but they may also be provided by plugins, such as timestamps .

Inside the pipeline block, or (with certain limitations) within stage directives.

Available Options

Persist artifacts and console output for the specific number of recent Pipeline runs. For example: options

Perform the automatic source control checkout in a subdirectory of the workspace. For example: options

Disallow concurrent executions of the Pipeline. Can be useful for preventing simultaneous accesses to shared resources, etc. For example: options

Do not allow the pipeline to resume if the controller restarts. For example: options

Used with docker or dockerfile top-level agent. When specified, each stage will run in a new container instance on the same node, rather than all stages running in the same container instance.

Allows overriding default treatment of branch indexing triggers. If branch indexing triggers are disabled at the multibranch or organization label, options < overrideIndexTriggers(true) >will enable them for this job only. Otherwise, options < overrideIndexTriggers(false) >will disable branch indexing triggers for this job only.

Preserve stashes from completed builds, for use with stage restarting. For example: options < preserveStashes() >to preserve the stashes from the most recent completed build, or options < preserveStashes(buildCount: 5) >to preserve the stashes from the five most recent completed builds.

Set the quiet period, in seconds, for the Pipeline, overriding the global default. For example: options

On failure, retry the entire Pipeline the specified number of times. For example: options

Skip checking out code from source control by default in the agent directive. For example: options

Skip stages once the build status has gone to UNSTABLE. For example: options

Set a timeout period for the Pipeline run, after which Jenkins should abort the Pipeline. For example: options


Specifying a global execution timeout of one hour, after which Jenkins will abort the Pipeline run.

Prepend all console output generated by the Pipeline run with the time at which the line was emitted. For example: options

Set failfast true for all subsequent parallel stages in the pipeline. For example: options

A comprehensive list of available options is pending the completion of help desk ticket 820.

stage options

The options directive for a stage is similar to the options directive at the root of the Pipeline. However, the stage -level options can only contain steps like retry , timeout , or timestamps , or Declarative options that are relevant to a stage , like skipDefaultCheckout .

Inside a stage , the steps in the options directive are invoked before entering the agent or checking any when conditions.

Available Stage Options

Skip checking out code from source control by default in the agent directive. For example: options

Set a timeout period for this stage, after which Jenkins should abort the stage. For example: options


Specifying an execution timeout of one hour for the Example stage, after which Jenkins will abort the Pipeline run.

On failure, retry this stage the specified number of times. For example: options

Prepend all console output generated during this stage with the time at which the line was emitted. For example: options


The parameters directive provides a list of parameters that a user should provide when triggering the Pipeline. The values for these user-specified parameters are made available to Pipeline steps via the params object, see the Parameters, Declarative Pipeline for its specific usage.

Only once, inside the pipeline block.

Available Parameters

A parameter of a string type, for example: parameters

A text parameter, which can contain multiple lines, for example: parameters

A boolean parameter, for example: parameters

A choice parameter, for example: parameters

A password parameter, for example: parameters

A comprehensive list of available parameters is pending the completion of help desk ticket 820.


The triggers directive defines the automated ways in which the Pipeline should be re-triggered. For Pipelines which are integrated with a source such as GitHub or BitBucket, triggers may not be necessary as webhooks-based integration will likely already be present. The triggers currently available are cron , pollSCM and upstream .

Only once, inside the pipeline block.

Accepts a cron-style string to define a regular interval at which the Pipeline should be re-triggered, for example: triggers < cron(‘H */4 * * 1-5’) >

Accepts a cron-style string to define a regular interval at which Jenkins should check for new source changes. If new changes exist, the Pipeline will be re-triggered. For example: triggers < pollSCM(‘H */4 * * 1-5’) >

Accepts a comma-separated string of jobs and a threshold. When any job in the string finishes with the minimum threshold, the Pipeline will be re-triggered. For example: triggers

The pollSCM trigger is only available in Jenkins 2.22 or later.

Jenkins cron syntax

The Jenkins cron syntax follows the syntax of the cron utility (with minor differences). Specifically, each line consists of 5 fields separated by TAB or whitespace:

Minutes within the hour (0–59)

The hour of the day (0–23)

The day of the month (1–31)

The month (1–12)

The day of the week (0–7) where 0 and 7 are Sunday.

To specify multiple values for one field, the following operators are available. In the order of precedence,

* specifies all valid values

M-N specifies a range of values

M-N/X or */X steps by intervals of X through the specified range or whole valid range

A,B,…​,Z enumerates multiple values

To allow periodically scheduled tasks to produce even load on the system, the symbol H (for “hash”) should be used wherever possible. For example, using 0 0 * * * for a dozen daily jobs will cause a large spike at midnight. In contrast, using H H * * * would still execute each job once a day, but not all at the same time, better using limited resources.

The H symbol can be used with a range. For example, H H(0-7) * * * means some time between 12:00 AM (midnight) to 7:59 AM. You can also use step intervals with H , with or without ranges.

The H symbol can be thought of as a random value over a range, but it actually is a hash of the job name, not a random function, so that the value remains stable for any given project.

Beware that for the day of month field, short cycles such as */3 or H/3 will not work consistently near the end of most months, due to variable month lengths. For example, */3 will run on the 1st, 4th, …31st days of a long month, then again the next day of the next month. Hashes are always chosen in the 1-28 range, so H/3 will produce a gap between runs of between 3 and 6 days at the end of a month. (Longer cycles will also have inconsistent lengths but the effect may be relatively less noticeable.)

Empty lines and lines that start with # will be ignored as comments.

In addition, @yearly , @annually , @monthly , @weekly , @daily , @midnight , and @hourly are supported as convenient aliases. These use the hash system for automatic balancing. For example, @hourly is the same as H * * * * and could mean at any time during the hour. @midnight actually means some time between 12:00 AM and 2:59 AM.

Table 1. Jenkins cron syntax examples

every fifteen minutes (perhaps at :07, :22, :37, :52)

every ten minutes in the first half of every hour (three times, perhaps at :04, :14, :24)

once every two hours at 45 minutes past the hour starting at 9:45 AM and finishing at 3:45 PM every weekday.

once in every two hours slot between 9 AM and 5 PM every weekday (perhaps at 10:38 AM, 12:38 PM, 2:38 PM, 4:38 PM)

once a day on the 1st and 15th of every month except December


The stage directive goes in the stages section and should contain a steps section, an optional agent section, or other stage-specific directives. Practically speaking, all of the real work done by a Pipeline will be wrapped in one or more stage directives.

One mandatory parameter, a string for the name of the stage.

Inside the stages section.


A section defining tools to auto-install and put on the PATH . This is ignored if agent none is specified.

Inside the pipeline block or a stage block.

Supported Tools


The tool name must be pre-configured in Jenkins under Manage JenkinsGlobal Tool Configuration.


The input directive on a stage allows you to prompt for input, using the input step. The stage will pause after any options have been applied, and before entering the agent block for that stage or evaluating the when condition of the stage . If the input is approved, the stage will then continue. Any parameters provided as part of the input submission will be available in the environment for the rest of the stage .

Configuration options

Required. This will be presented to the user when they go to submit the input .

An optional identifier for this input . The default value is based on the stage name.

Optional text for the «ok» button on the input form.

An optional comma-separated list of users or external group names who are allowed to submit this input . Defaults to allowing any user.

An optional name of an environment variable to set with the submitter name, if present.

An optional list of parameters to prompt the submitter to provide. See parameters for more information.

The when directive allows the Pipeline to determine whether the stage should be executed depending on the given condition. The when directive must contain at least one condition. If the when directive contains more than one condition, all the child conditions must return true for the stage to execute. This is the same as if the child conditions were nested in an allOf condition (see the examples below). If an anyOf condition is used, note that the condition skips remaining tests as soon as the first «true» condition is found.

More complex conditional structures can be built using the nesting conditions: not , allOf , or anyOf . Nesting conditions may be nested to any arbitrary depth.

Inside a stage directive

Built-in Conditions

Execute the stage when the branch being built matches the branch pattern (ANT style path glob) given, for example: when < branch ‘master’ >. Note that this only works on a multibranch Pipeline.

The optional parameter comparator may be added after an attribute to specify how any patterns are evaluated for a match: EQUALS for a simple string comparison, GLOB (the default) for an ANT style path glob (same as for example changeset ), or REGEXP for regular expression matching. For example: when

Execute the stage when the build is building a tag. Example: when

Execute the stage if the build’s SCM changelog contains a given regular expression pattern, for example: when

Execute the stage if the build’s SCM changeset contains one or more files matching the given pattern. Example: when < changeset «**/*.js» >

The optional parameter comparator may be added after an attribute to specify how any patterns are evaluated for a match: EQUALS for a simple string comparison, GLOB (the default) for an ANT style path glob case insensitive, this can be turned off with the caseSensitive parameter, or REGEXP for regular expression matching. For example: when < changeset pattern: «.TEST\.java», comparator: «REGEXP» > or when < changeset pattern: «*/*», caseSensitive: true >

Executes the stage if the current build is for a «change request» (a.k.a. Pull Request on GitHub and Bitbucket, Merge Request on GitLab, Change in Gerrit, etc.). When no parameters are passed the stage runs on every change request, for example: when < changeRequest() >.

By adding a filter attribute with parameter to the change request, the stage can be made to run only on matching change requests. Possible attributes are id , target , branch , fork , url , title , author , authorDisplayName , and authorEmail . Each of these corresponds to a CHANGE_* environment variable, for example: when < changeRequest target: ‘master’ >.

The optional parameter comparator may be added after an attribute to specify how any patterns are evaluated for a match: EQUALS for a simple string comparison (the default), GLOB for an ANT style path glob (same as for example changeset ), or REGEXP for regular expression matching. Example: when

Execute the stage when the specified environment variable is set to the given value, for example: when

Execute the stage when the expected value is equal to the actual value, for example: when

Execute the stage when the specified Groovy expression evaluates to true, for example: when < expression < return params.DEBUG_BUILD >> Note that when returning strings from your expressions they must be converted to booleans or return null to evaluate to false. Simply returning «0» or «false» will still evaluate to «true».

Execute the stage if the TAG_NAME variable matches the given pattern. Example: when < tag «release-*» >. If an empty pattern is provided the stage will execute if the TAG_NAME variable exists (same as buildingTag() ).

The optional parameter comparator may be added after an attribute to specify how any patterns are evaluated for a match: EQUALS for a simple string comparison, GLOB (the default) for an ANT style path glob (same as for example changeset ), or REGEXP for regular expression matching. For example: when

Execute the stage when the nested condition is false. Must contain one condition. For example: when < not < branch ‘master’ >>

Execute the stage when all of the nested conditions are true. Must contain at least one condition. For example: when < allOf < branch ‘master’; environment name: ‘DEPLOY_TO’, value: ‘production’ >>

Execute the stage when at least one of the nested conditions is true. Must contain at least one condition. For example: when < anyOf < branch ‘master’; branch ‘staging’ >>

Execute the stage when the current build has been triggered by the param given. For example:

Evaluating when before entering agent in a stage

By default, the when condition for a stage will be evaluated after entering the agent for that stage , if one is defined. However, this can be changed by specifying the beforeAgent option within the when block. If beforeAgent is set to true , the when condition will be evaluated first, and the agent will only be entered if the when condition evaluates to true.

Evaluating when before the input directive

By default, the when condition for a stage will not be evaluated before the input, if one is defined. However, this can be changed by specifying the beforeInput option within the when block. If beforeInput is set to true, the when condition will be evaluated first, and the input will only be entered if the when condition evaluates to true.

beforeInput true takes precedence over beforeAgent true .

Evaluating when before the options directive

By default, the when condition for a stage will be evaluated after entering the options for that stage , if any are defined. However, this can be changed by specifying the beforeOptions option within the when block. If beforeOptions is set to true , the when condition will be evaluated first, and the options will only be entered if the when condition evaluates to true.

beforeOptions true takes precedence over beforeInput true and beforeAgent true .

Sequential Stages

Stages in Declarative Pipeline may have a stages section containing a list of nested stages to be run in sequential order. Note that a stage must have one and only one of steps , stages , parallel , or matrix . It is not possible to nest a parallel or matrix block within a stage directive if that stage directive is nested within a parallel or matrix block itself. However, a stage directive within a parallel or matrix block can use all other functionality of a stage , including agent , tools , when , etc.


Stages in Declarative Pipeline may have a parallel section containing a list of nested stages to be run in parallel. Note that a stage must have one and only one of steps , stages , parallel , or matrix . It is not possible to nest a parallel or matrix block within a stage directive if that stage directive is nested within a parallel or matrix block itself. However, a stage directive within a parallel or matrix block can use all other functionality of a stage , including agent , tools , when , etc.

In addition, you can force your parallel stages to all be aborted when any one of them fails, by adding failFast true to the stage containing the parallel . Another option for adding failfast is adding an option to the pipeline definition: parallelsAlwaysFailFast()


Stages in Declarative Pipeline may have a matrix section defining a multi-dimensional matrix of name-value combinations to be run in parallel. We’ll refer these combinations as «cells» in a matrix. Each cell in a matrix can include one or more stages to be run sequentially using the configuration for that cell. Note that a stage must have one and only one of steps , stages , parallel , or matrix . It is not possible to nest a parallel or matrix block within a stage directive if that stage directive is nested within a parallel or matrix block itself. However, a stage directive within a parallel or matrix block can use all other functionality of a stage , including agent , tools , when , etc.

In addition, you can force your matrix cells to all be aborted when any one of them fails, by adding failFast true to the stage containing the matrix . Another option for adding failfast is adding an option to the pipeline definition: parallelsAlwaysFailFast()

The matrix section must include an axes section and a stages section. The axes section defines the values for each axis in the matrix. The stages section defines a list of stage s to run sequentially in each cell. A matrix may have an excludes section to remove invalid cells from the matrix. Many of the directives available on stage , including agent , tools , when , etc., can also be added to matrix to control the behavior of each cell.

The axes section specifies one or more axis directives. Each axis consists of a name and a list of values . All the values from each axis are combined with the others to produce the cells.


buildResult = build job: ‘/marslo/artifactory-lib’,

buildResult.each { println it }

«result» : ${buildResult.result}

«getBuildVariables()» : ${buildResult.getBuildVariables()}

«getBuildVariables().mytest» : ${buildResult.getBuildVariables().mytest}

«getRawBuild().getEnvVars()» : ${buildResult.getRawBuild().getEnvVars()}

«getRawBuild().getEnvironment()» : ${buildResult.getRawBuild.getEnvironment()}

«getBuildCauses()» : ${buildResult.getBuildCauses()}

«getChangeSets()» : ${buildResult.getChangeSets()}

«buildVariables[«mytest»]» : ${buildResult.buildVariables[«mytest»]}

«buildResult.rawBuild» : ${buildResult.rawBuild}

«buildResult.rawBuild.log» : ${buildResult.rawBuild.log}

«rawBuild.environment.RUN_CHANGES_DISPLAY_URL» : ${buildResult.rawBuild.environment.RUN_CHANGES_DISPLAY_URL}

addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration: Add an Embeddable Badge Configuration


animatedOverlayColor (optional)


color (optional)


link (optional)


status (optional)


subject (optional)


ansiColor: Color ANSI Console Output

Adds support for standard ANSI escape sequences, including color, to Console Output.



archiveArtifacts: Archive the artifacts

Archives the build artifacts (for example, distribution zip files or jar files)
so that they can be downloaded later.
Archived files will be accessible from the Jenkins webpage.

Normally, Jenkins keeps artifacts for a build as long as a build log itself is kept,
but if you don’t need old artifacts and would rather save disk space, you can do so.

Note that the Maven job type automatically archives any produced Maven artifacts.
Any artifacts configured here will be archived on top of that.
Automatic artifact archiving can be disabled under the advanced Maven options.

The Pipeline Snippet Generator generates this example
when all arguments are set to true (some arguments by default are true):

archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/*.txt',
                   allowEmptyArchive: true,
                   fingerprint: true,
                   onlyIfSuccessful: true


You can use wildcards like ‘module/dist/**/*.zip’.
the includes attribute of Ant fileset for the exact format
— except that "," (comma) is the only supported separator.
The base directory is the workspace.
You can only archive files that are located in your workspace.

Here are some examples of usage for pipeline:

  • How to archive multiple artifacts from a specific folder:
    archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'target/*.jar'
  • How to archive multiple artifacts with different patterns:
    archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'target/*.jar, target/*.war'
  • How to archive multiple nested artifacts:

    archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/*.jar'


allowEmptyArchive (optional)

Normally, a build fails if archiving returns zero artifacts.
This option allows the archiving process to return nothing without failing the build.
Instead, the build will simply throw a warning.


caseSensitive (optional)

Artifact archiver uses Ant which by default is case sensitive.
For instance, if the job produces *.hpi files, pattern «**/*.HPI» will fail to find them.

This option can be used to disable case sensitivity. When it’s unchecked, pattern «**/*.HPI» will match any *.hpi files, or pattern «**/cAsEsEnSiTiVe.jar» will match a file called caseSensitive.jar.


defaultExcludes (optional)


excludes (optional)

Optionally specify the ‘excludes’ pattern, such as «foo/bar/**/*». Use «,» to set a list of patterns.
A file that matches this mask will not be archived even if it matches the
mask specified in ‘files to archive’ section.


fingerprint (optional)


followSymlinks (optional)

By disabling this option all symbolic links found in the workspace will be ignored.


onlyIfSuccessful (optional)


associateTag: Associate Tag (Nexus Repository Manager 3.x)



The tag which will be applied to components matching the specified search criteria



The search criteria used to locate components on the target Nexus Repository Manager server.
For more details, please see

Search API


Nested object




bat: Windows Batch Script

Executes a Batch script. Multiple lines allowed.
When using the returnStdout flag, you probably wish to prefix this with @,
lest the command itself be included in the output.


encoding (optional)

Encoding of process output.
In the case of returnStdout, applies to the return value of this step;
otherwise, or always for standard error, controls how text is copied to the build log.
If unspecified, uses the system default encoding of the node on which the step is run.
If there is any expectation that process output might include non-ASCII characters,
it is best to specify the encoding explicitly.
For example, if you have specific knowledge that a given process is going to be producing UTF-8
yet will be running on a node with a different system encoding
(typically Windows, since every Linux distribution has defaulted to UTF-8 for a long time),
you can ensure correct output by specifying: encoding: 'UTF-8'


label (optional)

Label to be displayed in the pipeline step view and blue ocean details for the step instead of the step type.
So the view is more meaningful and domain specific instead of technical.


returnStatus (optional)

Normally, a script which exits with a nonzero status code will cause the step to fail with an exception.
If this option is checked, the return value of the step will instead be the status code.
You may then compare it to zero, for example.


returnStdout (optional)

If checked, standard output from the task is returned as the step value as a String,
rather than being printed to the build log.
(Standard error, if any, will still be printed to the log.)
You will often want to call .trim() on the result to strip off a trailing newline.


build: Build a job

Name of a downstream job to build.
May be another Pipeline job, but more commonly a freestyle or other project.
Use a simple name if the job is in the same folder as this upstream Pipeline job;
otherwise can use relative paths like ../sister-folder/downstream
or absolute paths like /top-level-folder/nested-folder/downstream.


parameters (optional)

A list of parameters to pass to the downstream job.
When passing secrets to downstream jobs, prefer credentials parameters over password parameters.
See the documentation for details.


Nested choice of objects












Nested choice of objects
$class: 'ListSubversionTagsParameterValue'








org.kohsuke.stapler.NoStaplerConstructorException: There's no @DataBoundConstructor on any constructor of class hudson.util.Secret


$class: 'PromotedBuildParameterValue'




















propagate (optional)

If enabled (default state), then the result of this step is that of the downstream build (e.g.,
success, unstable, failure, not built, or aborted).
If disabled, then this step succeeds even if the downstream build is unstable, failed, etc.;
use the result property of the return value as needed.


quietPeriod (optional)

Optional alternate quiet period (in seconds) before building.
If unset, defaults to the quiet period defined by the downstream project
(or finally to the system-wide default quiet period).


wait (optional)

If true, the pipeline will wait for the result of the build step before jumping to the next step. Defaults to true.


catchError: Catch error and set build result to failure

If the body throws an exception, mark the build as a failure, but nonetheless
continue to execute the Pipeline from the statement following the catchError step.
The behavior of the step when an exception is thrown can be configured to print
a message, set a build result other than failure, change the stage result,
or ignore certain kinds of exceptions that are used to interrupt the build.

This step is most useful when used in Declarative Pipeline or with the
options to set the stage result or ignore build interruptions. Otherwise,
consider using plain trycatch(-finally) blocks.
It is also useful when using certain post-build actions (notifiers)
originally defined for freestyle projects which pay attention to the result of the ongoing build.

node {
    catchError {
        sh 'might fail'
    step([$class: 'Mailer', recipients: 'admin@somewhere'])

If the shell step fails, the Pipeline build’s status will be set to failed, so that the subsequent mail step will see that this build is failed.
In the case of the mail sender, this means that it will send mail.
(It may also send mail if this build succeeded but previous ones failed, and so on.)
Even in that case, this step can be replaced by the following idiom:

node {
    try {
        sh 'might fail'
    } catch (err) {
        echo "Caught: ${err}"
        currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
    step([$class: 'Mailer', recipients: 'admin@somewhere'])

For other cases, plain trycatch(-finally) blocks may be used:

node {
    sh './'
    try {
        sh 'might fail'
        echo 'Succeeded!'
    } catch (err) {
        echo "Failed: ${err}"
    } finally {
        sh './'
    echo 'Printed whether above succeeded or failed.'
// …and the pipeline as a whole succeeds

See this document for background.

buildResult (optional)

If an error is caught, the overall build result will be set to this value.
Note that the build result can only get worse, so you cannot change the result
to SUCCESS if the current result is UNSTABLE or worse.
Use SUCCESS or null to keep the build result from
being set when an error is caught.


catchInterruptions (optional)

If true, certain types of exceptions that are used to interrupt the flow of
execution for Pipelines will be caught and handled by the step. If false,
those types of exceptions will be caught and immediately rethrown. Examples
of these types of exceptions include those thrown when a build is manually
aborted through the UI and those thrown by the timeout step. Defaults to true.


message (optional)

A message that will be logged to the console if an error is caught. If the
stage result is specified, the message will also be associated with that
result and may be shown in visualizations.


stageResult (optional)

If an error is caught, the stage result will be set to this value. If a
message was specified, the message will be associated with this result.
Use SUCCESS or null to keep the stage result from
being set when an error is caught.


checkout: Check out from version control
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'GitSCM'

The git plugin provides fundamental git operations for Jenkins projects.
It can poll, fetch, checkout, and merge contents of git repositories.

The git plugin provides an SCM implementation to be used with the Pipeline SCM checkout step.
The Pipeline Syntax Snippet Generator guides the user to select git plugin checkout options and provides online help for each of the options.


Specify the repository to track. This can be a URL or a local file path.
Note that for super-projects (repositories with submodules), only a local file
path or a complete URL is valid. The following are examples of valid git URLs.

  • ssh://
  • (short notation for ssh protocol)
  • ssh:// (to access the repos/R.git
    repository in the user’s home directory)

If the repository is a super-project, the
location from which to clone submodules is dependent on whether the repository
is bare or non-bare (i.e. has a working directory).

  • If the super-project is bare, the location of the submodules will be
    taken from .gitmodules.
  • If the super-project is not bare, it is assumed that the
    repository has each of its submodules cloned and checked out appropriately.
    Thus, the submodules will be taken directly from a path like
    ${SUPER_PROJECT_URL}/${SUBMODULE}, rather than relying on
    information from .gitmodules.

For a local URL/path to a super-project,
git rev-parse —is-bare-repository
is used to detect whether the super-project is bare or not.

For a remote URL to a super-project, the ending of the URL determines whether
a bare or non-bare repository is assumed:

  • If the remote URL ends with /.git, a non-bare repository is
  • If the remote URL does NOT end with /.git, a bare
    repository is assumed.


Nested object

Specify the URL or path of the git repository.
This uses the same syntax as your git clone command.



ID of the repository, such as origin, to uniquely identify this repository among other remote repositories.
This is the same «name» that you use in your git remote command. If left empty,
Jenkins will generate unique names for you.

You normally want to specify this when you have multiple remote repositories.



A refspec controls the remote refs to be retrieved and how they map to local refs. If left blank, it will default to
the normal behaviour of git fetch, which retrieves all the branch heads as remotes/REPOSITORYNAME/BRANCHNAME.
This default behaviour is OK for most cases.

In other words, the default refspec is «+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/REPOSITORYNAME/*» where REPOSITORYNAME is the value
you specify in the above «name of repository» textbox.

When do you want to modify this value? A good example is when you want to just retrieve one branch. For example,
+refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master would only retrieve the master branch and nothing else.

The plugin uses a default refspec for its initial fetch, unless the «Advanced Clone Option» is set to honor refspec.
This keeps compatibility with previous behavior, and allows the job definition to decide if the refspec should be
honored on initial clone.

Multiple refspecs can be entered by separating them with a space character.
+refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master +refs/heads/develop:refs/remotes/origin/develop
retrieves the master branch and the develop branch and nothing else.

See the refspec definition in Git user manual for more details.



Credential used to check out sources.



List of branches to build.
Jenkins jobs are most effective when each job builds only a single branch.
When a single job builds multiple branches, the changelog comparisons between branches often show no changes or incorrect changes.


Nested object

Specify the branches if you’d like to track a specific branch in a repository.
If left blank, all branches will be examined for changes and built.

The safest way is to use the refs/heads/<branchName> syntax. This way the expected branch
is unambiguous.

If your branch name has a / in it make sure to use the full reference above. When not presented
with a full path the plugin will only use the part of the string right of the last slash.
Meaning foo/bar will actually match bar.

If you use a wildcard branch specifier, with a slash (e.g. release/),
you’ll need to specify the origin repository in the branch names to
make sure changes are picked up. So e.g. origin/release/

Possible options:

  • <branchName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch. If ambiguous the first result is taken, which is not necessarily
    the expected one. Better use refs/heads/<branchName>.
    E.g. master, feature1, …
  • refs/heads/<branchName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch.
    E.g. refs/heads/master, refs/heads/feature1/master, …
  • <remoteRepoName>/<branchName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch. If ambiguous the first result is taken, which is not necessarily
    the expected one.
    Better use refs/heads/<branchName>.
    E.g. origin/master
  • remotes/<remoteRepoName>/<branchName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch.
    E.g. remotes/origin/master
  • refs/remotes/<remoteRepoName>/<branchName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch.
    E.g. refs/remotes/origin/master
  • <tagName>
    This does not work since the tag will not be recognized as tag.
    Use refs/tags/<tagName> instead.
    E.g. git-2.3.0
  • refs/tags/<tagName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified tag.
    E.g. refs/tags/git-2.3.0
  • <commitId>
    Checks out the specified commit.
    E.g. 5062ac843f2b947733e6a3b105977056821bd352, 5062ac84, …
    It is also possible to use environment variables. In this case the variables are evaluated and the
    result is used as described above.
    E.g. ${TREEISH}, refs/tags/${TAGNAME}, …
  • <Wildcards>
    The syntax is of the form: REPOSITORYNAME/BRANCH.
    In addition, BRANCH is recognized as a shorthand of */BRANCH, ‘*’ is recognized as a wildcard,
    and ‘**’ is recognized as wildcard that includes the separator ‘/’. Therefore, origin/branches* would
    match origin/branches-foo but not origin/branches/foo, while origin/branches** would
    match both origin/branches-foo and origin/branches/foo.
  • :<regular expression>
    The syntax is of the form: :regexp.
    Regular expression syntax in branches to build will only
    build those branches whose names match the regular

    • :^(?!(origin/prefix)).*
      • matches: origin or origin/master or origin/feature
      • does not match: origin/prefix or origin/prefix_123 or origin/prefix-abc
    • :origin/release-d{8}
      • matches: origin/release-20150101
      • does not match: origin/release-2015010 or origin/release-201501011 or origin/release-20150101-something
    • :^(?!origin/master$|origin/develop$).*
      • matches: origin/branch1 or origin/branch-2 or origin/master123 or origin/develop-123
      • does not match: origin/master or origin/develop



Defines the repository browser that displays changes detected by the git plugin.

Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AssemblaWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the Bitbucket Server root URL for this repository (such as https://bitbucket:7990/OWNER/REPO/).


$class: 'BitbucketWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'CGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'FisheyeGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the URL of this repository in FishEye (such as


$class: 'GitBlitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository.



Specify the name of the project in GitBlit.


$class: 'GitLab'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlabserver:port/group/REPO/).


version (optional)

Specify the major and minor version of GitLab you use (such as 9.1). If you
don’t specify a version, a modern version of GitLab (>= 8.0) is assumed.


$class: 'GitList'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlistserver:port/REPO/).


$class: 'GitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GithubWeb'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s GitHub page (such as


$class: 'Gitiles'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GitoriousWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GogsGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'KilnGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Phabricator'

Specify the phabricator instance root URL (such as



Specify the repository name in phabricator (such as the foo part of


$class: 'RedmineWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://SERVER/PATH/projects/PROJECT/repository).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s RhodeCode page (such as


$class: 'ScmManagerGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Stash'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s Stash page (such as


$class: 'TFS2013GitRepositoryBrowser'

Either the name of the remote whose URL should be used, or the URL of this
module in TFS (such as
If empty (default), the URL of the «origin» repository is used.

If TFS is also used as the repository server, this can usually be left blank.


$class: 'ViewGitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the name of the project in ViewGit (e.g. scripts, scuttle etc. from



Absolute path to the git executable.

This is different from other Jenkins tool definitions.
Rather than providing the directory that contains the executable, you must provide the complete path to the executable.
Setting ‘/usr/bin/git‘ would be correct, while setting ‘/usr/bin/‘ is not correct.



Extensions add new behavior or modify existing plugin behavior for different uses.
Extensions help users more precisely tune plugin behavior to meet their needs.

Extensions include:

  • Clone extensions modify the git operations that retrieve remote changes into the agent workspace.
    The extensions can adjust the amount of history retrieved, how long the retrieval is allowed to run, and other retrieval details.
  • Checkout extensions modify the git operations that place files in the workspace from the git repository on the agent.
    The extensions can adjust the maximum duration of the checkout operation, the use and behavior of git submodules, the location of the workspace on the disc, and more.
  • Changelog extensions adapt the source code difference calculations for different cases.
  • Tagging extensions allow the plugin to apply tags in the current workspace.
  • Build initiation extensions control the conditions that start a build.
    They can ignore notifications of a change or force a deeper evaluation of the commits when polling.
  • Merge extensions can optionally merge changes from other branches into the current branch of the agent workspace.
    They control the source branch for the merge and the options applied to the merge.


Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AuthorInChangelog'

The default behavior is to use the Git commit’s «Committer» value in Jenkins’ build changesets.
If this option is selected, the Git commit’s «Author» value would be used instead.

$class: 'BuildChooserSetting'

When you are interested in using a job to build multiple heads (most typically multiple branches),
you can choose how Jenkins choose what branches to build in what order.

This extension point in Jenkins is used by many other plugins to control the job to build
specific commits. When you activate those plugins, you may see them installing a custom strategy

Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AncestryBuildChooser'




$class: 'DefaultBuildChooser'
$class: 'InverseBuildChooser'
$class: 'BuildSingleRevisionOnly'

Disable scheduling for multiple candidate revisions.
If we have 3 branches:
—-A—.—.— B
jenkins would try to build (B) and (C).
This behaviour disables this and only builds one of them.
It is helpful to reduce the load of the Jenkins infrastructure when the
SCM system like Bitbucket or GitHub should decide what commits to build.

$class: 'ChangelogToBranch'

This method calculates the changelog against the specified branch.

Nested object

Name of the repository, such as origin, that contains the branch you specify below.



The name of the branch within the named repository to compare against.


$class: 'CheckoutOption'

Specify a timeout (in minutes) for checkout.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckout'

Clean up the workspace before every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanCheckout'

Clean up the workspace after every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CloneOption'

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.



Deselect this to perform a clone without tags, saving time and disk space when you just want to access
what is specified by the refspec.



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for clone and fetch operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


honorRefspec (optional)

Perform initial clone using the refspec defined for the repository.
This can save time, data transfer and disk space when you only need
to access the references specified by the refspec.


$class: 'DisableRemotePoll'

Git plugin uses git ls-remote polling mechanism by default when configured with a single branch (no wildcards!).
This compare the latest built commit SHA with the remote branch without cloning a local copy of the repo.

If you don’t want to / can’t use this.

If this option is selected, polling will require a workspace and might trigger unwanted builds (see JENKINS-10131).

$class: 'GitLFSPull'

Enable git large file support for the workspace by pulling large files after the checkout completes.
Requires that the controller and each agent performing an LFS checkout have installed `git lfs`.

$class: 'IgnoreNotifyCommit'

If checked, this repository will be ignored when the notifyCommit-URL is accessed regardless of if the repository
matches or not.

$class: 'LocalBranch'

If given, checkout the revision to build as HEAD on this branch.

If selected, and its value is an empty string or «**», then the branch
name is computed from the remote branch without the origin. In that
case, a remote branch origin/master will be checked out to a local
branch named master, and a remote branch origin/develop/new-feature
will be checked out to a local branch named develop/newfeature.

Please note that this has not been tested with submodules.



$class: 'MessageExclusion'

If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions committed with message matched to
Pattern when determining
if a build needs to be triggered. This can be used to exclude commits done by the build itself from triggering another build,
assuming the build server commits the change with a distinct message.

Exclusion uses Pattern


The example above illustrates that if only revisions with «[maven-release-plugin]» message in first comment line
have been committed to the SCM a build will not occur.

You can create more complex patterns using embedded flag expressions.


This example will search FOO message in all comment lines.


$class: 'PathRestriction'

If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will pay attention to included and/or excluded files and/or
folders when determining if a build needs to be triggered.

Using this behaviour will preclude the faster git ls-remote polling mechanism, forcing polling to require a workspace thus sometimes triggering unwanted builds, as if you had selected the Force polling using workspace extension as well.


Each inclusion uses java regular expression pattern matching,
and must be separated by a new line.
An empty list implies that everything is included.


The example above illustrates that a build will only occur, if html/jpeg/gif files
have been committed to the SCM. Exclusions take precedence over inclusions, if there is
an overlap between included and excluded regions.



Each exclusion uses java regular expression pattern matching,
and must be separated by a new line.


The example above illustrates that if only html/jpeg/gif files have been committed to
the SCM a build will not occur.


$class: 'PerBuildTag'

Create a tag in the workspace for every build to unambiguously mark the commit that was built.
You can combine this with Git publisher to push the tags to the remote repository.

$class: 'PreBuildMerge'

These options allow you to perform a merge to a particular branch before building.
For example, you could specify an integration branch to be built, and to merge to master.
In this scenario, on every change of integration, Jenkins will perform a merge with the master branch,
and try to perform a build if the merge is successful.
It then may push the merge back to the remote repository if the Git Push post-build action is selected.

Nested object

The name of the branch within the named repository to merge to, such as master.


fastForwardMode (optional)

Merge fast-forward mode selection.
The default, —ff, gracefully falls back to a merge commit when required.
For more information, see the Git Merge Documentation

mergeRemote (optional)

Name of the repository, such as origin, that contains the branch you specify below. If left blank,
it’ll default to the name of the first repository configured above.


mergeStrategy (optional)

Merge strategy selection.
This feature is not fully implemented in JGIT.









$class: 'PruneStaleBranch'

Run «git remote prune» for each remote, to prune obsolete local branches.



$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory'

Specify a local directory (relative to the workspace root)
where the Git repository will be checked out. If left empty, the workspace root itself
will be used.

This extension should not be used in Jenkins Pipeline (either declarative or scripted).
Jenkins Pipeline already provides standard techniques for checkout to a subdirectory.
Use ws and
in Jenkins Pipeline rather than this extension.


$class: 'ScmName'

Unique name for this SCM. Needed when using Git within the Multi SCM plugin.



$class: 'SparseCheckoutPaths'

Specify the paths that you’d like to sparse checkout. This may be used for saving space (Think about a reference repository).
Be sure to use a recent version of Git, at least above 1.7.10



Nested object


$class: 'SubmoduleOption'

By disabling support for submodules you can still keep using basic
git plugin functionality and just have Jenkins to ignore submodules
completely as if they didn’t exist.



Retrieve all submodules recursively

(uses ‘—recursive’ option which requires git>=1.6.5)



Retrieve the tip of the configured branch in .gitmodules

(Uses ‘—remote’ option which requires git>=1.8.2)



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.
To prepare a reference folder with multiple subprojects, create a bare git repository and add all the remote urls then perform a fetch:

  git init --bare
  git remote add SubProject1
  git remote add SubProject2
  git fetch --all



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for submodules operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).



Use credentials from the default remote of the parent project.


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


shallow (optional)

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.


threads (optional)

Specify the number of threads that will be used to update submodules.
If unspecified, the command line git default thread count is used.


$class: 'UserExclusion'

If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions committed by users in this list when determining if a build needs to be triggered. This can be used to exclude commits done by the build itself from triggering another build, assuming the build server commits the change with a distinct SCM user.

Using this behaviour will preclude the faster git ls-remote polling mechanism, forcing polling to require a workspace thus sometimes triggering unwanted builds, as if you had selected the Force polling using workspace extension as well.

Each exclusion uses exact string comparison and must be separated by a new line.
User names are only excluded if they exactly match one of the names in this list.


The example above illustrates that if only revisions by «auto_build_user» have been committed to the SCM a build will not occur.


$class: 'UserIdentity'

If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.


$class: 'WipeWorkspace'

Delete the contents of the workspace before building, ensuring a fully fresh workspace.

doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations (optional)

Removed facility that was intended to test combinations of git submodule versions.
Removed in git plugin 4.6.0.
Ignores the user provided value and always uses false as its value.


submoduleCfg (optional)

Removed facility that was intended to test combinations of git submodule versions.
Removed in git plugin 4.6.0.
Ignores the user provided value(s) and always uses empty values.


Nested object

Removed in git plugin 4.6.0.



Removed in git plugin 4.6.0.

$class: 'MercurialSCM'

Specify the repository to track. This can be URL or a local file path.
If you are specifying HTTP credentials, do not include a username in the URL.


browser (optional)
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'FishEye'

Specify the root URL serving this repository, such as:


$class: 'GoogleCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'HgWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'Kallithea'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'KilnHG'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCodeLegacy'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'ScmManager'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://YOURSCMMANAGER/scm/repo/NAMESPACE/NAME/).


clean (optional)

When this option is checked, each build will wipe any local modifications
or untracked files in the repository checkout.
This is often a convenient way to ensure that a build is not
using any artifacts from earlier builds.


credentialsId (optional)

Optional credentials to use when cloning or pulling from the remote repository.
Supports username/password with HTTP(S) URLs, and SSH private key with SSH URLs.


disableChangeLog (optional)

When checked, Hudson will not calculate the Mercurial changelog for each build.
Disabling the changelog can decrease the amount of time needed to update a
very large repository.


installation (optional)


modules (optional)

Reduce unnecessary builds by specifying a comma or space delimited list of «modules» within the repository.
A module is a directory name within the repository that this project lives in. If this field is set,
changes outside the specified modules will not trigger a build (even though the whole repository is checked
out anyway due to the Mercurial limitation.)


revision (optional)

Specify the branch or tag name you would like to track.
(If you do not type anything, the default value is the default branch.)


revisionType (optional)

Specify the kind of revision you expect Jenkins to update your working copy to.






subdir (optional)

If not empty, check out the Mercurial repository into this subdirectory of the
job’s workspace. For example: my/sources (use forward slashes).
If changing this entry, you probably want to clean the workspace first.


$class: 'SubversionSCM'

Checks out the source code from Subversion repositories. See
post-commit hook set up for improved turn-around time and
performance in polling.



Nested object





Specify a local directory (relative to the workspace root)
where this module is checked out. If left empty, the last path component of the URL
is used as the default, just like the


A single period (.) may be used to check out the project directly
into the workspace rather than into a subdirectory.



option for checkout and update commands. Default value is



  • empty includes only the immediate target of the operation, not any of its file or directory children.
  • files includes the immediate target of the operation and any of its immediate file children.
  • immediates includes the immediate target of the operation and any of its immediate file or directory children. The directory children will themselves be empty.
  • infinity includes the immediate target, its file and directory children, its children’s children, and so on to full recursion.
  • as-it-is takes the working depth from the current working copy, allows for setting update depth manually using —set-depth option.

More information can be found



«—ignore-externals» option will be used with svn checkout, svn update commands to disable externals definition processing.

More information can be found

Note: there is the potential to leverage svn:externals to gain read access to the entire
Subversion repository. This can happen if you follow the normal practice of giving Jenkins
credentials with read access to the entire Subversion repository. You will also need to provide the credentials
to use when checking/polling out the svn:externals using the Additional Credentials option.



Determines if the process should be cancelled when checkout/update svn:externals failed. Will work when «Ignore externals» box is not checked.
Default choice is to cancelled the process when checkout/update svn:externals failed.


Nested choice of objects
$class: 'CheckoutUpdater'
$class: 'NoopUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateWithCleanUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateWithRevertUpdater'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'Assembla'


$class: 'CollabNetSVN'

The repository browser URL for the root of the project.
For example, a project called


would use



$class: 'FishEyeSVN'

Specify the URL of this module in FishEye.
(such as




Specify the root Subversion module that this FishEye monitors.
For example, for

this field would be


because it displays the directory «/ant»
of the ASF repo. If FishEye is configured to display the whole SVN repository,
leave this field empty.






$class: 'SVNWeb'


$class: 'ScmManagerSvnRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Sventon'

Specify the URL of the Sventon repository browser.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



Specify the Sventon repository instance name that references this subversion repository.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



$class: 'Sventon2'

Specify the URL of the Sventon repository browser.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



Specify the Sventon repository instance name that references this subversion repository.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



$class: 'ViewSVN'

Specify the root URL of ViewSVN for this repository
(such as this).


$class: 'VisualSVN'


$class: 'WebSVN'



If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any files and/or
folders in this list when determining if a build needs to be triggered.

Each exclusion uses regular expression pattern matching, and must be separated by a new line.


The example above illustrates that if only html/jpeg/gif files have been committed to
the SCM a build will not occur.

More information on regular expressions can be found



If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions committed by users in this list when determining if a build needs to be triggered. This can be used to exclude commits done by the build itself from triggering another build, assuming the build server commits the change with a distinct SCM user.

Each exclusion uses literal pattern matching, and must be separated by a new line.


The example above illustrates that if only revisions by «auto_build_user» have been committed to the SCM a build will not occur.



If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions
that are marked with the given revision property (revprop) when determining if
a build needs to be triggered. This can be used to exclude commits done by the
build itself from triggering another build, assuming the build server commits
the change with the correct revprop.

This type of exclusion only works with Subversion 1.5 servers and newer.

More information on revision properties can be found



If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions
with commit messages containing any of the given regular expressions when
determining if a build needs to be triggered.



If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any files and/or
folders that are not in this list when determining if a build needs to be triggered.

Each inclusion uses regular expression pattern matching, and must be separated by a new line.

This is useful when you need to check out an entire resource for building, but only want to do
the build when a subset has changed.


If /trunk/myapp is checked out, the build will only occur when there are changes to
either the c/library1 and c/library2 subtrees.

If there are also excluded regions specified, then a file is not ignored when it is in
the included list and not in the excluded list.

More information on regular expressions can be found



If set, Jenkins ignores svn-property only changes of directories.
These changes are ignored when determining whether a build should be triggered and are removed from a
build’s changeset.
Main usage of this property is to ignore svn:mergeinfo changes (which would otherwise e.g. lead to a complete rebuild
of a maven project, in spite of incremental build option).



If set Jenkins will apply the same inclusion and exclusion patterns for displaying changelog entries as it does for polling for changes.
If this is disabled, changes which are excluded for polling are still displayed in the changelog.



If there are additional credentials required in order to obtain a complete checkout of the source, they can be
provided here.

The realm is how the repository self-identifies to a client. It usually has the following format:

<proto://host:port> Realm Name

  • proto is the protocol, e.g. http or svn.
  • host is the host how it’s accessed by Jenkins, e.g. as IP address, host name svnserver, or host name and domain
  • port is the port, even if not explicitly specified. By default, this is 80 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS, 3690 for the svn protocol.
  • Realm Name is how the repository self-identifies. Common options include VisualSVN Server, Subversion Authentication or the UUID of the repository.

To find out the realm, you could do any of the following:

  • If you access the repository via HTTP or HTTPS: Open the repo in a web browser without saved credentials. It will use the Realm Name (see above) in the authentication dialog.
  • Use the command line svn program.
    • If you don’t have stored the credentials, run e.g. svn info https://svnserver/repo and it will tell you the realm when asking you to enter a password, e.g.: Authentication realm: <svn://svnserver:3690> VisualSVN Server.
    • If you have already stored the credentials to access the repository, look for the realm name in one of the files in ~/.subversion/auth/svn/simple; it will be two lines below the line svn:realmstring.
  • When accessing a repository via the svn+ssh protocol, the realm has the format username@svn+ssh://host:port – note that the username is before the svn+ssh://
    (unlike the URL used for normal SVN operations), and that there are no angle brackets and no realm name. For this protocol the default port is 22.

Make sure to enter the realm exactly as shown, starting with a < (except for repositories accessed via svn+ssh – see above).


Nested object

This is the realm that the SvnKit library associates with a specific checkout. For most Subversion servers this
will typically be of the format <scheme://hostname(:port)> name,
while for servers accessed via svn+ssh it is of the format (username@)svn+ssh://hostname(:port).



Select the credential from the list of relevant credentials in order to use that credential for checking out
the source code.



Mimics subversion command line --quiet parameter for check out / update operations to help keep the output shorter. Prints nothing, or only summary information.


changelog (optional)

Enable or Disable ‘Include in changelog’:

If ‘Include in changelog’ is enabled for an SCM source, then when a build occurs, the changes from that SCM source will be included in the changelog.

If ‘Include in changelog’ is disabled, then when a build occurs,
the changes from this SCM source will not be included in the changelog.


poll (optional)

Enable or Disable ‘Include in polling’

If ‘Include in polling’ is enabled or ‘Include in changelog’ is enabled, then when polling occurs, the job will
be started if changes are detected from this SCM source.

If ‘Include in polling’ is disabled and ‘Include in changelog’ is disabled, then when polling occurs, changes
that are detected from this repository will be ignored.


compareVersions: Compare two version number strings

Compare two version numbers with each other.
for how version strings are handled.

The return value is an Integer;

  • -1 if v1 < v2
  • 0 if v1 == v2
  • 1 if v1 > v2

The version number string that will be compared to v2.



The version number string that v1 will be compared to.


failIfEmpty (optional)

Fail the build if v1 or v2 is empty or null.

By default the empty string or null is treated as the lowest version and will not fail the build.

  • null compared to null == 0
  • empty compared to empty == 0
  • null compared to empty == 0
  • null or empty compared to anything == -1
  • anything compared to null or empty == 1


configFileProvider: Provide Configuration files




Name of the file.


replaceTokens (optional)

Decides whether the token should be replaced using macro.


targetLocation (optional)

Name of the file (with optional file relative to workspace directory) where the config file should be copied.


variable (optional)

Name of the variable which can be used as the reference for further configuration.


container: Run build steps in a container

Selects a container of the agent pod so that all shell steps are executed in that container.



shell (optional)

Specifies a shell which will run inside the container
and process requests from Jenkins to run executables,
set environment variables, and similar infrastructure.

This does not affect the shell used to run user code,
such as sh steps.
To run your scripts with a specific shell on Linux, use an interpreter line:

sh '''#!/bin/bash
for x in {0..9}; do echo x; done

or just use a subprocess and an externally versioned script:

sh 'bash'

On Windows, choose between the bat or powershell steps.

For a pod running on Linux, defaults to sh, which should be in $PATH;
for a pod running on Windows, defaults to cmd, which should be in %Path%.
Should not generally be overridden.


createTag: Create Tag (Nexus Repository Manager 3.x)



Tag name is required and must be unique. Name can only contain letters, numbers, underscores, hyphens and dots and
cannot start with an underscore or dot. The name cannot exceed 256 characters


tagAttributesJson (optional)

Optional metadata for the tag in JSON format. These attributes will be merged with those contained in the
attributes file if both are provided. Attributes in this field will override those present in the file


tagAttributesPath (optional)

The file path (environment-aware) to the optional metadata for the tag, using the workspace as the base path


deleteComponents: Delete Components (Nexus Repository Manager 3.x)



Components associated with this tag will be deleted


deleteDir: Recursively delete the current directory from the workspace

Recursively deletes the current directory and its contents.
Symbolic links and junctions will not be followed but will be removed.
To delete a specific directory of a workspace wrap the deleteDir
step in a dir step.

dependencyCheck: Invoke Dependency-Check
additionalArguments (optional)


odcInstallation (optional)


skipOnScmChange (optional)


skipOnUpstreamChange (optional)


dependencyCheckPublisher: Publish Dependency-Check results
failedNewCritical (optional)


failedNewHigh (optional)


failedNewLow (optional)


failedNewMedium (optional)


failedTotalCritical (optional)


failedTotalHigh (optional)


failedTotalLow (optional)


failedTotalMedium (optional)


newThresholdAnalysisExploitable (optional)


pattern (optional)


totalThresholdAnalysisExploitable (optional)


unstableNewCritical (optional)


unstableNewHigh (optional)


unstableNewLow (optional)


unstableNewMedium (optional)


unstableTotalCritical (optional)


unstableTotalHigh (optional)


unstableTotalLow (optional)


unstableTotalMedium (optional)


dependencyTrackPublisher: Publish BOM to Dependency-Track

Specifies the artifact to upload. Dependency-Track supports uploading of CycloneDX bill-of-materials (BOM) formats.

See Best Practices
for additional information.

The value can contain environment variables in the form of ${VARIABLE_NAME} which are resolved.



Synchronous publishing mode uploads a BOM to Dependency-Track and waits for Dependency-Track to process
and return results. The results returned are identical to the auditable findings but exclude findings that
have previously been suppressed. Analysis decisions and vulnerability details are included in the response.

This feature provides per-build results that display all finding details as well as interactive charts that
display trending information.

Synchronous mode is possible with Dependency-Track v3.3.1 and higher.

The API key provided requires the VIEW_VULNERABILITY permission to use this feature with Dependency-Track v4.4 and newer!


autoCreateProjects (optional)

Enable auto creation of projects when authentication is enabled on Dependency-Track and the API key provided has the PROJECT_CREATION_UPLOAD permission.


dependencyTrackApiKey (optional)

When authentication is enabled on Dependency-Track, a valid API key will be required.


dependencyTrackFrontendUrl (optional)

The alternative base URL to the Frontend of Dependency-Track v3 or higher. (i.e. http://hostname:port)

Use this if you run backend and frontend on different servers. If omitted, «Dependency-Track Backend URL» will be used instead.


dependencyTrackUrl (optional)

The base URL to Dependency-Track Backend (i.e. http://hostname:port)


failedNewCritical (optional)


failedNewHigh (optional)


failedNewLow (optional)


failedNewMedium (optional)


failedTotalCritical (optional)


failedTotalHigh (optional)


failedTotalLow (optional)


failedTotalMedium (optional)


overrideGlobals (optional)

Allows to override global settings for «Auto Create Projects», «Dependency-Track URL», «Dependency-Track Frontend URL» and «API key».

Can be ignored in pipelines, just set the properties dependencyTrackUrl, dependencyTrackFrontendUrl, dependencyTrackApiKey and autoCreateProjects as needed.


projectId (optional)

Specifies the unique Project ID of the project to upload scan results to. The Project ID is a UUID
with the following format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

If the list of projects are not displayed (such as an HTTP 403 response), ensure the API key
specified in the global configuration has VIEW_PORTFOLIO permission in addition to BOM_UPLOAD
and/or SCAN_UPLOAD. Permissions are defined in Dependency-Track.


projectName (optional)

Specifies the name of the project for automatic creation of project during the upload process.

This is an alternative to specifying the unique UUID. It must be used together with a project version.

Ensure the API key specified in the global configuration has PROJECT_CREATION_UPLOAD permission and that you have enabled Auto Create Projects.

The value can contain environment variables in the form of ${VARIABLE_NAME} which are resolved.


projectProperties (optional)

Set additional properties for the given project.

The API key provided requires the PORTFOLIO_MANAGEMENT permission to use this feature!

Nested object
description (optional)

The description to be set for the project.


group (optional)

Specifies the value of «Namespace / Group / Vendor» to be set for the project.


swidTagId (optional)

Specifies the SWID Tag ID to be set for the project.


tags (optional)

Specifies the list of tags to be set for the project. Separate multiple tags with spaces or put each tag on a separate line.

All tags are automatically lowercased!

Nested choice of objects
(not enumerable)
projectVersion (optional)

Specifies the version of the project for automatic creation of project during the upload process.

This is an alternative to specifying the unique UUID. It must be used together with a project name.

Ensure the API key specified in the global configuration has PROJECT_CREATION_UPLOAD permission and that you have enabled Auto Create Projects.

The value can contain environment variables in the form of ${VARIABLE_NAME} which are resolved.


unstableNewCritical (optional)


unstableNewHigh (optional)


unstableNewLow (optional)


unstableNewMedium (optional)


unstableTotalCritical (optional)


unstableTotalHigh (optional)


unstableTotalLow (optional)


unstableTotalMedium (optional)


dir: Change current directory

Change current directory. Any step inside the dir block will
use this directory as current and any relative path will use it as base path.


The relative path of the directory in the workspace to use as a new working directory.


discoverReferenceBuild: Discover reference build
referenceJob (optional)

The reference job is the baseline that is used to determine which of the issues in the current
build are new, outstanding, or fixed. This baseline is also used to determine the number of new issues for the
quality gate evaluation.


echo: Print Message

The message to write to the console output.


error: Error signal

Signals an error.
Useful if you want to conditionally abort some part of your program.
You can also just throw new Exception(),
but this step will avoid printing a stack trace.


The message that will be logged to the console when an error is caught.


fileExists: Verify if file exists in workspace

Checks if the given file exists on the current node.
Returns true | false.

This step must be run inside a node context:

# Declarative Syntax
stage ('Check for existence of index.html') {
    agent any # Could be a top-level directive or a stage level directive
    steps {
        script {
            if (fileExists('src/main/rersources/index.html') {
                echo "File src/main/rersources/index.html found!"

With the Declarative Syntax, it must be run in a stage with a defined agent (e.g. different than `agent none`):

# Scripted Syntax
node {
    if (fileExists('src/main/rersources/index.html') {
        echo "File src/main/rersources/index.html found!"

Path to a file or a directory to verify its existence.

  • Both absolute and relative paths are supported. When using relative path, it is relative to the current working directory (by default: the workspace).
  • Both Unix and Windows path are supported using a


    node('Linux') {
        if (fileExists('/usr/local/bin/') {
            sh '/usr/local/bin/'
    node('Windows') {
        if (fileExists('C:/jenkins.exe') {
            bat 'C:/jenkins.exe'

    When using a Windows path with the backslash (


    ) separator, do not forget to escape it:

    node(‘Windows’) {
    if (fileExists(‘src\main\resources’) {
    echo ‘Found a directory resources.’


findFiles: Find files in the workspace

Find files in the current working directory.
The step returns an array of file info objects who’s properties you can see in the below example.

def files = findFiles(glob: '**/TEST-*.xml')
echo """${files[0].name}

excludes (optional)


glob (optional)

Ant style pattern
of file paths that should match. If this property is set all descendants of the
current working directory will be searched for a match and returned,
if it is omitted only the direct descendants of the directory will be returned.


fingerprint: Record fingerprints of files to track usage

Jenkins can record the ‘fingerprint’ of files (most often jar files) to keep track
of where/when those files are produced and used. When you have inter-dependent
projects on Jenkins, this allows you to quickly find out answers to questions like:

  • I have foo.jar on my HDD but which build number of FOO did it come from?
  • My BAR project depends on foo.jar from the FOO project.
    • Which build of foo.jar is used in BAR #51?
    • Which build of BAR contains my bug fix to foo.jar #32?

To use this feature, all of the involved projects (not just the project
in which a file is produced, but also the projects in which the file
is used) need to use this and record fingerprints.

See this document
for more details.



caseSensitive (optional)

Fingerprinter uses Ant which by default is case sensitive.
For instance, if the job produces *.hpi files, pattern «**/*.HPI» will fail to find them.

This option can be used to disable case sensitivity. When it’s unchecked, pattern «**/*.HPI» will match any *.hpi files, or pattern «**/cAsEsEnSiTiVe.jar» will match a file called caseSensitive.jar.


defaultExcludes (optional)


excludes (optional)

Optionally specify the ‘excludes’ pattern, such as «foo/bar/**/*». Use «,» to set a list of patterns.
A file that matches this mask will not be fingerprinted even if it matches the
mask specified in ‘files to fingerprint’ section.


git: Git

Git step. It performs a clone from the specified repository.

Use the Pipeline Syntax Snippet Generator to generate a sample pipeline script for the git step.
More advanced checkout operations require the checkout step rather than the git step.
Examples of the git step include:

  • Git step with defaults
  • Git step with https and a specific branch
  • Git step with ssh and a private key credential
  • Git step with https and changelog disabled
  • Git step with git protocol and polling disabled

See the argument descriptions for more details.

The git step is a simplified shorthand for a subset of the more powerful checkout step:

checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']],
    userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'http://git-server/user/repository.git']]])

NOTE: The checkout step is the preferred SCM checkout method.
It provides significantly more functionality than the git step.

Use the Pipeline Syntax Snippet Generator to generate a sample pipeline script for the checkout step.

The checkout step can be used in many cases where the git step cannot be used.
Refer to the git plugin documentation for detailed descriptions of options available to the checkout step.
For example, the git step does not support:

  • SHA-1 checkout
  • Tag checkout
  • Submodule checkout
  • Sparse checkout
  • Large file checkout (LFS)
  • Reference repositories
  • Branch merges
  • Repository tagging
  • Custom refspecs
  • Timeout configuration
  • Changelog calculation against a non-default reference
  • Stale branch pruning

Example: Git step with defaults

Checkout from the git plugin source repository using https protocol, no credentials, and the master branch.

The Pipeline Syntax Snippet Generator generates this example:

git ''

Example: Git step with https and a specific branch

Checkout from the Jenkins source repository using https protocol, no credentials, and a specific branch (stable-2.204).
Note that this must be a local branch name like ‘master’ or ‘develop’.

Branch names that are not supported by the git step

  • Remote branch names like ‘origin/master’ and ‘origin/develop’ are not supported as the branch argument
  • SHA-1 hashes are not supported as the branch argument
  • Tag names are not supported as the branch argument

Remote branch names, SHA-1 hashes, and tag names are supported by the general purpose checkout step.

The Pipeline Syntax Snippet Generator generates this example:

git branch: 'stable-2.204',
    url: ''

Example: Git step with ssh and a private key credential

Checkout from the git client plugin source repository using ssh protocol, private key credentials, and the master branch.
The credential must be a private key credential if the remote git repository is accessed with the ssh protocol.
The credential must be a username / password credential if the remote git repository is accessed with http or https protocol.

The Pipeline Syntax Snippet Generator generates this example:

git credentialsId: 'my-private-key-credential-id',
    url: ''

Example: Git step with https and changelog disabled

Checkout from the Jenkins source repository using https protocol, no credentials, the master branch, and changelog calculation disabled.
If changelog is false, then the changelog will not be computed for this job.
If changelog is true or is not set, then the changelog will be computed.
See the workflow scm step documentation for more changelog details.

The Pipeline Syntax Snippet Generator generates this example:

git changelog: false,
    url: ''

Example: Git step with https protocol and polling disabled

Checkout from the Jenkins platform labeler repository using https protocol, no credentials, the master branch, and no polling for changes.
If poll is false, then the remote repository will not be polled for changes.
If poll is true or is not set, then the remote repository will be polled for changes.
See the workflow scm step documentation for more polling details.

The Pipeline Syntax Snippet Generator generates this example:

git poll: false,
    url: ''

Argument Descriptions


URL of the repository to be checked out in the workspace. Required parameter.

Repository URL’s should follow the git URL guidelines.
Git steps to access a secured repository should provide a Jenkins credential with the credentialsId argument rather than embedding credentials in the URL.
Credentials embedded in a repository URL may be visible in console logs or in other log files.


branch (optional)

Branch to be checked out in the workspace.
Default is ‘master‘.

Note that this must be a local branch name like ‘master’ or ‘develop’.
Remote branch names like ‘origin/master’ and ‘origin/develop’ are not supported as the branch argument.
Tag names are not supported as the branch argument.
SHA-1 hashes are not supported as the branch argument.
Remote branch names, tag names, and SHA-1 hashes are supported by the general purpose checkout step.


changelog (optional)

Compute changelog for this job. Default is ‘true‘.

If changelog is false, then the changelog will not be computed for this job.
If changelog is true or is not set, then the changelog will be computed.


credentialsId (optional)

Identifier of the credential used to access the remote git repository. Default is ‘<empty>’.

The credential must be a private key credential if the remote git repository is accessed with the ssh protocol.
The credential must be a username / password credential if the remote git repository is accessed with http or https protocol.


poll (optional)

Poll remote repository for changes. Default is ‘true‘.

If poll is false, then the remote repository will not be polled for changes.
If poll is true or is not set, then the remote repository will be polled for changes.


googleStorageBucketLifecycle: Google Storage Bucket Lifecycle






googleStorageBuildLogUpload: Google Storage Build Log Upload






pathPrefix (optional)


sharedPublicly (optional)


showInline (optional)


googleStorageDownload: Google Storage Download



This specifies the cloud object to download from Cloud Storage.
You can view these by visiting the «Cloud Storage» section of the Cloud Console for your project.
A single asterisk can be specified in the object path (not the bucket name), past the last «/». The asterisk behaves consistently with gsutil. For example, gs://my-bucket-name/pre/a_*.txt would match the objects in cloud bucket my-bucket-name that are named pre/a_2.txt or pre/a_abc23-4.txt, but not pre/a_2/log.txt.



The local directory that will store the downloaded files. The path specified is considered relative to the build’s workspace. Example value:

  • path/to/dir


pathPrefix (optional)

The specified prefix will be stripped from all downloaded filenames. Filenames that do not start with this prefix will not be modified. If this prefix does not have a trailing slash, it will be added automatically.


googleStorageUpload: Google Storage Classic Upload






pathPrefix (optional)


sharedPublicly (optional)


showInline (optional)


input: Wait for interactive input

This step pauses Pipeline execution and allows the user to interact and control the flow of the build.
Only a basic «proceed» or «abort» option is provided in the stage view.

You can optionally request information back, hence the name of the step.
The parameter entry screen can be accessed via a link at the bottom of the build console log or
via link in the sidebar for a build.


This parameter gives a prompt which will be shown to a human:

    Ready to go?
    Proceed or Abort

If you click «Proceed» the build will proceed to the next step, if you click «Abort» the build will be aborted.


id (optional)

Every input step has an unique ID. It is used in the generated URL to proceed or abort.

A specific ID could be used, for example, to mechanically respond to the input from some external process/tool.


ok (optional)


parameters (optional)

Request that the submitter specify one or more parameter values when approving.
If just one parameter is listed, its value will become the value of the input step.
If multiple parameters are listed, the return value will be a map keyed by the parameter names.
If parameters are not requested, the step returns nothing if approved.

On the parameter entry screen you are able to enter values for parameters that are defined in this field.


Nested choice of objects


defaultValue (optional)


description (optional)




description (optional)


choices (optional)
Nested choice of objects
(not enumerable)

Defines a credentials parameter, which you can use during a build.

For security reasons, the credential is NOT directly exposed, the ID of the credential is exposed.

However, the selected credential is available through variable substitution in some other parts of the configuration.
The string value will be the ID of the credential. A supporting plugin can thus use the ID to retrieve
the selected credential and expose it to the build in an appropriate way.




The default credentials to use.





When this option is selected, the credentials selection drop down will not provide the empty selection as one of
the options. This will not prevent a build without a value if there are no credentials available, for example
if the job does not have access to any credentials of the correct type or there is no default value and the
user starting the build either does not have any credentials of the correct type in their personal credentials
store or they do not have permissions on the job to use credentials from their personal store.


description (optional)




description (optional)


$class: 'ListSubversionTagsParameterDefinition'

When used, this parameter will display a field at build-time so that the user
is able to select a Subversion tag from which to create the working copy for
this project.

Once the two fields Name and Repository URL
are set, you must

  1. ensure the job uses Subversion and
  2. set the Repository URL field of Subversion
    by concatenating the two fields of this parameter.

For instance, if Name is set to SVN_TAG and
Repository URL is set to,
then Subversion‘s Repository URL must be set to$SVN_TAG.

Notice that you can set the Repository URL field to a Subversion
repository root rather than just pointing to a tags dir (ie, you
can set it to rather than In that case, if this repository
root contains the trunk, branches and tags
folders, then the dropdown will allow the user to pick the trunk, or a
branch, or a tag.




Specify the Subversion repository URL which contains the tags to be listed
when triggering a new build.

You can also specify the root of a Subversion repository: If this root contains
the trunk, branches and tags folders,
then the dropdown will display trunk, all the branches and all the
tags. If the root does not contain these three folders, then all its subfolders
are listed in the dropdown.

When you enter the URL, Jenkins automatically checks if it can connect to it.
If access requires authentication, you’ll be prompted for the necessary
credential. If you already have a working credential but would like to change
it for some other reasons, you can manage credentials and specify a different credential.





Specify a
regular expression which will be used to filter the tags which are actually
displayed when triggering a new build.



For features such as SVN polling a default value is required. If job will only
be started manually, this field is not necessary.



The maximum number of tags to display in the dropdown. Any non-number value
will default to all.



Check this option so that tags are sorted from the newest to the oldest.

If this option is checked, the Sort Z to A one won’t be taken into



Check this option so that tags are displayed in reverse order (sorted Z to A).

Notice that if Sort newest first is checked, this option won’t be taken
into account.


description (optional)



Pass a password to your build.
The password entered here is made available to the build in plain text as an environment variable like a string parameter would be.
The value will be stored encrypted on the Jenkins controller, similar to passwords in Jenkins configuration.



org.kohsuke.stapler.NoStaplerConstructorException: There's no @DataBoundConstructor on any constructor of class hudson.util.Secret
description (optional)


$class: 'PromotedBuildParameterDefinition'






description (optional)












description (optional)




defaultValue (optional)


description (optional)


trim (optional)

Strip whitespace from the beginning and end of the string.




defaultValue (optional)


description (optional)


trim (optional)

Strip whitespace from the beginning and end of the string.


submitter (optional)

User IDs and/or external group names of person or people permitted to respond to the input, separated by ‘,’.
Spaces will be trimmed. This means that «alice, bob, blah » is the same as «alice,bob,blah».
Note: Jenkins administrators are able to respond to the input regardless of the value of this parameter.


submitterParameter (optional)

If specified, this is the name of the return value that will contain the ID of the user that approves this

The return value will be handled in a fashion similar to the parameters value.


isUnix: Checks if running on a Unix-like node

Returns true if enclosing node is running on a Unix-like system (such as Linux or Mac OS X), false if Windows.

javadoc: Publish Javadoc



If you check this option, Jenkins will retain Javadoc for each successful build.
This allows you to browse Javadoc for older builds, at the expense of additional
disk space requirement.

If you leave this option unchecked, Jenkins will only keep the latest Javadoc,
so older Javadoc will be overwritten as new builds succeed.


jobDsl: Process Job DSLs
additionalClasspath (optional)

Newline separated list of additional classpath entries for the Job DSL scripts. All entries must be relative to the
workspace root, e.g. build/classes/main. Supports Ant-style patterns like lib/*.jar.


additionalParameters (optional)
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>
failOnMissingPlugin (optional)

If checked, the build will be marked as failed if a plugin must be installed or updated to support all features used
in the DSL scripts. If not checked, the build will be marked as unstable instead.


failOnSeedCollision (optional)

Fail build if generated item(s) have the same name as existing items already managed by another seed job. By default, this plugin will always regenerate all jobs and views, thus updating previously generated jobs and views even if managed by another seed job. Check this box if you wish to fail the job if a generated item name collision is detected.


ignoreExisting (optional)

Ignore previously generated jobs and views. By default, this plugin will always regenerate all jobs and views, thus updating previously generated jobs and views. Check this box if you wish to leave previous jobs and views as is.


ignoreMissingFiles (optional)

Ignore missing DSL scripts. If not checked, the build step will fail if a configured script is missing or if
a wildcard does not match any files.


lookupStrategy (optional)

Determines how relative job names in DSL scripts are interpreted. You will only see a difference when
the seed job is located in a

  • Jenkins Root
    When this option is selected relative job names are always interpreted relative to the Jenkins root.
  • Seed Job
    If you choose this option relative job names in DSL scripts will be
    interpreted relative to the folder in which the seed job is located. Suppose you have a seed job which is
    located in a folder named seedJobFolder and a DSL script which creates a job named
    subfolder2/job. The job that is created by the seed job will be at the location




removedConfigFilesAction (optional)

Specifies what to do when previously generated config files are not referenced anymore.

Note: when using multiple Job DSL build steps in a single job, set this to «Delete» only for the last Job
DSL build step. Otherwise config files may be deleted and re-created. See
JENKINS-44142 for details.

removedJobAction (optional)

Specifies what to do when a previously generated job is not referenced anymore.

Note: when using multiple Job DSL build steps in a single job, set this to «Delete» or «Disable» only for
the last Job DSL build step. Otherwise jobs will be deleted and re-created or disabled and re-enabled and you
may lose the job history of generated jobs. See
JENKINS-44142 for details.





removedViewAction (optional)

Specifies what to do when a previously generated view is not referenced anymore.

Note: when using multiple Job DSL build steps in a single job, set this to «Delete» only for the last Job
DSL build step. Otherwise views may be deleted and re-created. See
JENKINS-44142 for details.

sandbox (optional)

If checked, runs the DSL scripts in a sandbox with limited abilities.
You will also need to configure this job to run with the identity of a particular user.
If unchecked, and you are not a Jenkins administrator,
you will need to wait for an administrator to approve the scripts.


scriptText (optional)

DSL Script, which is groovy code. Look at documentation for details on the syntax.


targets (optional)

Newline separated list of DSL scripts, located in the Workspace.
Can use wildcards like ‘jobs/**/*.groovy’. See
the @includes of Ant fileset
for the exact format.

Scripts are executed in the same order as specified. The execution order of expanded wildcards is unspecified.


unstableOnDeprecation (optional)

If checked, marks the build as unstable when using deprecated features. If not checked, a warning will be
printed to the build log only.


useScriptText (optional)


junit: Archive JUnit-formatted test results

Jenkins understands the JUnit test report XML format (which is also used by TestNG).
When this option is configured, Jenkins can provide useful information about test results,
such as historical test result trends, a web UI for viewing test reports, tracking failures,
and so on.

To use this feature, first set up your build to run tests, then
specify the path to JUnit XML files in the
Ant glob syntax,
such as **/build/test-reports/*.xml. Be sure not to include any non-report
files into this pattern. You can specify multiple patterns of files separated by commas.



allowEmptyResults (optional)

If checked, the default behavior of failing a build on missing test result files
or empty test results is changed to not affect the status of the build.
Please note that this setting make it harder to spot misconfigured jobs or
build failures where the test tool does not exit with an error code when
not producing test report files.


checksName (optional)

If provided, and publishing checks enabled, the plugin will use this name when publishing results to corresponding
SCM hosting platforms. If not, a default including the current stage / branch names will be used.


healthScaleFactor (optional)

The amplification factor to apply to test failures when computing the test result contribution to the build health

The default factor is 1.0

  • A factor of 0.0 will disable the test result contribution to build health score.
  • A factor of 0.1 means that 10% of tests failing will score 99% health
  • A factor of 0.5 means that 10% of tests failing will score 95% health
  • A factor of 1.0 means that 10% of tests failing will score 90% health
  • A factor of 2.0 means that 10% of tests failing will score 80% health
  • A factor of 2.5 means that 10% of tests failing will score 75% health
  • A factor of 5.0 means that 10% of tests failing will score 50% health
  • A factor of 10.0 means that 10% of tests failing will score 0% health

The factor is persisted with the build results, so changes will only be reflected in new builds.


keepLongStdio (optional)

If checked, any standard output or error from a test suite will be retained
in the test results after the build completes. (This refers only to additional
messages printed to console, not to a failure stack trace.) Such output is
always kept if the test failed, but by default lengthy output from passing
tests is truncated to save space. Check this option if you need to see every
log message from even passing tests, but beware that Jenkins’s memory consumption
can substantially increase as a result, even if you never look at the test results!


skipMarkingBuildUnstable (optional)

If this option is unchecked, then the plugin will mark the build as unstable when it finds at least 1 test failure.
If this option is checked, then the build will still be successful even if there are test failures reported.
In any case, the corresponding pipeline node (and stage) will be marked as unstable in case of test failure.


skipOldReports (optional)


skipPublishingChecks (optional)

If this option is unchecked, then the plugin automatically publishes the test results to corresponding SCM hosting platforms.
For example, if you are using this feature for a GitHub organization project, the warnings will be published to
GitHub through the Checks API. If this operation slows down your build, or you don’t want to publish the warnings to
SCM platforms, you can use this option to deactivate this feature.


testDataPublishers (optional)
kubeconfig: Setup Kubernetes CLI (kubectl)

Configure Kubernetes client (kubectl) so it can be used in the build to run Kubernetes commands


URL of the Kubernetes API endpoint. If not set the connection options will be autoconfigured from service account or kube config file.





The base64 encoded certificate of the certificate authority (CA). It is used to verify the server certificate.

Leaving this field empty will skip the certificate verification.


library: Load a library on the fly

Load a library dynamically rather than using @Library syntax.
You may use global variables defined in the library thereafter:

library 'mylib@master'

You may also load classes defined in the library by selecting their fully-qualified names
like properties on the return value of this step, then call static methods
or call constructors as if they were a method named new:

def utils = library('mylib')

A library name to load.
Should normally match that of a predefined library.
You can append a version after @.
You may instead define a library inline here.


changelog (optional)

Whether to include any changes in the library
in the recent changes of jobs using the library.
Defaults to including the changes.


retriever (optional)
Nested choice of objects
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'GitSCM'

The git plugin provides fundamental git operations for Jenkins projects.
It can poll, fetch, checkout, and merge contents of git repositories.

The git plugin provides an SCM implementation to be used with the Pipeline SCM checkout step.
The Pipeline Syntax Snippet Generator guides the user to select git plugin checkout options and provides online help for each of the options.


Specify the repository to track. This can be a URL or a local file path.
Note that for super-projects (repositories with submodules), only a local file
path or a complete URL is valid. The following are examples of valid git URLs.

  • ssh://
  • (short notation for ssh protocol)
  • ssh:// (to access the repos/R.git
    repository in the user’s home directory)

If the repository is a super-project, the
location from which to clone submodules is dependent on whether the repository
is bare or non-bare (i.e. has a working directory).

  • If the super-project is bare, the location of the submodules will be
    taken from .gitmodules.
  • If the super-project is not bare, it is assumed that the
    repository has each of its submodules cloned and checked out appropriately.
    Thus, the submodules will be taken directly from a path like
    ${SUPER_PROJECT_URL}/${SUBMODULE}, rather than relying on
    information from .gitmodules.

For a local URL/path to a super-project,
git rev-parse —is-bare-repository
is used to detect whether the super-project is bare or not.

For a remote URL to a super-project, the ending of the URL determines whether
a bare or non-bare repository is assumed:

  • If the remote URL ends with /.git, a non-bare repository is
  • If the remote URL does NOT end with /.git, a bare
    repository is assumed.


Nested object

Specify the URL or path of the git repository.
This uses the same syntax as your git clone command.



ID of the repository, such as origin, to uniquely identify this repository among other remote repositories.
This is the same «name» that you use in your git remote command. If left empty,
Jenkins will generate unique names for you.

You normally want to specify this when you have multiple remote repositories.



A refspec controls the remote refs to be retrieved and how they map to local refs. If left blank, it will default to
the normal behaviour of git fetch, which retrieves all the branch heads as remotes/REPOSITORYNAME/BRANCHNAME.
This default behaviour is OK for most cases.

In other words, the default refspec is «+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/REPOSITORYNAME/*» where REPOSITORYNAME is the value
you specify in the above «name of repository» textbox.

When do you want to modify this value? A good example is when you want to just retrieve one branch. For example,
+refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master would only retrieve the master branch and nothing else.

The plugin uses a default refspec for its initial fetch, unless the «Advanced Clone Option» is set to honor refspec.
This keeps compatibility with previous behavior, and allows the job definition to decide if the refspec should be
honored on initial clone.

Multiple refspecs can be entered by separating them with a space character.
+refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master +refs/heads/develop:refs/remotes/origin/develop
retrieves the master branch and the develop branch and nothing else.

See the refspec definition in Git user manual for more details.



Credential used to check out sources.



List of branches to build.
Jenkins jobs are most effective when each job builds only a single branch.
When a single job builds multiple branches, the changelog comparisons between branches often show no changes or incorrect changes.


Nested object

Specify the branches if you’d like to track a specific branch in a repository.
If left blank, all branches will be examined for changes and built.

The safest way is to use the refs/heads/<branchName> syntax. This way the expected branch
is unambiguous.

If your branch name has a / in it make sure to use the full reference above. When not presented
with a full path the plugin will only use the part of the string right of the last slash.
Meaning foo/bar will actually match bar.

If you use a wildcard branch specifier, with a slash (e.g. release/),
you’ll need to specify the origin repository in the branch names to
make sure changes are picked up. So e.g. origin/release/

Possible options:

  • <branchName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch. If ambiguous the first result is taken, which is not necessarily
    the expected one. Better use refs/heads/<branchName>.
    E.g. master, feature1, …
  • refs/heads/<branchName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch.
    E.g. refs/heads/master, refs/heads/feature1/master, …
  • <remoteRepoName>/<branchName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch. If ambiguous the first result is taken, which is not necessarily
    the expected one.
    Better use refs/heads/<branchName>.
    E.g. origin/master
  • remotes/<remoteRepoName>/<branchName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch.
    E.g. remotes/origin/master
  • refs/remotes/<remoteRepoName>/<branchName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch.
    E.g. refs/remotes/origin/master
  • <tagName>
    This does not work since the tag will not be recognized as tag.
    Use refs/tags/<tagName> instead.
    E.g. git-2.3.0
  • refs/tags/<tagName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified tag.
    E.g. refs/tags/git-2.3.0
  • <commitId>
    Checks out the specified commit.
    E.g. 5062ac843f2b947733e6a3b105977056821bd352, 5062ac84, …
    It is also possible to use environment variables. In this case the variables are evaluated and the
    result is used as described above.
    E.g. ${TREEISH}, refs/tags/${TAGNAME}, …
  • <Wildcards>
    The syntax is of the form: REPOSITORYNAME/BRANCH.
    In addition, BRANCH is recognized as a shorthand of */BRANCH, ‘*’ is recognized as a wildcard,
    and ‘**’ is recognized as wildcard that includes the separator ‘/’. Therefore, origin/branches* would
    match origin/branches-foo but not origin/branches/foo, while origin/branches** would
    match both origin/branches-foo and origin/branches/foo.
  • :<regular expression>
    The syntax is of the form: :regexp.
    Regular expression syntax in branches to build will only
    build those branches whose names match the regular

    • :^(?!(origin/prefix)).*
      • matches: origin or origin/master or origin/feature
      • does not match: origin/prefix or origin/prefix_123 or origin/prefix-abc
    • :origin/release-d{8}
      • matches: origin/release-20150101
      • does not match: origin/release-2015010 or origin/release-201501011 or origin/release-20150101-something
    • :^(?!origin/master$|origin/develop$).*
      • matches: origin/branch1 or origin/branch-2 or origin/master123 or origin/develop-123
      • does not match: origin/master or origin/develop



Defines the repository browser that displays changes detected by the git plugin.

Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AssemblaWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the Bitbucket Server root URL for this repository (such as https://bitbucket:7990/OWNER/REPO/).


$class: 'BitbucketWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'CGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'FisheyeGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the URL of this repository in FishEye (such as


$class: 'GitBlitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository.



Specify the name of the project in GitBlit.


$class: 'GitLab'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlabserver:port/group/REPO/).


version (optional)

Specify the major and minor version of GitLab you use (such as 9.1). If you
don’t specify a version, a modern version of GitLab (>= 8.0) is assumed.


$class: 'GitList'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlistserver:port/REPO/).


$class: 'GitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GithubWeb'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s GitHub page (such as


$class: 'Gitiles'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GitoriousWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GogsGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'KilnGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Phabricator'

Specify the phabricator instance root URL (such as



Specify the repository name in phabricator (such as the foo part of


$class: 'RedmineWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://SERVER/PATH/projects/PROJECT/repository).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s RhodeCode page (such as


$class: 'ScmManagerGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Stash'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s Stash page (such as


$class: 'TFS2013GitRepositoryBrowser'

Either the name of the remote whose URL should be used, or the URL of this
module in TFS (such as
If empty (default), the URL of the «origin» repository is used.

If TFS is also used as the repository server, this can usually be left blank.


$class: 'ViewGitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the name of the project in ViewGit (e.g. scripts, scuttle etc. from



Absolute path to the git executable.

This is different from other Jenkins tool definitions.
Rather than providing the directory that contains the executable, you must provide the complete path to the executable.
Setting ‘/usr/bin/git‘ would be correct, while setting ‘/usr/bin/‘ is not correct.



Extensions add new behavior or modify existing plugin behavior for different uses.
Extensions help users more precisely tune plugin behavior to meet their needs.

Extensions include:

  • Clone extensions modify the git operations that retrieve remote changes into the agent workspace.
    The extensions can adjust the amount of history retrieved, how long the retrieval is allowed to run, and other retrieval details.
  • Checkout extensions modify the git operations that place files in the workspace from the git repository on the agent.
    The extensions can adjust the maximum duration of the checkout operation, the use and behavior of git submodules, the location of the workspace on the disc, and more.
  • Changelog extensions adapt the source code difference calculations for different cases.
  • Tagging extensions allow the plugin to apply tags in the current workspace.
  • Build initiation extensions control the conditions that start a build.
    They can ignore notifications of a change or force a deeper evaluation of the commits when polling.
  • Merge extensions can optionally merge changes from other branches into the current branch of the agent workspace.
    They control the source branch for the merge and the options applied to the merge.


Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AuthorInChangelog'

The default behavior is to use the Git commit’s «Committer» value in Jenkins’ build changesets.
If this option is selected, the Git commit’s «Author» value would be used instead.

$class: 'BuildChooserSetting'

When you are interested in using a job to build multiple heads (most typically multiple branches),
you can choose how Jenkins choose what branches to build in what order.

This extension point in Jenkins is used by many other plugins to control the job to build
specific commits. When you activate those plugins, you may see them installing a custom strategy

Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AncestryBuildChooser'




$class: 'DefaultBuildChooser'
$class: 'InverseBuildChooser'
$class: 'BuildSingleRevisionOnly'

Disable scheduling for multiple candidate revisions.
If we have 3 branches:
—-A—.—.— B
jenkins would try to build (B) and (C).
This behaviour disables this and only builds one of them.
It is helpful to reduce the load of the Jenkins infrastructure when the
SCM system like Bitbucket or GitHub should decide what commits to build.

$class: 'ChangelogToBranch'

This method calculates the changelog against the specified branch.

Nested object

Name of the repository, such as origin, that contains the branch you specify below.



The name of the branch within the named repository to compare against.


$class: 'CheckoutOption'

Specify a timeout (in minutes) for checkout.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckout'

Clean up the workspace before every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanCheckout'

Clean up the workspace after every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CloneOption'

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.



Deselect this to perform a clone without tags, saving time and disk space when you just want to access
what is specified by the refspec.



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for clone and fetch operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


honorRefspec (optional)

Perform initial clone using the refspec defined for the repository.
This can save time, data transfer and disk space when you only need
to access the references specified by the refspec.


$class: 'DisableRemotePoll'

Git plugin uses git ls-remote polling mechanism by default when configured with a single branch (no wildcards!).
This compare the latest built commit SHA with the remote branch without cloning a local copy of the repo.

If you don’t want to / can’t use this.

If this option is selected, polling will require a workspace and might trigger unwanted builds (see JENKINS-10131).

$class: 'GitLFSPull'

Enable git large file support for the workspace by pulling large files after the checkout completes.
Requires that the controller and each agent performing an LFS checkout have installed `git lfs`.

$class: 'IgnoreNotifyCommit'

If checked, this repository will be ignored when the notifyCommit-URL is accessed regardless of if the repository
matches or not.

$class: 'LocalBranch'

If given, checkout the revision to build as HEAD on this branch.

If selected, and its value is an empty string or «**», then the branch
name is computed from the remote branch without the origin. In that
case, a remote branch origin/master will be checked out to a local
branch named master, and a remote branch origin/develop/new-feature
will be checked out to a local branch named develop/newfeature.

Please note that this has not been tested with submodules.



$class: 'MessageExclusion'

If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions committed with message matched to
Pattern when determining
if a build needs to be triggered. This can be used to exclude commits done by the build itself from triggering another build,
assuming the build server commits the change with a distinct message.

Exclusion uses Pattern


The example above illustrates that if only revisions with «[maven-release-plugin]» message in first comment line
have been committed to the SCM a build will not occur.

You can create more complex patterns using embedded flag expressions.


This example will search FOO message in all comment lines.


$class: 'PathRestriction'

If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will pay attention to included and/or excluded files and/or
folders when determining if a build needs to be triggered.

Using this behaviour will preclude the faster git ls-remote polling mechanism, forcing polling to require a workspace thus sometimes triggering unwanted builds, as if you had selected the Force polling using workspace extension as well.


Each inclusion uses java regular expression pattern matching,
and must be separated by a new line.
An empty list implies that everything is included.


The example above illustrates that a build will only occur, if html/jpeg/gif files
have been committed to the SCM. Exclusions take precedence over inclusions, if there is
an overlap between included and excluded regions.



Each exclusion uses java regular expression pattern matching,
and must be separated by a new line.


The example above illustrates that if only html/jpeg/gif files have been committed to
the SCM a build will not occur.


$class: 'PerBuildTag'

Create a tag in the workspace for every build to unambiguously mark the commit that was built.
You can combine this with Git publisher to push the tags to the remote repository.

$class: 'PreBuildMerge'

These options allow you to perform a merge to a particular branch before building.
For example, you could specify an integration branch to be built, and to merge to master.
In this scenario, on every change of integration, Jenkins will perform a merge with the master branch,
and try to perform a build if the merge is successful.
It then may push the merge back to the remote repository if the Git Push post-build action is selected.

Nested object

The name of the branch within the named repository to merge to, such as master.


fastForwardMode (optional)

Merge fast-forward mode selection.
The default, —ff, gracefully falls back to a merge commit when required.
For more information, see the Git Merge Documentation

mergeRemote (optional)

Name of the repository, such as origin, that contains the branch you specify below. If left blank,
it’ll default to the name of the first repository configured above.


mergeStrategy (optional)

Merge strategy selection.
This feature is not fully implemented in JGIT.









$class: 'PruneStaleBranch'

Run «git remote prune» for each remote, to prune obsolete local branches.



$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory'

Specify a local directory (relative to the workspace root)
where the Git repository will be checked out. If left empty, the workspace root itself
will be used.

This extension should not be used in Jenkins Pipeline (either declarative or scripted).
Jenkins Pipeline already provides standard techniques for checkout to a subdirectory.
Use ws and
in Jenkins Pipeline rather than this extension.


$class: 'ScmName'

Unique name for this SCM. Needed when using Git within the Multi SCM plugin.



$class: 'SparseCheckoutPaths'

Specify the paths that you’d like to sparse checkout. This may be used for saving space (Think about a reference repository).
Be sure to use a recent version of Git, at least above 1.7.10



Nested object


$class: 'SubmoduleOption'

By disabling support for submodules you can still keep using basic
git plugin functionality and just have Jenkins to ignore submodules
completely as if they didn’t exist.



Retrieve all submodules recursively

(uses ‘—recursive’ option which requires git>=1.6.5)



Retrieve the tip of the configured branch in .gitmodules

(Uses ‘—remote’ option which requires git>=1.8.2)



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.
To prepare a reference folder with multiple subprojects, create a bare git repository and add all the remote urls then perform a fetch:

  git init --bare
  git remote add SubProject1
  git remote add SubProject2
  git fetch --all



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for submodules operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).



Use credentials from the default remote of the parent project.


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


shallow (optional)

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.


threads (optional)

Specify the number of threads that will be used to update submodules.
If unspecified, the command line git default thread count is used.


$class: 'UserExclusion'

If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions committed by users in this list when determining if a build needs to be triggered. This can be used to exclude commits done by the build itself from triggering another build, assuming the build server commits the change with a distinct SCM user.

Using this behaviour will preclude the faster git ls-remote polling mechanism, forcing polling to require a workspace thus sometimes triggering unwanted builds, as if you had selected the Force polling using workspace extension as well.

Each exclusion uses exact string comparison and must be separated by a new line.
User names are only excluded if they exactly match one of the names in this list.


The example above illustrates that if only revisions by «auto_build_user» have been committed to the SCM a build will not occur.


$class: 'UserIdentity'

If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.


$class: 'WipeWorkspace'

Delete the contents of the workspace before building, ensuring a fully fresh workspace.

doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations (optional)

Removed facility that was intended to test combinations of git submodule versions.
Removed in git plugin 4.6.0.
Ignores the user provided value and always uses false as its value.


submoduleCfg (optional)

Removed facility that was intended to test combinations of git submodule versions.
Removed in git plugin 4.6.0.
Ignores the user provided value(s) and always uses empty values.


Nested object

Removed in git plugin 4.6.0.



Removed in git plugin 4.6.0.

$class: 'MercurialSCM'

Specify the repository to track. This can be URL or a local file path.
If you are specifying HTTP credentials, do not include a username in the URL.


browser (optional)
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'FishEye'

Specify the root URL serving this repository, such as:


$class: 'GoogleCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'HgWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'Kallithea'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'KilnHG'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCodeLegacy'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'ScmManager'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://YOURSCMMANAGER/scm/repo/NAMESPACE/NAME/).


clean (optional)

When this option is checked, each build will wipe any local modifications
or untracked files in the repository checkout.
This is often a convenient way to ensure that a build is not
using any artifacts from earlier builds.


credentialsId (optional)

Optional credentials to use when cloning or pulling from the remote repository.
Supports username/password with HTTP(S) URLs, and SSH private key with SSH URLs.


disableChangeLog (optional)

When checked, Hudson will not calculate the Mercurial changelog for each build.
Disabling the changelog can decrease the amount of time needed to update a
very large repository.


installation (optional)


modules (optional)

Reduce unnecessary builds by specifying a comma or space delimited list of «modules» within the repository.
A module is a directory name within the repository that this project lives in. If this field is set,
changes outside the specified modules will not trigger a build (even though the whole repository is checked
out anyway due to the Mercurial limitation.)


revision (optional)

Specify the branch or tag name you would like to track.
(If you do not type anything, the default value is the default branch.)


revisionType (optional)

Specify the kind of revision you expect Jenkins to update your working copy to.






subdir (optional)

If not empty, check out the Mercurial repository into this subdirectory of the
job’s workspace. For example: my/sources (use forward slashes).
If changing this entry, you probably want to clean the workspace first.


$class: 'SubversionSCM'

Checks out the source code from Subversion repositories. See
post-commit hook set up for improved turn-around time and
performance in polling.



Nested object





Specify a local directory (relative to the workspace root)
where this module is checked out. If left empty, the last path component of the URL
is used as the default, just like the


A single period (.) may be used to check out the project directly
into the workspace rather than into a subdirectory.



option for checkout and update commands. Default value is



  • empty includes only the immediate target of the operation, not any of its file or directory children.
  • files includes the immediate target of the operation and any of its immediate file children.
  • immediates includes the immediate target of the operation and any of its immediate file or directory children. The directory children will themselves be empty.
  • infinity includes the immediate target, its file and directory children, its children’s children, and so on to full recursion.
  • as-it-is takes the working depth from the current working copy, allows for setting update depth manually using —set-depth option.

More information can be found



«—ignore-externals» option will be used with svn checkout, svn update commands to disable externals definition processing.

More information can be found

Note: there is the potential to leverage svn:externals to gain read access to the entire
Subversion repository. This can happen if you follow the normal practice of giving Jenkins
credentials with read access to the entire Subversion repository. You will also need to provide the credentials
to use when checking/polling out the svn:externals using the Additional Credentials option.



Determines if the process should be cancelled when checkout/update svn:externals failed. Will work when «Ignore externals» box is not checked.
Default choice is to cancelled the process when checkout/update svn:externals failed.


Nested choice of objects
$class: 'CheckoutUpdater'
$class: 'NoopUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateWithCleanUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateWithRevertUpdater'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'Assembla'


$class: 'CollabNetSVN'

The repository browser URL for the root of the project.
For example, a project called


would use



$class: 'FishEyeSVN'

Specify the URL of this module in FishEye.
(such as




Specify the root Subversion module that this FishEye monitors.
For example, for

this field would be


because it displays the directory «/ant»
of the ASF repo. If FishEye is configured to display the whole SVN repository,
leave this field empty.






$class: 'SVNWeb'


$class: 'ScmManagerSvnRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Sventon'

Specify the URL of the Sventon repository browser.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



Specify the Sventon repository instance name that references this subversion repository.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



$class: 'Sventon2'

Specify the URL of the Sventon repository browser.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



Specify the Sventon repository instance name that references this subversion repository.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



$class: 'ViewSVN'

Specify the root URL of ViewSVN for this repository
(such as this).


$class: 'VisualSVN'


$class: 'WebSVN'



If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any files and/or
folders in this list when determining if a build needs to be triggered.

Each exclusion uses regular expression pattern matching, and must be separated by a new line.


The example above illustrates that if only html/jpeg/gif files have been committed to
the SCM a build will not occur.

More information on regular expressions can be found



If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions committed by users in this list when determining if a build needs to be triggered. This can be used to exclude commits done by the build itself from triggering another build, assuming the build server commits the change with a distinct SCM user.

Each exclusion uses literal pattern matching, and must be separated by a new line.


The example above illustrates that if only revisions by «auto_build_user» have been committed to the SCM a build will not occur.



If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions
that are marked with the given revision property (revprop) when determining if
a build needs to be triggered. This can be used to exclude commits done by the
build itself from triggering another build, assuming the build server commits
the change with the correct revprop.

This type of exclusion only works with Subversion 1.5 servers and newer.

More information on revision properties can be found



If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions
with commit messages containing any of the given regular expressions when
determining if a build needs to be triggered.



If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any files and/or
folders that are not in this list when determining if a build needs to be triggered.

Each inclusion uses regular expression pattern matching, and must be separated by a new line.

This is useful when you need to check out an entire resource for building, but only want to do
the build when a subset has changed.


If /trunk/myapp is checked out, the build will only occur when there are changes to
either the c/library1 and c/library2 subtrees.

If there are also excluded regions specified, then a file is not ignored when it is in
the included list and not in the excluded list.

More information on regular expressions can be found



If set, Jenkins ignores svn-property only changes of directories.
These changes are ignored when determining whether a build should be triggered and are removed from a
build’s changeset.
Main usage of this property is to ignore svn:mergeinfo changes (which would otherwise e.g. lead to a complete rebuild
of a maven project, in spite of incremental build option).



If set Jenkins will apply the same inclusion and exclusion patterns for displaying changelog entries as it does for polling for changes.
If this is disabled, changes which are excluded for polling are still displayed in the changelog.



If there are additional credentials required in order to obtain a complete checkout of the source, they can be
provided here.

The realm is how the repository self-identifies to a client. It usually has the following format:

<proto://host:port> Realm Name

  • proto is the protocol, e.g. http or svn.
  • host is the host how it’s accessed by Jenkins, e.g. as IP address, host name svnserver, or host name and domain
  • port is the port, even if not explicitly specified. By default, this is 80 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS, 3690 for the svn protocol.
  • Realm Name is how the repository self-identifies. Common options include VisualSVN Server, Subversion Authentication or the UUID of the repository.

To find out the realm, you could do any of the following:

  • If you access the repository via HTTP or HTTPS: Open the repo in a web browser without saved credentials. It will use the Realm Name (see above) in the authentication dialog.
  • Use the command line svn program.
    • If you don’t have stored the credentials, run e.g. svn info https://svnserver/repo and it will tell you the realm when asking you to enter a password, e.g.: Authentication realm: <svn://svnserver:3690> VisualSVN Server.
    • If you have already stored the credentials to access the repository, look for the realm name in one of the files in ~/.subversion/auth/svn/simple; it will be two lines below the line svn:realmstring.
  • When accessing a repository via the svn+ssh protocol, the realm has the format username@svn+ssh://host:port – note that the username is before the svn+ssh://
    (unlike the URL used for normal SVN operations), and that there are no angle brackets and no realm name. For this protocol the default port is 22.

Make sure to enter the realm exactly as shown, starting with a < (except for repositories accessed via svn+ssh – see above).


Nested object

This is the realm that the SvnKit library associates with a specific checkout. For most Subversion servers this
will typically be of the format <scheme://hostname(:port)> name,
while for servers accessed via svn+ssh it is of the format (username@)svn+ssh://hostname(:port).



Select the credential from the list of relevant credentials in order to use that credential for checking out
the source code.



Mimics subversion command line --quiet parameter for check out / update operations to help keep the output shorter. Prints nothing, or only summary information.


libraryPath (optional)

A relative path from the root of the SCM to the root of the library.
Leave this field blank if the root of the library is the root of the SCM.
Note that «..» is not permitted as a path component to avoid security issues.


Nested choice of objects

Discovers branches and/or pull requests from a specific repository in either Bitbucket Cloud or a Bitbucket Server


Specify the name of the Bitbucket Team or Bitbucket User Account.

It could be a Bitbucket Project also, if using Bitbucket Server.
In this case (Bitbucket Server):

  • Use the project key, not the project name.
  • If using a user account instead of a project, add a «~» character before the username, i.e. «~joe».




autoRegisterHook (optional)


bitbucketServerUrl (optional)


checkoutCredentialsId (optional)


credentialsId (optional)

Credentials used to scan branches (also the default credentials to use when checking out sources).

For security reasons most credentials are only available when HTTPS is used.


excludes (optional)


id (optional)


includes (optional)


serverUrl (optional)

The server to connect to.

The list of servers is configured in the Manage Jenkins » Configure Jenkins › Bitbucket Endpoints screen.
The list of servers can include both Bitbucket Cloud and Bitbucket Server instances.


traits (optional)

The behaviours control what is discovered from the Bitbucket repository. The behaviours are grouped into a number
of categories:

Within repository
These behaviours determine what gets discovered. If you do not configure at least one discovery
behaviour then nothing will be found!
These behaviours affect the configuration of each discovered branch / pull request.
These behaviours affect the configuration of each discovered branch / pull request
and are specific to Git semantics.


Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AuthorInChangelogTrait'

Configure the Bitbucket notifications.

disableNotificationForNotBuildJobs (optional)


sendSuccessNotificationForUnstableBuild (optional)


$class: 'CheckoutOptionTrait'
Nested object

Specify a timeout (in minutes) for checkout.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


$class: 'CleanAfterCheckoutTrait'
Nested object

Clean up the workspace after every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckoutTrait'
Nested object

Clean up the workspace before every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanMercurialSCMSourceTrait'

When this behaviour is present, each build will wipe any local modifications
or untracked files in the repository checkout.
This is often a convenient way to ensure that a build is not
using any artifacts from earlier builds.

$class: 'CloneOptionTrait'
Nested object

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.



Deselect this to perform a clone without tags, saving time and disk space when you just want to access
what is specified by the refspec.



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for clone and fetch operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


honorRefspec (optional)

Perform initial clone using the refspec defined for the repository.
This can save time, data transfer and disk space when you only need
to access the references specified by the refspec.


$class: 'DiscoverOtherRefsTrait'

Discovers other specified refs on the repository.


The pattern under /refs on the remote repository to discover, can contain a wildcard.
Example: test/*/merged


nameMapping (optional)

Mapping for how the ref can be named in for example the @Library.
Example: test-@{1}
Where @{1} replaces the first wildcard in the ref when discovered.

By default it will be «namespace_before_wildcard-@{1}». E.g. if ref is «test/*/merged» the default mapping would be


$class: 'GitBrowserSCMSourceTrait'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AssemblaWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the Bitbucket Server root URL for this repository (such as https://bitbucket:7990/OWNER/REPO/).


$class: 'BitbucketWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'CGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'FisheyeGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the URL of this repository in FishEye (such as


$class: 'GitBlitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository.



Specify the name of the project in GitBlit.


$class: 'GitLab'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlabserver:port/group/REPO/).


version (optional)

Specify the major and minor version of GitLab you use (such as 9.1). If you
don’t specify a version, a modern version of GitLab (>= 8.0) is assumed.


$class: 'GitList'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlistserver:port/REPO/).


$class: 'GitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GithubWeb'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s GitHub page (such as


$class: 'Gitiles'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GitoriousWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GogsGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'KilnGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Phabricator'

Specify the phabricator instance root URL (such as



Specify the repository name in phabricator (such as the foo part of


$class: 'RedmineWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://SERVER/PATH/projects/PROJECT/repository).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s RhodeCode page (such as


$class: 'ScmManagerGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Stash'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s Stash page (such as


$class: 'TFS2013GitRepositoryBrowser'

Either the name of the remote whose URL should be used, or the URL of this
module in TFS (such as
If empty (default), the URL of the «origin» repository is used.

If TFS is also used as the repository server, this can usually be left blank.


$class: 'ViewGitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the name of the project in ViewGit (e.g. scripts, scuttle etc. from


$class: 'GitLFSPullTrait'
$class: 'GitToolSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'IgnoreOnPushNotificationTrait'
$class: 'LocalBranchTrait'
$class: 'MercurialBrowserSCMSourceTrait'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'FishEye'

Specify the root URL serving this repository, such as:


$class: 'GoogleCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'HgWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'Kallithea'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'KilnHG'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCodeLegacy'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'ScmManager'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://YOURSCMMANAGER/scm/repo/NAMESPACE/NAME/).


$class: 'MercurialInstallationSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'PruneStaleBranchTrait'
$class: 'PruneStaleTagTrait'

If the repository being scanned is a public repository, this behaviour will exclude all pull requests.
(Note: This behaviour is not especially useful if scanning a single repository as you could just not include the
pull request discovery behaviours in the first place)

$class: 'PullRequestDiscoveryTrait'

Exclude branches for which there is an open pull request


$class: 'RefSpecsSCMSourceTrait'


Nested object

A ref spec to fetch. Any occurrences of @{remote} will be replaced by the remote name
(which defaults to origin) before use.



A Java regular expression to
restrict the names. Names that do not match the supplied regular expression will be ignored.
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests


$class: 'RemoteNameSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'SparseCheckoutPathsTrait'
Nested object

Specify the paths that you’d like to sparse checkout. This may be used for saving space (Think about a reference repository).
Be sure to use a recent version of Git, at least above 1.7.10



Nested object


$class: 'SubmoduleOptionTrait'
Nested object

By disabling support for submodules you can still keep using basic
git plugin functionality and just have Jenkins to ignore submodules
completely as if they didn’t exist.



Retrieve all submodules recursively

(uses ‘—recursive’ option which requires git>=1.6.5)



Retrieve the tip of the configured branch in .gitmodules

(Uses ‘—remote’ option which requires git>=1.8.2)



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.
To prepare a reference folder with multiple subprojects, create a bare git repository and add all the remote urls then perform a fetch:

  git init --bare
  git remote add SubProject1
  git remote add SubProject2
  git fetch --all



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for submodules operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).



Use credentials from the default remote of the parent project.


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


shallow (optional)

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.


threads (optional)

Specify the number of threads that will be used to update submodules.
If unspecified, the command line git default thread count is used.


$class: 'UserIdentityTrait'
Nested object

If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



Sets the value for committersToIgnore in the Bitbucket Webhook. Value should be a comma separated string.

committerToIgnore is used to prevent triggering Jenkins builds when commits by certain users
are made.




Overrides the defaults for webhook management.

Webhooks are used to inform Jenkins about changes to repositories. There are two ways webhooks can be

  • Manual webhook configuration requires the user to configure Bitbucket with the Jenkins URL in order
    to ensure that Bitbucket will send the events to Jenkins after every change.
  • Automatic webhook configuration requires that Jenkins has credentials with sufficient permission to
    configure webhooks and also that Jenkins knows the URL that Bitbucket can connect to.

The Manage Jenkins » Configure Jenkins › Bitbucket Endpoints allows defining the list of
servers. Each server
can be associated with credentials. If credentials are defined then the default behaviour is to use those
credentials to automatically manage the webhooks of all repositories that Jenkins is interested in. If no
credentials are defined then the default behaviour is to require the user to manually configure webhooks.


There are two available modes:

Disable hook management
Disables hook management irrespective of the global defaults.
Use item credentials for hook management
Enabled hook management but uses the selected credentials to manage the hooks rather than those defined in
Manage Jenkins » Configure Jenkins › Bitbucket Endpoints



Space-separated list of name patterns to consider.
You may use * as a wildcard; for example: master release*
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests



Space-separated list of name patterns to ignore even if matched by the includes list.
For example: release alpha-* beta-*
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests


$class: 'WipeWorkspaceTrait'

Discovers branches on the repository.


Determines which branches are discovered.

Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
If you are discovering origin pull requests, it may not make sense to discover the same changes both as a
pull request and as a branch.
Only branches that are also filed as PRs
Discovers branches that have PR’s associated with them. This may make sense if you have a
notification sent to the team at the end of a triggered build or limited Jenkins resources.
All branches
Ignores whether the branch is also filed as a pull request and instead discovers all branches on the
origin repository.



Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is a fork of the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered.

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging



One of the great powers of pull requests is that anyone with read access to a repository can fork it, commit
some changes to their fork and then create a pull request against the original repository with their changes.
There are some files stored in source control that are important. For example, a Jenkinsfile
may contain configuration details to sandbox pull requests in order to mitigate against malicious pull requests.
In order to protect against a malicious pull request itself modifying the Jenkinsfile to remove
the protections, you can define the trust policy for pull requests from forks.

Other plugins can extend the available trust policies. The default policies are:

Pull requests from forks will all be treated as untrusted. This means that where Jenkins requires a
trusted file (e.g. Jenkinsfile) the contents of that file will be retrieved from the
target branch on the origin repository and not from the pull request branch on the fork repository.
Forks in the same account
Bitbucket allows for a repository to be forked into a «sibling» repository in the same account but using
a different name. This strategy will trust any pull requests from forks that are in the same account as
the target repository on the basis that users have to have been granted write permission to account in
order create such a fork.
All pull requests from forks will be treated as trusted. NOTE: this option can be dangerous
if used on a public repository hosted on Bitbucket Cloud.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority<? super com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.BitbucketSCMSourceRequest, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead2, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision>

Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is the same as the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered.

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging



By default the discovered branches / pull requests will all use the same credentials
that were used for discovery when checking out sources. This means that the checkout will be using the
https:// protocol for the Git repository.

This behaviour allows you to select the SSH private key to be used for checking out sources, which will
consequently force the checkout to use the ssh:// protocol.


Credentials used to check out sources.

It must be a SSH key based credential.



Discovers tags on the repository.

$class: 'com.cloudogu.scmmanager.scm.BranchDiscoveryTrait'
$class: 'com.cloudogu.scmmanager.scm.TagDiscoveryTrait'

Discovers branches on the repository.


Discovers tags on the repository.


Discovers branches on the repository.


Determines which branches are discovered.

Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
If you are discovering origin pull requests, you may not want to also build the source branches
for those pull requests.
Only branches that are also filed as PRs
Similar to discovering origin pull requests, but discovers the branch rather than the pull request.
This means env.GIT_BRANCH will be set to the branch name rather than PR-#.
Also, status notifications for these builds will only be applied to the commit and not to the pull request.
All branches
Ignores whether the branch is also filed as a pull request and instead discovers all branches on the
origin repository.



Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is a fork of the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered:

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch.
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging.
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging.



One of the great powers of pull requests is that anyone with read access to a repository can fork it, commit
some changes to their fork and then create a pull request against the original repository with their changes.
There are some files stored in source control that are important. For example, a Jenkinsfile
may contain configuration details to sandbox pull requests in order to mitigate against malicious pull requests.
In order to protect against a malicious pull request itself modifying the Jenkinsfile to remove
the protections, you can define the trust policy for pull requests from forks.

Other plugins can extend the available trust policies. The default policies are:

Pull requests from forks will all be treated as untrusted. This means that where Jenkins requires a
trusted file (e.g. Jenkinsfile) the contents of that file will be retrieved from the
target branch on the origin repository and not from the pull request branch on the fork repository.
Pull requests from collaborators
to the origin repository will be treated as trusted, all other pull requests from fork repositories
will be treated as untrusted.
Note that if credentials used by Jenkins for scanning the repository does not have permission to
query the list of collaborators to the origin repository then only the origin account will be treated
as trusted — i.e. this will fall back to Nobody.
NOTE: all collaborators are trusted, even if they are only members of a team with read permission.
All pull requests from forks will be treated as trusted. NOTE: this option can be dangerous
if used on a public repository hosted on GitHub.
From users with Admin or Write permission
Pull requests forks will be treated as trusted if and only if the fork owner has either Admin or Write
permissions on the origin repository.
This is the recommended policy.
Note that this strategy requires the
a user’s permission level API, as a result on GitHub Enterprise Server versions before 2.12 this
is the same as trusting Nobody.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority<? super org.jenkinsci.plugins.github_branch_source.GitHubSCMSourceRequest, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead2, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision>

Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is the same as the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered:

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch.
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging.
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging.



By default the discovered branches / pull requests will all use the same username / password credentials
that were used for discovery when checking out sources. This means that the checkout will be using the
https:// protocol for the Git repository.

This behaviour allows you to select the SSH private key to be used for checking out sources, which will
consequently force the checkout to use the ssh:// protocol.


Credentials used to check out sources. Must be a SSH key based credential.



Discovers tags on the repository.


Specify the name of the GitHub Organization or GitHub User Account.





Specify the HTTPS URL of the GitHub Organization / User Account and repository.

GitHub examples:


GitHub Enterprise examples:





apiUri (optional)

The server to connect to. The list of servers is configured in the Manage Jenkins » Configure
System » GitHub Enterprise Servers


buildForkPRHead (optional)


buildForkPRMerge (optional)


buildOriginBranch (optional)


buildOriginBranchWithPR (optional)


buildOriginPRHead (optional)


buildOriginPRMerge (optional)


credentialsId (optional)

Credentials used to scan branches and pull requests,
check out sources and mark commit statuses.

Note that only «username with password» credentials are supported.
Existing credentials of other kinds will be filtered out. This is because Jenkins
uses the GitHub API, which does not support other ways of authentication.

If none is given, only the public repositories will be scanned, and commit status
will not be set on GitHub.

If your organization contains private repositories, then you need to specify
a credential from a user who has access to those repositories. This is done
by creating a «username with password» credential where the password is
GitHub personal access tokens.
The necessary scope is «repo».


excludes (optional)


id (optional)


includes (optional)


traits (optional)

The behaviours control what is discovered from the GitHub repository. The behaviours are grouped into a number
of categories:

Within repository
These behaviours determine what gets discovered. If you do not configure at least one discovery
behaviour then nothing will be found!
These behaviours affect the configuration of each discovered branch / pull request.


Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AuthorInChangelogTrait'

Configure the Bitbucket notifications.

disableNotificationForNotBuildJobs (optional)


sendSuccessNotificationForUnstableBuild (optional)


$class: 'CheckoutOptionTrait'
Nested object

Specify a timeout (in minutes) for checkout.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


$class: 'CleanAfterCheckoutTrait'
Nested object

Clean up the workspace after every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckoutTrait'
Nested object

Clean up the workspace before every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanMercurialSCMSourceTrait'

When this behaviour is present, each build will wipe any local modifications
or untracked files in the repository checkout.
This is often a convenient way to ensure that a build is not
using any artifacts from earlier builds.

$class: 'CloneOptionTrait'
Nested object

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.



Deselect this to perform a clone without tags, saving time and disk space when you just want to access
what is specified by the refspec.



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for clone and fetch operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


honorRefspec (optional)

Perform initial clone using the refspec defined for the repository.
This can save time, data transfer and disk space when you only need
to access the references specified by the refspec.


$class: 'DiscoverOtherRefsTrait'

Discovers other specified refs on the repository.


The pattern under /refs on the remote repository to discover, can contain a wildcard.
Example: test/*/merged


nameMapping (optional)

Mapping for how the ref can be named in for example the @Library.
Example: test-@{1}
Where @{1} replaces the first wildcard in the ref when discovered.

By default it will be «namespace_before_wildcard-@{1}». E.g. if ref is «test/*/merged» the default mapping would be


$class: 'GitBrowserSCMSourceTrait'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AssemblaWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the Bitbucket Server root URL for this repository (such as https://bitbucket:7990/OWNER/REPO/).


$class: 'BitbucketWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'CGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'FisheyeGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the URL of this repository in FishEye (such as


$class: 'GitBlitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository.



Specify the name of the project in GitBlit.


$class: 'GitLab'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlabserver:port/group/REPO/).


version (optional)

Specify the major and minor version of GitLab you use (such as 9.1). If you
don’t specify a version, a modern version of GitLab (>= 8.0) is assumed.


$class: 'GitList'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlistserver:port/REPO/).


$class: 'GitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GithubWeb'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s GitHub page (such as


$class: 'Gitiles'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GitoriousWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GogsGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'KilnGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Phabricator'

Specify the phabricator instance root URL (such as



Specify the repository name in phabricator (such as the foo part of


$class: 'RedmineWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://SERVER/PATH/projects/PROJECT/repository).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s RhodeCode page (such as


$class: 'ScmManagerGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Stash'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s Stash page (such as


$class: 'TFS2013GitRepositoryBrowser'

Either the name of the remote whose URL should be used, or the URL of this
module in TFS (such as
If empty (default), the URL of the «origin» repository is used.

If TFS is also used as the repository server, this can usually be left blank.


$class: 'ViewGitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the name of the project in ViewGit (e.g. scripts, scuttle etc. from


$class: 'GitLFSPullTrait'
$class: 'GitToolSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'IgnoreOnPushNotificationTrait'
$class: 'LocalBranchTrait'
$class: 'MercurialBrowserSCMSourceTrait'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'FishEye'

Specify the root URL serving this repository, such as:


$class: 'GoogleCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'HgWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'Kallithea'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'KilnHG'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCodeLegacy'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'ScmManager'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://YOURSCMMANAGER/scm/repo/NAMESPACE/NAME/).


$class: 'MercurialInstallationSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'PruneStaleBranchTrait'
$class: 'PruneStaleTagTrait'

If the repository being scanned is a public repository, this behaviour will exclude all pull requests.
(Note: This behaviour is not especially useful if scanning a single repository as you could just not include the
pull request discovery behaviours in the first place)

$class: 'PullRequestDiscoveryTrait'

Exclude branches for which there is an open pull request


$class: 'RefSpecsSCMSourceTrait'


Nested object

A ref spec to fetch. Any occurrences of @{remote} will be replaced by the remote name
(which defaults to origin) before use.



A Java regular expression to
restrict the names. Names that do not match the supplied regular expression will be ignored.
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests


$class: 'RemoteNameSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'SparseCheckoutPathsTrait'
Nested object

Specify the paths that you’d like to sparse checkout. This may be used for saving space (Think about a reference repository).
Be sure to use a recent version of Git, at least above 1.7.10



Nested object


$class: 'SubmoduleOptionTrait'
Nested object

By disabling support for submodules you can still keep using basic
git plugin functionality and just have Jenkins to ignore submodules
completely as if they didn’t exist.



Retrieve all submodules recursively

(uses ‘—recursive’ option which requires git>=1.6.5)



Retrieve the tip of the configured branch in .gitmodules

(Uses ‘—remote’ option which requires git>=1.8.2)



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.
To prepare a reference folder with multiple subprojects, create a bare git repository and add all the remote urls then perform a fetch:

  git init --bare
  git remote add SubProject1
  git remote add SubProject2
  git fetch --all



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for submodules operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).



Use credentials from the default remote of the parent project.


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


shallow (optional)

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.


threads (optional)

Specify the number of threads that will be used to update submodules.
If unspecified, the command line git default thread count is used.


$class: 'UserIdentityTrait'
Nested object

If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



Sets the value for committersToIgnore in the Bitbucket Webhook. Value should be a comma separated string.

committerToIgnore is used to prevent triggering Jenkins builds when commits by certain users
are made.




Overrides the defaults for webhook management.

Webhooks are used to inform Jenkins about changes to repositories. There are two ways webhooks can be

  • Manual webhook configuration requires the user to configure Bitbucket with the Jenkins URL in order
    to ensure that Bitbucket will send the events to Jenkins after every change.
  • Automatic webhook configuration requires that Jenkins has credentials with sufficient permission to
    configure webhooks and also that Jenkins knows the URL that Bitbucket can connect to.

The Manage Jenkins » Configure Jenkins › Bitbucket Endpoints allows defining the list of
servers. Each server
can be associated with credentials. If credentials are defined then the default behaviour is to use those
credentials to automatically manage the webhooks of all repositories that Jenkins is interested in. If no
credentials are defined then the default behaviour is to require the user to manually configure webhooks.


There are two available modes:

Disable hook management
Disables hook management irrespective of the global defaults.
Use item credentials for hook management
Enabled hook management but uses the selected credentials to manage the hooks rather than those defined in
Manage Jenkins » Configure Jenkins › Bitbucket Endpoints



Space-separated list of name patterns to consider.
You may use * as a wildcard; for example: master release*
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests



Space-separated list of name patterns to ignore even if matched by the includes list.
For example: release alpha-* beta-*
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests


$class: 'WipeWorkspaceTrait'

Discovers branches on the repository.


Determines which branches are discovered.

Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
If you are discovering origin pull requests, it may not make sense to discover the same changes both as a
pull request and as a branch.
Only branches that are also filed as PRs
Discovers branches that have PR’s associated with them. This may make sense if you have a
notification sent to the team at the end of a triggered build or limited Jenkins resources.
All branches
Ignores whether the branch is also filed as a pull request and instead discovers all branches on the
origin repository.



Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is a fork of the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered.

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging



One of the great powers of pull requests is that anyone with read access to a repository can fork it, commit
some changes to their fork and then create a pull request against the original repository with their changes.
There are some files stored in source control that are important. For example, a Jenkinsfile
may contain configuration details to sandbox pull requests in order to mitigate against malicious pull requests.
In order to protect against a malicious pull request itself modifying the Jenkinsfile to remove
the protections, you can define the trust policy for pull requests from forks.

Other plugins can extend the available trust policies. The default policies are:

Pull requests from forks will all be treated as untrusted. This means that where Jenkins requires a
trusted file (e.g. Jenkinsfile) the contents of that file will be retrieved from the
target branch on the origin repository and not from the pull request branch on the fork repository.
Forks in the same account
Bitbucket allows for a repository to be forked into a «sibling» repository in the same account but using
a different name. This strategy will trust any pull requests from forks that are in the same account as
the target repository on the basis that users have to have been granted write permission to account in
order create such a fork.
All pull requests from forks will be treated as trusted. NOTE: this option can be dangerous
if used on a public repository hosted on Bitbucket Cloud.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority<? super com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.BitbucketSCMSourceRequest, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead2, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision>

Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is the same as the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered.

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging



By default the discovered branches / pull requests will all use the same credentials
that were used for discovery when checking out sources. This means that the checkout will be using the
https:// protocol for the Git repository.

This behaviour allows you to select the SSH private key to be used for checking out sources, which will
consequently force the checkout to use the ssh:// protocol.


Credentials used to check out sources.

It must be a SSH key based credential.



Discovers tags on the repository.

$class: 'com.cloudogu.scmmanager.scm.BranchDiscoveryTrait'
$class: 'com.cloudogu.scmmanager.scm.TagDiscoveryTrait'

Discovers branches on the repository.


Discovers tags on the repository.


Discovers branches on the repository.


Determines which branches are discovered.

Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
If you are discovering origin pull requests, you may not want to also build the source branches
for those pull requests.
Only branches that are also filed as PRs
Similar to discovering origin pull requests, but discovers the branch rather than the pull request.
This means env.GIT_BRANCH will be set to the branch name rather than PR-#.
Also, status notifications for these builds will only be applied to the commit and not to the pull request.
All branches
Ignores whether the branch is also filed as a pull request and instead discovers all branches on the
origin repository.



Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is a fork of the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered:

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch.
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging.
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging.



One of the great powers of pull requests is that anyone with read access to a repository can fork it, commit
some changes to their fork and then create a pull request against the original repository with their changes.
There are some files stored in source control that are important. For example, a Jenkinsfile
may contain configuration details to sandbox pull requests in order to mitigate against malicious pull requests.
In order to protect against a malicious pull request itself modifying the Jenkinsfile to remove
the protections, you can define the trust policy for pull requests from forks.

Other plugins can extend the available trust policies. The default policies are:

Pull requests from forks will all be treated as untrusted. This means that where Jenkins requires a
trusted file (e.g. Jenkinsfile) the contents of that file will be retrieved from the
target branch on the origin repository and not from the pull request branch on the fork repository.
Pull requests from collaborators
to the origin repository will be treated as trusted, all other pull requests from fork repositories
will be treated as untrusted.
Note that if credentials used by Jenkins for scanning the repository does not have permission to
query the list of collaborators to the origin repository then only the origin account will be treated
as trusted — i.e. this will fall back to Nobody.
NOTE: all collaborators are trusted, even if they are only members of a team with read permission.
All pull requests from forks will be treated as trusted. NOTE: this option can be dangerous
if used on a public repository hosted on GitHub.
From users with Admin or Write permission
Pull requests forks will be treated as trusted if and only if the fork owner has either Admin or Write
permissions on the origin repository.
This is the recommended policy.
Note that this strategy requires the
a user’s permission level API, as a result on GitHub Enterprise Server versions before 2.12 this
is the same as trusting Nobody.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority<? super org.jenkinsci.plugins.github_branch_source.GitHubSCMSourceRequest, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead2, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision>

Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is the same as the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered:

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch.
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging.
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging.



By default the discovered branches / pull requests will all use the same username / password credentials
that were used for discovery when checking out sources. This means that the checkout will be using the
https:// protocol for the Git repository.

This behaviour allows you to select the SSH private key to be used for checking out sources, which will
consequently force the checkout to use the ssh:// protocol.


Credentials used to check out sources. Must be a SSH key based credential.



Discovers tags on the repository.


Specify the URL of this remote repository. This uses the same syntax as your git clone command.


browser (optional)
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AssemblaWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the Bitbucket Server root URL for this repository (such as https://bitbucket:7990/OWNER/REPO/).


$class: 'BitbucketWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'CGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'FisheyeGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the URL of this repository in FishEye (such as


$class: 'GitBlitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository.



Specify the name of the project in GitBlit.


$class: 'GitLab'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlabserver:port/group/REPO/).


version (optional)

Specify the major and minor version of GitLab you use (such as 9.1). If you
don’t specify a version, a modern version of GitLab (>= 8.0) is assumed.


$class: 'GitList'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlistserver:port/REPO/).


$class: 'GitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GithubWeb'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s GitHub page (such as


$class: 'Gitiles'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GitoriousWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GogsGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'KilnGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Phabricator'

Specify the phabricator instance root URL (such as



Specify the repository name in phabricator (such as the foo part of


$class: 'RedmineWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://SERVER/PATH/projects/PROJECT/repository).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s RhodeCode page (such as


$class: 'ScmManagerGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Stash'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s Stash page (such as


$class: 'TFS2013GitRepositoryBrowser'

Either the name of the remote whose URL should be used, or the URL of this
module in TFS (such as
If empty (default), the URL of the «origin» repository is used.

If TFS is also used as the repository server, this can usually be left blank.


$class: 'ViewGitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the name of the project in ViewGit (e.g. scripts, scuttle etc. from


credentialsId (optional)

Credentials used to scan branches and check out sources.


extensions (optional)


Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AuthorInChangelog'

The default behavior is to use the Git commit’s «Committer» value in Jenkins’ build changesets.
If this option is selected, the Git commit’s «Author» value would be used instead.

$class: 'BuildChooserSetting'

When you are interested in using a job to build multiple heads (most typically multiple branches),
you can choose how Jenkins choose what branches to build in what order.

This extension point in Jenkins is used by many other plugins to control the job to build
specific commits. When you activate those plugins, you may see them installing a custom strategy

Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AncestryBuildChooser'




$class: 'DefaultBuildChooser'
$class: 'InverseBuildChooser'
$class: 'BuildSingleRevisionOnly'

Disable scheduling for multiple candidate revisions.
If we have 3 branches:
—-A—.—.— B
jenkins would try to build (B) and (C).
This behaviour disables this and only builds one of them.
It is helpful to reduce the load of the Jenkins infrastructure when the
SCM system like Bitbucket or GitHub should decide what commits to build.

$class: 'ChangelogToBranch'

This method calculates the changelog against the specified branch.

Nested object

Name of the repository, such as origin, that contains the branch you specify below.



The name of the branch within the named repository to compare against.


$class: 'CheckoutOption'

Specify a timeout (in minutes) for checkout.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckout'

Clean up the workspace before every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanCheckout'

Clean up the workspace after every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CloneOption'

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.



Deselect this to perform a clone without tags, saving time and disk space when you just want to access
what is specified by the refspec.



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for clone and fetch operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


honorRefspec (optional)

Perform initial clone using the refspec defined for the repository.
This can save time, data transfer and disk space when you only need
to access the references specified by the refspec.


$class: 'DisableRemotePoll'

Git plugin uses git ls-remote polling mechanism by default when configured with a single branch (no wildcards!).
This compare the latest built commit SHA with the remote branch without cloning a local copy of the repo.

If you don’t want to / can’t use this.

If this option is selected, polling will require a workspace and might trigger unwanted builds (see JENKINS-10131).

$class: 'GitLFSPull'

Enable git large file support for the workspace by pulling large files after the checkout completes.
Requires that the controller and each agent performing an LFS checkout have installed `git lfs`.

$class: 'IgnoreNotifyCommit'

If checked, this repository will be ignored when the notifyCommit-URL is accessed regardless of if the repository
matches or not.

$class: 'LocalBranch'

If given, checkout the revision to build as HEAD on this branch.

If selected, and its value is an empty string or «**», then the branch
name is computed from the remote branch without the origin. In that
case, a remote branch origin/master will be checked out to a local
branch named master, and a remote branch origin/develop/new-feature
will be checked out to a local branch named develop/newfeature.

Please note that this has not been tested with submodules.



$class: 'MessageExclusion'

If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions committed with message matched to
Pattern when determining
if a build needs to be triggered. This can be used to exclude commits done by the build itself from triggering another build,
assuming the build server commits the change with a distinct message.

Exclusion uses Pattern


The example above illustrates that if only revisions with «[maven-release-plugin]» message in first comment line
have been committed to the SCM a build will not occur.

You can create more complex patterns using embedded flag expressions.


This example will search FOO message in all comment lines.


$class: 'PathRestriction'

If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will pay attention to included and/or excluded files and/or
folders when determining if a build needs to be triggered.

Using this behaviour will preclude the faster git ls-remote polling mechanism, forcing polling to require a workspace thus sometimes triggering unwanted builds, as if you had selected the Force polling using workspace extension as well.


Each inclusion uses java regular expression pattern matching,
and must be separated by a new line.
An empty list implies that everything is included.


The example above illustrates that a build will only occur, if html/jpeg/gif files
have been committed to the SCM. Exclusions take precedence over inclusions, if there is
an overlap between included and excluded regions.



Each exclusion uses java regular expression pattern matching,
and must be separated by a new line.


The example above illustrates that if only html/jpeg/gif files have been committed to
the SCM a build will not occur.


$class: 'PerBuildTag'

Create a tag in the workspace for every build to unambiguously mark the commit that was built.
You can combine this with Git publisher to push the tags to the remote repository.

$class: 'PreBuildMerge'

These options allow you to perform a merge to a particular branch before building.
For example, you could specify an integration branch to be built, and to merge to master.
In this scenario, on every change of integration, Jenkins will perform a merge with the master branch,
and try to perform a build if the merge is successful.
It then may push the merge back to the remote repository if the Git Push post-build action is selected.

Nested object

The name of the branch within the named repository to merge to, such as master.


fastForwardMode (optional)

Merge fast-forward mode selection.
The default, —ff, gracefully falls back to a merge commit when required.
For more information, see the Git Merge Documentation

mergeRemote (optional)

Name of the repository, such as origin, that contains the branch you specify below. If left blank,
it’ll default to the name of the first repository configured above.


mergeStrategy (optional)

Merge strategy selection.
This feature is not fully implemented in JGIT.









$class: 'PruneStaleBranch'

Run «git remote prune» for each remote, to prune obsolete local branches.



$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory'

Specify a local directory (relative to the workspace root)
where the Git repository will be checked out. If left empty, the workspace root itself
will be used.

This extension should not be used in Jenkins Pipeline (either declarative or scripted).
Jenkins Pipeline already provides standard techniques for checkout to a subdirectory.
Use ws and
in Jenkins Pipeline rather than this extension.


$class: 'ScmName'

Unique name for this SCM. Needed when using Git within the Multi SCM plugin.



$class: 'SparseCheckoutPaths'

Specify the paths that you’d like to sparse checkout. This may be used for saving space (Think about a reference repository).
Be sure to use a recent version of Git, at least above 1.7.10



Nested object


$class: 'SubmoduleOption'

By disabling support for submodules you can still keep using basic
git plugin functionality and just have Jenkins to ignore submodules
completely as if they didn’t exist.



Retrieve all submodules recursively

(uses ‘—recursive’ option which requires git>=1.6.5)



Retrieve the tip of the configured branch in .gitmodules

(Uses ‘—remote’ option which requires git>=1.8.2)



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.
To prepare a reference folder with multiple subprojects, create a bare git repository and add all the remote urls then perform a fetch:

  git init --bare
  git remote add SubProject1
  git remote add SubProject2
  git fetch --all



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for submodules operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).



Use credentials from the default remote of the parent project.


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


shallow (optional)

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.


threads (optional)

Specify the number of threads that will be used to update submodules.
If unspecified, the command line git default thread count is used.


$class: 'UserExclusion'

If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions committed by users in this list when determining if a build needs to be triggered. This can be used to exclude commits done by the build itself from triggering another build, assuming the build server commits the change with a distinct SCM user.

Using this behaviour will preclude the faster git ls-remote polling mechanism, forcing polling to require a workspace thus sometimes triggering unwanted builds, as if you had selected the Force polling using workspace extension as well.

Each exclusion uses exact string comparison and must be separated by a new line.
User names are only excluded if they exactly match one of the names in this list.


The example above illustrates that if only revisions by «auto_build_user» have been committed to the SCM a build will not occur.


$class: 'UserIdentity'

If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.


$class: 'WipeWorkspace'

Delete the contents of the workspace before building, ensuring a fully fresh workspace.

gitTool (optional)


id (optional)


traits (optional)


Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AuthorInChangelogTrait'

Configure the Bitbucket notifications.

disableNotificationForNotBuildJobs (optional)


sendSuccessNotificationForUnstableBuild (optional)


$class: 'CheckoutOptionTrait'
Nested object

Specify a timeout (in minutes) for checkout.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


$class: 'CleanAfterCheckoutTrait'
Nested object

Clean up the workspace after every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckoutTrait'
Nested object

Clean up the workspace before every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanMercurialSCMSourceTrait'

When this behaviour is present, each build will wipe any local modifications
or untracked files in the repository checkout.
This is often a convenient way to ensure that a build is not
using any artifacts from earlier builds.

$class: 'CloneOptionTrait'
Nested object

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.



Deselect this to perform a clone without tags, saving time and disk space when you just want to access
what is specified by the refspec.



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for clone and fetch operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


honorRefspec (optional)

Perform initial clone using the refspec defined for the repository.
This can save time, data transfer and disk space when you only need
to access the references specified by the refspec.


$class: 'DiscoverOtherRefsTrait'

Discovers other specified refs on the repository.


The pattern under /refs on the remote repository to discover, can contain a wildcard.
Example: test/*/merged


nameMapping (optional)

Mapping for how the ref can be named in for example the @Library.
Example: test-@{1}
Where @{1} replaces the first wildcard in the ref when discovered.

By default it will be «namespace_before_wildcard-@{1}». E.g. if ref is «test/*/merged» the default mapping would be


$class: 'GitBrowserSCMSourceTrait'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AssemblaWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the Bitbucket Server root URL for this repository (such as https://bitbucket:7990/OWNER/REPO/).


$class: 'BitbucketWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'CGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'FisheyeGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the URL of this repository in FishEye (such as


$class: 'GitBlitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository.



Specify the name of the project in GitBlit.


$class: 'GitLab'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlabserver:port/group/REPO/).


version (optional)

Specify the major and minor version of GitLab you use (such as 9.1). If you
don’t specify a version, a modern version of GitLab (>= 8.0) is assumed.


$class: 'GitList'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlistserver:port/REPO/).


$class: 'GitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GithubWeb'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s GitHub page (such as


$class: 'Gitiles'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GitoriousWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GogsGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'KilnGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Phabricator'

Specify the phabricator instance root URL (such as



Specify the repository name in phabricator (such as the foo part of


$class: 'RedmineWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://SERVER/PATH/projects/PROJECT/repository).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s RhodeCode page (such as


$class: 'ScmManagerGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Stash'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s Stash page (such as


$class: 'TFS2013GitRepositoryBrowser'

Either the name of the remote whose URL should be used, or the URL of this
module in TFS (such as
If empty (default), the URL of the «origin» repository is used.

If TFS is also used as the repository server, this can usually be left blank.


$class: 'ViewGitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the name of the project in ViewGit (e.g. scripts, scuttle etc. from


$class: 'GitLFSPullTrait'
$class: 'GitToolSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'IgnoreOnPushNotificationTrait'
$class: 'LocalBranchTrait'
$class: 'MercurialBrowserSCMSourceTrait'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'FishEye'

Specify the root URL serving this repository, such as:


$class: 'GoogleCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'HgWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'Kallithea'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'KilnHG'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCodeLegacy'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'ScmManager'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://YOURSCMMANAGER/scm/repo/NAMESPACE/NAME/).


$class: 'MercurialInstallationSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'PruneStaleBranchTrait'
$class: 'PruneStaleTagTrait'

If the repository being scanned is a public repository, this behaviour will exclude all pull requests.
(Note: This behaviour is not especially useful if scanning a single repository as you could just not include the
pull request discovery behaviours in the first place)

$class: 'PullRequestDiscoveryTrait'

Exclude branches for which there is an open pull request


$class: 'RefSpecsSCMSourceTrait'


Nested object

A ref spec to fetch. Any occurrences of @{remote} will be replaced by the remote name
(which defaults to origin) before use.



A Java regular expression to
restrict the names. Names that do not match the supplied regular expression will be ignored.
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests


$class: 'RemoteNameSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'SparseCheckoutPathsTrait'
Nested object

Specify the paths that you’d like to sparse checkout. This may be used for saving space (Think about a reference repository).
Be sure to use a recent version of Git, at least above 1.7.10



Nested object


$class: 'SubmoduleOptionTrait'
Nested object

By disabling support for submodules you can still keep using basic
git plugin functionality and just have Jenkins to ignore submodules
completely as if they didn’t exist.



Retrieve all submodules recursively

(uses ‘—recursive’ option which requires git>=1.6.5)



Retrieve the tip of the configured branch in .gitmodules

(Uses ‘—remote’ option which requires git>=1.8.2)



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.
To prepare a reference folder with multiple subprojects, create a bare git repository and add all the remote urls then perform a fetch:

  git init --bare
  git remote add SubProject1
  git remote add SubProject2
  git fetch --all



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for submodules operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).



Use credentials from the default remote of the parent project.


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


shallow (optional)

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.


threads (optional)

Specify the number of threads that will be used to update submodules.
If unspecified, the command line git default thread count is used.


$class: 'UserIdentityTrait'
Nested object

If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



Sets the value for committersToIgnore in the Bitbucket Webhook. Value should be a comma separated string.

committerToIgnore is used to prevent triggering Jenkins builds when commits by certain users
are made.




Overrides the defaults for webhook management.

Webhooks are used to inform Jenkins about changes to repositories. There are two ways webhooks can be

  • Manual webhook configuration requires the user to configure Bitbucket with the Jenkins URL in order
    to ensure that Bitbucket will send the events to Jenkins after every change.
  • Automatic webhook configuration requires that Jenkins has credentials with sufficient permission to
    configure webhooks and also that Jenkins knows the URL that Bitbucket can connect to.

The Manage Jenkins » Configure Jenkins › Bitbucket Endpoints allows defining the list of
servers. Each server
can be associated with credentials. If credentials are defined then the default behaviour is to use those
credentials to automatically manage the webhooks of all repositories that Jenkins is interested in. If no
credentials are defined then the default behaviour is to require the user to manually configure webhooks.


There are two available modes:

Disable hook management
Disables hook management irrespective of the global defaults.
Use item credentials for hook management
Enabled hook management but uses the selected credentials to manage the hooks rather than those defined in
Manage Jenkins » Configure Jenkins › Bitbucket Endpoints



Space-separated list of name patterns to consider.
You may use * as a wildcard; for example: master release*
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests



Space-separated list of name patterns to ignore even if matched by the includes list.
For example: release alpha-* beta-*
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests


$class: 'WipeWorkspaceTrait'

Discovers branches on the repository.


Determines which branches are discovered.

Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
If you are discovering origin pull requests, it may not make sense to discover the same changes both as a
pull request and as a branch.
Only branches that are also filed as PRs
Discovers branches that have PR’s associated with them. This may make sense if you have a
notification sent to the team at the end of a triggered build or limited Jenkins resources.
All branches
Ignores whether the branch is also filed as a pull request and instead discovers all branches on the
origin repository.



Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is a fork of the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered.

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging



One of the great powers of pull requests is that anyone with read access to a repository can fork it, commit
some changes to their fork and then create a pull request against the original repository with their changes.
There are some files stored in source control that are important. For example, a Jenkinsfile
may contain configuration details to sandbox pull requests in order to mitigate against malicious pull requests.
In order to protect against a malicious pull request itself modifying the Jenkinsfile to remove
the protections, you can define the trust policy for pull requests from forks.

Other plugins can extend the available trust policies. The default policies are:

Pull requests from forks will all be treated as untrusted. This means that where Jenkins requires a
trusted file (e.g. Jenkinsfile) the contents of that file will be retrieved from the
target branch on the origin repository and not from the pull request branch on the fork repository.
Forks in the same account
Bitbucket allows for a repository to be forked into a «sibling» repository in the same account but using
a different name. This strategy will trust any pull requests from forks that are in the same account as
the target repository on the basis that users have to have been granted write permission to account in
order create such a fork.
All pull requests from forks will be treated as trusted. NOTE: this option can be dangerous
if used on a public repository hosted on Bitbucket Cloud.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority<? super com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.BitbucketSCMSourceRequest, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead2, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision>

Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is the same as the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered.

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging



By default the discovered branches / pull requests will all use the same credentials
that were used for discovery when checking out sources. This means that the checkout will be using the
https:// protocol for the Git repository.

This behaviour allows you to select the SSH private key to be used for checking out sources, which will
consequently force the checkout to use the ssh:// protocol.


Credentials used to check out sources.

It must be a SSH key based credential.



Discovers tags on the repository.

$class: 'com.cloudogu.scmmanager.scm.BranchDiscoveryTrait'
$class: 'com.cloudogu.scmmanager.scm.TagDiscoveryTrait'

Discovers branches on the repository.


Discovers tags on the repository.


Discovers branches on the repository.


Determines which branches are discovered.

Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
If you are discovering origin pull requests, you may not want to also build the source branches
for those pull requests.
Only branches that are also filed as PRs
Similar to discovering origin pull requests, but discovers the branch rather than the pull request.
This means env.GIT_BRANCH will be set to the branch name rather than PR-#.
Also, status notifications for these builds will only be applied to the commit and not to the pull request.
All branches
Ignores whether the branch is also filed as a pull request and instead discovers all branches on the
origin repository.



Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is a fork of the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered:

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch.
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging.
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging.



One of the great powers of pull requests is that anyone with read access to a repository can fork it, commit
some changes to their fork and then create a pull request against the original repository with their changes.
There are some files stored in source control that are important. For example, a Jenkinsfile
may contain configuration details to sandbox pull requests in order to mitigate against malicious pull requests.
In order to protect against a malicious pull request itself modifying the Jenkinsfile to remove
the protections, you can define the trust policy for pull requests from forks.

Other plugins can extend the available trust policies. The default policies are:

Pull requests from forks will all be treated as untrusted. This means that where Jenkins requires a
trusted file (e.g. Jenkinsfile) the contents of that file will be retrieved from the
target branch on the origin repository and not from the pull request branch on the fork repository.
Pull requests from collaborators
to the origin repository will be treated as trusted, all other pull requests from fork repositories
will be treated as untrusted.
Note that if credentials used by Jenkins for scanning the repository does not have permission to
query the list of collaborators to the origin repository then only the origin account will be treated
as trusted — i.e. this will fall back to Nobody.
NOTE: all collaborators are trusted, even if they are only members of a team with read permission.
All pull requests from forks will be treated as trusted. NOTE: this option can be dangerous
if used on a public repository hosted on GitHub.
From users with Admin or Write permission
Pull requests forks will be treated as trusted if and only if the fork owner has either Admin or Write
permissions on the origin repository.
This is the recommended policy.
Note that this strategy requires the
a user’s permission level API, as a result on GitHub Enterprise Server versions before 2.12 this
is the same as trusting Nobody.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority<? super org.jenkinsci.plugins.github_branch_source.GitHubSCMSourceRequest, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead2, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision>

Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is the same as the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered:

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch.
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging.
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging.



By default the discovered branches / pull requests will all use the same username / password credentials
that were used for discovery when checking out sources. This means that the checkout will be using the
https:// protocol for the Git repository.

This behaviour allows you to select the SSH private key to be used for checking out sources, which will
consequently force the checkout to use the ssh:// protocol.


Credentials used to check out sources. Must be a SSH key based credential.



Discovers tags on the repository.

$class: 'MercurialSCMSource'

Specify the repository to track. This can be URL or a local file path.
If you are specifying HTTP credentials, do not include a username in the URL.


credentialsId (optional)

Optional credentials to use when cloning or pulling from the remote repository.
Supports username/password with HTTP(S) URLs, and SSH private key with SSH URLs.


id (optional)


traits (optional)


Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AuthorInChangelogTrait'

Configure the Bitbucket notifications.

disableNotificationForNotBuildJobs (optional)


sendSuccessNotificationForUnstableBuild (optional)


$class: 'CheckoutOptionTrait'
Nested object

Specify a timeout (in minutes) for checkout.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


$class: 'CleanAfterCheckoutTrait'
Nested object

Clean up the workspace after every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckoutTrait'
Nested object

Clean up the workspace before every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanMercurialSCMSourceTrait'

When this behaviour is present, each build will wipe any local modifications
or untracked files in the repository checkout.
This is often a convenient way to ensure that a build is not
using any artifacts from earlier builds.

$class: 'CloneOptionTrait'
Nested object

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.



Deselect this to perform a clone without tags, saving time and disk space when you just want to access
what is specified by the refspec.



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for clone and fetch operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


honorRefspec (optional)

Perform initial clone using the refspec defined for the repository.
This can save time, data transfer and disk space when you only need
to access the references specified by the refspec.


$class: 'DiscoverOtherRefsTrait'

Discovers other specified refs on the repository.


The pattern under /refs on the remote repository to discover, can contain a wildcard.
Example: test/*/merged


nameMapping (optional)

Mapping for how the ref can be named in for example the @Library.
Example: test-@{1}
Where @{1} replaces the first wildcard in the ref when discovered.

By default it will be «namespace_before_wildcard-@{1}». E.g. if ref is «test/*/merged» the default mapping would be


$class: 'GitBrowserSCMSourceTrait'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AssemblaWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the Bitbucket Server root URL for this repository (such as https://bitbucket:7990/OWNER/REPO/).


$class: 'BitbucketWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'CGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'FisheyeGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the URL of this repository in FishEye (such as


$class: 'GitBlitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository.



Specify the name of the project in GitBlit.


$class: 'GitLab'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlabserver:port/group/REPO/).


version (optional)

Specify the major and minor version of GitLab you use (such as 9.1). If you
don’t specify a version, a modern version of GitLab (>= 8.0) is assumed.


$class: 'GitList'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlistserver:port/REPO/).


$class: 'GitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GithubWeb'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s GitHub page (such as


$class: 'Gitiles'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GitoriousWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GogsGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'KilnGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Phabricator'

Specify the phabricator instance root URL (such as



Specify the repository name in phabricator (such as the foo part of


$class: 'RedmineWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://SERVER/PATH/projects/PROJECT/repository).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s RhodeCode page (such as


$class: 'ScmManagerGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Stash'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s Stash page (such as


$class: 'TFS2013GitRepositoryBrowser'

Either the name of the remote whose URL should be used, or the URL of this
module in TFS (such as
If empty (default), the URL of the «origin» repository is used.

If TFS is also used as the repository server, this can usually be left blank.


$class: 'ViewGitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the name of the project in ViewGit (e.g. scripts, scuttle etc. from


$class: 'GitLFSPullTrait'
$class: 'GitToolSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'IgnoreOnPushNotificationTrait'
$class: 'LocalBranchTrait'
$class: 'MercurialBrowserSCMSourceTrait'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'FishEye'

Specify the root URL serving this repository, such as:


$class: 'GoogleCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'HgWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'Kallithea'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'KilnHG'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCodeLegacy'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'ScmManager'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://YOURSCMMANAGER/scm/repo/NAMESPACE/NAME/).


$class: 'MercurialInstallationSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'PruneStaleBranchTrait'
$class: 'PruneStaleTagTrait'

If the repository being scanned is a public repository, this behaviour will exclude all pull requests.
(Note: This behaviour is not especially useful if scanning a single repository as you could just not include the
pull request discovery behaviours in the first place)

$class: 'PullRequestDiscoveryTrait'

Exclude branches for which there is an open pull request


$class: 'RefSpecsSCMSourceTrait'


Nested object

A ref spec to fetch. Any occurrences of @{remote} will be replaced by the remote name
(which defaults to origin) before use.



A Java regular expression to
restrict the names. Names that do not match the supplied regular expression will be ignored.
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests


$class: 'RemoteNameSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'SparseCheckoutPathsTrait'
Nested object

Specify the paths that you’d like to sparse checkout. This may be used for saving space (Think about a reference repository).
Be sure to use a recent version of Git, at least above 1.7.10



Nested object


$class: 'SubmoduleOptionTrait'
Nested object

By disabling support for submodules you can still keep using basic
git plugin functionality and just have Jenkins to ignore submodules
completely as if they didn’t exist.



Retrieve all submodules recursively

(uses ‘—recursive’ option which requires git>=1.6.5)



Retrieve the tip of the configured branch in .gitmodules

(Uses ‘—remote’ option which requires git>=1.8.2)



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.
To prepare a reference folder with multiple subprojects, create a bare git repository and add all the remote urls then perform a fetch:

  git init --bare
  git remote add SubProject1
  git remote add SubProject2
  git fetch --all



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for submodules operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).



Use credentials from the default remote of the parent project.


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


shallow (optional)

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.


threads (optional)

Specify the number of threads that will be used to update submodules.
If unspecified, the command line git default thread count is used.


$class: 'UserIdentityTrait'
Nested object

If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



Sets the value for committersToIgnore in the Bitbucket Webhook. Value should be a comma separated string.

committerToIgnore is used to prevent triggering Jenkins builds when commits by certain users
are made.




Overrides the defaults for webhook management.

Webhooks are used to inform Jenkins about changes to repositories. There are two ways webhooks can be

  • Manual webhook configuration requires the user to configure Bitbucket with the Jenkins URL in order
    to ensure that Bitbucket will send the events to Jenkins after every change.
  • Automatic webhook configuration requires that Jenkins has credentials with sufficient permission to
    configure webhooks and also that Jenkins knows the URL that Bitbucket can connect to.

The Manage Jenkins » Configure Jenkins › Bitbucket Endpoints allows defining the list of
servers. Each server
can be associated with credentials. If credentials are defined then the default behaviour is to use those
credentials to automatically manage the webhooks of all repositories that Jenkins is interested in. If no
credentials are defined then the default behaviour is to require the user to manually configure webhooks.


There are two available modes:

Disable hook management
Disables hook management irrespective of the global defaults.
Use item credentials for hook management
Enabled hook management but uses the selected credentials to manage the hooks rather than those defined in
Manage Jenkins » Configure Jenkins › Bitbucket Endpoints



Space-separated list of name patterns to consider.
You may use * as a wildcard; for example: master release*
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests



Space-separated list of name patterns to ignore even if matched by the includes list.
For example: release alpha-* beta-*
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests


$class: 'WipeWorkspaceTrait'

Discovers branches on the repository.


Determines which branches are discovered.

Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
If you are discovering origin pull requests, it may not make sense to discover the same changes both as a
pull request and as a branch.
Only branches that are also filed as PRs
Discovers branches that have PR’s associated with them. This may make sense if you have a
notification sent to the team at the end of a triggered build or limited Jenkins resources.
All branches
Ignores whether the branch is also filed as a pull request and instead discovers all branches on the
origin repository.



Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is a fork of the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered.

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging



One of the great powers of pull requests is that anyone with read access to a repository can fork it, commit
some changes to their fork and then create a pull request against the original repository with their changes.
There are some files stored in source control that are important. For example, a Jenkinsfile
may contain configuration details to sandbox pull requests in order to mitigate against malicious pull requests.
In order to protect against a malicious pull request itself modifying the Jenkinsfile to remove
the protections, you can define the trust policy for pull requests from forks.

Other plugins can extend the available trust policies. The default policies are:

Pull requests from forks will all be treated as untrusted. This means that where Jenkins requires a
trusted file (e.g. Jenkinsfile) the contents of that file will be retrieved from the
target branch on the origin repository and not from the pull request branch on the fork repository.
Forks in the same account
Bitbucket allows for a repository to be forked into a «sibling» repository in the same account but using
a different name. This strategy will trust any pull requests from forks that are in the same account as
the target repository on the basis that users have to have been granted write permission to account in
order create such a fork.
All pull requests from forks will be treated as trusted. NOTE: this option can be dangerous
if used on a public repository hosted on Bitbucket Cloud.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority<? super com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.BitbucketSCMSourceRequest, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead2, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision>

Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is the same as the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered.

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging



By default the discovered branches / pull requests will all use the same credentials
that were used for discovery when checking out sources. This means that the checkout will be using the
https:// protocol for the Git repository.

This behaviour allows you to select the SSH private key to be used for checking out sources, which will
consequently force the checkout to use the ssh:// protocol.


Credentials used to check out sources.

It must be a SSH key based credential.



Discovers tags on the repository.

$class: 'com.cloudogu.scmmanager.scm.BranchDiscoveryTrait'
$class: 'com.cloudogu.scmmanager.scm.TagDiscoveryTrait'

Discovers branches on the repository.


Discovers tags on the repository.


Discovers branches on the repository.


Determines which branches are discovered.

Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
If you are discovering origin pull requests, you may not want to also build the source branches
for those pull requests.
Only branches that are also filed as PRs
Similar to discovering origin pull requests, but discovers the branch rather than the pull request.
This means env.GIT_BRANCH will be set to the branch name rather than PR-#.
Also, status notifications for these builds will only be applied to the commit and not to the pull request.
All branches
Ignores whether the branch is also filed as a pull request and instead discovers all branches on the
origin repository.



Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is a fork of the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered:

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch.
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging.
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging.



One of the great powers of pull requests is that anyone with read access to a repository can fork it, commit
some changes to their fork and then create a pull request against the original repository with their changes.
There are some files stored in source control that are important. For example, a Jenkinsfile
may contain configuration details to sandbox pull requests in order to mitigate against malicious pull requests.
In order to protect against a malicious pull request itself modifying the Jenkinsfile to remove
the protections, you can define the trust policy for pull requests from forks.

Other plugins can extend the available trust policies. The default policies are:

Pull requests from forks will all be treated as untrusted. This means that where Jenkins requires a
trusted file (e.g. Jenkinsfile) the contents of that file will be retrieved from the
target branch on the origin repository and not from the pull request branch on the fork repository.
Pull requests from collaborators
to the origin repository will be treated as trusted, all other pull requests from fork repositories
will be treated as untrusted.
Note that if credentials used by Jenkins for scanning the repository does not have permission to
query the list of collaborators to the origin repository then only the origin account will be treated
as trusted — i.e. this will fall back to Nobody.
NOTE: all collaborators are trusted, even if they are only members of a team with read permission.
All pull requests from forks will be treated as trusted. NOTE: this option can be dangerous
if used on a public repository hosted on GitHub.
From users with Admin or Write permission
Pull requests forks will be treated as trusted if and only if the fork owner has either Admin or Write
permissions on the origin repository.
This is the recommended policy.
Note that this strategy requires the
a user’s permission level API, as a result on GitHub Enterprise Server versions before 2.12 this
is the same as trusting Nobody.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority<? super org.jenkinsci.plugins.github_branch_source.GitHubSCMSourceRequest, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead2, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision>

Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is the same as the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered:

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch.
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging.
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging.



By default the discovered branches / pull requests will all use the same username / password credentials
that were used for discovery when checking out sources. This means that the checkout will be using the
https:// protocol for the Git repository.

This behaviour allows you to select the SSH private key to be used for checking out sources, which will
consequently force the checkout to use the ssh:// protocol.


Credentials used to check out sources. Must be a SSH key based credential.



Discovers tags on the repository.


Specify the root URL of the SCM-Manager instance including the context path (such as
or an ssh URL (such as ssh://; this requires the
SSH plugin in SCM-Manager).



Select an existing repository from the SCM-Manager instance.



Select valid credentials for the specified SCM-Manager instance.


id (optional)


traits (optional)


Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AuthorInChangelogTrait'

Configure the Bitbucket notifications.

disableNotificationForNotBuildJobs (optional)


sendSuccessNotificationForUnstableBuild (optional)


$class: 'CheckoutOptionTrait'
Nested object

Specify a timeout (in minutes) for checkout.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


$class: 'CleanAfterCheckoutTrait'
Nested object

Clean up the workspace after every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckoutTrait'
Nested object

Clean up the workspace before every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanMercurialSCMSourceTrait'

When this behaviour is present, each build will wipe any local modifications
or untracked files in the repository checkout.
This is often a convenient way to ensure that a build is not
using any artifacts from earlier builds.

$class: 'CloneOptionTrait'
Nested object

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.



Deselect this to perform a clone without tags, saving time and disk space when you just want to access
what is specified by the refspec.



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for clone and fetch operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


honorRefspec (optional)

Perform initial clone using the refspec defined for the repository.
This can save time, data transfer and disk space when you only need
to access the references specified by the refspec.


$class: 'DiscoverOtherRefsTrait'

Discovers other specified refs on the repository.


The pattern under /refs on the remote repository to discover, can contain a wildcard.
Example: test/*/merged


nameMapping (optional)

Mapping for how the ref can be named in for example the @Library.
Example: test-@{1}
Where @{1} replaces the first wildcard in the ref when discovered.

By default it will be «namespace_before_wildcard-@{1}». E.g. if ref is «test/*/merged» the default mapping would be


$class: 'GitBrowserSCMSourceTrait'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AssemblaWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the Bitbucket Server root URL for this repository (such as https://bitbucket:7990/OWNER/REPO/).


$class: 'BitbucketWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'CGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'FisheyeGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the URL of this repository in FishEye (such as


$class: 'GitBlitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository.



Specify the name of the project in GitBlit.


$class: 'GitLab'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlabserver:port/group/REPO/).


version (optional)

Specify the major and minor version of GitLab you use (such as 9.1). If you
don’t specify a version, a modern version of GitLab (>= 8.0) is assumed.


$class: 'GitList'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlistserver:port/REPO/).


$class: 'GitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GithubWeb'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s GitHub page (such as


$class: 'Gitiles'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GitoriousWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GogsGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'KilnGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Phabricator'

Specify the phabricator instance root URL (such as



Specify the repository name in phabricator (such as the foo part of


$class: 'RedmineWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://SERVER/PATH/projects/PROJECT/repository).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s RhodeCode page (such as


$class: 'ScmManagerGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Stash'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s Stash page (such as


$class: 'TFS2013GitRepositoryBrowser'

Either the name of the remote whose URL should be used, or the URL of this
module in TFS (such as
If empty (default), the URL of the «origin» repository is used.

If TFS is also used as the repository server, this can usually be left blank.


$class: 'ViewGitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the name of the project in ViewGit (e.g. scripts, scuttle etc. from


$class: 'GitLFSPullTrait'
$class: 'GitToolSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'IgnoreOnPushNotificationTrait'
$class: 'LocalBranchTrait'
$class: 'MercurialBrowserSCMSourceTrait'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'FishEye'

Specify the root URL serving this repository, such as:


$class: 'GoogleCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'HgWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'Kallithea'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'KilnHG'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCodeLegacy'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'ScmManager'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://YOURSCMMANAGER/scm/repo/NAMESPACE/NAME/).


$class: 'MercurialInstallationSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'PruneStaleBranchTrait'
$class: 'PruneStaleTagTrait'

If the repository being scanned is a public repository, this behaviour will exclude all pull requests.
(Note: This behaviour is not especially useful if scanning a single repository as you could just not include the
pull request discovery behaviours in the first place)

$class: 'PullRequestDiscoveryTrait'

Exclude branches for which there is an open pull request


$class: 'RefSpecsSCMSourceTrait'


Nested object

A ref spec to fetch. Any occurrences of @{remote} will be replaced by the remote name
(which defaults to origin) before use.



A Java regular expression to
restrict the names. Names that do not match the supplied regular expression will be ignored.
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests


$class: 'RemoteNameSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'SparseCheckoutPathsTrait'
Nested object

Specify the paths that you’d like to sparse checkout. This may be used for saving space (Think about a reference repository).
Be sure to use a recent version of Git, at least above 1.7.10



Nested object


$class: 'SubmoduleOptionTrait'
Nested object

By disabling support for submodules you can still keep using basic
git plugin functionality and just have Jenkins to ignore submodules
completely as if they didn’t exist.



Retrieve all submodules recursively

(uses ‘—recursive’ option which requires git>=1.6.5)



Retrieve the tip of the configured branch in .gitmodules

(Uses ‘—remote’ option which requires git>=1.8.2)



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.
To prepare a reference folder with multiple subprojects, create a bare git repository and add all the remote urls then perform a fetch:

  git init --bare
  git remote add SubProject1
  git remote add SubProject2
  git fetch --all



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for submodules operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).



Use credentials from the default remote of the parent project.


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


shallow (optional)

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.


threads (optional)

Specify the number of threads that will be used to update submodules.
If unspecified, the command line git default thread count is used.


$class: 'UserIdentityTrait'
Nested object

If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



Sets the value for committersToIgnore in the Bitbucket Webhook. Value should be a comma separated string.

committerToIgnore is used to prevent triggering Jenkins builds when commits by certain users
are made.




Overrides the defaults for webhook management.

Webhooks are used to inform Jenkins about changes to repositories. There are two ways webhooks can be

  • Manual webhook configuration requires the user to configure Bitbucket with the Jenkins URL in order
    to ensure that Bitbucket will send the events to Jenkins after every change.
  • Automatic webhook configuration requires that Jenkins has credentials with sufficient permission to
    configure webhooks and also that Jenkins knows the URL that Bitbucket can connect to.

The Manage Jenkins » Configure Jenkins › Bitbucket Endpoints allows defining the list of
servers. Each server
can be associated with credentials. If credentials are defined then the default behaviour is to use those
credentials to automatically manage the webhooks of all repositories that Jenkins is interested in. If no
credentials are defined then the default behaviour is to require the user to manually configure webhooks.


There are two available modes:

Disable hook management
Disables hook management irrespective of the global defaults.
Use item credentials for hook management
Enabled hook management but uses the selected credentials to manage the hooks rather than those defined in
Manage Jenkins » Configure Jenkins › Bitbucket Endpoints



Space-separated list of name patterns to consider.
You may use * as a wildcard; for example: master release*
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests



Space-separated list of name patterns to ignore even if matched by the includes list.
For example: release alpha-* beta-*
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests


$class: 'WipeWorkspaceTrait'

Discovers branches on the repository.


Determines which branches are discovered.

Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
If you are discovering origin pull requests, it may not make sense to discover the same changes both as a
pull request and as a branch.
Only branches that are also filed as PRs
Discovers branches that have PR’s associated with them. This may make sense if you have a
notification sent to the team at the end of a triggered build or limited Jenkins resources.
All branches
Ignores whether the branch is also filed as a pull request and instead discovers all branches on the
origin repository.



Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is a fork of the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered.

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging



One of the great powers of pull requests is that anyone with read access to a repository can fork it, commit
some changes to their fork and then create a pull request against the original repository with their changes.
There are some files stored in source control that are important. For example, a Jenkinsfile
may contain configuration details to sandbox pull requests in order to mitigate against malicious pull requests.
In order to protect against a malicious pull request itself modifying the Jenkinsfile to remove
the protections, you can define the trust policy for pull requests from forks.

Other plugins can extend the available trust policies. The default policies are:

Pull requests from forks will all be treated as untrusted. This means that where Jenkins requires a
trusted file (e.g. Jenkinsfile) the contents of that file will be retrieved from the
target branch on the origin repository and not from the pull request branch on the fork repository.
Forks in the same account
Bitbucket allows for a repository to be forked into a «sibling» repository in the same account but using
a different name. This strategy will trust any pull requests from forks that are in the same account as
the target repository on the basis that users have to have been granted write permission to account in
order create such a fork.
All pull requests from forks will be treated as trusted. NOTE: this option can be dangerous
if used on a public repository hosted on Bitbucket Cloud.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority<? super com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.BitbucketSCMSourceRequest, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead2, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision>

Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is the same as the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered.

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging



By default the discovered branches / pull requests will all use the same credentials
that were used for discovery when checking out sources. This means that the checkout will be using the
https:// protocol for the Git repository.

This behaviour allows you to select the SSH private key to be used for checking out sources, which will
consequently force the checkout to use the ssh:// protocol.


Credentials used to check out sources.

It must be a SSH key based credential.



Discovers tags on the repository.

$class: 'com.cloudogu.scmmanager.scm.BranchDiscoveryTrait'
$class: 'com.cloudogu.scmmanager.scm.TagDiscoveryTrait'

Discovers branches on the repository.


Discovers tags on the repository.


Discovers branches on the repository.


Determines which branches are discovered.

Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
If you are discovering origin pull requests, you may not want to also build the source branches
for those pull requests.
Only branches that are also filed as PRs
Similar to discovering origin pull requests, but discovers the branch rather than the pull request.
This means env.GIT_BRANCH will be set to the branch name rather than PR-#.
Also, status notifications for these builds will only be applied to the commit and not to the pull request.
All branches
Ignores whether the branch is also filed as a pull request and instead discovers all branches on the
origin repository.



Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is a fork of the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered:

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch.
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging.
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging.



One of the great powers of pull requests is that anyone with read access to a repository can fork it, commit
some changes to their fork and then create a pull request against the original repository with their changes.
There are some files stored in source control that are important. For example, a Jenkinsfile
may contain configuration details to sandbox pull requests in order to mitigate against malicious pull requests.
In order to protect against a malicious pull request itself modifying the Jenkinsfile to remove
the protections, you can define the trust policy for pull requests from forks.

Other plugins can extend the available trust policies. The default policies are:

Pull requests from forks will all be treated as untrusted. This means that where Jenkins requires a
trusted file (e.g. Jenkinsfile) the contents of that file will be retrieved from the
target branch on the origin repository and not from the pull request branch on the fork repository.
Pull requests from collaborators
to the origin repository will be treated as trusted, all other pull requests from fork repositories
will be treated as untrusted.
Note that if credentials used by Jenkins for scanning the repository does not have permission to
query the list of collaborators to the origin repository then only the origin account will be treated
as trusted — i.e. this will fall back to Nobody.
NOTE: all collaborators are trusted, even if they are only members of a team with read permission.
All pull requests from forks will be treated as trusted. NOTE: this option can be dangerous
if used on a public repository hosted on GitHub.
From users with Admin or Write permission
Pull requests forks will be treated as trusted if and only if the fork owner has either Admin or Write
permissions on the origin repository.
This is the recommended policy.
Note that this strategy requires the
a user’s permission level API, as a result on GitHub Enterprise Server versions before 2.12 this
is the same as trusting Nobody.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority<? super org.jenkinsci.plugins.github_branch_source.GitHubSCMSourceRequest, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead2, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision>

Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is the same as the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered:

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch.
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging.
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging.



By default the discovered branches / pull requests will all use the same username / password credentials
that were used for discovery when checking out sources. This means that the checkout will be using the
https:// protocol for the Git repository.

This behaviour allows you to select the SSH private key to be used for checking out sources, which will
consequently force the checkout to use the ssh:// protocol.


Credentials used to check out sources. Must be a SSH key based credential.



Discovers tags on the repository.


Specify the root URL of the SCM-Manager instance including the context path (such as



Select an existing repository from the SCM-Manager instance.


id (optional)


credentialsId (optional)

Select valid credentials for the specified SCM-Manager instance.


browser (optional)
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'Assembla'


$class: 'CollabNetSVN'

The repository browser URL for the root of the project.
For example, a project called


would use



$class: 'FishEyeSVN'

Specify the URL of this module in FishEye.
(such as




Specify the root Subversion module that this FishEye monitors.
For example, for

this field would be


because it displays the directory «/ant»
of the ASF repo. If FishEye is configured to display the whole SVN repository,
leave this field empty.






$class: 'SVNWeb'


$class: 'ScmManagerSvnRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Sventon'

Specify the URL of the Sventon repository browser.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



Specify the Sventon repository instance name that references this subversion repository.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



$class: 'Sventon2'

Specify the URL of the Sventon repository browser.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



Specify the Sventon repository instance name that references this subversion repository.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



$class: 'ViewSVN'

Specify the root URL of ViewSVN for this repository
(such as this).


$class: 'VisualSVN'


$class: 'WebSVN'


excludes (optional)

Optionally specify branches to be excluded from builds using glob expressions.


includes (optional)

Specify the branches to be build using glob expressions (like trunk,branches/*,tags/*,sandbox/*).


workspaceUpdater (optional)
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'CheckoutUpdater'
$class: 'NoopUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateWithCleanUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateWithRevertUpdater'

The name of the SCM head/trunk/branch/tag that this source provides.


Nested choice of objects
$class: 'GitSCM'

The git plugin provides fundamental git operations for Jenkins projects.
It can poll, fetch, checkout, and merge contents of git repositories.

The git plugin provides an SCM implementation to be used with the Pipeline SCM checkout step.
The Pipeline Syntax Snippet Generator guides the user to select git plugin checkout options and provides online help for each of the options.


Specify the repository to track. This can be a URL or a local file path.
Note that for super-projects (repositories with submodules), only a local file
path or a complete URL is valid. The following are examples of valid git URLs.

  • ssh://
  • (short notation for ssh protocol)
  • ssh:// (to access the repos/R.git
    repository in the user’s home directory)

If the repository is a super-project, the
location from which to clone submodules is dependent on whether the repository
is bare or non-bare (i.e. has a working directory).

  • If the super-project is bare, the location of the submodules will be
    taken from .gitmodules.
  • If the super-project is not bare, it is assumed that the
    repository has each of its submodules cloned and checked out appropriately.
    Thus, the submodules will be taken directly from a path like
    ${SUPER_PROJECT_URL}/${SUBMODULE}, rather than relying on
    information from .gitmodules.

For a local URL/path to a super-project,
git rev-parse —is-bare-repository
is used to detect whether the super-project is bare or not.

For a remote URL to a super-project, the ending of the URL determines whether
a bare or non-bare repository is assumed:

  • If the remote URL ends with /.git, a non-bare repository is
  • If the remote URL does NOT end with /.git, a bare
    repository is assumed.


Nested object

Specify the URL or path of the git repository.
This uses the same syntax as your git clone command.



ID of the repository, such as origin, to uniquely identify this repository among other remote repositories.
This is the same «name» that you use in your git remote command. If left empty,
Jenkins will generate unique names for you.

You normally want to specify this when you have multiple remote repositories.



A refspec controls the remote refs to be retrieved and how they map to local refs. If left blank, it will default to
the normal behaviour of git fetch, which retrieves all the branch heads as remotes/REPOSITORYNAME/BRANCHNAME.
This default behaviour is OK for most cases.

In other words, the default refspec is «+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/REPOSITORYNAME/*» where REPOSITORYNAME is the value
you specify in the above «name of repository» textbox.

When do you want to modify this value? A good example is when you want to just retrieve one branch. For example,
+refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master would only retrieve the master branch and nothing else.

The plugin uses a default refspec for its initial fetch, unless the «Advanced Clone Option» is set to honor refspec.
This keeps compatibility with previous behavior, and allows the job definition to decide if the refspec should be
honored on initial clone.

Multiple refspecs can be entered by separating them with a space character.
+refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master +refs/heads/develop:refs/remotes/origin/develop
retrieves the master branch and the develop branch and nothing else.

See the refspec definition in Git user manual for more details.



Credential used to check out sources.



List of branches to build.
Jenkins jobs are most effective when each job builds only a single branch.
When a single job builds multiple branches, the changelog comparisons between branches often show no changes or incorrect changes.


Nested object

Specify the branches if you’d like to track a specific branch in a repository.
If left blank, all branches will be examined for changes and built.

The safest way is to use the refs/heads/<branchName> syntax. This way the expected branch
is unambiguous.

If your branch name has a / in it make sure to use the full reference above. When not presented
with a full path the plugin will only use the part of the string right of the last slash.
Meaning foo/bar will actually match bar.

If you use a wildcard branch specifier, with a slash (e.g. release/),
you’ll need to specify the origin repository in the branch names to
make sure changes are picked up. So e.g. origin/release/

Possible options:

  • <branchName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch. If ambiguous the first result is taken, which is not necessarily
    the expected one. Better use refs/heads/<branchName>.
    E.g. master, feature1, …
  • refs/heads/<branchName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch.
    E.g. refs/heads/master, refs/heads/feature1/master, …
  • <remoteRepoName>/<branchName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch. If ambiguous the first result is taken, which is not necessarily
    the expected one.
    Better use refs/heads/<branchName>.
    E.g. origin/master
  • remotes/<remoteRepoName>/<branchName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch.
    E.g. remotes/origin/master
  • refs/remotes/<remoteRepoName>/<branchName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch.
    E.g. refs/remotes/origin/master
  • <tagName>
    This does not work since the tag will not be recognized as tag.
    Use refs/tags/<tagName> instead.
    E.g. git-2.3.0
  • refs/tags/<tagName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified tag.
    E.g. refs/tags/git-2.3.0
  • <commitId>
    Checks out the specified commit.
    E.g. 5062ac843f2b947733e6a3b105977056821bd352, 5062ac84, …
    It is also possible to use environment variables. In this case the variables are evaluated and the
    result is used as described above.
    E.g. ${TREEISH}, refs/tags/${TAGNAME}, …
  • <Wildcards>
    The syntax is of the form: REPOSITORYNAME/BRANCH.
    In addition, BRANCH is recognized as a shorthand of */BRANCH, ‘*’ is recognized as a wildcard,
    and ‘**’ is recognized as wildcard that includes the separator ‘/’. Therefore, origin/branches* would
    match origin/branches-foo but not origin/branches/foo, while origin/branches** would
    match both origin/branches-foo and origin/branches/foo.
  • :<regular expression>
    The syntax is of the form: :regexp.
    Regular expression syntax in branches to build will only
    build those branches whose names match the regular

    • :^(?!(origin/prefix)).*
      • matches: origin or origin/master or origin/feature
      • does not match: origin/prefix or origin/prefix_123 or origin/prefix-abc
    • :origin/release-d{8}
      • matches: origin/release-20150101
      • does not match: origin/release-2015010 or origin/release-201501011 or origin/release-20150101-something
    • :^(?!origin/master$|origin/develop$).*
      • matches: origin/branch1 or origin/branch-2 or origin/master123 or origin/develop-123
      • does not match: origin/master or origin/develop



Defines the repository browser that displays changes detected by the git plugin.

Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AssemblaWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the Bitbucket Server root URL for this repository (such as https://bitbucket:7990/OWNER/REPO/).


$class: 'BitbucketWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'CGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'FisheyeGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the URL of this repository in FishEye (such as


$class: 'GitBlitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository.



Specify the name of the project in GitBlit.


$class: 'GitLab'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlabserver:port/group/REPO/).


version (optional)

Specify the major and minor version of GitLab you use (such as 9.1). If you
don’t specify a version, a modern version of GitLab (>= 8.0) is assumed.


$class: 'GitList'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlistserver:port/REPO/).


$class: 'GitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GithubWeb'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s GitHub page (such as


$class: 'Gitiles'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GitoriousWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GogsGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'KilnGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Phabricator'

Specify the phabricator instance root URL (such as



Specify the repository name in phabricator (such as the foo part of


$class: 'RedmineWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://SERVER/PATH/projects/PROJECT/repository).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s RhodeCode page (such as


$class: 'ScmManagerGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Stash'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s Stash page (such as


$class: 'TFS2013GitRepositoryBrowser'

Either the name of the remote whose URL should be used, or the URL of this
module in TFS (such as
If empty (default), the URL of the «origin» repository is used.

If TFS is also used as the repository server, this can usually be left blank.


$class: 'ViewGitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the name of the project in ViewGit (e.g. scripts, scuttle etc. from



Absolute path to the git executable.

This is different from other Jenkins tool definitions.
Rather than providing the directory that contains the executable, you must provide the complete path to the executable.
Setting ‘/usr/bin/git‘ would be correct, while setting ‘/usr/bin/‘ is not correct.



Extensions add new behavior or modify existing plugin behavior for different uses.
Extensions help users more precisely tune plugin behavior to meet their needs.

Extensions include:

  • Clone extensions modify the git operations that retrieve remote changes into the agent workspace.
    The extensions can adjust the amount of history retrieved, how long the retrieval is allowed to run, and other retrieval details.
  • Checkout extensions modify the git operations that place files in the workspace from the git repository on the agent.
    The extensions can adjust the maximum duration of the checkout operation, the use and behavior of git submodules, the location of the workspace on the disc, and more.
  • Changelog extensions adapt the source code difference calculations for different cases.
  • Tagging extensions allow the plugin to apply tags in the current workspace.
  • Build initiation extensions control the conditions that start a build.
    They can ignore notifications of a change or force a deeper evaluation of the commits when polling.
  • Merge extensions can optionally merge changes from other branches into the current branch of the agent workspace.
    They control the source branch for the merge and the options applied to the merge.


Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AuthorInChangelog'

The default behavior is to use the Git commit’s «Committer» value in Jenkins’ build changesets.
If this option is selected, the Git commit’s «Author» value would be used instead.

$class: 'BuildChooserSetting'

When you are interested in using a job to build multiple heads (most typically multiple branches),
you can choose how Jenkins choose what branches to build in what order.

This extension point in Jenkins is used by many other plugins to control the job to build
specific commits. When you activate those plugins, you may see them installing a custom strategy

Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AncestryBuildChooser'




$class: 'DefaultBuildChooser'
$class: 'InverseBuildChooser'
$class: 'BuildSingleRevisionOnly'

Disable scheduling for multiple candidate revisions.
If we have 3 branches:
—-A—.—.— B
jenkins would try to build (B) and (C).
This behaviour disables this and only builds one of them.
It is helpful to reduce the load of the Jenkins infrastructure when the
SCM system like Bitbucket or GitHub should decide what commits to build.

$class: 'ChangelogToBranch'

This method calculates the changelog against the specified branch.

Nested object

Name of the repository, such as origin, that contains the branch you specify below.



The name of the branch within the named repository to compare against.


$class: 'CheckoutOption'

Specify a timeout (in minutes) for checkout.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckout'

Clean up the workspace before every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanCheckout'

Clean up the workspace after every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CloneOption'

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.



Deselect this to perform a clone without tags, saving time and disk space when you just want to access
what is specified by the refspec.



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for clone and fetch operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


honorRefspec (optional)

Perform initial clone using the refspec defined for the repository.
This can save time, data transfer and disk space when you only need
to access the references specified by the refspec.


$class: 'DisableRemotePoll'

Git plugin uses git ls-remote polling mechanism by default when configured with a single branch (no wildcards!).
This compare the latest built commit SHA with the remote branch without cloning a local copy of the repo.

If you don’t want to / can’t use this.

If this option is selected, polling will require a workspace and might trigger unwanted builds (see JENKINS-10131).

$class: 'GitLFSPull'

Enable git large file support for the workspace by pulling large files after the checkout completes.
Requires that the controller and each agent performing an LFS checkout have installed `git lfs`.

$class: 'IgnoreNotifyCommit'

If checked, this repository will be ignored when the notifyCommit-URL is accessed regardless of if the repository
matches or not.

$class: 'LocalBranch'

If given, checkout the revision to build as HEAD on this branch.

If selected, and its value is an empty string or «**», then the branch
name is computed from the remote branch without the origin. In that
case, a remote branch origin/master will be checked out to a local
branch named master, and a remote branch origin/develop/new-feature
will be checked out to a local branch named develop/newfeature.

Please note that this has not been tested with submodules.



$class: 'MessageExclusion'

If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions committed with message matched to
Pattern when determining
if a build needs to be triggered. This can be used to exclude commits done by the build itself from triggering another build,
assuming the build server commits the change with a distinct message.

Exclusion uses Pattern


The example above illustrates that if only revisions with «[maven-release-plugin]» message in first comment line
have been committed to the SCM a build will not occur.

You can create more complex patterns using embedded flag expressions.


This example will search FOO message in all comment lines.


$class: 'PathRestriction'

If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will pay attention to included and/or excluded files and/or
folders when determining if a build needs to be triggered.

Using this behaviour will preclude the faster git ls-remote polling mechanism, forcing polling to require a workspace thus sometimes triggering unwanted builds, as if you had selected the Force polling using workspace extension as well.


Each inclusion uses java regular expression pattern matching,
and must be separated by a new line.
An empty list implies that everything is included.


The example above illustrates that a build will only occur, if html/jpeg/gif files
have been committed to the SCM. Exclusions take precedence over inclusions, if there is
an overlap between included and excluded regions.



Each exclusion uses java regular expression pattern matching,
and must be separated by a new line.


The example above illustrates that if only html/jpeg/gif files have been committed to
the SCM a build will not occur.


$class: 'PerBuildTag'

Create a tag in the workspace for every build to unambiguously mark the commit that was built.
You can combine this with Git publisher to push the tags to the remote repository.

$class: 'PreBuildMerge'

These options allow you to perform a merge to a particular branch before building.
For example, you could specify an integration branch to be built, and to merge to master.
In this scenario, on every change of integration, Jenkins will perform a merge with the master branch,
and try to perform a build if the merge is successful.
It then may push the merge back to the remote repository if the Git Push post-build action is selected.

Nested object

The name of the branch within the named repository to merge to, such as master.


fastForwardMode (optional)

Merge fast-forward mode selection.
The default, —ff, gracefully falls back to a merge commit when required.
For more information, see the Git Merge Documentation

mergeRemote (optional)

Name of the repository, such as origin, that contains the branch you specify below. If left blank,
it’ll default to the name of the first repository configured above.


mergeStrategy (optional)

Merge strategy selection.
This feature is not fully implemented in JGIT.









$class: 'PruneStaleBranch'

Run «git remote prune» for each remote, to prune obsolete local branches.



$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory'

Specify a local directory (relative to the workspace root)
where the Git repository will be checked out. If left empty, the workspace root itself
will be used.

This extension should not be used in Jenkins Pipeline (either declarative or scripted).
Jenkins Pipeline already provides standard techniques for checkout to a subdirectory.
Use ws and
in Jenkins Pipeline rather than this extension.


$class: 'ScmName'

Unique name for this SCM. Needed when using Git within the Multi SCM plugin.



$class: 'SparseCheckoutPaths'

Specify the paths that you’d like to sparse checkout. This may be used for saving space (Think about a reference repository).
Be sure to use a recent version of Git, at least above 1.7.10



Nested object


$class: 'SubmoduleOption'

By disabling support for submodules you can still keep using basic
git plugin functionality and just have Jenkins to ignore submodules
completely as if they didn’t exist.



Retrieve all submodules recursively

(uses ‘—recursive’ option which requires git>=1.6.5)



Retrieve the tip of the configured branch in .gitmodules

(Uses ‘—remote’ option which requires git>=1.8.2)



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.
To prepare a reference folder with multiple subprojects, create a bare git repository and add all the remote urls then perform a fetch:

  git init --bare
  git remote add SubProject1
  git remote add SubProject2
  git fetch --all



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for submodules operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).



Use credentials from the default remote of the parent project.


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


shallow (optional)

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.


threads (optional)

Specify the number of threads that will be used to update submodules.
If unspecified, the command line git default thread count is used.


$class: 'UserExclusion'

If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions committed by users in this list when determining if a build needs to be triggered. This can be used to exclude commits done by the build itself from triggering another build, assuming the build server commits the change with a distinct SCM user.

Using this behaviour will preclude the faster git ls-remote polling mechanism, forcing polling to require a workspace thus sometimes triggering unwanted builds, as if you had selected the Force polling using workspace extension as well.

Each exclusion uses exact string comparison and must be separated by a new line.
User names are only excluded if they exactly match one of the names in this list.


The example above illustrates that if only revisions by «auto_build_user» have been committed to the SCM a build will not occur.


$class: 'UserIdentity'

If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.


$class: 'WipeWorkspace'

Delete the contents of the workspace before building, ensuring a fully fresh workspace.

doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations (optional)

Removed facility that was intended to test combinations of git submodule versions.
Removed in git plugin 4.6.0.
Ignores the user provided value and always uses false as its value.


submoduleCfg (optional)

Removed facility that was intended to test combinations of git submodule versions.
Removed in git plugin 4.6.0.
Ignores the user provided value(s) and always uses empty values.


Nested object

Removed in git plugin 4.6.0.



Removed in git plugin 4.6.0.

$class: 'MercurialSCM'

Specify the repository to track. This can be URL or a local file path.
If you are specifying HTTP credentials, do not include a username in the URL.


browser (optional)
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'FishEye'

Specify the root URL serving this repository, such as:


$class: 'GoogleCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'HgWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'Kallithea'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'KilnHG'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCodeLegacy'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'ScmManager'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://YOURSCMMANAGER/scm/repo/NAMESPACE/NAME/).


clean (optional)

When this option is checked, each build will wipe any local modifications
or untracked files in the repository checkout.
This is often a convenient way to ensure that a build is not
using any artifacts from earlier builds.


credentialsId (optional)

Optional credentials to use when cloning or pulling from the remote repository.
Supports username/password with HTTP(S) URLs, and SSH private key with SSH URLs.


disableChangeLog (optional)

When checked, Hudson will not calculate the Mercurial changelog for each build.
Disabling the changelog can decrease the amount of time needed to update a
very large repository.


installation (optional)


modules (optional)

Reduce unnecessary builds by specifying a comma or space delimited list of «modules» within the repository.
A module is a directory name within the repository that this project lives in. If this field is set,
changes outside the specified modules will not trigger a build (even though the whole repository is checked
out anyway due to the Mercurial limitation.)


revision (optional)

Specify the branch or tag name you would like to track.
(If you do not type anything, the default value is the default branch.)


revisionType (optional)

Specify the kind of revision you expect Jenkins to update your working copy to.






subdir (optional)

If not empty, check out the Mercurial repository into this subdirectory of the
job’s workspace. For example: my/sources (use forward slashes).
If changing this entry, you probably want to clean the workspace first.


$class: 'SubversionSCM'

Checks out the source code from Subversion repositories. See
post-commit hook set up for improved turn-around time and
performance in polling.



Nested object





Specify a local directory (relative to the workspace root)
where this module is checked out. If left empty, the last path component of the URL
is used as the default, just like the


A single period (.) may be used to check out the project directly
into the workspace rather than into a subdirectory.



option for checkout and update commands. Default value is



  • empty includes only the immediate target of the operation, not any of its file or directory children.
  • files includes the immediate target of the operation and any of its immediate file children.
  • immediates includes the immediate target of the operation and any of its immediate file or directory children. The directory children will themselves be empty.
  • infinity includes the immediate target, its file and directory children, its children’s children, and so on to full recursion.
  • as-it-is takes the working depth from the current working copy, allows for setting update depth manually using —set-depth option.

More information can be found



«—ignore-externals» option will be used with svn checkout, svn update commands to disable externals definition processing.

More information can be found

Note: there is the potential to leverage svn:externals to gain read access to the entire
Subversion repository. This can happen if you follow the normal practice of giving Jenkins
credentials with read access to the entire Subversion repository. You will also need to provide the credentials
to use when checking/polling out the svn:externals using the Additional Credentials option.



Determines if the process should be cancelled when checkout/update svn:externals failed. Will work when «Ignore externals» box is not checked.
Default choice is to cancelled the process when checkout/update svn:externals failed.


Nested choice of objects
$class: 'CheckoutUpdater'
$class: 'NoopUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateWithCleanUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateWithRevertUpdater'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'Assembla'


$class: 'CollabNetSVN'

The repository browser URL for the root of the project.
For example, a project called


would use



$class: 'FishEyeSVN'

Specify the URL of this module in FishEye.
(such as




Specify the root Subversion module that this FishEye monitors.
For example, for

this field would be


because it displays the directory «/ant»
of the ASF repo. If FishEye is configured to display the whole SVN repository,
leave this field empty.






$class: 'SVNWeb'


$class: 'ScmManagerSvnRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Sventon'

Specify the URL of the Sventon repository browser.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



Specify the Sventon repository instance name that references this subversion repository.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



$class: 'Sventon2'

Specify the URL of the Sventon repository browser.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



Specify the Sventon repository instance name that references this subversion repository.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



$class: 'ViewSVN'

Specify the root URL of ViewSVN for this repository
(such as this).


$class: 'VisualSVN'


$class: 'WebSVN'



If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any files and/or
folders in this list when determining if a build needs to be triggered.

Each exclusion uses regular expression pattern matching, and must be separated by a new line.


The example above illustrates that if only html/jpeg/gif files have been committed to
the SCM a build will not occur.

More information on regular expressions can be found



If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions committed by users in this list when determining if a build needs to be triggered. This can be used to exclude commits done by the build itself from triggering another build, assuming the build server commits the change with a distinct SCM user.

Each exclusion uses literal pattern matching, and must be separated by a new line.


The example above illustrates that if only revisions by «auto_build_user» have been committed to the SCM a build will not occur.



If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions
that are marked with the given revision property (revprop) when determining if
a build needs to be triggered. This can be used to exclude commits done by the
build itself from triggering another build, assuming the build server commits
the change with the correct revprop.

This type of exclusion only works with Subversion 1.5 servers and newer.

More information on revision properties can be found



If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions
with commit messages containing any of the given regular expressions when
determining if a build needs to be triggered.



If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any files and/or
folders that are not in this list when determining if a build needs to be triggered.

Each inclusion uses regular expression pattern matching, and must be separated by a new line.

This is useful when you need to check out an entire resource for building, but only want to do
the build when a subset has changed.


If /trunk/myapp is checked out, the build will only occur when there are changes to
either the c/library1 and c/library2 subtrees.

If there are also excluded regions specified, then a file is not ignored when it is in
the included list and not in the excluded list.

More information on regular expressions can be found



If set, Jenkins ignores svn-property only changes of directories.
These changes are ignored when determining whether a build should be triggered and are removed from a
build’s changeset.
Main usage of this property is to ignore svn:mergeinfo changes (which would otherwise e.g. lead to a complete rebuild
of a maven project, in spite of incremental build option).



If set Jenkins will apply the same inclusion and exclusion patterns for displaying changelog entries as it does for polling for changes.
If this is disabled, changes which are excluded for polling are still displayed in the changelog.



If there are additional credentials required in order to obtain a complete checkout of the source, they can be
provided here.

The realm is how the repository self-identifies to a client. It usually has the following format:

<proto://host:port> Realm Name

  • proto is the protocol, e.g. http or svn.
  • host is the host how it’s accessed by Jenkins, e.g. as IP address, host name svnserver, or host name and domain
  • port is the port, even if not explicitly specified. By default, this is 80 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS, 3690 for the svn protocol.
  • Realm Name is how the repository self-identifies. Common options include VisualSVN Server, Subversion Authentication or the UUID of the repository.

To find out the realm, you could do any of the following:

  • If you access the repository via HTTP or HTTPS: Open the repo in a web browser without saved credentials. It will use the Realm Name (see above) in the authentication dialog.
  • Use the command line svn program.
    • If you don’t have stored the credentials, run e.g. svn info https://svnserver/repo and it will tell you the realm when asking you to enter a password, e.g.: Authentication realm: <svn://svnserver:3690> VisualSVN Server.
    • If you have already stored the credentials to access the repository, look for the realm name in one of the files in ~/.subversion/auth/svn/simple; it will be two lines below the line svn:realmstring.
  • When accessing a repository via the svn+ssh protocol, the realm has the format username@svn+ssh://host:port – note that the username is before the svn+ssh://
    (unlike the URL used for normal SVN operations), and that there are no angle brackets and no realm name. For this protocol the default port is 22.

Make sure to enter the realm exactly as shown, starting with a < (except for repositories accessed via svn+ssh – see above).


Nested object

This is the realm that the SvnKit library associates with a specific checkout. For most Subversion servers this
will typically be of the format <scheme://hostname(:port)> name,
while for servers accessed via svn+ssh it is of the format (username@)svn+ssh://hostname(:port).



Select the credential from the list of relevant credentials in order to use that credential for checking out
the source code.



Mimics subversion command line --quiet parameter for check out / update operations to help keep the output shorter. Prints nothing, or only summary information.


id (optional)


$class: 'SubversionSCMSource'


id (optional)


browser (optional)
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'Assembla'


$class: 'CollabNetSVN'

The repository browser URL for the root of the project.
For example, a project called


would use



$class: 'FishEyeSVN'

Specify the URL of this module in FishEye.
(such as




Specify the root Subversion module that this FishEye monitors.
For example, for

this field would be


because it displays the directory «/ant»
of the ASF repo. If FishEye is configured to display the whole SVN repository,
leave this field empty.






$class: 'SVNWeb'


$class: 'ScmManagerSvnRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Sventon'

Specify the URL of the Sventon repository browser.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



Specify the Sventon repository instance name that references this subversion repository.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



$class: 'Sventon2'

Specify the URL of the Sventon repository browser.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



Specify the Sventon repository instance name that references this subversion repository.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



$class: 'ViewSVN'

Specify the root URL of ViewSVN for this repository
(such as this).


$class: 'VisualSVN'


$class: 'WebSVN'


credentialsId (optional)


excludes (optional)


includes (optional)


workspaceUpdater (optional)
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'CheckoutUpdater'
$class: 'NoopUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateWithCleanUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateWithRevertUpdater'
libraryPath (optional)

A relative path from the root of the SCM to the root of the library.
Leave this field blank if the root of the library is the root of the SCM.
Note that «..» is not permitted as a path component to avoid security issues.


libraryResource: Load a resource file from a library

Reads a resource from a library and returns its content as a plain string.


Relative (/-separated) path to a resource in a library’s /resources folder.


encoding (optional)

The encoding to use when reading the resource.
If left blank, the platform default encoding will be used.
Binary files can be read into a Base64-encoded string by specifying «Base64» as the encoding.


load: Evaluate a Groovy source file into the Pipeline script

Takes a filename in the workspace and runs it as Groovy source text.

The loaded file can contain statements at top level or just load and run a closure. For example:

    def pipeline
    node('slave') {
        pipeline = load 'pipeline.groovy'

Where pipeline.groovy defines functionA and functionB functions (among others) before ending with return this;


Current directory (pwd()) relative path to the Groovy file to load.


lock: Lock shared resource

The resource name to lock as defined in Global settings.
If the resource does not exist in Global Settings it will be automatically created on build execution.
Either a resource or a label need to be specified.


extra (optional)


Nested object

The resource name to lock as defined in Global settings.
If the resource does not exist in Global Settings it will be automatically created on build execution.
Either a resource or a label need to be specified.


label (optional)

The label of the resources to be locked as defined in Global settings.
Either a resource or a label need to be specified.


quantity (optional)

The quantity of resources with the specified label to be locked as defined in Global settings.
Either a resource or a label need to be specified.
Empty value or 0 means lock all matching resources.


inversePrecedence (optional)

By default waiting builds get the lock in the same order they requested to acquire it.

By checking this option the newest build in the waiting queue will get the lock first.


label (optional)

The label of the resources to be locked as defined in Global settings.
Either a resource or a label need to be specified.


quantity (optional)

The quantity of resources with the specified label to be locked as defined in Global settings.
Either a resource or a label need to be specified.
Empty value or 0 means lock all matching resources.


skipIfLocked (optional)

By default waiting builds get the lock.

By checking this option the body will not be executed if there is a queue. It will only take the lock if it can be taken immediately.


variable (optional)

Name of an environment variable that will receive the comma separated list of the names of the locked resources while the block executes.


lock(label: 'label', variable: 'var') {
    echo "Resource locked: ${env.var}"


mail: Mail

Simple step for sending email.





bcc (optional)

BCC email address list. Comma separated list of email addresses.


cc (optional)

CC email address list. Comma separated list of email addresses.


charset (optional)

Email body character encoding. Defaults to UTF-8


from (optional)

From email address. Defaults to the admin address globally configured for the Jenkins instance.


mimeType (optional)

Email body MIME type. Defaults to text/plain.


replyTo (optional)

Reploy-To email address. Defaults to the admin address globally configured for the Jenkins instance.


to (optional)

To email address list. Comma separated list of email addresses.


milestone: The milestone step forces all builds to go through in order

By default, Pipeline builds can run concurrently.

The milestone step forces all builds to go through in order, so an older build will never be allowed pass
a milestone (it is aborted) if a newer build already passed it.

In general this step grants:

  • Builds pass milestones in order (taking the build number as sorter field).
  • Older builds will not proceed (they are aborted) if a newer one already passed the milestone.
  • When a build passes a milestone, any older build that passed the previous milestone but not this one is aborted.
  • Once a build passes the milestone, it will never be aborted by a newer build that didn’t pass the milestone yet.

An optional ordinal for the milestone. It is autogenerated if not explicitly set.

Setting explicit milestone ordinals grants that each milestone can be univocally identified across builds
even when script changes are made during a previous build. If you plan to add or remove milestone steps while there are
running builds and trigger new builds before the previous ones finished, then you should set explicit milestone ordinals.
Otherwise, let the step autogenerate them as it runs.


label (optional)

A label for the milestone. It’s shown in the build log metadata.


unsafe (optional)

An optional flag to allow unsafe execution of the milestone step.
Do not set unless you understand the risks.

Currently this will allow the execution of a milestone step within a parallel step.
It is assumed only 1 branch can contain a milestone step.


mineRepository: Mine SCM repository
scm (optional)


moveComponents: Move Components (Nexus Repository Manager 3.x)



The repository to which components will be moved


search (optional)
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
tagName (optional)

Components associated with this tag will be moved to the selected destination repository


nexusPolicyEvaluation: Invoke Nexus Policy Evaluation

Controls the stage the policy evaluation will be run against on the Nexus IQ Server.


iqInstanceId (optional)


advancedProperties (optional)

Provide advanced properties to the IQ Server in <key>=<value> pairs, with
each additional property appearing on a new line. eg:



enableDebugLogging (optional)


failBuildOnNetworkError (optional)

Controls the build outcome if there is a failure in communicating with the Nexus IQ Server (e.g. network outage). If
checked, the build will be marked as failed. Otherwise, the build is only marked as unstable.


iqApplication (optional)
Nested choice of objects
(not enumerable)
iqModuleExcludes (optional)

A comma-separated list of Ant-style
patterns relative to the workspace root that denote the module information files
(**/nexus-iq/module.xml) to be ignored, e.g. **/my-module/target/**,
. If unspecified all modules will contribute dependency information (if any) to the


Nested object


iqScanPatterns (optional)

A list of Ant-style
patterns relative to the workspace root that denote the files/archives to be scanned, e.g.
**/target/*.war or **/target/*.ear. If unspecified, the scan will default to the patterns
**/*.jar, **/*.war, **/*.ear, **/*.zip, **/*.tar.gz.


Nested object


jobCredentialsId (optional)

To use the IQ server credentials configured in Nexus global configuration for this job select - none -,
otherwise select different credentials.


nexusPublisher: Nexus Repository Manager Publisher



The publisher currently supports hosted release Maven 2 repositories. This list is limited to
repositories which meet this requirement.




Nested choice of objects
$class: 'MavenPackage'
Nested object










Nested object






tagName (optional)

Tag is only available for Nexus Repository Manager 3+


node: Allocate node

Allocates an executor on a node (typically a build agent) and runs further code in the context of a workspace on that agent.


Computer name, label name, or any other label expression like linux && 64bit to restrict where this step builds.
May be left blank, in which case any available executor is taken.

Supported operators

The following operators are supported, in descending order of precedence:

parentheses — used to explicitly define the associativity of an expression
NOT — negation; the result of expression must not be true
a && b
AND — both of the expressions a and b must be
a || b
OR — either of the expressions a or b may be
a -> b
«implies» operator — equivalent to !a || b.
For example, windows -> x64 could be thought of as «if a Windows
agent is used, then that agent must be 64-bit», while still
allowing this block to be executed on any agents that do not have
the windows label, regardless of whether they have also have an
x64 label
a <-> b
«if and only if» operator — equivalent to a && b ||
!a && !b
For example, windows <-> dc2 could be thought of as «if a
Windows agent is used, then that agent must be in datacenter 2, but
if a non-Windows agent is used, then it must not be in datacenter


  • All operators are left-associative, i.e. a -> b -> c is
    equivalent to (a -> b) -> c.
  • Labels or agent names can be surrounded with quotation marks if they
    contain characters that would conflict with the operator syntax.
    For example, «osx (10.11)» || «Windows Server».
  • Expressions can be written without whitespace, but including it is
    recommended for readability; Jenkins will ignore whitespace when
    evaluating expressions.
  • Matching labels or agent names with wildcards or regular expressions is
    not supported.
  • An empty expression will always evaluate to true, matching all


This block may be executed only on the Jenkins built-in node
This block may be executed only on the agent with the name
linux-machine-42 (or on any machine that happens to have a label
called linux-machine-42)
windows && jdk9
This block may be executed only on any Windows agent that has
version 9 of the Java Development Kit installed (assuming that agents
with JDK 9 installed have been given a jdk9 label)
postgres && !vm && (linux || freebsd)
This block may be executed only any on Linux or FreeBSD agent,
so long as they are not a virtual machine, and they have PostgreSQL
installed (assuming that each agent has the appropriate labels — in
particular, each agent running in a virtual machine must have the
vm label in order for this example to work as expected)


nodesByLabel: List of nodes by Label, by default excludes offline nodes.

Returns an array of node names with the given label.



offline (optional)


parallel: Execute in parallel
org.kohsuke.stapler.NoStaplerConstructorException: There's no @DataBoundConstructor on any constructor of class org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.steps.ParallelStep
podTemplate: Define a podTemplate to use in the kubernetes plugin

Defines a Kubernetes pod template that can be used to create nodes.


podTemplate(...) {
    node(POD_LABEL) {
        // some steps
activeDeadlineSeconds (optional)


annotations (optional)




The annotation key.



The annotation value.


cloud (optional)

The Kubernetes cloud to use to schedule the pod.
If unset, the first available Kubernetes cloud will be used.


containers (optional)




The name for the container to be run.

One container is automatically created with name jnlp, and runs the Jenkins JNLP agent service.

In order to replace the default JNLP agent, the name of the container with the custom JNLP image must be jnlp.



Docker image ID for a jenkins JNLP agent.
This image is responsible to run a jenkins jnlp bootstrap agent and connect to Jenkins controller.
Secret key and agent name as well as jenkins callback URL are passed as argument as expected
by hudson.remoting.jnlp.Main.


alwaysPullImage (optional)

If ticked, the latest version of the image will be pulled every time it is used.

See Images — Kubernetes for the default Kubernetes behaviour.


args (optional)

Arguments to pass to the command.

${computer.jnlpmac} and ${} are replaced with the agent secret and name respectively.

For Windows containers the args Start-Sleep 999999 are reasonable choices to go with powershell.


command (optional)

Override the image entrypoint with a different one.

For Windows containers powershell is a good default.


envVars (optional)

The environment variables to pass to the container.


Nested choice of objects

The environment variable key.



The environment variable value.



The environment variable key.



The environment variable value.



The environment variable key.



The environment variable value.



The environment variable key.



Name of secret to lookup from Kubernetes.



Key of secret to lookup from Kubernetes.



Whether this secret is optional.


livenessProbe (optional)


Command executed by the liveness probe.



Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1.



Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness or readiness probes are initiated. Defaults to 0 seconds. Minimum value is 0.



When a Pod starts and the probe fails, Kubernetes will try failureThreshold times before giving up.
Giving up in case of liveness probe means restarting the container.
In case of readiness probe the Pod will be marked Unready. Defaults to 3. Minimum value is 1.



How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Default to 10 seconds. Minimum value is 1.



Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Defaults to 1. Must be 1 for liveness. Minimum value is 1.


ports (optional)



name (optional)

The name of the port


containerPort (optional)

Port to expose into the pod


hostPort (optional)

Port to expose onto the host


privileged (optional)

Flag to mark the container as privileged.


resourceLimitCpu (optional)

Kubernetes Resources Limit of CPU
This value can be set to control the CPU resource limit passed when creating the Jenkins agent Docker container in
Kubernetes. Unlike a resource request, this is the upper limit of resources used by your Jenkins Agent container.
When left blank, the defaults of your Kubernetes cluster will be used. For more info, see the
Kubernetes docs.
e.g. `500m`.


resourceLimitEphemeralStorage (optional)


resourceLimitMemory (optional)

Kubernetes Resources Limit of Memory
This value can be set to control the memory resource limit passed when creating the Jenkins agent Docker container in
Kubernetes. Unlike a resource request, this is the upper limit of resources used by your Jenkins Agent container.
When left blank, the defaults of your Kubernetes cluster will be used. For more info, see the
Kubernetes docs.
e.g. `250Mi`.


resourceRequestCpu (optional)

Kubernetes Resources Request of CPU
This value can be set to control the CPU resources requested when creating the Jenkins agent Docker container in
Kubernetes. When left blank, the defaults of your Kubernetes cluster will be used. For more info, see the
Kubernetes docs.
e.g. `500m`.


resourceRequestEphemeralStorage (optional)


resourceRequestMemory (optional)

Kubernetes Resources Request of Memory
This value can be set to control the memory resources requested when creating the Jenkins agent Docker container in
Kubernetes. When left blank, the defaults of your Kubernetes cluster will be used. For more info, see the
Kubernetes docs.
e.g. `250Mi`.


runAsGroup (optional)

Specify the gid to run as.


runAsUser (optional)

Specify the uid to run as.


shell (optional)


ttyEnabled (optional)

Whether this container should allocate a TTY for itself.


workingDir (optional)

Path to the root of the workspace from the view point of this container, such as /home/jenkins/agent.


envVars (optional)


Nested choice of objects

The environment variable key.



The environment variable value.



The environment variable key.



The environment variable value.



The environment variable key.



The environment variable value.



The environment variable key.



Name of secret to lookup from Kubernetes.



Key of secret to lookup from Kubernetes.



Whether this secret is optional.


hostNetwork (optional)


idleMinutes (optional)


imagePullSecrets (optional)
inheritFrom (optional)


instanceCap (optional)


label (optional)

Jenkins node label to bind.
If left blank, one will be generated for you,
and inside the step it will be bound to the variable POD_LABEL
so you can use this as the argument to the node step.


        podTemplate(...) {
            node(POD_LABEL) {
                // some steps


name (optional)


namespace (optional)


nodeSelector (optional)


nodeUsageMode (optional)


podRetention (optional)
Nested choice of objects
runAsGroup (optional)


runAsUser (optional)


schedulerName (optional)


serviceAccount (optional)


showRawYaml (optional)


slaveConnectTimeout (optional)


supplementalGroups (optional)


volumes (optional)


Nested choice of objects

Path to mount this volume inside the pod.



The name of the Kubernetes Config Map to mount into the pod.



Whether this configmap needs to exist.


subPath (optional)

SubPath to mount this volume inside the pod.


accessModes (optional)

A PersistentVolume can be mounted on a host in any way supported by the resource provider.
Providers will have different capabilities and each PV’s access modes are set to the specific modes supported by that particular volume.
For example, NFS can support multiple read/write clients, but a specific NFS PV might be exported on the server as read-only.
Each PV gets its own set of access modes describing that specific PV’s capabilities.
Defaults to ReadWriteOnce.


mountPath (optional)

Path to mount this volume inside the pod.


requestsSize (optional)

Claims, like pods, can request specific quantities of a resource. In this case, the request is for storage. The same resource model applies to both volumes and claims. Defaults to 10Gi.


storageClassName (optional)

A StorageClass provides a way for administrators to describe the “classes” of storage they offer. Different classes might map to quality-of-service levels, or to backup policies, or to arbitrary policies determined by the cluster administrators. Kubernetes itself is unopinionated about what classes represent. This concept is sometimes called “profiles” in other storage systems.



Path to mount this volume inside the pod.



Flag for in-memory volume.



File or directory on the host node’s filesystem to mount into the pod.



Path to mount this volume inside the pod.



NFS Server Address.



NFS Server Path.





Path to mount this volume inside the pod.



Path to mount this volume inside the pod.



The claim name.



Flag for read-only volume.



Path to mount this volume inside the pod.



The name of the Kubernetes Secret to mount into the pod.



The file permissions for the secret volume. Does not support Octal notation.



Whether the secret needs to exist.


workingDir (optional)


workspaceVolume (optional)
Nested choice of objects
accessModes (optional)

A PersistentVolume can be mounted on a host in any way supported by the resource provider.
Providers will have different capabilities and each PV’s access modes are set to the specific modes supported by that particular volume.
For example, NFS can support multiple read/write clients, but a specific NFS PV might be exported on the server as read-only.
Each PV gets its own set of access modes describing that specific PV’s capabilities.
Defaults to ReadWriteOnce.


requestsSize (optional)

Claims, like pods, can request specific quantities of a resource. In this case, the request is for storage. The same resource model applies to both volumes and claims. Defaults to 10Gi.


storageClassName (optional)

A StorageClass provides a way for administrators to describe the “classes” of storage they offer. Different classes might map to quality-of-service levels, or to backup policies, or to arbitrary policies determined by the cluster administrators. Kubernetes itself is unopinionated about what classes represent. This concept is sometimes called “profiles” in other storage systems.



Flag for in-memory volume.



File or directory on the host node’s filesystem to mount into the pod.



NFS Server Address.



NFS Server Path.





The claim name.



Flag for read-only volume.


yaml (optional)


yamlMergeStrategy (optional)
Nested choice of objects
powershell: Windows PowerShell Script


encoding (optional)

Encoding of process output.
In the case of returnStdout, applies to the return value of this step;
otherwise, or always for standard error, controls how text is copied to the build log.
If unspecified, uses the system default encoding of the node on which the step is run.
If there is any expectation that process output might include non-ASCII characters,
it is best to specify the encoding explicitly.
For example, if you have specific knowledge that a given process is going to be producing UTF-8
yet will be running on a node with a different system encoding
(typically Windows, since every Linux distribution has defaulted to UTF-8 for a long time),
you can ensure correct output by specifying: encoding: 'UTF-8'


label (optional)

Label to be displayed in the pipeline step view and blue ocean details for the step instead of the step type.
So the view is more meaningful and domain specific instead of technical.


returnStatus (optional)

Normally, a script which exits with a nonzero status code will cause the step to fail with an exception.
If this option is checked, the return value of the step will instead be the status code.
You may then compare it to zero, for example.


returnStdout (optional)

If checked, standard output from the task is returned as the step value as a String,
rather than being printed to the build log.
(Standard error, if any, will still be printed to the log.)
You will often want to call .trim() on the result to strip off a trailing newline.


prependToFile: Create a file (if not already exist) in the workspace, and prepend given content to that file.

Creates a file if it does not already exist, and prepends given content to it.


The path to the file that will be prepended.



The content to prepend.


properties: Set job properties

Updates the properties of the job which runs this step.
Mainly useful from multibranch Pipelines, so that Jenkinsfile itself can encode what would otherwise be static job configuration.
Existing properties set through the Jenkins UI for non-multibranch Pipelines will be preserved.



Nested choice of objects
inheritanceStrategy (optional)
Nested choice of objects

This determines when, if ever, build records for this project should be
discarded. Build records include the console output, archived artifacts, and
any other metadata related to a particular build.

Keeping fewer builds means less disk space will be used in the Build Record
Root Directory
, which is specified on the Configure System screen.

Jenkins offers two options for determining when builds should be discarded:

  1. Build age: discard builds when they reach a certain age; for example, seven
    days old.
  2. Build count: discard the oldest build when a certain number of builds
    already exist.

These two options can be active at the same time, so you can keep builds for
14 days, but only up to a limit of 50 builds, for example. If either limit is
exceeded, then any builds beyond that limit will be discarded.

You can also ensure that important builds are kept forever, regardless of the
setting here — click the Keep this build forever button on the
build page.

The last stable and last successful build are also excluded from these rules.

In the Advanced section, the same options can be specified, but
specifically for build artifacts. If enabled, build artifacts will be
discarded for any builds which exceed the defined limits. The builds
themselves will still be kept; only the associated artifacts, if any, will be

For example, if a project builds some software and produces a large installer,
which is archived, you may wish to always keep the console log and information
about which source control commit was built, while for disk space reasons, you
may want to keep only the last three installers that were built.

This can make sense for projects where you can easily recreate the same
artifacts later by building the same source control commit again.

Note that Jenkins does not discard items immediately when this configuration
is updated, or as soon as any of the configured values are exceeded; these
rules are evaluated each time a build of this project completes.

Nested choice of objects








abortPrevious (optional)

By default, disabling concurrent builds means that new builds will queue up and wait for a running build to complete.
With this option, scheduling a new build immediately aborts any running build.
This is handy for example if you have an expensive pull request testing procedure
and do not wish to waste any time completing tests on an outdated commit.



This setting allows users to change the default durability mode for running Pipelines. In most cases this is a
trade-off between performance and the ability for running pipelines to resume after unplanned Jenkins outages.

What does this do?

  • Previously, running pipelines wrote data constantly, so that they could resume even if Jenkins fails.
    This setting gives the user the ability to adjust this write behavior.
  • Higher-performance/lower-durability modes write data to disk much less often for running pipelines.
  • Writing data less often can massively reduce build times for Pipelines with many steps or complex logic.
    For pipelines which spend most of their time waiting for a shell/batch script to run, the difference will be less visible.
  • Running pipelines with lower durability settings may lose data if they do not finish and Jenkins is not shut down gracefully:
    • A «graceful» shutdown where Jenkins goes through a full shutdown process, such as visiting http://[jenkins-server]/exit
    • A «dirty» shutdown, such as using kill -9 to terminate the Jenkins process, may prevent incomplete pipelines from persisting data
  • Pipelines that cannot persist data may not be able to resume or displayed in Blue Ocean/Stage View/etc.
  • Pipelines will generally write log data regardless of durability settings.
  • Some modes use an «atomic write» option — this helps ensure that pipeline build files aren’t overwritten or left partially written if something fails.
  • Atomic writes may place more stress on filesystems, so especially with networked storage it may be faster not to use them.

Note: defaults also be set globally under Manage Jenkins > Configure System.







Enter the URL for the GitHub hosted project (without the tree/master or tree/branch part).

For example: for the Rails project.


displayName (optional)

This value will be used as context name for
commit status if status builder or
status publisher is defined for this project. It should be small and clear.

If you leave it empty, job name will be used for builder and publisher.



Allows overriding default treatment of branch indexing triggers.

If branch indexing triggers are disabled at the multibranch or organization label, selecting this will enable them for this job only.

Otherwise, leaving the checkbox unselected will disable branch indexing triggers for this job only.




Parameters allow you to prompt users for one or more inputs that will be
passed into a build. For example, you might have a project that runs tests on
demand by allowing users to upload a zip file with binaries to be tested.
This could be done by adding a File Parameter here.

Or you might have a project that releases some software, and you want users to
enter release notes that will be uploaded along with the software. This could
be done by adding a Multi-line String Parameter here.

Each parameter has a Name and some sort of Value, depending on
the parameter type. These name-value pairs will be exported as environment
variables when the build starts, allowing subsequent parts of the build
configuration (such as build steps) to access those values, e.g. by using the
${PARAMETER_NAME} syntax (or %PARAMETER_NAME% on Windows).

This also implies that each parameter defined here should have a unique

When a project is parameterized, the usual Build Now link will be
replaced with a Build with Parameters link, where users will be
prompted to specify values for each of the defined parameters. If they choose
not to enter anything, the build will start with the default value for each

If a build is started automatically, for example if started by an SCM trigger,
the default values for each parameter will be used.

When a parameterized build is in the queue, attempting to start another build
of the same project will only succeed if the parameter values are different,
or if the Execute concurrent builds if necessary option is enabled.

See the Parameterized Builds documentation for more information about
this feature.



Nested choice of objects


defaultValue (optional)


description (optional)




description (optional)


choices (optional)
Nested choice of objects
(not enumerable)

Defines a credentials parameter, which you can use during a build.

For security reasons, the credential is NOT directly exposed, the ID of the credential is exposed.

However, the selected credential is available through variable substitution in some other parts of the configuration.
The string value will be the ID of the credential. A supporting plugin can thus use the ID to retrieve
the selected credential and expose it to the build in an appropriate way.




The default credentials to use.





When this option is selected, the credentials selection drop down will not provide the empty selection as one of
the options. This will not prevent a build without a value if there are no credentials available, for example
if the job does not have access to any credentials of the correct type or there is no default value and the
user starting the build either does not have any credentials of the correct type in their personal credentials
store or they do not have permissions on the job to use credentials from their personal store.


description (optional)




description (optional)


$class: 'ListSubversionTagsParameterDefinition'

When used, this parameter will display a field at build-time so that the user
is able to select a Subversion tag from which to create the working copy for
this project.

Once the two fields Name and Repository URL
are set, you must

  1. ensure the job uses Subversion and
  2. set the Repository URL field of Subversion
    by concatenating the two fields of this parameter.

For instance, if Name is set to SVN_TAG and
Repository URL is set to,
then Subversion‘s Repository URL must be set to$SVN_TAG.

Notice that you can set the Repository URL field to a Subversion
repository root rather than just pointing to a tags dir (ie, you
can set it to rather than In that case, if this repository
root contains the trunk, branches and tags
folders, then the dropdown will allow the user to pick the trunk, or a
branch, or a tag.




Specify the Subversion repository URL which contains the tags to be listed
when triggering a new build.

You can also specify the root of a Subversion repository: If this root contains
the trunk, branches and tags folders,
then the dropdown will display trunk, all the branches and all the
tags. If the root does not contain these three folders, then all its subfolders
are listed in the dropdown.

When you enter the URL, Jenkins automatically checks if it can connect to it.
If access requires authentication, you’ll be prompted for the necessary
credential. If you already have a working credential but would like to change
it for some other reasons, you can manage credentials and specify a different credential.





Specify a
regular expression which will be used to filter the tags which are actually
displayed when triggering a new build.



For features such as SVN polling a default value is required. If job will only
be started manually, this field is not necessary.



The maximum number of tags to display in the dropdown. Any non-number value
will default to all.



Check this option so that tags are sorted from the newest to the oldest.

If this option is checked, the Sort Z to A one won’t be taken into



Check this option so that tags are displayed in reverse order (sorted Z to A).

Notice that if Sort newest first is checked, this option won’t be taken
into account.


description (optional)



Pass a password to your build.
The password entered here is made available to the build in plain text as an environment variable like a string parameter would be.
The value will be stored encrypted on the Jenkins controller, similar to passwords in Jenkins configuration.



org.kohsuke.stapler.NoStaplerConstructorException: There's no @DataBoundConstructor on any constructor of class hudson.util.Secret
description (optional)


$class: 'PromotedBuildParameterDefinition'






description (optional)












description (optional)




defaultValue (optional)


description (optional)


trim (optional)

Strip whitespace from the beginning and end of the string.




defaultValue (optional)


description (optional)


trim (optional)

Strip whitespace from the beginning and end of the string.




Nested choice of objects

When Jenkins receives a GitHub push hook, GitHub Plugin checks to see
whether the hook came from a GitHub repository which matches the Git repository defined in SCM/Git section of this job.
If they match and this option is enabled, GitHub Plugin triggers a one-time polling on GITScm.
When GITScm polls GitHub, it finds that there is a change and initiates a build.
The last sentence describes the behavior of Git plugin,
thus the polling and initiating the build is not a part of GitHub plugin.

$class: 'PeriodicFolderTrigger'

Some kinds of folders are reindexed automatically and immediately upon receipt of an external event.
For example, a multi-branch project will recheck its SCM repository for new or removed or modified branches when it receives an SCM change notification.
(Push notification may be configured as per the SCM plugin used for each respective branch source.)
Such notifications can occasionally be unreliable, however, or Jenkins might not even be running to receive them.
In some cases no immediate notification is even possible, for example because Jenkins is behind a firewall and can only poll an external system.

This trigger allows for a periodic fallback, but when necessary.
If no indexing has been performed in the specified interval, then an indexing will be scheduled.
For example, in the case of a multi-branch project, if the source control system is not configured for push notification, set a short interval (most people will pick between 15 minutes and 1 hour).
If the source control system is configured for push notification, set an interval that corresponds to the maximum acceptable delay in the event of a lost push notification as the last commit of the day.
(Subsequent commits should trigger indexing anyway and result in the commit being picked up, so most people will pick between 4 hours and 1 day.)


The maximum amount of time since the last indexing that is allowed to elapse before an indexing is triggered.
For example: interval(‘5m’) // or ‘2h’, ‘7d’, ‘5000ms’, ’60s’


$class: 'PromotionTrigger'





Set up a trigger so that when some other projects finish building,
a new build is scheduled for this project. This is convenient for running
an extensive test after a build is complete, for example.

This configuration complements the «Build other projects» section
in the «Post-build Actions» of an upstream project, but is preferable when you want to configure the downstream project.



threshold (optional)



Configure Jenkins to poll changes in SCM.

Note that this is going to be an expensive operation for CVS, as every polling
requires Jenkins to scan the entire workspace and verify it with the server.
Consider setting up a «push» trigger to avoid this overhead, as described in
this document



ignorePostCommitHooks (optional)

Ignore changes notified by SCM post-commit hooks.

This can be useful if you want to prevent some long-running jobs (e.g. reports) starting because of every commit, but still want to
run them periodic if SCM changes have occurred.

Note that this option needs to be supported by the SCM plugin, too! The subversion-plugin supports this since version 1.44.



Provides a cron-like feature
to periodically execute this project.

This feature is primarily for using Jenkins as a cron replacement,
and it is not ideal for continuously building software projects.

When people first start continuous integration, they are often so used to
the idea of regularly scheduled builds like nightly/weekly that they use
this feature. However, the point of continuous integration is to start
a build as soon as a change is made, to provide a quick feedback to the change.
To do that you need to
hook up SCM change notification to Jenkins.

So, before using this feature, stop and ask yourself if this is really what you want.




Preserve the stashes from the most recent completed builds of this project.
This allows a restarted Declarative Pipeline to reuse a stash from the build it was restarted from.

buildCount (optional)


$class: 'RequiredResourcesProperty'

When a build is scheduled, it will attempt to lock the specified resources. If
some (or all) the resources are already locked by another build, the build will
be queued until they are released. It is possible to specify an amount for
requested resources below.



Name for the Jenkins variable to store the reserved resources in. Leave empty
to disable.



Number of resources to request, empty value or 0 means all.

This is useful, if you have a pool of similar resources, from which you want
one or more to be reserved.



If you have created a pool of resources, i.e. a label, you can take it into use
here. The build will select the resource(s) from the pool that includes all
resources sharing the given label.
Only one of Label, Groovy Expression or Resources fields may be specified.



You can specify a groovy expression to be evaluated each time a resource is checked
to be appropriate for a build. The expression must result into a boolean value. The
following variables are available, in addition to optional arguments of the currently
evaluated build:

as per resource configuration
as per resource configuration
java.util.List<String> of labels as per resource configuration

For matrix jobs, axis names and axis values can be referenced as well. Examples:

  • resourceLabels.contains("hardcoded")
  • resourceLabels.contains(axisName)
  • resourceName == axisName

The script’s contents need to pass approval by the Script Security Plugin.

Nested object



If checked, run this Groovy script in a sandbox with limited abilities.
If unchecked, and you are not a Jenkins administrator, you will need to wait for an administrator to approve the script.



Additional classpath entries accessible from the script.


Nested object

A path or URL to a JAR file.
This path should be approved by an administrator or a user with the RUN_SCRIPT permission, or the script fails.
If the file or files are once approved, they are treated approved even located in another path.


oldPath (optional)


shouldBeApproved (optional)


oldScript (optional)



Note that the Throttle Concurrent Builds configuration here does not work for Pipeline jobs.

For that, use the throttle step.


The maximum number of concurrent builds of this project (or category) to be allowed to run per node.



The maximum number of concurrent builds of this project (or category) to be allowed to run at any one time, across all nodes.



Categories can be used to throttle multiple projects.

Categories can be optionally configured with pairs of throttled Jenkins node labels.
Pairs can make each maximum applicable to nodes with matching labels only.
That is achieved by adding such Maximum Per Labeled Node pair(s) to any category.
Category’s Maximum Concurrent Builds Per Node is superseded by matching-pair’s maximum.






If this box is checked, only one instance of the job with matching parameter values will be allowed to run at a given time.
Other instances of this job with different parameter values will be allowed to run concurrently.

Optionally, provide a comma- or whitespace-separated list of parameters to use when comparing jobs. If blank, all parameters
must match for a job to be limited to one running instance.




Nested object





Enforces a minimum time between builds based on the desired maximum rate.
Note: this does
not enforce an «average» rate, it only looks at the time since last build.

Nested object






publishChecks: Publish customized checks to SCM platforms
actions (optional)


Nested object

The label to be displayed on the checks report for this action.



The unique identifier for the action. Since for SCM platforms like GitHub, this is the only field that would be
sent back to your Jenkins instance when an action is requested, so you may need to use this field to have more
information besides the basic type of the action.


description (optional)

Detailed description of the action’s purpose, functionality, and so on.


annotations (optional)


Nested object

Path to the file to be annotated, started from the project root directory.



Start line of code to be annotated.



End line of code to be annotated.



A digest message of the annotation.


annotationLevel (optional)

Severity level of the annotation, can be one of can be «NOTICE», «WARNING», or «FAILURE»; by default, «WARNING» will
be used.






endColumn (optional)

End column of code to be annotated.


rawDetails (optional)

Raw details of the annotation.


startColumn (optional)

Start column of code to be annotated.


title (optional)


conclusion (optional)

The conclusion of the check, can be «ACTION_REQUIRED», «SKIPPED», «CANCELED», «TIME_OUT», «FAILURE», «NEUTRAL»,
«SUCCESS» or «NONE». By default, «SUCCESS» will be used. When providing the conclusion other than «NONE», please
make sure the status is «COMPLETED».










detailsURL (optional)

The URL of the site where full details can be found. When providing this parameter, make sure it is http or https


name (optional)

Name or identifier of the check.


status (optional)

The status of the check, can be «QUEUED», «IN_PROGRESS», or «COMPLETED». By default, «COMPLETED» will be used.






summary (optional)

The summary of the check run. This field supports Markdown.


text (optional)

The details of the check. This parameter supports Markdown.


title (optional)

The title of the check run.


publishHTML: Publish HTML reports
Nested object

The name of the report to display for the build/project, such as «Code Coverage»



The path to the HTML report directory relative to the workspace.



The file(s) to provide links inside the report directory



If checked, archive reports for all successful builds, otherwise only the most recent



If this control and «Keep past HTML reports» are checked,
publish the link on project level even if build failed.



If checked, will allow report to be missing and build will not fail on missing report


escapeUnderscores (optional)

If checked, underscores in the report title will be escaped to ‘_5f’ when stored on disk. If unchecked, they will not be escaped.


includes (optional)


reportTitles (optional)

The optional title(s) for the report files, which will be used as the tab names. If this is not provided, file names will be used instead.


publishIssues: Publish issues created by a static analysis scan


org.kohsuke.stapler.NoStaplerConstructorException: There's no @DataBoundConstructor on any constructor of class io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.steps.AnnotatedReport
failOnError (optional)

If there are errors while scanning the console log or files for issues (e.g., file pattern matches no files, source files
could not be copied, etc.) then the warning plugin will show these errors in a separate view but does not alter
the build state. If you would rather like to fail the build on such errors, please tick this checkbox.


failedNewAll (optional)


failedNewHigh (optional)


failedNewLow (optional)


failedNewNormal (optional)


failedTotalAll (optional)


failedTotalHigh (optional)


failedTotalLow (optional)


failedTotalNormal (optional)


healthy (optional)

The healthy threshold defines the limit of warnings for a healthy result: A build is considered as 100% healthy
when the number of issues is less than the specified threshold. Values less or equal zero are ignored.
So if you want to have a healthy build (i.e. 100%) only for zero warnings, then set this field to 1.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


ignoreFailedBuilds (optional)

This option determines if failed builds should be selected as baseline or not.
It is enabled by default, since analysis results might be inaccurate if the build failed.
If unchecked, every build that contains a static analysis result is considered, even if the build failed.


ignoreQualityGate (optional)

If this option is set, only those issues are marked as new, that have been introduced in the current build.
Previously new issues in older builds will be converted to outstanding issues. I.e. if someone starts a new
build manually (without source code changes), then no new issues will be in the job anymore.

By default, this option is disabled: then a build is selected as reference that passed all quality gates.
As soon as a build fails a quality gate, the reference will be frozen until all new issues
will be resolved again. That means, that new issues will be aggregated from build to build until the
original reason for the failure and all those additional new issues have been resolved. This helps much more
to keep your project clean: as soon as there are issues, Jenkins will mark all builds as unstable until
the issues have been resolved.


minimumSeverity (optional)


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


publishAllIssues (optional)


qualityGates (optional)


Nested object

The threshold defines the minimum number of warnings that will fail a build. Values less or equal zero are ignored.
So if you want to fail a build that has one warning, set this field to 1.



In order to simplify the user interface you can select the property that will be compared with the specified
threshold. Basically, three different properties are available:

Selects the total number of issues in the current build.
Selects the total number of new issues in the current build with respect to the reference build.
New issues will be calculated by a sophisticated algorithm,
that tries to track issues from build to build, even if the source code has been modified. Note that this
algorithm sometimes detects outstanding warnings as new, e.g., if a source file has been refactored heavily.
Selects the difference of the total number of issues of the current build subtracted by the total
number of issues in the reference build. This is a simple subtraction, so if you have a build that
adds a new warning and removes a completely different warning, then the result will be zero.

Additionally, you can select to choose all issues, or issues of a given severity only (error, high, normal or low).



















referenceBuildId (optional)


referenceJobName (optional)


skipPublishingChecks (optional)

If this option is unchecked, then the plugin automatically publishes the issues to corresponding SCM hosting platforms.
For example, if you are using this feature for a GitHub organization project, the warnings will be published to
GitHub through the Checks API. If this operation slows down your build or you don’t want to publish the warnings to
SCM platforms, you can use this option to deactivate this feature.


sourceCodeEncoding (optional)

In order to correctly show all your affected source code files in the detail views,
the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


trendChartType (optional)

If there is more than one static analysis result available then an aggregation trend chart will be shown
on the project page that shows the analysis results in a single trend chart. You can choose the position of
this aggregation trend:

The aggregation trend is shown before all other analysis tool trend charts.
The aggregation trend is shown after all other analysis tool trend charts.
The aggregation trend is not shown, only the analysis tool trend charts are shown.
The aggregation trend is only shown, no other analysis tool trend charts are shown.
Neither the aggregation trend nor analysis tool trend charts are shown.







unhealthy (optional)

The unhealthy threshold defines the limit of warnings for an unhealthy result: A build is considered as unhealthy
(i.e. 0% health) when the number of issues is greater than the specified threshold. Values less or equal zero are ignored.
So if you want to have a build health of 0% starting with 10 issues, then set this field to 9.


unstableNewAll (optional)


unstableNewHigh (optional)


unstableNewLow (optional)


unstableNewNormal (optional)


unstableTotalAll (optional)


unstableTotalHigh (optional)


unstableTotalLow (optional)


unstableTotalNormal (optional)


pwd: Determine current directory

Returns the current directory path as a string.

tmp (optional)

If selected, return a temporary directory associated with the current directory path rather than the directory path itself.
The return value is different for each current directory. No two directories share the same temporary directory.
This is an appropriate place to put temporary files which should not clutter a source checkout;
local repositories or caches; etc. Defaults to false.


pwsh: PowerShell Core Script


encoding (optional)

Encoding of process output.
In the case of returnStdout, applies to the return value of this step;
otherwise, or always for standard error, controls how text is copied to the build log.
If unspecified, uses the system default encoding of the node on which the step is run.
If there is any expectation that process output might include non-ASCII characters,
it is best to specify the encoding explicitly.
For example, if you have specific knowledge that a given process is going to be producing UTF-8
yet will be running on a node with a different system encoding
(typically Windows, since every Linux distribution has defaulted to UTF-8 for a long time),
you can ensure correct output by specifying: encoding: 'UTF-8'


label (optional)

Label to be displayed in the pipeline step view and blue ocean details for the step instead of the step type.
So the view is more meaningful and domain specific instead of technical.


returnStatus (optional)

Normally, a script which exits with a nonzero status code will cause the step to fail with an exception.
If this option is checked, the return value of the step will instead be the status code.
You may then compare it to zero, for example.


returnStdout (optional)

If checked, standard output from the task is returned as the step value as a String,
rather than being printed to the build log.
(Standard error, if any, will still be printed to the log.)
You will often want to call .trim() on the result to strip off a trailing newline.


readCSV: Read content from a CSV file in the workspace.

Reads a file in the current working directory or a String as a plain text.
A List of CSVRecord instances is returned


def records = readCSV file: 'dir/input.csv'
assert records[0][0] == 'key'
assert records[1][1] == 'b'

def content = readCSV text: 'key,valuena,b'
assert records[0][0] == 'key'
assert records[1][1] == 'b'

Advanced Example:

def excelFormat = CSVFormat.EXCEL
def records = readCSV file: 'dir/input.csv', format: excelFormat
assert records[0][0] == 'key'
assert records[1][1] == 'b'

def content = readCSV text: 'key,valuena,b', format: CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withHeader()
assert records[1].get('key') == 'a'
assert records[1].get('value') == 'b'
file (optional)

Path to a file in the workspace from which to read the CSV data.
Data is accessed as a List of String Arrays.

You can only specify file or text, not both in the same invocation.


format (optional)
org.kohsuke.stapler.NoStaplerConstructorException: There's no @DataBoundConstructor on any constructor of class org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat
text (optional)

A string containing the CSV formatted data.
Data is accessed as a List of String Arrays.

You can only specify file or text, not both in the same invocation.


readFile: Read file from workspace

Reads a file from a relative path (with root in current directory, usually workspace) and returns its content as a plain string.


Relative (/-separated) path to file within a workspace to read.


encoding (optional)

The encoding to use when reading the file.
If left blank, the platform default encoding will be used.
Binary files can be read into a Base64-encoded string by specifying «Base64» as the encoding.


readJSON: Read JSON from files in the workspace.

Reads a file in the current working directory or a String as a plain text
JSON file.
The returned object is a normal Map with String keys or a List of primitives or Map.


def props = readJSON file: 'dir/input.json'
assert props['attr1'] == 'One'
assert props.attr1 == 'One'

def props = readJSON text: '{ "key": "value" }'
assert props['key'] == 'value'
assert props.key == 'value'

def props = readJSON text: '[ "a", "b"]'
assert props[0] == 'a'
assert props[1] == 'b'

def props = readJSON text: '{ "key": null, "a": "b" }', returnPojo: true
assert props['key'] == null
props.each { key, value ->
    echo "Walked through key $key and value $value"
file (optional)

Path to a file in the workspace from which to read the JSON data.
Data could be access as an array or a map.

You can only specify file or text, not both in the same invocation.


returnPojo (optional)

Transforms the output into a POJO type (LinkedHashMap or ArrayList) before returning it.

By default deactivated (false), and a JSON object (JSONObject or JSONArray
from json-lib) is returned.


text (optional)

A string containing the JSON formatted data.
Data could be access as an array or a map.

You can only specify file or text, not both in the same invocation.


readManifest: Read a Jar Manifest

Reads a
Jar Manifest
file or text and parses it into a set of Maps.
The returned data structure has two properties: main for the main attributes,
and entries containing each individual section (except for main).


            def man = readManifest file: 'target/my.jar'
            assert man.main['Version'] == '6.15.8'
            assert man.main['Application-Name'] == 'My App'
            assert man.entries['Section1']['Key1'] == 'value1-1'
            assert man.entries['Section2']['Key2'] == 'value2-2'
file (optional)

Optional path to a file to read.
It could be a plain text, .jar, .war or .ear.
In the latter cases the manifest will be extracted from the archive and then read.

You can only specify file or text, not both in the same invocation.


text (optional)

Optional text containing the manifest data.

You can only specify file or text, not both in the same invocation.


readMavenPom: Read a maven project file.

Reads a
Maven project
The returned object is a
Model .

Avoid using this step and writeMavenPom.
It is better to use the sh step to run mvn goals.
For example:

def version = sh script: 'mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version -q -DforceStdout', returnStdout: true
file (optional)

Optional path to the file to read.
If left empty the step will try to read pom.xml in the current working directory.


readProperties: Read properties from files in the workspace or text.

Reads a file in the current working directory or a String as a plain text
Java Properties
The returned object is a normal Map with String keys.
The map can also be pre loaded with default values before reading/parsing the data.


  • file:
    Optional path to a file in the workspace to read the properties from.
    These are added to the resulting map after the defaults and so will overwrite any key/value pairs already present.
  • text:
    An Optional String containing properties formatted data.
    These are added to the resulting map after file and so will overwrite any key/value pairs already present.
  • defaults:
    An Optional Map containing default key/values.
    These are added to the resulting map first.
  • interpolate:
    Flag to indicate if the properties should be interpolated or not.
    In case of error or cycling dependencies, the original properties will be returned.


        def d = [test: 'Default', something: 'Default', other: 'Default']
        def props = readProperties defaults: d, file: 'dir/', text: 'other=Override'
        assert props['test'] == 'One'
        assert props['something'] == 'Default'
        assert props.something == 'Default'
        assert props.other == 'Override'

Example with interpolation:

        def props = readProperties interpolate: true, file: ''
        assert props.url = 'http://localhost'
        assert props.resource = 'README.txt'
        // if fullUrl is defined to ${url}/${resource} then it should evaluate to http://localhost/README.txt
        assert props.fullUrl = 'http://localhost/README.txt'

defaults (optional)
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type java.util.Map<java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object>
file (optional)


interpolate (optional)


text (optional)


readTrusted: Read trusted file from SCM

From a multibranch Pipeline project, reads a file from the associated SCM and returns its contents.
Unlike the readFile step, no workspace is required.
If the associated branch is not trusted, yet the file has been modified from its trusted version, an error is thrown.
Thus this step is useful for loading scripts or other files which might otherwise be used to run malicious commands.
Like checkout scm, as a convenience it may also be used from a standalone project configured with Pipeline from SCM,
in which case there is no security aspect.


Relative (slash-separated) path to the file from the SCM root.
Thus readTrusted 'subdir/file' is similar to node {checkout scm; readFile 'subdir/file'}.


readYaml: Read yaml from files in the workspace or text.

Reads a file in the current working directory or a String as a plain text YAML file.
It uses SnakeYAML as YAML processor.
The returned objects are standard Java objects like List, Long, String, …:
bool: [true, false, on, off]
int: 42
float: 3.14159
list: [‘LITE’, ‘RES_ACID’, ‘SUS_DEXT’]
map: {hp: 13, sp: 5}


  • file:
    Optional path to a file in the workspace to read the YAML datas from.
  • text:
    An Optional String containing YAML formatted datas.
    These are added to the resulting object after file and so will overwrite any value already present if not a new YAML document

With only one YAML document :

        def datas = readYaml text: """
something: 'my datas'
size: 3
isEmpty: false
        assert datas.something == 'my datas'
        assert datas.size == 3
        assert datas.isEmpty == false

With several YAML documents :

        def datas = readYaml text: """
something: 'my first document'
something: 'my second document'
        assert datas.size() == 2
        assert datas[0].something == 'my first document'
        assert datas[1].something == 'my second document'

With file dir/my.yml containing something: 'my datas' :

        def datas = readYaml file: 'dir/my.yml', text: "something: 'Override'"
        assert datas.something == 'Override'

file (optional)


text (optional)


recordIssues: Record compiler warnings and static analysis results
aggregatingResults (optional)

By default, each static analysis result will be recorded as a separate result
that is presented as an individual Jenkins Action with separate UI and dashboard. If you rather prefer aggregation
of the results into a single result (i.e., single Jenkins Action), then activate this check box. You still can
see the distribution of issues grouped by static analysis tool in the UI.


blameDisabled (optional)

If this option is unchecked, then the plugin automatically shows what revision and author (name and email)
last modified the lines of the affected files that contain issues. If this operation slows down your build or
you don’t want to publish sensitive user data, you can use this option to deactivate this feature.


enabledForFailure (optional)

By default, static analysis results are only recorded for stable or unstable builds, but not for failed builds:
analysis results might be inaccurate if the build failed. If recording should be enabled for failed builds as well
then activate this check box.


failOnError (optional)

If there are errors while scanning the console log or files for issues (e.g., file pattern matches no files, source files
could not be copied, etc.) then the warning plugin will show these errors in a separate view but does not alter
the build state. If you would rather like to fail the build on such errors, please tick this checkbox.


failedNewAll (optional)


failedNewHigh (optional)


failedNewLow (optional)


failedNewNormal (optional)


failedTotalAll (optional)


failedTotalHigh (optional)


failedTotalLow (optional)


failedTotalNormal (optional)


filters (optional)

The created report of issues can be filtered afterwards. You can specify an arbitrary number of include or exclude
filters. Currently, there is support for filtering issues by module name, package or namespace name, file name,
category or type. Include filters will be combined with or, exclude filters with and.
If no filter is defined, then all issues will be published. Filters with empty regular expression will be ignored.


Nested choice of objects
























forensicsDisabled (optional)


healthy (optional)

The healthy threshold defines the limit of warnings for a healthy result: A build is considered as 100% healthy
when the number of issues is less than the specified threshold. Values less or equal zero are ignored.
So if you want to have a healthy build (i.e. 100%) only for zero warnings, then set this field to 1.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


ignoreFailedBuilds (optional)

This option determines if failed builds should be selected as baseline or not.
It is enabled by default, since analysis results might be inaccurate if the build failed.
If unchecked, every build that contains a static analysis result is considered, even if the build failed.


ignoreQualityGate (optional)

If this option is set, only those issues are marked as new, that have been introduced in the current build.
Previously new issues in older builds will be converted to outstanding issues. I.e. if someone starts a new
build manually (without source code changes), then no new issues will be in the job anymore.

By default, this option is disabled: then a build is selected as reference that passed all quality gates.
As soon as a build fails a quality gate, the reference will be frozen until all new issues
will be resolved again. That means, that new issues will be aggregated from build to build until the
original reason for the failure and all those additional new issues have been resolved. This helps much more
to keep your project clean: as soon as there are issues, Jenkins will mark all builds as unstable until
the issues have been resolved.


minimumSeverity (optional)


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


publishAllIssues (optional)


qualityGates (optional)


Nested object

The threshold defines the minimum number of warnings that will fail a build. Values less or equal zero are ignored.
So if you want to fail a build that has one warning, set this field to 1.



In order to simplify the user interface you can select the property that will be compared with the specified
threshold. Basically, three different properties are available:

Selects the total number of issues in the current build.
Selects the total number of new issues in the current build with respect to the reference build.
New issues will be calculated by a sophisticated algorithm,
that tries to track issues from build to build, even if the source code has been modified. Note that this
algorithm sometimes detects outstanding warnings as new, e.g., if a source file has been refactored heavily.
Selects the difference of the total number of issues of the current build subtracted by the total
number of issues in the reference build. This is a simple subtraction, so if you have a build that
adds a new warning and removes a completely different warning, then the result will be zero.

Additionally, you can select to choose all issues, or issues of a given severity only (error, high, normal or low).



















referenceBuildId (optional)


referenceJobName (optional)


scm (optional)


skipBlames (optional)


skipPublishingChecks (optional)

If this option is unchecked, then the plugin automatically publishes the issues to corresponding SCM hosting platforms.
For example, if you are using this feature for a GitHub organization project, the warnings will be published to
GitHub through the Checks API. If this operation slows down your build or you don’t want to publish the warnings to
SCM platforms, you can use this option to deactivate this feature.


sourceCodeEncoding (optional)

In order to correctly show all your affected source code files in the detail views,
the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


sourceDirectories (optional)

Some plugins copy source code files to Jenkins’ build folder so that these files can be rendered in the user
interface together with build results (coverage, warnings, etc.). If these files are not part of the workspace
of a build then Jenkins will not show them by default: otherwise sensitive files could be shown by accident.
You can provide a list of additional source code directories that are allowed to be shown in Jenkins user interface
here. Note, that such a directory must be an absolute path on the agent that executes the build.


Nested object

This plugin copies source code files to Jenkins’ build folder so that these files can be rendered in the user
interface together with the plugin results. If these files are referenced with relative paths then they cannot
be found by the plugin. In these cases you need to specify one or more relative paths within the workspace where
the plugin can locate them. Alternatively, you can also specify absolute paths if the source code files are stored
outside the workspace (in a directory on the agent). All absolute paths must be additionally approved by an
administrator in Jenkins’ global configuration page.


sourceDirectory (optional)


tool (optional)

For each static analysis tool a dedicated parser or scanner will be used to read report files or produce issues in
any other way. If your tool is not yet supported you can define a new Groovy based parser in Jenkins
system configuration. You can reference this new parser afterwards when you select the tool ‘Groovy Parser’.
Additionally, you provide a new parser within a new small plug-in. If the parser is useful for other teams
as well please share it and provide pull requests for the
Warnings Next Generation Plug-in and
the Analysis Parsers Library.

Nested choice of objects
id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


basedir (optional)


credentialsId (optional)


id (optional)


name (optional)


namedFilter (optional)


projectUrl (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


highThreshold (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


normalThreshold (optional)


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


highThreshold (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


normalThreshold (optional)


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


useRankAsPriority (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.




id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


excludePattern (optional)


highTags (optional)


id (optional)


ignoreCase (optional)


includePattern (optional)

You can define multiple filesets using comma as a separator, e.g. ‘**/*.c, **/*.h’.
Basedir of the fileset is the workspace root.


isRegularExpression (optional)

Note that the regular expression must contain two capturing groups:
the first one is interpreted as tag name, the second one as message.
An example of such a regular expression would be ^.*(TODO(?:[0-9]*))(.*)$.


lowTags (optional)


name (optional)


normalTags (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.




id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


highThreshold (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


normalThreshold (optional)


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


useRankAsPriority (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


toolProxies (optional)

For each static analysis tool a dedicated parser or scanner will be used to read report files or produce issues in
any other way. If your tool is not yet supported you can define a new Groovy based parser in Jenkins
system configuration. You can reference this new parser afterwards when you select the tool ‘Groovy Parser’.
Additionally, you provide a new parser within a new small plug-in. If the parser is useful for other teams
as well please share it and provide pull requests for the
Warnings Next Generation Plug-in and
the Analysis Parsers Library.


Nested object

For each static analysis tool a dedicated parser or scanner will be used to read report files or produce issues in
any other way. If your tool is not yet supported you can define a new Groovy based parser in Jenkins
system configuration. You can reference this new parser afterwards when you select the tool ‘Groovy Parser’.
Additionally, you provide a new parser within a new small plug-in. If the parser is useful for other teams
as well please share it and provide pull requests for the
Warnings Next Generation Plug-in and
the Analysis Parsers Library.

Nested choice of objects
id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


basedir (optional)


credentialsId (optional)


id (optional)


name (optional)


namedFilter (optional)


projectUrl (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


highThreshold (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


normalThreshold (optional)


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


highThreshold (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


normalThreshold (optional)


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


useRankAsPriority (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.




id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


excludePattern (optional)


highTags (optional)


id (optional)


ignoreCase (optional)


includePattern (optional)

You can define multiple filesets using comma as a separator, e.g. ‘**/*.c, **/*.h’.
Basedir of the fileset is the workspace root.


isRegularExpression (optional)

Note that the regular expression must contain two capturing groups:
the first one is interpreted as tag name, the second one as message.
An example of such a regular expression would be ^.*(TODO(?:[0-9]*))(.*)$.


lowTags (optional)


name (optional)


normalTags (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.




id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


highThreshold (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


normalThreshold (optional)


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


useRankAsPriority (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


tools (optional)


Nested choice of objects
id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


basedir (optional)


credentialsId (optional)


id (optional)


name (optional)


namedFilter (optional)


projectUrl (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


highThreshold (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


normalThreshold (optional)


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


highThreshold (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


normalThreshold (optional)


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


useRankAsPriority (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.




id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


excludePattern (optional)


highTags (optional)


id (optional)


ignoreCase (optional)


includePattern (optional)

You can define multiple filesets using comma as a separator, e.g. ‘**/*.c, **/*.h’.
Basedir of the fileset is the workspace root.


isRegularExpression (optional)

Note that the regular expression must contain two capturing groups:
the first one is interpreted as tag name, the second one as message.
An example of such a regular expression would be ^.*(TODO(?:[0-9]*))(.*)$.


lowTags (optional)


name (optional)


normalTags (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.




id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


highThreshold (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


normalThreshold (optional)


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


useRankAsPriority (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


trendChartType (optional)

If there is more than one static analysis result available then an aggregation trend chart will be shown
on the project page that shows the analysis results in a single trend chart. You can choose the position of
this aggregation trend:

The aggregation trend is shown before all other analysis tool trend charts.
The aggregation trend is shown after all other analysis tool trend charts.
The aggregation trend is not shown, only the analysis tool trend charts are shown.
The aggregation trend is only shown, no other analysis tool trend charts are shown.
Neither the aggregation trend nor analysis tool trend charts are shown.







unhealthy (optional)

The unhealthy threshold defines the limit of warnings for an unhealthy result: A build is considered as unhealthy
(i.e. 0% health) when the number of issues is greater than the specified threshold. Values less or equal zero are ignored.
So if you want to have a build health of 0% starting with 10 issues, then set this field to 9.


unstableNewAll (optional)


unstableNewHigh (optional)


unstableNewLow (optional)


unstableNewNormal (optional)


unstableTotalAll (optional)


unstableTotalHigh (optional)


unstableTotalLow (optional)


unstableTotalNormal (optional)


resolveScm: Resolves an SCM from an SCM Source and a list of candidate target branch names

When you have a multi-branch pipeline that checks out other sibling repositories, you may want to check out the
matching branch from that sibling repository (assuming it exists) but fall back to the main branch if there is no
matching branch.

This step lets you create a branch in the primary repository and then when you need downstream / upstream changes in
the sibling repository you can just create a matching branch and it will be resolved automatically.
For example:

// checkout the main source
    // this will checkout the source repository that is driving the multi-branch pipeline
    checkout scm
// now checkout the tests
    // this will check if there is a branch with the same name as the current branch in
    // and use that for the checkout, but if there is no
    // branch with the same name it will fall back to the master branch
    checkout resolveScm(source: git(''), targets: [BRANCH_NAME,'master']
// rest of pipeline

The return value is the resolved SCM instance (or null if ignoring errors).
Where the SCM implementation supports it, the SCM instance will be pinned to the current head revision of
the resolved branch. This can be useful if, for example, you want to check out the resolved branch on
multiple nodes because all the nodes will get the same revision.


The source repository from which to resolve the target branches.

Nested choice of objects

Discovers branches and/or pull requests from a specific repository in either Bitbucket Cloud or a Bitbucket Server


Specify the name of the Bitbucket Team or Bitbucket User Account.

It could be a Bitbucket Project also, if using Bitbucket Server.
In this case (Bitbucket Server):

  • Use the project key, not the project name.
  • If using a user account instead of a project, add a «~» character before the username, i.e. «~joe».




autoRegisterHook (optional)


bitbucketServerUrl (optional)


checkoutCredentialsId (optional)


credentialsId (optional)

Credentials used to scan branches (also the default credentials to use when checking out sources).

For security reasons most credentials are only available when HTTPS is used.


excludes (optional)


id (optional)


includes (optional)


serverUrl (optional)

The server to connect to.

The list of servers is configured in the Manage Jenkins » Configure Jenkins › Bitbucket Endpoints screen.
The list of servers can include both Bitbucket Cloud and Bitbucket Server instances.


traits (optional)

The behaviours control what is discovered from the Bitbucket repository. The behaviours are grouped into a number
of categories:

Within repository
These behaviours determine what gets discovered. If you do not configure at least one discovery
behaviour then nothing will be found!
These behaviours affect the configuration of each discovered branch / pull request.
These behaviours affect the configuration of each discovered branch / pull request
and are specific to Git semantics.


Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AuthorInChangelogTrait'

Configure the Bitbucket notifications.

disableNotificationForNotBuildJobs (optional)


sendSuccessNotificationForUnstableBuild (optional)


$class: 'CheckoutOptionTrait'
Nested object

Specify a timeout (in minutes) for checkout.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


$class: 'CleanAfterCheckoutTrait'
Nested object

Clean up the workspace after every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckoutTrait'
Nested object

Clean up the workspace before every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanMercurialSCMSourceTrait'

When this behaviour is present, each build will wipe any local modifications
or untracked files in the repository checkout.
This is often a convenient way to ensure that a build is not
using any artifacts from earlier builds.

$class: 'CloneOptionTrait'
Nested object

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.



Deselect this to perform a clone without tags, saving time and disk space when you just want to access
what is specified by the refspec.



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for clone and fetch operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


honorRefspec (optional)

Perform initial clone using the refspec defined for the repository.
This can save time, data transfer and disk space when you only need
to access the references specified by the refspec.


$class: 'DiscoverOtherRefsTrait'

Discovers other specified refs on the repository.


The pattern under /refs on the remote repository to discover, can contain a wildcard.
Example: test/*/merged


nameMapping (optional)

Mapping for how the ref can be named in for example the @Library.
Example: test-@{1}
Where @{1} replaces the first wildcard in the ref when discovered.

By default it will be «namespace_before_wildcard-@{1}». E.g. if ref is «test/*/merged» the default mapping would be


$class: 'GitBrowserSCMSourceTrait'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AssemblaWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the Bitbucket Server root URL for this repository (such as https://bitbucket:7990/OWNER/REPO/).


$class: 'BitbucketWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'CGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'FisheyeGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the URL of this repository in FishEye (such as


$class: 'GitBlitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository.



Specify the name of the project in GitBlit.


$class: 'GitLab'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlabserver:port/group/REPO/).


version (optional)

Specify the major and minor version of GitLab you use (such as 9.1). If you
don’t specify a version, a modern version of GitLab (>= 8.0) is assumed.


$class: 'GitList'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlistserver:port/REPO/).


$class: 'GitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GithubWeb'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s GitHub page (such as


$class: 'Gitiles'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GitoriousWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GogsGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'KilnGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Phabricator'

Specify the phabricator instance root URL (such as



Specify the repository name in phabricator (such as the foo part of


$class: 'RedmineWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://SERVER/PATH/projects/PROJECT/repository).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s RhodeCode page (such as


$class: 'ScmManagerGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Stash'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s Stash page (such as


$class: 'TFS2013GitRepositoryBrowser'

Either the name of the remote whose URL should be used, or the URL of this
module in TFS (such as
If empty (default), the URL of the «origin» repository is used.

If TFS is also used as the repository server, this can usually be left blank.


$class: 'ViewGitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the name of the project in ViewGit (e.g. scripts, scuttle etc. from


$class: 'GitLFSPullTrait'
$class: 'GitToolSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'IgnoreOnPushNotificationTrait'
$class: 'LocalBranchTrait'
$class: 'MercurialBrowserSCMSourceTrait'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'FishEye'

Specify the root URL serving this repository, such as:


$class: 'GoogleCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'HgWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'Kallithea'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'KilnHG'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCodeLegacy'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'ScmManager'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://YOURSCMMANAGER/scm/repo/NAMESPACE/NAME/).


$class: 'MercurialInstallationSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'PruneStaleBranchTrait'
$class: 'PruneStaleTagTrait'

If the repository being scanned is a public repository, this behaviour will exclude all pull requests.
(Note: This behaviour is not especially useful if scanning a single repository as you could just not include the
pull request discovery behaviours in the first place)

$class: 'PullRequestDiscoveryTrait'

Exclude branches for which there is an open pull request


$class: 'RefSpecsSCMSourceTrait'


Nested object

A ref spec to fetch. Any occurrences of @{remote} will be replaced by the remote name
(which defaults to origin) before use.



A Java regular expression to
restrict the names. Names that do not match the supplied regular expression will be ignored.
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests


$class: 'RemoteNameSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'SparseCheckoutPathsTrait'
Nested object

Specify the paths that you’d like to sparse checkout. This may be used for saving space (Think about a reference repository).
Be sure to use a recent version of Git, at least above 1.7.10



Nested object


$class: 'SubmoduleOptionTrait'
Nested object

By disabling support for submodules you can still keep using basic
git plugin functionality and just have Jenkins to ignore submodules
completely as if they didn’t exist.



Retrieve all submodules recursively

(uses ‘—recursive’ option which requires git>=1.6.5)



Retrieve the tip of the configured branch in .gitmodules

(Uses ‘—remote’ option which requires git>=1.8.2)



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.
To prepare a reference folder with multiple subprojects, create a bare git repository and add all the remote urls then perform a fetch:

  git init --bare
  git remote add SubProject1
  git remote add SubProject2
  git fetch --all



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for submodules operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).



Use credentials from the default remote of the parent project.


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


shallow (optional)

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.


threads (optional)

Specify the number of threads that will be used to update submodules.
If unspecified, the command line git default thread count is used.


$class: 'UserIdentityTrait'
Nested object

If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



Sets the value for committersToIgnore in the Bitbucket Webhook. Value should be a comma separated string.

committerToIgnore is used to prevent triggering Jenkins builds when commits by certain users
are made.




Overrides the defaults for webhook management.

Webhooks are used to inform Jenkins about changes to repositories. There are two ways webhooks can be

  • Manual webhook configuration requires the user to configure Bitbucket with the Jenkins URL in order
    to ensure that Bitbucket will send the events to Jenkins after every change.
  • Automatic webhook configuration requires that Jenkins has credentials with sufficient permission to
    configure webhooks and also that Jenkins knows the URL that Bitbucket can connect to.

The Manage Jenkins » Configure Jenkins › Bitbucket Endpoints allows defining the list of
servers. Each server
can be associated with credentials. If credentials are defined then the default behaviour is to use those
credentials to automatically manage the webhooks of all repositories that Jenkins is interested in. If no
credentials are defined then the default behaviour is to require the user to manually configure webhooks.


There are two available modes:

Disable hook management
Disables hook management irrespective of the global defaults.
Use item credentials for hook management
Enabled hook management but uses the selected credentials to manage the hooks rather than those defined in
Manage Jenkins » Configure Jenkins › Bitbucket Endpoints



Space-separated list of name patterns to consider.
You may use * as a wildcard; for example: master release*
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests



Space-separated list of name patterns to ignore even if matched by the includes list.
For example: release alpha-* beta-*
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests


$class: 'WipeWorkspaceTrait'

Discovers branches on the repository.


Determines which branches are discovered.

Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
If you are discovering origin pull requests, it may not make sense to discover the same changes both as a
pull request and as a branch.
Only branches that are also filed as PRs
Discovers branches that have PR’s associated with them. This may make sense if you have a
notification sent to the team at the end of a triggered build or limited Jenkins resources.
All branches
Ignores whether the branch is also filed as a pull request and instead discovers all branches on the
origin repository.



Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is a fork of the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered.

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging



One of the great powers of pull requests is that anyone with read access to a repository can fork it, commit
some changes to their fork and then create a pull request against the original repository with their changes.
There are some files stored in source control that are important. For example, a Jenkinsfile
may contain configuration details to sandbox pull requests in order to mitigate against malicious pull requests.
In order to protect against a malicious pull request itself modifying the Jenkinsfile to remove
the protections, you can define the trust policy for pull requests from forks.

Other plugins can extend the available trust policies. The default policies are:

Pull requests from forks will all be treated as untrusted. This means that where Jenkins requires a
trusted file (e.g. Jenkinsfile) the contents of that file will be retrieved from the
target branch on the origin repository and not from the pull request branch on the fork repository.
Forks in the same account
Bitbucket allows for a repository to be forked into a «sibling» repository in the same account but using
a different name. This strategy will trust any pull requests from forks that are in the same account as
the target repository on the basis that users have to have been granted write permission to account in
order create such a fork.
All pull requests from forks will be treated as trusted. NOTE: this option can be dangerous
if used on a public repository hosted on Bitbucket Cloud.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority<? super com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.BitbucketSCMSourceRequest, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead2, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision>

Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is the same as the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered.

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging



By default the discovered branches / pull requests will all use the same credentials
that were used for discovery when checking out sources. This means that the checkout will be using the
https:// protocol for the Git repository.

This behaviour allows you to select the SSH private key to be used for checking out sources, which will
consequently force the checkout to use the ssh:// protocol.


Credentials used to check out sources.

It must be a SSH key based credential.



Discovers tags on the repository.

$class: 'com.cloudogu.scmmanager.scm.BranchDiscoveryTrait'
$class: 'com.cloudogu.scmmanager.scm.TagDiscoveryTrait'

Discovers branches on the repository.


Discovers tags on the repository.


Discovers branches on the repository.


Determines which branches are discovered.

Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
If you are discovering origin pull requests, you may not want to also build the source branches
for those pull requests.
Only branches that are also filed as PRs
Similar to discovering origin pull requests, but discovers the branch rather than the pull request.
This means env.GIT_BRANCH will be set to the branch name rather than PR-#.
Also, status notifications for these builds will only be applied to the commit and not to the pull request.
All branches
Ignores whether the branch is also filed as a pull request and instead discovers all branches on the
origin repository.



Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is a fork of the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered:

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch.
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging.
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging.



One of the great powers of pull requests is that anyone with read access to a repository can fork it, commit
some changes to their fork and then create a pull request against the original repository with their changes.
There are some files stored in source control that are important. For example, a Jenkinsfile
may contain configuration details to sandbox pull requests in order to mitigate against malicious pull requests.
In order to protect against a malicious pull request itself modifying the Jenkinsfile to remove
the protections, you can define the trust policy for pull requests from forks.

Other plugins can extend the available trust policies. The default policies are:

Pull requests from forks will all be treated as untrusted. This means that where Jenkins requires a
trusted file (e.g. Jenkinsfile) the contents of that file will be retrieved from the
target branch on the origin repository and not from the pull request branch on the fork repository.
Pull requests from collaborators
to the origin repository will be treated as trusted, all other pull requests from fork repositories
will be treated as untrusted.
Note that if credentials used by Jenkins for scanning the repository does not have permission to
query the list of collaborators to the origin repository then only the origin account will be treated
as trusted — i.e. this will fall back to Nobody.
NOTE: all collaborators are trusted, even if they are only members of a team with read permission.
All pull requests from forks will be treated as trusted. NOTE: this option can be dangerous
if used on a public repository hosted on GitHub.
From users with Admin or Write permission
Pull requests forks will be treated as trusted if and only if the fork owner has either Admin or Write
permissions on the origin repository.
This is the recommended policy.
Note that this strategy requires the
a user’s permission level API, as a result on GitHub Enterprise Server versions before 2.12 this
is the same as trusting Nobody.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority<? super org.jenkinsci.plugins.github_branch_source.GitHubSCMSourceRequest, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead2, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision>

Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is the same as the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered:

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch.
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging.
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging.



By default the discovered branches / pull requests will all use the same username / password credentials
that were used for discovery when checking out sources. This means that the checkout will be using the
https:// protocol for the Git repository.

This behaviour allows you to select the SSH private key to be used for checking out sources, which will
consequently force the checkout to use the ssh:// protocol.


Credentials used to check out sources. Must be a SSH key based credential.



Discovers tags on the repository.


Specify the name of the GitHub Organization or GitHub User Account.





Specify the HTTPS URL of the GitHub Organization / User Account and repository.

GitHub examples:


GitHub Enterprise examples:





apiUri (optional)

The server to connect to. The list of servers is configured in the Manage Jenkins » Configure
System » GitHub Enterprise Servers


buildForkPRHead (optional)


buildForkPRMerge (optional)


buildOriginBranch (optional)


buildOriginBranchWithPR (optional)


buildOriginPRHead (optional)


buildOriginPRMerge (optional)


credentialsId (optional)

Credentials used to scan branches and pull requests,
check out sources and mark commit statuses.

Note that only «username with password» credentials are supported.
Existing credentials of other kinds will be filtered out. This is because Jenkins
uses the GitHub API, which does not support other ways of authentication.

If none is given, only the public repositories will be scanned, and commit status
will not be set on GitHub.

If your organization contains private repositories, then you need to specify
a credential from a user who has access to those repositories. This is done
by creating a «username with password» credential where the password is
GitHub personal access tokens.
The necessary scope is «repo».


excludes (optional)


id (optional)


includes (optional)


traits (optional)

The behaviours control what is discovered from the GitHub repository. The behaviours are grouped into a number
of categories:

Within repository
These behaviours determine what gets discovered. If you do not configure at least one discovery
behaviour then nothing will be found!
These behaviours affect the configuration of each discovered branch / pull request.


Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AuthorInChangelogTrait'

Configure the Bitbucket notifications.

disableNotificationForNotBuildJobs (optional)


sendSuccessNotificationForUnstableBuild (optional)


$class: 'CheckoutOptionTrait'
Nested object

Specify a timeout (in minutes) for checkout.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


$class: 'CleanAfterCheckoutTrait'
Nested object

Clean up the workspace after every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckoutTrait'
Nested object

Clean up the workspace before every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanMercurialSCMSourceTrait'

When this behaviour is present, each build will wipe any local modifications
or untracked files in the repository checkout.
This is often a convenient way to ensure that a build is not
using any artifacts from earlier builds.

$class: 'CloneOptionTrait'
Nested object

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.



Deselect this to perform a clone without tags, saving time and disk space when you just want to access
what is specified by the refspec.



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for clone and fetch operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


honorRefspec (optional)

Perform initial clone using the refspec defined for the repository.
This can save time, data transfer and disk space when you only need
to access the references specified by the refspec.


$class: 'DiscoverOtherRefsTrait'

Discovers other specified refs on the repository.


The pattern under /refs on the remote repository to discover, can contain a wildcard.
Example: test/*/merged


nameMapping (optional)

Mapping for how the ref can be named in for example the @Library.
Example: test-@{1}
Where @{1} replaces the first wildcard in the ref when discovered.

By default it will be «namespace_before_wildcard-@{1}». E.g. if ref is «test/*/merged» the default mapping would be


$class: 'GitBrowserSCMSourceTrait'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AssemblaWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the Bitbucket Server root URL for this repository (such as https://bitbucket:7990/OWNER/REPO/).


$class: 'BitbucketWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'CGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'FisheyeGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the URL of this repository in FishEye (such as


$class: 'GitBlitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository.



Specify the name of the project in GitBlit.


$class: 'GitLab'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlabserver:port/group/REPO/).


version (optional)

Specify the major and minor version of GitLab you use (such as 9.1). If you
don’t specify a version, a modern version of GitLab (>= 8.0) is assumed.


$class: 'GitList'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlistserver:port/REPO/).


$class: 'GitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GithubWeb'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s GitHub page (such as


$class: 'Gitiles'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GitoriousWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GogsGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'KilnGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Phabricator'

Specify the phabricator instance root URL (such as



Specify the repository name in phabricator (such as the foo part of


$class: 'RedmineWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://SERVER/PATH/projects/PROJECT/repository).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s RhodeCode page (such as


$class: 'ScmManagerGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Stash'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s Stash page (such as


$class: 'TFS2013GitRepositoryBrowser'

Either the name of the remote whose URL should be used, or the URL of this
module in TFS (such as
If empty (default), the URL of the «origin» repository is used.

If TFS is also used as the repository server, this can usually be left blank.


$class: 'ViewGitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the name of the project in ViewGit (e.g. scripts, scuttle etc. from


$class: 'GitLFSPullTrait'
$class: 'GitToolSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'IgnoreOnPushNotificationTrait'
$class: 'LocalBranchTrait'
$class: 'MercurialBrowserSCMSourceTrait'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'FishEye'

Specify the root URL serving this repository, such as:


$class: 'GoogleCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'HgWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'Kallithea'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'KilnHG'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCodeLegacy'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'ScmManager'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://YOURSCMMANAGER/scm/repo/NAMESPACE/NAME/).


$class: 'MercurialInstallationSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'PruneStaleBranchTrait'
$class: 'PruneStaleTagTrait'

If the repository being scanned is a public repository, this behaviour will exclude all pull requests.
(Note: This behaviour is not especially useful if scanning a single repository as you could just not include the
pull request discovery behaviours in the first place)

$class: 'PullRequestDiscoveryTrait'

Exclude branches for which there is an open pull request


$class: 'RefSpecsSCMSourceTrait'


Nested object

A ref spec to fetch. Any occurrences of @{remote} will be replaced by the remote name
(which defaults to origin) before use.



A Java regular expression to
restrict the names. Names that do not match the supplied regular expression will be ignored.
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests


$class: 'RemoteNameSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'SparseCheckoutPathsTrait'
Nested object

Specify the paths that you’d like to sparse checkout. This may be used for saving space (Think about a reference repository).
Be sure to use a recent version of Git, at least above 1.7.10



Nested object


$class: 'SubmoduleOptionTrait'
Nested object

By disabling support for submodules you can still keep using basic
git plugin functionality and just have Jenkins to ignore submodules
completely as if they didn’t exist.



Retrieve all submodules recursively

(uses ‘—recursive’ option which requires git>=1.6.5)



Retrieve the tip of the configured branch in .gitmodules

(Uses ‘—remote’ option which requires git>=1.8.2)



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.
To prepare a reference folder with multiple subprojects, create a bare git repository and add all the remote urls then perform a fetch:

  git init --bare
  git remote add SubProject1
  git remote add SubProject2
  git fetch --all



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for submodules operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).



Use credentials from the default remote of the parent project.


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


shallow (optional)

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.


threads (optional)

Specify the number of threads that will be used to update submodules.
If unspecified, the command line git default thread count is used.


$class: 'UserIdentityTrait'
Nested object

If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



Sets the value for committersToIgnore in the Bitbucket Webhook. Value should be a comma separated string.

committerToIgnore is used to prevent triggering Jenkins builds when commits by certain users
are made.




Overrides the defaults for webhook management.

Webhooks are used to inform Jenkins about changes to repositories. There are two ways webhooks can be

  • Manual webhook configuration requires the user to configure Bitbucket with the Jenkins URL in order
    to ensure that Bitbucket will send the events to Jenkins after every change.
  • Automatic webhook configuration requires that Jenkins has credentials with sufficient permission to
    configure webhooks and also that Jenkins knows the URL that Bitbucket can connect to.

The Manage Jenkins » Configure Jenkins › Bitbucket Endpoints allows defining the list of
servers. Each server
can be associated with credentials. If credentials are defined then the default behaviour is to use those
credentials to automatically manage the webhooks of all repositories that Jenkins is interested in. If no
credentials are defined then the default behaviour is to require the user to manually configure webhooks.


There are two available modes:

Disable hook management
Disables hook management irrespective of the global defaults.
Use item credentials for hook management
Enabled hook management but uses the selected credentials to manage the hooks rather than those defined in
Manage Jenkins » Configure Jenkins › Bitbucket Endpoints



Space-separated list of name patterns to consider.
You may use * as a wildcard; for example: master release*
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests



Space-separated list of name patterns to ignore even if matched by the includes list.
For example: release alpha-* beta-*
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests


$class: 'WipeWorkspaceTrait'

Discovers branches on the repository.


Determines which branches are discovered.

Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
If you are discovering origin pull requests, it may not make sense to discover the same changes both as a
pull request and as a branch.
Only branches that are also filed as PRs
Discovers branches that have PR’s associated with them. This may make sense if you have a
notification sent to the team at the end of a triggered build or limited Jenkins resources.
All branches
Ignores whether the branch is also filed as a pull request and instead discovers all branches on the
origin repository.



Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is a fork of the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered.

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging



One of the great powers of pull requests is that anyone with read access to a repository can fork it, commit
some changes to their fork and then create a pull request against the original repository with their changes.
There are some files stored in source control that are important. For example, a Jenkinsfile
may contain configuration details to sandbox pull requests in order to mitigate against malicious pull requests.
In order to protect against a malicious pull request itself modifying the Jenkinsfile to remove
the protections, you can define the trust policy for pull requests from forks.

Other plugins can extend the available trust policies. The default policies are:

Pull requests from forks will all be treated as untrusted. This means that where Jenkins requires a
trusted file (e.g. Jenkinsfile) the contents of that file will be retrieved from the
target branch on the origin repository and not from the pull request branch on the fork repository.
Forks in the same account
Bitbucket allows for a repository to be forked into a «sibling» repository in the same account but using
a different name. This strategy will trust any pull requests from forks that are in the same account as
the target repository on the basis that users have to have been granted write permission to account in
order create such a fork.
All pull requests from forks will be treated as trusted. NOTE: this option can be dangerous
if used on a public repository hosted on Bitbucket Cloud.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority<? super com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.BitbucketSCMSourceRequest, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead2, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision>

Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is the same as the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered.

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging



By default the discovered branches / pull requests will all use the same credentials
that were used for discovery when checking out sources. This means that the checkout will be using the
https:// protocol for the Git repository.

This behaviour allows you to select the SSH private key to be used for checking out sources, which will
consequently force the checkout to use the ssh:// protocol.


Credentials used to check out sources.

It must be a SSH key based credential.



Discovers tags on the repository.

$class: 'com.cloudogu.scmmanager.scm.BranchDiscoveryTrait'
$class: 'com.cloudogu.scmmanager.scm.TagDiscoveryTrait'

Discovers branches on the repository.


Discovers tags on the repository.


Discovers branches on the repository.


Determines which branches are discovered.

Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
If you are discovering origin pull requests, you may not want to also build the source branches
for those pull requests.
Only branches that are also filed as PRs
Similar to discovering origin pull requests, but discovers the branch rather than the pull request.
This means env.GIT_BRANCH will be set to the branch name rather than PR-#.
Also, status notifications for these builds will only be applied to the commit and not to the pull request.
All branches
Ignores whether the branch is also filed as a pull request and instead discovers all branches on the
origin repository.



Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is a fork of the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered:

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch.
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging.
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging.



One of the great powers of pull requests is that anyone with read access to a repository can fork it, commit
some changes to their fork and then create a pull request against the original repository with their changes.
There are some files stored in source control that are important. For example, a Jenkinsfile
may contain configuration details to sandbox pull requests in order to mitigate against malicious pull requests.
In order to protect against a malicious pull request itself modifying the Jenkinsfile to remove
the protections, you can define the trust policy for pull requests from forks.

Other plugins can extend the available trust policies. The default policies are:

Pull requests from forks will all be treated as untrusted. This means that where Jenkins requires a
trusted file (e.g. Jenkinsfile) the contents of that file will be retrieved from the
target branch on the origin repository and not from the pull request branch on the fork repository.
Pull requests from collaborators
to the origin repository will be treated as trusted, all other pull requests from fork repositories
will be treated as untrusted.
Note that if credentials used by Jenkins for scanning the repository does not have permission to
query the list of collaborators to the origin repository then only the origin account will be treated
as trusted — i.e. this will fall back to Nobody.
NOTE: all collaborators are trusted, even if they are only members of a team with read permission.
All pull requests from forks will be treated as trusted. NOTE: this option can be dangerous
if used on a public repository hosted on GitHub.
From users with Admin or Write permission
Pull requests forks will be treated as trusted if and only if the fork owner has either Admin or Write
permissions on the origin repository.
This is the recommended policy.
Note that this strategy requires the
a user’s permission level API, as a result on GitHub Enterprise Server versions before 2.12 this
is the same as trusting Nobody.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority<? super org.jenkinsci.plugins.github_branch_source.GitHubSCMSourceRequest, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead2, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision>

Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is the same as the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered:

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch.
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging.
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging.



By default the discovered branches / pull requests will all use the same username / password credentials
that were used for discovery when checking out sources. This means that the checkout will be using the
https:// protocol for the Git repository.

This behaviour allows you to select the SSH private key to be used for checking out sources, which will
consequently force the checkout to use the ssh:// protocol.


Credentials used to check out sources. Must be a SSH key based credential.



Discovers tags on the repository.


Specify the URL of this remote repository. This uses the same syntax as your git clone command.


browser (optional)
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AssemblaWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the Bitbucket Server root URL for this repository (such as https://bitbucket:7990/OWNER/REPO/).


$class: 'BitbucketWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'CGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'FisheyeGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the URL of this repository in FishEye (such as


$class: 'GitBlitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository.



Specify the name of the project in GitBlit.


$class: 'GitLab'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlabserver:port/group/REPO/).


version (optional)

Specify the major and minor version of GitLab you use (such as 9.1). If you
don’t specify a version, a modern version of GitLab (>= 8.0) is assumed.


$class: 'GitList'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlistserver:port/REPO/).


$class: 'GitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GithubWeb'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s GitHub page (such as


$class: 'Gitiles'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GitoriousWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GogsGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'KilnGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Phabricator'

Specify the phabricator instance root URL (such as



Specify the repository name in phabricator (such as the foo part of


$class: 'RedmineWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://SERVER/PATH/projects/PROJECT/repository).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s RhodeCode page (such as


$class: 'ScmManagerGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Stash'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s Stash page (such as


$class: 'TFS2013GitRepositoryBrowser'

Either the name of the remote whose URL should be used, or the URL of this
module in TFS (such as
If empty (default), the URL of the «origin» repository is used.

If TFS is also used as the repository server, this can usually be left blank.


$class: 'ViewGitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the name of the project in ViewGit (e.g. scripts, scuttle etc. from


credentialsId (optional)

Credentials used to scan branches and check out sources.


extensions (optional)


Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AuthorInChangelog'

The default behavior is to use the Git commit’s «Committer» value in Jenkins’ build changesets.
If this option is selected, the Git commit’s «Author» value would be used instead.

$class: 'BuildChooserSetting'

When you are interested in using a job to build multiple heads (most typically multiple branches),
you can choose how Jenkins choose what branches to build in what order.

This extension point in Jenkins is used by many other plugins to control the job to build
specific commits. When you activate those plugins, you may see them installing a custom strategy

Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AncestryBuildChooser'




$class: 'DefaultBuildChooser'
$class: 'InverseBuildChooser'
$class: 'BuildSingleRevisionOnly'

Disable scheduling for multiple candidate revisions.
If we have 3 branches:
—-A—.—.— B
jenkins would try to build (B) and (C).
This behaviour disables this and only builds one of them.
It is helpful to reduce the load of the Jenkins infrastructure when the
SCM system like Bitbucket or GitHub should decide what commits to build.

$class: 'ChangelogToBranch'

This method calculates the changelog against the specified branch.

Nested object

Name of the repository, such as origin, that contains the branch you specify below.



The name of the branch within the named repository to compare against.


$class: 'CheckoutOption'

Specify a timeout (in minutes) for checkout.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckout'

Clean up the workspace before every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanCheckout'

Clean up the workspace after every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CloneOption'

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.



Deselect this to perform a clone without tags, saving time and disk space when you just want to access
what is specified by the refspec.



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for clone and fetch operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


honorRefspec (optional)

Perform initial clone using the refspec defined for the repository.
This can save time, data transfer and disk space when you only need
to access the references specified by the refspec.


$class: 'DisableRemotePoll'

Git plugin uses git ls-remote polling mechanism by default when configured with a single branch (no wildcards!).
This compare the latest built commit SHA with the remote branch without cloning a local copy of the repo.

If you don’t want to / can’t use this.

If this option is selected, polling will require a workspace and might trigger unwanted builds (see JENKINS-10131).

$class: 'GitLFSPull'

Enable git large file support for the workspace by pulling large files after the checkout completes.
Requires that the controller and each agent performing an LFS checkout have installed `git lfs`.

$class: 'IgnoreNotifyCommit'

If checked, this repository will be ignored when the notifyCommit-URL is accessed regardless of if the repository
matches or not.

$class: 'LocalBranch'

If given, checkout the revision to build as HEAD on this branch.

If selected, and its value is an empty string or «**», then the branch
name is computed from the remote branch without the origin. In that
case, a remote branch origin/master will be checked out to a local
branch named master, and a remote branch origin/develop/new-feature
will be checked out to a local branch named develop/newfeature.

Please note that this has not been tested with submodules.



$class: 'MessageExclusion'

If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions committed with message matched to
Pattern when determining
if a build needs to be triggered. This can be used to exclude commits done by the build itself from triggering another build,
assuming the build server commits the change with a distinct message.

Exclusion uses Pattern


The example above illustrates that if only revisions with «[maven-release-plugin]» message in first comment line
have been committed to the SCM a build will not occur.

You can create more complex patterns using embedded flag expressions.


This example will search FOO message in all comment lines.


$class: 'PathRestriction'

If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will pay attention to included and/or excluded files and/or
folders when determining if a build needs to be triggered.

Using this behaviour will preclude the faster git ls-remote polling mechanism, forcing polling to require a workspace thus sometimes triggering unwanted builds, as if you had selected the Force polling using workspace extension as well.


Each inclusion uses java regular expression pattern matching,
and must be separated by a new line.
An empty list implies that everything is included.


The example above illustrates that a build will only occur, if html/jpeg/gif files
have been committed to the SCM. Exclusions take precedence over inclusions, if there is
an overlap between included and excluded regions.



Each exclusion uses java regular expression pattern matching,
and must be separated by a new line.


The example above illustrates that if only html/jpeg/gif files have been committed to
the SCM a build will not occur.


$class: 'PerBuildTag'

Create a tag in the workspace for every build to unambiguously mark the commit that was built.
You can combine this with Git publisher to push the tags to the remote repository.

$class: 'PreBuildMerge'

These options allow you to perform a merge to a particular branch before building.
For example, you could specify an integration branch to be built, and to merge to master.
In this scenario, on every change of integration, Jenkins will perform a merge with the master branch,
and try to perform a build if the merge is successful.
It then may push the merge back to the remote repository if the Git Push post-build action is selected.

Nested object

The name of the branch within the named repository to merge to, such as master.


fastForwardMode (optional)

Merge fast-forward mode selection.
The default, —ff, gracefully falls back to a merge commit when required.
For more information, see the Git Merge Documentation

mergeRemote (optional)

Name of the repository, such as origin, that contains the branch you specify below. If left blank,
it’ll default to the name of the first repository configured above.


mergeStrategy (optional)

Merge strategy selection.
This feature is not fully implemented in JGIT.









$class: 'PruneStaleBranch'

Run «git remote prune» for each remote, to prune obsolete local branches.



$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory'

Specify a local directory (relative to the workspace root)
where the Git repository will be checked out. If left empty, the workspace root itself
will be used.

This extension should not be used in Jenkins Pipeline (either declarative or scripted).
Jenkins Pipeline already provides standard techniques for checkout to a subdirectory.
Use ws and
in Jenkins Pipeline rather than this extension.


$class: 'ScmName'

Unique name for this SCM. Needed when using Git within the Multi SCM plugin.



$class: 'SparseCheckoutPaths'

Specify the paths that you’d like to sparse checkout. This may be used for saving space (Think about a reference repository).
Be sure to use a recent version of Git, at least above 1.7.10



Nested object


$class: 'SubmoduleOption'

By disabling support for submodules you can still keep using basic
git plugin functionality and just have Jenkins to ignore submodules
completely as if they didn’t exist.



Retrieve all submodules recursively

(uses ‘—recursive’ option which requires git>=1.6.5)



Retrieve the tip of the configured branch in .gitmodules

(Uses ‘—remote’ option which requires git>=1.8.2)



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.
To prepare a reference folder with multiple subprojects, create a bare git repository and add all the remote urls then perform a fetch:

  git init --bare
  git remote add SubProject1
  git remote add SubProject2
  git fetch --all



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for submodules operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).



Use credentials from the default remote of the parent project.


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


shallow (optional)

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.


threads (optional)

Specify the number of threads that will be used to update submodules.
If unspecified, the command line git default thread count is used.


$class: 'UserExclusion'

If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions committed by users in this list when determining if a build needs to be triggered. This can be used to exclude commits done by the build itself from triggering another build, assuming the build server commits the change with a distinct SCM user.

Using this behaviour will preclude the faster git ls-remote polling mechanism, forcing polling to require a workspace thus sometimes triggering unwanted builds, as if you had selected the Force polling using workspace extension as well.

Each exclusion uses exact string comparison and must be separated by a new line.
User names are only excluded if they exactly match one of the names in this list.


The example above illustrates that if only revisions by «auto_build_user» have been committed to the SCM a build will not occur.


$class: 'UserIdentity'

If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.


$class: 'WipeWorkspace'

Delete the contents of the workspace before building, ensuring a fully fresh workspace.

gitTool (optional)


id (optional)


traits (optional)


Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AuthorInChangelogTrait'

Configure the Bitbucket notifications.

disableNotificationForNotBuildJobs (optional)


sendSuccessNotificationForUnstableBuild (optional)


$class: 'CheckoutOptionTrait'
Nested object

Specify a timeout (in minutes) for checkout.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


$class: 'CleanAfterCheckoutTrait'
Nested object

Clean up the workspace after every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckoutTrait'
Nested object

Clean up the workspace before every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanMercurialSCMSourceTrait'

When this behaviour is present, each build will wipe any local modifications
or untracked files in the repository checkout.
This is often a convenient way to ensure that a build is not
using any artifacts from earlier builds.

$class: 'CloneOptionTrait'
Nested object

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.



Deselect this to perform a clone without tags, saving time and disk space when you just want to access
what is specified by the refspec.



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for clone and fetch operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


honorRefspec (optional)

Perform initial clone using the refspec defined for the repository.
This can save time, data transfer and disk space when you only need
to access the references specified by the refspec.


$class: 'DiscoverOtherRefsTrait'

Discovers other specified refs on the repository.


The pattern under /refs on the remote repository to discover, can contain a wildcard.
Example: test/*/merged


nameMapping (optional)

Mapping for how the ref can be named in for example the @Library.
Example: test-@{1}
Where @{1} replaces the first wildcard in the ref when discovered.

By default it will be «namespace_before_wildcard-@{1}». E.g. if ref is «test/*/merged» the default mapping would be


$class: 'GitBrowserSCMSourceTrait'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AssemblaWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the Bitbucket Server root URL for this repository (such as https://bitbucket:7990/OWNER/REPO/).


$class: 'BitbucketWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'CGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'FisheyeGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the URL of this repository in FishEye (such as


$class: 'GitBlitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository.



Specify the name of the project in GitBlit.


$class: 'GitLab'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlabserver:port/group/REPO/).


version (optional)

Specify the major and minor version of GitLab you use (such as 9.1). If you
don’t specify a version, a modern version of GitLab (>= 8.0) is assumed.


$class: 'GitList'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlistserver:port/REPO/).


$class: 'GitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GithubWeb'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s GitHub page (such as


$class: 'Gitiles'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GitoriousWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GogsGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'KilnGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Phabricator'

Specify the phabricator instance root URL (such as



Specify the repository name in phabricator (such as the foo part of


$class: 'RedmineWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://SERVER/PATH/projects/PROJECT/repository).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s RhodeCode page (such as


$class: 'ScmManagerGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Stash'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s Stash page (such as


$class: 'TFS2013GitRepositoryBrowser'

Either the name of the remote whose URL should be used, or the URL of this
module in TFS (such as
If empty (default), the URL of the «origin» repository is used.

If TFS is also used as the repository server, this can usually be left blank.


$class: 'ViewGitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the name of the project in ViewGit (e.g. scripts, scuttle etc. from


$class: 'GitLFSPullTrait'
$class: 'GitToolSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'IgnoreOnPushNotificationTrait'
$class: 'LocalBranchTrait'
$class: 'MercurialBrowserSCMSourceTrait'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'FishEye'

Specify the root URL serving this repository, such as:


$class: 'GoogleCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'HgWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'Kallithea'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'KilnHG'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCodeLegacy'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'ScmManager'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://YOURSCMMANAGER/scm/repo/NAMESPACE/NAME/).


$class: 'MercurialInstallationSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'PruneStaleBranchTrait'
$class: 'PruneStaleTagTrait'

If the repository being scanned is a public repository, this behaviour will exclude all pull requests.
(Note: This behaviour is not especially useful if scanning a single repository as you could just not include the
pull request discovery behaviours in the first place)

$class: 'PullRequestDiscoveryTrait'

Exclude branches for which there is an open pull request


$class: 'RefSpecsSCMSourceTrait'


Nested object

A ref spec to fetch. Any occurrences of @{remote} will be replaced by the remote name
(which defaults to origin) before use.



A Java regular expression to
restrict the names. Names that do not match the supplied regular expression will be ignored.
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests


$class: 'RemoteNameSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'SparseCheckoutPathsTrait'
Nested object

Specify the paths that you’d like to sparse checkout. This may be used for saving space (Think about a reference repository).
Be sure to use a recent version of Git, at least above 1.7.10



Nested object


$class: 'SubmoduleOptionTrait'
Nested object

By disabling support for submodules you can still keep using basic
git plugin functionality and just have Jenkins to ignore submodules
completely as if they didn’t exist.



Retrieve all submodules recursively

(uses ‘—recursive’ option which requires git>=1.6.5)



Retrieve the tip of the configured branch in .gitmodules

(Uses ‘—remote’ option which requires git>=1.8.2)



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.
To prepare a reference folder with multiple subprojects, create a bare git repository and add all the remote urls then perform a fetch:

  git init --bare
  git remote add SubProject1
  git remote add SubProject2
  git fetch --all



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for submodules operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).



Use credentials from the default remote of the parent project.


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


shallow (optional)

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.


threads (optional)

Specify the number of threads that will be used to update submodules.
If unspecified, the command line git default thread count is used.


$class: 'UserIdentityTrait'
Nested object

If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



Sets the value for committersToIgnore in the Bitbucket Webhook. Value should be a comma separated string.

committerToIgnore is used to prevent triggering Jenkins builds when commits by certain users
are made.




Overrides the defaults for webhook management.

Webhooks are used to inform Jenkins about changes to repositories. There are two ways webhooks can be

  • Manual webhook configuration requires the user to configure Bitbucket with the Jenkins URL in order
    to ensure that Bitbucket will send the events to Jenkins after every change.
  • Automatic webhook configuration requires that Jenkins has credentials with sufficient permission to
    configure webhooks and also that Jenkins knows the URL that Bitbucket can connect to.

The Manage Jenkins » Configure Jenkins › Bitbucket Endpoints allows defining the list of
servers. Each server
can be associated with credentials. If credentials are defined then the default behaviour is to use those
credentials to automatically manage the webhooks of all repositories that Jenkins is interested in. If no
credentials are defined then the default behaviour is to require the user to manually configure webhooks.


There are two available modes:

Disable hook management
Disables hook management irrespective of the global defaults.
Use item credentials for hook management
Enabled hook management but uses the selected credentials to manage the hooks rather than those defined in
Manage Jenkins » Configure Jenkins › Bitbucket Endpoints



Space-separated list of name patterns to consider.
You may use * as a wildcard; for example: master release*
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests



Space-separated list of name patterns to ignore even if matched by the includes list.
For example: release alpha-* beta-*
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests


$class: 'WipeWorkspaceTrait'

Discovers branches on the repository.


Determines which branches are discovered.

Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
If you are discovering origin pull requests, it may not make sense to discover the same changes both as a
pull request and as a branch.
Only branches that are also filed as PRs
Discovers branches that have PR’s associated with them. This may make sense if you have a
notification sent to the team at the end of a triggered build or limited Jenkins resources.
All branches
Ignores whether the branch is also filed as a pull request and instead discovers all branches on the
origin repository.



Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is a fork of the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered.

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging



One of the great powers of pull requests is that anyone with read access to a repository can fork it, commit
some changes to their fork and then create a pull request against the original repository with their changes.
There are some files stored in source control that are important. For example, a Jenkinsfile
may contain configuration details to sandbox pull requests in order to mitigate against malicious pull requests.
In order to protect against a malicious pull request itself modifying the Jenkinsfile to remove
the protections, you can define the trust policy for pull requests from forks.

Other plugins can extend the available trust policies. The default policies are:

Pull requests from forks will all be treated as untrusted. This means that where Jenkins requires a
trusted file (e.g. Jenkinsfile) the contents of that file will be retrieved from the
target branch on the origin repository and not from the pull request branch on the fork repository.
Forks in the same account
Bitbucket allows for a repository to be forked into a «sibling» repository in the same account but using
a different name. This strategy will trust any pull requests from forks that are in the same account as
the target repository on the basis that users have to have been granted write permission to account in
order create such a fork.
All pull requests from forks will be treated as trusted. NOTE: this option can be dangerous
if used on a public repository hosted on Bitbucket Cloud.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority<? super com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.BitbucketSCMSourceRequest, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead2, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision>

Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is the same as the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered.

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging



By default the discovered branches / pull requests will all use the same credentials
that were used for discovery when checking out sources. This means that the checkout will be using the
https:// protocol for the Git repository.

This behaviour allows you to select the SSH private key to be used for checking out sources, which will
consequently force the checkout to use the ssh:// protocol.


Credentials used to check out sources.

It must be a SSH key based credential.



Discovers tags on the repository.

$class: 'com.cloudogu.scmmanager.scm.BranchDiscoveryTrait'
$class: 'com.cloudogu.scmmanager.scm.TagDiscoveryTrait'

Discovers branches on the repository.


Discovers tags on the repository.


Discovers branches on the repository.


Determines which branches are discovered.

Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
If you are discovering origin pull requests, you may not want to also build the source branches
for those pull requests.
Only branches that are also filed as PRs
Similar to discovering origin pull requests, but discovers the branch rather than the pull request.
This means env.GIT_BRANCH will be set to the branch name rather than PR-#.
Also, status notifications for these builds will only be applied to the commit and not to the pull request.
All branches
Ignores whether the branch is also filed as a pull request and instead discovers all branches on the
origin repository.



Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is a fork of the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered:

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch.
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging.
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging.



One of the great powers of pull requests is that anyone with read access to a repository can fork it, commit
some changes to their fork and then create a pull request against the original repository with their changes.
There are some files stored in source control that are important. For example, a Jenkinsfile
may contain configuration details to sandbox pull requests in order to mitigate against malicious pull requests.
In order to protect against a malicious pull request itself modifying the Jenkinsfile to remove
the protections, you can define the trust policy for pull requests from forks.

Other plugins can extend the available trust policies. The default policies are:

Pull requests from forks will all be treated as untrusted. This means that where Jenkins requires a
trusted file (e.g. Jenkinsfile) the contents of that file will be retrieved from the
target branch on the origin repository and not from the pull request branch on the fork repository.
Pull requests from collaborators
to the origin repository will be treated as trusted, all other pull requests from fork repositories
will be treated as untrusted.
Note that if credentials used by Jenkins for scanning the repository does not have permission to
query the list of collaborators to the origin repository then only the origin account will be treated
as trusted — i.e. this will fall back to Nobody.
NOTE: all collaborators are trusted, even if they are only members of a team with read permission.
All pull requests from forks will be treated as trusted. NOTE: this option can be dangerous
if used on a public repository hosted on GitHub.
From users with Admin or Write permission
Pull requests forks will be treated as trusted if and only if the fork owner has either Admin or Write
permissions on the origin repository.
This is the recommended policy.
Note that this strategy requires the
a user’s permission level API, as a result on GitHub Enterprise Server versions before 2.12 this
is the same as trusting Nobody.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority<? super org.jenkinsci.plugins.github_branch_source.GitHubSCMSourceRequest, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead2, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision>

Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is the same as the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered:

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch.
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging.
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging.



By default the discovered branches / pull requests will all use the same username / password credentials
that were used for discovery when checking out sources. This means that the checkout will be using the
https:// protocol for the Git repository.

This behaviour allows you to select the SSH private key to be used for checking out sources, which will
consequently force the checkout to use the ssh:// protocol.


Credentials used to check out sources. Must be a SSH key based credential.



Discovers tags on the repository.

$class: 'MercurialSCMSource'

Specify the repository to track. This can be URL or a local file path.
If you are specifying HTTP credentials, do not include a username in the URL.


credentialsId (optional)

Optional credentials to use when cloning or pulling from the remote repository.
Supports username/password with HTTP(S) URLs, and SSH private key with SSH URLs.


id (optional)


traits (optional)


Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AuthorInChangelogTrait'

Configure the Bitbucket notifications.

disableNotificationForNotBuildJobs (optional)


sendSuccessNotificationForUnstableBuild (optional)


$class: 'CheckoutOptionTrait'
Nested object

Specify a timeout (in minutes) for checkout.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


$class: 'CleanAfterCheckoutTrait'
Nested object

Clean up the workspace after every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckoutTrait'
Nested object

Clean up the workspace before every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanMercurialSCMSourceTrait'

When this behaviour is present, each build will wipe any local modifications
or untracked files in the repository checkout.
This is often a convenient way to ensure that a build is not
using any artifacts from earlier builds.

$class: 'CloneOptionTrait'
Nested object

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.



Deselect this to perform a clone without tags, saving time and disk space when you just want to access
what is specified by the refspec.



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for clone and fetch operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


honorRefspec (optional)

Perform initial clone using the refspec defined for the repository.
This can save time, data transfer and disk space when you only need
to access the references specified by the refspec.


$class: 'DiscoverOtherRefsTrait'

Discovers other specified refs on the repository.


The pattern under /refs on the remote repository to discover, can contain a wildcard.
Example: test/*/merged


nameMapping (optional)

Mapping for how the ref can be named in for example the @Library.
Example: test-@{1}
Where @{1} replaces the first wildcard in the ref when discovered.

By default it will be «namespace_before_wildcard-@{1}». E.g. if ref is «test/*/merged» the default mapping would be


$class: 'GitBrowserSCMSourceTrait'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AssemblaWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the Bitbucket Server root URL for this repository (such as https://bitbucket:7990/OWNER/REPO/).


$class: 'BitbucketWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'CGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'FisheyeGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the URL of this repository in FishEye (such as


$class: 'GitBlitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository.



Specify the name of the project in GitBlit.


$class: 'GitLab'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlabserver:port/group/REPO/).


version (optional)

Specify the major and minor version of GitLab you use (such as 9.1). If you
don’t specify a version, a modern version of GitLab (>= 8.0) is assumed.


$class: 'GitList'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlistserver:port/REPO/).


$class: 'GitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GithubWeb'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s GitHub page (such as


$class: 'Gitiles'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GitoriousWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GogsGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'KilnGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Phabricator'

Specify the phabricator instance root URL (such as



Specify the repository name in phabricator (such as the foo part of


$class: 'RedmineWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://SERVER/PATH/projects/PROJECT/repository).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s RhodeCode page (such as


$class: 'ScmManagerGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Stash'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s Stash page (such as


$class: 'TFS2013GitRepositoryBrowser'

Either the name of the remote whose URL should be used, or the URL of this
module in TFS (such as
If empty (default), the URL of the «origin» repository is used.

If TFS is also used as the repository server, this can usually be left blank.


$class: 'ViewGitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the name of the project in ViewGit (e.g. scripts, scuttle etc. from


$class: 'GitLFSPullTrait'
$class: 'GitToolSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'IgnoreOnPushNotificationTrait'
$class: 'LocalBranchTrait'
$class: 'MercurialBrowserSCMSourceTrait'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'FishEye'

Specify the root URL serving this repository, such as:


$class: 'GoogleCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'HgWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'Kallithea'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'KilnHG'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCodeLegacy'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'ScmManager'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://YOURSCMMANAGER/scm/repo/NAMESPACE/NAME/).


$class: 'MercurialInstallationSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'PruneStaleBranchTrait'
$class: 'PruneStaleTagTrait'

If the repository being scanned is a public repository, this behaviour will exclude all pull requests.
(Note: This behaviour is not especially useful if scanning a single repository as you could just not include the
pull request discovery behaviours in the first place)

$class: 'PullRequestDiscoveryTrait'

Exclude branches for which there is an open pull request


$class: 'RefSpecsSCMSourceTrait'


Nested object

A ref spec to fetch. Any occurrences of @{remote} will be replaced by the remote name
(which defaults to origin) before use.



A Java regular expression to
restrict the names. Names that do not match the supplied regular expression will be ignored.
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests


$class: 'RemoteNameSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'SparseCheckoutPathsTrait'
Nested object

Specify the paths that you’d like to sparse checkout. This may be used for saving space (Think about a reference repository).
Be sure to use a recent version of Git, at least above 1.7.10



Nested object


$class: 'SubmoduleOptionTrait'
Nested object

By disabling support for submodules you can still keep using basic
git plugin functionality and just have Jenkins to ignore submodules
completely as if they didn’t exist.



Retrieve all submodules recursively

(uses ‘—recursive’ option which requires git>=1.6.5)



Retrieve the tip of the configured branch in .gitmodules

(Uses ‘—remote’ option which requires git>=1.8.2)



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.
To prepare a reference folder with multiple subprojects, create a bare git repository and add all the remote urls then perform a fetch:

  git init --bare
  git remote add SubProject1
  git remote add SubProject2
  git fetch --all



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for submodules operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).



Use credentials from the default remote of the parent project.


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


shallow (optional)

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.


threads (optional)

Specify the number of threads that will be used to update submodules.
If unspecified, the command line git default thread count is used.


$class: 'UserIdentityTrait'
Nested object

If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



Sets the value for committersToIgnore in the Bitbucket Webhook. Value should be a comma separated string.

committerToIgnore is used to prevent triggering Jenkins builds when commits by certain users
are made.




Overrides the defaults for webhook management.

Webhooks are used to inform Jenkins about changes to repositories. There are two ways webhooks can be

  • Manual webhook configuration requires the user to configure Bitbucket with the Jenkins URL in order
    to ensure that Bitbucket will send the events to Jenkins after every change.
  • Automatic webhook configuration requires that Jenkins has credentials with sufficient permission to
    configure webhooks and also that Jenkins knows the URL that Bitbucket can connect to.

The Manage Jenkins » Configure Jenkins › Bitbucket Endpoints allows defining the list of
servers. Each server
can be associated with credentials. If credentials are defined then the default behaviour is to use those
credentials to automatically manage the webhooks of all repositories that Jenkins is interested in. If no
credentials are defined then the default behaviour is to require the user to manually configure webhooks.


There are two available modes:

Disable hook management
Disables hook management irrespective of the global defaults.
Use item credentials for hook management
Enabled hook management but uses the selected credentials to manage the hooks rather than those defined in
Manage Jenkins » Configure Jenkins › Bitbucket Endpoints



Space-separated list of name patterns to consider.
You may use * as a wildcard; for example: master release*
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests



Space-separated list of name patterns to ignore even if matched by the includes list.
For example: release alpha-* beta-*
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests


$class: 'WipeWorkspaceTrait'

Discovers branches on the repository.


Determines which branches are discovered.

Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
If you are discovering origin pull requests, it may not make sense to discover the same changes both as a
pull request and as a branch.
Only branches that are also filed as PRs
Discovers branches that have PR’s associated with them. This may make sense if you have a
notification sent to the team at the end of a triggered build or limited Jenkins resources.
All branches
Ignores whether the branch is also filed as a pull request and instead discovers all branches on the
origin repository.



Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is a fork of the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered.

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging



One of the great powers of pull requests is that anyone with read access to a repository can fork it, commit
some changes to their fork and then create a pull request against the original repository with their changes.
There are some files stored in source control that are important. For example, a Jenkinsfile
may contain configuration details to sandbox pull requests in order to mitigate against malicious pull requests.
In order to protect against a malicious pull request itself modifying the Jenkinsfile to remove
the protections, you can define the trust policy for pull requests from forks.

Other plugins can extend the available trust policies. The default policies are:

Pull requests from forks will all be treated as untrusted. This means that where Jenkins requires a
trusted file (e.g. Jenkinsfile) the contents of that file will be retrieved from the
target branch on the origin repository and not from the pull request branch on the fork repository.
Forks in the same account
Bitbucket allows for a repository to be forked into a «sibling» repository in the same account but using
a different name. This strategy will trust any pull requests from forks that are in the same account as
the target repository on the basis that users have to have been granted write permission to account in
order create such a fork.
All pull requests from forks will be treated as trusted. NOTE: this option can be dangerous
if used on a public repository hosted on Bitbucket Cloud.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority<? super com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.BitbucketSCMSourceRequest, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead2, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision>

Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is the same as the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered.

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging



By default the discovered branches / pull requests will all use the same credentials
that were used for discovery when checking out sources. This means that the checkout will be using the
https:// protocol for the Git repository.

This behaviour allows you to select the SSH private key to be used for checking out sources, which will
consequently force the checkout to use the ssh:// protocol.


Credentials used to check out sources.

It must be a SSH key based credential.



Discovers tags on the repository.

$class: 'com.cloudogu.scmmanager.scm.BranchDiscoveryTrait'
$class: 'com.cloudogu.scmmanager.scm.TagDiscoveryTrait'

Discovers branches on the repository.


Discovers tags on the repository.


Discovers branches on the repository.


Determines which branches are discovered.

Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
If you are discovering origin pull requests, you may not want to also build the source branches
for those pull requests.
Only branches that are also filed as PRs
Similar to discovering origin pull requests, but discovers the branch rather than the pull request.
This means env.GIT_BRANCH will be set to the branch name rather than PR-#.
Also, status notifications for these builds will only be applied to the commit and not to the pull request.
All branches
Ignores whether the branch is also filed as a pull request and instead discovers all branches on the
origin repository.



Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is a fork of the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered:

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch.
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging.
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging.



One of the great powers of pull requests is that anyone with read access to a repository can fork it, commit
some changes to their fork and then create a pull request against the original repository with their changes.
There are some files stored in source control that are important. For example, a Jenkinsfile
may contain configuration details to sandbox pull requests in order to mitigate against malicious pull requests.
In order to protect against a malicious pull request itself modifying the Jenkinsfile to remove
the protections, you can define the trust policy for pull requests from forks.

Other plugins can extend the available trust policies. The default policies are:

Pull requests from forks will all be treated as untrusted. This means that where Jenkins requires a
trusted file (e.g. Jenkinsfile) the contents of that file will be retrieved from the
target branch on the origin repository and not from the pull request branch on the fork repository.
Pull requests from collaborators
to the origin repository will be treated as trusted, all other pull requests from fork repositories
will be treated as untrusted.
Note that if credentials used by Jenkins for scanning the repository does not have permission to
query the list of collaborators to the origin repository then only the origin account will be treated
as trusted — i.e. this will fall back to Nobody.
NOTE: all collaborators are trusted, even if they are only members of a team with read permission.
All pull requests from forks will be treated as trusted. NOTE: this option can be dangerous
if used on a public repository hosted on GitHub.
From users with Admin or Write permission
Pull requests forks will be treated as trusted if and only if the fork owner has either Admin or Write
permissions on the origin repository.
This is the recommended policy.
Note that this strategy requires the
a user’s permission level API, as a result on GitHub Enterprise Server versions before 2.12 this
is the same as trusting Nobody.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority<? super org.jenkinsci.plugins.github_branch_source.GitHubSCMSourceRequest, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead2, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision>

Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is the same as the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered:

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch.
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging.
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging.



By default the discovered branches / pull requests will all use the same username / password credentials
that were used for discovery when checking out sources. This means that the checkout will be using the
https:// protocol for the Git repository.

This behaviour allows you to select the SSH private key to be used for checking out sources, which will
consequently force the checkout to use the ssh:// protocol.


Credentials used to check out sources. Must be a SSH key based credential.



Discovers tags on the repository.


Specify the root URL of the SCM-Manager instance including the context path (such as
or an ssh URL (such as ssh://; this requires the
SSH plugin in SCM-Manager).



Select an existing repository from the SCM-Manager instance.



Select valid credentials for the specified SCM-Manager instance.


id (optional)


traits (optional)


Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AuthorInChangelogTrait'

Configure the Bitbucket notifications.

disableNotificationForNotBuildJobs (optional)


sendSuccessNotificationForUnstableBuild (optional)


$class: 'CheckoutOptionTrait'
Nested object

Specify a timeout (in minutes) for checkout.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


$class: 'CleanAfterCheckoutTrait'
Nested object

Clean up the workspace after every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckoutTrait'
Nested object

Clean up the workspace before every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanMercurialSCMSourceTrait'

When this behaviour is present, each build will wipe any local modifications
or untracked files in the repository checkout.
This is often a convenient way to ensure that a build is not
using any artifacts from earlier builds.

$class: 'CloneOptionTrait'
Nested object

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.



Deselect this to perform a clone without tags, saving time and disk space when you just want to access
what is specified by the refspec.



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for clone and fetch operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


honorRefspec (optional)

Perform initial clone using the refspec defined for the repository.
This can save time, data transfer and disk space when you only need
to access the references specified by the refspec.


$class: 'DiscoverOtherRefsTrait'

Discovers other specified refs on the repository.


The pattern under /refs on the remote repository to discover, can contain a wildcard.
Example: test/*/merged


nameMapping (optional)

Mapping for how the ref can be named in for example the @Library.
Example: test-@{1}
Where @{1} replaces the first wildcard in the ref when discovered.

By default it will be «namespace_before_wildcard-@{1}». E.g. if ref is «test/*/merged» the default mapping would be


$class: 'GitBrowserSCMSourceTrait'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AssemblaWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the Bitbucket Server root URL for this repository (such as https://bitbucket:7990/OWNER/REPO/).


$class: 'BitbucketWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'CGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'FisheyeGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the URL of this repository in FishEye (such as


$class: 'GitBlitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository.



Specify the name of the project in GitBlit.


$class: 'GitLab'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlabserver:port/group/REPO/).


version (optional)

Specify the major and minor version of GitLab you use (such as 9.1). If you
don’t specify a version, a modern version of GitLab (>= 8.0) is assumed.


$class: 'GitList'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlistserver:port/REPO/).


$class: 'GitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GithubWeb'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s GitHub page (such as


$class: 'Gitiles'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GitoriousWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GogsGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'KilnGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Phabricator'

Specify the phabricator instance root URL (such as



Specify the repository name in phabricator (such as the foo part of


$class: 'RedmineWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://SERVER/PATH/projects/PROJECT/repository).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s RhodeCode page (such as


$class: 'ScmManagerGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Stash'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s Stash page (such as


$class: 'TFS2013GitRepositoryBrowser'

Either the name of the remote whose URL should be used, or the URL of this
module in TFS (such as
If empty (default), the URL of the «origin» repository is used.

If TFS is also used as the repository server, this can usually be left blank.


$class: 'ViewGitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the name of the project in ViewGit (e.g. scripts, scuttle etc. from


$class: 'GitLFSPullTrait'
$class: 'GitToolSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'IgnoreOnPushNotificationTrait'
$class: 'LocalBranchTrait'
$class: 'MercurialBrowserSCMSourceTrait'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'FishEye'

Specify the root URL serving this repository, such as:


$class: 'GoogleCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'HgWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'Kallithea'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'KilnHG'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCodeLegacy'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'ScmManager'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://YOURSCMMANAGER/scm/repo/NAMESPACE/NAME/).


$class: 'MercurialInstallationSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'PruneStaleBranchTrait'
$class: 'PruneStaleTagTrait'

If the repository being scanned is a public repository, this behaviour will exclude all pull requests.
(Note: This behaviour is not especially useful if scanning a single repository as you could just not include the
pull request discovery behaviours in the first place)

$class: 'PullRequestDiscoveryTrait'

Exclude branches for which there is an open pull request


$class: 'RefSpecsSCMSourceTrait'


Nested object

A ref spec to fetch. Any occurrences of @{remote} will be replaced by the remote name
(which defaults to origin) before use.



A Java regular expression to
restrict the names. Names that do not match the supplied regular expression will be ignored.
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests


$class: 'RemoteNameSCMSourceTrait'


$class: 'SparseCheckoutPathsTrait'
Nested object

Specify the paths that you’d like to sparse checkout. This may be used for saving space (Think about a reference repository).
Be sure to use a recent version of Git, at least above 1.7.10



Nested object


$class: 'SubmoduleOptionTrait'
Nested object

By disabling support for submodules you can still keep using basic
git plugin functionality and just have Jenkins to ignore submodules
completely as if they didn’t exist.



Retrieve all submodules recursively

(uses ‘—recursive’ option which requires git>=1.6.5)



Retrieve the tip of the configured branch in .gitmodules

(Uses ‘—remote’ option which requires git>=1.8.2)



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.
To prepare a reference folder with multiple subprojects, create a bare git repository and add all the remote urls then perform a fetch:

  git init --bare
  git remote add SubProject1
  git remote add SubProject2
  git fetch --all



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for submodules operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).



Use credentials from the default remote of the parent project.


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


shallow (optional)

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.


threads (optional)

Specify the number of threads that will be used to update submodules.
If unspecified, the command line git default thread count is used.


$class: 'UserIdentityTrait'
Nested object

If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



Sets the value for committersToIgnore in the Bitbucket Webhook. Value should be a comma separated string.

committerToIgnore is used to prevent triggering Jenkins builds when commits by certain users
are made.




Overrides the defaults for webhook management.

Webhooks are used to inform Jenkins about changes to repositories. There are two ways webhooks can be

  • Manual webhook configuration requires the user to configure Bitbucket with the Jenkins URL in order
    to ensure that Bitbucket will send the events to Jenkins after every change.
  • Automatic webhook configuration requires that Jenkins has credentials with sufficient permission to
    configure webhooks and also that Jenkins knows the URL that Bitbucket can connect to.

The Manage Jenkins » Configure Jenkins › Bitbucket Endpoints allows defining the list of
servers. Each server
can be associated with credentials. If credentials are defined then the default behaviour is to use those
credentials to automatically manage the webhooks of all repositories that Jenkins is interested in. If no
credentials are defined then the default behaviour is to require the user to manually configure webhooks.


There are two available modes:

Disable hook management
Disables hook management irrespective of the global defaults.
Use item credentials for hook management
Enabled hook management but uses the selected credentials to manage the hooks rather than those defined in
Manage Jenkins » Configure Jenkins › Bitbucket Endpoints



Space-separated list of name patterns to consider.
You may use * as a wildcard; for example: master release*
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests



Space-separated list of name patterns to ignore even if matched by the includes list.
For example: release alpha-* beta-*
NOTE: this filter will be applied to all branch like things, including change requests


$class: 'WipeWorkspaceTrait'

Discovers branches on the repository.


Determines which branches are discovered.

Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
If you are discovering origin pull requests, it may not make sense to discover the same changes both as a
pull request and as a branch.
Only branches that are also filed as PRs
Discovers branches that have PR’s associated with them. This may make sense if you have a
notification sent to the team at the end of a triggered build or limited Jenkins resources.
All branches
Ignores whether the branch is also filed as a pull request and instead discovers all branches on the
origin repository.



Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is a fork of the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered.

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging



One of the great powers of pull requests is that anyone with read access to a repository can fork it, commit
some changes to their fork and then create a pull request against the original repository with their changes.
There are some files stored in source control that are important. For example, a Jenkinsfile
may contain configuration details to sandbox pull requests in order to mitigate against malicious pull requests.
In order to protect against a malicious pull request itself modifying the Jenkinsfile to remove
the protections, you can define the trust policy for pull requests from forks.

Other plugins can extend the available trust policies. The default policies are:

Pull requests from forks will all be treated as untrusted. This means that where Jenkins requires a
trusted file (e.g. Jenkinsfile) the contents of that file will be retrieved from the
target branch on the origin repository and not from the pull request branch on the fork repository.
Forks in the same account
Bitbucket allows for a repository to be forked into a «sibling» repository in the same account but using
a different name. This strategy will trust any pull requests from forks that are in the same account as
the target repository on the basis that users have to have been granted write permission to account in
order create such a fork.
All pull requests from forks will be treated as trusted. NOTE: this option can be dangerous
if used on a public repository hosted on Bitbucket Cloud.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority<? super com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.BitbucketSCMSourceRequest, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead2, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision>

Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is the same as the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered.

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging



By default the discovered branches / pull requests will all use the same credentials
that were used for discovery when checking out sources. This means that the checkout will be using the
https:// protocol for the Git repository.

This behaviour allows you to select the SSH private key to be used for checking out sources, which will
consequently force the checkout to use the ssh:// protocol.


Credentials used to check out sources.

It must be a SSH key based credential.



Discovers tags on the repository.

$class: 'com.cloudogu.scmmanager.scm.BranchDiscoveryTrait'
$class: 'com.cloudogu.scmmanager.scm.TagDiscoveryTrait'

Discovers branches on the repository.


Discovers tags on the repository.


Discovers branches on the repository.


Determines which branches are discovered.

Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
If you are discovering origin pull requests, you may not want to also build the source branches
for those pull requests.
Only branches that are also filed as PRs
Similar to discovering origin pull requests, but discovers the branch rather than the pull request.
This means env.GIT_BRANCH will be set to the branch name rather than PR-#.
Also, status notifications for these builds will only be applied to the commit and not to the pull request.
All branches
Ignores whether the branch is also filed as a pull request and instead discovers all branches on the
origin repository.



Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is a fork of the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered:

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch.
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging.
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging.



One of the great powers of pull requests is that anyone with read access to a repository can fork it, commit
some changes to their fork and then create a pull request against the original repository with their changes.
There are some files stored in source control that are important. For example, a Jenkinsfile
may contain configuration details to sandbox pull requests in order to mitigate against malicious pull requests.
In order to protect against a malicious pull request itself modifying the Jenkinsfile to remove
the protections, you can define the trust policy for pull requests from forks.

Other plugins can extend the available trust policies. The default policies are:

Pull requests from forks will all be treated as untrusted. This means that where Jenkins requires a
trusted file (e.g. Jenkinsfile) the contents of that file will be retrieved from the
target branch on the origin repository and not from the pull request branch on the fork repository.
Pull requests from collaborators
to the origin repository will be treated as trusted, all other pull requests from fork repositories
will be treated as untrusted.
Note that if credentials used by Jenkins for scanning the repository does not have permission to
query the list of collaborators to the origin repository then only the origin account will be treated
as trusted — i.e. this will fall back to Nobody.
NOTE: all collaborators are trusted, even if they are only members of a team with read permission.
All pull requests from forks will be treated as trusted. NOTE: this option can be dangerous
if used on a public repository hosted on GitHub.
From users with Admin or Write permission
Pull requests forks will be treated as trusted if and only if the fork owner has either Admin or Write
permissions on the origin repository.
This is the recommended policy.
Note that this strategy requires the
a user’s permission level API, as a result on GitHub Enterprise Server versions before 2.12 this
is the same as trusting Nobody.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type jenkins.scm.api.trait.SCMHeadAuthority<? super org.jenkinsci.plugins.github_branch_source.GitHubSCMSourceRequest, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.mixin.ChangeRequestSCMHead2, ? extends jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevision>

Discovers pull requests where the origin repository is the same as the target repository.


Determines how pull requests are discovered:

Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the result of merging with the
current revision of the target branch.
The current pull request revision
Discover each pull request once with the discovered revision corresponding to the pull request head revision
without merging.
Both the current pull request revision and the pull request merged with the current target branch revision
Discover each pull request twice. The first discovered revision corresponds to the result of merging with
the current revision of the target branch in each scan. The second parallel discovered revision corresponds
to the pull request head revision without merging.



By default the discovered branches / pull requests will all use the same username / password credentials
that were used for discovery when checking out sources. This means that the checkout will be using the
https:// protocol for the Git repository.

This behaviour allows you to select the SSH private key to be used for checking out sources, which will
consequently force the checkout to use the ssh:// protocol.


Credentials used to check out sources. Must be a SSH key based credential.



Discovers tags on the repository.


Specify the root URL of the SCM-Manager instance including the context path (such as



Select an existing repository from the SCM-Manager instance.


id (optional)


credentialsId (optional)

Select valid credentials for the specified SCM-Manager instance.


browser (optional)
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'Assembla'


$class: 'CollabNetSVN'

The repository browser URL for the root of the project.
For example, a project called


would use



$class: 'FishEyeSVN'

Specify the URL of this module in FishEye.
(such as




Specify the root Subversion module that this FishEye monitors.
For example, for

this field would be


because it displays the directory «/ant»
of the ASF repo. If FishEye is configured to display the whole SVN repository,
leave this field empty.






$class: 'SVNWeb'


$class: 'ScmManagerSvnRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Sventon'

Specify the URL of the Sventon repository browser.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



Specify the Sventon repository instance name that references this subversion repository.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



$class: 'Sventon2'

Specify the URL of the Sventon repository browser.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



Specify the Sventon repository instance name that references this subversion repository.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



$class: 'ViewSVN'

Specify the root URL of ViewSVN for this repository
(such as this).


$class: 'VisualSVN'


$class: 'WebSVN'


excludes (optional)

Optionally specify branches to be excluded from builds using glob expressions.


includes (optional)

Specify the branches to be build using glob expressions (like trunk,branches/*,tags/*,sandbox/*).


workspaceUpdater (optional)
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'CheckoutUpdater'
$class: 'NoopUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateWithCleanUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateWithRevertUpdater'

The name of the SCM head/trunk/branch/tag that this source provides.


Nested choice of objects
$class: 'GitSCM'

The git plugin provides fundamental git operations for Jenkins projects.
It can poll, fetch, checkout, and merge contents of git repositories.

The git plugin provides an SCM implementation to be used with the Pipeline SCM checkout step.
The Pipeline Syntax Snippet Generator guides the user to select git plugin checkout options and provides online help for each of the options.


Specify the repository to track. This can be a URL or a local file path.
Note that for super-projects (repositories with submodules), only a local file
path or a complete URL is valid. The following are examples of valid git URLs.

  • ssh://
  • (short notation for ssh protocol)
  • ssh:// (to access the repos/R.git
    repository in the user’s home directory)

If the repository is a super-project, the
location from which to clone submodules is dependent on whether the repository
is bare or non-bare (i.e. has a working directory).

  • If the super-project is bare, the location of the submodules will be
    taken from .gitmodules.
  • If the super-project is not bare, it is assumed that the
    repository has each of its submodules cloned and checked out appropriately.
    Thus, the submodules will be taken directly from a path like
    ${SUPER_PROJECT_URL}/${SUBMODULE}, rather than relying on
    information from .gitmodules.

For a local URL/path to a super-project,
git rev-parse —is-bare-repository
is used to detect whether the super-project is bare or not.

For a remote URL to a super-project, the ending of the URL determines whether
a bare or non-bare repository is assumed:

  • If the remote URL ends with /.git, a non-bare repository is
  • If the remote URL does NOT end with /.git, a bare
    repository is assumed.


Nested object

Specify the URL or path of the git repository.
This uses the same syntax as your git clone command.



ID of the repository, such as origin, to uniquely identify this repository among other remote repositories.
This is the same «name» that you use in your git remote command. If left empty,
Jenkins will generate unique names for you.

You normally want to specify this when you have multiple remote repositories.



A refspec controls the remote refs to be retrieved and how they map to local refs. If left blank, it will default to
the normal behaviour of git fetch, which retrieves all the branch heads as remotes/REPOSITORYNAME/BRANCHNAME.
This default behaviour is OK for most cases.

In other words, the default refspec is «+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/REPOSITORYNAME/*» where REPOSITORYNAME is the value
you specify in the above «name of repository» textbox.

When do you want to modify this value? A good example is when you want to just retrieve one branch. For example,
+refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master would only retrieve the master branch and nothing else.

The plugin uses a default refspec for its initial fetch, unless the «Advanced Clone Option» is set to honor refspec.
This keeps compatibility with previous behavior, and allows the job definition to decide if the refspec should be
honored on initial clone.

Multiple refspecs can be entered by separating them with a space character.
+refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master +refs/heads/develop:refs/remotes/origin/develop
retrieves the master branch and the develop branch and nothing else.

See the refspec definition in Git user manual for more details.



Credential used to check out sources.



List of branches to build.
Jenkins jobs are most effective when each job builds only a single branch.
When a single job builds multiple branches, the changelog comparisons between branches often show no changes or incorrect changes.


Nested object

Specify the branches if you’d like to track a specific branch in a repository.
If left blank, all branches will be examined for changes and built.

The safest way is to use the refs/heads/<branchName> syntax. This way the expected branch
is unambiguous.

If your branch name has a / in it make sure to use the full reference above. When not presented
with a full path the plugin will only use the part of the string right of the last slash.
Meaning foo/bar will actually match bar.

If you use a wildcard branch specifier, with a slash (e.g. release/),
you’ll need to specify the origin repository in the branch names to
make sure changes are picked up. So e.g. origin/release/

Possible options:

  • <branchName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch. If ambiguous the first result is taken, which is not necessarily
    the expected one. Better use refs/heads/<branchName>.
    E.g. master, feature1, …
  • refs/heads/<branchName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch.
    E.g. refs/heads/master, refs/heads/feature1/master, …
  • <remoteRepoName>/<branchName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch. If ambiguous the first result is taken, which is not necessarily
    the expected one.
    Better use refs/heads/<branchName>.
    E.g. origin/master
  • remotes/<remoteRepoName>/<branchName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch.
    E.g. remotes/origin/master
  • refs/remotes/<remoteRepoName>/<branchName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch.
    E.g. refs/remotes/origin/master
  • <tagName>
    This does not work since the tag will not be recognized as tag.
    Use refs/tags/<tagName> instead.
    E.g. git-2.3.0
  • refs/tags/<tagName>
    Tracks/checks out the specified tag.
    E.g. refs/tags/git-2.3.0
  • <commitId>
    Checks out the specified commit.
    E.g. 5062ac843f2b947733e6a3b105977056821bd352, 5062ac84, …
    It is also possible to use environment variables. In this case the variables are evaluated and the
    result is used as described above.
    E.g. ${TREEISH}, refs/tags/${TAGNAME}, …
  • <Wildcards>
    The syntax is of the form: REPOSITORYNAME/BRANCH.
    In addition, BRANCH is recognized as a shorthand of */BRANCH, ‘*’ is recognized as a wildcard,
    and ‘**’ is recognized as wildcard that includes the separator ‘/’. Therefore, origin/branches* would
    match origin/branches-foo but not origin/branches/foo, while origin/branches** would
    match both origin/branches-foo and origin/branches/foo.
  • :<regular expression>
    The syntax is of the form: :regexp.
    Regular expression syntax in branches to build will only
    build those branches whose names match the regular

    • :^(?!(origin/prefix)).*
      • matches: origin or origin/master or origin/feature
      • does not match: origin/prefix or origin/prefix_123 or origin/prefix-abc
    • :origin/release-d{8}
      • matches: origin/release-20150101
      • does not match: origin/release-2015010 or origin/release-201501011 or origin/release-20150101-something
    • :^(?!origin/master$|origin/develop$).*
      • matches: origin/branch1 or origin/branch-2 or origin/master123 or origin/develop-123
      • does not match: origin/master or origin/develop



Defines the repository browser that displays changes detected by the git plugin.

Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AssemblaWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the Bitbucket Server root URL for this repository (such as https://bitbucket:7990/OWNER/REPO/).


$class: 'BitbucketWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'CGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'FisheyeGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the URL of this repository in FishEye (such as


$class: 'GitBlitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository.



Specify the name of the project in GitBlit.


$class: 'GitLab'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlabserver:port/group/REPO/).


version (optional)

Specify the major and minor version of GitLab you use (such as 9.1). If you
don’t specify a version, a modern version of GitLab (>= 8.0) is assumed.


$class: 'GitList'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://gitlistserver:port/REPO/).


$class: 'GitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GithubWeb'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s GitHub page (such as


$class: 'Gitiles'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GitoriousWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'GogsGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'KilnGit'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Phabricator'

Specify the phabricator instance root URL (such as



Specify the repository name in phabricator (such as the foo part of


$class: 'RedmineWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://SERVER/PATH/projects/PROJECT/repository).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s RhodeCode page (such as


$class: 'ScmManagerGitRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Stash'

Specify the HTTP URL for this repository’s Stash page (such as


$class: 'TFS2013GitRepositoryBrowser'

Either the name of the remote whose URL should be used, or the URL of this
module in TFS (such as
If empty (default), the URL of the «origin» repository is used.

If TFS is also used as the repository server, this can usually be left blank.


$class: 'ViewGitWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as



Specify the name of the project in ViewGit (e.g. scripts, scuttle etc. from



Absolute path to the git executable.

This is different from other Jenkins tool definitions.
Rather than providing the directory that contains the executable, you must provide the complete path to the executable.
Setting ‘/usr/bin/git‘ would be correct, while setting ‘/usr/bin/‘ is not correct.



Extensions add new behavior or modify existing plugin behavior for different uses.
Extensions help users more precisely tune plugin behavior to meet their needs.

Extensions include:

  • Clone extensions modify the git operations that retrieve remote changes into the agent workspace.
    The extensions can adjust the amount of history retrieved, how long the retrieval is allowed to run, and other retrieval details.
  • Checkout extensions modify the git operations that place files in the workspace from the git repository on the agent.
    The extensions can adjust the maximum duration of the checkout operation, the use and behavior of git submodules, the location of the workspace on the disc, and more.
  • Changelog extensions adapt the source code difference calculations for different cases.
  • Tagging extensions allow the plugin to apply tags in the current workspace.
  • Build initiation extensions control the conditions that start a build.
    They can ignore notifications of a change or force a deeper evaluation of the commits when polling.
  • Merge extensions can optionally merge changes from other branches into the current branch of the agent workspace.
    They control the source branch for the merge and the options applied to the merge.


Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AuthorInChangelog'

The default behavior is to use the Git commit’s «Committer» value in Jenkins’ build changesets.
If this option is selected, the Git commit’s «Author» value would be used instead.

$class: 'BuildChooserSetting'

When you are interested in using a job to build multiple heads (most typically multiple branches),
you can choose how Jenkins choose what branches to build in what order.

This extension point in Jenkins is used by many other plugins to control the job to build
specific commits. When you activate those plugins, you may see them installing a custom strategy

Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AncestryBuildChooser'




$class: 'DefaultBuildChooser'
$class: 'InverseBuildChooser'
$class: 'BuildSingleRevisionOnly'

Disable scheduling for multiple candidate revisions.
If we have 3 branches:
—-A—.—.— B
jenkins would try to build (B) and (C).
This behaviour disables this and only builds one of them.
It is helpful to reduce the load of the Jenkins infrastructure when the
SCM system like Bitbucket or GitHub should decide what commits to build.

$class: 'ChangelogToBranch'

This method calculates the changelog against the specified branch.

Nested object

Name of the repository, such as origin, that contains the branch you specify below.



The name of the branch within the named repository to compare against.


$class: 'CheckoutOption'

Specify a timeout (in minutes) for checkout.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckout'

Clean up the workspace before every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CleanCheckout'

Clean up the workspace after every checkout by deleting all untracked files and directories,
including those which are specified in .gitignore.
It also resets all tracked files to their versioned state.
This ensures that the workspace is
in the same state as if you cloned and checked out in a brand-new empty directory, and ensures
that your build is not affected by the files generated by the previous build.

deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories (optional)

Deletes untracked submodules and any other subdirectories which contain .git directories.


$class: 'CloneOption'

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.



Deselect this to perform a clone without tags, saving time and disk space when you just want to access
what is specified by the refspec.



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for clone and fetch operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


honorRefspec (optional)

Perform initial clone using the refspec defined for the repository.
This can save time, data transfer and disk space when you only need
to access the references specified by the refspec.


$class: 'DisableRemotePoll'

Git plugin uses git ls-remote polling mechanism by default when configured with a single branch (no wildcards!).
This compare the latest built commit SHA with the remote branch without cloning a local copy of the repo.

If you don’t want to / can’t use this.

If this option is selected, polling will require a workspace and might trigger unwanted builds (see JENKINS-10131).

$class: 'GitLFSPull'

Enable git large file support for the workspace by pulling large files after the checkout completes.
Requires that the controller and each agent performing an LFS checkout have installed `git lfs`.

$class: 'IgnoreNotifyCommit'

If checked, this repository will be ignored when the notifyCommit-URL is accessed regardless of if the repository
matches or not.

$class: 'LocalBranch'

If given, checkout the revision to build as HEAD on this branch.

If selected, and its value is an empty string or «**», then the branch
name is computed from the remote branch without the origin. In that
case, a remote branch origin/master will be checked out to a local
branch named master, and a remote branch origin/develop/new-feature
will be checked out to a local branch named develop/newfeature.

Please note that this has not been tested with submodules.



$class: 'MessageExclusion'

If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions committed with message matched to
Pattern when determining
if a build needs to be triggered. This can be used to exclude commits done by the build itself from triggering another build,
assuming the build server commits the change with a distinct message.

Exclusion uses Pattern


The example above illustrates that if only revisions with «[maven-release-plugin]» message in first comment line
have been committed to the SCM a build will not occur.

You can create more complex patterns using embedded flag expressions.


This example will search FOO message in all comment lines.


$class: 'PathRestriction'

If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will pay attention to included and/or excluded files and/or
folders when determining if a build needs to be triggered.

Using this behaviour will preclude the faster git ls-remote polling mechanism, forcing polling to require a workspace thus sometimes triggering unwanted builds, as if you had selected the Force polling using workspace extension as well.


Each inclusion uses java regular expression pattern matching,
and must be separated by a new line.
An empty list implies that everything is included.


The example above illustrates that a build will only occur, if html/jpeg/gif files
have been committed to the SCM. Exclusions take precedence over inclusions, if there is
an overlap between included and excluded regions.



Each exclusion uses java regular expression pattern matching,
and must be separated by a new line.


The example above illustrates that if only html/jpeg/gif files have been committed to
the SCM a build will not occur.


$class: 'PerBuildTag'

Create a tag in the workspace for every build to unambiguously mark the commit that was built.
You can combine this with Git publisher to push the tags to the remote repository.

$class: 'PreBuildMerge'

These options allow you to perform a merge to a particular branch before building.
For example, you could specify an integration branch to be built, and to merge to master.
In this scenario, on every change of integration, Jenkins will perform a merge with the master branch,
and try to perform a build if the merge is successful.
It then may push the merge back to the remote repository if the Git Push post-build action is selected.

Nested object

The name of the branch within the named repository to merge to, such as master.


fastForwardMode (optional)

Merge fast-forward mode selection.
The default, —ff, gracefully falls back to a merge commit when required.
For more information, see the Git Merge Documentation

mergeRemote (optional)

Name of the repository, such as origin, that contains the branch you specify below. If left blank,
it’ll default to the name of the first repository configured above.


mergeStrategy (optional)

Merge strategy selection.
This feature is not fully implemented in JGIT.









$class: 'PruneStaleBranch'

Run «git remote prune» for each remote, to prune obsolete local branches.



$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory'

Specify a local directory (relative to the workspace root)
where the Git repository will be checked out. If left empty, the workspace root itself
will be used.

This extension should not be used in Jenkins Pipeline (either declarative or scripted).
Jenkins Pipeline already provides standard techniques for checkout to a subdirectory.
Use ws and
in Jenkins Pipeline rather than this extension.


$class: 'ScmName'

Unique name for this SCM. Needed when using Git within the Multi SCM plugin.



$class: 'SparseCheckoutPaths'

Specify the paths that you’d like to sparse checkout. This may be used for saving space (Think about a reference repository).
Be sure to use a recent version of Git, at least above 1.7.10



Nested object


$class: 'SubmoduleOption'

By disabling support for submodules you can still keep using basic
git plugin functionality and just have Jenkins to ignore submodules
completely as if they didn’t exist.



Retrieve all submodules recursively

(uses ‘—recursive’ option which requires git>=1.6.5)



Retrieve the tip of the configured branch in .gitmodules

(Uses ‘—remote’ option which requires git>=1.8.2)



Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.
This option will be ignored if the folder is not available on the controller or agent where the clone is being executed.
To prepare a reference folder with multiple subprojects, create a bare git repository and add all the remote urls then perform a fetch:

  git init --bare
  git remote add SubProject1
  git remote add SubProject2
  git fetch --all



Specify a timeout (in minutes) for submodules operations.
This option overrides the default timeout of 10 minutes.
You can change the global git timeout via the property org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git.timeOut (see JENKINS-11286).
Note that property should be set on both controller and agent to have effect (see JENKINS-22547).



Use credentials from the default remote of the parent project.


depth (optional)

Set shallow clone depth, so that git will only download recent history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest commits of a repository.


shallow (optional)

Perform shallow clone, so that git will not download the history of the project,
saving time and disk space when you just want to access the latest version of a repository.


threads (optional)

Specify the number of threads that will be used to update submodules.
If unspecified, the command line git default thread count is used.


$class: 'UserExclusion'

If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions committed by users in this list when determining if a build needs to be triggered. This can be used to exclude commits done by the build itself from triggering another build, assuming the build server commits the change with a distinct SCM user.

Using this behaviour will preclude the faster git ls-remote polling mechanism, forcing polling to require a workspace thus sometimes triggering unwanted builds, as if you had selected the Force polling using workspace extension as well.

Each exclusion uses exact string comparison and must be separated by a new line.
User names are only excluded if they exactly match one of the names in this list.


The example above illustrates that if only revisions by «auto_build_user» have been committed to the SCM a build will not occur.


$class: 'UserIdentity'

If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.



If given, «GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=[this]» and «GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=[this]» are set for builds. This overrides whatever is in the global settings.


$class: 'WipeWorkspace'

Delete the contents of the workspace before building, ensuring a fully fresh workspace.

doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations (optional)

Removed facility that was intended to test combinations of git submodule versions.
Removed in git plugin 4.6.0.
Ignores the user provided value and always uses false as its value.


submoduleCfg (optional)

Removed facility that was intended to test combinations of git submodule versions.
Removed in git plugin 4.6.0.
Ignores the user provided value(s) and always uses empty values.


Nested object

Removed in git plugin 4.6.0.



Removed in git plugin 4.6.0.

$class: 'MercurialSCM'

Specify the repository to track. This can be URL or a local file path.
If you are specifying HTTP credentials, do not include a username in the URL.


browser (optional)
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'FishEye'

Specify the root URL serving this repository, such as:


$class: 'GoogleCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'HgWeb'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'Kallithea'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'KilnHG'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCode'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'RhodeCodeLegacy'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as this).


$class: 'ScmManager'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as http://YOURSCMMANAGER/scm/repo/NAMESPACE/NAME/).


clean (optional)

When this option is checked, each build will wipe any local modifications
or untracked files in the repository checkout.
This is often a convenient way to ensure that a build is not
using any artifacts from earlier builds.


credentialsId (optional)

Optional credentials to use when cloning or pulling from the remote repository.
Supports username/password with HTTP(S) URLs, and SSH private key with SSH URLs.


disableChangeLog (optional)

When checked, Hudson will not calculate the Mercurial changelog for each build.
Disabling the changelog can decrease the amount of time needed to update a
very large repository.


installation (optional)


modules (optional)

Reduce unnecessary builds by specifying a comma or space delimited list of «modules» within the repository.
A module is a directory name within the repository that this project lives in. If this field is set,
changes outside the specified modules will not trigger a build (even though the whole repository is checked
out anyway due to the Mercurial limitation.)


revision (optional)

Specify the branch or tag name you would like to track.
(If you do not type anything, the default value is the default branch.)


revisionType (optional)

Specify the kind of revision you expect Jenkins to update your working copy to.






subdir (optional)

If not empty, check out the Mercurial repository into this subdirectory of the
job’s workspace. For example: my/sources (use forward slashes).
If changing this entry, you probably want to clean the workspace first.


$class: 'SubversionSCM'

Checks out the source code from Subversion repositories. See
post-commit hook set up for improved turn-around time and
performance in polling.



Nested object





Specify a local directory (relative to the workspace root)
where this module is checked out. If left empty, the last path component of the URL
is used as the default, just like the


A single period (.) may be used to check out the project directly
into the workspace rather than into a subdirectory.



option for checkout and update commands. Default value is



  • empty includes only the immediate target of the operation, not any of its file or directory children.
  • files includes the immediate target of the operation and any of its immediate file children.
  • immediates includes the immediate target of the operation and any of its immediate file or directory children. The directory children will themselves be empty.
  • infinity includes the immediate target, its file and directory children, its children’s children, and so on to full recursion.
  • as-it-is takes the working depth from the current working copy, allows for setting update depth manually using —set-depth option.

More information can be found



«—ignore-externals» option will be used with svn checkout, svn update commands to disable externals definition processing.

More information can be found

Note: there is the potential to leverage svn:externals to gain read access to the entire
Subversion repository. This can happen if you follow the normal practice of giving Jenkins
credentials with read access to the entire Subversion repository. You will also need to provide the credentials
to use when checking/polling out the svn:externals using the Additional Credentials option.



Determines if the process should be cancelled when checkout/update svn:externals failed. Will work when «Ignore externals» box is not checked.
Default choice is to cancelled the process when checkout/update svn:externals failed.


Nested choice of objects
$class: 'CheckoutUpdater'
$class: 'NoopUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateWithCleanUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateWithRevertUpdater'
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'Assembla'


$class: 'CollabNetSVN'

The repository browser URL for the root of the project.
For example, a project called


would use



$class: 'FishEyeSVN'

Specify the URL of this module in FishEye.
(such as




Specify the root Subversion module that this FishEye monitors.
For example, for

this field would be


because it displays the directory «/ant»
of the ASF repo. If FishEye is configured to display the whole SVN repository,
leave this field empty.






$class: 'SVNWeb'


$class: 'ScmManagerSvnRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Sventon'

Specify the URL of the Sventon repository browser.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



Specify the Sventon repository instance name that references this subversion repository.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



$class: 'Sventon2'

Specify the URL of the Sventon repository browser.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



Specify the Sventon repository instance name that references this subversion repository.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



$class: 'ViewSVN'

Specify the root URL of ViewSVN for this repository
(such as this).


$class: 'VisualSVN'


$class: 'WebSVN'



If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any files and/or
folders in this list when determining if a build needs to be triggered.

Each exclusion uses regular expression pattern matching, and must be separated by a new line.


The example above illustrates that if only html/jpeg/gif files have been committed to
the SCM a build will not occur.

More information on regular expressions can be found



If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions committed by users in this list when determining if a build needs to be triggered. This can be used to exclude commits done by the build itself from triggering another build, assuming the build server commits the change with a distinct SCM user.

Each exclusion uses literal pattern matching, and must be separated by a new line.


The example above illustrates that if only revisions by «auto_build_user» have been committed to the SCM a build will not occur.



If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions
that are marked with the given revision property (revprop) when determining if
a build needs to be triggered. This can be used to exclude commits done by the
build itself from triggering another build, assuming the build server commits
the change with the correct revprop.

This type of exclusion only works with Subversion 1.5 servers and newer.

More information on revision properties can be found



If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any revisions
with commit messages containing any of the given regular expressions when
determining if a build needs to be triggered.



If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any files and/or
folders that are not in this list when determining if a build needs to be triggered.

Each inclusion uses regular expression pattern matching, and must be separated by a new line.

This is useful when you need to check out an entire resource for building, but only want to do
the build when a subset has changed.


If /trunk/myapp is checked out, the build will only occur when there are changes to
either the c/library1 and c/library2 subtrees.

If there are also excluded regions specified, then a file is not ignored when it is in
the included list and not in the excluded list.

More information on regular expressions can be found



If set, Jenkins ignores svn-property only changes of directories.
These changes are ignored when determining whether a build should be triggered and are removed from a
build’s changeset.
Main usage of this property is to ignore svn:mergeinfo changes (which would otherwise e.g. lead to a complete rebuild
of a maven project, in spite of incremental build option).



If set Jenkins will apply the same inclusion and exclusion patterns for displaying changelog entries as it does for polling for changes.
If this is disabled, changes which are excluded for polling are still displayed in the changelog.



If there are additional credentials required in order to obtain a complete checkout of the source, they can be
provided here.

The realm is how the repository self-identifies to a client. It usually has the following format:

<proto://host:port> Realm Name

  • proto is the protocol, e.g. http or svn.
  • host is the host how it’s accessed by Jenkins, e.g. as IP address, host name svnserver, or host name and domain
  • port is the port, even if not explicitly specified. By default, this is 80 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS, 3690 for the svn protocol.
  • Realm Name is how the repository self-identifies. Common options include VisualSVN Server, Subversion Authentication or the UUID of the repository.

To find out the realm, you could do any of the following:

  • If you access the repository via HTTP or HTTPS: Open the repo in a web browser without saved credentials. It will use the Realm Name (see above) in the authentication dialog.
  • Use the command line svn program.
    • If you don’t have stored the credentials, run e.g. svn info https://svnserver/repo and it will tell you the realm when asking you to enter a password, e.g.: Authentication realm: <svn://svnserver:3690> VisualSVN Server.
    • If you have already stored the credentials to access the repository, look for the realm name in one of the files in ~/.subversion/auth/svn/simple; it will be two lines below the line svn:realmstring.
  • When accessing a repository via the svn+ssh protocol, the realm has the format username@svn+ssh://host:port – note that the username is before the svn+ssh://
    (unlike the URL used for normal SVN operations), and that there are no angle brackets and no realm name. For this protocol the default port is 22.

Make sure to enter the realm exactly as shown, starting with a < (except for repositories accessed via svn+ssh – see above).


Nested object

This is the realm that the SvnKit library associates with a specific checkout. For most Subversion servers this
will typically be of the format <scheme://hostname(:port)> name,
while for servers accessed via svn+ssh it is of the format (username@)svn+ssh://hostname(:port).



Select the credential from the list of relevant credentials in order to use that credential for checking out
the source code.



Mimics subversion command line --quiet parameter for check out / update operations to help keep the output shorter. Prints nothing, or only summary information.


id (optional)


$class: 'SubversionSCMSource'


id (optional)


browser (optional)
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'Assembla'


$class: 'CollabNetSVN'

The repository browser URL for the root of the project.
For example, a project called


would use



$class: 'FishEyeSVN'

Specify the URL of this module in FishEye.
(such as




Specify the root Subversion module that this FishEye monitors.
For example, for

this field would be


because it displays the directory «/ant»
of the ASF repo. If FishEye is configured to display the whole SVN repository,
leave this field empty.






$class: 'SVNWeb'


$class: 'ScmManagerSvnRepositoryBrowser'

Specify the root URL serving this repository (such as


$class: 'Sventon'

Specify the URL of the Sventon repository browser.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



Specify the Sventon repository instance name that references this subversion repository.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



$class: 'Sventon2'

Specify the URL of the Sventon repository browser.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



Specify the Sventon repository instance name that references this subversion repository.
For example, if you normally browse from

this field would be



$class: 'ViewSVN'

Specify the root URL of ViewSVN for this repository
(such as this).


$class: 'VisualSVN'


$class: 'WebSVN'


credentialsId (optional)


excludes (optional)


includes (optional)


workspaceUpdater (optional)
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'CheckoutUpdater'
$class: 'NoopUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateWithCleanUpdater'
$class: 'UpdateWithRevertUpdater'

The branch names to try and resolve from the source, in order of preference.

ignoreErrors (optional)

When selected, the step will return null in the event that no matching branch can be resolved.


retry: Retry the body up to N times

Retry the block (up to N times) if any exception happens during its body execution.
If an exception happens on the final attempt then it will lead to aborting the build (unless it is caught and processed somehow).
User aborts of the build are not caught.



conditions (optional)

Conditions under which the block should be retried.
If none match, the block will fail.
If there are no specified conditions,
the block will always be retried except in case of user aborts.


Nested choice of objects

Detects that a node block, or certain steps inside it such as sh,
failed for reasons which are likely due to infrastructure rather than the behavior of the build.
If the connection to an agent is broken or the agent is removed from the list of executors while in use
(typically in response to the disappearance of underlying cloud resources),
this condition will allow retry to allocate a fresh agent and try the whole block again.


Similar to agent() (Agent errors) but tailored to agents provisioned from a Kubernetes cloud.
Unlike the generic agent error condition,
this will ignore certain pod termination reasons which are likely to be under the control of the Pipeline author (e.g., OOMKilled)
while still allowing retry to recover after common cases of pod deletion.

handleNonKubernetes (optional)

Behave like the generic agent() (Agent errors) when applied to a non-Kubernetes agent.
Useful in cases where it is hard to predict in a job definition whether a Kubernetes or other sort of agent will be used.



The Jenkins controller was restarted while the build was running a step which cannot be resumed.
Some steps like sh or input are written to survive a Jenkins restart
and simply pick up where they left off when the build resumes.
Others like checkout or junit normally complete promptly but cannot tolerate a restart.
In case one of these steps happened to be in progress when Jenkins shut down,
the resumed build will throw an error;
using this condition with retry allows the step (or the whole enclosing node block) to be rerun.

scanForIssues: Scan files or the console log for warnings or issues
blameDisabled (optional)

If this option is unchecked, then the plugin automatically shows what revision and author (name and email)
last modified the lines of the affected files that contain issues. If this operation slows down your build or
you don’t want to publish sensitive user data, you can use this option to deactivate this feature.


filters (optional)

The created report of issues can be filtered afterwards. You can specify an arbitrary number of include or exclude
filters. Currently, there is support for filtering issues by module name, package or namespace name, file name,
category or type. Include filters will be combined with or, exclude filters with and.
If no filter is defined, then all issues will be published. Filters with empty regular expression will be ignored.


Nested choice of objects
























forensicsDisabled (optional)


scm (optional)


sourceCodeEncoding (optional)

In order to correctly show all your affected source code files in the detail views,
the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


sourceDirectories (optional)

Some plugins copy source code files to Jenkins’ build folder so that these files can be rendered in the user
interface together with build results (coverage, warnings, etc.). If these files are not part of the workspace
of a build then Jenkins will not show them by default: otherwise sensitive files could be shown by accident.
You can provide a list of additional source code directories that are allowed to be shown in Jenkins user interface
here. Note, that such a directory must be an absolute path on the agent that executes the build.


Nested object

This plugin copies source code files to Jenkins’ build folder so that these files can be rendered in the user
interface together with the plugin results. If these files are referenced with relative paths then they cannot
be found by the plugin. In these cases you need to specify one or more relative paths within the workspace where
the plugin can locate them. Alternatively, you can also specify absolute paths if the source code files are stored
outside the workspace (in a directory on the agent). All absolute paths must be additionally approved by an
administrator in Jenkins’ global configuration page.


sourceDirectory (optional)


tool (optional)

For each static analysis tool a dedicated parser or scanner will be used to read report files or produce issues in
any other way. If your tool is not yet supported you can define a new Groovy based parser in Jenkins
system configuration. You can reference this new parser afterwards when you select the tool ‘Groovy Parser’.
Additionally, you provide a new parser within a new small plug-in. If the parser is useful for other teams
as well please share it and provide pull requests for the
Warnings Next Generation Plug-in and
the Analysis Parsers Library.

Nested choice of objects
id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


basedir (optional)


credentialsId (optional)


id (optional)


name (optional)


namedFilter (optional)


projectUrl (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


highThreshold (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


normalThreshold (optional)


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


highThreshold (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


normalThreshold (optional)


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


useRankAsPriority (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.




id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


excludePattern (optional)


highTags (optional)


id (optional)


ignoreCase (optional)


includePattern (optional)

You can define multiple filesets using comma as a separator, e.g. ‘**/*.c, **/*.h’.
Basedir of the fileset is the workspace root.


isRegularExpression (optional)

Note that the regular expression must contain two capturing groups:
the first one is interpreted as tag name, the second one as message.
An example of such a regular expression would be ^.*(TODO(?:[0-9]*))(.*)$.


lowTags (optional)


name (optional)


normalTags (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.




id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


highThreshold (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


normalThreshold (optional)


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


useRankAsPriority (optional)


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


id (optional)

The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by
another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name.
Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely,
the ID must match the regular expression `p{Alnum}[p{Alnum}-_]*`).
If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.


name (optional)

You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper
links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.


pattern (optional)


reportEncoding (optional)

In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin
must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.).
If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but
is not recommended.


skipSymbolicLinks (optional)

Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure.
Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.


script: Run arbitrary Pipeline script
sh: Shell Script

Runs a Bourne shell script, typically on a Unix node. Multiple lines are accepted.

An interpreter selector may be used, for example: #!/usr/bin/perl

Otherwise the system default shell will be run, using the -xe flags
(you can specify set +e and/or set +x to disable those).


encoding (optional)

Encoding of process output.
In the case of returnStdout, applies to the return value of this step;
otherwise, or always for standard error, controls how text is copied to the build log.
If unspecified, uses the system default encoding of the node on which the step is run.
If there is any expectation that process output might include non-ASCII characters,
it is best to specify the encoding explicitly.
For example, if you have specific knowledge that a given process is going to be producing UTF-8
yet will be running on a node with a different system encoding
(typically Windows, since every Linux distribution has defaulted to UTF-8 for a long time),
you can ensure correct output by specifying: encoding: 'UTF-8'


label (optional)

Label to be displayed in the pipeline step view and blue ocean details for the step instead of the step type.
So the view is more meaningful and domain specific instead of technical.


returnStatus (optional)

Normally, a script which exits with a nonzero status code will cause the step to fail with an exception.
If this option is checked, the return value of the step will instead be the status code.
You may then compare it to zero, for example.


returnStdout (optional)

If checked, standard output from the task is returned as the step value as a String,
rather than being printed to the build log.
(Standard error, if any, will still be printed to the log.)
You will often want to call .trim() on the result to strip off a trailing newline.


sha1: Compute the SHA1 of a given file

Computes the SHA1 of a given file.


The path to the file to hash.


sha256: Compute the SHA256 of a given file

Computes the SHA256 of a given file.


The path to the file to hash.


sleep: Sleep

Simply pauses the Pipeline build until the given amount of time has expired.
Equivalent to (on Unix) sh 'sleep …'.
May be used to pause one branch of parallel while another proceeds.


The length of time for which the step will sleep.


unit (optional)

The unit for the time parameter. Defaults to ‘SECONDS’ if not specified.









snykSecurity: Invoke Snyk Security task
additionalArguments (optional)


failOnError (optional)


failOnIssues (optional)


monitorProjectOnBuild (optional)


organisation (optional)


projectName (optional)


severity (optional)


snykInstallation (optional)


snykTokenId (optional)


targetFile (optional)


stage: Stage

Creates a labeled block.

An older, deprecated mode of this step did not take a block argument, and accepted a concurrency parameter.



concurrency (optional)


stash: Stash some files to be used later in the build

Saves a set of files for later use on any node/workspace in the same Pipeline run.
By default, stashed files are discarded at the end of a pipeline run.
Other plugins may change this behavior to preserve stashes for longer.
For example, Declarative Pipeline includes a preserveStashes() option
to allow stashes from a run to be retained and used if that run is restarted.

Stashes from one Pipeline run are not available in other runs, other Pipelines, or other jobs.
If you want to persist artifacts for use outside of a single run, consider using

archiveArtifacts instead.
Note that the stash and unstash steps are designed for use with small files.
For large data transfers, use the External Workspace Manager plugin,
or use an external repository manager such as Nexus or Artifactory.
This is because stashed files are archived in a compressed TAR, and with large files this demands considerable on-master
resources, particularly CPU time.
There’s not a hard stash size limit, but between 5-100 MB you should probably consider alternatives.


Name of a stash.
Should be a simple identifier akin to a job name.


allowEmpty (optional)

Create stash even if no files are included. If false (default), an error is raised when the stash does not contain files.


excludes (optional)

Optional set of Ant-style exclude patterns.
Use a comma separated list to add more than one expression.
If blank, no files will be excluded.


includes (optional)

Optional set of Ant-style include patterns.
Use a comma separated list to add more than one expression.
If blank, treated like **: all files.
The current working directory is the base directory for the saved files,
which will later be restored in the same relative locations,
so if you want to use a subdirectory wrap this in dir.


useDefaultExcludes (optional)

If selected, use the default excludes from Ant — see
here for the list. Defaults to true.


step: General Build Step

This is a special step that allows to call builders or post-build actions (as in freestyle or similar projects), in general «build steps».
Just select the build step to call from the dropdown list and configure it as needed.

Note that only Pipeline-compatible steps will be shown in the list.

Nested choice of objects

Archives the build artifacts (for example, distribution zip files or jar files)
so that they can be downloaded later.
Archived files will be accessible from the Jenkins webpage.

Normally, Jenkins keeps artifacts for a build as long as a build log itself is kept,
but if you don’t need old artifacts and would rather save disk space, you can do so.

Note that the Maven job type automatically archives any produced Maven artifacts.
Any artifacts configured here will be archived on top of that.
Automatic artifact archiving can be disabled under the advanced Maven options.

The Pipeline Snippet Generator generates this example
when all arguments are set to true (some arguments by default are true):

archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/*.txt',
                   allowEmptyArchive: true,
                   fingerprint: true,
                   onlyIfSuccessful: true


You can use wildcards like ‘module/dist/**/*.zip’.
the includes attribute of Ant fileset for the exact format
— except that "," (comma) is the only supported separator.
The base directory is the workspace.
You can only archive files that are located in your workspace.

Here are some examples of usage for pipeline:

  • How to archive multiple artifacts from a specific folder:
    archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'target/*.jar'
  • How to archive multiple artifacts with different patterns:
    archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'target/*.jar, target/*.war'
  • How to archive multiple nested artifacts:

    archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/*.jar'


allowEmptyArchive (optional)

Normally, a build fails if archiving returns zero artifacts.
This option allows the archiving process to return nothing without failing the build.
Instead, the build will simply throw a warning.


caseSensitive (optional)

Artifact archiver uses Ant which by default is case sensitive.
For instance, if the job produces *.hpi files, pattern «**/*.HPI» will fail to find them.

This option can be used to disable case sensitivity. When it’s unchecked, pattern «**/*.HPI» will match any *.hpi files, or pattern «**/cAsEsEnSiTiVe.jar» will match a file called caseSensitive.jar.


defaultExcludes (optional)


excludes (optional)

Optionally specify the ‘excludes’ pattern, such as «foo/bar/**/*». Use «,» to set a list of patterns.
A file that matches this mask will not be archived even if it matches the
mask specified in ‘files to archive’ section.


fingerprint (optional)


followSymlinks (optional)

By disabling this option all symbolic links found in the workspace will be ignored.


onlyIfSuccessful (optional)





The tag which will be applied to components matching the specified search criteria



The search criteria used to locate components on the target Nexus Repository Manager server.
For more details, please see

Search API


Nested object










pathPrefix (optional)


sharedPublicly (optional)


showInline (optional)





Tag name is required and must be unique. Name can only contain letters, numbers, underscores, hyphens and dots and
cannot start with an underscore or dot. The name cannot exceed 256 characters


tagAttributesJson (optional)

Optional metadata for the tag in JSON format. These attributes will be merged with those contained in the
attributes file if both are provided. Attributes in this field will override those present in the file


tagAttributesPath (optional)

The file path (environment-aware) to the optional metadata for the tag, using the workspace as the base path





Components associated with this tag will be deleted


failedNewCritical (optional)


failedNewHigh (optional)


failedNewLow (optional)


failedNewMedium (optional)


failedTotalCritical (optional)


failedTotalHigh (optional)


failedTotalLow (optional)


failedTotalMedium (optional)


newThresholdAnalysisExploitable (optional)


pattern (optional)


totalThresholdAnalysisExploitable (optional)


unstableNewCritical (optional)


unstableNewHigh (optional)


unstableNewLow (optional)


unstableNewMedium (optional)


unstableTotalCritical (optional)


unstableTotalHigh (optional)


unstableTotalLow (optional)


unstableTotalMedium (optional)


additionalArguments (optional)


odcInstallation (optional)


skipOnScmChange (optional)


skipOnUpstreamChange (optional)



Specifies the artifact to upload. Dependency-Track supports uploading of CycloneDX bill-of-materials (BOM) formats.

See Best Practices
for additional information.

The value can contain environment variables in the form of ${VARIABLE_NAME} which are resolved.



Synchronous publishing mode uploads a BOM to Dependency-Track and waits for Dependency-Track to process
and return results. The results returned are identical to the auditable findings but exclude findings that
have previously been suppressed. Analysis decisions and vulnerability details are included in the response.

This feature provides per-build results that display all finding details as well as interactive charts that
display trending information.

Synchronous mode is possible with Dependency-Track v3.3.1 and higher.

The API key provided requires the VIEW_VULNERABILITY permission to use this feature with Dependency-Track v4.4 and newer!


autoCreateProjects (optional)

Enable auto creation of projects when authentication is enabled on Dependency-Track and the API key provided has the PROJECT_CREATION_UPLOAD permission.


dependencyTrackApiKey (optional)

When authentication is enabled on Dependency-Track, a valid API key will be required.


dependencyTrackFrontendUrl (optional)

The alternative base URL to the Frontend of Dependency-Track v3 or higher. (i.e. http://hostname:port)

Use this if you run backend and frontend on different servers. If omitted, «Dependency-Track Backend URL» will be used instead.


dependencyTrackUrl (optional)

The base URL to Dependency-Track Backend (i.e. http://hostname:port)


failedNewCritical (optional)


failedNewHigh (optional)


failedNewLow (optional)


failedNewMedium (optional)


failedTotalCritical (optional)


failedTotalHigh (optional)


failedTotalLow (optional)


failedTotalMedium (optional)


overrideGlobals (optional)

Allows to override global settings for «Auto Create Projects», «Dependency-Track URL», «Dependency-Track Frontend URL» and «API key».

Can be ignored in pipelines, just set the properties dependencyTrackUrl, dependencyTrackFrontendUrl, dependencyTrackApiKey and autoCreateProjects as needed.


projectId (optional)

Specifies the unique Project ID of the project to upload scan results to. The Project ID is a UUID
with the following format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

If the list of projects are not displayed (such as an HTTP 403 response), ensure the API key
specified in the global configuration has VIEW_PORTFOLIO permission in addition to BOM_UPLOAD
and/or SCAN_UPLOAD. Permissions are defined in Dependency-Track.


projectName (optional)

Specifies the name of the project for automatic creation of project during the upload process.

This is an alternative to specifying the unique UUID. It must be used together with a project version.

Ensure the API key specified in the global configuration has PROJECT_CREATION_UPLOAD permission and that you have enabled Auto Create Projects.

The value can contain environment variables in the form of ${VARIABLE_NAME} which are resolved.


projectProperties (optional)

Set additional properties for the given project.

The API key provided requires the PORTFOLIO_MANAGEMENT permission to use this feature!

Nested object
description (optional)

The description to be set for the project.


group (optional)

Specifies the value of «Namespace / Group / Vendor» to be set for the project.


swidTagId (optional)

Specifies the SWID Tag ID to be set for the project.


tags (optional)

Specifies the list of tags to be set for the project. Separate multiple tags with spaces or put each tag on a separate line.

All tags are automatically lowercased!

Nested choice of objects
(not enumerable)
projectVersion (optional)

Specifies the version of the project for automatic creation of project during the upload process.

This is an alternative to specifying the unique UUID. It must be used together with a project name.

Ensure the API key specified in the global configuration has PROJECT_CREATION_UPLOAD permission and that you have enabled Auto Create Projects.

The value can contain environment variables in the form of ${VARIABLE_NAME} which are resolved.


unstableNewCritical (optional)


unstableNewHigh (optional)


unstableNewLow (optional)


unstableNewMedium (optional)


unstableTotalCritical (optional)


unstableTotalHigh (optional)


unstableTotalLow (optional)


unstableTotalMedium (optional)





This specifies the cloud object to download from Cloud Storage.
You can view these by visiting the «Cloud Storage» section of the Cloud Console for your project.
A single asterisk can be specified in the object path (not the bucket name), past the last «/». The asterisk behaves consistently with gsutil. For example, gs://my-bucket-name/pre/a_*.txt would match the objects in cloud bucket my-bucket-name that are named pre/a_2.txt or pre/a_abc23-4.txt, but not pre/a_2/log.txt.



The local directory that will store the downloaded files. The path specified is considered relative to the build’s workspace. Example value:

  • path/to/dir


pathPrefix (optional)

The specified prefix will be stripped from all downloaded filenames. Filenames that do not start with this prefix will not be modified. If this prefix does not have a trailing slash, it will be added automatically.


additionalClasspath (optional)

Newline separated list of additional classpath entries for the Job DSL scripts. All entries must be relative to the
workspace root, e.g. build/classes/main. Supports Ant-style patterns like lib/*.jar.


additionalParameters (optional)
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>
failOnMissingPlugin (optional)

If checked, the build will be marked as failed if a plugin must be installed or updated to support all features used
in the DSL scripts. If not checked, the build will be marked as unstable instead.


failOnSeedCollision (optional)

Fail build if generated item(s) have the same name as existing items already managed by another seed job. By default, this plugin will always regenerate all jobs and views, thus updating previously generated jobs and views even if managed by another seed job. Check this box if you wish to fail the job if a generated item name collision is detected.


ignoreExisting (optional)

Ignore previously generated jobs and views. By default, this plugin will always regenerate all jobs and views, thus updating previously generated jobs and views. Check this box if you wish to leave previous jobs and views as is.


ignoreMissingFiles (optional)

Ignore missing DSL scripts. If not checked, the build step will fail if a configured script is missing or if
a wildcard does not match any files.


lookupStrategy (optional)

Determines how relative job names in DSL scripts are interpreted. You will only see a difference when
the seed job is located in a

  • Jenkins Root
    When this option is selected relative job names are always interpreted relative to the Jenkins root.
  • Seed Job
    If you choose this option relative job names in DSL scripts will be
    interpreted relative to the folder in which the seed job is located. Suppose you have a seed job which is
    located in a folder named seedJobFolder and a DSL script which creates a job named
    subfolder2/job. The job that is created by the seed job will be at the location




removedConfigFilesAction (optional)

Specifies what to do when previously generated config files are not referenced anymore.

Note: when using multiple Job DSL build steps in a single job, set this to «Delete» only for the last Job
DSL build step. Otherwise config files may be deleted and re-created. See
JENKINS-44142 for details.

removedJobAction (optional)

Specifies what to do when a previously generated job is not referenced anymore.

Note: when using multiple Job DSL build steps in a single job, set this to «Delete» or «Disable» only for
the last Job DSL build step. Otherwise jobs will be deleted and re-created or disabled and re-enabled and you
may lose the job history of generated jobs. See
JENKINS-44142 for details.





removedViewAction (optional)

Specifies what to do when a previously generated view is not referenced anymore.

Note: when using multiple Job DSL build steps in a single job, set this to «Delete» only for the last Job
DSL build step. Otherwise views may be deleted and re-created. See
JENKINS-44142 for details.

sandbox (optional)

If checked, runs the DSL scripts in a sandbox with limited abilities.
You will also need to configure this job to run with the identity of a particular user.
If unchecked, and you are not a Jenkins administrator,
you will need to wait for an administrator to approve the scripts.


scriptText (optional)

DSL Script, which is groovy code. Look at documentation for details on the syntax.


targets (optional)

Newline separated list of DSL scripts, located in the Workspace.
Can use wildcards like ‘jobs/**/*.groovy’. See
the @includes of Ant fileset
for the exact format.

Scripts are executed in the same order as specified. The execution order of expanded wildcards is unspecified.


unstableOnDeprecation (optional)

If checked, marks the build as unstable when using deprecated features. If not checked, a warning will be
printed to the build log only.


useScriptText (optional)









Jenkins can record the ‘fingerprint’ of files (most often jar files) to keep track
of where/when those files are produced and used. When you have inter-dependent
projects on Jenkins, this allows you to quickly find out answers to questions like:

  • I have foo.jar on my HDD but which build number of FOO did it come from?
  • My BAR project depends on foo.jar from the FOO project.
    • Which build of foo.jar is used in BAR #51?
    • Which build of BAR contains my bug fix to foo.jar #32?

To use this feature, all of the involved projects (not just the project
in which a file is produced, but also the projects in which the file
is used) need to use this and record fingerprints.

See this document
for more details.



caseSensitive (optional)

Fingerprinter uses Ant which by default is case sensitive.
For instance, if the job produces *.hpi files, pattern «**/*.HPI» will fail to find them.

This option can be used to disable case sensitivity. When it’s unchecked, pattern «**/*.HPI» will match any *.hpi files, or pattern «**/cAsEsEnSiTiVe.jar» will match a file called caseSensitive.jar.


defaultExcludes (optional)


excludes (optional)

Optionally specify the ‘excludes’ pattern, such as «foo/bar/**/*». Use «,» to set a list of patterns.
A file that matches this mask will not be fingerprinted even if it matches the
mask specified in ‘files to fingerprint’ section.


$class: 'GitHubCommitNotifier'

This notifier will set GH commit status.
This step is DEPRECATED and will be migrated to new step in one of the next major plugin releases.
Please refer to new universal step.



statusMessage (optional)
Nested object

Message content that will be expanded using core variable expansion i.e.


and Token Macro Plugin tokens.


$class: 'GitHubCommitStatusSetter'

Using GitHub status api sets status of the commit.

commitShaSource (optional)
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'BuildDataRevisionShaSource'

Uses data-action (located at


) to determine actual SHA.

$class: 'ManuallyEnteredShaSource'

Allows to define commit SHA manually.


Allows env vars and token macro.


contextSource (optional)
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'DefaultCommitContextSource'

Uses display name property defined in «GitHub project property» with fallback to job name.

$class: 'ManuallyEnteredCommitContextSource'

You can define context name manually.


Allows env vars and token macros.


errorHandlers (optional)


Nested choice of objects
$class: 'ChangingBuildStatusErrorHandler'


$class: 'ShallowAnyErrorHandler'
reposSource (optional)
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AnyDefinedRepositorySource'

Any repository provided by the programmatic contributors list.

$class: 'ManuallyEnteredRepositorySource'

A manually entered repository URL.



statusBackrefSource (optional)
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'BuildRefBackrefSource'

Points commit status backref back to the producing build page.

$class: 'ManuallyEnteredBackrefSource'

A manually entered backref URL.


A backref URL. Allows env vars and token macro.


statusResultSource (optional)
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'ConditionalStatusResultSource'

You can define in which cases you want to publish exact state and message for the commit. You can define multiple cases.
First match (starting from top) wins. If no one matches, PENDING status + warn message will be used.



Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AnyBuildResult'
message (optional)


state (optional)


$class: 'BetterThanOrEqualBuildResult'
message (optional)

Allows env vars and token macro.


result (optional)


state (optional)


$class: 'DefaultStatusResultSource'

Writes simple message about build result and duration.

$class: 'GitHubSetCommitStatusBuilder'
contextSource (optional)
Nested choice of objects
$class: 'DefaultCommitContextSource'

Uses display name property defined in «GitHub project property» with fallback to job name.

$class: 'ManuallyEnteredCommitContextSource'

You can define context name manually.


Allows env vars and token macros.


statusMessage (optional)
Nested object

Message content that will be expanded using core variable expansion i.e.


and Token Macro Plugin tokens.


$class: 'JUnitResultArchiver'

Jenkins understands the JUnit test report XML format (which is also used by TestNG).
When this option is configured, Jenkins can provide useful information about test results,
such as historical test result trends, a web UI for viewing test reports, tracking failures,
and so on.

To use this feature, first set up your build to run tests, then
specify the path to JUnit XML files in the
Ant glob syntax,
such as **/build/test-reports/*.xml. Be sure not to include any non-report
files into this pattern. You can specify multiple patterns of files separated by commas.



allowEmptyResults (optional)

If checked, the default behavior of failing a build on missing test result files
or empty test results is changed to not affect the status of the build.
Please note that this setting make it harder to spot misconfigured jobs or
build failures where the test tool does not exit with an error code when
not producing test report files.


checksName (optional)

If provided, and publishing checks enabled, the plugin will use this name when publishing results to corresponding
SCM hosting platforms. If not, a default of «Tests» will be used.


healthScaleFactor (optional)

The amplification factor to apply to test failures when computing the test result contribution to the build health

The default factor is 1.0

  • A factor of 0.0 will disable the test result contribution to build health score.
  • A factor of 0.1 means that 10% of tests failing will score 99% health
  • A factor of 0.5 means that 10% of tests failing will score 95% health
  • A factor of 1.0 means that 10% of tests failing will score 90% health
  • A factor of 2.0 means that 10% of tests failing will score 80% health
  • A factor of 2.5 means that 10% of tests failing will score 75% health
  • A factor of 5.0 means that 10% of tests failing will score 50% health
  • A factor of 10.0 means that 10% of tests failing will score 0% health

The factor is persisted with the build results, so changes will only be reflected in new builds.


keepLongStdio (optional)

If checked, any standard output or error from a test suite will be retained
in the test results after the build completes. (This refers only to additional
messages printed to console, not to a failure stack trace.) Such output is
always kept if the test failed, but by default lengthy output from passing
tests is truncated to save space. Check this option if you need to see every
log message from even passing tests, but beware that Jenkins’s memory consumption
can substantially increase as a result, even if you never look at the test results!


skipMarkingBuildUnstable (optional)

If this option is unchecked, then the plugin will mark the build as unstable when it finds at least 1 test failure.
If this option is checked, then the build will still be successful even if there are test failures reported.


skipOldReports (optional)


skipPublishingChecks (optional)

If this option is unchecked, then the plugin automatically publishes the test results to corresponding SCM hosting platforms.
For example, if you are using this feature for a GitHub organization project, the warnings will be published to
GitHub through the Checks API. If this operation slows down your build, or you don’t want to publish the warnings to
SCM platforms, you can use this option to deactivate this feature.


testDataPublishers (optional)



If you check this option, Jenkins will retain Javadoc for each successful build.
This allows you to browse Javadoc for older builds, at the expense of additional
disk space requirement.

If you leave this option unchecked, Jenkins will only keep the latest Javadoc,
so older Javadoc will be overwritten as new builds succeed.


$class: 'Mailer'

If configured, Jenkins will send out an e-mail to the specified recipients
when a certain important event occurs.

  1. Every failed build triggers a new e-mail.
  2. A successful build after a failed (or unstable) build triggers a new e-mail,
    indicating that a crisis is over.
  3. An unstable build after a successful build triggers a new e-mail,
    indicating that there’s a regression.
  4. Unless configured, every unstable build triggers a new e-mail,
    indicating that regression is still there.

For lazy projects where unstable builds are the norm, Uncheck «Send e-mail for every unstable build».






If this option is checked, the notification e-mail will be sent to individuals who have
committed changes for the broken build (by assuming that those changes broke the build).

If e-mail addresses are also specified in the recipient list, then both the individuals
as well as the specified addresses get the notification e-mail. If the recipient list
is empty, then only the individuals will receive e-mails.





The repository to which components will be moved


search (optional)
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
tagName (optional)

Components associated with this tag will be moved to the selected destination repository


$class: 'NexusPublisherBuildStep'



The publisher currently supports hosted release Maven 2 repositories. This list is limited to
repositories which meet this requirement.




Nested choice of objects
$class: 'MavenPackage'
Nested object










Nested object






tagName (optional)

Tag is only available for Nexus Repository Manager 3+


scm (optional)


referenceJob (optional)

The reference job is the baseline that is used to determine which of the issues in the current
build are new, outstanding, or fixed. This baseline is also used to determine the number of new issues for the
quality gate evaluation.


$class: 'SnykStepBuilder'
additionalArguments (optional)

Additional runtime arguments that will be used to invoke the Snyk CLI.
See the Snyk CLI help page for more details.

Use the standalone double-dash -- to pass arguments to the build tool invoked by the Snyk CLI.
For example:

  • -- -Pprofile -Dkey=value for Maven projects.
  • -- --configuration runtime for Gradle projects.
  • -- -Dkey=value for SBT projects.


failOnError (optional)

Whether the step should fail if Snyk fails to scan the project due to an error. Errors include scenarios like: failing
to download Snyk’s binaries, improper Jenkins setup, bad configuration and server errors.


failOnIssues (optional)

The «When issues are found» selection specifies if builds should be failed or continued based on issues found by Snyk.

  • if «Fail the build, if severity at or above» is selected, the Jenkins build will fail if
    Snyk detects issues of provided level or higher.
  • if «Let the build continue» is selected, the Jenkins build will continue even if Snyk
    detects issues in the project.

The corresponding CLI option for severity parameter: —severity-threshold


monitorProjectOnBuild (optional)

Monitor the project on every build by taking a snapshot of its current dependencies on Selecting this option will keep you notified about newly
disclosed vulnerabilities and remediation options in the project.


organisation (optional)

The Snyk organisation in which this project should be tested and monitored. Leave empty to use your default organisation.

The corresponding CLI option for this parameter: —org


projectName (optional)

A custom name for the Snyk project created for this Jenkins project on every build. Leave empty for the project’s name to be detected in the manifest file.

The corresponding CLI option for this parameter: —project-name


severity (optional)


snykInstallation (optional)

Ensures that the selected version of Snyk tools are installed. In addition,
the Snyk tools will be added at the start of the PATH environment
variable during builds.

If no Snyk installations have been defined in the Jenkins system config, then
none of the above steps will take place.


snykTokenId (optional)

This needs to be the ID of an existing «Snyk API Token» credential. The token will be used to authenticate with

If you prefer to provide the Snyk API Token another way, such using alternative credential bindings, you’ll need to
provide a SNYK_TOKEN build environment variable.


targetFile (optional)

The path to the manifest file to be used by Snyk. Leave empty for Snyk to auto-detect the manifest file in the project’s root folder.

The corresponding CLI option for this parameter: —file








pathPrefix (optional)


sharedPublicly (optional)


showInline (optional)


svn: Subversion

SVN step. It performs a checkout from the specified repository.

Note that this step is shorthand for the generic SCM step:

checkout([$class: 'SubversionSCM', remote: 'http://sv-server/repository/trunk']]])


changelog (optional)

Enable or Disable ‘Include in changelog’:

If ‘Include in changelog’ is enabled for an SCM source, then when a build occurs, the changes from that SCM source will be included in the changelog.

If ‘Include in changelog’ is disabled, then when a build occurs,
the changes from this SCM source will not be included in the changelog.


poll (optional)

Enable or Disable ‘Include in polling’

If ‘Include in polling’ is enabled or ‘Include in changelog’ is enabled, then when polling occurs, the job will
be started if changes are detected from this SCM source.

If ‘Include in polling’ is disabled and ‘Include in changelog’ is disabled, then when polling occurs, changes
that are detected from this repository will be ignored.


tar: Create Tar file

Create a tar/tar.gz file of content in the workspace.

file (optional)

The name/path of the tar file to create.


archive (optional)

If the tar file should be archived as an artifact of the current build.
The file will still be kept in the workspace after archiving.


compress (optional)

The created tar file shall be compressed as gz.


dir (optional)

The path of the base directory to create the tar from.
Leave empty to create from the current working directory.


exclude (optional)


glob (optional)

Ant style pattern
of files to include in the tar.
Leave empty to include all files and directories.


overwrite (optional)

If the tar file should be overwritten in case of already existing a file with the same name.


tee: Tee output to file


throttle: Throttle execution of node blocks within this body

One or more throttle categories in a list.

timeout: Enforce time limit

Executes the code inside the block with a determined time out limit.
If the time limit is reached, an exception (org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException) is thrown, which leads to aborting
the build (unless it is caught and processed somehow).


The length of time for which this step will wait before cancelling the nested block.


activity (optional)

Timeout after no activity in logs for this block instead of absolute duration. Defaults to false.


unit (optional)

The unit of the time parameter. Defaults to ‘MINUTES’ if not specified.









timestamps: Timestamps
tm: Expand a string containing macros


tool: Use a tool from a predefined Tool Installation

Binds a tool installation to a variable (the tool home directory is returned).
Only tools already configured in Configure System are available here. If the original tool installer
has the auto-provision feature, then the tool will be installed as required.


The name of the tool. The tool name must be pre-configured in Jenkins under Manage JenkinsGlobal Tool Configuration.


type (optional)


touch: Create a file (if not already exist) in the workspace, and set the timestamp

Creates a file if it does not already exist, and updates the timestamp.


The path to the file to touch.


timestamp (optional)

The timestamp to set (number of ms since the epoc), leave empty for current system time.


unstable: Set stage result to unstable

Prints a message to the log and sets the overall build result and the stage
result to UNSTABLE. The message will also be associated with
the stage result and may be shown in visualizations.


A message that will be logged to the console. The message will also be
associated with the stage result and may be shown in visualizations.


unstash: Restore files previously stashed

Restores a set of files previously stashed into the current workspace.


Name of a previously saved stash.


untar: Extract Tar file

Extract a tar/tar.gz file in the workspace.

file (optional)

The name/path of the tar/tar.gz file to extract.


dir (optional)

The path of the base directory to extract the tar to.
Leave empty to extract in the current working directory.


glob (optional)

Ant style pattern
of files to extract from the tar.
Leave empty to include all files and directories.


quiet (optional)

Suppress the verbose output that logs every single file that is dealt with.

untar file: 'example.tgz', quiet: true


test (optional)

Test the integrity of the archive instead of extracting it.
When this parameter is enabled, all other parameters (except for file) will be ignored.
The step will return true or false depending on the result
instead of throwing an exception.


unzip: Extract Zip file

Extract a zip file in the workspace.


The name/path of the zip file to extract.


charset (optional)

Specify which Charset you wish to use eg. UTF-8


dir (optional)

The path of the base directory to extract the zip to.
Leave empty to extract in the current working directory.


file (optional)


glob (optional)

Ant style pattern
of files to extract from the zip.
Leave empty to include all files and directories.


quiet (optional)

Suppress the verbose output that logs every single file that is dealt with.

unzip zipFile: '', quiet: true


read (optional)

Read the content of the files into a Map instead of writing them to the workspace.
The keys of the map will be the path of the files read.

def v = unzip zipFile: '', glob: '*.txt', read: true
String version = v['version.txt']


test (optional)

Test the integrity of the archive instead of extracting it.
When this parameter is enabled, all other parameters (except for zipFile) will be ignored.
The step will return true or false depending on the result
instead of throwing an exception.


validateDeclarativePipeline: Validate a file containing a Declarative Pipeline

Checks if the given file (as relative path to current directory) contains a valid Declarative Pipeline.
Returns true | false.


Relative (/-separated) path to file within a workspace to validate as a Declarative Pipeline.


verifySha1: Verify the SHA1 of a given file

Verifies the SHA1 of a given file.


The path to the file to hash.



The expected hash.


verifySha256: Verify the SHA256 of a given file

Verifies the SHA256 of a given file.


The path to the file to hash.



The expected hash.


waitForQualityGate: Wait for SonarQube analysis to be completed and return quality gate status

This step pauses Pipeline execution and wait for previously submitted SonarQube analysis to be completed and returns
quality gate status. Setting the parameter abortPipeline to true will abort the pipeline if quality gate status is not green.

Note: This step doesn’t require an executor.


  • SonarQube server 6.2+
  • Configure a webhook in your SonarQube server pointing to <your Jenkins instance>/sonarqube-webhook/. The trailing slash is mandatory!
  • Use withSonarQubeEnv step to run your analysis prior to use this step

Example using declarative pipeline:

      pipeline {
        agent none
        stages {
          stage("build & SonarQube analysis") {
            agent any
            steps {
              withSonarQubeEnv('My SonarQube Server') {
                sh 'mvn clean package sonar:sonar'
          stage("Quality Gate") {
            steps {
              timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') {
                waitForQualityGate abortPipeline: true

Example using scripted pipeline:

      stage("build & SonarQube analysis") {
          node {
              withSonarQubeEnv('My SonarQube Server') {
                 sh 'mvn clean package sonar:sonar'
      stage("Quality Gate"){
          timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') {
              def qg = waitForQualityGate()
              if (qg.status != 'OK') {
                  error "Pipeline aborted due to quality gate failure: ${qg.status}"


credentialsId (optional)


webhookSecretId (optional)


waitUntil: Wait for condition

Runs its body repeatedly until it returns true.
If it returns false, waits a while and tries again.
(Subsequent failures will slow down the delay between attempts up to a maximum of 15 seconds.)
There is no limit to the number of retries,
but if the body throws an error that is thrown up immediately.

initialRecurrencePeriod (optional)

Sets the initial wait period, in milliseconds, between retries. Defaults to 250ms.

Each failure will slow down the delay between attempts up to a maximum of 15 seconds.


quiet (optional)

If true, the step does not log a message each time the condition is checked. Defaults to false.


warnError: Catch error and set build and stage result to unstable

Executes its body, and if an exception is thrown, sets the overall build result
and the stage result to UNSTABLE, prints a specified message and
the thrown exception to the build log, and associates the stage result with the
message so that it can be displayed by visualizations.

Equivalent to catchError(message: message, buildResult: 'UNSTABLE', stageResult: 'UNSTABLE').


A message that will be logged to the console if an error is caught. The
message will also be associated with the stage result and may be shown in


catchInterruptions (optional)

If true, certain types of exceptions that are used to interrupt the flow of
execution for Pipelines will be caught and handled by the step. If false,
those types of exceptions will be caught and immediately rethrown. Examples
of these types of exceptions include those thrown when a build is manually
aborted through the UI and those thrown by the timeout step. Defaults to true.


withChecks: Inject checks properties into its closure


withCredentials: Bind credentials to variables

Allows various kinds of credentials (secrets) to be used in idiosyncratic ways.
(Some steps explicitly ask for credentials of a particular kind,
usually as a credentialsId parameter,
in which case this step is unnecessary.)
Each binding will define an environment variable active within the scope of the step.
You can then use them directly from any other steps that expect environment variables to be set:

node {
  withCredentials([usernameColonPassword(credentialsId: 'mylogin', variable: 'USERPASS')]) {
    sh '''
      set +x
      curl -u "$USERPASS" https://private.server/ > output

As another example (use Snippet Generator to see all options):

node {
  withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'mytoken', variable: 'TOKEN')]) {
    sh '''
      set +x
      curl -H "Token: $TOKEN" https://some.api/

Note the use of single quotes to define the script
(implicit parameter to sh) in Groovy above.
You want the secret to be expanded by the shell as an environment variable.
The following idiom is potentially less secure, as the secret is interpolated by Groovy
and so (for example) typical operating system process listings will accidentally disclose it:

node {
  withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'mytoken', variable: 'TOKEN')]) {
    sh /* WRONG! */ """
      set +x
      curl -H 'Token: $TOKEN' https://some.api/

At least on Linux, environment variables can be obtained by other processes running in the same account,
so you should not run a job which uses secrets on the same node as a job controlled by untrusted parties.
In any event, you should always prefer expansion as environment variables to inclusion in the command,
since Jenkins visualizations such as Blue Ocean will attempt to detect step parameters containing secrets
and refuse to display them.

The secret(s) will be masked (****) in case they are printed to the build log.
This prevents you from accidentally disclosing passwords and the like via the log.
(Bourne shell set +x, or Windows batch @echo off,
blocks secrets from being displayed in echoed commands;
but build tools in debug mode might dump all environment variables to standard output/error,
or poorly designed network clients might display authentication, etc.)
The masking could of course be trivially circumvented;
anyone permitted to configure a job or define Pipeline steps
is assumed to be trusted to use any credentials in scope however they like.

Beware that certain tools mangle secrets when displaying them.
As one example, Bash (as opposed to Ubuntu’s plainer Dash) does so with text containing ' in echo mode:

$ export PASS=foo"'"bar
$ env|fgrep PASS
$ sh -xc 'echo $PASS'
+ echo foo'bar
$ bash -xc 'echo $PASS'
+ echo 'foo'''bar'

Mangled secrets can only be detected on a best-effort basis. By default, Jenkins will attempt to mask mangled
secrets as they would appear in output of Bourne shell, Bash, Almquist shell and Windows batch. Without these strategies in place, mangled secrets
would appear in plain text in log files. In the example above, this would result in:

+ echo 'foo'''bar'

This particular issue can be more safely prevented by turning off echo with set +x or avoiding the use
of shell metacharacters in secrets.

For bindings which store a secret file, beware that

node {
  dir('subdir') {
    withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'secret', variable: 'FILE')]) {
      sh 'use $FILE'

is not safe, as $FILE might be inside the workspace (in subdir@tmp/secretFiles/),
and thus visible to anyone able to browse the job’s workspace.
If you need to run steps in a different directory than the usual workspace, you should instead use

node {
  withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'secret', variable: 'FILE')]) {
    dir('subdir') {
      sh 'use $FILE'

to ensure that the secrets are outside the workspace; or choose a different workspace entirely:

node {
  ws {
    withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'secret', variable: 'FILE')]) {
      sh 'use $FILE'

Also see the
Limitations of Credentials Masking
blog post for more background.



Nested choice of objects

Sets one variable to the username and one variable to the password given in the credentials.

Warning: if the Jenkins controller or agent node has multiple executors,
any other build running concurrently on the same node will be able to read
the text of the secret, for example on Linux using ps e.


Name of an environment variable to be set to the temporary keystore location during the build. The contents of this file are not masked.



Credentials of an appropriate type to be set to the variable.


aliasVariable (optional)

Name of an environment variable to be set to the keystore alias name of the certificate during the build.


passwordVariable (optional)

Name of an environment variable to be set to the password during the build.



Name of an environment variable to be set during the build.
Its value will be the absolute path of the directory where the {ca,cert,key}.pem files will be created.
You probably want to call this variable DOCKER_CERT_PATH, which will be understood by the docker client binary.



Credentials of an appropriate type to be set to the variable.



Copies the file given in the credentials to a temporary location, then sets the variable to that location.
(The file is deleted when the build completes.)

Warning: if the Jenkins controller or agent node has multiple executors,
any other build running concurrently on the same node will be able to read
the contents of this file.


Name of an environment variable to be set during the build. The contents of this location are not masked.



Credentials of an appropriate type to be set to the variable.



Specify the Git tool installation name



Set the git username / password credential for HTTP and HTTPS protocols.

Shell example

withCredentials([gitUsernamePassword(credentialsId: 'my-credentials-id',
                 gitToolName: 'git-tool')]) {
  sh 'git fetch --all'

Batch example

withCredentials([gitUsernamePassword(credentialsId: 'my-credentials-id',
                 gitToolName: 'git-tool')]) {
  bat 'git submodule update --init --recursive'

Powershell example

withCredentials([gitUsernamePassword(credentialsId: 'my-credentials-id',
                 gitToolName: 'git-tool')]) {
  powershell 'git push'



Copies the SSH key file given in the credentials to a temporary location, then sets a variable to that location.
(The file is deleted when the build completes.) Also optionally sets variables for the SSH key’s username and passphrase.

Warning: if the Jenkins controller or agent node has multiple executors,
any other build running concurrently on the same node will be able to read
the contents of this file.


Name of an environment variable to be set to the temporary path of the SSH key file during the build. The contents of this file are not masked.



Credentials of an appropriate type to be set to the variable.


passphraseVariable (optional)

Name of an environment variable to be set to the password during the build. (optional)


usernameVariable (optional)

Name of an environment variable to be set to the username during the build. (optional)



Sets a variable to the text given in the credentials.

Warning: if the Jenkins controller or agent node has multiple executors,
any other build running concurrently on the same node will be able to read
the text of the secret, for example on Linux using ps e.


Name of an environment variable to be set during the build. The contents of this location are not masked.



Credentials of an appropriate type to be set to the variable.



Sets a variable to the username and password given in the credentials, separated by a colon (:).

Warning: if the Jenkins controller or agent node has multiple executors,
any other build running concurrently on the same node will be able to read
the text of the secret, for example on Linux using ps e.


Name of an environment variable to be set during the build. The contents of this location are not masked.



Credentials of an appropriate type to be set to the variable.



Sets one variable to the username and one variable to the password given in the credentials.

Warning: if the Jenkins controller or agent node has multiple executors,
any other build running concurrently on the same node will be able to read
the text of the secret, for example on Linux using ps e.


Name of an environment variable to be set to the username during the build.



Name of an environment variable to be set to the password during the build.



Credentials of an appropriate type to be set to the variable.



Unpacks the ZIP file given in the credentials to a temporary directory, then sets the variable to that location.
(The directory is deleted when the build completes.)

Warning: if the Jenkins controller or agent node has multiple executors,
any other build running concurrently on the same node will be able to read
the contents of this directory.


Name of an environment variable to be set during the build. The contents of this location are not masked.



Credentials of an appropriate type to be set to the variable.


withEnv: Set environment variables

Sets one or more environment variables within a block.
The names of environment variables are case-insensitive but case-preserving, that is, setting `Foo` will change the value of `FOO` if it already exists.
Environment variables are available to any external processes spawned within that scope.
For example:

node {
  withEnv(['MYTOOL_HOME=/usr/local/mytool']) {
    sh '$MYTOOL_HOME/bin/start'

(Note that here we are using single quotes in Groovy, so the variable expansion is being done by the Bourne shell, not Jenkins.)

See the documentation for the env singleton for more information on environment variables.


A list of environment variables to set, each in the form VARIABLE=value
or VARIABLE= to unset variables otherwise defined.
You may also use the syntax PATH+WHATEVER=/something
to prepend /something to $PATH.

withSonarQubeEnv: Prepare SonarQube Scanner environment


credentialsId (optional)


envOnly (optional)


wrap: General Build Wrapper

This is a special step that allows to call build wrappers (also called «Environment Configuration» in freestyle or similar projects).
Just select the wrapper to use from the dropdown list and configure it as needed. Everything inside the wrapper block is under its effect.

Note that only Pipeline-compatible wrappers will be shown in the list.

Nested choice of objects
$class: 'AnsiColorBuildWrapper'






Name of the file.


replaceTokens (optional)

Decides whether the token should be replaced using macro.


targetLocation (optional)

Name of the file (with optional file relative to workspace directory) where the config file should be copied.


variable (optional)

Name of the variable which can be used as the reference for further configuration.



Configure Kubernetes client (kubectl) so it can be used in the build to run Kubernetes commands


URL of the Kubernetes API endpoint. If not set the connection options will be autoconfigured from service account or kube config file.





The base64 encoded certificate of the certificate authority (CA). It is used to verify the server certificate.

Leaving this field empty will skip the certificate verification.




credentialsId (optional)


envOnly (optional)


$class: 'TimestamperBuildWrapper'
writeCSV: Write content to a CSV file in the workspace.

Write a CSV file in the current working directory. That for example was previously read by readCSV.
See CSVPrinter for details.


  • records:
    The list of CSVRecord instances to write.
  • file:
    Path to a file in the workspace to write to.
  • format:
    See CSVFormat for details.


def records = [['key', 'value'], ['a', 'b']]
writeCSV file: 'output.csv', records: records, format: CSVFormat.EXCEL


java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: do not know how to categorize attributes of type java.lang.Iterable<?>
format (optional)
org.kohsuke.stapler.NoStaplerConstructorException: There's no @DataBoundConstructor on any constructor of class org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat
writeFile: Write file to workspace

Write the given content to a named file in the current directory.


Relative path of a file within the workspace.



The data to write in the file.


encoding (optional)

The target encoding for the file.
If left blank, the platform default encoding will be used.
If the text is a Base64-encoded string, the decoded binary data can be written
to the file by specifying «Base64» as the encoding.


writeJSON: Write JSON to a file in the workspace.

Write JSON to a file in the
current working directory, or to a String.


  • json:
    The object to write. Can either be a
    instance or another Map/List implementation. Both are supported.
  • file (optional):
    Optional path to a file in the workspace to write to.
    If provided, then returnText must be false or omitted.
    It is required that either file is provided, or returnText is true.
  • pretty (optional):
    Prettify the output with this number of spaces added to each level of indentation.
  • returnText (optional):
    Return the JSON as a string instead of writing it to a file. Defaults to false.
    If true, then file must not be provided.
    It is required that either file is provided, or returnText is true.

Writing to a file:

        def amap = ['something': 'my datas',
                    'size': 3,
                    'isEmpty': false]

        writeJSON file: 'data.json', json: amap
        def read = readJSON file: 'data.json'

        assert read.something == 'my datas'
        assert read.size == 3
        assert read.isEmpty == false

Writing to a string:

        def amap = ['something': 'my datas',
                    'size': 3,
                    'isEmpty': false]

        String json = writeJSON returnText: true, json: amap
        def read = readJSON text: json

        assert read.something == 'my datas'
        assert read.size == 3
        assert read.isEmpty == false

Nested choice of objects
(not enumerable)
file (optional)


pretty (optional)


returnText (optional)


writeMavenPom: Write a maven project file.

Writes a
Maven project
file. That for example was previously read by readMavenPom.


  • model:
    The Model
    object to write.
  • file:
    Optional path to a file in the workspace to write to.
    If left empty the step will write to pom.xml in the current working directory.


        def pom = readMavenPom file: 'pom.xml'
        //Do some manipulation
        writeMavenPom model: pom

Avoid using this step and readMavenPom.
It is better to use the sh step to run mvn goals:
For example:

sh 'mvn versions:set-property -Dproperty=some-key -DnewVersion=some-value -DgenerateBackupPoms=false'
org.kohsuke.stapler.NoStaplerConstructorException: There's no @DataBoundConstructor on any constructor of class org.apache.maven.model.Model
file (optional)


writeYaml: Write a yaml from an object or objects.

Writes yaml to a file in the current working directory or a String from an Object or a String.
It uses SnakeYAML as YAML processor.
The call will fail if the file already exists.


  • file (optional):
    Optional path to a file in the workspace to write the YAML datas to.
    If provided, then returnText must be false or omitted.
    It is required that either file is provided, or returnText is true.
  • data (optional):
    An Optional Object containing the data to be serialized. You must specify data or
    datas, but not both in the same invocation.
  • datas (optional):
    An Optional Collection containing the datas to be serialized as several YAML documents. You must specify
    data or datas, but not both in the same invocation.
  • charset (optional):
    Optionally specify the charset to use when writing the file. Defaults to UTF-8 if nothing else is specified.
    What charsets that are available depends on your Jenkins master system.
    The java specification tells us though that at least the following should be available:

    • US-ASCII
    • ISO-8859-1
    • UTF-8
    • UTF-16BE
    • UTF-16LE
    • UTF-16
  • overwrite (optional):
    Allow existing files to be overwritten. Defaults to false.
  • returnText (optional):
    Return the YAML as a string instead of writing it to a file. Defaults to false.
    If true, then file, charset, and overwrite must not be provided.
    It is required that either file is provided, or returnText is true.

Writing to a file:

        def amap = ['something': 'my datas',
                    'size': 3,
                    'isEmpty': false]

        writeYaml file: 'datas.yaml', data: amap
        def read = readYaml file: 'datas.yaml'

        assert read.something == 'my datas'
        assert read.size == 3
        assert read.isEmpty == false

Writing to a string:

        def amap = ['something': 'my datas',
                    'size': 3,
                    'isEmpty': false]

        String yml = writeYaml returnText: true, data: amap
        def read = readYaml text: yml

        assert read.something == 'my datas'
        assert read.size == 3
        assert read.isEmpty == false

charset (optional)


data (optional)
Nested choice of objects
(not enumerable)
datas (optional)
Nested choice of objects
file (optional)


overwrite (optional)


returnText (optional)


ws: Allocate workspace

Allocates a workspace.
Note that a workspace is automatically allocated for you with the node step.


A workspace is automatically allocated for you with the node step,
or you can get an alternate workspace with this ws step,
but by default the location is chosen automatically.
(Something like AGENT_ROOT/workspace/JOB_NAME@2.)

You can instead specify a path here and that workspace will be locked instead.
(The path may be relative to the build agent root, or absolute.)

If concurrent builds ask for the same workspace, a directory with a suffix such as @2 may be locked instead.
Currently there is no option to wait to lock the exact directory requested;
if you need to enforce that behavior, you can either fail (error) when pwd indicates that you got a different directory,
or you may enforce serial execution of this part of the build by some other means such as stage name: '…', concurrency: 1.

If you do not care about locking, just use the dir step to change current directory.


zip: Create Zip file

Create a zip file of content in the workspace.


The name/path of the zip file to create.


archive (optional)

If the zip file should be archived as an artifact of the current build.
The file will still be kept in the workspace after archiving.


dir (optional)

The path of the base directory to create the zip from.
Leave empty to create from the current working directory.


exclude (optional)


file (optional)


glob (optional)

Ant style pattern
of files to include in the zip.
Leave empty to include all files and directories.


overwrite (optional)

If the zip file should be overwritten in case of already existing a file with the same name.



Cannot retrieve contributors at this time

This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters

Show hidden characters

try {
error(«this is an error«)
} catch(e) {
// do something about the error
// currentBuild.result is jenkins variable which is null by default
currentBuild.result = «FAILED«
} finally {
// do something here
println(«this will always run«)
// but fail it instead
if (currentBuild.result == «FAILED«) {
error(«You got an error again«)

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  • Catch error groovy
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  • Catch console error