Ccmsetup failed with error code 0x87d00227

The Blog Consulting Services As an SCCM administrator, it’s important to learn the concept of troubleshooting a Configuration Manager client


  1. The Blog
  2. SCCM Console
  3. SCCM Client Installation Error Codes
  4. SCCM Client Installation Error CodesReporting
  5. Не устанавливается клиент SCCM 2012 R2
  6. PENDING SCCM client installation failing
  7. Jay Keen
  8. The Blog
  9. SCCM Console
  10. SCCM Client Installation Error Codes
  11. SCCM Client Installation Error CodesReporting

The Blog

Consulting Services

As an SCCM administrator, it’s important to learn the concept of troubleshooting a Configuration Manager client installation. By targeting the SCCM client installation error codes, you will have a better idea of what is happening during client installation. The error codes are not an exact science, they can defer depending on the situation. For a better understanding of ccmsetup error codes, read this great post from Jason Sandys.

Client installation troubleshooting is probably your first challenge after an SCCM Installation. A better SCCM client installation rate equals better overall management. You want your SCCM non-client count to be as low as possible.

These error codes appear in ccmsetup logs, located on the target machine – C:windowsccmsetuplogs. During the SCCM client installation process, monitor the ccmsetup.log using cmtrace.exe and locate each error code.

There are other logs, to which the SCCM client installation relates. If you don’t find enough information in the ccmsetup.log, scan all related log files in c:windowsccmlogs . Use the command line net helpmsg, for more information about your return error code.

SCCM Console

You can also add the Last Installation Error column in the SCCM console:

  • Open the SCCM console and navigate to Assets and Compliance / Devices
  • In the devices view, right-click on the header and select Last Installation Error

There are chances that the last error code returns an empty value for a device. Important to understand: an SCCM Client error code of “” is a success.

SCCM Client Installation Error Codes

This post from Technet Forums (Thanks to Charlie Hawkins), has inspired us to prepare a list of all error codes, that can happen during the SCCM client installation. Some errors have been added based on our personal experiences.

Feel free to send us any new error codes, this list will be updated based on your comments.

ID Source Description Solution
2 The system cannot find the file specified
This error occur when the WMI service is corrupt
Technet Resolution
WMI Repair
5 Access denied Make sure that the installation account is member of the Administrator Group
7 Reboot Required
8 Setup Already Running
9 Prerequisite evaluation failure
10 Setup manifest hash validation failure
52 You were not connected because a duplicate name exists on the network Check for duplicate name in DNS (IP)
52 You were not connected because a duplicate name exists on the network Check for duplicate name in DNS (IP)
53 Unable to locate
Cannot connect to admin$
Computer Browser not started
Add File & Print sharing to Exceptions in Firewall
Turn file and print on
58 The specified server cannot perform the requested operation
64 Windows The specified network name is no longer available
67 Network name cannot be found Check if client has a DNS entry or invalid DNS
86 Incorrect network configuration
112 Not enough disk space Free some space on the computer
1003 Cannot complete this function
1053 The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion
1068 The dependency service or group failed to start
1130 Windows Not enough server storage is available to process this command
1203 The network path was either typed incorrectly, does not exist, or the network provider is not currently available
Please try retyping the path or contact your network administrator
1208 Windows An extended error has occurred
1305 The revision level is unknown
1396 Login Failure The target account name is incorrect Check for duplicate name in DNS (IP)
NBTSTAT -a reverse lookup
1450 Windows Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service
1603 CCMExec could not be stopped Reboot and install the client as administrator
1618 MSI This error is cause by a multiple client.msi installation at the same time Stop all related MSI install process
1789 The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed KB2771040
12002 Failed to send HTTP Request Check firewall ports
8007045D MSI Setup was unable to create the WMI namespace CCM Delete all SCCM folders and rebuilt wmi Repository
800706BA WMI Unable to connect to WMI on remote machine Prajwal Desai post
80041001 MSI Setup was unable to create the WMI namespace CCM
Warning 25101. Setup was unable to delete WMI namespace CIMV2SMS
WMI Repair
8004103B WMI Unable to create the WMI Namespace Rebuild WMI Repository
80070070 Setup failed due to unexpected circumstances Rebuild WMI Repository
87D0029E WMI CCMSetup Failed Prajwal Desai post
2147023174 The RPC server is unavailable Check out firewall or AntiVirus
2147024891 Access is denied
2147749889 WMI Generic failure
2147749890 WMI Not found WMI Repair
2147749904 WMI Invalid class
2147749908 WMI Initialization failure
2147942405 Access is Denied Missing Firewall rules
2147944122 The RPC server is unavailable KB899965
Dcom is miss-configured for security
2148007941 Server Execution Failed
Technet Forums Sources

Don’t forget to put emphasis on the prerequisites of the SCCM client, this will increase your success percentage during client installation. You can also check the list of client commands list, as additional help for troubleshooting your SCCM clients.

SCCM Client Installation Error CodesReporting

Knowing the client installation status from reports reduces the number of devices without SCCM client installed in your IT infrastructure. It also increases your effectiveness, when it’s time to tackle all unhealthy clients.

One of our custom SSRS reports is made especially for the Configuration Manager Client. This report now shows the last SCCM client installation error codes, including the description of the installation deployment state. This report will help you achieve the *near* 100% client installation, that your project manager loves to see.


Не устанавливается клиент SCCM 2012 R2

Нашел я как то в локальной сети сервер, не управляемый SCCM. Не порядок, подумал я и запустил установку клиента SCCM на проблемный сервер с сервера управления. Установка потерпела крах. Процесс ccmsetup.exe запускался и тут же прекарщался. В логe ccmsetup.log первая ошибка была

Эта ужасная ошибка не давала покоя в течение дней, наверно, десяти, пока я не поборол её.

Вообще сама по себе она говорит, что есть проблемы с WMI, однако всяческие проверки показали, что WMI тут не причем. Оказывается код ошибки 0x80040154 говорит о том, что не зарегистрирован какой-то COM класс, но какой загадка. В поисках ответов нашел, что проблема скорее всего в том, что не работает функция CoCreateInstance или CoCreateInstanceEx, используемые для создания объектов. По этим функциям в поисковике раскопал несколько проблем, которые возникали у людей, в итоге пришёл к тому что необходимо в оснастке comexp.msc поглядеть на объекты COM. И наконец, я наткнулся на ошибку.

TcCtx. TransactionContext Object was not found in registry

С такими показаниями решить проблему оказалось делом техники. Необходимо в свойствах объекта TcCtx. TransactionContext найти значение CLSID. Так как проблема возникала в COM+ Utilities (32 bit), то необходимо искать эти объекты в разделе реестра HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWow6432NodeCLSID. Этих объектов там не было, поэтому я экспортировал ключи HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWow6432NodeCLSID <5cb66670-d3d4-11cf-acab-00a024a55aef>и HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWow6432NodeCLSID <7999fc25-d3c6-11cf-acab-00a024a55aef>со здорового компьютера на этот проблемный. В результате первая ошибка в ccmsetup.log исчезла.

Однако, осталась ещё одна ошибка

Такую ошибку решить не представляется никакой возможности, поэтому я перешёл к следующему этапу.

На этот раз я скопировал папку, из которой устанавливается клиент на проблемный сервер и запустил локально в итоге получил ошибки

Я предпринял попытку восстановить BITS, однако, проблема оказалась не в этом. Пресловутая ошибка 0x80040154. В ходе посиков я раскопал, что объект BackgroundCopyManager входит в интерфейс IBackgroundCopyManager, CLSID которого <5ce34c0d-0dc9-4c1f-897c-daa1b78cee7c>, этого раздела не было в том же разделе реестра, в котором не было объекта TcCtx. TransactionContext. По отработаной схеме я экспортировал этот раздел со здоровой машины и импортировал на этот проблемный сервер.

В итоге, клиент SCCM благополучно установился.

Добавлю, что в ходе последующих изысканий было выявлено, что не работают некоторые кнопки и ссылки в интерфейсе Windows и не запускается Internet Explorer 9 32-bit. Оказалось что надо перерегистрировать все dll в папке %windir%sysWOW64. Скорее всего, перерегистрация всех библиотек помогла бы и в решении пролемы с невозможностью установить клиента SCCM.


PENDING SCCM client installation failing

Jay Keen

New Member

Hi, I really hope someone can help me, i’ve been bashing away at this for 3 days now.

Firstly I have a new SCCM site CB 1903 on top of a server 2019 OS. Everything installed in accordance with documentation.

I have issued SCCM client workstation certs, created boundaries by IP range, also tried forest discovery and letting it discover its own boundary and adding that to the boundary group. Firewall is disabled across the entire domain. I have modified the permissions in IIS. I have tried verifying and redeploying the client package to the Distribution point. I have removed and reinstalled the Management point role.

I am now completely out of ideas, here are the errors i’m seeing in CMTrace:

Failed to read assigned site code from registry. Error code = 0x80070002 ccmsetup 12/07/2019 12:17:47 3076 (0x0C04)

Failed to persist AAD on-boarding info. Error 0x87d00227 ccmsetup 12/07/2019 12:17:47 3076 (0x0C04)

Failed to get client version for sending state messages. Error 0x8004100e ccmsetup 12/07/2019 12:17:48 3076 (0x0C04)

Failed to send status 100. Error (87D00215) ccmsetup 12/07/2019 12:17:48 3076 (0x0C04)

IsSslClientAuthEnabled — Determining provisioning mode state failed with 80070002. Defaulting to state of 63. ccmsetup 12/07/2019 12:17:48 3076 (0x0C04)

IsSslClientAuthEnabled — Determining provisioning mode state failed with 80070002. Defaulting to state of 63. ccmsetup 12/07/2019 12:17:48 3076 (0x0C04)

Failed to get DP locations as the expected version from MP ‘HTTPS://’. Error 0x87d00215 ccmsetup 12/07/2019 12:17:48 3076 (0x0C04)

Failed to get client version for sending state messages. Error 0x8004100e ccmsetup 12/07/2019 12:17:48 3076 (0x0C04)

Failed to send status 101. Error (87D00215) ccmsetup 12/07/2019 12:17:48 3076 (0x0C04)


The Blog

Consulting Services

As an SCCM administrator, it’s important to learn the concept of troubleshooting a Configuration Manager client installation. By targeting the SCCM client installation error codes, you will have a better idea of what is happening during client installation. The error codes are not an exact science, they can defer depending on the situation. For a better understanding of ccmsetup error codes, read this great post from Jason Sandys.

Client installation troubleshooting is probably your first challenge after an SCCM Installation. A better SCCM client installation rate equals better overall management. You want your SCCM non-client count to be as low as possible.

These error codes appear in ccmsetup logs, located on the target machine – C:windowsccmsetuplogs. During the SCCM client installation process, monitor the ccmsetup.log using cmtrace.exe and locate each error code.

There are other logs, to which the SCCM client installation relates. If you don’t find enough information in the ccmsetup.log, scan all related log files in c:windowsccmlogs . Use the command line net helpmsg, for more information about your return error code.

SCCM Console

You can also add the Last Installation Error column in the SCCM console:

  • Open the SCCM console and navigate to Assets and Compliance / Devices
  • In the devices view, right-click on the header and select Last Installation Error

There are chances that the last error code returns an empty value for a device. Important to understand: an SCCM Client error code of “” is a success.

SCCM Client Installation Error Codes

This post from Technet Forums (Thanks to Charlie Hawkins), has inspired us to prepare a list of all error codes, that can happen during the SCCM client installation. Some errors have been added based on our personal experiences.

Feel free to send us any new error codes, this list will be updated based on your comments.

ID Source Description Solution
2 The system cannot find the file specified
This error occur when the WMI service is corrupt
Technet Resolution
WMI Repair
5 Access denied Make sure that the installation account is member of the Administrator Group
7 Reboot Required
8 Setup Already Running
9 Prerequisite evaluation failure
10 Setup manifest hash validation failure
52 You were not connected because a duplicate name exists on the network Check for duplicate name in DNS (IP)
52 You were not connected because a duplicate name exists on the network Check for duplicate name in DNS (IP)
53 Unable to locate
Cannot connect to admin$
Computer Browser not started
Add File & Print sharing to Exceptions in Firewall
Turn file and print on
58 The specified server cannot perform the requested operation
64 Windows The specified network name is no longer available
67 Network name cannot be found Check if client has a DNS entry or invalid DNS
86 Incorrect network configuration
112 Not enough disk space Free some space on the computer
1003 Cannot complete this function
1053 The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion
1068 The dependency service or group failed to start
1130 Windows Not enough server storage is available to process this command
1203 The network path was either typed incorrectly, does not exist, or the network provider is not currently available
Please try retyping the path or contact your network administrator
1208 Windows An extended error has occurred
1305 The revision level is unknown
1396 Login Failure The target account name is incorrect Check for duplicate name in DNS (IP)
NBTSTAT -a reverse lookup
1450 Windows Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service
1603 CCMExec could not be stopped Reboot and install the client as administrator
1618 MSI This error is cause by a multiple client.msi installation at the same time Stop all related MSI install process
1789 The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed KB2771040
12002 Failed to send HTTP Request Check firewall ports
8007045D MSI Setup was unable to create the WMI namespace CCM Delete all SCCM folders and rebuilt wmi Repository
800706BA WMI Unable to connect to WMI on remote machine Prajwal Desai post
80041001 MSI Setup was unable to create the WMI namespace CCM
Warning 25101. Setup was unable to delete WMI namespace CIMV2SMS
WMI Repair
8004103B WMI Unable to create the WMI Namespace Rebuild WMI Repository
80070070 Setup failed due to unexpected circumstances Rebuild WMI Repository
87D0029E WMI CCMSetup Failed Prajwal Desai post
2147023174 The RPC server is unavailable Check out firewall or AntiVirus
2147024891 Access is denied
2147749889 WMI Generic failure
2147749890 WMI Not found WMI Repair
2147749904 WMI Invalid class
2147749908 WMI Initialization failure
2147942405 Access is Denied Missing Firewall rules
2147944122 The RPC server is unavailable KB899965
Dcom is miss-configured for security
2148007941 Server Execution Failed
Technet Forums Sources

Don’t forget to put emphasis on the prerequisites of the SCCM client, this will increase your success percentage during client installation. You can also check the list of client commands list, as additional help for troubleshooting your SCCM clients.

SCCM Client Installation Error CodesReporting

Knowing the client installation status from reports reduces the number of devices without SCCM client installed in your IT infrastructure. It also increases your effectiveness, when it’s time to tackle all unhealthy clients.

One of our custom SSRS reports is made especially for the Configuration Manager Client. This report now shows the last SCCM client installation error codes, including the description of the installation deployment state. This report will help you achieve the *near* 100% client installation, that your project manager loves to see.


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  • Question

  • Hi All,

    i have a windows 8 tablet pc and sccm 2012 sp1.

    when i tried to install agent on it, i saw this error log.

    why i cant install agent ?

    what’s the meaning of 0x87d00227 error ? i couldnt found anything on internet about that…


    Running on platform X86 ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 2460 (0x099C)
    Updated security on object C:windowsccmsetupcache. ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 2460 (0x099C)
    Launch from folder C:windowsccmsetup ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 2460 (0x099C)
    CcmSetup version: 5.0.7804.1000 ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 2460 (0x099C)
    In ServiceMain ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    Running on OS (6.2.9200). Service Pack (0.0). SuiteMask = 256. Product Type = 1 ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    Ccmsetup command line: «C:windowsccmsetupccmsetup.exe» /runservice /config:MobileClient.tcf ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    Command line parameters for ccmsetup have been specified.  No registry lookup for command line parameters is required. ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    Command line: «C:windowsccmsetupccmsetup.exe» /runservice /config:MobileClient.tcf ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    SslState value: 224 ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    CCMHTTPPORT:    80 ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    CCMHTTPSPORT:    443 ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    CCMHTTPSSTATE:    224 ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    CCMHTTPSCERTNAME:     ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    Lookup MP:    sccm2012.contoso.LOCAL ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    FSP:    sccm2012.contoso.LOCAL ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    CCMFIRSTCERT:    1 ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    Client is set to use HTTPS when available. The current state is 224. ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    CCMCERTID:    SMS;DD745BBAF339847B2C93620705F6D1AE97702B80 ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    Config file:      C:windowsccmsetupMobileClientUnicode.tcf ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    Retry time:       10 minute(s) ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    MSI log file:     C:windowsccmsetupLogsclient.msi.log ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    CCMHTTPSSTATE=»224″ SMSSLP=»sccm2012.contoso.LOCAL» CCMFIRSTCERT=»1″ CCMCERTID=»SMS;DD745BBAF339847B2C93620705F6D1AE97702B80″ ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    Source List: ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    \sccm2012.contoso.localSMSClient ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    \sccm2012.contoso.LOCALSMSClient ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    MPs: ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
                      sccm2012.contoso.local ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    MapNLMCostDataToCCMCost() returning Cost 0x2 ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    Client deployment cannot be fulfilled since use of metered network is not allowed. ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    Failed to parse ‘»C:windowsccmsetupccmsetup.exe» /runservice /config:MobileClient.tcf’ with error 0x87d00227 ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    Sending Fallback Status Point message to ‘sccm2012.contoso.LOCAL’, STATEID=’100′. ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    Params to send FSP message ‘5.0.7804.1000 Deployment ‘ ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:56 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    State message with TopicType 800 and TopicId {AF976ED6-78E5-4358-8FEE-07B61975E39F} has been sent to the FSP FSPStateMessage 5/30/2013 3:47:57 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    Sending Fallback Status Point message to ‘sccm2012.contoso.LOCAL’, STATEID=’307′. ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:57 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    Params to send FSP message ‘5.0.7804.1000 Deployment «C:windowsccmsetupccmsetup.exe» /runservice /config:MobileClient.tcf’ ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:57 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    State message with TopicType 800 and TopicId {B9A4A676-E99A-495B-B794-EE5ECC5063F6} has been sent to the FSP FSPStateMessage 5/30/2013 3:47:57 PM 6480 (0x1950)
    CcmSetup failed with error code 0x87d00227 ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:57 PM 2460 (0x099C)


  • This:

    Client deployment cannot be fulfilled since use of metered network is not allowed. ccmsetup 5/30/2013 3:47:55 PM 6480 (0x1950)

    The OS is detecting that you’re on a metered (costed) network and is not downloading client bits from the management point. Are you connected to your network over a 3G connection, or is your Wi-Fi adapter configured as a metered network (charms bar ->
    settings -> click on your network -> right click on the connection and see if metered network is checked).

    If any network interfaces are set up as a metered interface, you’ll need to set them as un-metered (you may incur data charges by doing this) or you’ll need to get the client bits onto the machine from some external means and install the client using the
    /source parameter.

    0x87d00227 is a «functionality disabled» error code.

    Check out my Configuration Manager blog at

    • Edited by

      Friday, May 31, 2013 10:09 PM

    • Proposed as answer by
      Friday, May 31, 2013 10:32 PM
    • Marked as answer by
      Talha Demirezen
      Saturday, June 1, 2013 12:01 PM

  • I had this problem recently with the Windows Intune client on a Windows 8 tablet. By default Windows 8 deems the 3G connection metered. All software distribution is barred and only critical updates are accepted. I was able to deal with this by ensuring
    that the tablet had a good WiFi connection (by default this allowed all traffic).

    Gerry Hampson | Blog: | LinkedIn:
    Gerry Hampson | Twitter:

    • Marked as answer by
      Talha Demirezen
      Saturday, June 1, 2013 12:01 PM
    • Edited by
      Gerry HampsonMVP
      Tuesday, June 25, 2013 10:22 PM
      Edited blog address


  1. Не устанавливается клиент SCCM 2012 R2
  2. Ccmsetup failed with error code 0x87d00227
  3. Вопрос
  4. Ответы
  5. Все ответы
  6. See, what had happened was…
  7. Network Adapter Metering
  8. ConfigMgr Client Event Handling
  9. The Windows Network Adapter Black Hole
  10. Data Usage
  11. A light in the darkness
  12. The Script
  13. Alternatives
  14. The End

Не устанавливается клиент SCCM 2012 R2

Нашел я как то в локальной сети сервер, не управляемый SCCM. Не порядок, подумал я и запустил установку клиента SCCM на проблемный сервер с сервера управления. Установка потерпела крах. Процесс ccmsetup.exe запускался и тут же прекарщался. В логe ccmsetup.log первая ошибка была

Эта ужасная ошибка не давала покоя в течение дней, наверно, десяти, пока я не поборол её.

Вообще сама по себе она говорит, что есть проблемы с WMI, однако всяческие проверки показали, что WMI тут не причем. Оказывается код ошибки 0x80040154 говорит о том, что не зарегистрирован какой-то COM класс, но какой загадка. В поисках ответов нашел, что проблема скорее всего в том, что не работает функция CoCreateInstance или CoCreateInstanceEx, используемые для создания объектов. По этим функциям в поисковике раскопал несколько проблем, которые возникали у людей, в итоге пришёл к тому что необходимо в оснастке comexp.msc поглядеть на объекты COM. И наконец, я наткнулся на ошибку.

TcCtx. TransactionContext Object was not found in registry

С такими показаниями решить проблему оказалось делом техники. Необходимо в свойствах объекта TcCtx. TransactionContext найти значение CLSID. Так как проблема возникала в COM+ Utilities (32 bit), то необходимо искать эти объекты в разделе реестра HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWow6432NodeCLSID. Этих объектов там не было, поэтому я экспортировал ключи HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWow6432NodeCLSID <5cb66670-d3d4-11cf-acab-00a024a55aef>и HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWow6432NodeCLSID <7999fc25-d3c6-11cf-acab-00a024a55aef>со здорового компьютера на этот проблемный. В результате первая ошибка в ccmsetup.log исчезла.

Однако, осталась ещё одна ошибка

Такую ошибку решить не представляется никакой возможности, поэтому я перешёл к следующему этапу.

На этот раз я скопировал папку, из которой устанавливается клиент на проблемный сервер и запустил локально в итоге получил ошибки

Я предпринял попытку восстановить BITS, однако, проблема оказалась не в этом. Пресловутая ошибка 0x80040154. В ходе посиков я раскопал, что объект BackgroundCopyManager входит в интерфейс IBackgroundCopyManager, CLSID которого <5ce34c0d-0dc9-4c1f-897c-daa1b78cee7c>, этого раздела не было в том же разделе реестра, в котором не было объекта TcCtx. TransactionContext. По отработаной схеме я экспортировал этот раздел со здоровой машины и импортировал на этот проблемный сервер.

В итоге, клиент SCCM благополучно установился.

Добавлю, что в ходе последующих изысканий было выявлено, что не работают некоторые кнопки и ссылки в интерфейсе Windows и не запускается Internet Explorer 9 32-bit. Оказалось что надо перерегистрировать все dll в папке %windir%sysWOW64. Скорее всего, перерегистрация всех библиотек помогла бы и в решении пролемы с невозможностью установить клиента SCCM.


Ccmsetup failed with error code 0x87d00227


Всем доброго времени суток. Столкнулся с такой проблемой :

Есть АД на WS2012 c установленным SQL и SCCM 1806 билдом. SCCM настроен по инструкции ( увидел все сайты , все компы домена, пользователей АД и компы в лесу) Проблема заключается в том что при установке клиента на любой пк все каг-бы проходит успешно, в логах все хорошо, без ошибок но SCCM показывает что клиент не установлен. По факту на пользовательском пк в папке виндовс создается папка ccmsetup с файлами и больше ничего. Пробывал в ручную на пользовательском пк установить клиент, он ставиться, панеле управления появился SCCM но его настройки сети неактивны. Прошу помочь разобраться.

  • Изменено Pilikopres 22 ноября 2018 г. 12:10
  • Перемещено Denis Dyagilev Moderator 22 ноября 2018 г. 14:17


  • Помечено в качестве ответа Petko Krushev Microsoft contingent staff, Moderator 6 декабря 2018 г. 8:49

Все ответы

Вероятно границы и группы границ не настроены.

В папке ccmsetup есть папка logs, а в ней журналы установки.

Хорошо бы эти журналы увидеть.

Границы и группы границ настроены. вот логи пользовательской папки ccmsetup

1. Установите роль Fall back status point

2. С клиента проверьте доступность MP:

Рабочие компы в домене, из групповых политик только сертификаты

Схему АД расширял

FSP -роль установлена ( все равно установка клиента с SCCM происходит каг бы успешно, но после установки клиента нет на клиенте и в SCCM пусто(

MP c клиента не доступно

FSP нужна для диагностики отказа установки клиента.

Успешной установка считается, если в результате появляется папка CCM, а у вас только ccmsetup, это значит , что она неуспешна и в логе как раз написано об отмене изменений. Если в ручную клиент ставится, но не работает, то нужны журналы этого клиента. А они в папке CCMLogs.Нужно посмотреть на файлы ClientLocation.log и LocationServices.log.

Также в вашем логе ccmsetup.log есть строки с ошибками:

Unable to retrieve AD forest + domain membership. Error 0x8007054b

Domain joined client is in Unknown location

Failed to get assigned site from AD. Error 0x87d00227.

И у меня возникло подозрение, что имеются проблемы с сетевыми параметрами клиентов.

Можете показать ipconfig /all с клиента, контроллера домена и SCCM?


Do you know how hard it is to find things when you don’t know what to search for??

I’m paranoid. We recently upgraded our site to ConfigMgr 2002, first fast ring, then the hotfix. We also installed a Cloud Management Gateway, re-worked our Boundary Groups to handle VPN better, added a second Management Point and generally made a butt-load of changes to our environment to help our remote clients have access to content more easily. I’ve been frantically spot checking clients to ensure they are working now and hoping that one of the many changes hasn’t caused them to drop off the face of the earth. There was also a bug that got fixed in slow ring/hotfix, related to client failing to authenticate the CMG that wanted to ensure was working now. Unfortunately, when you go looking into client logs, you can end up chasing lots of rabbits. On of the issues that I’m having is that some of our clients that are likely at the office are just going to be offline until everyone returns to work post-COVID-19. At the same time, we have some other number of online clients that are showing no client or no recent heartbeats but when I ping them, a decent number respond. On a regular basis, we have about 300 machines in some sort of unknown state and we have just learned to live with it since it’s largely environmental. We have the PFE client health tool implemented, but honestly, I’m not sure if it’s helping or hurting at this point.

I feel like I should stat the purpose here — I want to disable metering and get ConfigMgr clients to check back in without having to reboot the client.

DISCLAIMER: The ‘solution’ provided below uses several ‘unsupported’ steps to achieve the intended results and is provided for informational purposes only.

Without further ado, here’s the brain dump firehose…

See, what had happened was…

I used Recast Right Click tools (free community edition) not a sponsored post 🙂 to trigger a client repair on around 500 devices. About 60 of the machines were online even though they were showing no client in the console. I waited to see if they would check in and they never did. Started looking at client logs and noticed that the repairs seemed to be working and the clients appeared to be fine, but when I checked CcmMessaging.log, it was full of these errors:

I opened a remote PowerShell console to some of the machines and I started checking to see if metering had been enabled on the wireless adapters by the end user. I ran some NETSH commands to find the profiles where metering was enabled and the clients began working. I was excited until I got to my next machine and discovered that it was on the LAN at the office and we don’t enable metering on any of our adapters by default.

I tried the same NETSH commands and they didn’t work on the LAN adapters. It took me a while but I stumbled on several posts that had bits and pieces that helped find what I needed. There’s a fair amount of detail upcoming, but the script is at the end. I want to include all of the components that I discovered so I can consolidate everything into one place.

Also, I’m just making most of this up based on what I have been able to piece together. I have spent WAY too much time digging and just need to move on. I could be REALLY wrong, but it’s the best I’ve got. If you know more, send me a note and I’ll delete it, I mean, I’ll update the post.

Network Adapter Metering

When setting up your network adapters in Windows 10, I’m sure you’ve seen this section under the properties for your network adapters. By enabling metering, you tell Windows to limit the amount of data that it and other applications can put through the adapter. This is a way to reduce consumption of pay-per-use internet plans and or wifi hotspots, etc.

One problem with this setting is that it will actually disable Windows updates (there’s an option to override this as well) AND more importantly, it will prevent the installation of the ConfigMgr client. Also, if you haven’t changed your Client Settings policy from the default ‘Block’, devices with the client installed won’t communicate with your MP — as shown in the error log above.

Another problem is that there appear to be Group Policies for disabling the ability for users to change this setting for wireless adapters or cellular cards, but I wasn’t able to find one that prevented users from setting metering on their wired LAN adapters.

It also appears that there have been changes to where/how you manage metering in the registry/Group Policy in later versions of Windows (1709 and later).

Computer Configuration Administrative Templates Network WLAN Service WLAN Media Cost

Basically, there are some options that are somewhat difficult to lock down that users can change and break things.

ConfigMgr Client Event Handling

The ConfigMgr client has lots of event handlers that it uses to monitor system processes and trigger processes in response to the events. One of the items it monitors is network connectivity and adapter events. Whenever you enable metering on your adapter, you can watch the CcmNotificationAgent.log to see that the network cost was changed to 2 (Enabled/Fixed/Metered) or if you disable, it will show 1 (Disabled/Unlimited/Not Metered). If you enable Debug logging on your ConfigMgr client, you will see even more info (not shown). Martin has a great script to enable debug logging here.

You can even run a PowerShell command to check the ConfigMgr client for it’s current Network Cost — it will return 1 or 2. From what I can tell, ConfigMgr monitors for a State Change event on the network adapter, then updates it’s network cost value and caches it. As far as I could determine, there doesn’t appear to be a way to force the client to check for the network cost again nor is there a way to trigger a network state change that it would see.

You can watch the NetworkProfile event log and see the State Change event when you enable/disable metering on the adapter.

You can see the ConnectionCostChanged entry. This is what ConfigMgr is looking for.

Here’s what ccmsetup.log looks like if you have metering enabled and try to install the ConfigMgr client. It’s a hardcoded check too, so no overriding it.

The Windows Network Adapter Black Hole

I’ll be the first to admit, I don’t like networking. I dislike it even more after this adventure. So we’ve seen where in the UI you can enable/disable metering. We’ve seen in GPO where you can configure WLAN cost options. We’ve seen the network event that gets triggered when you make a change. What we haven’t seen is how you can programatically change costing on a LAN adapter in a way that causes the ConfigMgr to see the event and trigger a re-cache of costing for the network adapter. Spoiler — I can’t find a way, but here’s how far I got.

Data Usage

There’s a Windows system DLL dusmapi.dll (Data Usage API) and a service dusmsvc (Data Usage) that are used to manage your network adapter profile settings related to — you guessed it — DATA USAGE!!

By watching ProcMon, I could see that dusmapi.dll was being called but I can’t figure out how to import the dll into PowerShell or VS to try to manually call it. However, I did find find a dump of all of the functions in the dll.

On line 25 we can see that there’s a function called DusmSetUserCost . That’s the one we want. I’ve searched GitHub, in the Windows networking PowerShell module and everywhere else and I can’t find any info on how to call this but I’m certain it’s the key to triggering the costing state change event on the adapter.

The other related bit here is that the setting that gets created by toggling metering on an adapter is a registry key ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftDusmSvcProfiles\*UserCost . The value will be set to 2 if it’s enabled and 0 if you disable it. If you never touch it, you will only have the base key of ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftDusmSvcProfiles .

A light in the darkness

There are other references to network costs, but only for querying them, nothing for setting them.

Run this in PowerShell and you can dump out the cost info for all of your network adapter profiles.

A nice guy named Wil (with 1 L) Taylor even has a module to help dump cost info out. Unfortunately, there’s not a module for modifying the settings.

I have to give credit to Franck Richard for his nice write ups on this topic as well. He provided some of the only pieces to this puzzle that I found initially. These 2 posts talked about the issues I was facing and he even has a script for it editing it that I used bits of in my final solution.

The Script

The script has 3 main parts. LAN, WLAN and ConfigMgr. It checks the registry for any LAN profiles set using the Settings app in Windows. These will be under the dusmsvc registry key here: ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftDusmSvcProfiles . Then it uses NETSH to find WLAN profiles with metering not set to Unlimited . And finally it checks to see of the ConfigMgr client costing is set to metered. Examples and info are included in the script.


As soon as I hit publish, I considered that perhaps I could have handled this slightly differently. Honestly, I wrote all of the code before I found the ConfigMgr CCM_NetworkSettings class. Now that I’m thinking about it and understand things more, here’s how I would ACTUALLY do it.

This is part of the final code in the repo. It’s the part that resets the CCM_NetworkSettings class. The cool part here is that it allows the client to check in and get new policies, even if metering is enabled. My issue was that we had our client settings policy set to Block. If I remove the policy (with the code below), the clients can get an updates.

Next, I would add a Configuration Item or a scheduled script to check for and remove metering. I haven’t test Group Policy preferences but since the registry key has a * in the path (who decided that was a good idea??) and * is a wildcard pretty much EVERYWHERE, I’m not sure how well that will work. Either way, having a mechanism to block or remove this from being set again would be the next step.

And instead of a script, I think I could have just updated the client settings policy to Allow ConfigMgr over metered connections then used Right Click Tools to reset client policies on any devices that I suspected had metering enabled.

The End

This has been a fun dive into the bowels of network connectivity. I’m REALLY hoping someone sends me an email with the code to update costs using the Windows API. Feels like there’s still some opportunity for polishing this turd.


I wanted to make a post on this client communication/installation issue in case anyone else runs into it. If you’re in a hurry, skip to the end to see the two commands I corrected the issue with.

The Issue

I had a newly imaged Windows 10 workstation (with client properly installed) that stopped communicating with the MP’s shortly after it made it to the end user. None of the usual stuff seemed to fix it. When I tried aggressively reinstalling the client, CcmSetup would quickly encounter error: 0x87d00227. No amount of restarts, repairs, or WMI repo resets would fix it.

It turns out this code translates to «Functionality disabled», though that isn’t particularly helpful in this situation. Long story short, the workstation OS had been configured by the user somehow to use metered connections on the Ethernet adapter (the only network adapter in the machine) and SCCM will not allow deployment of the client’s content ( and the other content) over a metered connection.

That seemed simple enough to address, but since I refuse to call users and connect to their machines interactively when not necessary, I was determined to fix this via PSRemoting only.

Initially, this too seemed straightforward, as there is a lot of documentation on how to change metered connection flags in the registry for each adapter using the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionNetworkListDefaultMediaCost

The problem was that the Ethernet property was already set to ‘1’ which indicates that it is a *non-*metered connection, but CcmSetup still believed it to be metered.

Eventually I found that these settings have a new place in the registry in later builds of Windows 10:


Each network adapter will have it’s own key under this path named after the GUID of each respective adapter. A value of ‘2’ in the UserCost property under the key means that the adapter is set to metered. A value of ‘0’ means non-metered. My user’s machine in this case was of course set to ‘2’, being metered, so I set it to ‘0’. Once you change these values, you need to restart the Data Usage service for it to take effect (I tested this). Then you can redeploy the client like normal.


The following two PowerShell commands should change all network adapters to ‘non-metered’ and resolve the client issue in Windows 10 1709 and later:

# Change 'UserCost' value to '0' for all network adapter profiles

Get-ChildItem 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftDusmSvcProfiles*' | Set-ItemProperty -Name UserCost -Value 0

# Restart the Data Usage service

Restart-Service DusmSvc

At this point, just reinstall the client like normal and it should succeed.

On occasion I have come across clients failing to upgrade with the following in the ccmsetup.log file:

Client deployment cannot be fulfilled since use of metered network is not allowed.
CcmSetup failed with error code 0x87d00227

Upon checking the clients, most are on metered networks, but a few have ethernet connections and should be able to download the client update.

Using information found here I put together a few batch files to check and change the Metered Network Usage to allow the client to download the update, which will then allow ccmsetup to run successfully.

To see the current value, run:

MeteredNetworkUsageSetting.bat <MACHINENAME>

powershell -command "Get-WmiObject -ComputerName %1 -Namespace rootccmPolicyMachineActualConfig -Class CCM_NetworkSettings"

The value for MeteredNetworkUsage of 4 means “Block metered network usage”.  Changing this value to “1” will allow use of the “metered” (actually ethernet) network.

SetAllowonMetered.bat <MACHINENAME>

powershell -command "Get-WmiObject -ComputerName %1 -Namespace rootccmPolicyMachineActualConfig -Class CCM_NetworkSettings | Set-WMIInstance -Arguments @{MeteredNetworkUsage=1}"

To change it back:

SetBlockonMetered.bat <MACHINENAME>

powershell -command "Get-WmiObject -ComputerName %1 -Namespace rootccmPolicyMachineActualConfig -Class CCM_NetworkSettings | Set-WMIInstance -Arguments @{MeteredNetworkUsage=4}"

One last thing – while researching this, I also came across this post by Sandy Zeng.  She has at the bottom a prudent disclaimer that I am including:

NOTE: Be careful, if you are using limited data plan, configure unrestricted cost will give you/your company/users very expensive bill, I am not responsible for that.

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SCCM client installation failed with 0x87d00227

Though not commonly seen, you may run into SMS Agent Host client installation failure on metered network. ccmsetup.log shows messages like the following.

03-25-2022 12:33:56.196    ccmsetup    8828 (0x227c)    Client deployment cannot be fulfilled since use of metered network is not allowed.
03-25-2022 12:33:56.196    ccmsetup    8828 (0x227c)    Failed to parse 'C:WINDOWSccmsetupccmsetup.exe /ignoreskipupgrade /config:MobileClient.tcf         /RetryWinTask:9' with error 0x87d00227

0x87d00227 means functionality disabled.

Error Code:	0x87D00227 (2278556199)
Error Source:	Configuration Manager
Error Message:	Functionality disabled

This happened because “Client communication on metered internet connections” in Metered Internet Connections in Client settings is set to Block.

When the device is on a metered internet connection, the Configuration Manager client doesn’t try to communicate with the site. This option is the default.

Metered Internet Connections


Set “Client communication on metered internet connections” to Allow in Metered Internet Connections in Client settings

If you are using manual installation method, you can also add /AllowMetered to workaround this issue.

When you allow client communication on a metered network for ccmsetup, it downloads the content, registers with the site, and downloads the initial policy. Any further client communication follows the configuration of the client setting from that policy. 


You may also think of disabling metered internet connection settings for client network adapters, but that can be difficult in an enterprise environment where policies are applied strictly. To disable metered internet connection, refer to –



Нашел я как то в локальной сети сервер, не управляемый SCCM. Не порядок, подумал я и запустил установку клиента SCCM на проблемный сервер с сервера управления. Установка потерпела крах. Процесс ccmsetup.exe запускался и тут же прекарщался. В логe ccmsetup.log первая ошибка была

Could not create WMI locator class (80040154)

Эта ужасная ошибка не давала покоя в течение дней, наверно, десяти, пока я не поборол её.

Вообще сама по себе она говорит, что есть проблемы с WMI, однако всяческие проверки показали, что WMI тут не причем. Оказывается код ошибки 0x80040154 говорит о том, что не зарегистрирован какой-то COM класс, но какой загадка. В поисках ответов нашел, что проблема скорее всего в том, что не работает функция CoCreateInstance или CoCreateInstanceEx, используемые для создания объектов. По этим функциям в поисковике раскопал несколько проблем, которые возникали у людей, в итоге пришёл к тому что необходимо в оснастке comexp.msc поглядеть на объекты COM. И наконец, я наткнулся на ошибку.

TcCtx. TransactionContext Object was not found in registry

TcCtx. TransactionContext Object was not found in registry

С такими показаниями решить проблему оказалось делом техники. Необходимо в свойствах объекта TcCtx. TransactionContext найти значение CLSID. Так как проблема возникала в COM+ Utilities (32 bit), то необходимо искать эти объекты в разделе реестра HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWow6432NodeCLSID. Этих объектов там не было, поэтому я экспортировал ключи HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWow6432NodeCLSID{5cb66670-d3d4-11cf-acab-00a024a55aef} и HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWow6432NodeCLSID{7999FC25-D3C6-11CF-ACAB-00A024A55AEF} со здорового компьютера на этот проблемный. В результате первая ошибка в ccmsetup.log исчезла.

Однако, осталась ещё одна ошибка

Failed to get assigned site from AD. Error 0x87d00227

Такую ошибку решить не представляется никакой возможности, поэтому я перешёл к следующему этапу.

На этот раз я скопировал папку, из которой устанавливается клиент на проблемный сервер и запустил локально в итоге получил ошибки

CreateInstance of CLSID_BackgroundCopyManager failed with 80040154. Unable to check BITS version
This operating system does not contain the correct version of BITS. BITS 2.5 or later is required.

Я предпринял попытку восстановить BITS, однако, проблема оказалась не в этом. Пресловутая ошибка 0x80040154. В ходе посиков я раскопал, что объект BackgroundCopyManager входит в интерфейс IBackgroundCopyManager, CLSID которого {5CE34C0D-0DC9-4C1F-897C-DAA1B78CEE7C}, этого раздела не было в том же разделе реестра, в котором не было объекта TcCtx. TransactionContext. По отработаной схеме я экспортировал этот раздел со здоровой машины и импортировал на этот проблемный сервер.

В итоге, клиент SCCM благополучно установился.


Добавлю, что в ходе последующих изысканий было выявлено, что не работают некоторые кнопки и ссылки в интерфейсе Windows и не запускается Internet Explorer 9 32-bit. Оказалось что надо перерегистрировать все dll в папке %windir%sysWOW64. Скорее всего, перерегистрация всех библиотек помогла бы и в решении пролемы с невозможностью установить клиента SCCM.

Consulting Services

Need help with your SCCM infrastructure ? Consult our fixed price consulting plans to see our rates or contact us for a custom quote.

As an SCCM administrator, it’s important to learn the concept of troubleshooting a Configuration Manager client installation. By targeting the SCCM client installation error codes, you will have a better idea of what is happening during client installation. The error codes are not an exact science, they can defer depending on the situation. For a better understanding of ccmsetup error codes, read this great post from Jason Sandys.

Client installation troubleshooting is probably your first challenge after an SCCM Installation. A better SCCM client installation rate equals better overall management. You want your SCCM non-client count to be as low as possible.

These error codes appear in ccmsetup logs, located on the target machine – C:windowsccmsetuplogs. During the SCCM client installation process, monitor the ccmsetup.log using cmtrace.exe and locate each error code.

SCCM Client Installation Error Codes

There are other logs, to which the SCCM client installation relates. If you don’t find enough information in the ccmsetup.log, scan all related log files in c:windowsccmlogsUse the command line net helpmsg, for more information about your return error code.

SCCM Console

You can also add the Last Installation Error column in the SCCM console:

  • Open the SCCM console and navigate to Assets and ComplianceDevices
  • In the devices view, right-click on the header and select Last Installation Error

SCCM Client Installation Error Codes

There are chances that the last error code returns an empty value for a device. Important to understand: an SCCM Client error code of “0” is a success.

This post from Technet Forums (Thanks to Charlie Hawkins), has inspired us to prepare a list of all error codes, that can happen during the SCCM client installation. Some errors have been added based on our personal experiences.

Feel free to send us any new error codes, this list will be updated based on your comments.

ID Source Description Solution
2 The system cannot find the file specified
This error occur when the WMI service is corrupt
Technet Resolution
WMI Repair
5 Access denied Make sure that the installation account is member of the Administrator Group
7 Reboot Required
8 Setup Already Running
9 Prerequisite evaluation failure
10 Setup manifest hash validation failure
52 You were not connected because a duplicate name exists on the network Check for duplicate name in DNS (IP)
52 You were not connected because a duplicate name exists on the network Check for duplicate name in DNS (IP)
53 Unable to locate
Cannot connect to admin$
Computer Browser not started
Add File & Print sharing to Exceptions in Firewall
Turn file and print on
58 The specified server cannot perform the requested operation
64 Windows The specified network name is no longer available
67 Network name cannot be found Check if client has a DNS entry or invalid DNS
86 Incorrect network configuration
112 Not enough disk space Free some space on the computer
1003 Cannot complete this function
1053 The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion
1068 The dependency service or group failed to start
1130 Windows Not enough server storage is available to process this command
1203 The network path was either typed incorrectly, does not exist, or the network provider is not currently available
Please try retyping the path or contact your network administrator
1208 Windows An extended error has occurred
1305 The revision level is unknown
1396 Login Failure The target account name is incorrect Check for duplicate name in DNS (IP)
NBTSTAT -a reverse lookup
1450 Windows Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service
1603 CCMExec could not be stopped Reboot and install the client as administrator
1618 MSI This error is cause by a multiple client.msi installation at the same time Stop all related MSI install process
1789 The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed KB2771040
12002 Failed to send HTTP Request Check firewall ports
8007045D MSI Setup was unable to create the WMI namespace CCM Delete all SCCM folders and rebuilt wmi Repository
800706BA WMI Unable to connect to WMI on remote machine Prajwal Desai post
80041001 MSI Setup was unable to create the WMI namespace CCM
Warning 25101. Setup was unable to delete WMI namespace CIMV2SMS
WMI Repair
8004103B WMI Unable to create the WMI Namespace Rebuild WMI Repository
80070070 Setup failed due to unexpected circumstances Rebuild WMI Repository
87D0029E WMI CCMSetup Failed Prajwal Desai post
2147023174 The RPC server is unavailable Check out firewall or AntiVirus
2147024891 Access is denied
2147749889 WMI Generic failure
2147749890 WMI Not found WMI Repair
2147749904 WMI Invalid class
2147749908 WMI Initialization failure
2147942405 Access is Denied Missing Firewall rules
2147944122 The RPC server is unavailable KB899965
Dcom is miss-configured for security
2148007941 Server Execution Failed
Technet Forums Sources

Don’t forget to put emphasis on the prerequisites of the SCCM client, this will increase your success percentage during client installation. You can also check the list of client commands list, as additional help for troubleshooting your SCCM clients.

SCCM Client Installation Error CodesReporting

Knowing the client installation status from reports reduces the number of devices without SCCM client installed in your IT infrastructure. It also increases your effectiveness, when it’s time to tackle all unhealthy clients.

One of our custom SSRS reports is made especially for the Configuration Manager Client. This report now shows the last SCCM client installation error codes, including the description of the installation deployment state. This report will help you achieve the *near* 100% client installation, that your project manager loves to see.

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