Chain0 error failed to recv spi data

Приветствую Ребята. Появилась проблема с асиком innosilicon T2T. Стоял на минималках все прекрасно работало, но как только запустил на максимальных и он тупо перестал работать. Крутится как на картинке и все. Больше не какой информации. Что можете порекомендовать? Сразу в сервис?

  • #1

Приветствую Ребята.
Появилась проблема с асиком innosilicon T2T.
Стоял на минималках все прекрасно работало, но как только запустил на максимальных и он тупо перестал работать. Крутится как на картинке и все. Больше не какой информации. Что можете порекомендовать? Сразу в сервис?

  • CFD96548-A887-4D56-B2D2-2E853B76F965.jpeg


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  • #2

До заводских настроек сбрось, для начала.

  • #3

До заводских настроек сбрось, для начала.


  • #4

Логи с него можно снять?
Выложи, почитаем, может подскажем что, а то по фоткам ТАКОЕ сейчас наговорят….

  • #5

Innosilicon RUSSIA

Сообщество владельцев асик майнеров компании innosilicon в РФ. Обсуждение работы и решение проблем.

Там тебе помогут

  • #6

Приветствую Ребята.
Появилась проблема с асиком innosilicon T2T.
Стоял на минималках все прекрасно работало, но как только запустил на максимальных и он тупо перестал работать. Крутится как на картинке и все. Больше не какой информации. Что можете порекомендовать? Сразу в сервис?

Если есть такой же блок питания- перекинь. Была такая же проблема. БП работает, но не так, как надо. Пришлось менять.

  • #7

Логи с него можно снять?
Выложи, почитаем, может подскажем что, а то по фоткам ТАКОЕ сейчас наговорят….

Нет, логи снять не могу, только могу запустить мтест.

  • #8

Нет, логи снять не могу, только могу запустить мтест.

Проверяй БП. Контрольная плата хэш-платы видит, а запустить не может.
Там вверху ссылку дали на группу в телеге, спроси ещё там.

Проблема с асиком innosilicon t2t

Приветствую Ребята. Появилась проблема с асиком innosilicon T2T. Стоял на минималках все прекрасно работало, но как только запустил на максимальных и он тупо перестал работать. Крутится как на картинке и все. Больше не какой информации. Что можете порекомендовать? Сразу в сервис?

проверь шины питания до хэш-плат, нет ли там под болтами окислов, на БП, шлейфы поперетыкай.
Вольтметром проверь просадку напряжения на шинах, при включении.

  • #9

Проверяй БП. Контрольная плата хэш-платы видит, а запустить не может.
Там вверху ссылку дали на группу в телеге, спроси ещё там.

Проблема с асиком innosilicon t2t

Приветствую Ребята. Появилась проблема с асиком innosilicon T2T. Стоял на минималках все прекрасно работало, но как только запустил на максимальных и он тупо перестал работать. Крутится как на картинке и все. Больше не какой информации. Что можете порекомендовать? Сразу в сервис?

проверь шины питания до хэш-плат, нет ли там под болтами окислов, на БП, шлейфы поперетыкай.
Вольтметром проверь просадку напряжения на шинах, при включении.

Такая же проблема,стоял на фактори,переключил на фактори +,и теперь бесконечно грузит

  • #10

Приветствую Ребята.
Появилась проблема с асиком innosilicon T2T.
Стоял на минималках все прекрасно работало, но как только запустил на максимальных и он тупо перестал работать. Крутится как на картинке и все. Больше не какой информации. Что можете порекомендовать? Сразу в сервис?

Такая же проблема. Появилась после проверки шлейфов.
в /error пишет

ErrNetwork 30 ошибка

  • #11

Здравствуйте Подскажите что может быть отказала 1 плата .

Вот логи

  • лог.txt

    35,3 КБ · Просмотры: 56

  • #13

Enter main… [Jun 11 2020 23:35:04]
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: conf parameter:-s 1
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: args[0]:
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: args[1]:-s
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: args[2]:1
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: opt = s
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: optarg = 1
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: optind = 3
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: arg[optind] = 1
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: Input test chain:0!
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: nums_arg:3
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: ******************************************
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: Name : Ax SW Pre-Fin Test
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: SVN Version : $Rev: 708 $
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: Release Version: V2.15.8
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: Version Func : Normal
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: ******************************************
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: max range: 0x2000.[soc_hub_hardware_init]
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: total: 3 dev will mmap.
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: mmap spi:phy:0x10000000 => vir:0xb6d3e000 size:0x10000 ok.
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: mmap vid_vid:phy:0x602f0000 => vir:0xb6d2e000 size:0x10000 ok.
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: mmap apb_sys:phy:0x60000000 => vir:0xb6d1e000 size:0x10000 ok.
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: total: 3 dev mmap done.
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: GPIO value: 7, Ctrl board/vid type: 3
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: final vid type: 3
Oct 16 22:48:04 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: iic power ID: 1
Oct 16 22:48:05 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]:
Chain numbers: 3
Oct 16 22:48:05 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: chain0: set spi speed 0
Oct 16 22:48:09 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: chain0: set power on vid: 5
Oct 16 22:48:09 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: chain0: set vid to 5
Oct 16 22:48:09 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: chain0: expect iic voltage is 15.00V
Oct 16 22:48:17 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:Check receive buffer ready timeout!
Oct 16 22:48:17 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:chain0: ERROR — failed to recv spi data cmd:0x400
Oct 16 22:48:17 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [WARNING]:chain0: RESET failed 1 times
Oct 16 22:48:17 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:Check receive buffer ready timeout!
Oct 16 22:48:17 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:chain0: ERROR — failed to recv spi data cmd:0x400
Oct 16 22:48:17 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:chain0: RESET failed 2 times
Oct 16 22:48:17 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:chain0: cann’t find right chip type!!!
Oct 16 22:48:17 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: chain0: Begin to Check …
Oct 16 22:48:17 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:Check receive buffer ready timeout!
Oct 16 22:48:17 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:chain0: ERROR — failed to recv spi data cmd:0x100
Oct 16 22:48:19 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:Check receive buffer ready timeout!
Oct 16 22:48:19 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:chain0: ERROR — failed to recv spi data cmd:0xb00
Oct 16 22:48:19 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:Check receive buffer ready timeout!
Oct 16 22:48:19 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:chain0: ERROR — failed to recv spi data cmd:0xa01
Oct 16 22:48:19 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [WARNING]:0A01 command Error!
Oct 16 22:48:20 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:Check receive buffer ready timeout!
Oct 16 22:48:20 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:chain0: ERROR — failed to recv spi data cmd:0x900
Oct 16 22:48:20 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:Check receive buffer ready timeout!
Oct 16 22:48:20 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:chain0: ERROR — failed to recv spi data cmd:0xd00
Oct 16 22:48:20 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:Write t/v sensor Value Failed!
Oct 16 22:48:21 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:Check receive buffer ready timeout!
Oct 16 22:48:21 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:chain0: ERROR — failed to recv spi data cmd:0xa01
Oct 16 22:48:21 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [WARNING]:0A01 command Error!
Oct 16 22:48:21 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:Check receive buffer ready timeout!
Oct 16 22:48:21 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:chain0: ERROR — failed to recv spi data cmd:0xa01
Oct 16 22:48:21 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [WARNING]:0A01 command Error!
Oct 16 22:48:21 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:Check receive buffer ready timeout!
Oct 16 22:48:21 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:chain0: ERROR — failed to recv spi data cmd:0xa01
Oct 16 22:48:21 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [WARNING]:0A01 command Error!
Oct 16 22:48:22 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:Check receive buffer ready timeout!
Oct 16 22:48:22 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:chain0: ERROR — failed to recv spi data cmd:0xa01
Oct 16 22:48:22 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [WARNING]:0A01 command Error!
Oct 16 22:48:22 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:Check receive buffer ready timeout!
Oct 16 22:48:22 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [ERROR]:chain0: ERROR — failed to recv spi data cmd:0xa01
Oct 16 22:48:22 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [WARNING]:0A01 command Error!
Oct 16 22:48:23 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: Miner: iic power back current: 195
Oct 16 22:48:23 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: Miner: iic power back vlotage: 1
Oct 16 22:48:23 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: Miner: iic power: 0.0W
Oct 16 22:48:23 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: chain0 power off
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: ———- Error ID description ———-
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: E0: Cannot find chip type, means the chain broken
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: E1: Chip good cores < 20%
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: E2: Board total good cores < 80%
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: E3: Chip soft bist job results are all wrong
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: E4: Board PLL unlock first chip number
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: E5: Chip Temperature = -9999 or 9999
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: E6: Chip Voltage exceed -10% ~ +10%
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: E7: PLL Configure Error
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: E8: Board soft bist job results total error > 10% (T1 : > 20%)
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: E9: Board total chip num is wrong
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: E10: Chip command return fail
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: E11: Cannot find correct freq or voltage(after fin)
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: E12: Chip command crc return error
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: E13: chips voltage wrong after pll
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: E14: Core Bist error
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: E15: Write cache error
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: E16: High speed DDR Training error
t 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: E17: Dag Preparation timeout
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: E18: Power Board error
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: E19: Low speed DDR Training error
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: ================ Chain0 Result ================
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [34B blob data]
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: [31B blob data]
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: ——————————————
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: Chain0 Result Summary
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: ——————————————
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]:
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]:
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: Test Failed!
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]:
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]:
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]:
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: ERROR type:
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: E0: 1
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]:
Oct 16 22:48:27 InnoMiner miner_test[8028]: ———TEST OVER!!!———-

Подскажите пожалуйста в чем дело))

как я понял Errorr type E0
Cannot find chip type, means the chain broken

Не удается найти тип чипа, значит, цепь оборвалась (гугл переводчик)

плата сгорела?

  • #14

Такая же проблема. Появилась после проверки шлейфов.
в /error пишет

ErrNetwork 30 ошибка

Ошибка 30 это невозможно подключиться к пулу, поменяй настройки пула должно заработать.

  • #15

Приветствую Ребята.
Появилась проблема с асиком innosilicon T2T.
Стоял на минималках все прекрасно работало, но как только запустил на максимальных и он тупо перестал работать. Крутится как на картинке и все. Больше не какой информации. Что можете порекомендовать? Сразу в сервис?

День добрый, удалось решить проблемму? В чем дело оказалосью Только что столкнулся с такой же. Работал на factory и все было ок, поставил performance и все зависло. Сбрасывал на заводские — не помогло. Пулы прописаны верно. Возврат обратно на factory уже ни к чему не приводит.

  • #16

Добрый день. При ремонте хеш-платы T2t заменили три чипа — 1,2 и 31. После замены выдаёт ERROR 34b blob data. Что это может быть? И как можно вылечить? Есть подозрение, что это ошибка прошивки и один из сипов ругается, что объём данных слишком большой… Кто-нибудь может что-то подсказать


  1. ERROR — failed to recv spi data DRAGONMINT T1 about cpuminer HOT 2 CLOSED
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  16. Recommend Org
  17. Facebook
  18. Microsoft
  19. Chain0 error failed to recv spi data
  20. t17 ошибка в логах
  21. Demiansikora
  22. Valwhatsminer
  23. Zoomy

ERROR — failed to recv spi data DRAGONMINT T1 about cpuminer HOT 2 CLOSED

hello friend from 2021. I hope you solved this problem, I have the same problem with these miners, if you find a solution please help me.

asddas80 commented on January 16, 2023

same problem . I don`t konw wath to do

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Chain0 error failed to recv spi data

is there any way to build it under uwp for win iot systems ?

Created at 3 years ago

I got the 0.8.1 tarball, extracted it, cd into the directory, and ran «CFLAGS=»-03 -Wall -msse2″ ./configure

checking for a BSD-compatible install. /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane. yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p. /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk. no
checking for mawk. mawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE). yes
checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles. no
checking for gcc. gcc
checking whether the C compiler works. yes
checking for C compiler default output file name. a.out
checking for suffix of executables.
checking whether we are cross compiling. no
checking for suffix of object files. o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler. yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g. yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89. none needed
checking for style of include used by make. GNU
checking dependency style of gcc. gcc3
checking how to run the C preprocessor. gcc -E
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e. /bin/grep
checking for egrep. /bin/grep -E
checking whether gcc needs -traditional. no
checking whether gcc and cc understand -c and -o together. yes
checking for ranlib. ranlib
checking for ANSI C header files. yes
checking for sys/types.h. yes
checking for sys/stat.h. yes
checking for stdlib.h. yes
checking for string.h. yes
checking for memory.h. yes
checking for strings.h. yes
checking for inttypes.h. yes
checking for stdint.h. yes
checking for unistd.h. yes
checking syslog.h usability. yes
checking syslog.h presence. yes
checking for syslog.h. yes
checking for working alloca.h. yes
checking for alloca. yes
checking for json_loads in -ljansson. no
checking for pthread_create in -lpthread. yes
checking for yasm. /usr/bin/yasm
checking if yasm version is greater than 1.0.1. yes
checking for pkg-config. /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0. yes
checking for gawk. (cached) mawk
checking for curl-config. no
checking whether libcurl is usable. no
configure: error: Missing required libcurl >= 7.10.1

/Downloads/cpuminer-0.8.1$ CFLAGE=»-03 -Wall -msse2″ ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install. /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane. yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p. /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk. no
checking for mawk. mawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE). yes
checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles. no
checking for gcc. gcc
checking whether the C compiler works. yes
checking for C compiler default output file name. a.out
checking for suffix of executables.
checking whether we are cross compiling. no
checking for suffix of object files. o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler. yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g. yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89. none needed
checking for style of include used by make. GNU
checking dependency style of gcc. gcc3
checking how to run the C preprocessor. gcc -E
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e. /bin/grep
checking for egrep. /bin/grep -E
checking whether gcc needs -traditional. no
checking whether gcc and cc understand -c and -o together. yes
checking for ranlib. ranlib
checking for ANSI C header files. yes
checking for sys/types.h. yes
checking for sys/stat.h. yes
checking for stdlib.h. yes
checking for string.h. yes
checking for memory.h. yes
checking for strings.h. yes
checking for inttypes.h. yes
checking for stdint.h. yes
checking for unistd.h. yes
checking syslog.h usability. yes
checking syslog.h presence. yes
checking for syslog.h. yes
checking for working alloca.h. yes
checking for alloca. yes
checking for json_loads in -ljansson. no
checking for pthread_create in -lpthread. yes
checking for yasm. /usr/bin/yasm
checking if yasm version is greater than 1.0.1. yes
checking for pkg-config. /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0. yes
checking for gawk. (cached) mawk
checking for curl-config. no
checking whether libcurl is usable. no
configure: error: Missing required libcurl >= 7.10.1

and then exits. I’m pretty sure that my computer has libcurl3 7.21.0 installed. I’m on Ubuntu 10.10, if it helps. Would appriciate any pointers you could give on how to get it working. Thanks!


t17 ошибка в логах



[2021/09/30 07:33:38] INFO: Checking fans
[2021/09/30 07:33:39] INFO: fan[0] — OK
[2021/09/30 07:33:39] INFO: fan[1] — OK
[2021/09/30 07:33:39] INFO: fan[2] — OK
[2021/09/30 07:33:39] INFO: fan[3] — OK
[2021/09/30 07:33:45] INFO: Power ON
[2021/09/30 07:33:47] INFO: Starting FPGA queue
[2021/09/30 07:33:47] INFO: Initializing hash boards
[2021/09/30 07:33:47] INFO: chain[2] — Initializing
[2021/09/30 07:33:47] INFO: chain[1] — Initializing
[2021/09/30 07:33:47] INFO: chain[0] — Initializing
[2021/09/30 07:33:50] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 1), resp: 0x02 0x02
[2021/09/30 07:33:51] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 2), resp: 0x01 0x01
[2021/09/30 07:33:54] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 3), resp: 0x89 0x89
[2021/09/30 07:33:55] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 1), resp: 0x2d 0x2d
[2021/09/30 07:33:55] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 2), resp: 0x2d 0x2d
[2021/09/30 07:33:56] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 3), resp: 0x2d 0x2d
[2021/09/30 07:33:57] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 1), resp: 0x2d 0x2d
[2021/09/30 07:33:59] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 2), resp: 0x85 0x85
[2021/09/30 07:34:01] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 3), resp: 0x31 0x31
[2021/09/30 07:34:01] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 1), resp: 0x31 0x31
[2021/09/30 07:34:02] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 2), resp: 0x31 0x31
[2021/09/30 07:34:02] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 3), resp: 0x31 0x31
[2021/09/30 07:34:04] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 1), resp: 0x31 0x31
[2021/09/30 07:34:06] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 2), resp: 0x01 0x01
[2021/09/30 07:34:07] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 3), resp: 0x01 0x01
[2021/09/30 07:34:08] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 1), resp: 0x01 0x01
[2021/09/30 07:34:08] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 2), resp: 0x01 0x01
[2021/09/30 07:34:09] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 3), resp: 0x01 0x01
[2021/09/30 07:34:09] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:465 chain[2] — Failed to init pic controller
[2021/09/30 07:34:09] INFO: chain[2] — Shutting down the chain
[2021/09/30 07:34:09] ERROR: driver-btm-base.c:356 chain[2] — Initialization failed

кто знает что происходит со вторым чайником



[2021/09/30 07:33:38] INFO: Checking fans
[2021/09/30 07:33:39] INFO: fan[0] — OK
[2021/09/30 07:33:39] INFO: fan[1] — OK
[2021/09/30 07:33:39] INFO: fan[2] — OK
[2021/09/30 07:33:39] INFO: fan[3] — OK
[2021/09/30 07:33:45] INFO: Power ON
[2021/09/30 07:33:47] INFO: Starting FPGA queue
[2021/09/30 07:33:47] INFO: Initializing hash boards
[2021/09/30 07:33:47] INFO: chain[2] — Initializing
[2021/09/30 07:33:47] INFO: chain[1] — Initializing
[2021/09/30 07:33:47] INFO: chain[0] — Initializing
[2021/09/30 07:33:50] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 1), resp: 0x02 0x02
[2021/09/30 07:33:51] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 2), resp: 0x01 0x01
[2021/09/30 07:33:54] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 3), resp: 0x89 0x89
[2021/09/30 07:33:55] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 1), resp: 0x2d 0x2d
[2021/09/30 07:33:55] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 2), resp: 0x2d 0x2d
[2021/09/30 07:33:56] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 3), resp: 0x2d 0x2d
[2021/09/30 07:33:57] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 1), resp: 0x2d 0x2d
[2021/09/30 07:33:59] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 2), resp: 0x85 0x85
[2021/09/30 07:34:01] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 3), resp: 0x31 0x31
[2021/09/30 07:34:01] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 1), resp: 0x31 0x31
[2021/09/30 07:34:02] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 2), resp: 0x31 0x31
[2021/09/30 07:34:02] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 3), resp: 0x31 0x31
[2021/09/30 07:34:04] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 1), resp: 0x31 0x31
[2021/09/30 07:34:06] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 2), resp: 0x01 0x01
[2021/09/30 07:34:07] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 3), resp: 0x01 0x01
[2021/09/30 07:34:08] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 1), resp: 0x01 0x01
[2021/09/30 07:34:08] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 2), resp: 0x01 0x01
[2021/09/30 07:34:09] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 3), resp: 0x01 0x01
[2021/09/30 07:34:09] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:465 chain[2] — Failed to init pic controller
[2021/09/30 07:34:09] INFO: chain[2] — Shutting down the chain
[2021/09/30 07:34:09] ERROR: driver-btm-base.c:356 chain[2] — Initialization failed

кто знает что происходит со вторым чайником


Свой человек

[2021/09/30 07:33:38] INFO: Checking fans
[2021/09/30 07:33:39] INFO: fan[0] — OK
[2021/09/30 07:33:39] INFO: fan[1] — OK
[2021/09/30 07:33:39] INFO: fan[2] — OK
[2021/09/30 07:33:39] INFO: fan[3] — OK
[2021/09/30 07:33:45] INFO: Power ON
[2021/09/30 07:33:47] INFO: Starting FPGA queue
[2021/09/30 07:33:47] INFO: Initializing hash boards
[2021/09/30 07:33:47] INFO: chain[2] — Initializing
[2021/09/30 07:33:47] INFO: chain[1] — Initializing
[2021/09/30 07:33:47] INFO: chain[0] — Initializing
[2021/09/30 07:33:50] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 1), resp: 0x02 0x02
[2021/09/30 07:33:51] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 2), resp: 0x01 0x01
[2021/09/30 07:33:54] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 3), resp: 0x89 0x89
[2021/09/30 07:33:55] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 1), resp: 0x2d 0x2d
[2021/09/30 07:33:55] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 2), resp: 0x2d 0x2d
[2021/09/30 07:33:56] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 3), resp: 0x2d 0x2d
[2021/09/30 07:33:57] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 1), resp: 0x2d 0x2d
[2021/09/30 07:33:59] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 2), resp: 0x85 0x85
[2021/09/30 07:34:01] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 3), resp: 0x31 0x31
[2021/09/30 07:34:01] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 1), resp: 0x31 0x31
[2021/09/30 07:34:02] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 2), resp: 0x31 0x31
[2021/09/30 07:34:02] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 3), resp: 0x31 0x31
[2021/09/30 07:34:04] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 1), resp: 0x31 0x31
[2021/09/30 07:34:06] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 2), resp: 0x01 0x01
[2021/09/30 07:34:07] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to reset pic (attempt = 3), resp: 0x01 0x01
[2021/09/30 07:34:08] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 1), resp: 0x01 0x01
[2021/09/30 07:34:08] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 2), resp: 0x01 0x01
[2021/09/30 07:34:09] WARN: chain[2] — Failed to start pic app (attempt = 3), resp: 0x01 0x01
[2021/09/30 07:34:09] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:465 chain[2] — Failed to init pic controller
[2021/09/30 07:34:09] INFO: chain[2] — Shutting down the chain
[2021/09/30 07:34:09] ERROR: driver-btm-base.c:356 chain[2] — Initialization failed

кто знает что происходит со вторым чайником


Any one know hot to solve the next dragonmint t1 failed:

the hash board was working well but today don’t work again, I tested that change cables, PSU.. and dont do that the hashboard mine again

Apr 01 18:55:43 dragonMint cgminer[1332]: chain0: spi speed set to 390K
Apr 01 18:55:43 dragonMint cgminer[1332]: ERROR — failed to recv spi data
Apr 01 18:55:43 dragonMint cgminer[1332]: failed to reset chain 0!
Apr 01 18:55:43 dragonMint cgminer[1332]: platform re-init: chain_num(3), chip_num(63)
Apr 01 18:55:43 dragonMint cgminer[1332]: sys : platform[4] miner_type[1] chain_num[3] chip_num[63]
Apr 01 18:55:44 dragonMint dm-monitor[1269]: [INFO:2019-04-01 18:55:44.204] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Apr 01 18:55:44 dragonMint dm-monitor[1269]: [INFO:2019-04-01 18:55:44.204] b9:0,a10:1,val:0x00000002
Apr 01 18:55:44 dragonMint dm-monitor[1269]: [INFO:2019-04-01 18:55:44.204] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Apr 01 18:55:44 dragonMint dm-monitor[1269]: [INFO:2019-04-01 18:55:44.204] b9:0,a10:1,val:0x00000002
Apr 01 18:55:44 dragonMint dm-monitor[1269]: [INFO:2019-04-01 18:55:44.204] zl uart vid
Apr 01 18:55:44 dragonMint dm-monitor[1269]: [INFO:2019-04-01 18:55:44.204] zl uart vid
Apr 01 18:55:44 dragonMint cgminer[1332]: init 0 T1 chain fail


Activity: 1

Merit: 0

hello friend from 2021. I hope you solved this problem, I have the same problem with these miners, if you find a solution please help me.


Activity: 3

Merit: 0

do you have it set on low efficiency setting or high turbo or balanced setting

try balanced setting if you have yet to try it.

yeah sucks I have tried that too looks like I am 2 boards down… What about a new controller ? or is it the hashboards not doing properly as in communicating with the controller?


Activity: 3122

Merit: 2174

Evil beware: We have waffles!

if I can’t remedize it will I have ti buy new hashboards?

Considering that Halong Mining, makers of the T1, are out of business good luck with that…


Activity: 3640

Merit: 5167

hi, I am getting this error now also tried all your steps… is this looking like a new hashboard or boards for me  in this case I assume ?

if I can’t remedize it will I have ti buy new hashboards?

do you have it set on low efficiency setting or high turbo or balanced setting

try balanced setting if you have yet to try it.


Activity: 3

Merit: 0

Jun 18 15:45:21 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: vid type detected: 0
Jun 18 15:45:21 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: fan speed set to 100
Jun 18 15:45:22 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: T1: checking T1 chain
Jun 18 15:45:22 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: chain0: spi speed set to 390K
Jun 18 15:45:22 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: 0: detected 63 chips
Jun 18 15:45:22 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: collect core success
Jun 18 15:45:22 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: chain1: spi speed set to 390K
Jun 18 15:45:22 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: ERROR - failed to recv spi data
Jun 18 15:45:22 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: failed to reset chain 1!
Jun 18 15:45:22 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: chain2: spi speed set to 390K
Jun 18 15:45:22 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: ERROR - failed to recv spi data
Jun 18 15:45:22 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: failed to reset chain 2!

Anyone have any ideas on this issue? The log comes from a T1 with only the left board hashing.

It’s exactly as you’ve said — the chain isn’t working. When the controller can no longer talk to the mining board, it has communication errors. The driver tries to reset the comms channel and then tries to re-init the board. If it doesn’t succeed it shuts down and tries restarting cgminer. If it can’t communicate with the board during the extensive init sequence on driver startup, the board will never come up.

hi, I am getting this error now also tried all your steps… is this looking like a new hashboard or boards for me  in this case I assume ?

if I can’t remedize it will I have ti buy new hashboards?


Activity: 14

Merit: 7

Oh no. Sorry to hear it didn’t work man.

I swapped the controller cable from a working T1 and the board is still dead. I’m starting to think it might just be a bad board.

Unfortunately I’ll probably just have to send it off for warranty work.

full member

Activity: 538

Merit: 172

tim-bc, when you staggered turning on the miners one at a time was it only on that circuit/pdu? I have other miners currently running on other circuits and I’m wondering if I need to pull everything and then power them on again one by one.

It seemed to help the first time that all of the dragonmint were restarted, I only lost 1 board. But, after the last time it happened I have done all the steps and I still have 6 boards lost Sad


Activity: 14

Merit: 7

I changed the performance back to «balanced» cause it’s obvious it doesn’t like the overclock, and I’m still getting the dead board unfortunately. I thought it may be a bad PSU so I swapped it out with a PSU (myRig) from one of my working T1’s and same thing, dead board. Updated to the latest firmware and same result.

Tomorrow I’m going to try swapping the cable from the controller to the board and try to rule that one out.


Activity: 3682

Merit: 1441

Ruu o/

Hey guys wondering if anyone has figured out a possible solution? I tried switching my T1’s to performance mode and I’m getting the «Error — failed to recv spi data» on two of my machines. On one all hash boards are down and on the other one board is down.

In performance mode you’re overclocking them. There is no guarantee that you’ll have enough power at that level, nor that the chains will be stable. You need extra power and aggressive cooling to make it likely to work, but even then it’s not guaranteed.


Activity: 14

Merit: 7

Hey guys wondering if anyone has figured out a possible solution? I tried switching my T1’s to performance mode and I’m getting the «Error — failed to recv spi data» on two of my machines. On one all hash boards are down and on the other one board is down.

tim-bc, when you staggered turning on the miners one at a time was it only on that circuit/pdu? I have other miners currently running on other circuits and I’m wondering if I need to pull everything and then power them on again one by one.

full member

Activity: 538

Merit: 172

Hey. Did you ever get all boards up and running again tim-bc?

I got most of the dead boards (10 out of 11) back again. But in my case, it seems like the issue was mostly due to them all booting at the exact same time.


Activity: 5

Merit: 0

Hey. Did you ever get all boards up and running again tim-bc?

I have the same error in the miner logs, T1 was delivered to me from Halong with one PCB inop so sent it off to MyRig for repair.

They returned it and it was still broken.

It lights up on startup, then the chain fails to come online, just as you mentioned. Tried changing the cable as philipma1957 mentioned, same board with the problem.

Will just have to send it off to MyRig again I guess — shame though at £20/time from the UK, for a miner that has never functioned since delivery from Halong!


full member

Activity: 538

Merit: 172

So I found that the issue with upgrading the firmware was with the network (I was already trying to apply from local), I could move the miners to another network and upgrade them just fine. But when doing so I noticed some boards were OK even without an upgrade. This made me read back to what you said about inrush of current.

I realized that instead of trying to turn all of the T1 back up at once by pdu/breaker, I should try staggering them instead, turning one on every 15-30 seconds. This was very effective and almost all of the miners are working well again. Thanks again for your help Con!


Activity: 3682

Merit: 1441

Ruu o/

full member

Activity: 538

Merit: 172

Also make sure you’re on the latest firmware

It does seem to help, I upgraded one and it went back from 1 board to 2. The only problem is that most of the miners get stuck around 30% when upgrading. Any idea why?


Activity: 3682

Merit: 1441

Ruu o/

Thank you for the extensive reply, Con. My only question is why would this issue start to occur after a reboot?

In my case I was watching about a dozen of the T1, all of them 16 TH for a couple weeks, until they were all rebooted (power off for 5-10 mins, then back on). After this, 4 miners came back up with only 1 board and there are 4 more that only have 2. Tried rebooting them all but exact same results.

I made sure to check pool stats to confirm the hashrate drop. Any idea why those faulty boards were still able to keep hashing until the miners were rebooted?

Inrush of current, thermal changes, hot vs cold, who knows. The 10nm chips are very fussy. Might be worth powering them down to let them cool and then start again. Also make sure you’re on the latest firmware; some earlier ones weren’t as reliable at starting them. They’re a royal pain in the arse to start reliably…

full member

Activity: 538

Merit: 172

Thank you for the extensive reply, Con. My only question is why would this issue start to occur after a reboot?

In my case I was watching about a dozen of the T1, all of them 16 TH for a couple weeks, until they were all rebooted (power off for 5-10 mins, then back on). After this, 4 miners came back up with only 1 board and there are 4 more that only have 2. Tried rebooting them all but exact same results.

I made sure to check pool stats to confirm the hashrate drop. Any idea why those faulty boards were still able to keep hashing until the miners were rebooted?


Activity: 3640

Merit: 5167

check cable connection from hash board to controller

you could swap a cable from a good board to see if the problem flows the cable or stays with the dead board.


Activity: 3682

Merit: 1441

Ruu o/

It’s exactly as you’ve said — the chain isn’t working. When the controller can no longer talk to the mining board, it has communication errors. The driver tries to reset the comms channel and then tries to re-init the board. If it doesn’t succeed it shuts down and tries restarting cgminer. If it can’t communicate with the board during the extensive init sequence on driver startup, the board will never come up.

full member

Activity: 538

Merit: 172

Jun 18 15:45:21 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: vid type detected: 0
Jun 18 15:45:21 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: fan speed set to 100
Jun 18 15:45:22 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: T1: checking T1 chain
Jun 18 15:45:22 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: chain0: spi speed set to 390K
Jun 18 15:45:22 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: 0: detected 63 chips
Jun 18 15:45:22 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: collect core success
Jun 18 15:45:22 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: chain1: spi speed set to 390K
Jun 18 15:45:22 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: ERROR - failed to recv spi data
Jun 18 15:45:22 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: failed to reset chain 1!
Jun 18 15:45:22 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: chain2: spi speed set to 390K
Jun 18 15:45:22 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: ERROR - failed to recv spi data
Jun 18 15:45:22 dragonMint cgminer[1339]: failed to reset chain 2!

Anyone have any ideas on this issue? The log comes from a T1 with only the left board hashing.

logs with just Prohashing specified:

Jun 25 12:28:23 dragonMint nginx[1298]: — — [25/Jun/2018:12:28:23 +0000] «POST /api/summary HTTP/1.1» 200 28 «» «Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.87 Safari/537.36»
Jun 25 12:28:23 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:23.856] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:28:23 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:23.856] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:28:23 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:23.856] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:28:23 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:23.856] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:28:23 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:23.856] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:28:23 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:23.856] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:28:25 dragonMint nginx[1298]: — — [25/Jun/2018:12:28:25 +0000] «POST /api/getHashRates HTTP/1.1» 200 237 «» «Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.87 Safari/537.36»
Jun 25 12:28:28 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:28.857] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:28:28 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:28.857] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:28:28 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:28.857] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:28:28 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:28.857] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:28:28 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:28.857] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:28:28 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:28.857] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:28:33 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:33.857] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:28:33 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:33.857] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:28:33 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:33.857] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:28:33 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:33.857] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:28:33 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:33.858] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:28:33 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:33.858] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:28:34 dragonMint nginx[1298]: — — [25/Jun/2018:12:28:34 +0000] «POST /api/summary HTTP/1.1» 200 28 «» «Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.87 Safari/537.36»
Jun 25 12:28:38 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:38.858] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:28:38 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:38.858] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:28:38 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:38.858] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:28:38 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:38.858] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:28:38 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:38.858] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:28:38 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:38.858] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint cgminer[1446]: No servers were found that could be used to get work from.
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint cgminer[1446]: Please check the details from the list below of the servers you have input
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint cgminer[1446]: Most likely you have input the wrong URL, forgotten to add a port, or have not set up workers
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint cgminer[1446]: [2018-06-25 12:27:43.413] Invalid config option —T1VID4: Value out of range
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint cgminer[1446]: [2018-06-25 12:27:43.413] Invalid config option —T1VID5: Value out of range
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint cgminer[1446]: [2018-06-25 12:27:43.414] Invalid config option —T1VID6: Value out of range
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint cgminer[1446]: [2018-06-25 12:27:43.414] Invalid config option —T1VID7: Value out of range
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint cgminer[1446]: [2018-06-25 12:27:43.414] Invalid config option —T1VID8: Value out of range
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint cgminer[1446]: Pool: 0 URL: stratum+tcp:// User: USERNAME Password: a=sha-256 n=327 w=1400 p=0.13
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint cgminer[1446]: No servers could be used! Exiting.
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint systemd[1]: cgminer.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint systemd[1]: cgminer.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 8.
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint systemd[1]: Stopped Cgminer.
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint systemd[1]: Starting Cgminer…
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint systemd[1]: Started Cgminer.
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint cgminer[1455]: [2018-06-25 12:28:43.663] Invalid config option —T1VID4: Value out of range
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint cgminer[1455]: [2018-06-25 12:28:43.663] Invalid config option —T1VID5: Value out of range
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint cgminer[1455]: [2018-06-25 12:28:43.663] Invalid config option —T1VID6: Value out of range
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint cgminer[1455]: [2018-06-25 12:28:43.663] Invalid config option —T1VID7: Value out of range
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint cgminer[1455]: [2018-06-25 12:28:43.663] Invalid config option —T1VID8: Value out of range
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint cgminer[1455]: Started cgminer 4.10.0
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint cgminer[1455]: Loaded configuration file /etc/cgminer.conf
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint cgminer[1455]: Error in configuration file, partially loaded.
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint cgminer[1455]: Probing for an alive pool
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:43.859] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:43.859] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:43.859] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:43.859] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:43.859] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:28:43 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:43.859] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:28:45 dragonMint nginx[1298]: — — [25/Jun/2018:12:28:45 +0000] «POST /api/summary HTTP/1.1» 200 28 «» «Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.87 Safari/537.36»
Jun 25 12:28:48 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:48.859] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:28:48 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:48.859] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:28:48 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:48.859] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:28:48 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:48.859] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:28:48 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:48.859] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:28:48 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:48.859] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:28:53 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:53.860] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:28:53 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:53.860] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:28:53 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:53.860] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:28:53 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:53.860] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:28:53 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:53.860] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:28:53 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:53.860] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:28:55 dragonMint nginx[1298]: — — [25/Jun/2018:12:28:55 +0000] «POST /api/getHashRates HTTP/1.1» 200 237 «» «Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.87 Safari/537.36»
Jun 25 12:28:56 dragonMint nginx[1298]: — — [25/Jun/2018:12:28:56 +0000] «POST /api/summary HTTP/1.1» 200 28 «» «Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.87 Safari/537.36»
Jun 25 12:28:58 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:58.861] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:28:58 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:58.861] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:28:58 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:58.861] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:28:58 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:58.861] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:28:58 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:58.861] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:28:58 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:28:58.861] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:29:03 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:03.861] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:29:03 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:03.861] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:29:03 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:03.861] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:29:03 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:03.861] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:29:03 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:03.861] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:29:03 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:03.861] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:29:06 dragonMint nginx[1298]: — — [25/Jun/2018:12:29:06 +0000] «POST /api/summary HTTP/1.1» 200 28 «» «Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.87 Safari/537.36»
Jun 25 12:29:08 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:08.862] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:29:08 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:08.862] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:29:08 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:08.862] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:29:08 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:08.862] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:29:08 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:08.862] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:29:08 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:08.862] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:29:13 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:13.863] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:29:13 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:13.863] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:29:13 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:13.863] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:29:13 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:13.863] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:29:13 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:13.863] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:29:13 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:13.863] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:29:17 dragonMint nginx[1298]: — — [25/Jun/2018:12:29:17 +0000] «POST /api/summary HTTP/1.1» 200 28 «» «Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.87 Safari/537.36»
Jun 25 12:29:18 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:18.863] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:29:18 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:18.863] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:29:18 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:18.863] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:29:18 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:18.863] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:29:18 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:18.863] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:29:18 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:18.863] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:29:23 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:23.864] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:29:23 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:23.864] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:29:23 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:23.864] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:29:23 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:23.864] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:29:23 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:23.864] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:29:23 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:23.864] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:29:25 dragonMint nginx[1298]: — — [25/Jun/2018:12:29:25 +0000] «POST /api/getHashRates HTTP/1.1» 200 237 «» «Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.87 Safari/537.36»
Jun 25 12:29:27 dragonMint nginx[1298]: — — [25/Jun/2018:12:29:27 +0000] «POST /api/summary HTTP/1.1» 200 28 «» «Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.87 Safari/537.36»
Jun 25 12:29:28 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:28.864] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:29:28 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:28.865] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:29:28 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:28.864] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:29:28 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:28.865] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:29:28 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:28.865] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:29:28 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:28.865] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:29:33 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:33.865] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:29:33 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:33.865] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:29:33 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:33.865] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:29:33 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:33.865] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:29:33 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:33.865] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:29:33 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:33.865] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:29:38 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:38.866] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:29:38 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:38.866] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:29:38 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:38.866] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Jun 25 12:29:38 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:38.866] b9:1,a10:1,val:0x00000003
Jun 25 12:29:38 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:38.866] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:29:38 dragonMint dm-monitor[1272]: [INFO:2018-06-25 12:29:38.866] cow vid vid
Jun 25 12:29:43 dragonMint systemd-timesyncd[1267]: Network configuration changed, trying to establish connection.
Jun 25 12:29:43 dragonMint systemd-timesyncd[1267]: Synchronized to time server (
Jun 25 12:29:43 dragonMint cgminer[1455]: No servers were found that could be used to get work from.
Jun 25 12:29:43 dragonMint cgminer[1455]: Please check the details from the list below of the servers you have input
Jun 25 12:29:43 dragonMint cgminer[1455]: Most likely you have input the wrong URL, forgotten to add a port, or have not set up workers
Jun 25 12:29:43 dragonMint cgminer[1455]: [2018-06-25 12:28:43.663] Invalid config option —T1VID4: Value out of range
Jun 25 12:29:43 dragonMint cgminer[1455]: [2018-06-25 12:28:43.663] Invalid config option —T1VID5: Value out of range
Jun 25 12:29:43 dragonMint cgminer[1455]: [2018-06-25 12:28:43.663] Invalid config option —T1VID6: Value out of range
Jun 25 12:29:43 dragonMint cgminer[1455]: [2018-06-25 12:28:43.663] Invalid config option —T1VID7: Value out of range
Jun 25 12:29:43 dragonMint cgminer[1455]: [2018-06-25 12:28:43.663] Invalid config option —T1VID8: Value out of range
Jun 25 12:29:43 dragonMint cgminer[1455]: Pool: 0 URL: stratum+tcp:// User: USERNAME Password: a=sha-256 n=327 w=1400 p=0.13
Jun 25 12:29:43 dragonMint cgminer[1455]: No servers could be used! Exiting.
Jun 25 12:29:43 dragonMint systemd[1]: cgminer.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
Jun 25 12:29:43 dragonMint systemd[1]: cgminer.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 9.
Jun 25 12:29:43 dragonMint systemd[1]: Stopped Cgminer.

I just edited out my correct username for privacy reasons :)


Any one know hot to solve the next dragonmint t1 failed:

the hash board was working well but today don’t work again, I tested that change cables, PSU.. and dont do that the hashboard mine again

Apr 01 18:55:43 dragonMint cgminer[1332]: chain0: spi speed set to 390K
Apr 01 18:55:43 dragonMint cgminer[1332]: ERROR — failed to recv spi data
Apr 01 18:55:43 dragonMint cgminer[1332]: failed to reset chain 0!
Apr 01 18:55:43 dragonMint cgminer[1332]: platform re-init: chain_num(3), chip_num(63)
Apr 01 18:55:43 dragonMint cgminer[1332]: sys : platform[4] miner_type[1] chain_num[3] chip_num[63]
Apr 01 18:55:44 dragonMint dm-monitor[1269]: [INFO:2019-04-01 18:55:44.204] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Apr 01 18:55:44 dragonMint dm-monitor[1269]: [INFO:2019-04-01 18:55:44.204] b9:0,a10:1,val:0x00000002
Apr 01 18:55:44 dragonMint dm-monitor[1269]: [INFO:2019-04-01 18:55:44.204] b9 pin:957,a10 pin:943
Apr 01 18:55:44 dragonMint dm-monitor[1269]: [INFO:2019-04-01 18:55:44.204] b9:0,a10:1,val:0x00000002
Apr 01 18:55:44 dragonMint dm-monitor[1269]: [INFO:2019-04-01 18:55:44.204] zl uart vid
Apr 01 18:55:44 dragonMint dm-monitor[1269]: [INFO:2019-04-01 18:55:44.204] zl uart vid
Apr 01 18:55:44 dragonMint cgminer[1332]: init 0 T1 chain fail



Quick question: some of your source files include GPL headers with the «…version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version» language, and some source files don’t contain any headers at all. The only says «GPLv2.»

Could you please clarify if all of cpuminer is licensed under GPLv2 or later? Or just the specifically marked files?

Many thanks!


is there any way to build it under uwp for win iot systems ?


I got the 0.8.1 tarball, extracted it, cd into the directory, and ran «CFLAGS=»-03 -Wall -msse2″ ./configure

It echos:

checking for a BSD-compatible install… /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane… yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p… /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk… no
checking for mawk… mawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)… yes
checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles… no
checking for gcc… gcc
checking whether the C compiler works… yes
checking for C compiler default output file name… a.out
checking for suffix of executables…
checking whether we are cross compiling… no
checking for suffix of object files… o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler… yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g… yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89… none needed
checking for style of include used by make… GNU
checking dependency style of gcc… gcc3
checking how to run the C preprocessor… gcc -E
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e… /bin/grep
checking for egrep… /bin/grep -E
checking whether gcc needs -traditional… no
checking whether gcc and cc understand -c and -o together… yes
checking for ranlib… ranlib
checking for ANSI C header files… yes
checking for sys/types.h… yes
checking for sys/stat.h… yes
checking for stdlib.h… yes
checking for string.h… yes
checking for memory.h… yes
checking for strings.h… yes
checking for inttypes.h… yes
checking for stdint.h… yes
checking for unistd.h… yes
checking syslog.h usability… yes
checking syslog.h presence… yes
checking for syslog.h… yes
checking for working alloca.h… yes
checking for alloca… yes
checking for json_loads in -ljansson… no
checking for pthread_create in -lpthread… yes
checking for yasm… /usr/bin/yasm
checking if yasm version is greater than 1.0.1… yes
checking for pkg-config… /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0… yes
checking for gawk… (cached) mawk
checking for curl-config… no
checking whether libcurl is usable… no
configure: error: Missing required libcurl >= 7.10.1
it@ubuntu:~/Downloads/cpuminer-0.8.1$ CFLAGE=»-03 -Wall -msse2″ ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install… /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane… yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p… /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk… no
checking for mawk… mawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)… yes
checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles… no
checking for gcc… gcc
checking whether the C compiler works… yes
checking for C compiler default output file name… a.out
checking for suffix of executables…
checking whether we are cross compiling… no
checking for suffix of object files… o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler… yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g… yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89… none needed
checking for style of include used by make… GNU
checking dependency style of gcc… gcc3
checking how to run the C preprocessor… gcc -E
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e… /bin/grep
checking for egrep… /bin/grep -E
checking whether gcc needs -traditional… no
checking whether gcc and cc understand -c and -o together… yes
checking for ranlib… ranlib
checking for ANSI C header files… yes
checking for sys/types.h… yes
checking for sys/stat.h… yes
checking for stdlib.h… yes
checking for string.h… yes
checking for memory.h… yes
checking for strings.h… yes
checking for inttypes.h… yes
checking for stdint.h… yes
checking for unistd.h… yes
checking syslog.h usability… yes
checking syslog.h presence… yes
checking for syslog.h… yes
checking for working alloca.h… yes
checking for alloca… yes
checking for json_loads in -ljansson… no
checking for pthread_create in -lpthread… yes
checking for yasm… /usr/bin/yasm
checking if yasm version is greater than 1.0.1… yes
checking for pkg-config… /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0… yes
checking for gawk… (cached) mawk
checking for curl-config… no
checking whether libcurl is usable… no
configure: error: Missing required libcurl >= 7.10.1

and then exits. I’m pretty sure that my computer has libcurl3 7.21.0 installed. I’m on Ubuntu 10.10, if it helps. Would appriciate any pointers you could give on how to get it working. Thanks!



I need to use cpuminer for scrypt algorithem. Have any way to do that

Thank you



configure: error: Could not find pthread library — please install libpthread

locate libpthread



I try to mine litecoin on wallet . I created litecoin.conf file

on cgminer 3.7.2 I create .bat file
cgminer —scrypt —url= —userpass=aksharmty.1:1 -D —intensity=10

system show error like this :
[2018-04-11 13:00:30] Started cgminer 3.7.2
[2018-04-11 13:00:30] Platform 0 devices: 1
[2018-04-11 13:00:30] 0 GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
[2018-04-11 13:00:30] Unable to load ati adl library
[2018-04-11 13:00:30] Probing for an alive pool
[2018-04-11 13:00:30] Popping work to stage thread
[2018-04-11 13:00:30] Testing pool
[2018-04-11 13:00:30] Probing for GBT support
[2018-04-11 13:00:30] No GBT coinbase + append support found, using getwork protocol
[2018-04-11 13:00:30] HTTP request failed: The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
[2018-04-11 13:00:30] Succeeded delayed connect
[2018-04-11 13:00:30] JSON decode failed(1): ‘[‘ or ‘{‘ expected near ‘HTTP’
[2018-04-11 13:00:30] Failed to resume stratum, trying afresh
[2018-04-11 13:00:30] Succeeded delayed connect
[2018-04-11 13:00:30] JSON decode failed(1): ‘[‘ or ‘{‘ expected near ‘HTTP’
[2018-04-11 13:00:30] Initiate stratum failed
[2018-04-11 13:00:30] Closing socket for stratum pool 0
[2018-04-11 13:00:30] FAILED to retrieve work from pool 0
[2018-04-11 13:00:30] Pool 0 slow/down or URL or credentials invalid

please write what is wrong in my litecoin.conf or .bat file.


on mac
$ ./ installing ‘./compile’ installing ‘./config.guess’ installing ‘./config.sub’ installing ‘./install-sh’ installing ‘./missing’ warning: ‘INCLUDES’ is the old name for ‘AM_CPPFLAGS’ (or ‘*_CPPFLAGS’) installing ‘./INSTALL’ installing ‘./depcomp’ error: possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_ERROR
If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow.
See the Autoconf documentation.


Is it possible to confirm or mine custom transaction id? If it can be done it will be very good i think. For example:

$ mineCustomTx [transaction id]
mining this transaction id: [txid]
confirmation success

I hope explained my request. Thanks..


Prompt a command for python for adding a pool on api.

All attempts are unsuccessful

{u’STATUS’: [{u’STATUS’: u’E’, u’Msg’: u’Missing addpool details’, u’Code’: 52, u’When’: 1513160307, u’Description’: u’cgminer 3.6.6′}], u’id’: 1}


System notes:

Hostname | OpenWrt
Model | Raspberry Pi Model B Plus Rev 1.2
Firmware Version | OpenWrt Designated Driver r49390 / LuCI Branch (git-16.132.13167-ba1ef5b)
Kernel Version | 4.4.7

Note that /usr/bin/cgminer-monitor in crontab is disabled for testing purposes.

Either via gui or via ssh running: cgminer --avalon4-fan 40-100 --avalon4-freq 200 -o stratum+tcp:// -O <address>:<pass> -o stratum+tcp:// -O <address>:<pass> -o stratum+tcp:// -O <address>:<pass> --api-allow W: --api-listen … and / or … cgminer --avalon4-fan 40-100 --avalon4-freq-max 200. In both cases the machine will start out around 2.0 TH/s. Within about one hour, however, the machine will slow increase in frequency until it is running at 3.0-3.5 TH/s. Even setting it at freq=100 or freq-max=100 incurs the same behavior.

Update: The solution may be adding the parameters PoolBalance:Load-Balance and --rotate 5. This is stable for at least a few hours now.



How set up I username and password of the proxy?

I write this statement:

cgminer -o «http:proxy:port|stratum+tcp://» -u worker1 -p xxxxx —au3-freq 250 —au3-volt 800

I receive http error 403

kind regards



How set up I username and password of the proxy?

I write this statement:

cgminer -o «http:proxy:port|stratum+tcp://» -u worker1 -p xxxxx —au3-freq 250 —au3-volt 800

I receive http error 403

kind regards




Is it possible to include support in cpuminer for configuring multiple source pools in either a fail-over or load-balance manner. I find that my instances of cpuminer fairly regularly loose the stratum connection and then halts hashing until the connection can be re-established.



If I use
./minerd -o stratum+tcp:// —user USER —pass PASS
it throws out :

Try `minerd —help’ for more information.

And If use
./minerd -o stratum+tcp:/ —user USER —pass PASS
./minerd -o —user USER —pass PASS
It starts fine but the url is now incorrect and it cannot connect


Does cpuminer not work with Bitcoin Core 0.10.0?

«—url», which works with BFGminer, produces a 404 error with cpuminer.


I clicked on the link in this repository’s subtitle, and Google Chrome warned that the domain name is associated with harmful software.

I haven’t bothered checking out the link, but it sounds like something is wrong somewhere.


Статус: Активный участник

Группы: Участники

Зарегистрирован: 19.05.2015(UTC)
Сообщений: 41
Российская Федерация

Сказала «Спасибо»: 4 раз

Добрый день!

Налаживаем взаимодействие с сервером ФинЦЕРТ по HTTPS(TLS) на КриптоПро JCP (2.0.38) (версия Java 1.7.45)
Все необходимые сертификаты загружены в хранилище КриптоПро и, судя по логу, они подтягиваются.

Получаю такую ошибку. Подскажите, пожалуйста, в чем может быть дело?
Ниже полный лог.


май 20, 2019 6:42:01 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.g a
%% adding as trusted certificates %%
  Subject:, C=RU, ST=77 г. Москва, L=Москва, STREET="ул. Неглинная, д.12", O=БАНК РОССИИ, OID.1.2.643.100.1=#120D31303337373030303133303230, OID.1.2.643., INITIALS=00000
  Serial number: e1036e1b07e0e880e8110ad2ef554b68
  Valid from Wed Oct 17 15:34:39 MSK 2018 until Thu Oct 17 15:44:39 MSK 2019
  Subject: CN="ЗАО "Национальный удостоверяющий центр"", O="ЗАО "Национальный удостоверяющий центр"", STREET="ул. Авиамоторная, д. 8А, стр. 5", L=Москва, ST=77 Москва, C=RU, OID.1.2.643., OID.1.2.643.100.1=#120D31313237373436303336343934
  Serial number: 216ad4950000000001b1
  Valid from Thu Oct 26 18:35:57 MSK 2017 until Mon Oct 26 18:35:57 MSK 2026
  Subject:, C=RU, ST=77 г. Москва, L=Москва, STREET="ул. Неглинная, дом 12", O=БАНК РОССИИ, OID.1.2.643.100.1=#120D31303337373030303133303230, OID.1.2.643., INITIALS=00000
  Serial number: e1036e1b07e0e680e811f9a1b2fa244a
  Valid from Fri Aug 17 11:31:16 MSK 2018 until Sat Aug 17 11:41:16 MSK 2019
  Subject:, C=RU, ST=77 г. Москва, L=Москва, STREET="ул. Неглинная, д.12", O=БАНК РОССИИ, OID.1.2.643.100.1=#120D31303337373030303133303230, OID.1.2.643., INITIALS=00000
  Serial number: e1036e1b07e0e880e81109d257a95299
  Valid from Wed Oct 17 15:28:59 MSK 2018 until Thu Oct 17 15:38:59 MSK 2019
  Subject:, C=RU, ST=77 г. Москва, L=Москва, STREET="ул. Неглинная, д.12", O=БАНК РОССИИ, OID.1.2.643.100.1=#120D31303337373030303133303230, OID.1.2.643., INITIALS=00000
  Serial number: e1036e1b07e0e880e81109d2247650ec
  Valid from Wed Oct 17 15:31:11 MSK 2018 until Thu Oct 17 15:41:11 MSK 2019
  Subject: CN=Головной удостоверяющий центр, OID.1.2.643., OID.1.2.643.100.1=#120D31303437373032303236373031, O=Минкомсвязь России, STREET="125375 г. Москва, ул. Тверская, д. 7", L=Москва, ST=77 г. Москва, C=RU,
  Serial number: 34681e40cb41ef33a9a0b7c876929a29
  Valid from Fri Jul 20 16:31:14 MSK 2012 until Sat Jul 17 15:31:14 MSK 2027
  Subject:, C=RU, ST=77 г. Москва, L=Москва, STREET="ул. Неглинная, дом 12", O=БАНК РОССИИ, OID.1.2.643.100.1=#120D31303337373030303133303230, OID.1.2.643., INITIALS=00000
  Serial number: e1036e1b07e0e680e811f9a10251d197
  Valid from Fri Aug 17 11:33:21 MSK 2018 until Sat Aug 17 11:43:21 MSK 2019
май 20, 2019 6:42:01 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.SSLContextImpl engineInit
FINE: SSLContext engineInit
май 20, 2019 6:42:01 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.A run
FINE: Applet launched: false
май 20, 2019 6:42:01 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.SSLContextImpl d
INFO: keyStore is : 
май 20, 2019 6:42:01 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.SSLContextImpl d
INFO: keyStore type is : 
май 20, 2019 6:42:01 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.SSLContextImpl d
INFO: keyStore provider is : 
май 20, 2019 6:42:01 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.SSLContextImpl d
INFO: init key store
май 20, 2019 6:42:01 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.SSLContextImpl d
INFO: defaultStoreProvider = 
май 20, 2019 6:42:01 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.SSLContextImpl d
май 20, 2019 6:42:01 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.SSLContextImpl d
INFO: init key manager of type SunX509
май 20, 2019 6:42:01 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.f a
FINE: Allow unsafe renegotiation: false
Allow legacy hello messages: false
Is initial handshake: true
Is secure renegotiation: false
май 20, 2019 6:42:01 PM r
FINE: %% No cached client session
май 20, 2019 6:42:01 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.f q
FINE: %% ClientHello, TLSv1; Cipher Suites: [TLS_CIPHER_2012, TLS_CIPHER_2001, SSL3_CK_GVO_KB2]; Compression Methods: 0; Extensions: Extension ext_hash_and_mac_alg_select, ext_hash_and_mac_alg_select: [48, 32, 48, 30, 48, 8, 6, 6, 42, -123, 3, 2, 2, 9, 48, 8, 6, 6, 42, -123, 3, 2, 2, 22, 48, 8, 6, 6, 42, -123, 3, 2, 2, 23], Extension renegotiation_info, renegotiated_connection: <empty>;
май 20, 2019 6:42:01 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.f q
FINE: ServerHello sessionId: {123, 251, 54, 231, 126, 42, 4, 25, 217, 250, 30, 164, 134, 89, 222, 240, 61, 139, 170, 115, 83, 12, 186, 50, 200, 102, 114, 85, 27, 231, 203, 216}
май 20, 2019 6:42:01 PM <init>
FINE: %% ServerHello, TLSv1; Cipher Suite: TLS_CIPHER_2001; Compression Method: 0; Extensions: Extension renegotiation_info, renegotiated_connection: <empty>;
май 20, 2019 6:42:01 PM a
FINE: handshakeDigest :51e52bfd
май 20, 2019 6:42:01 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.f a
FINE: ** New session TLS_CIPHER_2001
май 20, 2019 6:42:01 PM a
FINE: %% Certificate message:
  Subject:, C=RU, ST=77 г. Москва, L=Москва, STREET="ул. Неглинная, дом 12", O=БАНК РОССИИ, OID.1.2.643.100.1=#120D31303337373030303133303230, OID.1.2.643., INITIALS=00000
  Valid from Fri Aug 17 11:37:39 MSK 2018 until Sat Aug 17 11:47:39 MSK 2019
  Subject: CN="ЗАО "Национальный удостоверяющий центр"", O="ЗАО "Национальный удостоверяющий центр"", STREET="ул. Авиамоторная, д. 8А, стр. 5", L=Москва, ST=77 Москва, C=RU, OID.1.2.643., OID.1.2.643.100.1=#120D31313237373436303336343934
  Valid from Thu Oct 26 18:35:57 MSK 2017 until Mon Oct 26 18:35:57 MSK 2026
  Subject: CN=Головной удостоверяющий центр, OID.1.2.643., OID.1.2.643.100.1=#120D31303437373032303236373031, O=Минкомсвязь России, STREET="125375 г. Москва, ул. Тверская, д. 7", L=Москва, ST=77 г. Москва, C=RU,
  Valid from Fri Jul 20 16:31:14 MSK 2012 until Sat Jul 17 15:31:14 MSK 2027
май 20, 2019 6:42:01 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.w a
FINE: [PKIX] Signature provider: JCP
май 20, 2019 6:42:01 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.w a
FINE: [PKIX] Set some additional (intermediate) certificates
май 20, 2019 6:42:01 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.w a
FINE: [PKIX] parameters:
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.w a
FINE: [PKIX] Certificate chain was built (length: 3).
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.w a
FINE: [PKIX] Offline verification is disabled. CRL timer is turned OFF.
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.ab <init>
FINE: Given authorities list's size: 0 element(s)
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM a
FINE: %% CertificateRequest
Cert Authorities:
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM a
FINE: %% ServerHelloDone (empty)
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM a
FINE: Certificate request is received.
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.f a
FINE: Add certificate algorithm: GOST3410EL [priority: 2]
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM a
FINE: Find client container with type: GOST3410EL
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.r a
FINE: %% getting aliases for Client
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.r a
WARNING: %% No alias is match
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM a
FINE: Found containers: 0
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM a
FINE: Find any client container with type: GOST3410EL
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.r a
FINE: %% getting aliases for Client
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.r a
WARNING: %% No alias is match
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.r a
FINE: Select any private key for signature. Found containers: 0
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM a
FINE: %% Certificate message:
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM d
FINE: Ephemeral key generator: GOST3410DHELEPH, Crypto
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM a
FINE: %% ClientKeyExchange...
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.f a
FINE: clntEncIV:B0 86 E5 09 63 2E B2 E3
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.f a
FINE: svrEncIV:8F 55 B3 12 C2 89 F7 FE
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM b
FINE: %% Finished.
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM ru.CryptoPro.ssl.f a
FINE: ChangeCipherSpec %% Finished.
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM a
FINE: THROW Software caused connection abort: recv failed
	at Method)
	at ru.CryptoPro.ssl.v.a(Unknown Source)
	at ru.CryptoPro.ssl.v.a(Unknown Source)
	at Source)
	at Source)
	at ru.CryptoPro.ssl.t.flush(Unknown Source)
	at ru.CryptoPro.ssl.f.a(Unknown Source)
	at Source)
	at Source)
	at Source)
	at ru.CryptoPro.ssl.f.o(Unknown Source)
	at ru.CryptoPro.ssl.f.a(Unknown Source)
	at Source)
	at Source)
	at Source)
	at ru.prbank.crypto.PbCryptoProLogicInternal.connectHTTPS(
	at ru.prbank.crypto.Tester.main(
май 20, 2019 6:42:02 PM a
FINE: main, SEND TLSv1 ALERT:  fatal, description = UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE
ru.prbank.exception.CryptoProException: Software caused connection abort: recv failed : Ошибка отправки запроса к Software caused connection abort: recv failed
	at ru.prbank.crypto.PbCryptoProLogicInternal.connectHTTPS(
	at ru.prbank.crypto.Tester.main(
Caused by: Software caused connection abort: recv failed
	at Method)
	at ru.CryptoPro.ssl.v.a(Unknown Source)
	at ru.CryptoPro.ssl.v.a(Unknown Source)
	at Source)
	at Source)
	at ru.CryptoPro.ssl.t.flush(Unknown Source)
	at ru.CryptoPro.ssl.f.a(Unknown Source)
	at Source)
	at Source)
	at Source)
	at ru.CryptoPro.ssl.f.o(Unknown Source)
	at ru.CryptoPro.ssl.f.a(Unknown Source)
	at Source)
	at Source)
	at Source)
	at ru.prbank.crypto.PbCryptoProLogicInternal.connectHTTPS(

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