Помогите МСР 1.7.10 декомп. (Copying library jinput… Error copying library net.java.jinput:jinput:2.0.5)
Тема в разделе «[Архив] Помощь», создана пользователем FANtikoFF, 29 июн 2014.
Looking in C:Users├ы√ЄртшўAppDataRoaming.minecraftversions for mc installs… OK
Copying assets… OK
Parsing JSON file… OK
Looking for minecraft main jar… OK
> Checking libraries…
Copying library jinput… Error copying library net.java.jinput:jinput:2.0.5
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- MCP error: «scalac» is not found on the PATH. Scala files will not be recompiled. Please help!
- MCP — Decompile Error | Minecraft 1.8.8
- Pokechu22 / Setting up MCP without a full MCP release.md
Minecraft Forums
MCP error: «scalac» is not found on the PATH. Scala files will not be recompiled. Please help!
- li» data-page-inline=»False» data-scroll-inline=»False»>
- Tree Puncher
- Join Date: 10/7/2015
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Hello, So I tried to mod minecraft and such things, and when I try to decompile the MCP folder I keep getting this error:
I’ve tried to watch many tutorials and find different threads but I can’t find one to solve this. Please help?
- Ghast Hunter
- Join Date: 8/24/2012
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Read what it says, then read it again, then try to understand what it says.
Hint, your problem is not that.
- Coal Miner
- Join Date: 6/13/2014
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- Minecraft: Z_King1000
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Think its trying to use the scala compiler. I think the PATH is some windows jargon. I found this: http://www.scala-lang.org/old/node/330.html
- Tree Puncher
- Join Date: 10/7/2015
- Posts: 13
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Nah I sovled it, Thanks anyways!
I found out I just needed to add my .minecraft libaries into the client folder :P.
- Coal Miner
- Join Date: 6/13/2014
- Posts: 191
- Minecraft: Z_King1000
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Do you mean .minecraftlibraries ? I don’t see how that would fix it. What was you’re logic behind that?
- Blaze Extinguisher
- Join Date: 1/2/2013
- Posts: 4,899
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The missing Scala compiler isn’t an error (assuming you’re not using Scala), just a warning.
The actual error was that MCP couldn’t copy the jinput library, though it doesn’t say why in the log posted by the OP.
Chisel Facades: For all your decorative pipe-hiding needs.
Please don’t PM me to ask for help or to join your mod development team. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future. I’m not interested in developing mods with people.
MCP — Decompile Error | Minecraft 1.8.8
Hey guys how i can fix this error?
Java JDK Installed: Java SE Development Kit 15.0.1
Error log:
== MCP 9.18 (data: 9.18, client: 1.8.8, server: 1.8.8) ==
«scalac» is not found on the PATH. Scala files will not be recompiled
# found ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, param csvs, astyle, astyle config, rg, ss
Looking in C:UsersbirdAppDataRoaming.minecraftversions for mc installs. OK
Copying assets. OK
Parsing JSON file. OK
Looking for minecraft main jar. Not found
Copying minecraft main jar. OK
> Checking libraries.
Copying library jinput. OK
Copying library lwjgl-platform. OK
Copying library icu4j-core-mojang. OK
Copying library twitch-external-platform. OK
Copying library httpcore. OK
Copying library log4j-api. OK
Copying library commons-lang3. OK
Copying library jna. OK
Copying library libraryjavasound. OK
Copying library jopt-simple. OK
Copying library guava. OK
Copying library oshi-core. OK
Copying library httpclient. OK
Copying library commons-compress. OK
Copying library platform. OK
Copying library codecjorbis. OK
Copying library soundsystem. OK
Copying library librarylwjglopenal. OK
Copying library lwjgl_util. OK
Copying library commons-codec. OK
Copying library jutils. OK
Copying library commons-logging. OK
Copying library lwjgl. OK
Copying library commons-io. OK
Copying library realms. OK
Copying library authlib. OK
Copying library gson. OK
Copying library netty. OK
Copying library twitch. OK
Copying library codecwav. OK
Copying library twitch-platform. OK
Copying library jinput-platform. OK
Copying library log4j-core. OK
Copying library netty-all. OK
> Checking Natives.
Extracting native avutil-ttv-51.dll. OK
Extracting native lwjgl.dll. OK
Extracting native OpenAL32.dll. OK
Extracting native jinput-dx8_64.dll. OK
Extracting native libmfxsw64.dll. OK
Extracting native jinput-wintab.dll. OK
Extracting native twitchsdk.dll. OK
Extracting native jinput-dx8.dll. OK
Extracting native libmp3lame-ttv.dll. OK
Extracting native jinput-raw.dll. OK
Extracting native OpenAL64.dll. OK
Extracting native jinput-raw_64.dll. OK
Extracting native swresample-ttv-0.dll. OK
Extracting native lwjgl64.dll. OK
== Decompiling client using fernflower ==
> Creating SRGs
> Applying SpecialSource
> Applying MCInjector
> Creating renamed srg
> Filtering classes
> Decompiling
> Unpacking jar
> Copying sources
> Applying fernflower fixes
> Applying patches
‘runtimebinapplydiff.exe -p1 -u -i ….temptemp.patch -d srcminecraft’ failed : 1
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED — saving rejects to file ‘netminecraftutilCartesian.jav#’
> Cleaning comments
— Done in 108.28 seconds
== Reformating client ==
> Cleaning sources
> Replacing OpenGL constants
> Reformating sources
— Done in 23.23 seconds
== Updating client ==
> Adding javadoc
> Renaming sources
— Done in 24.91 seconds
!! Missing server jar file. Aborting !!
== Recompiling client ==
> Cleaning bin
> Recompiling
‘»javac» -Xlint:-options -deprecation -g -source 1.6 -target 1.6 -classpath «jarsversions1.;lib;lib*;jarslibr ariesnetjavajinputjinput2.0.5jinput-2.0.5.jar;jarslibrariesorglwjgllwjgllwjgl-platform2.9.4-nightly-20150209lwjgl-platform-2.9.4-nightly-20150209-natives-windows.jar;jarslibrariescomibmicuicu4j-core-mojang51.2icu4j-core-mojang-51.2.jar;jarslibrariestvtwitchtwitch-external-platform4.5twitch-external-platform-4.5-natives-windows-64.jar;jarslibrariesorgapachehttpcomponentsht tpcore4.3.2httpcore-4.3.2.jar;jarslibrariesorgapachelogginglog4j log4j-api2.0-beta9log4j-api-2.0-beta9.jar;jarslibrariesorgapachecommonscommon s-lang33.3.2commons-lang3-3.3.2.jar;jarslibrariesnetjavadevjnajna3.4. 0jna-3.4.0.jar;jarslibrariescompaulscodelibraryjava sound20101123libraryjavasound-20101123.jar;jarslibrariesnetsfjopt-simplejopt-simple4.6jopt-simple-4.6.jar;jarslibrariescomgoogleguavaguava17.0 guava-17.0.jar;jarslibrariesoshi-projectoshi-core1.1oshi-core-1.1.jar;jarslibrariesorgapachehttpcomponentsh ttpclient4.3.3httpclient-4.3.3.jar;jarslibrariesorgapachecommonscommon s-compress1.8.1commons-compress-1.8.1.jar;jarslibrariesnetjavadevjnaplatform 3.4.0platform-3.4.0.jar;jarslibrariescompaulscodecodecjorbis 20101023codecjorbis-20101023.jar;jarslibrariescompaulscodesoundsys tem20120107soundsystem-20120107.jar;jarslibrariescompaulscodelibraryl wjglopenal20100824librarylwjglopenal-20100824.jar;jarslibrariesorglwjgllwjgllwjgl_ util2.9.4-nightly-20150209lwjgl_util-2.9.4-nightly-20150209.jar;jarslibrariescommons-codeccommons-codec1.9commons-codec-1.9.jar;jarslibrariesnetjavajutilsjutils1.0. 0jutils-1.0.0.jar;jarslibrariescommons-loggingcommons-logging1.1.3commons-logging-1.1.3.jar;jarslibrariesorglwjgllwjgllwjgl2.9 .4-nightly-20150209lwjgl-2.9.4-nightly-20150209.jar;jarslibrariescommons-iocommons-io2.4commons-io-2.4.jar;jarslibrariescommojangrealms1.7.39re alms-1.7.39.jar;jarslibrariescommojangauthlib1.5.2 1authlib-1.5.21.jar;jarslibrariescomgooglecodegsongso n2.2.4gson-2.2.4.jar;jarslibrariescommojangnetty1.6nett y-1.6.jar;jarslibrariestvtwitchtwitch6.5twitch-6.5.jar;jarslibrariescompaulscodecodecwav2010 1023codecwav-20101023.jar;jarslibrariestvtwitchtwitch-platform6.5twitch-platform-6.5-natives-windows-64.jar;jarslibrariesnetjavajinputjinput-platform2.0.5jinput-platform-2.0.5-natives-windows.jar;jarslibrariesorgapachelogginglog4 jlog4j-core2.0-beta9log4j-core-2.0-beta9.jar;jarslibrariesionettynetty-all4.0.23.Finalnetty-all-4.0.23.Final.jar» -sourcepath srcminecraft -d binminecraft @Tempjava_src_client.txt’ failed : 2
error: Source option 6 is no longer supported. Use 7 or later.
error: Target option 6 is no longer supported. Use 7 or later.
Initial client recompile failed, correct source then run updatemd5
DrпїЅcken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .
Pokechu22 / Setting up MCP without a full MCP release.md
It’s possible to use create an MCP installation for versions of Minecraft where there hasn’t been a full MCP release. It takes a little bit of manual setup, but the end result is highly useful.
Download and extract the most recent MCP build from http://www.modcoderpack.com/. (Currently, the latest build is http://www.modcoderpack.com/files/mcp940.zip)
Edit version.cfg in the conf folder, and change ClientVersion and ServerVersion to the version you want (for instance, 1.12.2).
Download the SRG zip for the version you want; these can generally be found at http://mcpbot.bspk.rs/mcp/ /mcp- -srg.zip (for example, http://mcpbot.bspk.rs/mcp/1.11.2/mcp-1.11.2-srg.zip) or at http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/de/oceanlabs/mcp/mcp/ /mcp- -srg.zip (for example, http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/de/oceanlabs/mcp/mcp/1.12.2/mcp-1.12.2-srg.zip). (For 1.12.1 and 1.12.2, only the minecraftforge link works)
Extract that zip into the MCP conf folder, overwriting files and the contents of the patches folder.
Download the latest daily mappings from http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/. Even if they aren’t for exactly the version you want, they will generally work.
Extract the mapping zip into the MCP conf folder, overwriting files.
Run MCP’s decompile.bat as you normally would.
Note that for this to work, there must be a released SRG file for the version you want. The SRG file is what converts obfuscated names into an intermediate step where names are (mostly) the same between versions; the mappings files convert those intermediate names into the names you see and are used to.
Note that as always, the MCP license applies, even for development builds. Please read the LICENSE.txt included with MCP for more information about what you are and are not permitted to do.
An additional note: if you’re using eclipse, you will need to manually fiddle with build paths due to updated libraries. You will also need to attach the native libraries, found in jars/versions/$/$-natives , to the libraries (e.g. LWJGL) for the game to launch.
@RKvilt Throw off the oppressive chains of Microsoft and switch to Linux. Join the master race. For those most severely harmed by Windows OSes, I recommend Linux Mint, as it’s one of the few Linuxes that don’t cause Windows users permanent brain damage. Albeit. Linux Mint is bad because its all set up for you and there’s no challenge in getting it exactly the way you want it with exactly the packages you want, but Linux Mint is a great way to ease the transition to Linux for beginners. Once you have broken free of Microsoft’s mind games, you will discover true freedom and find it much easier to use MCP. I have laid down the path for you, but it is you who must traverse it. I wish you luck and low htop stats.
@anoyco I know linux well im not a brain damaged windows user its just that all my files and my work is on the windows and i dont a bunch of it getting deleted i tried having two operating systems on my pc but i didint have enough space
Error: Could not find or load main class Start
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Using incremental CMS is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release
I did everything just like in the guide then this happened
i keep getting this when i try to decompile. anyone know how to fix it?
> Decompiling ‘»java» -jar runtimebinfernflower.jar -din=1 -rbr=1 -dgs=1 -asc=1 -rsy=1 -iec=1 -jvn=1 -log=TRACE «-e=jarslibrariesnet/java/jinputjinput2.0.5jinput-2.0.5.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/ibm/icuicu4j-core-mojang51.2icu4j-core-mojang-51.2.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/httpcomponentshttpcore4.3.2httpcore-4.3.2.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/logging/log4jlog4j-api2.8.1log4j-api-2.8.1.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/commonscommons-lang33.5commons-lang3-3.5.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesnet/java/dev/jnajna4.4.0jna-4.4.0.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/lwjgl/lwjgllwjgl-platform2.9.4-nightly-20150209lwjgl-platform-2.9.4-nightly-20150209-natives-windows.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/paulscodelibraryjavasound20101123libraryjavasound-20101123.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesnet/sf/jopt-simplejopt-simple5.0.3jopt-simple-5.0.3.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/mojangtext2speech1.10.3text2speech-1.10.3.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/google/guavaguava21.0guava-21.0.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesoshi-projectoshi-core1.1oshi-core-1.1.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/httpcomponentshttpclient4.3.3httpclient-4.3.3.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/commonscommons-compress1.8.1commons-compress-1.8.1.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/mojangtext2speech1.10.3text2speech-1.10.3-natives-windows.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesit/unimi/dsifastutil7.1.0fastutil-7.1.0.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesnet/java/dev/jnaplatform3.4.0platform-3.4.0.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/paulscodecodecjorbis20101023codecjorbis-20101023.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/paulscodesoundsystem20120107soundsystem-20120107.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/paulscodelibrarylwjglopenal20100824librarylwjglopenal-20100824.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/lwjgl/lwjgllwjgl_util2.9.4-nightly-20150209lwjgl_util-2.9.4-nightly-20150209.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescommons-codeccommons-codec1.10commons-codec-1.10.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesnet/java/jutilsjutils1.0.0jutils-1.0.0.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/mojangpatchy1.1patchy-1.1.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescommons-loggingcommons-logging1.1.3commons-logging-1.1.3.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/lwjgl/lwjgllwjgl2.9.4-nightly-20150209lwjgl-2.9.4-nightly-20150209.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescommons-iocommons-io2.5commons-io-2.5.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/mojangrealms1.10.17realms-1.10.17.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/mojangauthlib1.5.25authlib-1.5.25.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/google/code/gsongson2.8.0gson-2.8.0.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesnet/java/jinputjinput-platform2.0.5jinput-platform-2.0.5-natives-windows.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/paulscodecodecwav20101023codecwav-20101023.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/logging/log4jlog4j-core2.8.1log4j-core-2.8.1.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesio/nettynetty-all4.1.9.Finalnetty-all-4.1.9.Final.jar» temp/minecraft_ff_in.jar tempsrcminecraft’ failed : 1 Decompile failed Press any key to continue . . .
while decompiling it says
Looking for minecraft main jar. Not found
Copying minecraft main jar.
Error while copying Minecraft : [Error 5] Access is denied: ‘jarsversions1.12.2mcp-1.12.2-srg.zip’
(EDIT) I fixed it but got this error
Copying library lwjgl-platform-natives-windows. Error copying library lwjgl-platform-natives-windows
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Oct 7, 2015
Hello, So I tried to mod minecraft and such things, and when I try to decompile the MCP folder I keep getting this error:
== MCP 9.10 (data: 9.10, client: 1.8, server: 1.8) == "scalac" is not found on the PATH. Scala files will not be recompiled # found ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, param csvs, astyle, astyle co nfig, rg, ss Looking in C:UsersTorbj°rnAppDataRoaming.minecraftversions for mc installs ... OK Copying assets... OK Parsing JSON file... OK Looking for minecraft main jar... OK > Checking libraries... Copying library jinput... Error copying library net.java.jinput:jinput:2 .0.5 Press any key to continue . . .
I’ve tried to watch many tutorials and find different threads but I can’t find one to solve this. Please help?
Oct 7, 2015
Read what it says, then read it again, then try to understand what it says.
Hint, your problem is not that.
Oct 7, 2015
Nah I sovled it, Thanks anyways!
I found out I just needed to add my .minecraft libaries into the client folder :P.
Oct 7, 2015
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- Coal Miner
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Do you mean .minecraftlibraries ? I don’t see how that would fix it… What was you’re logic behind that?
Animate your minecraft builds with Animated Structures: Link Removed
Oct 7, 2015
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- Blaze Extinguisher
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The missing Scala compiler isn’t an error (assuming you’re not using Scala), just a warning.
The actual error was that MCP couldn’t copy the jinput library, though it doesn’t say why in the log posted by the OP.
Chisel Facades: For all your decorative pipe-hiding needs.
Please don’t PM me to ask for help or to join your mod development team. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future. I’m not interested in developing mods with people.
Oct 7, 2015
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- Coal Miner
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Oh, I didn’t look that far. Thanks, lol.
Animate your minecraft builds with Animated Structures: Link Removed
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Setting up MCP for newer versions (e.g. 1.12.2)
It’s possible to use create an MCP installation for versions of Minecraft where there hasn’t been a full MCP release. It takes a little bit of manual setup, but the end result is highly useful.
Download and extract the most recent MCP build from http://www.modcoderpack.com/. (Currently, the latest build is http://www.modcoderpack.com/files/mcp940.zip)
in theconf
folder, and changeClientVersion
to the version you want (for instance, 1.12.2). -
Download the SRG zip for the version you want; these can generally be found at
(for example, http://mcpbot.bspk.rs/mcp/1.11.2/mcp-1.11.2-srg.zip) or athttp://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/de/oceanlabs/mcp/mcp/<version>/mcp-<version>-srg.zip
(for example, http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/de/oceanlabs/mcp/mcp/1.12.2/mcp-1.12.2-srg.zip). (For 1.12.1 and 1.12.2, only the minecraftforge link works) -
Extract that zip into the MCP
folder, overwriting files and the contents of thepatches
folder. -
Download the latest daily mappings from http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/. Even if they aren’t for exactly the version you want, they will generally work.
Extract the mapping zip into the MCP
folder, overwriting files. -
Run MCP’s
as you normally would.
Note that for this to work, there must be a released SRG file for the version you want. The SRG file is what converts obfuscated names into an intermediate step where names are (mostly) the same between versions; the mappings files convert those intermediate names into the names you see and are used to.
Note that as always, the MCP license applies, even for development builds. Please read the LICENSE.txt
included with MCP for more information about what you are and are not permitted to do.
An additional note: if you’re using eclipse, you will need to manually fiddle with build paths due to updated libraries. You will also need to attach the native libraries, found in jars/versions/${VERSION}/${VERSION}-natives
, to the libraries (e.g. LWJGL) for the game to launch.
I have been trying to use MCP to decompile the Minecraft Source code to an eclipse workspace. I am using mcp940 to decompile Minecraft 1.12. When I run the BATCH file decompile.bat
, it gives me a huge pile of errors. I was following a video tutorial linked at the bottom of this question, and the host skipped this step entirely. The eclipse workspace still loads and has all of the code, but said code is riddled with errors. When I try to run Start
, the class with the main method, I am given the following error message:
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
The video tutorial links to another video tutorial (also linked down below) about fixing the realms jar version. I fixed this issue, yet it seems that that issue was only one of many.
After fixing this part, I attempted to run it and yet still received the same error message.
Here is the console’s output:
== MCP 9.40 (data: 9.40, client: 1.12, server: 1.12) ==
> Searching for javac.exe in C:Program Files
"scalac" is not found on the PATH. Scala files will not be recompiled
# found ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, param csvs, astyle, astyle config, rg, ss
Looking in C:UsersCalvinAppDataRoaming.minecraftversions for mc installs... OK
Copying assets... OK
Parsing JSON file... OK
Looking for minecraft main jar... Not found
Copying minecraft main jar... OK
> Checking libraries...
Copying library jinput... OK
Copying library icu4j-core-mojang... OK
Copying library httpcore... OK
Copying library log4j-api... OK
Copying library commons-lang3... OK
Copying library jna... OK
Copying library lwjgl-platform-natives-windows... OK
Copying library libraryjavasound... OK
Copying library jopt-simple... OK
Copying library text2speech... OK
Copying library guava... OK
Copying library oshi-core... OK
Copying library httpclient... OK
Copying library commons-compress... OK
Copying library text2speech-natives-windows... OK
Copying library fastutil... OK
Copying library platform... OK
Copying library codecjorbis... OK
Copying library soundsystem... OK
Copying library librarylwjglopenal... OK
Copying library lwjgl_util... OK
Copying library commons-codec... OK
Copying library jutils... OK
Copying library patchy... OK
Copying library commons-logging... OK
Copying library lwjgl... OK
Copying library commons-io... OK
Copying library realms... OK
Copying library authlib... OK
Copying library gson... OK
Copying library jinput-platform-natives-windows... OK
Copying library codecwav... OK
Copying library log4j-core... OK
Copying library netty-all... OK
> Checking Natives...
Extracting native lwjgl.dll... OK
Extracting native OpenAL32.dll... OK
Extracting native jinput-dx8_64.dll... OK
Extracting native SAPIWrapper_x86.dll... OK
Extracting native jinput-wintab.dll... OK
Extracting native jinput-dx8.dll... OK
Extracting native jinput-raw.dll... OK
Extracting native OpenAL64.dll... OK
Extracting native SAPIWrapper_x64.dll... OK
Extracting native jinput-raw_64.dll... OK
Extracting native lwjgl64.dll... OK
> Copying jsr305-3.0.1.jar to Libraries
> Copying jsr305-3.0.1-sources.jar to Libraries
== Decompiling client using fernflower ==
> Creating SRGs
> Applying SpecialSource
> Applying MCInjector
> Creating renamed srg
> Filtering classes
> Decompiling
> Unpacking jar
> Copying sources
> Generating package-info files
> Applying fernflower fixes
> Applying patches
'runtimebinapplydiff.exe -p1 -u -i ....temptemp.patch -d srcminecraft' failed : 1
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file 'netminecraftadvancementsPlayerAdvance#'
'runtimebinapplydiff.exe -p1 -u -i ....temptemp.patch -d srcminecraft' failed : 1
1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file 'netminecraftclientrendererentityRenderManager#'
'runtimebinapplydiff.exe -p1 -u -i ....temptemp.patch -d srcminecraft' failed : 1
1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file 'netminecraftutilmathCartesian.jav#'
'runtimebinapplydiff.exe -p1 -u -i ....temptemp.patch -d srcminecraft' failed : 1
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file 'netminecraftclientutilSearchTree.ja#'
'runtimebinapplydiff.exe -p1 -u -i ....temptemp.patch -d srcminecraft' failed : 1
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file 'netminecraftclientrendererblockstatemapStateMap.java#'
'runtimebinapplydiff.exe -p1 -u -i ....temptemp.patch -d srcminecraft' failed : 1
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file 'netminecraftclientguiGuiSnooper.ja#'
'runtimebinapplydiff.exe -p1 -u -i ....temptemp.patch -d srcminecraft' failed : 1
2 out of 2 hunks ignored -- saving rejects to file 'netminecraftblockstatepatternBlockStateMat#'
> Cleaning comments
- Done in 2605.28 seconds
== Reformating client ==
> Cleaning sources
> Replacing OpenGL constants
> Reformating sources
- Done in 118.96 seconds
== Updating client ==
> Adding javadoc
> Renaming sources
- Done in 126.23 seconds
!! Missing server jar file. Aborting !!
== Recompiling client ==
> Cleaning bin
> Recompiling
'"C:Program FilesJavajdk-10.0.2binjavac" -Xlint:-options -deprecation -g -source 1.8 -target 1.8 -classpath "jarsversions1.121.12.jar;lib;lib*;jarslibrariescomgooglecodefindbugsjsr3053.0.1jsr305-3.0.1.jar;jarslibrariesnetjavajinputjinput2.0.5jinput-2.0.5.jar;jarslibrariescomibmicuicu4j-core-mojang51.2icu4j-core-mojang-51.2.jar;jarslibrariesorgapachehttpcomponentshttpcore4.3.2httpcore-4.3.2.jar;jarslibrariesorgapachelogginglog4jlog4j-api2.8.1log4j-api-2.8.1.jar;jarslibrariesorgapachecommonscommons-lang33.5commons-lang3-3.5.jar;jarslibrariesnetjavadevjnajna4.4.0jna-4.4.0.jar;jarslibrariesorglwjgllwjgllwjgl-platform2.9.4-nightly-20150209lwjgl-platform-2.9.4-nightly-20150209-natives-windows.jar;jarslibrariescompaulscodelibraryjavasound20101123libraryjavasound-20101123.jar;jarslibrariesnetsfjopt-simplejopt-simple5.0.3jopt-simple-5.0.3.jar;jarslibrariescommojangtext2speech1.10.3text2speech-1.10.3.jar;jarslibrariescomgoogleguavaguava21.0guava-21.0.jar;jarslibrariesoshi-projectoshi-core1.1oshi-core-1.1.jar;jarslibrariesorgapachehttpcomponentshttpclient4.3.3httpclient-4.3.3.jar;jarslibrariesorgapachecommonscommons-compress1.8.1commons-compress-1.8.1.jar;jarslibrariescommojangtext2speech1.10.3text2speech-1.10.3-natives-windows.jar;jarslibrariesitunimidsifastutil7.1.0fastutil-7.1.0.jar;jarslibrariesnetjavadevjnaplatform3.4.0platform-3.4.0.jar;jarslibrariescompaulscodecodecjorbis20101023codecjorbis-20101023.jar;jarslibrariescompaulscodesoundsystem20120107soundsystem-20120107.jar;jarslibrariescompaulscodelibrarylwjglopenal20100824librarylwjglopenal-20100824.jar;jarslibrariesorglwjgllwjgllwjgl_util2.9.4-nightly-20150209lwjgl_util-2.9.4-nightly-20150209.jar;jarslibrariescommons-codeccommons-codec1.10commons-codec-1.10.jar;jarslibrariesnetjavajutilsjutils1.0.0jutils-1.0.0.jar;jarslibrariescommojangpatchy1.1patchy-1.1.jar;jarslibrariescommons-loggingcommons-logging1.1.3commons-logging-1.1.3.jar;jarslibrariesorglwjgllwjgllwjgl2.9.4-nightly-20150209lwjgl-2.9.4-nightly-20150209.jar;jarslibrariescommons-iocommons-io2.5commons-io-2.5.jar;jarslibrariescommojangrealms1.10.17realms-1.10.17.jar;jarslibrariescommojangauthlib1.5.25authlib-1.5.25.jar;jarslibrariescomgooglecodegsongson2.8.0gson-2.8.0.jar;jarslibrariesnetjavajinputjinput-platform2.0.5jinput-platform-2.0.5-natives-windows.jar;jarslibrariescompaulscodecodecwav20101023codecwav-20101023.jar;jarslibrariesorgapachelogginglog4jlog4j-core2.8.1log4j-core-2.8.1.jar;jarslibrariesionettynetty-all4.1.9.Finalnetty-all-4.1.9.Final.jar" -sourcepath srcminecraft -d binminecraft @tempjava_src_client.txt' failed : 1
this.block.addCollisionBoxToList(this, worldIn, pos, p_185908_3_, p_185908_4_, p_185908_5_, p_185908_6_);
srcminecraftnetminecraftblockstatepatternBlockStateMatcher.java:64: error: incompatible types: inference variable T#1 has incompatible bounds
return predicate.apply(blockState.getValue(property));
equality constraints: T#2
upper bounds: CAP#1,Comparable<T#1>
where T#1,T#2 are type-variables:
T#1 extends Comparable<T#1> declared in method <T#1>getValue(IProperty<T#1>)
T#2 extends Comparable<T#2> declared in method <T#2>matches(IBlockState,IProperty<T#2>,Predicate<?>)
where CAP#1 is a fresh type-variable:
CAP#1 extends Object from capture of ?
srcminecraftnetminecraftclientrendererentityRenderManager.java:266: error: incompatible types: bad type in conditional expression
return renderplayer != null ? renderplayer : this.playerRenderer;
RenderPlayer cannot be converted to Render<T>
where T is a type-variable:
T extends Entity declared in method <T>getEntityRenderObject(Entity)
srcminecraftnetminecraftclientrendererentityRenderManager.java:266: error: incompatible types: bad type in conditional expression
return renderplayer != null ? renderplayer : this.playerRenderer;
RenderPlayer cannot be converted to Render<T>
where T is a type-variable:
T extends Entity declared in method <T>getEntityRenderObject(Entity)
srcminecraftnetminecraftclientguiGuiIngame.java:1304: error: incompatible types: Object cannot be converted to IChatListener
for (IChatListener ichatlistener : (List)this.field_191743_I.get(p_191742_1_))
srcminecraftnetminecraftclientutilSearchTree.java:54: error: cannot find symbol
this.field_194045_b.func_194057_a(p_194039_1_, p_194039_2_.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
symbol: variable p_194039_1_
location: class SearchTree<T>
where T is a type-variable:
T extends Object declared in class SearchTree
srcminecraftnetminecraftclientutilSearchTree.java:58: error: cannot find symbol
this.field_194044_a.func_194057_a(p_194041_1_, p_194041_2_.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
symbol: variable p_194041_1_
location: class SearchTree<T>
where T is a type-variable:
T extends Object declared in class SearchTree
srcminecraftnetminecraftclientutilSearchTree.java:58: error: cannot find symbol
this.field_194044_a.func_194057_a(p_194041_1_, p_194041_2_.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
symbol: method toLowerCase(Locale)
location: variable p_194041_2_ of type Object
srcminecraftnetminecraftclientguiGuiSnooper.java:51: error: incompatible types: Object cannot be converted to Entry<String,String>
for (Entry<String, String> entry : (new TreeMap(this.mc.getPlayerUsageSnooper().getCurrentStats())).entrySet())
srcminecraftnetminecraftclientguiGuiSnooper.java:59: error: incompatible types: Object cannot be converted to Entry<String,String>
for (Entry<String, String> entry1 : (new TreeMap(this.mc.getIntegratedServer().getPlayerUsageSnooper().getCurrentStats())).entrySet())
srcminecraftnetminecraftclientguirecipebookGuiButtonRecipeTab.java:33: error: incompatible types: Object cannot be converted to RecipeList
for (RecipeList recipelist : (List)RecipeBookClient.field_194086_e.get(this.field_193921_u))
srcminecraftnetminecraftclientrendererblockmodelModelBakery.java:492: error: incompatible types: Object cannot be converted to ModelResourceLocation
for (ModelResourceLocation modelresourcelocation1 : (Collection)entry.getValue())
srcminecraftnetminecraftclientrendererblockstatemapStateMap.java:57: error: incompatible types: Comparable cannot be converted to T
return p_187490_1_.getName((Comparable)p_187490_2_.remove(this.name));
where T is a type-variable:
T extends Comparable<T> declared in method <T>removeName(IProperty<T>,Map<IProperty<?>,Comparable<?>>)
srcminecraftnetminecraftclientresourcesFolderResourcePack.java:83: error: reference to listFiles is ambiguous
for (File file2 : file1.listFiles(DirectoryFileFilter.DIRECTORY))
both method listFiles(FilenameFilter) in File and method listFiles(FileFilter) in File match
srcminecraftnetminecraftutilmathCartesian.java:57: error: incompatible types: inference variable T#1 has incompatible bounds
return Arrays.asList(p_apply_1_);
equality constraints: T#2
lower bounds: Object
where T#1,T#2 are type-variables:
T#1 extends Object declared in method <T#1>asList(T#1...)
T#2 extends Object declared in class GetList
15 errors
100 warnings
Initial client recompile failed, correct source then run updatemd5
Press any key to continue . . .
NOTE: I had to delete a bunch of depreciation warnings to fit this in.
This was supposed to just live run Minecraft in debug mode.
Video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoZ8AvQ
Realms Jar Fix Tutorial: https://youtu.be/17FQl1xpOF0
So if you read my last post you know I am developing a 1.12 client called TNT.
I originally went with Forge but then realised MCP would be a better option.
So, I tested MCP out with a 1.8.8 version and it didn’t work.
Didn’t work with 1.12 either.
The error code:
== MCP 9.18 (data: 9.18, client: 1.8.8, server: 1.8.8) ==
«scalac» is not found on the PATH. Scala files will not be recompiled
# found ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, param csvs, astyle, astyle config, rg, ss
Looking in C:UsersAdamAppDataRoaming.minecraftversions for mc installs… OK
Copying assets… OK
Parsing JSON file… OK
Looking for minecraft main jar… Not found
Copying minecraft main jar… OK
> Checking libraries…
Copying library jinput… OK
Copying library lwjgl-platform… OK
Copying library icu4j-core-mojang… OK
Copying library twitch-external-platform… OK
Copying library httpcore… OK
Copying library log4j-api… OK
Copying library commons-lang3… OK
Copying library jna… OK
Copying library libraryjavasound… OK
Copying library jopt-simple… OK
Copying library guava… OK
Copying library oshi-core… OK
Copying library httpclient… OK
Copying library commons-compress… OK
Copying library platform… OK
Copying library codecjorbis… OK
Copying library soundsystem… OK
Copying library librarylwjglopenal… OK
Copying library lwjgl_util… OK
Copying library commons-codec… OK
Copying library jutils… OK
Copying library commons-logging… OK
Copying library lwjgl… OK
Copying library commons-io… OK
Copying library realms… OK
Copying library authlib… OK
Copying library gson… OK
Copying library netty… OK
Copying library twitch… OK
Copying library codecwav… OK
Copying library twitch-platform… OK
Copying library jinput-platform… OK
Copying library log4j-core… OK
Copying library netty-all… OK
> Checking Natives…
Extracting native avutil-ttv-51.dll… OK
Extracting native lwjgl.dll… OK
Extracting native OpenAL32.dll… OK
Extracting native jinput-dx8_64.dll… OK
Extracting native libmfxsw64.dll… OK
Extracting native jinput-wintab.dll… OK
Extracting native twitchsdk.dll… OK
Extracting native jinput-dx8.dll… OK
Extracting native libmp3lame-ttv.dll… OK
Extracting native jinput-raw.dll… OK
Extracting native OpenAL64.dll… OK
Extracting native jinput-raw_64.dll… OK
Extracting native swresample-ttv-0.dll… OK
Extracting native lwjgl64.dll… OK
== Decompiling client using fernflower ==
> Creating SRGs
> Applying SpecialSource
> Applying MCInjector
> Creating renamed srg
> Filtering classes
> Decompiling
> Unpacking jar
> Copying sources
> Applying fernflower fixes
> Applying patches
‘runtimebinapplydiff.exe -p1 -u -i ….temptemp.patch -d srcminecraft’ failed : 1
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED — saving rejects to file ‘netminecraftutilCartesian.jav#’
> Cleaning comments
— Done in 66.12 seconds
== Reformating client ==
> Cleaning sources
> Replacing OpenGL constants
> Reformating sources
— Done in 7.18 seconds
== Updating client ==
> Adding javadoc
> Renaming sources
— Done in 5.15 seconds
!! Missing server jar file. Aborting !!
== Recompiling client ==
> Cleaning bin
> Recompiling
‘»javac» -Xlint:-options -deprecation -g -source 1.6 -target 1.6 -classpath «jarsversions1.;lib;lib*;jarslibrariesnetjavajinputjinput2.0.5jinput-2.0.5.jar;jarslibrariesorglwjgllwjgllwjgl-platform2.9.4-nightly-20150209lwjgl-platform-2.9.4-nightly-20150209-natives-windows.jar;jarslibrariescomibmicuicu4j-core-mojang51.2icu4j-core-mojang-51.2.jar;jarslibrariestvtwitchtwitch-external-platform4.5twitch-external-platform-4.5-natives-windows-64.jar;jarslibrariesorgapachehttpcomponentshttpcore4.3.2httpcore-4.3.2.jar;jarslibrariesorgapachelogginglog4jlog4j-api2.0-beta9log4j-api-2.0-beta9.jar;jarslibrariesorgapachecommonscommons-lang33.3.2commons-lang3-3.3.2.jar;jarslibrariesnetjavadevjnajna3.4.0jna-3.4.0.jar;jarslibrariescompaulscodelibraryjavasound20101123libraryjavasound-20101123.jar;jarslibrariesnetsfjopt-simplejopt-simple4.6jopt-simple-4.6.jar;jarslibrariescomgoogleguavaguava17.0guava-17.0.jar;jarslibrariesoshi-projectoshi-core1.1oshi-core-1.1.jar;jarslibrariesorgapachehttpcomponentshttpclient4.3.3httpclient-4.3.3.jar;jarslibrariesorgapachecommonscommons-compress1.8.1commons-compress-1.8.1.jar;jarslibrariesnetjavadevjnaplatform3.4.0platform-3.4.0.jar;jarslibrariescompaulscodecodecjorbis20101023codecjorbis-20101023.jar;jarslibrariescompaulscodesoundsystem20120107soundsystem-20120107.jar;jarslibrariescompaulscodelibrarylwjglopenal20100824librarylwjglopenal-20100824.jar;jarslibrariesorglwjgllwjgllwjgl_util2.9.4-nightly-20150209lwjgl_util-2.9.4-nightly-20150209.jar;jarslibrariescommons-codeccommons-codec1.9commons-codec-1.9.jar;jarslibrariesnetjavajutilsjutils1.0.0jutils-1.0.0.jar;jarslibrariescommons-loggingcommons-logging1.1.3commons-logging-1.1.3.jar;jarslibrariesorglwjgllwjgllwjgl2.9.4-nightly-20150209lwjgl-2.9.4-nightly-20150209.jar;jarslibrariescommons-iocommons-io2.4commons-io-2.4.jar;jarslibrariescommojangrealms1.7.39realms-1.7.39.jar;jarslibrariescommojangauthlib1.5.21authlib-1.5.21.jar;jarslibrariescomgooglecodegsongson2.2.4gson-2.2.4.jar;jarslibrariescommojangnetty1.7.7netty-1.7.7.jar;jarslibrariestvtwitchtwitch6.5twitch-6.5.jar;jarslibrariescompaulscodecodecwav20101023codecwav-20101023.jar;jarslibrariestvtwitchtwitch-platform6.5twitch-platform-6.5-natives-windows-64.jar;jarslibrariesnetjavajinputjinput-platform2.0.5jinput-platform-2.0.5-natives-windows.jar;jarslibrariesorgapachelogginglog4jlog4j-core2.0-beta9log4j-core-2.0-beta9.jar;jarslibrariesionettynetty-all4.0.23.Finalnetty-all-4.0.23.Final.jar» -sourcepath srcminecraft -d binminecraft u/tempjava_src_client.txt’ failed : 2
error: Source option 6 is no longer supported. Use 7 or later.
error: Target option 6 is no longer supported. Use 7 or later.
Initial client recompile failed, correct source then run updatemd5
Press any key to continue . . .
Any idea on wtf is going on?
When i try to decompile the MCP 1.8.8 i get this error and i think its becuase it doesnt find the main jar file, but i do not know how to fix it, does anyone else know?
== MCP 9.18 (data: 9.18, client: 1.8.8, server: 1.8.8) ==
«scalac» is not found on the PATH. Scala files will not be recompiled
# found ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, param csvs, astyle, astyle config, rg, ss
Looking in C:UserslouisAppDataRoaming.minecraftversions for mc installs… OK
Copying assets… OK
Parsing JSON file… OK
Looking for minecraft main jar… Not found
Copying minecraft main jar… OK
> Checking libraries…
Copying library jinput… OK
Copying library lwjgl-platform… OK
Copying library icu4j-core-mojang… OK
Copying library twitch-external-platform… OK
Copying library httpcore… OK
Copying library log4j-api… OK
Copying library commons-lang3… OK
Copying library jna… OK
Copying library libraryjavasound… OK
Copying library jopt-simple… OK
Copying library guava… OK
Copying library oshi-core… OK
Copying library httpclient… OK
Copying library commons-compress… OK
Copying library platform… OK
Copying library codecjorbis… OK
Copying library soundsystem… OK
Copying library librarylwjglopenal… OK
Copying library lwjgl_util… OK
Copying library commons-codec… OK
Copying library jutils… OK
Copying library commons-logging… OK
Copying library lwjgl… OK
Copying library commons-io… OK
Copying library realms… OK
Copying library authlib… OK
Copying library gson… OK
Copying library netty… OK
Copying library twitch… OK
Copying library codecwav… OK
Copying library twitch-platform… OK
Copying library jinput-platform… OK
Copying library log4j-core… OK
Copying library netty-all… OK
> Checking Natives…
Extracting native avutil-ttv-51.dll… OK
Extracting native lwjgl.dll… OK
Extracting native OpenAL32.dll… OK
Extracting native jinput-dx8_64.dll… OK
Extracting native libmfxsw64.dll… OK
Extracting native jinput-wintab.dll… OK
Extracting native twitchsdk.dll… OK
Extracting native jinput-dx8.dll… OK
Extracting native libmp3lame-ttv.dll… OK
Extracting native jinput-raw.dll… OK
Extracting native OpenAL64.dll… OK
Extracting native jinput-raw_64.dll… OK
Extracting native swresample-ttv-0.dll… OK
Extracting native lwjgl64.dll… OK
== Decompiling client using fernflower ==
> Creating SRGs
> Applying SpecialSource
> Applying MCInjector
> Creating renamed srg
> Filtering classes
> Decompiling
‘»C:Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.8.0_211binjava» -jar runtimebinfernflower.jar -din=1 -rbr=1 -dgs=1 -asc=1 -rsy=1 -iec=1 -jvn=1 -log=WARN «-e=jarslibrariesnet/java/jinputjinput2.0.5jinput-2.0.5.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/lwjgl/lwjgllwjgl-platform2.9.4-nightly-20150209lwjgl-platform-2.9.4-nightly-20150209-natives-windows.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/ibm/icuicu4j-core-mojang51.2icu4j-core-mojang-51.2.jar» «-e=jarslibrariestv/twitchtwitch-external-platform4.5twitch-external-platform-4.5-natives-windows-64.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/httpcomponentshttpcore4.3.2httpcore-4.3.2.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/logging/log4jlog4j-api2.0-beta9log4j-api-2.0-beta9.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/commonscommons-lang33.3.2commons-lang3-3.3.2.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesnet/java/dev/jnajna3.4.0jna-3.4.0.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/paulscodelibraryjavasound20101123libraryjavasound-20101123.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesnet/sf/jopt-simplejopt-simple4.6jopt-simple-4.6.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/google/guavaguava17.0guava-17.0.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesoshi-projectoshi-core1.1oshi-core-1.1.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/httpcomponentshttpclient4.3.3httpclient-4.3.3.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/commonscommons-compress1.8.1commons-compress-1.8.1.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesnet/java/dev/jnaplatform3.4.0platform-3.4.0.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/paulscodecodecjorbis20101023codecjorbis-20101023.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/paulscodesoundsystem20120107soundsystem-20120107.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/paulscodelibrarylwjglopenal20100824librarylwjglopenal-20100824.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/lwjgl/lwjgllwjgl_util2.9.4-nightly-20150209lwjgl_util-2.9.4-nightly-20150209.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescommons-codeccommons-codec1.9commons-codec-1.9.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesnet/java/jutilsjutils1.0.0jutils-1.0.0.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescommons-loggingcommons-logging1.1.3commons-logging-1.1.3.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/lwjgl/lwjgllwjgl2.9.4-nightly-20150209lwjgl-2.9.4-nightly-20150209.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescommons-iocommons-io2.4commons-io-2.4.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/mojangrealms1.7.39realms-1.7.39.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/mojangauthlib1.5.21authlib-1.5.21.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/google/code/gsongson2.2.4gson-2.2.4.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/mojangnetty1.6netty-1.6.jar» «-e=jarslibrariestv/twitchtwitch6.5twitch-6.5.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/paulscodecodecwav20101023codecwav-20101023.jar» «-e=jarslibrariestv/twitchtwitch-platform6.5twitch-platform-6.5-natives-windows-64.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesnet/java/jinputjinput-platform2.0.5jinput-platform-2.0.5-natives-windows.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/logging/log4jlog4j-core2.0-beta9log4j-core-2.0-beta9.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesio/nettynetty-all4.0.23.Finalnetty-all-4.0.23.Final.jar» temp/minecraft_ff_in.jar tempsrcminecraft’ failed : 1
Decompile failed
Press any key to continue . . .
Minecraft Forums
MCP error: «scalac» is not found on the PATH. Scala files will not be recompiled. Please help!
- li» data-page-inline=»False» data-scroll-inline=»False»>
- Tree Puncher
- Join Date: 10/7/2015
- Posts: 13
- Member Details
Hello, So I tried to mod minecraft and such things, and when I try to decompile the MCP folder I keep getting this error:
I’ve tried to watch many tutorials and find different threads but I can’t find one to solve this. Please help?
- Ghast Hunter
- Join Date: 8/24/2012
- Posts: 2,708
- Minecraft: Master801
- Member Details
Read what it says, then read it again, then try to understand what it says.
Hint, your problem is not that.
- Coal Miner
- Join Date: 6/13/2014
- Posts: 191
- Minecraft: Z_King1000
- Member Details
Think its trying to use the scala compiler. I think the PATH is some windows jargon. I found this: http://www.scala-lang.org/old/node/330.html
- Tree Puncher
- Join Date: 10/7/2015
- Posts: 13
- Member Details
Nah I sovled it, Thanks anyways!
I found out I just needed to add my .minecraft libaries into the client folder :P.
- Coal Miner
- Join Date: 6/13/2014
- Posts: 191
- Minecraft: Z_King1000
- Member Details
Do you mean .minecraftlibraries ? I don’t see how that would fix it. What was you’re logic behind that?
- Blaze Extinguisher
- Join Date: 1/2/2013
- Posts: 4,899
- Member Details
The missing Scala compiler isn’t an error (assuming you’re not using Scala), just a warning.
The actual error was that MCP couldn’t copy the jinput library, though it doesn’t say why in the log posted by the OP.
Chisel Facades: For all your decorative pipe-hiding needs.
Please don’t PM me to ask for help or to join your mod development team. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future. I’m not interested in developing mods with people.
Pokechu22 / Setting up MCP without a full MCP release.md
It’s possible to use create an MCP installation for versions of Minecraft where there hasn’t been a full MCP release. It takes a little bit of manual setup, but the end result is highly useful.
Download and extract the most recent MCP build from http://www.modcoderpack.com/. (Currently, the latest build is http://www.modcoderpack.com/files/mcp940.zip)
Edit version.cfg in the conf folder, and change ClientVersion and ServerVersion to the version you want (for instance, 1.12.2).
Download the SRG zip for the version you want; these can generally be found at http://mcpbot.bspk.rs/mcp/ /mcp- -srg.zip (for example, http://mcpbot.bspk.rs/mcp/1.11.2/mcp-1.11.2-srg.zip) or at http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/de/oceanlabs/mcp/mcp/ /mcp- -srg.zip (for example, http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/de/oceanlabs/mcp/mcp/1.12.2/mcp-1.12.2-srg.zip). (For 1.12.1 and 1.12.2, only the minecraftforge link works)
Extract that zip into the MCP conf folder, overwriting files and the contents of the patches folder.
Download the latest daily mappings from http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/. Even if they aren’t for exactly the version you want, they will generally work.
Extract the mapping zip into the MCP conf folder, overwriting files.
Run MCP’s decompile.bat as you normally would.
Note that for this to work, there must be a released SRG file for the version you want. The SRG file is what converts obfuscated names into an intermediate step where names are (mostly) the same between versions; the mappings files convert those intermediate names into the names you see and are used to.
Note that as always, the MCP license applies, even for development builds. Please read the LICENSE.txt included with MCP for more information about what you are and are not permitted to do.
An additional note: if you’re using eclipse, you will need to manually fiddle with build paths due to updated libraries. You will also need to attach the native libraries, found in jars/versions/$/$-natives , to the libraries (e.g. LWJGL) for the game to launch.
anonyco commented Apr 28, 2020 •
@RKvilt Throw off the oppressive chains of Microsoft and switch to Linux. Join the master race. For those most severely harmed by Windows OSes, I recommend Linux Mint, as it’s one of the few Linuxes that don’t cause Windows users permanent brain damage. Albeit. Linux Mint is bad because its all set up for you and there’s no challenge in getting it exactly the way you want it with exactly the packages you want, but Linux Mint is a great way to ease the transition to Linux for beginners. Once you have broken free of Microsoft’s mind games, you will discover true freedom and find it much easier to use MCP. I have laid down the path for you, but it is you who must traverse it. I wish you luck and low htop stats.
RKvilt commented Apr 28, 2020
@anoyco I know linux well im not a brain damaged windows user its just that all my files and my work is on the windows and i dont a bunch of it getting deleted i tried having two operating systems on my pc but i didint have enough space
T0x1cBo1 commented May 17, 2020
Error: Could not find or load main class Start
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Using incremental CMS is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release
I did everything just like in the guide then this happened
lolpota commented May 19, 2020
i keep getting this when i try to decompile. anyone know how to fix it?
> Decompiling ‘»java» -jar runtimebinfernflower.jar -din=1 -rbr=1 -dgs=1 -asc=1 -rsy=1 -iec=1 -jvn=1 -log=TRACE «-e=jarslibrariesnet/java/jinputjinput2.0.5jinput-2.0.5.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/ibm/icuicu4j-core-mojang51.2icu4j-core-mojang-51.2.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/httpcomponentshttpcore4.3.2httpcore-4.3.2.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/logging/log4jlog4j-api2.8.1log4j-api-2.8.1.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/commonscommons-lang33.5commons-lang3-3.5.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesnet/java/dev/jnajna4.4.0jna-4.4.0.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/lwjgl/lwjgllwjgl-platform2.9.4-nightly-20150209lwjgl-platform-2.9.4-nightly-20150209-natives-windows.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/paulscodelibraryjavasound20101123libraryjavasound-20101123.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesnet/sf/jopt-simplejopt-simple5.0.3jopt-simple-5.0.3.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/mojangtext2speech1.10.3text2speech-1.10.3.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/google/guavaguava21.0guava-21.0.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesoshi-projectoshi-core1.1oshi-core-1.1.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/httpcomponentshttpclient4.3.3httpclient-4.3.3.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/commonscommons-compress1.8.1commons-compress-1.8.1.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/mojangtext2speech1.10.3text2speech-1.10.3-natives-windows.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesit/unimi/dsifastutil7.1.0fastutil-7.1.0.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesnet/java/dev/jnaplatform3.4.0platform-3.4.0.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/paulscodecodecjorbis20101023codecjorbis-20101023.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/paulscodesoundsystem20120107soundsystem-20120107.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/paulscodelibrarylwjglopenal20100824librarylwjglopenal-20100824.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/lwjgl/lwjgllwjgl_util2.9.4-nightly-20150209lwjgl_util-2.9.4-nightly-20150209.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescommons-codeccommons-codec1.10commons-codec-1.10.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesnet/java/jutilsjutils1.0.0jutils-1.0.0.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/mojangpatchy1.1patchy-1.1.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescommons-loggingcommons-logging1.1.3commons-logging-1.1.3.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/lwjgl/lwjgllwjgl2.9.4-nightly-20150209lwjgl-2.9.4-nightly-20150209.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescommons-iocommons-io2.5commons-io-2.5.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/mojangrealms1.10.17realms-1.10.17.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/mojangauthlib1.5.25authlib-1.5.25.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/google/code/gsongson2.8.0gson-2.8.0.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesnet/java/jinputjinput-platform2.0.5jinput-platform-2.0.5-natives-windows.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/paulscodecodecwav20101023codecwav-20101023.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/logging/log4jlog4j-core2.8.1log4j-core-2.8.1.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesio/nettynetty-all4.1.9.Finalnetty-all-4.1.9.Final.jar» temp/minecraft_ff_in.jar tempsrcminecraft’ failed : 1 Decompile failed Press any key to continue . . .
GabbleGaming commented May 20, 2020 •
while decompiling it says
Looking for minecraft main jar. Not found
Copying minecraft main jar.
Error while copying Minecraft : [Error 5] Access is denied: ‘jarsversions1.12.2mcp-1.12.2-srg.zip’
(EDIT) I fixed it but got this error
Copying library lwjgl-platform-natives-windows. Error copying library lwjgl-platform-natives-windows
Minecraft MCP Decompile Error?
Ich habe vor ein Eigenen MinecraftClient zu Programmieren. Die Clients die so zum Download freigegeben sind Taugen entweder nichts oder haben Viren. Für einen Client Geld Auszugeben habe ich auch nicht vor. Ich habe mich bisschen Durchgelesen und da ich Erfahrung mit der Java Programmieren Habe würde ich gerne einen Client selber Programmieren. Allerdings habe ich Folgendes Problem: Für Die Programmieren eines Clients benötigt man MCP — Minecraft Coder Pack. Wenn ich es allerdings Decompilen Möchte kommt nun schon zum 6mal Folgender Fehlercode:
== MCP 9.18 (data: 9.18, client: 1.8.8, server: 1.8.8) ==
«scalac» is not found on the PATH. Scala files will not be recompiled
# found ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, param csvs, astyle, astyle config, rg, ss
Looking in C:UsersleonAppDataRoaming.minecraftversions for mc installs. OK
Copying assets. OK
Parsing JSON file. OK
Looking for minecraft main jar. Not found
Copying minecraft main jar. OK
Copying library jinput. OK
Copying library lwjgl-platform. OK
Copying library icu4j-core-mojang. OK
Copying library twitch-external-platform. OK
Copying library httpcore. OK
Copying library log4j-api. OK
Copying library commons-lang3. OK
Copying library jna. OK
Copying library libraryjavasound. OK
Copying library jopt-simple. OK
Copying library guava. OK
Copying library oshi-core. OK
Copying library httpclient. OK
Copying library commons-compress. OK
Copying library platform. OK
Copying library codecjorbis. OK
Copying library soundsystem. OK
Copying library librarylwjglopenal. OK
Copying library lwjgl_util. OK
Copying library commons-codec. OK
Copying library jutils. OK
Copying library commons-logging. OK
Copying library lwjgl. OK
Copying library commons-io. OK
Copying library realms. Error copying library com.mojang:realms:1.7.39
Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .
Kann mir Jemand sagen woran es Liegt? Danke schonmal im Vorraus!
2 Antworten
Dir fehlt die Relams 1.7.39 Datei. Ich weiß nicht so genau wie du diese Datei bekommst, aber du musst deinen MC Client neu installieren oder bei «.minecraft/libarys/com/mojang/relams» diese Datei einfügen.
Hey,Ja der Tipp war Erfolgreich! nur jetzt habe ich Folgendes Problem:
Copying library libraryjavasound. OK
Copying library jopt-simple. OK
Copying library guava. OK
Copying library oshi-core. OK
Copying library httpclient. OK
Copying library commons-compress. OK
Copying library platform. OK
Copying library codecjorbis. OK
Copying library soundsystem. OK
Copying library librarylwjglopenal. OK
Copying library lwjgl_util. OK
Copying library commons-codec. OK
Copying library jutils. OK
Copying library commons-logging. OK
Copying library lwjgl. OK
Copying library commons-io. OK
Copying library realms. OK
Copying library authlib. OK
Copying library gson. OK
Copying library netty. OK
Copying library twitch. OK
Copying library codecwav. OK
Copying library twitch-platform. OK
Copying library jinput-platform. OK
Copying library log4j-core. OK
Copying library netty-all. OK
Extracting native avutil-ttv-51.dll. OK
Extracting native lwjgl.dll. OK
Extracting native OpenAL32.dll. OK
Extracting native jinput-dx8_64.dll. OK
Extracting native jinput-wintab.dll. OK
Extracting native twitchsdk.dll. OK
Extracting native jinput-dx8.dll. OK
Extracting native libmp3lame-ttv.dll. OK
Extracting native libmfxsw32.dll. OK
Extracting native OpenAL64.dll. OK
Extracting native jinput-raw_64.dll. OK
Extracting native swresample-ttv-0.dll. OK
Extracting native jinput-raw.dll. OK
Extracting native lwjgl64.dll. OK
== Decompiling client using fernflower ==
> Creating renamed srg
‘»C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_161binjava» -jar runtimebinfernflower.jar -din=1 -rbr=1 -dgs=1 -asc=1 -rsy=1 -iec=1 -jvn=1 -log=WARN «-e=jarslibrariesnet/java/jinputjinput2.0.5jinput-2.0.5.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/lwjgl/lwjgllwjgl-platform2.9.4-nightly-20150209lwjgl-platform-2.9.4-nightly-20150209-natives-windows.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/ibm/icuicu4j-core-mojang51.2icu4j-core-mojang-51.2.jar» «-e=jarslibrariestv/twitchtwitch-external-platform4.5twitch-external-platform-4.5-natives-windows-64.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/httpcomponentshttpcore4.3.2httpcore-4.3.2.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/logging/log4jlog4j-api2.0-beta9log4j-api-2.0-beta9.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/commonscommons-lang33.3.2commons-lang3-3.3.2.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesnet/java/dev/jnajna3.4.0jna-3.4.0.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/paulscodelibraryjavasound20101123libraryjavasound-20101123.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesnet/sf/jopt-simplejopt-simple4.6jopt-simple-4.6.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/google/guavaguava17.0guava-17.0.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesoshi-projectoshi-core1.1oshi-core-1.1.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/httpcomponentshttpclient4.3.3httpclient-4.3.3.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/commonscommons-compress1.8.1commons-compress-1.8.1.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesnet/java/dev/jnaplatform3.4.0platform-3.4.0.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/paulscodecodecjorbis20101023codecjorbis-20101023.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/paulscodesoundsystem20120107soundsystem-20120107.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/paulscodelibrarylwjglopenal20100824librarylwjglopenal-20100824.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/lwjgl/lwjgllwjgl_util2.9.4-nightly-20150209lwjgl_util-2.9.4-nightly-20150209.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescommons-codeccommons-codec1.9commons-codec-1.9.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesnet/java/jutilsjutils1.0.0jutils-1.0.0.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescommons-loggingcommons-logging1.1.3commons-logging-1.1.3.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/lwjgl/lwjgllwjgl2.9.4-nightly-20150209lwjgl-2.9.4-nightly-20150209.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescommons-iocommons-io2.4commons-io-2.4.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/mojangrealms1.7.39realms-1.7.39.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/mojangauthlib1.5.21authlib-1.5.21.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/google/code/gsongson2.2.4gson-2.2.4.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/mojangnetty1.6netty-1.6.jar» «-e=jarslibrariestv/twitchtwitch6.5twitch-6.5.jar» «-e=jarslibrariescom/paulscodecodecwav20101023codecwav-20101023.jar» «-e=jarslibrariestv/twitchtwitch-platform6.5twitch-platform-6.5-natives-windows-64.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesnet/java/jinputjinput-platform2.0.5jinput-platform-2.0.5-natives-windows.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesorg/apache/logging/log4jlog4j-core2.0-beta9log4j-core-2.0-beta9.jar» «-e=jarslibrariesio/nettynetty-all4.0.23.Finalnetty-all-4.0.23.Final.jar» temp/minecraft_ff_in.jar tempsrcminecraft’ failed : 1
Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .
Du brauchst das Java JDK Pack.
Java SE Development Kit 8u181 und dann dein Betreibsystem auswählen usw..
Ah Okay,danke dir, Ich werde es mal versuchen
Und dann den Path setzten wie sonst auch oder?
okay,Habe alles Gemacht,installiert,Path gesetzt etc. Doch es ist immernoch der selbe Fehlercode :/
Mehr RAM zuweisen steht im Internet.
öffne die datei mcp.cfg im ordner conf
und ersetze «CmdFernflower = %s -jar %s -din=1 . «
mit «CmdFernflower = %s -Xmx2G -jar %s -din=1 . «
lad dir jre 1.8 herunter
Ähnliche Fragen
Mit was programmiert man eigentlich Minecraft Mods genau?
Ich hab mal was von mcp und Fabric gehört.
Ich würde sehr gerne Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 spielen. Aktuelle Versionen Laufen bei meinen gekauften Account, nur die alten nicht. da kommt immer
Ich weiß der PC hat noch Windows 7 Haha
Hi, ich wollte für einen Minecraft Server auf dem ich Teammitglied bin einen eigenen Client programmieren, da wir dadurch ja festlegen können was jeder Spieler bei uns haben darf. Ich hab jetz erstmal mit einem 1.8 Client angefangen um mich da rein zu finden und weil es massig 1.8 Tutorials gibt. Ich hab das jetzt mit MCP gemacht (später für neuere Versionen würd ich MCP Reborn nehmen) und meine Frage wäre ob das so legal ist
Danke schonmal im Vorraus für Antworen 😀
Also ZB
if (controler.login = true) <
Ich möchte ein Minecraft Plugin programmieren. Ich habe schon mal Minecraft Plugins porgrammiert und insofern ein wenig erfahrung. Ich habe mir auf diesen PC Eclipse geholt und eingerichtet. Das Problem ist, dass ich bei der Main class JavaPlugin nicht importieren kann.
Könnt ihr mir helfen?
Hier ist der Crash Report. Hat irgendwer ne ahnung wieso?
[19:31:47] [Client thread/INFO]: Setting user: Player422 [19:31:47] [Client thread/INFO]: (Session ID is token:0:Player422) [19:31:49] [Client thread/INFO]: LWJGL Version: 2.9.1 [OptiFine] [OptiFine] OptiFine_1.8_HD_U_B2 [OptiFine] Mon Aug 29 19:31:50 CEST 2016 [OptiFine] OS: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1 [OptiFine] Java: 1.8.0_101, Oracle Corporation [OptiFine] VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation [OptiFine] LWJGL: 2.9.1 [OptiFine] OpenGL: GeForce GTX 750 Ti/PCIe/SSE2, version 4.5.0 NVIDIA 368.81, NVIDIA Corporation [OptiFine] OpenGL Version: 4.0 [OptiFine] Maximum texture size: 16384×16384 [OptiFine] Checking for new version [19:31:50] [Client thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default [OptiFine] * Reloading textures * [OptiFine] Resource packs: Default [19:31:50] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Starting up SoundSystem. [OptiFine] Version found: H6 [19:31:50] [Thread-7/INFO]: Initializing LWJGL OpenAL [19:31:50] [Thread-7/INFO]: (The LWJGL binding of OpenAL. For more information, see http://www.lwjgl.org) [19:31:52] [Thread-7/INFO]: OpenAL initialized. [19:31:52] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Sound engine started [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: ModLoader [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraft.src.FMLRenderAccessLibrary [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: LightCache [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: BlockCoord [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooks [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.MinecraftForgeClient [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.ForgeHooksClient [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.fml.client.FMLClientHandler [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.IItemRenderer$ItemRenderType [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not pesent: net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getSkyRenderer [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not pesent: net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getCloudRenderer [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not pesent: net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider.getWeatherRenderer [OptiFine] (Reflector) Method not pesent: net.minecraft.world.World.countEntities [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.IRenderHandler [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.common.DimensionManager [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.event.world.WorldEvent$Load [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.GuiScreenEvent$DrawScreenEvent$Pre [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.GuiScreenEvent$DrawScreenEvent$Post [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: net.minecraftforge.client.event.E
ich versuche seit gestern das MCP zu installieren und beim decompillieren gibt es die ein oder andere Fehlermeldung: ich wollte sie hier mal posten — vielleicht kann mir jemand helfen.
- «salac»is not found on the PATH. Scala files will not be recompiled
- Looking for minecraft main jar. Not Found
- Missing server jar File — das ist jedoch glaube ich nicht notwendig
Guten Abend euch allen,
Ich habe eine Frage, unzwar wollte ich meinen ersten eigenen PvP Client in Minecraft programmieren und bin noch ziemlich neu. Ich habe mir schon etliche Video-Tutorials angeguckt, aber alle machen das ganz einfach ( Zuerst decompile.bat ausführen und dann mit Optifine öffnen) Habe ich auch so gemacht, doch bei mir steht direkt 23 errors found. Warum? Kann mir da jemand helfen?
Schönen Abend noch :^)
hallo ich hab folgendes problem , ich ahbe ein glas dach und wie man bei den bild sieht wird es hinten verzehrt. weiß jemand warum das so ist und ob man das wegmachen kann ?
Hallo liebe Community,
ich hab ein kleines problem, ich programmiere mit der 1.16.4 von Spigot und jedesmal wenn ich das Plugin starte kommt der fehler (Siehe Bild) in der Console. Wenn ich in Eclipse auf die JRE System Library [JavaSE-1.8] stelle habe ich dieses Problem nicht aber mit der Version JRE System Library [JavaSE-1.14] schon.
Welchen unterschied macht es ob ich die SE-1.8 nehme oder die SE-1.14? Oder wie kann ich den fehler beheben ?
Danke für eure Hilfe 😀
Moin leude ich suche einen bestimmten Laptop undzwar sollte der min. 8gb Ram haben, 256gb ssd, min. einen Intel Core I5 Prozessor haben und sollte nicht zu groß und nicht zu klein sein also ca. 15,6 zoll
Den Laptop brauche ich zum Programmieren und zum gamen(Minecraft, Gta5 und Golf it) d.h. er sollte große Programme aushalten können aber man sollte auch ein gute Fps anzahl in Spielen haben
Mein Budget ist 500€ ich weiß für einen Laptop mit diesen Aufgaben ist das etwas wenig aber ich hoffe mal jemand findet sowas
Ich hatte mir den ausgesucht und wollte fragen ob der so grob OK ist: HP SSD Gaming (15,6 Zoll Full-HD) Slim Notebook (Intel Core i5 8265U 8-Thread-CPU 3.9 GHz, 8GB DDR4, 256GB SSD, Intel HD Graphics 620, DVD±R/RW, HDMI, Windows 10, MS Office) #6152 https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07V2NWHWK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_taa_lRqEDb2XRJ9J2
Danke im vorraus
Ich bin gerade dabei mit Eclipse einen kleinen hack Client zu Programmieren.
Ich hab jetzt alles in einen ordner gezogen. (MCP,Optifine SRC )
Dann hab ich noch Vecmath zu lib hinzugefügt.
Der Client startet aber wenn man in eine Welt geht, stürzt er ab.
Die Console gibt nur einen Errocode aus:
AL lib: (EE) alc_cleanup: 1 device not closed
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Using incremental CMS is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release
Und dafor game Crashed!
Ich bitte um euren Rat und Lösungs ansetzte!
Ganzer Error Code:
#@!@# Game crashed! Crash report saved to: #@!@# C:UsersBananenstaudDesktopBanana Clientjars.crash-reportscrash-2020-05-22_18.06.10-client.txt
AL lib: (EE) alc_cleanup: 1 device not closed
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Using incremental CMS is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release