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Отправлено 01 Май 2011 — 10:32
доброе время суток. недавно взял N90 и карту к нему 16 Гб (СИЛИКОН ПАУЭр).
несколько фото (10 — 50) выскакивает ошибка CHR.., но при этом комп ее читает.
отформатируешь в компе и заново..
подскажите, пожалуйста, в чем проблема?
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Отправлено 01 Май 2011 — 10:36
*Vladimir* (01 Май 2011 — 10:32):
доброе время суток. недавно взял N90 и карту к нему 16 Гб (СИЛИКОН ПАУЭр).
несколько фото (10 — 50) выскакивает ошибка CHR.., но при этом комп ее читает.
отформатируешь в компе и заново..
подскажите, пожалуйста, в чем проблема?
Попробуйте отформатировать её в фотоаппарате.
P.S. А N90 — это разве не плёночная камера?
Сообщение изменено: Альфред (01 Май 2011 — 10:38)
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Отправлено 01 Май 2011 — 10:43
Наверное имелось ввиду д90
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Отправлено 01 Май 2011 — 11:01
да, пардон, ошибся, именно D 90)
естественно после форматирования в компе форматируется в Никоне
все повторяется(
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Отправлено 01 Май 2011 — 11:23
Попробуйте по возможности с другой карточкой.
Если не поможет — фотоаппарат в сервис.
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Отправлено 01 Май 2011 — 13:10
Во-первых, форматировать необходимо в фотоаппарате или телефоне, на компе не рекомендуется (уже не один отзыв о загубленной карте, форматированной в компе), а если форматировать на компе, то скачайте программу специальную «SDFormatter V2.9» (если найдёте, то посвежее). Она коректно работает с флеш картами.
Во-вторых, такая ошибка выдаётся при ошибке чтения-записи на карту, рекомендуется заменить (если даже она и заработает, то всё-равно подведёт когда-нибудь)
У меня была точно такаяже история, только карта была PQI 16 Гб, жалко конечно, но ничего не поделаешь, купил 2*8 Гб, так лучше будет, и удобнее (всё-равно 16 Гб забивать очень долго, редко заполняется полностью…).
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Отправлено 01 Май 2011 — 16:34
возможно, дело в карте, если с другой будет работать нормально, тогда дело точно в ней. 16 Г Transcend 6 кл. нормально работает с Д90.
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Отправлено 01 Май 2011 — 18:41
Небо (01 Май 2011 — 13:10):
«SDFormatter V2.9» (если найдёте, то посвежее).
http://www.sdcard.or…rmatterv3.0.zip V3.0
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Отправлено 01 Май 2011 — 22:18
всем спасибо огромное , буду испытывать)о результате сообщу.
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Отправлено 01 Май 2011 — 22:25
представляете)) — только что вернулся с фотосессии где также карта глюкнула.. взял для интереса, как пишут, вынул батарею и обратно ее — карта отображается, что за дела?? кто нибудь знает??
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Отправлено 01 Май 2011 — 22:26
погорячился(( показала кадры и тоже самое..
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Отправлено 01 Май 2011 — 22:47
Было уже всё это, было.
И карточки меняли, и батареи вынимали, и объективы откручивали…
А в результате всё равно шли и меняли картридер в камере.
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Отправлено 02 Май 2011 — 23:00
Да нет, на картах экономить не надо.
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Отправлено 02 Май 2011 — 23:09
И кстати форматирование карт на компьютере здесь абсолютно ни причём. Купите карту от нормального производителя: Sandisk, Trancend ну или Kingston
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Отправлено 02 Май 2011 — 23:16
dron04 (02 Май 2011 — 23:09):
И кстати форматирование карт на компьютере здесь абсолютно ни причём. Купите карту от нормального производителя: Sandisk, Trancend ну или Kingston
Вы потрудились воспользоваться поисковиком? Хотя бы «D90 chr» набрать?
И как, какой процент решил проблему сменой карты?
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Отправлено 02 Май 2011 — 23:25
Вроде как пробовал, кроме этой ссылок 0.
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Отправлено 03 Май 2011 — 08:27
dron04 (02 Май 2011 — 23:25):
Вроде как пробовал, кроме этой ссылок 0.
Что обозначает символ «CHR»
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Отправлено 03 Май 2011 — 08:36
dron04 (02 Май 2011 — 23:09):
И кстати форматирование карт на компьютере здесь абсолютно ни причём. Купите карту от нормального производителя: Sandisk, Trancend ну или Kingston
даже если карта нормальная, ее срок использования ограничен. Из 5 используемых карт (все сандиск) у самой старенькой двушки (ей около 5 лет) началась такая проблемма. Теперь стараюсь использовать ее в крайнем случае.
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Отправлено 03 Май 2011 — 09:48
Читал о сроке жизни карточек, на сайте PQI официально заявленно, срок службы карт 10000 циклов (т.е. 10000 перезаписей), Так что после 10000 кадров уже завод изготовитель не гарантирует работу флеш карт. (за все не говорю, но PQI точно так!)
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Отправлено 03 Май 2011 — 10:01
dron04 (02 Май 2011 — 23:25):
Альфред (02 Май 2011 — 23:16):
Вы потрудились воспользоваться поисковиком? Хотя бы «D90 chr» набрать?
И как, какой процент решил проблему сменой карты?
Вроде как пробовал, кроме этой ссылок 0.
Сообщение изменено: Альфред (03 Май 2011 — 10:04)
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- 8 Мар 2010
Доброго времени суток!
Принесли данный девайс с неподающими признаками жизни. Разобрал, нашёл битый предохранитель, сломанный механизм поднятия зеркальца и т.д.
Всё восстановил, аппарат заработал, но…
Без карты памяти, механизм срабатываети, только стоит вставить карту памяти, вместо количества снимков, показывает ошибку”CHR”?, при нажатии на кнопку спуска, пропадает и появляется вновь. Пробовал передёргивать шлейыфы, чистить разъемы, шлейфы, бесполезно. Так же заметил ещё одну деталь, в меню не работает перемещение вниз и на право. Может это как то связанно. Кто сталкивался с таким, или может кто знает, что означает данная ошибка “CHR” буду очень признателен.
- 8 Мар 2010
Это проблема формата карточки. Может погнуты контакты? Может питание на ЦФ’ку не приходит?
- 8 Мар 2010
Это означает, что данную карту использовать нельзя. Ошибка доступа к карте памяти. Невозможно создать папку. Используйте карту, рекомендованную компанией Nikon/ Проверьте, что контакты очищены. Удалите файлы или вставьте новую карту памяти. Это написано в инструкции для Nikon D200/
- 9 Мар 2010
Mike сказал(а):
Это означает, что данную карту использовать нельзя. Ошибка доступа к карте памяти. Невозможно создать папку. Используйте карту, рекомендованную компанией Nikon/ Проверьте, что контакты очищены. Удалите файлы или вставьте новую карту памяти. Это написано в инструкции для Nikon D200/
С любой картой то же самое. Контакты и картридер в порядке.
Вот с питанием как писал SauliusFoto, пока разбираюсь.
- 9 Мар 2010
Вроде недавно тема была про полевики на плате карт-ридера Д70?
- 10 Мар 2010
Доброго времени суток!
Проблема решена. Вот говорят же, семь раз проверь, один раз отрежь.
Оказались три карты памяти битые. Вчера, чисто случайно попалась под руки ещё одна карточка, поставил и всё заработало. До этого пропаял всё разъёмы, меня смутило другое, ведь карточка его сначала работала, даже сделал пару снимков, потом так стало. Попробую разобрать его карточку, может в ней механический дефект.
Всем спасибо за участие. Огромное спасибо!
- 10 Мар 2010
А кард ридер как реагирует на эти битые карточки?
- 12 Мар 2010
Компьютером совсем не определяется, такое впечатление, что ничего не подсоеденил.
Как я писал, разобрал, пропаял, но безрезультатно. Видать по питанию битые.
Many Nikon cameras use the CHA or CHR error syntax for a variety of common errors. Common culprits and associated fixes are included.
I have been using Nikon cameras for quite a while. I have experienced several different circumstances where the Nikon will throw a CHA or CHR error message. Typically, these errors are directly related to SD memory card.
I believe Nikon officially refers these to CHA errors. A couple of my photog friends refer to them as CHR errors. The confusion is that on the Nikon screen, the difference between the letters A and R are not clear.
Before formatting or manipulating a SD card that is giving errors, always been sure to copy the images to another device such as a computer. If the computer cannot read the card and you have images on it, you will need to attempt to salvage your photos with some type of memory card recovery software first.
1. Unformatted card. Buy a SD card, throw it in, and you get a CHA/CHG error. Using the camera’s format command will fix it. Most people figure this one out.
2. Wrong size or type of memory card. If your new SD card does not work after formatting or if the device refuses to format it, it is very impossible that the SD card is not compatible with your camera. Most frequently, this is due to the SD card being too big. Many popular Nikon cameras like the D50 cannot handle large SD cards. Updating your firmware occasionally helps with this.
3. Write protection enabled. On the side of SD cards is a slider that prevents a device from being able to write to the card. Often these sliders get accidentally enabled when putting the memory card in or out of the device. Move the slider away from the “lock” selection and try again.
4. Bent or broken SD camera pins. If a card is forced in backwards or at an awkward angle, the pins in the camera that serve as digital connectors can get damaged. If multiple SD cards do not work, repair may be the only option.
5. Failing or Buggy SD memory. If a card is failing or contains errors, often it will throw a CHA/CHR error. Move all the pictures off the card and then attempt to use your camera’s format function to clear the memory. If that fails, you can try formatting it using your computer first. If you have to do this repeatedly, then the memory is likely failing. I am not typically concerned by the requirement for an occasional reformat.
6. SD card is full. Once a card is full, the Nikon will display this error. If the camera locks and you are unable to delete pictures off the card, just wait until the memory light quits blinking and then restart the device. Often the device will then allow you to delete images and resolve the error.
David Kirk
David Kirk is one of the original founders of tech-recipes and is currently serving as editor-in-chief. Not only has he been crafting tutorials for over ten years, but in his other life he also enjoys taking care of critically ill patients as an ICU physician.
Well, in most of my earlier posts I have written several memory card errors and their fixes. In this blog, I am going to discuss few Nikon error solutions that will surely help you to fix Nikon error codes effectively.
I have found in many communities and forum websites, that people using Nikon DSLR digital cameras are getting “Nikon error messages”.
This Nikon camera error message is creating havoc to the users. Below you can see the real user’s example.
Let us take a users example:
I’m not sure what is going on, but my D90 is showing “err” on the top display. I’ve removed the battery and turned the camera on and off a few times and no change. I have removed the lens and remounted and still not change.
Does anyone have an idea of what else I should check?Thank you
Almost all modern Nikon DSLR cameras such as Nikon D90, D80, D60, D40x, D40, D5000, D3000, D200, D300, D300s, D3, D3s and D3x display different kind of Nikon error codes. This can be really problematic – particularly if you are a photographer and you have no idea on how to fix Nikon Camera error message.
Well, you do not need to get worried about it as I have listed some of the Nikon Camera error codes and their fixes in the next section of this blog that you can do it by yourself.
Troubleshooting Nikon Error Codes/Messages
- Fix Blinking “Err” Message
- Fix Blinking “fEE” Message
- Fix Triangle with letter “F” Error
- Fix Continuous (-E-) Message/No Memory Card Error message
- Fix Blinking “CHA/CHR” Message
- Fix “f–” or “f0” Error Message
- Fix Stuck on R-number
- Fix “Information” icon error message
- Fix Cannot record the movie error message
- Fix Shutter release error message
- Fix This Image Cannot Be Deleted error message
1. Blinking “Err” Message
Blinking Err is one of the most occurring error messages that you might see on the Nikon camera – because it occurs due to several numbers of problems.
The most common reasons are the dust particles that lie between the lens and camera, so you have to simply clean the area carefully and check again.
Another reason could be due to the camera startup problem. In this case, you can turn OFF the camera and remove the battery out of the camera and then re-insert it back and check again.
If you are still seeing the same Nikon error message – then try another lens on the camera in order to identify which part of the camera is faulty. If another lens is working fine, then it is clear that the problem is still in the contacts on the lens creating the issue. In such a situation you can visit the Nikon Service Centre.
2. Blinking “fEE” Message
Blinking “fEE” error message gets displayed only when you are using lenses with an aperture ring. It generally occurs with older lenses and the fEE error message appears if the ring isn’t set to minimum aperture size.
To fix this, simply turn it back to this point – highlighted in orange color. If you are able to lock the aperture ring into its place, then you must do it – it will stop you from thumping it out of the alignment again.
3. Triangle With The letter “F”
Most of the time, this F Error message is limited to Nikon DLSR cameras. This particular error message appears when the camera is not able to communicate with the lens.
To fix F– error message, clean the contacts on the rear of the lens with the help of microfiber cloth and make sure that the lens is locked into its place.
If the problem still persists, then try different lenses to identify whether the problem is in the lens or camera. If you are not able to fix it by yourself, then you can take your camera to the service center.
4. Continuous (-E-) Message/No Memory Card Error message
Continuous (-E-) Message means that there is no memory card installed in the camera. But, if you are getting this error message even when you have inserted a memory card in the camera – then your camera is not able to read the card properly.
In order to fix no memory card error or continuous (-E-) message, turn off the camera and remove the card and clean it (particularly the metal parts that make the connection with the camera). Now insert the card and turn ON the camera and see if this fixes the problem.
Second, make sure that the card type you are using is compatible with your Nikon camera.
Third, ensure that the card is not full – if it is full of photos/videos and there is no space then transfer the photos and videos from the card to PC and delete them from the card.
If you are still facing the same error message, then you must format your memory card. You can either format the card within the camera or on the PC.
Note: Formatting memory card will erase all photos and videos from the card, hence, it is recommended that you must first back up all data of the card to PC and then format it.
5. Blinking “CHA/CHR” Message
Blinking “CHA/CHR” error message means that there is a problem with the memory card. It commonly occurs when you have copied the images from the card.
However, it can be easily fixed by formatting the card within the camera. But if in case the problem is not solved and you are still having the issue, then it is possible that you have a problem with the contacts. Clean the contacts and check the problem is solved or not – if not then send it to the Nikon service center.
6. “f–” or “f0” Error Message
The “f–” or “f0” Nikon d70 error codes messages occur when the lens is not placed into its place properly.
To troubleshoot Nikon error codes – simply unmount and remount the lens and make sure that it gets placed into its proper place. If you are using the older lens then you may get the error message again because it is possible that older lens may not have electronic contacts, hence, it can’t communicate with the camera.
7. Stuck On R-Number
This is particularly not the error message, but several numbers of photographers reported that their Nikon camera has stuck on r-number, not allowing them to shoot photos even when the shutter is fully pressed. The r-number could be anything like r36 or any other number. What it actually means – well, it shows that you can take a remaining number of a photo on the buffer and it appears when you half-press the shutter.
But, why your camera is not able to take a photo even when the shutter is completely pressed? Well, there could be several reasons for this problem.
By default, your camera is set to focus on an image before taking the photos, so when you are taking photos in a very dark room or environment and your camera is not able to get proper focus then you will the r-number until it gets stuck to something.
Another reason behind the occurrence of this Nikon error codes is that your camera has been set to self-timer and hence the r-number will get displayed until the timer is complete.
8. “Information” Icon Error Message
There could be 3 reasons for a Nikon camera “information” icon error message (you will see “I” in a circle).
- First, a battery might be discharged – so charge the battery.
- Second, the memory card may be locked or full – to troubleshoot the problem, look for a small toggle switch located just on the side of the card and just swipe it to the “unlocked” position. If your card is full, then move the files from the card to PC.
- Third, it is possible that your camera has spotted that one of the subjects of the photo blinked as and when you take a shot – showing you to take a photo again.
9. Cannot Record Movie Error Message
Cannot record movie error message occurs when your Nikon DSLR camera is not able to transfer the data to the memory card as quickly to record it.
This Nikon r99 error commonly occurs due to memory card – hence, you will require card that has faster read and write process speed. However, this problem can also refer to the camera – but you must first try different memory cards.
10. Shutter Release Error Message
If your Nikon DSLR camera shutter release is jammed then you get shutter release error message.
To fix Nikon d7100 error codes, you must check the shutter button. If there is any object or any other sticky grime that might be jamming the shutter button then, clean the button and try again.
11. This Image Cannot Be Deleted Error Message
An image cannot be deleted error message mostly occurs when the image you are trying to delete is protected through the software in the camera.
To fix Nikon d7200 error codes issue – you have to first remove the protection from the image and then you can delete it.
Recover Data From Nikon DSLR Camera Using Nikon Cemara Recovery Tool
You can repair ‘Nikon error codes’ by following the aforementioned solutions. But there is also a huge possibility to lose media files from Nikon camera card while fixing the Nikon d50 error codes. So, in such circumstances, how do you recover data after fixing Nikon d610 error codes?
Below you can find the solution for Nikon camera data recover!
Nikon DSLR Camera Recovery Tool is a suitable tool that can easily restore lost photos and videos from Sandisk memory card.
It is one of the powerful software that will help you to recover corrupted, inaccessible, lost, deleted or formatted files such as photos, videos and audio files from the card devices.
emid emid
* Free version of the program only scans and previews recoverable items.
Steps To Recover Deleted Data From Nikon Camera Memory Card
Step 1: Select Desired Location
Firstly, select the drive, external media or volume from which you want to recover deleted media files. After selecting, click on ‘Scan‘.
Step 2: Preview Recovered Media Files
Next, you can preview the recoverable media files after the scanning process is completed.
Step 3: Recover Media Files
Lastly, you can select the images, audio, video files you want to restore and click on ‘Recover‘ option to save them at the location you want.
Final Verdict
I hope by reading the above fixes, you are able to resolve Nikon d80 error codes displayed by the Nikon DSLR camera.
But do remember that different model of Nikon camera display different sets of Nikon error codes that are listed above. In case while fixing Nikon d7000 error codes, if you find that the data gets deleted, then you can try the Nikon DSLR Camera Recovery Tool to get them back.
If the above fixes do not help you to solve the issue, then you can carry your Nikon camera to Nikon Service Centre.
Best of luck for troubleshooting Nikon DSLR camera error codes messages!
Taposhi is an expert technical writer with 5+ years of experience. Her in-depth knowledge about data recovery and fascination to explore new DIY tools & technologies have helped many. She has a great interest in photography and loves to share photography tips and tricks with others.
I bought a (well) used D700 off eBay recently. The original seller reported frustration with CF Card errors, which probably saved me $150 on the price.
The camera, once I got it, seemed OK, but was having a lot of problems writing to the CF cards reliably. Sometimes there’d be a ‘CHA’ error that would clear with an off-on cycle, but other times the camera would fail to see any of the previously taken pictures after the restart.
Other times the error manifested as weird characters on the drive; several times the camera formatted the drive with the name “NIKKN D700”, a few times it said “NIKON D300.” I saw some pics with the extension “.NAF” (instead of “.NEF”). Some cards appeared to ‘lose’ 4.3 Gigs of space to, well, nothing.
The Internet said that formatting the card using the camera’s Format feature was important, but I was trying that (without real success). Other people said older SanDisk cards were problematic, so I ordered a Lexar card as suggested.
I didn’t pay the extra $4 for overnight, so I had some time to try other things, and I hit something that worked.
Nikon CF cards use the MS-DOS(FAT32) format, and I played with formatting them on my Mac, but that didn’t help (even after re-formatting them on the camera). It then occurred to me that the camera might only be doing a ‘light’ format. To force the camera into doing a deeper format, I used the Mac to put an ExFAT format on the cards.
When I pop those in to the camera, the camera doesn’t even try to read them, it just reports “For” (for Format). Running a Format on the card resulted in a card that worked fine.
Perfectly fine. Even the oldest SanDisks I have work fine.
This fix did not hold. I had to get the CF Slot replaced in the end.
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