Что значит curl error 6

Trying to find a solution for 'WordPress cURL Error 6: Could not resolve host '?The error whenever there is a problem with the DNS server.

Trying to find a solution for ‘WordPress cURL Error 6: Could not resolve host’? Here’s how we fix it.

The cURL error 6 indicates that the cURL can’t resolve the hostname and it happens whenever there is a problem with the DNS server.

At Bobcares, we often receive requests to fix cURL errors as a part of our Server Management Services.

Today, let’s explore more on this error and see how our Support Engineers fix it.

What is cURL error 6?

cURL error 6 mainly occurs when the given remote host does not resolve properly. Also, it is related to the DNS, and we fix this error by resolving the DNS.

Now, let’s discuss the exact scenario of the error. Recently, one of our WordPress customers approached us with the below error message.

cURL error 6: Couldn't resolve host

He confirmed that he started to receive this error after updating a plugin on the website.

How we fix the WordPress cURL Error 6: Could not resolve host?

On checking, our Support Engineers found that the error was occurring due to the WordPress plugin.We follow the below steps to fix the error.

1. First, we log in via SSH and edit /etc/resolv.conf.

vi /etc/resolv.conf

2. Next, we add Google public name servers and comment on the other nameservers.

#nameserver 1xx.1xx.1xx.x
#nameserver 1xx.1xx.1xx.x

3. Then after making the changes, we restart Apache or Nginx.

service apache2 restart

This fixes the error.

But sometimes the changes we made to /etc/resolv.conf file will be erased on reboot or restart. So we make some permanent changes in resolv.conf file.

sudo apt-get install resolvconf

Then we open the file to add the nameservers.

vi /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base

After that, we add the nameservers on the file.


Finally, we save the file. By adding the Google name serves will fix the WordPress cURL Error 6.

[Need assistance in fixing cURL errors? – Our Experts are available 24/7.]


In short, the WordPress cURL Error 6: Could not resolve host error occurs during the WordPress plugin updates and it is related to DNS. Today, we saw how our Support Engineers fix this error.


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var google_conversion_label = «owonCMyG5nEQ0aD71QM»;

As Linux users continue to skillfully nurture and grow their user experience, they soon realize that they become more performant and productive while in the Linux command-line environment.

The Linux OS environment exposes its users to terminal-based tools like Curl for a non-interactive download and upload of targeted network/internet-based files, which is similar to the Wget utility and both share some similarities in their implementation and functionalities.

The primary role of the Curl utility as highlighted on its manual page is to transfer a targeted URL.

$ man curl 

It supports numerous protocols with the common ones being FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, SFTP, SMTP, and SMTP.

The Curl command syntax is as follows:

$ curl [options / URLs]

We can show its implementation by using it with a random URL.

$ curl https://google.com -o linuxshelltips.txt

In the above command, Curl’s findings from accessing the highlighted URL are saved in the succeeding text file.

Curl File Download

Curl File Download

curl: (6) could not resolve host Error

Mostly, such an error occurs when there is an issue with a Linux server’s DNS resolver. A Linux administrator will categorize/define this challenge as a server management service issue.

This error is likely to take several forms when the curl command is executed from the Linux terminal and the most popular ones include:

  • curl: (6) could not resolve host: domain_name.extension; Name or service not known
  • curl: (6) could not resolve host: domain_name.extension e.g. linuxshelltips.com
  • curl: (6) could not resolve host: application

Now that we have highlighted the primary reason that might be behind the stated curl command error during its execution on a Linux terminal, it’s time to fix the problem.

Solution 1: Missing Working DNS Nameserver

A nameserver is basically a bridge between a working/purchased domain name and the IP address of a server. When you purchase or subscribe to a domain name, and before you use/link this domain name to your remote Linux server, you need to configure a DNS nameserver. A DNS nameserver enables a user to use a domain name to access a remote server instead of using its IP address.

On your Linux server/machine, the file /etc/resolv.conf is responsible for the DNS nameserver entries auto-generated by NetworkManager.

$ sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf

This file can hold more than one DNS nameserver entry. As you might have noted, the syntax for adding a DNS nameserver entry in this file should resemble the following:

nameserver   IP.ADDRESS

For instance, if you were to add Google public nameservers to this file, it would look like the following:


Add DNS Name Servers in Linux

Add DNS Name Servers in Linux

If you are using a private DNS nameserver, add it to the /etc/resolv.conf file. Update or reboot the system if possible and the host should start resolving.

Solution 2: Curl Syntax Errors

Make sure the curl command execution adheres to its correct syntax usage. A syntax error can arise from something as simple as the misuse of an escape sequence (/) or an illegal spacing on the URL.

The curl: (6) could not resolve host error in Linux primarily relates to wrongful/missing DNS nameserver setup or a random syntax error that can be scanned and fixed.

I am having a problem with my bash script. It is producing an error of

curl (6) couldn't resolve host

What have I done wrong?

The following is my bash script.


string="$(mysql -u root -p Company 'select name from HR')"

curl -F $url

asked Jan 19, 2012 at 6:45

Hend's user avatar


According to the man curl, error 6 means «Couldn’t resolve host. The given
remote host was not resolved.» so you will have to check if the hostname of the
url is resolvable to an ip address.

when you need to submit data to a server, for example with the form below,

<form method="POST" enctype='multipart/form-data' action="upload.cgi">
  <input type=file name=upload>
  <input type=submit name=press value="OK">

you can do it curl with the following equivalent. (make sure the server that
you submitted is ready to receive the data too)

curl -F upload=@localfilename -F press=OK [resolv-able url]

answered Jan 19, 2012 at 7:19

Jasonw's user avatar


5,0227 gold badges41 silver badges48 bronze badges

Try printing out the whole string/url. I believe it should have some problems in it.

answered Jan 21, 2012 at 9:04

J eremy's user avatar

J eremyJ eremy

391 silver badge8 bronze badges

And can you ping «www.company.com» (I’m assuming that’s not the real name you’re connecting to) at all?

And it might be worthwhile printing out the $url variable before you curl it since it may be malformed.

And one final thing. Are you sure you should be using -F? This appears to be automated form filling. Is it possible you wanted to «fail silently» option -f?

answered Jan 19, 2012 at 6:52

paxdiablo's user avatar


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Just for completeness: this happens also if there are problems on your network.

For instance, to test this, on your local machine shutdown the connection to the internet and try to connect to the URL: the exact same error is returned.

So currently I have no idea of how to distinguish problems on the remote server from problems on our own network.

answered Feb 23, 2018 at 12:10

Aerendir's user avatar


6,0148 gold badges51 silver badges101 bronze badges

This could be a DHCP problem. I was seeing the same and similar error messages trying to update and install NPM packages and run Curl commands in my Window WSL2 Ubuntu terminal. After updating the DNS by running sudo echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf I was able to install and update packages again. I spent days trying to troubleshoot this and never thought to check for DNS issues.

answered Aug 9, 2022 at 15:31

w. Patrick Gale's user avatar

  1. It’s interesting that it’s only curl that’s giving trouble, and only with Guzzle. I’m not convinced this is a Valet issue.
    You could maybe enable Guzzle’s debug mode, to get more information back:

You could also install an alternate Client to override the default of using CURL: http://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/latest/faq.html#does-guzzle-require-curl

  1. I wouldn’t have expected a simple yarn update to do anything that’s interfering, unless it’s gone and installed some package that set some new ENV vars that CURL uses, or something that provides DNS services and now is clashing with dnsmasq or osx core. And if it does then that raises other concerns, beyond the scope of Valet.
    But, one way to rule it out is to delete everything yarn installed, and then remove the node_modules dir, and reboot. And if it’s from «global» tools that yarn installed, clean those up too. Maybe not «ideal», but useful as a troubleshooting step nonetheless.

  2. Given that you said other services are able to reach site.test it means dnsmasq «is» running, so the following troubleshooting for dnsmasq is probably pointless, but I’ll leave it here for reference anyway.

DNSMASQ troubleshooting

Top 3 troubleshooting steps I’ve taken with dnsmasq issues:

  • use dig to find out what’s happening with lookups
  • enable dnsmasq logging to get it to report any startup problems
  • inspect OSX config


dig site.test
This should come back with something like the following. Note the «A» record pointing to, and the SERVER: in the following, and what’s different in yours.

; <<>> DiG 9.10.6 <<>> site.test
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 58405
;; flags: qr aa rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;site.test.			IN	A

site.test.		0	IN	A

;; Query time: 0 msec
;; WHEN: Fri Mar 01 10:26:39 EST 2019
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 54


Enabling logging in dnsmasq:
One place to do this is in ~/.config/valet/dnsmasq.conf
It should already have 2 lines in it for your configured TLD.
Add the following lines, adjusting for your actual username:

# Logging

Then sudo brew services stop dnsmasq && sudo brew services start dnsmasq && brew services list
What’s the output? Does it show dnsmasq running as root?
Then look in your ~/Downloads/dnsmasq.log file for any messages, particularly things pointing out problems.
(Once you’ve resolved your dnsmasq issues, remove those logging entries, since it’ll just waste disk space.)

OSX networking

  • System Preferences -> Network -> Advanced -> DNS
    For dnsmasq to be the first lookup source, the first DNS listing should be

osx dns config

Буквально пару дней назад переносили сайт на WordPress на обновленный сервер, и столкнулись с проблемой установки обновлений и новых плагинов. Если поискать в интернете, видно, что люди часто сталкиваются с такой ошибкой и предлагается всего 2 варианта решения:

  1. Подождите, может, само рассосется
  2. Обратитесь к системному администратору

Ждать — не вариант. Если вы используете виртуальный хостинг одного из хостеров, то техподдержка должна решить эту проблему достаточно быстро. А если вы арендовали VPS и сами себе администратор, то информация ниже поможет вам решить проблему.

Как проявляется ошибка

Ошибка возникает при попытке установить обновление WordPress, обновить темы оформления или установить новый плагин. При этом появляется сообщение «Warning: Произошла непредвиденная ошибка. Возможно, что-то не так с сайтом WordPress.org или с настройками вашего сервера. Если проблема не решится, обратитесь на форумы поддержки. (Не удалось установить защищённое соединение с WordPress.org. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с администратором сервера)».

В логах сервера фигурируют следующие файлы, в которых возникает ошибка:

Если у вас установлен плагин Health Check & Troubleshooting (кстати, настоятельно рекомендую его установить), то в отчете можно увидеть ошибки вида
cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: api.wordpress.org

Очевидно, что проблема в библиотеке cURL, либо настройках сервера.

Как решить проблему

Нам понадобится доступ к серверу по протоколу SSH и права администратора для внесения изменений в настройки и установки ряда библиотек.

1. Проверяем настройки в файле php.ini
Обычно этот файл находится в папке /etc/php.ini или /etc/php/<версия php>/apache2/php.ini. Убедитесь, что эти две настройки включены:
allow_url_fopen = On
allow_url_include = On

2. Проверяем установку необходимых библиотек с помощью phpinfo()
Создайте на своем сервере файл pi.php в корне сайта со следующим содержимым:

Откройте файл в браузере http://<адрес сервера>/pi.php и проверьте, что следующие библиотеки установлены в Enabled

3. Проверяем файл resolv.conf
Файл можно найти по адресу /etc/resolv.conf — воспользуйтесь привычным текстовым редактором. Удалите из файла все комментарии, укажите используемые DNS-сервера (рекомендую Google, но вы можете выбрать те, которые нравятся):

Сохраните изменения и закройте редактор. Убедитесь, что файл доступен для всех пользователей:
chmod a+r /etc/resolv.conf

4. Если вы используете высокоэффективную связку nginx + php-fpm

Для начала проверяем конфигурацию php-fpm для вашего сайта. Ее можно найти в /etc/php-fpm.d/<имя сайта>.conf. Откройте файл и найдите строку
chroot = <путь к песочнице>
Если строка присутствует и не закомментирована, значит php-fpm работает в режиме chroot, и вам потребуется скопировать часть файлов системы в chroot-окружение, т.к. у php-fpm нет к ним доступа. Для этого переходим в папку, указанную в chroot и выполняем следующие команды:
mkdir etc
mkdir lib64
mkdir usr
mkdir usr/share
cp -p /etc/hosts etc/
cp -p /etc/localtime etc/
cp -p /etc/resolv.conf etc/
cp -p /lib64/libss_dns* lib64/
cp -Rp /usr/share/zoneinfo usr/share/

После выполнения указанных действий перезапускаем php-fpm, и проблема решена.
systemctl restart php-fpm

Если вам требуется сопровождение VPS/VDS-сервера или помощь с настройкой, обратитесь к нам, мы занимаемся настройкой и сопровождением серверов с 2013 года. Порекомендуем хостера, подберем конфигурацию и поможем запустить ваш проект.

I am trying to consume a web service. I have my dev environment(laptop) which is on windows, and also a test environment(server) which is on Fedora. Both share the same internet connection and also the same source code for the application I am testing.

The current problem

  • When I am doing a test using my dev environment, I get a valid response
  • When I am doing a test using the test environment, I am getting Curl Error No 6 (could not resolve host)
  • I can view the WSDL on the test environment using the curl command in the terminal
  • I can view the WSDL in the browser when I browse it.
  • I have tried the webservice using SOAPUI on my dev environment and I managed to get a valid response as well.
  • unfortunately, I cannot find SOAPUI for fedora so I cannot test it on the test environment using SOAPUI.
  • I am able to consume other partner’s webservice using test environment.

Anyone can suggest me what is going on and how to fix it? Whether it is a network problem or the source code?

Below is my source code:

    function execute_curl($variables)   //removed variables because its too long

        $ch = curl_init();

        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $URL);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: text/xml','SOAPAction:"'.$http_header.'"'));
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $string);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PORT, 443);

            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, $ssl_version);

            //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, $ca_info);

            //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, $ssl_cert);

            //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERTPASSWD, $ssl_cert_pass);

            if($time_out !== "0"):
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $time_out);


        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);

        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);

        $ch_result = curl_exec($ch);

        if(curl_errno($ch) == "0"):
            //RETURN ERROR

I am trying to consume a web service. I have my dev environment(laptop) which is on windows, and also a test environment(server) which is on Fedora. Both share the same internet connection and also the same source code for the application I am testing.

The current problem

  • When I am doing a test using my dev environment, I get a valid response
  • When I am doing a test using the test environment, I am getting Curl Error No 6 (could not resolve host)
  • I can view the WSDL on the test environment using the curl command in the terminal
  • I can view the WSDL in the browser when I browse it.
  • I have tried the webservice using SOAPUI on my dev environment and I managed to get a valid response as well.
  • unfortunately, I cannot find SOAPUI for fedora so I cannot test it on the test environment using SOAPUI.
  • I am able to consume other partner’s webservice using test environment.

Anyone can suggest me what is going on and how to fix it? Whether it is a network problem or the source code?

Below is my source code:

    function execute_curl($variables)   //removed variables because its too long

        $ch = curl_init();

        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $URL);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: text/xml','SOAPAction:"'.$http_header.'"'));
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $string);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PORT, 443);

            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, $ssl_version);

            //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, $ca_info);

            //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, $ssl_cert);

            //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERTPASSWD, $ssl_cert_pass);

            if($time_out !== "0"):
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $time_out);


        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);

        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);

        $ch_result = curl_exec($ch);

        if(curl_errno($ch) == "0"):
            //RETURN ERROR

Curl: (6) could not resolve host – What’s wrong?

If you are using Linux, you are not too unfamiliar with Terminal, which is a software program that allows the user to communicate with the computer by running pre-installed commands. When you are trying to install a new application for using Terminal, you may get the error Curl: (6) could not resolve host.

If you are facing the error Curl: (6) could not resolve host, there may be 2 reasons for that. First of all, IPV6 was enabled. And another one is the wrong DNS server. So, if you are troubled because of one of the two reasons above, we will bring you the ways to disable IPV6 and add a Google DNS server to deal with this error. Let’s get started now!

How to fix Curl: (6) could not resolve host

As we mentioned above, the first solution we will show you is how to disable IPV6 to solve the error Curl: (6) could not resolve host. Here is the detailed instruction:

  • Open Terminal -> Type su and enter in order to log in as the super user.
  • Fill out the root password.
  • Change the directory cd/etc/modprobe.d/ to /etc/modprobe.d/
  • Type vi disableipv6.conf and generate a new file.
  • Press the combination key Esc + I to insert data into the file you have already created.
  • Enter install ipv6 /bin/true on the file in order to avoid loading modules related to IPV6.
  • Type Esc + : -> Type wp to save and exit.
  • Enter reboot to restart fedora -> Open terminal -> Type lsmod | grep ipv6
  • Now, if there is no result, you succeed in disabling IPV6.

The second method to deal with this error Curl: (6) could not resolve host is to add Google DNS server. Let’s follow the steps below:

  • Open Terminal -> Type su and enter in order to log in as the super user.
  • Fill out the root password.
  • In order to check what DNS server you are using, let’s type cat /etc/resolv.conf.
  • An open DNS server maintained by Google can help you to address this trouble. They are and but they may change in the future. Learn more here.
  • Enter vi /etc/resolv.conf in order to modify the file resolv.conf.
  • Press the combination key Esc + I to insert data into the file.
  • Insert # at the beginning of each line -> Fill out the two following lines in the file:


  • Type Esc + : -> Type wp to save and exit.

Everything is done and you don’t need to restart. The error will disappear now!


To sum up, they are the two helpful solutions that are rated by many users. So, we hope that they will also support you to tackle the error Curl: (6) could not resolve host effectively. If you have any questions, please leave your comment below and we will answer you as soon as possible.

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Welcome to LT Digital Team, we’re small team with 5 digital content marketers. We make daily blogs for Joomla! and WordPress CMS, support customers and everyone who has issues with these CMSs and solve any issues with blog instruction posts, trusted by over 1.5 million readers worldwide.

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Below is the list of all cURL errors and the reasons behind these errors.

  • Ok
  • Unsupported Protocol
  • Failed Init
  • URL Malfomat
  • Not Built In
  • Couldn’t Resolve Proxy
  • Couldn’t resolve host
  • Couldn’t connect
  • Weird server reply
  • Remote access denied
  • FTP accept failed
  • FTP weird pass reply
  • FTP accept timeout
  • FTP weird pasv reply
  • FTP weird 227 format
  • FTP cant get host
  • HTTP2
  • FTP couldnt set type
  • Partial file
  • FTP couldnt retr file
  • Quote error
  • HTTP returned error
  • Write error
  • Upload failed
  • Read error
  • Out of memory
  • Operation timedout
  • FTP port failed
  • FTP couldnt use rest
  • Range error
  • HTTP post error
  • SSL connect error
  • Bad download resume
  • File couldnt read file
  • LDAP cannot bind
  • LDAP search failed
  • Function not found
  • Aborted by callback
  • Bad function argument
  • Interface failed
  • Too many redirects
  • Unknown option
  • Telnet option syntax
  • Got nothing
  • SSL engine notfound
  • SSL engine setfailed
  • Send error
  • Recv error
  • SSL certproblem
  • SSL cipher
  • PEER failed verification
  • Bad content encoding
  • LDAP invalid url
  • Filesize exceeded
  • Use ssl failed
  • Send fail rewind
  • SSL engine initfailed
  • Login denied
  • TFTP notfound
  • TFTP perm
  • Remote disk full
  • TFTP illegal
  • TFTP unknownid
  • Remote file exists
  • TFTP nosuchuser
  • Conv failed
  • Conv reqd
  • SSL cacert badfile
  • Remote file not found
  • SSH
  • SSL shutdown failed
  • Again
  • SSL crl badfile
  • SSL issuer error
  • FTP pret failed
  • RTSP cseq error
  • RTSP session error
  • FTP bad file list
  • Chunk failed
  • No connection available
  • SSL pinnedpubkeynotmatch
  • SSL invalidcertstatus
  • HTTP2 stream
  • Recursive api call
  • Auth error
  • HTTP3
  • Quic connect error
  • Obsolete*

Ok Ok

CURL error code 0 – CURLE_OK (0)

All fine. Proceed as usual.

Top ↑

Unsupported Protocol Unsupported Protocol


The URL you passed to libcurl used a protocol that this libcurl does not support. The support might be a compile-time option that you didn’t use, it can be a misspelled protocol string or just a protocol libcurl has no code for.

Top ↑

Failed Init Failed Init

CURL error code 2 – CURLE_FAILED_INIT (2)

Very early initialization code failed. This is likely to be an internal error or problem, or a resource problem where something fundamental couldn’t get done at init time.

Top ↑

URL Malfomat URL Malfomat

CURL error code 3 – CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT (3)

The URL was not properly formatted.

Top ↑

Not Built In Not Built In

CURL error code 4 – CURLE_NOT_BUILT_IN (4)

A requested feature, protocol or option was not found built-in in this libcurl due to a build-time decision. This means that a feature or option was not enabled or explicitly disabled when libcurl was built and in order to get it to function you have to get a rebuilt libcurl.

Top ↑

Couldn’t Resolve Proxy Couldn’t Resolve Proxy


Couldn’t resolve proxy. The given proxy host could not be resolved.

Top ↑

Couldn’t resolve host Couldn’t resolve host


Couldn’t resolve host. The given remote host was not resolved.

Top ↑

Couldn’t connect Couldn’t connect


Failed to connect() to host or proxy.

Top ↑

Weird server reply Weird server reply


The server sent data libcurl couldn’t parse. This error code was known as as CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_SERVER_REPLY before 7.51.0.

Top ↑

Remote access denied Remote access denied


We were denied access to the resource given in the URL. For FTP, this occurs while trying to change to the remote directory.

Top ↑

FTP accept failed FTP accept failed

CURL error code 10 – CURLE_FTP_ACCEPT_FAILED (10)

While waiting for the server to connect back when an active FTP session is used, an error code was sent over the control connection or similar.

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FTP weird pass reply FTP weird pass reply

CURL error code 11 – CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_PASS_REPLY (11)

After having sent the FTP password to the server, libcurl expects a proper reply. This error code indicates that an unexpected code was returned.

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FTP accept timeout FTP accept timeout

CURL error code 12 – CURLE_FTP_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT (12)

During an active FTP session while waiting for the server to connect, the CURLOPT_ACCEPTTIMEOUT_MS (or the internal default) timeout expired.

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FTP weird pasv reply FTP weird pasv reply

CURL error code 13 – CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_PASV_REPLY (13)

libcurl failed to get a sensible result back from the server as a response to either a PASV or a EPSV command. The server is flawed.

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FTP weird 227 format FTP weird 227 format

CURL error code 14 – CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_227_FORMAT (14)

FTP servers return a 227-line as a response to a PASV command. If libcurl fails to parse that line, this return code is passed back.

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FTP cant get host FTP cant get host

CURL error code 15 – CURLE_FTP_CANT_GET_HOST (15)

An internal failure to lookup the host used for the new connection.

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CURL error code 16 – CURLE_HTTP2 (16)

A problem was detected in the HTTP2 framing layer. This is somewhat generic and can be one out of several problems, see the error buffer for details.

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FTP couldnt set type FTP couldnt set type

CURL error code 17 – CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_SET_TYPE (17)

Received an error when trying to set the transfer mode to binary or ASCII.

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Partial file Partial file

CURL error code 18 – CURLE_PARTIAL_FILE (18)

A file transfer was shorter or larger than expected. This happens when the server first reports an expected transfer size, and then delivers data that doesn’t match the previously given size.

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FTP couldnt retr file FTP couldnt retr file


This was either a weird reply to a ‘RETR’ command or a zero byte transfer complete.

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Quote error Quote error

CURL error code 21 – CURLE_QUOTE_ERROR (21)

When sending custom “QUOTE” commands to the remote server, one of the commands returned an error code that was 400 or higher (for FTP) or otherwise indicated unsuccessful completion of the command.

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HTTP returned error HTTP returned error


This is returned if CURLOPT_FAILONERROR is set TRUE and the HTTP server returns an error code that is >= 400.

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Write error Write error

CURL error code 23 – CURLE_WRITE_ERROR (23)

An error occurred when writing received data to a local file, or an error was returned to libcurl from a write callback.

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Upload failed Upload failed

CURL error code 25 – CURLE_UPLOAD_FAILED (25)

Failed starting the upload. For FTP, the server typically denied the STOR command. The error buffer usually contains the server’s explanation for this.

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Read error Read error

CURL error code 26 – CURLE_READ_ERROR (26)

There was a problem reading a local file or an error returned by the read callback.

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Out of memory Out of memory

CURL error code 27 – CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY (27)

A memory allocation request failed. This is serious badness and things are severely screwed up if this ever occurs.

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Operation timedout Operation timedout


Operation timeout. The specified time-out period was reached according to the conditions.

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FTP port failed FTP port failed

CURL error code 30 – CURLE_FTP_PORT_FAILED (30)

The FTP PORT command returned error. This mostly happens when you haven’t specified a good enough address for libcurl to use. See CURLOPT_FTPPORT.

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FTP couldnt use rest FTP couldnt use rest

CURL error code 31 – CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_USE_REST (31)

The FTP REST command returned error. This should never happen if the server is sane.

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Range error Range error

CURL error code 33 – CURLE_RANGE_ERROR (33)

The server does not support or accept range requests.

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HTTP post error HTTP post error

CURL error code 34 – CURLE_HTTP_POST_ERROR (34)

This is an odd error that mainly occurs due to internal confusion.

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SSL connect error SSL connect error

CURL error code 35 – CURLE_SSL_CONNECT_ERROR (35)

A problem occurred somewhere in the SSL/TLS handshake. You really want the error buffer and read the message there as it pinpoints the problem slightly more. Could be certificates (file formats, paths, permissions), passwords, and others.

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Bad download resume Bad download resume


The download could not be resumed because the specified offset was out of the file boundary.

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File couldnt read file File couldnt read file


A file given with FILE:// couldn’t be opened. Most likely because the file path doesn’t identify an existing file. Did you check file permissions?

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LDAP cannot bind LDAP cannot bind

CURL error code 38 – CURLE_LDAP_CANNOT_BIND (38)

LDAP cannot bind. LDAP bind operation failed.

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LDAP search failed LDAP search failed

CURL error code 39 – CURLE_LDAP_SEARCH_FAILED (39)

LDAP search failed.

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Function not found Function not found

CURL error code 41 – CURLE_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND (41)

Function not found. A required zlib function was not found.

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Aborted by callback Aborted by callback


Aborted by callback. A callback returned “abort” to libcurl.

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Bad function argument Bad function argument


A function was called with a bad parameter.

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Interface failed Interface failed

CURL error code 45 – CURLE_INTERFACE_FAILED (45)

Interface error. A specified outgoing interface could not be used. Set which interface to use for outgoing connections’ source IP address with CURLOPT_INTERFACE.

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Too many redirects Too many redirects

CURL error code 47 – CURLE_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS (47)

Too many redirects. When following redirects, libcurl hit the maximum amount. Set your limit with CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS.

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Unknown option Unknown option

CURL error code 48 – CURLE_UNKNOWN_OPTION (48)

An option passed to libcurl is not recognized/known. Refer to the appropriate documentation. This is most likely a problem in the program that uses libcurl. The error buffer might contain more specific information about which exact option it concerns.

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Telnet option syntax Telnet option syntax


A telnet option string was Illegally formatted.

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Got nothing Got nothing

CURL error code 52 – CURLE_GOT_NOTHING (52)

Nothing was returned from the server, and under the circumstances, getting nothing is considered an error.

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SSL engine notfound SSL engine notfound


The specified crypto engine wasn’t found.

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SSL engine setfailed SSL engine setfailed


Failed setting the selected SSL crypto engine as default!

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Send error Send error

CURL error code 55 – CURLE_SEND_ERROR (55)

Failed sending network data.

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Recv error Recv error

CURL error code 56 – CURLE_RECV_ERROR (56)

Failure with receiving network data.

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SSL certproblem SSL certproblem

CURL error code 58 – CURLE_SSL_CERTPROBLEM (58)

problem with the local client certificate.

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SSL cipher SSL cipher

CURL error code 59 – CURLE_SSL_CIPHER (59)

Couldn’t use specified cipher.

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PEER failed verification PEER failed verification


The remote server’s SSL certificate or SSH md5 fingerprint was deemed not OK. This error code has been unified with ## CURL error code – CURLE_SSL_CACERT since 7.62.0. Its previous value was 51.

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Bad content encoding Bad content encoding


Unrecognized transfer encoding.

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LDAP invalid url LDAP invalid url

CURL error code 62 – CURLE_LDAP_INVALID_URL (62)

Invalid LDAP URL.

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Filesize exceeded Filesize exceeded


Maximum file size exceeded.

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Use ssl failed Use ssl failed

CURL error code 64 – CURLE_USE_SSL_FAILED (64)

Requested FTP SSL level failed.

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Send fail rewind Send fail rewind

CURL error code 65 – CURLE_SEND_FAIL_REWIND (65)

When doing a send operation curl had to rewind the data to retransmit, but the rewinding operation failed.

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SSL engine initfailed SSL engine initfailed


Initiating the SSL Engine failed.

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Login denied Login denied

CURL error code 67 – CURLE_LOGIN_DENIED (67)

The remote server denied curl to login (Added in 7.13.1)

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TFTP notfound TFTP notfound

CURL error code 68 – CURLE_TFTP_NOTFOUND (68)

File not found on TFTP server.

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TFTP perm TFTP perm

CURL error code 69 – CURLE_TFTP_PERM (69)

Permission problem on TFTP server.

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Remote disk full Remote disk full

CURL error code 70 – CURLE_REMOTE_DISK_FULL (70)

Out of disk space on the server.

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TFTP illegal TFTP illegal

CURL error code 71 – CURLE_TFTP_ILLEGAL (71)

Illegal TFTP operation.

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TFTP unknownid TFTP unknownid

CURL error code 72 – CURLE_TFTP_UNKNOWNID (72)

Unknown TFTP transfer ID.

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Remote file exists Remote file exists

CURL error code 73 – CURLE_REMOTE_FILE_EXISTS (73)

File already exists and will not be overwritten.

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TFTP nosuchuser TFTP nosuchuser

CURL error code 74 – CURLE_TFTP_NOSUCHUSER (74)

This error should never be returned by a properly functioning TFTP server.

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Conv failed Conv failed

CURL error code 75 – CURLE_CONV_FAILED (75)

Character conversion failed.

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Conv reqd Conv reqd

CURL error code 76 – CURLE_CONV_REQD (76)

Caller must register conversion callbacks.

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SSL cacert badfile SSL cacert badfile

CURL error code 77 – CURLE_SSL_CACERT_BADFILE (77)

Problem with reading the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)

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Remote file not found Remote file not found


The resource referenced in the URL does not exist.

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CURL error code 79 – CURLE_SSH (79)

An unspecified error occurred during the SSH session.

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SSL shutdown failed SSL shutdown failed


Failed to shut down the SSL connection.

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Again Again

CURL error code 81 – CURLE_AGAIN (81)

Socket is not ready for send/recv wait till it’s ready and try again. This return code is only returned from curl_easy_recv and curl_easy_send (Added in 7.18.2)

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SSL crl badfile SSL crl badfile

CURL error code 82 – CURLE_SSL_CRL_BADFILE (82)

Failed to load CRL file (Added in 7.19.0)

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SSL issuer error SSL issuer error

CURL error code 83 – CURLE_SSL_ISSUER_ERROR (83)

Issuer check failed (Added in 7.19.0)

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FTP pret failed FTP pret failed

CURL error code 84 – CURLE_FTP_PRET_FAILED (84)

The FTP server does not understand the PRET command at all or does not support the given argument. Be careful when using CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, a custom LIST command will be sent with PRET CMD before PASV as well. (Added in 7.20.0)

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RTSP cseq error RTSP cseq error

CURL error code 85 – CURLE_RTSP_CSEQ_ERROR (85)

Mismatch of RTSP CSeq numbers.

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RTSP session error RTSP session error

CURL error code 86 – CURLE_RTSP_SESSION_ERROR (86)

Mismatch of RTSP Session Identifiers.

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FTP bad file list FTP bad file list

CURL error code 87 – CURLE_FTP_BAD_FILE_LIST (87)

Unable to parse FTP file list (during FTP wildcard downloading).

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Chunk failed Chunk failed

CURL error code 88 – CURLE_CHUNK_FAILED (88)

Chunk callback reported error.

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No connection available No connection available


(For internal use only, will never be returned by libcurl) No connection available, the session will be queued. (added in 7.30.0)

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SSL pinnedpubkeynotmatch SSL pinnedpubkeynotmatch


Failed to match the pinned key specified with CURLOPT_PINNEDPUBLICKEY.

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SSL invalidcertstatus SSL invalidcertstatus


Status returned failure when asked with CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYSTATUS.

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HTTP2 stream HTTP2 stream

CURL error code 92 – CURLE_HTTP2_STREAM (92)

Stream error in the HTTP/2 framing layer.

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Recursive api call Recursive api call

CURL error code 93 – CURLE_RECURSIVE_API_CALL (93)

An API function was called from inside a callback.

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Auth error Auth error

CURL error code 94 – CURLE_AUTH_ERROR (94)

An authentication function returned an error.

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CURL error code 95 – CURLE_HTTP3 (95)

A problem was detected in the HTTP/3 layer. This is somewhat generic and can be one out of several problems, see the error buffer for details.

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Quic connect error Quic connect error

CURL error code 96 – CURLE_QUIC_CONNECT_ERROR (96)

QUIC connection error. This error may be caused by an SSL library error. QUIC is the protocol used for HTTP/3 transfers.

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Obsolete* Obsolete*

CURL error code * – CURLE_OBSOLETE*

These error codes will never be returned. They were used in an old libcurl version and are currently unused.

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