Cisco error pass limit

"блог о сетевых технологиях, секретах и примерах настройки оборудования Cisco"

 Довольно часто сталкиваюсь с проблемой, когда аппарат после набора номера и снятии трубки, либо при совершении трансфера выдаёт на дисплее ошибку Error Pass Limit или в русской интерпретации что-то вроде «Достигнуто макс. кол-во вызовов..бла-бла..»

 Особенно этими багами страдают бюджетные серии аппаратов 6900 (6941 в частности)..
Замечал подобное на версия колл-менеджера от 8.5 и выше..на семерке такого не видел..

На CUCM-е лечится просто: заходим в настройки девайса, далее — в настройки DN и изменяем параметр Maximum Number of Calls на 4. Или на какое-нибудь другое, но отличное от 2 (стоит по умолчанию)

На СМЕ решается тоже просто: вначале ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО указываем тип девайса (в нашем случае 6941). После этого цыска сама установит значение max-calls в значение 2 и для кучи еще указываем busy-триггер со значением 2

ephone  5

 device-security-mode none

 mac-address F866.F2E7.9246

 ephone-template 1

 max-calls-per-button 2

 busy-trigger-per-button 2

 type 6941

 button  1:8


Маленькое замечание: на кукме Max call со значением 2 вызывает ошибку, а на экспрессе — нет, но его нужно принудительно прописать в настройках ephone.


Step 2 Tell users to report issues by clicking the QRT softkey and by choosing the appropriate problem category.

Feedback is logged in an XML file. Actual information logged depends on the user selection and whether the destination device is Cisco IP Communicator.

Capture Logs Automatically When Application Crashes

If Cisco IP Communicator unexpectedly crashes, the Cisco Unified Problem Reporting Tool automatically collects installation, application, and client PC system information to automate the trace and crash-dump collection process on the client PC. It also creates a dump file.

Before You Begin

For users who roam from one computer to another, they must generate the problem report on the PC from which the problem occurred so that the correct logs are attached. By design, log files do not roam with a user from computer to computer.


Step 1 Tell users to follow the troubleshooting instructions in the user guide at this URL:

  • Locate the automatically generated Zip file on their desktop.
  • Send the Zip file from their desktop to you through e-mail.
Step 2 Provide the Zip file to the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) representative, if requested.

What to Do Next

Troubleshooting Tips

If a blue screen failure occurs, the Cisco Unified Problem Reporting Tool might not generate an application crash dump even if the cause of the blue screen might be attributed to an interoperability issue between Cisco IP Communicator and the Windows OS.

Capture Detailed Logs for Other Application Problems

Sometimes, you need detailed log files to help troubleshoot problems with Cisco IP Communicator. Detailed logs have these characteristics:

  • By default, detailed logging is enabled, and logs are collected at the verbose level.
  • When enabled, detailed logging applies only to the client PC on which Cisco IP Communicator is running when users enabled it.


Step 1 Verify detailed logging is enabled. Right click Preferences > User tab > Enable Logging ) before launching the Problem Reporting Tool.
Step 2 If possible, restart Cisco IP Communicator to put the application in a known state and to provide accurate logs. If the problem is intermittent or unexpected, capture the logs without restarting the application.
Step 3 Recreate the problem, if possible.
Step 4 Manually launch the Problem Reporting Tool ( Start > All Programs > Cisco IP Communicator > Create CIPC Problem Report ) and send the report to you.
Step 5 Provide the Zip file to the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) representative, if requested.

Installation Problem Resolution

Not Enough Disk Space on C Drive

Problem The user reports that there is not enough space on the C drive.

Solution Even if the TEMP variable is set to D:temp , the installation program copies files by default in the C:Program FilesInstallShield folder for repairing existing installations. Approximately 100 MB of additional space is required for the installation. To fix the problem, ask the user to free up additional space on the C drive.

Uninstall Does Not Remove All Files

Problem The user reports that the uninstall does not remove all files.

Solution The uninstall program does not remove files that are added or modified during runtime; you need to manually delete these files:

C:Documents and Settings username Application DataCiscoCommunicator

Note that the Application Data folder is hidden.

Startup Problem Resolution

Application Does Not Start Up Properly

Problem The user reports that the application does not start up properly.

Solution After installing Cisco IP Communicator and adding it to Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco IP Communicator should start up. If the application does not start up properly, try these solutions:

  • Check network connectivity. If the network is down between Cisco IP Communicator and the TFTP server or Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco IP Communicator cannot start up properly.
  • Verify TFTP settings. Make sure that the correct TFTP settings are selected in Cisco IP Communicator ( right-click > Preferences > Network tab). First-time remote users with a freshly installed application might not be able to use Cisco IP Communicator until specifying a TFTP address.
  • Verify that the device name in Cisco IP Communicator ( right-click > Preferences > Network tab) is correct and matches the device name specified in Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
  • Verify that Cisco IP Communicator has been added to Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
  • If Cisco IP Communicator is in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database, and the criteria in the previous bullet points have been met, the device might experience startup problems if its configuration file is damaged. In this case, delete the device from the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database, make a copy of a configuration file for a functional device of the same type as the problematic device, and rename the file. Use the convention SEP MAC_address.cnf.xml, where MAC_address is the MAC address (or device name) of the deleted device. Replace the old configuration file with the new one, and add the device to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database.

Application Startup Is Unresponsive or Slow

Problem The user reports the Cisco IP Communicator startup seems unresponsive or slow.

Solution Try these solutions:

    Enable HTTP access to the Communicator folder on the TFTP server. To do this, run the Cisco IP Communicator Administration Tool, and select the option to enable HTTP access. Obtain the tool from the product software download web site:

It is located inside the zipped folder with your build.
  • Set the Registry EnableHttpDownload value to 0 (or check item 10).
  • If you have a proxy configured for downloads, it may take a long time for Cisco IP Communicator to download configuration files. Add the IP address of your Cisco Unified Communications Manager (TFTP) server to the proxy exclusion list to increase the download speed.
    • Cisco IP Communicator Does Not Register with CUCM

    Cisco IP Communicator Does Not Register with CUCM

    Problem Cisco IP Communicator will not register with Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

    Solution Try these solutions:

    • Try to ping your Cisco Unified Communications Manager server name. For example, if your Cisco Unified Communications Manager address is panda.lab.pst, try the command ping panda . If you cannot ping Cisco Unified Communications Manager, add the DNS suffix lab.pst to your network connection.
    • Disable your firewall.
    • Set the Device Security Profile to Cisco IP Communicator Standard SCCP/ SIP Non-Secure Phone Profile, or follow the procedure for Secure Cisco IP Communicator.
    • Check that there is only one instance of Cisco IP Communicator running with your device name; a racearound condition may appear otherwise.
    • Ensure that you have enough Cisco Unified Communications Manager device licenses.
    • Check that you started the CallManager and TFTP services.

    Repeated «Registering» or «Defaulting to TFTP server» error messages

    Problem The user reports that error messages Registering or Defaulting to TFTP server repeat, and lines never appear.

    Solution Cisco IP Communicator is unable to contact the TFTP server. Try these solutions:

    • Check network connectivity to the TFTP server. If you can ping the server, ensure that DHCP option 150 is correctly set.
    • If you are not using DHCP in your network, make sure that the TFTP server address is specified in Cisco IP Communicator ( right-click > Preferences > Network tab).
    • Make sure remote users can establish network connectivity before launching Cisco IP Communicator.

    Application Fails to Register and Shows «Error Dbconfig» Message

    Problem The user reports that Cisco IP Communicator fails to register and shows the error Error DBConfig.

    Solution There is no device record for this Cisco IP Communicator device in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, or auto-registration is disabled. Try these solutions:

    • Ensure that device record that you have created matches the device name chosen with Cisco IP Communicator ( right-click > Preferences > Network tab).
    • Ensure that the selected network adapter still exists in the computer (for example, ensure that a selected wireless card has not been removed).
    • Ensure that Cisco IP Communicator is configured to use the correct TFTP server setting ( right-click > Preferences > Network tab).

    Application Cannot Find Network Interface Device

    Problem The user reports that Cisco IP Communicator cannot find the network interface device and prompts the user to re-insert it or choose a new one, or Cisco IP Communicator shows the wrong extension number at startup.

    Solution Try these solutions:

      Ensure that the network interface chosen for Cisco IP Communicator ( right-click > Preferences > Network > Network Adapter ) is installed on the system.

    The network adapter setting allows Cisco IP Communicator to identify itself to the network; it is not used for audio transmission. For this reason, you do not need to change this setting once it is established unless you are permanently removing or disabling the selected network interface. In this case, select the new interface, re-administer the device in Cisco Unified Communications Manager administration, and delete the old device record.

  • As a rule, users with laptops that use docking stations should undock before launching Cisco IP Communicator for the first time after installation.
    • Phone services are disabled
    • Conference Services Are Disabled

    Phone services are disabled

    Problem Phone services do not appear after pressing the Phone Services button.

    Solution Disable the firewall.

    Conference Services Are Disabled

    Problem You are unable to configure conference services.

    Solution Check the region setting for Cisco IP Communicator. The internal conference bridge supports G.711 only.

    Security problem resolution

    Resolve LSC installation errors

    Problem The LSC does not install on the client PC.

    Solution The LSC should install on the client PC before Cisco IP Communicator registers with Cisco Unified Communications Manager. If this is not the case, perform these steps in Cisco Unified Communications Manager:


    Step 1 If Cisco IP Communicator does not register, verify the CAPF settings on the Phone Configuration page. Make sure that Certificate Operation is set to Install/Upgrade (not No Pending ).
    Step 2 For Cisco Unified Communications Manager Releases other than 4.x, click Save , and then click Reset to reset Cisco IP Communicator.

    For Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 4.x, click Update , and then click Reset Phone to reset Cisco IP Communicator.

    Resolve «Registration rejected: security error»

    Problem The user reports that the message Registration rejected: security error appears on the Cisco IP Communicator phone screen.

    Solution Complete this procedure:


    Step 1 Make sure the LSC is installed under the personal certificate store. From Start > Run , enter certmgr.msc .
    Step 2 Select Personal > Certificates , and make sure the device name on the certificate matches the Cisco IP Communicator device name ( right-click > Preferences > Network > Device Name section).
    Step 3 For Cisco Unified Communications Manager Releases other than 4.x, on the Phone Configuration page, click Reset to clear the configuration cache on the TFTP server.

    For Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 4.x, on the Phone Configuration page, click Reset Phone to clear the configuration cache on the TFTP server.

    Resolve «Configuring IP» error

    Problem The user reports that the message Configuring IP message appears on the Cisco IP Communicator phone screen.

    Solution Complete this procedure:


    Step 1 In Cisco IP Communicator, verify that the CTL file downloaded. Choose Settings > Security Configuration > CTL File . The display should show a string of 32 hexadecimal digits (instead of showing Not Installed).
    Step 2 In Cisco IP Communicator, make sure that the correct Cisco Unified Communications Manager is listed under the CTL File menu. Choose Settings > Security Configuration > CTL File , and click Select .

    Voice Quality Issues

    Poor audio quality when calling digital cell phones

    Problem The user reports poor quality when calling digital cell phones using a low-bandwidth codec.

    Solution When the user chooses to use low bandwidth, calls between Cisco IP Communicator and a digital cellular phone might have poor voice quality. Use the low-bandwidth setting only when absolutely necessary.

    Codec Mismatch Between CIPC and Another Device

    Problem A codec mismatch occurred between Cisco IP Communicator and another device.

    Solution The RxType and the TxType statistics show the codec that is being used for a codec conversation between this IP device and the other device. The values of these statistics should match. If they do not, verify that the other device can handle the codec conversation or that a transcoder is in place to handle the service.

    Sound Sample Mismatch Between CIPC and Another Device

    Problem A sound sample mismatch occurred between Cisco IP Communicator and another device.

    Solution The RxSize and the TxSize statistics show the size of the voice packets that is being used in a conversation between this IP device and the other device. The values of these statistics should match.

    Gaps in Voice Calls

    Problem The user reports that there are gaps in voice calls.

    Solution Check the AvgJtr and the MaxJtr statistics. A large variance between these statistics might indicate a problem with jitter on the network or periodic high rates of network activity.

    User Cannot Hear Audio or Dial Tone

    Problem The user reports that there is no audio, not even a dial tone.

    Solution See the troubleshooting section of the Cisco IP Communicator user guide at this URL:

    One-way audio problems

    Problem The user reports one-way audio problems.

    Solution If the remote party cannot hear the person who placed the call on a Cisco IP Communicator, it might be for one of these reasons:

    • The Cisco IP Communicator party has muted the recording device.
    • The Cisco IP Communicator party has plugged the headset and speaker plugs into the wrong ports on the PC.
    • The Cisco IP Communicator party is running another application that is using the microphone, such as a sound recorder or another software-based phone.
    • The Cisco IP Communicator audio settings are incorrect. See the User Guide for Cisco IP Communicator for more information.

    If the Cisco IP Communicator party cannot hear the remote party, it might be for these reasons:

    • The Cisco IP Communicator user is relying on a unsupported VPN. To resolve the issue, you must set up a web reflector page or manually specify the IP address in the Network Audio Settings window ( right-click > Audio > Network button).
    • The Cisco IP Communicator user is relying on a unsupported VPN, and Cisco IP Communicator is integrated with a Linux-based Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Releases other than 4.x). To resolve this issue, run the Cisco IP Communicator Administration Tool on a Windows server to resolve the audio IP address auto-detection problem.
    • If Cisco IP Communicator isbehind a firewall, make sure that the firewall is configured to pass TFTP and RTP traffic by using the appropriate port range.

      In cases of occasional one-way audio, try holding and resuming the call while the symptom is occurring. This can resolve the problem.


    If you conduct a sustained MMX/ SSE load test or CPU stress test while Cisco IP Communicator is running, you may experience one-way audio until CPU availability resumes.

    Echo problems

    Problem The user reports hearing echoes during calls with Cisco IP Communicator.

    Solution If the local or remote user hears echo, see the troubleshooting section of the Cisco IP Communicator user guide at this URL:

    Voice of Remote Party Is Disrupted

    Problem The user reports that the voice of the remote party is disrupted by unintended silences or sounds jittery.

    Solution Try these solutions:

    • Close any unnecessary applications. Be aware that launching applications and performing network-intensive tasks, such as sending e-mail, might affect audio quality.
    • Occasional pops, clicks, or broken audio might occur if the network is experiencing congestion or data traffic problems.
    • If the user is using Cisco IP Communicator over a remote connection (for example, on a VPN connection from home or a hotel), voice quality is probably suffering from insufficient bandwidth. Enable the Optimize for Low Bandwidth feature ( right-click > Preferences > Audio tab). If the problem persists, verify that sound cards and audio drivers are correctly installed on client PCs.

    Remote party hears distorted or robotic audio

    Problem The remote party hears distorted or robotic audio, background noise, or inconsistent volume levels.

    Solution The volume slider in Cisco IP Communicator might be set too high. This can cause various kinds of problems, including robotic transmitted audio, background noise, and sometimes changing volume levels in received audio.


    1. Test the volume level of Cisco IP Communicator for each audio mode (handset mode, speakerphone mode, or headset mode) by going off-hook with each mode. (To test handset mode, lift the handset. To test speakerphone or headset mode, make sure that only the speakerphone or headset button is lit.)
    2. Once you hear a dial tone, click the volume button in the main interface. A volume slider appears above the volume button. If the position of the slider is not in the middle of the range, press the volume button to reposition the slider so that the volume level is near the middle of the range.
    3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each audio mode.
    4. Run the Audio Tuning Wizard ( right-click > Audio Tuning Wizard ) to verify that the sound levels are satisfactory.
    5. If the problem is not volume related, suppress background noise. Enable noise suppression or increase the noise suppression aggressiveness level ( right-click > Preferences > Audio tab > Advanced button). Noise suppression is applied to the microphone (input device) to prevent the transmission of noise to the remote end.

    Voice Quality Is Degraded

    Problem The user reports voice quality is degraded when Cisco IP Communicator is used while Windows is starting up.

    Solution Verify that Windows has completed its startup process and that no other applications are still loading before using Cisco IP Communicator.

    Problem The user reports voice quality is degraded when workstation physical memory becomes low.

    Solution Cisco IP Communicator is recommended to operate with approximately 60MB of available physical memory — this is different from minimum required workstation memory as other applications will be consuming workstation memory. By ensuring other applications — including the operating system — have left enough available memory for Cisco IP Communicator will reduce sound distortions based on low-available RAM conditions. If users experience this condition, you may want to have them close some applications when running Cisco IP Communicator or increase the RAM in their system.

    Problem The user reports voice quality is degraded when using Cisco IP Communicator with other applications that consume available bandwidth.

    Solution Minimize the use of applications that consume large amounts of bandwidth (examples: applications that transfer large files, send or receive video, perform «screen sharing» operations, etc.) while on an active call.

    Problem The user reports voice quality is degraded when the laptop is physically moved.

    Solution Some computer manufacturers have introduced a feature called «HDD Protection» which prevents damage to the computer’s hard drive when the laptop experiences movement. This feature may also temporarily affect applications which are currently running on the workstation. The recommendation is to not physically move a computer enabled with this feature while on an active call.

    General Application Problem Resolution

    Application Is Slow to Register

    Problem The application takes a long time to register successfully and your proxy server has been configured in Internet Explorer for HTTP traffic.

    Solution Disable HTTP download by changing the system registry setting at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Cisco System, Inc. > Communicator > EnableHttpDownload to 0.

    Application Resets Unexpectedly

    Problem The user reports that the application resets unexpectedly.

    Solution Cisco IP Communicator resets when it loses contact with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server. This lost connection can be caused by these conditions:

    • Any network connectivity disruption such as cable breaks, switch outages, and switch reboots.
    • Roaming out of range while using a wireless network connection.
    • Another system administrator with access to Cisco Unified Communications Manager might have intentionally reset the devices.

    Application Is Slow to Load

    Problem The user reports the Cisco IP Communicator is slow to load.

    Solution Verify that the desktop system where Cisco IP Communicator is installed is in same domain as Cisco Unified Communications Manager. You can also verify that the desktop system where Cisco IP Communicator is installed can resolve Cisco Unified Communications Manager by both FQDN and by name.

    If the desktop where Cisco IP Communicator is installed cannot resolve Cisco Unified Communications Manager by name, go to Control Panel > Network Connections > choose your network connection > Properties > Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) > Properties > Advanced > DNS > Append These DNS Suffixes . Add a suffix that corresponds to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager suffix in the DNS entry.

    Digits Are Not Recognized by Application

    Problem The user reports that when trying to make a call, digits are not recognized by the application.

    Solution The user is experiencing DTMF delay and should enter the digits more slowly.

    Degraded Application Performance

    Problem Users complain of degraded application performance when Cisco IP Communicator and other applications are running.

    Solution Assess the CPU usage under these conditions by using the Windows Performance Tool.

    Quick search does not work

    Problem The user reports that Quick Search does not work.

    Solution If you want to configure Quick Search to work with an external directory, you cannot use the Directory Wizard. Instead you must create a custom configuration file. The user might need to enter credential information.

    Quick Search of the Personal Address Book is not supported with all Cisco Unified Communications Manager releases.

    Solution Cisco IP Communicator cannot read the user information if anonymous bind is disabled in the Active Directory. Anonymous bind is disabled by default. For Cisco IP Communicator to download the user information for quick search you must enable the anonymous bind in Active Directory.

    Build Versions Vary in About Window

    Problem Build version numbers that are listed in the Cisco IP Communicator About window vary by software component.

    Solution This is a normal outcome of installing or upgrading the application and does not indicate a problem with the installation or upgrade process.

    To view build versions for software components, right-click > About Cisco IP Communicator . Build versions are listed in the right column.



    I recently plugged in some Cisco 7962 VoIP phones to upgrade their firmware and prepare them for deployment. After the firmware upgrade, a few of the phones were missing the auto-registered directory number (DN) and there was a «Pass Limit» message at the bottom left corner of the screen.

    Solution #2 on this page showed me that the problem was related to unassigned DNs. To resolve the issue, I:

    1. Unplugged the phone
    2. In the Cisco Unified CM Administration site, went to «Device» -> «Phone».
    3. «Find Phone where Device Name begins with SEP». I replaced with the hardware address of the phone that wasn’t auto-registering.
    4. Clicked the «Find» button.
    5. Selected the box to the left of the phone.
    6. Clicked «Delete Selected».
    7. Plugged the phone back in and it auto-registered normally.

    To prevent this from happening, I should clear out my unassigned DNs periodically:

    1. In the Cisco Unified CM Administration site, go to «Call Routing» -> «Route Plan Report».
    2. «Find Unassigned DN Route Plan Report where Pattern/Directory Number begins with «. just means leave that field blank.
    3. Click the «Find» button.
    4. Click «Delete All Found Items» in the «Route Plan Report» menu bar.

    Models and versions: Cisco CP-7962G VoIP phone with firmware SCCP42.8-5-3S, Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CallManager)

    WARNING: This worked for me, but there is no guarantee that it will work for you. Please understand what you’re doing before you change anything.

    1 Reply

    • Author Randall Joslin


      This person is a Verified Professional

      This person is a verified professional.

      ghost chili

      No.  It is saying those directory numbers (dn) are not assigned to any device.  A dice consist of a dn and device pool and route partition.  Those dn’s are not associated and are safe to delete.  Another thing you can do is trying to dial the numbers.  You should get a fast busy or a message about the device not being available.


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