Cluster service on node did not reach the running state the error code is 0x5b4

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Unable to add cluster nodes — Cluster service did not reach teh running state. The Error code is 0x5b4.

  • Question

  • Hi , i am trying to add last node into existing cluster.  The validation passed with minor warning.

    But i get error «Cluster service on node xxx did not reach the running state.  The error code is 0x5b4.  This operation returned because the timeout period expired.

    Server windows 2012 R2.   I tried google online but can’t find any workaround for this.

    Please share your opinion.  tq


  • It appears to me that this is a network related issue. Can the cluster nodes resolve the new nodes FQDN? Also can the new cluster node resolve the cluster name and other nodes? When it does resolve does it appear to be communicating on the right IP address?

    Maybe in the network settings of the new node press the ALT key and move the management network adapter to the top of the list and press Ok. Then retry adding it to the cluster.

    • Proposed as answer by

      Wednesday, December 10, 2014 1:33 AM

    • Marked as answer by
      Alex Lv
      Tuesday, December 16, 2014 10:36 AM

    • Proposed as answer by
      Alex Lv
      Wednesday, December 10, 2014 1:33 AM
    • Marked as answer by
      Alex Lv
      Tuesday, December 16, 2014 10:35 AM

imageСоздан кластер Hyper-V на базе Windows Server 2012 R2 с единственным узлом и диском-свидетелем. После этого пытаемся добавить в кластер новый узел. В результате появляется ошибка:


Если смотреть отчёт (View Report), то видно что узел проходит первичную валидацию, а потом операция безуспешно завершается с сообщением о каким-то таймауте ожидания:

Adding to the cluster.
Validating cluster state on node KOM-AD01-VM07.
Getting current node membership of cluster KOM-AD01-VMFC01.
Adding node KOM-AD01-VM07 to Cluster configuration data.
Validating installation of the Network FT Driver on node KOM-AD01-VM07.
Validating installation of the Cluster Disk Driver on node KOM-AD01-VM07.
Configuring Cluster Service on node KOM-AD01-VM07.
Waiting for notification that Cluster service on node has started.
Waiting for notification that node KOM-AD01-VM07 is a fully functional member of the cluster.
Cluster service on node KOM-AD01-VM07 did not reach the running state. The error code is 0x5b4. For more information check the cluster log and the system event log from node KOM-AD01-VM07. This operation returned because the timeout period expired.
Unable to successfully cleanup.
The server '' could not be added to the cluster.
An error occurred while adding node '' to cluster 'KOM-AD01-VMFC01'.
This operation returned because the timeout period expired

Чтобы понять корень проблемы требуется дополнительная отладочная информация, получить которую помогут рекомендации из статьи Failover Clustering and Network Load Balancing Team Blog — How to Troubleshoot Create Cluster failures in Windows Server 2012. В частности, для получения лога компоненты кластеризации выполним на обоих серверах (на действующем узле кластера и добавляемом в кластер сервере) Powershell командлет выгружающий в текстовый файл этот самый лог:

Get-ClusterLog -Destination C: –UseLocalTime

В результате, по указанному пути появиться лог-файл с именем вида KOM-AD01-VM04_cluster.log

В нашем конкретном примере изучение лога на добавляемом в кластер сервере не внесло ясности, однако в логе сервера-владельца кластера были замечены множественные предупреждения вида:

00000ad8.00001dd4::2014/10/29-20:14:55.154 WARN  mscs::ListenerWorker::operator (): (5060)' because of '[FTI][Initiator] Discarding connection from to (node KOM-AD01-VM07) because it uses a disabled network.'

В итоге выяснилось, что выключенная в кластере подсеть, относящаяся к Live Migration и стала причиной возникновения проблемы.


После включения соответствующей кластерной сети новый узел успешно был добавлен в кластер.


Другие материалы, которые могу оказаться полезными при разборе ситуаций с невозможностью добавления нового узла в кластер:

  • SQLServerScribbles.COM — windows cluster freezes at “waiting for notification that node ‘‘ is a fully functional member of the cluster”
  • Microsoft GTSC Romania — Enterprise Platforms Support Blog —  The case of the server who couldn’t join a cluster – operation returned because the timeout period expired
  • TechNet Forum — Can’t add Hyper-V 2012R2 Node


  1. Как исправить ошибку Windows 0x5b4 Ошибка 0x5b4
  2. Ошибка при добавлении узла в кластер Hyper-V : Waiting for notification that node is a fully functional member of the cluster — The error code is 0x5b4 — Unable to successfully cleanup
  3. The error code is 0x5b4
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  12. Ошибка: 0x5b4. Придобавлении узла в DAG.

Как исправить ошибку Windows 0x5b4 Ошибка 0x5b4

В этой статье рассматривается ошибка 0x5b4, также известная как Ошибка 0x5b4 и означающая

Информация об ошибке

Имя ошибки: Ошибка 0x5b4
Номер ошибки: 0x5b4
Применимо к: Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP

Это средство исправления может устранить такие распространенные компьютерные ошибки, как BSODs, замораживание системы и сбои. Он может заменить отсутствующие файлы операционной системы и библиотеки DLL, удалить вредоносное ПО и устранить вызванные им повреждения, а также оптимизировать ваш компьютер для максимальной производительности.

Об ошибке Windows

Операционная система Windows сегодня используется миллионами пользователей персональных компьютеров и ноутбуков. И вполне вероятно, что большинство из них в свое время сталкивались с тем или иным типом ошибки Windows. Отчеты об ошибках были представлены компанией Microsoft для обеспечения средств сбора и отправки отладочной информации после ошибки или для применения шагов по устранению неполадок в зависимости от того, получил ли пользователь синтаксическую, логическую ошибку или ошибку времени выполнения.

Если пользователь получает код остановки, то вместе с сообщением об ошибке предоставляется краткая информация по устранению неполадок. Затем пользователь может найти конкретное сообщение об ошибке и применить исправление, предоставленное на сайтах поддержки Microsoft, а также в других доступных в Интернете статьях и журналах по данной теме.

В других случаях пользователь получает только уведомление о сбое компьютера, после чего ему предлагается отправить отчет о сбое в Microsoft. Это делается для сбора данных для анализа, чтобы компания Microsoft могла отправить пользователю решение проблемы.

Каким бы ни был случай, вот некоторые общие сведения об устранении неполадок, которые можно использовать для устранения ошибок Windows.

Симптомы 0x5b4 — Ошибка 0x5b4

Ошибки Windows можно классифицировать как синтаксические ошибки, логические ошибки или ошибки времени выполнения.

Когда пользователь получает синтаксическую ошибку, компьютер просто внезапно выдает сообщение об ошибке, что в фоновом режиме произошел сбой. Программы, к которым обращается пользователь, могут застопориться или полностью завершиться. Пользователь может продолжать использовать другие приложения, но время от времени появляется непонятное сообщение о том, что запущенная программа не может запуститься, потому что какой-то процесс не работает.

Ошибки времени выполнения происходят во время работы приложения. Поэтому, когда ошибка возникает, она просто происходит без предупреждения, и компьютер выдает уведомление о том, что произошла ошибка.

Логические ошибки связаны с программированием. Ошибка вызывает непреднамеренный вывод или поведение. Если говорить о компьютерных системах, которые прошли все испытания и поступили в продажу, то логические ошибки случаются только тогда, когда произошли значительные изменения в физическом состоянии логической платы. Возможно, часть шин расплавилась или возникла подобная ситуация. Это может привести к тому, что компьютер внезапно издаст громкий звуковой сигнал или скрежещущий звук, и даже может перейти к внезапной нестабильной работе, замерзнуть или резко изменить температуру перед фактическим сбоем.

(Только для примера)

Причины ошибок Ошибка 0x5b4 — 0x5b4

Ошибки Windows могут быть вызваны неисправностью аппаратных компонентов или повреждением ОС. Некоторые из них могут быть даже связаны с проблемами программирования, которые не были решены, поскольку ошибки не были устранены на этапе проектирования. Иногда ошибки Windows могут возникать из-за изменений, внесенных в компьютер.

Методы исправления

Для разных категорий ошибок Windows существуют разные шаги по устранению неполадок. Однако существуют общие шаги, которые можно применить, столкнувшись с этими ошибками. Вот они.

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Ошибка при добавлении узла в кластер Hyper-V : Waiting for notification that node is a fully functional member of the cluster — The error code is 0x5b4 — Unable to successfully cleanup

Создан кластер Hyper-V на базе Windows Server 2012 R2 с единственным узлом и диском-свидетелем. После этого пытаемся добавить в кластер новый узел. В результате появляется ошибка:

Если смотреть отчёт (View Report), то видно что узел проходит первичную валидацию, а потом операция безуспешно завершается с сообщением о каким-то таймауте ожидания:

Чтобы понять корень проблемы требуется дополнительная отладочная информация, получить которую помогут рекомендации из статьи Failover Clustering and Network Load Balancing Team Blog — How to Troubleshoot Create Cluster failures in Windows Server 2012 . В частности, для получения лога компоненты кластеризации выполним на обоих серверах (на действующем узле кластера и добавляемом в кластер сервере) Powershell командлет выгружающий в текстовый файл этот самый лог:

В результате, по указанному пути появиться лог-файл с именем вида KOM-AD01-VM04_cluster.log

В нашем конкретном примере изучение лога на добавляемом в кластер сервере не внесло ясности, однако в логе сервера-владельца кластера были замечены множественные предупреждения вида:

В итоге выяснилось, что выключенная в кластере подсеть, относящаяся к Live Migration и стала причиной возникновения проблемы.

После включения соответствующей кластерной сети новый узел успешно был добавлен в кластер.

Другие материалы, которые могу оказаться полезными при разборе ситуаций с невозможностью добавления нового узла в кластер:


The error code is 0x5b4

This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

Answered by:


Hi , i am trying to add last node into existing cluster. The validation passed with minor warning.

But i get error «Cluster service on node xxx did not reach the running state. The error code is 0x5b4. This operation returned because the timeout period expired.

Server windows 2012 R2. I tried google online but can’t find any workaround for this.

Please share your opinion. tq


It appears to me that this is a network related issue. Can the cluster nodes resolve the new nodes FQDN? Also can the new cluster node resolve the cluster name and other nodes? When it does resolve does it appear to be communicating on the right IP address?

Maybe in the network settings of the new node press the ALT key and move the management network adapter to the top of the list and press Ok. Then retry adding it to the cluster.

Please refer the following related KB to confirm your network settings meet the cluster requirement,

Cluster Networking Best Practices

I’m glad to be of help to you!

Do you have a domain controller and is it running, prior to 2012 you need to have a accessible domain controller running to start the cluster service. So if all your DCs are in the cluster it will not actually start. this is not the case anymore but was in 2008 r2.

If you have to you can create a new VM with the DC’s vhd and start it outside the cluster.

If you look at the system logs do you get any more granular detail for the error? To me it sounds like the network possibly is timing out when its trying to join the cluster. Are your network adapters setup similar to the other nodes in the existing cluster? It also sounds like the actual failover cluster service on the cluster doesn’t want to start. That is why I would verify the windows system event log.

You could also go into Event Viewer > Custom Views> Administrative Events and look for all errors and see if you see anything that can give you more detail.


The error code is 0x5b4


Hi , i am trying to add last node into existing cluster. The validation passed with minor warning.

But i get error «Cluster service on node xxx did not reach the running state. The error code is 0x5b4. This operation returned because the timeout period expired.

Server windows 2012 R2. I tried google online but can’t find any workaround for this.

Please share your opinion. tq


It appears to me that this is a network related issue. Can the cluster nodes resolve the new nodes FQDN? Also can the new cluster node resolve the cluster name and other nodes? When it does resolve does it appear to be communicating on the right IP address?

Maybe in the network settings of the new node press the ALT key and move the management network adapter to the top of the list and press Ok. Then retry adding it to the cluster.

Please refer the following related KB to confirm your network settings meet the cluster requirement,

Cluster Networking Best Practices

I’m glad to be of help to you!

Все ответы

Do you have a domain controller and is it running, prior to 2012 you need to have a accessible domain controller running to start the cluster service. So if all your DCs are in the cluster it will not actually start. this is not the case anymore but was in 2008 r2.

If you have to you can create a new VM with the DC’s vhd and start it outside the cluster.

If you look at the system logs do you get any more granular detail for the error? To me it sounds like the network possibly is timing out when its trying to join the cluster. Are your network adapters setup similar to the other nodes in the existing cluster? It also sounds like the actual failover cluster service on the cluster doesn’t want to start. That is why I would verify the windows system event log.

You could also go into Event Viewer > Custom Views> Administrative Events and look for all errors and see if you see anything that can give you more detail.


Ошибка: 0x5b4. Придобавлении узла в DAG.

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Windows FC Upgrade

I have an existing 3 node 2012 R2 cluster that I want to upgrade to a 2 node 2019 cluster with new hardware.

When I try to add one of the new 2019 servers to the existing 2012 R2 cluster it is failing. The error from the report is «Cluster service on node did not reach the running state. The error code is 0x5b4» When FC manager is trying to add the node I can see the cluster server changed from disabled to automatic and running state.

When I look at the cluster.log at C:WindowsClusterReports It is reporting the following:

[=== Performance ===]

Failed to connect to the health service[=== System ===] [System] 00002570.000007b0::2020/06/08-18:59:03.764 ERR Cluster node failed to join the cluster because it could not communicate over the network with any other node in the cluster. Verify network connectivity and configuration of any network firewalls.

[System] 00002570.000007b0::2020/06/08-18:59:03.764 ERR Cluster failed to start. The latest copy of cluster configuration data was not available within the set of nodes attempting to start the cluster. Changes to the cluster occurred while the set of nodes were not in membership and as a result were not able to receive configuration data updates.

[CONNECT] X.X.X.134:~3343~: Established connection to remote endpoint X.X.X.134:~3343~.

[NODE] Node 1: New join with n3: stage: ‘Attempt Initial Connection’

[SV] New real route: local (X.X.X.131:~50263~) to remote EXISTING HOST IN CLUSTER (X.X.X.134:~3343~).

[SV] Got a new outgoing stream to EXISTING HOST IN CLUSTER at X.X.X.134:~3343~

mscs_security::SchannelSecurityContext::AuthenticateAndAuthorize: (2)’ because of ‘Cluster certificate doesn’t exist’

[CHANNEL X.X.X.134:~3343~] Close().

cxl::ConnectWorker::operator (): HrError(0x00000002)’ because of ‘[SV] Schannel Authentication or Authorization Failed’

The firewall on all the boxes are turned off as well as all endpoint protection. I am able to ping all existing nodes and new nodes.

I am able to create a new cluster but I’d rather use the existing cluster is possible.

I am new to fail-over clustering, I have a two node Windows fail-over cluster (windows server 2016) with SQL Server 2016 Installed in cluster mode which configured successfully and everything is working fine. I needed to configure an Always-On Availability to a DR site, but ended up in error while adding the third node.

I have uninstalled Antivirus,checked for duplicate name in the AD of which there are non and it didn’t fix my problem.

Cluster service on node xxxxxxxx did not reach the running state. The error code is 0x5b4. For more information check the cluster log and the system event log from node xxxxxx. This operation returned because the timeout period expired.

Operation failed, attempting cleanup.

The server ‘’ could not be added to the cluster. An error occurred while adding node ‘’ to cluster ‘xxxxxx’.

This operation returned because the timeout period expired

From the event viewer in failover cluster manager it says xxxxx has been evicted from the cluster.

When I first created a windows cluster (with a Cloud Witness if it matters), everything went smoothly. Then something went wrong with the communication and I had to destroy the cluster.

Now, when I try to create a new cluster and add a second node, I get a message the following message:

Cluster service on node jupiter2 did not reach the running state. The
error code is 0x5b4. For more information check the cluster log and
the system event log from node jupiter2. This operation returned
because the timeout period expired.

It then rolls it back. This happens even when I create two brand new servers with the firewalls turned off. I have even created two servers in the same hyper-v host with an internal network to eliminate the possibility of my switch interfering. Same issue.

I have tried all of the basic troubleshooting ideas that I can think of — since the issue still occurs with two brand new machines it would seem like there is a GPO or something else in active directory causing the issue — but I’m out of ideas.

What could be causing this issue?

I have created a single node Failover Cluster in Windows Server 2012 R2. When I am trying to add second node to this cluster, it gives the error: “Cluster
service on node Node1did not reach the running state. The error code is 0x5b4. For more information check the cluster log and the system event log from node Node1. This operation returned because the timeout period expired.
The server ‘’ could not be added to the cluster.
An error occurred while adding node ‘’ to cluster ‘My_Cluster’.
This operation returned because the timeout period expired.”
I have attached the screenshots of Event ID.
Firewalls are turned off on both servers (Node1 and Node2). I have successfully created single node clusters on both servers, but when I try to add second node, it
gives error.
Before starting the creation of new cluster I don’t forget to Destroy previous cluster and run «Clear-ClusterNode».
Every time they successfully pass the Validate Configuration Test, but give the error on creating failover cluster.
I’m using the service account which has full permissions on CNU and both nodes, plus it has permissions to create computer accounts in AD.
Can anyone please help?
Thank you.
Best regards,
Hasan Bin Hasib

Thank you fellows!
The issue just resolved when I moved the Node1 and Node2 on the same host, and the cluster was successfully created.
After the creation of cluster, as soon as I moved the Node2 to some other host, then the Failover Cluster Manager console started showing Node2 is Down. Error: Cluster node Node2 could not to join the cluster because it failed
to communicate over the network with any other node in the cluster. Verify the network connectivity and configuration of any network firewalls. Event ID: 1653
IP Address of Node1: ; IP Address of Node2:
And yes, the ‘Microsoft Failover Cluster Virtual Adapter Performance Filter’ is already disabled on all virtual adapters. All firewalls are disabled, no antivirus installed. I’m using same type of NICs.
I don’t know where the blockage is, and I am badly stuck. Please help.
Thank you.
~ Hasan Bin Hasib

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    CMDLET Error:
    Summary: 1 item(s). 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
    Elapsed time: 00:06:21
    A database availability group administrative operation failed. Error: The operation failed. CreateCluster errors may result from incorrectly configured static addresses. Error: An error occurred while attempting a cluster operation. Error: Cluster API ‘»AddClusterNode()
    (MaxPercentage=100) failed with 0x5b4. Error: This operation returned because the timeout period expired»‘ failed. [Server:]
    An Active Manager operation failed. Error An error occurred while attempting a cluster operation. Error: Cluster API ‘»AddClusterNode() (MaxPercentage=100) failed with 0x5b4. Error: This operation returned because the timeout period expired»‘ failed..
    This operation returned because the timeout period expired
    Click here for help…
    Network name ‘msc-co-exc-01c’ is not online. Please check that the IP address configuration for the database availability group is correct.
    The operation wasn’t successful because an error was encountered. You may find more details in log file «C:ExchangeSetupLogsDagTasksdagtask_2014-11-17_13-54-56.543_add-databaseavailabiltygroupserver.log».
    Exchange Management Shell command attempted:
    Add-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupServer -MailboxServer ‘MSC-CO-EXC-02V’ -Identity ‘msc-co-exc-01c’
    Elapsed Time: 00:06:21
    when Exchange servers ran on the same Hyper-V node, the DAG is working well, but if I move one of VM to another node, It stops working.
    I have installed Wireshark and captured trafic of cluster interface. When DAG members on the same HV-node, there is inbound and outbound traffic on the cluster interface, but if I move one of DAG member to another node, in Wireshark I see only outbound traffic
    on both nodes.
    It’s confused me, because there is normal connectivity between these DAG members through the main interface.
    Please, help me if you can.

    Hi, Jared! Thank you for the reply.
    Of course I did it already :) I have new info:
    when Exchange servers ran on the same Hyper-V node, the DAG is working well, but if I move one of VM to another node, It stops working.
    I have installed Wireshark and captured trafic of cluster interface. When DAG members on the same HV-node, there is inbound and outbound traffic on the cluster interface, but if I move one of DAG member to another node, in Wireshark I see only outbound traffic
    on both nodes.
    It’s confused me, because there is normal connectivity between these DAG members through the main interface.

  • 0x8056530b error enabling disk deduplication on Windows Server 2012 R2 Volume — any ideas why or how to fix?

    I’m getting the following error when trying to enable disk de-duplication on a volume on my Windows 2012 R2 file server.  The error is:
    «There was an error updating Data Deduplication on volume: MSFT_DedupVolume.Volume=’\?Volume{8dfc4322-9997-11e3-93f5-005056a84b9b}’ — HRESULT 0x8056530b, The specified volume type is not supported. Deduplication is supported on fixed, write-enabled
    NTFS data volumes and CSV backed by NTFS data volumes.»
    The volume in question is a 1TB VMFS volume mounted to the virtual machine that is the Windows file server.  I could find no info anywhere that references this error as it relates to a standard mounted volume or VMware or VMFS. 
    Any ideas on what could be the problem or how to fix it?  I could find nothing in the log files other than an entry which is basically a repeat of the error above.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    P.S. This is a volume that was previously mounted on an older Windows 2003 server.  Not sure if that may make a difference.

    have you compared this issue to the ones that are successful and compared what is different?
    Have you made sure of the following:
    See the following list for server requirements for deduplication:
    • Server hardware should meet the minimum requirements for running Windows Server 2012. The deduplication feature was designed to support minimal configurations such as a single processor system with 4 GB of RAM and one SATA hard disk drive.
    • If you plan to support deduplication on multiple volumes on the same server, you need to plan an appropriately size for the system to ensure that it can process the data. The general rule is that the server needs 1 CPU-core and 350 MB of free memory to run a deduplication job on a single volume, and that job can process about 100 GB per hour or around 2 TB per day. Deduplication scales with additional CPU core processors and available memory to enable parallel processing of multiple volumes.
    For example: If you have a server with 16 CPU core processors and 16 GB of memory, deduplication uses 25% of the system memory in the default Background Processing mode, and in this case, that would be 4 GB. If you divide by 350 MB, you can calculate that the server could process about 11 volumes at a time. If you add 8 GB of memory, the system could process 17 volumes at a time. If you set an optimization job to run in Throughput mode, the system will use up to 50% of the system’s memory for the optimization job.
    • Data Deduplication supports up to 90 volumes at a time; however, deduplication can simultaneously process one volume per physical CPU core processor plus one. Hyper-threading does not impact this because only physical core processors can be used to process a volume. A system with 16 CPU core processors and 90 volumes will process 17 volumes at a time until all 90 volumes are done, if there is sufficient memory.
    • Virtual server instances should follow the same guidance as physical hardware regarding server resources.
    Volumes that are candidates for deduplication must conform to the following requirements:
    • Must not be a system or boot volume. Deduplication is not supported on operating system volumes.
    • Can be partitioned as a master boot record (MBR) or a GUID Partition Table (GPT), and must be formatted using the NTFS file system.
    • Can reside on shared storage, such as storage that uses a Fibre Channel or an SAS array, or when an iSCSI SAN and Windows Failover Clustering is fully supported.
    • Do not rely on Cluster Shared Volumes (CSVs). You can access data if a deduplication-enabled volume is converted to a CSV, but you cannot continue to process files for deduplication.
    • Do not rely on the Microsoft Resilient File System (ReFS).
    • Can’t be larger than 64 TB in size.
    • Must be exposed to the operating system as non-removable drives. Remotely-mapped drives are not supported.
    Files with extended attributes, encrypted files, files smaller than 32 KB, and reparse point files are not processed by deduplication.

  • Error With Crystal Reports On Windows Server 2012

    I have a VB.NET exe application created in Visual Studio 2010 that prints a crystal report directly to the printer.  On Windows Server 2008 it worked fine but it does not work on Windows Server 2012.  The report was originally created in Crystal Reports 2011.  I have read elsewhere that in order to run a Crystal Report on WS 2012 that it needs to be created using Crystal Reports for Visual Studio.  So I installed the developer version of Crystal Reports for Visual Studio (v.  I opened the report in Visual Studio and saved it.  I then installed the CRRuntime_64bit_13_0_8.msi on the WS 2012.  My exe has the CrystalDecisions assemblies shown below.  When I try to run the exe I get the error below.  Does anyone have any idea as to what I am doing wrong?  Thank you for your input.
    Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for ‘PrintWorkOrderAndDrawing.PrintWorkOrderAndDrawing’ threw an exception. —> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for ‘CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.En
    gine.ReportDocument’ threw an exception. —> CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.LoadSaveReportException: An error has occurred while attempting to load the Crystal Reports runtime. Either the Crystal Reports registry key permissions are insufficient,
    or the Crystal Reports runtime is not installed correctly. Please install the appropriate Crystal Reports redistributable (CRRedist*.msi) containing the correct version of the Crystal Reports runtime (x86, x64, or Itanium) required.  Please go to http:// for more information.
       at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.CheckForCrystalReportsRuntime()
       at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument..cctor()
       — End of inner exception stack trace —
       at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument..ctor()

    Hi Thomas
    First the info re.;
    I have read elsewhere that in order to run a Crystal Report on WS 2012 that it needs to be created using Crystal Reports for Visual Studio.
    is incorrect. CRVS will run all reports down to CR 9 without issues. And even reports created in older versions will, for the most part, work just fine.
    The error is rather strange as it normally indicates that an incorrect runtime has been installed. However in your case as you are using CR and  the 64bit_13_0_8.msi that does not look to be the case. I would like you to double check the CR references in the project. Say, crystaldecisions.crystalreports.engine. It should be version 13.0.2000.0.
    If that is confirmed, then we may be at the permissions mentioned in the error. And I’d use Process Monitor for that. Filter ProcMon for the app exe and run the app. Look at the logs for «Access denied» messages. In the log, look for CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine, see what the exe is doing with it. Where is it trying to load it from? Etc., etc.
    — Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow us on Twitter

  • Windows Server Essentials error occurred while configuring on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

     am attempting to install the Windows Server Essentials on a new domain controller in a new domain and forest.   I go to add roles and features and select essentials.  The config wizard says it is Updating and Preparing the Server and
    That is all the information that you need to provide. Your server is being prepared for use and may restart more than once. This may take up to 30 minutes.
    It goes to 3% and the encounters an error saying An error occurred while configuring Windows Server Essentials. Please try again.  I don’t seem to find anything in the log to indicate why it fails.

    Hi boe_d,
    Based on your description, did you mean that this error was occurred in process of installing the Windows Server
    Essentials Experience Role on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard? If I misunderstand, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
    If it is, have you re-tried the role installation? Please check if still go to 3% and then get the same error
    In addition, please add
    ServerAdmin$ account to the Logon as a service Group Policy, and then monitor the result. For more details, please refer to the following article.
    You may be unable to run post-deployment configuration wizard after you install the Windows Server Essentials
    Experience role
    If this issue still exists, please navigate to: %windir%LogsCBS folder and check the CBS log file if you
    can find any error that depend on the Essentials Experience Role setup time.
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,
    Justin Gu

  • Sharepoint 2013 — Error installing pre-requisite on Windows Server 2012 R2

    I have been trying to get my Sharepoint 2013 installed on windows server 2012 R2. I was never able to get past the pre-requisite installer. It keeps failing at «Configuring Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role» and was never able to get
    past that.
    In the last 3 days i tried almost all of the suggestions posted in various forums but was never able to get it work. Any insight in to this error and resolution is greatly appreciated.
    Tried all things explained here but didn’t work

    I voted for the SharePoint 2013 isn’t supported yet link. I spent 4 hours resolving the issue. In my installation, there were many claims by the installer that the application server role is corrupt or unavailable. I dove deep into the installer files and
    found 1 file that was not in the correct place. I am not going to mention it, because it is the reason the installer should fail.
    Downloading and installing sharepoint 2013 sp1 was the answer. Why? Because Windows Server 2012 R2 was my operating system. Windows Server 2012 R2 was not a supported type of installation for SharePoint 2013 until SharePoint 2013 SP1 was released.
    I hope this helps those whom have ben in dire need. Even though Paul was initially correct in his statement, the release of SharePoint 2013 sp1 opens doors.
    @Microsoft, as a former PFE I think you could have done better.

  • Network Connection error when Trying to Install Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials

    Thank you to anyone who can help me out here. I have a brand new machine with known working wifi and wired ethernet adapters (works under Windows 8.1) I am attempting to install Windows Server 2012 Essentials R2. During the install process, the system connects
    to the internet to download updates to help along the install. No problem here. Further down the road after restarting several times and now during the «Configuring Windows Server Essentials» step of the install, I am told «There is no network
    connection. Please fix the connection issue and try again.»
    When troubleshooting the connection, I am told that the wifi adapter drivers may not be installed. I have a wireless card in the machine and have also tried disabling the wifi adapter and have been connected successfully via the ethernet port this whole
    Help, I’m stuck and have been to this point in the install 4-5 times already.
    Thank you.

    Is this a laptop?  Can you remove the wifi? Disable it in BIOS?
    Does the wifi have an IP and internet when it throws the error?
    BTW, when the wizard ask about updates say no.  Takes way too long and does not help anything
    Change the binding order and put the wired on top.
    The Steps?
    Just open your Network and Sharing Center. (Change adapter settings)
    Press an ALTkey on your keyboard to show the menu bar.
    Click on the Advancedmenu
    choose Advanced Settings option
    Adjust your binding order for your NICs to ensure your wired ones are at the TOP

  • Create ISO of Windows Server 2012 R2 Physical Server — NOT VM

    I have a windows server 2012 R2 installed on a physical server. I have windows patches and other firmware upgrades on it. I would like to create a gold image in the form of ISO, so that i can use this ISO and build my other servers. I have read many many
    blogs but none of them have clear steps. I know there are tons of ways to do this for VM, but this is for a physical machine. I have used sysprep, completely messed up my server, i am used there is no warning or anything listed on technet for using this software.
    If anyone has able to do this successfully please let me know. Please don’t send me instructions for VM, this is not a VM, it is a physical server. Thanks in advance.

    Okay, it’s been a while since I worked with MDT and my memory was bad.  The best thing to do is to download MDT (
    for the 2013 version) and its documentation.  One of the documents is a Quick Start Guide.  It gives you step-by-step instructions on how to do what you are asking.  It doesn’t make sense to replicate all that content in a forum when there is
    already a published document.
    Then, if you have problems with performing the tasks, come back to this forum and ask specific questions about the issues you are encountering.
    Note, the documentation assumes working with Windows 8.1, but it also says it supports it for Windows Server. 
    . : | : . : | : . tim
    Thanks Tim. I started working on it, i do have few questions:
    i) Why do i need 3 machines as per the document «Quick Start Guide for Lite Touch Installation.docx»? I am not quite following here, can i just do it on 2 servers, 1 which will capture the image and server 2 will be used to build using captured image.
    ii) I was able to get till Step 41. (page 17 from doc ‘Quick Start Guide for Lite Touch Installation.docx’), i do see the ISO created, but it is only 300 MB? My original ISO was 4 gb. I don’t think i can just copy the 300 MB iso and build another machine, i
    am lost here, any advice is appreciated.

  • Error code 0X8007007B when activating windows server 2012

    error code  0X8007007B when activating windows server 2012

    If your key is for KMS activation it will never activate without the KMS server, make it sure that you have KMS server and your server is reachable to the KMS server. Please see this Kb ARTICLE

  • Windows Azure Tools for Visual Studio 2013 — v2.2 install fails on Windows Server 2012 R2

    Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013
    Version 12.0.21005.1 REL
    Microsoft .NET Framework
    Version 4.5.51641
    The installation completes without any errors on my VM running Windows Server 2012 R2, however its not recognized in VS2013 ? It also breaks the Publish functionality when I try and publish a web site to my hosting provider.

    I tried install, uninstall, reinstall cycle several times without success. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    here is my About info:
    Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013
    Version 12.0.21005.1 REL
    Microsoft .NET Framework
    Version 4.5.51641
    Installed Version: Professional
    LightSwitch for Visual Studio 2013   06177-004-0444002-02824
    Microsoft LightSwitch for Visual Studio 2013
    Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2013 ENU   06177-004-0444002-02824
    Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2013 ENU
    Team Explorer for Visual Studio 2013   06177-004-0444002-02824
    Microsoft Team Explorer for Visual Studio 2013
    Visual Basic 2013   06177-004-0444002-02824
    Microsoft Visual Basic 2013
    Visual C# 2013   06177-004-0444002-02824
    Microsoft Visual C# 2013
    Visual C++ 2013   06177-004-0444002-02824
    Microsoft Visual C++ 2013
    Visual F# 2013   06177-004-0444002-02824
    Microsoft Visual F# 2013
    Visual Studio 2013 Code Analysis Spell Checker   06177-004-0444002-02824
    Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Code Analysis Spell Checker
    Portions of International CorrectSpell™ spelling correction system © 1993 by Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. All rights reserved.
    The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition Copyright © 1992 Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. All rights reserved.
    ASP.NET Web Frameworks and Tools 2012.2   4.1.21001.0
    For additional information, visit
    ASP.NET Web Frameworks and Tools 2013   5.0.11001.0
    For additional information, visit
    BusinessObjectEditor   1.0
    Information about my package
    CodeRush for Visual Studio   13.2
    Common Azure Tools   1.0
    Provides common services for use by Azure Mobile Services and Windows Azure Tools.
    CreateLayoutWizardPkg   1.0
    Create layout wizard.
    DevExpress.ExpressApp.Design.DesignDynamicPackage   1.0
    DevExpress VSIX Package
    DevExpress.ExpressApp.DesignPackage   1.0
    DevExpress VSIX Package
    DevExtreme.Design   13.2.6
    DevExtreme Visual Studio integration package
    DXCore for Visual Studio   13.2
    DXCore for Visual Studio
    PreEmptive Analytics Visualizer   1.2
    Microsoft Visual Studio extension to visualize aggregated summaries from the PreEmptive Analytics product.
    SQL Server Data Tools   12.0.30919.1
    Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools
    Windows Azure Mobile Services Tools   1.0
    Windows Azure Mobile Services Tools
    Workflow Manager Tools 1.0   1.0
    This package contains the necessary Visual Studio integration components for Workflow Manager.
    XtraReports package   1.0
    XtraReports package

  • Troubleshoot problems with installing updates on Windows Server 2012 Standart Edition

    When trying to install last update, receiving next errors:
    Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80070020: Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 10 for Windows Server 2012 (KB3003057).
    Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5, 4.5.1 and 4.5.2 on Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 x64 (KB2978127).
    Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80070020: Security Update for Windows Server 2012 (KB2982998).
    Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80070020: Security Update for Windows Server 2012 (KB2993958).
    Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80070020: Security Update for Windows Server 2012 (KB3002885).
    Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80070020: Security Update for Windows Server 2012 (KB3010788).
    Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80070020: Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 for x64-based Systems (KB2978121).
    Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80070020: Security Update for Windows Server 2012 (KB3006226).
    Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80070020: Security Update for Windows Server 2012 (KB3005607).
    Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80070020: Update for Windows Server 2012 (KB2975331).
    Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80070020: Update for Windows Server 2012 (KB3008627).
    Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80070020: Security Update for Windows Server 2012 (KB3011780).
    Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80070020: Security Update for Windows Server 2012 (KB3003743).
    This problem reproduced on all my web-servers (Windows Server 2012 Std). How can I fix these problems

    Windows update error 0x80070020 can occur if a program is interfering with the automatic update process.
    Restart your computer or restart your computer in safe mode with network, then try to install the updates. Detailed information you may reference the link below(this applies also to Windows Server 2012 ):
    You receive error 0x80070020 when you use the Windows Update Web site or the Microsoft Update Web site to install updates
    If the problem still exits, open Run, type %windir% and hit
    Enter, find a text file named WindowsUpdate, uploaded the log file.
    Best Regards,           
    Eve Wang

  • Windows Server 2012 GPO setting are not apply on windows Xp clients

    I am create GPO on windows server 2012.  300 clients on domain are working fine, GPO setting apply on all windows 7, 8 clients. But 200 clients of windows XP are not working. GPO setting are not applies on XP. I am trying to Group Policy
    Preference Client Side Extensions for Windows XP (KB943729) on one window XP client, all GPO servers 2012 setting is working fine. But is not solution. I have 200 clients of windows XP, Please provide batter solution on one click command and apply all 200
    XP clients.

    I have Windows server 2012 ,  i have install ADDS with Forest functional level 2008 & Domain functional level 2008 .
    I have applied GPO to particular OU, when i login to domain user on Windows 7 PC all GPO working fine but when i login on Windows Xp SP3 PC its not applied on XP. 
    I am facing issue on windows XP clients it is true. Please see this URL address:
    Please provide batter solution on one click command

  • Windows Server 2012 Windows Backup failed with following error code ‘0x8078006B’ (Windows Backup failed to create the shared protection point on the source volumes.).

    The Volume Shadow Copy service initially was running under the context of System, so we thought that ‘System’ doesn’t have permissions to access network shares. 
    When the Volume Shadow Copy service was running under the context of System, this was the error logged:
    “failed with following error code ‘0x8078014B’ (There was a failure in creating a directory on the backup storage location.).”
    Which is likely due to not having permissions to write to the network location. 
     This is a scheduled backup trying to write to a network location, so we changes the service to run under the context of an account that does have permissions to write to the network share.
      Then the error changed to this:
    “failed with following error code ‘0x8078006B’ (Windows Backup failed to create the shared protection point on the source volumes.).”
    HRESULT 0x8078006b
    DetailedHRESULT 0x8004230f
    ErrorMessage %%2155348075
    BackupState 12
    VolumesInfo <VolumeInfo><VolumeInfoItem Name=»C:» OriginalAccessPath=»C:» State=»15″ HResult=»-2139619228″ DetailedHResult=»0″ PreviousState=»0″ IsCritical=»1″ IsIncremental=»0″
    BlockLevel=»0″ HasFiles=»1″ HasSystemState=»0″ IsCompacted=»0″ IsPruned=»0″ IsRecreateVhd=»0″ FullBackupReason=»0″ DataTransferred=»0″ NumUnreadableBytes=»0″ TotalSize=»0″
    TotalNoOfFiles=»0″ Flags=»1604″ BackupTypeDetermined=»0″ SSBTotalNoOfFiles=»0″ SSBTotalSizeOnDisk=»0″ /><VolumeInfoItem Name=»D:» OriginalAccessPath=»D:» State=»15″ HResult=»-2139619228″
    DetailedHResult=»0″ PreviousState=»0″ IsCritical=»0″ IsIncremental=»0″ BlockLevel=»0″ HasFiles=»1″ HasSystemState=»0″ IsCompacted=»0″ IsPruned=»0″ IsRecreateVhd=»0″
    FullBackupReason=»0″ DataTransferred=»0″ NumUnreadableBytes=»0″ TotalSize=»0″ TotalNoOfFiles=»0″ Flags=»68″ BackupTypeDetermined=»0″ SSBTotalNoOfFiles=»0″ SSBTotalSizeOnDisk=»0″
    We aren’t really seeing anything that gives any hint on what the issue is. 
    Any ideas?  Thanks in advance!

    We are trying to back up folders/files from 2 local drives (C: & D:), both of which have only 10% space used, and 100 GB free. 
    We are attempting to back the files up to a Remote Shared File (and there is 100+ GB free space out there). 
      If we try another network location, we receive the exact same error. 
     This is Windows Server 2012, not running Hyper-V and is a physical server not a VM.
    Thank you for the link. 
    Looking in: 
    Event Viewer / Application and Service Logs / Microsoft / Windows / Backup / Operational
    But it doesn’t seem to give any more details: 
    Log Name:     
    7/8/2013 8:00:12 PM
    Event ID:     
    Task Category: None
    The backup operation that started at ‘‎2013‎-‎07‎-‎09T02:00:06.273000000Z’ has failed with following error code ‘0x8078006B’ (Windows Backup failed to create the shared protection point on the source volumes.).
    Please review the event details for a solution, and then rerun the backup operation once the issue is resolved.
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns=»»>
    <Provider Name=»Microsoft-Windows-Backup» Guid=»{1DB28F2E-8F80-4027-8C5A-A11F7F10F62D}» />
    <TimeCreated SystemTime=»2013-07-09T02:00:12.872602100Z» />
    <Correlation />
    <Execution ProcessID=»3028″ ThreadID=»3996″ />
    <Security UserID=»S-1-5-18″ />
    <Data Name=»BackupTemplateID»>{A421E864-A115-4288-8D12-F4878CF8A248}</Data>
    <Data Name=»HRESULT»>0x8078006b</Data>
    <Data Name=»DetailedHRESULT»>0x8004230f</Data>
    <Data Name=»ErrorMessage»>%%2155348075</Data>
    <Data Name=»BackupState»>12</Data>
    <Data Name=»BackupTime»>2013-07-09T02:00:06.273000000Z</Data>
    <Data Name=»BackupTarget»>\servernameBACKUP</Data>
    <Data Name=»NumOfVolumes»>2</Data>
    <Data Name=»VolumesInfo»>&lt;VolumeInfo&gt;&lt;VolumeInfoItem Name=»C:» OriginalAccessPath=»C:» State=»15″ HResult=»-2139619228″ DetailedHResult=»0″ PreviousState=»0″ IsCritical=»1″ IsIncremental=»0″ BlockLevel=»0″ HasFiles=»1″ HasSystemState=»0″
    IsCompacted=»0″ IsPruned=»0″ IsRecreateVhd=»0″ FullBackupReason=»0″ DataTransferred=»0″ NumUnreadableBytes=»0″ TotalSize=»0″ TotalNoOfFiles=»0″ Flags=»1604″ BackupTypeDetermined=»0″ SSBTotalNoOfFiles=»0″ SSBTotalSizeOnDisk=»0″ /&gt;&lt;VolumeInfoItem
    Name=»D:» OriginalAccessPath=»D:» State=»15″ HResult=»-2139619228″ DetailedHResult=»0″ PreviousState=»0″ IsCritical=»0″ IsIncremental=»0″ BlockLevel=»0″ HasFiles=»1″ HasSystemState=»0″ IsCompacted=»0″ IsPruned=»0″ IsRecreateVhd=»0″ FullBackupReason=»0″ DataTransferred=»0″
    NumUnreadableBytes=»0″ TotalSize=»0″ TotalNoOfFiles=»0″ Flags=»68″ BackupTypeDetermined=»0″ SSBTotalNoOfFiles=»0″ SSBTotalSizeOnDisk=»0″ /&gt;&lt;/VolumeInfo&gt;</Data>
    <Data Name=»SourceSnapStartTime»>2013-07-09T02:00:06.289250300Z</Data>
    <Data Name=»SourceSnapEndTime»>1601-01-01T00:00:00.000000000Z</Data>
    <Data Name=»PrepareBackupStartTime»>&lt;TimesList&gt;&lt;Time Time=»1601-01-01T00:00:00.000Z» /&gt;&lt;Time Time=»1601-01-01T00:00:00.000Z» /&gt;&lt;/TimesList&gt;</Data>
    <Data Name=»PrepareBackupEndTime»>&lt;TimesList&gt;&lt;Time Time=»1601-01-01T00:00:00.000Z» /&gt;&lt;Time Time=»1601-01-01T00:00:00.000Z» /&gt;&lt;/TimesList&gt;</Data>
    <Data Name=»BackupWriteStartTime»>&lt;TimesList&gt;&lt;Time Time=»1601-01-01T00:00:00.000Z» /&gt;&lt;Time Time=»1601-01-01T00:00:00.000Z» /&gt;&lt;/TimesList&gt;</Data>
    <Data Name=»BackupWriteEndTime»>&lt;TimesList&gt;&lt;Time Time=»1601-01-01T00:00:00.000Z» /&gt;&lt;Time Time=»1601-01-01T00:00:00.000Z» /&gt;&lt;/TimesList&gt;</Data>
    <Data Name=»TargetSnapStartTime»>1601-01-01T00:00:00.000000000Z</Data>
    <Data Name=»TargetSnapEndTime»>1601-01-01T00:00:00.000000000Z</Data>
    <Data Name=»DVDFormatStartTime»>&lt;TimesList&gt;&lt;/TimesList&gt;</Data>
    <Data Name=»DVDFormatEndTime»>&lt;TimesList&gt;&lt;/TimesList&gt;</Data>
    <Data Name=»MediaVerifyStartTime»>&lt;TimesList&gt;&lt;/TimesList&gt;</Data>
    <Data Name=»MediaVerifyEndTime»>&lt;TimesList&gt;&lt;/TimesList&gt;</Data>
    <Data Name=»BackupPreviousState»>2</Data>
    <Data Name=»ComponentStatus»>&lt;ComponentStatus&gt;&lt;/ComponentStatus&gt;</Data>
    <Data Name=»ComponentInfo»>&lt;ComponentInfo&gt;&lt;/ComponentInfo&gt;</Data>
    <Data Name=»SSBEnumerateStartTime»>1601-01-01T00:00:00.000000000Z</Data>
    <Data Name=»SSBEnumerateEndTime»>1601-01-01T00:00:00.000000000Z</Data>
    <Data Name=»SSBVhdCreationStartTime»>1601-01-01T00:00:00.000000000Z</Data>
    <Data Name=»SSBVhdCreationEndTime»>1601-01-01T00:00:00.000000000Z</Data>
    <Data Name=»SSBBackupStartTime»>1601-01-01T00:00:00.000000000Z</Data>
    <Data Name=»SSBBackupEndTime»>1601-01-01T00:00:00.000000000Z</Data>
    <Data Name=»SystemStateBackup»>&lt;SystemState IsPresent=»0″ HResult=»0″ DetailedHResult=»0″ /&gt;</Data>
    <Data Name=»BMR»>&lt;BMR IsPresent=»0″ HResult=»0″ DetailedHResult=»0″ /&gt;</Data>
    <Data Name=»VssFullBackup»>false</Data>
    <Data Name=»UserInputBMR»>false</Data>
    <Data Name=»UserInputSSB»>false</Data>
    <Data Name=»BackupSuccessLogPath»>
    <Data Name=»BackupFailureLogPath»>
    <Data Name=»EnumerateBackupStartTime»>&lt;TimesList&gt;&lt;Time Time=»1601-01-01T00:00:00.000Z» /&gt;&lt;Time Time=»1601-01-01T00:00:00.000Z» /&gt;&lt;/TimesList&gt;</Data>
    <Data Name=»EnumerateBackupEndTime»>&lt;TimesList&gt;&lt;Time Time=»1601-01-01T00:00:00.000Z» /&gt;&lt;Time Time=»1601-01-01T00:00:00.000Z» /&gt;&lt;/TimesList&gt;</Data>
    <Data Name=»PruneBackupStartTime»>&lt;TimesList&gt;&lt;Time Time=»1601-01-01T00:00:00.000Z» /&gt;&lt;Time Time=»1601-01-01T00:00:00.000Z» /&gt;&lt;/TimesList&gt;</Data>
    <Data Name=»PruneBackupEndTime»>&lt;TimesList&gt;&lt;Time Time=»1601-01-01T00:00:00.000Z» /&gt;&lt;Time Time=»1601-01-01T00:00:00.000Z» /&gt;&lt;/TimesList&gt;</Data>
    <Data Name=»BackupFlags»>0x9</Data>
    <Data Name=»ComponentInfoSummary»>&lt;ComponentInfoSummary ComponentInfoArrayPresent=»1″ TotalComponents=»0″ SucceededComponents=»0″ /&gt;</Data>

  • Failover Cluster Manager : Add node wizard Error » This operation returned because the timeout period expired» Windows Server 2012

    Hi Everybody,
    I have two node cluster and trying to add the third node (which is a Virtual Machine), all nodes are in different subnet and can communication with each other. While adding the third node it gives the error at the end of wizard »  This operation
    returned because the timeout period expired «. My domain controller is 2008 Enterprise Server and nodes are all running Windows Server 2012 Standard Edition. Any idea what is causing the issue.

    Before you add a server (node) to a failover cluster, we strongly recommend that you run the Validate a Configuration Wizard for the existing cluster nodes and the new node
    or nodes. The Validate a Configuration Wizard helps you confirm the configuration in a variety of important ways. For example, it validates that the server to be added is connected correctly to the networks and storage and that it contains the same software
    updates. Please post the error or warning report.
    Please try to install the Recommended hotfixes and updates for Windows Server 2012-based failover clusters:
    Recommended hotfixes and updates for Windows Server 2012-based failover clusters
    Hope this helps.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Windows Server 2012 Failover Cluster (Hyper-V) Event Id 1196

    Hi All,
    I just installed Failover Cluster for Hyper-V on windows server 2012 with 2 nodes. I got following error event id 1196.
    reCreated / deleted Cluster Host A record on DNS and nothing happened.
    Any suggestion?
    There is similar topic but it couldnt help

    You may refer to this article to troubleshoot this issue;
    Event ID 1196 — Network Name Resource Availability
    Check the following:
    Check that on the DNS server, the record for the Network Name resource still exists. If the record was accidentally deleted, or was scavenged by the DNS server, create it again, or arrange to have a network administrator create it.
    Ensure that a valid, accessible DNS server has been specified for the indicated network adapter or adapters in the cluster.
    Check the system event log for Netlogon or DNS events that occurred near the time of the failover cluster event. Troubleshooting these events might solve the problem that prevented the clustered Network Name resource from registering the DNS name.
    For more information please refer to following MS articles:
    DNS Registration with the Network Name Resource
    TechNet Community Support

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