Cmd fstat error 83 orange 5

Fstat returns error "Folder not found: c:xxxyyy.csv" (SSH_FX_FAILURE) on a file #288 Comments ncw commented May 7, 2019 An rclone user has reported

Fstat returns error «Folder not found: c:xxxyyy.csv» (SSH_FX_FAILURE) on a file #288


ncw commented May 7, 2019

An rclone user has reported that rclone with a certain sftp server reports the error «Folder not found: c:xxxyyy.csv» (SSH_FX_FAILURE) . As far as I can work out this is being generated by the Read() call on an open file, though looking at the trace below it seems to come from Fstat on the open file — not sure what is calling that.

The user reports that other sftp clients work just fine.

I turned on debugging and sent the user a binary to try.

Here is rclone logs interleaved with sftp debugs

Rclone has identified the file as needing to transfer

However the SSH_FXP_FSTAT returned an error. I don’t know why! Rclone doesn’t directly call Stat() on the handle returned — I’m not sure where that gets called.

I attempted to decode the sftp debug using the RFC but it wasn’t making sense, so I’m asking for help here.

Thanks in advance!

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

ncw commented May 8, 2019

I discovered who calls the Fstat (with a bit of debugging by panic !), it is File.WriteTo in pkg/sftp

Lines 886 to 895 in 5bcd86d

func ( f * File ) WriteTo ( w io. Writer ) ( int64 , error ) <
fi , err := f . Stat ()
if err != nil <
return 0 , err
inFlight := 0
desiredInFlight := 1
offset := f . offset
writeOffset := offset
fileSize := uint64 ( fi . Size ())

Which is called by rclone to maximise the throughput of the download.

eikenb commented May 9, 2019

Hey @ncw, thanks for reporting the issue. I skimmed through the forum discussion you linked and to be sure of the situation, let me re-iterate and clarify a few points.

  1. I think they said the server is WIN_SCP. That seems like WinSCP which is a client. So I’m thinking this isn’t correct. Knowing the server would be useful.
  2. This error is happening when the file isn’t on the destination yet and is being uploaded.
  3. All the parent directories already exist for the file in question.
  4. In your beta branch you had the user test, was the only change that you removed the f.Stat() call from the sftp library?

ncw commented May 12, 2019

Hey @ncw, thanks for reporting the issue. I skimmed through the forum discussion you linked and to be sure of the situation, let me re-iterate and clarify a few points.

  1. I think they said the server is WIN_SCP. That seems like WinSCP which is a client. So I’m thinking this isn’t correct. Knowing the server would be useful.

In a recent beta I put a log in to discover the name of the server — I’ll ask the user to run that.

  1. This error is happening when the file isn’t on the destination yet and is being uploaded.

The file is being copied from the SFTP server to local disk, so it is being downloaded.

  1. All the parent directories already exist for the file in question.

Yes and the file exists too. The file can be Open -ed just fine, but running Fstat on the open read handle gives the very confusing error in the title!


Fstat returns error «Folder not found: c:xxxyyy.csv» (SSH_FX_FAILURE) on a file #288


ncw commented May 7, 2019

An rclone user has reported that rclone with a certain sftp server reports the error «Folder not found: c:xxxyyy.csv» (SSH_FX_FAILURE) . As far as I can work out this is being generated by the Read() call on an open file, though looking at the trace below it seems to come from Fstat on the open file — not sure what is calling that.

The user reports that other sftp clients work just fine.

I turned on debugging and sent the user a binary to try.

Here is rclone logs interleaved with sftp debugs

Rclone has identified the file as needing to transfer

However the SSH_FXP_FSTAT returned an error. I don’t know why! Rclone doesn’t directly call Stat() on the handle returned — I’m not sure where that gets called.

I attempted to decode the sftp debug using the RFC but it wasn’t making sense, so I’m asking for help here.

Thanks in advance!

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

ncw commented May 8, 2019

I discovered who calls the Fstat (with a bit of debugging by panic !), it is File.WriteTo in pkg/sftp

Lines 886 to 895 in 5bcd86d

func ( f * File ) WriteTo ( w io. Writer ) ( int64 , error ) <
fi , err := f . Stat ()
if err != nil <
return 0 , err
inFlight := 0
desiredInFlight := 1
offset := f . offset
writeOffset := offset
fileSize := uint64 ( fi . Size ())

Which is called by rclone to maximise the throughput of the download.

eikenb commented May 9, 2019

Hey @ncw, thanks for reporting the issue. I skimmed through the forum discussion you linked and to be sure of the situation, let me re-iterate and clarify a few points.

  1. I think they said the server is WIN_SCP. That seems like WinSCP which is a client. So I’m thinking this isn’t correct. Knowing the server would be useful.
  2. This error is happening when the file isn’t on the destination yet and is being uploaded.
  3. All the parent directories already exist for the file in question.
  4. In your beta branch you had the user test, was the only change that you removed the f.Stat() call from the sftp library?

ncw commented May 12, 2019

Hey @ncw, thanks for reporting the issue. I skimmed through the forum discussion you linked and to be sure of the situation, let me re-iterate and clarify a few points.

  1. I think they said the server is WIN_SCP. That seems like WinSCP which is a client. So I’m thinking this isn’t correct. Knowing the server would be useful.

In a recent beta I put a log in to discover the name of the server — I’ll ask the user to run that.

  1. This error is happening when the file isn’t on the destination yet and is being uploaded.

The file is being copied from the SFTP server to local disk, so it is being downloaded.

  1. All the parent directories already exist for the file in question.

Yes and the file exists too. The file can be Open -ed just fine, but running Fstat on the open read handle gives the very confusing error in the title!


Ошибка компоновщика: неопределенная ссылка на `fstat ‘

Я получаю ниже ошибки компоновщика при сборке Qt для встроенной платформы ARM linux. Любые идеи, в чем может быть причина? или как это решить?

.obj / release-shared-emb-arm / qtconcurrentiteratekernel.o: В функции getticks()’: qtconcurrentiteratekernel.cpp:(.text+0x60): undefined reference to clock_gettime ‘.obj / release-shared-emb-arm / qthread_unix.o: В функции set_thread_data(QThreadData*)’: qthread_unix.cpp:(.text+0x40): undefined reference to __tls_get_addr ‘.obj / release-shared-emb-arm / qthread_unix.o: в функции QThreadData::current()’: qthread_unix.cpp:(.text+0x37c): undefined reference to __tls_get_addr ‘.obj / release-shared-emb-arm / qresource.o: В функции QDynamicFileResourceRoot::registerSelf(QString const&)’: qresource.cpp:(.text._ZN24QDynamicFileResourceRoot12registerSelfERK7QString[QDynamicFileResourceRoot::registerSelf(QString const&)]+0x88): undefined reference to fstat ‘.obj / release-shared-emb-arm / qfilesystemengine.o: В функции QFileSystemEngine::fillMetaData(int, QFileSystemMetaData&)’: qfilesystemengine.cpp:(.text+0x490): undefined reference to fstat ‘.obj / release-shared-emb-arm / qfilesystemengine_unix.o: в функции QFileSystemEngine::currentPath()’: qfilesystemengine_unix.cpp:(.text+0x34): undefined reference to stat ‘.obj / release-shared-emb-arm / qfilesystemengine_unix.o: в функции QFileSystemEngine::removeDirectory(QFileSystemEntry const&, bool)’: qfilesystemengine_unix.cpp:(.text+0x3bc): undefined reference to stat ‘.obj / release-shared-emb-arm / qfilesystemengine_unix.o: в функции QFileSystemEngine::createDirectory(QFileSystemEntry const&, bool)’: qfilesystemengine_unix.cpp:(.text+0x5c4): undefined reference to stat ‘.obj / release-shared-emb-arm / qfilesystemengine_unix.o: в функции QFileSystemEngine::fillMetaData(QFileSystemEntry const&, QFileSystemMetaData&, QFlags )’: qfilesystemengine_unix.cpp:(.text+0xda4): undefined reference to lstat ‘qfilesystemengine_unix.cpp :(. text + 0xe34): неопределенная ссылка на stat’ .obj/release-shared-emb-arm/qtranslator.o: In function QTranslatorPrivate :: do_load (QString const &) ‘: qtranslator.cpp :(. Text + 0x1730): undefined ссылка на `fstat’ collect2: ld вернула 1 статус выхода make [1]: * [../../lib/] Ошибка 1

1 ответы

Похоже, что-то не так с вашим набором инструментов или qmake.conf. Попробуйте вручную связать библиотеки libc и rt либо в вашем qmake.conf, либо в конфигурации, используя -l и -L:

Не тот ответ, который вы ищете? Просмотрите другие вопросы с метками qt linker-errors or задайте свой вопрос.


Solved error /lib/ Undefined symbol «fstat@FBSD_1.5» in jail following update to 12.0p5


The cause of all the grief described below was caused by forgetting to run ezjail-admin update -U -s 11.2-RELEASE on the jail host followed by pkg-static install -f pkg and pkg upgrade on each of the updated jails. 2019-06-28.

We use ezjail to manage our jails. We recently updated the host system to FreeBSD-12.0p5. We later updated a jail using

I have not run across this problem before. This jail was successfully updated to FreeBSd-12.0 before. However, I cannot be certain that uptime was run on it previously and so the problem may have been there from the beginning.

How do I go about locating what the exact problem is and determine the remedy?



Did you reboot afterwards?


Yes. The host in this case is a bhyve vm running freebsd-12.0p5. The process was fetch, install, reboot, ezjail-admin update -u, reboot. There was a gap of several days between the update to the host system and applying the upgrade to the jails.



]# service postfix status
/lib/ Undefined symbol «fstat@FBSD_1.5»
/lib/ Undefined symbol «fstat@FBSD_1.5»
postfix is not running.

What ever caused this it is not a ringing endorsement of FreeBSD quality control. I now have our principal MX server offline due to an OS induced error.



Update your packages too. If important structures change ports/packages that use them must be updated too. Or else they’re linked to the old structures.


Update your packages too. If important structures change ports/packages that use them must be updated too. Or else they’re linked to the old structures.

What you’re actually saying is that you didn’t test your updates before applying them to production?

It is a jail. I am used to experimenting on jails. I tested the p5 update on a vm and had no errors. I created a jail on that vm and had no errors. I then updated the vm host and checked for errors. There were none. I then updated each vm one at a time and had no errors. I also updated the jails one at a time and had no errors. We run our jails in ZFS and we run our vms the same way. Had an error arose at the time then we would have rolled back to the most recent snapshot, which is typically 2 minutes old. SO I am saying that I did not fail to carry out the updates in a prudent manner. I did not generally worry overmuch about pkg upgrades because I had never experienced this sort of problem arrising from a pkg upgrade. Jails are set up with different pkg sets which creates a rather burdensome maintenance problem for pkg updates. If it is indeed necessary to clone each jail, apply the upgrade, and then test before updating the service jail then we will have to abandon jails altogether.

I have no idea when or how this started but it has to have been very recently because I was maintaining the configuration on some of these jails last week. And the error is now evidenced on jails in vms which have not been modified since May 24 and whose jails were updated on that same date and have not been modified since. I have run the service utility on some of these jails in vms that actually run on different hardware as recently as June 11 and did not encounter this error. There was no update to the host operating system after May 31. There was no update to the jails after May 31 except in the case above which alerted me to the problem. So something else has introduced this error because it is occurring on different hardware with similar histories.

There were pkg upgrades performed on the host system after May 31:

24714 2019-06-12 10:31:44: pkg upgrade
24763 2019-06-14 10:40:20: pkg upgrade
24869 2019-06-18 11:24:57: pkg upgrade

So, one of these has introduced the problem. How do I find out what packages were updated on this host in each?


An rclone user has reported that rclone with a certain sftp server reports the error "Folder not found: c:xxxyyy.csv" (SSH_FX_FAILURE). As far as I can work out this is being generated by the Read() call on an open file, though looking at the trace below it seems to come from Fstat on the open file — not sure what is calling that.

The user reports that other sftp clients work just fine.

I turned on debugging and sent the user a binary to try.

Here is rclone logs interleaved with sftp debugs

./rclone copyto --low-level-retries 1 --retries 1 -vv aiep:aaaaaaa_valley_hhhhh_ccp/CCP_Valley_hhhhh_190429.csv ~/Downloads/z.csv
2019/05/02 13:00:24 DEBUG : rclone: Version “v1.47.0-032-g5c0574ea-fix-sftp-folder-beta” starting with parameters ["./rclone" “copyto” “–low-level-retries” “1” “–retries” “1” “-vv” “aiep:aaaaaaa_valley_hhhhh_ccp/CCP_Valley_hhhhh_190429.csv” “/Users/auser/Downloads/z.csv”]
2019/05/02 13:00:24 DEBUG : Using config file from “/Users/auser/.config/rclone/rclone.conf”
2019/05/02 13:00:24 send packet: SSH_FXP_INIT 5 bytes 00000003
2019/05/02 13:00:24 recv packet: SSH_FXP_VERSION 5 bytes 00000003
2019/05/02 13:00:24 send packet: SSH_FXP_STAT 63 bytes 0000000100000036616c65646164655f76616c6c65795f6865616c74685f6363702f4343505f56616c6c65795f4865616c74685f3139303432392e637376
2019/05/02 13:00:24 recv packet: SSH_FXP_ATTRS 29 bytes 000000010000003d000000000024230c000081ef5cc6dc835cc6dc83
2019/05/02 13:00:24 send packet: SSH_FXP_STAT 63 bytes 0000000200000036616c65646164655f76616c6c65795f6865616c74685f6363702f4343505f56616c6c65795f4865616c74685f3139303432392e637376
2019/05/02 13:00:24 recv packet: SSH_FXP_ATTRS 29 bytes 000000020000003d000000000024230c000081ef5cc6dc835cc6dc83

Rclone has identified the file as needing to transfer

2019/05/02 13:00:24 DEBUG : CCP_Valley_hhhhh_190429.csv: Couldn’t find file - need to transfer

Now we open it

2019/05/02 13:00:25 send packet: SSH_FXP_OPEN 71 bytes 0000000300000036616c65646164655f76616c6c65795f6865616c74685f6363702f4343505f56616c6c65795f4865616c74685f3139303432392e6373760000000100000000
2019/05/02 13:00:25 recv packet: SSH_FXP_HANDLE 12 bytes 0000000300000003323535
2019/05/02 13:00:25 send packet: SSH_FXP_FSTAT 12 bytes 0000000400000003323535
2019/05/02 13:00:25 recv packet: SSH_FXP_STATUS 94 bytes 00000004000000040000004d466f6c646572206e6f7420666f756e643a20633a5c66747073697465735c706569615c76616c6c65795f6865616c74685c4343505f56616c6c65795f4865616c74685f3139303432392e63737600000000
2019/05/02 13:00:25 send packet: SSH_FXP_CLOSE 12 bytes 0000000500000003323535
2019/05/02 13:00:25 recv packet: SSH_FXP_STATUS 17 bytes 00000005000000000000000000000000

However the SSH_FXP_FSTAT returned an error. I don’t know why! Rclone doesn’t directly call Stat() on the handle returned — I’m not sure where that gets called.

2019/05/02 13:00:25 DEBUG : CCP_Valley_hhhhh_190429.csv: Reopening on read failure after 0 bytes: retry 1/1: sftp: “Folder not found: c:ftpsitesaiepvalley_hhhhhCCP_Valley_hhhhh_190429.csv” (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2019/05/02 13:00:25 DEBUG : CCP_Valley_hhhhh_190429.csv: Reopen failed after 0 bytes read: failed to reopen: too many retries
2019/05/02 13:00:25 NOTICE: z.csv: Removing partially written file on error: sftp: “Folder not found: c:ftpsitesaiepvalley_hhhhhCCP_Valley_hhhhh_190429.csv” (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2019/05/02 13:00:25 ERROR : CCP_Valley_hhhhh_190429.csv: Failed to copy: sftp: “Folder not found: c:ftpsitesaiepvalley_hhhhhCCP_Valley_hhhhh_190429.csv” (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2019/05/02 13:00:25 ERROR : Attempt 1/1 failed with 2 errors and: sftp: “Folder not found: c:ftpsitesaiepvalley_hhhhhCCP_Valley_hhhhh_190429.csv” (SSH_FX_FAILURE)
2019/05/02 13:00:25 Failed to copyto: sftp: “Folder not found: c:ftpsitesaiepvalley_hhhhhCCP_Valley_hhhhh_190429.csv” (SSH_FX_FAILURE)

I attempted to decode the sftp debug using the RFC but it wasn’t making sense, so I’m asking for help here.

Thanks in advance!

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Подскажите плиз. Модуль RFHUB JEEP GRANDCHEROKEE 2014 (блок иммо) внутри 3j25m. MC9S12XEG384CAL читаю внутрисхемно, модуль запитал снаружи. При чтении пишет MCU SECURED, DFLASH и PFLASH каждый раз разные. Уже разобрался что прямого доступа к D-flash у этих MCU может и не быть. Требуется для того чтобы разобраться с резетом этих модулей на заводское состояние и вытирания блокиратора руля. Как ее правильно прочитать чтобы хотябы увидеть вин и подобное. Или оранжем это в данном случии не возможно?

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Не настаиваю, что у Вас то же. 


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Со скоростью он определяет 200000 мне так и читаю. Не дело не в этом, походу проц закрыт просто

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6 minutes ago, dmitry84 said:

Владельцы Оранджа, подскажите, работает он с MC9S12G96?

А в чем проблема открыть и посмотреть?

Открываешь китайский софт и смотришь. А как еще можно узнать? Я не думаю, что этих процов у народа завались.

Изменено 4 октября 2019 пользователем Andnet

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Just now, Andnet said:

А в чем проблема открыть и посмотреть?

Проблема в том, что у меня его нет)

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Если нет, то чем читать собираешся?

Но даже если нет, софт китайский в открытом доступе. Прям точно такого проца я не нашел. Если нет ошибки в названии то я думаю не читает.

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16 minutes ago, Andnet said:

Если нет, то чем читать собираешся?

Но даже если нет, софт китайский в открытом доступе. Прям точно такого проца я не нашел. Если нет ошибки в названии то я думаю не читает.

Понял, благодарю!

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08.04.2015 в 11:49, evgegor сказал:

пытаюсь читать TMS, выскакивает SYSCLK error, что это значит и что ему нужно?

Вам удалось разобраться с ошибкой? Столкнулся с такой же ситуацией читаю TMS374C003APQQ китайским Orange 5 внутри- схемно выскакивает ошибка SYSCLK Error, можеь быть подскажете в чем может быть дело?

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Парни , кому можно обратится по поводу покупки Orange 5 с кальками ори.

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display status of open files


fstat [-fnosv] [-M
core] [-N
system] [-p
pid] [-u
user] [file …]


fstat identifies open files. A file is
considered open by a process if it was explicitly opened, is the working
directory, root directory, active executable text, or kernel trace file for
that process. If no options are specified, fstat
reports on all open files in the system.

The options are as follows:

Restrict examination to files open in the same file systems as the named
file arguments, or to the file system containing the current directory if
there are no additional filename arguments. For example, to find all files
open in the file system where the directory
/usr/src resides, type

# fstat -f /usr/src

Extract values associated with the name list from the specified core
instead of the running kernel.
Extract the name list from the specified system instead of the running
Numerical format. Print the device number (maj,min) of the file system the
file resides in rather than the mount point name. For special files, print
the device number that the special device refers to rather than the
filename in /dev. Also, print the mode of the file
in octal instead of symbolic form.
Output file offset. Follow the size field with the descriptor’s offset.
Useful for checking progress as a process works through a large file. This
information is only visible to the user or superuser.
Report all files open by the specified process. This option may be
specified multiple times.
Report per file io statistics in two additional columns
‘XFERS’ and ‘KBYTES’. This information is only
visible to the user or superuser.
Report all files open by the specified user. This option may be specified
multiple times.
Verbose mode. Print error messages upon failures to locate particular
system data structures rather than silently ignoring them. Most of these
data structures are dynamically created or deleted and it is possible for
them to disappear while fstat is running. This is
normal and unavoidable since the rest of the system is running while
fstat itself is running.
file …
Restrict reports to the specified files.

The following fields are printed:

The username of the owner of the process (effective UID).
The command name of the process.
The process ID.
The file number in the per-process open file table or one of the following
special names:

executable text inode
current working directory
root inode
kernel trace file

If the file number is followed by an asterisk
(‘*’), the file is not an inode,
but rather a socket, or there is an error. In this case the remainder of
the line doesn’t correspond to the remaining headers — the format
of the line is described later under

If the -n flag wasn’t specified, this header is
present and is the pathname that the file system the file resides in is
mounted on.
If the -n flag is specified, this header is
present and is the major/minor number of the device that this file resides
The inode number of the file. It will be followed by an asterisk
(‘*’) if the inode is unlinked from
The mode of the file. If the -n flag isn’t
specified, the mode is printed using a symbolic format (see
strmode(3)); otherwise, the mode is printed as an octal
This column describes the properties of the file descriptor:

Open for reading
Open for writing
close-on-exec flag is set
Opened after pledge(2)

This field is useful when trying to find the processes that
are preventing a file system from being downgraded to read-only.

SZ |
If the file is not a character or block special file, prints the size of
the file in bytes. Otherwise, if the -n flag is
not specified, prints the name of the special file as located in
/dev. If that cannot be located, or the
-n flag is specified, prints the major/minor
device number that the special device refers to.
If filename arguments are specified and the -f
flag is not, then this field is present and is the name associated with
the given file. Normally the name cannot be determined since there is no
mapping from an open file back to the directory entry that was used to
open that file. Also, since different directory entries may reference the
same file (via ln(1)), the name printed may not be the actual name that the
process originally used to open that file.
Displays number of total data transfers performed on the file.
Displays total number of Kbytes written and read to the file.


The formatting of open sockets depends on the protocol domain. In
all cases the first field is the domain name and the second field is the
socket type (stream, dgram, etc). The remaining fields are protocol
dependent. For TCP, it is the address of the tcpcb, and for UDP, the inpcb
(socket pcb). For UNIX-domain sockets, it’s the
address of the socket pcb and the address of the connected pcb (if
connected). Otherwise the protocol number and address of the socket itself
are printed. The attempt is to make enough information available to permit
further analysis without duplicating

For example, the addresses mentioned above are the addresses which
the netstat -A command would print for TCP, UDP, and
UNIX-domain. These addresses are only visible to the
superuser, otherwise 0x0 is printed. Sockets that have been disassociated
from a protocol control block will always print 0x0. A unidirectional
UNIX-domain socket indicates the direction of flow
with an arrow (“<-” or “->”), and a full
duplex socket shows a double arrow (“<->”).

For AF_INET and
AF_INET6 sockets, fstat also
attempts to print the internet address and port for the local end of a
connection. If the socket is connected, it also prints the remote internet
address and port. A ‘*’ is used to
indicate an INADDR_ANY binding. In this case, the
use of the arrow (“<—” or “—>”)
indicates the direction the socket connection was created.

If the socket has been spliced to or from another socket (see
setsockopt(2) and SO_SPLICE) then
fstat prints a thick arrow
(“<==>”, “<==”, or
“==>”), followed by the address and endpoint information of
the other socket in the splice, if available.


Every pipe is printed as an address which is the same for both
sides of the pipe and a state that is built of the letters
“RWE”. W — The pipe blocks waiting for the reader to read
data. R — The pipe blocks waiting for the writer to write data. E — The pipe
is in EOF state.


Each kqueue(2) is printed with some information as to queue length. Since
these things are normally serviced quickly, it is likely that nothing of
real importance can be discerned.


netstat(1), nfsstat(1), ps(1), systat(1), top(1), iostat(8), pstat(8),
tcpdrop(8), vmstat(8)


The fstat command appeared in


Sockets in use by the kernel, such as those opened by
nfsd(8), will
not be seen by fstat, even though they appear in


Since fstat takes a snapshot of the
system, it is only correct for a very short period of time.

Moreover, because DNS resolution and YP lookups cause many file
descriptor changes, fstat does not attempt to
translate the internet address and port numbers into symbolic names.

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05-10-2021, 11:59 PM

last week i buyed this chieneese UPA Programmer, with software 1.3
This was buyed for flashing my xprog. But this did not work. Everytime i got error «Vcc out of range» or something like this. OK.
Today i tryed to write FRM3 EEprom with this UPA. Everytime i got error: «FSTAT ($FF) Register Error.
When i write EEprom flie, i can see, the Programming goes until 1/4 of the line, and than it is finisched. I veryfied the files, what was readet after writing, and they ends everytime by line 610 or 620.
Now my quetion: why this tool dont write the complete file? Maybe i have to change something in settings?
From chinese friends i get no normal answer. Only bullshit like, download new software,,…bla bla, and im wasting time. I know, they will not help me. So please somebody here, can help me with this problem?
Thank you in advance!

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05-11-2021, 12:36 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-11-2021, 12:37 AM by narkeleptk.)

«Now my quetion: why this tool dont write the complete file? Maybe i have to change something in settings?»

Most likely answer is because its poor quality junk. Maybe could try to rework it but you coul also just buy a good decent tool.

temsky740  ****
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05-11-2021, 11:14 AM

U can help by yourself — just dont buy shit china tools and all will be ok.

RangeRover/Jaguar newest models
BCM all types, JLR coding
BMW immo solutions 
BMW bikes 2014-202x  mileage,immo solutions

nono93  ****
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05-15-2021, 11:07 PM


To flash your xprog you can use a 3$ usbasp. 
When done, you’ll be able to work on FRM . 


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bumer_m3  **
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07-21-2021, 12:32 PM

now buyed a new xprog 5.55. It is allready my 4. xprog. With this it appears the same error, when im trying to read the FRM3 Dflash:
Unknonw MC9S12 device. Part ID 0x0014C483

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marmaro  ****
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07-21-2021, 12:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-21-2021, 12:39 PM by marmaro.)

Hello. Did you try erase eeprom befor writing? Maybe it is eeprom partition problem.

Xprog 5.55 read this motorola without any problem. Check soldering and pinout.

If my post helped you please add ThanksTup and Reputation Tup !

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bumer_m3  **
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07-21-2021, 12:46 PM

soldering ok, Pinout ok. I cant even read the chip. When im trying to erase or write or change partition, it appears the same error. 2 Times it readed something, but the file was faulty. Reading FRM2 goes without problems

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ninolino  ****
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07-22-2021, 12:15 AM

my official upa have error when use on my desktop computer, work perfectly with notebook.

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Phoenix13  ****
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07-22-2021, 12:38 AM

(05-10-2021, 11:59 PM)bumer_m3 w Wrote: tydzień kupiłem ten chienski programator UPA z 1.3
. Kupiłem do flashowania mojego xproga. Ale żeby nie działało. Za każdym razem otrzymuję błąd „Vcc out of range” lub coś takiego. DOBRZE.
Dzisiaj próbowałem napisać EEprom FRM3 z tą UPA. Za każdym razem otrzymuję błąd: „FSTAT ($FF) Zarejestruj błąd.
Kiedy piszesz piszę do pliku EEprom, widzę, że programowanie przechodzi do 1/4 ukończenia, a następnie jest skończone. wierszem 610 lub 620.
Teraz pytanie: dlaczego dla opcji nie zapisawszy całego pliku?Może muszę coś nowego w ustawieniach?
Od chińskich przyjaciół nie otrzymuję odpowiedzi. Tylko bzdury jak, pobierz nowe oprogramowanie, … bla bla i marnuję czas. Wiem, nie pomoże mi. Więc, proszę ktoś tutaj, może mi pomóc z tym problemem?
Z góry dziękuję!

Hello, the programmer has the ability to perform a hardware test, maybe you should start with this.
I send you a link, what it looks like, at least you will determine whether the hardware or software is to blame.

Attached Files



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