Cms error 604

Anyone else experiencing CMS errors, usually 604 and 10 on SMS? Not sure if this is necessarily coding issue or network/module. I have seen some incoming SMS printed in Serial Monitor a couple times.

Hi @Fyod

The site closes the connection so that another can be opened.

If the site you are using does not close the connection, then it would be necessary to issue a AT+QICLOSE instead of the AT+QIDEACT.

Extract from one of my test logs

gsm_send_at() completed
Modem Reply:

Modem Reply:

gsm_disconnect() Disabled
GPRS deactivated.
gsm_connect() started
Connecting to remote server…
Modem Reply:

Modem Reply:

Modem Reply:

Modem Reply:

Modem Reply:

Modem Reply:

Connected to remote server:
gsm_connect() completed
gsm_send_http(): sending data.

gsm_send_http(): Length of data packet:
gsm_send_http(): Length of header packet:
Modem Reply:

Modem Reply:

gsm_validate_tcp() started.
Modem Reply:

Modem Reply:

gsm_validate_tcp() data delivered.
gsm_validate_tcp() completed.
gsm_send_http(): Sending IMEI and Key
Modem Reply:

Modem Reply:

Modem Reply:

Modem Reply:

gsm_send_http(): Sending body
gsm_send_http(): Body packet size:
gsm_send_http(): Sending data chunk:
gsm_send_http(): chunk length:
gsm_send_http(): data sent.
parse_receive_reply() started
Modem Reply:

Modem Reply:


Modem Reply:


+QIRDI: 0,1,0

Modem Reply:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.8.0
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2015 00:29:24 GMT
Modem Reply:

Connection: close



Found header packet
Modem Reply:


No more data available.
Data was fully received by the server.

Я пытаюсь отправить SMS через GSM-модуль SIM 808. После использования AT + CMEE = 1, я получаю CMS +CMS ERROR: 604. Команда AT + CMGL работает нормально, но я по-прежнему не могу отправить SMS. Здесь код:

void sms()
Serial.println("AT+CMGF = 1r");
Serial.println("AT+CMGL = "ALL"r");
Serial.println("AT+CMEE = 1r");
Serial.println(" AT+CMGS ="+91xxxxxxxxxx"r");
Serial.println("HELLO WORLD");
void setup(){

void loop(){


Я проверил код ниже. Это сработало. Это было.
Более короткие задержки в порядке..

Serial.println("HELLO WORLD");

Я изучаю ваши проблемы. Во-первых, и, возможно, в основе всех проблем, вам не нужно r в println.

Serial.println(«AT + CMEE = 1») является правильным способом отправки на SIM 808. У меня есть sim 808 онлайн и вы проверите то, что у вас есть. Я только что освоил мир SMS с моей SIM 808, так что это не займет много времени. Dy3

Введите минимум 50 символов

I am trying to send SMS via a SIM 808 GSM Module. After using AT+CMEE = 1, I am getting CMS +CMS ERROR: 604.
AT + CMGL command is working fine but I am still not able to send SMS.
Here’s the code :

void sms()
Serial.println("AT+CMGF = 1r");
Serial.println("AT+CMGL = "ALL"r");
Serial.println("AT+CMEE = 1r");
Serial.println(" AT+CMGS ="+91xxxxxxxxxx"r");
Serial.println("HELLO WORLD");
void setup(){

void loop(){


asked Oct 24, 2016 at 21:26

Avilash Mohanty's user avatar

I have tested the code below. It worked. It was the r’s.
Shorter delays ok..

Serial.println("HELLO WORLD");

answered Nov 14, 2016 at 23:49

Bladerunner's user avatar

I am looking into your issues. First, and possibly the basis of all issues, you do not need the r in a println.

Serial.println(«AT+CMEE = 1») is proper way to send to SIM 808. I have a sim 808 online and will test what you have. I have just mastered the SMS world with my SIM 808 so this won’t take long.

answered Nov 14, 2016 at 22:51

Bladerunner's user avatar

Коды ошибок запуска программы и отправки СМС:

        0           Сообщение отправлено, и модем/телефон подтвердил 
                    успешную отправку сообщения.

        2           На компьютере нет указанного последовательного порта или
                    не найден указанный конф. файл.

        5           Не удалось открыть указанный порт COM ("нет доступа",
                    скорее всего, порт был занят другой программой).

       87           Ошибка в параметрах запуска программы или параметрах смс.

      121           Нет ответа от модема.

     1460           Нет ответа от модема (тайм-аут)

     7012           Модем не найден 

536870912           Ошибка отправки СМС.

536870929           Модем отклонил попытку отправки сообщения

536870931           Модем сообщил об ошибке отправки

536870932           Модем не сообщил результат отправки

536870933           Получен неправильный ответ модема

536870934           Ошибка ответа модема 

536870935           Одна или несколько частей длинного сообщения не были 
                    отправлены из-за ошибок (этот код ошибки только для длинных 

536870936           Все части длинного сообщения не были отправлены из-за ошибок 
                    (этот код ошибки только для длинных сообщений)

Коды ошибок CME ERROR – GSM Equipment related codes

CME ERROR: 0    Phone failure
CME ERROR: 1 	 No connection to phone
CME ERROR: 2 	 Phone adapter link reserved
CME ERROR: 3 	 Operation not allowed
CME ERROR: 4 	 Operation not supported
CME ERROR: 5 	 PH_SIM PIN required
CME ERROR: 6 	 PH_FSIM PIN required
CME ERROR: 7 	 PH_FSIM PUK required
CME ERROR: 10 	 SIM not inserted
CME ERROR: 11 	 SIM PIN required
CME ERROR: 12 	 SIM PUK required
CME ERROR: 13 	 SIM failure
CME ERROR: 14 	 SIM busy
CME ERROR: 15 	 SIM wrong
CME ERROR: 16 	 Incorrect password
CME ERROR: 17 	 SIM PIN2 required
CME ERROR: 18 	 SIM PUK2 required
CME ERROR: 20 	 Memory full
CME ERROR: 21 	 Invalid index
CME ERROR: 22 	 Not found
CME ERROR: 23 	 Memory failure
CME ERROR: 24 	 Text string too long
CME ERROR: 25 	 Invalid characters in text string
CME ERROR: 26 	 Dial string too long
CME ERROR: 27 	 Invalid characters in dial string
CME ERROR: 30 	 No network service
CME ERROR: 31 	 Network timeout
CME ERROR: 32 	 Network not allowed, emergency calls only
CME ERROR: 40 	 Network personalization PIN required
CME ERROR: 41 	 Network personalization PUK required
CME ERROR: 42 	 Network subset personalization PIN required
CME ERROR: 43 	 Network subset personalization PUK required
CME ERROR: 44 	 Service provider personalization PIN required
CME ERROR: 45 	 Service provider personalization PUK required
CME ERROR: 46 	 Corporate personalization PIN required
CME ERROR: 47 	 Corporate personalization PUK required
CME ERROR: 48 	 PH-SIM PUK required
CME ERROR: 100 	 Unknown error
CME ERROR: 103 	 Illegal MS
CME ERROR: 106 	 Illegal ME
CME ERROR: 107 	 GPRS services not allowed
CME ERROR: 111 	 PLMN not allowed
CME ERROR: 112 	 Location area not allowed
CME ERROR: 113 	 Roaming not allowed in this location area
CME ERROR: 126 	 Operation temporary not allowed
CME ERROR: 132 	 Service operation not supported
CME ERROR: 133 	 Requested service option not subscribed
CME ERROR: 134 	 Service option temporary out of order
CME ERROR: 148 	 Unspecified GPRS error
CME ERROR: 149 	 PDP authentication failure
CME ERROR: 150 	 Invalid mobile class
CME ERROR: 256 	 Operation temporarily not allowed
CME ERROR: 257 	 Call barred
CME ERROR: 258 	 Phone is busy
CME ERROR: 259 	 User abort
CME ERROR: 260 	 Invalid dial string
CME ERROR: 261 	 SS not executed
CME ERROR: 262 	 SIM Blocked
CME ERROR: 263 	 Invalid block
CME ERROR: 772 	 SIM powered down

Коды ошибок CMS Error – GSM Network related codes

CMS ERROR: 1     Unassigned number
CMS ERROR: 8     Operator determined barring
CMS ERROR: 10    Call bared
CMS ERROR: 21    Short message transfer rejected
CMS ERROR: 27    Destination out of service
CMS ERROR: 28    Unindentified subscriber
CMS ERROR: 29    Facility rejected
CMS ERROR: 30    Unknown subscriber
CMS ERROR: 38    Network out of order
CMS ERROR: 41    Temporary failure
CMS ERROR: 42    Congestion
CMS ERROR: 47    Recources unavailable
CMS ERROR: 50    Requested facility not subscribed
CMS ERROR: 69    Requested facility not implemented
CMS ERROR: 81    Invalid short message transfer reference value
CMS ERROR: 95    Invalid message unspecified
CMS ERROR: 96    Invalid mandatory information
CMS ERROR: 97    Message type non existent or not implemented
CMS ERROR: 98    Message not compatible with short message protocol
CMS ERROR: 99    Information element non-existent or not implemente
CMS ERROR: 111   Protocol error, unspecified
CMS ERROR: 127   Internetworking , unspecified
CMS ERROR: 128   Telematic internetworking not supported
CMS ERROR: 129   Short message type 0 not supported
CMS ERROR: 130   Cannot replace short message
CMS ERROR: 143   Unspecified TP-PID error
CMS ERROR: 144   Data code scheme not supported
CMS ERROR: 145   Message class not supported
CMS ERROR: 159   Unspecified TP-DCS error
CMS ERROR: 160   Command cannot be actioned
CMS ERROR: 161   Command unsupported
CMS ERROR: 175   Unspecified TP-Command error
CMS ERROR: 176   TPDU not supported
CMS ERROR: 192   SC busy
CMS ERROR: 193   No SC subscription
CMS ERROR: 194   SC System failure
CMS ERROR: 195   Invalid SME address
CMS ERROR: 196   Destination SME barred
CMS ERROR: 197   SM Rejected-Duplicate SM
CMS ERROR: 198   TP-VPF not supported
CMS ERROR: 199   TP-VP not supported
CMS ERROR: 208   D0 SIM SMS Storage full
CMS ERROR: 209   No SMS Storage capability in SIM
CMS ERROR: 210   Error in MS
CMS ERROR: 211   Memory capacity exceeded
CMS ERROR: 212   Sim application toolkit busy
CMS ERROR: 213   SIM data download error
CMS ERROR: 255   Unspecified error cause
CMS ERROR: 300   ME Failure
CMS ERROR: 301   SMS service of ME reserved
CMS ERROR: 302   Operation not allowed
CMS ERROR: 303   Operation not supported
CMS ERROR: 304   Invalid PDU mode parameter
CMS ERROR: 305   Invalid Text mode parameter
CMS ERROR: 310   SIM not inserted
CMS ERROR: 311   SIM PIN required
CMS ERROR: 312   PH-SIM PIN required
CMS ERROR: 313   SIM failure
CMS ERROR: 314   SIM busy
CMS ERROR: 315   SIM wrong
CMS ERROR: 316   SIM PUK required
CMS ERROR: 317   SIM PIN2 required
CMS ERROR: 318   SIM PUK2 required
CMS ERROR: 320   Memory failure
CMS ERROR: 321   Invalid memory index
CMS ERROR: 322   Memory full
CMS ERROR: 330   SMSC address unknown
CMS ERROR: 331   No network service
CMS ERROR: 332   Network timeout
CMS ERROR: 340   No +CNMA expected
CMS ERROR: 500   Unknown error
CMS ERROR: 512   User abort
CMS ERROR: 513   Unable to store
CMS ERROR: 514   Invalid Status
CMS ERROR: 515   Device busy or Invalid Character in string
CMS ERROR: 516   Invalid length
CMS ERROR: 517   Invalid character in PDU
CMS ERROR: 518   Invalid parameter
CMS ERROR: 519   Invalid length or character
CMS ERROR: 520   Invalid character in text
CMS ERROR: 521   Timer expired
CMS ERROR: 522   Operation temporary not allowed
CMS ERROR: 532   SIM not ready
CMS ERROR: 534   Cell Broadcast error unknown
CMS ERROR: 535   Protocol stack busy
CMS ERROR: 538   Invalid parameter

Status of a previously submitted SMS-SUBMIT (статус отправленного сообщения SMS-SUBMIT)

Short message transaction completed

0000000          Short message received by the SME
0000001          Short message forwarded by the SC to the SME but the SC is
                 unable to confirm delivery
0000010          Short message replaced by the SC

Reserved values

0000011..0001111 Reserved
0010000..0011111 Values specific to each SC

Temporary error, SC still trying to transfer SM

0100000          Congestion
0100001          SME busy
0100010          No response from SME
0100011          Service rejected
0100100          Quality of service not available
0100101          Error in SME
0100110..0101111 Reserved
0110000..0111111 Values specific to each SC

Permanent error, SC is not making any more transfer attempts

1000000          Remote procedure error
1000001          Incompatible destination
1000010          Connection rejected by SME
1000011          Not obtainable
1000100          Quality of service not available
1000101          No interworking available
1000110          SM Validity Period Expired
1000111          SM Deleted by originating SME
1001000          SM Deleted by SC Administration
1001001          SM does not exist (The SM may have previously existed in
                 the SC but the SC no longer has knowledge of it or the SM
                 may never have previously existed in the SC)
1001010..1001111 Reserved
1010000..1011111 Values specific to each SC

Temporary error, SC is not making any more transfer attempts

1100000          Congestion
1100001          SME busy
1100010          No response from SME
1100011          Service rejected
1100100          Quality of service not available
1100101          Error in SME
1100110..1101001 Reserved
1101010..1101111 Reserved
1110000..1111111 Values specific to each SC

Basics: Project 053k

Project name: SIM808 GSM GPRS GPS Bluetooth evolution board (EVB-V3.2) — LED control by SMS

Tags: Arduino, Arduino Uno, SIM808, GPS GPRS GSM module, GPS GPRS GSM Bluetooth module, EVB-V3.2, AT commands, LED control, LED. +CMS ERROR 604 fix

Attachments: ATsetupsketch; sketch1

In this project, you needed these parts (Dear visitors. You can support our project buy clicking on the links of parts and buying them or donate us to keep this website alive. Thank you):

1.Arduino Uno R3 (you can also use the other version of Arduino)

2. SIM808 GSM GPRS GPS Bluetooth evolution board (EVB-V3.2) 1pc

3.Arduino IDE ( you can download it from here  )

4.Jumper cables F-M, M-M

5. IPX GSM antenna with SMA male connector

6. GPS antenna with SMA male connector

7. IPX Bluetooth antenna with SMA male connector

8. To power module: 5V-26V DC 2A power adapter or Litium Ion battery 3.7VDC


9. SIM card

12.Resistor 3 pcs (10 KOhm 1 pc, 4.7 KOhm 1 pc, 220 Ohm)

13.Breadboard half size or small size 1 pc

14. LED 1 pc (any color)


We will learn how to connect SIM808 GPS module to Arduino board and use it to control LED by SMS.

Understanding the SIM808 GSM GPRS GPS Bluetooth evolution board (EVB-V3.2)

You can read more about it here.

Signals and connections of the SIM808 GSM GPRS GPS Bluetooth evolution board (EVB-V3.2)

RX (or RXD) — receive data input pin. Connected to Arduino board or USB to TTL converter TX pin.

TX (or TXD) — transmit data output pin. Connected to Arduino board or USB to TTL converter RX pin.

V_IN — power supply 5-26VDC

LI-ion + — positive pin for Li-Ion battery 3.5-4V DC

LI-ion —  — negative pin for Li-Ion battery 3.5-4V DC

POWKEY — start button. press it to start the module

VMCU — The pin of VMCU is used to control the high level of TTL UART, so as to realize to match between 1.25V/3.3V /5V systems. For example, if you want to use the 51 MCU to control this board, the pin of VMCU should be connected the DC5V. And if use the STM32 MCU, the pin of VMCU should be connected the DC3.3V. 

GND — ground. Connected to Arduino board GND pin.

MIC — microphone jack input. An external  microphone connected to it.

EPP — speaker or headphone jack output. Speaker or headphone connected to it.

PPS — Pulse per second. This is an output pin on some GPS modules. Generally, when this pin toggles, once a second, you can synchronize your system clock to the GPS clock.

MOTO — Vibration motor

SDA — I2C serial bus data I/O pin

SCL — I2C serial bus clock output pin

NET — Network status.

STA — Power on status

DTR — Data terminal ready input pin. Used for Serial communication.

2.8V — power supply 2.8VDC

RI — Ring indicator output pin.

CTS — Clear to send output pin.

RST — Reset input(Active low)

D9 — GPIO pin.

RTS — Request to send input pin.

DCD — Data carrier detect output pin.

The power supply range of SIM808 is from 3.4V to 4.4V. Recommended voltage is 4.0V.The transmitting burst will cause voltage drop and the power supply must be able to provide sufficient current up to 2A. 


Step by Step instruction

  1. Do wiring.
  2. Attach GSM, GPS and Bluetooth antennas to GSM GPRS GPS Bluetooth module.
  3. Insert a valid unlocked SIM card to SIM card slot of GSM GPRS GPS Bluetooth module.
  4. You can power up GSM GPRS GPS Bluetooth module with power supply adapter (5-26VDC 2A) DC044 interface, with V_IN pin (5-26VDC 2A) and with Lithium Ion battery 3,5-4VDC. 
  5. We used the 5VDC 2A power adapter. Push the power switch to ON position — towards the SIM808 IC. When the module powered on, the LED power on indication (PWR) will be ON. 
  6. Press Start button for 2 seconds. Status indication LEDs (NET, STA, PPS) will be ON. One of them starts to flash  (1 second on, 1 second off) — SIM808 begins to work. If the power supply, GSM, Bluetooth, GPS antennas and SIM card connected to the module correctly, the LED will be flash slowly (1 second on, 3 seconds off), that indicates that the module is registered to the network, and you can make a call or do something else. 
  7. Open Arduino IDE.
  8. Plug your Adruino Uno board into your PC and select the correct board and com port
  9. Verify and upload the ATsetupsketch to your Adruino Uno
  10. Open the Serial Monitor at a baud rate of 9600. Both NL & CR must be selected too.
  11. First you need to check if AT commands are working — enter “AT” and press button Send.This would print OK which signifies of working connection and operation of the module. 
  12. Modify the sketch1 with your phone number, for example +37122222222, which will receive SMS messages.
  13. Verify and upload this sketch1 to your Adruino Uno.
  14. Open up serial monitor and set your baud to 9600 baud.
  15. First you will get the message — GPSmodule ready..
  16. When you send the SMS with text On from your smartphone to your SIM card phone number in  SIM808 GSM GPRS GPS Bluetooth evolution board (EVB-V3.2) you will get reply on your smartphone LED is ON and the LED will be switched ON.
  17. When you send the SMS with text Off from your smartphone to your SIM card phone number in  SIM808 GSM GPRS GPS Bluetooth evolution board (EVB-V3.2) you will get reply on your smartphone LED is OFF and the LED will be switched OFF.
  18. When you send the SMS with text State from your smartphone to your SIM card phone number in  SIM808 GSM GPRS GPS Bluetooth evolution board (EVB-V3.2) you will get reply on your smartphone about the ledPin state.

We learnt how to connect SIM808 GSM GPRS GPS Bluetooth evolution board (EVB-V3.2) to Arduino board and use it to control LED by SMS.

You can use this sketch to control 3.3 V-5V relay or relays too.


If you are gettting the +CMS ERROR 604 and can not send SMS from your SIM808 GSM GPRS GPS Bluetooth evolution board (EVB-V3.2) the reason can be the «r» in your sketch AT commands. Remove it.


  • SoftwareSerial library included in Arduino IDE.  The library has the following known limitations:If using multiple software serial ports, only one can receive data at a time.Not all pins on the Mega and Mega 2560 support change interrupts, so only the following can be used for RX: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 50, 51, 52, 53, A8 (62), A9 (63), A10 (64), A11 (65), A12 (66), A13 (67), A14 (68), A15 (69).Not all pins on the Leonardo and Micro support change interrupts, so only the following can be used for RX: 8, 9, 10, 11, 14 (MISO), 15 (SCK), 16 (MOSI).On Arduino or Genuino 101 the current maximum RX speed is 57600bpsOn Arduino or Genuino 101 RX doesn’t work on Pin 13 The library has the following known limitations: If using multiple software serial ports, only one can receive data at a time;Not all pins on the Mega and Mega 2560 support change interrupts, so only the following can be used for RX: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 50, 51, 52, 53, A8 (62), A9 (63), A10 (64), A11 (65), A12 (66), A13 (67), A14 (68), A15 (69);Not all pins on the Leonardo and Micro support change interrupts, so only the following can be used for RX: 8, 9, 10, 11, 14 (MISO), 15 (SCK), 16 (MOSI);On Arduino or Genuino 101 the current maximum RX speed is 57600bps; On Arduino or Genuino 101 RX doesn’t work on Pin 13. You can read about it here.


  • See attachment on the begining of this project description.

There are two types of GSM error codes: CMS Error codes and CME Error codes that your GSM may return when sending an SMS.

The CMS error codes start with ‘+CMS Error:‘ and are always network related errors. The CME error codes start with ‘+CME Error:‘ and are always device (equipment) related errors.

CME Errors (GSM equipment errors)

CME Error Description
0 Phone failure
1 No connection to phone
2 Phone adapter link reserved
3 Operation not allowed
4 Operation not supported
5 PH_SIM PIN required
6 PH_FSIM PIN required
7 PH_FSIM PUK required
10 SIM not inserted
11 SIM PIN required
12 SIM PUK required
13 SIM failure
14 SIM busy
15 SIM wrong
16 Incorrect password
17 SIM PIN2 required
18 SIM PUK2 required
20 Memory full
21 Invalid index
22 Not found
23 Memory failure
24 Text string too long
25 Invalid characters in text string
26 Dial string too long
27 Invalid characters in dial string
30 No network service
31 Network timeout
32 Network not allowed, emergency calls only
40 Network personalization PIN required
41 Network personalization PUK required
42 Network subset personalization PIN required
43 Network subset personalization PUK required
44 Service provider personalization PIN required
45 Service provider personalization PUK required
46 Corporate personalization PIN required
47 Corporate personalization PUK required
48 PH-SIM PUK required
100 Unknown error
103 Illegal MS
106 Illegal ME
107 GPRS services not allowed
111 PLMN not allowed
112 Location area not allowed
113 Roaming not allowed in this location area
126 Operation temporary not allowed
132 Service operation not supported
133 Requested service option not subscribed
134 Service option temporary out of order
148 Unspecified GPRS error
149 PDP authentication failure
150 Invalid mobile class
256 Operation temporarily not allowed
257 Call barred
258 Phone is busy
259 User abort
260 Invalid dial string
261 SS not executed
262 SIM Blocked
263 Invalid block
772 SIM powered down

CMS Errors (GSM Network errors)

CMS Error Description
1 Unassigned number
8 Operator determined barring
10 Call bared
21 Short message transfer rejected
27 Destination out of service
28 Unindentified subscriber
29 Facility rejected
30 Unknown subscriber
38 Network out of order
41 Temporary failure
42 Congestion
47 Recources unavailable
50 Requested facility not subscribed
69 Requested facility not implemented
81 Invalid short message transfer reference value
95 Invalid message unspecified
96 Invalid mandatory information
97 Message type non existent or not implemented
98 Message not compatible with short message protocol
99 Information element non-existent or not implemente
111 Protocol error, unspecified
127 Internetworking , unspecified
128 Telematic internetworking not supported
129 Short message type 0 not supported
130 Cannot replace short message
143 Unspecified TP-PID error
144 Data code scheme not supported
145 Message class not supported
159 Unspecified TP-DCS error
160 Command cannot be actioned
161 Command unsupported
175 Unspecified TP-Command error
176 TPDU not supported
192 SC busy
193 No SC subscription
194 SC System failure
195 Invalid SME address
196 Destination SME barred
197 SM Rejected-Duplicate SM
198 TP-VPF not supported
199 TP-VP not supported
208 D0 SIM SMS Storage full
209 No SMS Storage capability in SIM
210 Error in MS
211 Memory capacity exceeded
212 Sim application toolkit busy
213 SIM data download error
255 Unspecified error cause
300 ME Failure
301 SMS service of ME reserved
302 Operation not allowed
303 Operation not supported
304 Invalid PDU mode parameter
305 Invalid Text mode parameter
310 SIM not inserted
311 SIM PIN required
312 PH-SIM PIN required
313 SIM failure
314 SIM busy
315 SIM wrong
316 SIM PUK required
317 SIM PIN2 required
318 SIM PUK2 required
320 Memory failure
321 Invalid memory index
322 Memory full
330 SMSC address unknown
331 No network service
332 Network timeout
340 No +CNMA expected
500 Unknown error
512 User abort
513 Unable to store
514 Invalid Status
515 Device busy or Invalid Character in string
516 Invalid length
517 Invalid character in PDU
518 Invalid parameter
519 Invalid length or character
520 Invalid character in text
521 Timer expired
522 Operation temporary not allowed
532 SIM not ready
534 Cell Broadcast error unknown
535 Protocol stack busy
538 Invalid parameter

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