Лизаветка 1 / 1 / 0 Регистрация: 01.05.2017 Сообщений: 34 |
1 |
01.05.2017, 21:41. Показов 35744. Ответов 13 Метки нет (Все метки)
Посмотрите, пожалуйста. Выдает ошибку expected ‘}’ at end of input, но скобки везде попарно
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Джоуи 1073 / 635 / 240 Регистрация: 05.05.2015 Сообщений: 3,546 Записей в блоге: 2 |
01.05.2017, 21:53 |
2 |
а на какой строке вылетает ошибка?
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284 / 232 / 114 Регистрация: 07.09.2016 Сообщений: 584 |
01.05.2017, 21:57 |
3 |
привыкайте нормально код форматировать. черт ногу сломит в такой писанине.
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Джоуи 1073 / 635 / 240 Регистрация: 05.05.2015 Сообщений: 3,546 Записей в блоге: 2 |
01.05.2017, 21:59 |
4 |
Во-первых, если операция только одна, то операторные скобки необязательны (хотя бы не запутаетесь)
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Лизаветка 1 / 1 / 0 Регистрация: 01.05.2017 Сообщений: 34 |
01.05.2017, 22:07 [ТС] |
5 |
вот полный код программы, выдает ошибку в последней строке, пробовала убирать частично код программы, ошибка уходит, если только убрать строки #include «teoria.h» и #include «teoria.cpp, выходит ошибка в них
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Джоуи 1073 / 635 / 240 Регистрация: 05.05.2015 Сообщений: 3,546 Записей в блоге: 2 |
01.05.2017, 22:11 |
6 |
#include «teoria.cpp» что значит #include исходный код C++? Вы подключаете и хедер teoria.h и исходник teoria.cpp
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Джоуи 1073 / 635 / 240 Регистрация: 05.05.2015 Сообщений: 3,546 Записей в блоге: 2 |
01.05.2017, 22:12 |
7 |
И учитесь уже обрамлять код тегами [CPP] Миниатюры
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1 / 1 / 0 Регистрация: 01.05.2017 Сообщений: 34 |
01.05.2017, 22:15 [ТС] |
8 |
спасибо, впредь буду оформлять нормально, это мои первые 15 минут на данном форуме)
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Джоуи 1073 / 635 / 240 Регистрация: 05.05.2015 Сообщений: 3,546 Записей в блоге: 2 |
01.05.2017, 22:16 |
9 |
Лизаветка, ну а насчет инклюдов Вы поняли?
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Лизаветка 1 / 1 / 0 Регистрация: 01.05.2017 Сообщений: 34 |
01.05.2017, 22:20 [ТС] |
10 |
нет. я подключаю и то и то, без хедера ошибка остается.
и вот teoria.h
Что нужно убрать?
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Джоуи 1073 / 635 / 240 Регистрация: 05.05.2015 Сообщений: 3,546 Записей в блоге: 2 |
01.05.2017, 22:22 |
11 |
Лизаветка, вопрос остается прежним: на какой строке и в каком файле возникает ошибка? Можно скриншот скинуть, если сами не разбираетесь
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DU3 284 / 232 / 114 Регистрация: 07.09.2016 Сообщений: 584 |
01.05.2017, 22:24 |
12 |
Решение нормально форматируйте не только тут на форуме, но и у себя в редакторе и такого рода проблем будет на порядок меньше.
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Joey |
01.05.2017, 22:29
Не по теме: DU3, ждем
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1 / 1 / 0 Регистрация: 01.05.2017 Сообщений: 34 |
01.05.2017, 22:35 [ТС] |
14 |
Спасибо за ответы) ошибка выволилась на последней строке основной программы, оказалось нет закрывабщейся скобки в файле teoria.cpp , спасибо за вопросы, буду работать над оформлением��
1 |
IT_Exp Эксперт 87844 / 49110 / 22898 Регистрация: 17.06.2006 Сообщений: 92,604 |
01.05.2017, 22:35 |
Помогаю со студенческими работами здесь Ошибка: Expected END but received ELSE …
interface uses Ошибка ‘Expected END but recieved’ interface Искать еще темы с ответами Или воспользуйтесь поиском по форуму: 14 |
Your code is completely wrong in almost every respect.
#define char incomingByte; //Defines incomingByte
That line means that the compiler will substitute incomingByte;
whenever it sees char
#define char sendBack = K;
Now it will substitute sendBack = K;
when it sees char
#define char ?;
Now it will substitute ?;
when it sees char
#define pollTime;
I don’t know what you are thinking here. If you are trying to declare a variable you have to give a type, like this:
int pollTime;
bool running = true;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); //Set data rate.
void loop() {
Those lines are OK.
for(Serial.available() > 0;) { //Gets you the number of bytes that are available to be read from the serial port.
You don’t want the semicolon there. A for
loop is not written like that. You possibly mean while
, ie.
while(Serial.available() > 0)
pollTime = delayMicroseconds(200); // Sets a poll time of 200 microseconds.
That is doing nothing of the sort. It is delaying 200 µs, it isn’t setting anything.
incomingByte = Serial.read();
That line is OK, assuming you declared incomingByte
like this, and not the way you did:
char incomingByte;
if(incomingByte = ?) {
That needs to be in single quotes, as you are comparing a character. Also you compare with ==
not =
if(incomingByte == '?') {
It looks from your earlier code you mean:
These lines look OK.
I suggest you read a beginners page about C programming. This is just pure guesswork what you are doing here. For one thing, read up on how #define
works. Here is one page: https://www.techonthenet.com/c_language/constants/create_define.php. And another: http://www.cprogramming.com/reference/preprocessor/define.html
Aramil of Elixia, thank you for asking me to put this up, I wouldn’t have spotted the failure at the end without you. Thanks
For bugs or installation issues, please provide the following information.
The more information you provide, the more likely people will be able to help you.
Environment info
Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04.4
Compiler: G++ 5.4
Package used (Python/R/Scala/Julia): Python
MXNet version:
Or if installed from source: source
MXNet commit hash (git rev-parse HEAD
If you are using python package, please provide
Python version and distribution: 3.5.2
Error Message:
In file included from src/operator/random/./../operator_common.h:37:0,
from src/operator/random/./sample_multinomial_op.h:31,
from src/operator/random/sample_multinomial_op.cc:24:
src/operator/random/./../../common/cuda_utils.h:95:43: error: ‘mxnet::common::cuda::CusolverGetErrorString’ declared as an ‘inline’ variable
inline const char* CusolverGetErrorString(cusolverStatus_t error) {
src/operator/random/./../../common/cuda_utils.h:95:43: error: ‘cusolverStatus_t’ was not declared in this scope
src/operator/random/./../../common/cuda_utils.h:95:67: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before ‘{’ token
inline const char* CusolverGetErrorString(cusolverStatus_t error) {
src/operator/random/sample_multinomial_op.cc:111:1: error: expected ‘}’ at end of input
} // namespace mxnet
src/operator/random/sample_multinomial_op.cc:111:1: error: expected ‘}’ at end of input
src/operator/random/sample_multinomial_op.cc:111:1: error: expected ‘}’ at end of input
Makefile:275: recipe for target ‘build/src/operator/random/sample_multinomial_op.o’ failed
make: *** [build/src/operator/random/sample_multinomial_op.o] Error 1
Steps to reproduce
or if you are running standard examples, please provide the commands you have run that lead to the error.
- make -j
What have you tried to solve it?
Arduino: 1.8.11 (Windows 10), Плата:»Arduino Uno»
C:UsersCD86~1AppDataLocalTemparduino_modified_sketch_571327sketch_feb23a.ino: In function ‘void setup()’:
sketch_feb23a:14:1: error: a function-definition is not allowed here before ‘{‘ token
sketch_feb23a:34:1: error: expected ‘}’ at end of input
exit status 1
a function-definition is not allowed here before ‘{‘ token
Этот отчёт будет иметь больше информации с
включенной опцией Файл -> Настройки ->
«Показать подробный вывод во время компиляции»
#define RED_LIGHT 13
#define YELLOW_LIGHT 12
#define GREEN_LIGHT 11
void setup() {
digitalWrite(RED_LIGHT, LOW);
digitalWrite(YELLOW_LIGHT, LOW);
digitalWrite(GREEN_LIGHT, LOW);
void loop()
digitalWrite(GREEN_LIGHT, HIGH);
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
digitalWrite(GREEN_LIGHT, LOW);
digitalWrite(GREEN_LIGHT, HIGH);
digitalWrite(GREEN_LIGHT, LOW);
digitalWrite(YELLOW_LIGHT, HIGH);
digitalWrite(YELLOW_LIGHT, LOW);
digitalWrite(RED_LIGHT, HIGH);
digitalWrite(YELLOW_LIGHT, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RED_LIGHT, LOW);
digitalWrite(YELLOW_LIGHT, LOW);
Registered User
expected declaration or statement at end of input
Hi all. I’m new to programming just cannot get this to compile. I would appreciate any help you could give me. I’m sure there is plenty wrong other than whats keeping it from compiling, but if I could at least get it compiled I would feel better.
I get expected declaration or statement at end of input error for line 170, which is the very last line. Any ideas what is causing this? Thanks for your time.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> int read_location (double *latitude, double *longitude); void print_location (double latitude, double longitude); double distance (double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2); void sort_arrays (double arr1[], double arr2[], double arr3[], int size); void all_distances (double latRef, double lonRef, const double lat_list[],const double lon_list[], double dist_list[], int size); int main () { double lat[20], lon[20], dist[20]; double refLat, refLon; int choice, quitProg, size, count; printf ("Welcome to the latitude and longitude sorter.n You may enter up to 20 locations.n Enter a latitude of 99 when done."); quitProg = 1; size = 0; while (size < 20 && quitProg != 0){ quitProg = read_location ((lat+size), (lon+size)); size++; } //end while printf ("You have finished entering values.nn"); choice = 0; while (choice != 1){ Printf ("1 to quitn2 to sort by latituden3 to sort by longituden4 to sort by distance"); scanf ("%d", &choice); switch (choice) { case 1: break; case 2: sort_arrays (lat, lon, dist, size); for (count = 0; count < size; count++){ print_location (lat[count], lon[count]); } // end for break; case 3: sort_arrays (lon, lat, dist, size); for (count=0; count<size; count++){ print_location (lat[count], lon[count]); } // end for break; case 4: printf ("Please enter reference latitude and longitude:n"); scanf ("%lf %lf", &refLat, &refLon); all_distances (refLat, refLon, lat, lon, dist, size); sort_arrays (dist, lat, lon, size); for (count=0; count<size; count++){ print_location (lat[count], lon[count]); printf (" is %f miles from referencen", dist[count]); } // end for break; default: printf ("Not a valid entry. Please choose again.nn"); break; } //end while printf ("Thank you for using the latitude and longitude sorter."); return 0; } //end main /*____________________________________________________________________________________*/ int read_location (double *latitude, double *longitude){ double latEntry = 0; double lonEntry = 0; while (latEntry != 99){ printf ("Please enter a latitude and longitude:n"); scanf ("%lf %lf", &latEntry, &lonEntry); if (fabs(latEntry) <= 90 && fabs(lonEntry) <= 180) { *latitude = latEntry; *longitude = lonEntry; } else { printf ("n"); } //end else return 1; } //end while return 0; } //end read_location /*____________________________________________________________________________________*/ void print_location (double lat, double lon){ if (lat >= 0){ printf ("%f North ", lat); } else { printf ("%f South ", lat); } if (lon <= 0){ printf ("%f Westn", lon); } else { printf ("%f Eastn", lon); } } //end print_location /*____________________________________________________________________________________*/ double distance (double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2){ double dist; dist = (3963 * acos(cos(lon1-lon2)*cos(lat1)*cos(lat2) + sin(lat1)*sin(lat2))); return dist; } /*____________________________________________________________________________________*/ void sort_arrays(double arr1[], double arr2[], double arr3[], const int size){ int pass, i; double hold; for (pass = 0; pass < size-1; pass++) { for (i = 0; i < size-1; i++) { if (arr1[i] > arr1[i+1]) { hold = arr1[i]; arr1[i] = arr1[i+1]; arr1[i+1] = hold; hold = arr2[i]; arr2[i] = arr2[i+1]; arr2[i+1] = hold; hold = arr3[i]; arr3[i] = arr3[i+1]; arr3[i+1] = hold; } //end if } //end iterations for loop } // end passes for loop } //end sort_arrays /*____________________________________________________________________________________*/ void all_distances(const double latRef, const double lonRef, const double lat_list[], const double lon_list[], double dist_list[], const int size){ int count; for (count = 0; count < size-1; count++){ dist_list[count] = distance (lat_list[count], lon_list[count], latRef, lonRef); count++; } //end for } //end all_distances