Can anyone help me?
I have been getting a compile error (…: «Expected Array») when dealing with arrays in my Excel workbook.
Basically, I have one ‘mother’ array (2D, Variant type) and four ‘baby’ arrays (1D, Double type). The called subroutine creates the publicly declared arrays which my main macro ends up using for display purposes. Unfortunately, the final of the baby arrays craps out (giving the «Compile Error: Expected Array»). Strangely, if I remove this final baby array (‘final’ — as in the order of declaration/definition) the 2nd to last baby array starts crapping out.
Here is my code:
Public Mother_Array() as Variant, BabyOne_Array(), BabyTwo_Array(), BabyThree_Array(), BabyFour_Array() as Double 'declare may other variables and arrays, too
Sub MainMacro()
'do stuff
Call SunRaySubRoutine(x, y)
'do stuff
Range("blah") = BabyOne_Array: Range("blahblah") = BabyTwo_Array
Range("blahbloh" = BabyThree_Array: Range("blahblue") = BabyFour_Array
End Sub
Sub SunRaySubRoutine(x,y)
n = x * Sheets("ABC").Range("A1").Value + 1
ReDim Mother_Array(18, n) as Variant, BabyOne_Array(n), BabyTwo_Array(n) as Double
ReDim BabyThree_Array(n), BabyFour_Array(n) as Double
'do stuff
For i = 0 to n
BabyOne_Array(i) = Mother_Array(0,i)
BabyTwo_Array(i) = Mother_Array(2,i)
BabyThree_Array(i) = Mother_Array(4,i)
BabyFour_Array(i) = Mother_Array(6,i)
End Sub
I have tried to declare all arrays as the Variant type, but to no avail. I have tried to give BabyFour_Array() a different name, but to no avail.
What’s really strange is that even if I comment out the part which makes the BabyFour_Array(), the array still has zero values for each element.
What’s also a bit strange is that the first baby array never craps out (although, the 2nd one crapped out once (one time out of maybe 30).
BANDAID: As a temporary fix, I just publicly declared a fifth dummy array (which doesn’t get filled or Re-Dimensioned). This fifth array has no actual use besides tricking the system out of having the «Compile Error: Expected Array».
Does anyone know what’s causing this «Compile Error: Expected Array» problem with Excel VBA?
Niarah Пользователь Сообщений: 34 |
#1 01.08.2013 12:04:24 Добрый день коллеги! Написал вот такой код…..
Юрий М Модератор Сообщений: 60383 Контакты см. в профиле |
А зачем вообще ReDim Preserve? Забирайте в массив и сразу этот массив в ComboBox. Ну или циклом AddItem. |
KuklP Пользователь Сообщений: 14868 E-mail и реквизиты в профиле. |
#3 01.08.2013 12:33:20
Да еще в цикле. Размерность же не меняется.
И используйте теги для оформления кода. Изменено: KuklP — 19.10.2015 16:13:26 Я сам — дурнее всякого примера! … |
Niarah Пользователь Сообщений: 34 |
#4 01.08.2013 12:37:47
М-м-м в первом варианте я задаю rngY как массив ? array ? или new collection а циклом вот так ?
А потом то что они выберут мне нужно внести в лист |
Юрий М Модератор Сообщений: 60383 Контакты см. в профиле |
Niarah Пользователь Сообщений: 34 |
Sanya_Bars Пользователь Сообщений: 2 |
Спасибо мало….. |
Юрий М Модератор Сообщений: 60383 Контакты см. в профиле |
Почему предложенное решение не подходит? И какая проблема у Вас — как проявляется ошибка? |
Sanya_Bars Пользователь Сообщений: 2 |
1.Я свою проблему решил я сам не программист и VBA недели 2 изучаю, так что много детских ошибок ни одного действия без интернета не получилось бы По поводу темы форума, меняем на variant массив и дальше начинает ругаться VBA «…пишет Type mismatch…» Niarah у Вас что-то в цикле напутано, у Вас условие выхода из цикла сравнение значения массива и номера предпоследней строки |
Софья Золкина Пользователь Сообщений: 7 |
#10 19.10.2015 16:06:26 Sanya_Bars, Спасибо тебе добрый человек. Я долго мучилась с этим «Type mismatch…».
После я решила применить ваше указание по поводу «сначала создать ReDim «, но подумав, получается без Preserve мой массив не сохраняет предыдущие вычисления с снова переопределяет массив. Немного подумав я решила обмануть программу и написала так. и все заработало:
Удачи всем. Возможно мой опыт тоже кому-то поможет, как мне помог опыт Sanya_Bars. Изменено: Софья Золкина — 19.10.2015 16:13:02 |
- VBA: Expected Array Error despite No Arrays
- 2 Answers 2
- Compile error expected array vba
- Thread: [RESOLVED] Expected Array.
- [RESOLVED] Expected Array.
- Re: Expected Array.
- Re: Expected Array.
- Re: Expected Array.
- Re: Expected Array.
- Re: Expected Array.
- Re: Expected Array.
- Re: Expected Array.
- Ошибка EXCEL VBA: «Ошибка компиляции: ожидаемый массив»
- VBA «Type mismatch: array or user-defined type expected” on String Arrays
- 4 Answers 4
VBA: Expected Array Error despite No Arrays
In a sub I’ve made in VBA, which is executed everytime the worksheet changes, the sub calls a function to determine if the user has deleted or changed something they shouldn’t have. The function returns a boolean value to tell the sub if such a critical value has been deleted/edited. This way, the sub knows not to continue executing code.
However, whenever the code executes, VBA returns a Compile Error: Expected array error for the calling of the criticalDataIntact() function, despite there being no arrays used.
Here’s my relevant code,
The cell function outputs an error message via MsgBox and returns Null if it couldn’t find a cell with a specific value in it within a specific worksheet.
2 Answers 2
- Consider renaming your CriticalDataIntact function to IsCriticalDataIntact .
- If your Worksheets(CONFIG) worksheet is the same worksheet containing the Worksheet_Change code, consider replacing Worksheets(CONFIG) with Me .
- If you don’t refer to your criticalDataIntact variable anywhere else in your Worksheet_Change subroutine (i.e. anywhere in the «irrelevant code»), consider removing the variable and just using the return value directly.
Based on the above, your Worksheet_Change routine might look something like:
Consider Option Explicit at the top of the module. I say this because your CriticalDataIntact function contains seemingly undeclared variables: warnWorkloadCell , dangerWorkloadCell (unless these are non-local variables).
I don’t have access to your custom function cell , but presume it is a member of ThisWorkbook for you. Consider changing the name cell to something more descriptive
So your function might look something like:
Compile error expected array vba
Вы типы переменных случайным образом выбирали, что ли?
t объявлено как число, а пытаетесь использовать как массив.
при том, что массивы в этой задаче нафиг не нужны.
кстати — не факт, что Ваш цикл выполнится при x=1 (из-за особенностей работы процессоров с вещественными числами).
вещественные числа в качестве счетчика в цикле for лучше не использовать
или делать это правильно.
Вы типы переменных случайным образом выбирали, что ли?
t объявлено как число, а пытаетесь использовать как массив.
при том, что массивы в этой задаче нафиг не нужны.
кстати — не факт, что Ваш цикл выполнится при x=1 (из-за особенностей работы процессоров с вещественными числами).
вещественные числа в качестве счетчика в цикле for лучше не использовать
или делать это правильно. ikki
помощь по Excel и VBA, icq 592842413, skype alex.ikki
Сообщение Вы типы переменных случайным образом выбирали, что ли?
t объявлено как число, а пытаетесь использовать как массив.
при том, что массивы в этой задаче нафиг не нужны.
кстати — не факт, что Ваш цикл выполнится при x=1 (из-за особенностей работы процессоров с вещественными числами).
вещественные числа в качестве счетчика в цикле for лучше не использовать
или делать это правильно. Автор — ikki
Дата добавления — 29.11.2014 в 18:26
Thread: [RESOLVED] Expected Array.
Thread Tools
[RESOLVED] Expected Array.
I’ve just tried to compile my project and all of a sudden some functions that have been working perfectly are causing a compile error:
another example is where im using a ‘right’.
The error I get is Compile Error: Expected Array
and it highlights ‘left’
Re: Expected Array.
Its REALLY weird! VB sometimes does absurd things to me, too.
Try closing and again opening the project and see if it compiles correctly.
If not (as expected), can you post the value of StrIn variable when the error raises? (Taking the mouse cursor on it will display the value)
If your problem is solved, then drag down the Thread Tools and mark your thread as Resolved.
If I helped you solve your problem, inflate some air into my ego by rating my post and adding a comment too.
For notorious issues (elaborate yourself) contact me via PM. I don’t answer them in the forums EVER.
Re: Expected Array.
Two possibilities:
- You have recently added a public array named StrIn .. but unlikely
- While you were editing, some other error was thrown, which may have
«confused» the VB Editor. Simply- save your app,
- exit your app (close out the VB session),
- then relaunch.
- It might just «self-heal».
Re: Expected Array.
@Lone Rebel: Cannot tell you the value as the error is on compiling, not running.
@Spoo — no self heal Im afraid.
I am currently doing a global search for and uses of left, but I am sure that I haven’t declared it for anything else: even if I had, its unlikely that I also declared Right!!
Hmmm. Ill post back my findings in a minute, but Im doubtful
Re: Expected Array.
Don’t run your code with Ctrl+F5 man. Just press the F5 button and force-run it. That way you should be able to run your app unless there are syntax errors in it (which is not the case)
If your problem is solved, then drag down the Thread Tools and mark your thread as Resolved.
If I helped you solve your problem, inflate some air into my ego by rating my post and adding a comment too.
For notorious issues (elaborate yourself) contact me via PM. I don’t answer them in the forums EVER.
Re: Expected Array.
I was actually trying to compile to an exe to test on another computer, rather than compile and run.
Anyway when running, (with JUST F5), I get the same error msg.
Interestingly, in the VB IDE, typing ‘left’ and also ‘right’ no longer prompts me with the accepted arguments, whereas ‘Mid’ does.
Re: Expected Array.
Its one strange thing of VB6 compiler.
It displays the function quick-help when you type Left( or Right( in a MODULE but doesn’t show this help when in a FORM.
Plus, can you upload your project for us all to be baffled and confused for a while?
If your problem is solved, then drag down the Thread Tools and mark your thread as Resolved.
If I helped you solve your problem, inflate some air into my ego by rating my post and adding a comment too.
For notorious issues (elaborate yourself) contact me via PM. I don’t answer them in the forums EVER.
Re: Expected Array.
Ok — its definately something in my code as a new test project works perfectly.
@Lone Rebel: I cant really upload the project as it 30+ forms, 5 modules etc.
What should I be looking for?
I do have the following code which I found somewhere to alter the combo box height.
Could the enum be a problem?
The project has been working for some time with this code included though, and indeed if I comment it out, theres no change.
Ошибка EXCEL VBA: «Ошибка компиляции: ожидаемый массив»
Может кто-нибудь мне помочь?
Я получаю сообщение об ошибке компиляции (. «Ожидаемый массив») при работе с массивами в моей книге Excel.
По сути, у меня есть один «материнский» массив (2D, тип Variant) и четыре «детских» массива (1D, тип Double). Вызванная подпрограмма создает публично объявленные массивы, которые мой основной макрос использует для отображения. К сожалению, последний из детских массивов вылетает (выдает «Ошибка компиляции: ожидаемый массив»). Как ни странно, если я удалю этот последний дочерний массив («окончательный» — как в порядке объявления/определения), второй до последнего дочерний массив начнет вылетать.
Я пытался объявить все массивы как тип Variant, но безрезультатно. Я пытался дать BabyFour_Array() другое имя, но безрезультатно.
Что действительно странно, так это то, что даже если я закомментирую часть, создающую BabyFour_Array(), в массиве по-прежнему будут нулевые значения для каждого элемента.
Что также немного странно, так это то, что первый детский массив никогда не вылетает (хотя второй вылетает один раз (один раз из 2).
BANDAID: В качестве временного исправления я только что публично объявил пятый фиктивный массив (который не заполняется и не переразмеривается). Этот пятый массив не имеет фактического применения, кроме как обмануть систему из-за наличия «Ошибка компиляции: ожидаемый массив».
Кто-нибудь знает, что вызывает эту проблему «Ошибка компиляции: ожидаемый массив» с Excel VBA?
VBA «Type mismatch: array or user-defined type expected” on String Arrays
I have a dynamic array of strings DMAs which I declare globally.
I ReDim the array and assign values to it in the CreateArrayOf function which is of type String() that returns an array of type String()
When I attempt to pass the DMAs array to another function OutputAnArray
I get the «Type mismatch: array or user-defined type expected». Throughout the whole process I only mess with string arrays.
If I take the content of the OutputAnArray function and put it in the parent function where I’m calling it from, everything’s fine.
Any help is appreciated.
4 Answers 4
I changed all String definitions to Variants
The culprit was still there, so then after a whole lot of attempts to get this to compile, I removed the () from the arrayToOutput parameter and it started working.
What is still perplexing is the fact that in the following function definition, the () are needed for arrayFrom .
I really don’t get it, if anyone has any idea of an explanation, I’d love to hear it.
From the documentation:
If follows that the function «CreateArrayOf» does not return an array of strings: it returns a variant containing an array of strings.
The variant cannot be passed as a parameter to a function expecting an array of strings:
It can only be passed to a function expecting a variant:
Conversely, DMA is an array of strings:
DMA can be passed to a function expecting an array of strings:
And finally, «Type mismatch: array or user-defined type expected» is a generic type mismatch message. When you pass an array of the wrong type, or a variant array, and get the error «array expected», it’s not particularly helpful.
The compile error is because you’ve got:
Dim Look_up_Data As String
ReDim Look_up_Data(End_line)
If you’re going to use ReDim once you know how big to make the array, you should declare the variable as an array initially:
Dim Look_up_Data[B][COLOR=#ff0000]()[/COLOR][/B] As String
BUT ….
It looks like there might be other problems with your code …
This line, for example, looks like it’s meant to assign the values in a 2-D range Look_up_data_range to a VBA array. However, this will only work if Look_up_Data is of type Variant, not String or any other type.
Look_up_Data = Look_up_data_range.Value
Did your colleague have the code working? Have you perhaps made changes to code that was once working?
Doesn’t work here anymore.
And the assign it to me (as «Chinese Volunteer»)
Don’t know if it was working at all
I’ve changed :
Dim Look_up_data_range() As Range
Dim Look_up_Data As Variant
When I run the code now, I’ve got on following line the error message: Can’t assign to array for this line:
Set Look_up_data_range = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
This line was OK without the brackets:
Dim Look_up_data_range[COLOR=#ff0000][B]()[/B][/COLOR] As Range
But before we go on making piecemeal changes ….
The code you’ve posted doesn’t actually do a lot, and it does it in a roundabout way.
How much more code is there?
Perhaps the code never worked in the first place. If so, and if you’re not clear what it’s intended to do, then potentially, it’s going to be difficult to «correct».
As I’ve mentioned, they have assign it to me.
So I don’t know if it has worked at all.
Below the complete code of the 5 different userforms.
Private Sub CmdBtn_Check_Shelf_Life_Click()UserForm1.Hide
End Sub
Private Sub CmdBtn_Invoeren_Shelf_Life_900_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CmdBtn_Local_Company_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CmdBtn_IQC_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CmdBtn_View_Excel_Click()
Dim Password As String
Answer = InputBox("Enter Password")
Password = "xxyyzz"
If Answer = Password Then
Application.Visible = True
'CmdBtn_View_Excel.Enabled = True
CmdBtn_View_Excel.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
UserForm1.BackColor = RGB(153, 204, 153)
Dim v, e
With Sheets("LookUpList").Range("A1:A5")
v = .Value
End With
With CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
.comparemode = 1
For Each e In v
If Not .exists(e) Then .Add e, Nothing
If .Count Then Me.CmbBox_Period.List = Application.Transpose(.keys)
End With
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Const Look_up_sheet = "Shelf_Life_900"
Const CST_First_Line = 2
Const CST_Item_Col = 1
Const CST_Shelf_Life_Col = 2
Const CST_Number_of_Periods = 3
Const CST_Technical_Responsible_Col = 4
Const CST_Date_Col = 5
Const CST_Remarks_Col = 6
Dim ctl_Cont As Control
Dim Row As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim MyString As String
Dim Item As Variant
Dim Look_up_data_range As Range
Dim Look_up_Data() As String
Dim End_line As Integer
Dim Item_Name As String
Dim Item_exist As Boolean
Dim Index_Cell As Integer
Dim My_Cell As Variant
Dim x As Range
'Check if TxtBox_Item is not empty
If TxtBox_Item_Number.Text = "" Then
MsgBox ("Item is not filled in")
Exit Sub
End If
'Activate look up worksheet
ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
'Read look data
Set x = Sheets("Request_for_Shelf_Life").Range("A:A").Find(TxtBox_Item_Number.Text)
If Not x Is Nothing Then TxtBox_TC.Text = x.Offset(, 2).Value
'Set Look_up_data_range = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
'End_line = Look_up_data_range.Rows.Count
'Set Look_up_data_range = ActiveSheet.Range( _
ActiveSheet.Cells(CST_First_Line, CST_Item_Col), _
ActiveSheet.Cells(End_line, CST_Item_Col))
'Look_up_Data = Look_up_data_range.Value
ReDim Look_up_Data(End_line)
Index_Cell = 0
For Each My_Cell In Look_up_data_range.Cells
Look_up_Data(Index_Cell) = My_Cell.Value
Index_Cell = Index_Cell + 1
Next My_Cell
'Check If data already present
Item_Name = TxtBox_Item_Number.Text
Item_exist = False
For Each Item In Look_up_Data
If Item = Item_Name Then
Item_exist = True
Exit For
End If
Next Item
'Msg box if item exist
If Item_exist = True Then
MsgBox (Item_Name & " " & "already excists")
'Check if CmbBox_Period is not empty
If CmbBox_Period.Text = "" Then
MsgBox ("Shelf Life Period is not filled in")
Exit Sub
End If
'Check if TxtBox_Shelf_Life is not empty
If TxtBox_Shelf_Life.Text = "" Then
MsgBox ("Number of Periods is not filled in")
Exit Sub
End If
'Check if Technical Responsible is not empty
If TxtBox_TC.Text = "" Then
MsgBox ("Requester is not filled in")
Exit Sub
End If
'Fill in the cells
Application.ActiveSheet.Cells(End_line + 1, CST_Item_Col).Value = TxtBox_Item_Number.Text
Application.ActiveSheet.Cells(End_line + 1, CST_Shelf_Life_Col).Value = CmbBox_Period.Text
Application.ActiveSheet.Cells(End_line + 1, CST_Number_of_Periods).Value = TxtBox_Shelf_Life.Text
Application.ActiveSheet.Cells(End_line + 1, CST_Technical_Responsible_Col).Value = TxtBox_TC.Text
Application.ActiveSheet.Cells(End_line + 1, CST_Remarks_Col).Value = TxtBox_Remarks.Text
'Clear the text boxes
TxtBox_Item_Number.Text = ""
CmbBox_Period.Text = ""
TxtBox_Shelf_Life.Text = ""
TxtBox_TC.Text = ""
TxtBox_Remarks = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Const Look_up_sheet = "Request_for_Shelf_Life"
Const CST_First_Line = 2
Const CST_Item_Col = 1
Const CST_Request_Col = 2
Const CST_Department_Col = 3
Const CST_Responsible_Col = 4
Dim ctl_Cont As Control
Dim Row As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim MyString As String
Dim Item As Variant
Dim Look_up_data_range As Range
Dim Look_up_Data() As String
Dim End_line As Integer
Dim Item_Name As String
Dim Item_exist As Boolean
Dim Index_Cell As Integer
'Check if TxtBox_Item is not empty
If TxtBox_Item.Text = "" Then
MsgBox ("Item is not filled in")
Exit Sub
End If
'Activate look up worksheet
ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
'Read look data
Set Look_up_data_range = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
End_line = Look_up_data_range.Rows.Count
Set Look_up_data_range = ActiveSheet.Range( _
ActiveSheet.Cells(CST_First_Line, CST_Item_Col), _
ActiveSheet.Cells(End_line, CST_Item_Col))
'Look_up_Data = Look_up_data_range.Value
ReDim Look_up_Data(End_line)
Index_Cell = 0
For Each My_Cell In Look_up_data_range.Cells
Look_up_Data(Index_Cell) = My_Cell.Value
Index_Cell = Index_Cell + 1
Next My_Cell
'Check If data already present
Item_Name = TxtBox_Item.Text
Item_exist = False
For Each Item In Look_up_Data
If Item = Item_Name Then
Item_exist = True
Exit For
End If
Next Item
'Msg box if item exist
If Item_exist = True Then
MsgBox (Item_Name & " " & "already exists")
'Check if TxtBox_Requester is not empty
If TxtBox_Requester.Text = "" Then
MsgBox ("Requester is not filled in")
Exit Sub
End If
'Check if TxtBox_Requester is not empty
If TxtBox_Afdeling.Text = "" Then
MsgBox ("Department is not filled in")
Exit Sub
End If
'Check if Responsible is not empty
If TxtBox_TC.Text = "" Then
MsgBox ("Technical Responsible is not filled in")
Exit Sub
End If
'Fill in the cells
Application.ActiveSheet.Cells(End_line + 1, CST_Item_Col).Value = TxtBox_Item.Text
Application.ActiveSheet.Cells(End_line + 1, CST_Request_Col).Value = TxtBox_Requester.Text
Application.ActiveSheet.Cells(End_line + 1, CST_Department_Col).Value = TxtBox_Afdeling.Text
Application.ActiveSheet.Cells(End_line + 1, CST_Responsible_Col).Value = TxtBox_TC.Text
'Clear the text boxes
TxtBox_Item.Text = ""
TxtBox_Requester.Text = ""
TxtBox_Afdeling.Text = ""
TxtBox_TC.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CmdBtn_Local_Company_Click()
Const Look_up_sheet = "Local_Company"
Const CST_First_Line = 2
Const CST_Item_Col = 1
Const CST_Division_Col = 2
Const CST_Responsible_Col = 3
Const CST_Company_Col = 4
Dim ctl_Cont As Control
Dim Row As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim MyString As String
Dim Item As Variant
Dim Look_up_data_range As Range
Dim Look_up_Data() As String
Dim End_line As Integer
Dim Item_Name As String
Dim Item_exist As Boolean
Dim Index_Cell As Integer
Dim My_Cell As Variant
'Check if TxtBox_Item is not empty
If TxtBox_Item_Number.Text = "" Then
MsgBox ("Item is not filled in")
Exit Sub
End If
'Activate look up worksheet
ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
'Read look data
Set Look_up_data_range = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
End_line = Look_up_data_range.Rows.Count
Set Look_up_data_range = ActiveSheet.Range( _
ActiveSheet.Cells(CST_First_Line, CST_Item_Col), _
ActiveSheet.Cells(End_line, CST_Item_Col))
'Look_up_Data = Look_up_data_range.Value
ReDim Look_up_Data(End_line)
Index_Cell = 0
For Each My_Cell In Look_up_data_range.Cells
Look_up_Data(Index_Cell) = My_Cell.Value
Index_Cell = Index_Cell + 1
Next My_Cell
'Check If data already present
Item_Name = TxtBox_Item_Number.Text
Item_exist = False
For Each Item In Look_up_Data
If Item = Item_Name Then
Item_exist = True
Exit For
End If
Next Item
'Msg box if item exist
If Item_exist = True Then
MsgBox (Item_Name & " " & "already exists")
'Check if TxtBox_Division is not empty
If TxtBox_Division.Text = "" Then
MsgBox ("Division is not filled in")
Exit Sub
End If
'Check if TxtBox_Responsible is not empty
If TxtBox_Responsible.Text = "" Then
MsgBox ("Responsible is not filled in")
Exit Sub
End If
'Check if TxtBox_Company is not empty
If TxtBOx_Company.Text = "" Then
MsgBox ("Local Company is not filled in")
Exit Sub
End If
'Fill in the cells
Application.ActiveSheet.Cells(End_line + 1, CST_Item_Col).Value = TxtBox_Item_Number.Text
Application.ActiveSheet.Cells(End_line + 1, CST_Division_Col).Value = TxtBox_Division.Text
Application.ActiveSheet.Cells(End_line + 1, CST_Responsible_Col).Value = TxtBox_Responsible.Text
Application.ActiveSheet.Cells(End_line + 1, CST_Company_Col).Value = TxtBOx_Company.Text
'Clear the text boxes
TxtBox_Item_Number.Text = ""
TxtBox_Division.Text = ""
TxtBox_Responsible.Text = ""
TxtBOx_Company.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CmdBtn_Menu_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CmdBtn_View_Excel_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CmdBtn_IQC_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CmdBtn_IQC_Write_Click()
Const Look_up_sheet = "IQC"
Const CST_First_Line = 2
Const CST_Item_Col = 1
Const CST_Responsible_Col = 2
Const CST_Refrigerator_Col = 3
Dim ctl_Cont As Control
Dim Row As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim MyString As String
Dim Item As Variant
Dim Look_up_data_range As Range
Dim Look_up_Data() As String
Dim End_line As Integer
Dim Item_Name As String
Dim Item_exist As Boolean
Dim Index_Cell As Integer
'Check if TxtBox_Item is not empty
If TxtBox_Item_Number.Text = "" Then
MsgBox ("Item is not filled in")
Exit Sub
End If
'Activate look up worksheet
ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
'Read look data
Set Look_up_data_range = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
End_line = Look_up_data_range.Rows.Count
Set Look_up_data_range = ActiveSheet.Range( _
ActiveSheet.Cells(CST_First_Line, CST_Item_Col), _
ActiveSheet.Cells(End_line, CST_Item_Col))
'Look_up_Data = Look_up_data_range.Value
ReDim Look_up_Data(End_line)
Index_Cell = 0
For Each My_Cell In Look_up_data_range.Cells
Look_up_Data(Index_Cell) = My_Cell.Value
Index_Cell = Index_Cell + 1
Next My_Cell
'Check If data already present
Item_Name = TxtBox_Item_Number.Text
Item_exist = False
For Each Item In Look_up_Data
If Item = Item_Name Then
Item_exist = True
Exit For
End If
Next Item
'Msg box if item exist
If Item_exist = True Then
MsgBox (Item_Name & " " & "already exists")
'Check if TxtBox_Responsible is not empty
If TxtBox_Responsible.Text = "" Then
MsgBox ("Reponsible is not filled in")
Exit Sub
End If
'Check if TxtBox_Refrigerator is not empty
If TxtBox_Refrigerator.Text = "" Then
MsgBox ("Refrigerator is not filled in")
Exit Sub
End If
'Fill in the cells
Application.ActiveSheet.Cells(End_line + 1, CST_Item_Col).Value = TxtBox_Item_Number.Text
Application.ActiveSheet.Cells(End_line + 1, CST_Responsible_Col).Value = TxtBox_Responsible.Text
Application.ActiveSheet.Cells(End_line + 1, CST_Refrigerator_Col).Value = TxtBox_Refrigerator.Text
'Clear the text boxes
TxtBox_Item_Number.Text = ""
TxtBox_Responsible.Text = ""
TxtBox_Refrigerator.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CmdBtn_Menu_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CmdBtn_View_Excel_Click()
End Sub
As a first step, try replacing all this code (from Sub CommandButton1_Click in UserForm2):
Look_up_Data = Look_up_data_range.Value
ReDim Look_up_Data(End_line)
Index_Cell = 0
For Each My_Cell In Look_up_data_range.Cells
Look_up_Data(Index_Cell) = My_Cell.Value
Index_Cell = Index_Cell + 1
Next My_Cell
'Check If data already present
Item_Name = TxtBox_Item_Number.Text
Item_exist = False
For Each Item In Look_up_Data
If Item = Item_Name Then
Item_exist = True
Exit For
End If
Next Item
Item_exist = Not IsError(Application.Match(TxtBox_Item_Number.Text, Look_up_data_range, 0))
I have a block of code as follows:
Private Sub Find_Latest_Build(strNetInstPath As String, strLocInstPath As String, Src_Folder As String, strZipFl As String, ShellStr As String)
Dim NewVerNo(3) As Integer, CurrVerNo(3) As Integer, ChkNo As Integer
Dim StartPos As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim NewVerStr As String, CurrVerStr As String
For i = 0 To 3
CurrVerNo(i) = 0
CurrVerStr = «»
Call ParseBldNo(CurrVerStr, CurrVerNo(3))
End Sub
Now, I’m trying to pass an integer array (e.g., «CurrVerNo(3)»), but I’m not sure how to do it correctly. I tried different versions of the ParseBldNo subroutine. Example 1:
Private Sub ParseBldNo(VerStr As String, VerNo As Integer)
Dim StartPos As Integer, i As Integer
Dim ChkChar As String, ChkMrk As Long
StartPos = 1
i = 0
Do While (i <= 3)
ChkMrk = InStr(1, VerStr, «.»)
If ChkMrk = 0 Then
ChkChar = VerStr
ChkChar = Left(VerStr, ChkMrk — 1)
End If
VerNo(i) = CInt(ChkChar)
StartPos = ChkMrk + 1
VerStr = Mid(VerStr, StartPos)
i = i + 1
End Sub
The result is a compile error (Expected Array).
Example #2: Changed the subroutine header to read:
Private Sub ParseBldNo(VerStr As String, VerNo(3) As Integer)
This instantly resulted in a compile error (syntax—Expected ‘)’ )
Example #3: Changed the subroutine header again to read:
Private Sub ParseBldNo(VerStr As String, ParamArray VerNo() As Variant)
Running the script this way generates a run-time error 9 message (subscript out of range) at the statement:
VerNo(i) = CInt(ChkChar)—debugging showed it passed once, but not a second time.
Example #4: Revised the first few lines of the subroutine to read:
Private Sub ParseBldNo(VerStr As String, ParamArray VerNo() As Variant)
Dim StartPos As Integer, i As Integer
Dim ChkChar As String, ChkMrk As Long
ReDim VerNo(3) As Integer
This generated another compile error (UGH!)—Can’t change data types of array elements
Since I’ve tried and failed several times, could someone please advise as to the proper approach to passing integer arrays as parameters to subroutines? I greatly appreciate it as I am somewhat of a «non-expert» to VBA scripting (based on a slew of
questions posted on this forum). Thank you very much.
John J. Bottiger (QA Engineer, Gladiator Innovations LLC)
05-27-2016, 02:34 PM
Forum Contributor
Compile error: Expected Array
Hi — I am getting a «Compile error: Expected Array» for the below code:
I feel like there is a simple thing I am missing, but can’t figure it out. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
pls click the star if you liked my answer!
05-27-2016, 02:41 PM
Re: Compile error: Expected Array
This will compile and run.
Not sure you need an array though if you just want to put the sheet names in cells.
If posting code please use code tags, see here.
05-27-2016, 02:58 PM
Forum Contributor
Re: Compile error: Expected Array
Thanks. I wanted to put the values into the array. This worked. Thanks
05-27-2016, 03:00 PM
Re: Compile error: Expected Array
That code doesn’t put any values in the array.
05-27-2016, 03:01 PM
Forum Contributor
Re: Compile error: Expected Array
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Compile error Expected arrayCompile error Expected array(OP) 28 Jan 13 11:18 When I compile I am getting an expected array error. I have declared the variables so I don’t know why I would be getting this error. The line causing the error is highlighted in blue. I would greatly appreciate any help. CODE'Module
Public Function GetDataTypeTF(D As Field, ByRef lTbl As Integer, ByRef lRow As Integer, ByRef lFld As Integer, intCol As Integer) As String
' **********************************************************************************
' **********************************************************************************
Dim dBase As DAO.Database
Dim xlApp As Object
Dim wbExcel As Object
Dim fRow As Long
Set dBase = CurrentDb
Dim IndexExists As Boolean
Dim IndexText As String
Dim idx As DAO.Index
Dim prp As DAO.Property
Dim strIdx As DAO.Index
Dim strCol As String
Dim strTbl As String
Dim strFld As String
Dim ConvColLet As String
Dim intColCnt As Integer
With goXL.ActiveSheet
.Range("A" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).SourceTable
For intColCnt = 2 To intCol
strCol = ConvColLet(intColCnt)
.Range(strCol & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).Name
Next intCol
End With
End Function
'Other Function
Public Function ConvColLet(intCol As Integer) As String
' ******************************************************************************
' ******************************************************************************
'strLeftLetter = ConvColLet(intFirstColumn)
Select Case intCol
Case 1
ConvColLet = "A"
Case 2
ConvColLet = "B"
Case 3
ConvColLet = "C"
Case 4
ConvColLet = "D"
Case 5
ConvColLet = "E"
Case 6
ConvColLet = "F"
Case 7
ConvColLet = "G"
Case 8
ConvColLet = "H"
Case 9
ConvColLet = "I"
Case 10
ConvColLet = "J"
Case 11
ConvColLet = "K"
Case 12
ConvColLet = "L"
Case 13
ConvColLet = "M"
Case 14
ConvColLet = "N"
Case 15
ConvColLet = "O"
Case 16
ConvColLet = "P"
Case 17
ConvColLet = "Q"
Case 18
ConvColLet = "R"
Case 19
ConvColLet = "S"
Case 20
ConvColLet = "T"
Case 21
ConvColLet = "U"
Case 22
ConvColLet = "V"
Case 23
ConvColLet = "W"
Case 24
ConvColLet = "X"
Case 25
ConvColLet = "Y"
Case 26
ConvColLet = "Z"
Case 27
ConvColLet = "AA"
Case 28
ConvColLet = "AB"
Case 29
ConvColLet = "AC"
Case 30
ConvColLet = "AD"
Case 31
ConvColLet = "AE"
Case 32
ConvColLet = "AF"
Case 33
ConvColLet = "AG"
Case 34
ConvColLet = "AH"
Case 35
ConvColLet = "AI"
Case 36
ConvColLet = "AJ"
Case 37
ConvColLet = "AK"
Case 38
ConvColLet = "AL"
Case 39
ConvColLet = "AM"
Case 40
ConvColLet = "AN"
Case 41
ConvColLet = "AO"
Case 42
ConvColLet = "AP"
Case 43
ConvColLet = "AQ"
Case 44
ConvColLet = "AR"
Case 45
ConvColLet = "AS"
Case 46
ConvColLet = "AT"
Case 47
ConvColLet = "AU"
Case 48
ConvColLet = "AV"
Case 49
ConvColLet = "AW"
Case 50
ConvColLet = "AX"
Case 51
ConvColLet = "AY"
Case 52
ConvColLet = "AZ"
Case 53
ConvColLet = "BA"
Case 54
ConvColLet = "BB"
Case 55
ConvColLet = "BC"
Case 56
ConvColLet = "BD"
Case 57
ConvColLet = "BE"
Case 58
ConvColLet = "BF"
Case 59
ConvColLet = "BG"
Case 60
ConvColLet = "BH"
Case 61
ConvColLet = "BI"
Case 62
ConvColLet = "BJ"
Case 63
ConvColLet = "BK"
Case 64
ConvColLet = "BL"
Case 65
ConvColLet = "BM"
Case 66
ConvColLet = "BN"
Case 67
ConvColLet = "BO"
Case 68
ConvColLet = "BP"
Case 69
ConvColLet = "BQ"
Case 70
ConvColLet = "BR"
Case 71
ConvColLet = "BS"
Case 72
ConvColLet = "BT"
Case 73
ConvColLet = "BU"
Case 74
ConvColLet = "BV"
Case 75
ConvColLet = "BW"
Case 76
ConvColLet = "BX"
Case 77
ConvColLet = "BY"
Case 78
ConvColLet = "BZ"
Case 79
ConvColLet = "CA"
Case 80
ConvColLet = "CB"
Case 81
ConvColLet = "CC"
Case 82
ConvColLet = "CD"
Case 83
ConvColLet = "CE"
Case 84
ConvColLet = "CF"
Case 85
ConvColLet = "CG"
Case 86
ConvColLet = "CH"
Case 87
ConvColLet = "CI"
Case 88
ConvColLet = "CJ"
Case 89
ConvColLet = "CK"
Case 90
ConvColLet = "CL"
Case 91
ConvColLet = "CM"
Case 92
ConvColLet = "CN"
Case 93
ConvColLet = "CO"
Case 94
ConvColLet = "CP"
Case 95
ConvColLet = "CQ"
Case 96
ConvColLet = "CR"
Case 97
ConvColLet = "CS"
Case 98
ConvColLet = "CT"
Case 99
ConvColLet = "CU"
Case 100
ConvColLet = "CV"
Case Else
ConvColLet = "CZ"
End Select
End Function
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