I am getting a compile error in Excel VBA which says Expected Sub, Function or Property. The function I am using is given below which is trying to copy the rate function in Excel.
Thanks for your help.
Function rate_m(nper As Double, pmt As Double, pv As Double, fv As Double, types As Double, guess As Double) As Variant
Dim y, y0, y1, x0, x1, f, i As Double
If IsNull(guess) Then guess = 0.01
If IsNull(fv) Then fv = 0
If IsNull(types) Then types = 0
FINANCIAL_MAX_ITERATIONS = 128 'Bet accuracy with 128
FINANCIAL_PRECISION = 0.0000001 '1.0e-8
y , y0, y1, x0, x1, f, i = 0
rate_m = guess
y = pv * (1 + nper * rate_m) + pmt * (1 + rate_m * types) * nper + fv
f = Exp(nper * Log(1 + rate_m))
y = pv * f + pmt * (1 / rate_m + types) * (f - 1) + fv
y0 = pv + pmt * nper + fv
y1 = pv * f + pmt * (1 / rate_m + types) * (f - 1) + fv
End If
'find root by Newton secant method
i , x0 = 0
x1 = rate_m
rate_m = (y1 * x0 - y0 * x1) / (y1 - y0)
x0 = x1
x1 = rate_m
y = pv * (1 + nper * rate_m) + pmt * (1 + rate_m * types) * nper + fv
f = Exp(nper * Log(1 + rate_m))
y = pv * f + pmt * (1 / rate_m + types) * (f - 1) + fv
End If
y0 = y1
y1 = y
i = i + 1
End Function
08-29-2005, 09:05 PM
Compile error: Expected Sub, Function, or Property
I don’t program very much so I am prone to silly errors. I just can’t
get the following subprocedure to call my funtion. I keep getting the
«Compile error: Expected Sub, Function, or Property» error message when
the program tries to execute the line:
CheckNumber = CorrectABNDigits(CellContents).
When stepping through the code, the function is highlighted after the
call, so it seems to recognise it, but then it won’t step into it,
giving me the same error message over and over. What am I doing wrong?
Why isn’t my function a function even if the debugger jumps to it?I am trying to get the program to read the contents of a cell into
«CellContents», pass this string to the function «Function
CorrectABNDigits(CellContents As String) As Boolean», and then do some
checks on the string. But my sub won’t call my function.Any further comments / criticisms regarding the way I have programmed
this are welcome!Sub ABNtidy()
Dim CellContents As String
Dim CheckNumber As BooleanRange(«E2»).Select
CellContents = Selection.Value
CheckNumber = CorrectABNDigits(CellContents)
MsgBox (CheckNumber)
End SubFunction CorrectABNDigits(CellContents As String) As Boolean
Dim MyCheck As BooleanIf Len(CellContents) = 11 Then MyCheck ’11 characters in cell
CorrectABNDigits = MyCheck
End Function
08-29-2005, 10:05 PM
Re: Compile error: Expected Sub, Function, or Property
This line looks like it’s missing something:
If Len(CellContents) = 11 Then MyCheck ’11 characters in cell
If Len(CellContents) = 11 Then MyCheck = True ’11 characters in cell
Cloudfall wrote:
> I don’t program very much so I am prone to silly errors. I just can’t
> get the following subprocedure to call my funtion. I keep getting the
> «Compile error: Expected Sub, Function, or Property» error message when
> the program tries to execute the line:
> CheckNumber = CorrectABNDigits(CellContents).
> When stepping through the code, the function is highlighted after the
> call, so it seems to recognise it, but then it won’t step into it,
> giving me the same error message over and over. What am I doing wrong?
> Why isn’t my function a function even if the debugger jumps to it?
> I am trying to get the program to read the contents of a cell into
> «CellContents», pass this string to the function «Function
> CorrectABNDigits(CellContents As String) As Boolean», and then do some
> checks on the string. But my sub won’t call my function.
> Any further comments / criticisms regarding the way I have programmed
> this are welcome!
> Sub ABNtidy()
> Dim CellContents As String
> Dim CheckNumber As Boolean
> Range(«E2»).Select
> CellContents = Selection.Value
> CheckNumber = CorrectABNDigits(CellContents)
> MsgBox (CheckNumber)
> End Sub
> Function CorrectABNDigits(CellContents As String) As Boolean
> Dim MyCheck As Boolean
> If Len(CellContents) = 11 Then MyCheck ’11 characters in cell
> CorrectABNDigits = MyCheck
> End Function—
Dave Peterson
08-29-2005, 11:11 PM
in this line of code
If Len(CellContents) = 11 Then MyCheckExcel appears to be treating MyCheck as sub routine or a function.
If Len(CellContents) = 11 Then MyCheck = True
Another way to write your code is
Sub ABNtidy()
Dim CheckNumber As BooleanCheckNumber = CorrectABNDigits(Range(«a2»).Value)
MsgBox (CheckNumber)
End SubFunction CorrectABNDigits(CellContents As String) As Boolean
Dim MyCheck As BooleanIf Len(CellContents) = 11 Then MyCheck = True ’11 characters in cell
CorrectABNDigits = MyCheck
End Function
08-30-2005, 01:05 AM
Re: Compile error: Expected Sub, Function, or Property
To Dave Peterson and mudraker:
You were both spot on. For some reason I had thought that a declared
boolean variable would simply default to true in an «if…then»
statement if the «if» part was correct (I thought I remembered learning
this somewhere). I won’t make this mistake again. I never expected an
error of this kind to generate the «Compile error: Expected Sub,
Function, or Property» error message. I thought it was talking about
«Function CorrectABNDigits(CellContents As String) As Boolean» when it
was talking about MyCheck (as mudraker helpfully pointed out above).
That’s why the debugger did indeed jump to «Function
CorrectABNDigits(CellContents As String) As Boolean» but refused to
execute any of its code.And mudraker’s suggestion regarding «CheckNumber =3D
CorrectABNDigits(Range(«a2″).V=ADalue) » is far more elegant. I wasn’t
aware you could do this. I don’t know Excel VBA very well so I am
finding this group phenomenally helpful (including past answers to
other peoples’ questions). I am now faced with a major programming
chore and I am trying to use good habits from the very beginning.Thank you for your fast responses and I wish you both all the very
Function GetPingResult(Host)
Dim objPing As Object
Dim objStatus As Object
Dim strResult As String
Set objPing = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}"). _
ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_PingStatus Where Address = '" & Host & "'")
For Each objStatus In objPing
Select Case objStatus.StatusCode
Case 0: strResult = "Connected"
Case 11001: strResult = "Buffer too small"
Case 11002: strResult = "Destination net unreachable"
Case 11003: strResult = "Destination host unreachable"
Case 11004: strResult = "Destination protocol unreachable"
Case 11005: strResult = "Destination port unreachable"
Case 11006: strResult = "No resources"
Case 11007: strResult = "Bad option"
Case 11008: strResult = "Hardware error"
Case 11009: strResult = "Packet too big"
Case 11010: strResult = "Request timed out"
Case 11011: strResult = "Bad request"
Case 11012: strResult = "Bad route"
Case 11013: strResult = "Time-To-Live (TTL) expired transit"
Case 11014: strResult = "Time-To-Live (TTL) expired reassembly"
Case 11015: strResult = "Parameter problem"
Case 11016: strResult = "Source quench"
Case 11017: strResult = "Option too big"
Case 11018: strResult = "Bad destination"
Case 11032: strResult = "Negotiating IPSEC"
Case 11050: strResult = "General failure"
Case Else: strResult = "Unknown host"
End Select
GetPingResult = strResult
Set objPing = Nothing
End Function
Sub GetIPStatus()
Dim Cell As Range
Dim ipRng As Range
Dim Result As String
Dim Wks As Worksheet
Set Wks = Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set ipRng = Wks.Range("A2")
Set RngEnd = Wks.Cells(Rows.Count, ipRng.Column).End(xlUp)
Set ipRng = IIf(RngEnd.Row < ipRng.Row, ipRng, Wks.Range(ipRng, RngEnd))
For Each Cell In ipRng
If Cell.Value <> "" Then
Result = GetPingResult(Cell)
Cell.Offset(0, 1) = Result
Cell.Offset(0, 1) = "No IP specified!"
End If
Next Cell
End Sub
Private Sub Clear_Contents_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub DNSLookup_Click()
For x = 2 To Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A10000").End(xlUp).Row
Dim IPAddy As String
Dim LookupResult As String
IPAddy = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(x, 1).Value
LookupResult = NSLookup(IPAddy, 0)
Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(x, 3) = LookupResult
Next x
End Sub
Private Sub Ping_Click()
End Sub
Public Function NSLookup(lookupVal As String, Optional addressOpt As Integer) As String
'Skip everything if the field is blank
If lookupVal <> "" Then
Dim oFSO As Object, oShell As Object, oTempFile As Object
Dim sLine As String, sFilename As String
Dim intFound As Integer
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
'Handle the addresOpt operand
'Regular Expressions are used to complete a substring match for an IP Address
'If an IP Address is found, a DNS Name Lookup will be forced
If addressOpt = AUTO_DETECT Then
ipLookup = FindIP(lookupVal)
If ipLookup = "" Then
addressOpt = NAME_LOOKUP
lookupVal = ipLookup
End If
'Do a regular expression substring match for an IP Address
ElseIf addressOpt = NAME_LOOKUP Then
lookupVal = FindIP(lookupVal)
End If
'Run the nslookup command
sFilename = oFSO.GetTempName
oShell.Run "cmd /c nslookup " & lookupVal & " > " & sFilename, 0, True
Set oTempFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sFilename, 1)
Do While oTempFile.AtEndOfStream <> True
sLine = oTempFile.Readline
cmdStr = cmdStr & Trim(sLine) & vbCrLf
oFSO.DeleteFile (sFilename)
'Process the result
intFound = InStr(1, cmdStr, "Name:", vbTextCompare)
If intFound = 0 Then
NSLookup = ""
Exit Function
ElseIf intFound > 0 Then
'TODO: Cleanup with RegEx
If addressOpt = ADDRESS_LOOKUP Then
loc1 = InStr(intFound, cmdStr, "Address:", vbTextCompare) + InStr(intFound, cmdStr, "Addresses:", vbTextCompare)
loc2 = InStr(loc1, cmdStr, vbCrLf, vbTextCompare)
nameStr = Trim(Mid(cmdStr, loc1 + 8, loc2 - loc1 - 8))
ElseIf addressOpt = NAME_LOOKUP Then
loc1 = InStr(intFound, cmdStr, "Name:", vbTextCompare)
loc2 = InStr(loc1, cmdStr, vbCrLf, vbTextCompare)
nameStr = Trim(Mid(cmdStr, loc1 + 5, loc2 - loc1 - 5))
End If
End If
NSLookup = nameStr
NSLookup = "N/A"
End If
End Function
Public Function FindIP(strTest As String) As String
Dim RegEx As Object
Dim valid As Boolean
Dim Matches As Object
Dim i As Integer
Set RegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
RegEx.Pattern = "b(?:d{1,3}.){3}d{1,3}b"
valid = RegEx.test(strTest)
If valid Then
Set Matches = RegEx.Execute(strTest)
FindIP = Matches(0)
FindIP = ""
End If
End Function
- #1
I am relatively new to coding in VBA and keep getting the compile error and cannot figure out why it keeps coming up. Any help on quelling the pop up would be helpful.
Here is the code where I keep getting the error:
Sub tax() Tester = 0 livePriceTotal = Cells(lastLiveRow + 1, 2) liveTaxTotal = Cells(lastLiveRow + 1, 3) silentPriceTotal = Cells(lastSilentRow + 1, 7) silentTaxTotal = Cells(lastSilentRow + 1, 8) taxRate = Range("G1").Value taxExempt = Range("G2") taxRateAdj = ((liveTaxTotal + silentTaxTotal) * (100)) / (livePriceTotal + silentPriceTotal - taxExempt) Do If liveTaxTotal + silentTaxTotal = (livePriceTotal + silentPriceTotal - taxExempt) * taxRate Then Tester = 1 'Cells(1, 8) = taxRateAdj If liveTaxTotal + silentTaxTotal <= (livePriceTotal + silentPriceTotal - taxExempt) * taxRate Then Tester = 2 'ActiveCell(1, 8) = taxRateAdj If liveTaxTotal + silentTaxTotal > (livePriceTotal + silentPriceTotal - taxExempt) * taxRate Then Tester = 3 If Tester = 1 Then taxRate If Tester = 2 Then taxRate If Tester = 3 Then taxRateAdj End Sub
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- #2
Re: Compile Error Expected Sub, Function, or Property
You have a «Do» statement but no concluding Loop. Either conclude the loop or remove the Do.
- #3
Re: Compile Error Expected Sub, Function, or Property
Removed the «Do» statement.
Still getting the same error this time the highlighted term is «taxRate»
Did I not declare taxRate correctly? -
- #4
Re: Compile Error Expected Sub, Function, or Property
Hello vtflee,
Welcome to Ozgrid.
You should never code without using Option Explicit. It forces you to properly declare your variables.
Turn on Option Explicit while in the VB Editor: Menu > Tools > Options > check the box for Require Variable DeclarationUnless you haven’t posted all of your code, none of your variable are declared.
I don’t see where you have defined «lastliverow» or «lastSilentrow».Correct your variable delcarations, then your loop structure, then step through the code.
Correct/Efficient Uses of Excel Loops
- #5
Re: Compile Error Expected Sub, Function, or Property
I did declare it in the beginning but did not include it in my previous code. I added it right after the sub tax and ran it again, but still getting the same error and it stops at taxRate again.
Here’s the code again:
Sub tax() Dim livePriceTotal As Currency Dim liveTaxTotal As Currency Dim silentPriceTotal As Currency Dim silentTaxTotal As Currency Dim taxRate As Long Dim taxCorrect As Long Dim taxExempt As Currency Dim taxRateAdj As Long Tester = 0 livePriceTotal = Cells(lastLiveRow + 1, 2) liveTaxTotal = Cells(lastLiveRow + 1, 3) silentPriceTotal = Cells(lastSilentRow + 1, 7) silentTaxTotal = Cells(lastSilentRow + 1, 8) taxRate = Range("G1").Value taxExempt = Range("G2") taxRateAdj = ((liveTaxTotal + silentTaxTotal) * (100)) / (livePriceTotal + silentPriceTotal - taxExempt) If liveTaxTotal + silentTaxTotal = (livePriceTotal + silentPriceTotal - taxExempt) * taxRate Then Tester = 1 'Cells(1, 8) = taxRateAdj If liveTaxTotal + silentTaxTotal <= (livePriceTotal + silentPriceTotal - taxExempt) * taxRate Then Tester = 2 'ActiveCell(1, 8) = taxRateAdj If liveTaxTotal + silentTaxTotal > (livePriceTotal + silentPriceTotal - taxExempt) * taxRate Then Tester = 3 If Tester = 1 Then taxRate If Tester = 2 Then taxRate If Tester = 3 Then taxRateAdj End Sub
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- #6
Re: Compile Error Expected Sub, Function, or Property
Where do you define lastLiveRow? What is in G1?
- #7
Re: Compile Error Expected Sub, Function, or Property
G1 is a tax rate. That value is being pulled from another spreadsheet. I used a vlookup function in the G1 cell.
- #8
Re: Compile Error Expected Sub, Function, or Property
Post a workbook.
- #9
Re: Compile Error Expected Sub, Function, or Property
The other workbook where the tax rates are being pulled is too big to post. Hope that’s not an issue.
- #10
Re: Compile Error Expected Sub, Function, or Property
Hard to tell but if you declare something as Long it covers integers so if you have something 0.08 you need to declare as Double. Somewhat mystified by the error message you were getting though. I get an overflow error on the taxrateadj line.
- #11
Re: Compile Error Expected Sub, Function, or Property
Yes. Another one of the many problems I am having. I changed taxRate to double, but still getting the same error. Right now I am only debugging the sub tax section. Would I have to fix the overflow problem first?
- #12
Re: Compile Error Expected Sub, Function, or Property
I don’t understand why you are getting that error, that is not related to overflow afaik (that is because division by zero, but that may only be because of the lack of links when I ran it). Are you running exactly the same code? Have you stepped through the code using F8?
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- compile error: expected sub, function or property
compile error: expected sub, function or property
I have been researchin this issue all morning.
I am getting this error on some code I’m trying to run:
Compile error: expected sub, function or property
What does the error message mean?
It highlights a field I am refrencing but the field name is correct?
This is the code and I have typed in red the part the error refers to:
Sub DriversAvailable2()
Dim mydb As Database
Dim myset As RecordsetDim strList As String
Set mydv = CurrentDb()
Set myset = mydb.OpenRecordset(«qryDriversAvailable»)
strList = «This is a list of available drivers: » & vbCrLf
Do While Not myset.EOF
strList -strList & myset![FullName] & vbCrLf
MsgBox strList
End SubThank you for any help and direction in advance!!!!
You’ve got a minus sign rather than an equals sign. Try:
= strList & myset![FullName] & vbCrLf
Hi randoman,
Eeek thanks for that!!!
The error message is still coming up though.
Any other ideas? Please help!!!!!
Well, according to your text above, you have another type-o but I wouldn’t expect a compile error on the line you highlighted:
Dim mydb As Database
Set mydv = CurrentDb() ‘<— Should be mydbI would expect an ‘object not set’ error on the line
Set myset = mydb.OpenRecordset(«qryDriversAvailable»)
Hi again!
This is really embarasing hey.
I have fixed that type-o and I am still getting the error.
Actually I did get an error 3601 for a change for a moment and then it went back to the usual compile error.
Continuing to research and I can’t find anything to help. Feeling really deflated.
Please help!!!!
The only other thing that I can think of is to explicitly refer to the Value property of the recordset field such as
= strList & myset![FullName].Value & vbCrLf
I use recordsets all the time and usually don’t explicitly refer to the Value property unless I’m working with collections. However, I do explicitly declare the DAO library. For example:
Dim mydb As DAO.Database
Dim myset As DAO.RecordsetDepending on your references and the order in which they appear, you could be implicitly referencing the ADO library. Just to be clear, you get the error when the code runs and the same element is highlighted as you describe in your original post?
Thanks for replying again!!!
Do you mean the MS DAO 3.6 object library?
I tried to check this earlier and move it up and I got a DLL error message.
I know I have stated that I am working in Access 2007 but it is actually 2010. I don’t know why but on the data base it shows 2007 up the top but the properties of access show 2010.
Anyway I did some research on the DLL error message and came out with the DAO was not neccessary because Access 14. does what the DAO does?
I’m so confused and really appreciate you looking at this.
I will also try your other suggestion-Thanks so much!
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Compile Error Expecting Sub, Function or Property
10 Feb 15 23:05
Hi All,
This one has been driving me insane over the past few days. I have searched quite a bit but nothing of concrete leads me to a resolution
I get the Compile Error, expecting Sub, Fucntion or Property. I am relatively new to VBA
I would very much appreciate any help on this.
With thanks…..
Here is my code
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rst0 As DAO.Recordset
Dim rst2 As DAO.Recordset
Dim Plant1 As String
Dim TotalCOGS As Integer
Dim TotalPlantCOGS As Integer
Dim stDocName As String
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
‘DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Plant1 = «»
TotalCOGS = 0
TotalPlantCOGS = 0
‘Action First Query
DoCmd.OpenQuery («MAT COGS — SKU»)
Set rst0 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(«tblMATCOGS-SKU», dbOpenDynaset)
Plant1 = «AU10»
setvalueA (Plant1) <— I get the error on this.
—Rest of Code….
Option Compare Database
Public strName As String
Public strnameA As String
Public strnameB As String
Function setvalueA(strA As String)
strnameA = strA
End Function
Function SetValueB(strB As String)
strnameB = strB
End Function
Function GetValueA()
GetValueA = strnameA
End Function
Function GetValueB()
GetValueB = strnameB
End Function