Config error no display font for symbol config error no display font for zapfdingbats

I have Win10


Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Sep 11, 2019 8:07 pm

pdftopng — fonterror

I have Win10

When I try to use pdftopng on a PDF file, I get the following error message. .:
Config Error: No display font for ‘Symbol’
Config Error: No display font for ‘ZapfDingbats’

What to do?


Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Sep 11, 2019 8:07 pm

Re: pdftopng — fonterror


by Albireo » Thu Aug 27, 2020 9:21 am

Yes! (thank you!)

The error message disappeared.

  • Config Error: No display font for ‘Symbol’
  • Config Error: No display font for ‘ZapfDingbats’

(fine — but I can not see any difference between the results — with or without these fonts…)

I did as follows .:

  1. Retrieved the fonts from this page .: Where do I get the Symbol and Zapf Dingbats fonts?
  2. Unpacked the fonts and put them in the desired directory (C:TemppdfTestxpdf-t1fonts)
  3. Created an xpdfrc file (without extension) with the following contents:
    fontFile Symbol «C:TemppdfTestxpdf-t1fonts/s050000l.pfb»
    fontFile ZapfDingbats «C:TemppdfTestxpdf-t1fonts/d050000l.pfb»
  4. Placed, in my case, the textfile xpdfrc in the same directory as pdftopng.exe (C:TemppdfTest)
  5. From the CMD-window I run .: pdftopng TestFile.pdf TestResult
  6. The result files

    was created without error message

The result files are of a high quality.


Posts: 859
Joined: Wed Apr 05, 2017 6:57 pm

Re: pdftopng — fonterror


by derekn » Thu Aug 27, 2020 6:25 pm

Pdftopng checks for the «Base-14» fonts at startup, so you’ll always get those «config error» messages if you haven’t configured the Symbol and Zapf Dingbats fonts. (The remaining 12 fonts are Times/Helvetica/Courier, and pdftopng will use system fonts for those.)

Those two fonts are only used if the PDF file contains references to non-embedded Symbol of ZapfDingbats fonts. You can run pdffonts to check for that.

Thanks for all the suggestions!

Yes it’s true. (It was a simpler case (requiring a temporary solution), with a completely different type of PDF file, with other issues. (did not manage to find a solution with «ahk»)

Ahk_fan wrote: ↑

27 Aug 2020, 15:55

… here is an example with tesseract, very slow but a based on trained libs, good result (you need in a bin folder a portable version of tesseract and leptonica_util with you wished language into (here ist a complete zip with english, german, russian:

Information and programs could not have been better presented by @Ahk_fan

The test with test_ocr_tesseract.ahk
Since I was going to test a Swedish PDF invoice, the following file was downloaded .: swe.traineddata
and copied to .bintesseracttessdata_best and .bintesseracttessdata_fast

A text PDF-invoice was copied to the main OCR directory ( the extracted directory ).

Then the program test_ocr_tesseract.ahk was run.

The result was .:
a) One file with the logo image was created and
b) During the program run (test_ocr_tesseract.ahk), the following message occurred (right now I have no idea why …) .:

Exception thrown!

what: Vis2.provider.Tesseract.convert
file: C:TempOCR TesseractLibVis2.ahk
line: 2120
message: Tesseract failed.
extra: C:WINDOWSsystem32cmd.exe /C «»C:TempOCR Tesseractbintesseracttesseract.exe» —tessdata-dir «C:TempOCR Tesseractbintesseracttessdata_best» «C:UsersPersonalAppDataLocalTempVis2_preprocess51817e73-4d12-4463-a60b-b0900e5c0659.tif» «C:UsersPersonalAppDataLocalTempVis2_text51817e73-4d12-4463-a60b-b0900e5c0659» -l «de»»

The test with test_osc_uiw.ahk
1) The same test PDF (as above) was copied to the main OCR directory ( the extracted directory ).

2) The program test_ocr_uwp.ahk was run

3) The result was .:
a) One file with the logo image was created and
b) During the program run (test_ocr_uwp.ahk), the following message occurred .:

Can not use language «de» for OCR, please install language pack.

Why does the program want the language package «de»?
At the link .: Optical character recognition (OCR)
— the answer from @malcev refers to Language packs for Windows (but right now I don’t know how to handle the language for the OCR-program)
What to download?

The test with test_osc_uiw.ahk
Sometimes I get the feeling that the PDF files are interpreted column by column.
My wish is to find an OCR solution that interprets «line by line», and give a CSV file — (with «;» as separator)
With all the products.

Maybe a resultfile like this (unknown values in this case :-) )

  1. ;»——«;»——«;»——«;»——«
  2. ;»——«;»—«;»———«;»—«
  3. ;»——«;»——«;»——«;»——«
  4. ;»——«;»—«;»———«;»—«
  5. ;»——«;»——«;»——«;»——«
  6. ;»——«;»—«;»———«;»—«


Using xpdf to open pdfs (also Noticed bad rendering in Chrome-Beta as well). I am getting the following errors:

Config Error: No display font for 'Courier'
Config Error: No display font for 'Courier-Bold'
Config Error: No display font for 'Courier-BoldOblique'
Config Error: No display font for 'Courier-Oblique'
Config Error: No display font for 'Helvetica'
Config Error: No display font for 'Helvetica-Bold'
Config Error: No display font for 'Helvetica-BoldOblique'
Config Error: No display font for 'Helvetica-Oblique'
Config Error: No display font for 'Symbol'
Config Error: No display font for 'Times-Bold'
Config Error: No display font for 'Times-BoldItalic'
Config Error: No display font for 'Times-Italic'
Config Error: No display font for 'Times-Roman'
Config Error: No display font for 'ZapfDingbats'
Syntax Error: Couldn't find a font for 'Helvetica'
Syntax Error: Couldn't find a font for 'Helvetica'
Syntax Error: Couldn't find a font for 'Helvetica'
Syntax Error: Couldn't find a font for 'Helvetica'
Syntax Error: Couldn't find a font for 'Helvetica'
Syntax Error: Couldn't find a font for 'Helvetica'
Syntax Error: Couldn't find a font for 'Helvetica'
Syntax Error: Couldn't find a font for 'Helvetica'
Syntax Error: Couldn't find a font for 'Helvetica'
Syntax Error: Couldn't find a font for 'Helvetica'
Syntax Error: Couldn't find a font for 'Helvetica'
Syntax Error: Couldn't find a font for 'Helvetica'
Syntax Error: Couldn't find a font for 'Helvetica'
Syntax Error: Couldn't find a font for 'Helvetica'

[Resolved] Switched from xpdf to zathura or mupdf fixes the issue.


Could you share the PDF document, please?

Chrome-Beta — describe the problem further: «bad rendering» is anything and everything I can think of.



What the heck; on my laptop it works. Let me see what the world is going on with my desktop.


Thanks a lot.

I just wanted to write the same: the file is rendering just fine for me. I think your problem must be pretty trivial: the free preset isn’t set correctly. What is the output of fc-presets check and fc-match Arial?


This is from my desktop

$ fc-presets check
 [ combi ] is not set 
 :: Run <fc-presets help> for more information.

 5 symlinks found.
 The active preset seems to be [ free ].
 Checking symlinks now...

30-metric-aliases-free.conf is OK
37-repl-global-free.conf is OK
60-latin-free.conf is OK
65-non-latin-free.conf is OK
66-aliases-wine-free.conf is OK
$ fc-match Arial
LiberationSans-Regular.ttf: "Liberation Sans" "Regular"

screenshot - 110514 - 21 07 15


$ fc-match Courier
Courier Prime.ttf: "Courier Prime" "Regular"
$ fc-match Helvetica
LiberationSans-Regular.ttf: "Liberation Sans" "Regular"


It’s xpdf. Switch to zathura and your problems should be gone.


@bohoomil why would it work on one computer and not another one? How well does zathura work in XFCE4?


Zathura works in any environment. It is a minimalist document viewer for pdf, dvi and ps files which offers way better rendering quality than xpdf. Xpdf is quite a dated concept: replacing it with a more recent and robust solution would be a good idea anyway.

I’ve just checked out epdfview, which is also a very lightweight application, but unfortunately it wasn’t able to display images in your document. On the other hand, Evince is working nicely with it and has a more traditional UI than zathura. All three use the same rendering backend, poppler. If you want, you can try mupdf, which some people find a better bet than poppler. All of them (and more) you’ll find in the official Arch repos.

I’m not really sure why Xpdf behaves differently on two machines. I assume they both share identical font setups: if not sure, you can backup /etc/fonts on the not-working one and replace it with the other’s. A broken symlink or an accidentally missing config file (30-metric-aliases-free.conf?) seem to be the most probable reasons.


@bohoomil Yeah, I’ve looked at the ones on the Arch Wiki (love that site). As for traditional UI, I don’t mind if it does or doesn’t. I just prefer a lightweight one. Have you used mupdf?


@bohoomil So, I installed both zathura and mupdf. Looks like zathura can use the mupdf backend so installed that as well. I don’t see much in the different of UI between the two other then zathura seems to have continuous scrolling where mupdf does not. Is there any easy way to open a pdf when you have zathura open?


I did test mupdf long ago and the only reason I got back to poppler was incorrect rendering of several diacritics in the former (actually, several missing national characters in certain pdf files). Today this might not be the case any more: I’ll need to install mupdf backend for zathura and check it again, though.

Indeed, both viewers have a similar, very simple UI. You’ll need to check the man page for more info about navigation and configuration. In zathura when you press : and then [tab] key, you’ll get a list of available commands, i.e. :open [tab] will give you the list of pdf files in the current directory. Optionally, zathura can be used with tabbed, so you can open multiple documents in new tabs. I don’t need this particular feature myself, but some find it really handy.

BTW, when you set zathura as the default pdf viewer, you can launch it when you click on a pdf file (each document will be opened in a new window). I’m using it with mc & vim (to preview XeLaTeX output) and everything just works as expected.


@bohoomil ahh, gotcha. Umm, I skimmed the documentation on zathura but seemed I missed the : + [tab] combo. tabbed might be useful since I have been reading a lot of pdfs for school.

Do you have an examples of the diacritics not rendering properly? Not sure if this would effect me too much though.


No, unfortunately not. As far as I can remember, the problems I mentioned were restricted to ISO-8859-2 code page, which covers Central European scripts. Others, including UTF-8 standard, were unaffected. mupdf has been updated many times since and the issue may be long fixed already. The good thing about zathura is that you can always change the rendering engine, while everything else — including UI and the like — will remain the same. Pretty handy. All in all, you don’t have to worry about it too much because there is a trivial way to get things back to the working state. The vast majority of documents are rendered correctly in both mupdf and poppler, and for most infinality-bundle users (including myself) pdfs are a daily bread.


Gotcha. I’ll have to play with tabbed more. Seems a few issues with trying to get it to work but nothing that’s going to kill me. Thanks for the information and answers. =)

[Resolved] Switched from xpdf to zathura or mupdf fixes the issue.



Пытаюсь открыть руководство по motif

Выдает ошибку

Config Error: No display font for 'Courier'
Config Error: No display font for 'Courier-Bold'
Config Error: No display font for 'Courier-BoldOblique'
Config Error: No display font for 'Courier-Oblique'
Config Error: No display font for 'Helvetica'
Config Error: No display font for 'Helvetica-Bold'
Config Error: No display font for 'Helvetica-BoldOblique'
Config Error: No display font for 'Helvetica-Oblique'
Config Error: No display font for 'Symbol'
Config Error: No display font for 'Times-Bold'
Config Error: No display font for 'Times-BoldItalic'
Config Error: No display font for 'Times-Italic'
Config Error: No display font for 'Times-Roman'
Config Error: No display font for 'ZapfDingbats'
Syntax Error: Couldn't find a font for 'Times-Bold'
Syntax Error: Couldn't find a font for 'Times-Roman'
Syntax Error: Couldn't find a font for 'Times-Roman'
Syntax Error: Couldn't find a font for 'Times-Italic'
Syntax Error: Couldn't find a font for 'Times-Roman'

Файл открывается, но текст в pdf не выводится. Я так понял что мне нужны эти шрифты. Где их взять? Я погуглил, в ttf-ms-fonts этих шрифтов нет.

1. Download the software and fonts

You may have already downloaded the Xpdf tools while watching one of my earlier videos in the series, but there has since been an upgrade from Version 3 to Version 4 and there is a new download site:

Visit that site and download the pre-compiled Windows binary ZIP archive, then unzip it.

Download the Symbol and Zapf Dingbats fonts from the same page.


2. Locate the documentation folder for the Xpdf utilities

Go to the folder where you unzipped the downloaded ZIP file and find the doc folder.


3. Read the documentation for the configuration file — xpdfrc

Go into the doc folder and find the plain text file called xpdfrc.txt.

Open it with any text editor, such as Notepad, and read it. This is the documentation for the configuration file.


4. Review the sample configuration file

Go into the doc folder and find the plain text file called sample-xpdfrc.

Open it with any text editor, such as Notepad, and review it. This is a sample configuration file.


5. Set up a test folder

Create a test folder.

Copy these files into your test folder:

Copy a sample PDF file into your test folder.


6. Create the xpdfrc file

Using any text editor, such as Notepad, create a plain text file in your test folder and name it xpdfrc (without the .txt file extension) and put these two lines in it:

fontFile Symbol «s050000l.pfb»
fontFile ZapfDingbats «d050000l.pfb»


7. Run the PDFtoPPM and PDFtoPS utilities

Run the same commands as shown in my PDFtoPPM and PDFtoPS videos, which produced these font errors:
Config Error: No display font for ‘Symbol’
Config Error: No display font for ‘ZapfDingbats’

Confirm that the errors no longer occur — due to the fixes in the xpdfrc file.


8. Experiment with other features in the configuration file

That completes your first test of the xpdfrc configuration file. I encourage you to experiment with its many capabilities.

If you find this video to be helpful, please click the thumbs-up icon below.

Thank you for completing my Experts Exchange video Micro Tutorial series on the Xpdf utilities. I hope you’ve enjoyed watching it as much as I’ve enjoyed creating it. Regards, Joe

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