Configure error requisite ogg vorbis library not found

Радио позволит вещать в сеть вашу аудио коллекцию. Нам потребуется: icecast2 ices 0.4 libshout 2.2.2 Копилятор gcc IPKG Установка 1. Нам нужно установить libshout. Он есть в репозитории но оттуда его ставить не нужно. так как не соберется ices. качем исходники libshout: cd /tmp wget http://downlo...

Радио позволит вещать в сеть вашу аудио коллекцию.

Нам потребуется:


ices 0.4

libshout 2.2.2

Копилятор gcc



1. Нам нужно установить libshout. Он есть в репозитории но оттуда его ставить не нужно. так как не соберется ices. качем исходники libshout:

cd /tmp
tar xvfz libshout-2.2.2.tar.gz
cd libshout-2.2.2/
make install

2. Собираем ices 0.4

tar xvfz ices-0.4.tar.gz
cd ices-0.4/
make install

3. Устанавливаем icecast2

ipkg icecast


Итак. теперь все готово к конфигурированию.


1. Создадим где либо папку для icecast’a

mkdir /etc/icecast/

В ней еще несколько нужных папок

mkdir /etc/icecast/admin 
mkdir /etc/icecast/logs
mkdir /etc/icecast/web

2. Скопируем файлы:

из /volume1/@optware/share/icecast/admin в /etc/icecast/admin

из /volume1/@optware/share/icecast/web в /etc/icecast/web

3. Создадим конфиг icecast’a:

touch /etc/icecast/icecast.xml

4. вставляем в конфиг следующее:

        <alias source="/" dest="/status.xsl"/>
          <loglevel>3</loglevel> <!-- 4 Debug, 3 Info, 2 Warn, 1 Error -->

там где pass заменяем на свой пароль(не от DSM, а любой)

Настройка icecast’a завершена. Перейдем к настройке ices


1. Создадим конфиг ices.conf. В папке icecast’a например.

touch /etc/icecast/ices.conf

2. Вставляем туда следующее:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ices:Configuration xmlns:ices="">
    <!-- This is the filename used as a playlist when using the builtin 
     playlist handler. -->
    <!-- Set this to 0 if you don't want to randomize your playlist, and to
     1 if you do. -->
    <!-- One of builtin, perl, or python. -->
    <!-- Module name to pass to the playlist handler if using  perl or python.
     If you use the builtin playlist handler then this is ignored -->
    <!-- Set this to the number of seconds to crossfade between tracks.
         Leave out or set to zero to disable crossfading (the default).

    <!-- Set this to 1 if you want ices to launch in the background as a
         daemon -->
    <!-- Set this to 1 if you want to see more verbose output from ices -->
    <!-- This directory specifies where ices should put the logfile, cue file
     and pid file (if daemonizing). Don't use /tmp if you have l33t h4x0rz
         on your server. -->

      <!-- Hostname or ip of the icecast server you want to connect to -->
      <!-- Port of the same -->
      <!-- Encoder password on the icecast server -->
      <!-- Header protocol to use when communicating with the server.
           Shoutcast servers need "icy", icecast 1.x needs "xaudiocast", and
       icecast 2.x needs "http". -->

    <!-- The name of the mountpoint on the icecast server -->
    <!-- The name of the dumpfile on the server for your stream. DO NOT set
     this unless you know what you're doing.
    <!-- The name of you stream, not the name of the song! -->
    <Name>DiskStation Radio</Name>
    <!-- Genre of your stream, be it rock or pop or whatever -->
    <!-- Longer description of your stream -->
    <Description>Default description</Description>
    <!-- URL to a page describing your stream -->
    <!-- 0 if you don't want the icecast server to publish your stream on
     the yp server, 1 if you do -->

    <!-- Stream bitrate, used to specify bitrate if reencoding, otherwise
     just used for display on YP and on the server. Try to keep it
     accurate -->
    <!-- If this is set to 1, and ices is compiled with liblame support,
     ices will reencode the stream on the fly to the stream bitrate. -->
    <!-- Number of channels to reencode to, 1 for mono or 2 for stereo -->
    <!-- Sampe rate to reencode to in Hz. Leave out for LAME's best choice

3. В строке

      <!-- Encoder password on the icecast server -->

Ставим тот пароль который указывали в конфиге айскаста.

Создание плейлиста.

В конфиге ices.conf вы могли заметить строчку:


Это путь к плейлисту.

Если у вас все музфайлы лежат в одной папке(не по подпапкам) например в /volume1/music/ то плейлист создать очень легко следующими командами:

cd /volume1/music/
ls >playlist.txt

После этого у вас в плейлисте будут все файлы.

Если у вас все рассортировано по подпапкам то можно использовать следующую команду:

find /volume1/music -name "*.mp3" -print >playlist.txt


1. Первым делом стартуем icecast следующей командой:

icecast -b -c /etc/icecast/icecast.xml

2. Можно зайти в веб-интерфейс по адресу http://diskstation:8000/ и админка http://diskstation:8000/admin/ Но пока там ничего интересного.

3. Стартуем ices

ices -c '/etc/icecast/ices.conf'

После этого можно запускать любимый плеер и добавлять туда урл: http://diskstation:8000/ices

Внимание — если используете свои пути, то меняйте их везде(в конфигах особенно)

На этом все. Но есть один вопрос, так как с diskstation знаком буквально 4 дня:

1. Как засунуть все это дело в автозагрузку? Если учесть что сначала надо запустить icecast а уже потом ices?

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Сообщений с 26 по 50 из 58

26 18-03-2011 18:07:40

  • tarasian666
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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

make install

27 Ответ от artsss 18-03-2011 18:56:51

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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

пишет tarasian666:

make install

сделал я это) а куда настроики писать то?)

28 Ответ от artsss 18-03-2011 19:15:26

  • artsss
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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

c этим разобрался но щас еще одна проблеммка, как вписывать файлы в playlist.txt

29 Ответ от Sergei 19-03-2011 15:18:04

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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

пишет artsss:

c этим разобрался но щас еще одна проблеммка, как вписывать файлы в playlist.txt

они сами туда должны прописаться

И да поможет мне F1,
И да сохранит меня F6,
Во имя Ctr’а, Alt’a и святого Delit’а.

30 Ответ от tarasian666 19-03-2011 21:20:55

  • tarasian666
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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

бхах )) никак нет ))
есть команда find есть команда ls а еще можно вручную вписывать, но надо в нормальном редакторе типа vim, nano итп

31 Ответ от artsss 20-03-2011 17:28:49

  • artsss
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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

кароч в пи.ду.. такое щастье…кто может настроить полностью сервер и нон стоп вещанием и прочей херью?)) разумеется что не за спасибо)))

32 Ответ от lex46 20-03-2011 18:24:37

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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

Написал в ЛС, жду.

33 Ответ от venia 08-04-2011 13:39:06

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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

checking for xslt-config… /usr/local/bin/xslt-config
checking for xsltSaveResultToString… yes
checking for fgrep… /bin/grep -F
checking for libogg… not found
checking for libvorbis… configure: error: must have Ogg Vorbis v1.0 or above installed
ve5096:~/icecast-trunk# make
make: *** Не заданы цели и не найден make-файл.  Останов.

Как это исправить ?

34 Ответ от tarasian666 08-04-2011 15:44:16

  • tarasian666
  • tarasian666
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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

checking for libvorbis… configure: error: must have Ogg Vorbis v1.0 or above installed

35 Ответ от lex46 08-04-2011 16:32:49

  • lex46
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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

пишет venia:

checking for xslt-config… /usr/local/bin/xslt-config
checking for xsltSaveResultToString… yes
checking for fgrep… /bin/grep -F
checking for libogg… not found
checking for libvorbis… configure: error: must have Ogg Vorbis v1.0 or above installed
ve5096:~/icecast-trunk# make
make: *** Не заданы цели и не найден make-файл.  Останов.

Как это исправить ?

Я же писал в мануале, читайте внимательнее

apt-get install libvorbis-dev

36 Ответ от enzO 01-06-2011 21:45:27

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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

vapros kak zdelat stob automaticeski zapuskalsa icecast kak server vklucaitsa a to neodobno kazdij ras pisat :

/usr/local/bin/icecast -b -c /usr/local/etc/icecast.xml &

37 Ответ от lex46 01-06-2011 22:01:25

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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

Добавьте в крон эту команду чтобы она выполнялась при загрузке

38 Ответ от enzO 01-06-2011 22:48:35

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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

a tocneja? prosta tak pisat i vso? mozna primer? smile

39 Ответ от 02-06-2011 09:06:13

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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

Добавить строку

@reboot /usr/local/bin/icecast -b -c /usr/local/etc/icecast.xml &

в /etc/crontab, после перезагрузки эта команда выполнится.

man 5 crontab, там все подробно.
— создание интернет радио станций
— различные модули (плееры, виджеты, скрипты) и полностью готовые сайты для радио
— мобильные приложения для прослушивания Вашего радио на смарфонах и планшетах

40 Ответ от enzO 02-06-2011 12:48:10

  • enzO
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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

ok.Spasibo!Eso paslednij vapros po etoi teme.Kak mne evo ostanavit? tipa Stop zdelat ili restart.Kakoi komandoi?

41 Ответ от 02-06-2011 15:23:30

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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

killall -9 icecast smile (остановит все процессы icecast, например если запущено несколько)

или узнать PID конкретного процесса icecast
ps -C icecast
и потом его уже убить через kill
— создание интернет радио станций
— различные модули (плееры, виджеты, скрипты) и полностью готовые сайты для радио
— мобильные приложения для прослушивания Вашего радио на смарфонах и планшетах

42 Ответ от Sergei 06-09-2011 13:09:05

  • Sergei
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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

всё сделал по мануалу и всё получилось отлично! а как сделать что бы у меня было 2 потока с разным битрейтом на разные порты? установить второй icecast и ices? так при повторной установке файлы же перепишуться и всё….

И да поможет мне F1,
И да сохранит меня F6,
Во имя Ctr’а, Alt’a и святого Delit’а.

43 Ответ от Sergei 06-09-2011 13:38:56

  • Sergei
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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

и ещё кстати почему то у меня ices не хочет подключаться нифига не отображается

И да поможет мне F1,
И да сохранит меня F6,
Во имя Ctr’а, Alt’a и святого Delit’а.

44 Ответ от tarasian666 06-09-2011 14:05:15

  • tarasian666
  • tarasian666
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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

пишет Sergei:

всё сделал по мануалу и всё получилось отлично! а как сделать что бы у меня было 2 потока с разным битрейтом на разные порты? установить второй icecast и ices? так при повторной установке файлы же перепишуться и всё….

устанавливать ненадо, надо запускать с разными конфигами

45 Ответ от Sergei 06-09-2011 14:16:29

  • Sergei
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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

а как остановить или перезапустить ices

И да поможет мне F1,
И да сохранит меня F6,
Во имя Ctr’а, Alt’a и святого Delit’а.

46 Ответ от Sergei 06-09-2011 14:30:47

  • Sergei
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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

с разными конфигами запустил и всё нормально но вот не могу ices запустить

И да поможет мне F1,
И да сохранит меня F6,
Во имя Ctr’а, Alt’a и святого Delit’а.

47 Ответ от tarasian666 06-09-2011 15:47:49

  • tarasian666
  • tarasian666
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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

а он нормально собрался ?

48 Ответ от Sergei 06-09-2011 16:04:35

  • Sergei
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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

пишет tarasian666:

а он нормально собрался ?

да вроде бы как нормально! ошибок не выдавало. точнее вначале выдал ошибку насчёт билиотеки libshout так я её потом установил и всё нормально пошло устанавливаться

И да поможет мне F1,
И да сохранит меня F6,
Во имя Ctr’а, Alt’a и святого Delit’а.

49 Ответ от Sergei 06-09-2011 18:32:39

  • Sergei
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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))

проблема у меня была в том что не установлена библиотека libmp3lame
большое спасибо tarasian666 за то что помог

И да поможет мне F1,
И да сохранит меня F6,
Во имя Ctr’а, Alt’a и святого Delit’а.

50 Ответ от Sergei 06-09-2011 20:02:20

  • Sergei
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Re: Установка Icecast Trunk (строго не судите))


Добавить строку

@reboot /usr/local/bin/icecast -b -c /usr/local/etc/icecast.xml &

в /etc/crontab, после перезагрузки эта команда выполнится.

man 5 crontab, там все подробно.

что то у меня с этим ничего не получилось….
можно подробней как сделать что бы icecast и ices запускались сами после перезагрузки сервера?

И да поможет мне F1,
И да сохранит меня F6,
Во имя Ctr’а, Alt’a и святого Delit’а.

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Configure Error Compiling Audacity 2.0.5

When trying to compile Audacity 2.0.5 on OpenSuse 13.1 x64, I’m getting the error:

Code: Select all

configure: error: Audacity requires expat to be enabled

I have expat and libexpat-devel installed. I have searched online and haven’t came up with much. How can I correct this?

Gale Andrews

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Re: Configure Error Compiling Audacity 2.0.5


by Gale Andrews » Mon Jan 20, 2014 2:25 pm

As far as I know, Audacity uses wxexpat rather than expat — but expat can’t be disabled in configure.

Can you try checking out HEAD instead:

Code: Select all

svn checkout audacity-read-only

and build that? Use the default ./configure command. Make sure you built wxexpat.

Post the entire ./configure output if it fails.



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Re: Configure Error Compiling Audacity 2.0.5


by pirithous » Mon Jan 20, 2014 4:14 pm

Gale Andrews wrote:As far as I know, Audacity uses wxexpat rather than expat — but expat can’t be disabled in configure.

It looks like wxexpat is for Windows:, and is found in no RPM for Linux.

Gale Andrews wrote:Can you try checking out HEAD instead:

Code: Select all

svn checkout audacity-read-only

and build that? Use the default ./configure command. Make sure you built wxexpat.

Post the entire ./configure output if it fails.

Here is the output when trying to compile Audacity 2.0.5:

Code: Select all

configure: loading site script /usr/share/site/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables... 
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking for C compiler vendor... gnu
checking for gcc... (cached) gcc
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... (cached) yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... (cached) yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... (cached) none needed
checking for g++... no
checking for c++... no
checking for gpp... no
checking for aCC... no
checking for CC... no
checking for cxx... no
checking for cc++... no
checking for cl.exe... no
checking for FCC... no
checking for KCC... no
checking for RCC... no
checking for xlC_r... no
checking for xlC... no
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... no
checking whether g++ accepts -g... no
checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... /lib/cpp
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking for pkg-config... yes
checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed
checking whether the linker accepts the -rdynamic flag... no
configure: WARNING: "Linker does not support -rdynamic. Could not enable exporting all symbols"
configure: WARNING: "Audacity module support will probably not work"
checking for an ANSI C-conforming const... no
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep
checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E
checking for ANSI C header files... no
checking for sys/types.h... no
checking for sys/stat.h... no
checking for stdlib.h... no
checking for string.h... no
checking for memory.h... no
checking for strings.h... no
checking for inttypes.h... no
checking for stdint.h... no
checking for unistd.h... no
checking for size_t... no
checking for alloca.h... no
checking CFLAGS for strict prototypes... no, suppressed, signal.h
checking wall_flags for maximum warnings... -Wall
checking whether the C++ compiler accepts the  -Wall flag... no
checking whether the C++ preprocessor accepts the  -Wall flag... yes
checking for simple visibility declarations... no
checking for wx-config... /usr/bin/wx-config
configure: Checking that the chosen version of wxWidgets is 2.8.x
Great, you're using wxWidgets 2.8.12!
checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
configure: Configuring sources in "./lib-src/lib-widget-extra"
configure: running /bin/sh ./configure '--prefix=/usr/local/'  '--with-wx-config=/usr/bin/wx-config' --cache-file=/dev/null --srcdir=.
configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-wx-config
configure: loading site script /usr/share/site/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking for gcc... gcc
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of executables... 
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking for g++... no
checking for c++... no
checking for gpp... no
checking for aCC... no
checking for CC... no
checking for cxx... no
checking for cc++... no
checking for cl.exe... no
checking for FCC... no
checking for KCC... no
checking for RCC... no
checking for xlC_r... no
checking for xlC... no
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... no
checking whether g++ accepts -g... no
checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... /lib/cpp
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking CFLAGS for strict prototypes... -Wstrict-prototypes
checking wall_flags for maximum warnings... -Wall
checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed
checking whether the C++ compiler accepts the  -Wall flag... no
checking whether the C++ preprocessor accepts the  -Wall flag... yes
checking for wx-config... /usr/bin/wx-config
configure: Checking that the chosen version of wxWidgets is 2.8.x
Great, you're using wxWidgets 2.8.12!
checking for an ANSI C-conforming const... no
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep
checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E
checking for ANSI C header files... no
checking for sys/types.h... no
checking for sys/stat.h... no
checking for stdlib.h... no
checking for string.h... no
checking for memory.h... no
checking for strings.h... no
checking for inttypes.h... no
checking for stdint.h... no
checking for unistd.h... no
checking for size_t... no
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating libwidgetextra.pc
config.status: creating libwidgetextra-uninstalled.pc
configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-wx-config

Run 'configure --help' for an explanation of the possible options,
otherwise run 'make' to build libwidgetextra.
configure: Done configuring in "./lib-src/lib-widget-extra"
checking for WIDGETEXTRA... yes
configure: Determining what libraries are available in this tree and on the system
checking for SNDFILE... yes
configure: Libsndfile libraries are available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/libsndfile/src/ no
configure: libsndfile libraries are NOT available in this source tree
checking for SOXR... no
configure: Soxr libraries are NOT available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/libsoxr/src/soxr.h... yes
configure: libsoxr libraries are available in the local tree
checking for ./lib-src/libresample/include/libresample.h... yes
configure: libresample libraries are available in the local tree
checking for SAMPLERATE... no
configure: Libsamplerate libraries are NOT available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/libsamplerate/src/samplerate.h... no
configure: libsamplerate libraries are NOT available in the local tree
checking for XML_ParserCreate in -lexpat... no
checking expat.h usability... no
checking expat.h presence... yes
configure: WARNING: expat.h: present but cannot be compiled
configure: WARNING: expat.h:     check for missing prerequisite headers?
configure: WARNING: expat.h: see the Autoconf documentation
configure: WARNING: expat.h:     section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled"
configure: WARNING: expat.h: proceeding with the compiler's result
checking for expat.h... no
configure: Expat libraries are NOT available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/expat/xmlparse/xmlparse.h... no
configure: Expat libraries are NOT available in the local tree
checking for vorbis_bitrate_addblock in -lvorbisfile... no
checking vorbis/vorbisfile.h usability... no
checking vorbis/vorbisfile.h presence... no
checking for vorbis/vorbisfile.h... no
configure: Vorbis libraries are NOT available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/libvorbis/include/vorbis/vorbisenc.h... no
checking for ./lib-src/libogg/include/ogg/ogg.h... no
configure: Vorbis libraries are NOT available in this source tree
checking for LIBMAD... no
checking for mad_decoder_init in -lmad... no
configure: libmad libraries are NOT available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/libmad/frame.h... no
configure: libmad libraries are NOT available in the local tree
checking for FLAC__stream_decoder_new in -lFLAC... no
checking FLAC/format.h usability... no
checking FLAC/format.h presence... no
checking for FLAC/format.h... no
configure: FLAC/FLAC++ libraries are NOT available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/libflac/include/FLAC/format.h... no
checking for ./lib-src/libflac/include/FLAC++/decoder.h... no
configure: FLAC libraries are NOT available in this source tree
checking for id3_file_open in -lid3tag... no
checking id3tag.h usability... no
checking id3tag.h presence... no
checking for id3tag.h... no
configure: Libid3tag libraries are NOT available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/libid3tag/frame.h... no
configure: libid3tag libraries are NOT available in the local tree
checking for SBSMS... no
configure: Libsbsms libraries are NOT available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/sbsms/include/sbsms.h... yes
configure: libsbsms libraries are available in the local tree
checking for SOUNDTOUCH... no
checking for SOUNDTOUCH... no
checking for SOUNDTOUCH... no
configure: Libsoundtouch libraries are NOT available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/soundtouch/include/SoundTouch.h... no
configure: libsoundtouch libraries are NOT available in the local tree
checking for ./lib-src/libnyquist/nyx.h... yes
configure: nyquist libraries are available in the local tree
checking for VAMP... no
configure: Vamp libraries are NOT available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/libvamp/vamp-hostsdk/PluginLoader.h... yes
configure: Vamp libraries are available in the local tree
checking for LIBTWOLAME... no
configure: Libtwolame library NOT available as system library
checking for ./lib-src/twolame/libtwolame/twolame.h... no
configure: libtwolame library is NOT available in the local tree
checking for AVCODEC... no
checking for AVFORMAT... no
checking for AVUTIL... no
configure: FFmpeg library NOT available as system library
checking for ./lib-src/ffmpeg/libavcodec/avcodec.h... yes
checking for ./lib-src/ffmpeg/libavformat/avformat.h... yes
configure: FFmpeg headers are available in the local tree
checking for PORTSMF... no
configure: portSMF library is NOT available as system library
checking for ./lib-src/portsmf/allegro.h... yes
checking for PORTAUDIO... no
configure: portaudio19 library is NOT available as system library
checking for ./lib-src/portaudio-v19/include/portaudio.h... yes
configure: portaudio19 library is available in the local tree
checking for lame_set_VBR_q in -lmp3lame... no
checking lame/lame.h usability... no
checking lame/lame.h presence... no
checking for lame/lame.h... no
configure: LAME library is NOT available as system library.
configure: Figuring out what libraries to enable
configure: disabling LIBVORBIS
configure: disabling LIBMAD
configure: Using SYSTEM libraries for LIBSNDFILE
configure: disabling LIBFLAC
configure: disabling LIBID3TAG
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBSOXR
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBRESAMPLE
configure: disabling LIBSAMPLERATE
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBSBSMS
configure: disabling LIBSOUNDTOUCH
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBNYQUIST
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBVAMP
configure: disabling LIBEXPAT
configure: disabling LIBTWOLAME
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for FFMPEG
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for PORTSMF
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for PORTAUDIO
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LAME
configure: error: Audacity requires expat to be enabled

Output from version downloaded from the SVN repository:

Code: Select all

configure: loading site script /usr/share/site/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no
checking whether NLS is requested... yes
checking for msgfmt... /usr/bin/msgfmt
checking for gmsgfmt... /usr/bin/msgfmt
checking for xgettext... no
checking for msgmerge... no
checking for style of include used by make... GNU
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables... 
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking host system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking for ld used by GCC... /usr/x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld
checking if the linker (/usr/x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes
checking for shared library run path origin... done
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep
checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E
checking for CFPreferencesCopyAppValue... no
checking for CFLocaleCopyCurrent... no
checking for GNU gettext in libc... yes
checking whether to use NLS... yes
checking where the gettext function comes from... libc
checking for C compiler vendor... gnu
checking for gcc... (cached) gcc
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... (cached) yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... (cached) yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... (cached) none needed
checking dependency style of gcc... (cached) gcc3
checking for g++... no
checking for c++... no
checking for gpp... no
checking for aCC... no
checking for CC... no
checking for cxx... no
checking for cc++... no
checking for cl.exe... no
checking for FCC... no
checking for KCC... no
checking for RCC... no
checking for xlC_r... no
checking for xlC... no
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... no
checking whether g++ accepts -g... no
checking dependency style of g++... none
checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... /lib/cpp
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking how to print strings... printf
checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed
checking for fgrep... /usr/bin/grep -F
checking for ld used by gcc... /usr/x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld
checking if the linker (/usr/x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes
checking for BSD- or MS-compatible name lister (nm)... /usr/bin/nm -B
checking the name lister (/usr/bin/nm -B) interface... BSD nm
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 1572864
checking whether the shell understands some XSI constructs... yes
checking whether the shell understands "+="... yes
checking how to convert x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu file names to x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu format... func_convert_file_noop
checking how to convert x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu file names to toolchain format... func_convert_file_noop
checking for /usr/x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld option to reload object files... -r
checking for objdump... objdump
checking how to recognize dependent libraries... pass_all
checking for dlltool... no
checking how to associate runtime and link libraries... printf %sn
checking for archiver @FILE support... no
checking for strip... strip
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking command to parse /usr/bin/nm -B output from gcc object... failed
checking for sysroot... no
checking for mt... mt
checking if mt is a manifest tool... no
checking for ANSI C header files... no
checking for sys/types.h... no
checking for sys/stat.h... no
checking for stdlib.h... no
checking for string.h... no
checking for memory.h... no
checking for strings.h... no
checking for inttypes.h... no
checking for stdint.h... no
checking for unistd.h... no
checking for dlfcn.h... no
checking for objdir... .libs
checking if gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... no
checking for gcc option to produce PIC... -fPIC -DPIC
checking if gcc PIC flag -fPIC -DPIC works... yes
checking if gcc static flag -static works... no
checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... yes
checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes
checking whether the gcc linker (/usr/x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld) supports shared libraries... yes
checking dynamic linker characteristics... GNU/Linux
checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate
checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes
checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build shared libraries... no
checking whether to build static libraries... yes
checking for pkg-config... yes
checking whether the linker accepts the -rdynamic flag... no
configure: WARNING: "Linker does not support -rdynamic. Could not enable exporting all symbols"
configure: WARNING: "Audacity module support will probably not work"
checking for an ANSI C-conforming const... no
checking for size_t... no
checking for alloca.h... no
checking CFLAGS for strict prototypes... no, suppressed, signal.h
checking wall_flags for maximum warnings... -Wall
checking whether the C++ compiler accepts the  -Wall flag... no
checking whether the C++ preprocessor accepts the  -Wall flag... yes
checking whether the -Werror option is usable... no
checking for simple visibility declarations... no
checking for wx-config... /usr/bin/wx-config
configure: Checking that the chosen version of wxWidgets is 2.8.x
Great, you're using wxWidgets 2.8.12!
configure: Determining what libraries are available in this tree and on the system
checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
checking for EXPAT... yes
configure: Expat libraries are available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/expat/lib/expat.h... yes
configure: Expat libraries are available in the local tree
checking for AVCODEC... no
checking for AVFORMAT... no
checking for AVUTIL... no
configure: FFmpeg library NOT available as system library
checking for ./lib-src/ffmpeg/libavcodec/avcodec.h... yes
checking for ./lib-src/ffmpeg/libavformat/avformat.h... yes
configure: FFmpeg headers are available in the local tree
checking for lame_set_VBR_q in -lmp3lame... no
checking lame/lame.h usability... no
checking lame/lame.h presence... no
checking for lame/lame.h... no
configure: LAME library is NOT available as system library.
checking for ./lib-src/lame/lame/lame.h... yes
configure: LAME headers are available in this source tree.
checking for FLAC... no
checking for FLAC... no
configure: FLAC/FLAC++ libraries are NOT available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/libflac/include/FLAC/format.h... yes
checking for ./lib-src/libflac/include/FLAC++/decoder.h... yes
configure: FLAC libraries are available in this source tree
checking for ID3TAG... no
configure: Libid3tag libraries are NOT available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/libid3tag/frame.h... yes
configure: libid3tag libraries are available in the local tree
checking for LIBMAD... no
checking for mad_decoder_init in -lmad... no
configure: libmad libraries are NOT available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/libmad/frame.h... yes
configure: libmad libraries are available in the local tree
checking for ./lib-src/libnyquist/nyx.h... yes
configure: nyquist libraries are available in the local tree
checking for ./lib-src/libresample/include/libresample.h... yes
configure: libresample libraries are available in the local tree
checking for SAMPLERATE... no
configure: Libsamplerate libraries are NOT available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/libsamplerate/src/samplerate.h... yes
configure: libsamplerate libraries are available in the local tree
checking for SBSMS... no
configure: Libsbsms libraries are NOT available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/sbsms/include/sbsms.h... yes
configure: libsbsms libraries are available in the local tree
checking for SNDFILE... yes
configure: Libsndfile libraries are available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/libsndfile/src/ yes
configure: libsndfile libraries are available in this source tree
checking for SOUNDTOUCH... no
checking for SOUNDTOUCH... no
checking for SOUNDTOUCH... no
configure: Libsoundtouch libraries are NOT available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/soundtouch/include/SoundTouch.h... yes
configure: libsoundtouch libraries are available in the local tree
checking for SOXR... no
configure: Soxr libraries are NOT available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/libsoxr/src/soxr.h... yes
configure: libsoxr libraries are available in the local tree
checking for LIBTWOLAME... no
configure: Libtwolame library NOT available as system library
checking for ./lib-src/twolame/libtwolame/twolame.h... yes
configure: libtwolame library is available in the local tree
checking for VAMP... no
configure: Vamp libraries are NOT available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/libvamp/vamp-hostsdk/PluginLoader.h... yes
configure: Vamp libraries are available in the local tree
checking for LIBVORBIS... no
configure: Vorbis libraries are NOT available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/libvorbis/include/vorbis/vorbisenc.h... yes
checking for ./lib-src/libogg/include/ogg/ogg.h... yes
configure: Vorbis libraries are available in this source tree
checking for LV2... no
configure: LV2 libraries are NOT available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/lv2/configure... yes
configure: LV2 libraries are available in the local tree
checking for PORTAUDIO... no
configure: portaudio19 library is NOT available as system library
checking for ./lib-src/portaudio-v19/include/portaudio.h... yes
configure: portaudio19 library is available in the local tree
checking for PORTSMF... no
configure: portSMF library is NOT available as system library
checking for ./lib-src/portsmf/allegro.h... yes
configure: portSMF library is available in the local tree
checking for WIDGETEXTRA... no
configure: libwidgetextra library is NOT available as system library.
checking for ./lib-src/lib-widget-extra/NonGuiThread.h... yes
configure: libwidgetextra library is available in the local tree
configure: Figuring out what libraries to enable
configure: Using SYSTEM libraries for EXPAT
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for FFMPEG
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LAME
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBFLAC
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBID3TAG
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBMAD
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBNYQUIST
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBRESAMPLE
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBSAMPLERATE
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBSBSMS
configure: Using SYSTEM libraries for LIBSNDFILE
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBSOUNDTOUCH
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBSOXR
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBTWOLAME
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBVAMP
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBVORBIS
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LV2
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for PORTAUDIO
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for PORTSMF
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for WIDGETEXTRA
checking for library containing dlopen... no
configure: error: dlopen not found, required by Audacity

Gale Andrews

Quality Assurance
Posts: 41761
Joined: Fri Jul 27, 2007 12:02 am
Operating System: Windows 10 / 11

Re: Configure Error Compiling Audacity 2.0.5


by Gale Andrews » Mon Jan 20, 2014 5:56 pm

Audacity does not use the expat library in lib-src in the Audacity source code tree, but can use the wxwidgets expat library: … l#a7560301 .

If you look in the source code tree for wxGTK, the «expat» folder should be there in /src. This may require you to configure —with-expat=local and to have built your own copy of wxGTK, or it may also work with default ./configure using system wxGTX if there isn’t a system expat. You can experiment if you are curious.

However the default on Linux is to use the system expat library, I agree.

pirithous wrote:Here is the output when trying to compile Audacity 2.0.5:

Code: Select all

configure: loading site script /usr/share/site/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking for XML_ParserCreate in -lexpat... no
checking expat.h usability... no
checking expat.h presence... yes
configure: WARNING: expat.h: present but cannot be compiled
configure: WARNING: expat.h:     check for missing prerequisite headers?
configure: WARNING: expat.h: see the Autoconf documentation
configure: WARNING: expat.h:     section "Present But Cannot Be Compiled"
configure: WARNING: expat.h: proceeding with the compiler's result
checking for expat.h... no
configure: Expat libraries are NOT available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/expat/xmlparse/xmlparse.h... no
configure: Expat libraries are NOT available in the local tree
configure: Figuring out what libraries to enable
configure: disabling LIBVORBIS
configure: disabling LIBMAD
configure: Using SYSTEM libraries for LIBSNDFILE
configure: disabling LIBFLAC
configure: disabling LIBID3TAG
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBSOXR
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBRESAMPLE
configure: disabling LIBSAMPLERATE
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBSBSMS
configure: disabling LIBSOUNDTOUCH
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBNYQUIST
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBVAMP
configure: disabling LIBEXPAT
configure: disabling LIBTWOLAME
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for FFMPEG
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for PORTSMF
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for PORTAUDIO
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LAME
configure: error: Audacity requires expat to be enabled[...]

Use default ./configure. It looks like you are using some configure script of your own.

Default ./configure will not disable LIBEXPAT.

Have you installed devel packages for ALL the Audacity dependencies? Clearly expat.h won’t build.

Alternatively build your own wxGTK (make sure you build expat) then try

See .

pirithous wrote:Output from version downloaded from the SVN repository:

Code: Select all

configure: loading site script /usr/share/site/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking for EXPAT... yes
configure: Expat libraries are available as system libraries
checking for ./lib-src/expat/lib/expat.h... yes
configure: Expat libraries are available in the local tree

So you don’t have a problem with expat here.

pirithous wrote:

Code: Select all

configure: Figuring out what libraries to enable
configure: Using SYSTEM libraries for EXPAT
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for FFMPEG
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LAME
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBFLAC
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBID3TAG
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBMAD
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBNYQUIST
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBRESAMPLE
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBSAMPLERATE
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBSBSMS
configure: Using SYSTEM libraries for LIBSNDFILE
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBSOUNDTOUCH
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBSOXR
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBTWOLAME
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBVAMP
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LIBVORBIS
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for LV2
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for PORTAUDIO
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for PORTSMF
configure: Using LOCAL libraries for WIDGETEXTRA
checking for library containing dlopen... no
configure: error: dlopen not found, required by Audacity

So you can see the error to fix there.


Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install autoreconf
autoreconf -i  

or after installing autoreconf, try:



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Читайте также:

  • Configure error readline library not found
  • Configure error proj 6 symbols not found
  • Configure error postgresql library not found zabbix
  • Configure error png h not found docker
  • Configure error please reinstall the libcurl distribution

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