Добрый день, уважаемые коллеги.
Заранее прошу прощения за вопрос, возможно он многим покажется элементарным, но мне требуется помощь. С контроллерами Siemens, и в частности с сетями Profibus, столкнулся впервые. С программирование и реализацией практически всех поставленных задач удалось справиться быстро, кроме одной: предоставить доступ к данным контроллера в режим Slave с помощью коммуникационного модуля CM 1242-5. Осложнилась задача еще и тем, что на данном этапе запуска, проверить работу данного функционала не представляется возможным.
В TIA Portal V15 добавил данный модуль, добавил подсеть и установил адрес в настройках модуля. (Фактически неизвестно, что будет читать данные, то ли SCADA, то ли другой контроллер).Также в разделе i-slave communication добавил диапазоны используемых адресов для вывода (%Q..) и привязал в программе переменные к этим адресам.
Но уже тут столкнулся со следующим нюансом. Указать получилось только Slave адрес, так как в конфигурации нет мастера. Дальше после заливки программы в контроллер обнаружил следующее. На контроллере есть ошибки (о чем сигнализирует светодиод) и на модуле тоже (и DIAG и ERROR).
Диагностика показала следующее:
На модуле:
Module Exists.
Error in lower-level component
1. CPU error: New I/O access error during process image update
output 44 (14 bytes) will temporarily not be updated as part of process image PIP 0
(есть еще несколько таких же ошибок. количество ошибок совпадает с количеством диапазонов, настроенных в i-slave communication, и отпуты соответственно разные)
2. Error I/O device failure — Bus error
Собственно вопросы, с чем связано? что я не сделал или сделал не так?
Напомню, кабель связи к СМ1242-5 физически не подключен на данный момент, и мастер неизвестен.
Во вложении скриншоты и снятый лог. Заранее спасибо за любую помощь.
P.S. добавил 2 скриншота (сеть и конфигурация i-slave communication)
У вас нет необходимых прав для просмотра вложений в этом сообщении.
Не так страшны первые 90% ПНР, как вторые 90% ПНР
Добрый день, уважаемые коллеги.
Заранее прошу прощения за вопрос, возможно он многим покажется элементарным, но мне требуется помощь. С контроллерами Siemens, и в частности с сетями Profibus, столкнулся впервые. С программирование и реализацией практически всех поставленных задач удалось справиться быстро, кроме одной: предоставить доступ к данным контроллера в режим Slave с помощью коммуникационного модуля CM 1242-5. Осложнилась задача еще и тем, что на данном этапе запуска, проверить работу данного функционала не представляется возможным.
В TIA Portal V15 добавил данный модуль, добавил подсеть и установил адрес в настройках модуля. (Фактически неизвестно, что будет читать данные, то ли SCADA, то ли другой контроллер).Также в разделе i-slave communication добавил диапазоны используемых адресов для вывода (%Q..) и привязал в программе переменные к этим адресам.
Но уже тут столкнулся со следующим нюансом. Указать получилось только Slave адрес, так как в конфигурации нет мастера. Дальше после заливки программы в контроллер обнаружил следующее. На контроллере есть ошибки (о чем сигнализирует светодиод) и на модуле тоже (и DIAG и ERROR).
Диагностика показала следующее:
На модуле:
Module Exists.
Error in lower-level component
1. CPU error: New I/O access error during process image update
output 44 (14 bytes) will temporarily not be updated as part of process image PIP 0
(есть еще несколько таких же ошибок. количество ошибок совпадает с количеством диапазонов, настроенных в i-slave communication, и отпуты соответственно разные)
2. Error I/O device failure — Bus error
Собственно вопросы, с чем связано? что я не сделал или сделал не так?
Напомню, кабель связи к СМ1242-5 физически не подключен на данный момент, и мастер неизвестен.
Во вложении скриншоты и снятый лог. Заранее спасибо за любую помощь.
Hi, Got a S7 400 talking over profibus DP to ET 200S machine stopped. Was reset before I got there. I looked at the History attached is the diagnostic events.
Had these ET 200 modules fail before replace and away she goes. They are asking me which one — I told them next time it happens check the SF light an all the modules. They want to know if I can tell them from the report. I think it is 48 or 80
Part number of the ET200S is 6ES7 151-1AA03-0AB0 I think there was an issue with a 2003 batch but unconfirmed.
rigicon | April 21st, 2010 05:25 PM |
Thank you Saperov very useful information I wasn’t aware of the error codes.Normally saw the SF or BF light and knew there was a problem. If/when it reoccurs I’ll take note. Changing the RAM chip is a bit out of my league. I have 3 of these modules that have been replaced in the past. So I’ll open up one and have a look.
Ps How or where did you get the graphics I mean it actually flashes 3SF and 8BF amazing — really cool.
New io access error during process image update
I’m working for the first time with an ABB IRC5 Robot controller that is using Beckhoff I/O modules with ProfiNet buscouplers, and I hope somebody in the Forum can help get me over the initial communications setup hurdles.
The IRC5 robot controller has a Siemens CP1616 ProfiNet card installed in a PCI slot, which ABB calls a DSQC 678.
The ProfiNet network consists of that CP1616 card, two Beckhoff BK9103 ProfiNet bus couplers, one Beckhoff BK9053 ProfiNet bus coupler, and an SMC Pneumatics EX260 valve manifold on ProfiNet.
I’ve never used these devices together and am a novice also with Step7. Documentation from ABB and from Beckhoff simply says «use Step7 Hardware Configuration to configure the CP1616» and tells you to go read Step7 documentation to figure out how.
The system came from the OEM with the CP1616 configured to scan just one of the Beckhoff BK9103 adapters. We know this works.. we can see physical sensor states changing in Robot Studio.
I want to upload the working configuration before I start trying to add the rest of the I/O adapters to the configuration.
I have Step7 5.5 installed on a Windows 7 32-bit VMWare virtual machine. It’s configured as a static IP bridged to the physical Ethernet network. I have installed the GSDML files for all of the Beckhoff and SMC devices.
I can PING the CP1616 at and can see its built-in web page. I can also PING the Beckhoff BK9103 bus coupler.
I can use Step7’s Hardware Configuration tool to see the status of the various ports on the CP1616. It even tells me the name and MAC of the Beckhoff device in the daisy-chain on the X1 port.
But that’s where my knowledge ends. I can’t seem to get any of the topology exploration or «browsing» functions to work.
The basic question is: Does anyone know if a *.XDB file or another form of configuration file can be uploaded from a CP1616 like this ?
Can you link to the ABB and Beckhoff documentation ?
I am guessing that the robot controller is a PC, and there is an ABB application that uses OPC to communicate to the Beckhoff devices.
This because that is the way I can understand that it would need Siemens software to configure the Profinet.
Is it like this:
ABB Controller
[ABB application program as OPC client . Simatic net as OPC server . CP1616] . [Profinet network] . [Beckhoff devices]
The basic question is: Does anyone know if a *.XDB file or another form of configuration file can be uploaded from a CP1616 like this ?
If I am right in the above, then I think that it should be possible. No guarantee though.
You should use the «Upload station to PG» function in Simatic Manager.
Even if it works, it would be a last resort, since you will not get any symbols (which are probably needed).
It will be better if you can work with the original STEP7 project.
edit: It makes a difference if STEP7 is installed on the same PC as the ABB application, or if it is installed on another PC.
You should definitely look for a STEP7 project with the current setup.
Can you access the ABB controller to check what software is installed for example ?
edit again: Do you have some documentation of the setup or programming on the ABB side ?
That could tell you about the existing Simatic Net configuration.
If need be, it should be possible to create a new Simatic Net setup from scratch.
I am also guessing that the changes to the Beckhoff modules should be mirrored in the ABB application somehow.
I have dabbled into it a little bit more.
What is funny is that both ABB, GE Fanuc and KUKA all use the Siemens CP1616 for Profinet comms.
Here is a thread about the setup with KUKA and someone says it works exactly the same on ABB (!):
http://www.roboterforum.de/roboter-f. konfigurieren/
It is in german.
Essentially there are a number of specific steps involved.
I think I could do it with the information from that thread, but not sure about a newcomer to STEP7.
edit: In the forum entry is described that the KUKA (and thus ABB) is an IO Device to a higher level IO Controller (makes sense).
If I can get the configuration from the higher level IO Controller, I am certain I can create the STEP7 Project for the lower level IO Device robot.
edit again: scratch that. Ken described that the ABB robot is connected to Beckhoff bus couplers with IO.
In other words the Beckhoff IO modules are IO Devices for the ABB as IO controller.
So it is NOT the same setup.
I would need to know the current setup of the «Simatic PC Station» in the ABB controller, and how it should be expanded.
Thanks for the comments, Jesper.
ABB’s IRC5 robot controller is a PC-like architecture with serial and Ethernet ports and PCI slots, but it’s an embedded OS rather than Windows.
I suspect it’s like a dual-page memory where you «map» the data that the CP1616 scans from the I/O adapters using Step7’s Hardware Manager, and then «map» that data to logical tags in ABB’s Robot Studio.
The robot system vendor did not include the *.XDB file or any written documentation on how they configured the ProfiNet system, so my goal is to preserve whatever I can by uploading from the CP1616 before I attempt to expand the system.
This sort of multivendor networking is exactly what I used to do for a living with DeviceNet and EtherNet/IP, but doing it with unfamiliar tools like Step7 and a much more complex technology like ProfiNet is harder.
The user manual I have for the CP1616 is ABB document 3HAC031975, which seems to be available only from non-ABB websites or on their documentation DVDs. For the Beckhoff I just have datasheets from their website, which show connectivity to S7 PLC controllers.
It helps a lot to know that «upload station to PG» is the function I’m looking for.
I had hoped to be able to «browse the network» and upload the configuration of the Beckhoff Buscoupler and the configuration of the CP1616.
The OEM was kind enough to send us the Step7 project files this morning, which include the configuration of the Beckhoff buscoupler and the CP1616. It shows me the four Beckhoff K-bus modules and where they’ve been mapped in CP1616 memory in I and Q registers.
I still don’t know if you can walk up to one of these machines and upload this information, but at least now I have a backup that I can load if I make mistakes doing the expanded configuration from scratch.
Thanks for the input, Jesper.
I’ll make sure the people who work on it after me have better documentation !
I am guessing the ABB robot looks like a «Simatic PC Station» to the STEP7 software, despite that it is not really a Windows PC.
With the unchanged source project loaded into STEP7, open NetPro (options .. configure network).
Then in NetPro activate view .. with DP slaves / IO devices.
And use PLC .. Activate connection status.
If you then can see the various IO Devices being online, you know that you are online with the ABB controller, and that you have the correct configuration.
Is it possible that we could see the 3HAC031975 document ?
Thanks for that procedure. I’m going to try it with the unmodified project now.
The copy I found online was the first Google result for «3HAC031975-001», from an FTP crawler. I will check that revision against the one we got on DVD from ABB.
I may have more questions about how the I and Q addresses are determined. The single Beckhoff adapter provided by the OEM has just two 8-point digital input modules and two 8-point digital output modules, but the stuff we’ve added to the ProfiNet includes analog and thermocouple and relay modules.
That manual seems pretty good with step-by-step instructions how to setup a project.
It looks like the ABB controller is connected to the CP1616 via a «monkey swing» and it is a Profinet IO Device to the CP1616 card as IO Controller.
I dont get how IO is passed between the ABB controller and the Beckoff IO Devices. Maybe as «shared device». You may be able to see that in the project.
One of the critical issues turned out to be the way my VMWare OS was configured in relation to the Siemens Workstation Configuration network service.
Once I reconfigured my VM to have just one network adapter it became clear that the Workstation Configuration was listing the network adapters in reverse order, and sending all the discovery packets to the host-only network.
So now browsing actually returns results, and I can configure Device Names and IP Addresses and ProfiNet Device Numbers using the NetPro feature in Step7.
Tomorrow our robot programmer will be back and he’ll dig into how ABB Robot Studio relates to the S7-like memory map that was created by Step7’s Hardware Configuration tool.
Thank you for your advice and encouragement !
It seems that this issue is quite similar to the problem I face
I’m trying to Connect ABB IRC5 controller using profinet to Siemens S7-1200 PLC
The PLC is the master and IRC5 is the salve.
The IRC5 has 2 options to connect to PROFINET: built-in Field-bus adapter and PCI card — CP1616
I’ve successfully connected it using the Field-bus adapter and it works fine. I’ve build S7 project using Siemens TIA Portal v13. I’ve imported the ABB GSDML file (supplied by ABB Robotware 5.15 installation) named GSDML-V2.0-PNET-FA-20100510.xml
On the ABB side I’ve used ABB RobotStudio 5.15 and just moved the DNET existing unit to Profinet_FA1 bus — and it worked as it always worked on DNET before.
Now I want to use CP1616 solution instead (it support 128 bytes I/O instead of 64 bytes on the Field-adapter)
I’ve configured S7 using TIA Portal tool and used GSDML-V2.2-Siemens-CP16xx-20100812.xml gsdml file (from ABB)
I’ve selected FW version 2.4 and also upgraded the CP1616 firmware to 2.4
I’ve configured the IP address of CP1616 and the PLC properly. I’ve also named the CP1616 as Profinet1 — the same bus name in ABB environment.
On the ABB side I’ve used ABB RobotStudio 5.15 and just moved the unit to Profinet1 bus — and it worked as it always worked on DNET before.
Now I’m able to see CP1616 configuration (FW version, IP address etc.) using its web service. It looks fine.
But both the ABB controller and the PLC are reporting errors
The ABB controller display some warning symbol on the Profinet1 bus display (SEE THE ATTACHED IMAGE)
It also reports on its event log:
41555: No Contact With Unit
There is no contact with the unit XXXX
(this the unit allocated now to Profinet1)
S7 TIA Portal complains:
Error: Hardware component removed or missing —
|> HW_ID= 270
(this is the ID of the CP1616 unit)
And also:
CPU error: New I/O access error during process image update
output 256 (128 Bytes) will temporarily not be updated as part of process image PIP 0
|> HW_ID= 277 — Execution level system
CPU error: New I/O access error during process image update
input 256 (128 Bytes) will temporarily not be updated as part of process image 0
|> HW_ID= 276 — Execution level system
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Ошибка IM 151-1 standard
Периодически модуль выдает следующие ошибки:
1. Event ID: 16# 02:39CB
Device alarm: IO station failure
HW ID= 287
2. Event ID: 16# 02:39B4
CPU error: New I/O access error during process image update /n output 2 (1 Bytes) will temporarily not be updated as part of the updating of process image 0
(этих ошибок много, по количеству модулей в ЕТшке)
Грешу на наводки от ПЧ, т.к. случаются как правило при отключении двигателя. Но как с этим бороться не знаю.
Кабель заэкранирован.
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Re: Ошибка IM 151-1 standard
by CoMod » Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:36 pm
17:37:36 accept4(7, {sa_family=AF_FILE, NULL}, [2], SOCK_CLOEXEC) = 27
17:37:36 fcntl(27, F_GETFL) = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR)
17:37:36 fcntl(27, F_SETFL, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK) = 0
17:37:36 fstat(27, {st_mode=S_IFSOCK|0777, st_size=0, ...}) = 0
17:37:36 fcntl(27, F_GETFL) = 0x802 (flags O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK)
17:37:36 write(27, "{"QMP": {"version": {"qemu": {"m"..., 105) = 105
17:37:36 write(6, "1", 8) = 8
17:37:36 ppoll([{fd=21, events=POLLIN|POLLERR|POLLHUP}, {fd=22, events=POLLIN|POLLERR|POLLHUP}, {fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLERR|POLLHUP}, {fd=3, events=POLLIN|POLLERR|POLLHUP}, {fd=6, events=POLLIN}, {fd=5, events=POLLIN}, {fd=27, events=POLLIN}], 7, {0, 0}, NULL, 8) = 3 ([{fd=6, revents=POLLIN}, {fd=5, revents=POLLIN}, {fd=27, revents=POLLIN}], left {0, 0})
17:37:36 write(6, "1", 8) = 8
17:37:36 read(5, "1", 512) = 8
17:37:36 write(6, "1", 8) = 8
17:37:36 write(6, "1", 8) = 8
17:37:36 recvmsg(27, {msg_name(0)=NULL, msg_iov(1)=[{"{", 1}], msg_controllen=0, msg_flags=MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC}, MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC) = 1
17:37:36 write(6, "1", 8) = 8
17:37:36 ppoll([{fd=21, events=POLLIN|POLLERR|POLLHUP}, {fd=22, events=POLLIN|POLLERR|POLLHUP}, {fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLERR|POLLHUP}, {fd=3, events=POLLIN|POLLERR|POLLHUP}, {fd=6, events=POLLIN}, {fd=5, events=POLLIN}, {fd=27, events=POLLIN}], 7, {0, 0}, NULL, 8) = 2 ([{fd=6, revents=POLLIN}, {fd=27, revents=POLLIN}], left {0, 0})
17:37:36 read(6, "6", 16) = 8
17:37:36 write(6, "1", 8) = 8
17:37:36 ioctl(10, 0x4020aea5, 0x7fff04cf24f0) = 1
17:37:36 write(6, "1", 8) = 8
17:37:36 write(6, "1", 8) = 8
17:37:36 recvmsg(27, {msg_name(0)=NULL, msg_iov(1)=[{""", 1}], msg_controllen=0, msg_flags=MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC}, MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC) = 1
17:37:36 write(6, "1", 8) = 8
17:37:36 ppoll([{fd=21, events=POLLIN|POLLERR|POLLHUP}, {fd=22, events=POLLIN|POLLERR|POLLHUP}, {fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLERR|POLLHUP}, {fd=3, events=POLLIN|POLLERR|POLLHUP}, {fd=6, events=POLLIN}, {fd=5, events=POLLIN}, {fd=27, events=POLLIN}], 7, {0, 42205124}, NULL, 8) = 3 ([{fd=21, revents=POLLIN}, {fd=6, revents=POLLIN}, {fd=27, revents=POLLIN}], left {0, 42203692})
17:37:36 read(6, "4", 16) = 8
17:37:36 write(6, "1", 8) = 8
17:37:36 recvmsg(27, {msg_name(0)=NULL, msg_iov(1)=[{"e", 1}], msg_controllen=0, msg_flags=MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC}, MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC) = 1
17:37:36 write(6, "1", 8) = 8
17:37:36 read(21, "1", 512) = 8
17:37:36 futex(0x7f49da2ead38, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 1
17:37:36 ppoll([{fd=21, events=POLLIN|POLLERR|POLLHUP}, {fd=22, events=POLLIN|POLLERR|POLLHUP}, {fd=20, events=POLLIN|POLLERR|POLLHUP}, {fd=3, events=POLLIN|POLLERR|POLLHUP}, {fd=6, events=POLLIN}, {fd=5, events=POLLIN}, {fd=27, events=POLLIN}], 7, {0, 0}, NULL, 8) = 3 ([{fd=6, revents=POLLIN}, {fd=5, revents=POLLIN}, {fd=27, revents=POLLIN}], left {0, 0})
17:37:36 read(6, "2", 16) = 8
17:37:36 write(6, "1", 8) = 8
17:37:36 futex(0x7f49da2ead38, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 1
Hello guys, first of all thanks for your patience and attention, hope you read in detail what I did before posting.
PC Specifications:
—Case: Cooler Master HAF 932 Advanced
—CPU: AMD FX8350 @4.0Ghz (stock)
—CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 412S
—Motherboard: Gigabyte 990FXA-UD5 Rev 3.0 BIOS version FB (old mobo that gave me the issue for the first time: AsRock FX990 Extreme 3)
—Memory (RAM): Kyngston Hyper X 1866mhz 4+4GB (2 slots = 8GB total system RAM)
—GPU: Asus Strix GTX970 4GB
—SSD: AMD Radeon R7 240GB (primary where the OS is installed of course)
—HDD’s: Western Digital 1TB / Seagate 350GB (just as a backup)
—Sound Card: Onboard
—PSU (power supply): Corsair RM850 (850W) full modular
—OS: Windows 10Pro/Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit (made tests in both, and both same results, fully updated)
Well in order to help you guys you need to know that I had issues in the past that you can check in this thread (almost 2 years ago): https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/…problem-need-help-solved.218791/#post-3393626. In resume, after I upgraded my GPU the CPU was throttling because of the bad heat disipation with the VRM’s in that mobo (AsRock 990FX Extreme 3), in order to fix it I had to undervolt my CPU (from 1.380 vCore down to 1.275vCore) so the temperatures stay in place. Problem solved and a happy end. PC working fine up until the end of 2017, some issues here and there, upgraded from Windows 7 to 10, had some driver issues with an Asus Xonar DG sound card (it died literally) and then had some minor errors like Windows rebooting for no apparent reason and such. Things that you can live with if hardware seems to hold and work (mostly in what I do which is gaming a lot).
The main issue as of now has something to do with an I/O operation with all of my SSD and HDD’s. I think this started to happen once Fall Creators Update from Windows 10 came out (October, 2017), because I was having some weird reboots (Windows stopped working with no sign of an issue, the PC turned off and on alone, and Windows 10 started like nothing happened…also no messages or any other sign of a possible hardware related issue since this happened randomly from time to time even without doing anything on the PC -I mean while not using any program or playing games just to be clear, it just happened randomly-).
10 Days ago the issue got worse as it seems, I had a reboot and after Windows 10 started I got a message telling me that there were issues with the drive unit (I’m having one now as I’m writing this) so I had to check the unit for errors. I did the test, nothing was found, unit was okay. (or it seems)
After that the thing got worse, Windows started to block my drives as it seems or something is bad with either drivers, controllers or the CPU itself…and let me tell you why so pay attention to the things and tests I did in the past week.
Things I did to try to fix the issue (programs used and CMD):
I always try to find a solution with what I know until my brain melts literally, then see if the same issue is on the web (or similar issues) and try things.
Used programs to test unit disks such as:
—HD Tune Pro (benchmark SSD and HDDs): this program has some tests, it passes all of them (even the Benchmark) but the one that is giving an I/O error is the «File Benchmark» one. Sometimes it let me complete that test but once it fails, you can’t even start the test again. Sometimes if the program is restarted it may work but then it fails again.
HD Tune Pro I/O Error in «File Benchmark» test (this is from now…the image below was taken one minute before this one):
Image when the SSD is working and not giving I/O errors (this is from now):
—CrystaldiskInfo: which shows no errors so far.
—SeaTools (for Seagate drives, yet it works with others): Tried all my 3 drives, both HDD’s passed all the tests but the SSD couldn’t finish the DST Short test but passed the SMART and the other 3 tests. The HDD’s passed and one is a SATA 2 1TB (WD) and the other an old SATA 350GB (SeaGate) that is probably 12 years old as of now and still working.
SeaTools Basic Test 2 Short DST:
Now have in mind the things I had to do in order to do tests. Since Windows 10 won’t start, neither recover, neither let me do anything other than installing it again from scratch (at this point I did it close to 15 times, and in different units). At first I thought that the AsRock motherboard was death (either SATA controller, BIOS corrupted, etc) so I finally bought a new one that came 4 days ago (solved VRM issues, RAM worked properly at 1866mhz with all 4 modules, etc).
But I still could do some tests with the AsRock.
Things get weird from here…With the new mothearboard (Gigabyte 990FXA-UD5) at first had no issues but after a day or so (downloaded a couple of games during the night, with Windows fully updated and no signs of an issue) started to play, games worked fine and all. Stopped gaming and told to myself «why not reboot the PC since it was working for almost 2 days straight?», just did it and the probelm appeared again. Windows won’t start, it showed me the repair start and such but it won’t let me do it. It always fails.
So then with the new motherboard now I know that the old one was not the issue (SATA controller, SATA connections, cables or whatever)…so the AsRock one still works.
With the new motherboard I did all this:
-I removed and changed all SATA cables to reconnect all units again
-tried to boot one unit at a time with a fresh install (tried with the SSD and HDD’s one by one, formatting and installing Windows in all of them)
-tried to change SATA 0, 1, 2, 3 connections to see if one of them was «malfunctioning» and tested with all units
-tested RAM (no errors)
-changed RAM slots (all working)
-tried with one RAM (one slot) in single channel (it works)
-tested 2 RAM sticks in dual channel (it works)
-tested each memory in separate and combined (changing positions with the slots in the motherboard to see if one of the slots was malfunctioning), thought BIOS showed all of them working.
-got a new HDD that was never used on this PC, installed Windows in it and at first worked and then the same issue appeared after upgrading Windows 10 to the very latest build. Weird isn’t it?
-tested the units in AHCI, ATA and RAID modes (the ones that worked with these configurations), no change.
-changed power cables for the drives from the modular PSU just in case the PSU wasn’t giving them enough power. (Cooler Master RM850 Gold Modular)
-checked all connections in the motherboard more than once
-checked all BIOS configurations that I can think of to try to fix the issue
-Since I saw some weird partitions in the disk I did a DiskPart, deleted partitions, formated disk and even deleted the software (from the SSD) to do a full fresh Windows install in case of a Virus.
Partitions look like this now in the SSD (I think now is how it should appear, Fresh Windows 10 Install with all updates up to date):
-Motherboard was not the main issue since I got a new one 4 days ago and the problem seemed to carried on with the drives (all of them and the new one that wasn’t plugged into the previous motherboard before).
-RAM is not the issue and all are working properly since I did MEMTEST and checked one by one for errors. All 4 slots are working at 1866mhz.
-SSD had some weird partitions set as «Active», sometimes it showed like there was more than one disk. For example Disk 0, Partition 1, Partition 2 and then Disk 0 was C: but one of those partitions was E: or F:. This was shown even with a fresh install until I deleted the entire SSD and partitions with DiskPart through console.
-HDD’s seems to have the same issue with partitions.
-It can be either a Virus that carried on with the drives and then went straight into the BIOS of the motherboard/s. That’s why I’m getting the same error with the new motherboard?
-Or can it be a Windows 10 Upgrade that likes to mess around with not so new hardware so you have to upgrade your god damn PC? Tinfoil-hat on…
-Or the last thing that the only way to know is to change it…the CPU (AMD FX8350) is malfunctioning giving this awful I/O operation error?
Just in case also tested the CPU with CPU-Z Benchmark and this is the result and did a stress test for 10 minutes as well. It is working better than expected, no throttling, all linear all the time:
Important to read as well since this also can give you a sign of what’s goin on:
Something that I almost forgot, I tested with Windows 7 Ultimate as well. At first it worked fine but then after a reboot the screen went black and could only move the mouse but Windows was death. Impossible to recover Windows, same as happened with Windows 10. It is like I can update Windows but up to some point it says «enough» and done.
And the weirdest of things…I told to my father to use his old PC that he uses with a couple of not demanding programs, he is running Windows 7 Ultimate. So I asked him to use HD Tune Pro to see if he had I/O operation issues while doing the «File benchmark» test with its Kingstone SSD so then I could try with my SSD.
His SSD worked fine, he did like 20 tests and all fine, no I/O operations of course. Then he did like 10 tests with my SSD and no I/O issues at all… Mind blown and not at the same time.
But after he unplugged my SSD and turn his PC on again, it failed to boot Windows with a blue screen. He had to recover (he could do it) and then Windows 7 was working but some weird partitions appeared on both of his disks. He had Disk 0 and Disk 1 with 2 partitions each, Disk 0 as C: and D:, and Disk 1 as E: and F:.
I had to eliminate the D: and F: letters from the partitions so Windows won’t mess the boot after turning off and on the PC. Isn’t this weird enough? Check this out I have more…
Now my father’s PC can’t upgrade to the latest Windows 7 update which is from the 4th of January 2017. That «security» update once it installs and all, when Windows is trying to boot there is a blue screen and he has to recover Windows 7 again. I told him to hide that upgrade and now his PC is working fine. Tinfoil-hat engaged…or my SSD is a living virus spreading its «love» wherever he goes…
One thing left to do or 2 as of now:
Now I have something more to do but I’m not sure if doing it since the motherboard is new. Shall I upgrade the BIOS from FB to FC? The thing is that I don’t like to mess so much with the BIOS since everything is working properly at the moment. (aside from this weird thing with my SSD/HDD)
But if I introduced something with the SSD/HDD’s into the BIOS perhaps it could be a «solution» to start with a fresh BIOS again.
The other thing is to get a new CPU…but I’m not quite sure that this is a 100% hardware related issue at the moment…This has to be software.
If you came to this point thanks for the reading…hope you had some fun and have your mind as blown as mine with this…never seen this happen before. I have PC’s since early 90’s and had lots of components…you know when one failed and then just changed it and problem solved. Now it seems that problems can come from everywhere or could be generated somewhere (tinfoil-hat on).
Of course I accept suggestions, hope the information given is enough, I may be missing something but I’m not sure if Windows is going to hold since this is my 4th try to write this thread (Yeah Windows failed on me 3 times before because of this I/O thing, now it seems stable but I/O is still being detected and I have a message to recover the disk «Reboot to repair unit». I guess if I do that Windows won’t be fixed anymore and I have to install it again…
Happy 2018 to everyone, not such a good start to me but at least I’m learning some new stuff here.
PS: Disclaimer, if I made some mistakes or explained like sh*t, English is not my native language.
Ciao a tutti;
ho un problema con una cpu s7-1200 DC/DC/rly con espansione SM1231 RTD.
Con periodi di un giorno e a volte una settimana la cpu si blocca con led rosso acceso e led giallo lampeggiante.
sulla diagnostica trovo scritto le frasi che ho allegato qui sotto.
In questa cpu ci sono collegate 3 sonde pt100 sull’ espansione ,5 pulsanti per gli ingressi e 5 rele’ per le uscite.
Il programma semplicemente legge le pt100 e con tsend che mi spedisce un db ad un altra cpu che quest’ ultima mi gestisce il vero e proprio impianto dove ci sono degli inverter motori ecc. la quale pero’ non mi ha mai creato problemi.
Ai 5 ingressi ho collegato dei puls NA e alle uscite dei microrelè.
iw 104 pt 100 1
iw 106 pt 100 2
iw 108 pt 100 3
iw 110 non collegata e disattivata anche sulla configurazione hardware
Compilando software e hardware non ci sono avvisi di nessun errore.
Mi sono consultato con altri e mi hanno detto di aggiungere degli ob hardware interrupt , ob di diagnostic che in questo modo avrebbero dovuto bypassare il problema ma non e’ cambiato niente.
Ho pensato al calore e ho aperto il vano dove è montata la cpu ed ho sostituito i relè’ con dei relè di minor consumo pensando che magari fossero le uscite a crearmi dei problemi.
Qui sotto allego la diagnostica da remoto della cpu.
Se qualcuno mi puo’ aiutare con qualche idea ringrazio anticipatamente.
06:36:05:904 am
CPU info: New startup information
06:36:05:804 am
CPU error: Hardware configuration error :/nRemoval of hardware component not permitted
06:36:05:704 am
CPU error: New I/O access error during process image update /n input 104 (8 Bytes) will temporarily not be updated as part of PIP 0
05:38:57:421 am
CPU info: Follow-on operating mode change
05:38:57:361 am
CPU info: Communication initiated request: WARM RESTART
05:38:57:361 am
CPU info: New startup information
05:38:54:561 am
CPU info: New startup information
05:38:52:559 am
CPU info: New startup information
05:38:51:259 am
CPU info: New startup information
05:38:51:158 am
CPU info: Communication initiated request: STOP
04:41:16:831 am
CPU info: Follow-on operating mode change
04:41:16:771 am
CPU info: Communication initiated request: WARM RESTART
04:41:16:771 am
CPU info: New startup information
Pending startup inhibit(s):
— System request for power cycle
Current CPU operating mode: STOP
HW_ID= 00052 — Operating mode control
Incoming event
Event ID: 16# 02:4000