*Вижу, Создатель не довёл эту статью до ума, поэтому мне придётся ему помочь. Не желаете присоединиться?.. Это незавершённая статья |
Crazytale (от англ. crazy — сумасшедший, безумный) — Альтернативная вселенная, созданная пользователем ВКонтакте — Деметрой Топоровской в 2017 году. У AU есть официальный фанфик от создателя.
История Подземелья
Как и в классическом Undertale монстры оказались заперты в Подземелье после войны с людьми. Первый королевский учёный сконструировал для монстров искусственные светила, тем самым создав климат для разных зон Подземелья (поэтому в Сноудине не тает снег, а в Ватерфолле постоянные дожди), изначально всё Подземелье выглядело как раскалённый ад. Помимо Сноудина, Ватерфолла, Хотлэнда, Руин и Столицы во время освоения Подземелья образовались Окраины, находящиеся за Ватерфоллом; в послевоенное время туда ссылали военных преступников, неизлечимо больных монстров, а также там селились те, кто не смог найти себе место в других городах. Король Азгор принял бразды правления в достаточно юном возрасте и в первые годы Подземельем фактически правил впопыхах созданный Королевский Орден (позже был переформирован в Королевскую гвардию), в который входили: В.Д. Гастер, полевой медик и учёный, Герсон, генерал войск монстров, прозванный Молотом Справедливости, летописец, чьё имя было утеряно в анналах истории, и ещё несколько монстров, назначенные главами городов. Орден сильно помог в развитии Подземелья, однако позже Азгор решил распустить его и переделать «под себя», чтобы никто в Подземелье не мог оспаривать его власть. После роспуска Ордена Гастер был назначен королевским учёным, он стал создателем Я.Д.Р.О. (Гастер счёл забавным назвать своё детище аббревиатурой, не дав расшифровки) — огромной станции, источника магической энергии для всего Подземелья. Гастер собирался использовать вырабатываемую Я.Д.Р.О. магию, чтобы получить возможность просматривать и изучать другие временные линии и альтернативные вселенные. Полученные в ходе исследования знания должны были, как он надеялся, помочь монстрам выбраться из Подземелья, однако Гастер не смог контролировать потоки магии и был стёрт из своей вселенной, попав в Нулевую точку — пространство между вселенными, схожее с Анти-Пустотой Error!Sans. Пост королевского учёного занял его ассистент Санс, который безуспешно пытался вернуть Гастера из Нулевой точки.
Через некоторое время в Подземелье попадает Чара. В Руинах её находят братья Азриэль, Ральзэи и Чара принимается королевской семьёй. Санс, продолжавший официально занимать пост учёного, был назначен Азгором телохранителем королевских детей. Наблюдая за Чарой, он предположил, что её душа, объединённая с душой монстра, поможет сломать барьер. В Подземелье вернулась надежда, монстры воспряли духом, однако неожиданно для всех Чара заболела и скончалась, не оставив после себя целой души. Наследный принц Ральзэи, выяснив у Санса про возможность существования других временных линий, загорелся идеей всё исправить. Санс не знал про планы принца повторить опыт Гастера в «полевых условиях» и не смог остановить его, Ральзэи исчез, не оставив воспоминаний о себе, а бесконтрольный поток магии убил оказавшегося поблизости Азриэля. Попытка Ральзэи изменить ход событий ненадолго перемешала их временную линию с другими, у монстров появились ложные воспоминания, что люди пришли в Подземелье и убили Азриэля. Азгор в гневе объявил войну Поверхности, пообещав уничтожить каждого упавшего в Подземелье человека.
Седьмым упавшим в Подземелье человеком были Фриск.
В данной AU упоминаются, как «они» (they).
Седьмой человек. Не помнят как попали в Подземелье из-за частичной амнезии. Душа Решимости, сохраняются автоматически, сами того не подозревая, поэтому вначале пути не имеют представления о Перезапусках и Сохранениях. Умирают от рук Санса в коридоре Правосудия, получив Относительно плохую концовку. После смерти им будет дан выбор: «Вернуться или оставить всё, как есть?». Если они выберут «вернуться», то смогут либо убить всех монстров, либо спасти их, разрушив барьер и тем самым получить Хорошую концовку. Если «оставят всё, как есть» будут вынуждены наблюдать за тем, как монстры уничтожают человечество с экрана загрузки.
В данной AU официально женского пола.
Первый упавший в Подземелье человек, а ныне бесплотный призрак. Умерла в возрасте четырнадцати лет, на момент знакомства с Фриск ей фактически больше пятидесяти. Чара, жаждя вернуться в семью и помочь монстрам, заключала контракты с упавшими людьми, чтобы те отдали ей свою душу, когда Чара поможет им добраться до барьера, однако её планам всегда мешал Санс. После смерти у Чары сохранились мизерные осколки души, она не лишена эмоций и способна к эмпатии. За время странствий с Фриск по Подземелью сильно привязывается к ним, начав считать другом. Фриск могут как помочь Чаре обрести тело, так и оставить её со всеми монстрами в Подземелье.
Глава Королевской гвардии и правая рука короля, уполномоченный захватывать попавших в Подземелье людей. Враждует с Андайн. Имеет 7 уровень резни и, соответственно, большее количество HP. Не может использовать бластеры Гастера из-за трещины в черепе, в замен бластеров были сконструированы «дымные руки», полностью состоящие из плотного магического дыма. Ими Санс может захватывать душу противника и управлять его телом. Убивает Фриск во всех концовках кроме Хорошей и Геноцида, т.к. это его работа. Был одним из участников экспериментов Альфис, в ходе эксперимента его душа была изуродована введёнными Терпением и Решимостью.
Младший брат Санса. По характеру оптимистичен, дружелюбен и проницателен, склонен к лицедейству, если считает, что так монстру (или человеку) лучше и зачастую мнение окружающих о нём ошибочно. Обеспокоен состоянием Санса, давно не верит в его отговорки, что всё хорошо, однако молчит, веря, что когда-нибудь брат сам всё расскажет. Однажды Санс случайно атаковал его, повредив брату руки и грудную клетку; Папирус носит варежки и «боевое тело», чтобы не нервировать Санса. Практически не выходит из дома, на Относительно-хорошей концовке Фриск лишь мельком знакомятся с ним (для получения Хорошей им необходимо подружиться с Папирусом). На пути Геноцида один из монстров, не вступающих в бой с человеком, Фриск убивают его, тайком проникнув в дом.
Жена Азгора и бывшая королева. Фриск встречаются с ней после разрушения барьера в Хорошей концовке, во всех остальных Ториэль прячется в заброшенном на вид доме. Перестала выходить к упавшим детям после смерти души Терпения, впав в уныние. За время одиночества слегка обезумела, но в целом сохраняет адекватность. На пути Геноцида Фриск поджигают её дом.
Формальный король Подземелья и бывший муж Ториэль. После смерти Азриэля объявил войну Поверхности, приказав убивать любого человека, упавшего в Подземелье, однако вскоре ненависть сменилась на отчаяние, погрузив короля в пучину депрессии. Азгору, вначале амбициозному и честолюбивому, стало плевать на подданных, поэтому он назначил Санса десницей, фактически передав ему бразды правления, а сам заперся во дворце. Его мало волнует судьба Подземелья, он оставил надежду когда-нибудь выбраться на Поверхность, смирившись с заточением.
Член Королевской гвардии и глава Королевской стражи. По характеру упорная, прямолинейная, импульсивная, злопамятная и вспыльчивая, по отношению к Сансу, которого винит в смерти Альфис, агрессивная. Бывшая ученица Азгора. Хочет вернуть его расположение и упорно пытается уничтожить Фриск. Одна из участников эксперимента по вживлению частиц человеческих душ монстрам, ей была пересажена Доброта, однако стильные негативные эмоции Андайн извратили её. Ослепленная ненавистью к Сансу пыталась поднять восстание в Подземелье, однако идея погибла в зачатке, что заставило Андайн начать сомневаться в правильности выбранного пути. Была влюблена в Альфис, но так ей и не призналась.
Ныне покойная королевская учёная и подруга Андайн, ученица Гастера. Об её личности известно крайне мало, учёная, как и её предшественники, вела крайне затворнический образ жизни. Можно точно сказать, что Альфис была «увлекающейся» натурой, преданной идее освободить монстров, но сомнительными методами. Пытаясь объединить души монстра и человека она калечила подопытных большими дозами концентрированной магии человеческих душ, однако не сочла это веской причиной для прекращения эксперимента. Была убита Сансом.
Гриллби и Маффет
Участники эксперимента Альфис по вживлению монстрам частиц человеческих душ.
Маффет — внучка ветерана войны людей и монстров, владелица булочной неподалёку от бара Гриллби. Саркастичная невозмутимая особа, любит чёрный юмор и страдает манией к порядку во всём; из-за экспериментов Альфис ослепла на три глаза. Есть дочь Митлинг, которую помогает воспитывать Гриллби, биологического отца Маффет раскрывать наотрез отказывается. На пути Геноцида не вступает в битву с человеком.
Гриллби — огненный элементаль, ветеран войны людей с монстрами. Отличие от классической версии в цвете пламени — в CrazyTale оно чёрное. Невозмутимый и молчаливый бармен, страдает посттравматическим стрессовым расстройством, иногда у него случаются неприятные эпизоды, когда он всё ломает и поджигает. Испытывает симпатию к Маффет, помогает ей воспитывать дочь. Неизвестно, часть какой души ему вживила Альфис в ходе эксперимента, Гриллби с неприязнью вспоминает учёную и редко говорит о ней. Отец Аофаер и Жарка Огненного.
Семья Блуков
Семья привидений, проживающая в Ватерфолле, занимаются продажей светящихся грибов, улиток и следят за теми, кто собирается пройти через Окраины. Хапстаблук — привидение, которое раньше жило внутри Манекена, однако ушёл из Руин после смерти души Терпения. Напстаблук выступает на единственной музыкальной станции монстро-радио. Поскольку Альфис не создала Меттатона, Меттаблук осталась с семьёй, однако не теряет надежды когда-нибудь обрести популярность на телевидении. Напстаблук поддерживает её и пытается включить в свою программу на радио. Четвёртый член семьи — Матстаблук, раньше жил внутри Безумного Манекена, однако его тело было уничтожено одним из упавших людей и, обозлившись на человечество, он вернулся к родне.
Всего в CrazyTale четыре основных концовки, две из которых весьма проблематично получить.
Относительно-плохая концовка — Фриск погибает в Последнем коридоре, монстры выходят на Поверхность и уничтожают человечество.
Нейтрально-хорошая концовка — Фриск тайно покидает Подземелье, похищая одну из душ шести для Чары. Существует множество вариаций этой концовки.
Хорошая концовка, Пацифист — Фриск удаётся сломать барьер, поглотив души упавших людей. Чара вернулась к жизни.
Плохая концовка, Геноцид — Фриск убивает всех монстров и покидает Подземелье.
- В черновом варианте AU Фриск должны были быть слепыми.
- Чару могут видеть только люди, но монстры с сильной магией (такие как Азгор и Санс) могут ощущать её присутствие.
- После войны онстры смогли заполучить несколько человеческих душ, с которыми проводили эксперименты Гастер и позже Альфис.
- В черновом варианте AU Ториэль должна была вести себя как Horrortale Ториэль.
- Неофициально Crazy!Санс является членом банды «Плохих парней». В одной из временных линий вселенная CrazyTale была уничтожена, а Санс подобран Найтмером.
спрайт Фриск
спрайт Чары
логотип AU
спрайт Санса
спрайт Азгора
спрайты Гриллби
спрайт Папируса
спрайт Маффет
спрайт Андайн
спрайт Ториэль
спрайт Альфис
спрайт Ральзэи
спрайт Азриэля
референс Crazy!Фриск от Жужа
референс Crazy!Чары от Жужа
референс Crazy!Санса от Жужа
Mr. Erratum. Second chance for better life. (DestructiveDeath/ ErrorxReaper)
34God of Destruction and God of Death they are same but different in same time.
Both of them hate each other.
But what would happend if one of his friends/brother. Help them to know each other?
What would happend if they would be friends?
What would happend if they starts dating?
What would happend if ‘Destr…Completed
Mature -
King’s Heir (A Dadmare fic)
24Nightmare is a god. Not only is he a god but a king as well. A fair and just king at that.
Despite being the most feared being in the multiverse he is surprisingly the opposite of what most would believe. They believe he is a cruel tyrant when the king is actually rather caring.
The only problem with the king is that… -
Kid Error
8This is a multiverse were Error is a child and Error 404 is his dad, 404 is replacing Error’s spot because he is a small bean! Ink doesn’t know about Error because 404 kept him a secret.
RESET ( Test )
Error was one of the most hated sans.Well kind of … You see everyone is a bit of a denial, do they really have a crush on error the god of destruction? But at the same there scared…Mature
My Cute Little Destroyer (Discontinued)
14New description :
A voice lead him to the child, the true form of the feared Destroyer of Worlds.
An innocent precious child barely pass their infancy was used in such a heinous ways by something that was supposed to protect them.
Ǚ̵̻̃͂̋̚n̴̩̓͒̂͆̓͘f̴̰̫̠͛̾̊̇͊͌o̵͕͔̲̔̄͜r̴̈́̀͜g̶̪̈́͒̕ì̷̠͍̘͇̣̲̀v̴̞̣͓̝́̉̉ȧ̶̹̪̓̚͠͠b̸̳̤͚̃̽̐̿… -
14In this Undertale timeline neither Frisk nor Chara fell. Who did? Well it was the forced God of Destruction and his adoptive father. So Sans told the AUs and they rushed to his universe.
In A different Multiverse (DISCONTINUED)
10This is about Error the FORCED God Of Destruction.
Error was sitting in OuterTale relaxing after he fought with Ink, Only thing is he didn’t know he was followed to OuterTale by all the Original Au Sanses and Papyruses.
Error was ambushed but their plan didn’t go accordingly as they planned. Ink lunged at Error, Of c… -
Static Lust
19Lusttale was gone, it was an accident Really! I said no Sci!
Who said Error was always a Geno or a Strings?
Definitely not a Papyrus either -
Եհҽ աíӀԵҽժ ցӀíԵϲհҽՏ {Old}
11Peace is was all there is now in the multiverse.
Both sides of the balance, the Yin and Yang, finally made a truce after eons of dust and blood scorching the battlefields. The so-called «Bad guys» were adjusting to their new lives after basking in the dark of the night of abandonment and pain.
Error had been asked a…Completed
37(I made the cover)
Error the forced god of destruction, yes forced, had enough and jumped into the void. What he didn’t expect was that this very decision had changed his destiny and in doing so his fate as well. Now error has other things to worry about with two more mouths to feed, people who look like his former t…Mature
Second chances (FGOD Error) [WILL BE REWRITTEN]
23It was a normal day, a day where the family could spend leisurely and without problem.
Well, that was until an accident happened.
Then all was black.
It was silent, very, very silent.
After a while, a voice spoke to him. The voice offered him a chance.
A second chance, which he willingly took.
After th…Mature
Sans AUs Oneshots
39Idk man, I just thought I should revive my one shot book, but in a different way
Will contain a lot of Error and Dream content though so yeah, they’re my fave Snases ans also my OTP lmao
Contents include
•Random descriptions
•Anything else I would like to write about
•Adopted ideas
Dat’s all.
I shan’t accept…Mature
Broken Chains of Captivity (FGOD!Error)
7Error has had enough of the torment and abuse he had went through, especially the newest stunt Ink had pulled. He had given up on the Multiverse in a fit of sadness and insanity.
He originally planned to jump off to the void alone, but an unfortunate incident happened that caused him to have a certain light guardian f…Mature
Garden Of Stories
3Error finds a new hobby.
Undertale belongs to Toby Fox
Fgod concept belongs to Harrish6
Error and all the other characters/Au’s belong to their respected owners
I own the plot and plants!Mature
Look How Far You’ve Come!
The Anti-Void is empty. There’s absolutely nothing there. Well, nothing aside from the few things Error put there like his strings, puppets, Blueberry Sans…
Well, now there’s more than one skeleton in the Anti-Void, and we all know how amazing Error turned out. What kind of an impact do…Completed
Mature -
You don’t know me
12Error hasn’t lived a grate life, with the horrors of his job constantly haunting his mind he stopped doing many a thing to just feel vaguely okay.
Ink starts to take notice of this an it makes him question how well he knows the other. -
Error’s True Self
3Error’s life is-unsurprisingly-completely unknown to everyone, well, almost everyone. «He never lets ANYONE in.» They say. This is actually very untrue. He does let people in, the others just don’t know them, not even a bit about them. Who are they? Well, you’ll have to read it to find out.
10Venerate: to regard with great respect; revere.
Error wasn’t sure what to do with himself. He’d expected to die in the Void, not end up in a Multiverse so much younger than him with a semi-immortal that seemed to be throwing a tantrum.
Well, he was here now, might as well make sure he doesn’t do anything too dumb.
… -
Perfect. [ErrorFresh FanFic]
6Fresh has been dating deccy for 2 years now in highschool, things were ending for the two’s relationship when deccy becomes more rash about everything fresh does. deccy blames fresh for everything, calls him mean things, and tries to make everything worse.
After a new kid comes to town, a short, quiet, glitchy kid by… -
Save me …… Plz (error fgod of destruction)
15Error never wanted to destroy but no one knew that except the bad sans, the charas and blue. But even they didn’t now the full story, all they knew is that he’s forced to do his job and what would happen if he didn’t.
Ink and the others scheme to stop error and find out why he destroys.
Will they correct there mistak… -
I just want to live….
23what if, Error was actually just a tall 14 year old? what if errors soul was slowly and painfully deteriorating? what if he doesn’t destroy because he can or because he was forced to? what if he doesn’t just destroy AUs but he takes there code to fix his soul?
cover by me (sorry if its hard to see)
idea by me? i dont… -
CONNECTED [Version 0.1, Scrapped]
Error//: Yin — The God of Destruction — Killer of Millions — The Merciless Being — The One Who Doesn’t Care
Everyone knows this, but what if there was more to know.
What if there was so much more people could learn.
Yet no one ever listens
no one pays ATTENTION.
What happens when Error is…Mature
Game Of House
11This story is about a version of Error who destroys not because of fate and not because he is crazy, oh no…
here, Error destroyed because he wanted to die. all he wanted was for the pain to go away and he could finally sleep for the rest of eternity.
but you can’t get rid of an error without deleting the reason th… -
A Happy Mistake {On Hiatus}
27After a bloody battle with Ink, Error teleports to Outertale to jump into the Void. Ink and Dream followed him to continue the battle, only for Dream to accidentally fall into the void along with Error. Where would they end up?
Current no. of Chapters — 16
Started — 3rd March 2020
Published — 10th March 2020
C… -
Time Miscalculation
15After waking up in a 10 year-old body (with all his previous injuries), Error tries to figure out how it all led to that point. He didn’t know where he was, he’s not completely sure how he got there, and his memories were fragmented. Being taken in by the Gaster of that AU and finding out that his codes are integrated…
Told You I Wasn’t
1Error never said he was a Sans, he was a glitch. But he had a secret, and Inks latest ‘plan’ just released it to the multiverse. Fate swore, Destiny Laughs.
Adopted from @MoonAndStarsAlign from Fanficion Ideas ‘Error!Sa-WHAT!?? ‘
White Burns
20Error is defeated, Sealed away. But wakes two years later in a dying multiverse in a new body.
Based On the ideas ‘The Tiny Destroyer’ and ‘Burn’ from my Idea Factory. -
«I know. . . Im alone.» (Error x who ever the heck I want.)
28Error gets a small break due to Ink not creating for a day or too. but on the other hand, Ink has noticed something. he noticed that when he stopped creating, Error would stop destroying. but why is this? Ink forces himself to stop creating for as long as possible in attempt to find out why.
I made the cover! I…Completed
The broken boy
14Error is sick of no one wanting him, he was already on the edge of trying to jump into the void and when Ink brings an army to stop the destroyer once and for all Error finally snaps. (fgod belongs to harrish6)
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Sans Simulator » Remixes
by jerkface2
septic sans
by jerkface2
sans with no face simulator — 1.1 remix
by rostermerster
sans simulator — 1.1 Weird and phase 2 remix
by Bluefooxeee
horror Sans Simulator (not done)
by undertale_is_me
Sans Simulator | Less werd
by gameboyV2
physco sans fight
by mrzilla23
Sans Simulator | 1.2.2 | inf energy and inf hp
by TailsGames1
Sans Simulator | 1.2.2
by dragonlord10000
Dusttale Sans Simulator
by SansPlays10195
yeet sans
by sansbad
Sans Simulator with something uNuSuAl!1! (updated…)
by alarakgamer0909
Underswap Papyrus Simulator
by PeashooterTheGamer
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by brandonawesomeness
Sans Simulator foxs not included
by fox64andwolf64
Is That Thanos VS Chara? | Thanos Simulator
by Literally_Okay
Sans Sandbox, what more to expect?
by WorldJaiden
Sans Simulator
by Ryder_dominates
Disco Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by Sanssationalsans
CrAzY Sans Simulator
by Sanssationalsans
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 with WAY too much energy
by imjohndoegetreadynow
horror Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by sansbear185
old project
by reger90000
Digital Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by rostermerster
Sans possesed by chara simuilator
by LutioXGOD
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by shadic52
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by ts12202881
fellSans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by togotogo105
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by togotogo105
Sans Simulator | free stuff
by hayden0002DESPACTIO
UNDERFELL Sans Simulator |
by gavmay3448
Fell! Sans Simulator (2 players) W.I.P
by Alphys-
Sans battle hard
by Teeleseq
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix-2
by artlover432
AngelTale (Angel!Sans)
by LukeShadowWolf
geno Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by brandoncoolness
classic sans simulator
by marcantoinedorval
Error!Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by brandoncoolness
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by me11ow
FAIRY TALE Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by brandoncoolness
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by raymer4mm
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
Sans Simulator song
by Punk20199
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by CoolBoy131441425
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by Punk20199
Voidfell Sans Simulation
by LukeShadowWolf
Underfell Sans Simulator work in progress(work in progress) 0.7
by Incineroar988
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by Bro2012
Sans Simulator | my version
by Bro2012
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 but it’s a splatoon fanfic
by 3dchart4
Sans and papyrus Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by sansthedub
Sans Simulator | with AI
by kkreations
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by sans123086
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 {[HORROR EDITION]}
by RealMrFIimFIam
PİLLAGER Simulator | 1.2.3
by babilx
I remixed Sans Simulator
by RyderIsCooler
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by 25_tyler_curtis
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by JackV1173
p.n. mickey Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by brandon021911
Polychroma Sans Simulator
by LukeShadowWolf
last breath Sans Simulator
by Jackson2019asd
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 choas remix
by davecool17
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by jslaughter123
Sauz Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by blue_kirby
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by boom113
Sans Simulator | 1.2.4
by gv1635031
jod sans
by blue_kirby
sans simulator
by nikitak18
Sans Suffer lin
by meidot12
your trapped in a box forced to listen to music
by undertaleayden
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 fatal error sans
by Killmonger933
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by sans_154
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by Act427
ink sans simulator
by chanminion2010
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 plz dont hate
by cutezerglin
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 (Endless)
by scratcheeerrr33
Sans Simulator
by SansComicYTheh
Sans Simulator With Frisk AI
by SansMain123
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 but the slash doesn’t move
by SansMain123
horror sans simulator: WIP
by Sans_skelepun-Pap
bro what
by terminatorfan5002
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by kermitjrboi
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by cs4223210
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by chanminion2010
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 MORE SONGS
by ca122ndacount
Sans Simulator
by coolsansguy
Deltarune Spade King/Chaos King simulator (WIP)
by Sans_skelepun-Pap
Sans NEO
by lazyskeleton01
Sans NEO sim
by lazyskeleton01
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix-3 (UNDERSWAP)
by lazyskeleton01
Horror Sans simulator Demo
Sans Sim but somethings wrong
by G0ld_123
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix double remix ultimate DOUBLE REMIX BY RAF
by HHJS5D12
underfell Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by jevil666
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by JW313
NOBLE Simulator | Nobletale
by Noblethenoble
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by cs3757280
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 one player version //IN DEVELOPMENT\
by Ace_Development
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by TurtleLu
Sim Som Simulator (Fan AU Undermation)
by SimSomSans
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix-2
by Bobsoc
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix-2
by meh5468025334
headless sans
by meh5468025334
by starlitbros
Ultimate Sans Simulator
by efe0820
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by matthew_free
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by jevil666
Sans Simulator |30 years later he is back
by ptd55
Sans Simulator (Modified)
by Loender
evil Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by underfellsans97
Sans Simulator |
by jjjhhjhjhjhhjhjh
Sans Simulator |
by Cybercircut
̵̢̺͙͐͑̔)̴̦̞̟̓̐̕.̸͖̞͇̀̈́͝ Sans Simulator | Thanks for 100 views! UPDATE
by HartelloPL
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by cuwin1928
T-Pose Sans Simulator
Rainbow Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by wasd-arrowkeys
Papyrus Sim
by qdsnqwui
Sans Simulator | Hacked
by haapargamer
Papyrus Simulator
by battyeford-y3
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by sansbadtime965
U FSans Simulator
by cs3693873
disbelief simualtor
by battyeford-y3
Killer Sans Simulator
by inksssaannnsss
Sans Simulator SONIC VER NEW 2 players
by thiagofungames
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by iamsiraj
what happens if sans does not get tired during battle remix project remix
by okan3313951951
Alex Simulator | 0.0.0
by wasd-arrowkeys
Ink sans simulator…?
by epicboi21432
Killer sans simulator 2 Player
by Thunder_Viper
ThetaTale HARDMODE simulator! (Beta)
by OmegaScript
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 Endless Fighting!!!
by GDeadlocked
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by trextaco123
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix* Mega*
by cs3693873
Just Shapes And Beats Simulator
by Itryfadil
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by sansbadtime956
hyper killer sans Simulator | 1.1
by y4sj
ULTIMATE Sans Simulator remix.tic
by 5E25Samuel
Андертейл симулятор. Егор
by _Egor
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix-2
by jacob_benz17
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 endless fun
by bninj
mtt Simulator | 1.2.3
by Gaming_Lord500
Sans 2 part Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by buldier
by thingmcthing
AUtale Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by zizzythezebra
Sans epic Simulator | 1.2.3
by ScratchGames_2011
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
Gage Fight Simulator! | 1.0alpha
by GagePatoine
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 ez for sans
by foxy72727
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by LimeStrongPrince
creeper Simulator
by ScratchGames_2011
Dust sans simulator
by cs2915177
undertale last breath Simul ator| 1.2.3 remix
by starlitbros
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 GET DUNKED ON MODE!!!
by superyeet25
Undyne the undying simulator
by Gaming_Lord500
Broken neck sans simulator
by LukeShadowWolf
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by Kostikreal
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 ulb
by superfnaf122
Geno! Sans Simulator
by ypkly
dark sans Simulator
by ypkly
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by DogeGamere123
Headless sans simulator | 1.2.5
by Utfan2020
michael.exe Simul
by msd444
??? Simulator | 1.2.3 remix-2
by msd444
Simulator | 1.2.3 remix-2
by msd444
Sans Simulator remake
by MichnoX
sixbones Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by speacy
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by MFS3182024
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by LimeStrongPrince
Fatelscicopahic Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix-2
by HappyDeathDay2you
Dusttale Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by UltimaWolfPlayz
underswap papyrus simulator
by Gaming_Lord500
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 BUT WITH NO MUSIC
by Speedysonic04
Sans Simulator | 1.2.4
by MichnoX
Sans Simulator but Sans has infinite energy
by edrum0229
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by nnn987
UNDERFELL Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by babilx
Error 404 Sans Simulator
by Error_404Sans
Sans Simulator | Villagerlovania
by VANyA28
sans.exe simulator
by benjaelnoob
Sans Simulator 2.0
by gamergavin6
undertale last breath . . . ?
by darthvader47654
death sans simulator
by sanstheskeleton967
Sans Simulator | Last Breath Phase 4
by FoxyDaivamYT
Omega flowey Simulator 1.0.0
by MichnoX
Sans Dolbenator
by MichnoX
KILLER!Sans Simulator | *Movement*
by demonlove142
Sans Simulator | phase 2 (hard)
by dogemaster7362
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by Conrulez10
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by saimon78
hardmode phase 2 dust sans simulator
by papyrus-great2
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 but less songs
by gorl17981_
Sans Simulator
by marvinthehoa
Underfuture Sans Simulator
by Gaming_Lord500
Sans Simulator | 1.2.4
by MichnoX
Glitch Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by swapsans234
Last Breath Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by swapsans234
Last breath sans Simulator
by swapsans234
Sans Simulator | Undertale Last Breath
by quan0412
DUSTGOD!Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by brosansdustswap
Cleetus sans
by Cleetus_boi
cube Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by kk_fireblast
Error Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by NemisisTheory_
Swap Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by NemisisTheory_
last breath sans simulator phase 1
by sansfan8
Undatale last breath Simulator phase 3 (Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix)]
by SuPeR_TUbbIE123
last breath sans phase 3 simulator
by sansfan8
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by Pickle_Hero
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by faw5984
HORROR Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by NemisisTheory_
FELL Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by NemisisTheory_
Disbelief Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by NemisisTheory_
HIM Simulator | 1.2.3
by NemisisTheory_
Hard Mode Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by NemisisTheory_
DUSTDUST Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by NemisisTheory_
Fatal Error Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix-4
by NemisisTheory_
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by gianttoastman
DustTrust Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by NemisisTheory_
DUSTCORD Simulator | 1.2.3
by NemisisTheory_
Sans phase 3 Simulator | 1.0
by sonicilikehim
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by NemisisTheory_
Cataclysmic Sans
by Cataclysm_GOD
Waters of Megalovania
by Cute_Unicorn12496
Sans Simulator |but antasma
by cs3098616
undertale AU Simulator
by cs3098616
TROUBLE sans! boss fight
by Demon2008
Sans phase 2 Simulator | 1.9
by sonicilikehim
Odd Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by Bakug0nMaster
swap paps Simulator |
by sansundertale999999
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by yayahazka
Sans Simulator | underfell version`
by CoolBoy3543
Bad tom
by asherius9090
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by AsrealDremer
Sans sim (old)
by bossmancaleb
sans phase 2
by cheese_man_sans
savage the right hand coder
by Savage-Entertainment
Sans Simulator
by sans_skelton
Sans glitchl | 1.2.3 remix
by musadiq325113
sans fight
by Savage-Entertainment
ultrasans fight
by Savage-Entertainment
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 INFINITE
by Daniel__B57
littletale sans fight
by Savage-Entertainment
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 HACKED
by s201615096
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by jerettdapro
glitchtale sans fight
by Savage-Entertainment
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by blu3_sc733n
Sans Simulator | Josh The Gamer
by JoshTheGamer486
dust sans
by Savage-Entertainment
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix-2
by blu3_sc733n
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix YEEt
by Wesmp
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 Imposible mode
by swapsans234
humanfuture 2P Fight
by uwant
killer of aus
by Juuso7v
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 pixel edition
by whatamidoin5
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by jkkgameer
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix-2
by jkkgameer
Sans Simulator
by chilllingo
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by indoraptor567
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by cs1117119
right hand coder V.2
by Savage-Entertainment
bule and red eyes Sans Simulator
by 28jburke
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by DistractionDude
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by derop05
ScratchTale:Demonlove142 (Simulator)
by demonlove142
mafia Sans Simulator
by indoraptor567
Epic Sans Simulator
by Stevenuniverserocks1
broken sans
by Cleetus_boi
the san simultoswp hCKWE FASTDSDS
by killmasterpokemon
sans battle ?????
by indoraptor567
redatale sans my au Simulator | 1.2.3
by oofy1cooler
«(`, €††Ã0”ÅÄÅBA@a0ÀCh`!€†a!+! $¤$€’²Ñ˜H± ±€!ˆ!€†b¬1 0`mix-2
by indoraptor567
Sans battle !??!?!?!?
by indoraptor567
killer sans 2 player fight
by Savage-Entertainment
Sans Simulator 1.2.3 remix
by DreamSans3000
After Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by swapsans234
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 changed
by Sutit73
(back)Hyper Dust Fell Sans Multiplayer
by b20ruilin
Sans simultator but with infinite energy and more hp
sans fight remix idk anymore
by indoraptor567
sans sim remix
by indoraptor567
Sans Simulator idk any more part 2
by indoraptor567
Aftertale Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by Ramen_Noodles17
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by u_r_ugly_person
othertale Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by othertale_sans_
by derpy-sonic-fan23
Sans Simulator | halfhptale
by bear3611
Sans simulator hacked?
by starwars_lover321
kill chara as me simulator
by sansthesans10
Sans Simulator | 0.1
by Sans1-Undertale
Deathtale Sans Simulator | Be Deathtale Sans, my Own AU! (Update 2)
by mcassiel29
X Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by u_r_ugly_person
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix underfell
by TrueFellSans
HORROR Sans Simulator
by Arongamer311
TS!underswap Sans Simulator
by Arongamer311
underfell! Sans Simulator
by Arongamer311
ink sans Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by Arongamer311
by dodichoi2x
Sans Simulator 2.020 underfell last breath
by derpyname2020
Sans Simulator | v2
by Fallguysisthebest1
cross sans
by kkmlg
true underfell Sans Simulator
by Arongamer311
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by namthaiphien
swap papyrus Simulator
by Arongamer311
no escape Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by ChunchuleroBensans
last breath Sans Simulator
by Arongamer311
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by minhvuong-sumato
ERROR Sans Simulator
by Arongamer311
multiplytale sans simulator genocide rute (mi own undertale AU)
by Arongamer311
.exe Sans Simulator
by Arongamer311
«A normal sans simulator»
by Heynowyoura3in57v238
by 28jburke
last breath phase 3 (2 player)
by cs4653371
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 Updated
by AwsomeIvan
ts underswap 2 player (wip)
by sans_slippers
Sans Simulator 1
by bernie_gallagan
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by Ink_Sans37
bossmanaiden | Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 glitch-hell fail
by Bossmanaiden_yt
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 For Gods
by NoTMoriXZX
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by nadnewdle
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by Lunita20520
dustSans Simulator
by Arongamer311
Hard Mode sans
by sans_0500
Evil sans
by s_us
Last Breath Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by Arthur_Ctrl_Play
Sans Simulator | I C A N T DIE
by xcvzxvdvzxvxcc
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by minguma
mEmE Simulator | ALPHA
by ssdssamuelg
Sans Simulator
by last_sans
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix-2
by fhravigil19
aftermath sans sim
by TheMagicGachaWizard
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 hyper speed
by Bossmanaiden_yt
Terraria Simulator pumpking stile
by shazamer2113
more of a bad time Sans Simulator
by angelo467
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
RevengeTale Phase 1
by b20ruilin
sans fight with amung us sounds
by shazamer2113
Sans Phase 2 Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by cs2877607
Headless sans
by Ugandasanic
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by gabrielestela
KostSans Simulator | 1.2.3
by kokigreatYT
Extreme Hyper Dust Fell Sans Multiplayer
by b20ruilin
Sans Simulator alt verstion {v1}
by ScratchMakerBrock
Evil Sans Simulator
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix-2
by Cirocraft01
샌즈 채험하기(프리스크 포함)1.2.3
by sw20183213
Headless sans
by Ugandasanic
Sans phase 2/two
by Ugandasanic
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 BUT IT IS BROKEN
by IronDukeMan
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix last breath
by PentagonerRiel239
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix-2
by ERSBRobot
sans died!!!
by ERSBRobot
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix-3
by fhravigil19
Shattered Dreams MultiPlayer
by b20ruilin
last breath sans phase 2
by 5E25Samuel
Sans Simulator Remaster
by Corn-off-the-cob
Sans Simulator Skeletale AU — Remix
by Skeletale
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix-3
by Cirocraft01
Sanic simulator
by Ugandasanic
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix-4
by Cirocraft01
windows sans | 1.2.3
by bub1235678910
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 murdertale sans.
by Cypher_disbelief
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 but its…weird
by grandboyXL
Among Us Simulator | Complete version
by ptd55
windows sans | 1.2.3 copy
by bub1235678910
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by OfficalAwesomeParker
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix-3
by bub1235678910
Venom Simulator
by VenomAwesome
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by avahs04
DustTrust Sans Simulator
by TheeScienceWiz
sans GR sim
by GreenRiot34
disbelief papyrus Simulator | 1.2.3 remix
by dmc2020_jd
dust fell Sans Simulator | 1.2.3
by shaheers189
Sans Simulator
Sans Simulator HACKED
by Bit_the_gamer
Sans Last Breath phase 5 simulator
by Mega_Sans_Super
my Sans Simulator v6
by Maxer145
sans sim ultra last breath
Sans Simulator remix
by davecool17
Outertale Sans simulator
by UTfan61
by sanes131
sad sans sim
by theundertalefanaftic
Sans Simulator remix
by Damiansads
Hardtale sans sim
by UTfan61
Super Sans Simulator _ 0.0.15 remix
by super_liv
Ink!sans simulator
by Thecoolguy3498489843
by lol0311
Sans Simulator remix
by gonzoman555
Blueberry Sim
by UTfan61
Mad!Sans Simulator
by Jxzane12
Sans Simulator retarded tale
by adroitjackson
colorsdead sans sim
by minecraft_herospawn
by minecraft_herospawn
babydudeboi simulator 1.0
by minecraft_herospawn
Sans Simulator (Break Soul Button Added)
by arturo-mario-fan
Sans Simulator remix
by indoraptor567
Be me for… i dont know…
by WobbleWorks
Sans Simulator (With Tetris Block Button)
by arturo-mario-fan
Sans Simulator remix
by ProMetalGamer123
Sans Simulator ultra
by cooldude08202007
Sans Simulator
by MRJoku121
by MRSANS121
ah it spooky sands underman
by Monkey_Manager
Sans Simulator (New Attack)
by Connorwolf25
Sans Simulator remix
by dontyousingalong
last breath
by OOOFREE9050
Sans Simulator remix
by bruh_sound_effect
Sans Simulator but i fack it
by kokigreatYT
underswap Sans Simulator
by kokigreatYT
Sans Simulator remix
by knucklestar
Tears In The Rain Simulator
by AceleracerX
Underfell Sans Simulator
by Chillinfunnybonez102
lava sans sim
by indoraptor567
他人遊戲改造:Sans Simulator無限
by g0981310013
sonic sim
by TailsTheFox2012
omega sans simulator
by Arongamer311
Hurt Sans 2 players
by Marcrack079
Super Sans (2 players)
by Marcrack079
Gaster sans 2 players
by Marcrack079
Sans Simulator but its 3 player
by TailsTheFox2012
au battle engine
by nyanplayz2
Demon Sans Simulator
by Punkin_Dunkin
by 2020b9
hell sans vs chara(you can neva win)
by ninjaboycow
Killer and nightmare simulator
by Stardusted-
Sans Simulator remix
by creative_sans
Sans Simulator remix
by gottagofastbub
S.A.N.S Simulator
by dylwak2020
Sans Simulator but with Inf HP
Sans Simulator (remix)
by owlmaster3603
Sans Simulator glitchtale
by iamraven1223
Sans Simulator remix
by MrMrpizzahead
Sans Simulator
by 10yearoldgroup
Bad Time Sans Simulator(Part 2)-With SS!CHARA help
mega Sans Simulator
by ozillaboombard
Urrlertale Griff Simulator
by deedindort
Sans Simulator remix
by Mamy2012
ulb sans phase 3 v3.5 (GLITCHY)
by archiesonic0
Sans Simulator but everything is chaos
by EggTrix
Sans Simulator last breath
by Benorob
Sans Simulator
Sans Simulator remix
Sans Simulator but among us
by arturo-mario-fan
Sans Simulator with pew pew gun
by arturo-mario-fan
Sans Simulator 2 player but its dusttale-ish
by LoganGamingYT
slenderman 2player fight
by milk_best
Sans Simulator remix
by endermarionette
Swap Swap Swap Sans Simulator
by mathias_miguel
Vriska Simulator
by PacLuver29
burning lava sans simulator
by indoraptor567
toxic Sans Simulator (hallowen edition)
by dalviny
freddys nmg sans sim
by indoraptor567
Last breath sans
by Jayden_15
Sans Simulator but the sans is phase 3
by Willing19
Sans Simulator fell
by The-Aman20
Sans Simulator.EXE
by Hmmm-rex
by muriloe3cna
the ultimate Moontale 2p! v1.60!
by StuckOnTheMoon337
Baby Simulator
by Deanie8
omega sans simulator
by muriloe3cna
bloody sans sim
by indoraptor567
yo-kai watch vs sans: frostail vs classic
by underAUlover9000
revenge sans simulator
by Arongamer311
IceLord Simulator (NEW)
by EpicSans145
firelord sim
by panguin65
whata sans simulator
by emi10010
felltale Simulator
by undertaleSans1281
INK Sans Simulator
by EpicSans145
by aidenvaps315
Sans Simulator
by coltsJMe3
Sans Simulator remix
by infectedsans
Sans Simulator remix
by SupremeLeaderSnoke7
Death!Sans Simulator
by nyanplayz2
Sans t-pose Simulator1
by Buddy-4442018
dustrust sans simulator….need a…naranja xddd
by Cirocraft01
Sans Simulator remix
by tcn18100002
Sans Simulator remix-2
by krayt-dragon
Sans Simulator but better
by sansthesans11
Undertale Last Breath phase 3 Sans Simulator
by fiyugiuygkujg
glichtale sans
by chaosadi09
sudden changes sans
by -TIP-
tophat_tale Sans {beta not done}
by Mario1-10-0
Sans Simulator remix (close to me)
by spacepup222
by EpicSans145
Sans Simulator remix
by r125524382
by orangetwisstygaming
Sans Simulator but he is a ghost and he wont get tired
by DarkSoniciscool
Sans Simulator but he has the 6 human souls
by DarkSoniciscool
soons sim(a lil taste of whats coming soon)
by indoraptor567
deadtale Sans Simulator
by jmcentral
Dust Sans Sim
by UTfan61
frozen sans sim
by indoraptor567
Underverse sans (better)
by Knight_Tiger2
Sans/papyrus/jevi fight
by RadDisbelifPapyrus
HARD Sans Simulator
by EpicSans145
Sans Simulator
Disbelief papyrus sim
by panguin65
man simulator
by poisonlord89
Godzilla Simulator
by EpicSans145
Ink Sans FINAL?
by Knight_Tiger2
Sans Simulator Neutral Run
by Cheems_in_KOB
tyler Simulator
by tailsdoll_k
Sans Simulator remix-2
by HQMK2020
Last Breath Sans Simulator (COLORED)
Sans Simulator V2
by gasteruop
Sans Simulator remix
by nhankiet4a7
Sans Simulator hacked
by Leon07832
Error404 Sans Simulator
by Error404_Sans404
C U R S E D simulater
by gamerjay12j
freddy Simulator
by man_just_a_man
Sans Simulator remix
by earth-ninja
Sans Simulator remix
by SparkleDore
dust sans simulator
by sansfansayyee
dustfell sans lv 1 simulator
by sansfansayyee
Sans Simulator thx for evertything
by penguincoder1038
Sans Simulator
by WesleyTNTReal
Sans Simulator remix
by ScarTot
Sans Simulator remix-2
by ScarTot
afterlife Sans Simulator remix
by ErRor_SaNs_glitch
Underfell Sans Simulator
by cool_boy25
Sans Simulator remix
by powerbrowned
Sans Simulator remix-3
by TobyFoxo
killer Sans vs chara
by 20norc7
freak frish vs sans
by av50
Sans Simulator remix
by marvinthehoa
st Sans Simulator
by jmcentral
horror sans simulator w i p
by o99eman
Sans Simulator
by kingbruh2927
Scary Gaster Blaster Simulator
by Poyo1234
サンズvsキャラ 二人対戦 日本語版
by torapiko
Sans Simulator: Another Shot.
by PurpleWilliam
the broke sans simulator
by Hi_sans_undertale
sans full ost
by fycy758
Sans Simulator rainbow bruhs
by epicbruhsans
Sans Simulator remix
by dogfrank
frostbear Simulator fnaf tale
by indoraptor567
EpicSans145 Simulator
by EpicSans145
Mytale Sans Simulator remix
by cg946114
Corrupt Sans
by SonicJericho
ddasdawdasSans Sans
by Edrian_Berrios
Sans Simulator but in a nutshell
by woreddd
Last Breath phase 3 simulator
by dmc2020_jd
Best Sans Simulator
by s192620
by hkmlc151626
Lefty (undertale)Simulator
by shazamer2113
Sans Simulator (HACKED)
by sup3854
Sans Simulator ((HACKED)NOT THE CURSED VERSION!!!!!!!)
by sup3854
Sans Simulator(3 player)
by marioattack
Sans Simulator remix
by sansundertale2013
Sans Simulator remix-2
by sansundertale2013
Sans Simulator remix-4
by sansundertale2013
Sans Simulator
by isaiahff
Karma Sans
by nols-cno
Sans Simulator remix
by sup3854
Sans Simulator remix-5
by sansundertale2013
Sans Simulator
by jariel112
Gaster Simulator V2
by error404sansgenocide
sans last breath simulator
by muriloe3cna
Sans Simulator Save&load Version (2.6)
by Willing19
Sans Simulator remix-2
by _Towa_
by dusttrustsans1oo7
blood moon sans
by the_one_and_onlydoge
gaster Sans Simulator
by goodoof
by brocam2
Sans Simulator remix
by soniclucas3
Sans Simulator remix
by jkgamerrr
UnderWorld Sans Simulator
by VenomAwesome
ink demon sim
by indoraptor567
by pokemonpat210
Sans Simulator weird Edition
by jrboyguy
Sans Simulator remix
by 12345678987651
Sans Simulator remix
by hashtagno17
Sans Simulator remix
by hoanghuy_2010
wrath sans
by deku__midorya
Sans Simulator
by LightDarkYT
Sans Simulator but infinity
by JazzyGamer2010
Sans Simulator remix-3
by turtleman3130
by 17-0425
Corruption David Simulator
by IcyFlame64
DustSans Simulator
by EpicSans145
Megalomaniac Sans Simulator
by IcyFlame64
omnipointent Sans Simulator
by sang11012012
Sans Simulator remix-2
by NekoGlass
Sans Simulator remix-2
by pixlrurface
Sans Simulator (Sorry!Tale)
by inkymess300
Sans remix
by VS055906
Sans’s crazy round
by Mega_Sans_Super
Sans Simulator remix
by mokrei
Sans Simulator remix
by soincgamelover
last breath phase 3 sans simulator
by kaboom800
Sans Simulator remix
by michaelsans1
Sans Simulator remix
by adrian_dreemurr
Among us Simulator remix
by ChunchuleroBensans
why Chara…why…
by My_guy_Sans
by My_guy_Sans
Sans Simulator
by My_guy_Sans
Sans Simulator
by Plop_Studio
Sans Simulator remix
by raulleonardo466
glitchtale Sans simulator
by My_guy_Sans
Sans Simulator blue eye
by My_guy_Sans
Sans Simulator remix
by MegaloManiac596
underfresh sans simulator
by n0-pe
hacker sans simulator
by bloxtale_noobreal
Sans Simulator remix
by TobiaszObecny
dusttale Sans Simulator
by My_guy_Sans
Sans Simulator remix
by angel67785
F&Ta|! £rr0r Simulator
by domalaar
Sammy Lawrence sim
by indoraptor567
Sans Simulator remix
by Gaber200700
Sans Simulator
by BoycieMC
Sans Simulator Custom Attacks
by EpicSans145
Savage-Entertainment 2 player fight (remake)
by Savage-Entertainment
ink Sans Simulator
Sans last bret Simulator
by Elrik1808
Taco Sans Simulator
by bennybooboo2011
swap swap:last monster sans simulator! phase 1(1.0)
by danielanimacoes
Sans Simulator but i mashup the music
by maker_sansyt
Sans Simulator poorly made
by epicbruhsans
Sans Siw 12345678910
Retrotale Retro
by sociosoloeo
by Wakko100
Sans Simulator But Better
by VenomAwesome
rainbow sans simulator
by yunocrackster
Sans Sim
by Delta_Sans112
Last Breath Sans Simulator (Phase 3)
by Dusttrust_Sans2021
Sans Simulator remix
by meat9t
Creator Sans Simulator
by GasterBruh
Sans Simulator but sans is still alive
by blacklightZ
by Erensans20
Sans Simulator remix
by 769730
Ultimate meme sans
by Mit1609
ink sans simulator
by npark2020
Sans Simulator
by ErinStudios
Corrupted Sans Simulator
by Shimbun
Bad time trio (Normal difficulty)
by AjLawBruh
Horror Sans Simulater
by DromeElementry
Sansic Simulator remix
by SonicMad20
Horror Sans Simulator
by DromeElementry
Sans Simulator but its cursed
by 6L_Wolverines_02
Sans Simulator but with ME!
by willbj10
by imbaldib
Papyrus Simualtor
by Lykyae
Sans Simulator remix
by imbaldib
Scratchertale: Dominick Fight 2 player
by GreenCube7
Sans Simulator remix
by sans2897
Egg Simulator remix
by GreenCube7
Sans Simu
by Erensans20
glitchtale sans simulator
by 29lashoe123
Sans Simulator Hard — To — Mode
by cradens
Sans Simulator
by smish2020
Sans Simulator remix
revenge sans Simulator
by Q3P4IntroTech24
mega game mashup sim beta
by indoraptor567
papyrus Simulator
Sans Simulator remix
by MissAll_Shooter
??? Sans Simulator remix
by GregoryKaras
noobs SanS SImUAOr
by _-_DARK_-_
Murder Time Trio Simulator
Sans Simulator remix
by easonho90114
Sans Simulator remix
by YesBoyCool
Sans Simulator(But your detrimation splits)
by ant7735
Sans Simulator remix
by 14Adrian14
Sans Simulator remix
by PCyotto
underfell Sans Simulator
by B__studio
Sans Simulator remix
by fredryan029384
Sans Simulator remix
by ham-hams
Sans Simulator remix
by Tylergy45
Sans Simulator remix-3
by MagicalDrum
hard Sans Simulator
by ham-hams
by SonicMad20
Furret! Sans Simulator (textured)
by jx0207
Error Sans Simulator
by IcyFlame64
Sans Simulator remix
by SchwaJ31
BR Sans Simulator
by JonnaSarmientoyoyo
mr.cheese (not done!)
by cool-kid555
Sans Simulator with infinite energy
by mr_faisal2009
by SonicMad20
Project CS TALE v0.2
by ADr1Ns_1223
Sans Simulator remix-2
by V_zooda
Mirrored Insanity-Dusttale Sans Fight
celebration for a total of 24 views!! sans sim ultra!
by ham-hams
Sans Simulator remix
by rtyww
Sans Simulator but how I like it
by My_guy_Sans
Sans Simulator (INF energy)
by Jadnsp0nge
Sans battle Simulator 2 players
by mr_paco
Sans Simulator
by My_guy_Sans
jevil simulator
by indoraptor567
by SonicMad20
i really shouldn’t be abusing this project…
by ham-hams
Sans Simulator With Gaster Blasters Changed…?
error sans
by Scholar5097
Sans Simulator remix
by Catchips4
i was bored owo
by adrian_dreemurr
Sans is so cool
by zoomerstar
GT! Sans Simulator
swapswap sans simulator
by sansfansayyee
deltarune sans
by ham-hams
Sans Simulator remix
by Adeola_AjibadeEXE
last breath sim
by ham-hams
Sans Simulator Mobile Port
by error404sansgenocide
Sans Simulator with inf HP
by 1055213
horror Sans Simulator
by undertalefan1247
last breath Sans Simulator
by ham-hams
posesd Sans Simulator
by sans201301
by sans201301
Last breath Sans
by _Classic_sans
Sans its Metal Sonic!
gaster sim
by ham-hams
Sans Simulator remix
by BielPortillo
Sans Simulator but its messed up
by chara2133
revenge Sans Simulator remix
by felipe67
sans sim but theres something wrong…
by ham-hams
Sans Simulator but better
by ham-hams
Sans Simulator remix-3
by minhkiet2011
Sans Simulator this was hard
by fredryan029384
Sans remix
by scratchteamJRek
green eyed sans
by nthjujubeez10
Blacktale Sans Simulator
by Epic_Blackfire
by guicat2020
ancient-tale Sans Simulator
by ancient-talesans
Sans head Simulator
by sans201301
Sans Simulator remix
by sharpstudent
Sans Simulator remix
by _elizabeth_afton_CB
Glitchtale Sans Simulator
by AjLawBruh
Sans Simu- SPOOKEMS.
by tyghbnuijklmop
Sans Simulator [HARD_MODE]
by TheSilentNight
Sans Simulator remix-3
by tkomps161132
Sans Simulator corrupted
by Presto6520
giga error Sans Simulator
by ham-hams
papyrus Simulator
by ham-hams
Sans Simulator remix
by earth-ninja
undyne sim
by aoroper
Sans GOD AU Simulator remix
by kirbyrox514
Sans Simulator remix
by lhsryn
Sans Simulator SOULTALE
by SonicMad20
Sans Simulator remix-6
by smish2020
Sans Simulator but better
by ham-hams
by Jonyicecream
last breath sans
by Scholar5097
Delta Sans simulator (I tried)
by AjLawBruh
Sans Simulator 2000
by 2021ROMANO
Sans has had enough
by ham-hams
Sans Simulator
by ham-hams
Sans Simulator remix
by DogPi
by 4lchurc
sans rerererer
by 4lchurc
added phase 2
by udubfan
Sans Simulator Fixed
by Maxcreater
sans do be vibin tho
by meepoposoo
Sans Simulator remix-2
by 4lchurc
Sans Simulator remix-4
by salvatore412008
Sans Simulator remix
by texthepest
Sans Simulator rem
by clschool20
error sans simulator (wip)
by spleefs
Sans Simulator remix
by JonnaSarmientoyoyo
by pgp20214c01
ITS THE HUMAN! (The Trios squabb)
by AjLawBruh
Sans and jevil Simulator
by guicat2020
Sans Simulator remix
by john626685
Swap Sans Simulator
by guardian_of_spiders
by guicat2020
fresh Sans Simulator
by guicat2020
Sansjevil Simulator
by guicat2020
Sans Simulator remix-3
by namminh2010
Sans Simulator
by yrock12
by piglenmania
Sans Simulator XTRA
by ViperGamesCoYT
Sans The Savior!
by Berry786AU
Nightmare Simulator
by 1234567890wert
Karma Sans Simulator
by Underman1204
Sans Simulator Not version
by frizzled2
by Berry786AU
Sans Simulator remix-2
by john626685
Sans Simulator hard mode
by lawb9071
by PaperJamGamer
Sudden Changes Sans Simulator
by Berry786AU
Sans Dark Mode Simulator
by frizzled2
SANS SIMULATOR RTX ON «not done yet»
Sans Simulator
by CodaKidFan
ULTRA SANS Simulator
by frizzled2
Sans Simulator Sans Is Not Joking
by ScaryKingBomb
Sans Fight DIY
Chihuahua Simulator
by Berry786AU
Sans Simulator but you have infinite energy
by v_aqu
Horror Sans Simulator
by PaperJamGamer
Scary sans simulator
by Error-San-s-_-Gam-er
Sans Simulator remix-19
by SonicMad20
Sans Simulator remix
by guicat2020
Sans Simulator dwd
by TIC-5A-8
Sans Simulator remix
by bananinha121223
Sans Simulator remix 2 songs are FAST
by energydesign99
Sans Simulator
by darkdoge2
Sans Simulator remix
by azka5049
Sans Simulator remix-3
by Scholar5097
by Shilohx7
San simulator
by teddymac1
xenomorph Simulator
by guicat2020
Megalomaniac Sans Simulator
by IcyFlame64
papyrus simulator
by teddymac1
Sans Simulator with cheats V2 (OUTDATED)
by brodyg0
Sans Simulator BUT RUINED
by Maximum_darts
swap paps Simulator remix-2
by jmcentral
Sans Simulator with soul bot
by brodyg0
undertale final
by sans-is-the-comic
Sans Simulator remix
by AMarios
Horrortale sans Simulator remix [WIP]
by ElectroslimeVII
Sans Simulator V2
by Berry786AU
Sans Simulator
by litllvampir
Killer Sans sim
by UTfan61
Sus Simulator
by Nubon
S@ns S1mul@t0r
by QSRL1102
Sans Simulator remix
by BraWal
Sans Simulator remix-2
by Berry786AU
by CLAYMORE21342
Sans Simulator remix-2
by MissAll_Shooter
Sans Simulator but horror sans
Sans Simulator remix
by jadenb7606
Golden sans
by CLAYMORE21342
Sans Simulator remix
by Frisk247
Sans Simulator But Different Blaster
by frizzled2
mega Sans Simulator viciu ERORE APTET 2
by Vincentpio
Sans Simulator remix
by joey555rrf222222
sans fight (= oh on chara
by IrizarryFLE3
Sans Simulator hard mode
by SillyKid2012
by Among_Us_Sans
LastBreath!Sans Simulator
by KYrenez
Geno Sans simulator
by Polski_najpierw
Sans Simulator Soundtrack
by A2d3e2
Sans Simulator but in error
by brajamf
revenge sim
by ilovesharks2
Snoop bug 666 Simulator
by teddymac1
Sans Simulator remix
by XD-Jame
by guicat2020
Sans Simulator but better
by GriffTer000
Sans Simulator
by FancyCraftSTUDIOS
Horrortale-Sans simulator
by davidcuzmanovCZM
[dead game please dont play] Bloxtale L_b Noob [Ugly and bad]
by 29dmwilson
so… guess this is it huh?
by My_guy_Sans
Rainbow tale sans simulator!
by 99804060
Phase 4 Sans Simulator
by Lorenzzo2zz
Phase 5 Sans Simulator
by Lorenzzo2zz
Sans Simulator
by fst2022
Lol sans
by Sans19274
by 127558
Glitch Sans Simulator
by XxDJCatDogxX
the savage sans
by MultiverseEpicsans
Sans.exe Simulator 1
by MultiverseEpicsans
Sans Simulator remix
by eanluo
Ultimate Sans Attack ERROR
by eanluo
Sans miau
by TomZeta
by MultiverseEpicsans
Sans Simulator remix-2
by TobyFoxUnderTaleFan
by 99804060
Mad Sans Simulator
by Pamsams2
by eanluo
Sans blaster attack
by eanluo
Really normal Ultra Sans Simulator
by Virus-101
Sans Simulator remix-3
by inkdemon888
Sans Simulator remix-2
by proudxavier3000
Sans Simulator remix
by TheHolyButterCSIAlt
Sans Simulator added text
by s12334124
glitchtale sans simulator
by sans98420
by MultiverseEpicsans
Sans Simulator remix
by JakubWaleczny13
Sans Simulator remix-2
by 99804060
Death Sans Simulator
by 571696SVE
Sans Simulator but sans is cringe
by W_DgAStEr45
Sans Simulator with megalovania and blue and yellow eye
by MBP117
mettaton Neo simulator
by doctor4777
meta knight simulator
by guardian_of_spiders
W.I.P. Gojo Simulator
by LandonTheGoat101
glitch sans
by mr_yeetuscleetus
Sans Simulator remix GREEN
by Theglod
Sans Simulator remix
by Bui_Tien
Sans Simulator
by SonicClassicGaming
Sans Simulator my ver
by clschool20
does not exist
by hahaucool
by MultiverseEpicsans
2 player Sans fight
by battlesans
Sans Simulator remix
by 3dchart4
Sans Simulator remix
by Beep4278
Sans Simulator remix
by trilh_16
by thegodsongoku2000
Sans Simulator training sim
by Dreamtale_Sans12345
Disbelif Sans
by manchamirassol
undertale last breath phase 3 Simulator
by aj397
Disbelief Sans Simulator
by Lorenzzo2zz
Horrortale Sans Simulator
by Lorenzzo2zz
by Zizzy200
Powertale Xer
by XGamer71
Sans Simulator remix
by picoshot
by GreenSongumking
by GreenSongumking
Sans Simulator remix
Musica de Sans
by royalisaac
Sans Simulator remix
by NoahNoah123456789
Sans Simulator remix (phase 6!) the endings 1.full
by marinam472
Sans Simulator remix
by fox132014
Sans Simulator remix
by guile2014
Sans Simulator but its scraryer
by SithLordRory
Sans Simulator remix-2
by NoahNoah123456789
Sans Simulator remix
by MinecraftMaker1500
Sans Simulator but only head , (ik its the laziest project ever)
by Undertalefan123444
Sans Simulator remix
by youcef10666
LB Sans Simulator
by AjLawBruh
sans simulator but better
by Xanderman194
by 2badpepe
Sans Simulator
by Doggo719
Sans Simulator remix
by Xanderman194
Sans+Scratch Cat Simulator
by vonn_macmillan_cnsu
Sans+Garfield Simulator
by vonn_macmillan_cnsu
Sans Simulator remix
by TURAT24
Sans Simulator remix
by JaceMace
sans wants to chug jug with you
by greatgamer628
Sans Simulator but it’s creepy
by Smallpogger22
but I removed gore
by jujumar123
Sans Simulator 3
by XCatSam
Sans Simulator remix hack
by serdarsans
gaster Simulator
by manchamirassol
ULTIMATE Sans Simulator❤️
by Nred2010
Chara — Sans
by mateusz5863
Sans Simulator remix
by cs2357428
I am Not Sans
by JBsanchez
Sans Simulator remix
by Clemintine000000000
Ultra Sans Simulator
by Sans_____________-_-
Fell Sans Alpha
by manchamirassol
Sans face 3 wow new
by lemon_demon_fan
Sans Simulator but crazier
by 3dchart4
underfell Sans Simulator
by despacitospida_boy
Sans Simulator chara vs sans (2 PLAYER)
by VS040570
hacked health Sans Simulator remix
by RHcrosssans777
Sans Simulator
by SonicClassicGaming
this thing is not finished
by A_Guy_with_a_TopHat
Sans Simulator remix
by penguincoder1038
Sans Simulator remix-2
by penguincoder1038
Sans Simulator remix-3
by MissAll_Shooter
(Gaster controlled) San Fight
by cs3956882
Sans Simulator remix
by WilMeep
Sans Simulator
by XCatSam
Sans Simulator remix—2.0
by MultiverseEpicsans
Sans Simulator Nuclearswap
by Nukesans
troll Simulator
Underfell Sans Simulator
by Nukesans
Sans Simulator remix-31
by sirend
Xer Sans Fight
by XGamer71
Sans Simulator remix
by MomGamez
Sans Simulator remix
by hamada690419
My own Ultra Sans Simulator
by epic_gamerleo
Sans Simulator remix-3
by 1234567890wert
Sans Simulator Remake with Last breath phase
by cs4343245
Sans Simulator upgrade
by MultiverseEpicsans
Sans Simulator terns
by meeeprkldsdkgue
Sans Simulator Remix (Error Mod)
by FireballX11234
Sans Simulator remix-3
by MultiverseEpicsans
by ElRogerx_xd11
by TobyFoxUnderTaleFan
Sans Simulator remix-4
by 1234567890wert
Sans Simulator
by Doggo719
Sans Simulator remix
by kennethlew
11011S4nS10101010 phase 2
by ElRogerx_xd11
S4Ns1010010110 PhaSe 3
by ElRogerx_xd11
Sans Simulator remix
by lyric158460
S4nS11001010 Ph4Se 4
by ElRogerx_xd11
Sans Simulator remix
by cheeseman4566
??? Simulator
by 16BitGAMER132
Sans.. phase 5
by ElRogerx_xd11
murdertale sans simulator
by sans_megalovania78
Sans red corupted Simulator
by usternik1
Sans Simulator auto dodge
by manchamirassol
sans sim cray cray
by lyric158460
Underfell Sans Simulator
by Real_Flowey
Sans Sim death 1
by lyric158460
Sans Simulator neo
Sans Simulator remix
by EtCh_says_hi
Sans Simulator But It’s A Second Phase (Third Phase In Progress)
by Muffinman84elite
Sans the Rainbow Caster
by Cute_Unicorn12496
Sans Simulator remix
by ninja-elias-g
hell Sans Simulator
by Dawsonzwar
Sans Simulator remix-2
by bloostd
Sans Sim death 1
by lyric158460
Sans Simulator
by Mid-FightScratchin
Sans Sim amazing
by lyric158460
glitched Sans Simulator
by SuperStar2119
glados Simulator
by foxythepirate354
sans sim zippy
by lyric158460
by 1234567890wert
Sans Simulator but you are sans
by mlssawyeri28
Ancestor Sans Simulator
by 1he_3carlet_king_Scp
Sans Simulator remix
by CL2023S8
Error Sans Simulator
by errorsans-error987-
UnderKop! Sans (WIP)
by Theblakeykop2401
(Sans) サンズ(P1)VSキャラ(p2)
by daidai0819
ink Sans Simulator
by IcyFlame64
sans simulator random aus and funni models (dead)
by lukaop
Noob Battle Simulator
by ElRogerx_xd11
Sans Simulator but he is crying
Glitchtale Sans Simulator
by Natmonster4
Sans last breath phase 3 simulator
by tommyinnit2000
Ultimate Sans
by rtklyvhwieobrysg
Old Last Breath Phase 2
by rtklyvhwieobrysg
OverKillerSans simulator
by ElRogerx_xd11
Sans Simulator remix-2
by sonicfan465
Sans simulator base
by canaldokaylo
Sans Simulator remix-3
by tommyinnit2000
Sans Simulator but inky
by lukaop
Sans Simulator remix-2
by 13809
Sans Simulator remix-5
by MultiverseEpicsans
Sans Simulator remix
by creeper12046
Sans Simulator but you need two pepel
by 20BSS13
Sans Simulator remix99999
by NT3KCat—
by mango_boi1423
Sans Simulator remix
by Sans_and_Minos_17
Sans Simulator remix
by st6580110
Glitch Sans Simulator!
by Berry786AU
Sans Simulator UPDATED!!!!
by Berry786AU
Sudden Changes Sans Simulator 2
by Berry786AU
psycho snas
by UTfan61
Sans Simulator 2
by huy2011
https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Polanski11simulador de sans vs frisk (2 jugadores)
by Polanski11
Sans cat Simulator remix
by dogsareawesome5678
Tentacle Man Simulator
by Berry786AU
Sans Simulator but with aus 500000 hp
by smol_whitty_
Sans Simulator remix
by tkpmp161086
Vs Tricky (Undertale)
by LS187
Sans Simulator remix
by smol_whitty_
last breath phase 2 and 3 Sans Simulator
by smol_whitty_
underblood sans Simulator remix
by dogsareawesome5678
Sans Simulator Phase 5
by GasterBruhHOME
Sans last stand part 1
by tommyinnit2000
Sans last stand part 2
by tommyinnit2000
Sans last stand part 3
by tommyinnit2000
Sans last stand part 4
by tommyinnit2000
Sans last stand finale
by tommyinnit2000
by zeeeezeeeeezeee
Music (Megalomaniac)
by cs3547681
Sans Simulator hardtale
by orino22223
Sans Simulator remix
Sans last breath sim (W.I.P)
by funtime_freddz
by 2badpepe
An enigmatic encounter
by Iknsnas
INSANE sans sim
by bobtenis
Sans Simulator Debug Mode
by GasterBruhHOME
death sans simulator
by deltarunefan99
Sans Simulator but…
by GasterBruhHOME
Sans Simulator except…
by GasterBruhHOME
Sans Simulator remix
by LC487yt
giltched sans
by Xanderman194
last breath sans
by guardian_of_spiders
Last Breath Sans Phase 3 Simulator
by 16BitGAMER132
doom Simulator
by GRUMM0919
Sans Simulator gaster command
by errorsans-error987-
Knuckles Simulator
by 16BitGAMER132
Sans Simulator but it is Not Normal
by giaminh2021
Underfell Sans Simulator
by Hunter7123
Dust Sans Simulator demo (hardmode)
by manchamirassol
Sans Simulator last breath
by MegaMineMaster123
Sans Simulator remix
by Coiot3
Sans Simulator remix
by kuzeyeftal
by thelazycat123
Rainbow Sans Simulator
by 16BitGAMER132
Sans Simulator remix-2
by aries_walls
Scrooge Simulator
by 16BitGAMER132
Sans Simulator but better (FINAL UPDATE)
by brodyg0
Sans Simulator remix
by ShockDragonDelta
Sans Simulator remix
by code-learner1
Sans Simulator remix-2
by code-learner1
Tails Simulator
by 16BitGAMER132
swap sans simulator easy mode
by manchamirassol
Sonic Simulator
by 16BitGAMER132
Sans Simulator remix-2
by DustSans2021
Insane Lb!Sans
by XxVectorxXAlt
Sans Simulator
by evefox1
noobtale sans Simulator
by sans_megalovania78
Sans Simulator remix
by misterappleman
Sans Simulator remix-5
by Xanderman194
Red Sans Simulator
by LojobromzTheCoder
Sans Simulator remix-2
by 87hhdsuf
Sans Simulator: playing as the cyan soul
by sans_megalovania78
Sans Simulator | 1.2.3 hacked lol
by jtt105
Bug Hard Sans Simulator
by manchamirassol
by TROLLlol3434
Sans Simulator PL
by Under-Fan-Kszyha
Sans multiversal Simulator
by guicat2020
Sans Simulator.
by Mike23292
Sans Simulator remix
by koknight77
Sans Simulator pero se le metio un virus :V
by FrAncO383
Sans Simulator remix
by TROLLlol3434
evolution error
by WYisDetermined
Sans game
Sans Simulator loganvcairns
by Hunter7123
Chara demon the demo be
by manchamirassol
Sans Simulator remix
by davidelprogamer12345
after tale Sans Simulator
by Hunter7123
Sans Simulator remix-2
by guicat2020
Sans Simulator remix-3
by guicat2020
Upper ground Sans Simulator
by Hunter7123
Sans Simulator but wat
by GasterBruhHOME
Sans Simulator remix
by minhduc_2011
Sans Simulator remix
by gadjude
Sans Simulator
by juan_barbosa120620
Sans Simulator remix
by jkjk132
Sans Simulator remix
by ddgamerfnf
Sans Simulator remix
by OliwiersGames
Tiny Sans Simulator
by lolmaker2001
Sans Simulator remix-3
by purpleguy7
Sans Simulator remix-5
by gadjude
Sans Simulator But Some Things are Xit as hell
by mmboiZZz
Sans Simulator remix
by dsizzle177592
omega sans
by KingofGolems
Sans Simulator Attack (on 3rd page)
by omega_annihilate
green scout Simulator remix
by ChickenmanOHOH
Sonic Simulator GENOCIDE
by 16BitGAMER132
Sans Simulator remix
Sans Simulator remix-3
by code-learner1
Sans Simulator remix-4
by code-learner1
sans simulator AU: bloxtale (no more playtime)
by ALEXtheTV05
Sans Simulator remix-4
by napatBB15
GlithTale Sans Simulator alpha
by manchamirassol
Sans Simulator remix-3
by CrarkproxD
Sans Simulator remix
by ducan0405
Sans Simulator remix-2
by ducan0405
by WitherStorm2907
Sans Simulator remix
by Dust_Chris2021
Sans Simulator but he’s mad mad
by ALEXtheTV05
by ALEXtheTV05
talt Simulator
by ALEXtheTV05
Sans Simulator remix
by code-learner2
Sans Simulator
by ahmad20121212
Sans Simulator remix
by -_s88
Sus Simulator
by ALEXtheTV05
Sans Simulator eicp
by ALEXtheTV05
by liamsamuelmatteo
Sans Simulator remix-6
by Xanderman194
Sans Simulator remix
by FireGaming2k12
by manchamirassol
Sans Simulator remix-8
by 31000603
Last breth Sans Simulator
by errorsans-error987-
joako simulator
by eljtass
Sans LAST BREATH Simulator
by infectedscratchcat
Sans Simulator remix
by Lazy-BACON42
Sans Simulator remix-2
by KindEternity
Sans eror hai pai bo
by 17-0470
Sans Simulator remix V
by smucny1
Living of karma fight 2p
by 31000603
Sans Simulator But Chara Can Win
by Spec21
Sans Simulator remix
by anhung234
fell sans simulator
by napatBB15
Sans Simulator remix
by BambiBak
Sans Simulator remix
by berliluk0000
by TrollgeYT123
Sans Simulator remix
by scratch2021A11
Sans Simulator remix
by dainamaito777
by Somebody234234234234
fredbear Simulator (will be updated soon)
by infectedscratchcat
trollge Simulator
by infectedscratchcat
Sans Simulator LAST BREATH #littlelinkoot
by littlelinkoot
Sans derp nator
by greenlampo2
Sans Simulator (true cat)
by jeaf1231
joako duo
by eljtass
sans simulater remix but i made it modded
by luluscarchkid101
Sans Simulator remix modded 2
by luluscarchkid101
Among us boss fight
by sanssim
Sans Simulator remix URA 205 VERSION
by Ura205
Last breath sans phase 5
by Kingmultivers_snas
LastBreath Sans Simulator | 3.87 | small update
by idiot303
disbelief swap Sans Simulator
by guardian_of_spiders
Sans Simulator remix
by sans2727
Sans Simulator mod
by zachmaniscool
Sans Simulator remix
by veli146g
I remaked sans death
by nabetaiyo
Sans Simulator remix
by aaravmenon30
Sans Simulator remix
by 89Mario
(EN ESPAÑOL!!!)Sans Simulator
by Angelinosuperpro
Sanesss Simulator
by LuquinhasG
Revenge Frisk
by 16BitGAMER132
last breath Sans Simulator (phase 3)
by chelovekiiiiiiiiii
(NEW UPDATE!!!) Sans simulator last breath
by SansTheSkeleton19192
Sans Simulator But Sans Is Op
by keyboardzed
by the_ultra_guy
Sans Simulator remix
by superscratchmaker743
Sans Simulator my version
by 27seanbuddy
Sans Simulator remix
by GoodCop0438
Sans Simulator remix but pump
by coolestbrock
Sans Simulator remix copy
by superscratchmaker743
Drake Simulator
by FNAF-Fan135
Sans Simulator HADE MODE
by nagi397
by ssjpoo
Bow Simulator
by amonguscratcher8
Last Breath Sans 0.2
by 8ren0
Sans Simulator KILLER SANS
by SansTheSkeleton19192
what is THIS!? (in progress)
by beware2009
Sans Simulator remix
by nightcore_lover313
Sans Simulator ERROR
by nagi397
Sans Simulator last breath phase 4
by god_gaster
Sans Simulator last breath phase 4.5
by god_gaster
how can I call this game
by minhhoangfc
Undertale Sandbox
by sunnychk1
by guruguruman
Sans Simulator (with different music)
by KWYee
Sans Simulator two slashed
by SansTheSkeleton19192
ink face Sans Simulator (remix)
by jkjk132
Bloodrage sans
by Strike_V
Sans Simulator remix
by eraryios
Trans Simulator
by -toaster_games-
Sans Simulator but hacked
by WTZ2468_main_aco
Sans Is playing with fire now
by ceajd22
Sans Simulator but you can’t kill Sans no matter what
by fireboy645
Sans Simulator 3 slashed (diying)
by SansTheSkeleton19192
by eljtass
Sans (genocide) (v1)
by Dion_one1
Sans Simulator (LB!sans phase 3)
by Dion_one1
Sans Simulator
by Dion_one1
Ink Sans Simulator remix
by Ink1002
Sans Simulator FULL HACK
by 3dchart4
Sans Simulator GASTER HELP
by superscratchmaker743
Sans Simulator remix-2222222222222
by soincgamelover
Sans Simulator bloody sans
by Dion_one1
by bub1234567891011
Sans Simulator the fight never ends =)
by superscratchmaker743
Sans Simulatoaar remix
by markloynes
Purple Sans Simulator
by tedzilla
Sans Simulator remix
by mini20130110
UnderFail Sans Simulator
by notauser123
Smash Sans Simulator
by guardian_of_spiders
Sans Of Ultimate LV
by tedvi
Sans Simulator (dust sans) V.1
by Dion_one1
Sans Simulator remix-2
by bub1234567891011
Sans Simulator remix
by Dion_one1
Sans Simulator remix-3
by superscratchmaker743
sans remix
by rodge23
Buddy Simulator new [BETA] 0.0
by Buddy-4442018
by AaronAApopee
sans but he has had enough.
by When_The_Sans_Is_Sus
Scratchcatzg Simulator
by scratchcatzg
bug sans yes he bug
by tee2010
pap Simulator
by clight2645
Sans Simulator
by DinDav
Sans Simulator remix
by vanchuong115
Sans Simulator remix (added new faces) barely any change ill update later
by Walmartcart567
Sans Simulator but is it bad
by vibeingboy
Sans simulator hacked (dont play its bad lol)
by alexanderjake
Sans Simulator remix
by 4A5_duongnht
Sans Simulator…but sans has an uwu face
by Brenner132
Sans Simulator
by Taminhtrung
Sans Simulator
by zombies2368
DT!Sans Simulator V.2 (NOT DONE
by Dion_one1
HORROR Sans Simulator.
by ThePigMaster_
Sans sims
by 1_crazy_dragon
Sans Simulator remix-4
by superscratchmaker743
glichtale sans remix
by burki422
(my version) Sans Simulator
by sculler14
Sans Simulator remix-5
by superscratchmaker743
by seanqint
Sans Simulator remix-5
by salvatore412008
Last breath Phase 10(GORE/BLOOD WARNING)
by seanqint
Glichtale Sans Simulator
by cg946114
Sans Simulator remix
by guardian_of_spiders
Corrupted Sans Simulator
by Bossmanaiden_yt
Controled Sans Simulator
EPIC Sans Simulator
by cg946114
Sans Simulator remix
by blakeborges
Sans Simulator: but sans gone mad
by mega_oof_playz
Sans Simulator remix-2
Sans Simulator remix
by yyaaggii2021
by Uwuman12345
Horror Sans Simulator
by cg946114
Sans Simulator CLEAN
by 990340
Sans Simulator remix-4
by 21hsps5b29
by -_-Inksnas-_-
savior sans
by amongus999999
Recolored Sans Simulator
by Bad_Appelin
Sans Simulator Healing and Bones
by tedvi
Sans Simulator wierd
by Jpdatboss4230
Sans Simulator
by hailsaurus
Sans Simulator remix-7
by MultiverseEpicsans
gaster sans remix
by xenonecro123134
dust breacking limits vs 99999 lv hacker bone update
by superscratchmaker743
Drugtale corrupted sans
by CyberTiber
Bob Simulator
by 201623171
omega sans fight
by Xanderman194
Sans Simulator 无模拟器
by Agot4406
Sans Simulator
by TranHuyBao
Sans last breath (cringe warning)
by Xanderman194
by terrariapogman
Pugg Simulator (Wip)
by Puggdancer
Sans Simulator Broken Edition
by 25BITstudios_X
purple eyes’s simulation
by gamerperson470
Sans Simulator remix
by sanserloter
Sans Simulator remix
by Narutocatfandom
Sans Simulator remix.MPV.EXE
by kmaronkramelo
Sans Simulator remix
by Boombox_Grunt
Sans Simulator remix
by Stevenzixin
Sans Simulator remix-2
by scratch2021A11
Sans Simulator remix
by VuPhong_3a8
Sans Simulator remix
by ghostytheghost
Sans Simulator remix
by chopmoney
tricky sim
by indoraptor567
Sans Simulator (and Flowey!)
by Flowey____the_flower
G787H S67S Simulator
by x-fireLOL
Sans Simulator remix but… idk really the au name but yeah
by super_padami
Idk why i made this
by Boombox_Grunt
Head sans fight
by kungfukoala10
glitch time trio sim attack update
by superscratchmaker743
Sans Simulator remix LOL
suicipe mouse Simulator
by ironfran2012
Determined Sans Simulator
by megatale-sans
Sans Simulator remix
by fnfplayer9203
Sans Simulator remix-7
by superscratchmaker743
by et_koehler
Sans Simulator mod hard
by udol6
Sans Simulator
by Trizzy_8
Sans Simulator remix
by phucphamthien9090
Sans vs Chara Simulator
by anime228228
Sans Simulator glitch
by Y3-TH-036
glitch time trio sim attack update
by superscratchmaker743
Sans Simulator PLUS+ 2.0
by ber12201
Sans Simulator remix
by supernahuel3000
Sans Simulator but don’t attack him or else
by ejricochet
Sans Simulator
by MrBeastGaming1M
by MTR2013
Sans Simulator remix
by MFS3181976
oofio sens real fight vs builderman roblox not baitclick
by lah113i4o
Sans Simulator remix
by sanslover9999
Sans Simulator remix
by DeathSpeaker2021
Sans Simulator last breath
by mango_boi1423
Sans Simulator remix-2
by lamhoangphong1
Sans and Dusttale Sans VS Chara
by jtrapp1010
Sans Simulator remix
by 4A4_bachhx
Sans Simulator remix-4
by MFS3181976
Error 559 Sans
by dabobismad
Gasters Final Breath
by EN172
dark Sans Simulator
by DRokk_2013
Skulltale Sans Fight
by CollabSausage
Megalovania simulator
by XpertToys
Sans Simulator HARD MODE
by mario_ya_boi
DuckyTale Simulator
by CosmicOnScratch
Sans Simulator Easy mode
by mario_ya_boi
Sans Simulator remix
by coleb230
sans broke
by _tomat0_
horror Sans Simulator
by CalicoCreates
Sans Papyrus Simulator
by ScrA_tcheRz
Sans Simulator remix
by magtag21
Sans Simulator hard mode
by lukaop
Sans Simulator remix
by tannaew
Sans Simulator (Repainted)
by Sansirusp
Sans Simulator remix-3
by Beep4278
Sans Simulator remix
by viethai4a7
Sans vs chara
Sans Simulator remix
by moooo89user5236
by Sezmaloin
by Sezmaloin
sans v2
by Sezmaloin
by Robertbvulvg
Sans Simulator remix
by MrGlowsquid
by 13809
Sans Simulator remix-8
by superscratchmaker743
sans simulator but i broke some blasters and bones
by superzeiyan_inksans
[sans is going insane] sans battle 2 player
by superscratchmaker743
Sans Simulator remix-4
by fst2022
overpowering sans
by bud3175dub
last breath?
by DeathSpeaker2021
by DeathSpeaker2021
S̶a̶n̶s̶ Asterisk Simulator
by EnderSmash4445
Sans Simulator remix phase 2.5
by udol6
AU Sans Simulator
by cs4189099
Sans Simulator remix
by ireed3296a
Shadow fight the last genocide ( CO — OP )
Sonic Adventure Grounded
by Mariolover7
Sans Simulator remix
by khoitran2011
Sans Simulator (my sans head but no classic sorry?)
by Gamer_GameLord
Sans Simulator but its harder (for frisk)
by johnnyrocket555
Sans Simulator (toll edition)
by animekingofdbz
Sans Simulator
by coolpersonisgood
Sans Simulator but sans has bags under his eyes
by johonez
Sans Simulator remix
by Metal—Link
Sans Simulator remix idkwimt
by asssssddsfds
Sans Simulator remix
by BabyKiet999
Sans die
by BabyKiet999
Sans Simulator but now gaster sans
by okokokok221
Sans Simulator remix-9
by superscratchmaker743
Sans Simulator remix-2
by GOKU030812
dust Sans Simulator
by temmsans
Sans Simulator remix-3
by GOKU030812
Sans Simulator remix-4
by GOKU030812
Sans Simulator remix
by inksansjklertyuj
Sans Simulator remix-2
by Sezmaloin
Sans Simulator remix
AMONG Simulator
by Boombox_Grunt
ZABAXOR [remix] SS
Sans Simulator ( chara player)
by animekingofdbz
S3@ns Si@lator re$mx
by Misio_1370
sans dsfhndshfbrvhrbhgrthgvrughnu
by phanhoangduc4a10
Sans Simulator remix
by kingston_reynolds
Sans Simulator remix-2001
by kingston_reynolds
Sans Battles
by KinTheScrat
Sans Simulator glitched
by funni_stuff334
Dust Sans Simulator [UPDATE]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by NoahD210
Sans 1.0
by Namizake980
Undertoad battle (Mario)
by Mariolover7
Sans Simulator remix-2
by S0n1c4kg1
Hollowtale sans simulator
by undertalefan1247
Sans Simulator v2
by Schmoopy_11
A Sans Simulator wa
by Corruption-SANS1234
dust Sans Simulator
by the_ultra_guy
by emangaming
by deonklyde04
Horror!Sans simulator 2.0
by davidcuzmanovCZM
Dusttale Ruins-Sans Simulator
by davidcuzmanovCZM
Headless Sans Simulator
by InkSans_404Error
Bans Bimulator
by thisisntaa
Sans Simulator version AZERTY
by Mehdidugame1
Sans Simulator remix-2
by Mehdidugame1
Super Sans Simulator
by cs2116171
Sans Simulator remix-2
by lehoang_hsttd
by AobaKero
Church Sans Simulator
by et_koehler
Sans Simulator but he is sliced
by nin10432
Attempted LB sans phase 2-3
by Just_404
by poki_kid
Sans sangue vs chara
omega san
by ken0007
Sans Simulator remix
by ops5c09kingson
Sans Simulator remix-4
by smallcampcat
ShortFuse Sans Simulator
by the-yeet-cheeto
Sans Simulator remix
by JordanT318
Sans Simulator remix
by tunglam3e
Sans Simulator remix
by wojtekzlocia10
Sans Simulator remix-2
by wojtekzlocia10
Sans undertale
by mbo40
Sans Simulator remix-3
by wojtekzlocia10
dust sans Simulator
by sanstheskeleton223
Sans Simulator sunnyKS0 creator
by sunnyKS0
Sans creator
by sunnyKS0
Cake Simulator sorn:}]
by jardonjar
Sans Simulator but he is hollow
by ink666654
Sans Simulator remix
by king0219
Sans Simulator remix
by baoan1234567890
Sans việt nam
by kenHP
Super Sans Simulator Beta
by TheSansSayian
by N_Lawr
Sans Simulator gliched
Sans Simulator remix-15
by Xanderman194
sans sim but sans is a ghost
by ink666654
Sans Simulator faceless
by ink666654
Sans Simulator recolored
by mravocodo281
Sans Simulator+
by pineman8
Sans Simulator but it’s OK
by smol_whitty_
Red Megalovania texture pack Sans Simulator
by Blueclasslogin
Sans Simulator Reskinned
by Jerry_The_Stronkwing
Bad Time Simulator
Sans Simulator remix
by seanqint
Sans Simulator remix
by ngonguyenhung
Sans «SAND»Box
by ilikesans999
Sans Simulator remix
by teurutm
cheeto fighter
by _devouer_of_gods
Sans Simulator hacked
by finnohanlon
Sans Simulator remix
by dani-scratch1234567
Sans Simulator graet remix
by henyhenydingdong
just sans
by SpartanAnimator
Sans Simulator remix
by s192620
Sans Simulator But he has UI
by _devouer_of_gods
creep sans mod
by hacking-genius
Sans Simulator with even more!!!
by mcguc052
Shady Sans Simulator
by ink666654
headless Sans Simulator
by huggywuggybru
Sans Simulator remix
by Misio_1370
Sans Simulator remix
by kingrobloxexe
Amogus Simulator
by CharaeFrisk
Sans Simulator remix
by Dream4447
Sans Simulator remixư
by huunguyen4a15
Sans Simulator remix Đỗ Phú Thành
by 21-0340
Sans Simulator remix
by the_second_one
Sans Simulator remix
by awesomedude8922012
Sans ata remix
Sans Simulator remix
by Bob-sssss
Sans Simulator with keys+no cooldowns
by kakalele
Sans Simulator remix leqso
by leo-infermo-aid
bway82 Simulator w.i.p2.0
by bway82
undertale engine
by comae2021
Horror Sans Simulator (in progress)
by Alicia-21
hacker sans simulator (hacked sans simulator)
by sanstheskeleton967
Sans Simulator remix-6
by coleb230
An epic sans theme
by sanstheperson123
Sans Simulator remix
by dzarming14
Sans Simulator remix
by tdsfan3399
Sans Simulator remix
by Sansphase3ultracrazy
last breath sans simulator
by sansremixer134
Last Breath! Sans Phase 2 Simulator
by NinjaNino99
Sans Simulator remix
by wingsonfire0310
curse!Sans Simulator remix-3
by 6a1TAlephuong
Sans Simulator remix HE HAS A GUN TO!?
by NewWR
Sans Simulator remix
by Funtime-foxy2000
death threats
by NewWR
Sans and chara flip
by JSBBre05
Last Breath Sans (Phase 3)
by NinjaNino99
Sans Simulator
by minh002196
Sans Simulator remix-2
by Funtime-foxy2000
Sans Simulator remix
by powerfulrain583
Sans Simulator remix
by willpr1234
Sans Simulator remix-5
by fst2022
Sans Simulator remix
by sansremixer134
Sans Simulator remix
by trungkien2a5
horror Sans Simulator
by epic_gamer6666
sans sudden death mode
by DayDayFletch
. . .
by ScarlettTheWolf
Sans Simulator remix
by vietbao0708
Sans Simulator Baldi Remix
by GamerBoiAndSourOlive
Sans Simulator remix
by olocraft
Sans Simulator remix-2
by BabyKiet999
XM-05-THANATOS Simulator
by XM-05-Thanatos
Sans Simulator remix
by poh21224A01
Sans Simulator
by riggedroll
Sans Simulator
by Ken2k11
no eyes sans simulator.bez oczny sans simulator
by GPleokol
Sans Simulator remix (glitchtale and hurt sans)
by Sansphase3ultracrazy
Sans Simulator remix
by XXXinsanity
Sans Simulator remix
by FKOA19051
Last breath sans vs xchara
by AceFountain29
sans au pack(hacked lol)
by seanqint
Sans Simulator granny mode
by Super64_9993
Sans Simulator remix-10
by gadjude
Sans Simulator!
by Illumivoid
blobtale flamethower simulator 0.1
by mega-studios
Hurt Sans Simulator
by SansTheSkeleton9271
Sans Simulator
by robot10001110101
by _DarkDrift_
Sans Simulator
by mariotit2013
Sans Simulator remix
by trey8535
Sans Simulator last breath version 1.0
Sans Simulator remix
by AnKhangBeo
Sans Simulator remix
by 211727kes
by 211727kes
Sans Simulator remex
by dallasneedsomemilk
Sans Simulator remix
by guilzinhodabtata
Sans Simulator but hes jeb
by papy2806
Sans sim
by wingsonfire0310
Weak Dust Sans Simulator
by TymurCool
by 3_six
Sans Simulator but inf energy
Sans Simulator but is the you are the changed the epikly no yeees yeet seratonin the you am is real
Sans Simulator remix last breath mode added
by beansbro123
Sans Simulator remix
by gabbygabe
Sans Simulator remix
by Champboy929
Sans Simulator lol
by 21hsps6d15
Sans Simulator.Dustale.
by ilbrownb
Sans Simulator But its Funneh
by PEJ_blue
Sans Simulator
by ahshinyaf87129
Sans Simulator
by whcm
Sans Simulator
by CaplinWest
Sans Simulator remix
by mcdonaldssunglasses
Sans Simulator but with no sound
by Arish_Invents
Sans Simulator
by NadiaF1979
by ok-___-
Sans Simulator feddy mode
by heyfriendxd
Sans Simulator remix-7
by sansremixer134
Sans Simulator remix
by jkjkjklj
Sans Simulator remix-3
by flamethekitsune2
Sans Simulator remix
by smw-170003
Sans Simulator remix
by mountythecroc
Everything Sans Simulator
by InnerInstinct
Siko Simulator
by dumplinggeg
Sans Simulator remix
by eddieisakitty
sans attack game thing do not judge the game
by eddieisakitty
sans (???) simulator
by changed_pup
Sans Simulator remix
by 1i1i1gassman
Deltarune Boss Simulator Engine V1.16
by error404sansgenocide
by smw-170003
Glitcher Sans Simulator
by JoeyR_IsGettingPuppy
Sans Simulator with rainbow
by scrachyboi2
Hollow Sans Fight Simulator Simulator
by ywps181302
[ Undertale ] Sans
by TheAnhProFF
Sans Simulator remix
by wahim2811
by quangkiet6v2
Sans Simulator remix
by ajf023
Sans Simulator Update 1
by Sans7110
Sans Simulator losing hope
by scrachyboi2
Sans boss
by jfrkhkfrgrth
Sans Simulator epik
by noyesno2345
Sans Simulator
by minhhai220312
Last Breath Sans Phase ??? Simulator
by 16BitGAMER132
the true hero….
by sansremixer134
Sans Simulator Undertale
by Underscore_MrHopp
Sans Simulator remix
by wold-you-like-cimeys
Sans Simulator
by tuankiet2a3
ink sans?
by pencilrencil2
Sans Simulator
by Phufha
GT Sans Simulator 2.0
by SansTheSkeleton9271
Ink Sans Simulator Undertale Part 1/3
by Underscore_MrHopp
Sans Simulator remix
by teddymac1
Sans Simulator but better
by teddymac1
Sans Simulator
by alaaR0470
by sansremixer134
Geno Sans Simulator
by SansTheSkeleton9271
bravery Sans Simulator
by 1234321codeingfox
Sans Simulator remix-2
by Boombox_Grunt
a normal sans similator
by 16BitGAMER132
Sans Simulator
by poh-u18016
h for glitch atk
by jamesjaw
pikachu simulator
by lol1p
Sans Simulator sans sister love sans/heart sans
by girlZANE123
EPICHELL Sans Simulator
by jdbdadhgjghjfhdsjm
Sans dead Simulator DEMO
by Sasha_pro_2012
Sans discad
by Ibluetoyfish
Sans Simulator power sans (friendly but will hurt you still)
by girlZANE123
Sans Simulator remix
by MarxSoulFan
Sans Simulator (Scarier Version)
by ShayanGreenyBeany
Demonic Sans Simulator
by GgGamerOnScratch
Sans Simulator
by huy05999
Sans sim 5
by jjansentcssf
Sans Simulator but a bit more mobile friendly
by saadjustsaad404
Sans Simulator remix
by wolf-king-kendell
by arealcoolpersonlol23
Sans Simulator remix
Sans Simulator remix
by huy18997huy
Sans Simulator but the force acts like in undertale
by belliss21
Sans Simulator remix
by JakePlays123
Sans the comidian skeleton Simulator
by CalebJupiterX
Sans Simulator remix
by jacksepticeye113255
RENEWED Last breath Sans Simulator not yet finsheed
by 28jburke
This is cursed
by Ryanpstm2021
Sans Simulator remix
by cctvman
Sans Simulator (Errors Gaster Blaster)( Moded Gaster Blasters)
by Glizzylover200
Glitched Sans Fight
by cs917833
BOSS Sans Simulator
by Malachi512
Sans Simulator remix
by stungty
Sans phase 3 Simulator
by ochay
Sans Simulator remix
by JeanZayas2010
Sans Simulator remix
by trickymadnesscombata
Sans ERROR 2
by SansLastBreath595985
Sans Simulator but better.
by beaubeauman
Sans Simulator remix
by lemonlinmm
Sans Simulator remix
by CreeperTNT935
Sans EXE Simulator
by SansLastBreath595985
Sans Simulator remix
by emman4sr
monkey fight
by bannycoolboy
Sans g Simulator
by Malachi512
Sonbs mod :brother of sunky
by kascheman6
Sans Simulator remix-2
by GgGamerOnScratch
UNDERSWAP Sans! Simulator
by underscratch900
pea Simulator remix
by taken-_14
BOB Simulator
by N_Lawr
Sans Simulator remix
by Lawrence-Zhang
BE SANS!!!!! 2player
by 5823265476
Sans Simulator remix
by TheESmith29
Sans Simulator
by truongan3g4
by firefoxM
Sans Simulator but you can heal
by shanx_pc12
ScratchTale sans Simulator
by 2_player_man
Sans Simulator sadtale V 1.0
by mega-studios
Sans Simulator but there’s a dodge count
by Scratchuser100200
Sans Simulator remix
by FellowScratcher12
gaster vs asgore
by Scratchuser100200
Sans Simulator with dialogue.
by scratch7000000
my sans oc
by Mugman__xola
vs completed gaster
by Scratchuser100200
Sans Simulator remix
by SepticSans143
Sans Simulator remix
by Seyfullah_123
SCP-100109 [SANS and CHARA]
by sansbadge
Sans Simulator
by filbertottokevin123
Sans Simu
by podedede
Bullet Hell Sans
by josueinfante
Sans Simulator remix
by shooterqbert
Sans Simulator remix
by CHEESE200000
Sans Simulator remix
by Igus1906
Sans Simulator remix
by Mariosonic453
Unknown Simulator
by johnnyrocket555
*name here*
by maxm253-advanced
Sans Simulator remix
by hnnhatminh
Swvs zlMOIqr0t
by NotSomethingElse
Sans Simulator phas 2
by serverfnfnoi
Tem God mode
by temmieisgod6767
Pibby Sans Simulator (WIP)
by classicuser
Sans Simulator energy/chara hp can be increased alot
by taco654794692374
Sans Simulator but its amogus
by 471328
Sans Simulator remix
by KTheAematur
Sans Simulator
by ThiagoRemixerBack
No cursor version
by infectedscratchcat
God Chara
Sans Simulator remix GlicthTale
by minhphuc99
Sans Simulator remix-17
by Xanderman194
Withered Sans Simulator
by FNAF_FAN_83
Sans Simulator remix
by bendykid50
Error Sans Simulator
by soniclemonade2
Ink sans simulator
by Nillon
Ultra sans!
by 836166
Sans Simulator remix
by ProdigyEP
Sans Simulator (Fanon)
by JustANoob_BD
Sans Simulator (Fanon (Phase 2))
by JustANoob_BD
Sans Simulator remix
by rockmilkcoffee
Sans Simulator (Fanon (Phase 3)) W.I.P.
by JustANoob_BD
Sans Sim, but he has infinite energy…
by ssjpoo
Sans Sim
by Gavin13242
killer sans
by d4rk2322
Sans Simulator(Xeno Rising)
by XENO-Sans_7
Sans Simulator ! ENJOY!
by CRyestalkeeper123
Sans oh my god
by XxdisperxX
Sans got shot
by Waluigi_111111
Sans Simulator underfell and sussy face
by Waluigi_111111
Bloody Sans
by IceWolf30
Cursed Simulator
by idontknowbecauseyes
Mint Simulator
by FNAF-Fan135
Sans Simulator remix-2
by N_Lawr
Sans Simulator remix
by semen7654f
Sans Simulator but It’s Termination Cat
by IHideMyFace
Sans Simulator remix
by fredbeargaming167
sans simulator gun
by davidelprogamer12345
Impostor fight imulator
by drogsaregood
corrupted sans sim
by greenpop1001
by foxhaw7
Sans Simulator BUT YOU CANT DIE
by EtCh_says_hi
by SKULL0503
by guicat2020
ryann e melhor
by somariosansfnf13
Sans Phase 3
by 30CS209
crypto Sans
by 1301238545
by im_corupted
Sans Simulator remix
by cuphead0206
Sans Simulator
by inkboy78
Sans and nameless guy…
by Ironyeyo100
Sans Simulator But Op
by JaceMace
Sans Simulator remix-2 but 2 phases
by remixmaker1234
last breath Sans Simulator
by foxymaster12345678
Sans Simulator remix
by supermoo254
My sans au
by toomanyrabbits
Sans Simulator remix
by PTcool228
Sans Simulator but the world is falling apart
by EnderAdmin5510
sans exe REMIX
by pro228z1
Sans Simulator
by Keksik_Kat
6 souls sans simulator
by 00crestfallen0
Sans Simulator remix
by sboone33
Sans exe
by smw-170003
sans papirus
by somariosansfnf13
so far its a joke game remix: amanda and sans strike back…..
by iwannamakegames2
Sans Simulator
by PanaXD25-
Sans Simulator
by mightynumber06
Sans Simulator
by DrgnSlshr
by kresh2
Last Breath Sans Simulator
by FranceyPantz
Sans Simulator remix
by JackyTT32
by sussypostor96
Sans Simulator remix
by 4UDF5981
Glich! Sans Simulator
by Mario123annj
Sans…but no limits
by Connorwc2022
tusk act 4 Simulator skin
by DungTri4a4
Fake snas siyalater
by Louiedooddy4
Sans Simulator remix
by ken3114
サンズ シュミレーション remix
by mugenmansyaa
Sans Simulator ultra mode
by jdoran651
Sans Simulator death remix
by 2FunBoys
Sans Sim X
by Unreality4Life
Sans Simulator HALLOW
by SANIC243
Sans Simulator remix
by ikeprinsloo
Sans Simulator remix-2
by ikeprinsloo
Sans Simulator remix
by treyyert
Swap Sans Simulator
by FranceyPantz
Sans Simulator remix-3
by ikeprinsloo
Sans Simulator a
by SansThePunnyBone
Sans Simulator dumb reskin
by ultrabear314
Sans Simulator HYPERSONIC (dead hearts broke)
by Macknac
Sans Simulator but ur cyan soul but bad
by girlsheepp
Sans Simulator you play sole
by boysheepp
Sans Simulator But your a cyan soul :3
by girlsheepp
Sans Simulator but sans is a try hard
by EnderADHD
Sans Simulator remix
by pinnoob
Sans Simulator remix-2
by Kool_kam
Sans Simulator remix
by RavenXue
by BraTrot
Half Corrupted Sans Simulator remix-2
by 0IQ_idiot
Sans Simulator remix
by ikeprinsloo
Sans Simulator remix-2
by remixmaker1234
Sans Simulator remix-4
by bloostd
Sans Simulator remix red version
by Jer1-0
Sans Simulator remix
by SaNiCtHeFeSt
by Colorado_22
Sans Last Chance
by tailsandsonicaaaa
Sans Simulator remix-4
by Beep4278
Sanes simulator
by infectedscratchcat
Lazer Sans Simulator hacked
by -Funnytoon-
Sans Simulator
by Henryhatescrach
Sans Simulator extra secret
by scratchyscratch56789
#Reverse Platformer!!# 「GAMES」 remix error
Sans relight
by mr_ok_sans
Sans 2 player
by HoangSon11
Sans Simulator updated
Sans Simulator remix-2
by dang123456789Dang
Sans Simulator remix
by sans22sus
Sans Simulator?
by sans22sus
Sans Simulator remix BR
by sans22sus
Sans Simulator remix
by Fan_of_Sans
Sans Simulator remix
by jhfjfjfjfhgfhnhtoiu
Shaey guy Simulator
by jhfjfjfjfhgfhnhtoiu
Sans Simulator: Hard, Harder, Yet Harder
by miropokeman
Sans Simulator
by sansreset
Sans Simulator remix
by light_yao
undertale crossman battle phase 1 and 1.5 demo
by Crossman905
by Tutorien
time paradox simulator
by Igus1906
Sans Simulator remix-4
by dang123456789Dang
by My_guy_Sans
Sans Simulator remix
by Borutito
Sans Simulator ;한글 샌즈 시뮬레이터
by cec0508
Sans Simulator super updated
by robea505
Sans is tired
by qac8
Sans Simulator remix-3
by nicolasskillup
Sans Simulator (GOOFED OUT)
by SuperCoolEnzo
Sans Simulator remix
by hikaru234
by scratch-da-cat
Sans Simulator remix
by scratchybiteybeancat
alfSans (uptale)
by robea505
Sans Simulator 2
by sashall1112
Sans Simulator (weird version)
by Tiloranthilo
Sans Simulator remix
by wd218008
Sans Simulator k.
by keplerforest
kinda bad Sans Simulator nightmare mode
by NahnuNahnu
Gloomtale Sans Simulator (not finished)
by qwerty15642
Sans Simulator
by marce_animations
omni Sans Simulator
by jdc417
Bad monday Simulator (not mine)
by sans22sus
Sans Simulator
by turtlesb
He isnt done yet…
by amongusman33
Sans Simulator remix
by idkmaniforgot
Jevil DeltaTale Simulator remix
by 21-22-2ROB08
Super nova sans
by officialchara1
Sans Simulator remix
by dasgamertag123
Sans Simulator
by Therichmanyassin
the bois vs chara
killer!dust!classic!Sans Simulator
by foxymaster12345678
Sans Simulator but you can’t kill sans
by remaxboy
Sans Simulator remix-5
by CODERiluvundertale
Sans Simulator remix
by MarioLuigi1012
by banminhdeptrai1
Sans Simulator But you get all souls
Sans Simulator but idk Again
by Janix333
Sans Simulator remix
by KhangBenly
dust Sans Simulator
by robea505
Sans Simulator remix-3
by MarioLuigi1012
Sans Simulator remix-4
by MarioLuigi1012
Sans Simulator remix-5
by MarioLuigi1012
X lost Sans Simulator
by robea505
by cs4004738
killer Sans Simulator
by robea505
Sans Simulator x
by nakooo
Sans Simulator remix
by quangminhvt
Undertale Soul Survivor Twisted Sans fight
by secretdisco
wickot Sans Simulator
by robea505
Sans Simulator but you can’t get gaster soul
by stellawan
Sans Simulator Recolored
by CrazyCreeper156_1
Sans Simulator remix
by Bouncy2011
horror Sans Simulator
by robea505
cartoon!tale leaked lemming
by MarioLuigi1012
Sans Simulator remix
by robotpbs2013
ochy sans Simulator
by robea505
Last Breath PHASE 4 Sans Simulator
by omgsonic_123
VHS Sans simulator better start running update 0.01
by Keshl094
noobtale nans
by Big_Shot_WB
Sans Simulator MOD BRO
by nguyenquyphuc
Sans Simulator super update phase 2 on lbs
by robea505
Sans Simulator remix-2
by robotpbs2013
Sans Simulator super updated phase 3 in lbs
by robea505
Sans Simulator super updated phase 4 in lbs
by robea505
Sans Simulator super updated phase 5 in lbs
by robea505
Sans Simulator super updated phase 6 in lbs
by robea505
aftertale sans sim
by OwlmanNiko
Sans Simulator remix pibby
by fnffan4537374
Sans Simulator
by gamesfnf
Glitcher 404 sans simulator
by witherstorm20131
Sans Simulator remix-9
by MarioLuigi1012
Sans is op
Sans Simulator BUT WITH BLOOD
by not_alec
horror Sans Simulator (1.0)
by canaldokaylo
Sans Simulator remix
by scratch-da-cat
by ShReK_3451
Glitched Sans Simulator
by univers-_-gabinou
Sans Simulator remix
by GalaxyXgamer2
the same thing
by asdfqwertyzxcvbnm
Floppa Simulator
by 5Comerygz
by catpno
Sand Underman Simulator (S.U.S.)
by GasterBruh
Insanty Sans Simulator
by insanesans22222
Sans Simulator 2 Phase
by abobys
Insanty Sans hardmode Simulator
by insanesans22222
Horrorfell Sans Simulator
by insanesans22222
Sans Simulator remix
by cheekychancy
vhs Sans Simulator
by SussySus112211
Sans Simulator remix
by Loganorganized
Wiki!Sans Simulator
by insanesans22222
i dont know what to put on this
by DogeTheHappyDog_2
Error Sans Simulator
by GasterBruh
Sans Simulator but now you can fight sussy and you can go out of bounds
by shaggyissus
Sans Simulator BUT MEMES
by stuped_programer223
orange Simulator
by orangekirby1221
last breath simulator
by -cup-head-
Sans Simulator Redone
by mydudemurray
Cute Sans
by Mario_Alberto13
Sans Simulator remix-6
by insanesans22222
by pokemonpat210
henry Simulator remix
by boyfriend1273
Sans Simulator remix-2
by Foxteo
Glitched sans
by Xanderman194
Sans Simulator remix(Infinite energy)
by Orizis_Gaming
Sans Simulator
by goal234
gentale sans sim
by foxymaster12345678
sans phase 2
by OpheeBobBruh
Sans Simulator role swap
by 001456381
Sans Simulator remix
by Sirr_5
Sans Simulator golden soul
by blah-blahpop
Sans Simulator Classic Soundtrack Version+Last Breath
by The_Dude_Boy
Sans Simulator but you have all the souls.
by Boss_Battle_Guy
VHS Sans Fight
by meocontom
Could Not find Page
by GasterLikesPie
Sans Simulator remix
by ddodosmile
Sans Simulator
by browndog19
Sans Simulator
by sskitt0586
Sans Simulator (With inf hp)
by FloweyDafatty
Sans Simulator remix
by twolfw25
Glitch Sans Simulator
by Nigel_Bush
Sans Simulator remix beta
by hsong20two
Sans sim hardtale
by Dankey_and_Sanic
Sans Simulator remix
by N0t_Fou3d
Sans Simulator You feel you want to have a bad time?
by philippe7
Sans Simulator remix
by Soinc09FAST
Sans Simulator remix
by Ermuun_Zolbayar
Sans Simulator but the hearts are upside down
by Bbre05_ALT
i like yu cut gee
by fearlewil000
super sonic ring sumulator
by Sonicpopopop
Sans Simulator remix-4
by ron_lol_45
Sans Simulator remix
by caobaohuy1293
Sans Simulator lb phase 4
by foxymaster12345678
Sans Simulator
by TW1429J
Sans Simulator 2
by 2QC2021
Sans Simulator remix
by BolsoRambo
Sans Simulator remix-2
by -cup-head-
Sans Simulator but infinite energy
by rowgman
Sans Simulator remix
by Sonicpopopop
Sans Simulator remix-2 RED SANS
by cuhmud1234
Sans Simulator remix-2 (cool stuff)
by cuhmud1234
santi Sans Simulator
by reddragon5480
by naluffy172
Cheeseman Genocide Simulator
by Lholden2
windows xpSans Simulator
by glgandbailey
Sans Simulator
by Bowzer19
Sans Simulator remix
by TRISTANFriends
Made this for fun
by johnnyrocket555
Sans Simulator DEATH MODE
by CameronDonatelli1
Sans Simulator Sandbox
by ChiTheCoolGuy
Phase 3 Sans Simulator (hardmode reskin)
by Mamy2012
Cross Simulator
by 7Aaluno22
Headless Sans
by GemZ7
#%^$^^%$$$%:>>»:_+)()(*)>>:>{_()_)P{::_)*(*&^&@^%%5#477()l «>;{;.{)63#429_;>]_*%5325&3$&9$%%# <:<«:>
by Tycobro
2000th remix
by BlastThe17th
Sans Simulator but saul goodman dies
by Letoffsomesteam1234
Sans Simulator remix
by jomama2010
GASTER SANS TAKEOVER!!! complete version 1.08!!!
by rileythegameruiner
The Void End Sans Simulator
by dabobismad
Noob simulator //DEMO//
by starboiz
Sans last breath phase 2.5 with phase 3 in
Sеtyе Sinuliotarе
by fedyax
Sans Simulator
by Pipy8383_Manager
Sans Simulator
by ecmiller12
Sans Simulator remix
by jvsc1819028
FEAR! (my au)
by bob_stickman908
Jimmy Sans Fight (6)
by Odiefan99
Sans Simulator souls power
by firefoxM
Sans Simulator remix-2
by Tokyothan
Sans Simulator
by game-maker-9000
Sans Simulator
by korbeninnit
Sans Simulator remix
by pltwlm21
Sans Simulator (SECRET CONTROL)
Sans Simulator ainamatoin
by pip23332
impostor bossfight
by Irualboss
Sans Simulator remix
by blue-rainbowfriends
eman simulator
by emangamesyt3
sans phase 2 (last breath)
by AtotallyReliableGuy
Sans Simulator remix (last breath phase 3)
by AtotallyReliableGuy
Sans Simulator remix
by shakeyjakey10
by AtotallyReliableGuy
spamton Simulator
by uttermostedthehead
Sans Simulator remix
by Stevenking2009
Sans Simulator killer sans
by TONY3410
glitch san’s rrrreeeemmmmiiiixxxx
by GME202
dovatale sans fight 1v1 mode
by dovamborn
Sans Simulator [phase 2] [R E D tale]
by real_dev_-
Astro Sans (WIP(
by Blueshadowx2
Hardmode sans simutlator
by sakjkuj
Sans Simulator.EXE
by sans22gamingYT
BILL Simulator
by canaldokaylo
Sans Simulator remix
by RwAmongus
by Zmanxxx123
by flameseeker55
horror Sans Simulator
by errorinkinksans
Sans Simulator remix
by Mikho13
Sans Simulator remix
by Silent_Ninja640234
Sans Simulator remix-2
by Mikho13
Sans Simulator remix-2
by Dog65743
by daniel16agosto
Sans Simulator…
by Bobshua
Sans Simulator remix
by Ezekiel703A
Underfell Sans Simulator Colored
by WootWoof12
Sans Simulator Hack
by Nu_Ladna
Sans Simulator remix
by LiamMontavon1
fight swifttale sans(my own au not finished
by superscratch749
Sans Simulator (fixed slam)
by GoAPros
Sans Simulator remix
by Osus_Brawl
Sans Simulator remix-2
by st0851373
Sans Simulator but sands fights god
by tortace
Sans Simulator remix
by itismemyman
Sans Simulator remix
by Tan_tdm_
Last Breath Sans Phase 2 Simulator
by WootWoof12
Lonely! Sans Simulator (MUSIC ADDED SOON)
by Aar0nWasHere
Sans Simulator
by fleetwayboy
Sans Simulator parrot
by demon123457rd
Sans Simulator
by ajarbestfirend123
by BH55091
Limbo! Sans
by BH55091
Fell! Sans
by BH55091
Sans Simulator remix
by llsy1754
Sans Simulator
by tbghb2
Delta sans.
by BH55091
Sans Simulator remix
by bmpokemonfan2022
Sans sim(but its me!)
by BH55091
i made it more funny!
by XXXinsanity
Remastered Sans Simulator
by XGamer71
Pants sans simulator
by canaldokaylo
Sans Simulator remix (insanity)
by AbyssalLonliness
Sans Simulator Deluxe demo 1.0
by PlantSeesNoZombie
Sans Simulator remix
by IIII3333EEEE3333
Sans Simulator boyyy
by dogomcwogo
Sans Simulator
by lemonlinmm
INK!Asriel and INK!Chara Simulator
by kamattekun4
Sans Simulator remix
by jafghj
Sans Simulator remix V1
by sboone33
Sans Simulator
by Sangvoi
Sans Simulator
by Sangvoi
Timmy simulator
by TimmyOnScratch_X5
Horror sans(ignore gaster blasters
by BH55091
by p55_37
Ultra Sans Simulator Beta
by undertalefaker
Sans Simulator arrow movement
by Lambo36190
Sans Simulator remix
by 21AM06
by ashbanane
VS aftertale sans
by sonic-die_exe
Sans Simulator remix
by miao005
R̸o̸L̶A̸T̷u̵M̶I̷S̵ ̷S̴n̶A̷s̴
by Lucriousthemind
Sans Simulator remix..?
by Lucriousthemind
Sans Simulator remix-3
by Lucriousthemind
Sans world
by Iamthebestsans
Sans Simulator but the heart is a face
by PezCL
Horror Sans Simulator
by WootWoof12
Sans Simulator remix
by andkroner
Luigi dog Simulator
by FLOOPA319
Sans Simulator
Swap papyrus Simulator
by crocdude22
Sans Simulator
by epictroll888
Error sans. A remix of Sans Simulator.
by BH55091
Sans Simulator!
Sans Simulator remix-3
by ashbanane
Sans Simulator remix
by cringeee_weegepie
MAD FAT Sans Simulator
by Steven_432
Sans Simulator but with punishment.
by SushiEater2011
Sans Simulator remix
by v191132
Sans Simulator remix
by Steven_432
Sans Simulator
by minh002196
glitch Sans Simulator remix-2
by Steven_432
Added another Megalovania
by 123456789012345665
Sans Simulator newgrounds editoin [WIP]
by funnyman2000000
by hses60101
Sans Simulator remix
by micha150620
Sans Simulat
by noob1604
GOD MODE Edit (Read Desc.)
by XxRazerskull_2020xX
Gaster Simulator
by trollface4444
VHS sans simulator
by AjLawBruh
Sans Simulator remix
by 1562ALI
Sans Simulator
by talententuin5
Sans Simulator remix
by Zagodlymelon
sans battle simulator part 1
by malakgamer1
Color Changed Sans Simulator
by OPNyree
Swifttale Sans Rework(unfinished
by superscratch749
Sans Simulator remix
by EthanduhSUS
Determination Sans
by alail8653
Vhs sans
by 29mcmo4527
Sans Simulator remix
by 620339A
Sans Simulator remix
by firedash562
Sans Simulator remix
by amongus645j
Sans Simulator remix-2
by pingpong6544
Sans Simulator REMIX
by Jaydens_Coding
Sans Simulator remix-2
by jbminecraft603
Sans Simulator remix
by ybird
Sans Simulator 2.0 modification / changes
by death-devil-ghost
Sans Simulator {my version}
by FazeCryptic
Sans survival
by SlimeRoonchee2022
by LazyJudgerPeyton
Sans Dust Simulator remix
by joewanee
Sans Simulator remix
by GG-Jhoan
Sans Simulator remix
by Iamdoggo999
sixbones Sans Simulator
by yeetster122
yin yang sans ilusion
by sanes_the_creator
yy sans simulator
by sanes_the_creator
Sans Simulator remix-2
by todallynotchaos
Error Sans Simulator
by yeetster122
banana sans simulator
by canaldokaylo
Bloody Sans Simulator
by bluewolf128
hardtale Sans Simulator remix
by canaldokaylo
Sans Simulator: Remember the smile
by SonicSuperMultives
Undertale Sans Simulator sim
by ColeBlack79
Sans Simulator remix
Unfinished squidward sans
by thatdoodinthedark
Sans Simulator remix-3林思良
by g10901
Sans Simulator «A Little Too Insane»
by CombatrexyYT_
Sans simulator 2.0 game
by FnafBonnie274827
Sans Simulator but the life is change
by ber12201
Last «breath» Sans Simulator ( WIP )
by Tonkla2611
Sans Simulator remix
by mbas92
by Zmanxxx123
Sans Simulator remix
by sansfan404
санс симулятор
by kitty_barsik
Sans Simulator ghaster remix remix
by fofan133
Sans Simulator remix
by PhucFA_Haha
Sans Simulator remix
by shion392
Sans Simulator hacked ability dont use the deadly hearts
by mrplayer1233
Gio fight (2 player edition!)
by GioDoesStuff
Sans Simulator remix
by Muizgamerr55123
Obsessed monster sans simulator v0.1 (BETA)
by Axzyte9039e
Sans Simulator?
by Doorssssss
Sans Simulator remix
Sanboo simulator W.I.P
by Ranboo_Da_bamboo
Sand Simulator 2020 101% work!! In Hindi, Flash, and Wikipedia!11!
by ah000335
Sans Simulator remix
by JadenCoderArtist
Sans Simulator remix-2
by liekmakegame
Sans Simulator remix
by progamer67891
Sans Simulator remix
by schoolsharedaccount5
Sans? Simulator
by Odiefan99
Sans Simulator ass
by sansmaster899
Dust Sans Simulator 2 player
by Dawnstar35
Sans Simulator Remix
by rainbow_fan_guy
floating head simulator
Sans Simulator Remix 2 «killer»
by rainbow_fan_guy
Sans Simulator first papyrus death
by rainbow_fan_guy
Sans Simulator PRACTICE
Sans 2 Player
by aswd103
Durr Simulator!
by DurrBit
Sans Simulator Remix Distrust?
by rainbow_fan_guy
Sans Simulator goku black remix
by goku-black-rose77
by MegaFlyman
Sans Simulator remix
by flpy191038
Sans Simulator remix
by elimanneh1
Under sans simulator
by schoolsharedaccount5
Mr. Egg Simulator
by DededeTheGreat
Sans Simulator re
by NoneYaBizness
Player Simulator remix (UnderPlayer) (not finish)
by canaldokaylo
Sans Simulator remix
by chan27315
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Error!Санс-это АУ разрушитель созданного пользователя в tumdler. Он стремится уничтожить все АУ и вещи, которые он считает ‘глюками’ или ‘ошибками’ в мультивселенной. Он использует синие нити, чтобы связать и разрушить души, и если нити заходят внутрь жертвы, он сможет передать свою душу в жертву, делая его тело в ничто, но и может превратится в жертву. превращая жертву в ничто души исчезают или он может контролировать их делать то, что ему нравится, оставляя жертву беззащитной. Он может прыгать из одной Вселенной в другую, а также с несколькими другими монстрами.
Error Sans-немного сумасшедший и психованный персонаж, который намерен найти любых аномалий в различные сроки и уничтожить их. Этот персонаж-один из замешательства и лицемерное поведение, поскольку он сам является аномалией, пока он рассматривает себя как очищающее средство. Благодаря уровню резни он, его истинных мотивах и поведении до сих пор остаются загадкой. Он имеет возможность зацепиться и контролировать душу человека с помощью длинных нитей — как струны. Он имеет полномочи каи других Сансев , такие как Гастер Бластер, только он черный, быстрее и больше, не как у Санса. Он оставляет глюки (мины если проще) во всех вселенных, чтобы убить аномалии. Его голубые струны (СТРУНЫ ГОЛУБЫЕ XD) могут образовывать ничего такого, как оружие и потому они неразрывны, по этому трудно побить его. Он имеет кости цвета красного и черного и он имеет более сильные кости чем у Санса. Он может телепортироваться в любую вселенную. У него жёлтые кончики пальцев, что могут оказаться ядовитыми
Он является полной загадкой из-за неустойчивого и непредсказуемого поведения, которые он имеет. Он держит кукол версиях его «я», которые он называет по номерам кроме Санса «Санс классический», «Найтмер #13». Он отказывается обсуждать папируса. Несмотря на признание он глюк/аномалия, этим он отличается, так как он единственный в своём роде. Он хочет выследить Core!Фриск.
Через случайные промежутки времени он может заглючить в голове , заполняя глазницы своими ошибками, давая его основным недостатком. Если ошибки не было с, он был бы очень легкая задача, чтобы исправить.
Error также не может видеть вещи гораздо яснее, так как он использует очки несколько раз в комиксе. Очки хранятся в кармане
Он слаб к воде.
Голубика (Underswap Санс)
они ладят, как-то. XD
Ink – хранитель АУ, Error-это разрушитель. Короче, отношение Инь-Ян. В этой концепции Error ненавидит его, потому что он раздражает и мешает его планам.
Error!Санс считает, что он является единственным в нескольких стихах, но есть его брат, который также оказался ошибкой, что он не знает. Он отказывается обсуждать папируса. Однако, он может сказать, что он был спрятан среди файлов бытие.
Ходили слухи, что Error!Санс может быть не один, а их много Errortale персонажей, что живет внутри Анти-пустоты, такие как Error!Undyne.
Ух какая, наверное богиня рыб, сек… Проехали…
После первой временной шкалы была разрушена ау, Core превратился в Error!Фриск, а через время несколько он стал студентом ошибки.
Я переделала статью, теперь вроде понятно